lIM2 • - 4 4. sa ' OF THE - •'• 6 "g"- ItEADY-PAY SYSTEM Tis certain that Goods can ho sold successful. I ly in Montrose and at Susquehanna Depot FOR C,ASH. ,Thosedoubting this assertion will do Drell to rail at the stores of • ' • '-Guitgriberq' 4 losenbaum V- 'l' u - here • be proven " thy. the l'erchant: in selling his Goods can afford to sell Cheaper for Cash ; and can offer induceMents sufficient to make it an sobjeet. to Purchasers, at whatever sacrifice they are obliged to make, to proenre the Money', to adopt in theii Purchases the CASH Sr-s:7km. We have just received and are constantls re ceiling, a splendid assortment of • SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, adapted for this season, and which will not fail to give general satlsfaCtion. They • wore pur. purebased,under the most tavvrable eircutustan ces, and we are enabled and WILL offer and sell at prices far below others that will give and have given an everlasting Credit; no matter whether it is Tom; Dick, or Harry. T-H-E-R-E-1 1 -0,,11-E EX AIIiNE,COMPAR E AND JUDGE "OUR DRY GOODS.! An assortment heretofore unequaled by anything 'ever_ offered in-Mentrose6 Fancy and Staple Dry Goods! Comprising many new and desiratle styles of Goods unknown in this market, among which will • - be found, in • LADIES' DRESS GOODS, All the 7 novelties of the season, cheap at GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAC3L, & CO'S. SHAWLS !- New and choice styles of Brocho double and single, Stella, Plaid, Wool, Taira', and Mantilla, and a new style of Chenil I Shawls, cheap at ' 6uttenbri . g, liosfnbaum, 4 Co's,. s.ntim MEM, A, NEW BOOK, BY WILLIAM YOUNG, M. D. An assortment always on hand,alsoLadies' Cloth I - The secret clue to courtship, love and Trimming to match, of all shades , cheap at -. k, !, •:„. & marriage: nitft_the diseases inci ,, _ D 05 5 ..... -_,--_---- deut to youth, maturity age; aittinbtril '4l6citlianT, & -Co's. ,r- i .. :; c 4 being lights :nd shades of married ~... .t*so," , hie, its Hs and sorrows, hopes Li . tears add disappointments. Let all EMBRO. married people , or those contemplating marriage IDERIE St land having the least impediment to married life, ' I read this book. Let t.% ery }oung 1113 R and woman In this Department we -r ean offer great induce- ' in the land read. this book. it is fulf of Plates. ... ments, as they are purchased -directly' from im- I and discloses Secrets that every one should know porting houses. -The assortment comprises 1 a little knowledge at first may save a world of French 11. etts, Sleeves and Collars, l trouble in after life. N.•nd for a copy (enclosing Worked Edgings and Inserting, I .. s ei` •to ~ -DR. V. YOUNG, and a great many more arti-. ap2S 1, - ] 416 Sprtwe-st, Philadelphia. ---- ,CilD% belong toiltis line too 1 ---E— •--- = TII.---GCSI AND PLAIN TEETH. • lion, cheap at numerous to men-, ' 1 T for sale by ABEL TERRELL - GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM, & CO'S. i Tilt NEW ERA! Bonnets, Ribbons, :Flowers and _ Plumes, Wire, Stiff Net tings and Fraines, - at Zt holesal tuad Retail,--cheap at GUTTENBEAG, ROSESBALId, & CO'S Domestic Goods! 'ay be found all the different qualities of Prints, Ginghams, Bleached af:6os, Fine Unbleached Muslin t Ticks; Stripes, Denims, Sheeting, 2 1-2 3- . 31s Ode, cheap at dti'MNBEII - G. ROSENBAUM, & CO'S READY MADE CLOMINt. As thiS h. one of (heir PRINCIPAL BRANCJIES OF BUSINE.SB in New . York City, they certainly have one great advantage over all the rest of Clothiers; they having one Partner steady in New York city to devote all his time to this particular branch of inanufactutirm. They wi 1 furniab. at any time, a Good Garment it about -the same price. for which the material can be got. They . will warrant their 'work and a complete fit or no paV. - They keep zonstantly on hand one of the best stocks of OVER AND UNDER COATS ! Such as • Frock, Dress, Raglan, and Sacks • , - PANTib ^is • In. Great Variety I)iferent Styles. TESTS! Such as Valve., PluSla; Cassimer, and Satin, cheap at GUTTENBEIG,-P .t OSENBACIT, & CO'S. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER,. or the get Material at Short Mollie. Under Garments 'For. LADIES /IS WELL As Fon GENTLEMEN, such:as Siik; and also Larrilmwool, cheap at GeTTENgERG:IIOSENBAUM,& CO'S ONE WORD f•149*400D4:14:1[0:44:1441=14 TO ouri Iruurßos FRIENDS ~.ttISTO'SIERS Andin particular to, those knowing themselves indebted to ns;we will say once more that we Hell for Reitlys Pay: hereafter, and all Ac counts and Notes must be settled,without Fur' ther Notice. We are tired of writing Dunnini Letterasial Supporting tbe PostOtEceaild there by losing._ \Ve will tsko `all; Janda otGrild at -ilia Hightit :%liirket. Prices for Pitytherkand All Actounts stsuiiititc Biontlitii.oa oar Book's be left for collection unless settled bT Note. • , • 031111E1a/erg, , `..Mi.iritro,e, VA, April 13111,1 858. - CO • -: - :j"u tt ;,, , -, RACENYON JR. it respectfully solicit the inspection ' _.,:.” -.. 1 1 VITOHLD of a new and eery rich assortintnt of 1 Atour,l, r 6 i.: Vrobiston itart, 1 LT • I. _DRY G - .00.L0S ..I At ItIONTROSE, Pa., • .fiNE' tioor below J. Ethridge's Drug Store, this day received, consisting in part alas follows: I 1.1 on POLlic Avenue, where will ,be found Rich .Black Moire 4nti q . pe,Silk ins. pecranit l constantly : on hand a general assortment of Foulard Silkodres.tyle,-6s. per yard; Rich Plaid- GROCERIES: Silk. the .very ne:aest. patterns, lOs. per yard; 111.:ck Silk, 28.rnelies wide, from 7s. to 124. per Such as Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Teas,,CotTee yard; splendid Black Silk Shawls from 89 to. - .&e.;&e.. &e. 811, the finest assortment in Susq'a Co.: nevi - . Also the choicest braids of - invoice olGinghams, ht Om' low prices: also of FAMILY FLOUR Calicoes; large stock of Denins, Matures, Plaids, . 1 and Lawns; Printed Shawls from 714:- to SS; Meal, Lard, Pork, Hams, Fish, Candles &c. Brocha 'Shawls from 8,5 to 825; -Collars from We /what a share of the public patronage, and 6 cts. to 205.; Paralmls from Ss. to 245. each:. pledge ourselves to do the fair thing, hoping by Bonnet, a large stock; Ribbons. and Flowers: also a new invoice of Gents Shoes—Congress, each bargain to secure another. , BA,LDWIN di: ALLEN. Enamelled and Call Skin: Ladies Congress Gai. A 1.1 - ItED B O.DWIX. tees, Kid and Enameled; Misses Calf and Etiatu. . Vat. L. ALLEN, • - elled Boots; Children Pat odi Boots, Gaiters and overything•ln- that line. They whuld also call attention to the filet that haying an arrangement with one of the largest Importing Houses in New York they will receive regularly New Styles 314 fast as they appear in New York,and will take the greatest pains to please all who call and see and wish to purchase. Particular attention paid to procuring fine goods=-in every style. • fi ll -MA.M. A new lots this day received. and would re speetfully solicit an examination of the sane Good Tea at as.. city prices, also at 3s. ss. 65. Ss. G Alt% . COFTEE--Java, Rio and Wound Coffee. SA L ER A TEM.-James POe's, Rabbi tt's Med icinal, and Exzelsior,.&-c. NAILS, and also a new stock of WALL PAPER and WIN DOW PA PER, this day,receiced.-FARM ING TOOLS of the most approved patterns. 4 Crc•olr..er3r ; . Gold Band, Shaded, Blue Band, and all the new . styles, as last as they appear in New Volk. FLOILIC. eon-tantly en hand. SALT by the barretof sack.- • !PATENT 31 EIIiCINES, GLASS,'and everything else you want. -1 R. KENYON JR. & CO. foo.rsville Crntre. Pa., June Bth, 1859. TEE SECRET INFICRITTSTi: YOUTH AND DIATPRITY. Just Published Gratis, the 25th Thousand EFAY Wc.rds on the Rational Treatment without Medieine, " 1 "" of Spermatorrhea or Leval Weak. neks, Nocturnal Emissions, Genital and Nervous Debility,'Premature Decay of the System, Imp°. to'cy anctlinpediment to Marriage generally, BY B. DE I.ANEY, 31, I). The important tact` teatthe many alarming complaints, originating; in the imprudence and solitude of 'youth. may be easily - removed WITH- Orr MEIVCINE, is in this small tract, clearly de monstrated; and the entirely new and highly successful treatment, as adopted by the Author, fulls. explained, by means of which every one is eaabled to cure uitisitt . perfectly and at' the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all the ad vertised nostrums, of the day. • Sent to any address, gratis and post free inn.' sealed enveljpe, by remitting (post paid) two postage stamps to Dr. B. DE LANEY, SS East Ist Street, New York City.. [fliyetw• MARRIAGE GUIDE. SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, at Great Bargains.--Ready-Pay and Small ProSts! 13.31311a.PLIELIT'T Inow receiving a full and choice Stuck of Spring and Summer Goods, including a great - variety of-Rich Prints in new styles, Gingharns, Brilliants,Plain and Fancy Lawtis,Challis, Robes, Silk Dress Tissues, and Barages,Black and Fancy Silk s , Poplins, &c.: with a superior assortment of Silk,'Broebe, Cashmere and Stella Shawls: Mantillas, Parasols, Rich Ribbons, Bonnets and Flowers, Broad Cloths, Cassimeres, Summer Stuffs, &tr.., with a large assortment id' other Staple and Fancy Goods, as usual in Groceries:Crockerv, Hardware,lron, Steel, Nails, Stoves, Drug, Paints, Oils, Boots and Shoes, lists and Caps , Clocks, Carpeting Floor Oil-Cloths, Wall Paper. Painted Window Shades, Stc. The entire Stock' being large and bought for Cash, sill give superior opportunity for choice selections, and, in accordance with tlie spirit of the times, trill be sold fir Ready Pay, 10,to 25 per cent. below Regular Prices. An examination.of the Goods and Prices will be found profitable to tho'se who wish to buy. Flour & Salt constantly on hand. New Milford, May 4th, 1859. would respectfully announce to the Z,public that he may still be found• at the old_staud, fully prepared to attend to the wants of the eonimunity; Ile will keep on hand a good stock of c-rooeries : SUGARS. TEAS, COFFEE, SPICES, FRUIT, FLOUR and SALT... 411 the sack or barrel,} FISH, and,'all articles found in First Clas'S Groceries. • . . lie would particularly call the attention of Farmers and others to the fact that he is constantly receiving fresh supplies of FIRST RATE FLOUR, also good and medium qualities, which will be gold RIGHT, for ready pay, in quantities to suit the purchaser. Mentrose, Feb. 21st 1859. REAR YE! BEAR YE! -AU F_E111.11.1.1.-11. . BLACK and Colored Dress Silks, Collars and Underideeces. Lace Fails Bro. Tissue for Veils. Esmeralda, Cotp Yarn, Carpet Warp, Bard Doke's and Bonnet oards, a nCW.sirp ply of Gaiters. Corn Starch and Tapia() for puddings. Cheap at D. C. TYLER'S. • lMootrose, Juno Bth, 11159. ' • . 3Fr.m3tcrxrA.m.. O. E. rogrmAn HAS removed bis ship across the street, to the building one door below Xeeler do Stoddard's, which be bas fitted up expressly fee a Saddle, Harness and Trunk Shop. where, may be found all kinds of .11ELELPILDWMES • from the heaviest team, to the lightest trotting harness, and a general assorment of trimmings, whieWleill be made, up or sold very low.: Carriage Trimmings: - • A plod orsortmeot ow hand, which will be sold Tery hiw; all trimming done cheaper than. else where.' OAK, LEATHER - on hand, from which harnesses will be made and " f 2 Vifiorr i a , 2l. - ted.; *.*Cusfkuners,will pease heir in rind that I wish to-settle up urine -year. `Those having unsettled sinetkintn; 'or , 'notes doe; riiil ' oblige I - by aettling,or:xnaking - payment withdetli ir the r , F.TORIMIAM,- - ,..4% Feb:24th, 185.]. Montrone, W NI: To Traci° TRAVELING AGENTS. WE WANT 50 tdloo YOUNG MIEN. with a - cash capital of from $5O to $lOOO each, to purchase our Good.'*, consisting of Watches and Jewelry, and to dispose of them in Alf the cities and towns throughout the United States and Canadas. Some ,persons who purchase of us are Oinking from $5,000 to 810,000 per year, selling at apction,in the various towns & villages. - On recept of the Castt, we will send by mail to any address, thefollowing articles, ns samples of our Goods: 6 Fancy (41(11:Inger Rings, assorted, for -$4 6 " • o " • better, for 6 6 " ! Gent's Breastpins, assorted, for 4 6 ,". : " . " better for 6 6 " Ladies' " ' • " - for 4 6 ~ ~ 4 " better for 6 6 ... , " 14 larger for 9 1 Set Cameo Pin and Ear Drops, for - 3 1 " i _4l ,/' for - 5 1 Set Gofcbstone l'in and Ear Drops, for • 3 i Set Mosaic ~ " , for 3 1 Set Gold Fancy." s, for 4 1 Set 44 . " for 3 1 Pair Cold Richly Chased Bane Bracelets, 6 1 "" ''• " o 8 t "- Fancy Carnet, Bracelets for .- 8 1 .' Ladies' Fancy CutT Pins for - 1 6 Sets Gold Gent's Bosom Studs, fancy for 3 , " stone set for 6 6 " ,Sleeve Buttons, engraved, for - 3 6 " i stone setting, for 9 I Gold Donble }locket, fancy, (snap) for 1:50 6 1 ,. (spring) fur 3 Gold Vest Hooks, for , - 3 6 Gold Fancy Watch -Keys, for - - - . 3 I Large size Gold Pencil Case for - - 1:50 .1 New style:French Vest Chain for - - 2:50 1 '-‘ , " " better for -• 3 I ." " " .larger for . 5 I Fancy Spy& r Watch, open face, for 7 L. " •••• " - Hunting Case for - 10 1 Fancy Gilt Watch, Hunting Case for • 10 1 " Gold Watch, open face for • - 20 I", 1 " - .., " better for -25 j 1 " : " Hunting Case for 30 i 1 1 " • 's, better for -40 - Movements of all the Watches described in this list are L'Ar..IIANTET) PERFECT; and we wish it distinctly understood that the prices given are our lotecsi•Oidesale ,ptices to the Trade and to Traveling Agents. The retail price would be i from 50 to 1110 per cent. higher. _ ~.. Write the !Name, County, and Stale, in A plain hand, to pre%ient mistakes, and on the receipt of the money, the Goods will • be fortearded by the next mail. i STENNETT & CLINES, je23 3m w9] I Room No. 6;429 Broadway, N. Y WM. B. SIMPSON, W rt- E IRE If Shop in :Boyd if: Witoler's new building, next clooi. above Keeler Slothlaccrs. h N 11 % ;11 . . k t e t kf'.l" tial rth „ork e-Pa u s i t en ill n h e e y f e erls confident th:it he can du the must difficult „tubs on short noti4e. All Work ;Warranted to-Give Satisfaction. %V. B. Sutp-soll has worked for me for soma -time. and 1 ean recommend hint is a careful and skilful workman, competent to do as good work , as ran bis done in the country, and worthy of confidence. Wse. A. CHAMBEDLIN. TuWpritiollne 4)0, 1858. Refers to— Wm. Elwell, E. W. Baird, E..D. Montayne, Goodrich. B. Kingsbury, "rowan. da: B. S. Bimtley, Searle, C. D. Lathrop, J. Wittenk•rir,..Mora r ,, s e. *„Y.J..v. - elr)ineatly 'repaired on short, notice, and on reasonable terms. [June 15th, 18.58.—tf. FREE EXHIBITION!' ' MAY BE SEEN DAILY, • P. lIHES' TAILOR SHOP! krom 6 a. at.'to 10 p. Inc Vaitst fastions! Compti4ing the Greatest Variety of GENTLEMEN'S COSTUME ever presented to use public. mh24 Ffl • • rp HE sub,criber havitig purchu,ed -I. refitted and newly furnished thy iijiBll" • .5. 1 : above well known and popular Hotel, is prepared to accommodate the trav eling public hid others with all the attentions and conveniences usually found in first-class Houses. No effort will be spared by the Pro prietor and Eris Assistants to make tho Hotel equal in ever i r point to any in the country. The as will always be.supplied with the Choicest Doors. The Stahles,•connected with this House are large. roomy and convenient, and careful anti attentive Hostlers are always in charge of them. Montro%c, Nat• 131 h, 1858 KEYSTONE HOTEL, At; Mont rose, Penn. WM. H.; HATCH, Proprietor. rriiis new; and commodious 'tote! situated on Public Avenue. near the Court House,and nearly in tho:entre 'of the portion of Nuntrose, is now fu fy completed and furnished', and will be opened on Monday. the 2711F,day of the present month for toe, accommodation of the public atid •travelers. he Proprietor feels confident that he is now piepared' to entertain guests in a manner that cannot fail to give Complete Satisiliction. The Hotel and Furniture are now, and no ex pense has been spared to. render it equal, if not superior to an! similar establishment in this.part of the State. It is well supplied with all the recent improvements and comforts, and obliging waiters will always be readyto respond to the call of customers. The Stables connected with this House are . . . . . New and - Convenient the Proprietor respectfully solicits the patron age of his old friendt , , and the public - generally. . WM. KAIATCII. Montrose, Stptember 21 st, 1858. H. GARRATT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN FLOUR,! GRAIN, SALT, NEW JOlF9llD.—ltale Boom, PBA=I3 Otlite.l WILL Ite'ep constantly on hand the best V V brands hf FLOUR—by the Sack or Hun : dred Barreliat the lowest market prices. Also, SALT—by the Single Barrel or Load. All orders from Merchants .and - Dealers will be. promptly attended to. * * *Cash paid for Grain, Wool, Pelts, Hides, and all Farmers! Produce la their seitson. - Milforo;April 2d," . . - QiumpAr statooL LisuCturies Curnisbed;to order biLLYONS.okSPN. June Ist, 1869.• - . IDERSONII . wishing to estiblneh Igannfasto -1L- g „O And th ri vinhne ibern binaneni Flee nthreipetAniit *:th . ! liammonion'llettleident, t'"3 •-• -s: • THE SON DEbZOCRAT. . t , AT MONTROSE, PA.-. I oPrOSITE TUE P.O. / i OFFICE ON ELILIC Ttatutt—e2 - ver an l Delinquents subject with interest:: Disetw the Publisher until all Advertisements insel 12 lines; 25 coati per after the first three. Or each additional square, Job Work of all and promptly. Man Linte de Pon, • removed to their south of Boyd & Webst Bloatroso Oct. DR: L RRARDSON, WOULD respeetfullyfier his Professional Services to the igitints of. 11.0NiT %E l and its vltv. Office over Mulfordtore. Lodgismkatl KeystOne Hotel. • - Montrose, Oct. 12th, 11 1 ---Iv.* HENRY B. IcKEAN, 4 TTORNEY and OSELLOR at LAW. _CV ()Mice in the Union kk—Towanda, Brad ford eoLoty, Pa. Will attend prOrdy to all professional business intrusted to hitn this and adjoining counties. • - - - f je3'sB tf t OFFICE, ot•er 'lltion's Store. LODGINGS, at SEALE'S.IIOrFEL. Montrose, March 10th, IS. • WM. W. SMIT, cp„,. Cabinet and Cliaidanntitetnr eel. foot of Main Street. • Mtrome. I'a. JOHN OBOES, Faslitionable Ttillok-Shop near thii Baptist Meeting House, on'urnpike Street Montrose, Pa. DR. E. W. .W,LLS HAVING permanently Irsi,d in Dundaff offers his professional tvices to Jill who mai , require them. Also, kos constantly on hand a full stock of Drugs ,l 31edivisie%, Pure Wines and Liqttru fur Medical •j purposes. rap7-6m. • HAYDEN BROILERS, Neu - Milford, lisaia'a. holcsale dealer in uttons, Combs L Suspenders, Threads Fancy Goods Watches, Jewelry, Silver and hted -Ware, Cut lery, Fishing Tackle, , Cigars, h. &c. Merchants and pedlars, suplied . on iiherat ti rum WSI,IPAYDEN; JOIIN lIAYDEN, •AN XCROWIC. • Charley Morris with ha and holi, Heir,-ole heir Of this v- s t melt, And none to haßass metnd haiß,. R,esolved to warnant.t?v'ry j 0.13. Let's have a rush, rs alalys herE, You'll find me honest, juSttnd fairt, * * *Shop No. 3, Basement of Serle'S Hotel, on Turnpike Street. Dr. H. Smith, SURGEON DENTIST. Itesionee 'and of fiee opprinite the Baptist Chore (north aide) Montrose. Partieullr attention 'ill be given to inserting teeth on gold and- suer plate, and to tiding &Taxing teeth. ABEL"TURRELL, MornosE, PA. Dealer in Drugs, Medicine% Chemical•, Dce Sjufrs, Glass-ware, l'aints, Oik , Varnishe., Window Glass, Grod'eries, Fancy ',loads, Jew, elry, Perftimeey,'&e.—And Ageat for all the mot popular Patent Medicines. DR. R. THAYER, l'hy%ician stud Surgeon, Montrose, Ph. Office in the Farmer's Store. NOTICE. 1 - 111. E. PATRICK,. JR, would lik e 13 alter a silence of neaify,ten years. to appeal to the moral sensibilities of alvery g.„.nerous pub lie, who have-silways manifested heir sense• of appreciation of his usefulness ,by exacting his services Wht;ll needed or thought to be needed, but who ha6e giten no other evidince of grati tude or good will—particularly it the way o 1 -.substantial aid" as Kossuth • wfuld say—that he now desires a full and entire srttlement of all his accounts, also the accounts of the late firm of Patrick & Dimock ; .and he. wsbes fu•ther to state that he desires nothing lobe considered Pel'6l};;, if, after a few weeks, the said accounts, remaining unsettled, sho'd he plated in the hands of a good sharp, et dectot, and made to - account, to him something that will buy Oats and Buck. lilease notice this and tate action accor dingfv.—Yours 'Truly, •• jar E. PATRICK, JR. STRINGE & MISTERIOUSI! SHAT shouldTllrrnionrkteinilogweatiba ult L aninnetw hWemmu arrange ment has Lek made by WEAVER & ATHERTON, STEAM _MILL SHOP, FOR CARRYING 05 THE BUSINESS OF Blacksmithing, • , - and Carriage-Ironing. mitia,33:37- know this to be a fact but for the benefit of the reilnr who do not, we would say that we aro popared to'doany work in our line, which may be intrusted to us. in the most durable manner, the moat approved style, and in the shortest possible time. All our work warranted to give good satisfaction. JAMEY 31. WF.AVER, JERRE L. ATHERTO3. :11 on trose, March let, 1859.-6mti. J. S. TAitEIELL cal.r, ' halt ! c.att ! ! aYA-_TI - k1 V/. ailllß, 4111'110LESALE SALT DEALER. :101 Washington-0, (Directly opposite . Washington Market,) New Yorls;,- TILL CONTJNU to offer to the city and COUNTRY tra4,llll kinds of FOREIGN Coarse and Fine SALT, at the•vcry lowest figures; 40000 sacks and bags, consisting in part of Ash ton's celebrated brand for table and dairy us e ; Jeffrey & Darcy, Marshall's,- Brownlow's, &c. and 50000 bushels Turks Island, Bonares; Cu ra coa, St:Uhes, Lisbon, Cadiz, !vita, Na tea, &c.,, all of which will be sold at bargain prices from vessels, store rind storehouses. Apy purchaser wishing to select from a good assortment will find it to his interest to call. N. B.—Fine table salt put up in small bags of different sizes, and constantly on. hand in ..ship. ping order. Also a splendid article of Rock Ground salt, in quart boxes, put up and for sale by the quantity, in cases of five dozen each. New York, April Ist, 1859.-Iy' ' C. O. FORDRAM, f A NUFACTURER OP BOOTS otr. SHOES. litantrose, Pa. Shop over Tyler's Store, All kinds of work made to order. and repairing done neatly. • . ." ' jet NEWS OFFICE. • THE New York City Illustrated Newspapers Magazines,'°&c„ &e., for We at the MONTROSE 1300-114. STOREVbv • A. N; BULLARD: .__ • . .:DF,NTAL. NOTICE. .C . CiffeFoßD has Isiciteli MauiAf LP in Montrose for the purpose of Carrying : On the.Datrrat.Paaurtca in all. its branches; He is now-read!,tofititend to an Calls in his proftisidutt iiith - pronaptneles,44 will endeavortogittentfre satisfsction.:: Ali operations tvAIUkaNTED: - Pilo* Over %salaries story. Tlllit in., sl'so - iii'cukanee. ge of $l6O per year. ices optional with' rvea are paid. , t $l per square of c fur each insertion uaro one year,..sB, A executed - neatly ways on hand. REM I !noyp at Law, have office, a few doors roar. "HOME Ar'AIN,", T,7/11DC,0711. TRCY HAYDEN G 4. HAYDEN. yefs'Sarsapari: compound retnedY, haft: :bored to produce the tumt...effectual idttiative . that canlai It is it eittratt leamhiniti with i ntlier- substancikt of still greater alterative poWer es .:to afford an effective antidote- fur the diselost ~Sarsaparilla is reputed tii,cure, :It is _believed"_ that such 'a- reinedy is Wanted 'by - the* who suffer from &ruinous coihplaints, and .that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense. scrvite to this large claw of our afflicted fellow-citizens. How completely this compopnd will du it has been proven by caper- . , intent on many of 'the worst cases to be found of the following coniplaints: SCROFIti& AND SCUOrr lOUS COMPLAINTS, .EtterrtoNs AND lillt:PrlVE I.7I.CELIS, PIALF.L'ES, BLOTCIIES, 'Paeans, SSLT RitEL'Ar, SCALD HUD, STFORAS :OW SYPHILITICS; AP,. FECTIONS, lAIEUCC , RTAL DISEASE. IhtiAPST. NEU:. - RAWLS ou Tic,Doutovaccx. Demur; Dye, ,EnfslrELAS. ROSE oat Sr. ANTIION'Y'iI FMK, and indeed the whole class of complaints arising from imecutry or TILE If loon. This emnprimid will be finial a great pro. • • rooter of health„ when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which limier in the blood at that sea on of the year...! By tb . c . time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders . arc nipped in the bud. Multitudes eau, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system hill strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do thL, through the natural channels of the. body ' by an alteratite medicine: ('house out the - vitiateil hbnid wheoever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or Sorer.: cleanse it When von find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it Li foul, mid your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, mid live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; hut with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. 6...der or later something must go wrong. and the greet machinery of life is disordered or uverthrown. Sarsaparilla has. mid deserves much, the reputalimi. of accomplolibig these ends. ltut ...the world Ito been egregiously deceived by , . preparations of it, partly .. because the drug alone h..; not all the virtue that is claimed fur it, but more berause natty preparations, pretending to be conecotrat4 xtraets of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, • Or any _piing else. Dunn:: bite years tl.e public have lwen mis led by huge bottles, prelendisig to give a quart of Extract of Saisaparilla tor one dollar Most • of these have been funds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, any, §arsi A nna, but often DO plopei tics xi hatt v et. Hence, hitter and painful dieapimintanent has followed the use of the vurimis extracts of Sarsaparilla which Mood the inarqt, until the Milne itself is justly despised, umt l bus berime _ synuuvna. us At nth prof.. s.tinn anti a heat. Still we call this compound Stirs:l;4mila, and intend to supply such n 11111: dy as shall rescue the name from the load of old. tiny which rests iipon,it. And mu think we have ground fur believing; it has virtues oliih are irrrsiatible bv the in ihnary run of the dist uses it is intend ea to ears. Lt order It, sr , •:: their complete eradiAt ion from the system, the remedy should be judieniusly taken accmilii,g to dim:thins on tikliwttk. DR. J. 41%. AVEK & CO. T.OW ELT.. Price, .3 1 per-Botta Sic Bottle* for $5 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, has non for it-elf such a renown for the cure of IS cry sat.. ty of "flini..l and Lung Con.plaint, that it i. 1111,,,,,11, fur to. ut recount the ssidunce of it, virtues uherev‘ it has tern em viotsl. A. it has virtue., IKru itt constant use thun,hut this set thin. ue nerd hot do more than assure the Tu , ople its quality is kept up to the best is ser has been. and ,that it may IT relied into do for their relief all it him tier been found to do. Ayer , s Cathartic Pills, FOR MR CI.7R-E OF cfi,rll,(2, * Dry , bldigeStieni, F.lll / h. 1.•!;s1;:his, iignehrthe. Mfrs. I:hriiwati.m. Erupt... owl : , kinDrvenses. Ler?, (~nplaritt. I.lrojell, Teeter. Te,mort and Nat Ph tem. Go,d,-\'rru as a r VW. ) , 4 . 11 I',r roiJituiey the IMort. They are NIICIT-;W trd, ni that the lung sersl. tise eau t.,ke them Elen.,nly. and they arc the Le.L ail( riev t m the world for all thy purpubra of a Ladly, Price 25 cerrte per Pot; Five boxes for SLOO. Great notuters of Clergymen, Shims men, and eminent personages, nm. lent their names to certify 11,e unparalleled usefulness of these tt nlctlie., I Itt our tinter here nil! nut permit the insertion of Mon: The Agents beloir named fOr nish gratis our Auricle". N ALMA* Al' in which they are given ; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and 'at& treatment that should be fol. boned for their cure. • Do not be put ott by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more larorit on. Deomod A VRICS. and take -no otLers. The sick went the be,.t aid there-is for them, and they should h.ive it. Al! .•or Ilemedics are !or sale by A. TERRELL, 'Montrose; A. P. MILLER, & CO., HOSFORDY Frieodsville; Yellen & Satan, Summers: IRA Scor'r, Springville; flay- DEN BROTHERS, New Milford: J. T. CARLISLE, Great Bend; E., R. Caine, Glenwood; W. H. Tmiran. Diu - leek; CAJUN & MOALLY, Harford, and all Druggists. [mh9 ly SALAMANDER SAFES. EVANS & WATSON, No. 26 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Have now on hard a large assortment of Fire and Thief Prod Salamander Safes. Also, Iron Doors for Banks and Stores,fron Shutters, Iron Sash. all makes of Locks, equal to any made in the United States. Five Safes in one Fire. All come oat Right with cointents in good condition. THE SALANANOER SAFES OF PHILADELPHIA AINST THE WORLD. EVANS & WATSON have had the surest 'demonstration in the following certificate that their manufacture of Salamander Safes has at length fitlly warranted the representations which have been made of them as rendering an undoubted securitTagainst the terrific element Philadelphia, April - 111. th, 1856. Messrs, EVANS & WAreot.=Gentlemen: affords 08 the highest. satisfaction to state to you-, that owing to the'very protective qualities of two of the Salamander Safes which we purchased of you some months since, we paved a large portion of our jewelry,and all our books, papers, &c., exposed to the calamitous fire In Ranstead Place, on the morning of the 11th inst. When we reflect that these Safes were located in the fourth story of the building we occupied, and that they subsequently fell into a heap of burning ruins, where the vast concentration of heat caused ie brass plates to melt, we cannot but regard the preservation of their valuable contents as most convincing proaf of the great security afforded by your Safes. We shall take much pleasure in recommend ing them to mea,orbusioess as n sure reliance against fire. GEORGE W. SIMMONS & BRO., Jewelers, Who have purchased six largo Safes since. April 28, '59-Iy. A CARD. - Gummy, Nov. 22d, 1858: WHEREASthere have been some statements made by Me against REBECCA A. KELLEY, and whereas said R. A. Kelley has commenced a suit against-me in the common pleas of qua. quehannacounty for trespass on the case, Dow for the. sake of a settlement of said suit and peace and quietness I Make the following lc knowledgments: first I regretsthat I ever said anything about said Kelley, and at this time withdraw all ehargesthgainst her that I have made and do not believe her at this time - to be such girl ., D. F. BRUNDAGE. '.- AHOMESTEAD FOR $10: A HOMESTAD . FOR •AiioOf:aIso,'HOMESTEADS FOR sloa. AND OVER, in a. desirable, 'beadily AGENTS • WANTED! Send fort rani. phut Addrote . ; AIA,UPER4I4t4DAGENT. - 1 , Poi - lA*74 E ' Va. ititaniesontOn.--7fore stiaernent of Hammonton-Undo. THE InSTANCE'.OF nirSUN'INCREASING.. _ _ , . publication. has given calcula tioas iiiatiow_ that- the. disiance. between - the iarthatifil sun 14 annually'increasing' and at tributeit--ro.lbie fact the increasing humidity of of our summers, and; th.e)oss Of-fertility of the soil - in the formerly 'most favored regions . of thiNaiirtb. = The vegetable and animal te mains' foiiiid"even in the resent errata within the Arctic circle, show a der ee of beat fur -1 merly prevailed there which equalled that Of the equatorial regions at the present time,aud although many .ingenious theories have been ?tailed to account for this idesolation of a once runny region, none seals so rational as ibe very obvious one of a grattual withdrawal of the great source of light end heat •The. Egyptians, Chinese and other nations have traditions that at a very early period of. their history'tbe apparent diameter of the eon was double what it is now, and according to thi tables of the German savant, in the csuirse of six thousand years more the disc of that himi nary will have diminished so that we. shall recieve but one-eighth pia of-the solar influ ence which we at-present •enkay,. the whole earth being covered with eternal ice. It is now admitted by the most orthodox school of science that the earth and other planets were thrown off from the sun, so that our ..globe has confessedly trsvled already 100 000 000 of miles from its birth place, and no absurd ity exists in the supposition that it has not vet ceased receding", though at a constantly diminishing rate,which may or maVnot teach the 0 point before it arrives at such a distance as to be uninhabitable; when following the analogy of ail other known perturbations and eccentricities arnoirx the- different bodies of the universe, It *ill undoubtedly retreee its steps to a point much nearer. than any it has occupied dnring the historic period, and so movebackand forth, like a mighty pendulum forevr, measuring off perhaps thousands of a ces at each beat. Or perehate having run its round it will fall back into the sun—as man, who spring's from the dust, ieturns to dust again—to be agaib evolved in the form of nebulous matter, and again condensed into a Habitable globe.—Ex. Ileku TO ALL WAITING FARMS, A Rare Opportunity in a Delightful and Healthy Climate 25 Miles Southeast of Philadelphia, on th*Z Camden arid, Atlantic Railroad, . NEW JERSEY. k old estate consisting of several thousands of acres of productire soil has been di% ided into Farms of various sizes to suit the purchaser. A population of some Fifteen Hundred, from va rious parts of the middle States and New Eng land hav‘e - settled there the past year, improved their places, and raised crops. The price of land is at the low sum of from 815 to $2O per acre the soil is of the best quality for the production of Wheat, Corn, Peddles, Grapes and Vegeta bles. IT IS - CONSIDERED THE BEST FRUIT SOIL IN THE UNION:- The place is peifectly secure from frosts—the destructive enemy of the farmer. Crops of grain, grass and fruit arl now growing and cap be seen. By ex-. :ming, the place itself, a correct judgement can ho formed of the 'productiveness of the land. The terms are made easy to seeuro the rapid im provement of the land, which Is only sold for actual impro cement. The result has been, that within the past year; some three htindred houses have been erected, two mills, one steam, Co& stores, some forty vinyards and p_eachNorchards, planted, and a large number of other improve ments, making it a desirable and active place of business. THE MARKET, as the reader may:Perceive - froni its location, is the BEST IN THE UNION. Produce bringing double the 'price than in lo cations sway from the city, and more than dou ble the price than the West. It is known that the earliest and-best fruit and re tables in this latitude come from New Jersey, and.are annual ly exported to the extent of In locating here the' settler has many advan tages. Ile is within a few hours' ride of the great cities of New England and Middle States, he is near his old_ - friends and associations, he is in a settled country where every improvement of comfort and civilization is at hand. lie can buy every article he wants at the cheapest price, and sell his produce for the highest„..(in the %Vest ttis is reversed.) he lies schools for his children, divine genic°, and will enjoy an open'winter, and delightful climate, where fevers are utterly unknown. The result of the change upon those from the north, has_ generally been to restore them to an ex - cellent state of health. - In the way of building and im p roving, lumber can be obtained at the mills at the rate of $4O. to $l5 per thousand. Bricks from the brick yard opened in the place, every article can be procured in the place, good carpenters are at hand, and there is no place in the Union where buildings and improvt metals can be made . _ cheaper. - The reader will at once be struck with the advantages here presented, and ask himself why the property has not been taken np_before. The reason is, it was never thriwn in- the market; and unless these statements were correct, no one would be invited to examine the land We tore purchasing. This all are ex pected _ to do. They will see land under cultivation, such is the extent of the settlement that they wiil no doubt, Imeet persons from their own neighbor. hood ; they will witness the improvement and can judge the chSraeti?r of the population If they come with a view to settle they should come Prepared to stay a day or two and be ready to purchase, as locations cannot be held on re ; faxal. There are two daily trains to Philadelphia and to all settlers who improve, THE RAILROAD COMFANT GIVES A FREE TICKET FOR.SIX NIONITHS, AND A HALF-PRICE TICKET FOR THREE YEAIt THE TOWN OF HAMMONTON. In connection with the agricultural settlement, a new and thriving town has naturally arisen, whi:epresents inducements for any kind of busi nrss, particularly stores and manufactories. The Shire businiss could be carried on in this place and market to good advantage, also cotton busi ness, and inanufactexies. of agricultuaal imple ments or Foundries for casting small article s. The improvement has been so rapid as to insure a constant and permanent increase of business. Town lots of a- good size, we do not sell small ones, as it would effect the improvement of the place, can be had at from sloo'ankupwards. The ',ammonia?: Farmer, a monthly literary an agricultural sheet, centauning full informa tion of Hammonton, can be obtained at 25 cents per, annum. Title indisputable-..-warrantee deeds given, clear of all incumbrance when money is .paid. Route to the land: Leave Vine street wharf. Philadelphia, for Hammonton by Rai! toad, at 7:30, a. m., or 4:30. p. m , fare 90 cents. When there inquire for Mr. Byrnes. Boarding conven iences on hand. - Parties had-better atop with Mr. Byrneso principal, until they have decided as. to purchasing, as ho will \ show them over the land in Ids carriage, free of expense. Letters and applications can be addressed to Landis & Byrnes, Ila s hamonten P. 0., Atlantic Co., New Jersey, or S. B. Coughlicsi 202. South Fifth Streets, Philadelphia. Maps , and .information cheerfully, furnished. aug. 11. 6 m. PERSONS wishing to change their business to.a rapidly increasing County,-a New Set tlement where hundreds are going. Where the climate is mild and delightful. See advertise. meet of Hammonton Settlement,. another col umn. DR : : JOHN W. COBB, ' PIinrSIGIAN & SURGEON, - • Alantroa); Pa. Office on Patio Avernio, olipositO Seorie's,Hotel. Idandi It 1859.--tf. IaIiERSONS wanting •ehihgo :Of climate for rr health." §aoailvortiaeineat'of - Haattnontßiii ,LhadsOutotber•colutaa. EW Gooks, In my Tins of liaelnese~ - irrir: ing Aspit# 'FURRELL w teZee t te.• re o l i fe • been displaced - by -thhilirig.:ileont; of denth--Leyes which „still glited, : like the. eves of a maniac, with no expression. They froze me with their cold andricfetere: They:had no meaning, for the sr:tut:find' gone. .Arid this made it - still more • ,herriblit than it could Lave been in life; for the appaling contortion of tiMir faces. ex pressing .fear, horror, .-4espair, and wbatecer 'else the, human sour may feel, contrasting with the . cold and glassy (Ivey, made- their vacancy yet snore fearful._ He upon the-table seemed more fiendish than the others ;. for hie long black hair was dishelved, end floated' horribly down—and his beard and mous tache, all loosened' by' - the water, gave him the-grimness of a riemon—Oh,what woe and torture, what unutterable agonies'.appeared. in the despairing glances of those faces—fa ces twisted into spasmodic contortions, while the souls that lightened them were writhing and struggling for life. I not- the dangerous sea which, even when we touched the steamer, had slightly rolled. Down in these awful depths the swell would not be very strong, unless it should increase with , ten-fold - Nil above. 'but it had been increasing,. thongh I had not noticed it; and the motion of the water began to be felt in these abysses. Suddenly the steamer was'shaken aria rocked by the swell. • At this the hideous forms were shaken and fell. The heaps of people rolled asunder. That demon'on the table seemed CO make . a spring directly toward me: I fled, shrieked— all were after me, I thought. I rushed out, viith no purpose but to escape. I sought to throw off my weights and rise. My weights could not be loosened-4 pulled at them with - frantic exerticn, but ,could not - looserethem. The iron fastening bad grown stiff: ,One of them I wrested off in my con vulsive effurta.,but the other still kept ,rne down: The tube, also, was laying down still in. the passage way thr,ugb the machine rooms. I did not know this until I had ex hausted my strengibl•aud'abnost my hope, in the rain effort to loosen the weight, end still the horror of-that scene rested upon me. Where was Rimmer I The thought flashed across me. Ile..was not-there. Ile bad rd turned. Two in lay near, which seemed thrown off in terrible hate. Yes, Rimruer - had gone. I looked - up ; there they lay, the - boat tossing and rol ing among the waves. I rusheddoWn into the machine room,. tog go back, so as to loosen my tube. I had gone through the passage carelessly, and. this lay there for it was' unrolled fromsbove as i went on. I went back iu haste tolextricate myself; I could • stay here 110 fongo., for if all the gold of Colconda was in the ve--el, would not stay in company with the dread ful dead I Back—fear lent wings to my feet. I hur ried down stairs into into the lower 'hold once more, and retraced my steps through , the passages below • I walked back to the price into which I.bad first descended. It was dark; a. new feeling of horror 4rot through me; I looked up. The apCrlare was closed! "Heavens! was it closed by mortal hands•? Had Rimmer, in his panic flight, blindly thrown down the trap-door, whieh.l now re membered to have seen open' when I de scended? or had some feareul being froin the cabin—that demon who sprung , toward , me-3'r I started back in'terror, . Buti could,not wait here; I must go ; I must escape from this den of horrors. I sprang pp the ladder, and tried Jo raise the door. It resisted my . efforts; 1 put my hel meted head against it, and tried to raise it ; the rundle of the ladder broke beneath me, but the door was not raised; my tube came down through it arid kept strongly expanded by close wound wire. I seized' a bar of iron and tried to pry it up; I raited slightly,, but there c, • way to gut it up further: I looked arouJ, and found some ...l.noks; with these I raised the heayy deux, lit:Be i,y little, placing a block in to keep what I had gained. But the work , was slow, and laborious-, and I work-, ed a Jong while before I had raised it Nur inehes. The sea rolled more and more. The sub= merged iessel felt its power, and rocked. Suddenly it wheeled over and lay upon its side. Iran around to get on the deck above, to try and lift up the door. But when I came to-t h e other outlet, I knew it was impo ssible; for the tube would not permit me to go so . far, and then I would have rather died a thousand deaths than have ventured again so near the cabin. I returned to the fallen doOr; I sat down in despair and waited for death. I saw no hope of escape. This, then, was to be my end. • 13ttt the steamer gave a sudden lurch, again acted upon by the power of the saves. . She had been balanced upon a rock, in sucti:la way that slight action of the water was suffi cient to tip her over. She cracked on the ground, and labored, and then turned upon her side. I rose; clung to the ladder; I pressed the trap-door open, while the -steamer lay with her deck perpendicular to the ground. I sprang out, and touched the bottom •of the sea: - It was in good time; •for a moment af ter, the mass , went over back again. ' • Then, with the- lakt. effort, I twisted the iron fastening of the weight which kept me down ;-I jerked it. It was loosened, it broke, •it fell. In a moment I began to ascend, and in a few .minutes U was floating on the water —for thoailr which is pres•sed down for the diver's commtnption, constitutes a buotant ma's, which raises him up from the sea. Thanks to heaven ! There was the strong boat, ; with my bold, brave men '., They felt me rising; they saw me, and came and sav ed me. Rimmer had fled from the horrid, scene when I entered the cain, but remained in•the boat to lend his aid. He. never went„ down „gain, but became 4 sea captain. As'for me, I still go down, but only tcsoressels whose crews have beensaved. • It is needless to say dist the Marmion was never, visited again. • -,FRESH ARRIVAL ! • rrilE undersigned would respectfully an flounce to, th&public that he has just re ceive& a supply of FAMIti.. GROCERIES, among which may be found the . very best of Sugar, Molasses; Syrup; Tea, COSbo,. act, 416 c, at prices to suit the times, for ready - pay. Don't mistake tiiplace; but call at the basement of tho • ILYA STONE ROT VALI where bumble servant carries on a general. SALOON I GROCERY BUSINESS, • •_ and where 'the. Public may. alwayss rely. upon living their wants *Waded to with promptness *lad 'fidelity ? , _ , 0.-ill. CIirIME. Montrose: April - 20th: • . - z .!: , Twar4inF farms San advehiapment .4•l.lanitimenu Landis.. • • - ttI4AP aria .44 remedy for-the Piles - awl - Co'rns. Try AL. At .4o Meyers Rat and Ittie.g Rxtermhuttoi, trelAW", 7 .1.'b3(01454 RQN, Jutie 15th; '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers