.111111111 1 1• SALES. BY virtue of sundry writs issued by they Court of Common Pleas orNusquetranna county, and to me directed, I will expose , to sale, by public vendue, st the court - Bons% in Montrose, on Saturday, the 13th day,of August, 1853, at one .o'clock, - p. us.. the following d. s cribed piece or parcel of land, to wit : ALL. that certain piece or Parent of land-situite in the townships of Brooklyn and llimock,Sustea county, and bounded and described as follows : North by lands of O.C. Ely and Preston Tiffany, east by O.C.Eiy and John S. Bailey, south"by T. Giles and iabez Giles, and west,by Jabez Giles and Preston Tiffany, containing about 210 acres, be the same more or leas,with the appurtenances, two house, one barn, and about 100 acres im proved. Taken in execution at the suit of Jos. Wartroas vs. Chas. F. MatTott. ALSO, all that piece or parcel of land situate in the bons of Friendaville, Snsq'a Co Pa., boun ded and described as follows, to wit: beginning at a stake and stones the south east corner of Presbyterian, church lot, thence south 52° east, 52 feet to a corner of a lot conveyad to C. Leet by B. Glidden, theice along the north west line of said lot, south 38° west 12 perches to the- Milford and Owego turnpike road, thence along said road, north 52. west 152 rot lo the south east corner of George Stropler'a lot,thence along the lion of said Strnpler's lot, north 38° east 12 perches to the place of beginning. containing a. bout 38 square pert hes be the same more or less, together with the appurtenances,* tavern house, a barn, and all improved., Taken in execution at the snit of Judson Stone, vs. Harmon Birdsall and B. Glidden. ALSO,aill that certain piece or parcel of land situate and being in the. township of Jessup, county of Susquehanna and - State of Penosylant, bounded and desCribed'as follows. to wit: on the north by land of W. C.-Mandrick, do the owl by Calvin and Jacob Moore, on the south be Byron • Griffis, and on the west by laid of Fredrick Dayton; containing sixty-two acres, more or less, with the appurtenances, one dwel. ling house and wood shed, one barn. orehatd, and about fifty acres improved. Taken in exe cution at the suit of A. Lathrop vs. A. B. Lathrop. ALSO, all that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and - being in the borough of friendsville, Susquehanna county, Pa, bounded and described as 'follows, to wit:' begin. ning on the Milford and Owego turnpike at the corner of David Robbe's land, and thence along .said turnpike road north, 37 4 west, 83 perches to a post; thence Bout t, . 37* west, I'o9 perches to a birch; thence south, 53 4 east, 7.loths perches to a post - in Robbe's line; thence north, 37 4 east, 87 perches to the begin 'ning, containing 48 acres and 131 perches of land, more or less, together with the _appurte nances, one Awned dwelling house; one tannery, two barns, sheds and other out buildings, one . orchard, and all improved.. Taken in execution at the suit of Jodscin Stone vs. D. C. Dayton and J. T. langdon, administrators of the estate of S. C. Dayton, deceased, with notice to tern tenants.. ALSO, all that certain piece or parcel of land situate to the township of-Lenox, county of Sus. quebanne and State of Pennsylvania, bobnded and described as follows, to wit: on the north by rands of Warren M. Tingley; on the east by lands of Mario - Quirk and Elisha Bell; on the south by lands of Grow & Brothers, and on the west by public road.containing seventy acres, with theappurtenances„one house, one barn, an orchard. - and about forty acres improved. Taken in execution at thtt suit of Grob & Bros. -va. Henry Millard. ALSO, all that certain piece or. parcel of land situate, lying and being in. the township of Gt. Bend, county of Susquehanna and State of Penn sylvania, bounded - and described as follows, to wit: on the north by land of W. Paintin; on the east by laud- of the estate of- James Griffin, deceased; on the south by land late of Pemina Allen - and S. IL Dayton, and on the west by the Great Bead and Coehecton- turnpike, it being 66 feet in front on the turnpike, and running- back 100feet,with the appurtenances,one tavern house, one barn. I woodshed, and all improved. contain ing abOutl - 640 square feet of lead, be the same more or less: AMC, all that other piece or par cel of land situate as aboVe, and bounded and described as follows, to wit: on the north by land of Milton Gillman;"on the east by - Henry Langley; on the south by Franklin-street, and on -the west-by —_,Tompkins containing about one-fourth of an acre, be the same more or less, with the appurtenances,one framed house and all improved. Taken in execution at the suite of B. S. Bentley and S. D. Townsend vs. James Adams. ALSO, all that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Great - .Bend, county of Susifs and 'State of Pennsyluanii bounded and described as follows, to . wit: on the north by land of W. S. Wolcott; on the east and !math by Ladd of Truman and Daniel Baldwin, and west by the land of the Great Bend and Cochee. ton turnpike road, containing about twe acres more or less, together with the :ppurteninces, one framed house, one barn, and 'all improved. Also, all that other piece orparcel of land sit ' 'nate in the township,of Liberty, county and State- aforeiaid, bounded and described as fol, lows, to wit:- on the north by the-New York State line; on the east by laud of Artemus Hall and A. Wartrouw on the south and west by Memnon HatletWay, containing about sixty-six • acres, be the same more or less, with the appur tenances; cue saw-mill and about thirty acres improved, excepting therefrom about one and It half acres of land, more or leas, with the redi vided half of the sawmill and mill privilege. Ta ken in execution at the suit of Chancey Gurnsey to the use of Thomas & Whiting TS. Her DeKay. ALSO, all that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Lathrop. - county of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: on the north by lands ,of Grow & Halstead; on, the east by lands of Grow & Halstead; on the south by lands of Grow & Halstead, and on the west by lands of Wm. Squires, containing . 