THE MONTROSE DEMOCRAT. $ 1.5 0 Per Afutunr in Advance" PAltitt's ,- 7 - -' l— .;.,u/Ut , ". tar. MOMOSE, SIitaIEgIiTSAUNTIMt. 72'hurialict, OFIP) 2048 5 • gTtie ault c the election in this coca ty, is befori k itte - public, and, u a party, the Demotritty •i'ave ample cause to be fully Sat isfied. We bars cut down the .majority of \ .list year neatly onik helf, and, on part of the ticket skill. more. Our opponents plead a lightness-of the votkinitztheY gut Ira . ;airfoil. . a vote as they could; and to do AIN twitted. to the issuing of an advance number of -their paper; to urge-Republicans to-"turnout,"Mnd "vote the whole ticket," and "nothing but the ticket." Bu: all was ofmo avail. Some staid it borne, others Voted the Democratic ticket, and Will do so again, and many - scratc r licil o the obru;xionetterninees of their party, an. filled their places with Depsocrata. &peels V- was this die case with 'the District Attor -*ley. We elated that their man was unpopu lar, but the Republican paper took offence a .bur - etaternent, denied it, and tried to build up a,viondertul popularity for Mr. CbilDbei .lio; but th e voters have given their__ verdict, isind we point to it as & triumphant vindica tion of our statement .. Of this the Iqd. Rep. will please take careful notice. • . At this-writing the State return. have not been received - sufficiently to judge how much • the majority is against us, but it is claimed to be about one third as large as butt year— showing aMet Democratic gain of 18,000; pr 20,000 in a single year. This is quite ,as .rtiech as could be expected in an nnimportant canvass., with so light a .vote„ and it shows a healthy state of public'minil that fully ensures us the. State next year. • Looking at the limiter • fairly, we see ft" reason to.feel disoduraged, but:every yeas& for feeling certain that when our party has anything worth laboringfor, it will rouse its energies and enter the field, with not only the dispoiition, but the ability to conquer thefoe. tif We have received from the publishers ".X. History of Al! Religion 4," by Samuel M. Smucker, L L. D.; author Of ‘‘Court sad Reign of Catherine 11," "The Life, Speeches, and Memorials of Daniel Webster," "Memorable &enees in F - rench Ili,tory," etc. • • This work gives brief sketebes, of • all the • variciUs religious sects, and will be found both intetesting and useful for reference. 400 pa ge;, price $1.: . :5„, • . • The Tuitilisber has a well Iwitablished.repo- !Wiwi fur business integrity, and is not only a reblisiter r isot is engaged in the gift book etiterpri.e. ~Catalogues-seut free.. „ - • Address Doane Rollison, Quaker - City Pub- Wang House, No. 33, South Third Street, TAE LLLI:ETEATED LIFE OF WAISTIFFPON, " rinr an account of his early Adventures ' Kul Enterprisrs, his Magnanimity and Pa tiotirm .Itut-Revolutionary career, his Pres idential Lfie, and •his final deceams;.. with • vivid Pen Painting. , of Battles and Incidents, Ttials Triumphs of the Heyoes and Sol Ciers of the Revolutionary Time; By Hon. J. T. Ileridley,.anthtif of -WaAituftot, and * hie Generals," apoleon and hi. Marshal-," . .•s a ered Memories," etc ; together with an interesting account of Mount Vernon as it is ;-'llv Benson J. Lossing : The whole ernitellishe'd pith fort steel and :wood en •graving., and a splendid colored lithograph . view of Mount Vernon and Washing. • ton's Tomb. New York: Published by G. ti• F. Bill. 1959: Tne title of this work alone, etitiilea e it to a very favorable consideration horn buyers and ieft‘ittrs of books. The life of Washington an eventful one, and everything connect ed -with it cannot but beinterstingto every American reader; and in addition to the usu al hist - oriel' facts connected. with Witslitrig- . ton's Life and Times, the author has h es- . c4,illent facilities for nicking this work a Nies. and more interesting one than any - other.— Recent collections of 'document , have added interest to it; all of Gen. Rufus Putnam's pa pers. correspondence and diary, have been issferred to, - and by these Means, many facts . arehere given; which have never before beeti published: The book is neatly printed, type of good size, and binding good. 600 pages, • oetevo.. The agent, Idr.Ndes, is now engaged in cansas=ing the r L .ounty for the work, and we trust be way meet with . that anticsa which it deserves. • PHILADELPHIA' Oat. r3th. 1859.—1 t is Stil ted on good authority, that 31r. John W. For - ney bus -receired a notification from President Pochanan'of his intention to institute a pros `ectition for libel of account of. tire article ie The Pfli'S o'n .kionday in relation to the death of lir.Broderick: • Wesitirosox, Oct. 14114 1858.—Tbe Pres ident authorizes the emphatic denial of the truth of the di4patch from Philadelphia, which stared that Colonel Forney had received a totification from, birn of hie intention to io rsti.ote pierecution for libel, on account" of the article in The Prtsi. of Monday laat,in re-. kr,tiOn to the death of Senator Broderick. Tux Sacramentoß!andard: states; cn the anthorky of a prominent , Anti-Lectimptonite, and :swarm. suppor ex of the late 'Senator Brod erick, that he (Birxleririt) !while in his room at Sun Francisco, and just before reql , ing the challene frum-Terre. said he eipected to ret*ire challenges fitan . Mesars.' Terry; .Gain and Denrer, seserall?, and that• be expected to kill all three of them before leaping for Wallington. . Itex — e — Seinaton In the mien Comptes& The following named gentlemen will take their seats for the fist time in the United EltateA Senate, on the fir.t. Monday in Discern .ber next, on which day the, and se don of the thirty-sixth Congreis will commence : Hon. Willard Saulsbury. of Delaware. Hon. James W. Griinew;olflows. Hon. Lazarus W. Pbwett of Kentucky. - Hon. Kingsley 8. Bingham, of Michigan. Hon. John C. Ten Eyck, of 'New Jersey. Hon. Thome Bragg, of North Carolina. • Bon. A. 0:P. Nicholson. of Tennessee. fue J . • W. Hemphill. of Texas'. The name of the :Gitinautr.siho seas ie commend of the victorious armies on the -Peiho is Esng—Genersi Whet is suggestive Tome. ..46e- , feilosr irbo yielded stailitorrvies -just as _appropriately segkid Tishogil4ale ire am as ready- te pieratifiar !V As TA. • - - New sap. - Tim agent for lditchell New National Map albs United States and adjacent Provinces and, bland', is.pow in town,o4 an,,cippoonz , aity iiirpresentint, or, obtaitfipg. 'itiii hisati'mati l ever pitdishtil. , Tber4 are * unity stew : and important features isbobt itlthat Sit have not tiinetbotapaoe, tiffs .1, eakitii enumerate them. 1 . 1 - e new Teiritoritit. are correctly laid down, nd the new -State of Oregon; the overland ail route, and_ all - findibed or proposed. ilroad ieutes,ide4 etc.:. The margin con. tains a large-amount of statistical infopnstion. The various. Committees of Congress, and .the heids,of the government departmeoty, have, by spectiatvote ordered it for-their use; it'hts also secured other of the best endorsements of the country.' It is engraved 'oxt copper plaits, and very,clearly executed and finel finished. Its equal cannot be produced. Copies may be seen, at this office.. Sunday Cairraigeo...The Mayor , Opinion. Yesterday at two •o'clock, - Was the bout' appointed.-for the rendition of the opinion of the Mayor in the Sunday " carriage 'cases',' at which time • he give the following decision : Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ye. Jacob Oesterlie. The defendant was arrested on oath of officer Jatnes•Reetb Charged with performing worldly business or employment•- on Oct. 2d, 1859, being the Lord's day, commonly called Sun:- day; the same - not being a Work-of nicestity or charitv.l This proceeding iri under the Act of 1794; which is in the following lan guage; viz: '..lf - any person shall do or perform any worldly employment or bUSiness whatsoever oil the Lord's . chry..commonly called Sunday, works of necessity-and charity e;eepted, shell. use or practice any unlawful game, bunting, 'shooting. sport or diversiyin whatso ever on the same "day, and he convicted there of, every such person so offending shall, for every such offence, forfeit and pay four dol lars, tr:Ae levied by distress; or• in case be orahe Audi . refuse or neglect to pay the said sum, or goods and amities cannot he found, "WherAf to levy the same be distress, be or she shall - stiffer six days imorisonment, in the House of correction of the proper county. Prorided atteay.F That nothing herein con tainedahall be construed to prohibit the dress ing of victuals in private familieri.bake houses, inns, and other houses of entertainment, for, 1114 use of sojourners, trarellers, ors.urangera. or to hinder . waferenen from landing-their pristhgers ; or ferrymen 'from carrying over *liter ttrivellrs or persons removing with their families on the LOrd's day, -commonly called Sunday. nor the delivery of rtfilk or the' necessaries of rife, before nine o'clock in the forenoon, nor after five o'cick in the after noon of the mme day." • • . By a supplement to ibis Act, approved the 28rh day of April, 1855. the-penalty for a violation of the law was increased to #25 in this county. ' ' From the evidence; ii appear* that the de lendant, Jacob °esterlie, was in the employ of the lion. Walter H. Lowrie, Chief Jm-t!ce Of the Supreme CoUrt, atrendinetO the gar: den, work about the hones and driving the, carriage to the church, and that tie &Silo the .carriage of tuiemployer to"ctinrch on Sunday, Oct. €2d. 1853. That after Idriving the carriage to church, he put the horses in a livery stable and had the privilege of going to chufch himself if he desired. It further appeared that he was employed and paid by the month. There is no dispute 'a% to the facts; nnder theSe circumstances is the de fendant gnitty of a violation of the law ! I, have given to this rinostion the con-hier i ation its importance obviously demands. in order that I mav,conscientiously and under standingly discharge my duty es a magistrate in j :the premises: The Act of Acsefithly oltiar and unambiguous in its terms, and fue -1 bids all worldly employment whatever, ex c epting thO4e ?skinnier works of necessity or charity therain enumerated; wilhin some of the exuenit4ns mentioned in the Act, does 'the defendant fall I It appears from the tee- timony that the defendant waivengaged in his usual worldly avocation of arising on the Sabbath day. fur hire and, reward, waiving his pay monthly for the same. In the Case of Kepen vs. Keepfer, 8 Watts; pege'233, it is laid down by our Supreme ',Court, "That the words of our Act of Ar.sembly, are spirt cient to embrace T ina species of worldly . busi nes. not therein specially excepted, whether it appertains to, or be in the exercise of a per son's ordinary calling or not." It is very manifest, therefore, that carriage driving is a forbidden business unless,it fall wirbin the scope and meaning or a work of "necessity or charity." It is impassible. as has been well said, toTay down any general rule as to what constitutes works of this kind. To constrce necessity and charity to mean convenience, would be in the language of Judge Woodward, to emasculate the statute, and sweep away the guards which the Legis. lature threw around t'he public morals. In the present case the driving of a carriage does not appear to have been anything more than a mere convenience, to enable its occu pants or owners, resident a short distance from the city, to reach a church equally ac cessible by other and more primitive means, which as far as the drivel and animals*i. con cerned, who were thus made to "do work on the Sabbath day," involved a violation of the e xpressed command of the Deerildgue : rti s iighus rest and the public worship of Almighty God, - are the objects for which-the Sabbath hal been instituted, and its holy ob servance is a duty enjoined on all, rich and poor, high and low, without distinction. It islrue that Judge - Woodward, in the case of Johnson vs. the Commonwealth, .reported, usewthe following language : " Hence, if an invalid, or a person immured for six days within the close ways of a City, requires a ride into the country as a means of recupera tion. which is the true idea of rest, there is nothing in the Act of 1794 to forbid the en joyment-of a driver.. horses and carriage;' on Sunday, to: accomplish it." This might exemplify the "idea of rest" as far ai the "invalid " himself was error:lstria - ad, but it is respectfully submitted that it would not be viewed in that alluring light by the driver who drove the vehicle, or the horses who, attar the labors of the week, were thus compelled to minister to the enjoyment of the pampered valetudinarian who rode, within. In-the same case the Supreme Court deci ded that, " &contract of brreing by the month does nor in general bind the;hireling-to work on &today ;,and if this work; be such as _the git u t e forbids. an - expreei agreement to per fotinit will not protect kiln, far sucli'n =- tract in Void.: ` . On the whole, therefore, I am of the Ipp!tt ion that the defendant, nut being engaged in any work cif-netioisity or charity, lea men ' ticitied in the Act, is anilveriltle 'tcrther vie; lated law; and that he must pay, the penalty it exacts, indgment. win therefore be eroterod . ageinst . the deteadiutt for tbe'panaltrof $25. • 'The ease nt' the tithe* defendant ; ,ktionea frwaitlx,l &paw of- In ibeaantie . •iiiister infurred . • ,I„,'!.z ' Orli* igelOtvil Que . ;, Xowl,witt. Mint mote, give opposition Majorities. e NOT 80 STlL4lllll;tittiStituben Advocate thinks thusarn • ni9e point .:= "It is • curious fact that tb , S . 9ppositii4i• almost universally select their e . ncliditei kora smug the, de,. asitarm,froutthei Deint}etistip„r•oks. There is '((icitklisitc l ift,tmete itOttie,for it shows that, notwithsista or th 4 Opposition have always cr i ec iTo ui l abi t ut the corruption or the Dem. emetic arty yit.ifiii seem. . to have a special prefeienctkfo thOse4diCated in that corrupt school, and admire thole espeCially who are guilty of trea l ohery. NOw, • party made up in the main 9f such material b e .the.low est - est and lip s t O L OITOp ~[ _ _ ; , ~. . ~ •,. Tn Sup me Courtjof Alabama bat re-, candy re red an itriportkuralesiaion*; F pectin gt a power of-the Legitiiiiiisi 'totpti). .liibit theAsl4.l3(..srdentspiiits.•. Isi,tha -Oar . ter of. the o #!berikPEll i v!,i l ) . • at Gref o ,4 o q. ea . Hit: ,:cpn, :be young flltobatted feilany his been ar rested at Baguio for retaining letters direaed to his care trr Another party. ... y •st A lady came near losing het life by, a - sist. gofer accident, in Louisville, while ..ridtag in a buggy. Ooeend of a,scarf, which she wore around burl shoulders, blew off, red was caught Millie spokes of one of art tepidly re v°lnpf-144/4.4$ a 01 .'o4iPlef and Tutu* VP in Arc ' tern:lir 'as to 'd trerlieclilktir to the Schee , choking her severely'. "WS. , . , bull Cosimu A -Noon , the .I'kw 1 ork ' Sib° strock'bfr. Strykei, the - chairman of_thi late Democrat: State Coni , ention, his made an' affidavit, setting forth that'lie sympathized With the party to which Mr..Stryker belonged, but being dittermined to knock the opposing chairman cif the platform, aimed his I)l9ws. by mistake at r. Stryker, instead of Mr.:Alvord. The Puri an Recordir (Calvinist) charges Hen War Beecher with having made, in :a recent dis course, i ii in:open avowal of. the main rine pier of Un iv ersalism —witich 'its , that all the Sctipenral assertions of the sure and eternal unishment of the wicked fail to make tin ko w that they will thus be punish ed. QUEES reroma -is . so very particulir about who her relations shall marry. that one would o ppose she bad a 'family tight. to i l i be so. Ju d e the extent of it from thin Net t "John of.o ant. Duke of La hoaieter, wan three limes nuirti ~ his third wife being Katherine Swynford, pr ho had long been his int4tress, and his from one of the illegitimate children of Lanortite and Katherine that' Queen Vic toria hersel is descended." Chsz musa Etroude.—lt is.stated that Col. Frem o f has aritten a letter declaring that beta .ot and will got be a. Presidential candidate _ r 1840. Ile represented as doting his letter in the tollowinglanguttoel "I .ponsent i ed to hold that relation in 1858, against my better judgment and will, but was, assured that those who Would rally around _mei. porpessed the power essentia l eleetiob ; apd I ,ponfiss that the 'ban- ight bsve been celled by. Olive. ,i,eessed attractions which I could es it Cromwell; st. But would not again en• the vexation, moitifivation and -then encountered, if the reward not well re counter all annoyance en thowand premdcncies." We 'II be the, nest Republican mar eneral belief is that. Seward will were to be wonder ith, is r. The as the man to suffer the "vela 6cation and annoyance" of his it edecener. Wboetor it, is his,de• much ircqie than that of '56; and Le selected' , 1), molt, luArtous pi feet:will I.', thagreatar. Trot him oat! Lis morti 6 . . THE INDAY QUES7IO. — Tbe Mayor of Pittsburgh) is giving an entirely new and in t, teresting aspect to the Sunday questisn. lie has been a pealed to to enforce the observance of the Sal. ath, and, having stopped the run ning of thy railways cars, he last Sunday took in hand the glittering carriages of the aristoc racy, and' while the owners were devoutely worshipping in the churches, the police here taking the names of the liveried coachmen at the door, the rank and station of the master, rku., with a View to the enforcement upon them also of the law of 1794. This movement I is rather a curious Lice, but. there is fairness in it; and what adds to the zest of the pro ceedingss. the fact that among the coach men for w i ow warrants were issued ou Mon day are those of the„Relf. Dr. LYMAN, Pastor of Tritrit4 Church, and other clergymeo equally zealous in opposing Sunday travel, Chief Just ice Low= of the Supreme Court, and quitela number of affluent citizens. NEW Al% P RO S PEROEB SETTL..MENT —Ham moutown 6n the Camden and Atlantic Rail road, i. a flourishing village settled chiefly by New_Englanders, who wish to escape. their. frosty chi ate, and by !muscles front the Wo-t, who aree gaged in the grape culture. One 1 year ago settlement commenced, and since then has sl population of fifteen hundred.— They bavi built about three-hundred houses, opened rota stores, several hotels, one steam saw and Oaning mill, and one. water power saw and p ening mill, with schools, churches, and brickarda. They have set out since, .. forty riny ran, and in short, established a set tletnentt,which from the respectability of the settlers is er-tined to become one of ,the mo,st iinportatit and influential places in the State of New -Italy. Grape growers are of the opinion that the strio of land between ibe Lit: tle and the Great tgg Harboerivers is the best - for the vine, owing to both soil and cli mate,'or' lay that has been found in the coun try.' Frothe extent they, are entering into the burin *a, a supply of pure and•undult..4.e in ted !eines May soon he -expected. They who have ratecrops at Hammonton repreoent that the 'oil is very productive. It k& in B; td surprisin that the place should increase so rapidly, aben it in considered the advantsgets it presents over that West io health, climate and markets.. Orops'are secure' &Om frcista, that blighting enemy that robe. the farmer of the North of so rrincb'of his labor and. profit. --Penoi nquireri F'bila.,:.- Ifotto i • AT'S Op;littNT 10:D ,VILLB.- , rhil . 1 sudden c mpges'or temperature in diisclinnie tin‘te . a to rible_effeet Upon the skin, the mull. es, and be glands:. Ifenpa. the. boils, ct !,i!lt, rprinl,eryoOlas;:blotOlNP:boils, rheo l madam; iriesy, sore tbriiit i and 'the !attar. 1 other ceroplaints - so frequently' generat4 end always aggravated littlrisoanie. Fortunately; in 1-,l o l4lay's.Ointinerit Ire hive the- mesas', of prairip ly reifteving thic:jelass , a 4 6 440 ~ "nd of so i hakrottelltffivigoraiing all the ex, terlor.a.gep and' fattguntents - aa to frivatat tt*lY toku)*o- n* - T4O tili 3 O.ostAtittO ila• ! nionfwi the f,,lintinent, Iniala . tliscseore.. tops, pi diaobitigeroo? - 4'144a of the beid - yiny i tierittnialtereareilittiittit inottitot external iftflamatiorfoitjtrir &Via*: ' las I Fsersit3-Pcsarti Fan; held , it Fitts. 141teintie0 "teal; iiviided the first PT 2 4l 3 4** But 'ailiiiol l l Orika; (;Qaril ;7*"; 1": iniii7citiPcl.44F;l 4i&l-44 6 ge.--Uhi-j•f44: 4 4).110,9•0144 1 the, Fors AA AdoiCCity rittibuqb-Gskettoh. TOWN AND COONZT FAIRS. eso..- , • WOOD . *totad al ptio, this 4tagg cs47,4lF iNtfaatc, lettielet Sugl A 0 • - Tbs Agricultural Palr for this Comity was beld_coWadoesuay aid Tbormuy, &be-28th sod 2Ptit of Seit.,io thLliits,groutts. re! . 9 3 •:P 4 :014i. 1 4tiliiiia • p i s o ff io N mintr t tAsi; ors then,. equalled - the eapeotatiotts Merida of Abolkedigx. , iiitstbrabooklontim ibiargoloit io'niarAa-Vehadret Ilio - o:oto"- Ooost enyorpootoopromOtoio.thircon,.. fort, of tlmcia:att*almiti; Tbe , / ,M l- 411/Vet Pf>9 4l -119mAlt...eedItbe degnis.;affripikation gaye,Ore4dy ; to . - the auwayt .4ta i SeematiKe Committee, and eipecially to '7d r. 4004 !3*ll:o69alr_hosupeepuatrie4 the y0rh,...) , A short; .R 1 , 96 13; 4 11 1 0 w14::: 1 0 P r eitire, the 11FRuedf-,i Th e wer! Pereitg# ce.o". _},month heforiathe„exhittitioe,osl- it wgrvigtly. du. to sqtai ofAlte! fermate in.theAiffeseat pare of the county,:.,bo,,frellt.gave, their melees, that the Committee, item epabled to hue The grounds i n smj•tv 2 i4t* e ' 4itato of prepora- • The ptircheee tlse,Society includes tight and a hag acres, id, lancet., Of .$1400. . Fran Oda Obi -ptirpose_ to ewes kw,* ruin Uoit . 1 9 tho of- the 0. 24 . 79 , gEM4 Avire inLacribed,_ fersont.resitl itirliinid aboitt...-'4intreee.llo,ll9.: a ppivp s tbeliioniety of-A.04_5/ sisal! in r cumbrance., &Wish:tering die giewistgleterest iminifestrid ,on „Hit ,pert Of,*, people of; the .county toward' die Society. complaint -was beard s from, SAC *arca Arfestioning the - ..ixdorin:of the Committee in, their selection 9f the groupd. All .iieemed _pleased with the luCation; the iladi furnished by , the trees of Rat urc's oaan ' Planting,..tbe view ; pro g ,te4 from the rocks, e'rnbracing. is its.. scope the whole gaited allotted to * course and the exhibition: of stock, and; more than all, the facility with Whiph those present could visit the varimis placei;of exhibition - furnished a pleasing contrast no the beat.dusti and dis comfort of the forms r grounds. Nut the least interesting part of the exhibition could hi witness.d from - the centre of the course. The old rocks above that bad for centuries been crumbling to decay seemed gifted with new life and beauty as they bore in pride their/air freight. , The exhibitions a whole ilurpassed any thing the Society had before enjoyed. The display of Stock; and especially •that of Hor ses, showed-a decided improvement on that of precious years. There was abundant proof that the appreciation of the better breeds of horses were becoming.more generul through out, the poutity. , The interest of ildr. John C. 'Morris is to be commended, .who, although no premiums wena . offered fur his particular .breed, eabibited some fine Herefords ,which he bas recently introduced,intotbqcopoti. An unusual iutere-t wiseehowida other ilvartmenra.9l:4 eshib4io,n. Some eon : -kritimiont..-were. aide from abroad; among tbem,wiii-e fine exhibition of ambrotypes by r. A.. 0 - ITubtre. tif Binghamton: fn - the department of Fancy Articles the ladies. gave , evidence that they were still dia• posed to vie with each other in the displays of their handiwork.. , To paiiicularize,,,even to,the degree of at- , tempting to do Pietioe to the claims of the many exhibitors, svcipld far exceed the limits allowed in this repori. The asticlesexhibited gave the best report themselves, and to ap pre, bite the fullness and excellence of the ex hibition, one must have been it' attendance. the premiums awarded by the respective com mittees woman 140 , 1vo: , " Bast Stallion, 11. Shelp , second- butt, H. thitd Beet Stallion not in the county prior to this year, (Morgan Tiger,) J. S. Tube The conntnitten are of opinion thit E. .13 Gates exhiiiined the beiit stallion, but exhibit ing only two colts he hinot.entitled to a pre cipitin. Guy Wells exhibited a flue with only two colts. Other Sue stellions were exhibited, but widen% colts. Bost brood mare and' colt, Elij t at Brown second best, George Walker, third best, 0 Bailey. Beg single gelding, 'S. D. Townsend, 24 best 13.e . nj. Sabina. Beet, match homes, L. Seirle, 2d best mares,tP,G. Birch. • • Best pair 3 years oldcol:s, H. o:l3eitholf, hest pair 2 ream dd , G W. Kent, best - pair yearling.% Peat Bms. Beet pair , coulee , Sayre ..Bras, 2d beat N. K. Sutton. . • There were a number of Stre.2 and_3-yeire old colts exhibited, not in Odra, which were very worthy of premiums. The exhibition of horses in this division was -better than ever before, and the Committee regret drat they bad co more premiums to award. Best devon bull. I,larry•Scnith, 2d- best, A. Graft% best yeirltog, Jlllllo6ll* Barron, 2d .best W. T. Austin. Bost cow, J. MoCiollomi 2d 40, James Shaw. • . • . • - Best beifer,Merry.Besitb.• best durbam bon e .W. Jeitsup. 2d best-C. Carmelt. best under °tie year:Jaime Sterling. .13ost cow,- C. Girusels. 2d best Jobb C.. ris, best heifer, 8. F. Carroalt. • • : ••; Bess•gradis. t i l l e4Bull, C. M. -Tengltiy i 2d best,E.3.,..tdo t. Pow. IV- Jonesad best. ii. J. lest M. K. Tingley. : ..Beist,beifer, _Hairy Smith, 2.c1 best Wm Harrison, 3d irest,..C. M. Tingiey. Best lour'yesrliags. Marry Smith, 2+l best, F. P. Hollister, 3d. best,. H.Dtinker. Best five calvekliatt7 &pith, 2d best, C. I. Hollister.: • • - Best grade d otbans.--boli f Erie-i4iitegory, 2d best,W. Jews's. est now, Eri Otegory,2dtest, M 1 .,. Post, 3d-best, 0. Hsonook„ - best foto yeartisgs:Eri•Gregory,-, 2d , best s F. Lt. Hollister, *beet.•W..Jassop. •,.-Best five celvekil E.,l3.arsosilt, 24:40, H. Drinker. - - . • . . . Beet native R. Stebbins. Best cow, Hair? SmithOrd : 1 1 1 4 !1, `•4 lister, .3d' best, E.T. Titten.Yr: Volt fear yearliikii,S. Moliebein. Beat five (11144 11 .11:14.011100*:- Bo't Or; Harry Smith, 3411eit, beet, lobo Yonairii 11ist pair ateera,P. BaintKiiktllitya.Vt.4! tiolliqcr,. 3a " teat srj best, H. C. Cogito, - 3d best ; Av! , George Rerriaorestibitiiii-iifprOA of 2 'tiers old steers, that were not 'shalt Id thieeinnty and _ttterer9lP , O.f 11 Z4 , 1N a premium. ^' Bee boar; Dastiii etettet; :kb*, Ityr , Carrier. Buseirs•dieglarki,g. Grademkeditiest l Olii2l:4f-S‘borlogaitit.4 t'," I= l !": p. 014 litrAW bik Y U4O:. • • : lio4. Oaf 440111101 i tlial *We *WA Bsu F. Deamiiv:;‘,... • Ina wooled back, E. WOWS* Ad brif44.o* - 440 - ' -" 1406.4:21Mi1ite ‘ 44 fin -- -- . -• : 7 ,-- iViiiiiient • - C h il lertlindifili. _,..,. ---- -- I .1: coatis wooled buck, Daniel 11#iiirt;: 2d.,... , El. W. Northrup. ~, 1 r three ewes, Daniel • &mirk 241;:ibe4t, A , '''.. •.- 1 ' i. •th I e rl4ol littoqiri; ,f , . L 1 mi lol l w I ba*„k;, 13R.i Ca4nalc ri . 2d , i• -, ,C . ol tr. 3 f / • r t 1 tb. e - t .F.144Mi1 , 1422,beft, : *of San " N.; I3es three limbs, S. F. Carmalt. •-• firkin June hotter, Win. Idelbuish,-241. bes homes Jo hnson ,3d best, J. F. IN 1 ans 1 litAA: '17'47 ! . '' . ' IT mid by gird - d 'lB tan perup a a a , tin er :Oita o age, Maiy•Sterlitit. aged 15 years. •I been; D. 11. Wade, 2d best, E. A. 'Beni • --- . tprastity , otbottersne4-44romears cow,.( .144 , PouP4 9 ;) ,- , 11 4• , iJ0irix. : 444 0 p, ,2 4 *poi 114.P9uL49.Pi0,C 1, 140* z ~,,,,, .-4, Jgoe*!WAPATOiligetcb, tg• 09 1 44 11 4 , ; ,.05MPILaRtirtitilr 4• -140 .. SAW, but., it Ifla !!ot;',FacylliveCiritbik! titeim prescribed by the rules thei4oriety, '' .: - 914ni!•1443ta11e.14 8 4ukc i* WatiPn lag . ( 401/' 4 4 Pe40.V.11 1 aPP 1 .11 1 .1411. 1 ) 4 15110 • Pi aDdlirPeuil!OrillewfruPl o 44 o rftwife• its ih' St/dermal!) Ind Socket pear.. i .• 4 3 0 PO PlTti,igri,lSlfetioi7l4d,, bests C. Pe c l 8 0,,i'vgiOti.*P10 1 ;! E. 1.4 41,- .sifei 24 • 41.& _ PC4.4•1441rgi„,..4- Alairkt9.. - .: , i swat qutnces•tirtorte.eLeeler.!.., ~- ... .. • Bali !au koy mt !egetables.,. 11. ,C:•Jessitp..-'.. Beat Maple sugar, 1.. A...4.1ain, 2.1 .hest., Anson ;Tiffany- ,. , , •,,. —. . . 13W. nislerrinegnr,*.F.- , Bronson, 2d best Peter, suPP°- . -' ..' ' ' .4 Dest•honey, -.At. Cr. Warren, 24 best,-tr. N. ;Allen. ~ • - • Best double carriage, Ratsley dit, Lathrop. best si carriage, R.H. Rogers, 21 best, EL Clemons. . • • . . : _ Ida let dr Lethop exhibited-a ,splend id cutter, for which the Committee •recnninend a dipl, ina. Beet cabinet • ware, Smith Broe, 21 beet, B. L. Worilen. 1 W. L. Cialbrailli exhibibterl a boxwood fillieter earl 'plough fin which the Committee recommend a diploma. _ The Committee. re• corrunCnd a premium of 3 dulls. to Godfrey Dubuck for an ingenious inlaid' tool elms' and work. Best churning rosubine, Sayre Bros. Best cultivator, Sayre Bros. Bait co►n sbeller,Sayra Bros, Best sido hill plow, Mott,& Tilden. Best horse rake chancey. Foot. - 13e4,6 horse shoes Hawley dr Lathrop, 2d beat, .1. 11. Weaver. - _ Best.. bushel ems of coro,,H. C. Conklin- Beet, half bushel of wheat, J.)doColluut. Best'hajt _bushel of rye, W. Best half bushel of ilea seed, J. Riblike. Best half bushel of timothy seed, 4cilbt ! Wood. . • Wit three sides o' barosii . leather, J; C. Stiles; 2d best, J. !aims* & Bros. shies Side:inkier leather, & Broil: !id best. C. Stiles. ' Beet three sides of sole leather , L'Moss and Bios. ! • • Beat cnrilagebaritess. G. F. Fountain. Bisit pair fipe booti;. add - Stod lard. pair Coarse boots Keeler andßtOddri ' Suit piece fulled cloth, J. 'llarringtoti,id b r 4r; .1. F. Griswold. '- ' ' 'Best wool carpet, Mrs. S.U. Wntren. • Best tag carpet •T.. Moody, 2d beal, Minks 'Paliner. ' • ' • - - • Wet piece. flannel Almina Palmer, 2d beit. Lydia Butts. • 'Best woolen socks, Mu. E.A.Virestoo, 2d best, John Barrington.. - The Comittee ..recommend'a diaisretioaary preoriium to be awarded tolls's. Mary Tewki litiryY•irged 87 yealli; for four deifen pair of Wool nicks knit t.y bet in two mouths. Itedit•wtiolee mittens, Mn. - s W. 'Tairor,2ol best. Miss N. E. Ball. . The Committee deem a home made woolen sheik exhibited by Mrs. 1). Thomas,. as Wor. illY dirt 'only of especial notice, but of a pre miusitited they been-authorized to . await! one.. Best patch work quilt, Mrs.' *Weston,2d best, Mrs. E. Bullard. • - Bret quilt, Mrs. 0. Coughlin, 2d 'best, Ms. J.T.: 'Atherton. Bat'svinter ...bonnet, Mrs. Bixby... A die criiniary preimittin f“r a winter bat made Mts. Hyde A: Ila. drink. Best wieqUe, Miss, V. 11. Dimocic. The variety of, quilts and spreads was unu sually-large this year, making it rather diffi : cult for the judges to decide. One bed quilt pieced by' a little girl, eleven 'yetis old, is &- serving of notice; lilao a coverlet woven by W: Galbraith. A briautiful - wreath r= u =de of, hair by 'lt' Al'Woiden is deserving °trustse: l The embroidetiee were all worthy tif 'note. Netting, knitting, and cruichet .'wo4r were all•diseiving. The paintings and engraving!! 1 trete rail very fine; The Committee Would propose that -a premium might, hereafter be offered' fur fancy needle-rat:A.,' •'' - Bat three turkeys, It. F. Bronson, 2d best, W.:l.:Galbraith. Bat six, fowls, Harry Smith, 2d best, G Chapman. 1. " - • -Bailie , chickens, Elbert Fargo, 2d 'best Mason 'Tiegley. s• - • ihrit - six• ducks; William 'Mettitiiib„ . 2d beif J. V.,'Lewis. _. - • - The CoMmittie think Sit, not right that'ao,y one irbotild l shoW all turieylbooks, the litinta:Siould recediminend thief:he piemisina, tiiiihildise.giveb lor'dne cock and two bens... - . The - PLittlriglilatch took plane on Tuesday, Sept.'ffiitli, un the leriii brltinerat'erling, nestelirbbkfyri Centra.' Nottiithiteffidirig the day . w as untiforithle,it beifig,iiiiite Writ, , yet the• attendance was large, and tka-match a ve. rffirwi obey Ft fend Sterling tribt:the l Eilirititeri at James o.' ''Dullard's' ;Rotel,' Where.' 41,04 1 provision Lad been made for' both Mao and beast, and after. partakint.of-a titbit excellent diiiiiii, inch an one as frienck` 'IV skill, knows tiOV to getup; they ill reiiiiiO4 tfre,gfatt;icl; *Vern the Comb:lime had been diligent *ed . 'tomtit in preintririgiind nteitadring the 'grtionci: 1111.04x:it Waren wii`tipirti a high ridge, and thesbil warrritbiri a chbrirlite loam; • con=e Outings of it wai,a little any and rough, titian the surface, having &tilt! - Tither' itaperi fectli laid ~tfoirti'llien lief.: iterrdeil; Twenti thiairftrids tif ground hiiiikbeen plotted 16 Aid iiiiifititak - Tthilaks'' called itiF'li'46'' • tialei.. arid thef i tillanlitiouthr ' agread - upon atifik,oit,ll6ol,,ilitiiii'ottecti, dye*: trim '1 L halitik finaibOr etilitilid.' The ti , ioi'fi:ste Ibrinagle*Wikitt iitifilldliqgd bane :fivir*, l 4hriviriCirail i giViii,.git: "it' ivai - ifilly koilie liiii - , itiirkiiiiiiiiig . *ils - iiitafig; 446 , intte ' ,iiudibiiiiiiikeir - lii#iij)trit *ad de r natoligi '' ~VJA TlVlSnitiiiiii to ' Vit u fitir 1 1 1 4 - iiis.firiiii 'littih'' we bid: law 'citif,iinants, ao, liy , i f ivii.x.ttiii-4 initi'llanit - kgriskil . iu'. iiiisWtheWOlf_iht riialliiitid' to id . flfe*vn i nd t ir l * ' ' 6 t j''c '*P* ' * t, #'t*tttt I A '.lSet tilF 2 Pc .4. s ' ''l ~"'.. 1 It is difficult sometints.4" In' &Mir gall at e *doicts64o 7 4sianta , Oriivlngiilietigiv•all , iiiiiittsftnikif wail, indlialgestnilitdrii Ibillinsigithatoolo4lilPcatilie:. til4lniklit, fording them 'a madam' advaanigiOlsupti , atiatisteolinitttiatsgeet: - .lgst a ffil in ta t t nts" nal l npunno,r,-), : , ..47',,g. -1 ":"° e. :-,.., ~,, . s. , t Z5B1011i; 'ploirriwlehrt I. AUisiii, 44:4E4 J.ooloVisdair4d ,7- blarlekr .ksaliviiiiA , 4 49oimAsipmicie traeokApii4a bistiliELTo Milt. Tri , (..* A-= . 4 ts , ll _:s! , L.- - iwal;:it,istiank - 491. 7 ' . `.- - w .::~ :-;_-. Am:l.lNa Poor IN. _ • I • 42 65 12 Nip Aubur0........4% 151 7 4 139 86 ' - - 48 '34 -,.1 84 -444 : ;•3 4 5.'"e4 114 : 1 99 0 ; , 7 Cooconut . 84 - 2 18 Clifford 154 g. 4., it? c . I)imock 192 .71V - 2. 011 r; puska', boodaff.... 29 _2O 21 17. - ; 145- Forest Lake...:Lik;;-:-. 49 4 138 Gibson:a.. - .. - .:.Z:157 ' Gremlieutt.; ,. : . .. 754' - 128 .7 - 63 1- : 161 _4. 110 1 44r.d 198 , •. 84.. -.4 -.14 1_•1.55•_• 11'1 ".;.." 89. Lisox ;. 99 57 17 130 , ,64t. :_1111... 1 153 ..kidflAsjowo,...,.. 20 104 • • Wootrore.. . . 1,81 L. .47..192 67 ,- -:_liewttliitur4f .141 1 . 04„ .28. 291- thilifßad - .54 ''2.l :1:. : 78 ~..„ )15 55,, ...JO H :148 . Silver fake.. . 1.. 130 85, Busq's Dcp r oi... 104 135 . • .145 Tkicl° 4o D;•'• 42 9.0 .28 44 *De - t.) 2897 2091 . 418 ,FOr ‘ SurveYdrtek 114-11,oire, Dem., 2099 • }Wm, Opp, -280 . 3. ECM, Seriator, obrison,.: Dom., 2181.. • - . • 'Landon, op. 2831 For Depreientitive, Gilbert,.Dem., 2108 , , '• Frazier, op., 2877 , For. Dist. Att'y. ltdColloin; Dern, '2214 Chamberlin, op, 2748 .For Commivtioner, Relit, Dam, 2104 • . op, 2834 ,For.Treasurtr,, Bullard. Dem., 2121 Tito'', op., 2849 Fat. Auaitor,, Turrell,'Dem.,. •• 2099 . Wright, op., • 2803 ,Fur Co. Surveyor, Boylg, Dam., 2068 Terrell, op., 2826 Tice opposition majority lad jeer,. 1167 Tbs oppoaition majority this 'lair,' 716 Democratic fraiwin one year, 451 leimmitars'ltialsinotiOns. MES7'IAIO2- for -thetle*arniamaiiin of those ;wit° desire .to,teliph in the public schools of thin couat3r, yen be hell ie-the different town. ships asfollown: , • Brookryii; . Nov. 3,.Centre, 9a, m. LithroK '" '7, Hillsdale, 9e, m , Lebo:, ' " ' 8; *Belil.„ -9 a. in. Gibios 0- 9, Union" Hill, 10 a. m. Jackson, No. " 'lO tr. w. New,litiforfi, " 11. Graded &ILIO a. ro. Franklin." 12, South Bill. 10 a. in., blall".P' I r, I . 14.11110200190, it. m. Bridqewater,. . „ Dinjai • k. ` . 15, RA, 10 a. w abffbffifill&" "-" ' Is, Piiiine's. 19 - a. tit. Auburn. , . 2. Its 4: in; Soak, 111,-Gralikerve73.H.;lo Jesaup.' . " 19, Bolin:CB. H., We. in. ForeirLake & 4.,u wueit, 30 m ' Chapman, • `i!' Middletolnt, 0 99 ; pald*in B. H, In a rt. Prielidavi I le, APol eon, " 23, Little Mead., 10 a. m. Choc nut, " 24. Clark's 8. 10. a. in. i v . L a ke, 3.-- 23, fltnekney, 10 a. m. Li • ty, " •28;-Brookdale, , 10 a. in. "-' teat Bend, " 28 '. 4 the-river a° a ' In ' Oablend & „, Lo usuOIO Harniony... Thompson, " '3O Centre,. 10-a. in. Ararat Rec. 1. Chareh, ill a. ID. Herrick, s 13 2, Uniondale. 10c in. Clifford, ik-} .... • 4 3, City, 10 a. at. DeWitt - It is &Wields that all teadhers• be examined in the townships where they expect to teach. The examination will as naneLbe the written rind oral methods combined. Each applicant should beitupplied with at least Imo shiels et fools-cap paper, and en "ancriak. • — All - abontd - be' punctual;—none admitted to 11i elm after the exantrinition anintaOtas.- B. F: TEWKSBURY:Co. 80'91 -* ..Brooklyn.,Oot. 17th,•1859.• *Held at this house by repitest9lSchool.Board NOTICE.—TIVOr.Ier to facilitate - the em playing of reichitra, : by directnis (and others) iris- deenied beat'tb - eitend the time 6rvrbictit some of the cartifiettietirtmed during the pait year, were given. Nearly all of these bolcting the certiabates, t)iti . Nos. 61 - whivh - Eire given- tatkiii, have tioght-Winte"i'aollooht with a fear:nimble 'de gree of ancetil. - -. -Of the atingle:o,llll4MA Nov..or: Dec. 1`838; `those lietirifig' foltriwing 'Nos: 'Will tieihBor4,-r0 anatheri - tarin,l fl hey ere far vrtirdlid (or lianded) - 10 tne'acmin.' ' Nbet.3 'o'6 1 . 811716, 20' 24' 95 - 27'24 36‘bt 343838 48 43 44 45 46 47-48 60 53,64,R#.68450,.60.61 : 02.61:64 08'60 q711'72.7445 8 X:894 0 4-. 105 -1 0 .8 110111113 114 ;MO 18-112;121,128 123 .124 125 4284,29-a4!13.1.-1/1 ;133,134 138 187* 138141 143116 146-1481150158 in 160.* , Of %buss hawed in.:Spring of 1959' than bearing rtre•followiing Nve, 7itt6i Nrie:l 614'19'.182124 29'30 . 36'37 ¢3'43 4446'4952 52 57'56 60'62 63 64 - 65 : 66 . 61174 19 it 93 8386 tliolfloi;i9,ils 216 157 118 123 134 120' ip6; The Wide Awake Fire Corepieji,; eri lietaky . rieti flee_ m eet he , Engine g°uginAcTo s 61:°7S1°iki in PclOrtic-Forenitan. 4,1114 4 : - . liditfird - Di,Tkiykit„Of the Binghamton be at Bitiquehannt 'Depot 2 thoinfi Of each month- dut ring the Spring and Bummer for eoustitiation. luvaiidsiwill 'find: , ft tol theirsdfautago Itet give him* Nampa iereivestat,sll timetrat-Ida •Misktdiahtutint Binghamton. wtiaea army „ coturoA, and .rnvenienoe star -be found fite Otet}rift InyAups. Rt. , Or adveghtententvof 'l)m.,i4ituford's liver nviersPg , $ l 4 rim,. is anoitirmuhirpn , , ups. ly lay pareliailtstilikbidret: Itegier va1,117.i Wisp/ Ads viltritieo Paintiaid Chola sa-corftiteltiefillik. "polices* Ws, r , 04% .3 4 ?!Lbef 1 4 944119Ve 'OP , 101 '' . V4" , 414 0,0 , 1 - I r-gui,_an ,, e# l ,TiM4 ol ,-,Tal# twciAll#R4 l l4et;ciiilitttiliolnio iogiViteemites - ado oat .'df 411. ale — . - aVrairlo- siuit • iliei - NilAket boyar. , vtu F,4110,10 -- f rn *EI% 'Vic,o l l..; 184-1469:4; • fAli i i. roishedqi'oniiri,brj. • I ,%ear balunPfug ' m fewi l tv" A1gt4.1.104RN141;- ~ vl . h; e-sPi „ 11 1 4 1 10/4 40 intim!" Tit l llllloll, Ground Odra in eans e lftilits - JONIVII4OI2II. • la* - A 4i Ew sx4- :ArD fmr. :mix 1! • !MINED :Z:11 BE; RANKED .:Ail THE BEST BIMC OR THE SEASON ' TRSLAD,FRIER THE FRENCH. . 4 ** , nt 111116 , 01 S 'ROBERT = HOUDIN, AlLBAssiow4, • AUTilult, •'; • . LAD 7ROFEOSOR OF imams: dr jun). • EDITED HT - Dr. R. RlikLtO — N MACRENtR. . TiOs Reek:is full of isiteisstiog and enter nutting- anecdotes, of the iiterviewit- of the Greet 'Wizard' -divtingiiisbed perimeigitit the oviea day; and:gives de- .04 , - Oulu* of Ibieielt Minima friar:amid transformations. ,- ; Boutol-in ono .troltitne, 12mo, Cloth.. 44 iiageo.. - 7: Price. $1,00.. - And upon the receipt 421 cents additions' for postegi, tlie-Booli" anti a hand some; present ;eolith- 28 - ciente - to =100 ,00 , ; will be sent- to - any pe6on io-Ihe -country. , Fib* the Editor's - PTV:gee. Aroma-Mir not Qni y " take his. own life," ;by wti rug tits Autobi?graltby. 'without cum milkin /do de se,,bu!,,,tnity 4!ryhiwanlfinto y fuinre ume, bipticincing altlck.k. which the world will.iint willingly let dtiw This is what Nr Rutieti-Hondin,ltho - greit 'artist in what ir !done insthe re- Markabte book coriftdentecruslPrestigiteur, 'd Jfaubful tianklittion . of is pro. m 'gaed to' the Ametipan reatitag;pUblic. The work,itivi lied -the-greatest sruditem in- Europe, from its lively sty le,se the various in forin ation it GUM a ins,- 11hourit:Id and ph ilosol pities!. On--the preefice and principles of sleight-of-band,-and the mberAeutils, menai es. welt as mechiniCal, which' un‘fe'to make , pirfeet . the ,exhibition of White Magie, the antipodes of what our-forefathers-knew, per secuted and punished as the Black Art. . From ,the Wistniinster-Rettiero: "Wit-liOut any sarcastic intention; we Foie t shOw that the Conjurer was really 'a man of greater ability than many a successful auibor. On the "bole we can u.T.outrnend these ldti mpipouf Rubert-liondin's as preasant reading." Publistied by OEO. 0. EVANS, -No. ho Chestnut St., PHILADCLPIIIA. To *hem all orders should be aibilressed. LAreAs.4424 , Tixi:Li?)o 'COL. DA NIEL-660 NE Pclistßi/BING 1 - Hi stoilyepliattg r ettienient of With smack!". Hardallipa and Ad- Features of 'he Pioci.ear r to.which is added COLBOONE'SWOBIOGRAPHY COMPLETE, As dictated to John Fil.usnt and first published to - 084. "COLONEL -DANIEL BOONS was one the most remarkable men atilt this country has produced. ilia charm-ter is marked with originality . , and his actions weze important and influential in one of the mast* intotearing periods of our histore—that of the esly set tlement of Kentucky." Boone" is generally achnoiledged as the foender. of -that .§tare, espluied,:it :alone to a couinderable extent; leading the earliest settlers; founding. -Boottesburough; hiving defended the stations suecesulfullyagainst the attacks of the Indians, and the prominent put which he took in afisrre ofthi's period of (Nitres* and peril, Certainly tender his claims to the honor of-the titlp;fouodergf &tangy very htrAng." • liattilsornely bOund in one volume. 121., cloth, - and illuttratesi. with fine engraving*. Price *1,00: : 4- . • - Copies of either of the above books with a handsome Gift , worth from 50 cents to - 1/10*,will be Sent to any person in the„United Seateir upon the receipt of *l.OO and 21 cts; to pay po•tage,-by addressing the Publisher, wheris eiesiroul• of Callingjonrattent ion to bas honorable - Method of transacting bad ness. viz: . - ~.With, each.Pook 14at,.ii .bought at his Es a,Piesent is „given away. teorgl front- Fifty „cents to One, tfundred Dollars. The soit'Cif "etw'til Twilit! nod of the heat `, initotifecure, 'anti comprise n large rutitsittrifent of *Males, scarf, Silver Ea' ed . Were, Silt Drei flatleAni,• gteyate., etc, too .nu o 1 . Send for a !complete:Catalogue of Books, *bids will bemsiiteci f ux, you ; free of expense, and one Ott nsinie yon Abet the best place country - io bny tioOkt is it %be tug. yatabtir Pita m of • GE9RGF. G.-EVANS, Pub., and Bailee e. .N0.439 - Cbeituut Sin3et, , •-• • • Philadelphia. 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