TOWN AND COUNTY .4!FFAIRS C," Our County Fair will be held on Wednesday and ThursdaY; September 28th and 29th, on the new grounds recently.pnr chased, northeast trim the Court house, on the New Milford -raid. The grouoile cool prise sizacres, and cost $1000; two acres of which are to be sold for $175. We learn that $5OO have been subscribed by citizens of Montrose, leaving $225 'to be made up. The :etecutive committee think the new grotinds will be . of great advantage to the Society ;,of this the members will hate ample opportnni ly to judge. , - ' Tau MAILS The Republican of last week alleges that there is much complaint with regard to the changes lately made In the mail routes of the county. If this be true, let us hear specifications as to what routes base been so changed as to seriously affect the interests of the people. We challenge the production of any evi dence that , will throw the least reflection upon the integrity of the Post Master General. His whole course has been dictated by an as honest desire to faithfully promote thein toasts of all. • . Desiring that the tax-payers of the county may liaise a full understanding of the probable advantages or disadvantages likely to arise from the adoption of the county pooi house law, we invite a discussion of the question, througb_our columns. - To such as may not wish to send an ar ticle for publication,, we suggest that they 'write us - a few lines, giving us their private opinioqs of the law. Our object in this, is to- ascertain the general sentiments of the peoplkof the county respecting the proposed inreatment of a large amount of the public money. We would also'feel obliged to such friends as will send ns information as to ,the cost of supporting the poor, at present, in the differ ent townships. Arne Republican affectsr to disbelieie our statement that a Great Bend Black &- publicist had been whipping a colorekwo pan-';-hinting thit it was a fabrication; yet lin pretending io copy, the substance of the Affair, says that the Womin's offence was theft! How did you know, 2dr Republican, that it was theft for which she .was whipped!. We did not name the offence; therefore, we con clude that-you had beard of it through other sources. We submit Abet it is hardly fair for you to hint that we manufactured the story, when you knew all the particulars, and sup pressed them to screen a political friend from *contempt. -But since you deny knowing tb6 tame of the official nigger-whipper, we give it a Joseph Du Bois, Black RepOblican la ttice of the 'Peace at Gieat Bend,- and Com missioner of Deeds for the State of New York; and further add, for the edification of the Re -publican editor, and his party generally, that the black woman`was so severely whipped that she kept her bed for several dayeafter. The, attempt of the Republican, as usual, to aide the question at issue, by talking about Southern Deacons, Deed Scott decks • ion, dre., - ric., and making sundry displays of kale 'wit, is characteristic of the pasty, and needs no notice here. If the Republican man is in favor of his friends whipping Col bored women, let him justify the act, direct, and not do so by falsely welsh% others. As to the Republican's idea of reading Mr. 'Da Bois out of the party, into ours; we sag gest that as all the niggers, nigger-worship- ' pars, and nigger-whippers 'belong tcr. the BlaCk''Repoblican party, it would be im proper to have any change,- and protest against any such course as our neighbor pro poses,—we are decidedly opposed to amal gamation. Cocatraoccentsort.—Commonwealth Va. Jonathan W. Brundage, indicted for forgery. Not guilty, and D.C. Roberts, the prosecutor pay costs.. Conimotiwealth vs. A. B. Merrill, 6r per jury. Not guilty, and J. G, Crnsit, the prose cutor, pay costs. Commonwealth vs. C.' F. Aeel for rape, committed upon the person . of a child of eleven years of age. Guilty sentenced. to pay a fine of .five dollars, wick costa, and un dergo an imprisonment of seven years in the eastern penitentiary. Commonwealtli\ vs. Jacob Stage; for rape upon the person of a child of seven years. Pleaded guilty, and sent to' the house of IT fuge. • • _ - Commonwealth re. Cornelius Bliuvelt for forgery of a note for $llOO. Guilty; five dol lars fine, costs, and nineteen montli solitaiy confinement at hard lil3or in penitentiary. Commonwealth vs. Pilate Seabring 'for as sault and battery. Guilty; fined one dollar .and costs. - Commonwealth ie. A. L. Moore for seduc tion and bastardy. Guilty. • Commonirealth vs. C. B. Jackson (or sel ling liquor on Sunday. Guilty; motion -for arrest of judgment granted, returnable to next term. • . Second Week--Fithian & Jooes vs. N.Y. & E. R. It, as garnishe4rs of Cyptian Inman, judtment for plaintiff for $14L83. M.. F. Alden vs. Root Hall. Verdict for defendant. , gunnel Crook va. Tortas i ,l3mitl. Judg - ment for plaintiff for 1155. Jan and Weston 'Bailey is. A. Latbrop. Judgment of $250. for defendant. Role .for new trial granied. . - • John Bailey rs.A...,Latbrop and F. P. Hol. lister. :Verdict for defendants. App64ltment of .Ww.lickering as general deputy for M. N. Walker, constable of Gibson, , approved bj the band. llarid Taylor *a. estate of 8. F.-Mc/Lone. .Tbdgment for plaintiff for $1191;82. Frons_Gaourtne.--All interested in ittitig up the - new Fair Grounds are invited to be on band to aid in that object, on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Tbarsdey, the etb, 7th, sod Eth of September, or either.of those days, as may be most convenient. Arrangements are made at tie botch in Mootrcita to furnish dinners foi thine employ ed on the Grounds. • - A. BALD VIN, ) „ L. . _ 8. F. CMIMALT, " i ' gals ' . M. L. calm, anmadse& /balm*, Aog. 21/4, 1859. DELEGATE .ELEcnzeis AND COUNTY CONVENTION. I In accordance with . he usages of the Dens ocratio Party, the Standing Committee bar ing met at Montrose - on the 23d inst., pinta ant to the call of the chairman, appointed the following Township committees, who are 4. quested to give notice in their respective Dis tricts, of the Delegate meeting, and attend the same, and serve as the Board for the ElectiOn of Delegates: . 'Auburn—lL. Hill, G. L. Swisher, P. Hiy. Ararat—N. West, E. Walker, B. H. Di:. Applacon—M. Nolan J. Crimmins, Patrick Welsh. Brooklyn—P. IL Tiffany, Eli Goodrich, Chamberlin. Bridgewater—Reuben Wells, A. Stone, - Dan iel Coon. . . I Clifford—Martin Decker, Sari]. Hull, J. Sit,- pbens. Cbocdont—J.Kiniball, Hid Heith,M.HickeY. Dimock—G..W. Lewis, J. Foster, W. V. Dein. Duldaff—B. Ayers, 0. J. Olmstead. I'. P. Moroi. . Forest Lake—E. Griffis, Stanley Turrell, A. Carr. I. 1 Friendsville—Wro. Buffum, Dart. C. Leat, James Mead. • - 1 Franklin—W. - C. Smith, O. M. Hall, F. E. Cole. • - Great Bend—A. - B. Whiting, I. ,Reakhow, L. Buck. - . Gibson—R. Tuttle, G. Elton, S. Price. Harford-4. Blanding, S. B. Guile, L. T. Far rar, • Herrick—A. Tilden, Henry Lyon, W. Lyon. Harmony—L. Norton,J. W. Austin, William Potter. Jackson—Reuben Hill, L. Griffis; J. J. Tumey l Jessup—l. E. Birchird, Z. Smith, 0. S. Beebs Lector—Hiram White, Humphrey Marcy, A. L. Jeffers. Lathrop—A. Sterling, T. J. Robinson, S. W. Tewksbury. " I Liberty—p. 0. Tanen, R. Billy, J. Chalker. iliddleroiwo--Nelson Carnp, M. L. Rall,Peo. B. Johnson:: Montrose--H.T. Turrell, C. L. Brown, W. K. Hitch. New Milford—D. McMillen, W. Hayden-, _Pierce Dean. Oakland-0: Phelps, L. Written, M. Dimock. Rosh—Geo. Snyder, E. Maynard, J. W. Graa r ger. - Springville-4. B. Lathrop, C. Burr, N. S. • • Hendrick. Silver Lake—E. Gaige, D. Sullivan, M. Mahan. Thompson—C. Stoddard, D. Wrighter, H. F. Hathaway. - Sump: Deput—G.-.Corris, A. W. Rowley; Ai J. Seymour Esq. The Democratic citizens of the county of Susquehanni are requested to meet in their re; spective Election Districts, at the place of holding the General Elections, on Saturday; the 3d day of September 1859, and elect two Delegates in,eacb District, to the County , Con; vention,. to be holden in Montrose on - Itionday the sth of _September, at 2 , o'clock P. M , for , the purpose of nominating candidates to be I supported by the - Democracy of the County; for the various offices to be filled at the en 80" log Election. I 1 1 A. N..BIILLAIID, Chairman. I C. S. Grimmer, Sec'y Pro tem. Comm Poo' Hotraz.—Two weeks ago we published the act, entire; providing for th e erection of a house for the emploYment-and support of the poor of the comity, and hope each voter carefolly read it,'and will roakel up his mind bow be ought to vote on the' question. List any abonld bare failed to read !be' act, we have prepared a synopsis, and invite! attention to the subject. The several "sections of the act provide That G. T. Frazier, & E. Miller, Thos. Ad-1 ams, N. Da Bois, P.Bherwood,John Blanding, Harry Barney, A. Lathrop, and A. Chamber- 1 lin, shall, prior to January next, purchile such real estate u they think proper. - At the next general election after'the ac ceptance of the set, three directors shall be 'elected; they to choose by lot which shall serve one, two, and three years respectively. The court shall appoint directors to serve until said election. . .Each director, 'shall, within ten days after being - ootified of his election, talmms, oath or affirmation to discharge his dirties proper, ly, or be fined ten dollars. . The directors ;are constituted a corpor ate body: They a` - ri to erect suitable build ings.' and - are to bare control of the poor houss;.appoint,necessary stewards, matrons, surgeons; bind oat apprentices, etc. • . - As soon as said directors are organized, they are to make an estimate of the expenses of firm, buildings, and fixtures for the 'rim house, and. the county commissioners shall levy a tax upon the county to pay one-fourth of the amount, and" borrow-the balance, to be paid in instalments, oat of the county taxes, in future yearn and if the amount cannot be borrowed, they may levy a tax equal to A. whole sum, at once. • Prior to November of each year, the di rect Ors are to estimate thescost Of supporting the poor for next year, and'the commissioners shall add the same to the county taxes. The court may appoint visitors to examine the accounts of the board of directors. When the county Louie shalibe io °nisi to Sc. t ewasmodate the poor, the directors shall give °oar* to the °veneers of the townships, who shall remove all paupers to the county house, or _forfeit their" maintenance ; except where sickness or other pod cause shall prevent, io which ease the removal may be deferred. All paupers .shail be sent torthe county house by an order from two justices; but the directors may, at their option administer re lief„ of pay for the bpport of paupers, else- Where, if the expenses of the same is not greater than at the county house. The directors may make all rules needful for the government and suppoit of the poor; said rules io be not contrary to law, and -to be approved by the oossty court: The directors to meet monthly to look af ter the wants of the .poor, and redress griev ances; .receiving forty, dollars per year for services, with power to filrvecanoies. When this act shall go, iota effect, and all existing dissuade be latistled, 'the' balance of the poor taxes shall he applied to repairiog the roade: • The Rine pe► named in the &et sec tioa of tbe act are to be -paid- $1,50 per day for their services; also thedirectOrs shall be paid - for trouble in erecting building, not mare deo - tau dollars k asob in gni J ar. The sheriff abaft aotify the oosaraittaa of location, selecting time and place - for them to meet: . This act stall be voted 'on at the z!!ixt general election, by ballots, having on the . outside the words "poor house," and on the inside " for a poor house," or "againsta poor house;" such Tote to be returned in the usual manner by the return judges; Fop minute details of the law see the Dem oast of August 1801; Every Democrat in the County,abool4 consider himself a special cosoinittee'of one, and maki it his 'business to see, that good Men are selected in each township-and bo rough, for delegates to the ,coOvention on Monday next. Remember that the delegate. elections are held on Saturday of thit week, September 3d. /it The Plowing Match will be on the farm Of James Sterling, in Brooklyn, on Tees tray, September 20th. Plowing will cog meow at 2 o'clock, p. M. Arrangements have been made with Mr. J. O. Bullard to runtish competitors with dinner, and feed for teams. James Sterling, 14.1. Catlin, and J. LAdams, are the committee of arrangements; 8. W. Breed, Charles Petit°, and S. A. Newton, Judges. DR.'HAMPTON'S _ COMPOUND DIURETIC PILLS, Are highly recommended by eminent Physicians, as' a safe, certain, speedy and permanent cure for Gravel. Strictures and all othdr diseases or derangement of the bladder and kidneys. Price 50 cents per box. Sent to any address free on receipt of price. Address DR. I. T. HA3II TON & No. 405 Spruie . Street, Philadelphia. AlsO, Proprietor and Itistoofactoren of Dr. Hampton's Anti-Rheumatic Mixture, Medicated Cough Syrup, The Great Desideratum or Hair Restorer. - MONDAY __ we ._ MEM. lti _ _ _ vs - • • ? - 316;;C; ; D: '2' • Will meet at their Engine House, next Monday it &30 o'clock, m. J, P. W. RI LEY. Foieman., M. S. Wtutop, Secretary. • [August 27th. ;-• • .11111111111k11141. July Rev. H. A. Riley. Mr. GEORGE H. STANTON and Min MARY. E.G A RDNER, both of Lathrop, Susq'a Co., Pa. By the same, Aug. 16th, Mr. 'WM. M. JACK., SON and Miss FANNY- L. CREEZER, both of Bridgewater, Ruse's Co., Pa. SUM. in New Milford, on the , 23d inst., after an illness of six days, JULIUS, son of Richard and Beloit" Hart, aged 18 - years and 7 days. Kind and affeetiebate to sit, having - a strict regard to truth, esreful in his choice of compan ions, be bore en unstained character, and was respectedby all who knew him. He was deeply, interested - in the Bible class of which he was a regular attendant. Jost verging into manhood= full ofbright hopes itral joyous anticipations— promising a umlaut life, he was this prematurely smitten by death's relentless band. ,He has left his parents and brother, (now an only child.) with numerous friends to mourn his untimely . end. T. HIGH SCHOOL AATILL open on Bleaday, Sept. Slb, • v ISSO, in charge of E. B. HAWLEY and B. 0. CAE!. \ TERNS. Tuition per term of 13 weeks: Common English Branches. . $3.00 Higher, " -. 4.00 Languages, 5.00 Incidental Expenses, ' .60 Vocal Music will be taught if desired. Board from $1.75 to $3.00 per week., Rooms can be obtained by students who desire to board them. selves. Ma. CAMP will teach MATHEMATIC! and Vo. cat. Moats. By order of Committee. , J. DK:KERMAN, Mt., Seery. New Milford, Sept. let, 1859.-3 w. HIGH SCHOOL Al Diniock, linnet( County Pa. TIM "Dimock High Bchoor will be opened on Monday, the bd of October, 1859, to continue two terms of eleven weeks, each, under the charge of B. M. STONE, and competent as sistaata. The Aeademy is new ind commodious, containing a line hall, and priiier recitation fV01:1114 A. C. Br-ticesien, M. D., Lecturer on Phyla iclogy and Hygiene. The services ot,others hive been procured to lent aye 00 various sub jecti. TUITION PER TREK 07 ELEVEN WELLS PRIMARY: COMMON: • SMOKER: $2,50. $345. $4.25. Bawd 81.50 to 111,75 per week. Students wishing to board themselves can (Attain rooms by applying to E. B. Gates, Dimoek, or by ad. dressing B. H. Stone, Montrcise. Students that prefer, may furnish such a chair for the assembly room u their comfort may dic tate. The Opening Address will be delivered in the Hall oa Tuesday Eve,Oct. 11th, 1859, by - Per vote of • Druck Liita►at ASSOCIATION." Dimock, Aug. 39th, 1859. KEDZIE'S RAIN WATER FILTERS. THE subSeribers are agents for the above valuable article, and have on hand and will keep the different rises for sale. Thar will be happy to show the FILTER to Their Mende and customers, and can easily demonstrate the value and importance of perfectly purifying Rain Water from all impurities, and thus making It conducive to health and comfort, with small ex. pease and no trouble. -Every 'person is aware of the superiority of Pure Soft Water for Skink. s ing sect Culinary purposes, and also the great difficulty they have heretofore experienced in' , procuring it. These eelebreted FILTERS effect the object speedily and perfectly.; Pima; call and examine them. Evaas & ALLEN, No. 2 Odd Fellow's Hall. Binghamton, August 29th, 1859. GOLD size. Also, Silver do, by EVANS & ALLEN: PLATED full stock of Takao And Desert Plated Knives and'Car vers to match. Just received by - EVANS & ALLEN. EARRINGS AND BREAST-PINS. The subscribers have this day received from the manufactory a fine lot of - Lava, Enameled, Jet, Cameo, Gold Stone, and all gold Earrings and Fins, in sets . and single, - some very fine and rich; - • EVANS At ALLEY, No. 2 Odd Fellow's Hall. liipshamton, Aug. 29th, 1859. GOLD PEAR.---A very superior *toe!' of Gold Pens, with and without holders, all sizes and-. 0/ first quality, bjc Eviss & ALLar , BS A EELETS....4I large addition .to our stook of Bracelets, viz: Hair. Bead, Jet, Garnet; Band, Gold and Plated, Enameled and Engraved, of iII sizes andqualities. Just re ceived by EVAAIII & Amts. LOCKETS. -,-We have nOw ot hand the best assortment of Lockets ever "offered to our customers from Ito 6 faces, sod from $1 to $10: .. • Evsas & ALLEN. Gll/LEIBP'ECT ACLEiI....Of every age, and various qualities and prices, by • " Enna & Aunt. SALIA by_ the-Barrel. BoOk or Pourot for silo by ABEL TERRELL Mootross, E10pt.,1815 9. . Orr TO PURCHASERS OF •BOOSs At the 011011I1L and theONLY • GIFT BOOK BNTKRPRISE, Established by G: G. EV&NS, In. 1E3134.. HEAD QUARTERS FOR THE UNITED STATES AT VIE PUBLISHING HOUSE OF G. G. ,F.,VANS, 439 . CHESTNUTST, PHILADELPHIA, PA. No connection with New York Gift Book Stores. • (C1.41.3E1.320.) DICE I Originited the Gift Book Enterprise, I hive repeatedly called the attention orthe public to my large stock of liberil offers, which they,bave always warmly responded to.. .I can now, with more satbifiction than ever, call atten. tion to my largely increased inducements to par. chasers. Being very heavily engaged in publish. ing,l exchange my pubiiestions for those of other honsei r and am enabled to procure all my books_ a t th e or i g i na l cost, and thus can and do supply the majority of the other , houses engaged in the Gift nook trade, with their books, cheaper than they can procure them from other publishers. I can also, by my heavy purchases or Watches & Jewelry, for east; furniTh them with their %Gifts at lower rates than they can bay them from the manufacturers. Having such an advantage,in buying,l can in sure my customers a great deal better Gifts with their books than any other house,and can give my agents a larger commission. A valuable Gift is ilplivered with each Book at the time of sale.— Gifts worth 9100, at the lowest wholesale rates. will be impartially distributed with every $lOOO worth of Books sold. • .Send for a catalogue, which will be sent free to any address, containing the most valushle lection of Standard pioductions in Literature, Philosophy, Histork,GeOgraphy, Traveti,and all the favorite works of Fiction and Sciencee, with every other department of Literature, classified as described beloW: Send fok it;for ifyou don't wish to order books, you wfileobtain a very val uable Book for reference, as it contains all the desirabln , books in printVand costs,you nothing. Particular attention , ii requested to the list of my publications; which will be found in the latter part of my Classified Catilogue. it contains a large number ofdeservedli popular works, by va. riot's authors'; among winch are all of T. S. Ar thur's bestivorki% well known as a moral instruc tive, and'pleasing author. G. G. EVAIIS, Philadelphia, Pa. WIPLIVANDID GIFT =rain= 50 cts. to $lOO, is given with each 11901 sold: CLASSIFICATION OF BOOKS. Agricultural—This depart eat embraCes all standard works upowleneral Agriculture, Cotton Planting, Flowers, Gardening, Farm Implements. Horses, Sheep, Cattle. Bees, &c. Albums:—Ladies' (a great variety) Floral, Cap Quarto, Royal Cap, - Demy Quarto, Auto graph. &e. Annuals—A large and elegant assortment. Bibles—A splendid assortment of pock e t„pew and family Bibles, in every style, from -$1 to $5O. Prayer Books—A complete assortment, in every - form and at all prices , grin BooksAit used by the'ditTerent denoin. 'nations. Brevraphical—Works of Irving,Headley,Weems, Sparks, Bancroft, and, every other standard author. Bosartical--By Comstock, Gray, Lincoln, Derby, Wood, , &c., Cookery—Receipt and Cook Bookii,, by Mrs. Hale, Leslie, Widdifield, M'Kenzie, &c. German—Standard German Literature. Dictionaries,--Webster's English, French, Ger man, Spanish, Latin, Greek, Italian, &e.:: C.VdoPedias—All of the standard authors. Geographical—The latest and most improved archoots and other Geographies, Maps, and Travelers' Guides. Geology—The ..v? oafs of. Hugh Millet, Harris, Hitchcock, Lyell end others. historical—By Prescott, Irving, Bancroft, Rob. ertsoo,Hume, Gibbons,ktacauley, and others. /famoriise—Embraces a world of fun. .hivesik—Every description of illustrated books for children. Law`and Medicine—The Standard Works of these professions. Mechanical and Seientthe—The. mod approved -works on Mechanics, Architecture, and the exact Sciences. Podry--English and American. Octavo and lit. erary editions of the stadard Poets; pocket and cabinet, editions—plain and illustrated, bound in every style to suit the taste °hill. Works of Fiction—By Scott, Irving, Cooper, Dickens,and all the approved Writers. _ Miscellaneous—Oar M Meet laneous Department embraces every thing not included in ,Ste above clasaificsiion, of an interesting anditistructive character, that it in print. Including &hool and Classical. Travels and Adventures. WASS. Sports and Pastimes. Religious, Biblical and Theological. Musical and Glee Books. Odd Fellowship and Freemasonry. SCHEDULE-OF GIFTS The cifts consist of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Chains, Ladies'_ Splendid Black and:Plaid Silk Dreasis,PaUeins,Parlor Time-pieces, Silver. lated ware, costly sets of Cimeos, Mosaic, orentine, Coral, Garnet, Turquots, and Lava ewelry, Gold Lockets, Pencils, and Pens. LA. ies' Neck and Chatelaine Chains, Gents' 80. som •Studs and Sleeve Buttons, Pocketknives, Port-mounsies, and A THOUSAND VARIETIES OF GIFTS! varying front 50 cents to $25 AGENTS WANTED EVESYWERE. To agents I can give more liberal inducements than Is afforded by, any other house. In addi tion to larger commissions, it is much easier-to get subscribers for my enterprise than any other. The peculiar advantages 'are— . larger stock, and better Catalogues to se lect from. " • " Aletter)tasortment and Quality of GIFTS. More punctuality and correctuess ID filling orders. By acting as agents for me; Persona Wishing, a valuable Library can procure It gratis. , Those seeking an easy method of waning a velihood CAN find it. Any one desiring a good Watch,can obtain it. For full particulars, send for a Catalogue. • My larg e capital, together with my long ex perience in the business, and consequent fa miliarity with all its details, gives me an al most incalculable advantage over alt other parties. All Is ask is a 'Vial. Send me an order, and you will be convinced that there is no augers don. :Do no/forget to send for a Cainiogae, And to addresa - G. G. EVANS, ORIGINAL GIFT ENTERPRISE; 439 CHESTNUT STREET, • \ Philadeiphia,,Pinna Persona visiting the city, are requested to es)) and examine for Opt:Melees, SPECIAL NOTICE TO BOOK BUYERS • As there are parties ofdoubtfol responsibility. advertising Gi ft concerns, and some are making fair) prOmisea under fictitious namerywith'ont the intention or abiAty to fulfill them, hoping, through the popularity of inrenterpriee, to de. ceive and:p/uoder the pubGe, a strict sense,of do t, compels me to warn all against them. And to beware of being deceived or cheated - by them, for they .are•base imitators of an enterprise Ost has cost roe an immense amount. of time and, money to place in the position which it now ac. copies, commanding an extensive and increasing trade, approved and endorsed with the most en tire freedom and confidence, by the leading pub lishing bonsai In the Unice, whose letters of ap. prove/ ind - endoriement are in my posessioa, and will be produce/ and shown M any time with the greatest pleasure. G.. 43: EVANS, 439 Mutant-street, Philadelphia. BURNING FLUfli, While and Cod Fug, LOW Ifld S. S. Boots, aid aims Gaitbra from 56 eta. to. $1,15--al! at TYLER'S. May 18th 1859. . (Addrier Brooklyn P. 0., Box gig.) The Pailigti 301f4lenerating CM-asuit HU valuable patent, p6rtable, Wl:genera= T ting Gu Burner offered to the public, in full confidence of its positive superidrity over °v. ery other HAND•LIGHT in existence, for Surrtac mr, Saravv . , Economy% and BRILLIABICY of light in any temperitare. • Iticdevoid Of exam, saroxior Tumul t giv ing a steady, cheap and •, 4 „, BRILLIANT GAS-LIGHT ,raquring no trimming, or other attention, except simply filling the lamp with good burning.finid, ono quart (tithe fluid converted into gas in the Borner,itivinea FULL, BELOID and (*EAR flame eighteen hours. This light, which is equal to that from eight ordinary wick'd tubes; at an ex pens. of but Ihree,is also, under complete con trol;lfeing reduced by' a simple procesa v irom a full blaze to a small one, and u quickly re stored to its full capacity. The burnei can be readily applied to all styles of Ottylizkiszez, CAMPDPIE, and BURNING -FLUID ;also, on pressure -and with founts to Gaefixturea, in all their varieties. ' It is admirably adapted fet4ghting churches, dwellings, lecture-vooms,/ hi lb, shops, steam boats, and railroad cars(or whereVer a good light is desired. Parties/ desirous of Recliner the right of territory for a, valuable article that will commend itself should make early application; only to the underokined. Burnersylamps, dt.c.,supplied in any quanti ty, with promptness—fiirwarded by express to all paAS of the United State ayahle cash on delivery. BUTLER,- HOSFORD dz. CO, Proprietors. No. 2 Court Street. Brooklyn, N. Y. or,No. 171 Broadway, and No. 1 Courtlandt SL Now York. . • jyl4 x'n 8I • 12 1 -2 LB&OF SUGAR C. T Y L E R 'SIOO,. at 11. June Bth, 1859. 3',000 ROLLS OF WALL PAPER. 70 IfifFERENT MIES. BORDERING, WINDOW PAPER &C., - 81.C. A NEW SUPPLY, just arrived, and for sale 11 cheap, by A . TURRELL. ABEL TURRELL . jam' EEPS constnotly s on baud a-full aaaortmen .IX. of the choicest qual itiesof ar CO CO r) 03, in all of the following departments of trade. New supplies arriving every week. Buying for each, and selling cheap for cash. - DRUGS, imams, • - Chanties* Paints, Oils, Varnishes ; - Window Glass, Dye Stuffs, Groceries, lamps, Maas Ware, Crockery, liners, Cloths, Wall Paper, Window Paper, Window Oil Shades, Posey Geed% Musical hutment', Jewelry, Perfumer', Stone Ware, Brooms, Brushee,Whipe, Umbrellas, Bird Cages, Pocket Knives, Guns, Pistols, Ammunition, Ilquare,Trusset, Supporters, Port-mounales, Shoulder Braces, Spectacles, Silver and Plated Spoons,- 'Perks, le., 0111 d Pens, Stationery, Violin. Guitar, k Bass Viol Strings, Bows, Ake., Poreelatuleeth, ographs, Artist's Tube Paints, Brushes, do., • and all the popular Pateit Medicines. Also sots Dry Goods, Woods*, Hard /Japanned Ware, /laid and Oil CMS, Csiiipheue, - Burning Fluid, Alcohol, Turpentine, Lamp, Tanner's; Neat Foot,Lerd,ollve, Castor, and Boiled 11, Raw Leased OILS, White Lead, Liao, all kinds of Colored Paiute, Vinegar, Ciaary NW, sad other things too autnerous to mention. Montrose, Juno 16, '59. ABEL TERRELL. Medical Copartnership.' DRS It.e,BLAKESLEE and P.& BRUSH having associated themselves under' the name of Blakeslee & Broth for the prosecu tion of the duties,of their profession, respect fully offer their professional services •to the "Invalid Public." Office at the residence of Dr. Blakeslee, mid way between. the villag es of Dimock and Springville. - A. C. BLAKESLEE. April 20,=59-1y P. E. BRUSH. DR. E. R. WILMOT, Graduateofthe AllopaGi:c and Howeo. pathic Colleges of Medicine, is now per manently located in Great Bend Pa. - OFFICE corner of Main and Elisabeth.ata., nearly opposite the Methodist church. ap; 20, ) 850. HEED THIS WARNING ! LOOK OUT FOR BARGAINS! Netvc" arc:pot:Ls AT HAYDEN BROTHERS' ORIGINAL One Price Ready Pay Store, consisting of Dry Goods, Vroceries, Boots .& Shoes, Natio & Caps, Wall Paper Stone & Wooden Paper, Flour, • Paints, Oils, dhow, 4c., Watches, Jewelry. Yankee Notions, , NO END TO THEM! jay - You will never find old sheltworn, motheaten, rotten, or , ont of style Goods at HAYDEN Bros.' Look out for Old Fogies, and buy your Goods where you can iliac 28 PEE CENT. We have large stock of GOODS Purchased for CASH, and will be sold at prices that will frighten the Old Fogy principles. EVERYARTIOLEW u reprenoted. No charge for showing Goode. HAYDEN BROTHER/3. New Milford, Pa., Jine, 11159. tm Coggswell's ANTI-PH[I6ISM SILTS . ' a sure cure for INFLAMMATORY Diseases of all kinds, for sale by ABEL TURRELL. Montrose, June 22d, 1859. ' - SE3 TS ""Z' THE • WAMSUTTA - PRINTS. They are the beat Calicoes yet offered, to the Public for the money. . • WROLESALLAGENTS: - • DEFOREST, ARMSTRONG & CO, NEW YORK. [mbl2m6. MEAT .MARKET.: On Public Awaits, 'tear Searle's Hotel. EE P constantly on hand a good supply of 11, MEATS of all kinds. CASH paid for Beef Catile,Calves,Slieepond Lambs. Also for Hides of all kinds. BENSTOCK & HAWLEY. S. T. lIERETOCE. N. HAWLEY. Montrose, March 30th, 1858.—tf. - WOOL CARDING: T. subscriber continues the sboes business as usual at his old stood in. Brooklyn. Thankful for put favors he, would solicit a share of the public patronage. A. G. REYNOLDS. \ Brooklyn. May gad, 1859.—ti. wig. unarm= nrusszal \ Wm. H. Cooper_ & Co., BANNERS, Successors to POST, COOPER & Montrose, Pa. OtEaa ono- door east from ‘Post'a Stoop, Turnpike Strout. ktoutrosolply 14,1859.—tf Days CONSUMPTION CURED laxolietister GElnnirE PEELIBMITON OF TEIV *.- HYPOPHOSPHMES/ - OF LUCE AID OF SODA; , • AS osianuut lizaCirinSO ASS BY Dr. 7. P CHURCHILL, ..7• Ai Mt' 141fitarrolkAID ,CURS OF 4PC)nall."l:4/7;0/7t1CO: *THE SALTS of / LIMS and or SODA are the ONLY Preparation which, for the present,l would recommeod/for /GENERAL USE."—.I. Francis Churchill; 44'D. /THE THEORY. • / • • Phthirdi is a' diathesis, or lettere l disesie , depending upon die want or arida waste of the Oxydisible•Phosphords normally existing In the animal economy." / / THE TREATMENT.` / ".Hence it follows that the Retnedt Consists iirSupplying the deficient element l the 'drain , titration of a preparation of p.hospttorhi which is at once Assimilable and Oxydizable. The Hy pophosphites of-Limo and Soda possess both qualities in the highest degree, being perfectly soluble, and nearly a oxydizable as phosphorus . The Hypophesphites are the Specific Remedy of the Diathesis, or general condition of the sys tem, which has, as a consequence, the deposition of tubercular matter. When once this condition is changed, the deposition of fresh tubercular .matter will cease. RESULTS OF THE TREATMENT. What I am anxious 'for Is, that the Hypophos phites should be brought as speedily as possible into universal use as I knoisthat they will prove not only as sure a Remedy in Consumption as Quinine is in Intermittent fever,but also as tafec teal a Preservatiye as Vaccination in Small-pox. This assertion no longer rests upon the 34csses with which my' discovery Was ushered into the world in July, 1857. I can now appeal to the results irk upwards of one huridreil and fifty de 'tailed 'observations of the dise4e,, collected du, ring the past year at my Public Dispensary, Rue Lanes', Paris. To these cases might be added almost au equal number from my private practice and in no single instance have I found the Rem edy fail to produce every thingthat could reason ably be expectedfrom it. In moat instatices the benefit derived from•it has far exceeded what could,. at first, have been hoped for, wheri taking into account the degke and extent of the injury sustained by the Lungs previous to the use of the'Remedy. Similar results have, "eltice_ the potation of my discovery, been announced by Professors Paragot of Brussels, Masstre de San Juan of Granada, Spain; Drs... Jacinto Le River end and Galvez of Havana, and Reinvillits, Paris. Of 22 cases in the third or last stage, treated at my Dispensary during•the peat - year; . 8 . have completely recovered, 8 died, (wiring in every instance to Complications,) and 6 are still under treatment. Such a result Is altogether UNPAR ALLELED in the Annals.of Medicine.—From Dr. Churchill's -Letters. • READ THE TESTIMONY : “We now see the rationale of the employment of Hy pophosphites of Lime and Soda, recomm. ended by Dr. Churchill in the treatment of Con sumption—they not °nix act as abilorbents, but repair and retard the waste of tisaue."—Dr. H.P. Dewees, New York. "Your preparation has not failed to benefit in a single instance In which I have used F. Clark, M. D. Lowell, Ohio. "Your medicine we think Invaluable and cheer fully recommend it Ezra Clark, Kirkland: '"They turarraz the nervous strength and' IN. VIGORATE the nutritive functions."—W. E. Rust M. D., Uorristowa4l. Orbeir-anodyne effect is sometimes remarka ble . they tend to produce most REFRESHING and assOranso nntrr.'ia - L. V. Newton, M.D., N.Y. ''They INCREASE the PRINCIPLE which constitutes NERVOCS FORCE. , and are the most POWERFUL BLOOD-GENERATING AGENTS KNOWN."—Dr. Churchill. • - " I can assure the profession and the.public that this PREPARATION of the IIYPOPHOEL PHITES CAN BE RELIED ON."—Dr: Jas. R. Chilton, Chemist. WMCSIBITEWS 11013111137. PREPARATION, . is pot op in large bottles With 4 - Dr. L.P. Hypophosphltes of Lime and Soda. I. Winchester, New York," blown in the glass. Each bottle has my far.,:eiinlle signature. No other is genuine: _ • '"3 The Phosphates, or CHEMICAL FOOD [so called] are nidically difrerent from the Hypo. phosphites. and can in NO CASE be oiled as a SUBSTITUTE. Bear this fact in mind. -No preparation containing Iron can be need without danger of inflammation and hemorrhage. No other drag or medicine should be combined with the Hypophosphitee, or used at the same time. ar The HYPOPHOSPHITES area most efficacious Remedy in all Nervous 'Diseases Gen. eral Debility, or Prostration of the Vital Forces, Chlorosis. Suppression, Dyspepsia, 4tstb . .. Bronchitis, iSte. • _ Pi'Price $2 or 3 bottles for'Bs, with full di. rections for use. Liberal discount to Physicians and the trade. The Dry Salts furnished to the profession. Single bottles in concentrated solo: Lion sent by mail, when specially ordered. Sold wholesale and retail at the sole General .Depot in the U. S., 43 John street. Let no one deceive you, only " Winchester's Preparation." , - Dr. Churchill's Work oil Coinnuisrdon, giving a fall view of the Theory and Treatment, and other invaluable information, sent gratis on receipt of 12cts in stamps for ,postage. SUM-. MERis the most favorable season for treatment. Let no consumptive delay—time is preciocia in so fat)l a malady. This is the ,ONLY Remedy that will CURE. Beware of all attempts to im pose a different:article upon you; under , the pre tense that it is the same as mine. Address J.l WINCHESTER, American &'Foreign Agency, 43 , Johmat, N. Y Br Sold in Montrose 'by June 30, 1859. ABEL TURRELL. T - HE HAMMONTON FARMER 4—A news paper devoted to.Literstore and Agricul ture, also setting forth full accounts of the new settlement of Hammonton, in Need Jersey, can be inbscribedTor at only 25 cents , per annum. Initose pOstage stamps for the amount. Ad. dress editor of Faimer Hammonton, P. 0. At lantic Co., New Jersey. Those wishing cheap land,of the beat quality in one of-the healthiest and moat delightful climates in the Union, and where crops are never cat down by the frosts, the terrible scourge of the north,. see advertise. mentor Hammonton Linda.- _ itiORM e eenStergke andßinghamton, containing a Gold Loeket and Chain, two Da gnerriiptypes in eases, 'and a quantity of clotoll. The fieder will be suitably rewarded by leaving them at the Jewelry store of C. G.- Hart, 33 Court Street, Bingluimtoo, or_ .it the store of Timothy Sullivan, Silver Lake., DENIS'SULLIVAN. Silver Lake, July 30, 1859. IARM'LANDS FOR SALE' 25 Miles - from PbiladelPhla by railroad in the State of New Jersey. Soil among the beat for Agricultural purpose", being a good loam soll,with vi clay bottom. The land is i.large tract, divided into small fauns, and hundreds from all parts of the country are now settling and building. The crops produced are large and can be seen grow ing: The climate is delightful, and Secure from frosts. Terms from . $l5 to $2O per acre paya ble within four . ears by installments. To visit the Place—Leave Vine Street wharf* Phila.: delphia at 1:30, , a. m., by railroad for Hammon ton, or address R. J. Byrnes, by letter, Hammon ton Post Office, Atlantic County New 'Jersey. See full advertistitnent In another column., • etRikPE GROWERS can carry on their to- N. 3 - sinsse moat snecessfally at Hammonton, free from frosts &me forty Vinyarda set out the pot' season,.. See advertisement of *Ham. Manton Lands, soother solemn. ALI. wanting forum 10 a.delightful climate, rich soil, and secure from frosts. vertisement of Hammonton Lands in another column., • . • T ITAO6GBAPS&•-A NEW SUPPLY. 1,4 Dee, let, 185& A. TUREEN. ,' MUMMER ABILIMGEMiIIiTs NEW RAILROAD - KOUTE , - - DELAWAH, / LACKAWANNA: &WESTERN RAIL. ROAD.-New, ana eipedltiois broad gnaw, route from the Noit And Weat, via Great Bend Abe Kefintion mid firm tire LackAwanna and Wyoming valleys, through to New York and Philadelphia. ' On., and after Monday, April 11th, 1850 1 trains will be run as follo*a: The Cincinnati Ex, Ttain biitind east on N. Y. & Erie R. R. arriVes at Great Bind at 6.10 a. m. l and -Connecta -with the EXPRESS Train which leaves Meat EnfitlftrNewYbrlt and Philadelphia" at ; 8:10 a. al. Das at Montrode, . " 8.45 " • Tnokhannockl, 0.24 .. - Factoryville f 9.48 " Santee, 1 - " • s Moscow, , 11.22 " Stroudsburg, . . 1.26 p•.,in 1 ' Water Gaff, 1 -?9 - " Delaware, to dine,) 2.04 : " . Bridgeville, 2.35 i ;Junetion, - 3.25 " . \ New York, . 1.15 " t ,Philadeltshii, 4 Passengers from N. Y., leave Pier ' 'No. I North River, at From Phlladelpiiii,letlveWatnat St, Wharf, at s 6.00 4 Leave function, 10.50 " Due atßtidgevillk, 11.31 " Delaware, (Itm tn. th dinner), I 1.5 , it Water Gap,. . • 19.29 II; WI • Stroudsburg; i 19.41 " - Moscow, . 9.26 " Scranton', - 3.10 " Pactoryvillk • 158 "' Tankhannonli, 4.15 " . Montrose, 4.53 " Great Bend. . 5.25 a Connecting at Great Bend with the Mail Train, west, at ' 5.31 " Accommodation Train feairee Scran ton for Great Bend at 6.10 a. m, at - Great Bend„, . , 12.40 p. m, 'Connecting with the Dinkirk Eypres West at 1.10, the Emigrant Triiii west at 1.53, and the N. Y. Express, east; at 1.56 p. In. Returning, leaves Great Bend at, 2.00 p. at. Due at Scranton, 6.15 " For the accommodation of *ay travel on the Southern Diviiiim, a passenger car Ail I be at. tached to the Exprest Freight Trains, leaving. Scranton, at 4.00 a. M. Due at Stroidebnrg at -' 10.05 " " Junction at . 2.20 p. Mt Returning; Wilt leave Junction at 3.30 a. m. Due at Stroudsburg at - 1.05 " " Scranton at - . ' 2.30. p. in, Passengers to and from New York _change um* at Junction-to and from Philadelphia at Bridgeville. - For Pittston, Kingston, and Wiikesbarre f take L. di. B. R. R., cars at Scranton. Air Jessup, Archbald, and Carbondale, take the Stages at Scranton. Tickets sold, and baggage cheek et3through• JOHN BRISBIN, Supt. -Wi, N. 'Ears, Gen') Ticket Agent Scranton, April 6th, 1859. THE /MEDICINE of the MILLION P#ILOSOPEY AND FACT HOLLOWAY'S.PILLS. THE EXCITING CAUSE OP SICKNESS, THE BLOOD is the life-austaining agent. It furnishes the components of fieslZbone, ens ele, nerve and integument. The stomach is its manufactory, the veins its distributors, and the intestines the channeteihrongh which the waste matter rejected in its productions, ie expelled. Upon the stomach,the cirmilation and 'the bowels, these Pills act simultaneously:relieving Indiges. .tion, purifying the fluids, and regulating the excretions. THE NATIONAL COMI?LAINT. Pvepepaiiii the most common disease among all 'classes in this country. 'lt *wattles n'thoirs. and shapes, and is the primary sourc'e of innuni. erable dangerous maladies; bet whatever its type or symptoms,however obstinate its resistance to ordinary preparations, it yields readily and rap. idly to this searching and unerring remedy. . • BILIOUS AFFECTIONS. .--, - • , The quantity of the bile is of vast Import/Mod - to health. Upon the liver, the gland which en elutes this fold, these Piila._operate specifically, infallibly rectifying its irregtilaritiikand effectu ally during Ismedice,ailions Romittants, and el. the vedette% of disease generated by an unnatu. ral condition of the Organ: BOWEL PVT OOMPLA I S. Unless the bowe, perform th'eir functions prop. any, the whole body suffers. Tens of thousands die annually- of Dysentery 4 Iliarrhcea, Chronic; Constipation, and other diseases of theist, legate pipes of the system. The effect of (he Pills upon all intestinal disorders, whether casual or opt demie, is a phenomenon in medicine. By. if ow= ' ingthe printed directions, the most alarming ca ses of bowel complaint _are promptly controlled. A WORD 7'o ,I.l'.D*4A.gS. ..... , The local debility! and i regn :intim which ara the especial 'annoyances of the weaker sex, and which, when neglected, always shorten life, - are retieted for the time being, and prevnted in time come,by a course of this mild thoro' alterative. Holioreay's Pills areshe best rea l edy known in the world for the joiloicingViseares : Asthma. Chest Piseases Feicr and Ague Coughs Bowel Complaints Ferasle Complaints Colds Costiveness In Ward 'Weakness Diarrhea Headaches - Liver Complaints Dropsy Indigestion Loloness of Spirits - Debility Inflammation, Stone and Gravel Influenza. Dyspepsia Secondary! SyXotoms Piles Venereal Affections Worms !gall kinds *** Sold at the Maantacto;lios of Professor Holloway, 80 Maiden Lane, N w York, and 244 Strand,' London, by all respectable Druggists & Dealers in Medicine thro'ont the United States and the civilized world, in boies at 25 cents, 62 1-2 cents, and each. • Fir There is s considerable saving by taking the. larger sizes. N, B.—Directions for:the gni in every disorder are affixed to riac•xx.m CHEAP GOODSL, SPifENDID New Chalis, !:awns, Prints, and Gmghams, at reduced'pnres. Also 12 of Sugar for one dollar , br 21 of Rini. Just opened and for sale by J: LYONS &SON. Montrose, June 15th, 1859. FRESH ARRIVAL THE undersigned would : resPeotfully eo J. nonce to- the public that be .has jolt re ceived a supply of GROCERIES., *along which may be found-the very best of !inter, Moles' firms Tea, Coffee,. d&C4 *Vivitoe to snit the times, for ready pay. Don't mistake the place, but -call at the basement of .the- _ 'KEN 'STONE 11.0TFAL, where your humhle servant carries on a general - SALOON I GROCERY BUSINESS, - and 'where the public may always rely upon having their wants attended tr. with . promptness and fidelity. - - 0. N. CRANE. Montrose. APril 20th. MO. ALL wanting farms See advertisement JL of,Hammonton Lands. . • ACfIiAP and easy remedy Tor the Piles and Corns. Try it. Mao Wevers bat and Mice Exterminator. sold by J. LYONS & SON: June 15th, '59.' V 1 120 a. ins . dance of patients each box. Lel6yl 24eow