The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 21, 1859, Image 4
• • ME.AT MARKET On. Public ihrenue, near Secirie:t ET . Ore EEp co:rat:nay on baud a good supply of 11. MEATS of Iliad,. CAMS paid for Beef Cattle,Catveo,Sbeepond Cutups. Also for Hides of al 1 • BENSTOCK & HAWLEY. 1. T. IiESSTOC . Z. . esalirsir. liontrotio, March 30th. , ATTENTION,, PEMERS!! a MANNY'S MOWER & REAPER, WITH WOOD'S 13CFROYMENT. p.setiabratedMachine he., taken the Fats? ,raMerox et varions-pnblie trials and is on. excelled by any other machine in the elinntry. Aii who use it, pronounce it n "PROECTABILE - A3DIABOR-SAVINGMACH IBB . 4 Theo , not acquainted with its value areretered to LATHAM GARDNER, iNO. HARRINGTON. V.M. WILLIANS„' Bridgewater ; STANLEY UREELL, Forest Luke; i. M. IVALbACE, ;mock; T. P. PHINNEI, Dundsff; ...S. I). T AVNSEND,.DrookIyn; and others who have , u xi them. - . Foi Machines, or particulars, apply to C. D. LATHROP, Agent. Montr&e. May 151 h. 1859 —tht:. NEW tOODS. MI7ISt3:IS .ILl.leri, Nflt. 2 0112 FELLOW HALL, BINGHAMTON. • rr HE subscribers have this • JL. • week returned from New '4llk- York with a full and corn. -mete assortnient a Gold and 7. silver ‘tiatchrs. a :J err and Plated Ware. Cutlery. • andrauccGoods—Ear Rings, Prager Rings, - Bracelets, - Watch,, POI). Test, Game and Dteelt Chains. Gold, Silvei, Steel and Plated Spectacles. - Fans. coral vCklaces and Armlets, itat Pitehers„Porket Knives, Scissors, Gold, Silver, and Steel Thimbles, Sleeve But tons lira Etas. Porte 31.43naies. Combs of all indtt, Gold Pencils and Pens, Threcnometers. Needles, Spoons, Ferks, Sugar Baskets, Salts, Cups, Tea Sets; Waiters, Soup Ladles, Sfolass.s Pic hers , Cani-Basketii, Sze. to Which. they Avon% respeztfally calf the attention of their customers. •As their goods e-ere purchased for ,cash., they ate confident their priers cannot fail to be satisfactory, as they determined not to_ be undersold byany. - EVANS & ALLEN, No. 2 Odd FeVows Binghamton. June 1,4„ 18h9- • R. KENYON JR. Szi . CO. uTOULD respectfully solicit the inspection V V of a new and very rich assortment of ‘-'I)RY GOODS.. this day received, consisting in part of as follows: Rich Black Moire antique Silk 18s. per Lard; Finitardi Silk, nice ety le, 6s. per yard; Rich Plaid Silk., the very neatest patterns, tus. - per yard; BLit* gilk, 28 inches wide, from 7s. to 12s. per vartiraplend4 Black Silk Shawls from $3 to. 81 1, the fnest. assortment in Suarfa.C,n.; new invoice of Gingham?, at very low prices; also of Cllleoes;l?rge stock of Boni rus.aliv. ores, Plnit.s. rod Lawns: Printed Shawls from 7a. to sh;• Bruotts Shawls from $.5 to 825; Collars frorii. 6 ets. to 40,54 Parisols from Bs. to 245, each; Bonnet, a large stoeki Rii-bons std Flowrrri Enamelled arid CUB Skin; Ladies C. ogress lets, lid and Evisal:led; Misses Calf lind Roam elled-Boottk Childred,Paredi Boots, Gaiters andl everything - in that line. They also till attention to the fact tiut having an irrangyrient I with one of the 'largest hapdrtilig Elouses in lieu Yorkthey willreceicoregnlr,rlyNewStyles I es faSt ea they appear to New York, andwill take 1 the greatest pains to please nil who call and sce and wish to purchase. • Particular altention,paid 1 to procuring fine goods—i 9 every:style. A new lot this day received. and would re- i spectfnlly sormit an examination of the- same. Good Tea at 35., city prices, also .al 4s. U. 6s. Bs. - • rig kit.% • • 16•O1 FE.E---Java, Rio end Ground Coffee. SALE/LATILIss-Jamtiy Pyle'S.Ttabbites%led. ideal, end Exzeisior. &e. MIK.S, snO . al-0 a new. stock of WALL PA PER :mein" IN. .11)0W PA PER, t his,d.:l.• received. FA ROI Eta 79 . 0 LS of the most epprored patterns. Croci~erw - , Gold Dand, Shaded; pus Band, anti ahl-the new stylus, as fast as they appear in New York. FLOES rowtantiv on-hand. S ALT by the liartial or sack. - PATENT M E DiCIIN ES, GLASS, and even - thine ohu ,, t n grant r REV ON JR. & CO . centre, Jußilit.h.`lBs9 15.5*, .1. DICK JR. ISM, ILIRDWARE & STOVE, tIIPORIUM • IN FULL BLAST!! THIE undersigned wi'inhi taker this opportu nity Iti .inforth his friends and customers that he baS recently made large ad.litions to his former extensive etork of - Hardware,: Stoves, Stove Pipe, Stove -Trimmings, Zinc, &c., and that be id prepared tusuppiy the wants of the communtiv in that line at unusually low pricim He flatters himself that hi, 'facilities for manufacturing his own Wares, Stoves, &c., give him a 'decided 'advantage 'over any who pur chase arid transport - at a heavy.expense.their en tire stock. He would say to those who - wish. to purchase STOVES of sofdoscrlption, STOVE PIPE, or TRIIESIANGS, of any kind, and piy for thern,she is prepared to give them great hargains; but to those who want te . purchase on a year's credit winfthen hitt run two years more, he had rath er they would mill-on some me else, even if they hare to pay sevepty.five per cent more than Ln artictoicworth: Trizthe line of Shelf Hardware, his assortment is the largest and beat selected in Susquehanns County; purchased nx stoel has been mostly of manufacturers, he is enabled -to offer inducements t 6 these Country merchants whsobuy-seuall bills, rarely found this side of the big city:, - We can offer special inducements La Carpenterunnd Joiners who nro in want 431 either -Tools or lintldinj 'Arateriak. Mark. smiths ear find ANI/ILS, VICES. BELLOWS. and, in Oct, almost anything in their liae, - „by call; lag on us. C lIE YI? Os it' Our stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots aid. . Shoes, .Data and Cap% Vane, "ice lkotions, &c. &C., is as large as Bar-times will admit of. They wore ' purchased at a low figure. and will be sold at prices to correyond with the. times. .INADY-MADE CLOTHING! , cords of rolsi-Pat opened 'about onwand whalt :ley are cheap. lio..ltithin* , Ereryliody says cud a number hug voldur" ,: s - her are very Cheap, cheap. Certain it ialbat a stuan - - r 4. 4r a ", d og 'ill bay a 1218 Pile of clothing, :-ear TIIE aiiiicillierciouiii - u - e - sikiii&We Waimea ' We would _ add, in this connection, kettle D. ... 0 jarf fit r otos! at his old staid a Brooklyn. • foliation of all concerned and the," rest of tni4i , 4. 4.4 4 nr,:pa5 ,.t. t favors he would solicit a kind; that we are tired and aick of the credit system; we have entered enough hY it alloodY. Brooklyn. Iftivir,74Z, annum and are dotertained. to rid ourselves of thr .4 . the whalo 4' &ii.rer." Believing, that the timble. Dl's: w . ci ,_, l .. ii - AixpencA., -is ti.i. true systent, 'we are resolved to rinrsarmasr at stwoxio i adopt it. and are offering afir goods at prices to - w '' c . . • - '- , T- -• nriantrelle t Pits. - .-'' - 4 tViuce latir. in ciaisinge fey tforido. • ' i Ocoee ppp a t& m aw, wproii i te s o w e iy, H ote l • , - J. DICKEIIItAN, le,' , . much ; 4 , ls " ~.. ... f • :,, ii. M,::',..:e. N. ,‘,.. :!"..fh t Sst, - . • " ---•- ' THE NEW ERAI SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, at Grist Bargain&—Riedi•Pay aM *matt Priltsl MILX3II7II.PI:XITID TS now receiving II full and choice Stock of j Spring:- and Summer Goods, including. great variety of Rich Prints to new styles, Gingham, Brilliatits,Plain and Fancy Lawns,Challis, lobes, Silk Brims Tissues, and Baragen,Black sod Fancy Silks. Poplins, iko.; with a superior assortment of Sifk, Brodie. Cashmere and Stella Shawl's, Mantillas, Parasols, Rich Ribbons, Boonets and Flowers. Broad 'Cloths, Cassimeres, Gutman Stuffs, dtc., with a large assortment of other Staple end Fancy goods, as usual in Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails, Stores, Drags, Paints, Oils, Poota end Shoes, Flats and Caps, Clorkfi, Carpeting Floor Oil-Ciotha, Wail Paper, Painted Window Shades, &c. The entire Stock being largehind bo u ght for Cash, sill give superior opportunity for choice selections, and, in accordance with the spirit of the limes, will be sold fur . Ready Pay, 10 to 25 per cent. below Begitlar Priem An examination of the Goods and Prices will be found profitable to those who wish to buy., Flour .& Salt constantlyson hand: New Milfora,,May 4th, 1859. - t FRESH ARRIVAL I ripuE' undersigned would respectfully an nounce to the public that he has just te ceivbi ti supply of -'II M ILI GROCERIES, among which may be found the very best of Sara., Molaseet4 Syrup; Teal- - Cattle, grirx, • ite-, at prices to suit the times, for ready pay. Don't mistake the place; bat call at the basement of the KVA ST ONE ROTEL, 'wbere your huMble servant carries .on a general 'SALOON & GROCERY BUSINESS, and Where th,o , public may always rely'llion hazing their wants attended to with promptness and fidelity. 0. 31. CRANE. llontrerse. April flOth. , • EDUCATIONAL. 00 PER QUARTER OF II WEEKS,. fg, (,) pay. lb r` BOA Rif. with use of ROCrM, FURNITURE. and TUMO.ll,in the UPLAND NORMAL INSTITUTE, Delaware 'Cennty, Pennsylvania. For Circulars, containing necessary infra:mo tion, inquire of A. N. Jiallard in Montrose, or of .1.0. Bullard, ilmuk kn. f mace ,3,,na NOTICE TO FARMERS, I%VISH to eall.,the attention c.f Farmers to the Independettt Tooth HORSE RIKE. . . . This Rake has been used tor the past three years in this County and proved to be the Rake and the. only Rake united to the rough country. Any one, not-wishing to take the assertion and who wants a Rake,..please try it, and if not satisfactory. return it within three days ant injured, and take his money. To merchants and dealers a liberal deduction from retail pries of twelve dollars.- All kinds of Grain taken in esaange for Rakes at Searle's mill. • Also second, hand Wire Tooth and Revolving Rakes sold very Olefin. All orders promptly attended to and Rakes delivered on short notice. Residence ofthe subscriber r lnd manufactory . one mile from blontrono,".-on,Smtke CreA turn pike. CHANCY FOOT. signtrose. April 25. '59-3m KEYSTONE. HOTEL, H ;Montrw,. Ponn. WAL IL HATCH, Proprietor. rpHlS'new and commodious Hotel situated 1 on Public Avenue. near the Court klouse,and nearly in the ceptre of the , btminevot portion of 31ra:tress, la now fu ly completed and furnished, and will be opened on Monday, the37th. day of the print month for the accommodation of the public and travelers. The Proprietor feels connient that ha is now prepared to entertain guests in a manner that cannot fail to tine - Complete Satisfltctien. The 1 - toiel and Furniture are new, and no ex pense has been spared to reader it equal, if not simeriofto any similar establishment in this part of the .Stats. It is well supplied with all the relent improvements and-comforts, and obliging waiters will always be revoud to the call of e:tato:nem The stnhles enanr.cte4 with this Helm are New sized Ccinvethe' nt. The Pr. priet oeretpeettol ly mils the patron age of his old frieitcliNazd khe public generally. W M. K,. HATCH.. at ontroNa, September 'slat, 1858. - I..IWinitECONTAELIue. - G. E. FOItDIWI HAS removed 111-9 shop across the street, to the building one door' below Keeler & Stoddard's, which he baefitted up expressly for a Saddle, Harness and Trunk Shop: where may be found all kinds of mr.a..Eriv - missi • from the boniest team; to the lightest trotting hnrness, end general asser - ment. .of. trimmings, which will be made up or !old very low. • Carriage Trimmings; A good assortment on hand, w - hich will be sold rely low; all trimming done cheaper than else. where OAK LEATHER on band, from-which harnesses will be made and WELZWelaatea. *,,,,,Customers will' please beef in mind that I wish to settle n¢ once a year. Those having unsettled accounts, or notes-due, will oblige by settling or making payment without farther delay. G. F. FOILDIIIOI, Feb 94th.. 1 8b9.1 - Montrose, Pa. H. GARRATT, • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN FLOUR, ORAIN, -- lALT, - NEWKITSORD.--lialaßoorn, FRAM =se.' • WILL keep ronSiontly of hand the best r Ir brands or FLOUR—br the Sank or Hun dred Barrels—:at the lowest market prices. Also, SALT—by the Single Rarml or Load. All orders from Merchants and Dealers will be proMptly attended to. Cash_paid for Grain, Wool, Pelts. Bides, and'alPasmers Produce in their season. • 1-1.-GARRArn New Milford, April 2d, 1859, 33 XI THE , WAMSUTTA:PRINTS. They are the bosh Calicoes yet offered to the • Public for the money. irnas.tsAti Acurrs: . DEFOREST, ARMSTRONG & CO., wry rou. [mh VOOl EIROML Gifts! CHEW Gifts • • THE ORIGINAL. GIFT BOOR WO : 4 : D. W. EVANS & CO. THE I / 67'7 BROADWAY, 6'77 •1 . THE RUTH • NEW-WHIL rikr l ki YEAR. ESTABLISHED 1854 WILK. HE following is spatial list of proper ty Twhich will be given to Its purchaser* Of Books at the time awls , : Worthing*, Gold Watchee.English,Lever, Patent Lever and Lepises,s3oso to $1 Silver Watchrs,Petent Low, full jeweled, huntingeases, open face sad cylinder es. capon:tent. Gold Lockets, Lerlin dze,folt glasses, and two glasses with apringe, large and small site with snap, Cameo, Hoak, Florentine, Painted. Lava,-Goldstone, Garnet and ral Sets of Pins and Drops, - • Ladies' Gold Guard-- Chains, Fancy Neck Chains, Chats. ' 6,00 to Gents' Fob and Vast Chains, 10,00 to Sits Cameo, Goldstone,Paint. ed, Mosaic, Garnet, Onyx. Engraved and Plain Gobi Sleeve Buttons andßosom Studs, Gold Pencils,with Pens,large, medium and small, 3,60 to Silver PencilimithGuld Pena, large, medium and small size, double and single, ex. tension eases, • Gents' Heavy Signet Riggs, Ladies' Gold Chased and Plain- Rings, , Gents' Gold BosnmPine,Citui. ter;tetth Opal, Scarf Pins, Onyx, Garnet, Ate., 1,50 to Rich. Silk Dress Patterns, 22,00 to Cameo, Mosaic, Coral Garnet, , Chased riind - Plain 01111 Bracelets. 5,00 to Sißer and Gold 'Thimbles, 60 to Gents' Pen and Pocket Knife, "60 to Pearl and Moroco Porte. monnaies, Toothpicks. ` Watch Keys, , Guard Slides, Gold'Crosses, small, medium and large, 2,00 to Besides other Gifts, comprising a. lam valurible assortment of miscellaneous art varying from $1 to $4O. The proprietors of the OLDEST ES'i LISHED GIFT 1300 K IN THE UNI STATES. for the uninterrupted success v has crowned their earnest efforts to_pleal ring the last four years, would return their cero thanks. to the hundreds of thousands' have, in past time, seen ft to bestow the i l oral patronage upon them; and would f assure them, and the public generally, than long experience - and established capital wa them in- offering greater inducements thani and such as are out of the reach of any ail establishment in the enentrv; and propo)s this, THE FIFTH YEAR of their location in New York. to introdue, NEW FEATURES, STILL GREATER ATTRACTION GIFTS of GREATER VALUE and VARI A atill Larger And Bert Pr Selected St POONS. Commission% and inducements to clubs and to agents who are willing to devote theii time to our business; so that those who desire cast have ar GIFTS AND Boors li.Vrrnoux blostirlja • We shall endeavor to establish an agent in every town in the United States, so that-all who will may benefit by Our liberal system of dada. We have appointed A,. J. GriturrotoN tour duly authorized agent for MONTROSE and vicinity, who will receive and forward all orders with attention and despatch. A NEW AND REVISED CATALOGUE,., ready for distribution. containing every hie boob, new or old, now in print; and ac. knowtedged by librarians and literary men Ito be the most complete and best classified ever ii seed, Witheutan exception. ' , Z. 00,000 are nr:*** ready to be given away, mailed free to any address, to all parts of the world. It cdntans all the works on - : Art; Science and Nati s , .P.hilosoolical & Clas. ural History. '-' skid Works,' ; Adventures, Travels. V Historical midi Ilia. • &c,,_, A eellaneous, Agriculture! and Do. N Poetical,TheolOgical, mastic Economy, $ Religious, Belles Letiera,Essayal Law, Medical, Mason. - &e., ' ' & i c, Bibles, _ ;Standard Vieth:b.% Biographies, c Prayer; Hyrax! and Dictionaries,.,„ Glee Books, Eneyelopmdias, - s u Text Books i for Gazettceris, -- t • Schools, &c.i ills, --. And a tfßiusend varieties of publications n eve ry department.of literature. We sell as low— and, in many cases, lower than—any othez house ii the country ; sad with every book of the value of one dollar or more, we present some uleful Gift, without extra charge. sLET EVERY ONE CONSUL HIS `f. I- OWN INTEREST,_ And bay at EVANS' Gift Bool , :tore. examine the prices of books, the bestitiftd gifts so freely scattered among ,onr patrons, and be satisfied that the evi lly economical way of baying boo a is at N0.'677 BROADWAY. LAFARGE HOTEL BUILD N., A.. ,_G ;WE GUARANTEE PERFECT sr. ISFACTION. I JUDGE FOR. YOURSELVES. Examine our plan of. business. Any one can who Will. Observe the daily distribution of watches, gold and *leer; vest, chatelaine, and guard chains; brace. }lets, cameo, mosaic, coral, goldstone, igarnet and grld•seta of pin and clasps; ibracelets, large, medium and small size ; • :Irings, chased, plain and set witti steam femme°, gskistona, coral; mosaic and ea cgmved studs s and sleeve buttons; scarf Ipint, crosses, gold pens and pencils; gold l'ipens in silver and morocco ease l s, and a ;thousand other articles of use and value. - A Gift with EveryboOk worth from n els to 8100,00. Sendfora Catch e u, '- It will cord yon nothing, and wilt be ring as a book of vefereoes,lif noth. ring more. Address D.W.EVANSi & CO. i - No 677 Broadway i Newyork. i• i 4 1 1 1 N. B.—A WORD OF E.XPLANATION TO those who have known us under the, style of Evans & Co. - The 80 - sine's boosted by us at No. 677 Broadway, New York City, is the oldest' established house in the country, nd ii known worldwide air the original "Evans l& Co.'s Gift Bookstore." Many have taken thi admin. tags of our ..popularity to advertise tinder the saute name, to increase their trade—to protect the few who may be unacquainted with us, we would / 1 state that we have to connection with ay other. Gift Book House—and though many vertise under the name of Evans &Co, the ft . coast/. toted by D. W. EVANS and J. H. PRESTON, to the first and only coneentrightfully . tning the name. Bet to prevent all confusion in the future, we shall ass the style of D. W. EVANS & CO,' 1 and all ,persons wrongfully using the appalls. tion to mtslead the public, will be made to suf fer thapeaslty of tbe law. - -1 - D. W. EVANS &F0..,_ 677 Broadway:New York. TEZ }EST Ppm 4 TO BiT TOUR Bunks. GIFTS 113119 PITC) Ii riC,334 Z'CODS would ream:trolly isnot** to the . public that he nig still be fond at ,the old stand. filly pre pa red to attend to the pinta of the cotardanity. Hemillbsep on laind *good stock of 7.4126'r _ ea r elleorldß l S Scaens,Tzes. rze.Sriate. ott. a and Sa.z.v (by the Rack or barrel.) and all &nip* foubd in First Clasa Groreriesl Ho 'amid particularly call the *aim of TIMMS and others to the fact tato conoWatly seeisingfreiis> liant themPeot,i t tel n • CI O 7 540, 00 PAVE FOR A FULL COURSE IN THE IRON. CITY COLLEGE. the ballot, tomaltextensively patronised sad best Organized - • . 04221121302L1L1 06161126111 - IN THE triuted. ateLteess 357 Snail* numbing tails, 'ARCH, 1850. '_ Usual time to complete a-lull course from 6 to 10 weeks. Every Student, open graduating: is guaranteed to be competent to manage the Books of any Business, and qualified to sun a maw of froth $5OO Tp $lOOO. Students enter at any time—No "{header.: Review at pleasure.. 1311 30 r0333.111.11.1Cia1a FOR BEST PENNMANSHIP AWARDED IN 1968. Miikietera' Sops received at half price*. voFor Circular and Specimens of Writing, inclose Awe letter atampa. and address P. W. JENKINS, Pittsburg, Pa. - April 14th.1 8.59 laep. 9.* • 12,90 to ft,oo to 'NSW VIRAL Stour, 'tcl & VrobisionStort, At MONTROSE, Pa., FINE door below J. Ethridge's Drug Store, Public Avenue, where will be found constantly on band a general assortment of GROCERIES : Such u Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Teas, Colin dtc.. &c. Also the choicest brands of FAMILY FLOUR, Mita), Lard, Pork, lions, Fish, Candies 6ro. We solicit a share or the public patronage, and pledge ourselves to do the fair thing, hoping by each bargain to secure another. BALDWIN & ALLEN. ALFRED BALDWIN. VM. L ALLEtt. 1 1 1 0 "Miracle TRAVELING AGENTS. - WE WANT 50 to 100 YOUNG MEN, with a cash capital of from $5O to $lOOO each, to pufthase our Goods, consisting of and Jewelry, and to dispose of them in all the cities and towns throughout the United Stales and Canada*. Some persons who purchase of us are makiligfrom 85,000, to $lO,OOO per year, selling at auctinn,in the various towns & villages. On receipt of the CASH, we will send by mail to any address, the following articles, as samples of our Goods: 6 Fancy Gold Finger Rings, assorted, for -84 6 " " " better, for 6 6 " Gent's Breastpins, assorted, for 4 6 - " « « ! for 6 6 6 LadieLadles'" ' ' " better for 4 6 '' " - better for 6 6 ~ " ' larger for 9 1 Sot Camel) Pin and Ear Drops, for . 3 1 " " " Tor - 8 1 Set Goldstone Pin and Ear Drops, for 3 1 Set Mosaic " - " for 3 1 Set Gold Fancy! -- • " for 4 1 Set . 44 " for 3 1 Pair Gold Richly Chased Band ,Bracelets, - 6 .. 8 I " Fancy Cameo Bracelets - for - 8 1 Ladies' Fancy Cu:f Pius for 1 6 Sets Gold Gent's Bosom Studs. fancy for 3 6 " 9tono set for 6 6 " " - stone setting. for 1 °Old Double Locket, fancy, (snap) for 1:50 1 " (spring,) fur 3 6 Gold Vest Hooks, for - , . 3 6 Gold Fancy Watch li•ys, for - - - 3 I Large size Gotd Pencil Case for - = 1:50 1 New style French Vest Chain for - - 2:50 • • bitter for - 3 I " larger. for - 5 I Fancy Silver Watch, open face, for I 44 Hunting Case for • 10 I Fancy Gilt Watch, Hunting Case -for . 10 " Gold Watch, open face for • 20 " better for - 25 Hunting Case for 30 " better for' - 40 Movements of all the Watches described in this list ars wanairrao rtarnar; and we wish it diSt:nctly understood tintt the prices given are nor &west wholesale pricin to the Trade and to Traveling Agents. The retail price would be from 5n to 100 per cent. higher, • Write the Name, County, and State, in a plain hand, to prevent mistakes,itod on tie receipt of the money, the . Goods will be forwarded by the next mail. ' STE NS ETT & GUN ES, Mannisettirers of Jewelry, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Watches, je23 3m w9l 18 Nassau-st, New York. WM. B. SIMPSON, WITCH REPA.IRER, Shop in Boyd cf. Web-ter's new building next door above Keeler k Stoddard's. 111C1" AVING worked for the past nine years 11 with the . most skillful workmen, he feels confident that he can do the moist difficult jobs on short notice. All Work Warranted to Ciro Satisfaction. W. , B.,Selasou has worked for me for some time, and t can recommend him as a careful and skilful workman, competent to do as good work as can be done in the-country, and worthy o confidence. Wm. A. CHAMBEZLIN. Towanda June 10th, 188 Refers to—Wm. Elwell, E. W. Baird, E. B. Montayne, E. 0. Goodrich, 11. - Kingsbo ry; Towan dl; B. 8. Bentley, L. Searle, e. D. Lathrop, J. Wittenberg, Montrose. * * *Jewelry neatly repaired on short notice, and on reasonable leant [June 35th, 1858.-IL FREE EXHIBItION! MAY BE SEES DAILY, TAILOR SOON from a. 3u. to 10 p. m., Etvgatest jrastionsi Comprising the Greatest Variety & GENTLEMFAS COSTUME ewer presented to the public. mh24 milE aubsertherbavingpurchased refitted sadnewly furnished the alt above well knows and pupa lar Hotel, prepared to accommodate the tru ant% public .intl others with all the attentions and conveniences wittily- found in firstelaisi Howe... No effort will be spared by the Pro. prietor and his Assistants to make the Hotel equal in every point to any in the country. The Bar will always be suppliedivithlbe Choliest Liquors. The Stables, connected with this Haase are large, roomy and eimmeniestand caratil sod attentive Hostler* antalways in Aires of them. _ 1. t 3. T.ditaELL.• Mat 1 es& - NEWS . 1) - FFICE 7" , "T- 1 ` clqm a str • So. *e., • ras at, Ike 2111031r*OIr* BOOK *MRS; by • . A. N. BULLAID. lift be Ukiah ITBOGRIPRtS«-A NEW SUPPLY Pr is , A TIM PALL , TEE MO ,‘ - OCIL&T. . "mu= Tutratenrrs AT °MON rcrourmrsoos, or 1. 4. - , . o. -Tramo.42 per annunkor $1 BO in aim Delioquents aublect;_tocherte of $3 AO per year, with interest Discontinuance* optional with the Publisher until all *miasmas *re paid. Advertisements inserted at 31 per square of 12 linen; S 8 cents per square for each insertiott after **first tbrie. One square one year,' $B, each additionsA apart, $4. Job Work of all kinds executed neatly and promptly. Blanks always on hand. _ REMOVAL. - Ittle Post,- Attorney.* at Law, have removed to their oew drum. a few doors actoth of Boyd & Webster's coml. • Montrose Oct. 25.-3 m • - DR. FPM. L RICHARDSON, uprow.Drespo t ettially tender his Professional V Y Services to iheinhabitanta of WILONT RO%IE I aid its vicinity. 011111 e over Mel ford's Store. Lodgings at the Keystone Hotel. Montrose, Oct. 12111.1858 , ' LiWkENLE, LRIGGS, k unmet, it:Tri n r, A TA ß M 'A rranas, iiLVF- (5001DS. Umbrellas, Parasols, and Ribbons, AND ALL, MILLINERY ARTICLES, - No. 46, COUB,TLANDT STREET, Dam. H. Latvians, NEW-YORK. JAL M. Gams, General Parthers,—, Jso. A. RIAGABURY, M. C. TYLER. Spee!al - Pnrtner. (• JOHN SAUTTER FASHIONABLE TAILOR XONTROSE Pa. 9 SHOP a . tow doors - south of Boyd and Webster's' new building. - HENRY B. McKEABT, A TTORNEY and COUNSELLOR at LAW. Xi.- Office in the Union Block—Towanda, Brad ford county, Pa. Fir Will attend promptly to all kofeasional business intrusted to him, in this and adjoining counties. fje3'sBtf t _ "HOME AGAIN," DI. a 2.. DIFiVatE. OFFICE, over Wilson's Store. LODGINGS, at - SEA RILE'S HOTEL. Montrose, 'lldsrph 10th. 1858. WM. W. SMITH, & CO., Cabinet and Chair lliamufactur ers, foot of Main street. Moutroac Pa. JOHN GROVES, Fashionable Tailor—Shop near the Baptist Meeting House, on Turnpike Street. Montrose, Pa. DR. P. W. WELLS I'AVING permanently located in Dundaff offers his professional services to all who may moire them. Also, keeps constantly on hand a full stock of Drugs and Medicines, Pure Wines and Liquors for medical purposes. [sp7--6tn. HAYDEN BROTHERS, New Milford, Penn's'. Wholesale dealer in Buttons, Combs Suspenders, Threads, Fancy Goods Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Cut levy. FishingTarkle, Cigars, &c. &c. Merchants and pedlars, supplied on liberal terms. WM, HAYDEN, . TRACY HAYDEN, IOHN HAYDEN. GEO. HAYDEN. KCit4OI 4 ATIC. Charley Morris' with hair atal hoB, Or And none to latßase me and.hatrt, Resolved to warßant ey'ry j.. 16 Let's hate a stash, I's always Mtn' 0 You'll find me honest, juSt and * * *Shop No. 3, Basement of Searle'. Hotel, on Turnpike Street. • Dr. H. Smith, SURGEON DENTIST. Residence and of rice opposite the Baptist Church (north sido) Montrose. Particular attention will be given to inserting teeth opt wild and silver plate, and to fill-inn deviying teeth. ABEL TURRELL, 119wraoss, PA Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Chemical-, Dee Stuffs, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishe-. Window Gime, Groceries, Fancy Goods, Jew. elry, Perfumery, &c —And ,Agent for all the most popular Patent Medicines. DR. R. THATER, - Physician and Surgeon, 'Montrose, Pa. Office in the Farmer's Store. NOTICE. DR. E. PATRICK, J ft., would liko after a silence of nearly ten years, to appeal Lathe moral sensibilities of s very lic, who have always manifested their sense of appreciation of his usefulness by exacting his services when needed or thought to be needed, bat who hare given no other evidence of grati. tude or good will—particularly in the way of "substantial aid" as Kossuth would say—that he now desires a full and entire settlement of all his accounts, also the accounts of the late firm -of Patrick & Dimock; and-he wishes fwther to elate that he desires nothing to be 'Considered wrong, if, after a lbw weeks; the said accounts, remaining unsettled, aho'd be placed in the hands of a good sharp erllector, and .maJe to account to him something that will buy Oats and Buck. wheat., Please notice this and take action accor. dingly.—Youre Truly, . . jan2 E..PATRICK, JR. STROME & MYSTERIOUS!! HAT every intelligent man in this comma nay should not know that a new arranwe moot has been made by WEAVER & ATHERTON, AT THE -STEAM MILL SEOP, FOR CARRYING ON THE RIJNINESI Or Mackaminc su tl ige-Troning. • Mau:3r know this to be a fact but fur the Wriefit of the few who not, we, wouldjsay that we are prepared to doitny work in oar tine. which may be intrusted to us, in the moat durable manner, the moat approved style,and in the shortest possible Time. All our work warranted to give - goad satisfaction. JAMES M. WEAVER, JERRE L. strizwros. Montrose, March tat, 1839.-6mtf. Salt; Salt I 'Salt 1 I &EMIR TJ. inAnn, - WHOLESALE SALT DEALER, '2Ol Washington-114 (Directly opposite Waahlogton Maria.) • "ATervir "rcor3s., O,TILI. CONTINUES to offer to the city and QOUNTRY trade, all binds of. FOREIGN Coarse and Fine Simst the verylorast figures; 490011 wish and bags, es:insisting In pint of Ash- ton's eelebrated brand for tattle and dairy use; Jeffrey & D_ atty. Ilarshalrs. Brownlow ' s, &e. and 50000 'bushels Turks Island. &dares, Cu. Peon, St. Übe.; Lisbon. Cadiz. Irina. Nantes:dm. all of which will be sold at bargain prices frltn teasels, store and atorshonses. rut bassi wishing to Wed boa root assortment will find It to Ida Interest to cali— f". table nalt . pwl up lo amsU bags of diffeiset dusk satalatasoy, on Land i# siii Pisit Wen Alst - e, splendid article at RAPCit Orsaud oat, is geoid 'boaco,prit, ap and'fir sale by the grisetity, it ono of firs closes suit. - New Yeell. April 10,1E59 —4 ) * , Ayer's Sarsaparilla A compound: retnedy. in which we lava la bored to produce the next effectual alterative that can be made. It is a concentrated extract ILEara Sacumarilla, so combined with, other to "pwt of MOI greater alterative power as g oookoto t4fecticm _antidote for the disease* t h at ; yo b o lmut , W, tsz cure. It is believed suffer from Strual.,ie "MO by tb°, w ho which will accomplislimOunte, and that one _ of immense service to . cure- must prove afflicted fellow-eitirens. Ile class of our compound will do it has been pro - Y us r brunt on many of the wont. caste to of the following complaints:— ' Nud &norm% AND SCROVIDODS COVPIAINTS - ;'' EUVPTIONS AND EarrTIVD. DISEASE% Cream, Pntrcnc. Bummer, TUMORS, sacrllnenr; SCALD HEAD, SYPHILIS AND SYPIIIIXRC AY. .Iktritcuntac Disco% Daorat,'Neti. warm, on Ttc•Doatooltecx. Drniu-rr, Dra- Pllllll AID INDIDESTION, Eurairm.ta, noon on Sr. ANYDOWESIIIR, And indeed'the whole clam of complaints arising from Ixrcturt or This compound will be found a great pro moter of health, what taken in. the spring, to - expel the fold humors which 'fester in the blood at that season of the yea/. IV the time. ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes eon, by' the aid of this remedy, spare themselves front the endurance of foul eruptinus and ulecrova sow, through which the system will strive to - rid itself of eorrnsions, if not assisted to-A0 this through the natural channels of the body by nn alterative medicine. Cleanse nut the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples. erup tions, or sores; cleanse it. when you send it J ob structed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings: will tell Ton when.' Even where no particular disoider sa felt, people enjoy better health, and lice longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is will Chat with this pabulum of life di.ordered. there can be no lasting health. Sooner or latkr fionwthing mu,t go wrong. and the great machinery Lf • life is disordered or overthrow'n. Sarsaparilla has, and - dcservri match, the reputation, of acconiplishing 'bete ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived - by preparations of it, partly - because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it. but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentratedextrarts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else: _ Puritan late years the public have Leen mis led by large bottle., pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar Mott of these have been frautLs upon the sick, for they not only contain little. if any, Sarsai rt. rills, but often no ctrrative properties wbatei er. Bence. hittir and painful disappointment has followed the use ol the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market„ until the name itself id justly despised', and Inn' become synonymous with inv....axon mid cheat. Still we call this compound Saietparilla, and intend to supply emit a remedy as shall rescue the name -from the load of obloquy labial rests upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues silde-h are irresistiLle by the ordinary run of the discuses it is intend ed to mire. In order to secure their cemplete eradication from the system, the remedy should bejutliciotutly taken accurdirg , to dirt , etions en the bottle. rrre tarn DY DR. J. C. AVER •& CO. " LOWELL, MASS. • - Prier, $1 per Itottioi Six Ilottles. for $3. • Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ) • n u e, wan for itself such a renown for the ma; of erery Satiety of Throat serf Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unitecessaiv far us to recour.t•the idenee. of it, hue, obcreser is hat teen. ern plol,ed. As it has Mug been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than it assure the tvople ,Inaliry is kept up to the on elcrilal.lieen. and that it. be relied to do for their relief all it hai eter been Lund to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, TOIL THE CUBS Or r,./ierness, Jauudier, Dysywpsia, InAgesliaus Dysentery. it: ni :• - tonslrh, Fs ya , pdas. licadatile. rztrs. Ul,rnn atiam, Erupt,..tns end Min Duraja., U Lit, .:upland, Drcp.y. letter, Tumors and ..b ,iit i/ , ft i rjair.. , ll%;re.l . Gout. Neuralgia, as a 2wr x r - virtryv.r-vw-- "'"""‹ They are sugar-mated, so that the most ti*o ran 1.4,e rleasstly, and they ant the I lea aperient in the stork' for all the purposes of a family physic. Pries 23 cents per Pox; The boxes for $l.OO. Great numbers of ClorgyPten. Physicians, States• men, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certifs . the unparalleled of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our AVESICAN ALMAN.tC in which they , are given ; with also full descriptions of she above. complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand Aten'a, nod take no others. The sick want the beta aid there is fur them, and they should have it. , All our Remedies are for sale by FOR SALE BY A.-TuusEm., Montrose; A. IC. MILLER, & CO. Gibson; J. HOSFoRD, Friendeville; YOUNG de. Summers;. /RA SCOTT. Springville;, HAY DEN BRaTRESE. New ...Milford; J. T. Centast.t, Great Bend; E. R. Gnow, Glenwood; W. H. TEAVER. Dimoek; EATuIS & 110E14Y. Harford, and ail Druorists. • Imh9 1y SALAMANDER SAFES. EVANS.& WATSON, No. 26 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Have now on band a large assortment of Fire and Thief Proof. Salamander 'Safes. Also, Iron Denim for Banks and Storea,lron Shutters, Iron Sash, all makes of LOcks, equal to any made in the United States. Five Safes in one Fire. -411 eome,aut Right with contents in good , condition. TIIE BALANA - NDEF. area OF PIittADELFTILL AGAINST TUX WORLD EVANS & WATSON Have had the serest demonstration in the following certificate that their manufacture of Salamander Safes has at length fully warranted the representations whirh have been made of them as rendering an undoubted security against the terrific element : Philadelphia, April 1,21 h, 1856. Me*Era, Evkss & Wavron.—Gentlemen: It atiords us the highest satisfaction to slate to you, that owing to the very protective qualities of two of the Salamander Safes which we purchased of you some months since, we saved a large portion of our jcwelry,and all our books, papers,&e., exposed to the eulsmitous fire in Ranstad Place, on the morning of the llth snit. When we reficetthat these Sake were located in thelourth story or the building we occupied, and that they sobsequently, fell into a heap of burning ruins, where the vast concentration of heat caused the brass plates to melt, we Cannot but regard the preservation of their valuable contents as most convineing proaf of the great security afforded by your - Safes. We shill take much pleasure in recommend. ing them to men of business as a sure reliance against fire. GEORGE W. SIMMONS & BRO., Jewelers, Who have purchased six largo Safes since. April 28. '59-Iy. A CARD. Gnsecr, Nov. 22d, 1858. AXTREREAEIIbere have been some statements Y I made by me against REBECCA A. Ket,Lav, and whereas said 8.. A. Kelley has_ commenced a suit against me in the common pleas of Sus. quebarum county for trespass s on' the case, 'now for the sake of esettlement of said suit' and peace and quietness I make the lolloWing Sc. knowledgments: first I regret that I ever said anything about said Kelley, and st this time withdraw all_ eberges against her that I bare made - and do *not bellexe her at this time to be suebit Mkt. D. P.BRUNDAGE. DYNTAL*-NOTICE. DR. GIPIFORD has located _hi:mg hallootrooolor tho porPolo of em 17.12 on Thsta.PSACTICIS In all to braoctiso. Hale cow ready to attend to alt cilia to his profoodon with prmptoeso, and will widener to ohm entire satisfaction. All oporsticias wAsoserm ,0111eo ever Chandler's . stern. fhtpt. Itith,llll%.--Af so NEWS AT/4j, LET THE AFFLICTED REAM And learn tbst a riezfenland radiekenre to warranted arid gentrantsed Wail *ha Ars elle/a with erraktiom, netwoue compleinte, melancholy Bon p, daprewlion spirits, Metre., and angaith of e m l oss f sleep, lon of auttory, loos of energy and nit setts: power, paoy growth. wootto away, mud t want of eon ideate is thetatelvee, tog oOttottkiVO treinhlinim. impotence en diiiiiged. of life. Sotto Oyslelons require to-be told the nature of your do. enSiel-the tyOLlStt BOTANIC' ritysicus doe. not; Ili* porrott know ledge of the bulimia system et/titles .tito to dae tribe the iirevie without any informetion from the patient, to supisin Its originatainee, sod to guarunt...v Ito earn. And, what it more raluAblo .till, be will inners', iiii.tfrauhly tell whether you et:li to rt not or not, thus ttoutit ex. pOtott 1.4 diooppoisitmott. Unto exansloat wk., are gods without guy imurnatiou from the patient- iliefeforo 'Vtly tindereiiind, their Pkyslrul ounilittm :toil doreloputest, naliont which he never uoill4 hiss p.e. ocr gunny mtonl4Ling curet. Itntrontal.eremr4a. 11.itstUrst Ptiyieciso perform, tarty then tit - -31efteul Juqr.ll.. Ld olg^F4 o,, A 30 . , , more.impetially thpie wt.:7l4v. Wel "thero M OI V- 14 , hi +then, read the i.ltuscitig fans. Rua Judg+ , 4,, ,i 4 d good ea'xis of tilf• .New Ut•lnorlieq. A 5,11 14, vrtlcate aud cbutldeutial • luiust MatenU fr,ja toy YOUII44V t Ex, x. 4n ,Tifis: lam aoa, twenty-Lee years ntage; f .7 . linyt.mpt Move, I w_ps o ld • 1 'M . 0..: I nitib.r.ut lat.,lita! men, sad ,pent 11.010 torarnu foinodical Irclumenr and ,rot .04 I treed the 13.41,..10;0 I . l.y."efan. meat. t was rrstor,l pt.rf,tt 1:4.101. Inctirp',:y and phyfv,ll7.- The f..llo,riug worn thl , •yrnplani• I the. of inventt,o, rafpitAtiona of • the heart came ow. ant ur bleb. urtresilt.a . uutd. indue;-.1 not rho, •liglitom ex , ..Mott or ; INF od:citio.ntd.ioo , , noist 6 mt.! :hrnrth tLe t 0, ,; linpiefert 514 , 00, .4101 , like (attune rttartannoying the Wirltt ; tetnte,rary ,attnetot..of ,oviint4me; '"4 ..e the faes: a ithriretted. Vat, of the frame. a oh e , a.tant taold feet acid bands; loom ; tr.:opacity 04 to re I 50.a111 , j,et ;fcretaetat donor - tr.. thol I - v.4114y to Andy; di.l.:lce• to autiety ; attune. of do-itandleney, involnnory atiedding of tear,, heat. and datitie• o th , l'f.ten on tile ,liztitest thooghta uf wileht;,:iti'dietttty of breathing, Uti 1110 lra.r ON‘r.l. A a llttat, tttm.iaß, pr gOkalgitirAtaire, or rip a hit!. To atarn act: Val of • ,rder ; the app.-Lite became rap, tr..l it lOtrft.cod. and at other timosurarly uh.; fatte:fat ta.te. and a tonaitag for, ateange fo;a1 A .ymptntve an In, ....Val . dataleace, ..strka u.-a.arwJhawatkar ; raiment°. hearineea and torpor Oft, ent , ntf ; Crauo thirnt. rroleas e;ght., frig htlit: dream., con,;., 11.'411/3, Gelid blvath, decoy of teeth. eonstantlylarroA t.te.4tos. 77.0 oh t`t yto 1....111 of which. tna, prn• reat me, Store pain and .lebility en theitaek andJolue.e.reeping - and all is ening aetodti of.. do w 1:1 Ih.- a, 0,41;1, a , ...ta went traremlng that en:rtato 1 wassta;dged" to I. ntareed, bat JA:rel not. ft. Par any.laCirmity aright Le nano. a. ail, a arum of fear, dimrnat ottatat. with a dr,ad I*m tae inn: toary.-Itould bt wit.p.ctod.or dlacur maid ;. `a.a.l.lllZ lf.) , aNa 1..‘c.,1- and my friend:tam:lod *mint to ; my c,ro bigaion b,a'auto cillitor. sty eyed4st dim. I had a dot , La Mai sad as'd look ;1 ira , tnnahle to staid the paTIC ; I would blaah trhes. spoken to.; my forehead and fare lbacgoac s bluttleit glad - pimpled ; a Lou of dosh-followea, and.x great drowsinata, with an indliferenne W treryLth:ne bat sortaaoa ; .I.l.llralarlCa;6,l rUpitilre i. ! tilaa. In SVOior I h..,,.. .e; cos. I to ring away; too tern. years I .1.-reA oil tbeee topcoata and kept the *met in my WlVar I Llitcyt 1 0.1,..4.1 IwrO taisa the %et:et Lou,, early grara. bad 1 oat e..a.nitad the !beanie rlty.ielan. I ttroe the:. facts for the take- 'Altering humanity, hoping they net nave 1141 La of illy foals -cmattroll from it life 'KIM ifertn; 1.1,4 a prentat.are grab& uucti tmlT, &c. -- . . Alma the. whore. titlevai t l, m tan. to had no of a flora; all: 1.4 Z aTliort , al Wass rititiinsitoc I 111,1 cn, hi • 19LrenoinNirAt •,,id as A u4;u1131.d. I ' 11 4 rnglaati.tled lay tat that to had to ehr.“ , dibea.• al.kut I , :a, I told 6 m ..toe that 1 con:d rare Iw ; but Lc had , •w10..,J. .4 mark ch..nnAattaaut th the , •thtr tarn.-. 1)., ba.f. ;nut fao .n - en hirrui,lN. , r. t Lamle thefl A t,llllllll-.41 . , thoaa ta11912.: eeriaau.l AN ha Ire . rb+. Unjor Anew , . went 1•0•1 a 1ap.1t..1.;, hi, ca-a. Orn .4rrompl-byd- Ilr , Prie4 rre...ned ail bv. /1.11%e• a.d• cte,A .hurt. lac 1"-.:rne ow> • .. e •r!, roarriel. *Dd. t 64,1 twt *ay bee..., i hilP;',7 Go staaltalloaeean be bad daily with' the ENGLISH BOTANIC. PHYSICIAN, He. 1336 Lombarit Street, Pbilstaelphia. -►r r LILTED, ,REA tad L. w , sit worn •re and h vlf,l . . . . . • Tw. rkliClPlit se_ •:‘, ti...t::• , , ' e 11• 1. ••.cma .• mill) . uer. .rm^4 4.•mc - ••( th.• ino•t 'it ,•,, IA h..: c - zr......nrie-, - .•1, In tn • r ti :op: ..11, , 5 . ro.tavy, by kh' •ii.apte, !On-.t0ut.b4 ea..2,41 , 1 Vevr iiv.rlfed rnl I . ••Every MA, 11 * .,11•••:1 , 1.1t11111.1..5.heti)..L factqq.,1]..b.,...1 ..r . S.n :AIL 1,ndi.... ut.ett.t-r YkiLanv ~ (rd. :o,,ch, n Se:l .1 .. • . „rt.- o r hem. r W.c• or trdoqheer, .-bother •hirro.l dr sin ••• ..hou'd roirro:t the £,t meat '4y-ie....ft, if they .;,h to Le permandntly and raiLeiniy, ••• Led no Tonne' 141110 entor 'the SarftEtt -41111.1r,aTfil! LIFE.. a moat encoulttnd the. ann . Mali LIM I'l. 1101,1. enrca Imintrerh of ,' wtheh have Leen - pronounced inenrohlef and th o , .0•' rucilcai!y enrol/ Ly hem, eat the part.eaf:l, aornert and impfy. F.very./I , .e•per•olly yoongp, rferre ent'en , Lnsid marr•nde.ohnold ton.utt hint. do-rolion y.orr ont the . i•drt•• orihr the trot elot.o.if yonr ao:T..I".IIZN 34.. 41" k' -.4 1' Will ie.l alt the _ryto;d...4 .• , n• hove .yrr y....rt .41 otia•nonec. • lid/ ii .; 1 „"""P •••• ••• o ehoi heihL and conot•to Iff ‘v• n'w ••• ••••• how 1,4; coo b r ave. - ILL • " ..nd a 3.••11 en,ins. N„, ,v•dlyp c. Nat Op.oya, o r A ,,,,,n,,p0t••••n, no Mereory. xn',..el-rd—uothmar b.t thr. 0r1c1,11.0 !dedirat 44. cry zo con-nit the Ennio.h .s.--.14,11c112 Joui-crud. ../ Cl / . /Pt sc .7111 S : • ~ 17. A oldrr•dol I..^a ; neeer had any Cl.ll/ 4,1 , r001e..1 4 reouteniment in my burb0...17 : te..hoth were se x" • mh,* to heave Citikin2ll . .1.1111 I tried Ai% eraLtLingo to r. more I/ Net... Lai bey had a.: cloct. kbarat • ‘,..! Hot-role Physician I took his lienjodroo, as oil now Vioaard•with two Isir• - efy children.; my betritti orteh . reproved, Asa my Lisa/land is mot. ton:ranted and • ANgTHER FOR,THE LADIES! - Zh.teu mo•trth. after I leaomarrlrd I irate birth id fen: that the Focally tny.ree.w cry. ml, made me dread the hn'tinz any 'cure children. I tried every 4144 to pre rermiti..n of my oaderinirt, but witratauccenditur; yaw. , after marrnme. I woo auto cue tied- Wit my sufrect-...{ zrcnt that the ellitd died. I war told by .111, Wt it f had any More children. he feared my Hie would h . , J tried the sorA,Nic VIIYPICIAN'S Pre vent Ire to .11sove Children. fii. Ilemediee bad 04 t,,ired effect: they not only prove:And 010 from hawing eb• Imo they ,Loo Improved my health, 21. Mc pure, ialp, vn pun. Tow*ucerely, So , ;0, J E Xhnse delicate 'health makes it 'dendrable not to hard chg . Jrw,enn.ult him. All thuae Who are childienal, and uol to nave rhUrnti, inimical hind Alt Lidice corriult him in •iniwit con, with implicit itad perfect randdence. To TILE HA tromet. LADIES. whoes health will net raim of nri of family. hi. Remedy ic invatoeble. no ran be saw...fully died ea A PILEVENTIVB Ageitnet nay Children. If you hare tried utiii . r• gid no relief—if you Wish to enjoy good linalliCand ynu are wien. you will go and commit the txrrAtcic 1'111 , 11C1.1.3y, eat hie pirate residence, LOiIIAtED STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Alt intervks 4 or, otrletty pasta and - confidential. Thousands caw hie honorable, fatherly and gentlemanly copduci lug and experictoe of ball n century prove7Leyend all cii7. tradintion, that boy CalU confide all their little trculile, ureic to bin, at a father. a Ann of mond rectitude, and s rial of bona and high nil.. duty. Paid experience haii plot that all their Itt33a necreta are safe and sacred with htr. : MARRIED MEN, READ THIS I 1 Pyre been married fourteen years; about Pre jeari 11f, I tKlaal to tow tni marenlaopower i eo moth to, that - I fem.!. I would become tinlu4ent, [applied to several medics: teen. but yet no relic(, until , hy men chance. I applied' to the P ; A nt, rlirielia; he mid me Woo WiLlt ..4.13 that time, 'hot that Ito would guarantees perfmt mire If I nrOy Memel hie allele*. I pat my pamo".l6 bit book.; ho mod. • ralenlatteo and orwortalned what Perlis %twilit. ho moot •1 eient nail Pew oda pied to myeare.. Ultimately, I+y attend: :; elmZely, LC. 116 navire, I re..Vered all my lost power and ray, and I em now 'molter and n atroager man thin I e'er vatrfally, Cowie!tallow; 41•117,,flundure.-xE,Ppted Tlp.e at dixtaisee m eetuenteate by. frlter. All !Atter, C0nn,11.14,1104A and 101.1.0”03 %trinity l'nvAte •0.1 The re•oule of ell Lett,r4 niult be prepaldoktd U. Dollar eoelostrd fur lloneeLlatiegi Fee. ENGLISH BOTANIC PHYSICIAN, No. 1338. Lombard Street. Philadelphia. MARRIAGE GUIDE. A NEW BOOK; BY WILLIAN..YOUIa,III.I , The secret clue to courtship, lore 4 1'2% •Cmarriege: with the diseases loci• riA dent to youth, maturity and oqi age: TritY , -Te.--.'; being lights and eliades of mar ries! ' 4 1 4 1V life, joys *tad sorrows, hors . .:;41:11a , fears and disappointments. Let married people, or those contemplating marriage and having the least impediment lo married hie, readlhis book: Let every young Man and woman in the land rend this book. It. is full of Pinto'. and,disclbses secrets that every' one should know: a little knowledge at first may save a world of trouble in after life. Send for a copy (enelosotc Outs.. to • - DIL Win. YOUNG, ap2B y] .• 416 Spruce-at, Philadelphia. THE MR= TIMMIIMIES OF Toms AND MATURITY. . Suet Puhliihed Gratis, the 54th Thousand. ' Da A FEW Wcrde on the Rations! Treatment without M e dicine, of Sperritaturrhea or /Acid Weak ness, Nocturnal Etoiasions,GenitaEsind Nervou. Debility. Premature Decay of the System, itriPa tency and impediment to Marriage generaltv, BY B. DE LANEY, M. D. The lieportarit fact that the many 'alarming complaints, originating in the imprudence and solitude of youth, may be easily removed wren OUT lIEDICINE, is kik this-stnall tract, clearly de anortaltraoed ; and the entirely• new and highi, successful treatment, Be adopted by the Author, fully explained, by toosneof which every one is enabled to, bare Huts= perfectly end nt the leant possible cost, thereby avoiding all the ad : lertlied nostrums of the day, . Sent to any 4lntss, gratis sod, post free les Noted enizelop4 .by remitting (past paid) ' piistapstamps to Dr. B. DE LANEY, 68 Eng lst Street, Now York City_ if t 7} efir