The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 14, 1859, Image 4

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    ant, not he whom you seek ; I aui a
simple sillager. and . •have absolutely nothing
in the-Duke de Bassompierre.
Catch him if you can rcut • cff hie head if it
seems good to-you; it is not my business:.
'Not I-Puri 1 1 '. replied the unknown noble
man: :f . Jtist now iyou were the Duk de Bas
sompieire; and boa you are tot so; what Sig
nifies this variance 1, Arid was this costume
Inv lord duke, ever that of a rustic 4 To de
one\quality before danger, alloriv me to
say, is • unworthy of a gentleman. Who
would tare thought it of you., 'But for the
honor of nobility, it is_ to be believe(' this is
Only a transierit_weakness; and. we hope Olt
oboe on the scaffold you will conduct your
self not less •Heroically than Messieurs de
Montmorency, De 3tarillac, .De Chalais,And
sio many other brave gentlemen decapitated
'for hav;re-conspired, like _yourself, the ruin
tc(mY !Ord the Cardinal.
But fat from appearing to beAfinenced 'by
tile laud of encouragement, the, pretended
Doksi - srlithed his, ; arms in angtri,b, and his
lips, agitated b 3 convulsive trembling,
tered like castanets. jo - vain did heCattempt
to repeat - his preceding denials, protesting
that they were rbistaken; that be was not the
Duke, but Nicholas Vtlain,w miller's son,.and
nothing more, all . interrupted with ,gctans
w and sights enough to . move n millstone.. To
ail these fruitless attempts at defence, his ter
rible interlocutor.. always. incredulous and
impassible; replied only by shroggink his
ahoulders or shaking his head.
'March it is time at last said the un
known ; _I here the captain of the guards, who
has come htinself to seek you and demand
• your sword: ' • • ,
' Where is s the prisoner, and sax this de
lay said, on'entering, the captain of the
King's guards, that is to say Bessompierre,
• who bad profited by the time whioh bad
elapsed since his dparture to resume a dress
suitable to his rank. •
De Ba.s.ordpierre refuses to accompany
ns; replied the Era nobleman; who was no
other Than tbe - •,Bsrende.P.oisay, •ote of the
Most intimate friends and inseparable corn
snions of the Duke. 'Come, sir, make him
hear teaion votirself.' •
•The pretended capt.c,f the guards advanced
towards his counterfeit, Who, pale and trem
• blind like a leaf r could scarcely sustain him
, self.. •
'The peasant said - Fanchette.
'My fine nobleman of the
claimed the restie, : who saw an unexpected
chance of safety in this -new apparition.—
' What a. stroke of-fate I - All, my lord,' said
be, clasping his hands, 'it was my good angel
who. sent you! Tell :these gentlemen that
they are mistaken ; that I am not M. de Bas
sompierre. You knoii it.well—you who this
moruing-- "' •
Silencer interrapted the Duke. - 'Gentle
men,' said he, addressing M. - de Roissy and
the buutsmen and servants who were playing
the part of.officers, 'there is indeed a mistake.
The man berets you is not the Duke de Bas
rompierre. -Notwithstairdinr the costume in
which zhe fellow has thought"'proper to dis
guise himself; I mcognizehim perfectly; he is
a villager of the neighborhood.
• Yes; gentlemen, a miller's boy—a rustic—
nothing hastening to add, in his most
contrite tone,' the unfortunate village youth:
'A peifect-ctown,' said de I3assompierre.=
Wbat led to this mistake,. was ther fact
this rascal has' had the impudence to pass
hicrise'if ' Off • for the Duke de Bassompierre.
•He does not deterve to be dettaiiitated, but he
tobe.hung irdenediately, for assuming
a Lame and .title w bleb did no:belong to 'him.
m and send,hlm to the Chief Justice
nf 11311aitle:
a Hutt! Oh, Mayans! do you s k ayl'
rtarnme7vd'ended Duke; morellarrned
than before. Oh, my.lotd, pardon me ! It ie
in, smite of myself that I bear the accursed
name of Diy-Licimnierre. I did not take it, I
are' re can it was given me.. " •
'That i pleasant:'. said the Duke. 'And
-alvt. so I! - •
:DO I know returned Nicholas. ' Be
cause I Live to laugh, to drink, to play. and
run after the girls, gossips .call me the village
. pr.saimpierre.' - ' •
',That is to say because you are the, wildest
'Exactly so, sir.. So that everybody calls
roe Bassompierre ; but my' .true name is
Nicholas, a miler's boy, at: your service.'
. ..
... Now you hare it, trip lord duke:. said the
Marquise, in a low.voice,laughing ; 'there is
nothing ;ike an incognito for hearing the
'truth! .
. .
All this
..des not exculpate you,' continued.
the Dakee from having assumed just now a
title and quality which did not belong to
*True, my lord; wail in the wrong;
should_baye resisted the temptation; but it
*as ttto strong. Little Faneliette, here pees
ent;tbe ism-keeper's daughter, bad taken •it
into her head tbatl was Bassompierre, and
woo weeping and splitting, caning me Duke
and my lord. Faith, said .I to myself, since
she thinks so, let ber. She has always tor- I
merited me to marry ber ; now sbe will let
me alone. -
Petfidions villaiu! Horrible man!' ex
claied Mademoiselle livois, exasperated in
the highest deg,reeliv thisimpertinent avowaL
*Apropos,' said the Duke, I had furgotteo
one of your climes; you bare deceived this
yoring giyl. l .
• Since my nein was Batelompleire I 1 rep
lied the rustic, becoming. More confident.
:And why dot ni"irty her, if you please I'
*Does Ba•sompierre marry!' -
- *You hear, Mairraise,` . said the Duke, turn
ing to I,llW:erne de St. Sernia'
Thanks fur your suggestion, my loid duke.
You know the. proverb ; A woman warned — ll ,
•Is worth twos Ab, Marquise, you aret
modest; she whom you mean is worth at
least-a thousand in my eyes'
. ,
'Aimee to cOmpirrierits, l said the Marquise;
•thst is not - the subject in question. This
child is rhy_gAd-daughter ; it is my duty to
Prolect.ket otwithounding the affectatiOn
of ;lisp:Ali4 scamp in taking yoo au a model,
the marriage Must aliso4tely tali place.'
' You trill it; Marquise 1 .
'Pietist upon it.' •
' Thee, proverb for proverb: What woman
../hs,-crod villa 1 1 . " • ,
'•t - Well, clown.' continued the Dolce, 'Wares
singhim self to isZieliolas 'although yOu ire an
extremely bad and impudent young, man, 1
sliould bare been glad to hare aparedyou the
sorrow of heir* hung, but I nee iris unpasai-
We_ . ; - •
'And why so. if-you please exclaimed
- I.know of but one mothod of taking the
?nips friont your neck'
" What is it V_ _ .
• ' Yticilir.turf." content to marry this young
Do not trouble yourself shout that,' said
the Yvan. man. ‘l.l would marry the desil in
person, rallies.. than Buffer tai elf to be bang.'
- Well, that is fine V exclaimed Faschette.
'lndeed,-1-wilt not hareion now. I will let
you behungf . •
. Fatieliettia," said
fr a c:Ulu, piteously, throwing himself on big
knaielefore her, spoke without thinking;
my heart:was riot in:it, I swear to yon. Let
• trie belmtngl Cap you do 60 V You would
-10-bnie the .roursge.'
• *tot*. Ilad.--rrac)iw.l:e. ...3k*.• pity on Wm?
said the Duke, at a sign from the Marquis‘.
'The criminal Rem repentaqt; he is good
looking, he loves you ; how many reasons for
pardoning him. And to induce you to do so,
I will do something for him. I give Monsieur
PeissoMpieire" a thousand crowns to buj
'And I,'. said- the Marquise, 'will charge .
myself with the. trossLau.aiiii, dowry of Las
god-daughter.' ' . • •
We need not, I think, describe to theread
er the joy 'and protestations of gratitude of
young couple.. . •
To these who, on finishing the perusal of
this tale, shrug their shoulders and tax' our
'recital .withimprobability,wereplyin advance,
that it is autheti ie.. The merit of the ground-,
work,if meritstbere is, diies not belong to us,
and we have only given it form. The village
Bassompierre who is mentioned here,- was not
the only one' to wear this glorious 'surname.
During several years, Bassompierresetrounded
not only in`Lorraine, but throughput France,
and the illustrious-origin Of so many copies,
more or less like, had the - advantage of
countering in Lis peregtinations several of
his fac-similes. It will be easy td ascertain
this by looking over the histories of tbat-pe
riod,, and particularly the amusing one of
l'allemant des &mai,. *here the fact - ia•4l
- mentioned. - •
TUE undersigned :would respectfully an
-1 pounce to the public that he has just re
ceived a supply of
'among which may her fo und the eery best of
Mola.sses4- . Syrup;
• • Tea, Coffee, thee.,
at prices to suit the times, for ready pai. Don't
mistake the place, but call at the basement of
the '
KEN SIT O'lE 11.0t1i114,
where your humble servant carries .on a
and where the' publiC may always rely upon
hawing their WkliS attended t , with promptness
and fidelity. 0. M. CRANE. -
"Montrose, April :lath.
at Great BargLts.—Ready:Pay and'tmall Profits:
Is nots receiving a full and. choice Sfock of
Spring and Sommer Goods, ineluding a - great_
variety of Rich Prints in 4iew styles, Ginghamß,
Brilliants,Flain and Fancy Lawns,Challis, Robes,
Si& Dress Tis - sues, and Barage.l,lllack and Fancy
Silks, Poplins, with h superior asset. tnent
of Silk, Broche, Cashmere and. Stella Shawls;
Mantillas, Parasols, Rich Ribbons, Bonnets and
Flowers, Broad Cloths, Cassinle'res, Summer
Stuffs, with a large assortment of other
_ .
'Staple and rancy Goods,
as usual in Groceries. Crockery, Hardware, Iron,
Steel, Nails, Stove,, Drugs, •P:iitits, Oils, Boots
and Shoes. lints and Caps, Clocks, Carpeting
Floor 011-Cloths, Wall Paper, Painted Window
Shadca, So. The entire Stock being large and
biinght for Cash, sill give superior opportunity
for-choice selectioni, and, in accordAnce with
the spirit of the times, will be sold for
Heady Pay, 10 to 2 . ;.i per cont. below Regular Prices.
'An examination Qf the Goods and Prices will be
found profitable to those who wish-to buy.
Flour & Salt constantly on hand
Ncw Milford, May 4th, 18.59.
Montrose, Pa. _
_Mee on Public Avenue, opposite l Searle'sHotpl.
March let, tBs9.—tf.
On l'ublie ..4i.cnue, near Searle's Hotel.
ITEEP constantly on hand a good supply of
IN. MEATS of 4,11 hind.. CASH pAid for
Beef eattle,Calves,Sbeep t and Lambs.'
Also for Hides of all kinds. •
5. T. rissrom .• s. HAWLEY.
Iftrntrose, March 30th. 1859.—tf.
HE subscriber continues the above business
1_ as usual at his old stand in, Brook] n.
Thankful for past favors he would solicit a
share of the public patronage.
Prordtlyn, Mny 23d, 1859.:-If.
rrtHIS celebrated Machine has taken the Ftrzsr
PREMIVNI at various public trials andis on.
excelled by any other mr.ehine . in the country.
AH who ti-,e it, pronounce it a
Those not acquainted with its value are refered to
F. U. WlLLlANS,:Brizigewitter; STANLEY
.TURRELL. Foier.t Lake: 3. M. WALLACE,
Dicuock; VULNNEY, 13undati; S. D.
TOWNSEND, Brook &n; and others who have
used them.
For Muthlook or partieularA,
C.-D. LATHROP, Agen:
I .llloutro . oe, May 15th, 1859.-trit..
Mve.sixi.s. clic .493.1exi,
r %BE subscribers hare tills
.1 week returned Rom New
- illet odr e a w ss i Prtant of
a e'n fuila G i o d ld and eom
Silver War:chill, Jelielry,
reread Platid Ware; Cutlers.
sad FaneyGobds—Ear Rings,
Finger ^ Bin4s, Bracelets, Watch, Fob, Vest,
Guard and heck Chains, Gold, Silver, Steal and
Plated- Spectacles, Fans, (prat Necklaces and
Armlets:lce Pitcheie, Pocket Knives; Scissors,
Gold, Silver, and Steel Thimbles, Sleeve - But..
tons and - Etuds, Porte Moan:des, CoMbs' of all
kinds, Gold Pencils and Pens, .Thremometers.
Needles, Spoons, Forks, :Sorer Baskets, Salts,
Cu" Tea Sets. Waiters, Boni Ladles, Molt Mes
Pitchers, Card Baskets, &S. Are—, te which thief
would rospedfully call the attention of their
customers. As their goods -were purchased for
-cash, they are confident their prices -cannot fail satisfactory, as they dote:Tamed sot to be
undersold by any. EVANS - dr. ALLEN,
No. 2 Odd Felioirs' fialL
Binghamton, June Ist, 1859. _ •,. •
_ .
UNDAN licsoor. Linitamers
5...1 tarnished to omit: by .1.41Y - a$P G SON,
Juno Ir k 18.59. •
The follo wing from , the Cairo (ill) Gazette
will be understood 'and appreciatlad br, any
one th at has ever spent an hour 0- the place:
"Whoop ! I'm just naerallyl spilin '
for a
fight!" screamed a somesihatutesticatiid" in
dividual in front of Springfield BlOck; the oth
er night. -"Du the best man that ever wore
liar. I'm the big dog of the . tan-yard—the
:g.itty wolf of the prairies,'So I are 1 .LJerewsit
-1.4m, don't some of there ornery pair°, cusses
want t 9 tackle ale I I ' m tbIS post oak runner
We big boy' waist never been backed 1 I'm a
9:e/1111 erigiue, .flied up, with my] safety valve
tied d0wn,.1012! pounds of *teazel and Jieund
to bust, unless I can work- it ofi licken' some
of theisesllliPois buckets! I she 1 die, I know
irthalt, if I can't find somebodyito fight mit
Dare asy man that ever word breechet to
lend me a dollar! Won't somebody here just
pliase ttiOall me a liar *I"
. 1'
Notsitbstanding this polite a4d uncommon
request, urged with so much pathos mid sin
cerity, the gentleman maJeino impression on
the minds of our.citizens, and fouird no one
willing-to make the required assertion. Next
morning we saw the youth sittiog.on it pile
of lumber by the liver, both °volt Lunged up,
ease flattened, half his teeth Cncicked out of
his head, and his coat torn into shreds. W
on kindly inquiring after his health and how
be liked Cairo, be remarked,"Sranger I like
Cairo fi rst,rate—it's a lively pli ce, and has
the best society in it I've Lott with 'since
left home:
"A "Pact3lrart Ftsvori." good story is
told concerning a keg which h. d solong
in tile ' railroad station house at l inclianapolia,
that the oldest inhabitant knew riot its his.
tory. • A hole Was bored in - the vessel, and
the contents pronounced old French brandy,
with a rich and peculiar After all
theividges of good liquor in the neighbor
hood, bad tried , samples, until the old keg
fairly eared in. it was found contain two
deformed babies, united like 1 the Siamese
twins. . 1
1w1,5u to call the attention f Farmers to
the Independent Toot.
This Rake has been used for the past three
years in this 'County - and proved to be the Rake
and the Gaily'Rake suited to the rough country.
Any one, not wishing to take pia assertion.
and who wants a Rake, please trvl it, and if no t
satisfactory, return it within three days uo
injured, and take his money. Fo merchants
and dealers a liberal deduction frm retail price
of twelve dollars. All kinds of Grain taken
in exchange for Rakes at Searle s mill. - Also
second hand Wire Tooth and Revolving Rakes
sold very ch4p. All orders!proMptirattended
to and Rakes delivered on 'Short notice.
Reaideueo of the subscriber,and manufactory.
one tulle from Montrose, on Snake Creek turn.
Montrose, April 25, TA-3m
gr COBB would respectfully 11OtIOUCCO to the
LA; public that he may'still be!found at the
old:stand, fully prepared to attend to the wants
of the community. lie will keep on hand a gobd
stock Ms •
. t .-
and SALT (by 'the kick or barrel,' Frstr. and all
articles found in First Class Groe.erie,s.
He would particularly call the attention of
Farmers and -others to the flict that he is
constantly receiving fresh supplina'of
also good' and medium qualities, 'Which will be,
sold urcarr, for ready pay, iu quantities to suit
the purchaser.
3lontroQe, Feb..9lst 1839.
At Montrose, Penn.
WPM H. HATCH,. POpriotor.
rpitlS new and comintidions" Hotel situated.
1 on Public Avenue, near the Curt lionseond
nearly in the centre of the basitiess portion of
Montrose, 114 now fu iv completed and furnished,
and will be opened on Monday. the 27th day of
the present month for the accommodation 'of
the public and travelers. The , flroprietor feels
confident that fie is now Prepared to entertain
guests in a manner that cannot fail to give
complete Satisf4tion.
The Hotel and Furniture are new, and no ex
pense has been spared to render it wins), if not
superior to any similar establishnientin this part
of the State.. It is well supplid with All the
reesist improvements and comforts, and obliging
waiters will always be readyto.revond to the
call of customers: . .
The Stables connected with this House are
New and Convenient.
,The Preplister respectfully sericite the patron
age of his old friendP, and the public generally.
. . •WMi K. HATCH.
Montrose, Sytember st,
D'itn - itiOnGtroteFfFor°tltheppinhpaos,';o:;te.tedirrrhiinmseol:
the DENTAL Pasenct in all - its branches. IL is
now ready to attend to all calls in his profession
with promptness, and will endenVor to give entire.
satistseGon. All operations WAERANTED. Offiee .
over Chandler's store. Sept. 15th IBsB.—tf.
_Li Dec. Ist, 1858: TURItELL
HAS removed his shop across the street, to
the building one door below Keeler &
Stoddard's, which he has fitted up expressly for a
Saddle, Harness and Trunk Shop
where may be found all !kinds of
from the heaviest team, to _the lightest trotting
harness; and a general assorment of trimmings,
which Will be made tplor sold very low.
Carriage Trizaraiags:
A good 'assortment on, hand, which will be sold
very low; all trimming done chhaper than else
where. -
on hand, from which harnesses w ill be made and
* * *Customers will please bear lh mind that I
wish to settle up once a year! Those having
Lansettled accounts, or notes due, will - oblige
- by settling or making payment without furtheri
Feh. 24th, 18591 Montrose; Pa.
, 7
"“AILL keep constantly. od band the , best
V T r brands of FLOUR—by the.Ssek or Hon.
dredllarrels.—st the lowest market prices. 'Also,
SALT—by the Single Barrel or Load. •:•
All orders from Merchants cod Dealers will
be promptly attended to. ,I,
*** Cub paid for Grain. Wocd. Pelts, Mies,
and all F717112C137' Produce in their season. -
New Milford, April Id, 18* '
W A NIS U T T + l l -. t
They are the best Caliviei fit4ered. to the
Public for the otio!leyci-: ,•-
am yeßx. Inabl2m6,-
I - -Gifts: Gifts is-clifta!
D. W.--EVANS & CO..
G . .
THE following is d partial list of property
wbielt will he given to the purchaaera of
Books at the time, of sale.: worth from
Gold Watebes,English Lever, "
Patent Lever and Lopinea, $30,00 to 8100,00
Silver Watches,.Patent Lever,
full jeweled, hunting eases,
open face nud cylinder es
capement,' '
Gold Locket*, Large size,four
glasses, and two glasses,
with springs, large 'and
mall size with snap,
Cameo, Mosaic, Florentine,
Painted, Lave, Goldstone,
Garnet and Coral Sets of
Pins and Drops,
Ladies' Gold Guard Chains,
Fancy Neck Chains, Chate.
tains; 8,00 to
Gents' Fob and Vest Chains, 10,00 to
Sets Caulk), Goldstone,Paint.
ed, Mosaic, Garnet„Onyx.
Engraved and Plain Gold
Sleeve Buttons and Bosom
Gold l'eueils,with l'ens,large.
medium and.small,
Silver Peneils,witliGold
large,-mtdiuT And—mall
size, double nisdaingle, ex
tuflßiOß CaSes,
Gents' Heavy Signet Rings,
Ladies' Gold Chased and
Gents' G old BosoiaPins,Clus-
ter, with Opal, Scarf Pins,
Onyx, Garnet, acm, 1,50 to
Rich Silk • Dress Patterns, 22,00 to
Cameo, Mosaic, Coral Garnet,
Chased and Plain Ova
Bracelets. 5,00 to
Silver end Gold Thimbles, ~.50 to
Gents Pen and Pocket Knife, -50 to
Pearl and Moinco Porto.
Toothpicks, Watch Keys,
Guard Slides,
Gold Ciesses, small, medium
and large, 2,00 to 7,50
'Besides other Gifts, comprising a large acid
valuable assortment of miscellaneous articles,
varying from $1 to 840.
The proprietors of the OLDEST ESTAB
STATES, for the uninterrupted success which
has crowned their earnest efforts tp please du
ring the la,,t fohr years, would return their sin
cere thanks to the hundreds of thousands who
have, in past time, seen fit to bestow their lib
eral patronage upon them ; and would further
sasnre them, and the public generally, that (heir
long experience and established capital warrant
them in offering, greater inducements than ever,
and such as are out of the roach of any similar
establishment in tile country; and propose, in
of their location in New York, to in &leo .
_ _ .
A still Larger and Bet ter S4' :tented Stock of
-,: Commissions -and inducements to clubs and
to agents who are willing to devote their time
to ourbusinew so that those whb deeirecan haie
141" GUTS AND Boma: Wallet:T. Mosae.„,in
We shall endeavor 'to establish an agent in
every town. in the United States„ so that all who
will may benefit by our liberal systeth of trade.
We have appointed A. J. GERItITSON
our duly authorit,ed agent fur MONTROSE and
vicinity, who will receive' and ftirward'all orders
w ith attention and despatch.
ready for distribution, containing every desira ;
We book, new or old, now in print: and ne-,
kcowledged by librarians and literary men to IA
the most complete and best classified ever ia
&led, without an exemption.
are now ready to be given away, mailed free to
any address, to all parts of the world. It coast's
all the works on •
Art, Science and Nat-' E Philosophical & Clam-
.• oral History. Meal Works,
Adventu:es, Travels, V Historical and Ms
, &c., A cellaneons, '
Agricultural and Do.i N Poetical, Theological,
mastic Economy„ s Religions,
Belles Let •rs,Essays,f Law, 31ediettl, Mason
&c., ' & in, ,
Bibles ,Standard Fictions, I
Biographies, c 'Prayer, Hymn - and 1
Dictionaries, ,1 Glee Books, j
Encyclopedias, 0 Text Books' for
Gazetteers,• Schools, Lee,, &c.,
And a thousand varieties of publications in ove-
ry department of literature. We sell as low—
and, in many cases, tosser than—any other housi
in the country; and with every book of th
value of ono dollar or more, we present som
useful Gift, without extra eharee.
' 'And - buy at EVANS' Gift Book Store.
examine the prices of ,books, see the
,beautiful gifts so freely scattered among
I'EST our patrons, and be satisfied that the on
ly economical way of buyinf books is no,
PI,LE T I O! . NO. 611 BROAD% AV,
I Examine our plan of business. Any
GIFTA ? one can who will. Observe the daily
IS ,(listribution of watches, gold and silver;
AT sviat, chatelaine, and guard chains; brace.
EA ANS - lets, cameo, mosaic, coral, goldatone,
CIFT 'garnet and gold sets of pin sod claipse
Boot ,bracelets, large, medium and small size ;
STORViDgs, chased, plain and sot with atones,
• v o. ;cameo, goldatone , coral; mosaic and en
`;„ !graved studs and sleeve battens; scarf
?,pins, crosses, gold pens and pencils; gold
BReAD'• ,
llenn. in sliver alt morocco cue., anda
WA Y, ' , thousand other articles of use and value.
NEW- '
A Gift with every book worth from 50
YORK eta to 8100,60. Send for a Cantle:pm
clliti It will cost you nothiug, and will be
,valuable as a book of reference, if troth
;Mg more. Address D.W.EVANS
No 677 Broadway, New-York.
those whO have known us under the style of
I Evans & Co.. The Business located by as at
No. 677 Broadway, New York City, is the oldest
established house is the country, and is khown
world-wide as the original "Evans & Co.'s
Gift Bookstore." Many have taken the advan
tage of our popularity to advertise under the
same-name, to increase their trade=to protect the
few who. may be unacquainted with ha, we.vrOuld
state that we have no connection with any other
Gift Book House—and though many - advertise
under the name of Evans & Co., the firm constb
'toted by D. W. EVANS and .1. H. PRESTON, Is
the first and only concern rightfully mini:She
name. Hut to.prevebt aU confusion in the future,
we shall - use therstyle of
D..W. EVA Nq'ssr. co.,
and all person - a
Wrengfelli-uting the appella
tion to mislead the public, will be made - to sett
ler the penalty of the law. - ' -
077 Broadway,New York
ap:2B, Iy.i
F 8 p7.'fogrl3o
'UPLAND NORbLkt .10b31.1. -
Delaware County; Penneylvaals. •
For Cfmolaro, cootainmg netemour Intermit.
firy inquire of A. N.. Dollard he Montrone, or of
LO. Bullard, , Brooklyn. . [May4 3m
DR. E. F. matoir,
radtaate of the AlloPetlik end I.Tomeop
- pathic Colleges of Medicine,* Stow per
manently loestedln - Greet Bead Pa. • -
OFFICE corner of Main and ElLmTiOileista.;
Coady opposite the ? , rfetbodine dmb, ,
sp. 20, 151,59
• .. • • •
co •
the largest,- moat eitensively patronised and:
• • • best organized - ; • -
04 , 51t/121EZZLIZO111241
. I:Tx:kite•ctl;
357 - stdents. attending -.
•idARCIT, ISS o.
Usual''time to eon:pieta a full &utile sioin 6
1O 10 weeks. ~E tery. Student; open graduating,
is guaranteed to ke competent to manage the
Books of any"Bustness; and-qualified to earn• a
saiari of from • •
$5OO TO.-..$1000::.,
Students enter at 'any- time—Nd Vacation--
Review at pleasure.-c • •
51 Premiums -
. ri • . -
Fir Ministers' Sons received at belt price.
*.*Fur Circular and Specimens of Writing,
inclose two letter mhoung, and riddros4
F. We JRNKINS, Pittsburg, PA.
April 14th,1 - ,
12,00 to 46,6:
Trobision ,Stoat,
ONE doer below J. Ethridge's Din Store,
on Public Avenue, where will be fend
constantly on hand a general assortment of.;
Such as Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Toas, Coffee
50 to 2,50
140 to 340
Meal, Lard, Pork, Ham, Fish, Candles &o
We solicit a share-of the public patronage, and
pledge oureelvem to dO the fair thing, hoping by
each bargain - to secure another.
To Traci°
IF. WANT 50 to 100 YOUNG MEN, with
V n cash capital of from 650 to $lOOO each,
to ptirchasermir Goods, consisting of .Waiches
and Jewelry, and to dispose of them in all tho
cities and towns throughout the United States .
and Canadas. Some persona who pitrehase of
us are inaktag from 33,000 to glO,OOO per.year,
selling at atictimiti the various towns &villages.
On recCipt.-ot: the CASH, We will, send by mail
to any address, the following articles, as samples
of ear Gonda: •
6 Fancy Gold. Finger Rings, assorted, for $4
" better, for' 6
6 " Gears Breastpins, assorted, for 4
6 ' " " " better for 6
6, " Ladies' " " for 4
6 '. tat all better for 6
6 ' " " " - • larger for 9
I Set Cameo Pin. and Ear Drops, for - "..
I 0 ' No " for • ,6
1 Set Gold-stono Pin and Ear Dropa, for , „., 3
I Set D•losaio ". " for . 3
1 Set Gold Fancy" " - for s • 4
1.4,t. St • " for 8
1 Pair Gold RichliLChased Band Bracelets, .6
1 " ."
" 8
" Fuel Cameo Bracelets for - 8
I .‘ Ladies Fancy Cuff Pins for - I
6 Sets Gold Gent's Bosom Studs, fancy for 3
6 " stone set for 6
6 " Sleeve Buttons, engraved., for - 3
6 " stone setting, for 9
I Gold Doable Locket, fancy, (snap) for 1:50
I " (spring) fur 3
6 Gold Vest Hooks, for
6 Gold Fancy Watch Keys." for - - -
I Large size Gold Pencil Case for - - -1:50
1 New style French Vest. Chain for - - 2:50
1 " ," better for. • 8
" " • larger fur - 5
1 Fancy Silvtr Watch, open face, for . - 7
I Ai " Hunting Case for - 10
1 Fancy Gilt Watch, Hooting ease for - 10
1 " Gold Watch, open face for - 20
1 " " - " better fur 25
Movements of ell the Watches described in
this list are WARJIASTED PERFECT; and we wish
it distinctly understood that-the prices given are
our lowest tchoksale price' s to the Trade and to
Traveling Agents. The retail price 'would be
from 6n to 100 per cent.tigher.
Write the Name, County, and Stale, id a plain
hand, to prevent mistakes, and on the receipt of
the money, the Goode will be forwarded by the
next mail. , STWOJETT & GLINES,
Manufacturers of Jewelry, Importers and
• Wholesale Dealers id Watches.
je23 3m trij] i 3 Itinssau-st, New• York.
Shop in Boyd .d Web.tir's new building,
nest door above Beeler d Stoddard's.
lIAVING vroricea for the past eine years
with the most skillful workinon, he fools
confident that he can -do the mostlillicuit jobs
on short notice.', •
MI Work Warranttd to Give Solider/ion.
W. IL Sotcsos has worked for mo for some ,
time, and I can recommend him as a careful and.
skilful v:orkman t -competent to do as good work
as can bo done in the country, and-, worthy of
confidence. s Net. A. CRAMBERLSK.
Towanda Juno 1060858
Refers to—Wm. Dwelt E. W. Baird, E. D
NI on tayne, E. 0. Goadrleh, B. Kiagabury,Towan
da; B. S. "Bentley, L. Searle, C. D. Lathrop
J. Witten berg, In entreat,.
• -* * *Jewelry neatly - repaired on short notion
and on reasonable terms:. IJune 15th, 18513.—tf.
From 6'a. m.. to 10 p.
Fitt Yaitst fastlons
Comprising the Greateat Variety of
ever preseatett to the public mte2e4
• -
TRUE subaeriber having purehaied
[ll ' '
st:•ewttfdunandanewly sad po f
pular ;l a the .
_ - is prepared to ascommodste'the trap
cling : public and others with all the attentions
and conveniences usually: found - 1i 11r4-Chtier
Houses: No "effort Will •be silted the Pro
prietor and his Aishrtante - to. teaks thellitel.
equal itt every point to any-in the cottotry: 4
The Bar will always-be supplied with the
Choicest Liquors. •
-The SBallibles, connected with this Ilona
are large; roomy and conveniant,anticareful sod.
attentive -Hostler' ale aiweys la,tharge otthent.
3fontrose l gay.l3lll, 1,858."
w tHE kiew fork City Illostute4 New_spipers
&e. for sae et the
211011TROSIF. 114)011. STORE:by
NEW GOODS, in rny line of
log evtry week, ABEL TURK &
'xE~Y -F[RM.
Also tho choicest. bramds of
Ilautieg Case for' 30
betterfor -
. . _
- runtism TEIVIEDATS 140161208 t,
OFFICE a r,trado iviNvr,`orrOsitz ino o'
TERM 574 2 per annual, or 81 . 60 In'adrtnice.,
pelinortents subject tiketiarge , of $ 60 per year i
with- interest: Diagentionancoo , optional with
the Publisher , until all arrearagea are paid.
Advertiaementa lauded at . 51,_perJuique,„sit
12 liaq 26 cents par square for e4elt imertlOrk
after the first three. One agitate one, y e q!' s 6 t
each additiotial 'a - gaiter; s4.' • '
Job Work of all kinds executed neatly
an& prouTtly. Blatalisuluraykon ~
L ittle dc P4,61f AttoniliVe have
* removed to their sow - - oftkm,..s. few doors
south of Boyd & Webster's eornar.z.
. Montrotie !Wt.. 25.3 m
• .1)11.; WIC L '
WOULD respeetru tender his Professional ,
Services to the inhabitants of ,
" nosTßOtil'E l •" ,
• - and its vicinity/
Oftico 'over Mulfords Store: • •
- Lodgings et the Keystone
Montrose, (ht./. 1124 1858.—1v.* -; _
111WR ERE, GRIGGS, k' KINGSBU la, ' •
.. -.• temnin.crußzies, AIM .10$11ER9 Et '..
: 1. 14 a1W. ~..0002DE.'
Umbrellas, Parasols, and Eabbona,
DAN. H. LeiviiEns; _ NEW-YORK.
Lys. M. Gitracs, Gioeial raitiers,— . '
In). A::,Kincinuav, ' '' ' ._: ' r -
M. C. TYLER. Speeal Partner . . ' ri•PajYfr"
I.L a c 2l l,
BEIOP a few doors south of Boyd and Webs!ora'
now.boilding. • '
Office in tile Union Block—Towandaslttud
ford county, Pa
tr-ff" Will attend promptly to all professional
business intrusted to him, in this and adjoining
counties. . fje3'6Btt
DI .
~ OFFICE, over, Wilson's Store. .
Montrofte, MarCh 10th. 1858. •
WM. W. SMITH,. & CO. ? ,
Cabinet and Chair Manntactur
ers, foot of Mao Street blouttose, Pa.
Fashionable Tailor—Shsp near - the
Baptist Meeting Houie, on Turnpike Street;
Montrose, Pa.
. . ,
DR. E. W.- WELLS - . •
HVING-permanently located in Druidafir
offers his professional services to all-who
may require them. Also, keeps constantly on
hand a fall stock of Drugs and Medicines,
Pure Wines and Liquors for - NE.4'ns]
purposes. f ap7-6ml
- • New Milford, Penn'a.
Is t rlesale r -lie , a r tr ea . in' Blt. a to n n e v. Co
y . O m er
Watches, Jewelry s , s iilver and Plated Air are, Ca s t
Fishing • Tackle,.Cigars, &c. Sic. ' -
ilerShants and_ pedlars, supplied on litMra
A.N .A.C11.0%9P1C:•-
Charley Morris with hair and holt,
Hoir,sole heir Of this v as t nreA, -
And noun to liaßaSs me and Lain,
Resolved to warßant eery kal.
Let's have rt rush, I's always herE; •
- yo l eli find-me honest, juSVand faiß„
* * *Shop No. 3, Basement of Searle's'Hotel; on
Turnpike Street. _
Dr. H. Smith,--
RGEON DENTIST. Residence and of
fide 01)Pesito the Baptist Church (north aide)
lientrose. Partieularitttention .will be 'given
to inserting teeth on -gold and silver plate, and
to filling decaying teeth.
Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Chcmicsi.,
1-e Stuffs, Glass-wire, Paints, Ws, Varnishe',
Window Glass, Groceries, Fancy Goods, Sew.
elry, perfumery, &c.—And Agent. for all , the
meet popular Patent Medicines. •
Physician and Surgeon v idontrose,
Pa. Office in the Fariner's Stern.
R. E. PATRICK, JR., would like
.11 after a silence of nearly terrlears, to appeal
to the moral sensibilities of ayery generous pub
lie, who have always manifested their senseof
appreciatien of his usefulness by' 'evicting his
'services when needed or thought to be needed,
but who have given no otruieevideneo of grafi- -
Lode or good will—particularly - in The way' sof
" substantial aid" as Kossuth would say—that
he now desires a full and entire settlement of all
his accounts, also the accounts of the late firth
of Patrick & Dimock ; and he witshis fn'ther to
etate that he 'desires nothing tulle considered
wrong, if,after a few-'weeks, the said accounts;
remaining unsettled, Shed be placed in the hands
of a gbod..shaip &Vector, and made to Iteconat
to him something that willbuy Oats 'and Buck
wheat. Please notice this and take-action aecor,
di ngly.—Youre Truly, . •
jan2. - ~ E. PATRICK, .111
meut has been made by
STEAM lanzz, SHOP,
FOB CAri s tYtio lost THE statism
Blacksznitldng; . •
• • _ and Carriage-Xtoninir•
lliactil3r: know this-toll* a :fitot
but for the benefit of the feW,Arbo do
not, we would say that we are prepared to do any
work in our line,-which may be intrusted to us,
in the mostdurable manner, the most approved
styleould in the shortest possible time; Viper
work warranted to give good satisfaction.
Jamssid. Wiaveit, , .-LlEuar. L. ATUERTON:
*it - ,:::,, 1 . 1:': : :: - Sitt,- .I'.
201'WkisialitgtosiZet, 7 "T
'PPP9 6.114- ,Vir.ashillgtos Dlarlto
INTe ‘ W'7 l 4rdprilrw.V ,
ITILL CONTINVEaIo offer to the / ty and
. COUNTRY tradii;•all kinds of FOREIGN
Coarse and Fine-Earr, at the vory.loWintfigureN
40000 sacks and bags, canaistingle part °lAA
ton'a celebrated brand for lable•lnd dairy use;
'Jeffrey ok - Darcy. Marshalfs,„/Brownlosea,
and 50000.buabefaVorks latand..BonirosiT Va.
rico', Et. Viva; Usbon, Cadiz, Tula; Nantes, 4 0, 09
sal of which will bre sold'at bargain prices from
. lreasiela . ,StOrn and itornifotcsen. • '
Aonoyy Purthallsr wiSbing - tO 'select lions a good
stoiortnent will Rod it'to blikitereat to cal/.
• pada - Oat Put-up in sinall•bart of
different .Wesi, and constantly on . hand in
ping order. /ikon' 'splendid' article. of Rod
GrotindiA Out lanai, put up and for ule
by the qirtritity,in canes of Aro ,dosenleneft. •
. • Newl'ork, April Ist, 1559:--1500
Scrotblat or Uig's Evg,
, .
it a constitutional disease, a corruption of the
blood, by which this fluid becoruce vitiated,
weak,"' and par. Being Me - eireetaft ol .`; ft •
'Pervades thewhole body; add' mil burst out
in disease on any part bf it. 'No organ is fret
from he attacks. nor is thotePno Which it tdaY,'
not destroy. The sercilidons taint is variously -
caused by mercurial , disease, "low'llving,
" ordered ur unhealthy' food, impure air; filth
and - filthy habits, the -depressisig vices. and. •
above all, by the. venter eel . infection.:.. What- •
ever, be its origin., it, is hereditary ;in - the con
atitution, descending "from parents to clefidrei
unto the third and fourth generation - r• indeed. .
it seems to be the rod of Rim who says, "I
will visit 'nit/lefties of the fathers upon
" • Its efects.coMmence by depisitian twin the,:
blood Of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which. ire
the lungvliver; and internalmons,
Is termed
tubercles; in'-the glands,'swellings; rand'on.
,the surface, eruptions or sores._ This foul cor
ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses
the energies of life; so that scrofulous constita,' '
:time not only suffer Sum . scrofulous Orin
•-plairits, but the y hive far dew poWer to with-"
stand the attack/ of 'other diseases; cense, •
Auently, vast numbers perish- by disorders ;
which, although not sc.rofulons in theirnature,.:.
are still rendered fatal by this taint is the
system. Most of the Consumption which de
,- cutudis the human family has its origin directly , •
in this scrofulous , oontaminntion _emi - inanY. -,-,
destructive diseases) of the lirer, kidneys, brain,„,
and, indeed, of alrthe °mins, arise from or
are aggravated by the same cause. • •
One quarter of all our peoPleare serofeloisi; ..
their persons am invaded: by this lurhing
Gutien, and eh* health_ is undermined
To cleanse it from the system we must renovate
the blood ly an. alterative 'medicine, and. in.
vigorate it by healthy fond - and exercise..
Such a medicine we supply - •
Com - pound Extract of Sarbaparilla;:-.t.
the most effectual remedy which the medical
`skill' of our times can 'devise for this every
where prevailing *rd.-fatal malady. ;
- ..tined from the most active remedial" that have
been discovered for she expurgation of this foul -
' disorder, from the bloat, and the rescue of the
-• =from its destructlie consequences.
It should be employed for the cure of
not only scrofula, but also :those other effee. •
time which mire frosty it, _ aueli as •
end SEIM DISICLEES,AT. 1111114
ROM, O, - Pnrecirs, I , Posimixs,
Paercuss, &sins and Boas, Tomas, Terra
, and .Sara Ramie, Seim Tizat., , rowonst.
Ruseaurent. Siritturric and his
nests, DROPSY, Dram:rail, Desztirr,.. and.
indeed, su. COSIPLAZMI seism rnow Trrie,
raD Oft INPVItL Sevin. The popular belief
in impurity if the blood" is founded in truth,
for serer& is a degeneration of, the blood. The -.
: :particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa
rilla is to purify and regenerate; this vital fluid,
without Which sound health is impossible in
- contaminated constitutions. ,
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIIT, composed that disease within range of
. their action can rarely withstand or e ade them
Their pcnetmtiug properties search, and cleanse,
and invigorate every portion of the human organ.
ism, -correcting its diseased action, and restoring
its healthy vitalities. As a consequence. of these
properties, the invalid who is bowed dawn' with
pain or physical debility is astonished -to find hie
health or energy restored by nretnedyat race me.- .
simple and inviting.;
hot only do they core the every4iy complaints
of every body, but also many formidable and
`dangerous diseases. The agent below named is
pleased to 'furnish gratis my American' Almanac,
containing certificate* of thdrenres and directions
`far thew use in the following complaints: Costive
, nus, iferneburn, Headache arising from disordered
Stoortooklfamen. Indigeslion, Pam in and ilfortief
Inaction of the Bowels, Flatulency, Lou of Apps
lib, jaundice, and other kindred complaints,
from a low state of the body or obstruction
of its functious; .•
Ayer ' s- Chem Pectoral,
rot' Ins rums erns OP
Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness,
Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consnmp.
Bon, and for the relief ofoConsuniptive
Patients in advanced stages of the
So wide is the field of its usefulness . and so ne
n:moons arc the cater of its cares, that almost .
every section of country abounds in persons pate
liely known, who have been restored from alarming
and even desperate, diseases of the lungs by its .
Ilse. ' lien once tried, its superiority over every
other medicine of its kind is too apparent to esca p e
observation, and where its virtues are known, tlu
public no longer flesitate what. antidote to employ
for the distressing and dangerotui affections of the
• pulmonary organs that are incident to our climate. .
• Whflo' many inferior remedies, thrust upon the
community have toned and been discarded, this
has g•ained friends by every trial; conferred benefits
on the afflicted they' can never forget, and pro.
' dueed cures too numerous snd too remarkable to
be forgotten. •
DR.. J. C. AlrEit CO. .'
• - •. LOWELL,
A. Tunast.t4 Montrose; ifittorr, & Ca,
Gibson; 3. klospoan, FriendiWille; Youtto &
Stain, Suranterw4ao Scorn, Eprisnillas HAY.
DEN BBOTIIT.M , New Ifilford; J.. T. CARLIN/X i
Great Bend; E. R. 'GROW, Gfenwood; W. - S.
THATE/t, Dimoek; EATON & MosiLEY, Ilarford,
and all Druggists. 17
Evltifs & WATSON,
Have now on hard a large a i ssoitment of Fire
and Thief 'Proof SiOmandr Safes. Aliso,
Iron Dome for Banks and,Storea,lron Shutters,
Iron Sash,- alt.makes 'of Locke r -equal' to any
made in the United States.
Five Safes is one Fire. Alt come out 2?ght.
- with' content! in good Pondition. -• 2 -
AG Argil' nut WOTiI.D. •
. : „EVA.NII. & WATSON ' ,
- /lave had the au rest. " defhonstration iii - the
following certificate tbat.their. manufacture. of
Salamander Safes has at , length fully warranted
the representations which. hard` been', made, of
them as rendering an undoubted .security against
the terrific element t . :-.. ••' ' ' I ' - : - - --•--
--• ;' - Philadelphia, - April •12th, 1856.
-. ,- Messrs; Evans:dc"Watson,—Gentlemen: It,'
affonlans...the.highest ..satisfa4ion to isnate - '
"you, that owing to tho.very protective g nat
of two,, of the 'Selamattder, Patel; _Whi . -we'
pure - haled - of - you. some months since , w)e' .. eased
s. largo portion a oatleweliyOnd ill our beets,'
papers, ,Ste.., expOsed to ,the calamibitielre In
Raustead Estee, on : morbing 4 l6f , ll4 :11th
-,.T. •
' • When we reflect that theseStifea werelo4ed
in - the fonithetor y a the bujiding wo occupied,
and that. theritubsequentlf.fell- into a heap, of
,ruins, where - th,o' vast concentretiorrof
hot caused the brass ord. tomot. we cannot
bat regard the pmervatiOn . ;of their - valuable
contents Ai idoef 0 61114 dd - off 'Pht,inf 'Of Ofttrgre a t
l ib
security afforde pier Safe's. . ---- - • -
..-. .„Welluall- usuch,plesOtre• lit recommend
ing them to, of braduesowaa a ante reliance
-- , . GEO.RGE.W. SIMMONS ife.-BRO., &alders,
. . Whd hare purchased six-large . Safes itinee.
, • APfil .28, : 1 6.9 y.......-. N. 7, .4. , . - ~,-._: —t -.-:-.....,,
• / - TEX filetttEr 1711/11MITIES ;•,—* -
.440 rubuould avail, ow 234 , Thireiikia.
.Words. on the Ratleiml
.411'resttirent Taitbent
. _ • of 'SPermatorrhen` - or' toil& Weak-
Em.isaique, Genital and Nervous
Debility,PresnitureDeeaY at the System; Tralw•
teney and Impediment to Madera generally,
ThO intportant- fact that 'the warty alarming
complaints, originating in the imprudence and
solitude of youth; may be easily removed wrrn-
OUT raliPlartS, la in this small trset,:elearly de.
ofenstritted ; and the entirely new and highly
seenessful treatment, Os adoptedby. the Anther,
fully explained, by mean which every one is
tumbled, Went° sulessur perfixtly and it the
toast_ possible - coat, thereby availing all the ad-
I vertisedsmittranm of the day, •
- Salto Any address, gratis and post. free Ina
sealed, envelope, by remitthm-(post, MO two
Pto444‘ !tatopi! to Dr. B. DE LANEY. 88 EIE
let Street, New York City. ..I(l7yeqp..