L. SISBELD, REPAIRS Clocks, Watches avid Jewelry / at abort notice, and on_ reasonable terms. 411 work warranted; Shop to Chandler& Jeaanea . -store, Montrose, Pa. [oc2.stf: NEW PUBLICATIONS . A NEW 800K...z ASS OSE TIUT DESTINED TO- BE RANKED AS TIIE BEST BOOB` OF THE SEASON NOW, READY. ~z • . TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH. MEMOIRS ROBERT-HOUDIN, AMEAsSADOR. . AUTHOR,. . • COX/UREIC, NAUXIAII, SECROMANCRft, • ioncEnEr., iNCHARTER,`AND - pnornslon OF SLEIGHT OF RAM) Written by biinself. • • EDITED BY • Dr. R. SHELTON .MAIXENZIE. With a copiou. Index. This Book is full of interesting and enter-. taMiug stneqintes, of the inter Views of the Great Wizard with the most distinguished pert,unagts of the present day, and gives de n-, im ions of the manner of performing many cf hi,moat.curious trickamnd transformations. Bound in one. volume,- 12mo, Cloth. 44 . pages. Price 4t1,00. • Aud upon the receipt of 21 - cents additional for postage, a copy otilre . Book and'a hand some prekent worth 25 cents tolsloo,oo, will be sent to any'person in the country. From the Editor's Preface. -4 A man .mayolot only " taketabis own life," by wilt: in." his Autobiography, without com mitting AO de se, but may carry himislf into future time, by producing a bock which the -world will not• willingly let die. This is what Mr. Robert-Houdin, the great' artist in what is called Conjuring, has lately done in the re markable book Sanfidence d'unPrestigiteur, a faithful translation-of which here pre tenterrto the American ieading.public. The work hits had the greatest success in Europe, from its lively style_as,vrell as the various in formation it contains, histc7rical and philcisod Ou the practice and ,principles of bleight-,X-hand, and the other details, mental as well as mechanical, which unite to make perfect the exhibition of White Magic, the antipodes of What our forefathers knew, per secuted and punished ai , the BlaCk Art. . tram the lre.stminster Review. " Without any sarcestie intention, we might chow that the,ConjurerAVes - really a man of greater ability than inany a - successful author. •On the whole we can recommend these Me - rooir• . of ltabert-liuudin's as pleasant reading." Published by GEO.-G. EVANS, No. 439 Chestnut St, PuttaDELPIIIA. - To whom all orders should be addressed. JUST PUBLISHED. Litre etalciTlxiatass COL. DANIEL BOONE History of the Early Settlement of .Kentacky. With aucttunts ur the Hardships and Ad• ventures of the Phineer, to which is added COL.:BOONBAUTOBIOGRAPNCOMPLETE, Aidiciated to J ohn Frlsun and-first published to "Cozo . yrt DANitt. BooNE was one the most remarkable men that ibis country ..:has produved. his charaeter is marked with originality, and his notions - were important and influential in one of ibe,most. interesting periods of our historr—that of the ea.ly set tlement of Kentucky., Boone is generally ark noivledged as The founder Cf that Stare, Laving exptured it alone to a considerable extent; leading the earliest settlers; founding 800 nesborfugli. having defended the stations successfor,y against the attacks of the Indians, and the prominent put which •lisc took in military affairs of this period of dirties and , vertsinly r e nder his claims to the honor of the ii•le founder of lientucy'very sirong." I Hatdsomely bound in one volume, 12rno, cloth, and illustrated with fine' engrriyings. i'rice $l,OO. . I.:dries of either of the above hooks pith a hanc3orne. Gift worth from 50 cents to , t 100; will Le sent to any person in the United Stites upon the receipt of #l,OO and 21rbts. to pay po.tage, by addressing the Publia!ber, is,,de , .irous of. calling your attention to Lis honorable method- (J.:transacting flusi treas. viz: With each Book that is bought at his Es tohlidtment, a Present is given away. worth from Fifty Cents to One irancireci Dollars. Ibe Presents are of good quality and of the i.e.kt Inanufneture; and compriae a large assortmont of Watobes, Jewelry, Silver Plated Ware, Silk Dress Patterns, etc., etc., etc., too numerous to mention. • Sad s (or a, complete Catalogue of Book; which. ai.:4 barn to yott free of expellee, and one teal mire you that the best place in the country to buy books at the large establinhtnent of 11 , GEORGE G. EVANS... .. . Tab, and Originathr of the GI rr Boos. Basins a. ' No. 439 blestnut Siseet. PllPariel phi a. Itisportawitiailenales.---Dr. Cheese luau's Pins Prepared by Cornelius lACheese men. Near-York City.' The combination of in gredients in these Pills are thcresult of a long and extensive practice.- They are mild -in their operation,and certains in correcting all irregulari-; ties, painful menstrientions,eenmeing all Astray -; tioris, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the Side, palpitation ofthe-heart, disturbed sleep, which arise from interruption of - nature. TO MARRIED LA DlES,these Pi Ile are inval uable, as they will bring on the-monthly period with regularity.- Ladies who have-been disap pointed in the use of otheepilli, can place the utmost oonfidenze in Dr. Choeseman'a Pills do ing ail they are represented to do. NOTICE.—Ther ehonlid not be used during Pregnancy, as a inis.carriage Would certainty re suit therefrom. Warranted: parely vegetable, and free from 'anything injuriotiq to life or health. Explicit direct:l . one, wbieh should be read: accompany each box. Price SI. Sent by mail - on ender.. _ing 81 to any authorized agent. 'IC. B. lIVICIIIAGS, 165 Chasibrrs.Bl,l*lo- Yin*, Genexal Agent for the Unfired Stales, to whom all Wholesale orders should be addressed. Dr.J.„Ar. LYMAN, Took bstrapek, sad ABEL TUR!tELL, MontrunerAgents. jao2o By purchasing Goods of Ziegler {-Whateerde Drug, Paint: and Wass Araters,) corner of Secoqd and Greets - tilts, Piellad'a, you have the advantage of select. ing year purchases; from AS extensive and varied. stoat of vilrei tee fiend, zinc, cOPrdrissiests and orindow - glasit of assorted sizes sot qualities. Allot theta are tooked" at nub prices as canhot fail to suit - the dosest buver. tiebl3 fejw YEW GOO DA. pouring in st.the 'VI. stoee' of J..-LYONS & SON, !where every thing goes ( . 11EA? fur Ciia.—Call quick: Out, IBth, 859. 'MEW GOODS, is iny line Of basil:wee. &Me , i'zg .'ABELTURRILL A- of tlingliataton .Water• Cure, _will he at - Susquehanna Depot (Nichol's Hotel) on of each month da ft the :Serie, anit,Summer :for eoninitation. likvalidi Will find - ItiWzitheir advantage to give him a Call. Patients received at all times at hie eatahliahment in Binghamton, N. Y., where every 'comfort and convenience may be found far the auccoatfal treetteentet.lacatawatf: ~. • . - WBee Invilorator. and‘ Pithily: Cadillac.' Pills, in another cotnmn. nepH Iv ‘Teacher Etzsminations. Iti'M'TINGS fat the 'exaniiitatiiii of Wane IV.it who delft,: to teach in the public schools of this county, will be held in the different town.. ships ak follows: Brooklyn, Nov. 5; Centre, 9a. in. Lathrop, . " ' 7, Hillsdale, . 9a. m. Lenox, " 8, *Bell S. It, 9a. M. Gibson, " 9, Union Hill, 10 a. m. Jackson,. " 30, No. 2, 10 ri. m. New Mihard, ' 11, Graded S. 8... 10 a.x m. Franklin, " 12, South S. H., 1011. M. Montrose' &/ - • " 1, Moutroso , 10 a. m. Bridgewater, . Dimock, "' ' 15, Public S. It, 10 a. tn. Springville, " 16; Public S,H., 10 a. tn. Auburn. _ " 17, Lowe S. IL. 10 a. m. Rush, " 18, Granger'sS.H.,lo s. m. Jessup, " 19, Bolles 5.. H., 'lO a. m. Forest Lake & S - • " .21, T owne I 10 a,tn. Chapman, I Middletown & / ' Friendsville, ' " 22, Baldwin 5.11,10 a. M. • _ . Apolaeon, " 23, Little Mend., 10 a. m. Cnoconut, " 24, Clark's S. H., 10 a. in. Silver Lake, ' 25, Brackney, 10 a. in. Liberty, " 28, Brookdalei 10 i. m. SKI side i Great Bead , " 28 ' i' the river flO a. In' , Oakland& / " 29, Lanesborn' 10 a. tn. Harmony, ThomPson, " 30, Centre, 10 a. in. Ararit Dec. 1, Church, 10 a. in. Herrick, . " 2, Uniondale, 10 a. m. Clifford dot " 3, City, 10 a. m. Dundaff, . . It is desirable that all teachers be examined in the townships where they expect to teach. The examination will as usuel,be the written lad oral methods combined. Each applicant should be supplied with at least two sheets of foolscap paper, and pen and ink. All should be punctual,—none admitted to the class after the examination commences. - B. F.'TEWKSBURY, Co, Supt. Ooklin, Oct. 17th, 1859. ' •Held at this house by roc/vest of School Board • Guttenberg, Rosenbaum & Co ~' Ti k EA LERS in Ready-made Cltithing, ladies' JLF Dress Goods, Furnishing Goods, etc., etc. Stares it No-24 Dey-st, New-York City, and in Toiranda, Montrose, and Stisq`a Derint, Pa., R Y - .E. AN D OATS WANTED!' rr liE highest market price will be paid by the bubscriber, in' , CASII for any qnantitr of Eye and Oats deliver ed at the Montrose Depot. • . If. KEELER. . Montrose, Depot. Oct. 19th, 19.59.-4 w. V: 6 2'.? NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS! AT GREAT BARGAINS! Ready Pay and Small Profits. H. BURRITT has now in Store and is • making large addition, to his Stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, to which he would invite the attentidn of mom PATIKG stnr. Las, embracing the moat •dcaitable varieties of • LADIES' DRESS GOODS, In New Style's of Rich Fall Prints and Plaids; •in DeLaina, Lucas Piaida, Plain and Plaid Merl ' nos, Mohair Cloths,•Ginghams, and Silks; Brochc, Stella, Cashmere, Silk, and Wool Shuns; Rich Ribbowi, Bunnetivaid Floweri. Net Hoods, La dies' Cloths, Broad Cloths, Cassimeres, &c. With a full sasortment of Staplo and fancy Goods, as usual, inclung Grovierles, Crockery, Hardware, Stoves, Iron, Steel, Nails, 'lab and Caps, Boots and Shoes. Carpeting, Floor Oil Cloths, Ninted Wiadow Shades, Wall Paper, Clocks. Drugs, Oils, Paints. Furs, Buff,lo Robes, &c., &c. The entire stock being large, and bought for _CASK, will give a superior opportunity for ch;;ice ;selections, and will .be sold for Rrinr.P.ti 10 to 95 per cent: beloW :regular prices. An ex amination of the STOCK will be found profitable to those who wish to buy. B --Flour and Salt constantly on band. New Milford, October, 1859. _ Administrotix's Notice. NI T HERE AS, Letters of Administration have been granted to the ; subscriber on the es. tate of Timothy 51c'Carthy, late of the township orAuburn, deceased, all persona indebted t. 3 said estate are re 1 ueeted to make immediate pay ment, aod.allhiring claims against saki estate to present them duly authenticated - to BRIDGET McCARTHY,, Adm'x. • Auburn, October 18th, 1859.4w* WAITE° I73IEDIATFLy: A few more a ctive and enterpris i ng young men can 'find immediate employment by which they can make from 600 to 1,000 dollars a year, to act as agents for abveral new and popu lar works just puhlished eielusively for agents, and not for sale in book. stores. We have a great number of agents employed, many of whom are making from l to 20 dollars per Those wishing , In engage;in thiS . pleasant and profitable business will, for particulars. etc., ad. dress, C. L DERBY &CO., Publishers and Wholesale.BookSellens, .Oat. 12,1839-w3.1 Sandusky City, Ohio. OLD DOM. HEATH'S BOOK OF TRAVELS gm Wand great discoveries of the Jopaneseia and East India M edicities, with full directions for the certain' cure of consumption, bronchitis, ca tairh,eoughs, colds asthma, fevers, heart 3isease, ectofuia, caocer,dysp*psisk; liver complaint-gravel and urinary deposits. female comptaints, Illustrated-with hundreds of certificates of cures and engravings. For the purpose of rescuing as many suffering fellow:beings as possible, from a premature death, it will be sent to any part of the continent fur 25 cents, by DR. LIE4TH, oe2o,yyT -647 Broadway, Neil' , York City. SOld by - A. Turreli, MontrOsc ; Hayden Bros. New Milord ;*C. P. Mathews, Scranton. •V. D. WOCIPD, • THE WELL KNOWN _ AMBROTYPIST, WILL BE AT • SPRINGVELII 110110 . 11 1 ; From the tiih of October, to the 15th of No. vember.' AN persons wishing correct Pictures of - themselves and Mends will not have abetter opportunity of obtaitiing them. Having made over 1500 PICTURES Here in MONTROSE the mist Summer, is flat. tering evidence that my efforts to please a• gen erous public are duly *pp/sainted., AMBROTYPES iniooileases„ 52 CENTS, on Plates' for sending in letters, 25 CENTS. N. Irctik wa rrante d .40 give satisfae. thin. - D. WOOD. - Springville, Oct. 13th, 1259: , • E T R A: Y 'EtSCAPED -from: the - pastime Of Steppe.li 12.altazIoton -in Dime& township on Sunday arsalur Oct. sd. 1859,a Dark Bay HORSE of goad ilso, with small star in tbo-forehosd. lather I ' 4lo o built, end froin 19 I t o IS years old, with , smoothing of an ealargement• of the loft kir' leg near the ankle). lot. Any person having any knowledge Where maid Ilorie may be found:v.4ll confer a favor by infers log the -owner- immediately by letter, or othuirise, and all. resolvable charges - will be • EZEIttE.L,AEDELL. - NewH cy !!ford, t., sth, 1859.•:-5if.• COMMERCIAL COUSGE, LOC4TIED OVER TAE EVISQUEUANNA VALLEY BANE, I NeHA M TON N. Y. [too 0 opOi for hustriacthin from 9 a. qt. to MO p. FACVLTY: . . ..b. ..LowELL, Principal, Professor of the Seience of ACcounta, ' Practical Accountant. Amthor of Loweles Treaties nixie Dook.licep in Diagrams illustrating the same. .fel ItcCaas, Assistant Protesior in the Book. " k ening, Departmnpt. - • A. J . WARNER, Professor Of Practical and Or • narnental. Pewit - kinship, Commercial Catcall. liens and Correspondence. - LleirusEns: Hoe r Daniel.S. Dickirson, Lecturer on Commer cial Law and Political Economy. Hon. Ransom Salem. Lecturer on Contracts. Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange. Rev Dr. E.• Andrews, Leeturer on Commercial E.hics. . EXAMINCIICI COYMITTEt: Hon. Sherman D. Phelps, Wm. R. Oaborn, Esq., Tracy R. Morgag,E,q, Tito, object of this College Is to afford to all an opportunity of obtaining a thorough Business Education. Thu Bookkand Forms are carefully, arranged by Rractical accoontauts expressly for this In. stit lion Dad embrace, all the recent improve v n men . T e course of instruction comprises every _department of business, The loarnei willbe thoipughly taught-the science and practice of Double Entry Book.Reeping.as applied to tho foil kinds of tininess, viz: General Her ch dieing, Manufacturing, Banking, COTLIMiS• slop,' Steatotoating, Railroading ; Forwarding, Freighting, Foreign Shipping, &c. Ladies Department entirely separate from, . thetior the gentlemen. . - ce indents can enter College at anytime and reco individual instruction. By'this etrange men; every student is permitted to progress as rapidly as his enterprise and ability will per mit, and when through, perfect and complete, will receive a Diploma which will enable him to review at pleasure. Tme le complete the course, from Six to Twellve weak& No vacations. Board 82,50 per woe. ' . - TERMS: , . Fortfoolc:Xeeping,. full accountant's course,. inc ding _ Practical Penmanship, Commercial CoMputations and Diploma, (Time unlimit ed,) - .- - --.- ; los qo, i Sam course fur Ladies . (separate apart- • m nt.) . - - - - -20 00 Pen anahip and Arithmetic, - -,10 (0 Te4lhers' course in Penmanship, Preti lr ea and Ornamental, - Tw re lesson's in Practical Penman, - - Occasional clams will be formed in Plonograpy, For full particulars send for s cirenlar. THIS WAY I FL yoii want your Ainbrchype,Nielainotype or 0 otograph taken Cheap! Greht reduction in the rice of - A KBROTYPES! - - . , . Thelsubscriber will take'large $3 size for $l,OO Thels2 size for - - _ • - - .50 .The 60 cent size, for s - - • - '25 (Par us' ts-cooD won.) ' PHOTOGRAPHS, 4-4 size, - Pr . For each duplicate, .- - - - - 100 E i r Pi' tares taken to be sent in letters without midi 'onal postage. Belting a large Side and Sky- .ight combined , we can take good Pictures in al kinds of 'weather. Rooms over Abbott's-Shoe Store; oppo site he 'RANK OF BINGII.IOIICON. E ir INSTRUCTIONS given in the Art. - I A. B. TUBBS. Biighamton, Oct. 12th. 1/3-59. , B.—No children under 5 years old taken as than 50 cents; and no 25 cent Pictures while there are customers waiting for of higher price. N. for t take, thoa; Nil 100 AGENTS WANTED . . 'ERYBODY'S LAWYER. AND COUN - iELLOR IN 'BUSINP,SS, containing plain andimple instructions to Everybody foi trans actin, their business according to law, with le gal f wins for drawing the various necessary pa pera connected therewith, together with the laws of all the States, for Collection of Debts, Pro rty - Fxempt from Execution, Mechanics' Lein ; Execution of Deeds and Mortagages, Rig h s of Mar , led %Witten, Dower, Usury, Wills, p i &c. Iby FRANK Caosnv. ESQ , of the: Philadel. phia tar. 3tBt pages, 12mo. , A entirely new work on the subject. adapted to t.e wants of ciery citizen of the Veiled Slat a . Single copies sent by mail to any ad. dres., receipt of price, 81,00, or in law style of bleding at 8425. Ageuts wanted to canvas for it, with whom liberal arrangements will be made. Apply to or:address JOAN E. POTTER. Publisher, 2me.l - 617 SansourStreet, Philadelphia,Pa. .• A G lJifts! Gifts! Gifts! Gi ft s! ORtOUS CHANCE TO GET GOOD BOOKS FOR NOTHING! Eir Send - for a Catalogue which will be sent to you free of Postage , . . --. J. S. COTTON dr. CO., PITI.ISHERS A.NP BOOKSELLERS, Il *o. 409 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, , Hard, in addition to their regular business of Publishing and Bookselling, adopted the priobi -pie o furoishing a Gift of the ralue .offeopi 25 cents o *woo, to the purchaser of nets, hook fl ii One allotBettiodayafociiiurua:'CieellatraoarfPuoesia%?ei.e.jalh we will tend Being largely engaged in the Publishing Bll sint,st, J. St Cotton & Co., have peculiar advan tages of obtaining Books at very low prices, whir enables them to give more valuable pres ents ban can be afforded by ally mher house en gage in the sane line ofbrsiness. Anyßook published in the United litotes, will be_ furnished at the Publishers' price, and also 'S valuable gift to the purchaser without any extra charge: - These gifts consists of Geld and Silver Watehes, Gold Chains; Ladies' Splerldid Silk Dress Patterrei,Parlor Time-pieces. Silvef.plateri Ware, costly sets of.earnees.'Mo saic, Florentine, C‘ral, Gime% Turquois and La. vs Siwelry, Gold - Lriekets, Pencils and Pens. Lidiss' Neoks and Chantetaine Chains, Gentili' Bosom Studio and Sleeve Muttons, Pocket Knives. POrte•Monnales, snd other gifts of use ancrralue. , 1 .• . --- • ' . Eilir" Five Hundred Dollars worth cf Presebto trill'be distributed With every ,Thotisand Dollars worth of Boirksgold..4l3l _ ~ ~ .. • - epd i for a Catslotue, which wili bo s ent to you . [. • FREE - OP POSTAGE. . . . Pertouslorinfer Cluhs;' oi, wishing to act as Agents..can - get BOOltexnd • valuable gifts , for nothlogl -' - - • Itglicultiral. 'Botanical, Hoiticulturad, and tielenlitie BoOke-;-Ilisbiiieel. Poetical, Jewell. and IldftWellaneaui Books—thctiocarles. Bibles, Pray - r god lijama - BoOlti-Witbtruh - i. Annuals, Cad' Books, and Works -of 'Fiction. and" till 1 other Books ' Oublishod . ls the. UMW States, furifiabed at ,Pobliabers' press ,, , and free efts fertilOisetwith ivory book. . '-- • • l' a Vißend fora Catalogue, which' will be sent to you free'orpostage. - i &bifolo. .3. X.-COTTON & CO. 1 • No. 409 Chestnut St.,Pbitadelphta. Ageny wittakd in wry pars .of thi Country: I. . -4e s: - • trrBOGRAPIIIS- NEW SIMI' Pee. lit, Ina • A:TURE-LL. TO THE INDEPENDENT FREEMEN fIF DUO QUEHANNA'COUNTY; Onzalloit: Bat more Especially to everf man 'aud-litslice of the - react ' lutheStateof Pentispreltethi: frHE underisigned.haa the pmeini agency of 1.1 this State for the sale of Gliddee's Form Docket for Justices of the Peace, containing ab breviated forms for entering actions, both civil and criminal, and all subsequent proeeedioge therein; also hills,for Justices'. Constables' and Witnesses' Fees; being a .complete guide to new, Justices, and saving much labue and time to both new. and old. The workt is,highiy recom. mended by Hons. S. 11. Chase; 4 mum,. Wm Jessup, U. Burrows, C. F. Read, F.B. Streeter, and oy needy all the. Attorneys of the ceunty.• The Attorneys in their teatiteonials say that a "strict economy, saying nothing of the great eon ven4•oce of the Work, will, in our judgment,' in: duce every Justice io the county to purchase the book as soon as it is examined by them." It is substantially bound; and contains:eh quires of good paper, sod is sold at the uniform price_ef $6., Call and see it st the Montrose Book Store. Orders by mail from any part of the county or state, enclosing the cash,proniptly attended to, and the work sent byexpress, nr as directed: A. N. BULLARD. Montrose, oct. 3d,'59. ANEW and splendid slack of Pocket Knives and Shears, warranted O. K. A. N. B. LIGHT! MORE LIGII . !! C A tj h ltru l il a g d, F2 n id e , If i m nt p s li, D. cazdl; i t F " Zo ' Raisins, Coffc ,etc. etc., justopened and going cheap. J. LVONg& SON. QPLEN -"I De Laines, Ginghams,Prints, and 1 - 7 aheoti . just opPned, cheap.. J. .L , BOOR Ilooks,NosispaperS; Pamphlets, Magazines, etc., bound up on short nolleo. J. L. & SON. 3.212.18110. :lELADDEONs, Guitars, V-iolins, Fifes, Sheet Musk., on hand or furnished to order. POCKET COIIV-DETECTOR For testing the various kindifof - Gold and Silver Coins. -TT is admitted by everybody to be the most perfect thing of its kind ever offered to the public. •It is so small it can be carried.in the pocket without any inconvenience. Every Mer chant, Mechanic,-and business man sho'd have it. EirA Warranteagoes with every oneNsold. Price $l, post paid to any part of the counkry. Agents in.every county..to whom a heavy discount ie .- given. IMLAY & Bigx NELL, 5ep2911.11 Box 1150, Philad'a, Pa. ABEL TORRELL ITAs ! just returned from selecting and l,pur chasing, and is now receiving one of the largest and best wortinents of 30 00 2 00 c> c> set, ever offered in this market. The quality of nearly every thing good; and all warranted as represented. Terms; ready cash and low prices. Some general idea of the stock may be termed from the following enumeration: . Dazes ; MEDICINES, Ckeraicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes ' Window Glass; Dye Stuffs,'Greeeries, Lamps; Glass Ware, Crockery, Mirrors, Clocks, Wall Paper, Window Paper,, Window Oil Shades, Fancy Goods, Musical. Instraments, lowelry, Portman''' . Stone Ware, Brooms, Brushea,Whips, Umbrellas, Bird Cages, Pocket Knives, Guns, Pistols, Ainmstitition,Liquars,Trasseat Supperters' Part-monnaies, thouldtit Braces, Spectacles, Silver and Plated Spoons; Forks, itn, Gold Pens, Stationery, Violin, Guitar; & Baas ViOI Strings,-Bows, &c., Porcelain Teeth, Lith ographs, Artist's Tubs Paints, Brushes, &c., • and all the popular Patent Medicines. - Also some Dry Goods, Wooden, Hard &Japanned Ware, Fluid and Oil. Cana, baniphene, Burning Fluid, Alcohol; Turpentine, Lamp, Tanner's, Nest Foot,Lard,Olive, Castor, Boiled and Raw Linseed, and Coal OILS, White Lead, Zinc, and all kinds of rColored Paints, Vino - gar, Canary Seed, and , other things to . o . numerous to mention. As it is itnprocticidge to give more than a gen. end outliqo of m) stock thrdugh the Newspapers, every one wishing goods is invited 10 call and examine. , Customers on entering the Store must not expect to find every thing in eight; but hearty every, article wanted will be producel by inquiry. Thankful fur the liberal patronage hitherto received, I hope to meta and, receive a large increase of the came. Montrone Oct. 5, '59. ABEL TORII ELL. • SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY CLASSICAL AM) NORMAb . SCHOOL, At Montrose, Pa., for 1859. Trustees sre happy to announce to the public that the next term of this popular school will commence on Monday, the 22d der of August, nett, under the charge of Prof. HARRY BRODIEIBID, B. A., a graduate of Yale College, Principal, assisted by a- corps of competent instructors in the vs.. lions departments: The trustees would refer the patrons of the school, and others, to the fol. lowing testimonials from. the President and Professors of Yale College: , Yawl COLLEGE, June 24, 185th Mr. Harry Bradt:marl, a member of the class about to be graduated-at Yale Callege.bas held a high ' , oak in thuclass as a scholar. •Mo. far as am acquainted with it,his moral character, and habits, are irreproachable. ' THEODORE D. WOOLSEY, President. Mr. H. Brodhead, who belongs to the gradu ating class of this year. has shown himself du. ring the two years of his connection with the college, a capable and successful ieholar. Sho'd he apply himself to the work of instruct on, 1 have no doubt of - hie ability to justify the confi dence and satisfy the expectations of any who may , avail themselves of his Awry ices. Jas. iiAtILEY, Prot. of Greek. Mr. H. Brodhead of 'becks! of 1959, in Yale College. is a good scholar, and has a superior mind. I have little doubt he will make an effi cient and successful teacher, ant!can recommend him with great confidence that he will not dis't appoint his patrons. - Mutt PORTER, Prof.. of Philosophy end.. Metaphysics. ; "Mr. H. Brodhead has just finished his-course of collegiate education and will recieve tho de gree of Bachelor of Arts at the approachin,g com mencement. As he proposes to, be engaged for a time in the business of teuehing,he is cheerfully recommended by the undersigned as eperson -well qualified, by his scholarship and attainments, by his christian character and deportment to be successful in the instruction and government of, a school. THOMAS A: THACRER, Students may here be prepared for admission in an advanced class in any of our Colleges, end particular attention will be paid, as heretofore, to the thorough preparation or ALL woo tizinaz TO BECOME TEACHERS, IN THE NORMAL DEPART MENT.. Special inattention iuj4he latter Department will be given daring - the ensuing term. The Text Books heretofore used will beton tinned ID the School. Lectures on"aubjeets 'ofge o eral interest:will be delivered " during the year. Price of Teitios per Term' of Eleven Weeks.. ‘": • - '•1111 6 .0 0 Primary- Department,- • - • Brine - hes ertt ad Greek; Isetromester end 1t014,14 . 40,, :s4ll be given StedeotO wiabieg,te'rteole,,rosois or boa►d ess be accommodated, `by.weltiog R. "Cosh. man, ES§., those,wishiriff fo I?eiro ,tbeio• selves can obtain . stove, y 11134,:fint04'fiPni Messer., Sayre Brothers, on reasonable terms, Price of baud *sanest from 124 M $9,60-per week. Hon. W9 l4Essvp, Prgaideat. 'Hoo. C. F. READ, •Yeer,ii,ary. • • • July, alst, 111159.—.3m, , , • SUPER,LOR Ground Coffs inoink:Codfish &e , for & by J. LYONS & SON. NE VV ,Y 0 R K =STAR El IVOi St:COURT STREET earoterzito mix BANK pFauseaurros.. S. MURRAY, _ . SPACIOUS and ELEGANT store Is 1, now open with an entire new stock of DM ,C 0 01DRi a -which for extent, richness and variety, far sur pass anything ever offered in the Southern Tier; • OUR CLOTH DEPARTMENT - abounds with every hind of Cloths. CassintereS, Satinetts, Vest' ngs, OvercOatings, Tweeds, Ken tear Jeans, etc. etc, otc:, front:the nicest to the cheapest' In the line of DRESS GOODS' - • we hate' the largest and mot eleg,nnt Meek of ItICII, lILACK4isid FANCY SILKS ever exhibited in thlri market. Plata and Printed all-Wool Preach Noiiaos. from 62c, op. Bich Chintz Figured, and all-Wool Detainee. Rich India Silks and Poplins. •250 pieces Stench and English New & Seasonable Dress Goods Of every known Style and Fabric. Good double fold Paramettas, at only 18e. Plaili Merinos.. Saxony Plaids and Stripes, 200 Moulin De Lanes. 10c. English Prints worth 12 and 15 for tOe. Good dark Mader Prints at Sc. 'SHAWLS ! SHAWLS ! of every description, from the cheapest Rob Roy to the most elogant double Brodie, cheaper than ever known. CLOAKS, - DIPST _ Lai% aiegifiCloth of every color and quality, with• trimmings to match, HOUSE KEEPING GOODS, J. LYONS & SON 100 pieces white and scarlet, plain and twilled Flanels, retailing for leas than Now York package price. 31:00 . 31 a3019 11 1 -11 119 of all kinds by the bale, piece; or yard. Bleached and krosn 'Meetings, 6 cents. Eli r iann'n of every description, 'both wholesale and retail :Milliners supplied with everything in the line at New York wholesale prices. From the fact that one of the Proprietors spends his Whole time in_ New York City, secu ring and forwarding the • . BEST BARGAINS thu market affords, purchaserstan rely upon al ways finding ottr stock full and assortment com plete. All Goods bought fur this establishment are in connection with a large Wholesale 'loose in New York, from the Importers,3lannfseturers Agents, and Auction Houses direct, thereby sav ing the Jobbors' profit, the benefit of which our customers have. From the facilities we p.msess, we know.th#t we can and will sell all kinds of Dry Goode leas than another house in this section.' We have the ability, and'we will satisfy our: on examination, that we hare the di.•pasition. THE " NEW YORK STORE," AT *NO. 51, COURT STREET, 141 1 11G11101TON, N. %. sep 293 m) H. K. IVIITHIR tV. amont. DR. CHURCHILL'S REMEDY CONSUMPTION. HYPOPHOSPHITES OF LIME AND OF SODA, skt g kel Gnaws-Oen ) hurnitt %Akncila4, &Amu, 1414 1 6 1 ,1 i +6, gendal 6Ltitat Ttw 'once, of this NEW REMEDY Vinare:eel by Dr, Churchill, of Parts,) is obtaining for It the most UNBOUNDED rOPULARITY throughout Europe tad the Crated brute. It Is • purply sclENTirtc. PREPARATION, not soli with INYARLARLE EFFICACY to oh nave of Pulmonary too Remus Mamie. The Ilgpoghorghitet increase the Prin ciple whlels ectosUtuties 'ferrous force. and am Ma snag powerful blood generating agents bunro. _ _ The Cure of Consumption, In the SWUM andzatran er•an (ig • pertod, anoequently, srlutu there on be no uncertainty as to the nature of the dilemma can be obtained. IN ALL CASES. by tote unairnent except when the casting !radon of the lungs Is of heir salchit ta' produce death. Cure ls the role. Death the exception. Ws Rancor ham not only a =aura effect, bet wtll. If mod wherever there Walla v utsplelon of the dame, PREVENT ITS DEVELOPMENT. and tins set AB • PILINWATITI Irma IMAM TO 0011SCArlik14 JINX •e T4OOiIATION 1:10i1 WITS M. SAID to a•u.rox. Professional Correspondence. • Coarsens. Oruro, Aug. 8. 1659....4 have' been trent= aflame for twenty-five years, and bare derived more sat Dom tbs use of the Iltrprm»rurip Sawa frogs all other Arm* of medication mahlefned. Ithammeram. Mum- Ati5.3.1109.—1 have used the , lsisb Ports, In my practice wit% ran, &MDR sleets—an much le that I womm nor as urtanzai TO MIMS wintery alum" kliewarstite, VT.. Aug. 9. believe the HTTOPTICIP Mtn= need In t, the manner and soy Dr. Manta used theta. will. Mai coamtlatTlON. - •disimeaurroves, VA, Aug. 11. have Preemlbed the Itypophoeptute In wren' ease. and art delimited with its tree:4p IV is acmintramouro woancen" . Ldtrsat, (1 1 . 13, have need ;ill about forty bottles and In hot oretemente have they felled to benefit, the p. the that nu a hope maone before I was called. I hare had several Ores ghee bp by attending ph sad oho ass sow Sanrrise cosrasanveal owe neaten. and a re Mg Att. Na narrows of pulmonary dimes. 1 have used the BM= In my COTO, mew, fella dor kw, osec t o. puled ma 110P11216 by pbytetana and friends. and even by myself under the old treamrcot. lam nOW able to Me. Is attendb.g on the Kick. es many miles. palmy& In a lily as any other physician to thecounty." Mums FALLS,N. T.. Aug. ?A. have only time. We orning. say. that I have bete usionishert leteneesteog ma good teed, of the HTPorthoistriaa. Thy statements In your pamphlet are not at all hmalaoraimi. Eahmx. Kaasse Temerroit, Ann n I&K.-1 have been Wig your Ilytophoephltes of Uwe sod rods. and Aare arperiesead great iniproreineOna them. Alen. tan. who had a backing cough and bl eating of the lungs. is likewiee Tuna Ass& fitted b . , their tots" "Outstay, Ps.. July '69. tee'cleed the twelve bottles of Chne..4l's Remedy for Constlptlon. • • •' lx sus ITONIED ',NWT= /1" [TOT CAM _ Make No Delay 1 •Coweiin , rnrat. in say An. of the Mem*. oboula resort ism sastfiateiy to the use of the Ilirscesacritress or Lutz eao SODA. INCIIIIITIVS4 =rine Pas/A.710A - thisimplesyrnpb 10 exalt Isere bottles, to " cheraleally mem r is the combination =by Dr. Chtuthlll • for mesa r sad la ;impaled sot. to his orianal Formula. • Dr. Churchill's Work on Consumption, Comprbang ht Repent made to the Imperial Academy of Stedlcbte. Part: Nowt of Caurs; gad Learem. - Documertut Testimonials, &c.. together with a Omar. *ill he mot on receipt of TWELVE CENTS to elampe. TIO Work ens the maw rstfuto/6 ear. Mato* fa Mewl to Dr. Churag fa &rearm hut. or. CAUTlON.—lntursted Prooziett rill try to toll yeti abet megaralloue than mine. Po not buy tbrua lily "Gamin Tn. south's" Stan [wife White lfOutttlitl. gcwrawat W Prwparaller. evontalla 1110.111. or say DRCO. TOO ...ate, la likely to be 11111•01.41,1 whit spiariem• irreposslitows. i 7 wrwillair t. •sa. on .00 10. Warodastlea fiat will penal any deerptl.l bolas p.astl•all ..poom 70. Prof. of Latin. Pt/ma—One Dtr Bottle. paid-V. 12; three Bett rn ie.. 11. Comentratea . Eox 4 babbme bY mll4 pre- bold Wbotessie lad 1(44 p the . )= ox t%;ll. Cug b e i here A all ottlenehal4 J. WINCHESTER, 43 John St., N. Y. Or' Sold in s.tootrose by ••• ss - Sop. 15, 1859. ABEL TERRELL MEAT, MARKET. On Public ...tioenue, near Searles Hotel. AEiP constantly on bud a good supply of . MEATS of all kinds. CASU pikid for Owl CaUls l / 2 Calvios,Sheepond Alyolof Miles of all kinds. HENSTPCK dr-HAW ' „LEY: 5. - 7. HzusToox.- - lisiftrpo o March 30th. 1159,-0. f4AtiKa STREET WHARF; AsHILAREkiNIA • • - Padirkinfisit 0 4 1 - 1 70, cglvtitovision,s; Haie*pdantly oil. ban4:talusexiiiineiri ' ` .• ed ciitd Pickled Fisk Mackerel, Shad, Salmon, tibiol'ldb, 1-larriimra, , -Codfish, Seel, Pork, lard, Stmnhiors,. !Isms, Sides, Cti.ete, Beans, Mae, &a. EVERY XARIETV Pennsylvania Customers Pt ena.ermlcoar, WINCIIESTER's GMUOTIC PEEP,pATION OP TUE aU Aauettl. ‘3.)ataS.R..V. d. 'PALMER - As CO- Prr 'GIFTS To poiciii.Eas OE riOOILS. At the OSICFAAL and the On* - GIFT BOOK - ENTERPRISE, Established by VANS, 113. 11304. HEAD QUARTERS FOR THE UNITED STATES AT Tim PUBUSHING HOUSE' F G. G. EVANS, 439 CHESTNUT-ST, PHILADELP4IIA,4'A. coutleotioo with Now York Gift Book Storeri. (C1.41LP1.7:1.) Q INCE I Originated the Gilt Book. Enterprise,. 0 I have repeatedly called the attention of the public to my large stock of liberal offers, which, they have al ways.warmly respondedlo:;. I can. now, with more satisfaction than ever, call *nen. tioq to my largely increased indueementato pur chasers. Being very heavily. engaged in publish. ing; I Ekehange my pubileations for those of Other houses,unclam enabled to procure all my books at the original cost, and thus can and do supply the majority of the other houses engaged in The Gift Book trade, with their books, cheaper than they can procure them from otheipublishere. •If can also, by my heavy purebases of Watefiek & Jewelry, for cash, furnish them with their Gifts at lower rates than they can buy them from the manufacturers. tiavint, such an advantage in buying. I can In sure my customers a grist deal better Gifts "Mb their hooks than any other house,andein . giviaty agents a larger commission. A valuable Gift is' d,livcred with each Book at the time of 'sale.— Gifts worth 8100, at the lowest wholesale rates. will be impartially distributed with every 61 OW worth of Books sold._ Send for a catalogue, which will be sent free to any address, containing the most valuable cel lection of Standard productions in Literature. Philosophy, History, Geography, Travels,and all the favorite works of Fiction and Sciences, with every other department of Literature, classified as deruiribed below. Send fur it,for if yon doe% wish to order books; you will obtain a-Very 'val uable Book for reference, as it Contains all the desirable books in print, and costs you nothing. Particular attention is requested to the 114 of mrpoblieations. which will be found in the latter part of my Classified Catalogue. it -contains a large number of deservedly popular works. by en. rious authors; among which are all of T. S. Ar thur's beat works, well known as n moral instruc tive. and pleasing author. G. G. EV.4IIIIS, Philadelphia, Pa. 11. iMILIEIIIII3II4 GIFT worth from 50 ets. to $lOO, is given With " each BOOK sold. CLASSIFICATION OP-BOOKS Agricultural—This department embraces ail standard works upon general agriculture. Cotton Plant!rig, Flowers, Gardening, Firm implements:4l(lms; Sheep, Catile,Bees, &C. Albums—La - dies' (s great variety) Floral, Cap Royal Quarto , oyal Cap, Demy Quarto, Auto graph. &c. Anntra/sA large and elegant assortment. Bibl•s—A tldendid assortment of pocket,pew and family Bibles, in every style, fr.orn et to $5O. Prayer Books—A complete assortment, in every form and at all prices Hymn Books—As used 'by the different denote - 'nations. Biographical—Workb of Irving,Headloy,Weems. Spark., Bancroft, ano every other-standard author. Botanical—By Comstock, Gray, Lincoln, Derby. Wood, /Lc., dte. Conkery—Receipt and Cook }looks, by Mrs. Hale, Leslie, Widdifield, ll'Kenzie, dc. German—Standard German literature. Dielianaries—Webster's EngliSh, French, Ger man,.Spanish, Latin, Greek, Italian. Etc. Cyrinpedias—All of the standard authors., engraphical—The lateat , ni,d moat improved schools and other Geographies, Maps, add Travelers' Guides. Genlogy—The wo'rks of Hugh Miller, Harris, Hitchcock, ',yell and others. Historical —By Prescott, Irving, Bancroft. Rob. ertson,Hunie, Gibbons;Macattlev. and:others. Humorous—Embraces a world of fun. - Jacemile—Every description of iilostrated books for children. Law and Medicine—The Standard works of these profeisions. Mechanical and Scientific—The mood approved works on 'Mechanics, Architecture,, and the exact Selencee. Poe,lry--English and American. Octavo and lit. erary editions of the stadard Poets; porker and cabinet editions—plain 'and illustrated, bound in every style to suit the taste of all. Works of Ficrion—lty Scott, Irving, Cooper, Dickens, and all the approved SVriters. .11iscellrineoul—Our Miscellaneous. Department embraces every thing not included in the above elassiqcation, of an interesting and instructive character, that is in print. 'lnt:lndio , ' b school and C/assic.q, Trarels alit! Allrentures. Games. Sports 'and Pastimes. Religious, Bitlical and Theological. Musical and Glee Books. . • Odd Fallowshiy aad Freemasonry. SCHEDULE OF GIFTS. • The Gifts consist of Gold and Silver Watches,' Gold Chains. Ladies' Spltmdid.tlack and Plaid giikDrea m ..9,Patierns,Parlor Tithe-pieces, Silver. plated ware, costly sets of Cameos, Mosaic, Florentine, Coral, Garnet, Turquols,, end . Lava Jewelry, Gold Lockets, Pencils, and Pena, La dies' Neck and Chatelaine Chains, Gents' Bo som Studs and Sleeve Buttons, Pocket-knives, Port-monnsies, and ••-, A THOUSAND- VARIETIES OrGIFTS! varying from 50 cents lo -$25 AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERt To'agepts I can give more liberal inducements than is affoided by any other - himae, in addi tion to larger commissions, it is much easier to get subscribers for my enterpr.se than any other. The peculiar advantages ate— A larger stock, and better Catalogues to se lect from. A better nasortment_ and quaky or DIFT.S. Morn punctuality 'and correctness in filling orders. By-acting as agents far tue, Persons Wishing II valuable Library can procure it gratis. Those seeking an easy method at earning a liVelihood can find it. Any one desiring a good Wateh, can obtain it. For full particulars, send for a Catalogue. My large capital, together . with my long ex perience in the business, and consequent miliarity with all its details; givea me an al most incalculable advantage over all other parties. AR ask is a trial. Send me an order, and you will be oonvinced that there is no (=gyra tion. Po not forget to send for a Catalogue. And to address G. G. EVANS, ORIGINAL GIFT ENTERPRISE, • 439 CHESTNUT STREET, . , Philadelphia, Penna. .' Persons) tho City, aro revealed' to. call and examine for theae , elres.:. . Atiditor'o NotiOs. mHE undersigned will make distrihotiorkot JL. the procsedi of Sale Of Real. roe• tate of John Tubbs, at his office in MOW rase,' on flaturday, the 12th day of November.Ault. at 1 o'clock, p. m., at wLichi imp arid . place all persons interested will present their Maims °a be foreriir barred from miming , in ari hind, 'FRANKLIN FRASER, Auditor. Oct. 10th, 1862,-4w.. - • Auditor% Notice: - : T"undersikned will mitka distribution of the protweds of Sheriffs Isla of Real Es.: tato of P. EC Bronson; Luke Biodion and' Anna Rf 00•0113. I* his tacos in-M ontroae;on Sitniday,„ the 19th thirf.td I loveldllort# B 2l, at at, Velliork, p.m., a$ fthich tinr.,and phice all persotm inte , rested will - pre4ant Odd! ,oldilnit : dr-be (onvi.or 00441r0al doming id on - setittund SEß . , FRANKLIN FRA; Auditor. Oat. !Oil, 1899.—tir. • AN - IM3IENSE. QtrANTITY OF .Now 4:l•ciacisio g - *t.ett ' • This Wbey. Please call and 800 'em. - Sept. 22. 1859. • • li., C. TYLER. DISSOLUTION. TiE. 6rm of S. If. SAYRE & Bnos. ii Oita - daydissolved by mutual concept, P. Sayre with,drawing front the flap. The baldness will .be carried on u heretornre-undet the ttame.and 'style of S. EL Sayre & Bro. Mil trot's, old accounts will be .in.the,..hands of gcyfe int settlement.. All indebliA to'the firm will Please give it their iintnodisto attention, ae all the' MI T counts Mast be settled" ontrose, Sept. Ist, IH. II"S' M erwieaio,AL "wm..4eLik • FAY the Baird and-Tuition at the Had. MD Ri‘Ner institute, .the Canaerre and BEST SCHOOL in the land. Experienced Gentlemen Instructors at the he - ad of each or the nine departments. Superior ad. vantages for French; Painting, and Piano - Music. * * *Tenn opens September 15th. Fier Write for a C..tslogne. •-` key. A. FLACK; IK. 31.. Principal, Aug. 25, Wl] Claverack,Oul. Co., N. Y. ..WOOLTCARDING.- THE subscriber continueS the shovel:milkiest as usual et his. old - stand in Brookl)* Thankful for past favors he would solidi** share of OW public patronage. • • A. G. REYNOLDS. Brooklyn; Bray 29d; !,859.—tf. IMPORTANT NATION. WORKS, • PUBLISHED BY D. APPLETON CO.. _ 3 6'ancii 31 Broadway, New Yorks irpHtfoll wing works are sent to subscribers in any,part of the country, (upon.- receipt of retail price,)' _ by mail or express, prepaid :, — The New Amerlpast eyolopsedia A popular Dictionary of General knowteoge. Edited by GEL. FtreLET nod CHALIti A. DAIIA 4 aided tip a_uumerous select-corps of writers in all bt , ancheis of Seihnees, Art, and Literature. This'work is being published in about:ls:larga octavo eolumes.:each lotfaining 750 two•columg pages. The first seven volumes are now ready. eachcontaiiiing-near,2,sb.o,originalartieles. An additional vOlunin .be published one. - in about three months, Price, in Cloth, 63; Sheep, $3,60; lialf Moir. $4; llalf Russis„B4,g) each. • The - Nevifinerican - Cyclopitedia is . popular without being superficial; learned but not pe. dantic, comprehensive but sufficiently detailed, free from personal pique and party prejudice ( fresh yet twearate. it is a complete statement of all that is known upon every important topic( within the scope of human intelligence.. Every import:iota:Vele in it has keen specially written 'fur its pities by nirn who are authorities Upon , the topicarof which they: speak. They -se re , 'quired to bring the subject up to the present moment; to, ewe just how it.stands nos& All the statistical information is from tho latest re. ports;. ; tho geographical accounts keep . ' pace ,with the latest explorations; filstotleal oodles include the freshest jest views•, the hlographipal notices not only speak of the dead, but also of the living. It is a librety,of itself: A bridgtostut of the Debates of Collie grecs: Being a Nikki! History of the\ United States, from the organization of the first Fed. eral 'Congress in 1789 to. 1956. Edited and compiled by Hon. Tianicks 11. BRNI,ON from the Official Records of Congress The work will be`cornpleted in 15 royal octavo volem;.s of 760 pages each. le of which ere now ter dy. An ad. ditional volume wit{ be published en c in three months. Cloth, 83; Law Sheep, $3,50; Half Sioe. t 84; Hal( Calf, 83,50 each; A WAY OF PROCURINO TiJE CYCLONE . Force a club "1 01 DE'LI "1 fdur, and remit the price of four books; and .five cupieN will be sent at this remitter's esperote of carriage; or for ten Rob scribers, eleven copies will be sent at our ex. pease for esrriage. TO. AGFA TS.- No othCr works will so liberally reward thee 'exertions of agents. Aa AGEST WASTED ;a Trtis,llrrsTY. Terms made known on stppheu lion to the Pnblishee. Aigtti., I 8.59:—0. am. tr. - - THE MEDICINE of the MILLIOX • FIRILOSDPUY AND FACT. , .. f "a ?.‘.ll ': liiict•lo- 4,1541-4:1111°1/4:'Pl . - , , .:" . •.' "...Z .. , . 1 14 1-1: r ' ''-• 1.. H - t-• . ,•44..:1_. e ! 1 ,x 4--. 4 - -_ 7 e.als4 c,..1- -L. A ~_ ? 11OLLOWAY'S PILLS, THE EXCITING CAUSE' OF SICKNESS, . BlA101) is the lifti.sustiiiiiing agent. it furnishes dm cora ponent4 of fieNkbotig.llll3e cit.; nerve and integottient, The stomach is lit mar.ufavtore, the vein.; its dist ribulors, • Lind the! intestines the tirithnels thiont,M which the mete matter rejected .in its production!. is expelled. Upon the swain:l4l,l6e eirehlatieiiiind the bowels; these Pills act.sfinuilanimusly. relieving indiges• tion,porifylog ihJ fluids, and' regulating tbli excretions. THE A r z1170,1 7 .:1L aq.IIPLAtar. 'tl4nPefiniin th'e innnt brimn. on disease among, aII elinttes'ih . thin endutry. It assumes a thous. - and shapes, and in the primnry-nonree of initint oralihi dnegerous maindie,-; hotuhutever its typo or sympt ontn,how ever obntinate , itn resistance to ardiparyzpreparationn, it %NUNS readily and rap-- idly to this Scorching and prorring roniedp . . BILIOUS AFFBCTiOYS, . • The quantity of the bile is of vast invariance lo health. Upon the liver, the gland which pe ereton thia fluid. these Pila operate specifically. .infallibly rectifying its 4re:ol.lll4es, and cervettl. ally caring Jaundice_ liiilotts 'Remittauts. and Aho varieties of disease ceoerate ( ct by an unnato• ral condition of the organ. BOWEL COMPLAINTS. Unless the pdwels - per forte their functions prop. erly,the whole body suffers. Tens of thousands die animal)) , of Dyiientery, Tliarrhrea, Chronic) Constipation, and other di,, e `a.o". of t h em) w „ to pipes of the system. The kffret of the Pills upon ail intestinal disorders, whether casual or epi demic, is a plienomenorkin medieime. By. follow. ingthe_prinerd direc.ions,the most alarroing ea ses of bowel complaint are promptly controlled. • A WORD TO FEMALES. The local dehilltybud irregularities which are the especial annoyances thb weakersee, sad which.:vChen neglected, nlcesys shorten life, Sire relieved for the time being., and prevnted in time cotne,by a course of this mild, thore altaritive. . _ Iraloipay's Pitts are the best remedy knewn in the world for the following discuses : "A ethpia Chest 'Diseases Fever and Ague :Coughs Bowel complaints Female Complaint* "told* Costiveness Inward Wonkneas erdicts Headaches Liver Complaints Dimply ~ I ndigeetion" Lowness of Spirt's Del:lady inflammation . Stone and - Gravel -IntleenalOympepelis - Secondary Symptoms Plies -_ Yerkersel Affections Worms ofall kinds Held 'st - the- .111sontactories of .IPrciflossor Holloway, 80 Heiden. Lena, New Y0r1F..pv:1244 , Striind; London, by all reapectible Dingabise. & Deaterajd Medicine; thre'out tba Vnited Stales and tbe , eiviiized worldjo. bores at 25 amts. .62 Vicehtii- and $1 each. Fir There hi a eottaidirable 'sziriag av takittg , thalergarfii;e4. - - - N,ll,lreettotta for the guidniteer of pettish" io avory disorder are affixed is eac4 t 2 - 4epri
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers