The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 17, 1859, Image 2

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1.5 0 ecy Annum in Advance.
GERIaTtON, Editor.
Thursday, Nov.-17; 10 .5 9.
Money Wanted.
We again urge upon cal who are indebted
to us for subscription, advertising, or jog
printing, the necessity of making immediate
payment,. without further notice. We bare
a large amount, in small accounts, due us,
and we need hto carry, oh our business. We
want `to use large sums of money .during
court, (next week) and - our deliniptent pat.
tons must pay up. Those who cannot call
in person can send by a friend, or remit by
Come, friends, pay ur—erery one in
debted, whether the amount be large or
. •
/017Such o of our sulxxoribers as expect u
to take WOOD of thetu'rrill please bring it
, now; or we will take'cash to , bny it with if
• preferreiL
112 r Subscriptions will be received at this
°free for the Genesee Farmer, at 31/ Cents a
year. Those wl.o order it before December Ist,
vll receive the November and December
emmbers for this year, and the twelve num
bers for next year. Send in your orders at
once, with the chlinge.
AV" A correspondent of the Tribune writes
to that sheet that there are no idiots or lunatics
in Morris; Tioga county ; giving eve reason
that the people are all Republicans, and take,
143 copies of the Tribune. But the truth is
that ciiie-tenthi of the voters voted the Dem
ocratic ticket, at the late election, and only
three Tribunes are takeri in the town. What
reliable correspondents the Tribune has!
- - 1
Gerrit Smith a Republican.
-it has become known that Gerrit
Smitl was,in!olved in the llarper's Ferry
schep ~ some newspapers have stated that he
was a" - Bepublican." The New York Tribune
in order to clear the skirts of its party of such
adisgrace, denies It; : alleging. as • a reason
that he probably he did not vote for Fremo'nt,
in 15,56. But unluckily for the veracity of
the Tribune,- as well as for the honor' of its
party, the Express hunts up the Tribune Al
manse for I:1857; wherein he is classed as a
" Republiciu" Member of Congress i s As this
was the year after the Fremont defeat, the
present denial 'of the Tribune is entitled to
no credit. Tile:Tribune Almanac is good
authority 4 among its followers; they believe
it next (and some in preference) to the Bible;
and if it says Smith is a ‘.Republicann, is, it
not so, gessra. - Repnblicans I - ' . •
Gerrit Smith Crazy.
Gerrit Smith is crazy. He mas taken to
the lunatic asylum at litka last week, where
be is - tow confined. He raves constantly
. .abcait ilsipees Ferfy, and imagines,tliat he
Las been arrested for his comphcity in that
afiair ; and no doubt expects soon to . be tried,
convicted, and Flung, in company with bun
dredi of his fellow-conspirators, as a just pun
-"isl.ment -for the wicket elauglitering -of so
many innocent victims to sstiate the. blood-
thirty de's:gos of the anti.eissery fanatics.
"icor Gerrit'::: . He falissa iictim to his own
wichedntais. How many More of the ging ,
will get crazy and sate the. hangman's fee? ,
But it is a pity that the lintelleot of Smith'
should be thus destroyed. Had it been proli
elly directed. it might, have done the world
tr:uchlood, initead of being prostitatid to 'a
fatal extremity, at the eltrine of niggerism
No requisition bad biien isaged for his ar
rest. He bad caoiemplated digbt to escape
p u 'lElin?,errrfor
the Harper's Ferry plot, but
Lis reasca,bab saved Lis legs some trouble.
oea BiownTi Politics,
Drown -ash generally been called - a
Republican, bet the Opposition press,—the
!few York Tribune and the Montrose Rep'ub
licst among them—.4Teny it, balling him an
'We don't; deny that be is an abolitionist,
but when it ii denied that be is a Republi.
can, the varacity.of the Tribune, is, even by
its'elf called in question. On the latb of Oct,
eSS, the Tribune held thii language as to
the unfortunate old man whom his patty now
politically repudiates:
- " Old. Jelin Brciwn of Ossawottamie and
title-tenths :of his :co-defendeis of ilieedom
in Kansas •were and are lignblieans, and
migrated thither under the,impulse of Repu&-
lican ideas and convictions. But for the Re
publicans' and the sentiments which called_
that - party into being, there would have been
no (or at least not enough) strong arms and
brave spirits in Kansas to save her from 'Bor
der Ruffians and slaveholding dominion in
There is the whole truth. Why is it. that
the Tribune is now so eager to repudiate those
whom it then
. su warmly approved 1
An otcllntn, kind at:heart,indastrions, peece
‘i-ent.forth, with a large family of children,
to ‘teek a new Mime in Realism.
The above is from one of Rev. Henry Ward
Ileeeber's Sunday stump speeches in thepul-
pit. * ,t.
liesspeaks of RAM' Brown the murderer;
and . aliage% that he went to Kansas with his
family for peaceful purposes—to settle. This
i entirely an error.. Brown went. to K ansas
to fight; und_while .there; his trailcs'were
marked witli blood. He committed grurder
in Kansas before himself or any of his Aurcily
had been harmed in the least. These facts
are fully authenticated. Brown admit*
be weutihere to fight and not to settle. -
Wo l f, then, - should Beecher defile the`pul
pit, 41,e2e - ciaie the Eabbach, and utterly disre
gard the tepth by giving trent to such state
rnents.\ Jibe must , preset' politic:elm Sunday,
let him do it, but when he attempts to deify
a Murderer by drawing conelusiona based
Upon what is not true, be should :not do it,
under the cloak- 44--goape! , -presolling. lle
"cannot serve two thastere
./;;F:4alLew $154 3 •-igetka4 4l ool ,- ,;*OCJii'l
throat cat. through the Ile* Pirt; , -bir and%
thrown frtnn a wagOn one an) ,
though the injury is a tArribitetiati, liothtitf its
nature and extent:it is not fatal—nn large
. r.r .1 PICE.!;ttg been sews*. _
* Air A Binghamton ditrkeybrokeopen 0.
