. ,purchese, cr es indemnity for war expenses • pethaps; would here the tight to set them- , - selves up as,n erre - if:le-State, if •theyao liked, and deny the jurisdiction of- -- aleA/sited' States. But Congress, when e541)1144% a' _ - Government in :the Territory; cannot igDpptt authority to dO, by. feeble territhriel onapt welds. hat Oontressitielfiantint finitertike • to perform under the Cisiistitutibi, add - can never venture to undertake, except in llagtant uleffiplgtiif -bine* re - • eereedto - the States. • t • _ We are oppesed, however, to-the' introdue-, proketitt -, • slave or any, - other:kind:of-property, •into an act orgatrislitg a • 'Terriforial • Government: But-if,a,l'eetitery.attesapts---rusliticatistai or ma- . ballcon. in the: shape of resistance. to acts qf Cotigresa, •or to judicial decisions th_theit* . , . paperlegical,aeti legal .conseseanees, • any other leghiniate ant done in and by • tue of the Constitutional ai:tbOtity. Other Maid States'over the Bente, 11167, IhiYideial GuYeinmenp sill:mid: at_ once_ interposeand putit.dowtknot.so.ineeh for the sake of slave l or _Ady..other - ,kind.:of,l . p.rOpeity, or eveii . thd personal' riglit of citizens-that maybe thereby thengh. constituting a aufficient reason ,for: the ,movement, as looking . to Else 1 neceisitg - e its own preservation. But before the Impiientei of env such act of- nullifipal • tion, or reuelhon,timi at:.thi time, of oio e ani rang...a armorial Goveoutnent, the preiump tions ara,all.in favor of a legal' aud peaceful course of political conduct on the part atkei inhabitants of a Territory; . whereas the - trine: of. C-ongressional intervention , assume the reverse; In fine, we are disposed to maintain on; this qu4tion_arid at all dines, the fundamental _principle - , of- the equality' q% the State's. :We are distinctly opposed to any . compulsory relinquishment, In the'name , of squatter sovereignty, of the rights of Penn- • sylraitia,as one of the sovereign print:dieters of • all :i.e. public donimin or territorial prOperty • ()film L toted tildes, and we occupy, without any change of , opinion, the ground hy*the follewing resolution of the Cin cinnati Ceriveniion'of ISZid, to wit t. . . . - ' l •Res . p/tred,_ That recognize the right I the people ef e ill the Territories,4neluding Kansas andsNebreska outing through the le gal and thirly-enyksiLd --will of the, majority_ of actual residents, and whenever the number , of their. Anhabitauts justifies it, to form-a -Contlithrison,with or eitlfout domestics/a - vet ry, and, be„admitted into the Union . upiin _ termer perfect equality - With theciriter Stake" - t This _mntation v. represents the .. Marked difference betrsten-the !evolutionary efforts of the _first squatters in a new Territory to abolish Negro Slavery: or -to prevent the introduction. of, Slave properly into the Ter ritory, by: the incompetent agency of a Terri torial r...gl i slatur, and the constitutional. and• - quiet exercise 0(16e - sights of Sintereignty, by the people of a 'l'errithrjein -the formation of a State Constitution with erswitheet domes-, tin trlayery; as -they may determine.. In -the meantime, the eitizens-zef each -and every - 'State being - loan respects - equal with each other tinder the - Constitution, take their'va. :iota kinds of property - with them into the Territory„,and whiLe-itt. a territorial condition they and their property are all equelly.pro -. meted by the_ Constitution of the United Statesand'thel Dred .Stott.-decision. - We thus -stand 08 the sure- foundadon of the Constitatioit.and the law, which sternly and • justly deny the:arbitrary - power of .one set ' settlers to corgiscate . the property of another Wu thus avoid, too,- those contests tweea settlers, by which.the settlers are kept in a- curia:ant, state- of -commotion and tur bulence, with mirder,'rapine, berningt.and all kitelattf.violeetacts, throughout their en tire territorial existenCe, and to the prejddiee •-••• of -their best interest, and. of tie.pewee and k , armouy of the Staten of the Union. - • I the elevation of her most distingitished states man to the Presidency.. This illustrious citi zen, her choice and that of the country; for the first office of -theitepublie, was elected • • after -a• doubtful end, dangerous contest, as the randidatedf- il • k National Derrioenney of , • the Unien, over the nominee of a sectional '- . movement, 'suddenly iPrintrifig into its calam itous existenie•a eingle - fanatical idea,. avowedly CODfillik - in its operations to one moiety of the Confederacy, and in its reel - _lesadieregard of the Constitution - seeming to indicate, as its proicpate design, the_ total rain of the:comet!): - Having sustained him aelf, during the period{ which has _elapsed - since he :entered on th; duties of the' Pressi „d • ome., aebiast the. -most ' extra4diaary oppo -ration that tiny Chief -Magistrate ever yet en- i countered and mirvived, the Adrninistratiik of James Buchanan stands now above the ilia - ` ..potent reach of its enetniea, strongly entrench,' al in the confidence sad respect of - the eon, servatite • masses of - the. Nation inducted intobis great office as the chosen - represeii- - tative of lase of union, •and thetrue princi • - yAei of the Government, he has, in his official conduet, justified • the confidant eipee- _ tation a- large majority of aim whose • votes were given to hira. The foreign policy of the Administration has not been merely satisfactory; it• lists • •bden i so eminently sec : - cessfal that it is, aimot bv cmnmon • consent, that the cotintrY never • before. filled position. so etiviabie in theestimation of . i . foreign States 'Although opposed most earet needy and indefatigahly throughout.; and iu nalite instances meanly; treacherously and_ vindictively. by. his opponents, he his can - Summated ,measures in the 'direction of the •fiiplora icy of the government. that stamp his admit istrailon with thereat of imperishable honor. • The Paraguay expedition, notwith standing itsiailere was So confidently Pret - dieted by the clamorous organ's of the Oppo sition,-was etieuded„ - neverthel with. the futio4t euxes.S.: • The trealy with Japan open lug new ports to ourpMent anff (attire trade with that_ croveded'empiee: the treaty •wittil 'China, by whose- careful-provisions, besides cos-ering, the entire'croend of commercial ad- , vantages, : ,the light ef Christianity, for till I first time is _permitted to -altine. among the: - heathen millieresof4bes -Chinese world ; the consummate :atilt and-judgement. with which, in the Sage-Ofae*Seereatiesing difficulties and - ;euprising . togikvik r iAgilis, the Central Amen{ . can queetrotia have been :mar:aged, now just - on the eve, apparently, of- producing their t ' well nigh outdo -fruipc; iota • aliovis all the final se.ttlenietrt-if the Itiglet-of-Seareli . ittey.tion .Great Britain, - clearly on- Arnericau Frrincipteat all make tip .a chapter • of histery which, if it should -contain an ac oount of nothing else of• note, would secure for PreSident Buchanan‘seAdminietration protnitteut and gl,orioas plate in out annals,. • • ' When wo turn to Mr. Bee - hartares domes tic. Atirtriaie , tration,4o.4ay.from its_ e'fforhitg ressouable ,4fiti4e of cowpiaint, it deserves the heartiest conaznenclation of every citizen "bp scorns-the petty, pessanal,-•platy panics of the hour,- who . , achnizes 1, I t conception anti p r a c tice of real etateenanship, and who.de : testa theznjsendale eyetions,a)iti dialioneat ex pWients of efficoceekirrg- politician*: • While the Presidett may - itarc.offeed_ed, in solve in stances, the" ntiOi_ttutistiese ids of par tk,ular loc.atitit-s, aver - 041401 ,1 404/044tealrs be rioosly and trutitfcblZ Pim 1 3 **i:4s-fine' tit ti Ain:gin else -kc whieti ot,'lmkgror ed,sccording,o bis *at cov:ti r i t toh-, Ji.;%t.e the 14v0e tvad!.v"4.l.oouj - so" AtickAgst eltecute. No . : can MI bltter,rits79pportent honestly accuse him of basing sought . per ince! poiziarity at the expense of the:Con- , shier:ion, or„that lin has at any tkno,_,Aeser 7 , red bilirigitr oticiel att!fgr.q.isa....by cittinekditie Itith the prejtidices,;nr peogliar in*reits f vf 1 a4r ssction, of.SsirtePlqrthk SfuthitErintillr Vest. -s, . ;• ; 1 fr- ' , ; .4 . t 4 s.- _ -` ", We` " 'Z 'W,e,501.1,-180 ?,, 41/ 4f,1 1 WINAf - Alk* . citizeof, lecatriir we bare welt an Iris 450 V. t scientiously indignant at the doeise -of mis t, iepreisnarrirtein -- -7-iihrperesissi MinfterPhy the OPPeeiti „elki.s - 1.1 - -7. 1 0. ftietverlikeariek Of a party, — ttkatiiit - i- great and venerable' ntan?tbeTurity of whom - Trivets-likesfah. , lice_ooduct, - ,_,nattnot really bc.`questioned by ari-hofierable- - person `on honorable ground. :-8e441,05, - we- wish -to neclare.that„ if, to, a*, diecredifmbers- Jetty forget.it,.ise.iliveye rq member:thist:Janies-Bershanarrisei--Pennayl vattinne,tork,isnd _bred; that. nit; fatue.att a statesinari; :while - Serving . •with-the ,, highost reputation:in:the. most -responsible trusts ue-, der the;GOvernment; iS inseparably ipact - nf por "Siete- glory :- and that" bY force ortrie virtue's ,and,.splestrist ' i abilitiis,lteis.-the first and:only Pennsylvanian.to-whom . -the eatiott has accorded the-Rhief:Masistracy of the When he eisit'irind Oftcti it'"in. *elf Irioven ' to us, encl . -to- all:, that- , two iniportitni r - Vir-- ' ritories of the , tfoited. --States- -weie in'-- a condition - of revolt er:ld civil-war. - Mie- need not P6int - ciut the Tratt - that bah thmrkTerri tories are - ,now at'-pesos with thornier:rest- and obedietice to ihefinverrintent4 -- It is-in every' one's "recollection; Ano,-honi angry. and =peril- ous was' the ereitininiit prevailing bottrlforth and Smithson the - nirtjectof negro Slavery anexcitement conitantly - finned into at - ante hyr"Ransis shrieking" inventions-end Other sensation appliances of the's:erne sort, until pattiothrtnen began to feel. the waist and to turn pale with apprehension. It IS doe to the-President - to say that he'bas restrained the will and vie-ions-spirit olfaction with *Strong hanli—moderate in its grasp, though strung —until, nt-last, the ichole Judiciary:•of the land, Feitecal and State--at Washington,-in Ohio, -in Georgia, in South - Carolina - and ellie. where may be seen corning to the'reseue of the GOvernment; while in tbe august '''prei- ence-of the-Courts, the storm of political viq lence-lregins— Sensible _to subside, eoiamon sense hegiris everywhere to master unreason, : and the victorious - pswerice of the law be gins to conquer the hydra of license and dis union. rn the ytar 1837, a commercial and finan cial revulsion,Oferwbeln'ting as it was sudden, swept civet the'couniry, threatening not only' private .hut-public solvency. No one think of hohling - the President- in any warrespcin sitile: for this extensive and disastrous con vulsion -of• bisinessr and credit.' Slit we be lieve that - we have. 4 right to insist that proper aaknowledgrrient should - be *made for tik.sitgadity, prudence and tantcharacterizing th e proceedingti of the Administration, by means of which the government was taken , through an unexpectecl crisis - of profound embarrassment; without the least deprecia tion ofits Medic and without any addition to the taxes, or permanent increase of the public debt. 2' We-might - say muck mare, and quail); to the puryose,- itt-defense;of• the-President sm:l - Ad mixdro,atiori from the's - cut-Mout gossip and•slanderous attacks of those who deride ilieniselves - and the press, by-resorting to such contemptible'devices, so certain to be exposed•-•bnt we forbear, leaving the - whole subject.te-the sober investigation and serious judgment of the people. '• • 1 - We bad intended calling your attention, fellow-citizens; to other topics; to offer sortie suggestions in reply to the misreprellentations made by the Opposition of Gen. Cass' recent letter . te Mr. Hofer, and to refer to and de nounee,-in appropriate language, the present amead.men -there, Leing at once, as it is, a deadly insult to every naturalized citizen -of the United- States and -an excessive demonstration itt vor . of the pet Republican doctrine of negro equality, or -rather shall we 'say of nesrro superiority. .144 we feel that we have al ready sufficiently _occupied your attention', -and we will reserve what we have - further-for another occasion. - ROBErrr TYLEN Chairman-in behalf of the Committee. • • _Jo - Ini O Frunze, Jolla' R " Gs P N '' SeC:retaries . J.tcon Tuit'srin "- Nt-P. FEvntaxelt, - `Msateraost Vrairtari.-;-9f late-years, even the eriatence of the Maelstrom - on -the coast of hiorwav • has - been doubted. The aneien accoitat of its . terrible power -were doubtless. fabulous, but: theMaelstrom-denbtleas.exists, Itod..is sometimes dangerous.' M. Elagerup,- minister of-the - Norwegian 'uteri ne,bai recent ligiven a reliable account *fit, in -reply to some questions-fr O m -a correspondent of the l3ostonitecorder. The vast whirl is- caused_ by the setting in and out of the tides 'be tween Linfoden and Mosher!, and 'is most !violent halfway between ebb and flood 'tide. AtifloOdsand Uhb tide it disappears for about half an hour, but begins again with tbamov r ing of, the amen. Large - vessels may peals over it-safer in serene weather, but-. Storm hie perilous to the largest craft Small boats-. are not safe near it at the time--of its, strongest action in any. - weather.. The Whirls in the Maelstrom do :not, as , :was oncesup-- posed, draw vessels under the water,ltit by their.- violence they fill them with water or -dash them upon the neighboring aboala.; M; Hagerap says: _ . • t In *inter it not nnfegnentiy happens that. at ma a bank- of ctoads show -a tired storm; with heavy sea, to be—prevailing-there, farther in: on the` coast, the clear - Lair &mei that nu tha -of -tha *est-fjord (west side of 'Lofoden)' die wind blows front the land, and.sets ontthrough - the fjord , from:the east. " In such cases, especially, an approach to the Maelstrom is la ribs higbest , degree dangerous; for-the stream' and under current from opposite directions. irork theurtogethei to make the sholicpaesage one singieboifing cauldron. At such-times appear the mighty, whirls which have given it--the natio Of Mud , Strom, (i. e. the whirling or grinding atienm,). and in - which no craft whatever can bold-its 1 -course. • For a steamer it is, then,quite foad rieable to attempt the pasiage of, the -leteel ' strum daring: winter storm, and for a as& big vessel ii may also be bad enough in time of stionster, should' there fall a calm or. light Intid, wheel/ the power-of the stream _becomes greeter then that-of:the wintl,-lesty leg the _vessel no longer under command."•• , • The Penneylvaiiisl3late Teachers' Ansonia-. lion is to meant West ..Chester; in Cheater couoty, All she 2nd of'Angiut. nexti at ten clock, . Penman atteiding:tbo • meeting cargo and "aura by paying fain .one way upon any_of tbe..Pennaylviinialtailroada: Three Of the.xnentbees,ou Conglat4 elected to the next Bonn - 01- - RepreeentiCtirek- have died,:eis.: T. L. liatris,•in the tAti.-slietrickof IM i% elms filikick, in-the 14elroliArint Ohio, alai in O. GoOde r in I. heritth district of Virginia. a ; Me Goode and Hurls were members of theinetiCoagresa< • , ~~teeD Tip '‘Argai uwaßmi 1 4 4 4•Prtirliti4446m t h e; Oaten* -r adieNgt tirtheoltiesolAgut suktk_coswouiptti -*mai ignoreA the "Maiue'Lid4ttor Law" plarli. THE MONTROSE DEMOCRAT. mipinvE f 01( 1 0114140Ai*INTY, - 14. -1141-1114*A14 RICHARDSON JOHN Densocrasil The members , . IttiWskrelsoptsittsi. Hotel in-the Ar l 4 , die" rikliiry - A1,4 _ _. , Ainkti Members of •pe - conimii.Wi ,i.Cri s _ i gittsifi inquisrlett,to'bes; . present .- , ti , ;- iI , --- ,- • i 'rbeefollb*ing tianied'periorr* yompoiiie : the'l semi; IL Hill; D. „Bnffutn, 14. • WM; FT 11L:Wit,:d Aims,. LG. - Bullard, „Harrismy Sina i ' Miebsel.i Kane, Llt. - illitine,.C.,C„ . .Ch,urqlr i S. D t ,Turrell,-1 .:Tilden, Stanley Turrell, M. C. Sotton, C. S, G bert,,C. j N. Miller, L.' Norton; lia Cirpontei, il." Hill, O. „S. Be ebi, - E, ''S: Blown, L rule, ,J. O. Chalker, N. Camp, A. N'ltullarg, . . Boyle, Wnstrall; Oen. SnYder,‘T: IfitirphY, - W. 132 , liandriek, G. Curtis, C. Stoddird.'' ' - . ' ':, -' . -,!, ' '-., 'A: N . . BULLARD t Chairman. •1 Itinntanse, July 110; 1859..2w , • .. . . . . Geo, A... Chase, editor of the : Het- ald, has been tippointeciPostmeeter.atjawap dsoriee H.• 1461Cein, Eaq:, • . . _ ..far:We publish:the address of_ the'Demii- - eratie . State - Corr.rnitile loday, and! ask our readers to eliefully read it.'.. It; is 'ably lrrit: ten, and equnciatessolitul - ductrin r es4onb; doubt' not, u meet the.yiews of-ev e r lietno orat. po not fail to read'. the add . ice' We have received during be past week, -reports of Fourth of July celebrations from . several towns : ira the county, blot think their publication, especially at this 1 to day, would hardly . be of sufficient )ntere f t to jus tify the large space they would all y occupy, and wo prefer not inserting a part to the ea elusion` of the others. 1 I Judging by the reports ; the day ,lvak w elll apeut, and most, if not all, -of the. 7 deing,s" were highly -creditable-.to the _pat9eiPAP4l and did .h.inorso the occasion..:- =i • The, IV acuralizatipu Qnestion. We call especial attention to .the lietpate,h, from the State Department to our .''rnssia - tt Minister, in•"regard to *be right otexpatrie tion. Tie views of the ?resident and 'Cabi net; as therein set twill' recogniie ilia due• trine of the cull and:unqualified -right-of ex patriation, and declares the . naturalized citi zen ehtitled to eqiial protection with titilla tive:born.' Under this-dectrine the naturalized citizen can-return to theland of his i nativity with perfetit 'safety, unless he.hdouged to the at mysat * the time ol"laring, or had ibeen tuallz drafted into service, in which ease be is of course properly subject to the penalties for ,desertion,.itagain found within the prop .er joriedietion:. - 7.l.his ;doctrine ,agrese with the letter of Mr. pass, to our Prtiedinldioie ter in May, as "wellas the Cass-Doter letter 'of a recent tiate. 'Canal Danittges. •accOidanci.i with tlie act of 4F:ombfy., Thos. Job naon, Rll , of this county, ;Stephen 'Lorry, Esq. - ;of Wayne, and Lion. Thos. I sPresident Judges of the contiguous 'diitiicts, to' assess the damages' caused by the loca tion And construction-of the North Branch Canal. The line extends througlvtite court- ties of Norlhumberlarid, Montour,' Columbia., trizerne, Wyoming, arid Bradford. Thehc_Afms for daraageptist be filed. prior to August ist. • lir...White has 'declined accepting, the ap • pointmPnt, and we have not yet-lentil:led that 1. ho vacancy has been filled. , • - it. So far as the appointment of lx-Sheriff 'Johnson, of this countY, is concerned, tie Judges were decidedly fortunate in kheir se lection. Mr. Johnson is one of our istannch, upright farmers, of excellent judgment, •and His not a marijci he influenced by a 4 parties interested.Welearn that he:selecionWllS made without solicitation from. Mr. Johnson,- or any of his friends._ „ • KNIcKETZTIOCICEr. XAG e -fifty fourth volume of this excellent peitotlioal, be: gins with. the,-July number.. ,It is edited by Louii Gaylord Clark, nod Dr. James t?. - Noyes. The. p er ou ncet, t hat uthelfirgazine has never before been le so prosperous •dit . ion. tinder:Me managenient inaugurated with the 52d volume, a higher. price- is paid for original_conuiburiona thin bralrat any. other American periodical, while the press ,and the nu - merims friends of the . 1 1.1a c iazing in all partrof the country are . generously id-, ing in bringing it more prominently reading public. As heretofore, the. iniges of AheKnickirrbocker will be-devoted td the C 1.31 tivation. of Literature, Art, and Hum -.• In-addition tollie'abee attraetioni - plate history of,,tho_Kniekerliiicter. r• inences of the centritio tois Fkio,e,fapl intimately' associated 'with ita.pageki berr feature Of the-present volume. Terms : Three dollars a year, fired Ewe:AY-fire cents a number, postage ,by the Publisher to any:part of the. States. Club rates. Subscribers- paying their own, postage, twenty-four cents per pear; at thi Off- ice where the - 'Magazine 'is' received.; Two. copies one year, t 5,01), liiree c.ogies, 18„ . 00, e l The Knickerbocker is furnished, to'cl rgythen, teachers, posts's asters, - and'all . puled e.ala - sod journals, at ' the club rate of 82 a y r. Any one willing the -Mhgasine at the low rate bas only to send three namesiindll,p." ~ übacrip. Lions "begin iitli . th e'Jannary, or Say subse quent nnrnber. All. onuentilc,athict connected i business &parts:neat - of. the , ..Koiel9 aboidd tHilldthiseekt-!o Johri.:A.,Gri 18 Jacob Street. All irtieles the ko l liof the Mag4ine 41 ° 014 be to Lr. "ewes Or Noyes; those for wit _Table tolLciuisliariord 9trikwi. Agettiv ire *staid iireverrOirt, couptry : PactilllAti)o lacobareo, ORy corher,atopep, L e Agricnitntal College; See sAljaid PY:', .ran ..Apop'date-p) Three theitaaad peranai were The Opposition. h is a work of curiosity to trace the histo ry of the 941-Derncieratia party of Jhacoutit., try, threi . ighfirte ~ m ultiplicity 4f clip* which it ItActocierjoielfiricii tke jes( B o' enty years. Wei p*eni z. SOT*, of'the itiapone naines , arliich ; "94 - 4,aihtlittyntiaily4orri4 theafielves:with. *They are nOt'all; ti!ihis lowo(A4toeol47-- is eCereel.T,Y9lP*Reee 9 ";.lgkt. V.Yeeel4-4 1 ite fellY-3k!lt'Peieie ;- •: - . -- In - -1187zOoneeathsnat Monarchists: ;2' In 198„Bhnik„cockadets. _ la 4811 Idrit,eidillaiik Men. - • , • •In 1 - 014:Hlie'Lights. - 1814 Hititaa Coriventionials: • • =.- ; li-jtterWallildittou Sodiety - */0.: . . Y0.1818A4 Pirti IttitiQti Pedininta publicani: In .1848 Nalkonal In 1828•.tt1i.i1Atiaolia. • in iB3l Id, 1830.Incteiiiied eat 'Dernoira tic. in 1840 foidabiii and Hard Cider Men. In 1844 Coon ' •-• In 1847 Subrolesioitiots. -In 1848 No-liati ?arty. - _ In 1852 Fugitive Slave Law Supeorters. ' In 1854 ICnOfftiothings and Anu Nebras In `lBsB' and . In 1857 Amertcanltepublicais: '" In, 1858 rgflilearl,;itttitnd In 1859 Opposition. Their present.utitnn is the most appropriate they have over worn: They Are "opposition,' Andidwitys 1011 be. They nerer.ean bathe partly in_power,b:it will alwriys be found Oot- Bid:0; rit'ttie will inside. pie). are' no - vv;sO Will they ever be,—the op position—opposed to , the administration with out reference tovhetherk it be right or wring; andos in the:past, so will it be in the futiiro, that while - Democracy is always tight, oppo sition to it.canicit.imt be wrong. O'nrnacnotre Crtttet.+T.—lf the m following. story . fro the Troy Biadget be . tree, time - that city bolds one of thelnost heartless *retches in existince; r lo 4 ,thC people of Troy, by ifer rnitthag stich an ac . t,generallyisit?t, of spirit -ICss creatures; not ..,wii!tly the naive of . : . "We have, for some time been cognizant of a persistent piece of cruelty towards a lady of the first reslieetability in this . city, and whom we bop - elf : ere now to find relieved by the interference of friend::, It appears that her hustiand, in a tit of jealousy, something more than a year ago, procured a cage complete of iron, into which he compelled his wife to en ter, and 'lithoUgh it is impossible frirler to - stand erect within it, she is never permitted to leave it except at night. The social posi tion of the parties is such, that we are persua ded not to mention names at. present, but thall not fail to do so - within a day or two, mi. less in the meantin?e, we find ale lady quiet ly:retitled." Tbere_are many similar cases in this town and ricinilf ; in feat the practice has grown into a farthion, to such an extent that comrou 'nity'aileittly -.Ructions the cruelty of- the ' lieart fess - wretch cri." - It might have teen added that _:th s e cages are generally inade of brass boor, which am kept for sale every where..and are frequently selected by the victims themseltes, with appa= rent re!tanation - • Avresadent roik's Vices - 'On Popular Sovereignty are very plainly expressed in the following extract from iris last annual message : " The people of tho Tenitories;when,assern- Red. in convention to form State constitutions All possess the sole and exclusiie power to determine for themselves whether slavery shall or shill rilOtlexist within their limits. This view corresponds with those of Clay, Cass, Dickiunio, Bright, Webster, Cooper, King, Downs, 141aogum, Bell, and others, who, in a written report, made 'd uri rig the ARAN) of 19.50, Raid : • • " The true principle whio ottilit to regu late the act-of Cong(cas in forming territorial governments foreacti new kracquired domain, 'is to.rnfrain from ill legislation on the sub. led of Slavery in.,the 'territory acquired, so, long as it tetains.th wr rth o . e ite' int fof govern . • ,it,lo . • . • •nsent,leaving, the people of such terri tory, whOn they have-attained to such dition whicfi'entitles them to admission . as a Statc,to decide for themselves the question of allowance er piobibition of domestic Slavery!' Tun Clevelanti,'Ohlo, Journal,is 'l3lackllci publictiO-.ND9 Nothing paper, says : . "We unhesitatingly aver that seveo•tentha of the foreigners,in_our land, are not as,intel-, ligent as the lull:blooded -African - dour State —we'svill not joelude the part blood:' Snell la the feeling_ and sentiment of .tbe Opposition Partz,generally, NottlaandSntitit, and they act - it out whenever apd wherever they have the power. They have done Sa in tfassacbusetta, by their two year amendment to the constitution of the• State, 'and they at tempted it in Nevihrsey, View York, and Other -States. ~ a com ilh -so ill also ..The Flop ., Daniel E. Inis become reconciled wikkbis wife, and is (few living . in -marital tolat iili ions is-her; as before the-death of tbe.late Philip Barton - in taking this renisrkable_step„ Sickles has alienated himself from many, if not all those , pERSOJIIII, and allies friends And sympathise:4"h° dose tedly adhered to him during-his. ; recerikimt prisonment and pial. ..• • . • Anne, or prepaid United . . TIM reconciliation between Mr. , And, . Mrs. Sioklee, was oonsummated while . Mr.- Sickles was residing et the house of a friend on the . Bloomingdale Road, about half a mile ; from the : ktnner house of .111 r. S., which,. for- some time past, Ma.. S.bas occupied, either Alone or 'will, eome of the members of her own 41:97 ily. ,The suspicionspfbis liOst,lvere excited by ,the repeated. absenerfoi Mr. 6,, aostiosuel hours, and when he came in 'tort cationic morning, he was interrogated by the hestLand another blend rtbpAras -present, add.okhis poriti r elydenying.tbeirriglortoiquestionibie, #4, 4 1. -refusing to ; give an -explauatitini-. they rhoOk hands with bito for theAsst-time,and be -withdrew..-' itjwsaid that be has sineci'ad dreseed 1440 to his former intimate, alumni ; ices, not ifyipg them. formally- of rho resump• PPP of. Ouniugal , taalieUs .betWeeff and Mrs. Sickles. •ooker, • eii for directed Edit. ' dm trials:44l44los for the murder*: Key, 'Could ballad ngale , Pubic opiaion, ais wel as judge - and..,„iuTt — Outa :11 0 riif . '4,10 4 4 1 19? pow; Erma- 11.1r.an •,„ of tbe, .1411 pd. 6 18 A &pay Slip9tX"No4 3.o cooptic.ra f , oauped,Jo C9Witi f l44 4"ditaAihe sVlAikTor,t ai ros t s 4l.4 timu.kArid , kfttqf 1 ,1 90.4 4 4.4,4 4 1 ; 1 44,4W1 4 ii( l Bkfor tr 4 4 16 4!)-rmO 4 A l 9 Thcitvana dollars. • tale • =outAt.7, Ex Gov: From the-Constitution.. :• The Naturalization Question. .B,So4peobiinisepkrehensioi„prevailk in ref ; 'iretiee *the viewsprthis Musipialiittjort., on quesii4 tbat emi a raee, the opOirte- I omit 1140i/140y tireet . , I;easel wit has recto* ariiemiu the itioeoin onfiioter,to 1- alfer ta Te e'ase-is diet efa natdralind °Wren ol`' . the United States who is a native of Hanover'' and - wh0,% , -t.berr-he , -left' Mrs native country, wasmeitheriitt,emor, thservine,hatheilanow k ,ironsiirry ilfiftdceio serve iti' ft, but who has yet, upon hisrettira to Hanover, keertdoptived of his liberty and compelled t.i'donilitary duty. - _The intervention- of ,our Qoverntnent bav:' of the rights of 'naturalized eiiiiens' has re; ceivea' the renen.ed and harefdl'oensideratiatt of the Priirident,"•:ind %is views; tis Welt as - }hose of his entire cat;ifiet, open this import ant subject, will be' found in thefolhiwing -extract Which we . ereperreitted' fo - ntlite frOrn a dispateh' transmitted a few alsta ego' fl ore the DePirtmetit of- Siete to "our Minister at 13erlin'in• relation teolhe eitsereferod to. is inifiossible - 'fo 'add ni4thing to the strength and elearnetai Cif this statenient ; and we are pefsuti ‘ ded 'that - it will meet the full ConCurrence of 'eery reflecting man' in the country. - • - Extract of n ,Pispatela Yront, tke ecjiirtmenf of Mak , atipsigi: l of ,the United Stales at Ber lin, dakil 1850. ..The right of expatriettipn.cannot - at this da y be, doubted - -nr denied, lu the,tuited States. The idea his been' repudiated 'ever since the origin of 'our. GovernuMnt: that 'a man is bound to remain forever in the coun try - ofhis birth, and andfThat.he . hes ap tight, to exercise his freewill and. eonault,bfs own bappiness - selecting:a Dew lietnii. sliest nu:anent „writers.on-iptiblic nize the right Of eipatriatien. _This earrotily be contested ~by those, who in the'Nineteenth Centuri are atilt deviled to the ancient feudal intst:Y with,all,hs opprest4on. ,The doctrine of perpetual allegiance is a:relic of barbarism; which has.been gradually disappearing from Chlisteridom during the last Century. The Constitution of the United 'States re-., cogmze the natural right- of expatiiitiou,,,,by conferring upon Congress the power "to es tablish a uniform rule of naturalization." In deed it was- one of the grievincis alleged against the British Icing. in ;be Declaration of Indepeudenbe that he " . endeaYoiedio pre 'Nent tie population of these States-4k that purpose obstfucting, Ile laws of naturalize- Iron of foreignets, - refusing to _pasa.cilters to encou rage their - migration thither,' he., ai7c. The Constitution thus clearly recognizes the principle of expatriation in, the strongest man ner. It would have been inconsistent in itself, and unworthy of the character of the-author of that instrument, to bold- out indueements to foreigners to abandon their native land, to renounce their allegiance to their native Government and become citizens of the .United .States, if they bad not been con vinced of the absolute and unconditional right of expatriation. - • Congress have uni lormlf acted, upon this principle ever, since the commencement of the Federal Govern ment. _ They established a uniform rule of, naturalization" newly seventy years ago. There has since been no period in our histo ry_ When laws fur this purpose did nut exist, though their provisions haye undergene_suc cessive changes. The alien in order to be come'a citizen, roust declare on oath or affir mation that lie supports the Copstirtition of. the United States, and at till., same tlnue,,, is required to absolutely and entirely re trounce and allure all allegiance and fidelity to every foreign prince, potentate, State or ame,' lifts. prineli; rputent:ate,aTe .or soy reignty whereof be was before a, citizen. The exercise of the right.of baturvlization,, and the consequent tecognition of the prin ciple of expatriation, are not confined to the. United States. There is not a country in Europe,.l lielieve, - fit this moment,, where the law does not authorize, the Infuralization of ,fureignersin 011 e: form or', other. Indeed, in, .some of ihese_countries this laW is more lib-1 eral than - s eer Own toward fpreigaers. The ,question_ then arises, what rights do our laWs.crinfei upon a foreigner by granting him neutralization -I .1 answer, all the rights, privileges and imniunities which belong to a native-born citizen in their fell extent, with the single qualification, that under, the Con stitutioh,••," no,person except a naturabborn., citizen is eligibie to'the office of President ' With this exception. the naturalized. citizen -from and after the'dato of I.listiaturalization, • both at home and abroad, isplacd upon the very . same footing with ,the 7 natiye citizen. Be is neither iw a better nor worse.conditiew If a native citizen choosesto take tip his res idence a foreign country the. liurptise of advancing Ida fortuno promattng, happineas, he is, while there, bound to obey its muncipal laws equally „with those. who 'have lived in krill their lives _lle goes abroad whir Lis eyes open, and if these lies be ar. bitrary and unjust he hake:boson to abide by the consequences. If • they areailtiainiStered. in an equal• spirit toward 'himself aid - toward native subjeefs, this - Government bas no right to interfere authoratively in his behalf. To do this would yielate the right of an independent nation to legislate within its own, territories. , If this Government were to undertake such a tack, we might pool? be ,involv'ed in trou ble with nearly, the „Thole:. world. TO , ,P.r9- tect Qui. citizens •. against .xlie,-,' - application of this ,priuciple,nf nuiversullaw,..lll extent, we.liave treaties with-several taa,tions securing .exemption 'to - .AMerican citizens •wben residing,abroad from some of the oner ous duties required from their own.subjects. Where no such treaty, &slats, And an Ameri can ditixen has committed a „crime, Or incur= red_a pedalty for, kiolating any Inunuiput'll”irs. 'whatever of the country .`of big temporary residence, he is just as gutill to be trted,and Punished, for, the otienstt as , as the igh ha, bad residedrie iN :froaithe day_ of hisiiirth., .If this has not been done before, his departure and he Phould • voluntarily return . under the same juri . i.dictlon, he maybe tried and pun ished' for the Offense, upon principles of uni versal' law. - - Under such circurnstancm(no person would think of contending_that an in termediate residence , his own country, for years would deprive the,Goiernment: whose laws be had violated ofpze power to enforce their execution. _The very ramp principle and no other is applicable to the case of,a 4 paterplioekeitizen, sbouldlic.hoose'le return . toiria . uative wan.. try. In thatcase ifle - hnd conttnitted in off. enve against tbe'lawlefore hita departu re, e is responsible for' it in the same wanner As-the native Americon citioirp ie-,Whons 1 1 . 1 9(0 . re ferred. In-the laognogeo( , theibite:Mr..Ma r cy, in his letter of the 1 9th::44141_erYt 18 44. to Mr. 443:10914.the0-,oo,.Cliarge Offairs- to Viennkoliou „apeOking,olf Tpristee, ery nation c w7ieneyor . i4trlawa Aro-7444W -.by be-6 "ttlig .91:44/ieece.to.4lpgp4,4shether 'erß e Pigzfle qr--',e4P-gerr a right 41. the penalties incurred upon the tranNeressor, OOP ja Pfr.eeetrrtertiP..4 a"V01i 4 4. 4 - 4 4*bwelAitkegose..PiP444-to P u Oibm€4. l tAliklOparaz* 4f ao.,vdebce against any o (kit laws, State oeNarion'al,;and iisfrerward-, , Ceetanka naturalized subject of a fareign erfinutry;he - would not have the:her -1 dilrooditi:contericlAiton voluntarily returning ' iithin Pi) juriadiritiok,that his naturalization ifieire . d Wriffrmitythe penishment due to his eTimii, iiiifohletts stard he appeal to the - t34 7 . allipienl,§l his k adtmted country to' pro{e4 , inr agaitist.liiilltelptillisibility to the Uni . 4ol 13tafeamrastrylrf Var States.. This. cciiiiiß, -meat would not fora moment listen to such aP7I--.:‘l4i i tlGB9PlncPi'L t i°- b' e n , t: le:'gii : ii : 46ud:li4a il "'itVle: tiu,4l l ;eillyooUr t:izp .c)tizena. . The moment a foreigner becomes naturalized, his allegiance to his native coairtyyle iiiiVertith. forever. 'lle-experiences a new , poliiiCalbirth: 'A breitiliittlimpassibkvi'siiic-epatittes',liitia from his native cotintil. Ale-itod more re aponsiblryfor anything he may say or do, or omit to . :say'or do, after assuining his new, character, than if be liad'been barn in. the i Unitell;States.' - Shotildlte-teturn to Lis Ira - Oa country; he returns is Aineriean citl zen, and in_no - other character; 'in order . to t i entitlediis original Gevernment to punish bins - i for an Werke, this must havi been connit-• ted *bile be was a subjelit and owed ' allegi- .1 truce to that Gtiverninent." The offense moat have been ; uotnplete before his expatriation,,; It must have been"of riaeli - it'Clurrectit'ethist he might have beep tried and punished forit at the moment of his departure. • "Alt:tore - lia bility to same in the army will net be - sufll-' tieut ; becauie, before the tiara cart -arrive for such service, he *changed 'his allegiance, and his become ecitizen of the United States: It Would he quite ithatirdio - contend that a boy brought to this couptv.;,,.. -- -.from a foreign country with iris fathersTamily when. but 12 ;ear of age and Orauralfzed here, 'who should afterwartl visit the cenntry Of hiti,birth when be had become if man, might then be • seized And 'compOted to pelf° rm military service,- because,. if be bad remained there throtighout the intervening yeare'andivis,life. had; berm spared, herwould have lainbeenindt - o perform military service. To submit - to such a prin Mph: Would be to , make an Odious distinction between our oaturaliied and -native citizens. For this reason, in my dispatch, to you - of May , 12,1850, and again in my defter to Mr. Re fer of the 14th tiltirrM, I confine the foreign jurtsdidtion in regard to our naturalized citi zens to Mich of thero,as "were in the army, or actually called into it" at the time they left Prusria. That isi..to the case'as actual deser tion or a 'refusal to enter the army 'after ha- ving been regularly drafted and called into it by the Government to whiell at' the time they owed allegiance. It is presumed that neither of these cases presents any difficulty in point of 'principle. If 'a ss I lier or a sailor were_to desettfrom our; army or navy, for - which offense 1103 s liable to a severe I,unit-I:linen!, and; afteiliavitig be.. come a naturalized subject. of another coon -`, try, should return to the United States, i t would be a singular defense for` him tto make that ho seas absolved from his crime because, after its commission, he had beconie a subject of another Government. It would be still More strange were that Government to inter pose in Ilia behalf for any such reason. Again, 1111 during the last war with Great Thittain, 'in 1 several of the States—l might mention Penn: aylcania in particular—the militia man who was drafted and called into the service was . exposed to a siivere panaltyif he did not obey the draft and muster himself into the service; or, in default thereof procure a substitute. Suppose such an individual, after - having incurred this penalty, bad gone to a foreign country and become naturalized there and then returned to renncylvanin; is it poseible to . imag,inc that forlhis reason tho arm of authorities the State would be paralyzed, nod tiFici'dliflife Tol extent and the limitation of riglitful rfanove• rian jurisdiction in such cases. !Lis imposs viola to.foresen all the raging ciicumstances which may attend cases as they may arise ; but it is believed thitt the principles laid down . may generally be sufficient to guide your con duct. It is to be deeply regretter' thiit the Ger man Government evinces ro muchtenacity on. this suhject. It would be better, fir better, for them, considering the comparatively small 4,14 i number of their native subjects Who turn. to their doulini•Ais after being - natur, !iz, „in' this country, not to attempt to epic:C. it' ary service from them. - They" will -- vrroyi to he the most relifetarit soldiers. "If they violate 'any lag of their native countil - during :their visit, they are, of course,. amenable , like other American citizens: 'IS, Would"be a' sad misfor . tune if, for the salce,Of an Rd VV./1W) , 130 - fri I fling to snail Goterninentr s , iheyshould involve r • themselves in serious difficulties with ft Coen t ry so , desiroits as WO are of maintaining . with them 'the most , friendly relit"Ons: - Iris fortu nate that Ferlous'-difficul ties Of tlii.' 'hind are confined - mainly' to tile - german States'—and' especially that the laws of Gfeat Iltitt4tin do not authorize any compulsory military_ ser vice whatever". ' . AT Markheidenfelti 'a 'village situated on the riser Main ; in Bavaria, there lives a man sixty-eight:year:l of nge,-: named. Johannes Sch - lottenbeck; Be is *Master chimny-sweep, a vocation more bonbrable in Gerniany thaw in this country, and for half a century -has given personal attention to. his business: - He is now living with bis•third wife, and on the Ittli of June last his -thirty-sixth child was christened at tke.parish church. By ids first consort his had seven ; by his second; eleven, and ; by his third eighteen children—of whom half are girli, and one-half.boyi. Aiew fam ilies so ptotifio-would supply a nation with all the-snldier3) required: for-its defence; and la-. borers to perform its necessary agriculture and manufacturing. , ITAtteientitto, ,Tujy 15.—T:he. Goren:Kir to day appointed gen..inrnei, Gamble, feimer member of Congress from the Centre bistiiet, Presiding Judge,oftbe Supreme Court, hi the place of Lion. lemeeltereside: deceased. ; RICHMOND, 4 uly . ls„—lifeslr!, O. - len'Otif: , ,s, and , I','g. Ayleft nisi this .morning in North Caroliert,„ . 114 Aylett shot ai Mi. Wise without effect, and - thelatter fire'd - up jatoithe . Ayletrwithdrew bis challenge rind asked for a reentitiliation, vibTeb Mr„ - Wise refueti.. The dirne - uIV grew 'out. - eit a Tate eontrover ; Iv'between the - EngulfO., and Exatnineri - oir the iubjeo: offtitertciption And ' Dekrit QV Retitle Ctroara.Oii ' the ifter4 noou'if the. tithEnfus Choitte„one of Amon -lea's most' brilliant: sena,' died: Alt His health ba&bein for lode time la 'very feeble condition, and:th eithumitenees tvbieb neeessitated.his removal _from berth ,in• to European steamer to-temporary, - lodgiort at aa/ifax, Prepared those, who were aivare bif declining state for theevent. 6 - ITrimAmaral •oljtidga-ilumaide took place at:Belldoula iiialdinat4 , aad was :ahead= ed , by at least two tioiavudripeaple: 41lls - botr or, A.B. WHAM, of the Mifflin diattiorktirelye Apffl rl74lrrfii_9olke delegation from. Lbp Clear. old Aka ',P?9a4ra of 0 1 - . l .lelieflrifilbaire!9-4444404.14-Ibe fatteral , ,Alc k u4l mon ~C riporpa, flab er of 31 .1;' 1 . 3 .44,45191 f 0.4 '4 I G the dlidea6) , l4o iga were present: • • Wife I,anisFs . oY SOlterino: _ - The . Frerich Government 'has MA ; yet•pub, lisped aninstimate of tLe losses at Solferino." The.gois:,:correspontlent of The • Times says ibaeit is &Hayed 'that 10,000 French were kilkid -and wounded--4dandial Neil's corps turvittg lost 0;000 to 141,00 men, Marshal Me- Mahan-a;000, and Marshalilaraguay ;5';800 1 - and"-Varshal Caarobert'a 1,008, and the remaining- causalities baring occurred in the special corps and the artille ry. These estimate:A. 4 lo not seep tto bear any marks of exteeration, and it is to ..be ob served that a Paris correspondent of The Nord, a journal' extremely desirous' to diminish the rolseli- - of7the French nod , roisgrt4 thevas of the A ustriaris - ;`Says 'that - one -- 1/trgitere of Mar shalltlellahon's corps, the first-brigade of-its second elrinientOtriti 40 effiersi,lo4l4,7ol),mon kill e d and wounded ont of the, 4,000 men .whont it brought into action.. — Vet the ac counts of the action see*,ln•show thus , as far as the French troops • *ere concerned, the brunt of the battle was:lrrobtably borne by the Imperial -Guard artd'Atrakal; Neii's and Marshal Baiaguay "corps:. It now appeXrs that -.the did , :pot say that the.. Piedmont - est) , litd - 1„000, men lotted aral.about-thO seine numbir'wonnded, but that they bad about...l,ooo'. Melt killed and wounde&i .. " -- •Thiiiittrith of tkis'atatemen is rendered flagrant by - "a11-tbri,:ziebuujo of the severity by which the Bardinien.trotiPs were engaged,'and the_ Front:lt stm1;0111oial journal says, that among the killed were three Preelmontesegenisral-lofficeiGeneral&-Mol lard, Per4er: and Arrialdi. The -Austrian Government has not yet published any state ment-of thelomes of its army, butimetcoeunt current at Vienna affirms that at least 4,090 men were kilted; and that Gen. Gresclial -was killed, 7 or , 8 general officets being wounded. soup Ovate Ibtters, ment_i p o i n eli t e h is.. it y ; in er * e a ltals f the/ prisoners made by the ians, who sliontvsL" - Viii and the' piebability that" they were deF‘eitMx rather thin prisoners is. increased by theilact that disaffection and - desertion seem to. have be come- alarminily prevalent in -several Ittllian regiments which- have been removed am Italy to other parts-of the Austrian ernpim. ==l:=l Tux Mumma Aces.=A "History , of Prog ress in Great _liritpin"—just published,! gives some curious statt.tics. The-eerif inhabitants. of the isles made but two meats a‘ drti; a slight breakfast in the forenoon, and a sup per which atoned for their cnatutinal. bsti nence. _. \Vomi t earthenware, dr asiei Sit pplied the dishes, and horns or shells the drinking vessels at the ptitnitite repasts 'of wood stained or skin-chid diners. - Agrieulttirelas^ flour i;lieded and faded, much in the same way from queen Boadicea to Queen Victoria. In one respect the middle agei. people showed. themselves.more dainty than' their descend ants. In• 1013 t the King was• petitioned to• stop.the-smoke by prohibiting the twining of coal. Burning sea coal was at one lime a capitaloffense, and in the reign of Edward-I. -a man was executed for it. - Rutcs.-- l Amoug the relies shown at Mad am Tousand's Booms, in , Portland Square, London; are the original knife and handle used in the decapitation. of Mario , AnOriette, Louis XVI, the duke of Orleans, and Robes pieare ; the linperiar ci carriage - Napolean, ta ken from - the geld_ of Waterloo; and the, car used by the caged Emperor at St. 1.1 ) )/ lena; The coat worely Nelson at the b/de of the Nile ; a piece of tb.Cloth of Gold; from the field of that name.; the shirt 'torn • by. Henry IV. of Franie,..when atabbol. by Rava illack, with ;be-blood stains. stifl distinct—a relic for which 'bisarlos X. vtrered tno hun dred guineas, Ace. - > - Lr Or the bem, pt..tfrnipt*rzi in,...„Enrope took w-bank - note for 500 u franks . oh the hank Of France, and photographed one so much like it that the hank's judges, the photograph-1 er himself, add in fact all who:have seen the two ; are unable to distinguiish which from - , totter: The bithk considers such success rath erdangerotts.• - • As ., itjghottid be: -The Pittsburgh _Post, Irnown.as antil.e comptoo, while Leeompton was unsettled, irtys it has "never 'l:noi;:ti more Popular nomina tions made by - any Po!itial orgat4ation than thole - of Nia,sr. \\ruin trrand 40vv.a . ,.0an-. didates of the Democratic party for Aiikitor General and Su t s oyor General of the COtiinMn wealth. Even' our enemies concede that they are men of sterling. wortVinid integrity, and 'do not pretend to doubt their. admirable qual ifications for a- faithful and intelligdnt charged of the duties appertaining to the offices. "Our- itiforcriatitm frontalinost every -part of, the State; confirms Its in the belief 'that the . Pemocincylnotwithstandin e ,r , their i onfortn." ;nate diagreenient._ about a bS. : glone 44 de funct issue) are ft Unit in support of Diriasrs. WRIGHT and flow; and they -will reeeive.the full party vote, if not more,, at the :October election. . , is as it should be: There is no occa sion whatever ror division' in- Os, Demooratio party of Penneyliauls, at this-time. , 00. the contrary, thore are considerations of the high-, eat public and party imPortance.whiCh she* and-wilt bring into cordial.anci efficient coop eration all wit°. have heretofore acted, or •de siie hereafter to net with the partY.,• The - can-' dictates nominated are eminently werthyk and desertion , of the earnest end hearty support of every Democratic voter in the State, and union now wilt prepare. all for united'and monions action in the great national'Oontert . of 1800. • • - - LzrrztrEsyst.orgo.----The impmvement in the construction of stamped envelopes order ed,by the Postmaster General consists in the combination of black lines with t be. ordinary' letter envelope in such a - manner as to render thein visible only when the' face and back of. the envelope are pressed by the hand ',at thelime of superscription; and the' restate being, removed, or the lett,ir ipserted. the lined disappear. This is' . efrecta . by ruling 'with printers' ink the inoide of the under wing; which is that -(4led. ;Over this the 'sidewings are folded, preventing the lines from showing through the bank.. . It involves a very , slight change in the.constrUction of the envelope. The under wing of the now envelope approach es_nearer the.form of parallelogram thaw that. of the one now in use, while the_ aide, wings extend:- lower .(10190.: lywn all .„ the winge are , foldett f - the lines.;are: completely masked, and when the letter is inserted, baffle the most critical' inspection to dtimover theta. Those who do not wish to avail themselves - of the:lines cart pat. in'the letter first.; limo 'who wish them cliti..mtite the superscription whilst the totter is - drying. , ' • ;F.si.t...ov•To,tritra Clad taa.txt. , --gietFeen tiirtiejuui.four - o'uleick yesterday morning the citizens in the vicinity or the Brighton House Were startled from their - slumbers a trek aeadoutiorathing; tumompaniodly-criee more creamily, then. had ever-Poem heard before, even .in that pirt.of the -Porkopoliu; Mast iiiiineroin. their beds,'they srusn found • that the inirnepse bog pens' sttirohedlO, - ,he'lVtiitii Distillerr r -owned- by. Goon, had-beinTreemitated a distanch of some trett -tvletiViredi ay - i'amplete buryiug be- Went' the =ru ns ripitdrd pf tiventi 7 four -hun dred „begs. 043- . tamber werliltilledind -ieeit many aiiireininied.— irtneliikitt.ighrettr, July 8; - '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers