The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 05, 1859, Image 1
A. J. GERRITSON,-PUBLISHER. GROVER & afiI:FER'S CELET3kR4TED FAMILY SEWING - MACIIINFk. Neur.gtvles—PFicer , frogu'Bso to' 9123. EXTRA. cruncr. OF . $ 5 - FOR REMMERS. 495 Brood Way Now York. 13:C11 AN DtElt, AGENT, MoxTßosE. These machines Sew from two spools, as pur chased from the store; requiring no rewinding of thread; they Ilcm,"Fell, Gather, and Stitch in a snperiiW style, finishing each seam by their eft operation, without recourse to the handneedle, as is required by other machines. They will do bet ter and cheaper sewing than a seamstress can, even if she works for one cent an hone, and -are, unquestionably, the best Machines; in the market for family sewing, on account of their simplicity, durability,. ease rf managemenVand adaptation to all varieties of family sewing—exemning either heavy or fine work with equal facility._ arid withoit t special adjustment. As evidence of the,unquestioned superiority of their Machines,. the Gaovas & Bitten SEW ING M.IOIILINE eo:nri,Nv beg lesee to respectfully refer to the fu Lowing TESTIMONIALS: "Having; loot one of Grover & B.ikerls chirCes in oily family for nearly a year andThalf. Ltake . pleasure iti.comuicniling it as every way reliable f'r the purpose for which it k designed Sewini.t. —M rs. Josh Oa Leavitt, wirc. of R d r. Dr. Leavitt, Editor of N. V. Indepen dent. I confess myself - delighted with your Sewing which has.heen in my famillfor many utcinths. It has aliv r aysi been ready for _duty. requiring no adjustment, and is'ersily adapted to every variety of family sewing, bF simply changing the spools of thread."—Mrs, Elizabeth Strickland, wife of Rev. Dr. Strickland, Editor of N. V. Christian Advocate. "After trying several mood machines, I inefer yours, on account of its simplicity, and the per fect es*e with which it managed. As Well as the strength and durability of the searp. After lung experience, -I feel competent to speak iu this manner, and to UOTlfidentrlY recommend it for every variety — ef family sewing."—Thst. E. B. Simmer, wife of the Editor of Brooklyn Star: ''r have used Grover S. Baker's Sewing' Ma chine for two years, and imvy found it adipted to all kinds of family t.ewing, from Cambric. to Broadcloth. Garrnents hare worn oat out the tzleing way of a stite - h. The !Machine is easily kept in order, and,easily used."—Mrs. A. B. Whipple, wife of _Rey. Geo. Whipple, New York. " Your Sewing Machine has Leen in use in lay family the pant two years, and the ladies request me to give you their testimdclials to its perfect sdaliDdnes , i, as well na labor saving qualities in the perforaiartee of family and household now ing,:"—Robert Boorman - . New Yoi.k. 3 " - For several months. we have hsed ("rover S. Baker's Sea ing machine, and have clime. to the .eeneluZin that every lady who desirtis - her sew ing beautifully and errickis done, would he m tst fortunate in possessing one of these reliable an d indefltigable • iron needle-women; whose com bined mtalities of beauty, strength and simplici ty, are imalunhte.':—J. -W. .lorris, daughter of Gem Geo. P- Alurris, EditoNf the Home Jour. [Extract - of rt letter from Thee. R.. Leavitt, Esq., an Amerieen gentleman, now residiMt in Sydney, News.utli Wales, dated Janiary Mb, tis3.] • * I had.a tent made in Melbourn, in 1853, in which theie were over three thousand yards of sewing done with nue of Grover & Baker's Ma chines, and a single seam of that has uutptoed all the'thmbie shams sewed by sailors with needle and twine.". "if Homer e4uhflie called up from Ms murk . ). hadesi -he would , iorr the advent of Grover & Baker as a more benignant miracle ut art than was. evil- Vulcan's smithy. He would.denounce midnight skirt making 'the direful,spring of woes ounumbered.'"—Prof. North. ."I takepleasure in saying, that the Grover& Baker Sewing Machines have .more than sus tained my expectation. After trying and return ing others, I have three of theta in operation in my different Otis, and, after four years' trial, hrive no fault to find:'—J. IL Hammond, Stnawr of South Carolina. : "'AI! wife has had one of Grover & Baker's Fain ilySewing, 'Machines for some time,and, NMI satis fied it is one of the twat labor-riving machines that, has .been irented- I take much pleasure in ri-commtMilug, it to the public.".—d. G. liar. ris, Governor of Tennesse: - It ivr beautiful thing, and puts everybody into an excitement of good humor. Were I a Cotl;lie, I should insist upon Saints Grover and Baker haring an 'eternal holiday in cornmemora , tion of their good deeds for humanity."--iCassi us M. Clay. "I think it by far the beat patent in tie. This 'Machine can be adapted from the finest'ismbric to the heaviest cassimere. It' sews Cromer, faster, and- more beautifully. than erg one can imagine. If -mine could not be replaced, money eculd not buy it."—Mrs. J. H. Br own, Nashville r Tenn. "It is speedy, very neat er and durable in its work; is easily understood and kept io repair. I earnestly recommend' this Matibipe to all my acquaintances and ethers."—Mrs. M. A. Forrest, litruptiits Tenn. - "We find this Machine to workjo our satis rfaction, and with ) plessare recommepd it to the as we believe the Grover-&l•Baker to be - the best Sewing sfachine use."--Dmtry Broth. ers,agorae; Tenn. . "If usect exelusively for family purposes, with ordinary 'cafe, I will wager they will last one .*.three score years and ten,' and never'get out of fit."—LJohn Erskine. Nashville. Tenn.. • "I have had your Machine for mural weeks, and aw perfectly satisfied that ihe..;work it does is the best and ' mo.t beautiful that. ever was made.*--alaggie Aimison , Nashville, Testi. • "I"uie my Maehirte epos coats, dressmaking,,, pd fine linen stitching: add .the work is admit , rable—failetter than the .best haed-sewing, or `any ether machine I have eves seep."--Lucy B. Thompson, Nashville. Tenn. . " t . find the werk the strongest and most beim. tiful I have ever seen, made ..either by hand or machine, and regard - the. Graver & Baker,Bfa. ehine as one of the greatest blessings to our sex."--birs. Taylor, Nashville, Tenn. EV - SEND FO# A CIRQU,LAR.jd f 617 $27"10e.13 ASHY . . - ".WE 30114 ounsEtvEs TO NO . PARTY THAT DOES NOT C THE maul AND BE S'E'EP - TO THE HIUSIC TIOCE inuoimp -Written for the Democrat C 0 ILt - -0- DT NELLIE CLIFTON The royal Isabella was holding. a jubilant festival in her prowl palace at Islitdrid, to celebrate the subjugation of the infidel Moors, and the Spanish court was glittering_ with trophies from Granada and the Alliambre. There wandered through the'gorgeoris halls. anti gardens gleatnlng with the starry eyes of beautiful maidens and the brilliant dress of gay crevalier,,, a mart of stern, strange aspect. Ile was hebited in the nicional costume of plain, black velvet. Mas:es of raven hair, carelessly arranged, threw the straight, high brow, and strongly marked features; into bold The black, piercing eyes were bent . upon the ground as if meditating the accomplishment of some mighty enterprise. .Lie mingled not with the gay revelers 'and seemed unmindful of the moth around him. That,tul, dark Man was Columbus. Baring waited in said fur the return of hie brother's embassy from England, be laid his l _plans, for seeking out a new path to the East Indies, before the gravions' Isabella. She favored his" project. - We have not to do with him as a courtier but as the man of courage; %hen, embarked on Lis frail vessel, he directed his •cou:se over the boundless waste of waters that . rolletf , bctereen him and the new world. On the morning of the .sixty- lath day after -his emba.kation from Palos he stood upon the deck of the Santa Maria, gating earnestly, almost dubiously, upon the ocean • wilies - ,.. "seeming, by the intensity of his glands., to read the prorniseof the future in 1 the liquid scroll. Suddenly 4Lere grew up--I on -lirs ear the confused murmur of voices in angry- dispute. His distrustful followers 1 ,game pouring upon deck, their swathy faces growing darker with miscontent and belied. , They demanded of Colunabds that he put a bout and return at once to Spain. Words Iran high. They threatened to throw him in the rolling sea if he would not comply with their request With his brow sternly knit; and eagle eve flashing scornfully, he braved all that, reckless band. As if hi, own great sou l wl;l4pered to him a prophecy _of success,' ihe calmed their angry murmurs with the promise that if land' did not appear within three days they might turn batik to their native country. . . 'What dots and nights of torturing sue : pen:e and racking d 'ubt followed to the da -1 trig adventurer. Ali the glory of anticipat ed disogreries—ail his bright dreams of wealth and fame—the success of the Jailing project he bad conternplated for years—all were staked on a single ohat*e.t Ile re-- 1 mei tied firm at his post and !lady ids piers. I i"g Science swept the horizon ,or, some token lof land, but vainly. - .• i The third day of his prokition cloud in I darkness. r Murky clouds shut out every ray {'oflightfrom the star-gemmed sky. Not ' idarker the eight than the soul of the great man as he slowly pac.d his narrow cabin, 1 with hie arms folded 0 -um his heart and his [ brows knit in stern 'thought ; -while ever and anon there came, to his ears the muttered' curses of his mutinous crew.. It was near 1 midnight, when a cry rang out on -the night sir that startled all on beard like the blast of . a crumpet. It was "a light ! a light !:' et that -Ingle exclamation heralded the d,- covery IA a mighty continent and the rising ,of a light that will not set while the cycles of‘ , itne are rolling their ceaseless rounds. ; ver three centuries and a half ago civil -1 iz e d man, for the first time, saw the anturri: 1 nal sun rise upon the primeval forests and ser i dant landscapes of the Western Hemisphere. As his ears caught the "far-off hum of busy 1 mtiltitudes - vet to he," be knelt and kissed !--the ground. Around him gathered the dusky red men, children of another ilime,—another 1 race of beitigswhose voices, with-the howl i of the wild beast,had alone waked the echoes tin these grand , old forests since the Creator pronounced them "good," and • "the morning stars sang together ; !' , It wag a moment of proud triumph for Colartbus, And he found the reward orhis courage, and daring heroism, when he Step ped upon the threshold of the New World and los far-'eeing ken read glorious proph,- cies of the future. Even he could not realize all the greatness of the discover"' his scarcely seconded efforts had achieved. MIS Qum following elo (rent passage closes the Baccolaurate Addres s rtf th H e on. - A. 13. Longstreet, President of the South Carolina" College, at Columbia. to the reeeiit Graduating Class:— "You are embarking upon a strange, world my young friends. It banished Aristides. poi seller] Socratts, murdered Cicero and crucified the Lord of iilorr. The spirit of Themistoe le‘of With., of Anthony and Caiaphas is still in the world—greatly subdued and law hound, to be sure, but not extinguished. You may expect, times to be de praTti by your rivels,condetnned for your pa triotism, and tormented for your benefacters; to have Your confidence abused, your integri ty derided and to suffer a thousand imposi tions in smaller matters—from those of whom you bad a right to expect bett e r tbi ng erb ese are bard things to bear, say you They are, so, my young friend., and you never will bear them as you should unless you take the good, book for your guide, and look daily to its Au thor for supplies of strength sufficient for your trial.- With that chart in your hand, no w launch your barque .upon the troubled ocean of life; and when the squalls strike you,- be at least as prudent as the commoosailor, and be found hard at the helm, with your chart before you and your eye fixed on Bethlehem's star. .Gen. Washington ooce,stopped at a hotel with a squad of suboidiaate officers and' attracted the attention of an.lrish servant. Pat was very attentive to thk general, and promptly:, attended dint. The general observ ed the Irishman gazing at him and his of ficers as they were about departing, and ask ed l'at bow. he liked the looks of his boys. yer Wan," replied Pot. "Pm not competent to judge of the starsin thepresiince of'tbe sun." J A. farmer. charged' his hired man with baying an offensiie breath. 'Thunder and lightning,' said the employee, 'do you ex pect a man to .breathe musk roses for tux dol lars a month r jur Listening to a lady , who;was pouring a stream of talk, Jerrol& whispered to the person near to bim, 'She - will he coughing soon, and then we can strike' in.7l WET•`initll's putt, --AND WHAT CAME OF . IT. DT CARL CAFTRER Three months since I becamean inmateofthe family of Mrs. Jones. 1 use the *on! inmate ad vised!v, since it is well known that Mrs. JO - nes never .takes boarders. In fact, she ex pre ssly gave me to understand thltt the only inducement in taking me was the pleasure she expected to derive from my society—that she Was fsr above mercenary considerations. Of course I feliAattered by the compliment thus insinuated, though. I confess I was some what surprised, since all mercenary consider ations were disclaimed, to be charged -at ti higher rate than I had ever before paid for board. Still, I did not demurat this, certain that I bad at length found a home. Let me - describe Mrs. Jones, my hostess— I should say, the lady of whose tardily I be.: came an inmate. Physically speaking, I should say that she came of a great family, her proper iuns being most aristocratic. She was very gracious and condescending in her manner toward me, fur which, of course, I am properly grateful. She always comes to the table in stiff atin,the very rustle of which betrays her consequence, and impresses me with a profound feeling of my comparative ihsignificance. • Mrs. duties had a daughter—by 'the name, of Sopbrouia. In external appearance ,she was quite unlike her parent, being exceeding ly tall and slender, while the latter was short -and dumpy. Some euthusiistio young man bad ad dressed hor in a col•y of verses, which she was kind enough to show to me, as a sylph. I do nut know much about sylphs—never having seen nab to my knowledge—but I question very much whether sylphs Lays such hair, or nose, with an upward tendency. I have my doub s, also, as to whether sylphs squint. Still, lam far from denying that. Miss Sopbroeia Jones is a sylph, since she wishes to be so con,idered. Mrs. Jones' table would, I judge., be admit ably adapted to a valetudinarian. There he would find no dishes of unwholsome richriesq, nothing likely to lead him to Facer' of eat ing. If, ae some one has said, • the method must:serviceable 'to health is always to rise from the table with an appetite, I can recom mend no place so favorable for carrying out this rule, as that which lat present oc cur. About a week aft , rsmy arrival at my new boarding place, conversation turned at the dinner table upon a concert which was to take place' that evening, by Signora Falls line. I have but a poor memory for Italian names, but that is the name to the best of my reeolleetiom. 'I ersii I could' go,' said the fair Soph , ronia. • .11140 you could, my dear, if you had a gentleman protector,' roplu.d Mrs.' Jones, Lendei ly. Hereupon she began to declaim neon the etittoms of pocitty, which forbade a lady's attending a place of amusement without., R gentleman, lamenting that• Sophrouia bad, on that. actouat, been more tnan once de barred from grafif)iug her' exquisite taste in - Of cour-e, i could not, in politinesa, re- Gain from offering my'•service, altiough I should thereby be prevented from attending the weekly meeting of the club to which I belong. Slthsonia, in great confusion, said she could not think of troubling toe. began . to hupe that she would not, but tier mother quickly silenced her scruples by saying that she was a silly young girl (she's thirty-five if she's a day,) and thawshe must not think of refusing. Sopronia made no further objections, and I had the lea.ure of paying a high price fur E t couple of ticket.. Native not having bestowed upon me musical ear, I could enter but indiffesently into the rapture of my companion, who pro nounced "Signora -Fetaline's singingi although she con , idered her quite devoid of per,onal attraction.. The'Signora being built after the model of Sophronia, I agreed with her in the last bit of criticism. 7:Do you know,' simpered Sophronia, con fidingly, I have myself thought at, times that I was destined by nature,for a prima derma, or an opera singer, like Signora Fala falina - 'Then wby didn't you become one V I 'Because ma bad such a prejudice - against anything of a public character. She felt that I should be demeaned by so doing, and told me I should : be content to contribute to the gratification of my fiends at home. —You have never beard me sing, I pm. sume I' I ha , ' at times beard a shrill voice, in a very high key, as I sat in my room, which struck me as being far from agreeable. I thought it best, however, not to mention this, and answered in the -negative. 'You must not expect much,' coTptinned Suphionia ; 'my voice is wild and noCulti rated. Ma is always telling me that I oueit to pay more attention to it, but I can't never sing except when the inspiration seizes me. If you come in to-morrow eveniog,l will sing fur you,-if ,I am in a suitable frame fur doing so. I expressed my thanks for this disioterest ed kiodnese, and, as the concert was now finished, I proceeded. to escort the tidy As we were pruning through the crowd, it chanced that some one, accidental or other wise, happened to jostle my companion. She immediately clung to my arm, and informed me the; she bad been ineufted. 'Who did it r stammered I,for;my courage was not of the highest order. • In reply, Sopbronia pointed out•a fat gen tleman with a very- fierce moustache, who was standing at a abed 'distance.--lidentally deciding that it might not be prudent to have an altercation With tact a person, I 4 1 istened to assure myoompanion tbatit must hsye been an accident. 'No itArits not an accident. It was intent lotial on bid part. I wish ypu todemandan apology in my name.' • 'Do you not think. it would be better. to Arent him with - effect contempt I , - Sophronis was . by co amine' of thin opinion.- Accordingly, approltched the person ,:who MONTROSE; PA., MAY 5,1859. appeared more formidable to Me the nearet I got him, and asked, in what was meaut to be a resolute }one, what his intention was iD in sulting alady under my charge. 'Sir-r.:r I' be ejaculated, wheeling sharply round. 1-repeated my inquiry in a fainter tone, and suggested Was accidental on his part. - Strokidg his mow ache very fiercely, be informed me , that he aolxplanation to make—that it 1 wife to hear from him at any tinie,l could hide the opportunity. and forthwith • presented me with his earl. With out stopping tti-loOk •at it, I slunk away in the crowd and soon, reached . home. My companioh intimated that she supp6-ed I should seek satisfaction in the usual way. I said something indistinctly—l am not ex actly! sure what—end very thankfully took leavelof the fair Sopbronia in the entry. ' • Od reaching my chamber,. I examined the card which he had banded me, sod found inscribed thereon the name of Captain Achil les grown. lire doubt be possessed the qualities which characterized his great name sake, atid it made me shiver even to think of a conflict with him. „Resolving that I would take every possible means to avoid it, I went to bed and sank into a slumber disturbed by delightful dreams in which I fancied myself shot through the heart by the terrible Cap • tain Achilles Brown. ri • . . Early next morning, while in momentary expectation of hewing the breakfast bell; 1 was startled by a knock at my door. Im mediately afterwards,entered a tall conia'be,ard ed like a bard. He introduced himself to me as a cousin of Sopbronia,and intimated tbat,having heard of my difficulty with Captain Achilles brown, be lied come to offer me his services as a second. Thanking him for his kindness, I intimat ed that I had not yet decided to call out the gentleman in question. 'Not decided l' said my,sisitor,. springing to his fee!, causing me to recede two paces, in some personal apprehension.='Not de cided! but perhaps I do not understand you I' I intimated, rather _uncomfortably, that I bad conscie ntious scruples against the prac tice of the duellc. 'Consciaktious fiddlesticks 1' interrupted my rieitor. 'Sir, you must fight. There is no alternative. A lady - has been insulted vihile under your protection. That lady; i. my cousin. Unless you take mace of it; I mast.' sball be very glad to have you,' said I, eagerly, thiuking to , ' shift the duel upon him. 'YOu misunderstand me, said my visitor, drat , 'Unless you cballene Captain Brown, I shall understand it as_ w personal disrespect for my cousin, and slcall challenge. you.-- Choose 4bict;of-n, Telt will SOO This was said so resolutely that I suc cumbed at once. Placed between Scylla and Charybdi., I avoided the one that was nearest. 'Shall I write the wis4ve I' i9quired my companion, who called himself • Lieutenant Euslace. • Tes ; ' I paid, faintly.' lle sat down at my desk, and- in a few minutes prodUced thenfullowing : CiPTAIN ACRILL.EB BROW] Sir :—Yoti grossly insulted a young lady, while under my protection, last evening. Aea-man of honor, I call upon you loran ample apology,, or for the usual satisfaction accorded in such cases. I send this by Lieutenant Eustace, who is authorized to act as my second. Yours, dm., • Pr= &slum Having signed thii with some V• in% I inquired as to the character Of:Capt.' Blown. _, 'I don't I:now much about him replied my friend, 'but I presume he is. a regular tire-eater.' • This was coissaling,—very. `SuppOie; said I,in d tremulous tone, 'sop poise yoo • erase the word "ample" before "apology." I shall consider any apology sufficient! 'But I shall tint,' replied the ;Lientenaot, sharply. There was n 9 qiiik to be said. He d.. patted with the 1111111ive, and I was left in 'no amiable frame of mind.. Two hours after the Lieutenant returned • in 'very high spirits. 'llas be apologized!' lintpiired eagerly of 'Not a bit of it,' was tlie, reply. 'Ho says lie will abed the last drop of blood . first: . _ 'What a sanguinary monster be must lie!' was my internal reflection. 'The meeting is appointed for to-morrow morning at sunrise, returned the Lieute nant. 'Weapous-7pistols ; distance, fifteen . paces.' 'lsn't that rather near 1' I ventured to s re v 'mark. *Near tof coarse you want it near. Yon be more apt to bit your man' 'And he'll be more apt to hit me,' I re. joined. 'Of course,' he rt3plied,'you must taktyciur chance of that' I wondered whether be would be so con founded cool about it if he were ;he princi pal. In fact, as I have often observed, sec onds are much more scrupulous about the honor of their principals than they are dis posed to he of their own. I suppose it is human nature. I think s it altogether likely that I might make a fierce second. 'I suppoii you, are used fir pistols,' observ ed my friend. 'Used to pistols I I remember once firing one when a boy, to the imminent danger .of my little sister's life. glace that time, I have not had one in my bands:: As I strolled. otit into the street, is aiuik happy,frame of mindot.newsboy thrust into m y h an d s aß ewspaper, which I mechanically bought. In looking over the 'columns I ob'- served that a boat _Was advertised •as about to start for 'Havana. The hour ofdeparture was four in the afternoon. A sudden thought struck me. Would it not be better for me to embark for Cuba, than stay and bi shot, • since this would be andoubtedly the rank of the duel contemplated. With new-born alacrity, I immediately re paired to 'the &oat, and desired te set the agent. Ire informed as that the bhat Would start at the-hour iodinated. i l-itaked to ace the list of pistengere. Running thy eyd ally down the list, my heart beat rittickly . as my eye rested on the last name. Could it he possible that my'dreadedopponent,Caputin Aohilles Drawn, bad taken passage.—What could be his motive I 'When did thisieitternin book tie name!' inquired, hastily. •An hour since: 'Did he understand that the board started to-day r Ares, sir.' A ' ti 'Will you be littd enough to describe him? Was he tall 'Yes, quite so.' _ 'And bad a black moustache, a dark com plexion, and wore-a large cloak.' 'Yea, precisely. You itn - ow him, then!' - 'Very_slightly,' said I, carelessly. 'By the furdon't think I.shall be able to get away fur a week. I think I won't engage passage to-day. 'We would give very good - aocoutoda look' . 'No doubt of that. By the way, you needn't mention to ,Captain Brown that any body inquired for him. My heart bounded with exultation as I realized that my opponent, whom I had dreaded so much, was about to leave the country for fear of encountering me. What a joke tkat was ! I laughed all the way ii?roe, although I endeavored to preserve my gravity. " • On the way I purchased a brace of pistols, which I ostentatiously displayed on reaching my boarding house. 'To think that you shOuld risk your life for me !' simpered the fair Soplyonia. 'Miss Sophronis,' said I, with suitable fierceness, 'no one shall with impunity insult a lady while under my charge and protec , All the afternoon I practised shooting at w mark, and was never more lively than at the fea-table. Lieutenant Eustace. who was presest,seem ed, as I tbougbt,considerable eurprivid at the change in my demeanorPand puzzled to ac count fur it. After tea, I intitikl the company to witness, my will, which I hid drawn up for the pun, pose of making an impression: I noticed that Lieutenant E-ustace treated me with in creasing repent, while &plains repeated eeveral , times, under her briatb, but loud enough to be heard . by me : ' •Brave man !' Biddle and •otbers4 Small raries were de tached and sent forward tc'elitain intelligence of the enemy. The reture route brought this tome - through the settlement, formerly vbited by Col. liammond; and gave an opportunity to those favorably disposed. to join, which: they did with alacrity, and in considerable numbers. Thus did - Col. H. goon gathering, strength as be moved, bricking up the To ries, and thwarting - the plans and manceuv res of the - TrEish army. I The snccess and , good effect attending the expirlitioo of thia little patriot band throttilit all - the . upper country will b e . remembe r ed si long as his tory and tradition can transmit the story of their sufkrings, gallsintrv, or the State of South Carolina holds a Tingle patriot heart. The party now nunsbeied about one hun dred and seventy men, who paved their work chiefly through the woods and by paths. It'was not long before thy obtained intelli gence of a scouting party of Tories, then some distance in advanealof Furguson's sta r • trots, and instantly - designed • to surprise, and capture them, if possible.— In this, however, Col. Idarutnond's expectations _were doomed to disappointment, for, notwithstanding, his imovement was conducted ' with the greatest I rapidity and caution, the Tories had managed lzy some mean = , to get infdrmation of. his ap proach, and were up and array before his arri val. He emceed . them, however, to within -Inks mile of Fur guson's camp, around which he passed, coming out at k short distance in the rear, and found them 411 in commotion. Lookimg at them fora fewirnoments, be tarri ed away into the road le ding from Eltobo's Mills towards Berwick's Ire works, where tie recruited 18 men.. passing on he reached and .topped at the house of Captain Dillard, who was then with him as a volunteer, and got some milk and potatoes. These refreshments were taken on horseback, n'fine-Ireing alloeed Danger of Rubbing-with Brandy. lto dismount. All this I enjoyed and took the oppor4l - discourse severely open the inviola bility of hon6r, is Manse of whieb every man, ought to be Willing to lay down his life. In the courseof the afternoon, I had the pleasure of witnessing the aailieg of the Ali el, with Captain Brown on board. 'Bow much tint fact contributed to inspire in me these elevated sentiments, 1 leave the reader to judge. sr **.* * • * The next morning, at an early hour, .I pre proceedea to the field, in company with my Captain Achilles Brown was oot there ! I professed a greet deal of disappointment, and insisted on waiting three hours for him. Of course it was in vain. All, however, testifiad to the remarkably courage which I di-played under the circumstances,and t6nd. ered their congratulations. • Sion afterwards I left my boarding•place to the great regret of the fair LSophia. I afterwards learned, that, had I shown the white feather in my duel, it was the intention of Lieutenant Eustace to force me into a mar !lags with his sylph like cousin; on pain of a duehri h himself. The extraordinory 'show of courage which I manifested, impressed ur on, him to such a degree that he thought it, advisable not to offer thii-alternative, lest I should accept the duel, which he was not ail disposed to fight. I have never seen Captain Achiles Brown since the eventful day on which be did me the service to , stil for Cuba, nor bare I any wink to see him. Had he possessed a little more courage, I shudder to think what might have been the result. WO heard the other day of a singular, and, believe \ a new affect of the application of •brandt as a medicine. . A gentleman, con vale-ct ng from en attack of richness, was re commended by his physician to rub himself all over every morning and evening yith the very best brandy. • The invalid accordingly sent to family gro cer, with whom he had dealt fpr years, and ordered a sample of the best old cogoiac. home it came, and that very evening t( was ied.--out ward ly, of course. The convalecent felt better, much better and be continued to feel better for a day or so, until he awoke one morning, and to his lintror, discovered that: his entire cuticle—iit least, where it had been rubbed with the .old• cogniac, had be come of a deep crimson color. • He sprang out of the bed in . alarm. The family wits aroused; a servant was despatched ia hot haste for the doctor. _The invalid's nerves were terribly shaken by this never-be fore-beard-of catastrophe. What could be the vanise of it 1-11 e looked a picture for a painter, as be sat before the 'large looking glass in an arnf-ebaix, and ruefully surveyed his crimson cevenng. It was almost ludic rous; it was quite as bad as Mr. Titliba- Titmouse's predicament about- his purple green hair. But this could be no laughing miitter; it must be some extraordinary pheno menon, as he explained it to Lie wondering and alarMedlarnily. 'And just imag ine, my dear, how I shall look all my life, if this confounded thing isn't cured. Like a boiled lobstirl I shall go by no other asme. Oh, dear! oh dear I' The door-bell rang ; the door opened ;in 'imbed tie doctor. • For an instant he could-nit eontaio biro: self; be bad to drop is a chair-and lath it out. 'Oh, it is very funny to you no 'doubt, DOCtor, but bow would you like to go about all the balance of your days lookibg like as overdone lobster P The doctor borst out again, at: this ; but he saw that - thiti sielt man and family were really alaitned;_and be soon sobere d down into his usual, pulse-feeling gravity: "`litaybe it's the iodine; Doctor t" suggested thcanzions wife. 'Oh, it's ironed no doubt, said tbd patient{ inatilgini the rdiing pumas; stiont in death. The &WO, shook hie beta:. 'Had that rubbing been done_as he pre scribed t . 'Yes, faithfully.' 'Good brandy.' 'Yes, the very best; we use no other.' 'Let me have it. The brandy was brought. The doctor tasted it,' and shook his head again. 'l'll take it. home to examine It chemically. There are so' many tricks among the liquor dealers.' . , . - 'Oll, no fear of that with our grocer. He aelle - none but the best liquora,imported ditect by himself. • ' 'No doubt. Tll look idto it, neverthe less: And, calming the family alairn, the good doctor departed, the poor old clop iao in his pocket. ' _1 That evening came a note from him. "Resit yourself perfectly easy. Thecogniac is,first-proof whiaky,and won't hurt you.. It was tile logwood in it that did your' business.", From the C Revolutionary THE BATTLE OF CE Arrza remaining in the mountain districts just long enough to gsti tbe people-fairly awakened to a sense of - their danger and their Wirongs, - "Col. Hammond Moved to another and more salient point, and taught them, by example in , the chastisemUnt of the. Tories, clearly what their duty was, then passed to North Carolina. Here he[ was soon joined by several partial of 'Whig., whose. united force rendered them sufficiently numerous to justify a larger scope of action. It was, therefore, determined to march back into SoUth Carolina, follow u the Beilish, and gather all the iufoimation they could of their movements and intentions, harass and de , rroy them to the full extent of their ability, and, ntlhe rotyne time, to inflict chastisemilat on the LoyalistS whenever and whe;ef,rer fund. Cul. Hammond now sent out ex presses in varions directions to apprise any Whig parties that might - be fallen in erlth , of ida'utrength and intenti ons. This had the effect of drawing tit him several companies or bodies of men underthe command of McCall, At this point of the jo tney, Cul. Ham mond conclnded totake an nfrequented . path, and cross over to a toad le dine from Ninety- Six to Cedar Springs and o, to Wood's settle ment, near to the Iron Viiolks (Berwick's). Marched sitteen or eighteen miles farther, and arrived at Cedar Spring's., Here the troops were halted, but nolborses allowed to be nosandled, and every man made to rest witbitia bridle in his bend. Vidett were . . . thiesin outlind strict orders given, that if they should see or bear,anY one approaching the camp, not to hail or fide upon them, but run in and give notice without noise. These arrangements completed, the weary troops sought repose. About •Valf an hour before day, the sentry was made aware of-the rapid approach of some one- on I horseback, when suddenly, a :woman at full irpoed, tuirst upon their astonished optics, mid was imrnediste'y conducted into the camp, Where she exclaim ed in anxious and hurried tones, 'Gentlemen ' prepare yourselves, and he in readiness to fight or fly I The enemy wp be .Upon you-in A few minutes, and' they Are strong in num bers." Saying which, she,Pawed on through the camp and- was off full gallop. • o.ri the receiptof this seasonable intellig ence, every man was instantly up and pa pered for the enemy's recepl,m, who by this time came thundering in a full charge; but were firmly met, band to and—the shock was terrible, severe, and deladly. Col. Ham mond in his note says : "IC was ruf dark that it we: hard .to distinguish I friend from foe," and that.',the battle was warm for fifteen or twenty minutes, !hen the enemygave way, and were pursued nearly a nsile," ' After the pursuit was over; the patriois returned to the battle ground and 'took off their dead 'and wounded, and moved on towards ...the iron works. The British lOst in Shis action tweity eight dragoons (Dunlap's regulars) . who were left dear:ton:the .field, beridei some six or eight tory volunteers, and several others who fell upon the road in their lightaltogetber, between forty and fifty. -The whig party had four killed, and twerty-three wounded, most 1 'of them with the broad' sword.—Dtinlap com menced the attack, and bad sixty well equip ped • dragooni, nod one hundred sod fifty volunteer dilation: Something lam than two miles from the: scene of *Mimi, the flying Dunlap met his . seplorl, dffleer, Fargusoo. Their naltadleme amounting to between six Aid . eight hundred, made it nsoesikethat the Americana should. retreat. CoT.'"llaus• " VOLUME . XVI, NUMBER la rpond's note informs us that aeveral of bit wounded being unable to proceed. were left • at the iron works and fell into •Furguson'it kande, but were kindly and considerately treated by that oft:ker. . One.ef these had bit' arm so badly shattered, that amputation be came inalapensiblernectliaary to the salvation of life. TI ere was no surgeon "with the party., or to be httd. What thee was to be, done 1 . The man was too valuable to bi last without an e ffort to eutve.hitit. In this Ailed:iota, Col. Hammond says, "under all the citeium-tances t t determined to • operate myself," 'which he did after this man ner aod.,yrithout a single instrumeet proper - kind, as he tel us, thus t "I, took two com mon case-knives, add Lacked them together until their edges were,aufficiently serrated in the capacity of a saw—ariothir, made - sharp, served the purpose of a regular aroputsting • knife—a sewing needle, heated and beat into proper shape, _formed my Teeaculute.. , Tourniquet vote . * green bioltoty switoh,-heat ed in the fire until soft, sun then twisted to inake it more pliable." With these rude instruments., one of the capital operairons of sorgery was successfully perfume:. t•y non-prefessiotal,entra mares life Bora Up on falling into Ferguson's hands, the invalid stated to rhatr,fficer the. partioulars nf the case, and Furg ;son ordered his surgeon to re move the dread ng and have the arm proper- -. ly attended to. On inspection, the surgeon -. pronounced it as well as ha could do himself, and wisely left it and the man alone. In three weeks this soldier rejoined Col. Ham mend. TLis operation will give 1 a clearer and better insight into the character of the operator than anything we Can easy, and en able the reader to form a proper conception' of the .can. " The information - so opportunely conveye,' - to Col. Hamtnotid and party, was byMr billiard, wife of Captain Dillard, a volunteei with _Col.-Liattmond, and the same lady wh, had furnished the troops with milk and pa - bon e s the evening precious to the betth _ She ieformed her husband that Ferguson an Dunlap, with`their men, came to the boa • the evenings after Col. Hammond 'and b party bad left. That they bad inquired particularly about them, their numbers, , and that sh e bad given as little ieformatis. • • aqossible. In the meantime, Ferguson or . ered her to prepare' supper for himself ar • officers without delay ; and that she,whi • • employed in doing so, beard one ofmle To: officers tell Ferguson he bad just been i, formed that the rebels were to encamp th... night at Cedar Springs. It was immediate': resolve - d to ,attack the Whigs, or, as t British preferred to call them, rebels. hit • Dillard's husbild being of the party, el.. determined to give them notice of the it , pending blow. For this purpose, at soon t.. the table was laid and supper served, slipped away to the stallo; hidled a you horse, and, Without saddle, galloped off tyro'. • her glorious mission, folly under , the in.- pression that the enemy were too nadieror to justify a battle: She arrived justle tin.- • to save the party,. for Dunlap bad been_ser: forward by Fa guson, with orders to law and detain the rebels Until he should xts up with the main force. , For this purpose Dunlap baradrancol rapidly, and charged, but the America: s -.were ready to receive him. He found to h cost, that the rel?cla needed nothing but I-i • presence to detain them, and that it was it - possible to give them his company, or affo•'' them amusement longer than "fifteen t. twenty tninutes,7—so the burly Forgives was forced to a, disappointment, and the bead strong Dunlap to a hasty and inglorio;.• fight.-3118. Dillard reached her liol'ne safely ; and so ended the battle of Ced Sp:leg; in Spartanburg District. - • The patriot party now separOed, goes taking one direction, others another, them. , all bent on the same mission—the &tido. of their country and the destruction of 'h. , enemies. Col. Hammond pasise4 in h. , obligee direction - towards North Cardin securing the country to the right and ti , left, as he went. Late in the afterooon s the third day, subseqpentlo the sepiratici , he re:delved a smoke rising far awaylin tl s• distance and bent his4ourie towards it oh- COO6l t 1 e rablivigor, be:4 much fatigued at:'.: Intensely hdngry, in the hope of finding the • some friendly hand from whom to obis rieston Courier cidenta. 'lefresbment.Nboth for - MID and' beak TI very thought increasing and alarpening tr appetite already made. Soo km:4 ali‘ a. I !uog fasting fur,comfort. On he ro d e, at a nything but a snaire pace imagination picturing savory viands and plentiful repast. - Great,.'however, was to hiv disappointment—st least, act far as a . peasin'g the appetite .was concerned, othe•- wiae, Mitre than tompeosited; fur it was hi : good tontine to be the Rneans • bringing. succor and giving relief to a Etlpless and distressed family. • A party of Totiar, numbered heisted! eighteen and tweniv', bad surrorinded house late is the night, in the hope' of cal • turing its ucctipsnts, but failed in the design, as their approach had been; from a too free indulgence-in the "ardent," rather boisterolts, thus giving mice ~of the intention in time _ . for the sneer to escape'through- the window,, mines their coats and paets. So enraged were the Tories at, the disappointment limy experienced, that they instantly fired the premises, and not suffering an article to be, removed, burnt everything, even going so far as to strip the women of her clothing on their backs down to, and only leaving the last garment, casting them into the fire also. The fiendi.l work, accomplished, they nest. tied the women's hands behind' , their back. and gagged thirri, and in, this. Wre'ched plight, forced thew towitnesa the pruel treat- ment of (flair children, übo bad; for the oc casion, ber4i' stripped of their jackets and shirts; and their young backs lautrated. with the whip, in hope of fercing these :helpless creeturesto disagree the place of their father's. concealment. In the midst of- this brutal treatment, and 'warfare upo, defenceless women and children, they were surprised by Col. Hammond, and craven of their guilty souls ~ sent to give an account'of the deeds done tit the body ! The captives were thee liberated,' and such Assistance es could be given, rendered., This done, Col. Hemasoad pushed owi, hurgi'y, 'weary, atut:in aur other thatiti-pleasant mood, more . read? to fight than anything else, save that death. fying,the cravings of hanger. tor the former there seemed ,rnuott better prospects than tbs latter.. • • FoßTmsz LiOrrs-tbN.ts 081 .110 p thi - O*Airis .•