M. Crane's grocer) one. night last treek and
Stole *bout .t 5 in change from the dravrer,and
some totacco, segan, etc
in jail, nwmiting, trial.
Icir"Utopia":wars the subjoin of the see
ond /emote of the course, deliirered on Tue -
eits; by Iles...MX. Beecher. It was well
attended ; and was hjghly interesting, pleas
log, 4nd instructive. The audience could
not fall to be pleased, unless, indeed, there
were some (which we *doubt), who did not
comprehend IL -
tir The culprit's at Harper's Ferry have
been disposed of at present, thus : Brown is
to be hung on the 21, and Cook, Green, Cop
pee and Copeland, on the 16th of December.
Stevens has been - handed over to the IT. S.
authorities for trial. The court has adjourn
ed for the term. Cook bas made a. written
confession, which is not published ; be
implicates Douglass. Dr. ilowe of B estop,
and others. _ It is tbought that ha /as not
tuide a full confession. Ilizlett, the last one
caught, has not been indicted, as the grand
jury. were discharged Prier to his capture.
jar We invite the reader's attention to
the articles, in this week's issue, copie3 from
the Kansas tferald of Freedom, a Republican
Free State paper. These articles require no
p. pir We have received : the third volume_
of Peterson's cheap weekly issue of "Dickens'
Works for the Million," which commies the
continuation of the Pickwick Papers. These
volumes are furnished at 25 cents each ) or the
complete set, 28 volumes in all, for 85. Any
'of our readers who wish to possess a complete
set of these works, can remit 85 per mail, to
T. B. Paterson & Brothers, Philadelphia,
Who will send the 28 volumes, complete, free
of postage, on receipt of that surn.
rirWe have j4st received from
Co ,e pub
lishers, Mess:a. 0.11 ; Bailey & .; of 543
Broadway, New York, v psir of very large,.
full length steel engravings of Washington
and Everett. The engravings are all the
publishers claim for them, really beautiful
lapis of art, that will lidera any parlor. No
American home abpuld be without a good
portrait of Washington.
Mr. Everett, from his position, fame, and
worth, as well as from his efforts-in bibalf of
Mount Vernon,. which have already contrib
• uted over #.70,000 to the fund, is well worthy
of being associated with the memory of Wash
ington. The likenesses aru excellent and
spirited, and both engravings are offered to
be sent to subscribers post-paid, and any three
dollar magazine a year for $4.00. Or one
engraving and a magazine a year for $3.00.
See advertisement.
'Peterson's Afirgazine for December is
a splendid number.. It has a circulation of
nearly 100,000, and will be greatly improved
in 1860. It will contain about 1 00 pages
of double column reading matter 14 steel .
plates; I'2 colored steel -fashion latest 12'
colored' patterns in Beilin work, eiptiroidery,
or crotchet; and 80.0 wood engravings—pro
portionately more than any otherperiadical
gives. Its stories and novelete are by the best
writers. Its fashions are always thk latest
1 and prettiest: Its priep is t 2 a year. Tu
tiluis it is cheaper still, vii: three copies for
iis, or eight for 410. To every person gelling
nil a club, the publisher will send two Fplen
i did engravings of Niagara, of a size'for fram
ing. Xddreis7 Charles J. Peterson, 306 Chest
! nut Street, Philadelphia. Specimens sent
i gratis.
vember number, tat thissterling Magazine is
on.our table. As usual it is filed with such
a variety of reading matter as cannot fail to
please the most fastidious m id. As an in
ducement to subscribers they 'offer in their
prospectus for 1860, to give, in connection
with the 'magazine, a choice of two 'fine en
gravinzs, for four dollars. The engraving,
alone, is worth the price of subscription.
OAUSLIMI keep., publishers, No. 112 & 114
WIIIIMUS street, New York. •
Tax GM:VMS Fat lER.—Tbe publisher
of this excOlent agricultural journal offer to
make a present of the remriioing combats of
this year (November and December) to all
who send in their subscriptions for the next
year previous to ;December. Our readers
cannot do be'tter than to aiail,themselves of
this offer. The Farnicris one of the best
and cheapest agricultural and horticultiral
journals -- published. It contains- thirly-tvso
roiaLoctavo pages, is well illustrated, and
filled with -valuable information. Price only
fifty cents a year. Subscribe now, and thus
get' the remaining
numbers of, th is year for
nothing. Address
ieSEPS assns, RochesteXN. Y.
Those who wish to secure tisk valuable
journal at the lowest -club rates 7i cents
per year) without the trouble of making up a
club, can do so by sending their orders to ns.
'..--*Varicas."--klany who media; ward may
not understand its impoit. It is a pile of
buildings coveting ; s space of 1,200 feet in
length and 1,000 in breadth on ape of the
seven bills of Rome., The site was once the
garden of the barbarous Nero. Early in the
Sixth Century the Bishop of Rome erected
there a bumble dwelling. This has been ad
ded to by one Pope after another, Until it is
now one of the most spacious and magnifi
cent pabiews, stocked with paintings, 'statues;
books:lid antiquities of the rarest kind.
Johnson is now in Englan4 seeking pecuniary
aid for the support of Dr..Chesver's Church
in New, York; and be has written- a let
ter to Rev. Mr. Spurgeon,. in which he
states.thst, unlersi be receives coutributimis
of money. his chursh will •be broken up, so
unpopular.are his discourses on the slavery
(voodoo._ Moat of -the men of meeni have
left his Society. end no new friends. conwto,
his support. - -
' • '
iarThat ppOrtion of - the Republican State
ticket 'New' York soppprtel the
kinericans is electod'by'2s,ooo ; 6.4
portion opposed by ihenris erected, it at
by a few hundreds; - •
tit %bin' , ihnoiropix' mitias eamjidgelor '
Om - alliew-leraig,iceisebid - auk
jerky. ‘43oili bombes of iliery libmWir :are.
stecientit4Det6Ociat; :43iield
area in plikom,of BOIL T,4l:**,deceased,
ithe ntaciai
From filo rttni , J (K un,/iWilerald of Fro,
door o I Oct. 29th.
More than peen during the summer of f .:
1e57 ""we
- asserted that, the retire the .• Doi
&Arline as called, them, were opposed to I
engaging in' the Terrintrial eleotions of that ,4
year, and competing with, the pro slavery
party foi the offaiesortherVitiernment was
found is the fact tbat they wished to prolong
our Kansas difficulties—to keep the territory
in. a perfect femora; -that their design-' we*
revolution, anything that looked like a peace
ful solution of our: troubles bad been sod
would he violently Opeen4d - bir them. We
stated that those who bad led off in the ao
nothing policy bad no material interest in
Kansas in common with 'the setttleraL-that
they were s " birds of passage,'-'. come here like
buzzards to feed , upon dead, tiareaasee, and-as
soon' as the period shoftld corns whenthero
was 'lathing; left fur them to (east upon they
would leave ths'Territory. We charged them
with subsisting almost wholly on fends sent
here from the chari!able iri the East to supply
the wants of the destitute god uffering These
men had charge, generally, of the ave.eues to
public opinion. They Weis the correspun- -
dents of Eastern newspapers and of journals
at home. The country was continually J
ed their falsehoods, and *efforts were
constantly made to.convey the idea that those
who were in favor of settling our troubles
quietly, and eithout a resort to 'bloodshed,
were cowards, or "had sold out to the pro
slavery party.," And who were these men in the
Territory at that time f We remember meeting
a delegation of them at Centropolia in August.
of that year. There were Walden and Theta
er, Ralph and John E. Cook,'llelmes and
Kagi, we believe; and Phillips and Reepatb,
Hinton and Conway.
The Lecompton constutition itself was next
made tbh pretext for bringing on war. Whoever
is able to call up the incidents of 22d and 23d
of December Convention, held in Lawrence,
will be able to comprehend that to which . we
allude. "Brown's Cellar K , itcheuConvention,"
as Thatcher and his associates branded the
affair, foiled them in their plans; but thee
came on.the difficulties et Fort Scott, inaug
urated by the leaders in all these revolutions
re movements, and hacked up by Jim Lane,
Old John Brown, Itedpath, Phillips, and all
that class of persons. Then was organiied
the secret, Oath bound league, the object ri
which was to murder, in cold blood, every ()fi
rer elected under the Lekmpton constitution,
be he a ;eke State man or otherwise. The pass
word to the secret organization was "Lane."
rhe Whole plan' of assassination, relays of
horses for the executioners, de., arc in the pos
seraion of good min in .aterence, and have
been for a long period. But there was a
peaceful adjustment Of all these matters, be
e-retie Congress did not give legal sanction to
the liecompton swindle.
Old John -Brown, with ble minions, who
Ho is now
opened the bloody issue in Kansas by mur
dering the 6ve heads of families on Potta
wattomie Creek at m'riniAtit, on the :sth of
MZy, 1856, appeared and took charge of the
marauding forces. They attempted to make
the whole population of Missouri responsible
for the horrid murder near Chatteau's Trad
ing Post. Brown was in constant intercour-e
with men in the East, who declared cur' the
stomp, and in all their published correspond
ence, that their " only hope abut islitn,..o slitvery
in the United States lay through revolution;"
and from them he received funds from time
tv tittle in the prosecution of his war sehemes.
When Montgomery discovered Brown St Co.'s
plan of revolution, to his credit be it said,
he protested, and in consequence of their
quarrel, probahly, more than auything. else,
the,latter 'Tide a brilliant coup d'etat . into
Missouri, killed Crew '
took his slaveS and
made a forced march toCauada, receiving
any amount of "aid and comfort" from his
cohorts on the route. • * * * * *
* The next point of attack was Virginia. Eli
Thayer of Massaiihusetts` had prtjeeted a
peaceful demonstration to the people of that
State of the advantages of edee3ted free Libor,
and bad located a colony there, which was a
successful operation, coad Was winning golden
opinions by its quiet, orderly anuon. But Old
Brown and his sympathizers,, Who only saw
"through vet °lotion the co of American
slavery," marched into that' State, hired a
farm in the vicinity of Harper's Ferry, and
there projected-their iniquitous work—the ex
citing of a servile insurreetiou. -Bu;Brown
did not go alone. John E.-Cook, who figured
so consptcuously with the do nothings in
Kansas was with him, and was his "riga,.
bower." Kagi was his " left," whilst Coppee,
Hazlett, Anderson and Evartstot Jayhawk
log notoriety, were prominent actors. Wheth- I
er Itedpath was there we are not ads ised; but
their sympathize's and co operators in Kan
sas were posted in all the rnovernents of these
men, and but a short time before the breaking
but of the difficulties at 11Orper4 Ferry. some
of them Isere trying to hire. money in Law
rence with which to poi their espenses to the
scene of contemplated strife, no doubt design
ing to raise the means - to refund the borrow
ed money, from the sale of "watches, jewelry
and plate" which the constitution of the or
ganization provided should be used to defray
the expenses, of the war. The whole plan of
organization, mode of operation, etc., it items 1
has been known in "Caritas for a twig time.
We are told by parties' in the secret, that ibis
plan of Old Proven .4k.- Co. was to strike such ,
a bold and vigorous blow as to intimidate
the entire population of Virginia and the
South, who are, known to be exceedingly tim
orous over their slave population. With. his
few immediate supporters he was to take
possession of the armory, while others, with
teams, were to carry the arms and -military
supplies to the mountains. In these facuesse,
be. wits to erect his independent standard,
around which the negroes were to assemble.
A secret organization, permeating all sectiona•
of the North, with powerful hacking in Kan-i
sat, was to furnish recruits. Thus strengthened
they would be able to bid defianceao State
and Fedeial authority, and though'a seven
years' war should follow,_ or though should
be protracted through half a• century; they
would keep alive their movements, acting
mostly upon the defensive at Fost,, till - the I
Degree:la of the Canadas and the South could.'
give- them sufficient strength to justify ag
gressire movements.. S% do riot..wish to-itn-1
plicate. innocent persoos, atid.we. believe, yea,
we know we do not du it,if : the statements of
others can be relied upon, when we say that
Gerrit Smith, of New York, a man of noble
impulses, and generous to a fault,, was a tool
of dtatigning- men, and too' cheerfully
ren,tered into their plawkand, furnished them.
material aid. While' we Joys him for, hie
o:MB;Al:trophy, his delotioa to Kaatesln the
d aikesi hour of. her history, .and f0r:6'1141,4,y
oontrllimions io an) of - the,- right!, and op-.
pressed, cannot sympaLltitse witivltht hos
till to...the t'ederal governmeet, sad
efe engage 4 1 .4 10 .4 14 W" *ever—
thioitrit„ The ,tisoyement st lislpees Ferry •
may`,.appeu.to_be sm . ,insigoiftessitt, affair,a4d - ;
interested, pstrties: eckleavoi..l9 akke if.,
appear suett,, Since ita,failureekverr ene - 141 4 ,
dePT l4 4,ro o .lPigeet.of iciad tt".9 1 4.412n**,..
the monomaniac,”Wili be herd reepsesettilifetz
Agi;- /at
uL4l*'-)4.4.0 . -es oul4
P 4,
1 4 4 1 j4g,wiiii .114:e ~:paii81.4,144 watt*,
: 41 .44 . 11 * 4 4. 1 f.5 ) -kaltifiots4i
. . -
.41lcieqyttatad 4 , the wholei:proesitos
was ifiloso 7,.),Vie a prieeter,
. , .
with high treason, in the summer of 1858,
with the exceptign that the field of operations
a.• then contemplated has been removed from
Miasouri to Virginia. When s we fink learoki
of if vve resolved to r e sist Ille . c. piracy; cost
what li , Would, ancrvve haie do n _ so witehev
er vie tag; tvrideioes . ,of its boss gni, though
it 'malt:teamed Piotean Mimi. 1 - ,
Wilaile fact:rend figures hi our possess
tint mhenever rho, shall be ealki for. ' -
'Under the !mita of Virginia,;,the Governor,
cannot pardon ft pers'on convicted of treason
to the Commonwealth, except' with the coo
seut.of.the General Avaelphly, declared by
• Este I 't*
ion so o ton.
-The Republicans scold terriblr at the least
intimation that they sympaOmie with Old
and yet wu scarcely pick up a Re
publicise, newspaper without •roenting with
expressions calculated to convey the impres
sion that be is a martyr in a just cause, and
those,who tried and convicted him are blood
thirsty persecutors.
"Zugi," one of the villatot in the Harper's
Ferry insurrectioti, and a follower of John
Brown, was a .lianaas eorra,pentlent of the
N. Y. Tabun. s.
Tire day before the Baltimore' election !Le
loth:lcing advertisement rippearecl lo , the pa
relic of that city " Awans TIGERS !—Awake
_sod face your enemy. Attention, Tigers!—
Meet at the regular place, of /nearing at mid
night. ,Busine4s of importance demands your
presence: Every Tiger is expected to be at
his pest. By order of the Big-Tiger." The
Tigers are a political club linow•Nothings
Tli a Washington corresplindent of the Neiv
York Commercial Advertiser says that It is
known there that the Republican members
of Congress from Pennsylvania will not enter
into any wrangement with the Auti-t.ecom-
Pton Democrats for the election of 11r. Forney
to any office in ihe.Flouse of Representatives.
This determination is said 'to hare been made
under the advice of Senator Cameron.
Tut Re - v'. Mr. Itigginiou, at Worcester
Alas.., a few nights shoe in en addles; on the
late affair at Harper's Feriy, boldly expressed
his sympathy with the movement, and regret
ted that it was not successful; and a,serted
that "nine out of teu of the Ile.publicans et
Worcesier" thoughtaa ha did.
Prof. JAIL. - W. LIIBti, 11%) most popular anri
successful teacher of Spencetian Penntnan
ship in the Union, is' connected with the
Iron City Commercial College of Pittsburgh.
Par—Pittsburgh l'ost.
That Wm. n: Seward, the great Republi
can leader, was implicated, by a guilty
knowledge at least, in the late deplorable oc
currences at Harper's Ferry, has been too
clearly demonstated to admit of a reasonable
doubt. To this fact the gustou Courier ascribes
his infitmous and treasonable riochester mani
Teostas 3.1.1717113 ‘ ON cmce said that "tie old
Federalists would, at some future day, attempt
to get into power by stealing th e done of R e :
publican." The fulfillment of the prophesy
boa been reserved for our day and generation.
Ls it not -
SZNATOR Wl/dOO, (Republican,) of Massa
chusetts, ID bib Speeat at Syracuse oD the
28th ult., said —...`T'ue Ilarpoe's Ferry outbre.ak
was the conseugerwe of the teachings of Ile
i_pol,licanisin." A candid adinileiou.
Wasnrsovrrs,'Nov. 12th.—A man, calling
himself MeDonald, 4 ,wria nirested here, last
night, on'Severrfh etteet, by officer'Allen, to .
whom , he made pie admis-ions as lead to
the holier that he was one of Brown's , phey;
and had escninsd from the Armory at HA,
per's Ferry. He m '4'ditguiqed, : assouting the
appearance of an °tenon. He ttnid he was
originally from Bostcin. Ilia breasuancl cheat
were well peppered with wounds. Governor
Wise lteing telegraphed Owned an answer
instructing the - offiellirs to send to Flarper's
Ferry for -pereous to identify the prisoner,
and to inform the Preaident.
WlscoNsta.—The Milwaukee Newa
the major;ty in the State for either Hobartor
Randall [fur Governor}-wia not be over 1000
In Springfield,, Mass.. John Brown had one
vole for Governor. and Lydia Maria Child one
for Lieutenant-Governor.
D Umatilla; Etscriottr.—The retnres of the
Maryland eiection shrew that the Democrat'
will hnee 13 in the .Senate and the Ameri
cans c The House of Delegates will have
44 Democrats and the - A tneriean= 30. 10114
year the House vrtet roraposed of 30 Demo.
cratv and 44 AlnerldittS.
Judge Kemp who WAS elected Judge of
the Orphans Court under the mob rule in
Baltiinore, refuses to accept the office, unless
fairly and honestly elected by a fair exercise
of the elective franchise. He is right.
FRED. DOUGLAS has written a letter to the
Rochester Democrat, from Canada West. lie
intimates that be knows more about the liar
per'sFerry plot than be choosei to tell at pres:
ent; and says that be left Rochester for the
por`pose•of avoidirg the-r. S. officers, via,
be is informed, made a protraCted visit to that
place for the sole puree of having-an inter
view with biro. lie winds tip b`ysa)ing that
he intends to make a tour tti England.
The Abolitionist* . of thie section bos.t
lsrgely tbet Gov. Wise -dare riot hang 'John
Brown and hie confederate*.—West Chester,
Pa., Jeffersottian.
tional betrincrat asps: "TMs man „Brown—
better known as o.savrattotnie Brown---was
in this city last spring, the-pet of the Repub
lican leaders. He lectured here, rind in his
lecture and in conrersation' bragged Of. his
exploits in murdering pro-slavery men, and
stealing negroes, horses, dm., from Missouri. .
He was enroute from Missouri and Raney,
the scenes of his violent and miscreant life,.
with a baud of fugitive negroes that he had
passed into Canada. Lecturing in different
parts of Chico, particularly in the Reserve
counties, -be was the petted of tbe-Republiisan
leadereof the Giddings swop, who furoiehed
hint with aionerto carry .on his. operationa.
It was here. that, be con* l ied. hip last great
scheme a to drench. Maryland and
Virginia in the blood of the :whites. nOd. It°
al-cite among; the—Mittel/Ad .population the
worst, feelings of their nature, and to Intim
them to apply tba torah to-the dwellings and
the ;irate, to the tbro_oo,ol thek.tnesterk" -.
trets4o,iiif'S MISMILINI.41 1 1kralAr"" Th tle I
remediesv isaeria
to lbenisaiii, for ibere it co icternilor 9. 2 ^
terns! disorilor.oolitiallsl4liiiroidicioO, (or
cu3tmuiciuM4 , tbela it nol,i I
positiorozemiuty." - Ifioptinevatratiare, icrofals,=
Auoray,': mom, mereini at ~./&ase., astbma:
rheumatism, - :Nom throat„ 4rojwiciai
Awaiting., -Ptc,;,tsubside-mit4sarargicr , ander.
the seticaMWOintnsaait, okal osseCof
liver seogiplehlV P i 4k - ItatiVitals* - "b i fi t Y 4 ,
iend:otbersoegleintsloriithietiegle' the 'in. ,
ieMl.°llllll""inif Pliabortiicascatai•
toniftbsTrip rwritt„ .
Brown's Mission to Kauai
From tie Lawrence (K;ceao Herald of Free,
dom, Nov. .5
While vio presume it is e 3 4-the intention of
the Republienr: to ; defend Vld
Broin; o r vindicate bi' ciald,:c;:nt 11 , irper's
Fere", yet We regret to ktfow, that they have
clonis sq in iba riaskict re,gard to - crimes mil-
Morird aninahle-thati - th4l if strpeN Fer•
ry yrsgedy, and noW i they have "ibe wicked
ness to sal tbat "kJ mission to Kansas was a
peat:del one," and thit - "it _was the violence
committed. upon 10 family- rtnd borne which
tna4.l4 him tke-demon he is."
In our article of last week we stated that
old Drown came to Kansas late in the sum
nie-e.oriti the fall 'of 1855; that he came
armed, and io a peculiar manner ; that those
arms WereTurnished.hite in, the Stele, of New
YorlC; , and.thit their:mm . 4y -wee wide the
condition of hits-coming here; that he showed
a bloodthirstiness , peculiarly ilintown: during
the: Wiikaruiantiar, in Dreciiinlier"Ofthit,yeart;
and that . nowhere io his Whole 'Canine histo
ry do we find a particle of evidence that be
desired to cultiinte the principles of peace.
It is urged that hetwune here a pesue than.
Do peace men emigrate to a country,• carry
ing with them only broadswords, navy revol
vers, haybnets, muskets, prices, drc.t Do peace
men call from their dwellings at midnight
their felon; citizens, and cut them to pieces
witlibri r tnadswords I ' _
The , cognomen of "Ossawatomie" Ems very
generally been applied to old John Brown,
though incorrectly; Brown was never a resi
dent of Ossawatomie, but resided some eight
miles above that plane, un Pottawatetaie
week. The title, originally, was applied to
0. C. Brown,,h , 'N.,-e. resident ofOs•awatomie,
and one of the projectors , of that settlement.
and proprietor of the town cite. Presses and
rolLieiate, ate 'cutitinually.confoundtug these
names.—Lawrence Herald ofFreedam, Nov.s.
How They Take It.
Says the New Haven Register: "The sym
pathy of the Bieck Republicans with old
I trown and his traitorous gang, is being, more
and more plainly indicated every day. ,Now
That his tilel is over, and he lies under sen
tence of death fur his crimes, the Black Re
publioanjournals, one-by one,. stealthily be
gin to poke their. noses from the biding pla
ces where they at. first took refuge from the
gathering storm of popular indignation, and
venture upon such comments as clearly show
their complicity with the murderous affair at
Harper's Fer,y, and their deep regret at its
failure. We say this, meaning just what - we
say, and with deep mortification, that journals
can be found so lest to every prompting of
patriotism, or even ordinary morality, as to
utter such attrocious seniiinent4 as we find in
the Norwich Bulletin.' We give them l our
readers as a sampfe Of Black 'Republicanism.
I "OD the 2 - ti day of DeCem her, John Brown dies
A martyr, not to the cause of emancipation,
but to the cause of truth it'd justice— • *
* —to the cause of fair dealing and honest
justice—the cause which true men love, and
valid' at the last will conquer. We accert
the. issue,eacl welcome the ••irrepressable con
fiict'which every day brings nearer."
—The Governor of lb s tiginia. whose energetic,
patriotic and prudent conduct in 'regard to
the Harper's Ferry, outrage corenfands uni•
venal Approval, islu daily 'receipt or a 'loge'
number otletters from Abolitionists in semi
nus Stwes,threntetting his life, threatening
an attempt to . rescue Old Brown, and threat
(min.: the remittal or like attempts to those of
Brown if Croy. Wise does not pardon the mis
creant. These lanes* spitse it or the increasing
i ,ntimber of the Abolitionitisi of their ability
to perform what they threaten, and of the
-murderous eye," to use the language of one
of them, with' which they watch the progress
of Brown's trial. They wind up generally
sith holding-oat to. the Governor great pupu
larity at the North 'if he will deal leniently
with the criminals. From all quarters in the
'_northern hod 'Western States these letters
come, written in every variety of style and
penmanship; but all breathing. threats of re,-
cue or of vengence, in _CII3B Brown and hi,
followers are executed.
The New York Observer, organ of the Old
School' Presbyterian-, takes vt - rong:ground
against pardoning old Brown. Assuming that
lie was guilty of murder and insurrection, it
argi,es ss follows;"'Punishment in the gov
ernment of God' and man does not Tripe,
ft. In a spi,it of revenge. 'is/the fruit of love.
r Love demands that nue who has made war
upon society shall die. Philanthrophy, the
love of the love ofthe human race, the
love of the greatest number, requires that
murderers Abell be punished, as God, who is
love, ordained. * * i* And we tremble
less id the view of Browns mad freak, than
we do in taco of the fact that there is abroad
in the land a sentiment that would ( shield
him and otbers.fram the just:consequences of
their crimes. When those men embarked in
this warapon the State; when they prepared.
guns - for 'the white men arid a thousand
spears for the blacks to be used in barbarous
slaughter; when they imbued their hands in
blood by taking the first victim.' (an honest
colored map who made no resistance, but
was ohly seeking to escape from their bands,)
and murdered him in cold blood ; when they
refused to lay down their arms after - beipg
overpowed, and continued their murderous
wotk, they then threw away. all claim to
compassion and put themselves on the haz
and of the revolution they had - begun. If
whets can find any cause for pardoning such
crime') we cannot.'
The Great Eastern a Bad Job.
The Great Easternls durernusedl Its t. is!
trip was "only api success." We all
know' what that means. She • rolls like a por
poise, or a log riarme; the decks leak, the iron
plates don't 6t, the decorations crdruble and
disappcir, and,—the .worst remains behind—
she can only go a little more than half the
steed thnt, was expected .of .ber 1 The very
best tbat can• be got, maul' • her under th - is
most favorable circumstances, .uf wind, water
anci•coal; is 13 miles an hour. Bosay seine
knowing engineers who were on beard and
who wished end_hoped the most favorable re
sult. There is The, great
haft is . worth4,lll . ivotild;hrieg fur old. Iron.
After ,bi*ring 1120, And, humbugging
ibe•ptiblic - ler weeks, the directon come out
' sad adjourn its departure sine die—which.
...mauls it i 2 sign she'll . die before 'she ever
malida a•sueeessful,comtnercial.iii-yaie.
Jolin Brown lies for four years been
counted AT, the Tribune lad the rest of the
presses-one of the victims
erthe;Kausas:was,itall:tvlieSe has
eentitAiisWgivea nii - line"•of - tholiatifreiverhielf
made old JoEutfitOtOtetiiliklf,tit imfOrection
- , st,..llureer';i:Verry, fa; alive , an d : engaged jet'
.farMlogs4-Ardttribulapcieniir t .-Qhio...
ieltireptoglillistlitssbolit_progranto*Cif-the ,. :
Repitit*Ftain , regard-Ats+she
-Tue war was brought, on and `kept
Said agente4r4~ilikosinnrs_e for po
ltAl4-441,0.0,4 Vf 4 44.oll,oaustantitooraingle
1'1414; edtiekithillaawthis - : theory ve-simp matter
'ber,o4 --; 4 ,
Strong Kowa* Terthnogy Against . , Jurors for November Term.
Old Brown. i
-commences on the third Nfotoisv
An -.elbolitionist
. paper shows hint up as a (21st day) of November, and continues two
cold-blooded Assassin. weeks.
[From . the Lawrence (Kama.) Fietald of Free- Gie.tsu Juons.—Antiurn
7, dam, 0e.t.2.3.1 .f
The first thing the people cf hated •
o stobta.l3rOwn was in the seamier of
AMiteiing of ultra ebolit4sts - was
held at Cazenovia, tN. • Y., .if we recollect
rightly. While in session Brown, who is a
native of Essex cotinty, N. Y., appealed • in
that convention, and made a very fiery speech,
during which be said be had four sons in
Kansas, and he had three others who were
desirous of going there, to aid in fighting the
battles of freedom. Be could not- consent to
go unless he could go armed, and be would
like to arm all Ids sons, but was not able r to s
do so. 'Funds were contribnted on the spot,
principally by -Gerrit Smith.
The four sons had located utrPottawatamie.
creek, in Lckins county; and in the fall of
1855 were joined by the father and other
brothers. When the Wakarusa war 'was ,
pending the old man add four soils arrived in
Lawrence; the balance be reported 'sick. As
they driers upin front of their:oe State Bo
tel, they were all standing in a small luciiber
wagon. To each of then. persons was strapp
ed a short heavy broadsword. Each was sup-1
plied with' a goodly cumber of firearms and
navy revolvers, and poles were standing end- I
wise around the wagon box With fixed bayon
ets pointing upwards. They looked really
formidable, rtud.were received with great cc j
lot. A email military company. was organ
ized at once, and the command was given to
Old Brown. From that moment, he com
menced fomenting diffieulties in camp, di-re-
`gelding the coMmands of superior ..otlicers
and frying to induce the men to go down to
Franklin and make an attack upon the pro
slayery,forces encamped there. The Commit
tee of radio. Safety were called upon several I
times to heed off hig wild adventure, as the
people of Lawrence had planted themselves
on the law, claiming that they had not been
guilty of its infraction, and that no armed
body i 4 men should enter the haw° for any
purpose whatever, and that they would not go
out of town to attack any such' body, Peac - e
was established and old Brown retired in dis
When the news of the threatened siege of
Lawrence reached John Brown, Jr:, who was
a,Member of the Topeka Legislature, he or
ganized a company of about sixty Jima and
marched towards• Lawrence. Arriving at
Palmyra, he learned of the sacking of
the town and. the position of the people.—
Be reconnoitered for a time in the vi
cinity, but finally marched back to Ossa.
watornie. The night before reaching that
place, when only a few miles away, they
catnpedfor the night. Old Jehn . Brown, who,
we believe was with the party,. singled out,
with himself, seven men. These he. marched
to a point eight miles above the mouth of
Pottawatotnie creek, and called front their
beds at their several residences, at the, boor of
midnight on, the 25th of May, ]856, Allen
,William Sherman, Widiath P.
Doyle. William Doyle and Drury Doyle. All
were found the next mornin by the roadside
or in the highway, some with a gash in their
heads and sides and their throats set; others ,
with their skulls ,split open fwo place-,
with boles in their breasts and hands,cut uff ;
and others had bales through their. breasts,
with their finger's cutoff. No man- in Kan
sas has pretended to deny that old John
Brown led that murderous foray. which mas
sacred those men. , Up to that period 'not a
hair of old John Brown's 'heed, or that of
any of his eons, had been'injzired by the pro
stayer§ party.
It was
,not until the 30th of August, three
ruorchs xfwr the Potawaturnie massacre:l
that the attack was made on Osiseeaioreie by
the pro slavery forces, and Frederick Brbwri,
a son of Old John, was killed. '
'The truth of history requires this . statement.
If Brown' was a monomaniac, it dates back
anterh.ito his first visit to Kansas. •
Loss of the Itopil Charter.
The following is takm from the Lieerpool
Daily Post of the 27th of OctobPr't 'The' ,
public will lean) this morning a ith over
whelining grief that the splendid ves.el, the
,Royal Charier, was totally lost yesterday in
Muffs Red Bay, near Bangor. The melart•
choly intelligence, which reached ti t s late last
bight. was brief, but we fear it is only to
true. Of upwards of - four hundred persons.'
who were sin board only ten are said-to have
been stied. There is s..tee hope. Ito 'wee—.
it at this is an oxeggeratien, hut under any
etreutostancecee, the lots of life, it is to be
fea'sd, has Leen immense. The Royal Char
ter lied about half a million of gold on board.
When the disaster took place it is not known,
for the telegraph had eeasrd to work, and
destructive had been the storm along the
coast yesterday, that the Chester and Birken-.
head Railway had been destroyedia>two.pla
ces. At Penmanawe, twenty of the dead had
been washed ashore. - The bay in which the
catastrophe occurred, is two or threemiles to
the westward of Puffin Island, in. Anglesea,
and six or seven miles to the northwest of•
i3eaumaris. It has a shallow, sandy bona
for several miles, with promontories. at- each
end of the bay. The errantry around is wild,
and few houses were about.
•W.timtscrox,'Ncir. - o.—While the Cabinet
was in session yesterday. the President re
ceived a despatch showing the pressing ne
cessitsfor military assistance at Brownsville,
Texas. The Secretary of War, within hall
an hour thereafter, issued insttuetions to Cap
tain Ricketts, commanding the Artillery Com
pany at Baton Rouge, to place his 'men in
readiness for a march, and at the same time
the Quartermaster at New Orleans was tele
graphed to make arrangements for -transport
ing the troops to Point Isabel, to which place
they are now probably on their
B. Thomas, the special delegate from
Brownsville, had an interview with the Sec
rotary of War to-day:and fully explained to
qua the alarmingcondition of the Rio Grande,
TUCIRSDAY, Nov. 24th, is Thank giving day
n secenteeh States besides Pennisy leauia.
Trial.l44, : flovemtber Term.
Fnist Wisa.—Bortholiva Hamilton, Gaol-
Dar ye Poet el al, Whipple - Vs Scutt, 'Wilber
SECOND WICZY.—BUTTI it vs Kirk, Garni , h
ee, Burritt is Kirk, Garnishee, • 'Drinker vs
Latham,Dußois‘va Crinell, Blake vs ;Sabin,
Wilson vs Or im, Squires vs Scott; Caibpbell
vs. Babson, Randall vs Roberti, Titus vs Titus,
limiter' vs Wright egiti, lieustook - ' , vs Cock
acne, Banker vs Jackman, Slocum vs Wil
liams, Drinkeers Payne, Potter vs Perrino.
Smith vs-IdcKeetry, Simektnair• vs Cornwall,.
- HitaUock vrt Ma:mord, I,flowcy 'vs .Graham,
Little vtitillie, Meeker et a/ vs Mesi‘ck,_. Bi
lay vs Woodruff, Meeker vs Brackagy, Post
vs Keeler, rust vs Keeler, Thoutaa-vc.Tillor,
Tewksbury vs Smith et ca, Cornwall vit.Truiti
hull, Barnes vs Estop, Chubbuck* vs Young %
Wagner eteil,vs,Wiytoss,Ttyasviss•7st va
•Crosier Fosiasi, Tittiejs Kerr, . lioea. va Sew.
ard, Sieeohack vs Denny, Tucker vs Searle,
is Ward, Sk t ßices fr, vi Taylor, : Williatmt
vs`ktutllt. -
-0 24 Pcepse totargabli on Friday of let. seek.)
A plar:vfn —Muhl rd. Claora,
Bridge witier--11. 1).
Brouitlyn-11. A. Kent, Anson Tiffany.
Dundaff—Enoch Chambers.
Franklin—Josiah Baker.
Forest Lake--F. 11. South well.
Gt. Bend—Nelson Baker, Isaac Hamlin, Jr
. Cribison—=Stephen A. Barnet
Liarrunnr—Joel Chase, Magee Clark.
YlRrtiird---T . i. ler Carpenter, George Peck.
Herrick—U. W. Larkins.
J'aiAti,ion—Alva Bryant, SeSmour Griffis. •
Lenox--W. P.. Giirman.
Rash—H. U. Gray.
Springville Joseph-A. Lyman, Ezra S . .iiek
TRArgtISE ulturn-41 4e ..
nell, 2il, John ltiler, Joseph Linebury, , t
Jahn Tee-lcsimritf John W. limitl4 Simon
ok:t ,
Apulacon-L—llarry Steenburgb.t
Ararat—W. 'K. Tyler, James Bushnell,t
G. 0. Bald win.t
Btooklyn--0. G. Hempstead, James Ster
ling, E. A. Weston.t
Ilridgevimer--T. F. Kellogg, G. P:
Meredith.} C. l)._Wilion,f
ElVery Borns,t Merriman
Choconut—John Hudson, hlathew,Stanley,
Thomas 11. Dunnelly.t
Dimook—JamesA. Bunnell,} D. F. Ste
Dundaf--W• ii. Siocum,
Franklio—Frederick Lines, George W
Forest Lake—l, M. Ttirre,loJuli us Gordomt
Gib-on—Jamei Chandler, 11. W. Stearns,
John Bennett, 2cl.t
Greta Bead—Cyrus Decker, Nathan Len
heitmt Wm:Smith.t
Herrick--C. 11. Ellis, Mortimer Williame.
Harford-41. M. Jones, Joab: Tyler, C. C.
Ed w rds.f Wln . C. Tiffany.f
Jesup - Henry 13ertholf,. Daniel MIL New
ton Lane, Coridan Caswell.t
Jackson—Eli Barnes, Oliver Clinton, Thos.
Lathrop—Sidney o,borne.f
Liberty—Richard Bailey, Garry Law,
U. D. Stanford,} Calvin Markham.}
Lenox— Wm. D2Miller,f Also Tiffany s f
.Middletown—Elmer Brilter, Thoa.. dunes,
-James Sanderson, S. H. Spafford.f
Montrose—William Shipman, 0, M. Crane f
New Milford—Charles W. Lamb.
Silver Lake—John Craik, Horace Decker,
Robert Gaige, Z. B. Sutton.
Susq'a Depot—Samuel F.' Smith, Sidney
Dimon,} Royal Tv ler,f H. A. Tingley.}
Hand rick,f Jones Phil
Those marked with a dagger (f) 2d week.
The Sacramento Standard states that Gov.
Weller has decided :o appoint a Senator to
fill the vacancy cau9ed by the death of:Sena
tor Broderick.
A Card. --Dr. THAI' ER of the Binghamton
Wafer-Core, will be at Susquehanna Depot
(N;chol's Hotel) on the 6th of each month du
ring the Spring and Summer for consult:aloe.
invalids will find it to their advantage to give
him a call. Patients received at all times at hie
eatahlishthont in Binghamton, N. Y., where
every comfort and convenience may be found
for the successful treatment of INVALIDS. [tf
Iltyparchasing Goods of Ziegler &
Smith, (Wholesale Drug, Pain! and Glass
Dealers,) earner of Second, and Green Sts.,
Philtsd 9 n., you have the advantage of select
ing your purchases from an extensive and varied
stock of white lead, zinc, col'rd paints.
and window glass of assorted sizes and
qualities. MI of these articles are m..rked at
such prices as cannot fail to suit the closest
buyer. jteb3 15.jw
eunttsrtr.t BY D APYLETtiii CU,
346 and 34.4 Etroi►dwav, New York.
HE foil,k,,works are sent to subscribers
in Any part of the country, (upon receipt
of re t tairpric.e.) by mail or express. prepaid
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This Work is being published in about 15 large
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are re- •
quired to bring i subject up tot resent
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the statistical information is from the la re ,
ports; the geographical accounts keep Nee
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include the freshest just views ; the biographuna
' notices not only speak of the dead, but also of
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Abridgment of the Debates of Con!
grew;: Being a Political History of the United
States, from the organization of the firstVed.
(mai Congress in 1189 to 1856. Edited and
compiled by Hon. THOMAS H. BENTON from the
Official Records of Congress. The work will _
be completed in 15 royal octavo volumes of 'l5O
pages each, 11 df which are now ready. An ad
ditional volume will be published once in three
Gloth, $3; Law Sheep, $3,56; Half Mon,
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Form a club of four, and remit the,price of
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No oilier works Will so liberally reward thee'
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APEHL,1859. 7 -0. >i
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Important to females.---Dr. Cheeses
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TO MARRIED LADlES,these Pills are inval
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NOTloE. r —They - should not be use.d during
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Warranted purely vegetable, eld free from
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log ?1 to any authorized agent.
• • B. 8. . HUTQAilttfiB,
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Pr. J. W.121/"MAN. - Tunkbanorek, and ABEL
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