50 acres, with the appurtenances, two houses, one log barn,aed about twenty-five acres improved. Also, all that other piece_or parcel of land ,situate as above, bounded and described as follows, to wit: beginningat a bemloe.k tree the southwest corner of land conveyed to Elisha Lord; thence by the-land east 120 perches to a post the said Ellett& Lord's southeast corner, thence south 90 perches-to a post; thence west 120 perches to Si post; and thence north' 90 perches to the place of containing' sixty-seven - acres and eighty perches of land, be the same more dr less, with the appurtenances, one framed house, one barn, one blacksmith shop, and about forty acres improved. Taken in execution at the suit of Wm. Z. Brown vs. P.S. Bronson, Lake Bronson, and Anne M. Bronson. ALSO, all that certain piece or petrel of land allude and being in the borough of Priendaville, county of Susoquebassua, bounded and described as follows, to wit: on the north-by-the public road; on the east by D. W. Glidden; on the south by lands of Sam? Hertom and on the - weed by Sam'l Horton; containing about one acre., with the appurtenances, one house, one barn, some fruit trees, and all improved. - Taken in eaten. tion et the suit of .1. P. W. Riley vs. Philip ALSO; all that certain piece or, parcel of land situate and lying in the township of Springville, equar- of Susquehanna and State of Penn's; bounded and described as follow's, to-wit: on the north and east by the public road, and on the south and west by land of Albert Beardsley, containing 'bout half an acre, with the-appurte nances, one dwellingbouse, one barn, and all improved. Taken in elocution, at the suit of McMillen dz. Park, to tho use of A. Lathrop, ea, Isaac Strickland. - • ALSO, all that certain peice or parcel of land situate in the township of Franklin, Susquehanna county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described ae ,'follows, to wit: on the north by land of David Watson, on the east by land of David Town- Send, on the south by land of Freeborn Churchill, and. on the westty land of Jacob Allard, con taining eighty-two acres, be the same more or Jess, together witti,tbe apputtestaneeds, one from . ed bootie, one shed, one orebiTi, and about forty two acres improved. Taken in emotion at the ,snit of Chitties S. Coati vs. Wm. fl. Jessup,, ad i-miniatrator of Elm. Goddard, deceased, with notice to Mary M. Goddard, widow, mid Prank Goddard, heir, and Fronk Goddard. guardian of Herrick. Goddard and Heim Goddard, heirs of . the said Zion Goddard, deeessect ' ALSO, all that certain piece or parcel or laid I situate in the township of Auburn, county of Susquehanna State of Peenay !mix, . bounded and describe d follows, to wit: on the northbj land of Michael Divine, on the east by land of -John Rooney, and. on the south and west by land of Mites and Wm. Coburn, containing 52 acres with the appurtenances, one bonne, one barn, orchard, and about 30 acres unproved. Ta. -ken in extentidn at the, snit of M. S. Wilson vs. John Tubbs. . : ALSO, all that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Brooklyn, Snaq'n county, State of Pennsilvania, and described as follows, to wit: beginning at a stake and stones it being the southeast corner of said lot; thence north 3 1-2 4 west, eight petchei and neventeet links to the turnpike road; &nee smith, 72 1-2, west, four and a half perches to scorner of land conveyed to John C. Wright by A. Kinabee, Jr', then iti,a southerly direction by the side of a shop on the said Wright's lot fire ands half per ches to a staki and stones; thence west to I stake and atones ins brook; thence south,lo 1-2" West, forty.threl feet to a corner on the east aide of the bank; thence east six perches and ten links to the place of beginning; containing about thirty-five perches of land, be the same more or less, together with the...appurtenances, one tram ed dwelling house, one barn, and all improved. Taken in execution at the suit 'of John Briabt. .vs. Galan V. Adams. . ALSO, all that certain piece or i pareel of land situate,. lying acid being In the township of Gt. Bend, county of Susquehanna. and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: -on the north by lands of. J. Clash, Jed. Lane and Enoch Hawkins and Myron Mayo; east by Gilbert Hawkins, south by Samusel - Dayton, and on the west by Orin Mayo, containing about one huedied and five acres, be the same more Or leas, tOgetberwith the appurtenances, one house, barn, sawmill, some fruit trees, and about eighty five acres improved. Taken in execution at the suit of Oliver 8. Dyer vs. James Weider', -. ' ALSO, all that certain piece or paieel of land situate in the Wive - ship .or Oaklaid..Snaq'is county', State of Pennsylvania, bounded andle scribed iii follows to wit: on the north by land of Martin Middaugh; on the east by lan.' of Tunis Vanantwept; on the south by land of Charles Beebe; and on the west by land of Mor gan Sheds; containing about eighty-five scree, be the same more or less, together with the ap. purtenances, one framed house, barn, small or: chard, and about twenty.five acres improved.. Taken in execution at the suit of D A. Lyonl & Brother vs .E. A. Barton: ALSO, all that certain piece or parcel of-land situate, lying and — being in Clifford township; Susquehanna county, pate of Pennsylvania,„ bounded and described as follows, to, wit: on the north by lands of Benjamin Ayers and Wm. Coil; on the east and south by by lands of Chas. B. Campbell; and on the, west by land of Thos. Phinney and the Cliatal Lak% containing about two hundred acres, be the same more or lesi, together with the appurtenances, one dwelling. house, oneiwagon house, two barns and other out buildings ?, one orchard; and about ore ban:: dyed and seventy-five acres improve& Taken in execution at the snit of D. N. Lathrop, to the use of Eliphalet iWella vs. Sylvester Johnson. ALSO, all that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Oakland, Susq'l county, bounded and described as follows, to wit: on the north and east by land of Wm. SI and David Post. on the south by the Sequel henna river, and on the west by James Van Antwerp an&Wm. M. Post, containing_about 47 acres, be the same more or less together with the appurtenances, one - framed house, barn, corn house, orchard, and about thirty acres Im proved. Also, all that other piece 'situated as above, and bounded and described as follows, to wit: on the north by land now or late of G. W. Gregory, on the east by James Van Antwerp, on the south by W. Stoddard, and on the _west by land of J. fi. Parsons, containing about sixty acres, more or less, with the appurtenances, one house, barn, orchard, and about 35 acres im proved. Taken in execution at the snit of Ito. setts Ifeginnis, admibiatmtrix of Joseph W. Dieginnia, deceased, vs. Nicholas Van Antwerp. ALSO, all that eertain'peiee or parcel of land situate in the towliship of Great Bend ; county of Susquehiuses, bonded and described as fellows; to wit: on the nort. t beast,northwast and southwest by land of Truman Baldwin t and on the southeast by the poblic highway,containingbrie acre offend,. be the same more or less, together with the ap.. purtenaneile, l' dwelling house and all improved.' Ai.so all that other piece on parcel of land sit uate as above,and bounded and deicribei as fol. lows,to wit north by land of Oliver Trowbridge, -east by the public highway, south and west by , land ofGeo. Dusenbury, containing about one half-sere of land, be the ume more or less, to gether with the appurtenances,one framed house one building occupied as a shop,' all improved:. Taken ib auction at the suit of Thomas dr, Whiting vs. Isaac Hamlin, Jr. Purchasers will in all cases %be required to pay, on _the day of sale, an amount sufficient to cover the costs of see, otherwise, the proper. ty s will be re-sold forthwith. - JOHN YOUNG, Sheriff Sheriff's Office, Montrose, July 95th, 1859. SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY CLASSICAL AND NORIAL SCHOOL, At Montiose, Pa.; f0r.1859. THE Tnatees are happy to announce to the 1 public that the next term of this popular school gill commence on :Monday; the Shd day of Anima, next, under the charge of Prof. HARRY BRODHEAD, Hz A., a graduate of Yale College, Principal; assisted by Prof. J. F. - STODDAIII.D, and a corps of competent instructors in the vs. Fiona departments. The trustees would 'refer -the patrons of the school, and others, to the fol lowing testimonials from the President and Professors.of Yale College: YALE COLLEGE, June 21, 1859., Mr. Harry Brodhead, %.41 member of the class about to be graduated at' Yale College, has held a high rank in the class as a scholar. So far as I am acquainted with it, his moral character, and habits, are irreprOachable. - • THEODORE D. Wooi.sxr, President. Mr. H. Brodhead, who belongs to the gradu ating elan of this year, has shown himself du ring the two years_of his connection with the college, a capable sod successful scholar. Sbo'd be apply. himself to the work of instruction, I have no doubt of his ability to justify the confi iienee and satisfy the expectations of any who may avail themselves of hie services. JAS. IiADELT, Prot. of Greek. - Mr. H. Brodhead of the class of 1859, in Yale College, is a good segolar, -and has a superior mind. I have little doubt he will make an effi cient and successful teacher, and can recommend, him with great confidence that he will not die: appointbis patrons. NOAH PORTER, • Prof. et.PhilosOphy and Metaphysics. Mr. H. Brodhead has just finished his course of collegiate edueation and will recieve the de gree of Bachelor of Artist the approaching eom. meseement. .Aa he proposes to be engaged for. a time in the business of teuehipg,he is cheerfully resommended by the undersigned as i person well qualified by his scholarship and attainments, by hie christian character and deportment to be successful in the instruction and government of a school. Titmice A. TviccifElf, - • Prof. of Latin. Students miy here be prepared-for admission in an advanced class in any of our Colleges, and particular attention will be paid, as heretofore, to.the &rough preparation OeALL wno OSUMI SO BECAME TEACHEESaII THE NORIIIAL Dart r. NEST. Special instruction in the latter. Department will lite given during the ensuing term. The Text Books heretofore used will be con tinued in the School. Lectures on subjects of general interest wilh be delivered daring the year. Price of Tuition per Term :Vevete. Weeks, -.-•- • -46.00 Primary Departmento . . - 3,50 In English Branches and Latin and preek, 9,00 Instruments/ and Vocal Music will be given if desired: • Stadesta wishing to procure rooms or board eals b e tw ooo nnodatell by writing to R. Cash. M e th Esti, and those wishing to board them. selves. can obtain atoms and fonsiture from Messrs. Sayre Brothers, on reasonable forma, Price of board avian's from $2,00 to 11.2.50fCe! week.. Hon. WJd. JESKIP, Presidsnt Hon. C. F. READ, &orrery. July 2ist, J869.-3m. F Y: GIFTS TO PURCHASERS OF 10QRS At the 01110111 AL and the OILY GIFT BOOK ENTERPRISE, Egtabliehed by G. G. EVANS, In 1804. HEAD QUARTERS •FOR THE UNITED STATES Ar vie PUBLISHING HOUSE OF .G. G. EVANS,' , 439 CHESTNUT-ST. PHILADELPHIA, PA. No connection with New York Gift Book Stores. (.41. 4 1E1.320.) SINCE I Originated the Gift Book Enterprise, I have repeatedly called the attention of the public to my large stock,of liberal offers, which they have always warmly responded to. I can now, with more satisfaction than ever, call atten tion to tot largely increased inducements to pur. chasers. Being very heavily engaged inpublish jog, I exchange my publications for those of other houses, and Am enabled to procure all •my books at the original coat, and thus can and do supply the majority of the other houses engaged in the Gift-Book trade, with their books, cheaper than they can , procure them from other publishers. Is can also, by my heavy_purchases of Watches & Jewelry, for cash, furnish them with their Gifts at tower rates than they can buy them from the manufacturers. Having such an advantage in buying,' can in sure my customers a great deal batter Gifts with their books than any other house,and can give my agents a larger commission. A valuabkt Gift is delivered with each , Book at the time of sale.— Gifts worth . $lOO, at the lowest wholesale rates. will be impartially distributed with every $lOOO worth of Books ;old. • , Send for a catalogue, which will be sent free tautly address, containing the tnoat veluable col lection of Standerd productions io Literature, Philosophy, Histery,Geography, Travela,aad all the favorite works of Fiction and Sciences, with every other depaitment sof Literature, classified as ,described below. Send for it,for if you don't wish to order books, you will obtain a very val uable Book for reference, as it contains all the desirable books in print, and costs you nothing. Particular attention is requested to the list of_ my publications, which will be found in the latter part of my Classified Catalogue. It contains a large number of deservedly popular works, by va. rious authors ; among which are all of T. S. Ar thur's best works, well known as a moral instruc tive, and pleasing author. G. G. EVAN§j, " Philadelphia, Pa. SPIIMICTriD. GILYT &corals:a from 50 eta. to $lOO, is given with each BOOK sold. CLASSIFICATION OF BOOKS Agricultural—This department embraces all standard works upo' general Agriculture, Cotton Planting, }lowers, Gardening, Farm Implements, Horses, Sheep, Cattle, Bees, dte. Albums—Ladies' (a grrt variety) Floral, Cap Quarto, Royal Cap, Dewy Quarto, Auto graph, &e. Annuals—A large and elegant assortment. Bibles—A splendid assortment of pocket,pew and family Bibles, in every style, from et to' S5O. Prayer Books—A complete assortment, in every form and at all prices Ifgmn Books—As used by the different denom inations. Brographico/—Works of Irvirg,lleadley,Weems, Sparks, Bancroft, and every-other standard author. Botanical—By Comstock, Gray, Lincoln, Derby, Wood, dt.c.., drat Cookery—Receipt And Cook Books, by Mrs. Hale, Leslie,-Widdifiekl, M Kinzie, du. German—Standard German Literature. Dictionaries—Webster's English, French, Ger man, Spanish, Latin, Greek, Italian, &c. ..47yelopediar—All - of the standard-authors. Geographical—The latest and most improved schools acid other Geographies, Maps, and Travelers' Guides. Geokg--The works of Hugb Miller, Harris, Hitchcock, Lyelt and,others. Histarital—By Prescott, In - Ing, Bancroft, Rob ertson,Hume, Gibbons,Macauley, end others. Ilumorous—Embraces a world of fun. Jueesue--Every description of illustrated books for children. Law and Medicine—The Standard works of these profession& Mechanical and Scien/W—The moat approved works on Mechanics, Architecture, and tho exact Sciences. Poemy—gnglinh and American. 'Octavo and lit erary editions of the atadard P,oms; pocket and cabinet editions—plain and illustrated, bound in every style to suit the taste of all. Works of Fiction—By Scott, Irving, Cooper, Dickens, and all the approved Writers. Miscellaneous—Our Miscellaneous Department embraces every thing not included in MO above classification, of an interesting and iruslructive character, that is in print. Including .f ! School and Classical. Trecels and Adrenlures. Games,. Spore and Pastimes. Religious, Biblical and Theological. "_ Musical and Glee Books. Odd Fellowship and Freemasonry. SCHEDULE OF GIFTS The Gifts consist of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Ghains,. Ladies' Splendid Black and Plaid Silk Dresaea,Patterns,Parlor Time pieces, Silver plated ware, costly- sets of Cameos, Mosaic, Flotentine, Coral, Garnet, Tprquois, and. Lava Jewelry, Gold Lockets, Pencils, and Pens, .La dies' Neck sad Chatelaine Chains, Gents' 80. sem Studs and Sleeve Buttons, Pocketknives, Port-monnaies, and A THOUSAND VARIETIES OF GIFTS! varying from 50 cents to 825 AGENTS WANTED EVERYWERE. To agents Iran give more liberal iriducements than 'ts afforded by any other house. In addi- Lion to larger commissiunk it is much easier • to get sabsaribirs for my enterprise than any other. The peculiar advantages are— A. larger stock, and better Catalogues to se lect from. A better assortment and QuaHO of GIFTS. More punctuality -and correctness in filling orders. By acting as agents for me, Persons Wishing a valuable Libnry can procure it gratis. Those seeking an easy method of earning a livelihood can find it. , Any one desiring a good Watch,can obtain it. For full panictdars, seridfor a Catalogue._ 3 . 1 y large capital, together with my long cx. penance in the bisiness, and consequent fa. nsiliarity with all its details, giies me an al. ' most incalculable advantage over all other parties. All I ask is a trial. Send me an order, and you will be convinced that there is no exagera tion. Do not forget to send for a Catalogue, •And to address G. G. EVANS, ORIGINAL GIFT ENTERPRISN, 439 CHESTNUT STREET ; Philahelpbta, Penna. • Persons-visiting the Citf, are requested to tall and (amine for thernsolroq. • SPECIAL NOTICE TO' BOOR BUYERS. As there are parties of doubtful responsibility atirt)rtising Gift concerns, and some are making large procuisas udder ftetitious nanses,withoot the intention or ability to fulfill them, hoping, through the popitlanty etre, enterprise, to de. isles aud:phnder the publlc, a strict sense Of do. to compels me to warn all against them. And to beware 'of .behig deceived or cheated by, them, for they are bate imitators of an 'enterprise that his Cost nb an immense amount of link and money to place in the position which it now oc. copies, commanding an extensive and increasing trade, approved and endorsed with the most en. tire freedom and confidence. by the leading rub: fishing houses in the Mien; whose letters o ith prove/ and endorsement are in my posession, and will be prodoeed and shown at any tints with the greeteaa, pleasure. G. EVANS, 489 Chesthut-stmet,,hihdelphia. WN. 11175TTING-Coorrat.—.......:..usirr DRUCKER. Wm. H. Cooper & Co.,' BANEERS, Successors to POST, COOPER .40 CO., Montrose, Pa. Office otte door east from Poet% Store. Turnpike Street. '• Montrose July 14, tti.59.-tf _ [toys Anditoel Notice. THE undersigned fippoloted an auditor irthe Court of Common Pleas of Busq'a Co:, Ao make distribution of the howls *tieing from the sate of the Real Eplata of Emanuel Carpenter, hereby gives notice ibat be will attend to Um:du ties of the said appointment at his office in tho Borough of Montrose, twi Monday, the Bth day August, nest, at I o'clock p. m., at which time and place all persons having an interest in the distribution of the said fond will present their cl aims or be forever after barred from coming in upon said fund. - .A. CHAMBERLIN. July - 11, 1859...4w Auditor. Auditor's Notice. THE undersigned.l4Pointed an auditor by the Court of Common Pleas of Stasq'a Co. to- make distribution of the funds arising from the sale of the Rail Relate of Rofus.D. Clark. hereby igives notice that he will attend to the du ties of his appointtneWat his, office, in Montrose on Monday the Bth d of August. 'next, at one o'ilock p. m., at whit& time and place all persona having an interest In distribution of thrsaid fund. will present theirelaim or forever after barred from coming in upon paid fund. - .A. CHAMBERLIN, ' July 11th. 1859.4er Auditor. . Farmers, Attention ! KIRBY'S AMERICAN. HARVESTER, Id ♦ 171122" " Wk PUN= IMAM, A nd is Warranted as a Perfect • ikaa lialtEllirat. T la very strong mid durable, being nMarly all I Iron. It is LIGHT, and. the UGHTEST DRAFT MACHINE . KNOWN; It boa no side draft runs atiadib; there is no pressure upon the Horses' main and it has a NELP.ADJUSTITIG FINGER.BAR. The finger-bar wort:Stipend down independently of theidilving wheel, enabling it to go through dead :arrows and ditches, among stones and bogs, and over stones and hills where DO other machine can follow it. IT ra EASILY RIANAOkD AND OPERATED. By means of a lever, the driver can at pleasure throw the cutters in and out of gear by soother lever he can raise either end or both mils of the finger- bar to pass over obstructions, or untie from field to field. It is difficult to clog is machine. It ta a cheap machine. It is simple in construction. made of good materials and well constructed and finished. Manufactured by WELLES, BLOOD & CO., at the Tioga PolorAtrientinrat Works. Full descriptive and Illustrated catalogues to be had on application teethe undersigned agent for Susq'a Co., at Menton*. -Pica! Male. The beet Railway Horse Powers, Threshers and Cleaners, Threshers and SeparatOrsi&e., &e. lo the world. H. L. BLOWERS. Montrose. July 11th. 18.19,6 w SUNDAY IletiOOL LIBfIARJES furnished to order by J. LYONS & SON. Juno ht, 1859. . NEW GOODS , ha toy Hoe of business, arri v ing every week: - ABEL TURRELL (Address Brooklyn P. 0, Bob 320.) The Paragon Self-Generating Gas 38-Lirxier. THIS valuable pktent, portable, self.gooera. liog Gas• Burner is offered to Abe plablic, in full confidence of its positive superiority over ev ery other naxn•LtciT in existence, for EIMPLI.C. MG SAFETY. ECONOMY, and BRILLIAN Cy of light in any temperature. It is devoid of MILL, satoxx or FL:ICEEIti giv ing a steady, cheap and BRILLIANY„ G.AS-LIGHT, rcquring no trimming; r other attention, except simply Ailing the lamp with good burning-fluid, one quart of thefluid - eaovarted into gas in the Burner, givings FULLIDROAD and CLEAR flame eighteen hours. This light, which is equal to that from eight ordinary wick'd tubes; at an ex pense of but three, Is also, under complete con. trol, being reduced by a simple process, from a fall blaze to a sinaliNone;and as quickly re. stored to its full capacity. The 'burner can be readily applied to all styles of On., Ksitossax, CAMPHEIVE, and Buiumso-Fturn LAMPS; also, OD pressure and with founts to Gas fixtures, in all their varieties. . _ It is admirably idapted for.lightlng churche s % dwellings, lecture-roods, halls, shops, steam boats, and railroad ears, or whereveralood light is desired . . Parties lfesirous of securibg the r ight of territory for a valuable eitela that will command itself, should make early application, only to the undersigned. Burners, Lamps, &c.ompplied in any quanti. ty, with proteptness,forwarded by express to all parts of the United States—payable cash on delivery. ' BUTLER, HOSFORD & Co, Proprietors. No. 2 Court Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. or, No. 171 I oadwyoled No. 1 Courtlandt St. New York. jyl 4 sen 8 I 12 1 -2 LBS. OFSUGAR C for LE BI, ROO'S,. at ". TY Arne Bth, 1859 Silver-Steel Scythes, Pitchlbrks and Rakes, for sale by June 20. J. LYONS d• SON. 3,000 ROLLS OF WALL FAFER, 10 DIFFERENT STIRS. BORDERING,. WINDOW PAPER &C., &C. ANEW SUPPLY; Pat arrived, and -for sale cheap, by • A. TURRILL ABEL .TU.RRELL SEEPS cousiaufly on halal a fall assortment of the choicest qualities of CO 3Z) gap in ill of the following departments of trade. New supplies arriving every week. - Buying-for cash, and sallinecheap for cash. D 81105; Clionsistals; Plats, Oils, Varnishes, - Window Glass, DY 9116 4 Oroteriaa ramps; Glass Ware, Crockery, Mirrors, Clocks, Wall Paper, Window Paper, Window Clillhades, Fancy Goods, Musical Instruments, sevalry, Perfumery, - - stoat mare, Blooms, Brushes,Whips, Umbrellas, Bird Cages, Pocket - • gales, Guns, Pistols, Ammunition, Liquon,Trusses, • _ Supporters, Yettimmiaine, Shoulder Bracts, Spectacles, Silver and Plated Sposay Yorke, Sc., Gold Pens, Stationery, Thalia, Guitar. A , But Viol Strings, Beint act, Porcelain Teeth, Li • • °graphs, Artist's Tube Paints, Brushes, and all the popular Patent Medicines. , pie some Dry GU*, Wooden, Nerd a Japanned Ware, Meld and Oil:Gans; Gimphene, Burning Milk Alcohol, Turpentine, Lamp, Tanner's, Neat Poot,Lard,Olive, Cuter, • and Boiled & Bay Linseed 031,11, White Lead, Tine, W kinds of Colored Painin, Vinegar, CisinT Boa. and other things toe =swims to mention. ideimose, Idle 16, '69. ABEL TERRELL. M e dical. copartnersidsk DRS. A.CJILAKEBLEE and P. &BRUSH having associated - themselves' under the name of Blakeslee & Brief, for the prosecu tion of the duties of their profession. respect fully offer their professional services to the •Invalid Public." Office at the residence of Dr. Blakeslee, mid way. between -the _villages of Dimoek and prangviits. . A. C. BLAKESLEE. April 50• 2 69-17 P. E. BRUSH.. DR. E. P. WILIKOT,- Graduate of the AllopatMe. and pathie Colleges of Medicine. is sow )wr manently loaded in Great Bend Ps. OFFICE corner of Maio-sad Elizabeth-its., cessly opposite. the Ifetbodlet elurch. ap. 20, Iltdit. HEED THIS - WARNING ! LOOK .OUT FOR DIRGIIIISt New Goods AT ,HAYPEN BROTHERS' ORIGINAL Ooe Pride Ready Pay Store, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, •• Soots & Shoes, Bats & Caps, . Wall Paper, 2 Stevie Wooslea Ware, .F a lcru,r, gait, HAYING „TOOLS 4 Palate, 01111, ohms, *c., Watches, Jewelry. Yankee Notions, Jar NO ENE TQ THEM! jel Yon will never find old sheltworn, motb-eaten, rotten, or out of *We Goods at HAYDI2I Bros.' Look ouffor Old Fogies, and buy your Goods where you can says 28 PER CUL We -have a large stock of , - GOODS Purchased for CASH,. and will be at prices that will frighten the Old Fogy EVEVIARTICLEWARRANTED as represented. No charge for showing Goods. HAYDEN BROTHERS. ' New Milford, Ps., Jane, 1859. tm Dr. CoggswelPs ANTI-PHIOGISTIC' SALTS; a sere care for INFLAMMATORY Diseases of all kinds, for sale by ABEL TURRELL. Montrose, Jane 22d, 1859. CONSUMPTION Mlis ! n. Wioliesst 's MIN; PREPARATION OF HYPOPHOSPHITES Ole Lnut AID or SODA. AS ORIGINALLY DISCOVERED AND PRESCRIBED 'sr Dr. J. F. CIIIVIICHILL,. s FOR THE PREVENTIGN AND CURE OF, CoxLeillum:Ljprticon.. • THE SALTS of LIME and of SODA are the ONLY Preparation which, for the present, I would recommend for GENERAL USE."—.I. Francis Churchill, 4.-D. . THE THEORY. Phthisis is a 'diathesis, or general disease. depending upon the want or undue waste of the Oxidizable PhosphorMs normally existing in the animal economy." . THE TREATMENT "Dente it follows that the Remedy consists in supplying the deficienVelement by the admin istration oftt preparatioaf phosphorus which is at once Assimilable and 9zydizable. The Hy. pophoephites of Limo and Soda possess. both qualities in the highesed*ree, being perfectly soluble, and nearly es oxidizable as phosphorus The Hypophosphites are the Specific Remedy a the Diathesis, or general condition of the sys tem, which has, as a consequence, the deposition of tubercular matter. When once this condition is changed, the depositioti of fresh tubercular matter will cease. I . _ RESULTS OF THE TREATMENT. What I am anxious foils . , that the Hypophos• phites should be brought as speedily as possible. into universal use as I know-that they will prove - not only as aura a Remedy in Consompti on as Quinine is in Intermittent fever,but also as effec tual a Preservative as Vaccination in Small-poi. This assertion no longer rests upon the 34 cases with which my discovery was ushered into the world in July, 1857. 1 can now appeal to the results in upwards of one hundred an d fifty de tailed observations of the disesse, collected du ring t he past year at m7Pubtte Dispensary; Rue Larrey, Paris. To these eases might be added almost an equal number from my private practice and in no single instance have I found the Rem edy fail to produce ever) thing that could reason ably be expected from it. In most initances the benefit derived from it has far exceeded what could, at first, have-been hoped for, when taking into account the degrt e and extent of the injury sustained by the Lungs previous'to the use of the Remedy. Similar results have, since the publication - of my discovery, been announced by Professors Paragot of Brussels, Maestro de San Juan of 'Granada, Spain; Drs. Jaciatoie River end, and Grilses of Havana, and Reinvillirs, Paris. 0(22 crises in the third or last stage, treated at my Dispensary during the past year, . 8 have completely recovered, 8 died, (owing in every instance to compkations,) and 6 are still under treatment. Such a result is altogether UNPAR ALLELED in the Annals of Medicine.—From Dr. Charehill'asLetters. READ THE TESTIMONY nWe • now see the rationale of the employment of - Hypophosphiles of Lime and Soda, recomm ended by Dr. Churchill in the treatment of Con sumption—they not only act as absorbents, bat repair and retard the waste of Ussue."—Dr. H. P. pewees, New York. "Your preparation has not failed to benefit in a single instance in which I have used it,"—W F. Clark, M. D. Lowell, Ohio. "Your medicine we think invaluable and cheer fully recommend it."—Dr. Ezra Clark, Kirkland. "They otreovz the nervous strengg - t • h and tit- VIGORATE the nutritive functions."—W. E. Rust M. D., kforrist9wn, Ng. "Their anodyne'eact,is sometimes renarka, ble . they tend to produce most azzazumits and DEN OVATING R,F.AIT."--.L. V. Newton, Ti!. D., N. Y. ...They INCREASE the PRINCIPLE which constitutes NERVOUS FORCE, and are the meet POWERFUL BLOODGENERATING AGENTS KNOWN."—Dr. Churchill. ' " I can assure the profession and the public that this PREPARATION of the BYPOPLIOS PHITES CAN BE RELIED ON."—Dr. Jas. R. Chilton, Chemist. wnrozzenad cormalitriztirker. is put op in large bbttles with Dr. J. F. Chqr. chill's Hypopbosphltee of Lime and Soda. J. Winchester, New York,' blown in the glass. Each bottle has my fac-simile signatore. No other is genuine. pjirThe Phosphates, oi CHEMICAL FOOD (so called( are radicallyilifferent from the Hypo. phosphite. and can in NO CANE be used as a SUBSTITUTE. Bear this fact in mind. No preparation containing Iron can be used without danger of inflammation and hemorrhage. No other drug ot medicine should be combined with the Hypophosphites„ or used at the same time. Er The HYPOPHOSPHITES are a most efficacious Remedy in all Nervous Diseases Geo. era! Debility, or Prostration of the Vital Forces, Chlorosis, Suppression, Dyspepsia, itatlllON Bronchitis, &c. Eir Price $3 or 3 botolea for $5, with fell di. tections for gap. Liberal discount to Physicians and the trade. The Dry Salts furnished to the profession. Single bottles in concentrated solu tion vet by mall, whei specially ordered. Sold wholesile and retail at the sole General Depot in the U.. S„ 43 John street. Let 110 one deceive you, but buy only " Winchester's Preparation." Dr. Oksraill's Work on Consumption. giving a full view of the Theory and Treatment, and other invaluable information, sent gratis on receipt of l2cta in stamps for postage. SCH. MERii. the moat favorable season for treatment. Let no eonautaptive delay—time is precious in so fatal a malady. This is the ONLY Remedy that will CURE. Beware of all attempts to im pose a different article upon you, under the pre tense that it la the same as mine. Address's J. WINCHESTER. American & Foreign Agency, 43 John-at, gar Soid in bliontrose by une 80, 1869. -- AB EVTURRELL MOURNING FLUID, White and Cod Fish, Ladies Kid S. S. 'Boots, and more Goiters from 06 ota. to $1,15--all at TYLER'S. May 19th 1869. SUPERIOR. Ground Coffee in CUM Codfish. 4:4, for sale by J. LYONS & Jac. 15e,,1859. Auditor's Notice. r TtHE undersigned; appointed an Auditor by he Court of Common Pleas of ssailuokantla coputY, to make distribution of the moneys in the hands of tbaShe?iff if said county. arising from the sa.le,ot thq rest vital° of F. will attend to the &tits of - kis apfoiptment at tho Witte of rientriiy,.& . in.Hontyosa, on Friday ,the bib day of Angustn e 7, at 1 fetlock'," p. m., at phial timand place al fiersene later' oiled in said mode" will Kes l i bel! claims, or be forever barred from coming in upon said fund. - B. CHASE, Auditor. Great Bend, July 6tb, 1850.--41 Auditor's Notice• THE undersigned having been appointed by the Honorable, the Orphan's Court of,§ne r quehanda COunty to distribute the moneys in the hands of the Adminietratoi of William Bromley, deceased, will attend to the duties, of his appointment at his office id Montrose on fed *, the btb day of Apgast next, at one o'clock, m at which time and place all pers o ns inte rested' frill present thir claims or be forever bar red from coming in upon maid fund. . • F. B. STREETER, Auditor. July 10th, 1859.-4 w. Auditor's Notice. /FHB undersigned appointed anlanditor by .1 the Orphans Court of Bumf's Co. tO make distribution of the astietts‘of the estate of J. B. Shkddock, deceased, hereby gives notice that ho will attend to the duties of the said appointment at his Office in Montrose en Saturday,the 6th day of August nest, at one o'clock p. m., at which time and 'place all persons having an interest in the distribution of the said fund, will present their claims or be forever after barred from com ing in upon said fund. A. CHAMBERLIN, July It, '69.-4w ' • Auditor. AHOMESTEAD FOR $10; A 110MESTAD FOR $100;• also, HWIESTEADS FOR $lOOO AND OVER, in I desirable, healthy country. Ele AGENTS WANTED! Send fore Pam phlet. Address E. BAUDER, Lattp Attarr, ' jy2Ltf. - • Port Royal, Va. YESTERDAY MILE WAS AN ARRIVAL OF NSW riCs4:Zior:/ill3 —AT— > No. Q.! DELAiNES, Prin Ste lin hhawle, Mantilla; Dusters; Parasols and Umbrellas. 'and an immense quantity of other GOODS which Will be shows ran ofeharge by 11, C. TYLER. May 19th, 1859. MOVIME, MACHINE - FOR EVERY FARMER 1 WE are now Manufacturing the 'Ban 'and CHEArEsT MOWER and REAPER erer before offered to the FAR3IERS of Sus quehanna County. ITS SIMPLICITY AND CHEAPNESS, MAKES IT THE MACHINE POR-ALLI F ir Please call and examine fo'r yourself..Aa • - S. H. SAYRE & BROS. Montrose, May 16th, 1869. MILEGOPLIZI CHEAP GOODS! SPLENDID New Cl;alis, Lawns, Print; and Gingham, at reduced prices. Also 13 lbs. of Sugar for one dollar, or 21 of Rice. Just opened and.fOr sale by J. LYONS & SON. Montrose, June 15th, 1859. • A CHEAP and easy remedylor the Piles aid .411. Corns. Try it. Also 'Meyers Rat and Miee Exterminator, sold - by J. LYONS dz. SON. _ June 15th. '59- HEAR' YE !. HEAR YE! • MI PERS= IL I.: • 1011 LACK -and Colored Dress Silks, Collars 1) and Undersleeves, Lace Veils Bro. Tissue for Vails, Esmeralda, Cotton Yartt, Carpet Warp, Bard Boxes and Bonnet Boards, a ucW sup ply of.Gaiterti. Corn Starch and, Tapico for puddings. Cheap at H. C. TYLER'S. Montrose, June Bth, 1859. THE MEDICINE of the MILLION PIDLOSOPHT AID FACT HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. THE EXCITING CAUSE OF HUMS. THE BLOOD is the life-sustaining agent. It furnishes the coMponents,of flesh,bone ' mos cle, nerve and integument. The stomach is its manufsetom the veins its distributor!, and the intestines the channels through Which the waste matter rejected in its productions,is expelled. lliiorrthestounch,thecircntation and the bowels, these Pills act simultaneously, relieving indiges tion, purifying the fluids, and regulating • the excretions. - - THE NATIONAL COMPLAINT. Dyspepsia is the most common disease among all classe&in this country. It assumes a thous • and shapes, and is ' the primary sonree of Mourn ,orablo dangerous Maladies; bat whateverlts type or symptoms, however obstinate its resistance to ordinary preparations, it yields readily and rap idly to this searching and nnefring riimedy„ • BILIOUS AFFECTIONS.-. The quantity of the bile is of vast importaime to health. Upon the liver, the gland which se crates this fluid, thee Pills operate specifically, infallibly rectifying its irregularities:and effectu ally, curteglattodice, Bilious Remittent& and all thltTaritties of disease generated by an cmin rat conaitTen of the organ. BOWEL COMPLiiiiVrs, Unless the bowels perform their functions prop erly,tbe whole body suffers. "Term of thousands. die annually_ of Dysentery, Diarrhea, Chronic Constipation, and other daseases . of these ataxia pipes of the system. , The eirect of the Pills upon all intestinal disordets„ whether casual or epa demic, is a phenomenon in medicime. By follow ing the printed direitions, the moat alarming ea. sea of bowel complaint are promptly controlled. A WORD TO FRMADES. The local debility and irregularitimi which are the especial annoyances of the peaks sex, and which, when neglected, always shorten life, ire relieved for the time being, and prevnted in time tozome,by a course of this mild, thoro' alterative. Holloway's Pills are thi best remedy krietrmin the world for the following diseases : Asthma Chest Diseases . Fever and Ague Coughs Bowel Complaints Female Complaints Colds ' Costiveness Inward. Weakness Diarrhc,ea Headaches Liver CoOplaiets Dropsy Indigestion Lowness of Spirits Debility Inflammation SUMO and Gravel Influenza Dyspepsia Secondiry Symptoms Piles Venereal Affeetimas Worms of all kinds * * l' Sold at the , Manufactories of Professor Holloway, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, onit244 Strand, London, 1:1 all respectable Druggists & Dealers in Medicine thro'out the- United Staked and the civilized world, in boles at 26 cenfr, 61 1-2 cents, and $1 each. - j There is arsiderable-saving by taking the larger sizes,- N.8.-Direetto for the guidance of patients in every disorder** affixed to emir be*: . . Jel6yl Wow C. 0. FORDHAIi, MANUFACTUkER OF BOOTS &SHOES: Montrose, Pa. Shop overly t tr'sliitore, AU kinds of work made to circler; repairing done ties*. • = = - let *D' triZtTff I*ruts by ABEL VliatELL sr — 2 l R 0 . 40 : 4 0 ; * O P T * a. gib • READY-PAY i SYSTEM Ige Tis rtaiii kessildsuccessfill, • 17 in Montrose and et Susquehanna Depot FOR CA-sl4. • • Thos !loading this asseilaqo 111 do well CO ca ll • if the storca o Oiiitniiirlj,'-t otiini4lln, i iitt.-, where it will. be proTeii•thai tae_ lidemhant 4 selling his Goode eau afford' to ~;ell ,Cheaper, for Cash, and eau offer lednecmients seffieient to, make it an object to Purchasers," at ;whatever, sacrifice they are obliged.to make, to,proc;Ore the. Money to adopt-In their Purchases tie CAsO SYSTEM. We have just tenniied And are .conststitir !s -miting, a splendid assortment of SPRING OMER 6110P8, , - adapted for this season, and which will not fail to give general eatlsfaction. They wore pur. purchased under the moat, favorable circumstan. ces, sod we Me enabled and *ILL elfcr and self -at prices far belovi.others that will give and baud given an everlasting Credit; no matter whethcf it is Tom, Did:, or Harry. • • T-H-Prit-E-IP-041.-R • ',E.XAIIINE,COMT'AREAND VAG OUR DRY GOODSf 1 . 40 assortment hiretofore aneepialeil by aityi is over offered in Montrone. - Fancy - and Staple .try Geotyrf Comprising many. new mid desitakto styles - of Goods unknown in this market, among which Wilf Mt found, in- .. LADIES' DRESS aOOll4 AU the novelties of the season, chettp at GiiTTFINBERG, itOSrABAII . 3I,& COB SHAWLS New, and choice styles of Brodie dottli4 aoe single, Stella, Plaid, Wool, Talon, and Mantilla . / and a new style of Chenill Shawls, cheap at . litttenbtrl, It embalm, mmt Dundq, An asitortment always on hand, also Win' Cl,:?trr and Trimming to match, of all shades, cheap_ osu,ttedtr.o, Sostntana, 41,es'; EMBROIDERIES in this Department we -can offer great induce:: meets, as they are purchased directly from int; porting houses. The assortment comprise* French Pettis Slerres tint. Callan/ Worked Edriltags. and and a grpotittaity dionkarti— tics belong to this lint me puomerous to meas.: lion, cheap at • OUTISMIERG,MOSENBAUM, 4 bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers - and i Plumes; Wire, Stiff Net tinge and Frames, at Wholesale and Retalle—eheap at GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM' t . Domestic GOIAS May be found all the diffetett totalities ofiltitittV Gil:relms, Bleached Goods, Finn Unbleached: .Masi ink, Ticks, Sttipes, Denims, Sheath:o y r, 2'l4' y:ds wide, ekes, at GUTIVIBiRG,hOStsiIiAO: it; READY MADE CLOTIIINg, As this is one of their PEICCIPAL gitaicucs of ' %MIMESi in New York City, they certainly have one crest advantage over all the rest of Clothiers;" thvy havingone Partner nienciy in New Yorr city to devote ell his time to this particular hratien of manufacturing. 'They wi I famish, at any time, a Good Garment at about thi SMITS pries for which' the material can ho got. They will warrant:their work and a complete. fit or no pay. They keep const a ntly on hand one of the beat stocks of • OVER BD UNDER MTV: Such .as Frock, Dress,_ Raglan, and Sackst PANTS . \ t: - • :f„, Great "Variety and hifirbie sot:- VEKTS . - Midi ea 'NW; PI vs:l , , acrd' - cbeare nr OVTTENBERG, ROSEN BA UM. & CO'Ef • CLONING MADE\ TO 0ff144: ell the Best Material at Short Notice. Under G8111111elit4r: Fox LADIES as, wELL AS Fort GENTLEMENe. saes as Silk, ind•olso cheap GUTrENI3ERG, ROS EN BAU M ONE WORD' v$ sinticatki, FOR THE WISE:, TO ottitrmlirtrtoOs F R E'N-1)6, 9 CUSToMERS ., And in pirticulsr to those knowing theinsebies , indebted 1 . 0 1311, we will say once more that we will sell or Ready Pay hereafter, Ent all M atelots and Notes must be settled witXmit'Flif-- titer Notine. We are tired of writing Thinning' Lettets and SuPportieg the Peate/dlie,and there.' by losing.' Welwill take all kinds of Grathat• the Highest Market Prides rde Pajthetit,.and all Accounts standing over Six Menthe on o!tr, Books will be left f'or eollectieh tallest' settled' by Note. Suttenbirg, ost*um, ',o'e r ., Pt . Aril lath, 3811 -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers