The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 05, 1859, Image 4

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American Agriculture... - , ABEL T URREL -
It is a melencholv :truth and one that . .
r tiects much on the. Ain and foresight oft T_TAS just returned from New York, with a
American fartnerr;, that while the •wheat'crop .1.1 largo and choice vaiiety of Goods, which
of England has intsreased at least fifty per fie offers to his customers and the public at low
cent. in the lust cet.t,,ry, that of the United prices for cash. His stock comprises:
Str.tes has faihir °Tr, in neatly this same pro- --.-.. Dlt 13 - GS .
portion: A rent .ire • ago, New England, _ MEDICINES, :
Itrdaware. and rr,i l ;ja raised wheat as an . - PAI N T S,'
o'nliturry crop; no,' a wheat field is a rarity 0 I riS , ..
in these st.r.tres, and they maybe considered W I N D 0 W G L A S 8, -
no longer whea - iroduCing regions. -
Portions ' DY E STU,F Fr S,
a New York, th at formerly Jr oduced thirty GItOCR,RIES,
beshele to the acre. now...seldom average over G LAS S -WA R E, '
ei 'hit bushels; and O. i., new as' she is, with ,! 'CROCKERY,
w , .
her vi.g.n adhdoes no: average over th irteen ..- - MIRRORS, , •
bos.',els to the acre. C L .0 C, K S ,
rr .t. go-on as we . hal e for thereat. century, . -NV AL L• PAP . E R,
ft cm 'bad tc worse in our tillage, the lands i r d. - W IN D 0 W PAPE -R ,
ti1.i..,, in Half a. century from this time, will I WIN D 6 W OIL suAags,
not I ,,,,,Nee..whaat enough to supply ourown FANCY GOODS,
wants. It is 1.,,a than that time since Ver- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS
tnont.iler a ' large wheat-tiporting state; now JE Vi LR Y,
sho does not export a hrtsirel, . but imports at . . PE R F U.M ER Y ,
least two-thi da of all the fiver Consumed in D R Y G o'o D 8, •
that eye- Ire , lead - of increasing the pro HARD WARE,
rinctiveneas of our wheat land, as in Eng• S T 0-N E W•A R E,.
land, our wheat region is diminished more WOO'DEN WARE,
than or,talf, autl.the productive 'quality of B It 0 0 M S , .
whet is RH used Lt.s dinainisled in equal BRUSHES, .
proprrttOn. ' JAPANNED WARE,
• This ii a practical, - matter-of feet view bf. ' BIRD CAGES,
the case,and cZe that addr . e.,ses it-elf sett:ins. CANARY SEED,'
it to the common sense of the farmer and POCKETKNIVES•
.. •
. .
na.vinal econolnis.. Instead of the i sm boast : W IL I P S ,
that ;we can fei.d all Europe frOm 'our surplus UMBRELLAS
v,lte4.„ we Lave get . to improve- our firming; G U N S ,
or swallow the unpalatable trui.h that we im- : P,I S T O,L S,
poet our breadstuff. from England, ' A M U N I T I O N,
We talk "rntr,h of the wore-out lands of TURPENTINE, '
M - art hind, Virgirdn and Carotins; but New CAMPIt E N E ~...
Y, rk, that has . de..royed the productiie B U. It N I N 0 'F L U I D,
.40 alio, 64? la r .5,11, ...i, that s'.o 'can get
,but AL C 0 11-0 L; -
. i.dit Luslrels st ?fete :.he formerly got thirty, LIQUORS,
anti ;Ohio, ri) she keli but "thus teen bushels (For Medicinal Pu r poses only,)
, ti?efe she forn.eriv g..t, thirty fire, have the TRUSSES,
tame pro-apt-41s them. The great SU.PPOR 7 E R S,
qne.ition regards the fu:u:e; the past cannot SII 0 UL . DER - Blt A C E 5 , ,
-be neared, nor remedied. PORTMONNAIES,
One weal s<.t.rue of -rie-er'oration ip et-. SPECTACLES
hitch ) ; our ..,-.,it., Las i et , l3 . in the manufac- SILVER & PLATED SPOONS, roims,tec.,
. lure r. , f potash; and the export of it to ft:reign - GOLD PEN-S,
countries, or to our manufactories. In thi. - ST A 'l' IONE It Y . .
way our soil has. been rolled -7 0f an intred-: VIOLIN STRINGS, POWS, &c., • .
ient without which no plant can mature, and And al loft he most popular .•
no cereal griiin form. Ac- our forests have PAT E N T MEDICINES,
disappeared, this ,S:lt . te•3 4.f dt:terierati.;n roast Thankful for the liberal patronage hitherto re
,he cut off, boa a retinas injury has been i n ..
_ceived, ha hopes to merit a continuance and
flicted, , w bich mulling can cur:3 but the re-
large increase of the same.
Ifurnialting citeruitnsb to the soil, H ABEL TURRELL
Slow it 1 yk , '..
ov. tat I.Fos
can he .;one, is the gnat iirviry for our
The export of oltr -fl-ur has been another'
sir of,echs”.tifea to the soil, in taking
away frrint" it -- th.• • phoz•phate of lime - that is
necessary to g'vu plipopness to-the kernel.
This exhv•:aii.•e eau he more s,ssily remed
-by ti'e,-.lfiton of. Lobe dust. For
many years :hr ' l3•. Sartners have carried
on a latge,- in uld hones, payiiig five
r.•.llars a ton for. them. 'This Inie stimulated'
ratinv to g ;: th<r thein up, and even to rub
the frhttle-ti Entrte of the--bones of
their .! difendir- Ito en:ieh - the • wheat
ni Ehgf;h4,--11v thi= suave the fields of
England made more productive,
wit.l.2 the f:.o!nt-aie:.. ir•rat abich the bones are
r A kea have been 1,. manently. injoaed by their
ft Ra. -:
The E,:gr.z..11; Too, hl.l , re gent to every is- ,
of-Sxith Arneiico, prdeute nitre . in
of - guado, re feitiiizz their &id.,
whire the AnTericani not onls import littkt.or
E.-me,bot neghzew Iv wastes thretwhi4 nature .
fakes 03 liten.:—Ohin Farmer.
ere whelp disgusted - with tttbeae)f-
Liodittion which s.nue of our second class
grzat men are in !he habit of prdnticing; and
we-mean to esoo4 it, even though the task
is it di=tafrfnl one.. The rice is peculiarly,
though not P.xclu-ii . ely, French.; and is found
among the second ...Suss of great men, but
never among the first who are the reel bene
factors of the world. -
Thomas HoNoway, one of the latter, who - - - e
name is idoliied is all:parts of the world and
to whom it not too tnw.di to say that millions
of all creeds . and cutnplexions• ere indebted
for the prese•%.ilion of_ their. liYes—Th'omas
-HolleZr . ay, we -.),. is ne'-er heard appealing
-either to the 2r ti tule or generosity of those
wh) htive deriv,td the greatest of all 'earthly
ble.ssing.cfrorn his ;kilt:. he contents himself
, wit h the a-sarance -that Lis work has been
dory, and that the price has been paid.
We have been led into these reflections - by
en appeal which it now pat foricard in belraTi
of a seeund cla , s' French . poet. Monsieur
Alphonse Letroartine„ it. seems,- though ninni
ficently paid for'ffie produOions of his pen,
riglected to lay up any, atfflcient store for
the support of his declining day; and how
his - voice is raiKd asgainst the itralitude of
the human race." The argument Which he
produces to strengthen his clad:Lis-one which
should rather make him blush ; for his extra
vagance: he rr,ys . that milliOnsof his produc
. tions have been sold, and that therefore the
world is in hik debt,! But why) - Was be
not paid. the mice he asked for every copy ,
Or does he - thinic.7ti,st it sounds like common
prose iintle-ty to a-..,.. !o'he paid twice over.
He iii ; 81:.§ ~ .ttcleFs, that - his poems
glie. a p',a,ure - :hue of which the'r
price coin's not a:pr. - A:m4e. Ltt us admit
e; and a; it to another case to test,
ils'qtfts we sq know, is the chief
of earthly boon v-.liich must be
purchased, Let the cue' - valet it may.; a
blessing, tc rist.d-With which the sipk
, inemena,ch rtsign ;his' kingdom.
- ..sOppose. then, +lst -1,1,..1:14:way,• instead:of
gximg Ruch s....prie.e on his remedies as.irould af:
ford him (wiren :n; rinds were- his customers)
n fair and honor:IL:le had apportioned
:he. poa.erf i•;! , *,:14• and. ointment: to the
o a
.4iice . _ , - ; e:leh f•ar.e and the ability of the
suirctir-- l ..t e ‘i far ks physical salvatiOn t
I Whill:ii,sucl s - t14..!0 the great physician
could Ikg_ag,.' owned - all Europe in fee
eiruple, anO-tiiw--f..urthsuf the remainder of
'l,eivot-iti —for :ire rni, a!tiee and nobilities of
Elrope were arst•-mg, his earliest patients, but
are sill.ttro rocti to that they
owe their .ii‘e., to the lime simple but all
enfficing-iensedies which' have been brought,
by lielic%ta:t . 's, 1 , 1-nthropbv, within reach
eftks ru•mnestof their s.rfe....Les Belle Learn.
Cosnicr.—A Piers' inest scrupulously to
trot'!. and labor to observe the s'rictest iuteg
si- mince i? .
D18:..E. PATRICK, -JR., would like
' after a silence of nearly ten years, to appeal
to the moral sensibilitielt of a very generous
Ik, who have always manifested theii:sense of
appreciation of his usefulness by -exacting his
services when needed or thought to be needed,
4 but who have-given no other evidence of grati
tude, or good will—.particularly in the way of
j tsubstantiaraid" as ICosituth. would say—that
he now desireit a full and entire seitle,ment of all
i his accounts, also the accounts of the late firm
I of Patrick & Dimock ;'and he wishes nether to
state that he desires nothing to be considered
wrong, if, after -a-few weeks, the said accounts,
I . remaining unsettled, she'd be plieed in the hands
of a-good - sharp erllector, and made to account
to him sem hi - That will buy Oats and Octet:
wheat. notice this and take:alien 'Amor.
Arn e birds of spring slog sweetest - whenjan2
tTze snii abinestabed 'aronall---ynn than •the v
s'lnsbine-of sO4 nature for the - biinefit, of I
- •
learaelf and . friends. -
. .
Fittive 'U. bof kind, forbeAr;ng .foriir
vt.;! ‘ , T3 - . 1!-1 . 11.. 1 5t.....11 . :0 .
fritsr,d3 141)(1 foes alike.
per, k tk: eel. one, on any pre
n ce_ hsoes er.
Strive to re•-onneetv3 rriigioc by the cetrte %
ee, t ivility and cetlette'eed i vgchanicter of your
eendurt • - -
Shut aii .eri: in.”lginltiota and angr
jegr 1141,13,_ t here ! sV haCs your hurry
where.uie:vc;ti goiht , F .
'Cvoicr Pm runway, office.'
-'What -Once 1'
Ssuires ersea.• Dana it, Fin sued. I
ARTlCULARsattention is call( d to the
choice variety of Violin, 'Guitar and Bass
Viol Strings, some oT the best qualities in market.'
Also a good selection of Violins, Bows,, Pegs,
Bridges, Tail Pieces, Finger Boards. Rosin, &c,
Arcordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Drum Sticks, Tuning'
Forks, Instruction Books, &c. Carin at the
Variety Store of ABEL TURRELL.
rusT ncei4id a larga assortment of the
t above articles, a reduced prices. The most
difficult cannot fail to be suited in size. quality
zibd prices. ABEL TURRELL.
Montrose, - Nov. 95th, 1859.
• I; AIIPSia
L I . IG H T S -
BURNING PLUM, camphem, Lamp Oil,
Candles, eV., of best qualities, constantly
on hand, and at prices aS-CHEAIt As THE CHEAPEST.
Customers may rely upon getting Fluid and
Campliene, new and good, as I sell so fast,
the - y. never get stale. Also. Cans and Lamps.
• Montrose, N ov. 25th. ESS.
THE undersigned would take this
niry to inform his friends and customers
that he has recently tnadelarg,e additions itt l is
former extensiVe stock oi
Hirdware, Stoives, Stove Pipe,
' stove _Trimmings; Zinc, &c., -
and that he is prepared to supply the wants of
the community in thitt line at unusually km
prices: Heil:titers himself that his facilities for
manufacturing his own Wares, Stoves, S-c., give
him a decided advantage over any who pur
chaeiand transport et a ; heavy expense their en
tire stock..
If would as to those who wish to purchase
STOVES of any descliption, STOVE PIPE, or
Tall - WINGS, of any kind, and pay-for them, he
is prepared to give them great bargains; but to
those who want to purchase on a year's credit
and then let it run two year imore4e had nail•
er therwonld'call on some one else, even if they
have to payssevei2ty.five per cent more tkan an
article is worth. In the line of
- Shelf Hardware,
his assortmedt is the largest and best selected in
Susquehanni. County; purchased as his Stock
has been.moqly of manufacturers, he is enabled
to offer inducements to those country merchants
who buy small bills, rarely found this side of
the big city. "‘Ve can offer special inducements
to Carpenters and Joiners 'who are in want of
either Tools or Building Materials. Black
smiths can find ANVILS, VICES, BELLOWS,
and, in fart, armost anything in their line, by call
ing on us,
ELIE 3kr IF 011 CASH.
Our stock of
Dry .Goods, proceries, Boots and
Shoes nate and Caps 'Yan
kee Aotions,&c. Ace.,
is as large as the times will'admit of. They were
purchased it it low figure, and will be sold at
prices to correspond with the times.
•We have just opened about one-and a-halt
cords of ready-made clothing. Every body says
they are cheap. Some say-they are rerg cheap.
and a number have ventured to say they are dog
cheap. Certain it, is that a small pile-of-money
will buy a large pilg of , clothing. . •
We would add, in this connection, for the in
formation of a:lconcerned and the "rest of min
kind," that. we are Vied and sick of the credit
system; we have suffe-A enough by it already,
and are determined to .rid ourselves of the
the whole "erittel." Believing 'that the nimble
sixpence is the.-true systeM,'we are resolved to
adopt it, and are offering oar goods at prices to
• * *Produce taken in - exchange for Goods.
. • • - J. DICKERMAN, Jr..
, New Milford. Nov. 2.9th;18.58. •
'EW GOODS, in ray line of nrriv
.111 log every week. ADEL TUREELL.
!larch V. 1.5.Y. 3 ... • .
s u pply of 411
- ixTHJCH for 6athor Product - can be bough*
ivY very low.
WALL PAPER. A ;select assortment just
CARPETING: Baroins offered by
PLOWS. We invite the attention of Farmers
to the celebrated Peekskill Plows which
we have added to our large assortment. .
Proprietors of Eagle Foundry.
Montrose. Nov. 29th, 1858. 18tf.
O UR Stoves have been so thoroughly tried
-to the entire satisfaction of all, that they
need no recommend frorn us.
Shop in Boyd d Web , ter's new 'building,
next door above Keeler d: Stoddard's.
Ir AVING worked for the past nine years
1.. with the most skillful workmen, he feels
confident that he can do the most difficult jobs
on short notice.
All Work Warranted to Gift Satisfaction.
W. B. SIMPSON has worked for me for some
time, and I can recommend him es a careful and
skilful workman, conipetent to do as good work
ai can bo done in the country, and worthy of
confident°. Wm. A. Cft.I.3II3ERLIN.
.Towanda June 10th, IEISB.
Refers to--Wm. Elwerl, E. W. Baird, E. D.
Nlontayne, E. 0. Goodrich; B. Kingsbury, Towan
da; B. S. Bentley, L Searle, C. D. Lathrop,
J. Wittenberg, Montrose..
* * *Jewelry neatly repaired bn aort notice,
and on reasonable terms. [June 15th, 1858 —ff.
Shawl and Dress Goods Etoporium!
T_TAS now in Store, and is making large addi-
Ll to his Stock of
To which he would invite the attention of buy
ers; emloseiag the most desirable varieties of
LADIES' DRESS 600DS, including the New
Styles of .Rich Pall Prints and Plaids, in Do
laines„ Ducal. Plaids, Plain and Plaid Merinos,
Mohair Cloths, Ging,ha mg, Silks; Brocho, Stella,
Cashmere, Silk and Wool Shawls, Rich Ribbons,
Bonnets and Flowers, Net Hoods, Ladies Cloths,
Broadcloths, Cassimeres„&e., with a full assort
ment of - other Staple and Fancy Goods, as usual,
Groceries, Crockery, Hardware,
Stores, Iron, Steel, Nails, Hats,
and Caps, Boots and - Shoes,
- Painted WindowSlaides,
- Wall Paper; Clocks,
Drags, Oils, Paints,
Buffalo itobes,
'The entire Stock being large and bought
for CASH, will give superior opportunity for
Choice Selections. and be sold at the nowtsy
riailitns to CASH AND PROMPT SIX
Salt & Flour constantly on hand.
New Milford, October Ist, 1853.
DR. A.-GIFFORD has located himself
in Montrostifor the purpose of carrying on
the DENTAL PRACTICE in all its branches. lie i s
now ready to attend to all calls in his profession
with promptness, and will endeavor to give entire
satisf:mtion. All operations WARRANTED. Office
over Chandler's store. Sept. t h 1838.—tr.
W and Blue.
Is. one of the I..argest and Beat Illustrated Lit
erary Papers in the United States.
An Imperial Quarto, containing pages: or
40 columns original , interesting and fascinating
reading_ matter, trona the pens of the best Amen ,
One copy for one year, $2 00 and 2 Premlams.
One copy for-two years, 83 00 and 4 "
One copy for three y'is, $5 00 and 6 •-•
One-copy for fire years, $s 00 and 10 "
Threc copies one year, $5 00 and 6 Premiums.
Five copies one year, $8 00 and 10 "
Ten copies one year, 8;15 00 and 20 "
Twenty-one eop's 1 y'r, $BO 00 and 42
Those getting up Clubs of Ten Subscribers,
and remitting $l5 will be entitled to an extra
copy, tree; and those sending $3O for 21 copies.
will be entitled to a copy and premiums, free.
Every Subscriber to:the S'VEEKLY - RED,
WDITE AND BLUE will be entitled to two
Premiums. worth Gem 55cents tp 8500, by the
payment of 25 cent); on each. As soon as the
subscription money is received, the sub-criber
will be informed by letter what premiums he is
entitled to, and then it , is optional whether ho
remite the 25 cents on each and takes the Pre
miums or not. - '
The Premiums that We sell to the suliscribern
for 25 cents each,are comprised in the following
5 Pianofortes,: - $5OO each.
5 1,1.5. Treasoii Notes, - 500 "
10 Gold Watches, ss - 150 "
50 " . • . 100 "
23 " . . 75 " •
50 Se - wing Machines, —75 "
200 Gold Watches . . - "
300 " . " . . 50 "
300 Silver Watches., - 30 ."
500 Silk Ureic Patterhs, . 25 "
1;000 Silver Watches. - - 10 "
1,000 Gold Chains, - - 10 to 25 "
Gold Bracetela z Armlets, Week Chains, Cameo.
Florentine, Mosaic aad.Gold StOne Setts. Gold
and Silver Thimbles, Gold Ear Drops,yings,
Breast Pins, Bosom Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Cuff
Pins, Lockets, Keys, Scarf and Shawl Pins, and
other articles, worth from 50 cents, to $l2 each.
All communications Must be addressed to
BROWN,-8c CO.,
123 South Third Street, Philadelphit;,Pa.
* * *Agents wanted in all parts of the United
States and Canadas, td, sell Bon,ks, Music. Jew.
eke, Gold Pens, Pencils, &c, and receive "sub.
seriptioss for the RED, WHITE‘AND BLUE
Catalogues aad Numbered Certificates will he
sent to those wishing to 'act as Agents.. No.
capital 'required. [tnar.3,'s9.
WHEREAS Letters Testamentary fpon the
estate, of CURL/RU..IA 31: SMITH, late
of Great Bend township, deceased, have been
granted to the subscriber; all :persons in
debted to the acid estate will please make pay
ment, and those having claims wilt please pre
sent the sameicithont delay to Peter Smith of
Great Bend. " PETER SMITH, Executor.
Great &lad, March 17th, 1859.-12w6.*
li De<'. 1et,1858. A. TLItitELC.
and Blue.
Executo t i's Notice.
Tertian.—ett per annum:-25 percent. de
ducted if paid in. advance ; 50 per cetit. added to
arrearages. No person receiving a paper on credit
shall be entitled to the benefit of any exemption
law as a bar to the collection of bills. The receipt
of papers on credit to be evidence of an agree
ment to the foregoing.
Discontinuarrces optional with the Publisher
until all arrearages are paid.-
Advertisements inserted at $1 per square of
200 ems; 25 cents per square for each insertion
after the first three. Qne square one year, 'sB,
each additional square, $4.
Job %tiork•ot all kinds executed neatly
and promptly. Blanks always on hand.
LhlerenAte flare
rewcwed otirnenfln doors
south or
Boyd & Webster's corner. '
Montrose Oct. 25.-3 in
OULD respectfully tender his Professional
V Service?' to the inhabitants of
•nv d its vicinity.
Office over Mulford's Store.
L 4,141110 at ,the Keystone Hotel.
Montrose, Oct. I•2th, 8.58. Iv*
lIATS, CAPS, _AND 'runs,
gt.: 4 llW 0002),S.
Umbrellas, Parasols, and Ribbons,
DAN. 11. LAWRENCE., • - N E olt K.
JAS.• M. GRIGGS, } General Partners,— •
M. C. TY.LER.SpecEnI Partner. [•
Office in the Union Bleek—Towanda, Li rad
1-ford ettimtv i Pa.
attend promptly to all professional
business intrusted !whim, in this and adjoining
counties. • je3'oBtf
aio f, DIRTI.SII,
OFFICE, over Wilkon" Store.'
511,n1 mgt., 31anli 106, 1833.
.WM. W. SMITH, & CO.,
Cabinet and Chair ittatinfaelttr
foot.of Main Street. Mout roee. Pa.
Fashionable Tailor—Shop near the
Baptist Meeting House, on Turnpike Street.
M ontrome, Pa.
- bR. R. THAYER,
Ph rtieian and Surgeon, Montrose
Pa.- Office in the Farmer's Stow
New 31ilford, Pents'a.
‘lY6oll.Nale dealer in Button's, Collins
Suspenders, Threads, Fancy Goods
Watches, Jewelry; Silver and Plated Ware, Cut .
lery. Fishing Tackle, Cigars, &e. &c.
• Merchants and pedlars, supplied on liberal
terms. .
Tr;iit%llionable Tailor. Shod first don
north of Oro Farmer's store.
till 11-1111:6 Er.
• rpm.: subscriber having purchased
a refitted and,newly furnished tht
.above %vett known and popular Hot e l.
is prepared to accommodate the tray . -
cling public and others with all the attentions
and conveniences usually found in first-class
Houses. No effort will be ripared by the Pro
prietot and his Assistants tb make the Hotel
opal in every point to any in the country.
The Bar will always be supplied with tn,
Choicest Liquors.
The Stables, connected with thiS Hons.
are large, roomy and convenient, and caretiil ani
attentive Bostic's are alwaysin charge of them
.1. S. 'I'AItHELL.
Montrose, stat' 13th, 1858..
icc t otl..3
subscription & o
E n e n c l o u n r ia . t . m y of :
firmpiplaced T
in the hands of Mr. Wm. L. E-E E., —he alone be
ing authorized to collect and give receipts for the
same. He designs canvassing the counry, and it
is desirable that all indebted ehonl settle
promptly, thereby saving further trouble ex.
pense to all parties. J. B. 31CCOLL
. ,Vontrosel September 2lst, 1858.
V HE New York City Illustrated Newspap'ent
ft Magazines, &c, for sale at the
Charley Norripi whh hair and
Heir,.ole hell Of tide •v a at areA,
And none to haßass me and halt.
Re4Aved , to wat`Pont ev'ry
Let's have a rush, I'salways herE,
- you'll find me honest,juSt and faiß.
* * *Shop No. 3, Basement of Searle's Hotel, on
Turnpike Street.
- Dr. H. Smith,
URGEON DENTIST. Aesidence and of
° tkeapposite the Baptist Church (north side)
Montrose. Particular attention -will be given
to inserting teeth on gold and silver plate, and
to filling decaying teeth.
Dealer in Drugs, "Medicines, Chemical , '
Dye Stuffs, Glass-ware, Paints, Oils, Varnishw,
Window Glass, Groceries, Fancy Goods, Jew
elry, Perfumery, Sr.c.And Agent for 'all the
most popular Patent Medicines. . •
SVMS Merchants publish a' few tow prices,
or the price of a few low priced articles, as
an iuducement to persons to make their purchases
of them, under the presumption that everything
is equally low. -Without taking apace, is the
public papers to enumerate prices, I wish it dis
tinctly understood, that I will sell Goods as low
for the
,quality as they can bought in any
other Store-in this place or county. Baits and
Hooks not used. Purchasers will generally find
good qualities of Articles at Tranr.m.'s,and in
Drugs. Medicines, Paints, Oils, and Dye Stuffs,
the very _
. best, and the assortments full. The
Fancy Goods Department is also extensive.
Also, choice Family Groceries, Crockery, Wall
Paper, Jewelry, Perfransy,&e. In short nearly
.everything usually kept in country stores. As I
deal in many departments of trade, and have
more Articles than I can well enumerate_in the
limits of a Newspaper, I shall not attempt it;
neither will it be necessary, under these cir
cumstances, to fill a column with neeless re
petitions" and blanks. The people are invited to
call and examine for themselves..
Montrose, Noy: - Ist, 1858.
Remedies for sale by ABEL TURIZELL:
for sato by ABEL TERRELL.
I.+lnatrese, February Ist, 18.53.
THE subscriberswould tail the attention of
1.- their friends to the gent Antriety of Gold
and Silver Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Gnu&
which they have on hand Su;tublei for the up
pronching iinlidayn, and which they offer at the
/owes/Carib Prices. Evarcs & ALLF.N.
No. Odd Felloos Hall,
Binghamton, Dec. 17th, 1868.
Face and Hunting. of every style and price
coniprisingover fifty ditivrent patterns, many of
their, own importation, and warranted time.,
keeperi., - whieh cannot fail to suit,by
Evass &
GOLD CHAINS, Crosses, Keys. Seals, Neck.
laces, Studg, Thimbles, Spectacles. Breast.
pins, Ear -rings, Fingerrings, 'Sleeve-buttons.
Lockets, Bracelets, Snaps, Pens, Pencils, Tooth
picks. &c., &e.. &e., by EvArt
QI LITER RE.—Table, Desert and Pickle
Forks. Table, Desert, Tea, Sugar, Cream
Berry, Preserve and Salt Sports; Napkin Rings:
•Childrens' Knives. Forks' and Spoons, in sets;
Cups;, Ice Cream. Pie, Butter and Fruit Knives. 1
Salt Cellars; Caid Cases, &c. &c., bV
PLATED WARR.—Tea Sets. Ten Pitchers,
Castors, Cake and Card FlaskeLs, Pitcher
Trays, Salts, Cups, Sugar Baskets, Soup and
Gravy Ladles, Finks and Spoons, &c., for sale
by ' EvANs & ALLEN.
APIERNALAIE Boxes, Perfume'ard Fancy
1. Cases, Coral Beads, do. Necklaces and Ar.,nt
lets, Shell and India Rubber Combs, Tea Bells.
Telescopes, ‘Vnlch Stands. Knives and Furks,
Pocket Knives, Scissors, Wax, Satin and Amber
Beads, &e., &e., by - EvANs & ALLEN.
some very fine, Ivy • EVANS & ALLEN.
LATED KNIVES.—A Large Assortment bf
.1 Table and Desert KniveS. and Carvers, by
o. 2 Odd Fellows' Mil.
Binghamton. Se , 7th, 1R58!
*alt ! halt ! !
201 IVashingtou-4t,
(Directly opposite Washington Market)
QTILI. CONTINUES to offer to the city and
COUNI RY trade, all kinds of FOREIGN
Coarvie and Fine SALT, at the very lowest figures:
400(20 sacks and bags, consisting in pert of Ash
ton's celebrated brand for table and dairy pile:
Jeffrey & Darcy, Marshall's, Brownlow's, &e.
and• 50000 bushels Turks Island, Bonfires, Cu
racoa, St'Ubes, ty.bun, Cadiz,b,ica, Nantes, &c.,.
all of which will be sold nt bargain prices from
veisels, store and storehouses.
Any purchaser wishiiig to select from a good
assortment will find it. to hi; interwt to call.
N. EL—Fine table spit put tip in . small bags*
different sizes, end $7 mlstantly .omhand in ship
ping order. Also a splendid ailicle of Rock
Ground salt, in quart boxes, put up and for sale
by the quantity. in cases of fine dozen each.
New York, April Ist.
flour, fra & groVistou tßrt.
ONE door below J. Etliridg,e's Drug Store.
on Public •Avenue, where will be found
nsotantly on hand a general assortment of
Such as Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Teas, Coffer
Also the choicest brands of
)teal, Lard; Pork, Hams, Fish, Dipped Candles
Timothy, Clovor, Field and Garden
Seeds. •
e solicit a share-of ;he public patronage, ;ind
pledge oursettes to do the fair thing, hoping
each bargain to secure another.
Atrarn itar.nwtrr. WM. L. At.LEs.
RI - MD.—New and expetlitigus broad gnag,e
route (rod) the Nod and West, via Great Bend
ana Scranton, and from the Lackawanna .and
Wyoming valleys, through to New York and
Philadelphia. -
On and after Monday, April 11th, 1859.
trains will he run:as follows:
The Cinc;nna.:l Ex. Train nound east on N. Y;
diErie It. it.. arrives at Great Bend at 6.10 a: re.
and connect 4 with the EXPRESS Train wh..h
leaves Great Bend fur New York and Philadelphia
at 8.10 a. n .
Due at Montrrisc, 8.45 ..
Tunkhannock, , 924 " s
Factoryville, 9.48 u
-Scranton, lO 35 " •
Moscow. - 11.22 u
Stroudsburg; 1.26 p. m.
Water flap, 1 . 39 .
_ Delaware,(ls minutes to dine,) 2.04 "
Bridgeville, 235 u
inaction, 3.25 .
New York, 7.15 "
Philadelphia, ' 8.15 ^
Passentters from N. Y., leave Pier
No: 2 North River, at 7.30 4. m.
From Phkiadelphia,leave Walnut St,
Wharf, at , ~
6.00 "
Leave Junction, 10.50 ."-
Dueatßridgeville, 11.37 ,"
Dela wa re, (15 min c lo dinner), 11.52 4 - •
Water Gap, 12.29 p. m
Stroudsburg, 12 41 "
Moscow, 2.26 "
Scranton, 3.10
Factoryville, . 358 "
Tunkfiannock, - 4.15 "
- Montrose, - . ' 4.63 "
Great Bend. • 5.25 2",
_Connecting,at afeat Bend with the
Mail Train, west, at - 537 "
Accommodation Train leaves Saran-.
ton for Great Bend at 8.10 a. m.
Arrive at Great Bend, . 12 40 p. m.
Corinecting with the Dunkirk Expres west at
1 10, the Emigrant Train west at 453, and the N.
Y. Express, east, at 156'p. m.
_Returning, leaves Great Bend at 2.00 p. M.
Due at Scranton, 6.15 "
For the accommodation 'of way travel on the
Southern Division, a pasianger car will be at
tached tothe Express Freight Taaine,lenving-
Scrantou, at • 4.00 a. m
Due at Stroudsburg at 10.05 "
" Junction at ' 220 Ti. m.
Returning, will leave Junction at 3.30 a. to.
Due at Stroudsburg at '7.05 "
" - - Scranton at 2.30 p. Th.
Patmengers to and from New York chadge
cars at Junction-to and from Philadelphia at
•For Pittston, Kingston, and Wilkesbarre,
take L. & B. R. R., cars at Scranton.
For Jessup,Archbald, and Carbondale, take
the Sines at Sciinton.
Tickets aold f and baggage checkedihrovgh
Wm. N. Sums. Cele' Ti4ket Agent
Nerantpn, April 6th, 1859. .
ri t JUST Published, the 25th thousand.
mailed in a sealed envelope, to any
'address, on'receipt of tree stamps.
A medical essay on the physical exhaustion 4. de
cay of the frame, causq by "self-abuse" infection,
and the use of mercury, by R.J.Culrermell, M.D.,
member of the royal college rf surgeons, ifs.
Spermatorrbrea or seminal emissions, genital
and nervous debility, impotency, loss of energy,
depression of spirits, timidity, diseases of sexual
organs, impedime-ats to marriage , promptly end
effectually cured by the author's novel andsuc
eessful treatment,-by means of which the inva
lid can regain pristine health without having re
course to dangerous and expensive medicines.
(From the London Lancet.)
The best t reatise ever written on a subject of
vital importawie to all, well worthy the author's
emitted reputation: ..
- Address the publishers, 3. C. KLINE, &
Post Box 4580, Nevt York. - tfl7yeg p
t4EW,S AT latri,
And learn that a perfect and radical ewe Is warranted and
guaranteed to all who aro aftlicted witlivreakness, debility,
nervous complaints, melancholy thoughts, depression of
spirits, distress and anguish of mind, loss of sleep, loss of
memory, lons of energy and muscular power, puny growth,
wasting away, and a want of coundenceiin themselves, faint
ing -Ms. convulsive treMblings, impotence auddlogust of life.'
Some phymiciatte require to be told the nature of your dis
ease—the ENGLISH BOTANIC PiIYSICIAN does not. His
perfect knowledge of the human system mantas him to dee
grilse the disease without any information from the patient,
to explain Bs original cense. and to parent...* Its cure. And.
what is more valuable still, he will honestly and frankly tell
whether you can be cored or not, thus salting you trouble, ex
pense and disappointment. Ills examinations are made
without any information from the patient; therefore be
thoroughly understands their Physical condition and Men.
elegiesl development, without which he never could have
performed so many astoniehing cores. It should be remem
berad.that this Botanical Physician perform, cores thought
impuesible."—Sfsdient Journal. _
Let skeptics, and more especially lima , who have tried
others and got no millet, let llim read tios following Accts. and
Judge for thou:melees, of the good effects of the Botanic ffAy
-11101.1.. flew ltemsdieu As ali his correspondence is strictly
private and conlidoutial, honor prevents from giving names.
"I am now twenty-five years of age; t have Suffered from
the followlng symptoms sine. I war seventeen yews old; I
employed every means ; Lconnulted a nempher of. medical mop,
and spent a little fortune for medical liktrueot, and gut no
relief, until I tried the Botanic Physician. Under his treat
meet, I was restored to perfect health. both mentally and
physically. The following were the symidome I feltt—At
the age of seventeen, palpitations of the heart came ..hand
which were afterwards induced on the slightest exertion or
excitement; periodic:o headaches, noise and buzzing through
the errs; imperfect vision, objects like falling titers anuoytug
the sight; temporary artneke of squinting; pimples and
Blotches on the face; a shrivelled state of the frame, with
constant cold feet and hands; loss of memory;
incapacity to
turn the attention to any one subject; frequent fits of abdrae"
ties; total inability to study ; dislike to society ; stpteke of
despondency, melaneboly, involuntary shedding of tears;
heats and Mathes ens-the hum on the "lighted ocessiou, and
theoghts of suicide ; - diteculty of breathing.on the least extra
walking, running, tete:dig op stairs, or up a hill. The stom
ach was constantly Outset order; the appetite became capri
cious; sometimes it increased, and at other times nearly ab
sent ; fanciful tastes and a longing - for strange food. A train
of dyspeptic symptoms set in, such as flatulence, conetipa.
lion, and looseness; extreme heavlneas and torpor after
eating; great think restless nights, frightful dream., cough,
eight sweats, fetid 'breath, decay of teeth, constantly furr6d
tongue. The chief aymploms of whicb,in addition to the pre
ceding, were pain and debilltrin the back and loins, creeping
and delveritig sensations down the spine, as though ants were
traversing.that column. I was ...opted to be married, but
dared not, for fear my Inermlty might be known. I felt •
sense of fear, distrust and shame, with a dread lest my leer
nelty shopld be suspected or discovered ; a wasting away fol
lowed, and my friends thought I was consumptive; my com
plexion became sallow, my eyesight dim: I had ••downcast
and art abashed IDA ; I was unable to stand the gaze of other
people • I would blush when spoken tb ; my forehead and
face became blotched and pimpled ; a less of flesh followed,
and a great drowsiness, with en indiffereare to every thing
Ind seclusion t. appearances of rupture began to show them
selves. I began to pine away ; for seven years I stuferidall
these symptoms and kept the secret in my own bosom ; and
I believe I should have taken the. secret to an early-grave,
bad I not consulted the Botanic hyalcian. I write these
loons for. the sake of suffering humanity, hoping they will
save.some of my fellow-creature. from a life of suffering awl
a premature grave.
Tour; truly, be. , -----."
When the above gentleman called on me, he had no hopes
of a cure; all he expected was a little relief. I first made a
Phrenological and an Anatomical examination of him. Liar
nag satisfied myself that he had no chronic Inseam, about him,
I told him at once that !could cure him ;lint he had suffered
no much disappointment in the other remedies be hid tried,
that be even doubted mine; however, I made the necessary
- Mathematical and Astronomical calculations; and having by
those means a-certalned what herbs, under planetary I 0 -
IS nen re, were best adapted to his case, the care was very soon
accomplished. Ile noon recovered all his mental and phy
sical energies; - In abort, be became a man again; and shortly
alter married, and 'I need not say became happy man.
. Coclltation. can Le Lad duily•nith the
No. 1336 Lombard Street, Philadelphia.
And bear what ethers have oath of Mr* and his career—
...This eminent English Botanic Physician has really per
formed some of the most astonishing cores on record: In this
or in any other country, by his simple, Innocent, bat certain
New Remedies.
•• Every Mao. Woman arulChild. whether Father, Husband
or Son ; all Ladles, whether Young or Old. whether a School
Girl or Matron, whether Mother, Wife or Daughter, whether
Married or Single; all should consult the English Botanic
Physician, if they wish to be permanently and radically
"Let no young man enter the SICRED OBLIGATIONS.
OF DISABLED LIVE, without first comultlng this eminent
English Botanic Physician. Ile has cured hundreds of cases
which have been prenocinced Incurable; and thousands
have been radically cured by him, and the parties are now
married and hippy. Everyone, especially young persons and
those contemrliding marriage, shouldponsult him. Ile wilt
describe your disease and the pads atfeted. Ile will des
cribe the true cause of all your sufferings and infirmltles. lie
will tell all the symPtoms you have experienced, and ail
the symptoms you will experience, and the result of all these
symptoms on year health and constitution.. He will tell you
how l9pg you have been affected. Ile will also tell you how
and when you can be cured. Yo deadly poisons, aslrseuic,
Nat Vomica, Opium, or anyother poisons; ao Mereery, nor
any deadly mineral—nothing but purely vegetable, applies.
flocs are prescribed by this wonderful Medical Botanist. We
advise every One to consult the English Botanic Physician,
and Judge Tor theinselves."—Medical Aimist.
havo been Married ten years never had any children ;
it caused discontentment in my husband ; weboth were anx
ious. to have children; and I tried several things to remove
my barrenness, but they had no effect. About three year. ago,
I called on the Botanic-Physician ;'1 tonic his Remedies, au
am now blessed with two lovely children; my health is
much improved, end my hatband to more contented and
h.TPT- •
• Believe me, your., —."
"I:levee months after I was married I gli've birth to tidal:lett- -
ter, but my sufferings were ao gloat that the Faculty des.
paired of my reebvery. This made me dread the thoughts
,A hoeing any more children. I flied every thing to prevent
a repetition of my sufferings, but without succeeding. - Two
years alter marriage, I was again reotned, but my sufferings
were so great that the chil4 died. I was told by my Physician
that If I had any more children, be feared my life would be
endangered. I tried the BOTANIC PHYSICIAN'S Pre.
Tentive to Have Cbtldren. His Remedies bad the,
desired effect; they not only prevented me from having chil
dren, but they also Improved my health. To the pure . , all
things are pure.
Yours, sincerely, Ate., 7.=."
- L.l D. I E--8 1
Whose delicate health makes it desirable not to have chit.
dren, consult bhp. All those who are childless, and wish to
have children, consult him: All Ladies consult him in the •
must delicate cases, with Implicit and perfect confidence.
TO THE MARRIED LADIES, whose health will not admit
of an increase of family, his Remedy Is invaluable, as it can
be successfully used as A PREVENTIVE Against
Raving any Children. If yea have tried others,
and got no relief—if yon wish to enjoy good health and long
life—it yen are wise, you will go and consult the ENGLISH
BOTANIC rIITSICIAN, at his private residence, No. 1.338
strictly private and confidential. Thousands can testify to
his honorable, fatherly and gentlemanly conduct; his stand,
log and experience of-half a century prove, beyond all con
tradiction, that they can confide p all their little trophies, and
secrets to him its a father, a man amoral rectitude, and a man
of honor and high sense orduly. Past experiencelas proved
that all their little secrets Are safe and sacred with him.
"I have been married fougleen yearn ;,about five years ago
I began to lose my muscular power, no much no, that I (eared
I would become impotent. I applied to eaveral medical men,
but got no relief, until, by mere chance, I applied to the Bo
tanic Phyeician ;. he told me mine wee a caw that required
time, but that he would guarantee a perfect cure it I only' tiff
lowed his advice. I put my name on hie book.; be made a
calculation and ascertained what herbs would be‘most ern
simil and beet adapted to my tile. Ultimately, by attending
closely to his advice, I recovered all my lost power and en:
orgy, and I ant now stouter and a stronger man than I ever
Tours, gratefully, de.,
Consultatlona daily, Sundays excepted.
Thrum at a distance can communicate by letter. AU Letters;
Communications and.litteeviehrs strctly Private and Coed•
dentlal. The Prretage dell Letters most be prepaid, and One
Dollar enclosed for Consultation Fee. '
No. 1338 Lombard Street; Philadelphia.
,April 11859,—tf 3in* •
tar A Book fbr Everybody. ..ex
• TI It. TELLER'S great
work fonthe - married
thop'conteMplating mar-
also-200 - pages full of
rice 25 cents—seat to .all
arts under seal, by mail.
'UST-PAID. 50,000cop
sold the pastjear. The
Tie married,and the mar.
happy. A Lecture on
to a partner; a complete
y. . contains hundreds of se
crets never before published—warranted to be
worth three times the amount asked for it.
secure in specie or postage stamps , enclosed, will secure
a copy by return mail. Address
,No. 5 . Denier•st„Albany, N. Y.
IV — Da, Vjcnora' F . EaIAL PILLS, $1 a box,
with full directions. MarriOd ladies should not
use them.—Sent by. mail.
CAUTION.-7 hese Pills should not be taken by
females during the FIRST 3 MONTHS of
Pregnancy, as they are sure to cagsixtiscarrioge,
but at any &thee tune they are safe.
In all cases of nervous and spinal affeetion,paln
in the back and limber fatigue on alight exertion.
palpitatinnof heart, hysterias and whites; these
pills will erect a cure when all other means have
ranee.; and althO' a powerful , remedy, do not eon
lain iron, calomel, antithony, or anything hurtful
Io the constitution. • Address DR. TELLER
as above. = - feblielXy*-
CIARDEN SEEDS...-Shakent'ind other
‘JI hind*---e large quantity—bv. the pound or
paper just arrived at -TURILELL'a;
Marsh 3 let 1859.
Scrofula, or King's Eiji
isu cormitutional disease, a corruption of tie
blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated,
weak. and poor. Being-in the circulation, it
.pervad,s the whole body, and may burst out
in disease on'any part of it. No organ is free
from its attacks, nor is there one which it may
not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously
eatrsed by mercurial, disease, low living, dis-
ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth
and filthy habits, the deprersing vices, and,
above all. br the veAcred infection.- What
ever he its origin, it is hereditary in the cony
etitution, descending J. from parents to children
unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed. -
it seems to be the nid of Him who says,
visit the iniquities of the fathers upon
Its effects commenee by diticii term the
blood of corrupt or-i4cerous ter, which,in
the lungi,liver, and internal o anr), is termed
tubercles; in the - gland.., awe ings; and on
the surface, eruptionor sores. This foul cor
ruption, Which genders in-the blood, depresses
the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu..
dons not only suffer front scrofulous com
plaints; but they havb far lets power to with
stand the attacks of other diseases; come
qucntly, vast numbers perish by disorders
which, although not scrofulous in their nature, -
arc 'still rendered fatal by .this taint in the -
system. - Most of the consumption which de-
citnates the human family has its origin directly
in this scrofulous contamination ; - and many
destructive diseas e s of the liver, kidneys, brain, .
and, indeed, of_all the organs, arise - from or
are aggravated by the same-causes ,
One quarter of all bur people are scrofulous;
their persons sic invaded by this lurking in.. 14
fection, and their- hailth is undermined by it.
Th cleanse it from the sy s tem we must renovate
the blood by an alterative •medicine, and in
vigorate it by hiS-4thy food -and exercise. '-
Such a medicine we supply in
) -
Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla,
the most. effectual remedy which the medical
skill .01 our times an devise for -this every
where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com
bined from the most active remcdials that have
been discovered for the expurffation of this foul
disorder from the blOod,'andthe rescue of the
system Imm its dcOtructive consequences.
Hence it should be iilployed for the cure of
not'only scrofula, bit also those other 'affec
tions Which arise from it, such as Etterrivo
Bustcnns, PLAINS mid Botts, TUMORS, TESTER
It/tEthIATISM, St - riot:lm and .31ERCERIAL
TED on Issruitz Wiwi): The popular belief
in impuv,ity of the blood" is founded in truth,
for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood:The
particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa
rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, .
without which sound health is impossible in -
contioninated constitutions.
• Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
are so ,composed that disease within the range of
their action can rarely withstand or evade them
Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse,
and invigorate every-portion of the human organ :
ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring
its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of these
properties, the invalid who is bowed down with
pain or physical debility is astonished to find his
health or energy restored by a remedy at once so
simple and inviting.
Not only du they cure the every-day complaints
of every body, but also many formidable and
dangerous diseases. The agent below -named is
pleased to furnish gratis "my American Almanac,
containing certificates of their cures anddirections
for their use in the following complaints: Costive
nets, lleartburn, Headache arising from ilitocekrtd
Stomach, Nausea. Mdiyeation, Pain in and Morbid
Inaction of the lloicrts, Flatulency; Loss of Appe
tite, Jsundice, and other kindred complaints,
arising from a low state of the body or obstruction
of its function's.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Coughs, Colds, Influcnia, Hoarseness,
Croup; Bronehititip incipient Constonp.
. tioni and for the relief of Consumptive
Patients in advanced stagcs of the
disengt •
So .idel s the field of its usefillr.ess and go nu
merous ar the es-es of its cures, that almost
es ery sect; of country abounds in persons pub
licly know , who lime Leer restored from alanning
Arid el , desperate diseases - of the lungs by its
uge. en once tried, its superiority over every
other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape
observation, and where its virtues ore known, the
public no longer hesitate - what antidote to employ
for the distressing and dangerous affections of the
pulmonary orgatis that arc incident to our climate.
While many- inferior remedies thrust upon tint
community have foiled and been discarded, this
has dined friends by every trial, conferred benefits
on the afflicted , they can never forget, and pie
duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to
be forgotten,
DR: 'J., C. AYER & CO.
A. Tur.P.E.L.L. Montrose; A. P. Mmtio. & Co.
Gib.on; Friendaviltil ,Ifortan &
SMITH, SUlTlntrr; IRA SCOTT, SpriOgyille; HAT
DES 1180 THENS, NeW Milford; J. T. 1; AICLIsLE,
Great Bond; E. R. Cr - Cow, Glowoc.d; IV. 11.
TlcarEn. Pirnook; EATON & MoxLar, ilarforcl,
and allDrOgglsts.. • (mh9 ly
A Beller() lent Inslitutinn,established by special en
drittmera for the relief of the sick and distressed,
afflicted mitts Virulent and Epidemic- diseases.
TIP. HOWARD AESOCIATION,i II view of the aw.
ful destruction of lonnan life, caused by Sex.
ual disears, and the,dcceptiorm praetieed upon
the unfortunate victims of such diseases by
Quacks, 'several years ago directed their Con
sulting,Surrreon, as a CHARITABLE ACT _worthy of
their name, to open a Dispensary for the treat
ment of Ibis class of diseases, iri all their.forms,--
and to'give MEDICAL EUNICE GRATIS, to all who'
apply hr letter, with a descriptirin of their con
dition, (age, occupation, habits of life; &c.,) and
in eases of extreme poverty, to furnish medicines
free of charge. It hi needless to add that the
Association.commarids the highest medical skill
of thy age, and 01 furniah the-meat improved
The Directors of the Association. in their An
nual Report upon the treatment of Sexual' IS
seek's, for the year ending January ,Ist, 1858,
express the highest Satisfiwtion with the success
which has attended the labors of the Consulting
Surgeon in the cure . of Spertnatorrhtea, Seminal
Wenkimgmlmpotence,ConoirhoM,Gleet,Sy pil lie,
the lice of. Onanism or Self-abuse, &e.,,and or
dera contiauaoce of the mime plan for the en
suing year. -
An admirable Report on Spermatoribeca, pr
Seminal Weakness, the vice of Onanism,
or SelLabuse, and oth - er diseases of the
sexual organs,,by the, Consulting Surgeon, will
bo . sent by 'Mail (in a sealed envelope), FREE
OF CHARGE,, on the receipt of TWO
STAMPS - for postige, Other' Reports„ and
Tracts on the nature and treatment of sexual.
diseases, dint. Ste.. are constantly being publish
ed, for gratuitous distribution and will, ho sent
to the 'afflicted. Some - of; new, remedies
and methods of treatment discoVered during
Umlaut year. are of groat value..
. Address, for Report or_Treatment, Dr. J
SKI LLI N I lOUGHTON, Acting Surgeon, Hour
ard Assogiation,No:2 South Ninth Street, Phil
adelphia, Pa. • By:order of the Directors.
' EZRA D. HEARTWELL Presithriat.
HEO. FAIRCHILD. : Se4 . oe 28-ly
.wommoulta ‘isTiwori.
Dr. R.A. LAMONT'S Periodical Compound.
The moat beneficial and successful FEMALE MED
ICINE . UOW in use or'known, foi all cues of , dis•
ordered, obstructed or suppressed Menstruationr
Luce rrham, Femal e 'Weakness etc. Lidi es who ,
have been disappointed in the use of Femalegilld
&c , can put the utmost Confidence In thiiCcim
pound, it Is infallible is the cure of RIM° above
named complaints..: It will be sent by mail to
any address by encloshig $2 to env authorized
agent. :Prepared by R. I. ANDREW Buffalo
N. Y. For sale in. Montrose by
• may I 3'58-111 MEAD, & CO.
QECOND }lRNDHarrelrp
ko. of neatly every description,
'.l:- , ":17- 7 17;.' Bitter and Cheaper than now ones,
for sale by .A BEL !I'UpittLL.
MontrOso, Nov. ssth, 1858.