The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 28, 1859, Image 3
.Y virtue oe'sundry writs issued by: the B" Courtof COIII%IOII - Pleas of Sit,splehatina county, and to me - directed, I will expose to sale, bypublic veodue, at the Court House, in 'Montrot-e, on Saturday, the 13th day of August, 1859, at one o'clock, p. in., the following:de scribed piece nr pareel of land, to nit : - LL that certain pjece or parcel of land, situate in the township; of Breeklyn and liituock, Susg'tt count - C. and bounded and described as follows : North br lands of 0.C.F.1y and Preston Tiffany, east by 0.(.14',iy and John S. Bailey,slontiLbY and Jabe,r. Giles, and west by Jaber. Giles and Preston Titraity, containing about 210 acres,' be the some more or less,with the appnrtenances, two houses, one barn, and abort-100 acres im proved.. Taken in execution the suit of Jos. Wartreus vs Clots. P. Maryott. • . ALSO, all that.-ptece or parcel of land situate in the boro of Fricitdsville, - Stisq'a Co. Pa.. boun ded' and:described as follows, to wit: beginning at a stake and - stones, the 5011th east corner of. Presbyterian church Jot, thenee south 52" east, 52 feet to a corner of a lot conveyad to C. Lent by IL Glidden; thence along' the north West line of said lot, south 38 4 ; West 12. perches Loth, Milford and Owego turnpike road, thence along said road, north 82 .4 west 82 feet to the south east corne - vof •Goorge StruplerV lot,thenee along .the line of said-Struplor's lot, north 38 4 east 12 •perches to tlte plate of beginning; containing a. bout 38 so ital-e perches be the dame more or fess,* 'together with the appurtenances, a tavern house, bsrn,,iind all improved.. in • execution at the .nit of Jedis.on Stone, vs. Harmon Birdsall and !B. Glidden: • *LSO th3t certain-piece or parcel of land situate and befog in the township of Jessup, county Susqifehanna and State of Pennaylant, bounded and described as follows.. to wit: orr the north by land of, W. C. Handrick. on the cast by. Calvin - and. -Jacob Moore, on.the.sauth by Byron Griffis, and on the west by land of' Fredrick Dayton. containing sixty two acres; more or less, with the appurtenances, one'dwel • Hog bruise and wood shed,' one barn, orchat and about fitly acres improved. Taken in exe cution at the snit oft. Lathrop vs. A. B. Lathrop. ALSO, all that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in_ the borough of Friendscille, susquehanna County, Pa., bniindad and described ns follows; to wit: begin ning on the 31ilford and Owego turnpike at the cornet of Datid Robber; land. and thenCe along said turnpike road north, 37 -4 west, perches to a post; thence south, 370 west, Igs perches to a birth: thence south, 53' east, 7-,l(fths perebes to a post in Robbe's line; thence north, 37' east, 87 perches to the begin. `Ding, containing 48 acres and - . 131 -perches of land, more or less, together with the appurte. nances, one framed dwelling house, one tannery, ito barns, 'sheds and other out buildings, one orchard, and all improved. Taken in execution at the suit of Judson Stone vs. D. C. Dayton and J.'l'. t.aogdon, administrators of the testate of S. C. Dayton ; deceased, with notice to terre tenants,execution at the suit of D. N. Lathrop, to the use ALSO, 41 7 that certain piece or panel of hind , of Eliphalet Wells vs. Sylvester Johnson. situate Tri th&toWn;dlip of Lenox. county of Sus- I ALSO, all that, certain piece or parcel of land quehanna - .and State of Pennsylvania; bounded , sitintto iu the township of Susq:A and described as forloWs; to. wit: on the north , county,- bounded and -.described as follows, to by. lands of Wairen M. Tingley; -on the east bys,.. wit' on the north and east by land of Win. lands Of 'llnflo Quick and Elisha Bell:. on the and Dasid Post. on the Knit); by the Swope south by lands of Grow d,.....asethers. and- uct i,hauna river, and on the west by James Van the west by ptibtic roati,containing seventy acres, ; Antwerp and Wm. M. Post, containing about with the appurtenanies, one house, one barn, 47 acres, be the same triorctor less together with an orchard. and about forty acres improved: the appurteatinces, .oto framed house, barn. Taken in execution etthe snit of Grow & Bros. i corn house, orchard, and about thirty acres bu ys. Henry Millard ALSO. all . that certain piece or pzreel of land sitnate,•l v . g and being in the township of Gt. Bend y of Suiy - Qehanna and State of Penn -4 sylvanta, ounrhd and described as follows, to wit: on: the north be land of W. Pain in: on the east-by land of thi estate of - James Grime, deceased: on the, south by land • late of Pemina• Alled . and S. It Dayton, and on the west by the. Great Bead and Cochecton turnpike: it being 66 feet. in front qn the turnpike, and running back I op feet,with the tavern house. one barn, I woodshed, and all improved, contain ing about 7340 square feet of tend. b.: the same more or less. Also, all that either piece or par cel of land situate as above, =Oil bounded and deseribett as fe! wit: on the mirth by land of llitton - Giilinan: on the-east by Henry Langley; on the south by Plant:lin-street, and on the west by ..-'..—.Teimikin's - containing about one-fourth of an acre, Le the. tame more or less, with the appurtenancessams ft nied house and ail improved. Taken in execution at the suits of B. &..Bentley and S. D. Townsend vs. James Adams. _ ALSO. all that certain piece...or parcel of land situate - in the township of Great Bend, - count,- - of Susq's and State or Pennsyluania_boundecl and deseribedaS follows, to wit: on the north by land 'of W. S. Wolcott; on the east and south by lind of Truman and Daniel Baldwin, and i west by the-laud of the Great BodandCochee- 1 ton turnpike road; coutatioind about lag acres more Or less. together with the ', ppurtenances, one framed house, one bare, and all impaired., Also, all 'that other piece or parcel of Lind sit uate .- in the "township of Liberty, county and State - aforesaid, bounded and described as fol lows, to wit: on.. the north by ths; New York State line': on the east Ly land or Artetaus Hall I and A. Wanton's; on the- south end west by Memnon - Hathaway, tionte.intng ..about sikty.six - acres, he the same more or; less, With theaPfur- - - tenanCes; one s2*-m ft t and abOut thirty acres'. impriived, excepting :beret - ion: about one.and.a half acres of land;•.mora - or les's,•with the vadi -tided half of the saWmill and mill privilege: Ta 'ii emit: execution at the suit-Of Chancey Gurnsey -to the - ..pie of - Then:Las &. - Whiting vs. Henry" DiKay.. --.- . . ALSO. all that 'certain piece or parcel tif land .situate in-the township of _Lathrop. county of &Squat - alma-and State of Peaasylvania,bounded and described as follows, to wit:-on the north - by lands of Grow dz..-Ilalslead; on the east by lands of Grow & llalstead; on the south by land's of Grow dz. Halstead, and on the west by lands - of : Wm. Squires, coutaiuing 50 acres, with the appurtenances, two houses, one log' barn,and anent twenty-fiye acres improved. Also, all that 7 othor.piero. or parcel of land situate as above, bounded and described as follows, to wit: llceraning . nt a hemlock tree the Southwest corner of land conveyed_ to Elisha Lord; thence by the laudeast MO perches to a post the said Elisha Lord's-southeast comer; tifetke south 90 perehes to - a post;. thence west .120 perches to' a post; and-thence north 90perehes to the place.ot beginning: containing sixty-seven _acres and eighty perches-ofiand, be the same more or less, with ,the .appartenunce-s, one framed house, one bzwn;One bfaikemith shop, and4bout fortracrei improved. Taken in: execution it-the suit of ,Wm. &Brown es. P. S. Women, Lake Bronson,. 'and Aisle 111. Bronsere ALSO; iirtlutt certain piece or el of land. situate ttndbeingin the 'borough trf Friendsville ootardy - of Susquehanna; bopaded and denertbed as Itillows, - to on the Borth by the yubTie road; an the east by D. W„ Glidden: on the south by lands-of Seen Horton, and on the west by Sasn'l . l.lorlon; containing about one sere, wth the appurtenance*, one itouse;one barn, *some fruit - tfees„ and all impr.ovird.' Taken in eseenz Con at the suit of J. P. W.. tiller Ps. Phillip •. , ALSO ellthst era Sin piece oi psree I of land situate sod :lying is the. town...nip of SpricipTle, county fit' Sisqueharins and, Stale of Petea, hounded and dieritked as follows, to wit: on the north nniyeist by:the publin`read, and,on,the 56u t 4 : 4 4 4 1 .c.“4 4 'L ift -' , 4 o ,4thalele •eostainiarshont -half sn Sere, tre.4 he srppnrte naUCOS. ,Vie dwelling Wu" one barn, and 41/1 improssed,. l —Takan in exientfon at the r esit of MeAnilen& Psrk,,to the nes.of ,it.,4thiop;•.*ll. Isnal.StOckiand. . • ALB I O, /lit cerlitio peiee or parnel of land situate ib fhetowtabip-effranittia,Busqnstutnna county, Peonsilvaaia, bounded and-described na follows, to wit: - on ilk north by land of David Watson, of the ant.' by land.of -Duval frown. se nd,,913 kbe*Otaill by tand.of Freeborn. Church iit, aorLon.west by land of Jacob.. Allard, con. taiaing eigbty.ttro acre*, befttut setae more or less, together the appartertaneos, one train ea i.,,,ose.cmokhea„orusinsbastiocutiabout-forty, tao aciaa =welted. Taken-br eieention =Abe suit of Churl - ea 8.-Gone vs. WAL - JeFeal4stl ministrator :Don - Goddard, deeeasect - with notice to Msqy M: Godard, widow, and Frank Goddard, heir, and-Freak of Herrick Goddard mod 60 dcardi htin of the aiid - Elcr. Godard, 4e-ce 25 6 5 - • ' ALSO, all that certain piece or parcel br land situate in the township' of Auburn, county Of I.Stiteinchanna, State of PecnsytYania; bounded and described as follows, to wit : on the north by land of - Michael Divine, on the east' by land of John Rooney, and on the month and west by land of Miles- and Wm: Coburn, containing 52 acres - with the appurtenances, ono hiiuse, one barn, orchard, and about 30acrec improved. Ta. ken in eaten:ion at the suit of M. S. Wilson vs. John Tubbs. - ALSO, all that eertuin.pieeo or parcei.of land situate in the township of Brooklyn, Susq'a county, State of Pennsylvania, and described as I follows, to wit: beginning at a stake and atones 1 it being the sOutheasteornerof said lot; thence I north 3 1.2° west, eight perchei and seventeen. links to the turnpike road: thence south, id 1-2' I west, four and a half perches to a corner of land convened to John C. Wright by A. Kinsbee, Jr., then in tbsontherly direction by ttic- aids of a shop on the saki Vl:right's lot five and a half Per ehes to a strike and stones; thence west to stake and stones in a brook; thence south, 10 1-2' west, forty-three feet to ocorner on the east side of the bank; thence east ai.v. perches and ten links to the place of beginning, containing about ttirty-tivo perches of land, bo the same more or less,together With the oppurttnaoces, ens fram ed welling house, one barn, and all improved. Taken in execution fit the suit •of John llrishin vs. Gabon' V,:•Aidatns, - ALSO, all that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the township of Gt. Bend, county of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and describi:d as follows, to wit: on the north by lands Of J. C. Fish, JIIO. Lane and Enot.h Haekins and Myron Mayo, east by Gilbert Hawkins. south 'by Samuel bayton, and oe the west by Orin Mayo, containing about one hundred sod five acres, be the same more or les, together pith the appurtenance', one house, burn, sawmi I e fruit trees, and about ei ghty five acres in:Mu:lvo& Taken in execution at the suit of Oliver S. Dyer vs. James %Vorden. AllO, en that certaie piece or pixel of land situate-in the township cf Oakland, ‘ tusci .3 county, State of Pennsylvania, bounded a 11 de scribed as followf, to wit: 'on the north by land of Martin Middaugh: on. the east by land of Tunis Vanautwept; - on the south by land of Charles Beebe; and on the west by land of Mer- gen Slintl..s containing about eighty.tive acres, bo the-sarbe more or less, together with the ap. purtenauces, one framed house; barn, small or chard, and about twenty.tice acres improved Taken in exeeutieii at, the suit of D A. Lyons & Brother vs. E. A. Barton. ALSO, all that certain piece or parcel of bind situate, lying and being in Clifford township, Snsquehannit county, State of reuns'jlvania, botimhAl and &:scribed as follows, to wit: on the north by lands of Benjamin Ayers and Win. Coil; au the east and south by-by lands of Chas. B. Campbell; and on the west by land of Thos. Phianey and the Crystal Lake; containing about two hundred acres, be the same more or less, together with the appurtonance, one dwelling house. ono wagon house, two barns and other out buildings, ono "ordlard, and about Oro hun dred and 'seventy-live acres improved. Taken in proved. Also, all that -other piece situated as above, kind bounded tnd deserilied as follows , to wit: on the north by land n ow or late of G. Gregory, on the east b) James Van Antwerp, on the south by W. Stoddard, and on the west by land of J. H. Parsons, containing about sixty acres, more or less; with the appurtenances, one house; barn, orchard, asd 35 a e re t„ proved. Taken in execution at the suit of Ro setta . Meriunis, administratrix of Joseph- - W. ~legianis. vs. Nicholas Van Antwerp. ALSO, all that certain peiee or pareel of land 'situate in the township of Great Rend, county of Susquehanna, bounded and described as follow, to wit: on the northeast.northayst and southwest by land of Truman Beldwimand on the southeast by the public highs' ay,eonh,icit,g h itc acre o f l a m, be the same more or less, together with th e e p_ purtemmets, I dwelling house mid all improved. Atm) all that other piece on parcel of lard sit nate cs aboveand bounded , and described as fob lows,to wit: north by land of Olitrr Trowhriatik . east be, the public hfghway. Routh and west by land 01 - Geo. l)osenbury, conittihing about one ha/t-rcre of land, be the same, more or less, to gether with tha t appurtenat.cesone frarne4 honsd. one' budding occapiedsas a shop, all improved. Taken in rxecution at the suit of Thomas de W lain . Inane Hamlin, Jr. Purchasers will in all uses be required to p a y, hit the day of sale, an 497011[11 sufficient to cover the costs of sale, otherwise, the proper. ty willbe forthwith. 'JOHN YOUNG, Eslutrif. SlecifTs Office, '#ontrose. Jgty 251 h. 1859. SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY CLASSICAL AND NORIA_ SCIIDOL, At Montrose, Pa., fot 1859' r HE Trusttf.s are Dam to announce to the r putille .tliat the next term of tbi4 popular si•11061 will continence on Monday, the 22d Aity .of AuOut, nest, 'undei the: dirge of Prof. IlAititr 12P.111;Dtir t Ali, A.,,1 a•graduateof Yale College, Principal, isi.ted • • Prof. J. F. STODDARD, A. M., :ands corps of competent instructors in-the ea. riouS departments. Tho trtstees would , refee the patrons of the school., and others, to the fol lowing testimonials from the President and I! Professors of Yale College; rALE.CoLLEGE, June 24,1559. I Mr. Marry groadhead, a member of the class about to be graduated at Yale College, has held ta high reek in the daps aS2I Fehcar. Sn far as am acquainted With it, his moral character, and habits, are irreproachable. • - TlrtononE D. VV(x)LsEi., President. . . Mr. H. Broadhead, who belongs to the grade-! To agents lean give more liberal inducements Ming class of this year, has shown himself du- /. than is affordt.d by any otherlionse. In addi ringlhe tiro years of his - connection with, the I tion to larger commissions, it is much easier to cotlege,a capable and successtkil scholar. She'd i get s*nbseribers for my enterprise than any other. he'apply himself to the work - ot. instruction, I The peculiar advantages are— - : ;. have no doubt of his ability to justify- the conti- 1 . A larger stock, and•bettar Catalogues to se derive and..satisfy the exseetations of any who 1 fem. from., e . may avail themselves of hii services. •A better assortment and Quality of GIFTS. . ' /as- Hattrzy, Prot. of-Greek. I: More punctuality and correctness in tilliqg -Mr. H. Broadhead of the class of 18.59, in Yale j orders. , , 1 College, is a goad scholar, nod lies a superior l' . Be acting.sis agents for me, Persons mind. I have little douht he will make an clii. 1 , Wishing a valuable :Library can procure it .cient and inecessful teacher, and can recornmend I:gratis. ' him with great confidence that he will not ills- li Those seeking an easy method .of earning a appoint his patrons. ' NOAh POliTErl, [livelihood cis find it. -- Prof. of Philosophy and Metaphysics. ~ Any ono. desiring a good Wateh,ean obtain it. ; Mr. , H. Broadhead has jail finished his course l . - For full particulars, send fo r a catalogue. of,collegiate 'education and will reciere the de. ,; My large capital, together with-my-long ex -1 . .gree of BaChelor of Arts at_ the approsacltirig. Vont. I: perienee •iu ' the - bnairloet, and consequent fa tneneOtfreac 'A's lie proposes le The entaged for ;, toiliarity with all its details. gives me an al -I.a urns in the business of tei . iciiiu , ,,ta l is cheerfully ',i most incalculable advaotitge over all otherparti es. recommended 'by Ilitt - 'itnderigned as it person l; All I ask is i trial- 'Send me an order, and I well, qtialaied by:his scholarship and attainments, '.you will be donvineed that there is no exagera ' by his chletian character and deportment to be i! tint!. , r,uceess' fulln the instruction • and government of '—: Do not forget to send for a Cataltue, - a eihrrol. 'TI natas A. Triscezn, i f And to.address - G. G: E V ANS,' . _ t ; Prof. of Lelia... •R . I - Studenilatitay hereire Prepared tor admission . F. OR IG:LNIAL GIFT ENTEIZPRISE, . .. - - . i in.ati.lideriticedrlasri in-any of °Ur CoNes, end !, . 439 CHESTNUT STREET, 1 paiticulsr attention will be paid, as heretofOreg ' t ' • Philadelphia, Penna. Ito the thorough preparation. or ALL wlio PESIRE ; . Persons visiting the City, are - requested to 1:-TO SECoNIE TEielltnel.ta TIIE NOrrnit DEradr- : , call Mal ezadinefor . therrisilves.. - ' '-' • Special :instruction in the latte r Department r` SPECIAL. NOTICE TO BOOK BUYERS. 9rilj be gleeweloriug the curdling term. • • The Text Books here:dere ti will heron- - As there-are-parties oftioubtfuLresponsibitity tioaed in the BOA: - I advertising Gift conetieg, and eodic eke making • . . I Lectures 'on sulijects of general. interest Witt t larg",eprieni6as under fiet Woes nitmapiAlhont the be idativeretl..derint ibe - yeer. -- - !intention 'oi: ability` to te/6//them, hopini, ' Price - tif -, Triiiiiit - per Term of Eleven c through the popularity of rn`y..aeterprise, to de. Weeks: ': 1 ' . --- .." - . • - 8649 f ceire and p/under the'pnbrie,atittiet sense of du. I Primary - .'- - 3, 5 50 -= - "-. -3,50 - 1 - to compels recto warn a ll -against them. And to: In Englibis Breiraes and Latin and esi Pelt, - 9,00 1 liewarei of being,Atieeived or cheated. by them, - Imam nriAltalMid VeCil-idueire will be -given f for they are base imitator , _ of en enterprise - that ' if Aesi'rest" -, - -=;' ' .. -" , ..i. -'. : - ' " * ' ,- - 1 . has-enat me *an, immense, amoent , of time' and I Burdens - *fern to'preenre - roosis or' boertl mosey to plum, in the Position which it now oc— ean be Miami dated 'by writing to , it. Cusp - I etipies, commanding an extensive and ineressing man, EN.; Sind timed ovishist g . laird them. i trade, approved and endorsed with the - Most en f. seises misn ;obtain steertwrimdcfiridtur4 from litire freedom and : confidence; by the leading put-, 1 tteruire. f3ayre Broiharis, reasonable . terms "ilisiting, honest* in the Union; whose fetters of sp.' i Pike of,beeid seaqweres from ;.4.001a 82450 ier ;prove/and endersementare in my permission, and I week.: Hon. WM. JCSSUP,Preeisfent. • ' will .be-produced-and -shown at sey time with' gen. Cr. 114.1. :ii, ;Coos , * ~ ..-;-; •. - - - s the grassmit4sitiaturis;-; -,"- , -G- 03- EVAN S, 1 NT Mit, 1838.--393,- - , - • - ir ' • 439 Chesbitut-a t t est, Phibidelphis. • . , . • w" GIFTS f;,a, TO PURCLIANERS OF BOOKS At the ORIGINAL end the ONLY BOOK ;ENTERPRISE, Established. by G. G. EVANS, In 1,13U4.. HEAD QUARTERS FOR THE UNITED STATES AT TnE PUBLISHING [LOUSE OP G. (k EVANS '439 CUES:MUT-ST, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 'No connection with Now York Gift BOok Stoms (CARD.) iQ INCE ['Originated the Gift Book Enterprise. I have repeatedly called the attention of the 'public to my larg,a stock of liberal -offers, which ;they hare always' warmly responded to.. I can !now, with wore satisfaction than ever, call atten tion to my largely inert:tied inducements to per chasers. Being very heavily engaged in publish exchange mykpubilcations for those of other :houses, and tun enabled to procure all my books at the original cost, and thus can and do supply the majority of the other houses engiisged in the tift Rook trade, with their books, cheaper than they eau procure them-from other publishers. I -can also, by -my heavy purchases of Watches & ,Jewelry, for cash, furnish them with their Gift at lower rates than they can buy them from the •manufacturers. Ilaving such :in advantage in buying, I min in-, sure my customer, a great deal better Gifts wiili their books than any other house,and ran give my i agents 'a larger ewer:libelee. A valuable Gift is hilivered with each Rook nt the time of sale.— Gifts worth the leoesmholesale rates. will be impartially distributed with every $lOOO Avorth of Books ,old. - Send for a catalogue, which will be sent free .to any address, containing the most volusWeetd lection of: Standard productions in Liferature, , Philosophy; Ilistory,Geogiaphy, Travels,nnd all ,the favorite works of Fiction and Sciences, with :every other departimmt of Literature, claradfied !as described below. Send for it,for if you . don't :wish to older hooks, you will obtain a very rat 'ortble Book for reference, as it containl all the., desirable books In print, and costs roil nothing. Particular attention is requested to the list of • my publieationS, which %%ill he found in the latter 'part of my (?:ossified Catalogue. , It contains a large number of deservedly works, by t•xt lions authors ; e end which are all of 'l'. S. Ar .thor's heat works, well known as a moral instrur. tire, and pleasing author. G. G. EVAN S, • Ph 'lath:1011a, l'a. FoRIAENIIIIII GIFT rurthfr4lso ets. to $lOO, is g irrn ec;th earls 800 said. - MASSIF:IC ATION OF BOOKS Agricultural-11as department embraees all ,•t:mdard Worki upon Ireneral Airrwalture, • Cotton I'lttnting, Flowers, Gardeninttf;4'artn mpletnentmOiorses, Sheep, Cattle. Itces, &c. _Chums—Ladies' ; rent Pivot. Cap Quarto, Rnyal Cup, Dcmy quarto, Auto graph. &c. • Annuals—A lamo and elemmt assortment. BibPs—A splendid a•sortm‘Mt of pocliet,pew and family Bibles. in every style, from . "31 to Prayer Brinks--A complete- noortment, in every form anrbat all prices Humn Books— is used by the life rent denom- inntivns. : • - Thozrai: hient---Works of Trving,fleadley,Wet•nlff, Sprerks, Itlncroft, anti every other standrird anchor. lifterrrical—By Cometnck, Gray, Lincoln, Derby, Wool. .- Cool ry pt :*rd Cook . Ilooks, Mrs 111"Kenzie. &c. German—stars rd G. rtnan Literature. Dirlionarirs—Websti r's Encl;4l, French. Ger man, Spani.h. Latin, Gret of,the :•tandard whQrs.. Grqzrap/4 ical—Tht• indst improved u•hopla and other Geographic's, Mips, and I'Lvelers' Gook.fy—The anrks of flute) Miller, Harris, Hitt:hoot-Ir, I.yell and others. Ilia rirul, By Preneoit, Ireinz s linneroft, Rob. ert.on.linroe,Gibbons,Mneaulev, and others. 11:erm ,, ms—Ernbrrtee% n world of fon. terrifr— Every tie.cription I , rillu , trated books fur children. Law and lierli,ine—The Standard works of these profee,siofis. 3/ccininica/ and Scientific -The niobl. approved works on Merhanie;, Architecture, and th,e exaet - i'oetry—linglieh and American. Octavo and lit erary editions of the stadard pocket and cabinet editions—plain. and illustrated, bilund in every style to snit the taste of all. Works of Fiction—By Scott, Irving, Cooper, Dickens, unit aft the approved Writers. ,iliaccllancaus—Oer :Miscellaneous Department ershrsees every thing not included in the above ct,assitication, of an interesting and instructive character. that is in print., Including Schaal and Classical. Trace's and Adrentures Gaines. Sports and Pastimes Rriigibus, Bibi,ea! and Theological. Musicd and Glee Books. Odd Fellowship and FrceniasenCy SCIIED ULE OF GIFTS The Gifts consist of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Ghains, Ladies' Splendid Black and Plaid Silk Dresses,Patterns,Parler Time-pieces, Silver •plated ware, costly sets of Cameos,. Mosaic, Florentine; Coral, Garnet, Torque's, and Live Jewelry, Gold Lockets, Pencils, and Pens, La dies' J`Zeidt and Chant,elaine Chains,•Gents' Bo som Studs and - Sleeve Buttons, Pocket-kniVes, Port.monnaies, and A THOUSAND VARIETIES OF GIFTS! varying from 50 cents to $25. AGENTS 'WANTED EVERY WERE. - • - lIIRCITINO COOPER, MERRY DRINKER. Wm., H. Cooper & CO., j)ANKERS, - Sueeessoni, to POST, COOPER S. CO, Montrose, I. • Office one door east from Poses StOre, Turnpike Street. , Montrose July 14,1859 —IS [tnYs /ig4tor's . Notice• milk.' undersigned atipointed on auditor bvthe court of Common Pleas of Sustfs, Cu.,. to make distribution of the lut% arising front the sale of the Real Estate of Emanuel Carpenter, hereby Ricer notice that he will attend to the du ties of tliti said appointment at his ollieo in the Borough of Mon I;vbe, on illonday, gin Bth day August, next, at I o'clock p. m., at which time and place all persona hating au interest in .t he distribution of the said fund with present .00ir cl aims or be forever after barred from coming in upon said fund. A, CILUIBERLIN, July I I, 1859.-4 w Auditor. Auditor's Notico. rIVIE undersigned appointed an anditor by •1 the Court of Common Pleas of Susrea Co. to make distribution of the funds arising from the sale of the R Estate of gurus D. Clark, hereby gii , es notice that he will attendio the du tins of his appointment at hie office in Montrose on Monday the 8111 day of August next, ut one o'clock p. in.„stwhieh time and plane al lpentorm having an intereta in distribution of theettld fund, will present their claim or be forever after barred from coming in upon said fund. A. CIiAMI3ERI.IN; Jule 1 1111. 1 859 - 1 w Auditor. Farmers, Attention ! KIRBY'S, AMERICAN HARVESTER, Is A PERFECT MOWER, IS A PERFECT REAPER, Arid is Warranted as a Peqict : 14 6- SJ 111.0 1 -al IT is very ktrorm.and durable, being nearly_all I. iron. It if' LIGHT and the LIGHTEST DRAFT MACHINE KNOWN. It has no side draft,and runs steadily: there is no pressure uppen the IF , rses' necks; and it has n sur-Au.mervie; Fiance-BAR. The works upend down itideperAtently of the diit,:ng wheel; enabling•it to go through dead !are ws and ditches, among stones and bogs, and over stones and hills where no other tanchine can follow it. IT is nantt., - uAlt•Annil AND (tern Ann. By means <it'll keel., the driver can at plessure throw the cutters in and out of gear; ivy another lover he can raise either end pr both ends of the linger- bar to pass over tdedructions. or move from field to-field. It is ditlieult-to clog thlu machine. It is a cheap machine. It is simpi( , in construction. made of coed material;ari d a cI I coutdr wed and finished. Maatitrietilredl)y WELLES, BLOOD & CO., at thellioga Point g olt oral Works. Full descriptive and illustrated catalUgues to be had on application to tbeunderidgned agent fel- Susgla Co., at Munirose. For The het It t,luay Horse rovreis, Threshers and 'Cleaners, Threshers and Seliar:tiers. R:e.. &c. in the world. tj. L. BLOWERS. Montrw,lolv QuNDAv scitooi: LuskAttics rurai-hoi. to order b J. LYON 8 & SON. Juno- kt, 1859. NT KW GOODS, in my line of hip‘mosd„ arri eveq` ‘, .% : i•ck, . ABEL . (Address )in , o2.7yn P. 0., Box 320.) The Paragon self.-Generating cam 33 1.1L1"11.01°. 'rims valuable patent, portable, self:genera l. Bug. Gas Burner i,i offered to the public, in full confidence of its positive superiority over ev ery other tiAsn-LIG . HT in existence, for SINFUL:- 1M SA Firl" V. E wions, and uniLt.i.lN °Night in any tril - per.,,ture. - • It id ,ilvoi(1 (4 SMELL, SMOKE or FLICKER, giv. ing a .teady, avail and -s-r ) r s , rr s so” ci s requring no trimming, or other attention, exeept simply filling the !amp good burning fluid, one quart of the fluid converted into gas in the Bnrner, giving, a rem, Unt,AD Rime eighteen hours. This light, which is equal to that front eittht ordinary whiled lulies;at en cix,, purse of but thre6, is also; tinder convict° cons tfol, being redlieed by a simple process, from a fell bkne to a small one, and as quickly re stored to its full e . aparity. The ,bnlmer can he readily appliml to all styles of Oth, KEI;oSENF:, CAanrttisc. and 137,1:51N, FLUID vilso, on pressure and with founts to Gas fixtures, In all their rarioties. It is admirably adapted for lighting churches, dwrltin •, lerture-rooms, halls, 'hope, steam boats, and railroad cars, or wherever asgood light is deAired. Parties desirous o f emunng thu right of territory for a valuable article that, will commend itself, should make early application, only to the. undersigned, Bu rne rs, Lamps. ; Ste.,supplred in any quauti ty, with promptness—f , rwarded by express- to II parts of the Unite.t‘Stntes--payAlo cash on debvery. . BUTLER, BOSFORD & Ca. Proprietors: Coort-Stroot,Broottlyn, N. V. or, No. 171-Broodwar, and No. 1 Courtiandf St. New York. jyl m'o S ! 12 1-2 LBS.Ok' S HGAdtif,uleiTiLat June. 8111, 1859 - Silver-Steel 4 3c3rthes, Pitchforks and Rakes, for sate by .Tinze 20. J. LY0.1V.5,&430.1'. 3,000 ROLLS OF WALL PAPER 70 DIFFERENT STILES. BORDERING, WINDOW PAPER &C., &C. A NEW SUPPLY', just arrived. and for Flak) .21 cheap, by • • A. TURTON,L. ABEL TURIiELL v -EEPS conutantly nn hand a full amsorttnent 11 vf the choicest qualities of ;, In all of the ,following de partments . of trade: New su plipe arriving every week. Buying for -cash, and selling cheap fur e.ash. .. . DRUGS, - MEDICINES, chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, Dpriltaffs; Groceries, Lamps, Glass Ware; Crockery, Mirrors, Clocks, Wall Paper, Window rapeF, Window Oillikatims; Farley Goods, -- Musical Instrnmenta, Jewelry, • PerfrOneryi ';.Stone Ware, Brooms,-Brnshea,Whips, • • eYntbrellas. Bird.oages. • P,ocket Ethics, Guis, . . - Ainzannition, Ligrlurj , Trnsses , Supporters, Tort-monnaleir ifhdo Btaces, - Spedaclos, Silver:andilated Spoons, i Forks, M., Gobi Pens, Stationery, Xielin,, Guitar, & Bus Viol Strings, Bows. &c., Porcelain Teeth, °graphs, 'Artist's Tube Taints, Brushos„dte:, And all the popular Patent Also some Dry Goode, Wooden; • - Hard &Japanned Ware, Fluid and Oil Cans, Campbells, - Raining Plaid, Alcohol, Turpentine, Lamp, Tanner's, Pleat Foot,Lard,Olve;_Caster, aid Boiled & Raw Linseed OILS, White - Tad, Blasi' all kinds of Colored. Taints, - Vinegar: and other thpaito too nomonnur to meitilOtf.: M - 66troso, „limo 16,.'b9.. _ABEL, TUB.H.ELL:— . , • • MOdical C9Partueriddp TARS. A.C.BLAKESLEE and E:BRDSII LP having asakelated themselves under the 'name of 131Akeileii &. erneh for - 'the , prosecit., lion of the duties of their protessihm rokpect fully offer their professional riervices to the, Public." 4 ", - Office at the rellidenerr of Dr. fillakiesice, mid way., between the village* of -- Dime : ink mid' _A. C. I3LAKESLEE. - : 20, - '69-17 P. E. BRUSH. 4 DR ;E F tom, tot, Graduate of the AllopatEe Hemet» pathie Colleges of Medicine, is now -per manently loci* in Grekkilleud i Pni I OrkllPE,cprner 0f , 314.10 and Elizabeth:sts., nearly :44 5 1i, the Methodist „ , Auditor's Notice. 111th undorsig,ned having been appointed by the Hon. the Orphans Court of Susquehan na.dounty to distriCute the moneys in the bands ,of John Smiley, administrator of Leonia4l Cook, deceased, will attend to the duties of his 4p pointment nt his Atm in itlontroso on Friday the :19th day of July next at one o'clock p. m, at which time and place all persons interested will present their claims or be forever barred from coming in• upon said fund. FRANKLIN FRASER.. Juno, 2.k, 1869.4:30 4w Auditor. Auditor's Notice.. rpliE undersigned having. been appointed by 1 the Hon. Court or Common Plena of Sewed county to make distribution of the moneys in 'Lbw hands of the Sheriff arising from the side Of the real estate of Luke Read, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his,ollice in Mont rose on iiattirday the 30th day of July neat, nt one trelock p. en , at which time and place ail persons inerested will present their claims or be forever barred nom eaming in upon said fund. ERA NELAN FRASER, Jnne 30. 1359,—tve _ . Dr, CoggswelPs ANTI-PROGISTIC SILTS; a attre cure for INFLAMMATORY Discuses of ull kinds, fur by ABEL TWIRELL. 3lonir, se. Jun, 2:3(1, 1859: CONSUMPTION CURED 7.7‘71 3 / a clie.s.tor' GENUINE PREPARATION OF THE HYPOPHQSPHITES OF LINE 'AND OF SODA. AS OItIGINALLY D1:-COVEREP ANS/ ITESCRICEI)III Dr. J. F. czauncutmc, FUR TUE PREVENTIGN AND CURE 1 . 110 F• C).rlaSt THE s of M 1.: and of SOPA are the ON I,V•Preparati,,n uluch, for the pr4sent, would r..e.matmoi:l for 'G EN EItAL • USE."—J. Franci,Churchilt, 1). THE THEORN " Plithisis is a diathesis, or general disease. depending upon the want or undue waste or th, txydizable Phosphorus normally existing in the animal economy.' - TIIE TREATMENT. " Hence it follows that the Remedy consists in supplying thessleticient element by the admio , istratiou preparation of phosphorus which is at once Assimilable and Oxydizablo. The lly pophosphitesr of Lime and Soda possess both the highest degree, being perfectly soluble, and nearly as as phosphorus The ilypophosphitcs are the Specific Remedy of the Diathesis, or general condition (Attie sys tem, which has, as a taotliitillltirlikCythe of tubercular :natter. When once this c onditi on is changed, the deposition of trash tubercular matter will cease. RESULTS oF THE TREATMENT. What 1 nro anxious for isiihat the Hypophos phites should be brought as speedily as possible into.unit ers.,l use as I know that they will prove not only as sure a Remedy in Conan mpti on as Quinine is in Intermittent fever,but also as effec tual a Preservitive as Vaccination in Small-pox. I This assertion no longer rests upon the 34eases I with u inch my discivery was ushered into the world iu July, 1 bri7. I can now appeal to the results in upwards of one-hundred and fifty de tailed observations of the disease, collected du ring the past year at toy Public Dispensary, Rue Larrev,Varis. To these eases might be added a lmost an equal numbel from nev private practice and in no single instance have 1 found the Rein edy Nil- to produce n%er thing that could reason ably be expected from it. 111 most instances th e benefit derived from it has far exceeded what could, at first, hove been loped fur, u hen taking into act , unt the degas u and extent of the injury sustained b) the Lenits previous to the use of the Remedy. Similar results bate, since the publicatitiwof my discovery, been announced by I Professor- Parapet of Bru,els, Mas-stre de San Juan of Granada, Spain; DN. Jacinto Lo River end and Gulvez of Havana, trail Reiuvilliti‘ Paris. Of 8:.: 'case, iu the third or last stage, treated') ply of Gaiters. Corti Starch and Tapiao at rev Dispensary during.the past y ear, S have for puddings, Cheap at H. C. TYLER'S. completely recovered, 8 died, (owicer i n every 1 Montrose, June Sth, instance to complications,) and 6 are sti!l under treatment. Snob a result Is altog ether UNPAR ALLELED in the Annals of 31edicine.—From Dr. Churchill's Letters. READ 111 E TESTIMONY: ' • We now see the rationale of ;he etriployme9t of Ihrphosphites of Litec`and Soda, redornm eridea by Dr. Churchill in the treatment of Con sumption—they not only net as absorbent's, but repair and rcrard the es iste of tissue."—Dr H. P. Dee , ees, New York "Your preparation has not failed to benefit. in a single instance in which I hare used it,"—W. F. Clark, M. D. Lowell, Ohio. "Your medicine we think invaluable and cheer fully recommend it."—Dr. Ezra Clark, Kirkland. `They IMPROVE the nervous strength and is- VTOORATE the nutritive, functions."—W. E. Rust I M.D., Morristown, N. J. . . "Their anodyne effect is sometimes remark 4 ble .ahoy tend to produce most REPRI.S/Ilati and I nnsovarso ritsx."—L.Y. Newton, M. D., N. Y. "They INCREASE the PRINCIPLE which constitutes_ NERVOUS FORCE, and are the most , POWERFUL BLOOD-GENERATLNG 1 AGENTS KNOWN."—Dr. Churchill. • " I can assure the profession and the, public that this PREPARATION of the ItYPOPHOS--; PHITES CAN BEAELIED ON."—Dr. Jas. R. Chilton, Chemist. wpm : a:maws GETCrINE PRITA2IIIO2I, , is put up in hr g e IsAtlcs with "Dr. J. F. Chn r. , chill's Hypoplinsphltes of Lime and Sod.i. J. I Winchester, New, York,",blown id the glass; I Each, bottle Itas my AM-simile signature. No I I other is genuine. . . ... . 1 - The Phosphateri, or CHEMICAL FOOD [so called] aro raaieully different from the Hypo phosphite-. and can in NO CANE be used as a SUBSTITUTE. Bear this fact in mind. fie I • ~ preparationcontaining Iron can be used with out danger of inflammation and hemorrliagn. No 1 other drug or medicine should be combined with the Flypophosphites, or used at the saute time. igr The HYPOPHOSPHITES aro a most I efficacious - Remedy in all Nervous Diseases Gen. eral.Debility, or Prostration of the Vital Forces, Chia/obis, .Suppression, Bpi pepsia, Asthma, ; Bronchitis,. &c. I r o-Priep $2 or 3 botiles far $5, With full di rections fur use. Liberal discount to Physicians and•tbo trade. The Dry SaltS furnished to the profession': Single bet eoneehtrnted Selo tion .werst by mail, when apeeiully ordered:-Sold wholesale and retail zit the sole General Depot to the U. S., 43 Jolitistreet. Let - no on derewo you; but buy only Winchester's l'rertrniten." Dr. Chnichilrs . Work on Consumption, . • - glvingcs full view of tiniTheery and Treatment, and other invaluable informatieu * Sent. gratk up receipt of Illets ju stautps for postage. SUM. 31Eitis the most favoratle season for. treatment:. Lot no Consumptive delay—time is. preeiouit in so fatal s'tnalinly; This is the ONLY , Rewedy that will ClittE. Bewsre:cif aiTatteMPii tci im postn different under thepre tease'that 'it in the.snme is mine. iluniOns,- -Chippedlien, 9, Scalds, • Barns, Mercurial EroptiOns, SOre Logs, Chilblains, K'henmatism, Soro Breasts, Fistula. Rino . "wornl, Rare 1 ,/eatia. Gast. Sulu .l..innbago, 4in, Diseases. ; . Bores cf nil kind's, Piles. ' .Sprains,- Stiff Joints., Ulcers, , Vomit OVS - 11 kfrids, Veni,(*iL: Sorer, 'Tr - Ater, Swedhil4l4loB. = I '4„,* Sold 'at 114: llidnfnetories or Peofosaor.l HOLLONiAt 'SO' akjeti Lane, , Ne*, orl, rind I Strand': LoSdon; by.'sll reapectible'Didgitrsts and-Dealers in4fedielnoihrotighOnl. the' Itd'ed''n States and the, civ),110(1 . -wo'rld, . t.ef.lotg, 43 i.. 2 . 81 each. • . Bvit.:ONG PUMP - , Whiti and Cod flab; There is a cinialdetible advintlyi taking' Ladies Kid . S. 8: BocitivSrid - nioi - erlifters Ile larger :Niels' • • - .storn 5a eta . 081,75---alr St N. 8.- r ipiteeklopri 44 the 'irowitoico of pa oats - Mnl ptli 1859. • s'eeary-Aukrdsr.,wkstri • American di,l'oreign Ageocyy43 gold in NOotrose 1.1 y! • ' • Joao n0,..1859. "ABEL TURRELL.; -4 C. 0. TORDHAM, • Ag n ANIYE`ACTURER Or HOCYrS dcSEjO S. AXIL Moritrnsq, Pi. shop orer Tyler ' s Mora. All kinds 'nfliark - pr and , teptiziaj dotie? : nentlyr . .; lul UlVQll . qr_' 0,4134 Coffio-in,c,n!i,,Cafish, ; lane Ist, 1859. rvn E undersigned, appointed an Auditor by J_ the Cour; of Common Pleas of Susquehanna e.lunty,.to rnaks distribution of the, moneys in thshandnof theliheriff of Raid "connty, - arising from the sale of-the real astute of F. A. Ward, kill attend to the dirties of hie - appointment at thu. office. of.Buntley & tank; in Montrone, en Friday the sth day of August next, at t o'clueh, p. In., at which time' and place all persons 11*r ested in soot nieneys will present their claiius, or be forever barred 1 . 70121 Coming in .upon said fund. - H. 11. CIIASE, Auditor. Great fiend, - July 6th, 1659.-4 t • Tiff: undersigned having been appointed by the florieptilv, the Cirplian's Court of Sus (tuella:tit:a County to dirdrjbute. tbu. ntoney,,, in - the hands of the AdininistCater of William hßreinley, deceased, will attend to the dutics'of his appointment at hid office in 3font rose on Fri day, the. sth day of Au,gust next, at one o'clock, p. m., at which time. and place all persons inte rested will pre4ent tliir cliiima or be forever bitr red from coining in upon sairi • F. IS, STRE.EI'II:R, editor: July 10th, 1859.-4 w. T"EundcrAgned appnilliVa :1/1 auditor by theOrphans' Court of tiuscrit Co. to make distribution of•the assetta of the estate-of J. IL eihadiinch, deceased,. hereby:gices notice that ho will atfend to the dutie.s,of thu-said appointment; at .is of in Montrose . 04 SUjUrday,the Cith clay of August next, at one o'clock p. tn., at which Hull and place all persons having an interest in the Distribution of the said fund, will present their cliiirua , or ho rotevel.:Lfter birredfiom com. log in upon sairt.tund. - • A. CIJANIBERLJN, July 1 :19.4w Auditor. • A HOMESTEAD FOR 810; A lIIIMESTAD FOR 8100: also, -11051F.Tr.ADs :FOR 8100 AND V ER,V hi a. !Jeirabie, healthy country., r,r,f" AGENTS WANTED! Send for n Pam Wet. Address E. BAUDER, LAND .kGiNT. j} 2.1 If. Purl Rfniai, Vil. YESTERDAY THERE WAS AN ARRIVAL OF • WM - W . 4arC31C>77:::.1.1 - • TAT ; ILAINE-S;•Trlnt.,:it4,l;:t Shawls,Mantillas, Duster. , ; and Umbrellas. and an immense . 141141;14y 4iFber GOODS whirl, will hr stii,wn mitt of ,barge by 11. C. ,TYLEit. May 19th; 1859. FOR EVERY FARMER! E aro now Manufacturing the BEST end r CI4EIrEST MOW Elt mid it PElt tver ofrAva to the PARMEMS of Sob quchanna County. , . ITS SIMPLICIfiY AND CHEAPNESS . - KES ri"rlif: • ,- • •MACHINE FOR.ALL! P I t:asi: enp aud ex.t mite f.r • t.. 4. SAYRE • BIWS. 'Montrose, )fay tit 6, ltli9. CHEAP GOODS! . Lawns, Prinb. and Ginghams_at reduced prices. Also 13 tits: of Sugar for one dollar, or 2t of Rice. Just opened and for sate by J. LYONS & Montrose, June loth. 1859. A C'IPE:IP and easy reined} for the Piles and. Corns. Tr) it- Also Meyers Rat and Mice Exteitufnator. aOld by J. LYONS Sir SON. - Juno 15th, '59. REAR YE! HEAR YE! Att: YEE-341 . -)LACK and Colored Dress -Silks, Collars 11 and • linderbleetes, Lice Fails Bro. Tissue for Vails, Esnteralde; Cotton' Yarn, Carpet Warp. Bacd Boxes and Bonnet Boards. item; sup. "NO SURD WORD _IS rAIL." A RESISTLESS ILE:IIEDV. , • ..; :14 • r ii - $4. ~.rt,:), .•.' -' ' 4 .; - .1 T' 4 ? r, .4 -t-, .. , I,i '.- •, •'h , t .:' ' .'N; . W' - • - 4: " * .' 4 ''' := . ''''.... ' el' • • }-' Ol .!_. • ~ v , • ~. v itztrfittl z . -,. !*,..N... ~.. ,-. •:::' 7z• - --... 4:-.---,....-,..":•,...,..-. • HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. CLEI2I:OI.AR TO THE SICK. Fp lIE first hoipitfil surgeons and medical' pub -1 licists of Europe,. a'dmit the unparalleled antiinflammatory and healing properties of this Ointment; governments - sanction Its tise in their naval' and military, serviee4; and the messes in this country rind' throughbut the world irepoen the utmost confidence in iti curative, properties: It penetrates the inurces of _inflammation-and corruption which . , underlies, the external evi dences of., disease, and zentraliFe the fiery-ele ments which feed and exasperate thCmalady. "lithimmatiarn, &refills, Erysipelas. These are among the most terrjbtc and ago. -nizing diseases of the muscles, the llesky:fibre . and the skin yet in.their worst forms; futtfwlien. seen-1410.Y 'incurable, ,they invariably. disappear under a yersrvering application of this soothing, healing, - antidote to pain 'Trod inflanimation. • •. Salt Illmart, Fever Sores,,Stiff,Tcdula. ' In nil eases of Salt 114 tn,W here mlMlcal wa fers, lotion:S . :arid 'every receipt of the plias mace- - prett have proved useless, the Ointment will ,ac. etimplislia - Atferentric'enie2 ' Fever Wires .fienl quickly under ita influence, and its relaxing 'of— feet upon -contracted sinews; is truly-wonderful, • Discharging Metre._ • kmost retnarkable,and happy slangs:is pro. duccd in thiruppearinceof malignant ter n foie applications Of this Oinment. The surz rounding redness vanishes, and granules of of healthy flesh be ,, in to, take tke place of the discharged matter. This process goes on. more or less rapidly, until the millet is filled, up , with sound material. and - the ulcer radically cured A Word to - Mothers. • The young stet horneat frequent sufferifrofif 'external injuries, aid therefore etwry mother: aIMUId hayelhis - heaTing preparatimi unnstantrY 'at hand. It is an absolute- specific -for sore hrensts,'aid quichly reutoves the encrusted sores which,surnefinfes. disfigure the beads and -facet! of childien. This Ointment:ispied•on board gin Athintio And Parise whaling fleet as a euro for scorhhtia — ati d eetions • 9d as the best possiblev, romtdy for wounds And braises.' tares supplies of it have reeently4kell ader.derbY the Sultan of Turkey for hospital purposes. • moth 4hir ointment ditd - Tilis dna -. in :LYONS l4. SON; I p r zralll,w•GUA/ AND PLAIN 2rEt . 114, for eslo by A NEL. TORREY/ Auditor's Notice. Auditor's Notice; Auditor's Notice. =MEE MOM NOW IVtOR3M li,Le following-cases, - .r iritz tp . 1 ; 4 tis " READY-PAY SYSTEM ITi. certain that Goods eah be sold suceessfe l. .ly le 4dlfutrose and at Sequel anna s Depot ' . FOR CASH. Thottodoubticg this ses,rtion to ~at at the ntores of alttenlitr.g, 'ilosenhinit, k Gr.; where:ft. - wilt be proven that the Men hart io selling his Giiods ran afford to sell Cli , apor for Cash, and can offer indueements au make it an abject to Patellas - et:4, at ; atever sacrifice they are obliged to make, to pro ure the .51oncy to adopt in their Purchases a C ASJI SYSIE.II. We- hav just received and are cc sfantly re ceiving, a splendid assortment - of SPRING & SUMMER GOO S., adapted ter tbis r sea.4ob, and Whirl: wilrnot gite general setlsfaetion. Thew wore pur purchneed under the most favoraVe 4tiroutiistan era, and we are fnabicd ant tear, offer and sell • at prices far below ethers that will give and hare given an everlatking Credit; no tuattu• whethu it is Torn, Dirk, or Harry. T-11-E-R-E"-F-0-R-E E, CO3t PAR E AND JUDGE ()HR . DRY GOODS!' An assortment }wrote fmre mega:tied by anything over Mimed iu Montrose. Fancy 'awl Staple Dry Goods! Comprising many new and desirabru filNles of bonds unknown in this market, utu6ng which will Le fuand, in LADIES' DRESS GOODS, All the twrelties el the seauon. cheap nt GUTTIINIIER(3, , ROSEN BA UM, .4.! SHAWLS! New and choice sty lea of Broehe double And single, etaid,Wooh nud and a now atyle of Chenill tillawleap ut (541thberg,',il05enbilum, .k Co's t~z[&::t. T :Cl_iH:li.:Ci:s. An iiivortmcnt al amys,on hand. airs,. Ladies' Cloth •nd Trimming to match, of all shades, cheap st 6uttritlierg, EATBROIDERIES ! In this Department we can 'offer groat induce ments; us they are purchased directiy from he porting louses. The assortment comprises Vveitelt Setts. 'Sleeves nadHai's, Worked , Edgings and Inserting, • and a great alfasty more arti cles belong to th lisle too ttttt eroos to Olen • tioa. elfvap at QUITEN BE RG, ROSEN 13 AI M r & C'YS 13onnets, Ribbons, blowers and Plumes, Wire Stiff Net and Wire, at Wholesaio and It etall,--Lelieap (it;l7 EN B ERQ, R OSEYB M CYS Domestic Goods! May be found All the different qualities of Prints. Ginglintas, , Bleaehed t;oods, Fine UntdesZhed 31uslitnh.Tielis, Stripes, Denims, ShtSting, 2 1-2 y'ds wide, cheap at 'GUTTENUELZ6,,ItuSENBAUNI, Cu'S REM MADE CLOTHING. . . As this is one .of their Parsorr 4.r 13t;ip:ass in New Turk -City, they s certainly have one great aaventatre over all the rest of Clothiers; then having Ole Nitre+ eteidylu. New York city to devolo all his is particular I/ranch ormatufaituring.. They wi I -furnish, at any time; a Good Garment at about the same pried for which the material can be gut. They will warrimt ;heir work and a complete fit or no pay. They keep constantly on . lid one of thtest btocks of, 'OVER AND UNIMR COATS ! Such as • Frcelr, Dress, Ftaglaa, arui Sacks PANTS Great rarirty &Jul Ihyertliti_eSty43 VESTS! Such as Velvet, Plush, Cassimer, And Satin, cheap at - GVITESBEI:G, ROSEN BA Li Xi,* CO't; CLOTIIINCI MADEIO ORDER, of the Rest Itatetial at Short Notice Undei Glituterits 7 . pi1.,4D1F„b 4 as wkaL as FOJt GENTLEMEN such Its Silic„nntl al,Fo Lp.altuvoul, eileilp at CUT rl'\ \I,,LCo 'S ....9N,V4 - IVOitn .- ' IS, sumamrtat. THE WISE, 3a arjr, sr7l EFOCB F,-,;. ft-4;: r E . .W - 13: - S MED:=I C US1 1 -01kAtERS ' And-insarieolar . te, tlitiqle tkoowlOg thomaatre,.l - ,jtoicliteU'tti -11Fri . ,:r0 Will.,aay, onco ' more .that w - mill Lien ,fort,Reody "PO 'heftafter, and all At. tOutitia and Nbtollintist be 'settled lylthout Fut .ther"ltriittee;:' ',Wo.arri tirei4 Of Writirii Auntie, taii i aiii,h4Silliptirtingifili,P,ostQfliee,and then. i , byl.tiorrig.,. WO will take all kiutl4. 44.011:a1a tha ilighedt Market Prie•cit for Poytnextt, andO. Accoliots: stapling 0 '.'ir . , .S 4 4lootha on ln . SPbki , linY,bo Tat, for, aall4:tiola-,unloas oath. -1,- Note.' , I- . 'by . 'g. ostabiram, *Co I , Mantraaat Pa , April I:sth,lBl9t: ' ' -