CM= TOWN4YD COUNTY' AFFAIRS '•:`UOD.. wani'd on subscription at this r. REND 4:Y.5 7117*.- . T .Tbc .pro cee, ngs of the Teacher"' In'ititute held at Gt. ; nearly two maths egO, bave - been sent 'the: meeting appears to ititeismitintinel Profs. Stod dnr' aV:I Brodhead, Supt. Tewksbury; Rev. NV_ 1114lardmn; 5.13. Chase, Dig., Dr. M. 11. C. were the lecturers, teachers, etc. As the report is rather long,antl has been a very - long time in finding its way to us, we iball neeesarilyneed a long time to decide wheth er to; print it ornot. - 3fEET.IIVG:=:Ne \.have r•iceire - d - ri copy of the . proceedings of a meet trig of the Students of ,the Normal School, held-last-August, at- - which a NptetWoble and resolutions were adopted, expressing the deep sense of obligation the Students felt under to Prof. Stoddard for hiss - earnest labors in their -and referring•lo :esksblisbment of a perniattentNormai School in the county, by him, as desirable 'measure; complimenting the. County Su . perinteßdint for' his efficient ,e,ryr4:es; and extending a _welcome to _Prof. .Brodhead. Had the committee sent the re in six weeks ago, it would bare possessed much more interest than at this Tate day. COUNTY FAIR—The Fair -was very well attended, and the display of articles in the Chrioini - -departmeniS much better than 'l' 4 3 been anticipated. The.fmits and \ vege :table:, were well worthy of especial riotice. Our neighirrinz-counties were not unrepres 1-ented, 'and among other things exhibited were settle epeeimens ei photographs, ambro typeaand daguerreotypes by Prof. Tubbs, of Birigharfiton; which were as fine as any we neer saw. The laces" were thole of lion. I). and other well known citi zoos of Binghamton, which for their life-like expression. and beautifUl style of finish were much-admired. The ring prepared far exhib iting the speeti`of hexes, - was a prominent feature, and attracted a large share of atten floe. - 'Tire new grounds, altbo' as yet very tough, gavefar better satisfaction than bad been , aippo - ied to be possible, judging from the a ppea s rince berme being fitted up. - =We . are as yet unable to obtain the Of ci . :llnepr,rt of the Fair, but have. copied the awarl of premiums from the treasurer's books, a - nti, insert it this Iteek. List of Preisiimus ..4warded at the Susquehanna County Fair, hrid . at Montrose, Sept. 28th and 29th, 185.9. 1;• ,, L St:illion, Shelp, second hest, F. li. 11,,Pd-ter, thiirli . best,' H. C. Conklin. _ lies+ Sinilion in the County prior to this vb-ir, -J: S. Tarbelf. , !.;04 broOd mare and colt, Elijah Brea n, -George ,Waiker, third beet,' 0. gelding ( S. -I). Townsend, 2d bet,t t , ,47:Sabins. _ mateli horses, L Searle, 2d best quarts, P t - G. Bfrcb. Best psir 3.yeais old colts, H. C. Bergiolf, F t ir 2 teats old, G.W. Kent, best pair y7,tatiri,f_ts, P.isr Bros. ~5 t parr mull , - Sayre Bros, 2d-best N K. S'ltion.. levon bull, 'Harry Smith, 2d best, A. Cai .-;est yearling, l lamas Casson, 2d :oa, J. 'McCollum, 2d best, James Shaw'. lie.-L Han 7 Smit dt.rhatn W. Jeisup, 2d best C Le'st under one !eat; Jame+ Sterling CLAS,S., C.C_Armalt, 2.i best John C. Mur. Lt hO.fer, S. F. Cn.rmalt. g, , sde devon 8011, C. M. Tingley, 2d Tiffany, best cow. W. H. Junes, !Id bebi Li. J. Webb, 3d b e st M. K. Tingley: list Leifer, Dairy Smith,. .2d best Win 3,1 best, C. M. Ti . oirlev. four )ea - itings, Harry gniitb, 2d best, R. P. i t ..,il3:,ter, 3d best, ji Diink er. live calves, Marry Sinitb, 2d best, C. J. vipie•durhato bikU, Eri Gregory' 2d to u, W.: Ic:sur). L'. >t' ckvw„Eli tegory, 24 best, W. 1. Pc§t, V.'4inrace.k.: - iQur rrwr4ing.s, Eri Gregory. 2d best, F. FL 11.:1..:$ - . - tr, 3d boti Jessup. the 4:aises, Carmalt, 2d best, H. Le..t . tibtire bull, E. H. Ekebbier cow, Harry Smith, 2d best, F. H Hol Beyer, 3d best, E. T. Tiffany. - „ I four ye/tail:4B;J. Meacham. tire H. H. Harrington. - 3 oke of oxen, B--;--Titfanr, 2d best, 13arry :...ztutth, 3d hem, liiltbn [tooter, 4th CM Young of Dimock. ro.&t pair steers, P. Banker, 2d heft, C. J.: r, 3-1 best,,ll. B. Trtiesdell. • Yst Four - two rears old stems, parry Smith; I.est, 11. C. Conklin, Brood- Ite•