The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 31, 1859, Image 3

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    lIT, purrWirdnifissods. of Ziegler &
Smith, ( Wholesale. Druz: Paint and Glass
Dealers,} corner of Second and G reen Ste.,
sou base the advantav of select.
ing tour purchases from an extensive and varied
stock ~ f white lead, zinc, col'rd paints
and window glass of-assorted sizes, and
qualities. All of these articies are waked at
tuck piices as cannot fail to suit ilia closeat
FOR 134A.X.a13!
Montrose, March 30th, 1859.-4 w.
-- bn Public Avenre, near Searle's Hotel. .
KEEP constantly on hand a good supply
PA: MEATS of all hinds - . CASH paid for
Heel Cattle,Calres,Sbeep,snd Lambs.
Also tor Hides alai, kinds.
Montrose. March 30th, 1859.—tf.
Grain, Spices, Drugs, Paints, &c.
Avenled March 9th, 1858, by Rurdge.
FIpHIS will is the 'Lest, and will lase longer
1 than any other in Iles. It is the most aim•
pie in constibction.-The most perfect in working.
and the cheapest Of any mill now before the
No. 1-Hand Mill at 88.00
. No. 2 Hand or Power Mill • - 20,00
No. &Power Mill, grinding from 5 to 10 bush.
ela per hour.
Statee_and County rights for" sate. Can be
seen by calling upon the.subsaiber.
• All orders will receive prompt attention.
Founders and machine men will find this a s t a ..
pie article to utanuracture. C. PEARCE,
1.12 South Third Street, Philadelphia.
! !
GF.O. W. MANN, Wholesale Salt Deabi;—
:201. Washing - tea - Streets (directly opposite
Washington Market,) still continues to offer to
the city and cointry trade, all • kinds of foreign
coarse and fine silt, at the very lowest figtires
400r.50 secksind bags. consisting in part of Ash=
ton's celebrated brand for table and dairy use;
Jeffrey S. Dame. Broyenlow's, &c.
:141 - 500u0 bushels Turks Island, &mares, Cu.
r.woa. SL 1.61t0n, Cadiz, Ivies. Nantes, &c...
nil of ;;I•hieh wilt be sold at bargain prices from
vessels, store and storehouses.
Any purchaser wishing to Select from a good
assortment wilt find it to his interest to call.
N. R.—Fine table salt put op in small bags of
different sizes. and constattiv on hand - in ship
itiug order- Also a splendid article of Rock
Ground salt, in quart boxes. pat up and for sale
by the qiontity. in CA,VI4 of Jive dozen each.
"New-York; April Isl . , 1,356.—1y*
BY virtue of sundry writs iuuned by the
Court of Common fPlen4 of Susque hanna
cunty, and to me dircioted, I will expose to
wee, by puWic Yeriduc, at the Court House, in
Montrose, on Saturday, ,the td day of April,
.1"3.59. nt one o'clock, .p. m.. the following de
scribed fin,..e or parcel of bud, to wit:
ALL that certain piece or parcel of land,
o-ituate iu the township of Lathrop, County a nd
State aforesaid—hounded and described as fol.
lows, to wit : on the north by the south line of
John Groft's war.ant ; on the east by the cast
dine of Andi*w Ti bout's warrant : on the south
by land c ontracted byG. A.Grow to lames Wes
cott., and on the..crost by the D. L. & W. IL R.
- Co—containing fills-four acres more or le,..4,vviq!
the apptirtenan,e4f - nn..? , fr.01103 house, one log
barn, and about tif:een acres improved: [Taken
execution at tite suit of Bei! and Tingley ss.
Charles Withey.l
ALSO—AII those certain pieces nr parr..? of
land situate in. the township .of t ki a rld an d
Harmony, Su.tfa Penn's, hounded ~atrid de
scribed as Gale to NI,. lis a lot patented
to Henry Drinker, nn the otitletpl Hale s creek,
containing sixty- acres. mere or less, adjoining
and east of lot No. 7d. en the John Doyle s
map of re-survey of the IVatari on Jar ds, and also
adjoining and Icing west of lot No. eu, on same
map and hounded on the north by the gusque.
hanna river. 'wan./ sawmill and framed house
and barn thereon. and alaiut forty acres improved.
No it, also tot No. 79 on the saute map of
re..iturrev, containing seventy-six acres and twen-
I ty perches..xvith about sit acres improved. No.
also hit Nd, GO on the "sate map of re-survey,
co ot-al:ling 'Timmy acres • and sixty-two perches,
whnlly unitu'iro- ...No 4. also locNo. 61,
as shows by the aforesaid map of re ;
Survey. smear-right acres and•eightv-six perches
of land. No. 5, ale. lot N 0.58 on the ,ame map
of re s trvey c tntainin eezitty-rour acre's and one
bundrekti aid thirty-too perches, unimproved.
No. 6. , a'se lot No. 57 'on the-same map of re
survey, aims and ninetyisix l i
perches, wholly unimproved. No. lot Ntt.
-34 on the same map of re survey; containing
' seventy two and a hull acres, to which has _been .
added 'fifteen and a hall acres from the south-west'
cornair of lot No. 5 on Krone map, and nine acres
. and fifty perches from the north-east corner of
No: 7, on said map—making in the whole of
this _parcel ninety-seven acres, with twe framed
houses, framed barn and sawmill-included in this
parcel. and one shanty and about: fifty acres im
proved. No. 8, *her lot N0..13 on mid map; con
taining fifty acres and eighty-six perches, noim
proved. No. 9,44 c lot No. on said map. -con
taining one hundred and six acres and thirty-
Seven perches, wholly unimproved. Number ten,
also lot number forty-three- on said map, COD
- bdndred and three acres and one hun
dred and two perches, wholly un i mproved:
- Number eleven, also lot number forty-four,
on said map. containing seventy seven acres
and sixty-nine perches, wholly unimproved.
Number:twelve, also lot number forty.five on
said map, containing seventy-eight acres and one
- hundred .and thirty-three perches, unimproved.
Number thirteen, also lot number forty - one on
said map, cojtaining one hundred and sixteen
. And sixty-three perches, wholly uni rb proved.
Number fourteen, also lot number fifty on said
map. containing eighty-fire-acres and' one hun
dred and twenty-fire perches, wholly unimproved
- Number fifteen, also another lot or-parcel of
• 'land known as having been. warranteed and sur
veyed-by the _Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to
- C. L Ward„lying. on the Canewecta creek in
Harmony township, contaiding in the whole two
hundred and thirty two acres. with the usual al
, lot .. .ranee for roads, adjoining, and lying west of
an older warrant in the name.of Samuel Wallin,
and wholly unimproved. ITaken In execution at'
th suit of A. J. Davis vs. F. A. Ward.
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of
t land situate in the township of Lathrop, County
and State aforesaid, bounded and described as
follows, to wit: beginning at a hemlock tree
• the.eouth-west corner
.of lands conveyed to
Elisha Lied; thence by the land east one hurt
aired andhawenty perches to - a post, the said Eli-
sha-Lord's south-east center, thence south nine
... ty,perchewtto a poet; thence west oue hundred-'
and twenty porches to a post, and thence north
ninety perches to the place of beginninv contain
ing sixty-seven acres and eighty pe ?e hes of land,
be the rime more or less, with the appurtenan-
CAA, nue framed house, one barn, one blacksmith
shop, some fruit frees, and about forty acres
improved:. [Taken in execution at the soft of
C. M. Cere and L A. Smith, Committee of
-. Edwin Tiffany, a lunatic, vs. P. S. Bronson and
Anna M. Bronson.l
ALSO.,-.41.11 that certain piece or parcel of
land situate in the, township of Middletown,
County and State - aforesaid, bounded and de
scribed-sa follows, to wit: on the north`by the
public highwiy and bv , Amos Canfield; on the
east by land of Mrs. Shipman; and on the . south
and west by,Otis Rosa an& the public highway;
containing about thirty 'acres, more or less with
the appurtenances, two framed dwelling houses,
one barn, one grist mill and about twekty•five
acres improved: [Taken in execution at the
.suit of D. Bailey. atiriviing partner of D. Bailey
& son vs. Wm. E. Jones.]
ALSO--All that certain pit o or tiarirel of
land .situate • In the township of Thompson,
County-and State aforesaid, bounded Ind de... 1
at:libelrs follows, to wit: beginning 0 en old
basswood stump—being an old witnessed corner
ollote—thence along the line of Jams Burn.
ham's land and land of Charles Wrigfiter north
f or te.isi,e a nd three.fourths degrees oast one
huddred and thirty-six r s to a corner in the
line of said . Wrigkter's ,d, at the intersection
of a cross wail; thence a ag said cross} Nall on
'-the line of other land of said iiiel_Latib north
fitly.two and one-fourth degrees westt ninety.:
',four and one half rods to the end ofswid cross
wall; thence north sevent -four and onefltalf de
-1 green west' thirty-lwo ro s and five links to a
stake on the emit side of leek run; thence up
said creek run south forty-six and three' r foirths
degrees West twenty reds to a 'corner on the
west side of creek run, to the :meth end, neat a
large hemlock on the east • aide of affil rdn;
theneeimouth thirty-nix and a half degrees west, )
nineteen rods and ten links, to a beeelt on the
west side of said run; thence aduth peen and
three - fourths degrees west sixteen tousSnd five
links to it corner near an ash tree s on an old ,
division line of lot; thence on said division line
south frty-six and; three-fourths degrees west
Altrty r ods to a stake and stones in the line of
Williamson 'n Let; thence along said lirie south
forty-three degrees east one hundred eats and
thirty links to the place of beginning; eontain
ing eighty-seven acres, be the same more or less,
with the appurtenances, one barnoind about one
half improved.
Also, all that certain piece or parcel of land
situate in the township , cif Thomson, County
and State aforesaid, •boundrd ,and described av
follows, to wit: on the north by lan&of Ebe.
nexer Messenger. on the east by lands'of Ebe
mere'. Messenger and Charles Wrighter, on
the attetth by land Chits. of Wrighier, and on the
west by lands of Oliver Williams and Alvah •
Mudge, containing, about two hundred and,
-twenty-three metes, be the same more .or less,'
together With the appurtenances, one framed
• h o u se , LW° barns, one horse barite, sheds wood.
homer add other outbuildings, one orchard, lend
about one hunrred and forty acres improved.
[Taken in execution at the snit of SMiley S.
Curtis vs. Joel Lonb.)
ALSO—AII that Certain piece or parcel of land
situate in the townenip of New Milford 'County
and. State aforesaid, bounded and dese4ibed as
fell - owe, to wit: beginning at a pdst in the fence.
it being the south-west certiel- of the .parson
nge lot owned by the Couf.„riegritioeil- church;
thence south eighty-five arid three-fiterthe deg.
eastlo .5-lothi perches to a pest lit the fence;
thence east three and oda-half deg. six arc
four-tenths perches to a pont in the fence, rot
corner, thence north eighty-eight deg. west
two and eight-tenths perches; thence north
sixtv-tivo deg. West eight and four-tenths per.
Oh.; - to- a beech stake,
it being a •corhbr of a
lot anryeted to A. W. Hardie?, by Oglietr Pratt;
thence east three and one-half deg. north three
and one.fourth perches to' the place of begin
ning; containing - fifty-four six tenths per
ches, -be the same more or lee, together with
the appurtenanoes, one building formerly ex
cepted as a foundry, one bara, and all improved.
[Taken in exeenti..n at the snit of Silas Ilamii.
ton to the use of E. Aldrieli vs. Orrin Denten.)
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of
land, lying and being in the township of • Rosh.
County and State aforesaid, bounded and des.
ceihed" as ftliows, to-wit:. On the north by lands
of George Kennedy : on the east by George
Snyder; on the smell] by P. McCauley ; %,on the
west by flames Logan. containing one hundred
and fifty ,acres more or less, 'with the appnrte
nanees, one framed house,and about forty acre.
improved. [Taken in execution at the suit •of
e. Lathrop & Co.'vs. Dennis Crosby ,)
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of letel,
situate in the township of Gt. Bend and Oak
land. Comity and State aforesaid, bounded and
des.eribed as follows. to wit • On the north by
Linda of Washington• Hawkins, and more
late of J. C. Fish ; on the•east by lands Of De
mo, o y and Nrini re. and Thomas; on the south
by Squires and Thomas and land of EL McKin•
Pay ;on the west by- land of S. M. and D. Mon
.-03 and J31:11(.1 Worileh, containing about SOS
acres more or less; with the appertenanees, one
small house. one orchard. and about 6 acres
improved: [Taken in exeention at the Suit of ;
S. H. Dayton to the the of C. S. Bennett vs.
Gilbert Dawkins
Al SO—All that certain piece or parcel of land, I
situate in the township of New Ifilford.Crienty
and ,State aforesaid, hounded and described as {
follows, to wit : On 'the north by land of 0.
Stiiith and Wm. Mathews; east by land nfl_and
D. Jennings, on the eonth by lands of S. Lewis,
and weft by lands of J. Willinms.containing one ,
hundred and fifty-two urea more or less, with
the appurtenances. one (retried house, one fram.
ed barn, one cow honso, one orchard, and about
90 , acres imprnyed. [Taken in execution at the
suit of C. S. Bennett to the use of S. lidtchin.
son S. Co: vs. John A. Dix.)
- ALSO—AII that certain piece or paiCel cif land
situate and lyin g in the township of Seridgville,
(minty :led State aforesaid, bounded and des.
critiell as follows, to wit: On the north byJands
,of Horace Ball, and ~ Bunnell ; on the east
by Jahn S. Williams ; on the south 'by lands of
Drinker. and on the west by John Grise.crintain
idg one hundred and thirty-three acres, with tire
appurtenances, nee house, two barns, one saw
mill, and about eighty acres improved. (Taken
in'execution at the suit of 0. A. Eldridge vs.
Henry Williams.)
All' that tertaln .piece of land situate in I
Lenox township. Susetnehanna county and State
orPeunsylvanin, bounded and described as fol.
lows: on the north by Benjamin Tontjie. Asabel
Wescott. Warren M. Tingley, James D. and
Marcos easrl, and Andrew Conrad; on the east
by Wm ran 'SLTingley, Benjamin Tonrjie, Eligra
Dell, and Andrew Conrad; south uv Elishia Bell,
Martin Conrad. and Stephen J. Millard, rind on
west by James G. end.Ntarcus Case, David Wi!.
mirth, and George Mile 4; containing ,about
471 acres more or lees, together with the tipper
, tenances. 5 dwelling hotiseS, 3
,barns, I black,
smith shop. 9 orchards. and about 900 acr, a int.
ptorell. Ete-•pting, however- 20 acres and 6
perches included in the above description, °wil
l- ed hr Harriet Clerk, and bounded and deseribed
las follows: 'beginning at a stake and stones eon.
ner„of lot sold to Benj. C. Toarjle ; thence north I
t-'9" east 60 perches to a stake and Iterrrett
corner; thence south 8 l-4° 53 4-10th" perrhcs
to a stake and stones corner on the north side
of the Clark road; thence south 'BB 1.2° west
i6O perches to a stake and atones Comer; thence
aorth 6 1.4' eset - 53 4 10th" perches to the place
of beginning; with I dwelling house.and,partly
improved. [Taken in exectltion at the edit .of
C. L Ward vo. Rufus D. Clark.) ; •
ALSO—AII that certain tract or parcel at land
situate in the township of Lenox, County and-
State aforesaid, and butted, bounded and de
scribed as follows, to wit: beginning at at hem
lock, the south Corner of Aaron Rynearson's
laud and the west corner of lands hereby con
veyed; thence by 'Nadir of Hugh Mead,Denty
Coutant and Reuben Baker north forty-five de
grees and thirty minutes east two hundred and
seventy perches to a stake and stones on the line
of the , . Drinker lands; thence along said last
mentioned line south forty-five degrees aud thir
ty minutes east seventy-four perches to a en*
nee in the marsh: thence by land of Greif Titi
ny south forti-five degrees and thirly minutes
west fifty-four perches to d Maple; thenear south
twenty-seven degreer east seventy perches to n
- beech; thence slow , ' the sleuth bank of Meadow
Creek and eight rods therefrom southwesterly
by the several and distances thereof to a stake
and stones; thence north thirty-seven and a half
1 degrees west Sixteen perches; thence sixty-seven'
and three-fourths degrees.west forty—tato per.
ches to a postl,thence south sixteen and a ball'
degrees ,esstforty-five perches, to a post; ;thence
south thirty-two and a (master degrees eist,
twentyrix perches to a hemlock; thence south
sixty-five and a quarter,degrees west twenty
perches to a hemlock; tence north tarty-fire
and a half degries west siztyreven.perehes toe
hemlock; thence south forty-nine and a half de
grees west sixty-three percher to a pert, and
thence forty-four degrees west one hundred and
forty-nine pi relies to the, beginning, containing
two hundred sod eighty-seven-acres, (reserving
to the said grantoorthe grist mill. the dwelling
house near it, and twenty acres around 'and ad
jui cling the same from the above described land.)•
- with the ItPPortinannea, one framed dwolling
house; one bare, wagon house. shop. two or
chards, and .about one hundred and forty tiered
improved. (Taken in execution at the , suit of
-H. H:Frazie_,r .administrator of Oliver - Bacon.
' .drcisseterd' via. 'Lake need ihd -Martha Reed his
- wife.)
ALSO—AII that certain piemr or parcel of
land, situaro in the town4hip of iferriek,CotantY
.Btate aforesaid, bounded and described as
follows, to wit: Beginning at a corner on the
south side of the Cochtv,ton and - Gt. Bend turn
pike road, two rods below the W . cst end of the
dwelling tthuse of Chas. Bonner ; thence south
65 4 east, 83 perches to the middle of the mill.
creek ; thence 'down said creek the several
courses thereof, 171 perches to where the said
creek crosses the.road ; thence northwest 120
perches to a stake and, stones; therce north 55a
east 118 perches to the beginning, containing '72
acres and seventy and a half perches, excepting
nd reserving for the use of Ersstus Day. his
heirs and assigns, one red square near the head
of the spring adjoining the land e&the said Eras
tux Day for a watering place, being the same
premises which Chris. Bonner and Catharine his
wife by indenture dated the 23d day of April,
1825 conveyed to David Lopy, 4c.. together
with the appurtenances, one dwelling douse, one
barn, one grocery, some fruit trees, and mostly
improved. [Taken in execution et {'exult of
Cristophor, L.Ward andWiliiainiessnp,Assigliees
of Catharine Bonner vs. Wm. P. Cox and - Wm.
Cox, Seisitw, with - Notice to Willard Walker,
Terre Tenant,
A LSO—Ali that certain piece or pa rcylof land
situate the township of Clifford, County and
State afortsaid, bdnnded and described as fol.
lows, to wit: on the north by !oda of, Benja
min &Ova and William Coil; oh th'e.easi and
west by land of Thomas I'. Phinney and the
Chrystol bike; containing about two hundred
acres, be tho same more or toss, together-with
the appurtenancoo, one Awel liftg house, one
wagoti house, two barns, and other out buikl
ins, ono orchard, add nuout one hundred and
sevonty-five 'acres improved. L Taken in exe
cution at the Mutt of D. N. Latrop to tho use
of Eltphalet Wells vs. SylrEater JUhnsoal
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of
laud -situate in the township of Aubdrn,
County and State aforesaid, bounded and dee
scribed as follows, to wit: on the north by
land of Abraham Walthan, and on the east
and west by land of George Haverty, and on the
southliy , land of C. H. Lowe, containing about
one and three•fourtlis acres, more or less, tbsgeth.
er with the nnpurtenancee, one framed house,
jono barn, one blacksmith shop, and all improved.
,(Taken in execution at the suit of 'A. Lathrop
S. Co., vs. G.T. Lyman.l -
ALSO—AII that certain piece of land situate
in the tuwship of Middletown, County and State,
aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, to
wit. beginning eighty- perehes southwest of the
Milford - and Owego turnpike road at a corner of
land in possession of Ebenezer Potter in the
line of another 10t,,0f land in possession of John
Harrison; thence south thirty-seven deg. west i
one hundred and Melly perches to a post io the
Wolf road (so called) at a corner of Michael
Whalen's land; thehce. north fifty-three degrees
west along said Whalen's land eighty perches
to 6 poet In the line of James Ferry's Nod;
thence along the line of said Ferry's land no
thirty seven deg. east
j‘ forty perches to a post;
thence south-east , zit right angle from the last
above named land twenty per. to a po-t: thence
north.esitt at a, right Angle from the last above
mentioned line 80 perches ten poet; th , nee south
three hundred and fifty. three deg. east sixty per.,
ch e s to Q place of beginning containing fifty
acres; be the same more or leas, With the ap
t itrtenances, one framed horde, barn. Rime
I fruit trees, and about forty acre's improved.
i !Taken in execution at the suit of I. P. W.
Riley vs. Philip Millian.l
ALSO—Thu following described lot, pieta or
I psrcel of land situate in Rush township, County
I and State aforesaid, bounded as follows :
ring at the mirth-west corner of a lot of land
so,c.yed to Philander H. Pepper, in the line
of an orginal warrant to Henry D.;e1...,
' theme by said Pepper's fine north seventy deg.
east forty perches; then ce south 20 deg. east by
lands conveyed to — John Granger 24 perches: .
'thence by the same north 50 dog. east 107 and
4 Wain Perches to the line of lands in the posses. !
shin of Nathaniel Hillis; thence by the said
j lki, I
Hillis' lot south fortv.eix deg. east, thirteen per. j
rhes to the line of land conveyed by Zelilial
Lathrop; thence Ity the same and be 'lend. no.
merly of warren loing..sonth
eighteen perches; thence partly by Warren I
Lung's lot and partly by land of Win. Lathrop
.south twenty-file , and one half deg. west_ one .
hundred and eighty-three perches to the line of I
an original warrant, being also tie line of the
said Drinker's traet, and thence by the line of
the said Drinker's tracfs north twenty deg. west .
one hundred and thirty-five perches to the-place
of beginnintr, containing titty,four acres and ,
sixteen perches, En , re or less. with theappurte.
nances, one framed house, barn, and about thirty- I
five acres improved. (Taken in execution at the t
suit of Edward Overton vs. James Crawford:]
ALSO all that certain piece or parcel of land
situate in the towship of Apolaeon. County and I
State aforesaid, the that of which is Mended
and described as follows, to wit : Beginning at
a post by the road in the line of Johnson Fos
ter 's land, thence north 68 perches to a post, I
thence West 55 perches to a' post, thence north 1
37' east 90 perches to it post, thence north 20
oerches to a hemlock, thence
to a
imd.44.perActi east one hundred I
post, thence sleuth one hun
drd and 59 r';e'rebes ton post, and thence west
24 perches to the beginning. containing thirty
ono acres, with the appurtenances, one framed
house, one framed barn, and about twenty-five ]
acres iutproced. _ALSO. One other lot sheeted 1
as above; bounded and described as follows: Be:
ginning at a post in the east line of Charles
Butrom's lot, thence south 81° east ten percher:,
to a post,thence south 4 perches to a post,thence
West ten perches to a post, and thence north
fonrteen,degrees east 4 5-tenths perches to the
beginning, containing 3 tenths of an acfe,all
preyed, with an orchard thereon. ALSO, The
interest Of BarneyaleSherer to and ib the follow.
ing described pieed or parcel of land, situate as
ribose, bounrle'd and described de follows to wit :
Beginniug at it float by -thE road et the south. l
east corner of the shrive first described piece of
land, thence north ode hireild end 59 perches
to a post, theme east 26 6-tenths perches to a
post,-t h ence south, 70 east one hundred and 60
perches to a post, and thence by the road west
36 perches to the begiiining,--containing, thirty
nerds more at id's, together with the ap
ptitetinnees4 abdut eighteen acres improved.—
ALSO, One otheHot siteatb as above, and
bounded and descaed as follows : Beginning
at a post by the road, a corner of Charlesßuf
funo's lot, thence north fourteen degrees east 7
perches to a post, thence east tea perches to a
post, thence south 6' perches to a post, thence
west 8 perches to a poet.thence south 2 tlerches
to the ',entre of the road, and thence north 62°
west 4 perches to . the beginning; containing 5-
tenths of an acre with theisppOrterlaneea, one
orchard and all improved. (Taken in execution
at the suit of Wm. Buffu'm vs. Bartley e.
ALSO,-By virtue of an order of the Orphans
Court 1 will expose for sale, at the. same time
and place, the following described real estate
situate in the township' of Gibson, COnoty and
State aforesaid. bounded and described as fol
lows, tp wit the Rost pipes bounded on the
north by lands of Lewis Brainard,formerly own
ed by Alonzo Abel ; on the exit" by land former
ly occupied by lralletcher, and Elisha Wilhelm;
on the south by itlisha Williams.; on the west
by landirof Oliver Payne . sna Hebtard Payne.
cootainit4 onet,htindred and sixteen serval the
same more or less excepting a piece of land near,
the tentilek road, fotir rods square, enclosid
and used and occupied as a burying &oiled:,
with the right of way to and from the patno.ivith'
from seventy to eighty acres improved; /Elwell
ing.ho Ose,, barns and orchard: Also, a second
piece, Situate in the Tovinship, Codnty and
State aforesaid', bounded and described as fol
lows, to wit.: Beginning at a stake and stones
the noutli eastcortier of land ferroerly owne4 by
Hazzard P,Owzrs, dec'd ; thence south five de-
grees west twerrty-eight perches to a stake and
stones; tither+ *girth eighty . deg tees west
ninefy.aiz perches to a stake end stoner ; !berme
north five degrees, west ninety-six perches Lo a
stake and stones ; thence north five degrees / east
twenty-60i, perches to a hemlock tree; thence
south eighty-five degrees east ninety-six perches.
to the beginning.eoptaingitixteen acres and ono
hundred' and twenty-eight perches, be the same
more or less, the said sixteen acres wholly udiat.
Pircbisers all cases be required to
pay,.on the day of tale, an mount sufficient
to cover the costs of sale. otherwise,thie prow.
ty will be re-sold forthwith.
JOHN YOUNG, Shstriff._.
Sherri . Office, ll'otitrose, March IfittlBs9.
To Dealers in iferehanilise within the Couh
t y of Susquehanna.
I N pursuance of the several acts of Assembly,
of this Commonwealth to provide revenue,
to meet the demands upon the treasury, and for
other porpoises, this undersigned, appraiser of
mercantile taxes fur said County, hits prepared
a list of merchant', trading•in said County, and
placed each merchant 'allot class which to him
appeatis jtat end right, according to the acts of
- Assembly, to wit
P. M.
Proprietors. Class..
Waltman & Swiaber 14
J. 11. Milano &Co_ 14 . 1
J.P. Lambert ' 14
Harry Barney 14
1.:, B. Beardsley - 1 . 4
E. S. Hind' & Co. 14 1
R, T. Ashley l4
E. S. Kent. 13
McKenzie & Eldridge 13
V. W. Allen 14 '
S. D. ToMpleins 14
n„ J. Donnelly 14 '
Jphn Halsted,' 14 - .
J, N. Baker 14
Wm. 11. Thayer 14
1,, H. Woodruff 14
Thomas Arnold ll
J B. Sloenth 13
Church & Phinney 13
Jos: L. Merriman 14
Limi t , Summers ' 14 ' •
David L. Meekei 14
Francis Hanraty -13
Wm., Bottum' 13
J. liosroid `--- 13
--Walker & Holmes 14
11. S. Ingalls . . 12
C. P. ik. 0. M. 111‘ , 1ey 13
N. E. Kennedy ' 13
John Schiley • ~ . 13
Jae. B, MeCreary. jr. 1,4
Samael'H. Dayton 13
Thomas . & Whiting 14
Henry McKinney 43
Reckhow & Cu . 'l4
L. S. Lenhoim, fiq,l2
J. T. Carlisle &Co liq 14 4
flyer & Sitoubs 14
S. B. June ' 14
Taylor & Scudder 14
John Colston 14
J. 31iller . 14
J. Richardson 14
S.A. Lyons 14
B. R. Lyons & Co. 12 .
Brandt & Schlager 14
Wm. Trothaln 13
Whitney & Moxley 13
C,=l, Joheann 14
ierah Very . 14 -
M. G. Blandiog &Co 14
P. Carpenter _ 13.
James Martin - .14
E. & T. Bell 14
I. A. Newton • 14
Roger Kenyon jr. - 14
Zebulon Blakeslee, 14
O. F. Gunther, 14
E. R. Grow & Co. 13
Shutts. Caton &Co 13
S. C. Meana 14
D. Coleman 14
B. L. Canfield ; .14
Dariult Hoyt 14
C. W. Mott 14
• Wm. J. &S. H. SI itlfordl2
J. rrons' & Son 13
F. B. Chandler 14
Lathrop & Dewitt . 13
I. N. Bollard liq 14
Post & Bros. - 11
Read & Co. • 11 4
Guttenberg Rosenbaum
& Cu. II
do . Abel Turrell liq 13 4
do 'M s S. Wilson dc.Son 12
do J. Ethridge • 14
do R. Thayer 14 4
i d lli , ,, .
s k; ti ofe t r s & m: S s. todd &
ni ard os.
4 1 ,
do Z. Cobb ' ' ' 14
do Baldwin & ' 'Allen 13
do . A N Bullard , 14
do Boyd & Webster 13
do S. S. Mott 14
do S. A. Wooilruff , 14
do /1.0, & Wtiekti 1a
Now Milford Young . * Smith IS
Jo J. ISINss & Bros. . 14
do Hayden Bros. 12
*do Henry Burritt l3 --
do J. Diekerman jr. ' 13
do Win. 0 Ward 13 '
Rua Norman Granger 14
do Alanson Lung 14
do James Tupper 14
Suter Lake J Brackney 14
do Timothy Sullivan - 14
Syingville Ira Scott - 13
do H. N. Sherman 13
do J. Smith jr. & son' 14
do A. 31. Scott 14
Sielfa Depot Edward Carlisle liq 14
do . C. S. Bennett " 13
do A. W, Bronson a 14
do IL Cohen 14
do A. W-. Rowley 14 ,
do S. B. West - litl 14 4
do Jnines Bell 13
do Thomas Ingatrut 14 .
do Guttenberetosenbaum
& Co 13
do Saba Bryant 14
do IV. C. &V. W. Norton 14 ,
do Whitney & Pyne . 13 '
•do Gaylord Curtis . 13
do Smith & Shuns liq 14- 4
do A. J. Seymour 14
do 3liles Creegan liq 14
do Foot & Johnson 14 -
do - Perrino &Soh. 14
do . James Higgins lig 14 -
;do . bennis Casey ' “ 14
;do Dennis WM:maid " 14
do William Shtimpton 14
„do ' 'William Wiggmore 14 Greeley & Cook 14
Upson H. P. Hathaway 14
do E. W. Lewis 14
BEER r OtTeLS, RE-52'0E6.0U &E.;
'Allyn Geo Aldrich
fdaff E.P. - Chambers
/ndsville .Geo. Stropler.
do Lewis Bottum
!Bind Walter Paintin
do W. A. Bowman
do E, F. Simons ,
tame I. N. Bullard _
db Bacon & Weeps '
do Z. Cobb
do 0. M.Crnne
1 , Mil(hrd Edward Cornwall
n'a Depot Nelson Doolittle .
doJerome Hartley , •
do - Wm: M. Howarth
'do D. A. Benson • ‘
tili.ttaan TABLES.
l'alle'pot A. Thompson, license $3O
Bond P. Tillinso, MI • .
'ord . L. McCall& ,
irty ' A..3lcAlpin •
id the-ledges of the Court of Common
of Witid County, wi,ll hold a .doctrt of .Ap
, in the Court House in Montrose, in and for
connte. on Thursdaj. the I.lth day of Rpril,
li o'elo;3lc,. t.- as. at which titit's and placo
of the merchants described and clause as.
srtid, frieir agents of attorneri, May appear
aPpes:l flog said assessment It they think
do" .
do ,
Doodad' '
Forest tike
. do ,
Great Bead
d o.
do ---
31 ontrole
Mercantile Appraiser.
erty. March 16. 1939. •
, ftectitors' Notice.
HEREAS, Utters Testamen)ary.upon,the
estate, of Honorable.). Nicholas Overbid,
ileshopperc towship, dreaded, hive
granted.. lo the ondersiguerf;
.all persons
ted to the said estate will geese make
sot, and those having claims will please
at the • agree without Aelav to Dr. Nathan
at Bleahoppep, or Charles Keeney, 'of
trim, Wyoming eonoty:Penn'a.
CHAS. KEENEY, r'A rs '
171 h. 181.9.—Mir.3.vv6.
W GOODS, in my line or business. anis
ng every aerie, - ABEL TEigItELL'
• h 94th, 1859.
IPettlions for Tavern License.
N PTICE is hereby given that, in pursuance
-of tbe,Act of Assembly, the fAloiring per
sons have filed their petitions with the _Clerk
of the Court of Quarter Session of the Pence
for the - County of Sorraßill's for Bente to
keep Taverns in said County.
George W. Lewis, Ditonek. Township.
Cyrus B. Jackson, Boro'of Friendeville.
E. B. Gates, Dimock Township.
Stephen Carpenter, Gt:Bend
Joel Steenback, Gibson "
David Wilinarth, Lathissp " .
A. V. Snorer, Leuux "
Robert Gaige, Silver Lake ' "
. Jacob Kimble, Choconut "
Edward Cls4, e
Philander Phinney, New Milford "
Elijah Barnum„
James M. Tilltnan, Snag's' Depot.
Thomas Carr,.
Robert ,Nichol,
it. Sherwood, Rush Township.
' George &wrier, "
John . M. Myers, 'Herrick • " -
A. Tilden,
C. 1.). Clifford
01% "
- M. Tillman and, ,
Clara Edwards, Gt Ben& "
J'ohu S Tarbell, Montrose lioro. .
Leonard Searle,
Henry Langley, Great Bend Townribiii
B. L. Canfield, Middletown, "
A. A. Beeman, Liberty
ParrickllcGovern,Apolacon "
F. W. Boyle. New Milford "
E. L. Adams, Auburn
M. R. Smith,, Susq'a Depot Boro'
John llowitson, Dundaff
James J. Turner, Jackson Township,
Spencer liickos, Spring Ville "
Jaines O. Bullard, Brooklyn "- -
Petition torWholguateLionor Store.
Jacksou Chambeflin, Montrose limo'
G. B. It. WA DE, Prothonotary:
p March 14, 1 859,
• -5-
Trom 6 10 p. m.,
Cry Nattst fa4ions!
Comprising the Greatest Vviety of
ever presented to the public. inh24
Now_Mil ford, March. 14th, 1859.
Register's Notice.
PUBLIC NOTICE is - hereby give& to ell
sons concerned in the following Estates, to
Gitnon town4hip, decease - a', Jacob L. Gillet, Ad
ministrator. •
- &date or EZEKIEL BARNES, late of Gib.
!ion townsliip, deceased, Charles Tingley, Admin.
Estate of AMOS TIFFANY. late of Ilarford
10‘,111 "anslialb.7lo.l.
olitrelhTLSON TIFFANY. late of Brook
km township. deceased, A. T.. Tiffany and E. S.
Kent. Administrators.
final Recount or WALTER IVATSOS, Guardian
of W. W. HA :4! ma.: D.
Estate of WARREN LUNG, late,of Rush
township, deceased, Matthew Dunmore Admin
istrator. de — bonis non.
That the accountants hare Deified their as
in the Register's Office. in and for the
Cminly of Su:pleb:man. and that the same will
be ptesented tq the Judges of the Orphans'
Court of slid County, ou Friday, April 15th,
1859, for confirmation and allowance.
Register's office,
3lontrose, March Dth,1859..i 4w
Satnters an 6:trhas.
AT ANUFACTURED from the, night-soil of
/TiNew York city, in lots to suit purchasers.
This article (greatly improved within the last
three years) has been rn the marked for eighteen
years, and still defies competition, as a manure
for Cora and Garden Vegetables, being deeper,
more powerful, 'll4s,lA:toy other, and at the same
time freefrom disagreeable odor. Two Yarreis„
(till worth) will manure an acre of corn In the
hill, will save.two-thirds labor, cadge it
to come tip quicker, to gro* . fastei,ripen earlier,
and will bring a larger crop du Poor ground
than any tither fertili2er, arid it is also a pre
ventieeFte but worm; altt.o it does nut injure the
seed . to pat itl &intact with it. • •
Ihe L M. Cu. point' to their long standpg
reputation; and the largo capital (8100,00) in=
vested in•their holiness as a guarantee that the,
article they make shall always be of such quality
as to command a ready sale.
ige Price $1.50 per barrel for , any quantity
over six barrels,
Fir A Parnplet, containing every intormetion,
will be sent [MEE] to any one 'applying for
the same. Our address is— • •
Agricultural Warehouse ' 60 dourtlaridt St.,
March 17, '59-3m
Dig it Ili 10113.:t1C0XL.7
r 11HE firm of Scott A; Roberts was dissolved
I on the'lBth inst., by mutual consent. Tho
accounts of tho firm are in the hstids of E. 41.
Robetts, at the piece of business.
e • •
Mara, 5t..1859.
of that I Nothing—o nly that ankle,
V together with ocevional "Bus" of fresh
Prtireat& PORE,
can 6eha4 . in thy Basement of Boyd & Wefiater's
New BeiMing+ 740 below Searle's flute!.
B. raisEirs. Go. C. Him.
Montrose, 51art Mat 1859.—tf.
Over 2,000 Pieces of - Wall Paper!
BEStfIES Bordering, Window Shades and
Window Curtain f ixtures—a large variety.
For further partiOnlatra pleasi call st A. N.
Ballard'ir gook rhorp, firs loot north of L
Bearle's Hotel, where you ean Wile° a 1440
and anporior.aaaortment of Botikkatid Stations.,
rv. Yankee Notions, all of whi e j,
can be had kir 'coal st pa low prices as wiods at
t,ll. sow qaalitOraa bs bought for any whore
In this ritinityeaingkandoi.N. Y., nit o
I dontrose,'Hareh Bth, 1'839.
, T Z
416 • 4 4 . 4 i
<I , iv O_ , P TUC "*1
T ig certain that Gnoda can he 40 c e.if il l.
lye iu Montrose and at ,§tustiuchannta tippet
Those dottlitiag this Assertion will du %volt to call
at tho stores of
6utttnt;trg, CIT.;
. . . .
where it .wl,ll be
.proven that. the Merchant in I
selling his Goode caq aironi to 'Fell Cheipur 1
fur Cash, and can offer. inducements sufficient to I
make it an obieet to Purchasers, at whatever t
aacri6ce they ate-ohliged to make, to procure the !
Money4o adopt in their .Purchases the (,7).su i
Svante. .
They dace juatleueiveda'utfare vtmotaritlY re
ceiving,-ftla'rge aanortinent of Grit GOODS and
CLOTHING, particularly adapted for
and' which are purchased under the most fittstra l ,
ble circumstances. !liey are enubloi and w:tt c l
ofrer and WI at peces far below other* that will
give and have given- en everlasting Credit; no
matter whether It in Toll, Dick, or Marry.
An assortment heretofcire unequaled by anytidi'g,
ever oflererfin MontroMe
Fancy and Staple Dry Goodel
Comprising many new and desirable styles of
Gouds unknown in this market,nurung which Will
be found,in
All the novelties of the sea.hoe, cheap at
A year's sub..cription to "o.:e. llasm - at. .
Fa!tau," will secure ,Dew and fashionable mu, '
sic worth at least.l` - r..a Ifusnr.tpDOLLAßS ana
entirely sufficient for :lie home:circle. . ,
Pric6 Ten Cents,. l . qokly. .1,
Yearly, $3; Half. Yearly, s'2. 30i atintl , Bif.
1 •5 I 23 cents. The Volume l'-oninter.ced on the
Ist of December. 1955. ,
!"'C. B. .%).^240131-1i& CO, Proprietor, '
lln-tr 3, I m 0.3 , 13..Franki..rt st..New.York. ,
.--t.--.... 7 .-- —....
V .. A Book Ear E ,
crybiiiiq. aitt
DR. TELLER'S iredi. 1
work foe-tit - its marr4 d
i ' -., l( - ' : '• Nk .• Or 11101..V0*Inplating Mar.
.• ' • '''' . l 4._:ti; ...: rlalti. —2OO Pa zes,:fu ll of.
. .
1 IP .
im - tess;;.
1 . 7:-.,..f% .pr,,„ 23 cents—sent to an
' ' -7..1
‘44'1.-1'',4.1i . . parts ender seal, by ite9:,
In this Department we can offer great induce. N. ''''':: ...,n;
... ..,,5.,.- Pti,ST.i'A ID. 110,000 ccip
ments, as they are purchased directly from im..
~# .4 % ,:-.-....,., -- 4„ .
,'-- ..:iss sold the past pear. The
porting houses. The assortment comprises . i .--T,' ',:;" .; '' 'J . 4 , 3-.... E t. 4,..i.a.1e - lie mar.
Wir......ihr-o"etm, --ato.v.e. Wad Cellars, t r 4. IT t ^ ..: rigid happy. - A Lecture ol
Worked Edging's and-Inserting;
,I Lore. or ili,iv to. choose a partner; a complete
and a great many 1111,201%'.. aril- ' work on midaiferv. It contains Imidteds ofigew
cies - belong to this line too . . crets tier e'r'berun published'—warranted
numerous to 'lieu- w or i i, th r ,, ti rc p., ti i .• amount-naked forit- 2Sotil
Lion, cheai) al • in sp e ei,,, er I ,,,,ti ge stualps, enclowd, wit! arcttro
a copy by Teta: , AddeesS . .t
3. TF,LI.E.R, r.)-1.).
N.,. 5 Iteaver s t : Albany ; ii`;;T.
r. ro - Dr. Vlatiots'rhtstsiPit.ts, $1 `a box,
with foil directions. Married ; ladies should not
use them .--Sent by mail'
CAUTItt X.-7 hese Pills shata out betaken b . . 1
.f-ntales durink th e' FIRST 4 .itoN:nis if
. .
pr tiznaae y, n s tho y or e sure to rattlemiscarriage,
but at any other time they are mfe. .
In all eases of nervous and spinal affect ion,pai t i
in the bat:k mid limbs. fatigue an slight exertion{
palpo.ati,moi heart. hysterics and whites, these
pills wilt ' , Feet a cure Wilt, al/ other moans have
failet; andliltho a powerful remedy, a,.....n0t con
tain iron, calomel. antimony, or enrthing hurt fel
to the c , institution, Address DR: TELLER
New and choice etyle4 of &oche double anti-i
single,. Stella, Plaid, %Vool, Talm•., and Mantilla, 1
and a new style of Chenill Sgliwis, cheap at _
6attentier,';Gosenbtinm, IC: CO'S
An afaiortment always on hand.also Ladies Cloth
and Trimming to match, of all shades, cheep at
6uttrnburg,Ttornbaitin, do's.
Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers arid
Plurnes,Wire ' Stiff,Npt
tLtga and Fianaes„
at Wholesale arid Retail,--11iPap at
Dtimestie Goods !.
- •
May Be found all the different qualities of Prints,
Gingliati;i; Bleached Gonda, Fine Unbleached
Muslins, Ticks, stripes, DenimaiSheeting, it 1-2
y'ds s iaide, cheap at
,As this is one of,their PFMFCIPXL BUESCIIES OF
Bust:Q.Bs in New, York City, they certainly have
one great advsntisge over all the rest of Cbithiers;
they having one Partner steady in N'eW Ygrk
city to devote all his time to thin particular branch
of manufacturing,. They wi'l famish, at any
time, a amid Garnient at about 01.1 same price
for which the material Cao,hre got.
They will warrant their work and a complete
fit or no par:
They keep constantly on hand ofte of the best
clocks of ' ,
Such as crock, Dress, Itaghtn, and Scks
In Great failety and ihjereni Styles
vEsvi 1
Such n; Velvet, Pihsh, Caia Timor, and Si.tin,
cheap at
GlifTENI . 3kll6, IiOSENAUST;(.ce.§:
of the itesi MAO . O'lll4 Sh °MN °thee:
Undei 4iirnients
such as Silk, Ina also Lambswool, cheap st
-AND.-.. ,
And in particular to those knowing themselves
indebted to-us, we will say once more that we
will eel! for Ready Pay hereafter, and all Ac
counts and Notes must be settled" without Furl
they Notice. We are tired of writing Dunning
Lettersend Supporting the Poet Office,an d there.
by losing. We will take all kinds of Grain at
the Highest Market Prices for Payment, and all.
Accounts standing over Six Months on -our
Books will . be left for collection unless - settled
by Note. -
fsutWtrg, Itystuframl t
lifpniiose, Pa.; - &Lobel' 2eti,.1831:'
1 10iT1X,1:1.
HE'nnticisi g n'ed, notwithstanding all aotti
• 06 ,ti , neprs, to the contr . :try. would mnst re
spectfully inform' 14Z - many mereanMe 'and /rad
! mg jetonle,•irt r'Lis tr4infu. tot well ns in 0f.'40
placer, !Mat his inter.- 'S rcori , t4±.'bt bat!: the
;ere be ens tten corrPrntd. tit ...
.stG rt mil 1.1m.ef.. in the HAT, C.P and Sir A:I-
I GOODS Special Par-1 4 /r. 4 ieo in the
and NIALEABLE IRON 31ANUFACTUtilf? buienteme,
walr I. I. HIiNT', at 215 Pearl street N.
where (lhAnkful for past facers) he 1;i/raptly
j incites his former costumers. and others, to colii
promising and triirrire. that they will ho • all'
well deals by, AA at any other ..,inbli-intient in the
cite. M. C. TYLER. •
Montrose. Match call, 11359.*
,/137 n c-- rra)
tiu9i _.49)ke V 4, °‘/,_
fleet,. cn : r rot. D. ntabagat, Flat Tootrolp.niad
Onion Seed, in POUND PAPERS•
Also 4: good misortmcntof •• -
Trfelre Paget Of l'opular Mum far Ten Cents:
"Our. Musicx - - FerE. - No" is filled with the bei.;
Piano Solos, Duels, Songs, Opentie Arias, Pol.
Mazurkas, Quadrilles, Waltzes, nod lrerp
other species of musical composition for Voice
and Tittno by the best American and European
Composers; -printed on full-sized tousle paper,
adapted to etiery grade of performer. -
The same losnlity of music, provered from tho
regular pubhsher; would e ost more than ten
Litn6s, %re ell:trge.
na nh«t-i
F: A
World W.sorrn and warld Tried
!, I
4 •
• •
r ThE free admission of all NationS, as well is
r I. the verdict of the leading hospitals Diane
t Old as.well as the New World. stamp this
erful remedial Agent' as thu greatest healing
prieparation ever, Made known to suffering nano.
Its - penetrative qualities; are more than maryelous„
1 thro' the external orifices of the skin, irsisihle to
the isPed eye. it reaehesi the senior the internal
[ &keno; and in all external affections its
fiammatery and healing virtues surpass anything
! else on record, and is Nature's great ally,
Ery'.lpola■ and •nit Rheum
Are - two of the most eotur s non ,nnd virulent
disorders prevalent on this eontirent, to these
Ointment is eveeinity it N mo th, *
operand' is first to ert!eliente the venom and
then complete the enre.
' - land Erg's.. Old Sores. and Utters.
Cates of many veso , standlit-',.; that have perti
naeiuusly refused - to yield to any other remedy
or treatment, have invariably siteentphed to et
few applicatiiihs of this powerful unguent. Erupting's% nu the satin, -
• Aristo t g,trom a bad state of blood or .chronin'
disease a:a ‘...rad:cated, and;a -clear, transparent
surface regained by the restoratke action of this
bintmeat. it surpasses many of the cosmetics'
And other toilet appliances; in its" power to dlspet
rashes and other disfigurements of the face.,
Every fo , fu and feature ut these prevalent , and
stubborn disorders is eradicated locally and en.
lively by the u4e of this ein . nlient warm fninen6
tations should recede its application. ,Its heal.
ing qualities a ill be found thorn' and invariable.
Both the Ointment and the pills Piauld /iusrd
the rnUotoing casts:
IthAunniintn, &ro
Burns, Ringworm, Sormi of all kind.i .
Chappedllaitbo Salt Rheum Sprains,
Chiliblaina, Scalds, Stiff Joints,
Fistula, Gout, Sligo Diseases, 'Fetter, Dicers,
I Lumbago, Sword Glands, (onorunl Soren. 2
litertlNropt'lls,Soce WoUnda of- a I
Piles. Sore .I)reaats, Jore,ileade. th!ndi.
Er - C AUT !—Nrktie are genuine
the words,- firdioicay, Avail York awl LA 4mi.~
are diseernible as :i Water-Mork in every leaf of
tho book of directiods around each pot or boa
it may be plainly seen by/raiding the lap the Light
. A handsome reward will be given to any one nen- .-
daring such information as piny lead to the detees
tion Grady party rir,narties counterfeiting the.e
medicines or vending them kaeofillg them to be
Sold at the Ifanufictoriaa of Prof:Hot:to.
AO Maiden Lane, New York, and by re.
apeciable Drugg ists and Dialers in tfeditine
throughout the Untied Siatea and the eiyilliotr.
world. to pots at l 5 cents, 83Centa, and $1 each,
E irThere is a sousiderstrt l e saving by taking ;
the forger. ghee.
N. B.—Directions for the geidzooe ofpatients:
in 'ovary disorder are Idled pot,
- Juno 10,1858`. I [23eowly."