NEW GOODS Ellt Tll SPRING OF 1859! . , —AT-- • ' .-:. - YOU NG & SMITH'S, , Sanunersvillo, Pa . . E take this opportunity of eat - waning our v thanks to pur customers and tU public = generally for their liberal patronage -during the past year, and will add , that we shall endeavor to merit a continuance of the n , i'ne bi furnishing Cat' GO la - in the same way that we i hase neretotore done, that is, at the very lowest possible prices... Hav ing just returned from the C 1 T T would invite the attention of the public to the LARGE AND HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF • 0 D IE4 for the spring trade, comprising almost every thing that can be found in a Country Store, amongst which we will mention the following: A large lot of those Small Figured, Dark and Fast Catered Prints nt 6.1-4 cents per yard. A lot of those heavy Brown Ittuslins always on hand. Brown Stetting and Shirting constantly on_hand'and for aide at the mest reasonalaJe pri. eel. A large lot of Merimack, Cocheco, Allen, Sprague, Donnell, and other Prints—Spring Styles—forsale nt the same low prices at which we have thein during the pet year:—Spring Detains and Challiea, very 'handsome and cheap. Cloths, Cas , ,imers, Satinega, Jeans, Vestings, &c. A good assortment of Bond Stripes, Cot. toltades. Locks and Linen Drills, 'for farmers wear, Denims, Striped ShirtMgs. Chocks. &e. t't cad y-ntde Clothing ,coniuntly on hand. • , - Crockery and Grass Ware, a !are nr.. eertment of the best quality of White Granite Ware, just received and for sale by the set or in lots - to suit purchasers ; Hats mad Caps, Boots and Shoes in endless variety. ; - Cedar Ware, Tubs Cburns, Trays, Buck - eta, Pails; Ladles, &e. , • • Groceries as usual at low water mar's. Teas at astonishingly low figures. •FISIIt FISII!! Mackerel in bal(' barrols, quarter tils. and kits, warranted full weight or the money returned.. Shad and White Fish:also on hand. . , Salt bye barrel. sack or bushel. • Paints thid Oils of all kinds. All kinds of PRODUCE taken in exchange I'M. Goods at the highest m krket prices. We solicit an txac•.instioa of our stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. • YOUNG & SMITH. April 26th; 1859.—m:Sw 6.- • FRESH ARRIVAL! rrnE undersigned would respectNlly an nodnce to the public that he has, just re• sewed a supply of ' fitti GROCERIES, among which may'be tonna the very best of . Sugar, Molasses;, ' Syrup; Tea, Cofibe, ace., &c., 'at prices to suit the time 2;, for rsadr pay. Don't mistake the pl.,ce, but call at thu basemont of \ the • ST 0 NFA ROTE.,- where your humble servant carries on a • general ' :SALOON I G R OC E RY BUSINESS, and where the public may always rely upon having their wants attended to a itli piomptness and fidelity. , 0. ,M. CRANE. Montrose, April 20th. Medical Copartnership. DRS A.C.ELAKESUED and P. E: 841.7811 havin:e associAted themselves mnder the name of Blake,.lee & Bruth for the proseco - tion of the-duties of their profession. respect fully Offer their pro e:raional services to the ruhlir." Office bt' the residen„.c of Dr. Blakeslen.m.i,l a-Py lei wan the villages of Diinork and A. C. 111....1K April . 4 2(f, 39-lir P. E. BRUSH. NOTICE TO FARMERS. WISH to call the attention of harmers ;to I.the Indeptendent Tooth , . RAKES This 'Rake has been used for the past threat years in this County and proved to be theßake and the only Rake suited to the rough country. Any one, not wishing to take the assertio n , and who wants a Rake, please try it; and if not satisfactory,4cturn it w ithin three days nn in b red and take his money. To merchants nod dealers n liberal deduction from retail price of twelee dollars, All kinds of Grain taken in exchange for Rakes' at Searle's mill. Also Aecand . fiaiid Wire Tooth and Revolving Rakes sold very cheap. All orders. promptly-attended `to and hikes delivered on :short notice. . Itei,idence of thessubscribbr,and manufaCtory, one m a faint slontrnee, on Snake Creek turn. pike. CHANCY FOOT. : 'Montrose, April 25, '59-3m • - - SALAMANDER SAFE S. EVANS ac WATSON; 26 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, - Hare now on hand's large assortak of Fire and' Thi4f Proof Salamander Safes. Alto, Iron D 0 1 ,113 for Banks and - Storee,lron Shutters. boa Sash, - al - 1 makes of Locks, equal to any -made in the tin:ted Suites. Fire Stifes in one_Fire.. All come out Right; 'with _contents-in good condition. TUL_SALAYA?DER•SAFES OF PUILADELP3iI.k .AGAINST TUE WORLD EVANS & WATSON - Hare had the surest demonstration in the following certificate that their manufacture of Salamander &fee has At length fully warranted the representations which `hare been made of them as rendering an ondoubted secnrity-against Me - terrific elenient : Philadephia,-April 12th, 1856. Messrs, EVAit3 & Warros.—Gentlemen: It affords ne the highest Pat isfact ion to state to you, that owing to the very protective qualities of two - . of the Salamander Safes which we purchased of you some months since; We fiered . a large portion of oar jeweiry,and all our books, papers, &c., exposed to the calamitous lire in Ranstead Place, on the morning of the I itia lust. When we reflect that these Safes mere located in the fourth story of the building we occupied, and that they sObsequently fell into a heap of l.erning ruins, where the vast concentration of • heat eaused die brass - phites teinelt, we cannot bat regard the:= 'preservation of the - ir valuable contents aN nest convincing proaf of the gr eat _ security afforded by your Safi*. We, shall-take much pleasure in recommend logthem to men of business as a sure reliance a.ainst fire. _ gEPRGF. W; - SI3IIIONS &BRO., jeuelers, Who have .parebasell six large Safes sihee• April 28, '59.=! z•. -DR. E. W: WELLS AVING permanently located in Du udali offer's his professional services to at! wb o may, require them. Also, keeps constantly on hsnd a Tull stock of Drugio and Medicines Pnre Wines and - Ltgnors' for SI-edits] purpose [ap7--6cn. MEAT MARKET. 0 4 public Avenue,' near Scarle's Hotel. 1 4 1- EEP constantly on hands good supply of .1.1 MEATS of all kinds. CASH 'paid" for Ili tcf , Cattle,Caltres,6lseep t andLamlbs. Also for Hades otali Kinds. • • . BENSTOCK & - HAWLEY. 5.7 TrE.NSTOCK. N. Ifs WTEY. Mon!r''!ir, March 3 114-1,6i59.—tf. Gifts! Gifts . ! G BEGINA_L Gi' BOOK I).W_E & CO. G THE 0 THE 677 BROADWAY,- 677 THE FIFTH NEW-YORK. FIFTH YEAR. I ESTABLISHED 1854. YEAR. -- • - . THE following. is a partial list of property which-will be given-to the purchasers of Books nt the time of axle: worth from Gold Watchea'nglish Lever, • Patent Lever.and Lepinee,t3o,6o totloo,oo Silver Watches,Patent Lever, full jeweled, open face and cylinder es rspement, i 3,00 'to 40,00 Gold Lockets, Large sizo,fonr • glasses, and two glasses with - springs, large and • ' small nice with snap, 2,50 to , 12,00 Cameo, Mosaic, Florentine, Painted, Lava, Goldstone, . Garnet and Coral Sets of Pins and Drops, 5,00 to ' 25,00 Ladies' Gold Guard Chains, Fancy Neck Chains, Chats. tains, Gents' Fob and test Chains, Sets Cameo,Giddstone,Paint ed, Mosaic, Caplet, Onyx, Engraied and Plain Gold Sleeve Buttons and Bosom Studs, Gold Peneils,with Pens,large. medium and small, Silver Peneils.withGeld Pm, large, medium and , small atio,donbie a'nd sine e, ci :ension eases, • Gents' Heavy Signet Riegs, tarlies' Gold Chased and • Plain .Rings, Gents' Gold BosomPioa,Clna. ter, 'with Opal, Scarf Pins; Onyx, Garnet, &e.. 1.60 to 6,00 Rich- -Silk Dress. Patterns, 2.2,11Et0 30,00 Cameo, 'Mosaic, Coral Garnet, Chaser' Rnd Plain Oval Bracelets, - 5,00 to 30,00 Vver and Gala Thimbles, 50 to .0,00 Cents' Pen and Pocket Knife, 50 to 1,50 Pearl and Moroed Porte monnaies, 50 to 2,50 IToothpicks, Watch Keys, Guard Slidrs, 1,50 to 3,50 Gold Crosses, small, medium • and large, . 2,00 to 7,50 Besides other Gifts, vocnprising a large and valuable assortment of miecellanedus artieles, varying train $1 to $4O. The proprietors of the OLDEST ES,TAB LISHED GIFT BOOK IN THE UNITED STATES, for the uninterrupted success which his crowned their earnest efforts to please du ring the last fobr years, Would return their sin cere thanks to the hundreds of thousands who have, in past time, seen ft to bestow their lib eral patronage upon them; and would - further assure them, and the public geilerallY, that long experience and estabfished 'Capital Wairaht them In offering greater inducement's than ever, and such as are out of the reach of any similar establishment in the country; and propose, in this, THE FIFTH YEAR ' of their location in New York, to intrchluCe NEW FEATURES, STILL GREATER ATTRACTIO,SIS, GIFTS of GREATER VALUE and VARIETY, A atilt Larger and Better Selected Stock of BOOKS. - • Commissions and inducements to clubs and to agents who are willing to devote their time to our business; so that those who desirecin have GIFTS AND Boors Wrruour 31 05u*..., 1 11 We shall endeavor to establish an agent in eve!y town in the United States, so that all-who will may benefit by our liberal system of trade. We hare appointed A . . J. GERRITSON our duly authorized agent fitr NIONTROSE and vicinity, who will receive an&forward all orders zttcr.titn ~.ti de,zpatel. A NEW AND REVISED CATAL')GUE, ready;lor distribution, containing every.deiira ble boa'. new or old, now in print; end sc -k no w !edged by librarians and literary men to be the most complete and best classified ever is sued: without an exception'. 45C0 3 1,!00 are iirrw ready to ho Kirin sway, mailed 'free to any address, to all parts of the. world. It pontans all the works on . . Art, Science . and Nat E PhilosenhicaldtCliis ural History, sisal Works; Adventures, Travels: V illibtorical sod A cel laneons, Agricultural and Do-1 y :Poetical, Theological, me:tie Economy, / s t ReligiouW, Belles Letters,Esisays, Law, Medical, Mason -5& % ie Bibles, }Standard Fictions. • Biographies, . c ;Prayer, Ilium and Dictionaries. Glee Books, Eiicyclopmdiais 0 ,Text Books' - "for Gazetteers, l • Schools, 6te. i , Ate., And a thousand varieties of publications in eve ry department of literature.' We sell aglow— and. in many cases, lower tban—any-other house in the - country ; and with every book rof the value of one dollar or more, we present some useful Gift, without extra charge. ;LET EVERY ONE CONSULT HIS OWN INTEREST, • , And buy at i EVANS' Gift - Book Store. I n E ?examine the pricey of books; see the TEsr, :beautiful gifts so freely scattered among our patrons, and be satisfied that the on- PUCE ly economical way of buying books is at TO NO 677 BROASWAY, ', LAFARGE HOTEL BUILDING, iouglWE GUARANTEE - PERFECT. 3Ar- ISFACTION. iltnEs' : ; JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES. - Gins I nu E e a c a a m ii in w e il o o ttt of litisiness Any Observe the daily IS distribution of watches, gold and!silver; AT :vest., chatelaine. and guard chains; brace- ES.W lets, cameo, mosaic, coral, goldateme, GIFT ; :carnet altd gold' sAs of pin and elaspet Boni bracelet., large, meditim and small size; chaed, plain and set with stones, seamen, gnldstone, coral ; mosaic and en ' ' •raved studs and sleeve buttons; scarffin piss crosses, gold peas and pencil's; gold Bnusu pens in silver and moroceo.C3lllo4; and a WIT, ;thousand other articles-of use and value. NEW.•! A Gift with every book worth from 50 TORT : ct. to 81. Send fora Cal6.ltigne. It will cost von nothing, ad will be ;valuable as a book of referenCe; if h'Sth - :Mg more. Address D.W.EVANS 4r. CO. No 677 Broadway, New-York. fl.—A WORD OF EXPLANATIO.. , TO thoge who have known us under the style of Eians. & Co. The Business located by Rs at No. 07 Broadway, New York City; hi die oldest established house is the codetry..and" is. k mown world-wide as the original ." Evans &, Co.'s Gift Bookstore," Many have taken theadran. tage of oar popularity to mite:Use under the same name, to increkie their trade—;and though a house having neithei character or name of its own. esti hardly claim the confidence of- the community—to protect the few who maybe un acquainted with us, we would state that we have no connection with any other Gift Book- House—and though many advertilie node( the name of Evans & Co., the 'firm constituted by D. W. EVANS and .1; H. PRESTON, ;is 'the first and only concern rightfully using theitiatue. Bat to prevent all confusion in the futtire, shall use the style of _ D. W. EVAN'S A; CO., and a!I persona wrongfully twirl the opens. Lion to mislead the public, will be made ito auf fer the penalty of the law. D. W. EVANS leC9. 677 Broad way,New.Vork 428, ly.l MARRIAGE G Ulbt. A NEW- 830 K; BY WILLIAM YOUNG, i M 0. ~,,,,.,„ ~• The secret due to cuarlship, love ... , .\::AW, - ., & marriage: with the diseases ille!, i' --- . 4 - 0 dent to you Lb, maturity and cklage; N.....::: being lights and shades of tnamed ~ "...,, life', its joys and "sorrows,! hopes fears and disappointments. ,Let all . . married ' people, or those contemplating marriage I and having the least impediment to marriesrlife, I read this book . Let every young mainland Woman )in the land read this book: It is fell of Kites, l and discloses secrets that every one shouldknow: a Hula knowledge at first may save a world of trouble in after life. Send for a copy {en. losing 1 25cts., to JUL Wm. YOUNG, bP7,B rj 416 Spnicest, Philadelphia Ms! STORE. MARION. AND HIS MEN! IRE 'ANXIOUSLY-LOOKED FOR AND DEEPLY I TALE OFj# 1 1?,, A EZ O ULTION, THE • SWAMP FOX;_ REBEL RIFLEMEN. TIMES AND.FEATS OF MARION, BY GEORGE - A LBA EtiCe.." . Author of " The Ormc,, , re 'Girl of Venice,' "The Swamp Steed," "Rube, the Ratiger,"ltte., 6tc., will be commenced in the NEW YORK MERCURY OF SATURDAY, APRIL 3011 t, 18.59, Now Ready at all News Depots:lnd Bookstores. NTO character in history olf ra a better subject 1.1. for the romancer than that of hlLnioN; or, as ho was familiarly called 4.711 E sw.cvi row from tho imtnen4 ingenuity of his strategems and devices for misleading and deceiving the enemy, his thorough knowledge of the woods, forests, fields, and swamps of his native region, where he and his gallant band were perfectly at home, while their enemies became lust anti be wildered in the labyrinthine macs of under growth and morass. The story above announced is a true reflex of thoSe scenes and times, and its talented author 'has most vividly portrayed, therein, the many exciting incidents and accidents of a tennFions and indefatigable struggle for Liberty, pa rsued undet the 11304 adverse circumstances. -Everii chapter is replete with exciting and romantic in terest, historically accurate, but with a sparkling web of poetry woven through it, Which makes it at once a biillent story and a veracious re cent. The strongly-written descriptions of events—the ambuscade—the sudden sortie—the night-attack—the wild charge and repUlee—are all wonderful as examples of. word-painting, and equally true to the actual facts. 8,00 to 18,00 - moo to 30,00 2.00 to 16,00 3,50 to 7,00 2,00 to 5,00 Loo to • 730 In addition to these scenes of heroism and lofty daring. the Swamp Fox is not without the gentle charm of a love-story, for the werk ing andeffects of the tender pasSions are depicted in its piges, es truly and the as the sterner emotions; rendering the tale a perfect picture of life and charaCter in the Days of the Revolution, which caunot f a il to appeal to the admiration, and gratify the taste of every reader whohas a spark of true otriotism In his soul. The peculiar power and interest with which the gifted anther, Geome Albany, Esq., describes the thrilling period, is n guarantee of the excellence of this truly magnificent Ills. torical Romance. The vivid delineation of character, the depth of thought, the fascination of style, the picturesque beauty of description, and, in a word, the power_of language he com mands, all combine to render him one of the mosclbrillinnt writers of the age, while his great appreciation tif and sympathy with pioneers in the encse of universal liberty give him a graap of Revolutionary stibieets possessed by very leo others. This has enabled him, in 'the Swamp Fox, to exhibit the life and adven tures of MARION AND HIS MEN as they really were, and to fit homage to that deliberate valor, that unyieldina patriotism which, in a few noble spirits, defying danger, and above the scours of privation, could keep alive the sacred fires of liberty In the thick swamps anddense and gloomy forests—ask i'77, nothing, yielding nothing, and only leaving thu geld the better to re-enter it for the combat-i We tako to ourselies some credit for having secured foronr colunins the dig's tfccurres of this master,pen, hnt we intend to pine the NEW YORK MERCURY stilla bigliorsinystige than ever. We believe it is 'already the - Beit and Largast Story Papor 11.6 irarld, mai we contemplate making t Ibetter and better, with every successive number, l in spite of all expense and opposition. BAYARD TAYLOR THE NEW YORK MERCURY. • tt a.very heavy expense we have suceteded in securing The Celebrated Poet, Author and Tourist, whose charming lettere from foreign lands have Tong kept the would delighted and interested. - BAYARD TAYLOR, ESQ., -who will hereafter make the SrEncues the only i'erirrient of his inesttimahlo &KETCHES OF TRAVEL one of which will appearEVERY WEEK. We have the happiness to announce, .there. fore, that in the New York Mercury fur 11 rll 30th, 1859, will be commenced i STRAY CHAPTERS 01 LIVIE MVO T %NIEL. rthp initlY;;B:,,!TarDelijMOß, "THE FIRST JOURNEY I EVER MADE." which is considered by the au her—as it un vestioniAdy will be the public—to be his most interesting adventure since the origirtaloutrt able GREAT AMERICAN TRAVELER, and cannot full to be of interest to all. These delightful artistes will he 'BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED with original designs, in the highest style of art, portraying the scenes and characters described in the most graphic. manner.• This new feature is'a most valuable and in. structive one, suited to both young and old, and will render 'THE NEW YORK MERCURY worthy of a leading place, as the most refined and elegani of ail FAMILY PAPERS. Since the first announcement of our engage. ment of M v., TAYLOR, we have r'eceived a flood of inquiries from all Tarts of the-Union, relative to the enterprise, showing that public expectation is on the tip-toe to learn the partieulars'regarding the charactet of his contributions. As it is im possible for us to answer these in detail, we can only refer our-friends and correspondents -to the New York Mercury for Atoll 30th, where the first -of these sparkling and popular sketches will be found. As no other Ameaican has ever traveled so extensively as"llayard Taylor, and no other i traveler can see things 'with the eyes of Ameri en. we need not furthir eulogize the value of ! these • emanations of his mind and obversation, t' to the rending public:it is sufficient to say that -they will greatly enhance the high character that ' th e MEncehy has ever maintniued, and that has heretofore rested upon many eause3,solTl6 of the most importaut_of which may be summed up as follows: . • - The Mercury employs moro literary talent than any other paper. The Mercury pays more, and higher prites • for that talent, than any other paper. The Mercery is constantly announcing new, startling, and brilliant additions to its ialready unrivaled fund of attractions. The Mercury is it lustrated by F. O. C.:Darley, Esq., the greatest artist of thin century, and his beautiful pictures are thus brought within the rea.:h of the entire public. The Mercury is the oldest and most firmly' ' established literary journal in America. The Mercury during years of its prosperous- existence, has published a larger number of popular original tales, romances, and sketches, than all its imitators comb:oed. The Mercury must be seen to be appreciated, and we are fully determined to make its name familiar es a household word," with every fam ilk in the land. The Mercury is for sale bY all neWs.dealers and bookselleni in every part of the country, and subscriptions are received for it at every Post Otree.. It will be seen by life foregOing announce. ment, that'thellnacenV for-April 30th, 1, , Will be an excellent number for subieribera to date, their subscriptions from. TERM'S; cash in Advance,-Two dollars pet' an. nub. Three copies for Five dollars; Five co. pies, Eight dollars; Eight copies, Twelve Ant lers', With a gratis copy to the gt4er np' of the Club Address, • . Cantwell, South icorits ar, Mai Iner t Preprietois New Yoik Mercury, A 21n New York City. EMMEI iir*Tßziy, 4t. 4 oT .• • A 4 READY-PAY SYSTEM TT is certain that Goods can be sold successful '. ly fin Montrose and at Susquehanna Depot FOR CASH. Those doubting this assertion will do Well to call at the stores of 6atiolbtrl, llosenbatin, k where it will be proven that the Merchant in selling his 'Goods can afford to sell Cheaper ,forrmsh, and can offer inducements sufficient to make it pn objeet to Purchasers, at whatever sacrifice they are obliged - to make, to procure the Money to adopt in their - Purchases the CASH SYSTEM. We have just !waived and are constantly re ceiving, a splendid assortment or • SHIN & SUMMER GOODS, adapted for this season, and which will not fail to give general satisfaction. They were pur purchased under the most favorable circumstan ces, and wo are enabled and WILL offer and sell at prices far below others that will give and have given in everlasting Credit; no matter whether it it Tom, Dick, or Harry. • . EXAMINE, COMPARE AND JUDGE OUR DRY GOODS!' An ruiaortment heretofore unequaled by anything ever offered kr blontroee. Fancy and Staple Dry Goods I Comprising many new and desirable strips - of Goods no-known in this market, among which will be found, in LA DIES' DRESS GOODS, All the novelties of the season, cheap at qUTTENBERG, BOSENBAUM,& CO'S SHAWLS ! New and elloiee styles - dr Brodie double and single, Stella, Plaid, Wool, Ttlin and Mantilla, and a new style of Chenill Sitwli, cheap at Tiatttubtra Ilostubaum, s. allTUtilli ' An assortment always on hand,also Ladies Cleth - and Trimining to coatch, , ot all shades, cheap at Guttenberg '4losenbaum, & Co t s. EMBROIDERIES! in this DeParibents o. 4 6tab.ofer great int!ncej went*, as they are purchased directly from im porting houses. The assortment comprises French 1. etts, Sleeves and Collars. Worked Edgings nod Inserting, and a great mans more art'. _ cies belong to this line too nutnerons [omen'. ' • lion, cheap at G UTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM, & CO'S Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers 1 and Plumes, Wire, Stiff Net tinge and Frames, at Wholegal() and RVail,cheap al GLITTENBERG, ROSENBAUM', & CO'S. Domestic Goodsi May be found all the different qualities of Printn, Girighaps, Blenched Gonda, Fine Unbleached Muslims, Ticks, Stripes, theites,,Sheeting, 2 1.2 y'cis wide, cheap at GUTTENBERG. ROSENBAUM, & CO ':3 READY MADE iCLOTIING, As - this id one of' their PRINCIPAL BRANCHES OF BCSINESS in. New York City, they certainly have one areatv.dvontage over all the rest of Clothiers; they having one Partner steady in New York city to devote all his time to this particular branch of manufacturing. They vii I furni,h. at ,any time, a Geed Garment at about the same price for which the material call be got. . They will warrant their work and a complete fit or no par. They keep constantly on hand one of the best stocks of OVER AND UNDER COATS Such as crock, Dress, Raglae',,apd Eneks PANTS In Great Variity ontt Different Styles VESTS! Such as VulTeti Caasinuir, arid Satin, cheap at 410 GOTTE:NI3 . ERG, ROSENBAiiNf, & CO'S. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER; of the Best Material at Short Ncitice. Under Garments FOR I. DIES a 5 WILL AB p ox GENTLEMEN, such u Silk, and also Lambswool, cheap at GUTTENBERG, ROSENRAU,II,4: CO'S ONE WORD IS SUFFICIENT FOR THE WISE TO OCR smwous FRIENDS ==l CUSTONIERS And in particidar to those knewhig themselves indebted to us, we will lay -out) more that we will sell for Ready Pay hereafter, and all Ae neunts Izmir . Notes most be, settled withouffer. the Notice. We urn tired - of writing Dunning Letters and Seekrting the Pos,tolßee,snd there by losing.. We *ill pike all of (irdlo at tbo Highest ittarket-Pricee for Nynent. and till Accounts • etsndino over Six Nooths_ on our Books -will be left for collection- finless nettled by Note: . • Onttenber4,.ll.osebaunt, Bfollreir, Pa,, 131 h: 18,58. "BUSINESS GOES - NM BEADY PAT STORE AT' HE HEAD OF NAVIGATION. THE subscriber having just, returned from New York, would most: respectfully inform his friends (if he has any) and the public gener ally, that he is now prepared to serve them with 1c Sodbs—Alouglit for asV,' skthe old stand formerly occupied by C. W. sfott., Where he will sell for Ittuntr.Psv at ITICES tha • will suit everybody., His stock consists of Choice Family Groceries, of all kinds, Stone Ware, Wooden Ware and Brooms, Boots and Shoes, Ladies Gaitent—for_ 65 cente, Prints, Delains. Heavy nod Fine, Brown and Ke' ached Buntline, Linens,• Canton Flannels, Drillings, Towelling...Jacquard Diaper.rieks,Apron Checks, Denials, Striped Shirting, Pants and Vest Trim wings, Seamless Begs, Cotton Batts,.White and Brown Knitting Cotton, Veil Barege, Gloves and Hosiery—large assortment. Yankee No tions, &c., &c., &e. HENRY C. TYLER. Montrose,April, 1859. LA DIES who like a splendid article for the Hair please call at Tru.s.'s and-get a bottle of Burnett's Coeoaine—best 'and cheapest in use.. Also Lublu's Extracts fur the Handketchief— first quality. H. GARRATT, WHOLESALE AND RERAIL DEALER IN FLOUR, ORAIN, SALT, IC, NEW MIL1 1 01111,'PA. (Sale Room, 'Pratt's Office.) WILL keep' constantly on hand the beat brands of FLOUR—by the Sack or Hun. dred Barrels;—at the lowest market prices. Alao, SALT—by the Single Rural or Load. All orders from MerchantS 'and Dealers will be promptly attended to. *;* Cash paid for Grain, Wool,Peits, Hides, and all Farmers' Produce in their season. H. GAItRATT. - New Milford. April 2d. 1859. NOI ICE. undersigued haviog entered into a part. T nership with Mr. 3. %V. Tyler, has closed up-his old Books and opened new ones for the firm. lib Is desirous of settling Up the old Books as soon as possible, and therefore appeals to all who Have unsettled ,accounts to Ball sod irrange the same without delay. P. CARPENTER. flarford, April 4th, HATP . every intelligent man in this comfau ',l_ nay should not know that a new arrange ment has been' wade by WEAVER & ATHERTON, AT VIE STEAM MILL SHOP, loft CALRYING! OS VIE WPM:EU OF Blacksmithing, _ and Carriage-honing. ner i strizr know thin to be a fact but for the benefit of the ferverr who do not, we would say that We are prepared too any work in our line, whtellmay be intrusted tons. in the most durable manner, the most approved style, and in the shortest possible time. All our work warranted to give good satisfaction. JAMES M. WEAVER, JERRE L. ATHERTON. Montrose, March Ist, 1859.-6mtf. TO BE-HUG! EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK !! . (SUNDAYS' EXCEPTED,) Over 2,000 Pieces of Wall Paper! BESIDES Bordering, Window Shades and Window Curtain Fixtures—a largo variety. For fdrthcr particulars ILleaso call at A. N. Bullard's Book Store, first door north of L Searle's Hotel, where you ran find alio a largo and superior assortment of Books and Statione ry. Ycokee Notions, &C., &c, &c., all-of which can be had far cash at,ss low prices as goodcot the sam e . quality can be boughtl'or any where in this vicinity; Bing4aFton, not excepted. A. N. BULLARD. Slontrose. - Nfarelt gth, 1859. • KEYSTONE - HO TEL , . At Montrose, Penn._ WM. E HATCH., Proprfotor. IpHIS new - and commodious Hotel situated on Public Avenee..near theCou'rt flouse,and nearly in the centre of the business portion of Megrim°, is now fu ly completed and furnished, and will be opened ou Monday. the 27th day of the present month for the accommodation of the public and travelers. The Proprietor feels confiient that he is now prepared to entertain guests in a manner that cannot fail to give. Complete Satisfction. - The Hotel and Furniture are new, and nn ex pense has'been spared to render it equal, if not superior to any similar establishment in this part of the State. It is well . supplied with all the recent improvements and comforts, and obliging waiters will always b's readyto respond to the, call of customers. . The:stables connected with this Hope are New and COnvenient. The Proprietor respectfully solicits thepatron. age of his old friends, and the public generally. WM. K.. HATCH. Montrose, September 2lst, 1858. I cavilers' Examination. Meetings for the purpose of examing teachers to be employed in the summer schools, will be held in the different towns An follows: 31'town, May 2, BoldsYin'is Sant 9 o'clock a. m. Apolacon, " Buffum's S. H. at 9 o'Llock a. m. Choconut, ", 4, Clark's S. 11. at 9 o'clock a. m. S. Lake " 5, Brackney at p. o'clock a. m. Liberty, -" 6, Brookattle at 9 o'clock a. in. Franklin, " 7, Snuilt,Scli.ll. at 9 o'cloik a. in. Bridgler, " 9, Montrose at 9 o'clock a. mi. N.Milford," 10. Graded S. B. at 9 o'clock a. tn. Gt. Bend, " 11, Lodernille, at 9 o'clock a. m. tieimony, " 13, Lanosboro', at 9 o'clock a. ta. Jackson, " 14, S. H. No. 2, at 9 -o'clock a. m. Gibson, " 16, Union H. S.H. at 9 o'clbek a. m. Hayford, " 17, at 9 o'clock a. m " 18, Tingley's S. H. at 9 o'clock a. in. Clifford, " 39, City School 11. at 9 o'clock a. m. Herrick,. " 20, Uniondale at 9 o'clock a. m. Ararat, • " 21, Church at 9 o'clock a. m. Thompson" tn, Center at 9 o'clock rt. m. The examinations will be about equally divi• ded between the oral and written methods. Each applicant should be supplied With at least two sheets of fools-cap paper, several pens and a pen-holder o and ink, • . All who would teach during the coming Slim, mer will at once see the nectissity of .attending the public examinations, when their understand that immediately upon their close I shall be • en. gaged in visiting schools in diff'eren't parts of the county, and consequently - attend to any more examinations,—not being able to visit my post-office, oven, oftener than once in from two to four weeks. . , All Should be present at the appointed "boar. Sony admitted to the ChM after' the examination entomencea. a F.TEWKSBURX,. County Superintendent. .. . April 4th, 1859, BUY They are the ,best Caliente yetAfferett to the Public for the money. WHOLESALE AGENTS: • DEFOREST, ARMSTRONG & 00 , ,FEW Tonic. [inbl2mB. • [THOCRAPBS---A NE* SUPPLY. Def. 15t..1115g. -A. TURRELL. Ft.El Ma CI 'VILLA . G. F. roRDHASE AS: removed ids shop across the street, to • 11. the huilding one door below -. Keeler CU. Slodderd's, which he hesttted up espressl.7 for • Saddle, Harness and Trunk efiep where may he found ell Idnds of lECALII.' .1110416 from the heaviest team, to the lightest trotting harness, sad a genera issorment of trimmings, which will be made up or sold very low. Carriage - Trimmings: A good assortment on hand; which will , be.sold very low; all trimming done cheaper than else where. • OAK LEATHER on hand, from which harnesses will be made sin! "ViTetriest,taftecl. * * *Customers .will,please bear in mind that! wish to settle op once a year. Those having unsettled accounts, or notes tine, 'Will save costs 'by settling or making payment without further delay. FoRDHAm. Feb. 24th, 1859..] Montrose, Pa. Co ;gannets - aub . ifyiriners. THE SUBSCRIBERS OFFER FOR SALE 60,000 BAiiRELS,OF THEIR NEW AND IMPROVED POUWITI, LODI MANUFACHRING COMPANY, ATANUFACTURED from the night-soil of New York city, in lobrtcesuitspurchaserk This article (greatly improved within the last three years) basbeen , in the marked fur eighteen years, and still defies competition, as a manure tor Corn and•Cardsn Vegetables, being cheaper, ricrie powerful, than-any other, and at the same time free from disagreeak odor. Two barrels, (83worth) will manure, an acre of corn in the hill, will save two - thirds in labor, will cause It to come up quicker, to grow taater,ripen earlier, and will bring a larger crop on poor ground than any other fertilizer, and it is .also a pre ventive" to cut worm; also it does nut injure the seed to put in contact with it. be L. 3f. Co'. point to their long standing reputation, and the large capital ($100,000) in vested in their-business as a guarantee .that the article they make ahallalwaya be ofauch quality as to command a ieady sale., Or Price gl.5 0 per barn, for an y quantity over slit, barrels. • . . tge A Pampl4, containing every loformaticm, 4 %yin. be sent [FREE) to any o applying fur the same. Our addreas i. -. . . .:. -GRIFFING, R ' ERS& Co-,-, Agiieultursl Warehouse, GO Courtlandt St. i • - -'" , - NEW YORK. ;March VI, '56-3m. FREE EXHIBITION! MAY BE SEPT DAILY, P LIKES' TM HOPI FrOtn 6 a. m. to 10 p. m, Ekt Yattst *skins! Comp;ising the Greatest Variety • a 'GENTLEMEN'S COSTUME ever preaersted to the public. mh24 . 1:14R. JOHN W: COBB, PEYSiCIAN & SURGEON, Montrose, Office onTiibiie Acentie, ni)pAlte Searlets Hotel, March Ist, 1859.—tr. The GREAT .11,113.5SSADOlkoillINALTII to all naakind A Boon . tothe Sick IrrllE want of a sterling medicinal to meet the ills - andtfueeessities of the suffering portion of humanity, and one entirely free from mineral and otherdeleterious particles, was severely felt until this all powerful medicine was ushered into the world; HolloWay's invaluable Pills have be come tho• Household 'Remedy otiall tuitions. Their attribute is to Prevent,es well as to Care; they attackthe radix root of the coinplainikand removing tha hidden cause of diseaite reinvigor ate and restore the drooping energies of the sys tem, assistin nature in her task of Vital aml Functionary Reformaticu... - Dpapcpaln. I ; great szoc . rge.. of this continent . yields quiekly to a course of these Antiseptic Pills, eel the digestive organs are restored to their proper tOtie; no matter in what hideous shape this hy dra of disease exhibits itself, this searching and unerring remedy disprses it front the Mac:leap° tiyalata. . ..; ," • Gerernl Debility rind arettketesi. From whatever cause, Lownessef Spirits, and all other signs of a diseased liver, and other organiiations of the system, vanish ender the eradicating influence of this all powerful anti septic and detorgentsemedv. Dillon. Disorders, . , The proper quantum and right condition of the bile is of momentous importance to the health of the human frame, this Anti. Bilious medicine expels this hidden seeds of tits complaint, and renders.all the 'fluids and secretions pure and fluent, cleansing and resuscitating the vital func tions of the body.. sickly Females. . Should loose no time in tryingn fa y doses of this regtifetiqg and reqm;ating remedy, whatever 'may be 4heir - complaint, it can be taken with safety in allyeriodica I a nd other disorganizat ions, Its effect" is all but miraculous. . , re In ted Proof. • The t e stimony of nations Is unsnimonsly borne to the health-giving virtues 'of this noble remedy, and certificates In every living language bear witness to the Undeniableness-1S the .In trinsie Worth. liolloway's.Pills arc the besvenietliknolen in the , world fur the joiltiirtit diseases: Asthma,- DlarrsMa, Influenza, Stone and Bowel. Coin-Dropsy, Jnflatnation,Gravel, plaint,;. Debility, Inward Secondary Coughs, Fever and Weakness, Symptoms, Colds, Ague, Liver ' Venereal Chest Dis-Female Complaints .liffeetione, eases. COmplsints,Lowneas of Worms of Costivenesalleadriclies, Spirits, all kinder.. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Pil e s, EIirCAUTION!—None are genuine unless the %Nord,' kilo/Emmy. Nelo York and London." are discernible as a. IVat - er.mark in !every , lest or the book . of directions around 'oky. ch .pot Or box, box; the same may be seen bholding the leaf to the light. A handsome reward will be given to any one rendering such information as may lead to the detention deny pariy or parties counterfeiting the medidnersor vending the same, knowing them to .be grurious. . Sold at the' Mnnufacioriea ot Professor Hott-ouras, 80 Sfaiden Lane, New York and by, all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medi cine throughout the United States and . tbetAvii. ized wprld, in-boxes NI cents, 63 cents and SI each. Mr" There is considerable, saving by taking the larger sizes. . . . • . N. 13.—:Directions for the gnidanent of pollinate in every disorder are affixed to each box.- June - 3d. 185 R —ly. , ARDEN SEEDS.F.t.S4akers' and tither I ‘ ,T kinds--a large_ r quantity-11v tbcpoond or paper—jasl. arrived M' TuRRELLT. March 31e1 186?. O F ' IC : 44 0 .4;2 *ACO,OO PA - 1 -. ..9 1;4_111 A FULL COUltiE IJ Tiik. ;IRON• CITY COL LEG E; tire largest, most extensively patrenized and beg organized COMMIE SCHOOL Pi THE United. ettriitee: 357 Atubents attrahni MARCEL 1859 -Usual lime romplote Lull courde fr9m f. to 10 wpt•ka. .Berry zitui)ant; upon gradupting, ia.guarantroil to. tot rotnpefont to. al3ltage, Oita Books of any, llusism•toq and riti,litied tweartt a isaiari of from _ -• , $5OO TO $10 . 00: . stadras enter At any time—Ne Yee:atm:— Review et pleasure. €3l.7Prenaluaaiss FOR BEST PENNMANSHIP AWARDED IN -lis tar Ministeni Sons recei;•.ed . •,„• For Ciro:Aar and Spi•ciniena.of Writing, inclobo two later stunlpq, and nddreu. F. W. JENKIXB, Pittsigari, Yr April i 4th,l Br 9 7 1.. t p: 9.* BIT/ ElfitAlffitatslllo. B. MON, 1, CO,. WOULD respectfully announce , to. the T t :elm of husaville Center and. adjoining country, that they are prepared tat furnisttittlnaost" everything that is usnalli called fur in a c-utpti= try stove., roulisti, of , DRY GOODS! • Viz: Black and Plaid Silks, Chilla Robes, Lawn Robes; Printed and White Brillants,.Sarceflet, Cambrica, Dotted Skisa.MOslips, Calicoes—the - moat splendid stock yvithout carpi - 16°n thatsvas. ever brought to Susquehanna. County. ..Palm Leaf Hata—in 20 varieties Silver. Gear, Brown ,sod Fancy Leghorn Hats—in every variety; Ito. Rata. Parasols and Umbrellas—of every .style and price, from 8 la. to 2.4 a.. ,Einlirnidprni; Collars, Under Sleeves, "Ribbons--immonsc stock. CROCKERY—in six different atelea— in Tea and !Inner Setts. WALL PAPER—,a Very. large stock. All kinds Of FARMING TOOLS—of the Most approve 4 .It/ fine, a very large stork' of, everything pertaining to the meremtile business, on the must favora ble terms of in the country.. Cash trade especjally_pteferred, but all kin.da of Comm, I try ['reduce taken in exchange for Goods, and the h'ehest market price paid for stone. BOOTS sind SHOES form a prominent feature of c a very large Stnik of Goods, and: willbe foond eim style and variety._ GROCERIES,—a very , large stock. DILUGS and .11EUIC1NES, - itnd GLASS. I URNIlTRE = sucli as Chaii-s and Bedsteads-L. from 18 a. to 06 OU. . • , Soliciting ri,verr n large Sa° of trade ,zor.thr new ; firi We're 'al a i , • rerpectfellx at the, metrics. public. • R. KEN YON, JR- "it CO. Lawaville Centre. Pa, April 10.1859. 11T4CorriCEI. ' LL ipdebted to the Into firma of G. W ~- A SEYMOUR. dt. Cp., GUILE & 13r-00t....0, or 11. a. Co. either by", Note pr Book. -, account are eprri.stly rrytested rYt orron A._ sCtrArxr.,-E l sn or G. BLAISDING, dud Se ttle with out delay; ae their Books MUST nr, CLOSED, IM• VEDIATELV. - H. G. . Harford. April 4th 1,659 —6w. ..Ir—a CP EP! In o? no:rrli . antroce., BREAsT -.. ; pi N. , with,the. letters." k. C." in the centre. Any per son finding it will be.-tcwsraed by leaving , it it the Montrose POST OFFICE:. ap7tf .IF . CO3R. SVALT-aM: SEED - HEA T: China Tea. and,other, varieties. SEED CORN Conklin's Premium, King Phillip'. § ItnirO'ed from Orange county, New• York, and Connecticut River, PEAS i Early Emperors, Early If ay, faro WE WILL H4VE THE GENUINE HUNGARIAN GRASS SEED!! FOICSEEDING. BALDWIN ALLEN Montrose, April 13th, 1859.-4 w. A: C R D GtESON, Nov. 22d, 1658., WHERF:ASthere have been some %tat r;ments made by me against H:EBEKA A. KELLE.Y, and whereas maid R., A. ICelley ha, MAnweneed a Snit against we in the eemmon pleas of Sits. quebanna cot for trespass on the ease, now foi Lite sake un of y a /Settlement of'said suit and peace and quietness.' make the folloWing knowledgment*: first I regret that E ever said anything about said Kelley, and -at. this time withdraw all -charges against her that I hare made and do not balieve her. at this time to' be F. BRUNDAGE. much+ • Sr 1559. WE otlIE - BOUSD TO GO' AHEAD! -GO SEE, IHE LARGE STOCK OF TEN GOODS just received it the Original One Price'and Ready-Pay Store of II y DEN BROTHERS. The PeoPlea jgetsts nro otillnori:ttith a large etnck oi Good* colorising sinple,a; panty, ory*GoOdy, ' _ • flats Caps . Boots . & Shoes. Groceries 41'. Provisions, Flour & Sall; , . 'Waukee- Notion., Watches ;Jewelry, -- • & `WittoW Paper,- • Wooden Ware. and we bltve one !boa sand and one things boaidea. , We will say to cz OSE BUYERS if you want BA ROAIS CALL anti SEE HAYDEN BROTHER! New, Milford; Pa., Jan. Ist, 1859. , 3,000 ROLLS WALL PA PER. __. . . 10 :-DIMENT-S11111:- BORDERING, WINDOW P - AfEk&C_., A NEW SUPPLY, intearriv'tia,,^and for sale 2% Ore:T., by ' - TURRELL VET - 001)8, in=rtiy lint o 1 bwl~sitti;etho: ill ing every wettk. ATTL TVRREtri March 2401, sIP6- . • Slarrom;fatm