The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 27, 1859, Image 4
111i1. W(l6 nut AUTIMA ' D ULL M. ek.of SILK!GeObS, .1 • Full Moo of STAPLE GOODS, .stock of FANCY GOODS, FaMilonable FALL SHAWM cLo . rirs. cAssimEßEs, rEsrEvcs, Blank e t.., Quilts, Tabk Linens, dal etc,, Fourth at. Arch-M1.14 rhiladelphila. 8.-814t1 Silks.. Wholisqle,atiosc satek. . 'Bargains, Daify,frarn Seto York Auctions. • Phi Ir.drlptlio, September Bth, 185 - 9..3m W A .1.. L wantiir farm.' in a tirlighttul climate., rictianil, and scrum from frosty'. . Sri ad. vertisement of Hammonton . ~ Lands in another Column. - • - YES - TERDAY iIiCEP.E WAS AR - ORVAL OP 1•Tco. DELAINES. Prints, Durter-i, Pains°la - and Umbrellas, and an immense quZntify of oilier GOODS w hich will be-shown FREE of charge-by H. C. TXIER.. I 3lny 19th, IS'9. . t 1ik1311.16 'WV RUEL - Th •- Ity- 54 :; ;. :n“s g to L -I'WELIII7. at the pareha-vrs., Call end see. MAKE THE OLD THINGS NEW! ,AItTICLE for sale in S: goeha'nna County only at the illitiotrose . • t - Mahogany Cloth, 28, 45 -and 48 whie;—for Tablei, Stands, Bar, Store, and .Par-Counters,,, Melodeon and Pisino Covers_ Fa:L.:urn TABLE AND STAND SPREADS of va • rion, Wrzes and styles, and all warranted to stand the test of boiling water, hat coffee pot, earn:: phene, spirits, end will neither break nor. crack in cold or hot weather:: , Just the arti cle to make old farniture new. • . A- N. BIALARD. Mtintre, Inty 9.5th,1859. • '‘. FRESH ARRIVAL! •, . under4ped would respectfully an, notinee to the public that hi has just re ceiVed a supply of -, • FAMILY' GROCERIES, .; whiA may be - Sound the very best of Sugar, - Molasses; Syrup; Tea,. Cofibe, ascc., dice, ' at prices to suit the times, for ready pay.- Don't mistsbe the place, but call at the basement of the "REV STONE MOTEL", %%here • your bumble servant .carries on a general SALOON & GROCERY BUSINESS, • - ',O:E" the may always rely upon :urine. their wants attended with Pyr;?aptneas and 0. M. CRANE. .. , 31 - ontrce.e, April .nth. HEED THIS! WARNING ! I.OH 0111 . FOR BARGAINS I New Goode; T HAYDEN BROTHERS , ORB:IN:IL Prio'o Ready Pay Store, consisting of 'Dry Goods, Groceries, 'Roots a: Statics,. -Hats ik. Caps, . • Wall Paper, Ptone & , Wooden Ware, „, Pac=oxia-, Malt, • - Paints, 011 s, alass, ITa telies, Jewelry. Yankee notions. SO EIND TO TH.E.,111 . ..&: Von will never find old shelf.worn„ moth-eaten, .. . roues, Or out otatyle Goods at - HAYDEN Bros. .i... 044 out for Old Fogies; and buy your Goode, . v. here 5. tar can SAVE 38 isu ctai. We .have 'a lerrze st4u-k of . •_ ... C-ODDS Purchased . for CASH 1 and d be sold at prices that will frighten the Ofd Fogy principles., EVERY.AB.TIOLE WARRANTED as-represented. No charge for shorting Goods. .11ATZEN BROTHERS. Nc'e Pa., June, 1 . 13.59. . tm LAND WARRANT F'C)3FL M..AELLAM.. uniterbigned offers • for /Ate a U. S. LAND •W . ARRANT fm• 16(1 acres." Fo particulars.enggire of A. J. Gerritson at the office .f the Motitruse Democrat, or of me, or addreria e qt. 11 , ,ntre, Pa.- IRA COLE. Franklin. Airtrst 26th. 1859-.-31 r. Mom. CIIEAP GOODS! • t;', l l'LlcNlfiD New Charts, LaWas, Prints, and ainzil .tus, at reduced prices. Also 13 lbs. of Suzat One dollar, or 21 of Rice. Just opened-and i 4 sale by 3. LYONS & SON. --. Montrose, June 15th. 1859. RSING FLUID. White and 'God Fish, S. S: Boom s , and more Gs.iters from .56 ezA. to 8.155—i11 at TYLER'S. May 19th 1859. _ • , 19, 1 _2 LBS. 9F.SCGAR, for 51,00, at H. C TYLER'S.- 3tßie sth, 3859. 3,000 ROLLS OF WALL PAPER. DIffEREKT STILES. BORDERING, WINDOW PAPER &C., &C.. 4 "NP.W SUPPLY, just irrived, and for %ale .Cl OF:T.Iw A. TURRELL _ Dr. ,Coggswell's tu::e for INItLAMMATORY pi,o•a•foi of kifias, for tale 6y ABEL TUMULI... Jane 2.2A - .1, 18.59. • SHOES: I,ol' for men almen and ehildren, rteeived, and for mile id the very lelw- NOTICE. Dtt. E.' PATRICK, JR., tr otild like Lifer s -,ilefire of nearly ten years, to appeal • la 'h . « ur>rai sens:hilities . 01'3 very generous puh wiio haw always' manifested their larvae a uselulnesee by exacting his when needed or thought to be needed, t,al lrays - given nn +:t her evidence of wal_Nrticalarty in the way c 0" --sah,tarit:ltt aid" as lii , esuth. would any—that fund entire settlement of ail tA.„ 1 . 8 , 0- the accounts or the late firm . • 1 ,11'.--I.ri,t; 3. Dirnrick ; and he wishes further to state - thaihe desires nothing - to be considered it, , ,,rw,if,.after a few weeks, the said actuante. remaining ul l kettled. sho'd beiplace4 in the bands i.t7 a good sharp cill‘xtur, and made to Recount to him entnethinr, that will buy Oats and Rusk; wheat.. Please tolke this and take act 4 on actor. ditOy.—Yours Truly, E. PATRI(4 Jura . JR. ' VIVOHErit, fresh ground. Molasses and Su - JL: gini. cheap. Just reeei►ad and for eels by Soh. 27th.]' J. LYON S & SON. f - '1 RAPE GPOWERS am carry coo their Int- V.,X sinew [abet successfully at Hammon tom,, free from frosts. Some fo.rtt Vinyard* set out the past season. See advertiSemeot of Ham muster, Lusts, another Column. Q 4. t ,- g Ili A 1 .4 ' SCHOOL LIIMARIIIII3II furnished to toder V7'). LYONS &SON. Julie fit, 1859. „ ' WRITE WINTER SEED VEIT For Tale by W" BALDWIN & ALLEN. Blontropo, Artol4'lslll. 1859: - • KEDZIE'S RAIN WATER FILTERS. - • HE subscribers 'are' : agents for the above T valuable article, and have on hand rind will keep the different sixes for sale. They will be happy to idio:ir the I , 3 I ILTER to their Mende and customers, and , n easily demenstrate the value and importance of perfectly purifying Rain Water froniull inipti tit its. and thus making it conducive to health and eintert, with small ex pense and no trouble. Every person is aware of the superiority of Pure Soft Water for Prink ing and Culinary - purposes, and also the great difficulty,they hate heretofore expOrienced .in procuring -it 'nese cel,breted FILTERS efreiA the object speedily and perfectly. Please call acid exarninothem. EVANS Sz.,Ataxis, No. 2 Odd rellow's.atil. Binghamton, August '29th, 1859. GOLDTII BLES.—An sizes.• Also, Silver do, by • • EVANS & ALLEN. - PLATED -KNIVES.--V full stock of Taolo and s Desett Maki Knives and Cur sors to match. Just received by EvANa S. Ammt. EA it.RINGS AND EIREAST.PINS. The nubvcribers have thigtlay received (nal the manufactory a fine tut of Lava, Enameled, Jet, Cameo, Gold Stone, and all gold Ear-rings and Pius, in seta and single, some very fine and rich. EVANg & ALLEN, 2, Odd FalLow's !fall 14ngliamlon, Aug. 291 h, 1859. • GOLD P EN S.---A very superior stock of Gold Pens, with and without holders, all sizes and of first quality, by EVANS & ALLEN. RACELETS.r•A large addition to our .1) stook of Bra:7elets, viz: Hair. Bead, Jet, Garnet, Band, Gold and Plated, Enameled and Engraved, of, all sizes and qualities. Just re ceived by - EVANS & ALLEN. TT OC TS.—•We- have now on hand the L best ass rtment of Lockets ever offered to . our costume - from 1 to 6 fui!es, and from $1 to $lO. • EVANS '& ALLEN. GOLD S ECTA.CLES-Of eVory ate, and earl, u 9 qualities and prices. by Evaas & ALLEN. A LT, • - the Darrel, Sark nr, Pound; for Ssale by ABEL TURRELL TIOGA PORTAGRICULTURAL WORKS. Railway or Endless Chain Horse tower for One or Two horses. Changablo Thresher and Separa tor and Thresher and Cleaner WELLES, BLOOD & CO. ani_tgataiis;, The improved Emery ileirse Pow ers lire tqual if not superior to any End less Chaio Powers in the world, and warranted greatly superior to the Wheeler Rack-and Pin ion Powers. The Tiogn Point I Irirse Powers are unequaled for convenience by any other—being adapted to a great variety of oyes where Power is needed— as fii-c different degrees- of motioa are obtained without eitra gearing: and also any desirable length and velocity of crank motion for cross cut Saving. Pumping, and Churning! They ran easily, are gtrong, well tinislitkl, and made of good materials. riega Point Threshers and Separutortt. Tney are made of Varitlll% ....:Zel4, and are supe rior to any other mauuf,cture—of which tact judges of such machines wilt Le satisfied upon examination. Fa.nning Fitted to run by liorie Power, Thresher and Seprntor, by Belting from the Power. Thresher and Cleaner.' The Tioga l'oint Thresher at:d•Cleanr, and Erin. ir)'s Combine! Threshvr xnd Ceti:ler': these rim easily and thrt-sh and clean 'fast, Without watlting the grain which is c!enned fii,for market, and are warranted to give„ entire satieMction. For Sale—Ti%oa Paha Farming Mills, Por table, Ctreulararid Cid Saw Mills, Clore', gullets, and Farm Grist Milli, ali of which are ten' superior machines. - e”" Persons in this and adjoiinng counties should by all means examine the above-mention ed machines b e fore purchasing els,:xtere. NO one will wish' to-send otr 4veral hundred miles for agricultural machines, when znrmEn ati mmES are to be had made near at home. Send foi lilustrated and Prictti Catalogues. 11. LBLO WERS, agent for Susriciehanna county, Post Office. 31,ontrost. I August, 16th, 1859.—tT. NORMAt SCHOOL STUDENTS! AND Students of all ether behrols that wish to procure Boitka and Statiouery at FAIR-PRICES, will bear in mind that they can find all the Text Books used in the different 841:100iS of the county at the 3lotatreme Book Store.. Prof. Stoddard's series of A rithmeties, also bis Elementary and University Alg,ebram.. Eight sizes Webster's world renowned Dic tionaries; including the New Pictorial edition of the Unabridged, &c., &n. A:N. BULLARD. Montrose, A ugubt I f - PERSONS wishing to estalAish Mannßelo ries in a new and thriving pla:e where business is good. See sdrerthiement „of the Hammonton Settlement. F ARM LANDS_FoIt SALE 25 miles from Philadelphia by ra . Prossi in the . State of N-W Jersey. Soil among the best for Agilent!nral purposes, being a good loam soil, with a clay bottom. The lariti.iN a large tract, divided into small farms, and linndaeds froth all parts of the. country_ are now setiling and building. :The crops pranced are large and can be seen glow. ing. Theelimate is delightful, and secure from *oats.- Terms from $l5 to $2O per acre Jittya.. ble-within four years by installments.. To visit the place—,Leave Vine Street wharf at Phila delphia at 7:30. a. m.. by railroad for Hammon ton, or address IL J Byroc-c by letter, Hammon ton Post °dice, Atlantic County New Jersey. See full Arerti.ement in another column. I LYON'S, & Stei • ,S-Itt, cSalt-I 1 • :81ffsTilt MYIIIB, wHoLt*ALE LT IDEA LER. -201 Waicitiuxtott-et, (Directly dp{ro.ite Wm:Min:ton Jlarket,) Ne•-fazr STR.!. COVI'LNUES to offer to the city and COUVIRY trade, all .kinds of . FOREIGN Coarse and Fine SALT. at the very lowest figures; 4001:`.0 sacks and bags. Consisting in part of Ash ton's celebrated brand for table scud dairy use: Jeffrey & Darcy. Marshall's, Brownlow's, &c. and-50000 buihels Turks leland , Bowes, .Ca ratadi. St. 13 bed; Lisbon, Cadiz, Inca, Nears, &c.„ all of which will be sold at bargain prices from vessels, store and storehouses. --Any purchaser wishing to Askant from a good assortment will Mid it to hii interest to call. N. B.—Pine table milt put up in small bags of different sizes, and constantly eta hand in ship ping order. Alai:a splendid article of Rock Ground salt, in quirt boxes. put up and fair sale by the quantity, in ensue of fire dozes each. • Nen York, April let, 1869.-10! tiIIERSONS wishing to change their buairiesa 1 - to a rapidly itereaAirig County., 1 New Set. dement where huadrada are going. .Wheri the climate ia. mild sod delightful. _Nee advertise. meat of Hatommatoa Settlement, another -ad mtuL- 100 BUSHELS I=l sAltro3kipts LIVER i LIVER INVIGORATOR I ' 4 .1 , . . ..1 - a wry. al -Denitsr,VrEs.' , a l tlscompartatted eatlrrly from Dtilete,sal li Tas tams. sa ollabla lad tact, lasnasta Ilitaals, laser ~,,,,,,,,,ii be on aoti Jame nted It Acid la acarno 1 woad to 1416 aott n w . / . 1 , at o f lall tkodiessata fur okra a is .1 la esonamealled. • , so. It to r carol al ,m, 1 vrttla r a 120 Lost too years 0 =siren tip:lltl s 7 , - NO treJer. :Lab; Unsa.M.ll .... The tles• Meg Witte fill I, do tempentaost or. bs Igl i inch tart asst a, ~a ti g led la Midi gliusAllall 41 l il I ail geolly .Oa beat i Let the illetaes of 3Our i L IutIpEVIII piLle loustn ala . oh . ! We Or thilLlVElt ri-l.„, VIGORATO a, .4 a .... 0 1 a - Mauro Liver Co ire•', lia , plaints, Intlorls At. :,„' tacks, Dyspepsta,l el. Chronic Diarrhoea, PI i ' Maw - Dyseate- 0 . ry, Dropsy, San?' Stonsaeh,lla s hltnal fp' Coati vene an,. C ttislZ' Ir, Cholera, Choir. laallorbiaz,Cholailt 1 I latantunt , Plata. 17 . knee, Jaan d I e, l I rent ale Weakness- 4 •41 es, .4 msy tin 11.1 'prac•l_ . leetteLtli 1. WI Ordinal.. ~... ry Family Deal-, Fa ict... - itivin.inetc 'll E ADAC,' E 4 tat! • , theillsaltds can teallyJ In IMI twenty ntlaute4.lll flaro or three Tea, 01 - spaputals are flak- leo at CuillOameealcut of . 1 .7.1 stack- A.l- who use Ulm. !giving Melt leetlomoty ba la KR favor. s _.1111:X. WATERI.III THE IIIOrTII WITH :11111: IS VIGOILATOII, AS L) SWALLOW' ~... DOTII TOGILICII Ell. im Price tintl Dollar peg /tattle. ...,_ . 0 . - SAIiTTORD'S • - - •I FASIII.IF lt , CATHARTIC - PILLS % t i .... 19. Pure Vegetall,E l GLASS CASES, 11.1.. In any climate, , Tbo Famlly• Ca tie Ma active ratlerile used in prsettee more The maudantly leerwMitie Itavelonewsedtbn express in reptni h. their Ilunn within tin resehof an. The Cerinnonno well Show! as different pc ellons oil the i The NA3I11.1( CA boo, wth due referee.. to been emnposinded frobi • table Emmet& whieb, eel alimentary canal. 'sob are Twhere • Ca hlnle I. angemelnle of the • .... Palos I.i Ihr Costiveness, bosh the whole frequently. It neglected. err. /Awe of Appe• imam. ofeald over need, Headache, fR• all lellaire neater' , children er verifier of the Crab is heir. too orumerona, wan: Dooe.l toff PRICEI TII The Liver lo , khr. tharlle Pills ant rend wind wholesale by the Trade •& Te • W , SA: " 33 Bre Kelm, i'OUNDRD FOAM tracts, and put up In Tight, and trill keep ri, • I kart le PILL Icitrctu • ,5 ablett lin practicer Wu than twenty years. demand from die° hho • 1N.21 and the annsatetion what, hosludocel ow to plant! • M it et dyfercut Cathartic. ad tPg Ins e*... Tit AftTte P 11.1. - tha troll etent•lfahnl lad, D :4•S e e? , . :te ry po v rest artn ti.T. t e- e gwend ..I safe in altx... needed, soh as glee. Stour air 1t . ., tileepl. uz ll ' inS k Sere a la il Lo oTre g trans c uri e s Zia. which ..• end 10 • long mune of Fe. C . ' We, a Creeping !ea. , 2 the ',nay Rent le..- -. eight targlhe bead, CO ildDnseasca, Warms la - , 'then mat la in a crest utdmacya...pec , araUdi ... ,et to mention to Ma adverllan co Co TREE ilimicsi. ...odor and Faintly Ira led by ttniggisto centrally, and Centrally, 111 .11 the large What. 'al FORD, St. D. ManorKturerron liornielor, ay, New lock. Nair lqt - iintturill • .TO ALL WANTING FARMS, A Rare Opportdpity in a Delightful and Healthy Climate 110 Miles Son theast of Philadelphia, on the Camden and Atlantic Railroad, . NOV JERSEY. • N old estate consisting of several thousands of acres-oft productive soil has been - Ail. ided into Panes of various sizes to suit the purchaser. A population ofisertie Fifteen Hundred, from va rious parts of ate middle States and New Eng land have settled there the past yeaf; improved their places, anil raised crops. The price of land. is at the low stain of from 815 to $2O per acre; the Soil is of the best quality for the production of Wheat. Cord, Peaches. Grapes and Vegeta bles. IT IS I CONSIDERED THE BEST FRUIT SOIL IN THE UNION. The place is perfectly seetilie from frosts—the destructive enemy of the f#mer. Crops of grain, grass and quit are now growing and call be seen. By re aming the place itself; : correct judgement can be formed of [ the productiveness of the land. The terms are made easy to secure the rapid im provement of the land, which ja only sold for actual improve eat. The result has been, that Within the pasklyear, some three hundred houses have been ereVed, two mills, one steam, four stores, some forty rinyards,and peach orchards, planted, and a! large number of other improve. ments, makkiglit a desirable and active place of business. 'THE MARKET, ite'the reader m F t . y r perceive t rom its lecation;is the B IN TIIE Produce brining double the price than in lo eaticns away itorn the city, and more than dou ble the price than th, West. It is known that the iarliest and best fruit-and vegetables in this latitude come from New Jersey, and arc annual ly exported !filth° extent of millions. le Jettating here the settler has many advan-, tages. He within a few hours' ride of the great eities,oflNew Englaed and Middle States, he is near his iild friends and associations, he is in a settled country where every improvement of comfort and civilization ht. at hand. He can buy levery article he wants at the cheapest price, and sell his. prodeee for the highest, (in the West this is reversed,} he has schools for his children, i divine services arid will enjoy an open winter. and delightful! climate. a here fevers are utterly unknown. Tffe result of the change upon those from the nor/h. has teneraily been to restore them to n excellent state of health. In the way lof building and improving,. lumber earl be obtaieed at the mills at the rate of rile to :31.5 per thou-and. Bricks from the brick yard opened the place, every article can be procured in the place, good carpenters are lit hand, and there is no place in the Union where buildings and improvements can be made cheaper. . The reader will at once be struck with the advantages here presented, and ask himself why the property etas not be•tn taken np before. The reason is, it.l was never throw): in the market, and unless these statements were current, no one would be invited to_exannne the land be fore purchasing. This all are expected to de. They will see land under cultivatidn, such is the extent of the settlement that they will no doubt, =edifier -one from their own neighbor boort; they dill witness the improvernent and can judge the eharaetersof the population. If they come With a _view to. settle they should come prepared to stay a (1.4 or two and be ready to purehase,lis locations cannot be held on re fusal. I There are ; two daily trains to Plitfadelphia aid to all settlers wi: improve, THE RAILROAD COMPANY GITES A FREE TICKET POE SLT MONTHS, AND A was 6We TICEET FOR THREE YEARS. TqE TOWN OF HAMMONTON. In connectien with the agricultural settlement, a new and thriving Lowe has naturally arisen, tchi It presents inducements for any kind of busi ness. particularly stures and ma'nufadaries. The Shoe business could be carried on in this place and market good advantage, also cottotrbusi hewe, and troinufactories of agricultuaal imple ments or ESondries for casting small articles. The improvement has been so rapid as to insure constant and permanent increase of business. 1 Toe 0 lets of a good size, wedo not sell small ones, as it would effect the improvement of the place, can be bad at from 5100 and upwards, The HanMumion Farmer, a monthly literary and agricultural sheet, .contatuing full informa tion of Hammonton, can be obtained at 25 cents per annum. Title indisputable—warrantee deeds given, clear of alt I ineunabrance when money is paid. Route to the land: Leave Vine street wharf, Philatielphial t fur Hatiamont s un by Railroad, at. 7 : 30 , IL m, or 4:30. p. m, fare 90 cents. When there inquire for Mr. Byrnes. Boarding conven iences on hand. Venire had better step with Mr. Byrnes, a principal. 'until they have decided as tb pUrcitatlig, as. he will shout them over the land in his [carriage, free of expense. Letters and applicatfoos can be addressed to Landis & 'Byrnes, Hammonton P. 0, Atlantic Co., New Jersey, or IS. B. Coughlin, 202 South Fifth Streets, Ph;sladelphia.r Maps and information cheerfully fernithed. aug. 11. 8 in. Administiators' Notice- WHEREAJti, Letters of Administration have been ;granted to the subscribers on the es tate. of Deihl Buffam, late of the township of Apolaeon, deeenied, all persons indebted to the said Mate are,lequeeted to - make immediate pay. meat, also' . all- persons having jest lemon& nainst the same will please present-them duly stahentieat+d for settlement to Wm. Bottum, Priendmilln. BOFFUIf,' Admen ,. JOSEPH BUFEUX, Apolaeon, Aogostibth-4)ic Ling*GA !ITJEOS...—A new Jest vt 66 Celts, by ' LYONS 41, IF, 41C*1. a. M. renewal' lg. Co., • , Alll4T:sag **eats, at 119 Nassau-sty New- ork. sad 1.0 kitate-st, Bolds; , ark agents 11144 Montt-ors INstrocrat, and are au thorized to Voutract for as 4 oar lowest rates.• R. KEN YON_ JR. & CO. W ° s ") . res ner e .l " 4,,y .°ll r c a 411. s . illa rtign e r ° o n f DRY GOODS this day received, consisting in.part of atifollows: Rich Black Moire Antique Bilk itie. per Card; Foulard Silk, nice style, 6s. per yard; Rich Plaid Silk, the very -neatest patterns, 10s. per yard; Black Silk, 28 inches wide, from 1a..t0 12s. per yard: splendid Black Silk Shawls from $8 to $ll. the finest assortment in Susq'a Co.; nee invoice of Ginghains, at very low prices; also of Calicoes; large s:oek of Denims, Mixtures, Plaids, end Lawns; Printed Shawls • from 7s. to $5; 'Broths Shawls from $5 to $25; Collars front 6 cts. to 20a.; Parasols from Bs. to 245. each; Bonnet, a large shark; Ribbons and Flower* also a new invoke of Genii' Shoes.:—Conivreec Enamelled and Call Skin; Lildles Congres:Gal ter+, Kid and Enameled; Misses Calf and. Ensim.. oiled Bouts; Children Pat odi Boots, gaiters and everything, in that ilne. They, would also call attention to the fact that having an arrangement with one of the largest Importing !louses in New York they will receive regularly New 'Styles. as fast as they appear in New Yerit.end' will take the greatest pains to please all whti call and see and wish to purchase. Particular attention paid to procuring fine goods—in every style. N 'PMBJELI3. A new lot this day rec,ieed. , and would re spectfully solicit an examination of the - Same Good Tea at 35., chi prircs, also at 48.65. 6s. 8s 'KV G &WS.. COFFrE...Java, Rio and 'Ground Coffee, SALER:ITU...J=Oi Pyle's, Babbitt's Mod.t ieinal. end Exzelsior, &e. NAILS, and also a new stock of WALL PAPER. and WIN. DOW PA PER. this day received. FARM. LNG TOOLS of the most approved patterns. i ° 4l=ool a 1.0 1 . 37 .7 . Gold Band, Shaded, Blue Band, and all the new styles, as fast no they appear in New York. FL61;111 constantly on hand- SILT by the barrel or sack. PATENT MEDICINES, GLASS, and everything Are vott want. . It. 1i EN YON JR. & CO btu - svil le Centre, Pa., June Bth, 1859 THE NEW ERA! SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, at Great Bargaimi.—lleady-Pay and Small Profits: II.33II7I=LPLITT Is nbw receiving a full and choice Stock of Spiing - nod Summer Goods, including a great variety of Rich Prints in new u tylee, Gingham, sod Fancy Lawns,Cbullis, Robes, Silk Dress Tissues, and BArages,Black and Fancy Silks, Poplins, &c.; with a superior assor moot of Silk, Broehe, Cashmere and Stella-Shawls; Mantillas, Parasols, Rich Ribbons, Bonnets and Flowers, Broad Cloths, Cassimeres, §uiumer Stuffs, &C., with a large assortment of other Stapl© and Fanty.Goods, as usual in-Groceries.Croeherv, Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails, Stoves, Drugs, Paints, Oils, Boots !Ind Shoes, flats and. Caps. Clocks, Carpeting Floor Oil-Cloths. -Wall Paper, Painter} Window Shades, &c. The entire Stock being large and bought for Cash, will give superior opportunity fUr choice selections, sod; it} accordance with the spirit of the times, will ho sold for Itiutdy Pay, 10 to 25 per cent. below Regular Prices. An examination of the Goods and Prices-will be found profh ablo to those who- wish to key. Flour & Salt constantly on hand. New Milford, May 4th, 1{539. EEAR YE! FEAR YE! : PEI!. .111Iff: • BLACK and Colored Dress Silks,Collnra and Underslceves, Lace Valls Bro. tissue (or Esmeralda, Cotton Yarn, Carpet Warp, T . Bard Boxer and Bonnet Boards, SU 'lt. Iply of Galleons. Corn Starch and Ta pier, for puddings. Cheap at IL C. TYLER'S. Montrose, June•Sth, 1859: G. F. FOIUMIALM 11 AS removed his shop across the street, to the 'building one door below Keeler dt Stoddard'-, which he has fitted up expressly fer a- Saddle, Harn'oss and Trunk Shop Where mar be found all kinds of .„ • 7 • from the'heaflest team, to the lightest trotting harness, - and a general assornfent•of trimmings, which will he made up or meld very low. Carriage Trimmings: A good assortment on hand, which will be sold very low; al? trimming done cheaper than else where. 1 OAK 'LEATHER on hand. from which harnesses will be made and NAT4stinnistaatea.,torney. .01-please bear in mind that I wii4l to settle up I,IICO a year. Those having unsettled account., or notes doe, will oblige by settling or making, payment without fu r th er delay. 11. F. FORMANT, Feb. 24th, 1859.1 Montrose, l'a. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA A Belerdent In.ititution,established by spieial en -clogernent for the relief cl the sick and distressed, alTlictefi with Virukro and Epidemic diseases. THE Howe RD ASsOLIATION,in view of the aw. NI destruction of human life,caused by Sex ual diseases, and the deceptions practised upon toe unfortunate victims of such diseases by Quacks, several .yeari ago directed their Con suiting Surgeon, as a CRARITAHLT ACT worthy of their name, to open a Dispensary for the treat ment of this class of diseases, in all their forms, MI to give 111EDICALAnVICE GRATIS, to all who apply be letfer, with a description of their con dition, (age, occupation,-habits of life, &c.,) and in eases of extreme poverty, to furnish medicines free of charge. It is needless to add that the Associfttion commands the highest medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most improved modern treatment. The Directors of the Association, in their An. neat Report upon the treatment of Sexual Di seases, for the year ending January Ist, 1858, ex press . the highei4 satisfaction with the success Which has attended ibe labors of the Consulting Surgeon in the cure of Spernuitorrhcea.Seminal Weak nese, Impotence, Gonorthees,Gteet,Sy pill is, the vice of Oolnism or Self-abuse;Atm, and'or. der a continuance of the same, plan - for the en suing year.. An admirable Report rt Spern3atorrhrea, or Seminal Weakness, the rice of Ounnisnt, Master bation,'or Selt-abuse, and, other diseases of the sexual organs, by the Consulting Surgeon, will be ient by mail (in a sealed envelope), FREE OF CHAROE, on the receipt of TWO STAMPS fur postage. Other Reports end Tradts on the nature and treatment of Bestial diseases. diet. &c.. are constantly being publish ed for gratuitous distribution and will be sent to the afflicted. Some of the new remedies and methods of treatment discovered during the last year. ire of great value. . ! Address, for Report, or Treatment,' Dr. SKI LLJN HOUGHTON; Acting Surgeobillow ard Association, N 072 South Ninth Street, Phil adelphia. Pi. By order ofthe Directors. EZRA D: HEARTWELL President. tied FAIRCHILD. Seey. oe 28.11( HE HAMMONTON FARMER—A news TPaper devoted to Melanie and. Agricet:. tore, also setting forth full acationts of the new setAment of Hatamontoti, in New Jersey. PM be subscribed foi at only 0 cents per. NI am. - loctioe vote,* stamps for the.amottat. dr o ss editor of Partner Hammonton ;' P. 0. At: hunk .tiew lensey. Those wishing iheap land, of the bastrotality in one of ide healthiest and most delightful tamales in the Upton ; and sobers crops are never cut down by the roma, the terrible scourge of Ms north, see adiettisn. meat of Hammonton Land/. - . DEM wanting chaile of el tome for 'with. 800 atlyertinementsof fiagaroontoit fallibiliztotiler column. _ NIVAW FIRM. Stour, Arta* Vroilision Start, At BIONTILOSE, Pa., ONE door below .1: Etblidge's Drug Store-, A.venue, where ; be found constantly_ on band a general assortment of GROCERIES': Such as Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Teas, Coffee &c., dec » &c. Alit) the choicest brands of . FAMILY, FLOUR Meat, Lard, Pork, Hams, Fish, Candles itte. We solicit IL share of the public patronage. and pledge ourselves to do the fair thing, hoping by elicit bargain:to secure another. BALDWIN & ALLEN. Wu. L ALLEN. ALFRED BALDWIA WM. B. SIMPSON; W_ATEII. Shop ,in Boyd d• Webster's nem building, next door above Keeler & Stoddard's. HAVING worked for the past nineyeari with the most skilltul workmen he feels confident that he can do,the mout dilictdt jobs on short notirs. 111 Work Warrantrd to Give Satidoctiou W. B. Sumo* has worked forme for some time, and I can recommend him All a careful and akitful workman, competent to do as good work as can be &due in the country, and worthy of confidence. W. A. Ciwtozhria. Towanda June 10th, 1858. 'Refers to—Win. Elwell, E. W. Baird,"E. D Montayne, E. O Goodrich, B. Kingsbury, Town! da ; B. S. Bentley, L Searle, G. D. Lathrop J. Wittenberg, Montrose. * * *Jewell neatly repaired on short notice and on reasonable terms. [June 15th, 1555.—tf. HMIIII 111 MIL ry T HE subscriber having purchased •••• refitted and newly furnished th. I " • above well known and popular Hotel, I II is prepared to accommodate the tray= D oling -public and others with all the attentions and conveniences usually found i = n--first-elatut Houses. No effort will be spared 14 - the Pro prietor and his Aseistants to make the Hoist' -equal in every point to any in the country; The Bar will always be supplied with the Choicest Liquors. - The Stables, connected with this House aro large, roomy and convenient, and careful and attentive Hustlers are always in charge of them. _ • J. S. TARBELL. Montrose, May 13th, 1858. KEYSTONE HOTEL, At Montrose, Penn. WM. IL HATCH, Proprietor. Tills new lied commodious Hotel situated on Public Avenue, near the Court House,and nearly in the centre of the -business portion of Montrose, is nob fu ly eompletedand furnished, and will be opened on Monday. the nth day -of the present month for' the accommodation of the public and travelers. The Proprietor feels confident that he is now prepared to entertain guestain a manner that cannot fail to Aries Complete Satisfisetion. The Hotel and Furniture are new, and no'it. pence haS been spared to render it equal, if not superior to any similar establishment in this part of the State. It is well supplied with all the recent improvements and comforts, and obliging waiters will always 'be . readyto respond to the call of customers. ,The Stables connected with this House are New end convenient. The Proprietor respectfully suflicus the patron age of his old friendr, and the public generally. WM. K. HATCH. Montrose, September 11st, 18511. SUMMER .AltatitillGEMENT. 'MEW RAILROAD ROUTE— DELAWARE. ,L't *LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAIL. ROAD.—New at.d expeditious broad gunge 'route from the Nort and West, via Great Bond ano Scranton, and from the Lackawanna and . Wyoming valleys, through to New York and Philadelphia. - On and after Monday, April 11th, 18.59, trains - will be run as follows: The Cincinnati Ex. Train bound east on N. Y dr, Erie_ll.. R. arrives nt Great Bend at 6.10 a. in. and connects with the-EXPRESS Train Which leaves Great Bend for New York and Philadelphis at 8.10 a. m. Due at Montrose, - 8.45- " _ Tunkhannock, 9.24 " Factoryville, 9.48 " Scranton, • . 10 35 " Moscow, ' 1 L 22 " Stroudsburg, 1.26 p. m. ".Water Gap, 1.30 . " Delawsre,(lsminutes to dine,) 2.04 ' 6 Bridgeville, 2.35 " ' Junction, 3.25 " New York, ` 7.15 ." Philadelphia, 8.15 " Passengers from N. Y., leave Pier No. 2 North River t bt . From Phi Indelphis,lealte Walnut St, Wharf, at 6.00 " Leave Junction, 10.50 " Duoatßridgeville, 11.37 " Delaware,(ls min.lodinner),ll.s2 " ! Water Gap, . 12.29, p. m. Stroudsburg, 12 41 " ': . Mono w, - 226 " Scruple°, • . 3..10 . Factoryville, 7 ' . 3.58 " - Tuakkannock, .-; • 4.15 " Montrose, 4.53 " Great Bend. .- : . 5.25 " Connecting it Great Behd with the Mail Train, west, at' Accommodation Train leaves Scram ' ton for Great Bend 'at 8.10 a. m. Arrive at Great Bead, 12.40 p. in. Connectirig with the Dunkirk Expres west at 1 10. the EinigrantTrain west at 1.53, and the N. Y:ExpTa, east, at 1.66 p. m. Retaining, leaves Great Bead at 2.00 p. in. Due at Scranton, 6.15 " For the accommodatiob of way travel on the Southern,Division, a passengel•car will be at tached to the Express Freight Tntins,leaving . Scrantou, at 4.00 a. In. Due at Stroudsburg at 10.05 6 . 6 . ___ Junction at w— 2.20 p. m Returning, wiiHeav e /unction at 3.30 a. m Due at Stroudsburg at '7.02 " si• ; Scranton'4..-: _. 2.30 p. m Passengers to andfrom New York ch - ange ears at inaction—to and from Philadelphia at Bridgeville. 'For _ Pittston, Kingston, and estos rre, take L & B. R. It., core, at-Scranton. For Jessup, Archbald, and Carbondale, take the Stages at Scranton. Tickets sidd,and baggage checked through. • JOHN BRISBIN, Sup't.' WK. N. Jungs.Gen't Ticket Agent Scranton, April- 615,- 1859. ' THE SECRET 11171:101=8 Of YOUTH AND MATURITY - Jost Published Gratis, We 25th McLean& an, A PEW Words on the Rational LA.: Treatment vdtbout Medicine, ."" of Sperdtatorrhea or Local Weak ness, klueinroal Emissions, Genital and Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of the System, imps,- Laney and imppdiment to Marriage generally, DE LANEY. 11. D. The important fret' that the many shinning - complaints. originating ht-the Imprudence and solitude of youth, may be wily removed wmt our mr.olcoei-hiln . this sinall tract, elosrly de. toonstrated ; ,snd the entirely. new and siceesefal treatment, as adopted by the Author, fully explslned,bytttesns of wbleb emery one , is enabled to cure pe.rfectlyand at the legit possible cest,thereby aviddiocitil the - ad.. Yertised nostrums of the day.. Seat ta'any addreas, gratis 'Ma PO free ills sealed envelope, by remitting (post paid) two postage stamps to Dr. B. DE LANEY. 158 East Ist Street. New York City. , (D7yeqp. A CHEAP and easy r4.yedy tor. the Piles sad 211.,,C0n5. Try it. Also Meyers %Used Mice ratteriplastor. sold by. 1. & - yoNO &SON. June 'as. - (MI 1 Gifts! Gifts! attts THE ORIGINAL GIFr BOOK: stoRE. D. W: EVANS, dr Or.). / THE 1 . 677 BROADWAY, 677 1/THE FIFTH - NEW • FIFTH' YEAR:.; ESTABLISHED 1854. ; - YE4R. IHE following in partial Ilk of property • • • •- • THr. which *IS givia'te the Books at the time or sale: -worth from Gold Watebes.Englialativer, // Patent Lever and - Lepines, $30,00 to $lOO,OO Silver Watehes,Patent Lever, ,i' open face Anil 'eylinder cepement,l,oo to 40,00 Gold Lockets, Large aizistour glasaes, and two grasses with Ppringi, large and small size with , snap, • Cameo, Masan% Flotentino, Painted, ;Lava, Goidatono, Garnet, and Coral Seta of Pins and Drops, Ladies { Gold Guard Chains, Fa'ney Neck Chains, Chain:. Isins. 8,00 to Gents' Fob and Vest Chains, 10,00 to Sets Cameo,Goldstune,Paint: ed, Mosaic, Garnet, Onyx. Engraved and Plain Gold Sleeve Buttons and Bosom Gold Pettrits,with Peasjarge. medium and small, Silver Penr i ps,withGold polo, -large, medium ind small size, double and single, ex- tension eases, Gentii' Heavy Signet Rirgn, Ladies' Gold- Chased and Plain Rings, Gents' thard DosomPins,Clns. ter, with Opal, Scarf Pins, Onyx, Garnet, &c., ;. _ 1,50 to Rich Silk Dress Patterns, 22,00 to Cameo, Mosaic, Coral Garnet, Chased 'and Plain Oval Bracelets, - cop to Silver and Gold Thimbles, 50 to Gents' Pen and V'ocket Knife, 60 to Pearl and Morocco Porte. moues' es, Toothpicks,• Watch Keys, Guard Slides, Gold Crosses, steal!, medium and large, . . Besides other Gifts, comprising a lal-ge and valuable assortment of miscellaneous articles, varying from SI to $4O. Thyproprietors of the OLDEST ESTAB LISHED GIFT BOOK STORE IN THE UNI TED STATES, for the uninterrupted success which has crowned their earnest efforts to please during the last four years, wouktreturn their sin: ecru thanks to the hundreds of thousands who have, in paat'time, seen Et to, bestow their lib ere) patronage upon them ; and would further assure them, and the public generally, that their long experience and established capital warrant 'hem In offering greater inducements than ever, and ouch as are out of the reach of any similar establishment in the country; and propose, in this, "THE FIFTH YEAR of their location in New York. to introduce - NEW FEATURES. STILL GREATER ATTRACTIONS,. GIFTS of GREATER VALUE and VARIETY* A still Larger and Bar ter Selected StoOk of FOONS. Commissions and induciments to clubs and to agents who aro willing to devote their time to our business; so that three who desire can have Er . GIFTS AND Boors WITHOUT- Illorstr."B4 We shall endeavor to establish an agent in evety town in the United States, so that all who will may benefit by oar liberal system of trade. We hive appointed A. 3: GERRITSON our duty authorized agent fur MONTROSE and vicinity, who will receive and forward all orders with atteution'and derpat4. ANEW AND REVIr3ED CATALOGUE, 'ready for distribution, containing every desira ble book, new or old, now .in print; and ac knowledged by librarian's and literary men to be the most complete and beat classified ever is sued, without an exeoption. are now ready to be given away, mailed free to any address, to all parts ofthe world. It contains all th , , works on Art., Science and Nat.) E IPhilosophical & Clas. oral, ; aical Works, Adventures, Travels.•: V .?Historical and Mis. - &c.,' A cellanentis, Agricultural and Do-; N Toetical, Theological, mestic Economy, st • Religious, Beltes_Letiers,Essays,', ;Law, Medical, Mason. 3tc., 41 , , • , Bibles, • 'Standard Fictions, Biographies, c iPrayer, Hymn and Dictionaries, . Glee Books, Encyclopedias, 'Text Books , for Gazetteers, - i Schools, &c., &c., And a thousand varieties'of publications in eve. ry department of literature. We sell as low- - and. in many cases, loWer than—any other house in the country ; and with every book of the value of one; dollar or more, We • present some useful Gift, without extra charge. LET • EVERY. ONE CONSULT- HIS _ OWN INTEREST, buf at EVANS' Gift Book Store. /HE ( examine the prices -of books, see the I F " !beautiful gifts so freely scattered, among our IT • . patrons, and be satisfied that the on. th:lf 11•4 economical way of buying books is at 'TO NO 6TI BROADWAY. GhT LAFARGE HOTEL BUILDING, jOUR )WE GUARANTEE PERFECT MT. EU Es{ • ISFAETION. ANL! JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES. GIFTS t E e xamlne our plan of business. Any on can who will. Observe the daily 18 distribution of watches, gold and silver; AT vest, chatelsine, and guard chains; brace. EllWiets, cameo, manic, coral, goldetoae,, GIFT ,garnet and gold sets of pin - and clasps; Rog ;bracelets, large, medium and small size; STOiering", chased, plain and set with stones, " llli cameo, goldstono,. coral ; mosaic and en. - ,graved' studs and sleeve buttons; scarf 677 • i pine, crosses, gold pens and pencils; gold BROAlqperts in silver arid morocco cases, and a •W IT, {thousand other articles of use and value. NEW. A Gift with every book worth from 50- YORK ;cts to 03100,00:• Send for a Calesingue. CITY.; It will coat you nothing, and will be '',valuablo as a book of .reference,if noth !ingioore. Address D.W.EVANS do CO. No 677 Broadway, New-York. !li 7.30 a. In N. 11;—A WORD OF EXPLANATION TO those who have known us under the - ityle of Evans & Co. The Business located by us at No. 677 Broadway, Nei, York City, is the oldest established house in the minntry, and is know, world•widei-ns the original "Evans, & Co.'s Gilt Bookstore." Many have taken the advan tage of our popularity to advertise under the same aame,l6increase, their trado:•-•to protect the few who may be.unacquainted with us, we would state that we have no connection with any other Gift-Book House—and though many advertise undei.the name of Evans & Co:, the firm Consti tuted by D. W. EVANS and J. H. PRESTON, Is the first and only cohcern rigiitfully'uslng the allele. Bet to prevent all confusion in the future, we shall use the style of • • • D. W. EVANS & CO., - • • and .29 persona wrongfully acing the appella tion to mislead the public,. wilt be made to suf fer the penalty of the law. . . . D. W. 1aw.... &CO.. - 877 Broodway, New ap 28, 17.1 MARRIAGE GUIDE. - A NEW BOOK, BY . WILLIAM YOUNG, ` M..L ;,,.„. The secret to coanship, love marriage with the diseases dent to youth, maturity and'aid age; being lights sad shades of nuuried ii(o, its joys and sorrows, hopes •/.41.4- .. teem sad diseppointmente. - Let all married people. or those oontemplating Montage and having the least impediment to Married. life, read this book. `Lee every yonog mac and :woman in the land read this book. It is full of Plates, sod discloses secrets that every one should knovr, &little knowledge at, first may. save a world of trouble to after life. • Send for scope (enclosing SUM. to IIR. Wm. YOUNG. . v) - • 416 flpruceatT Phitadelphli. TBETMLow•GUN AND PLAIN TEETH, A* . 4DEIA • ' Spoftilaor King's Evil, Wit eonStitirtional 'disease, a corruption of the /blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, • igialt.'and poor.,' Being its the circulation, it • ?reach* the-whale body, and may burst out m dkeaserut auy part Of it.. No organ is free , frau its Attack ., nor is theedone which it may Num ile-troy. The scrofulous taint i.... vat itimly emocti by, mercurial I.4..exetc, -low living. di,- _ordered or unhealthy food, impt - i,ie cur. tidh . and lathy Inshits,:the depressing viee-s, and, ohorct - .411.;iti the "entreat •iorectton. What ever: lie its oriitio,,it is Lend:airy in the rap stitiition, th.‘,.:islim , . , from iitirents to eltildren unto the thinl nod fourth generation r ir,dectr. .it seams to be the rid of Bitty who rays, .. I will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their chddren„" • - Its elrects , cammenee by deposition from the blood of ctirrupt . or ulcerous matter, which, hi the lungs - liver, and Interual organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swelling.; and on the tarfaceimruptitime or sort_:. 'Elis foul coy - ruption, which.gradere in the blood. depr.--mcs the energio. , of life, en.ihat srrofulomt coiroi:a tiatue not only salter ! from serofulines • ~..,,,t. plaints, but they have !fir loss power to NS jib. stand the attacks of other (1:•-eo4s : can.;. glee:lay, ,v ast members perish b. dint ii which, 'ultimo:at lint scrofulous in their man i ••, .arc still read .1131 fetal by this taint in ti..., system. . - Nhst of the Milt.s . timPtion which el.- '" cimates- the liu:Unn'family in, it% orig-ii directly in this 'scrotitlons rattan Malmo,: ' and ninny doitructive - disoiseecof the liver, kidneys, bran, .and, indeed, of ill the Ore;a4s, or:se from or - aVe a,l',7,rarated by the sane comm. ' One quarter of all-cur people are Kri.fultno.; their persons are invaded l.y this linking in fection, and their health l.‘ undermined by it. 'rceleanse it frimetl It! 5p4.111 we insist rem,vme the blood by mi alterative medicine, and in , vigoratc - • 'it •by I healthy "food and exercise. _Such a ir:aliclue 'we supply in. . I 7,50 A'S. - EMS Compound ENtrati, of Sarsaparilla, •the most Wee' tool remedy which the tuedical skill of our times can devise forthis every where prerailing and fatal miiladv. It is rem . blued froui the most active rcaleclials that bay, been di.-covered fur the t xpurgi,tion of this f , til disorder from the blood, and the incise or the system from its dei.truerve cousequen:.e, I Hence it should he — loipl,,yed for the cure • f not only scrofula, lint also these other Lions whi - ch arise front it, such as : and §irts As rivisCa Pm •, Itosa, or EUTAITE.I.49. r 1 , 711145. BIATCIIIDynr..4.I!6. and 11.n.i....1 umniti, TETTLR 'and SAtr Itarrn, llociwoum, • RIKEiIIATIS3I, STI.IIII,IIIC and Nli:ncrii %1.1)1,- EASE-v, ZnOrAY, DTSP:NW:V, I) 1' V. at (1, indeed; its. Coupt.sts - rs AtimlNO FIEUM Vrr: Tau on lurcuc ri,nio. 11* popular 1. het' Jill , * impurity lf Mc„Lborl " is fin:wird itt trt.t , for scrofula is a degenyration of tic particular pukf.e and,vixtue of this•?..- . rilla is to purify and regereAtc thf-vital without 'which wattal henith hi illlo.4.lLie in COlnanlinatf.d.,COLStiellinon.S. Ayer's .Cathartie Pills, FOR ALL THE FURICSES OF A 17,MILY FOTO, are,to composed that cli,.rat.r trithin the reeve their action eau rarely M ith.tanil or rt. th. Their penetratinte piopertits sray.h, and rleanre, and insitoratc csery portion of the bliturti ism, correcting its artion, and •:.,• its healthy it,lities, As a 4 '011 , 1 4 0 :v . .. properties, the invalid Nilafl is i.s,neA pain or physical dehilit. is aaot.iahrd t, aml health or chertiy nstaied I.y a reuntly at Ilitee simple and inntieg. Not only di, thet tree the t"trty-day rntnplail • • of etery Jody, Lut aim, warty n.rt:lsol..l .• .1 dangerous diseases. 31e agent Lritsur earned :a pleased to_fornish gratis ore American a'', containing certificates of their mcres and c'-ireeti... for their use in the folloning coinpiaints: Cost, s near, ilenrlkoroalemfarte aripiryl rout tfiy). tire, it Stomach, .Vanave, to and ..Lck .4 lotzetionof thr.lictrels, E.ottt , . tier!, .1.1,13 9 1 . Join.dier, and otio , r Lindri d fotenler risi,ter ajuts Itt:att: of the Lamyurits Functions.. Ayer's Cherry Peet9ral, EO4l T:IE ILAND CeEr: OP CotlgtlE, Colds, luilueuza, lloarsene..q, Croup, Bronchitis, Inripicnt COUSTII.Ip. tion, and for the relief of Conmi Patients - in advanced NM:4es of, the disease. So wide is the fir ld its erndne.t. ynd MI- IllerMlX - are lire rare. Of its rt,:es, that every seetion td etntntry al nut:ds in pt. not, 14.1, lids- known. who has e Luen re-ton-Li from tn.annd , 4 and even desperate diseases tine limns Lt Iti use. \rheas:ince tried. its or pi riuritt o‘er, t eery other medicine of its kinit is too appart Lulls ii" • ohsen - ation, and where its virtues are knan-n, tl public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distrhoring and . dangcrous Wet-tints!. of !Le minion .ry.ortrans that are ie.-Went to our climate. While marry inferior remedies throat upon the euinmpr.ity hove failed acid 1 r:en dist , arded. tl :s has gained friends by .-eery cs.tderred I...{:rhts on "the afflicted they ran neser Porgt t. and .m -diced cures too numerous and too remark:tile to be forgotten., DR: J. C. ATER tv. CO. .LOWELL. MASS. FOR SALE BY A. ToonEx.t., Montrose; A. P. MILLER, & Ce., Gibson;. ,1. Ilosronti; Friencherille; YOUNG & SMITH, bloomers; IRA SCOTT, Springville; IIAT; DEN BROTHERS. New Itlilford; .1:T. CARLISLE. Great. Bend; E. R. GROW, Glenwood; W. H. THAYER. DiMork; EATON & MOTLEY. ibrford, and all Druggistg. { tnii9 I y SALAMANDER SAFES. _ No. 26 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA,. Have now ;est head a Large assortment of 'Fire and Thief ;Proof Salamander Safes. Also, Iron Doors for Banks and Stores,tron Shatters, boll - Smith, all makes of Locka„ equal to any made in the United States. Five Safes in one Fire. All come out Right `with contents in good condition. THE SALAMANDER SAVES OF PHILADELPHIA AITAINSTIIIt WORLD. - EVANS & WATSON Hive hid the surest demonstration in the following certificate that their manufacture id Salaritander Safes has at length fully warranted the representations which have been made of themes rendering an undoubted security against the terrific element Philadelphia, Agri! 12th, i 856,, Mesta's, Rues & Wirms.---Gentlettien: It affords no the highest satisfaction to state you; that owing to the very protective' qualitiei of two of the Salamander Safes which we purchased of you some months since, we eared a large portion of oar jewelrpand all our bout'. papers, &c.. exposed to • the calamitous fire in Ranstead Place, on the morning of the Ilth inst. " When we reflect that thee Safes were located in the fourth story of the building we occupied , and that they sobseenently fell into a heap of boning ruins, where the vast concentration of heat caused the brake plates to molt, we cannel but regard the preservation of their raluelde contents as most convincing proof of the gnat security afforded by your Safes. . We shall take lunch pleasure in recommend• lag tfiem to men of busitiess as a sure reliafice against fire. GEORGE W.I3IIIIIONS & SRO., Jettelfri, Who have porch'ssea six large Safes einee April 28, '6B-1)1. A,C RD. Gasses, Nov. 22d, 1858. THEREASthere have been some statentogs made by me againsit.RESECCA A. KELLEY, and whereas said R. A Kelley has commenced a snit against: me In the common pleas of Sus quehanna minty for trespass on the case. now for- tbe- sake of -a settlement of said Bait aud pane and, quietness I make the following keowledgMenta:. first I regret that I ever said Anything about said Kelley, and at this lima withdraw all charges , against her tbst 1 We made and do sot believe her. at this time - to Ruch k girl. - • • AF. BRUNDAGE. A HOMESTEAD FOR 810: A HOMESTAD CR FOR $100; also;• HOMESTEADS FOR $lOOO AND OVER, in a deairablo, healthy ininotry. ' 611:r AGENTS _WANTED!- Send for a Pato. Wet. AddrissE.BAUDE-R,141D AOEST. ivSltf.• _ fled Rosiat. SHOE Faetoriesean be e 9 r'ed on riStably at liatetaaeton. See Adrc , *Um of UAL