The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 21, 1859, Image 3
IMMEEM!!! TLe Wri,liiogtott - correxliondent - of the New York _Enquirer, an i_lpposi izni j mruxl, make the Editor of the i2hai roma of the "State Rights" Cutontittee, a 4, , l3blican coin lietitor fur the Clerk.4hip of the' House. This might. acoountjor the ieriudiation of the Deta ocitoi`e State ticket hy the State flights than. Nark Refublienn iopport may require a euusidaatiert. The Eutiotrer's eotteapotid• en t artyl , :, • .. -T1.,;: R.:publicans are training confidence in their abi:iiy to elect the: peaker and Clerk. Sherman and Corwin olChio, and-Mr. Cizt , of Penaspleania. are the -tuoSt • piomi nem candidates for Speaker,:and Mr. William Scliouler of Mass., Mr. Underwood, 'Whiz . member for Xentucky iri the - lastlillose, Col'. Forney of Phihinitdphil, a re ~ the ii-- .l ,"gi competiturs for the Clirkship: • .11,,trri'tt to 1,,3 frutil his ability, Lis final ,nttaeme publican and American prts4lfile', •and .-his I, popular manners, pert ors stands, beet as a competitor for the oxiiiination, but the 1 . Clerk- Alp will be made th t t Siihjent of compromise i with risfeTi.:llo , 119 tlin sivaker,:lip." Tun W:ollinr•turt ( . .'imstitution. says • that the ruSt Office - . I?ereuttiten t will not allow a postinaster to give -a pall of his commissibns 4 other alion/ince to. a„purty is • it e-Ortsidera ttcn for mailieg matter, at his Gffice; nor it allow, ou part of any other arrange ment cr device the intent cr necmuirr result to.tindertnine or draw legitimate i eSlt from another office. Such a pooped ;l g or. the part of a PoStmaster will be con •!.lered a good cause for hiq removal. .' Inc liosros PdsT, the leading Democrats ic journal ,in Mosuchusetts, 'compliments very highly the,yinerit address of our Derno. cratic."Stride Committee, ',bill on neenunt . of its sound poll ical %:I;tvs and doctrines., and the with wLicli Cuey aro preiented. Xfler giving Fe e'ltiztcts., it thus con clude:, itri remarks The citx+ions we Lare fr this address meal: fur t1win ,, :1%e. , 7 7 , and are specimens orhs logic and treeision.- It a calm appeal to reason and rant cornmand.3 he confidence ~ f eandld end Victu'ry, with ‘iennt worth having: I and t LA!. Democracy of the whMe eountry will i woloomo a triumph ofi,their muse in-I the •old Keystone State as theltriumph of the 013 - fashioned I)ernocracy of 'Jefferson and J:wkson." Cnor'S AT - TRE Cincinnati 'L"rntr.erein I of tile s;n. fmcs W, ar e , rimi e that the rerirts of ••••11:e hart,-, throu•-h Ohio, Indiana, and • K,nzuoky.-are fail of ennontagement. The a!rt:44.t. ,taternent re: , iirdinm :the o heat crop, is, that it iA better thzin has been sown for mantk year=. ti•- , me say that a -grater broid;li of Lin] wa, sown - Allan ever - before. and that, su;;11 weight of heads and I.lam.pness. it berry 'w‘.:r seen. We hear little of the lioo frost, or of ram, or the iv. or 'istly.or ax - aoArooti,o, the • g rain of :he staff of life. time, add all is the burden of the jo.,Ous exclamation that --acht,= from ,stiartetA. Wye May be fer the land is, full of corn. 71 " l imize,sitort for Indian Culy, the true \... e " rw -r our crtileys.of Egyptian- rchnes;,—i+,l , : r "iiTstall and beltmin:Laud is full of lusty I ate-Greel Y .t, Will be re'collecteil;in hi eel- F ieeell in Kansa., aetoed!ihat it *as t!:" PurPc'sr , of his-,,artv not to to el:lntent .11 1 nal- thing less th?;. Ow earning of alto • itilo the centre- Jf the :nnucra •!:.e of no It - tatting Serral...itte th•fr .t. not.-ett-44",i+.e. Intention of that -tilt. to anaf•tr,plish this obj.!at, but alio to ot.erre the Union, nett r• its consumati o n,-' ttlatever the consequences . . In plain . Engliph: if they CUT:, to rob the stavehold: ink property,. and If atbattemptl. male to resist the.pi o ced ore, to chastise •')elli into stbmission. This is substantially :heir platform, r.s arrang,ed bytLeir charnpi n and accepted by themselves. WASUINCat,N.—it 1 , estimated that reinutions . Gf. from. 200,000 to x.;00,000 will be.effEeted durmsr, the fveal year- just , mtmeneed, by tl.e letreneLtnent in the ex -I.en,e., at-ten:Jill the, c. , -110,-tion of . eustoins, inoprove.,4. Thee niII c:outinue to he rua•ie. l'7otrt t'tue te? time, as reliable informa l, reneh the'S.,:fetarr. A number of gentlemen, from different of the Union, ate rnaki_ng arrangements • ran early private meeting in Washington, consult as the be,t means of bringing Gen. Lire, of Oregon,i.orromioetitly before the oni, as a!litiate fur the Tricieney• . The Preritlent continues to assure his friends P at 're Rill not'be a candidate for reelection - LArto aiscoreties of Cold iral`:o Leen made .a 11tu gnastratze of inOuntaius in' riumboitit • ountr, fTrremn m . popular vute , at the,late election lia . 'uPpas, was 11,:154-7treptthli'cari, 7, 415 ; Dimoora;lc, 5,D3D. Iltpublican majority, 1"; Fire! Fire!! Firef!! Officers of the Montrose Fire Corortny No 2., lM'i'te/] July I I tit, 1859. Foreman, - - W: P. RILEY. .] A toiilitaut Foreman, S. I ENSTOCK. tom. 1.1). GOODWIN. Trensnrer; - - ELIJAH MOTT. Secretary, S . 91 . WILSON. Pip. man. - C. W. DOOLITTLE. ..AWetarit Plirtnan. - GEO. T.ILDEN: • ' .ABA,HA MAW; • W.M. J. MULFORD; F, D. CHANDLER, t "/"ens. C. 1 - IANDRICK, PATIO_ NELSON. ro rr, - . Rp ptt ref; asi lig Goods of Ziev,lier smith, (irluiltrafr Drug,' Priint and Glass 1.4 . Second and Green Sts., l'lritatra; yiru have.tbe advanta . ge of select,. , n 7 vonr purcbssrs from an 6xtensweand varied of white lead, zinc, e 01 , rd paints mnd windinv assorted sizes and " All of these arti64l , s are marked at ~u ,41 price's as cannot fail to suit the eloseßt. [feb3 tysjw • . Important troj.r..m Cie oese allN Pi IS• l'lrpared hq Corneffus L.Chreset Sim Yoi-k. Cite. The rombination - of in. r • • in these Pills_ are flit, testilt ars Tong '''ton ire prifetiee. Theip sae mild in their (T..nt,,,,ari pertain in eorreetitig; all Irregulari t menstruatirms. resat:mum nll o bstrue • Cori, whether from cold or otlierynie, beadithg, p ^ I - lithe side. palpit.itirin of the heart, disturbed • , Math, arise from inferiniption nfnature. TO 31 A RRIE Di Eti',Wose its:are irilisi ul4.4, as they will bring on the Monthly peri• • with regularity. Ladies . who 'have been disap pointed in .. the use of other pills, can' plat% the nProl.t confidentte•itt-Dr. Cheeiketuan's Pills they a - e' represented • • \ ey shOuld not be used during Presuaney, affi tell-carriage would'eertalitly re. kn if therefrom.. - Warranted Purely vegetalile,. and free from 117y..hing injurious VI life `of health. ' - Explicit r:: , petions, which should be readi 'accompany 61,h box. Price fsi. SiT4 on -nolo& Ifq s sl :o any authorized agent.- - ••• - uvircuirt - Gs, • .. • . • 16.5 C .Xxlabers-St.„-Neu‘'lrMir, Agent far "thi. Veited- - Stettei,'"to - whoei A', Whot - ostiki:ordei.4 - should be attdressed.-c. Dr. J. W. LYUAII, "Tunkhartrioeir r avd - ABEL MoDtrose.' entp. -jaogp;l7-: ; Water , Cure, A ". will ; b (Niebol'a•Hotol) on, ring the -Spring and Invalids find it. him a cnll. . Patients eatatili'sbinent in . 13 every, coin - furl rind for thwabeeessful ;ire HATER of tboßinghatiit4ij I , at Susifitehunna 'Depot e 6th, of eaeb.tiouth putemor fur copau!tittion. o . adriatage'tp . give Irecelved'at "attliwetrat hie r t agbanitoN.N:,:r.,:wh e re avetkiance _ may be .kri tweet of favv.leaumin . . 2NA - 41 11311,11 - • Tingley.Eacl • In Leriox,Juiv2S,lllls,n't Clifford..andhlies Mr. 11E:4 - kV IVILM . ..Es o f L en 6 x .- •.- . Siinver• in Lenox At the k w. m.T. glny, BK., Mt. ROBERT 4th ' / ITN'S of Ohio and MARIN 711 0 w .X . of Lenox.' . , 111 A-IV IS selling bargains to fa XJ. puraisser.s. Cull and I=IMI A HOMESTEAD F ZS. FOR - 8100: ills. 31000 AND OVER, country. ' - AGENTS W Addre,s' E. 11A jytntf. - SUSQUEHA CLASSICAL AND At ISlontrose THE Trustees are public that the it orlmol will commence day 'of huguit, .131 Prof. IlAifirr zraduate of Yale Coll Prof. J. F. STo and a corps of competi rious departments. T the Matrons. of the sa.) lou Mg' testituouuds f PrefeSsors of Vale Col , Pa., for 1859. appy to annonnee to thl es; term of this popular . ~ n lionday , the 22d. % - t, under the charge of 116DINEAD, WA., I. .ge, Principal, assisted by i DDARD, A. 111., ,nt instructors in the Pa he trustees would rat); : .1, and others, to the fol. out the President and lege. , . , YALE C. ctscr., June 24, 1869. Mr..llarry groadhe.' , a member of the class about to be graduated at Yale College, has held a high rank in the ela, as a scholar, So- far as I and acquainted with i his moral character, and habits, - are irreproacha le. Turonent: . Wool-sES, President. Mr. H. Broadhead,vile belongs to the grads sting clais•of this yea , has shown himself du ring the two years of is 'connection with the college, a capable and s l uccessful scholar. Sho'd he apply himself to the work of instruction, I have no doubt of his ability to justify the confi dence and_satisfy- the tlneetations °rimy who may avail themselves of liis services. :- Its. IIatiLEV, Prut..of Greek. .-- Mr. 11. Broadhead °lithe class ofd 569, in Yale College, is a good setiolar, And has n superior mind. I have little do AA he will make au effi cient and-successful teiteher, and can recommend him with great-confidence that he Will not dis'- -, appoint his patrons. . NOAH POT:TEE, Prof. of Philosophy and Metaphysics. Mr. 11. Broddhehd lein just finished his course of collegiate etincation and' will reeler° the de gree uritaehelor the approachingeorn,l mencernent. As he pr.poses to be engaged for a tiine in the businessrf teavhing,ho is cheerfully recommended by the undersigned as a person I . SPECIAL NOTICE TO BOOK BUYERS. well qualified by his scholarship and attain Monts, My attention - has been called to' statements by his christian character and deportment. to be made through the public journals. by a New successful in the instruction and government of York Gift Store, which are calculated to de a f•elioul. lin, osras A. TliacnErt, • ceive y who everypresume toadvertiso them _ 1 ' Prof. of Latin. selves as, the - originators-of the Gitt Book En. i . .Students may here lie prepared for admission terptise, which was first successfullrestailithed, l in an nr - v-,netri elass indent- of our Colleges, and and I may say honorably conducted only by my.- I particular attention willbe paid', as heretofore, self. This conceit, who are proclaiming them. to the thorou.'h preparaltiun OF ALIiA , IIO I'EslitE i selves "The Oldest in the business," are in to BEcoVIE TEAcliElls, if( Tile Nona's'. Wean - J . -1 debted to me, not only for. their first ideas of senor. conducting the business, but for stock to elm!. • t • Special instruction T the latter D e p ar t men t 1 menee with, and a place to commencrin. Their wiirbe given during - th ensuing term.. . • 1 statement, that this is "The filth year of their The Text Bunks lierrofore used will be Con- I location in New York," is also false. tinned in the School. i , It 11.1. 5 been tbonglit on neconntof the name Lectures on stikjectsl of s , ene_ral inkiest ydli i connected witiohls New York Gift Ste . re, that .se, , ct-Ar.runntrAnorn q , An rat-- ... general_ inkiest r' ,""" ••"''''"'"","''' ."' =""'"". 4 .."."sv"t"' .'t -- " 4 " Pr;te of Tuition per 'seen of Eleven is not'so, and I wish iVniatinctly understood, , Weeks. - $6.00i zg m not in any was- responsible for their Primary Department, - ~ - . . . --. 3 . 5 , 1 d..... neativertisements, nor fur the manner in In English Branches an Latin and Greek,- 9,00: whi • New York Gift concerns are conducted. Instrumental and V al 3fusic will botiyenAnd - bottling the position I do, as the originator if desired. - I I_ _ of the - Gift Book Enterprise in the United States Stlificlitil wishing to procure rooms or board , —haring estaillishcd IT and brought it to its can be accommodated lir writing to R. Cash. [ present high position, by eel - Want Inter, un. - maa, IC. u, E.sq, and these Wis 'lag to board them. I wearied application, 'and large expenditure-of selves can obtain ate j ., es arid furniture from I money, I deem it my duly to the public :Indio Messrs. Sayre 'Brother on .reasonable tertian. i myself to expose these pretended "'originators," ' Price of hoard averages from 82.00 to $2,50 per 1 whu are attempting to impose upon the people week. lion. WM. JESSUP, President.- I would hereby publicly state that these parties Lion. C. F. READ, Secretary- r have . been rs tarring, without authority or per-, most widely July 21st, 1859.--3 m.. i mission, to the largest and most widely known . 1 publishing house in the United-States.- lam in termed- by this tirmi: whick is located - in this city, that, not only have they never given per -mission to this New York Gilt Store to refer to t there, but they utterly disclaim any knowledge of their business Or standing:. The foregoing can - be substantiated to-the satisfaction of any person or persons, by the most incontrovertible proofs. • jy2lna6. ' I Ar-ff - GIFTS 4 SIVIAVNIIIIII IxIFTS PuncuAsups OF ZOOMS At the ORIOTNATearut the ONLY GIFT 1 - 300: - .1: LEETEEPRISE, I Established . F, f. I. -1 . .= g i nEArt Qt ART.EILS • 1 9, o ..e,.z. 2 eg,l FOIL THE -MU TEa STATES ,5...; I , • . AT ill E.. - - 6 E . 4 IUBLISIIIN'G HOUSE OF 1 c 7...; I . f: -'" G.G.FITANS.Iv-,1 0.1 - z, 1 43 . 9 CIIESTNHT S,TREET, .I'- L iv c l PHILADELPHIA, PA. ; * ff... g• „ATiILOGUES : I•SLVT FAZE. C 4 INCE_ 1 Originated tlyt Gift Book Enterprise, Li I have repeatedly called the,attontion of the i publie to tar large stook ' of liberal eliers, , which they have•aiways warnt kv responded to. I can now, with more ratisfacnon than ever, call atten tion to my largely incrd inducements to par ehas'ers. Being very heady engaged in pablish. ,Ing. I Exchange my putii guns for thotie of other hetises, and am enabled t procure:ill my books at the erigival cost, and bus can and db . supply the majority of the othe houses engaged in the, Gift Book trade, with th it books, cheapern'an they can procure them fr nt other publishers. I - I can also, by my heavy pi rrhatiet,of Watches & Jewelry, for ca. , ll,.furnisl them`with their Gifts at laver rates than they ( r an buy them from the I i manufacturers. , . j . Baying such an aiival sure my *Customers egret, their hooks than any other 4ents a larger teounnissit - d , ..divered witlf each Book Gifts worth $.500, at the I will be impartiallv distrib worth of :1;0011s void. 1 1 Send for a,catalogue. hich till be sentfree to any address, containin the most valuable .. col 1, leetion of Standard pro uctioint in Literature, Philosophy,llisiory,Geo mphy,Travels,and.ali the favorite wOrki of Fiction and Sciences, with every other department o . Literature, classified i t s !rta described below. Seta for,it;for ifyou don't wish to order booki, you ill obtain a very val.: yable. Book fur reference, it contains all the :desirable books in print, nd coats you nothing. Particular attention Is quested tejlie'list of my publithtions, which wi4 befound in (lig latter part of Classified Cat. logue. It, coati:tins a 1 2 large number of deserved' popular works,l4 vie rions authors ; antong witi blare allot T. S. AT- thuis,best works, Well kn wit as einem! inetrue- 1 live; anit . ploa!ijng author,, Ise,interostirig biog- 1 ispics,:travelS &.e. — ' ' CLAM;IFICAI7O Agricternrellis depa 'standard Workie upon' Cotten' :Noting,- Flom lmplcinOuta,.liortic*S .Alburnstiikii'o to graa .quarlo,' Royal - t'ap,', 'gtaph. &e. , Annuals-A large an Oly Bibbl-4 splendid/046:1 1 . family Jliblea, li.ii , iary:l4 PraYer . .froolcs.=-' A amulet; form said , at all plieea , 1 ligion gooks _As 9341,4 !carbons,• • , -,- 1 rittqgrapfacal—:%N k i e c t A `.-I ,F•ark 30.4. /0,1 lirtili4rf.•,- - ' 1 ''-! 1 04 . 011 Crt - Pli.ork t sl 1r , 06,:&;C4 -- i , anent.: emtkruees general '.4 - f,trieblru - re,' :eri3;l3arcleeiriir, ()Me; 13eil:rdie. variety) :From; • ewy q•uaittio. ::.:mot-..„- :. Mil, L.• Mr.: / . 4 1 c.;;;kii4l4e;iiii,ana .'Pailtlnie, Stew - - Hate; trnlte, WilliVivinti - Literature. Cierman—SlAnilmikes' ETldirllF," Nina - , GO: 1 D' - irkbariiiiKtiiiin, : GrikE,'ltaliin,lic •.-' , - mati,,ol—All or the standard authors. 0 3 4.41' kicid-LThe. latest- and, wait :Impend I fichools-and'AitheriatiogrAtthies, Mattst , !Ind TtnvelereStuidier.' ••-' • .•'-•-• ' - • • " - Cleo! ogy- - - . The works -cif lingle . 2dilktr; Hattini. Hitchcock, Lyeirarid others. •-, • . - ...' •.% - historical! - -ByPrescott, lreing4lancroft, Rob. ertionintirne, Gibbons,kfacauloy,"and others. niizoroui,Embraces curorld of fdh.z• -•-• ~!-. Juteni/e—Every dtseription or itlusteteed-bookit for children. - - ': ''.7, '-'::- • --',--'" .-- Law and Ilfedicine—Thor..Spzadapt. Narks- of those professions. Mechanical and Scientific:,•The miaiit;approvod works. - on Mithanies, Arehiteetire,--atul 'the exact Sciences: . . • • - = Poetry—English and Auierican. Octavo and lit erary editions of the stadard, Pools; pocket 'and cabinets edltions—plain• and illustrated; bound in every style to suit thOtasto of all- Works of Fiction—By Scott, Irving, Cooper; Dickens, and - all the approved Writers. ..., -, School and Classical.: . ELRYt;:! RIS LO; A HOMESTAD , HOMESTEADS FOR. in a desitable,-heal thy_ -• Trards and Adventures. • Games, Sports and -Past info& Religious, Bibical and livoksicak Muskat and Glee• Books.. - •„ • Odd Fellotaship antfFroemasonry. Miscellaneous—On r Miscellaneous Department embraces every thing not included iit_the above clarification, of an 'lnteresting and initructlVe character, thnt. Is in print. - • • The Gifts cdnaist of Gold and Sire"). Watches; Gold Ghalna, Ladies' Splendid Black and:Plajd Si I k Dresses,Patterns,Parlor Time-pieces, Silver. plated ware, costly sets of Cameos, Mosaic, Florentine, Coral, Garnet, Titrquots, and Lava Jewelry, Gold Lockets, Pencile,- and Pens, La. dies' Neck and Cliantelaino-Chains,•Gents' Bw sum Studs and Sleeve Buttons, Pocket-knives, Port-monpaies, and • NTED I Send for a Pam- DE It, I.4tNio Aotwr, Port Royal, Va. A COUNTY NORMAL SCHOOL, A.THOUSAAD VARIETIES OF GIFTS! . of use•and value. . To agents fain give more liberal inducements than is any other house. In addi tion to larger comminsioni, it is much easier to get subscribers for my enterprise than any other. The peculiar advantages. A larger stock, and bettor Catalcignes to se-. lest from. A better assortment and Quality of GIFTS. More punctuality :aid- corroetne,ss orders. -By acting as agents fnr rue, Pbrsons Wishing a valuable _Library c 1 procure it gratis. Those arching an easy niethodef earning a livelihood CAK find it. For full particulars, send for a Caladogue My large capital, together with mj long exc periente in the busincsa, add consefident fa miliarity with nil its details, gives me an al most in ealcuablo advantage over all other.parti CR. Ali i - aak is a trial. Send me an order, and you will be convinced that there is no exsgerw- Lion. Do not forget to send fur a Catalogue. Pentane vie . iting the City, .are requested to call and exainine for therneclres. G. G. EVAN'S, HEAD QUARTERS, 439 CHESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia, Pa. BRANCH snag, 45 Cornhill, Beaton, 31asa. rrHE undersigned, appointed.= Auditor' 1. the Court of Common Pleas of Susquehanna county, to make distribution of the- moneys in the hands of the Sheriff of said county, arising from the sale of. the real estate of P. A. Ward; will the duties - of his the oftfi'e, of Bentley & Pitch; in Montrose: , on - Friday the.btli day of August-next, at 1 o'clock, p. m., at which time and place all persons Inter ested in said moneys will present their claims, or be forever haired from coming in upon said fund. • S. B. CHASE, Auditor. Great Bend, July 6th, 1859.-4 t THE undemigned having been appointed by the Honorable, the Orphan's Court of Sus. quell:Ewa County to distritote -the moneys- in the hauds of the' Administrator - of William' Bromley, deceased, will attend to the duties. of his appointment at his_ efUce in .sfontiotte on Fri. day; the tali day of August next, at one e'eloelt, p. tn."' at Which . ime And ' Voce:all persona into-- rested presatthir claims or be forever bar. .rod from earning in up' staid fund. F. It...TREET ER, Aradilor. , July 10th, 1,859.=-4w. . ge in buyin,7, I can in t deal better Gina with huuseoxid•vail giVo . tny n. at the. time of 82/11.7- rifest wholesale...rates. ted with every $300.0 I - THE undersigned appointed - an atiiiitor by the Orphans Court of Suste_a Co. to make distribution of the aseette f the estate :01" ft Shaddoek, deceased. hereby giiressiotice that he will attend to the duties of the said appointment at his.olEct-in Montrose on Saturdsy,thi flth day of August neat, at one o'clock p. in., at which time - and_ place all persons basins' auinterest - in the distribution of the said fund, wilt:Trete:A their elaiins or be forerer after 'barred from com ing in upon - said fund. -A. CHAMBERLIN, July I I, '59.4w • _Y E 8 T ER DA Y . - nceRE wm343 ARIiIVAL Oii .-. WEVST o•l=k.C:rr:Pieli 1 -- ...' ! ... i . — -ISTo. '' - - -- TNE.1.../iirif; ', S,Yrinp, , StellaShawls,3lantili i ii g ; ',1_,, , Dusters, ParosOls• and : Umbrellas.. and ao itornbOsit quantity of 'Ober. GOODS which, iih be Shown - num of ohne- by 11.g....7)(4ER. 514 - 19th, 1859. --' ,• 7 ~ OF 1300iCS: 1 ;,... : ''...... .. , . . - fiIIE•MIERINE, -. 2, ..-- FOR EVERY. ' FARM ERT Vito ttoir:3lla,ufactuaiivf :tho ,B 1 , 6" i r. ao . naZinstlololVEß e all REAPER evor 7 'hUTuto Piremd f° .thl3.r4tßAlE*Sler44..! quehalina County.: ~ , ,-7., ' ~.:, MI SIMPLICITY AND CHEA,PNESS .- =.":7 - ':',': - ::: It.4.HEHJT THE . -:: - . 4:-. :,- " S . ' - 'FAAC :I 4INt - f , dtitAtti_..v. skr - - -- -.Ylefitf3ti'llrilunitit±tilogisip - , -- ' Moitrese - Viji¢tii i!l34 . '' . ' ' --- ': '.:'? , . lfoicd etWAikit4ipiimiA frPixt: $.1.14446„' -10 6 r 1 0#049tery be Ait*fautao:l4l4 ' 4110„yreetis. !e{7 .0147.;Aid '64 , . , AGENTS WANTED EVERYWERE Auditor's Notice. Auditiir's Notice. Auditor's NOtice. WM. 11UNTTING C00PEit,........... - .. ''' .. Mertlr DIMAER. Wm. R. Coeper &Co:, - ANElMS,Mueeesucrs toPOStCX4O 0 . ~t r. co., Monimlii , Pa.. ORch.tioni.ooor east tu" kloat's Stor e; Turnpike Street;,.. ,- , Mont? 4s 3uly 14,18501•—tf .',—,--(mys - rlP!Muilife unit atipointrid'ab.o4ll*blit& 11 tirsurt.of, initkon Illostint,§tttei'oo7:;4o,-- trutice 4 Wtiritio*of.tberfuadtliriatirg4scnktio: sitit-of t att*StakErett o rzAilluktetigitizeltterr lamb)* gives notice at attend totio du: ties -of the .suld,spp Oi ;I tarp t tris... ( 1 141itt. , ,,, i 1 1 0 kith trois,ei August, noxt, at 1 o'Flita 1);m., at wale :time neld,-plaukuil.,porsons..l -..awinterestlit. d istribitti et nrlre forever:4of. barr from coming itipon wad nd: - A. ell 'July It, 1859.-4 yr ' Auditor Auditor'.6 , o co. T"' understeneil appointed , an ' 'tor' the Court of Common . Pleas of 61111'1-Co. to make distribution of the, funds arising= dtn the sal oof Well eat Battle of ltuiliatlVi I k, hereby gives riotieo that ho will attentito.titag... ties of his.appoin [flied at oftieo iiibfon roes. on 1 1onday,tho Bt.b. day of Aniutil.;neiti; atone o'eloek•P: rn.,-at iihielitinto and piaidelf . p4sonti haring an fniCrgatin ofiliesagstlii k itf will present their claim or bo forever - after barred front cowing in upon sald'futid. , • A. C•flAnDintLlN, July 11th, 1859.-4 w' FarmerEP Attention ! KIRBY'S - AMERICAN HARVESTER, IS A PERFECT :1110 1 11111, - - IS A PERFECT REAPER tlh IVarroottct ai:a'Pe.rfect"; rto72l3rintr -r JD tI~SI Igo 1 't is yeti , strong and durable, being rtearbi all .1. Iron. It is ,LIGIIT, end" the. LTGRTEST DRAFT MACHINE., KNOWN. it hasi,uo,side flraft.and Steadily; there is no preasure.upon the Horses' necks; and itkas a sets,itur.isrnrc. Fraumt•Bau. The,work s upend dewn independently of the drivingsthcel, enabling it to go through dead turraws and ditches, among stones and bogs, and ever siMies_arid hills where no etheonacbine can follu it fr is iiPtt,y MANAGED AND OPERATED. Tly means of a lever, the driver can at pleasure throw the ` cutters in and- out of gear; by another lever lie can ''raise either end or both ends•of the finger- bar to pass' orcr obstructions, or rnove'from field to field.' It is difficult to clog this tOtitibille. It is a cheap machine. It is simple in construction. made of good materials and well co u.stru eted'aiidfifilsbed: Idanteactutid by WELLES; BLOOD dt:CO.,-at tliaTioga Point Agricultural W011"!44. Full descriptive and illustrated eittalogues`to be had on application to the undersigned - agent for Susq'a Co., et Montrose. • . • Piot-- • • • The ht.q 'Railway Ilorse Powers Threshers and Cleapers, Threolteris and Separators &c. &c. in the:World. • 11. .L. WAVERS. Montrose.July 11th, 1`859.-6w • QUNDAY SCI 1001; - LIIERARIES • J furniabed to . orde'r by J. LYONS & SON. June Ist, 1859. NE"' GOOPS,line of buline4q;..nrri ing every week. ABF'eI.TURRELL - • (Attire-es Brooklyn P. 0., Box 320.) The Paragon Self-Generating Generating Gas pins •valurible patent, portable, `selrgenerit -1 tines Gns Burner is offered to the public, in - full confidence 'of its positive superiority over cry other ri,tam•mottx in existence, for SLMPLZO> in Sirrfr, Ecosont. and BEIILLIASCY of light, in any temperature. , It is devoid of SMELL, SMOKE Or FLICKER, giv ing a steady, clienp and _ BRILLIANE GAS-LIGHT, requring.notrimming, t!tter attention, ezeopt Burner, giving a rttr.t., nno.tnlaud CLEAR -flame eighteen hours. This light, which is , equal to that from eight ordinary wick'd tubes,,at an ex pens.o of bat threo, is also, under complete Corp! trot, being reduced by p simple process, from a full blaze to a small one, and as . in= stored to" its fdll.eatacity. The homer can be readily appljerYtii styles.of OIL , iiEROSEn t caatriiEltr. and Bunstsu•FLum Laura , also, on Treasure and with founts to Gas fixtures,' in ull their varieties. • It is aditdratily adapted forlighting churches; ' lecture-rooms, hails; slcam boots, and Eailrond ears, or wherever a good light is doAirCa. Plllll4 , Ilesirous of securing ,the right of territory for a-valuable article that will commend itself; should make early application, only to tho undersigned. - ' Su rners, Lamps, &c:,supplied in - any:quaiati.. ty, with promptness-'—forwarded' by express' . all parts of the United States—payable .cash' on delivery. BUTLER,..I4OSPORD & Co, Proprietors. No. ft Court •Stroet, Brooklyn, N. 1 1 .-: • or, No. 171 Broadway, and N o . few:Mali& *. New York-. '• - • - jyl4 31'D 81, ' OAB,:forsl 00 at 121 '2 L BSOF S U GAR. TYLER'S. Juno Bth, 1859. Silver-SteelSirs Pitchftorkfi 'andpakes, for sale rby ;Tune 20. :T.T. , 1 7 0...1 7 0 - S- SONI ,000 ROLLS. OF WAT,T, PAM. 411.1IFFERNTITTIES. , BORDERING,. WINDOW PAPER &C. A NEW SUPPLY, just ttrriwea, and for Otlo ..tX, cheap, by ' - A. TUR4ELL. ABEL TURRELL. IP 2 EPS constantly on hand a full tutsortman 1 of the choicest qualities of ' - Qr. C> C) ra ES in alb of _ the ft - A/owing, departments. of traito. New euppliell arriving every week. .-Buying.for cash, mutat:l,lin .cheap forcaish.. .. : •'• 'DRUGS, '• Chemical:l; Paints, Oils,:.Varninhos, - Window Ginn; ppe Stith, Pioneries,lettuPs t ohm s woe, Giocke t y, Minors, VloclU,N4lPaPer, Window Yager; .W lam Oil Shads, Faxicy4oods, Musical Instruments, Jewelry; Penundp, Btoaa *ire, Brooms, BruideVAThips ; : Bird Cam, Foiled Znives Guns, Pistods„ Ammunition,liquorslntafti; • Supporters Portmotuutits; BliniGded: Braces, Gpenta;genritilver, akol Plated apotni, Forint, de., Gold Pens, stationety", QuitifiX Bass Viol fittings, Bows, do., Porcelain. Teekhadth• °graphs, Artiat's Tube Paints, Brishett,;' - all . Aliro"some Dry Goods, Woadext,, - ' Mardlananned'Wdre j Plnittinul Oil Cans, Cfnulduoini, Bunting Pluid, Aleohel,.fflurpentineirc, Lamp, tintnerti, reat Po ot , rendAllie; Cuter, unititoiled-*May-Linseed • 01/Ic-Vilifitite44* kind's .of - Celored Paints,^ • • wit othertpings toe nouttereartalinnitird.7 . Montrose, Jacer/Ow " AnLiltlB4lll4''''' ita Bit,UBll itevieg . eseoehited itritier 'the. mawe_pf4lllo islet; Rc / Bra A, for the:prieew; tine ethe'autiiieofth air 'refipeq• felt), .411 - er their pidessips_at .tiff , ,Aet •-•• • - “ tr —O*o tit ir TAideikeof tfil'Atlke mid NNW = )114 • iiiiikeir iii toiiifogr - ' , ialf "SpritleareV ••••• Aprii AlMPRifin „ .0.14. %VOW- *fi l ic:copsoti l methfitkt*;?o,- to iTelitAVoc i tigitlAteat4 4 l4f,,..- c i t wßiteroorve t ootaursn 7.nza -it ratiertp*l-atik thimittisodittAaixt • _ . rrliirouivierbood. liawqtacq2-1 , 144 1 •4 1 ,4 tho 'floe tht Opbaifa 1 ;01'W 4toquehan-• as cauuty to tiisfribtitalbilttrucii*,tho.handa. of liha'Aulary,lidtaibiatiateiVotLeonirdp9V,- dWaaati,,::villl attatirtb of bleak pOintenatit at hti'Aiftee*Motittaaaiitt radar thoat ,29th 4ay-9f, JulyAelt tirone p'clo;k iyiflit , eeeafi I r pips t air Alms' larri& kola raiiiineiri4pon saMtutid '": - /:•" 1 , -2 • RAS4R • • ••• •• int* 5t7€01.4 -"z?. • Auditor i VNOticei' 0. ; undersigned having bOdn appowtedliy th&llon. Copit oPeomilllgRPle.1"5:00.11110, .county to make distil:MO:lu of .the hands of the Shorifrathiing.froni.the;hale:of the, real chlate. - pkimke'llead,. will , attenictto*Ati dutie's , of his apPoitilment.44„.his rose on Saturday the B.iith„day . pf . Juisicl44 :one o'clock- p. m., at which - :time poraprni interested wilrpieaent their' 'Oattus,pi be forever tairredfromronfing* .1, arm 30, 015f1,t4w- . Dr - CoggswelPs . . _ : 11111 - P111.061-STILSILTS:-!::"' a Auro t re - for" INFLAMMATORY Diseitiekrof all kinds, nr. sale, by ABEL TURAELI,.. :314.intros:Jniie 2.2 d, .009: - • . CONS MPAION CM= - , NNT 1.3 a c3haste.-r'l3 AEATIOHAF,TfIL HYPOPHSPHITES-, 'I MAX % X , Is ' . . . FOR TUR. FREVERT.I4N ARR t. 4::: 0 31.1411..1:12,1:!* k ; , j OF LIME A.. is,onicisAwcpiscovousto.. Dr. J. F. Cikvit, "TILE SALTS of LIME and of SODA,tire the ONLY Preparation which i for the•preSout, - 1 wodlii.recornmeed for GENERAL USE. 1, Franers-Churchill, N. D.. _ • • THE 'THEORY. • . o :Pbthislti is a diathesis; or- general disease.' depending uponthewant or undue waste of the Oxydizable Phosphorus normally existing in the animal ecoriority., - - • , . • • THE TREATMENT. • " Hence it follows- that the Remedy consists in supplying defieieetelentent by thetidininf istration of a preparntindof phosphorus which is . at once Atialtriilabletirid'Oicydizabld." 'The' Hy pophosphitOS of Limo and Soda pease's, - both' qualities, id the highest degree,' being perfectly soluble, and nearly - as oiydNable as phosphorus_ • The.lTyPoptoephites are the Specific R.emedy of the Diatbe - tis, origeheral condition . of the sys tem, which has, as a Consequence, the d'epositioe of tubercularmatter. When once this condition is changed, the, deposition of: lies!' tubercular matter will cease.. ' • RESULTS OF THE 'TREATMENT. What lam swami forts, that-the liypriphott phites should be brought as speedily-as- possible into universal use as I know that they will prove 'not ..only-as sure k Reruedy in .Consumption as Intermittent fever,but also as effec tual a PreSeriative as Vieeination in Small-pox. This assertion:no longer.resta upon the.lica* ' with which mi diseuvery was ushered into the world in .Inly,"1 857.- I can now appeal to the results in - upwards of one hundred and fifty de tailed observations of the disease,'•colleeted du. ring the past year at my Public Dispensary, Rue Laver, Paris. To these - cases might be: added I almost an equal number from my.private.practiee and in no single instance have I found the Rena; edy fair to produce ever) thing that could reason -ably ho expected front it. In Meat instances the benefit derived from it. has far exceeded what could, at first, have bezi ) hoped fur, when taking linto - itaiount" the degrk 6 and' Latent of the injury aci,..tairied by the Lungs previous to tho use of the Remedy. Similar results have,- duce the publication of inidiseovery,-beeti announced 'by Pracisors Paraget of-BrusselL:Masstre de San Juan of Granada, Spain;,Eirs. Jacinto Le River end and Galvea of Havana; and Reinvillirs, Paris. Of 22 uces . in the third; or, last itage,4reated at my DispensarY.during the past - year, hari . .7 completely, recovered, &died, -Owing- in -every instance to tit:implications) and Griii3 still under treatment. Such a result, la altogether. UNPAR ALLELED' in the Annals of Medicine.—From Dr. Churchill's •Liettent =' • _ -READ THE"TESTIMON Y "We now see the ritionple of the employinent of Idepopbosphites'of Lime arid Soda, recomm ended by - Dr.Churehill in the treatment Of Gen sumption—theynoronly act, as abiorbents, - hut' repair and retard the waste of tiesue."--Dr. I'. - Dowees,'New York. .. • • - "Yonr. preparation' has tiot ailed . to begefit in a' single instance in which I travetfsed F. Clark, M.D. - • i'Your Medicine wellak. in valuable and cheer fully recommend 11."--Dr. 'Ezra Clark, Kirkland. "They.turnave the nervous strengthand yr vravesitn,the nutritive. functions."—W. E. Rest BL.H., Morristetvn,,N. • • • • ;'' ' "Their anodyne effect is aometimes`remarka ble . they tend loliroduce Most IiEFRESFTING and Es , ovAvlrp - L. - V. Nei ten, D., N.Y "They INCREASE-the PRINCIPLE "which: constitutes NERVOUS., FORCE, •and are the most POWERFUL . BLOOD:GENERATING AGENTSANOWN."—Dr. Ch &chill: • . , can assarethe.profession and the- _public that. this PREPARATION Cif the BYO:Will:1W PIIITES CAN BE RELIED 0N.".,-Dr. Jas.-It. Chilton,. Chemist - , 'WINCEEBTER'S'OXIIM27R PILEPARMION, • is Put tip in large - bottleis with Dr. J. F. Clue'. chill's HypophosphlteS of Lime and Soda. Winchester, New - York," . bloin in the glass, Bomb bottle has my fee-sir:elle' signature. ,No other is genuine. , 1 14 - ThePhosphateri, or CHEIfICAL FOOD leo called] are radically difficritfiCom the ,flyp,ci:. phosphitos. and can la NO CASE wired as a SUBSTI'rUy.B. this fact in mind. - preparation-containing Iron can he used without danger of Inflammation and ; hemorrhage. No other drug or medicine" should bp:combineil with the Ilypophosphites, or used at the suite time. mr. - ..„the EIYPOPOOSBIIO4.3 are a , tnest ellicaeiousitentridi in all Nervous ,Discasee Oen ens' Whiliti,•,-or Prostration of tho yital ,Farces; thlorosis i ,• Suppression, Dyspellisiti, Asthma, Bronchitis, &e, • •••- •- • - ' lis7 — Price.s2 or 3.1)(401ms for $5, with full di:: ructions-for usei, • Liberal diger:met - to Pbysicians andtbe trade:: . The 'Diy•Salts - furnistiet to the' profession. /Single bottles in concentrated tion sent-4;y mail,:.when- specially, ordered.- Sold •urboleutle and retail at the sole General.Akipot In the', U. 5., - 43Johnstiect..Let,no one deceive you, buy *Wind:miter's- Preparitinn."- • pr. MuritVlPs - Work en ConinllSStisSi pipings frail vieworSie Troitthent, and othei'inialualifir trifttrinatlini,-stent „gratis lin receipt of I 2.(tir in stamps : for - 4iiiitige: A lilt ia_theviirst s fitortible'season for treatment - Lot no cbasninpliitli clelnytinso :pricions in s'e; titlf :t malady.. This iilhe ,ONLy - Iteinedy' that wi)LCURE.., Bevinin'l, all ittetintarto" im potu different"iticlolipowyou, under the pre tense. li'tbritAnnteaa • Anieritanok•TeiteigS: r 'e'sioiw"y_, ;it Johtf4itaq.l , - rger:gold lit-Montrose . byrt • =lLsFiii'TUkgEi ii. .Jiine 1869:Ait.--,.. EZHAM, 11C ovfrovitiriisno&S. 4 f 4 Yrittiv-'7—, - titentf*Pc'' 13h°P de rohe r: old i:etWiltitt: klideor • let; VIPARIIIMPLUID 14.! N e r tr ut inr i stosittozi*;- , _ Eik - C001)b 1 - TO4 1 10 ?i s tir - Ch i alisi, 114 140 4 i itotiWagrii op of Bogor fot,ofkdalllrafiarf2 'l)o'6' and ~! fOr sidop' fr• Ma t i E D44 ; II4 CMKOCI:tre•-T': 611 E ' AP:aiievi4 t tend Colls. -Try it. lhst - Ofircefi Ifit aria Drioe noteiiniostOf;*ll3 i .t, Awe rath-,‘,69: . • - is Pl/11-1111 ••. ICILACK - arid cotoo :Drisk 1311iig, Collars nn ' tTtißeeeieecUts „ E-IGace 71704 Bra:•Tiaaue farYailsamtra Ccitt ow Vara; Carpat, Warp, Band Boxetrark4 .Bunoct inp. ply ot (aiters:. iCuin Stare . h. , and Tapitaa for.tidfiliaga. -,...Ctalitp : lo. • 11.. - C,'-'I'LER'S. llttntvasa, ,Taae58.114 . 1859- - REM: ISIS' MAR' NDIG.I7: LOOK OUT FOR Dili-cliffs Mew A TITAYDEST`I4I3OItIEItS' QRIG.I.!+iAt ZI One Price .Iteaaig Riy.Sturt, nonninting-of . Dry G`tioolls uroceilel;. BOWS It Shoes, Dais &Calm, Wall 'Caper, ,` • • 5102te dt . Wooden Ware, ' • Flour, , lIATING 001 S, Paints, 0/14-.laws daci, Watchtpl ? Jewolry,.Yankee ITroUons, .E.4r.Li TO - .T.. 11,411! • OF SODA.. - • VD, PRESCRIBED BT. WILL, You will 'nOver find , old sheleAvorif, mitik-exteo, orout of style -Good& at- ILl:roes Bros.' Look Out Tor Qld Fogies, and LOP your Goods where you can SAVE 118 PEN CENT. We have S large stock of.: ; , e EZMIMI on. GOODS. -Purchased for CASH and wilhbc sold at prices that will frighten the OM fdietprineipies:" • ' 'EVERY ARTICLE WAB,RANTED asreprocuttd, No eMircr.e for showing Goods. IIAYDEN BROTIMS. Milford, Pa., June,-]Bbo. tm ..•... ' . \ IT IS -TRU-LY . g INt 'P li, I'S I NG. • • How h . the people are in favor of . . ......„.. .• ' - 11LTAllittill lip i (iN'A . ?Umbers of Congress!) 17 but thenliTrous and beautiful • styles of WALL PArs.ER AND BORDER to bo had at Itullard"kßook Store, west`sido of the Pt it blijkiene;at pri v e ea asfOniehingly IoW. , A now.dliPplY - of splpthijd Styles of Paper and Borders just reeeived,`audltso Beicher'a Patent PendulutuCurtain Futtuts, et beat and 'simplest ever brongfitto this tnarket.i, II and see them ' WindowShtedea, C ord ,. d'. , awls! . Paints w and Brushes_ for Oilc,,Painting; splendid. Litho: graphs,"B. novilot of Mairlageeartifieate Blanks. CARDS—Printer's, Conversatten, -Xxehange, Sunday School, ineentive. dec.., &e; , \ Itfaoazniss--All the Stsgailnea 'and s k'uony Illustrated Monthly Publications can,'lm\had soon `as lairued. The Trial of Daniel-E. Sickles in Booktform. also Dickens New Work " All the - Year Roiludr` in monthly parts. A well selected stock of ittikellineous Books, School Books" of all kinds Barrett's Inductive Grammar by, the dozee or single, Stationery, Yankeii, Notions, dre., &c. 1 -have not time and the Publisher - has not. room in his paper toenumerate all the 4rtieles that $l,OO will buy, but will just say that you .can buy 14 roll* .uf Wall -Paper. fur -$l,OO, or you can Pay $l4 0 for 3 rolla„ or yeti con have . 100 yards of Burlier fur $l,OO, or you cati get that worth h td. a "yard, and.everything, else at the same 'rato - accordOg to-style and quality. No charge made foKsholding goods. A.N. BULLARD Montrose, Juno 80, 18.59. * THE of the MILLION II OLI 0:1V AT '8 _FILL ~ • TIE - Eiciii34 cetisi op-s>cxllrlssa : - r BLOOD is the`life.sustaining agent. It 1 - furnishes the 'components 'ofliesh,borM, mus cle, nerve and integument. The stomach is its manufactory, the veins its distribiltors; and the intestiney•the channels through which Our wasie matter rejected in its. productions; is expelled. Upon the stomach,thecireuldtionand the bowels, theskriiir act aintultaneouslY, relieving indiggs tide, .purifying. the fluids ,'and'regulatlng the /- excretions..' . THE iI.77OIIrAL-C-OMPIALV7'. Uvapopsials the j niost common disease amon g all clagsesµto this cohytiy . Jt..iyisufnes a thus• and shapes, anc(m- the iirimary_seurCe of innum erable dangerousmalatlies; but whalever its type or dymptomf;however obstinate its.rasistance to ordinary . preparations, it.yields readily and rap idly to this searching antimnerring remedy. /BILIQUS. AFFECTIOYS. T e 1/ _quantstv of the bile is of vadt importance. to health. • Llimn- the liver, 'the gland VI, hich ref . e rotes this fluid; thenoTills Opertite ispeyifically, infallibly rectifying ita irregn lari tie,and effectu ally curing Jaundice,-Bilittata Itettlit tants, nod all thq yodelled' drdiselzo generated hi an- unnatu. ral condition of the oigan. . Uniess.the bowels perform their functions prop. erly, the whole liody. Butters_ Tens of thousands din annually of. Dysentery, Diarrhcca,. Chronic Constipation, and; other diseases of these waste pipes of the gylitein."Theetrieluf the Pills upon all inteslineldisorders, whether casual or epi -deniic," in a plicioniethin :Bylollow ing the printed directiens; fffe . most alntroing Bea of-bowel. complaint ere promptly. controlled. 1L WORD S. The locaLdebility and, irregularities which'are the nnpecial annoyances of ;the weaker Rex; and which, when nogleeted,ahvays. shorten life,. are relieved kir thetitue.being, and prevntadin tints to come, b y a course of this thoro alterative. ifolloway's Pills are the . best remedy knownintke trbildlfirr the following diseases: Altkrna • ChestVeier. and -Agee Counhir toiVerc4itgainkrirealaTe".COmplaitifs' Col& Costiveness Inward Weakness •rDiarrliTa 31eadaehes • ! l iver c'empiaints *, pro jnflideption : -- tokniOsorf Spirf4 Inlammaiicia.... • Stone and Gravel logueozO DyepepaL,a- . •IS'econdarY.SYalPlollPl Pilce VeeernskArProiionaWertno-Of all kinds *** Sold at. the Manotletories of Professor ',Holloway, 80 Maiden:Listio;.Ptero - York, and 244 ,Stratt4, - ,i f ention;:bt Ott relipeotairloihoggistrvilr? lneitreriln :Itiiitliansi•:l4rroOllll6 Uniterf Stitei .sott.lll6:;:elV/11411004410:4)X44,..4.0--PAtss, ; 62 1-2 ee:104444.1R oftob - ,:; , For The4li 4 il:#OnOrteiablf itiltritby taking the largest eizesr, , , 41, elkl3 Direelteridi for the oddities , of-011101 141*Iirrdisorthirrsto iffized sf. ADlLJANWirasualow., P17.7....714011tgawi1t40__ • '4,o6;nomosik •Tpkpgreino • 'llO4-too+ ", ~ rt ~l ~"~' 3!ktjP . l:l.3Elt ata.,yr: AEU:. YE,-! ArD . FACT. h kivitilt terLaitt-Alsitraamic can te_siiictagettelatid. ly in t lict4itati 104- at Suiqtabiltits DOICid , ci a - V A S fI . 111480 do *Ol io calf the storti of . 6llittnbrrg-Iltitiithaukit - . '• whiro it 41 be proven that the:: giit4lisnt Id selling 'his Goodd' esti-afford to: toV ehosper, for Ciuih, and' esti off& hrddeeidentS:-Stiffi'ieut td make it - objeet to Torphasors, 'iltatevet sacrifice they are obliged to make, tiiirroeltre thd Meney to adopt 11..thei t - Prtrehatievlite - r•• • • - • We _have raeoirad eed ere ep4taitly relying; a spl@ralid lassortincat • SHE& SUMER COOK , adapted for this :season, end xhi 3 Of not fall to give gel:mini" eakisfaction; they Vie& _purchased \dudui the tnost favoribro eiietsmatai eye, and %velars' enabled and n tzt'offei,'and Solt at prices fa:below otherii that will - give- d given an everlastintv•Cieit; uci- matter liethef it i t s Ton!, Dick, or Harry. . • , - , • T - R - E - R-E-P-041-4i • e ' • ' EXAMINE, COMPARE AND .JUDOg:\ OUR . :DRY ‘G6O :1)S! An assortment lieretofOre'unerinaiedlvisn ythibt • ever•ofloted in Montrose. Fanny and Staple: Dry-Slangs' Comurisitig wank new art!- derifiabie at s of Goods, ntik soltr is this market; Sarong whiett vr11) • tie four!, is • " - LADIES' DRESS POOD% All the novelties of the senstin;elrekeSt GETTTEiNBERQ, ROgNBAU3f; &- SHAWLS ! New and choice styles cflifoebe double 4nl 'single, Edell% Plaid, Wool,l'afmaisndlfaii(illje c .. and It new style of Ghentli,..Sbee lerebfniF:44, f)utt eitbtr, 'tloitibaun) p - - . DIOTE: 2 An assortment always on Irand,also LadieeClo* and Trimming to match, of all shades, cheap at, 6nttelbt.rt-, Ves(nb,alim, ,EAIBROIDERIES!' • " - In his Depactment -we can 'otter greet,. iiidtme...„ men $, as they , -era purchased directly from p‘ortli houses. ' The frimartitheut enroprisen', Fren h Felix/ .and .Collarin / Vi'orned 'Edgings and Inserting4`:'• ~/ and a great many more artl, l eles belong to firs line too' stirtmerovei to Ineis• • 114,"a.' GUTTED Bonnets, and Plum tinge and Frames, - - at Wholesale and getail,--...heep at • - G CTTEN4ERG, ILOSEN1 \ 1113(, & CO'S, Domestic 31.1y'ber found all the different qualities et 14sHit e r Ginghates, Blehi:lied Goods, ..fine tehle/tehii.d Stuslins,..Ticka, Stripes, Denims, Sheeting 41'4 , y't4 wide, cheap at , , _ . GUTTENBERG, ROSEMiAtiti, co'4\ - ~•' • \ READY MADE -ULOTIIINO. _ . . As this is one . of their rambiTryAt; Thian'elits of Busisass in New York City, they tertainlY hate one great advenlagceer the reit of Clothier's; they having_ ode Partner steady in fieli Yoik eity to devote till his time kr' thispartleular branch. of manufacturing. They- furnish, at. any time, a Coca Carmeht at alsofft the mime piled for which the material can .Iye get. They will warrant their WOrk Ind ti•compleys, fit or no pay; , , They keep constantly on hand onv of the best stock's of OVER' - AND 11NDER.coAr Such as Frock,_Dress, Raglan, and sioui PANTS . In Great, rariety and • Diferen;..,SAyirei' VESTS!! Such as• Velvet; P,lush„ Carl/rimer; and cheap r 4 - . : ..- GUTlliNljEliG;ROSWittind,-& &At. CLOTAINGIADETfrOitINgi,' otthe- hct"9tim7 . iutigtt. [rider GTi 1111 - FO LADIESAR Prga AS FOR GEN 3 '4M . 2I, Silk, aria also Lanaliswaol, chetsi.4 GtTTTENBERO;ROSE . NZAIIMOktO I O - : 0 t Nt l Oittt IS STIPSVIEIiT POE TICSWItE. Ti) ottnicinminottsr. F O. - t-..E. N. D--S CUST Q , 6. AAd in - : • et' liticieslng: thetheal lerfe 4 ,ititis k hy - 411C:a mole- 64' sib ja 11.63,0 tri!tea ft eAc' MUM, tolataggisNiata nted - without Fur- - ther Notice:'rust e;a are:Oied of writiasi'Dkming • ;i~dtteta an Ba~portiegf to tostOfilhcott4 thro e Astu_*pt take 41 - Midi otOrite at 014 Eii irt! i fil i ftti t ea f o r N ty m ook itt.* l )4. tiltsuk4c4ehr 'lttotiths - oily oar I * k ' * 111, P 4 iW,1 0 ,-z. cf. 01c6f . 4 . - 'a*** se WEI 14 . 3-filti••• • Satimigrx:Vgnl)Onl, lisniNfoss, FL o ' 4 ,