ci , lobts! B TYKR T Its just reeeiving-a Large Stock of NEW'STOVES 9 "' 1 NUMBING -•-a cull assortment of Elevated 11. Oven, Large Oven and Flat Top - Premium 'Cook Stoves, (for wood or coal.) with superior variety of Parlor, Office and Shop, and Store, (for wood or c8i1): also, Stove Pipe, Zinc, Sheet Iron, Stove Tubes: &e.. &c., &c. assortment includes the Most SELtet and Hrsurant.E ILTOVES in market, and will be vld on the -.nosy- TEF.M.S, and. to Which he would invite the particular attention of CASH lavCra t . [New ]lilford, Nov. let, 1858. • Red,; Red, white.. 'White and Blue. • and Blue. THE PIHLADELPIIIA .WEERLk QED • . WHITE AND BLUE Is one orthe Targesi and Best Illustrated Lit erary Papers in the United States. An Imperial- Quarto, containing B...pagee: or ' - to columns originil, interesting aad fascinating reading ma tter,-trom the pens of the best Ameri - can AUTHORS. - • PREMIUMS .TO SUBSCRIBERS: , One copy for one yea;, S 2 00 and 2 Premiums.l Oneeopy for two yearn 413 - 00 and 4 " One copy for three y'rs, .S 5 00 and 6 " " - One copy for fire years, t3S 00 and 10 . u • ' ♦SD TO CLrES: Three eopies'nne year,- $5 00 and 6 Premiums. Fire emfesene year, 88' 00 And 10 ' Ten copies one year. $l5 00 and 20 • • Tworay-onerofs I y'r,s3o 00 and 42 . Those getting up Clubs of Ten Subsc.ribera, and remitting 815 will be an- extra :opy. free; and those sending $3O for 21 copies, will be entitled to "a copy and premiums, free. PREMIUMS: • • Evert , Subscriber to the WEEKLY RED, 'WHITkAND BLUE will be entitled to two Premiums. worth from 50 cents to $5OO, by the payment• of 25 gents on each. As soon as the subscription money'is received. the subscriber will be informed by fetter what premiums he is entitled to,. and then it is 'optional whether lie remits - the 25 cents on each and takes the Pre. ;aims er not. Tilt PREMIUMS: • The Premiums that we sell to the subscribers for 25 cents eneh, are comprised in the folloinng - T: 5 Piaboforfek, - 8500 each. • - -5 D.S.Treasury Notes, - - 500 • 10-Gold Watches, - - 150 i " _ " - ; - 100 " - . 75 " 50 Sewing - Machines, = - 75 "" 200Goid Watches,: 300 " • " - - -50 " - •‘• 300 Silver Watches. - - 30 ." • . 500 Silk,Dress Patterns, - 25 " 1,000 Silver %Vetches,- 10 • - • 1,000 Gold Chains, - - 10 to 25 " - Gold Bracelets, Armlets, Neck Chains, Cameo, , Florentine, Mosaic and Gold s(one Setts, Gold and Silver- Thimbles, Gold Ear DrOps, Rings. Breast Pins, Bosom Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Cuff Pins, Lockets, keys, Scarf and Shawl Pins, end other articles, wlacth frcirn 50 cents, to $l2 each. All communications must be addressed to A. M. 1111011'1, Ilk CO., 123 South Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. * *Agents wanted in all parts of the United.' ..,..;;Stetes'and Canadas-to sell Books. Musia,*.w. Gold - Pens - ' &c.. and receive St . 1 ill- ictiptions forthe RED. WI7ITE-AND ELITE' Catalogues and Numbered Certificates will- be' sett to, those wishing to act. as Agents. No.. capitaltequited. tmar.3,"59. NEW YEAR PRESENTS. • rrH,E.subgeribAr wi,lies to make a present of about aix - diff. - rent Almanacs, for the year 1859, to .everv‘titpily in Susquellana county. ;nay are got up and Putitielkd at a great ex pense, and cidita.:n much I Itinable information. ABEL TURKEL'. • - Montt use, Jar nine Ist, 1859. . "HARD TIMES NO MORE." NY PERSON (Lady or Gentleman,), in the United States possessing a small capital of from $3 to $7 can enter into anr easy and respectable business. by Which from .$5 to $lO per day can be reati:ed. Forparticnlars,aßdrEss (with stamp,) - W. R. ACTON & c 0.., mh3 3m wl .41 North SIXTH -at, Philadb, 1838. Jl;' DIG - HERMAN, SR. 1859 HARDWARE ,4;titie gmfornun IN FULL BLAST. RE undersigned would take thii opportn: IRE arty to inform .his friends and customers fhalhe has recently made large additions t.o his former extensive stock of - Hardware, Stove's, - Stove Pipe, Stove Trinamings, Zinc, dic., and that be is prepared to supply the wants of the community in that line at unusually loiv prides.. He flatters ii:naself that his facilities for manufaettiring his own Wares, Stores, &c, give him n decided advantage over any who pur chase and transport at a heavy expense their en tire stock. He wouTd say to those who wish to purchase STOVES' of any description, STOVE PIPE, or TRIIIMINGS, of any kind, and pay for them, he is prepared to giie . them - grreat.hargains a bdt to those-who want to purchase on a year's credit and then lot it rue two .mars mine, he had rath— er they would call 0n some one else, even if they hare to pay seventy •&re per cent more than an article is worth. lo tih• lice of ' . Shelf Haitware, his assortment is thel.rgest and best selected in Sosqueltaimi County: Purchased as_ his stock has been mostly oi.manufact arena," he is enabled to offer indocemcnts to those country merchants lintzThr hay sotall• Wit; rarely found this siderof the big city. We ean offer special inducements to Carpenters and .Jciners who are. in want of either Tools or Building Materials. Black smiths can find ANVILS, VICES, BELLOWS, and, n fact;al most anything to their line, by call ing on as, cwrA*ip FOR C.LIM. Our - stock of Dry Goods, - Groceries, Boots and • Shoes, Hats and Caps, Van . lice -Sotions dke dc.c • • .• is as iargd as The times will admit:of- They were purchased at a low figure, and will be_sold at prices to correspond .with the HEADY-MADE CLOTHING ! • We have jut opened about one-and abalf cords of ready-made clothing. Every body saysthey are cheap. • Some say they are wry ehesP, Xtid A AA:tuber have ventured to say they Aro dog cheap. - Certain it is that a small pile of money grillbufa large pile of clothing. We would add, in this Connection, for the in fbrmation of all concerned and the "rest of marl ,that we are tired and sick of the credit system; we have suffered enough by it already, and are determined to rid ourselves of the ttoe wbote' " ' critter." , Believing that the nimble sixpence the true system, we are 'resolved to 'dos it, and are offering our goods at prices , to correspond.. • *** Produce taken in eschange for Goode. J. DICKERMAN, Jr New Milford, Nor. 299th, 1858 . - . - Dr. EC Smith; QURGEON DENTIST. Residence and of- Bee opposite the Baptist Church (north 820 Montrose. Particular attention • will be given tO inserting teeth on gold , and aßrer plate, and to tilling decaying teeth. . • January tat, 1859 e EIUMPAREY'B' 110310EOPAMC lieceedics An' Este by ABEL Tvfmkt,T... Scrofula, or Mile'3 Evil , is a constitutional , disease, a corruption of the blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and pnor. Being in the circulation, it pervader the whole Lodi, and may burst out discaseen nr part - of it. No. orgaliis free "from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial dis Case, low living, dis ordaed or-unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy Labia, the depressing victs, and, above' all, by the venereal infection. What ever be its originrit is hereditary in the con stkution, descending •'from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, it seems to be the rod sif Itirn who says, tt I will visit the' iniquities of the fathers . upon their children." -Its effects continence by deposition front tho I blood of corrupt or ulcerous Matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed .tuberelcs ; in the glands, swellings`; and on tho surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cot ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life,-so that scrofulous canatitu -1 - dons not only suffer from - scrofulous corn ; plaints; but they have far less power, to with stand the :insults of other diseases;'CO2lsC quently, rest numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in .the system. Most of the consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many desthietive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause.' - • One quarter' of_ all our people arc scrofulous: their persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. ,To cleanse it rpm the system we - thustreno t vate , the blood by in alterative medicine, and in vigorate it shy healthy food and exercise. Such a' mediCine we supply in AYER'S - _ CompOnad Extract of Sarsaparilla, the Most effectual remedy which the modieal skill of Our Limes can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal uialadv. It is com bined from the - mv active ryinedials that have been discovered for the cxpurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue-of the system from its -destructive consequences. fleece it should he employed for the cure of 'not only scrofula, but also those othcr„affec tions which arise from it, StAch as . Entmrtvn and Stux li:sr:Asc.% ST. INTIIONY'S PHU:, .11064 or EnysichLis, PIMPLES, Pcsttamo, IlLoyours, 'hams and /toms, Tritons, Tavxaa and Svist ltarvu, SCALD RINGWOMI, /1111".C.SIATISNI, Si:l'lll3l7W and MEItetrIIIAL Dis issrs, Dr.orsy, lirstmrsta, - DMILLITT. and, indeed,- Au. COMPLAINTS AILNING rnoir Vma vi.D The popular belief in '' impurity of hired" is founded in truth, for scrofula h., a degolue ation of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sunny,. rills is to pnrifymud regenerate thiik vital Maid, without which mused- health-is impossible in contluninatell constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic PillS f FOR ALL THE, PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, are so composed that disease 'within the range of their action can rarely still/sum,' or evade them < Their penetrating . properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate 'very portion of the Minims organ ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy Utilities. As a t.ousericnce of these proPUrtica„-the invalid who is_anced victim with pain or physiiod debility is r,tonished to find his health or energy restored by atumedy at once so simple and int ding. Not only do they cure the every-day s complaints of every body, tut also many formidable and dangerous disco-es. The agent below named is to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing certiSeatrs of their cures and directions for their use in the folioning complaints: Caitire _nest, Ileartfirenz,ll4 "dad, ariaina firm's tlimi'do - ed Stomach., .NOteSe.r.hi,is,,,t,,,, P.:;)1 in nod Jlorldd Inaction of tie :11merli, I.7eit*l•ntry, LOOS Of NV*, tier, JaMitliec, and 'other kindred complaints, arising from a lirostate of the Ludo or obstruction • of its functions. Ayers :Cherry Pectoral, 11.11 . 111 eonghs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consumps tion, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the dise:We. 5 ... 0 trice is. rf.r. fo or se ruil.f :`.IICI o nu merons'nre the va•c. of it, cazres, that almost every section of r,ntry :Antibes- lit pur•ons lick knorn, y . til f‘oett restored from alarmb '.and even. : dusperate disease., of the lungs by its use. Whin once tried. its superiority ever eiery advt.:inn:l due ilia kind is Mei Apparent to es?u,e observation, and ahereits virtues ere Lothru, the public no inner be-:talc ninit artbinte to employ for the diztreccing cod dimgerues aire , tior.s of the pu:nionary oceans that are ineieent to our climate. While mime inferior . remedies thrust Upon the commit:nit - v . hare failed std been discarded, this has gained friends by every tried, conferred benefits on the afflicted they ea 4 never'focurt, and pro duced cures too nurnenms and too remarkable to be fotgonen, PII4ARED BY BR. ',Y. V.-,114 . YER & LOWELL'. MASS. FOR - SALE ST, A. TURRELL. MOLITOSP; 'A. V. S. Ca. Gibson; J. Hosrana, Friondsvilie; Y ,, NNG S. /RA SCOTT. Springville; DEN' 13110771LR5. MAY Milford; J CA mistr., Great, E. R. Grow, Glewood; W. 11. TILITEA. DITOCk; EITOIII dllroxt.Ey; Hattori, and all Drutglats. CALII.I2I. THE undersigned, the Founder and Publisher orVan Courts Cminterfeit Detector, deli. rous of retiring from this branch of business, has merged that old established work in the popular Bank Note Detector of Imlay & Bicknell. Hav ing published Van Court's Detector since 17339, the undersigned reluctantly. -parts with his old friends and subscribers; but this reluctance is lessened by the conviction, that in Imlay & Biek. nelreßank Note Reporter they will, receive a work that matches the times. J. VAN COURT. Al! subscriptions to lOLA & 'BICKNELL'S Rank Note Reporter. are Tin:phle scruptilously in advnee. This is the oicielet Bank Note Publicatiotrin the world. For thirty long years it hai maintained an unsullied reputation, and contiituot; to he the necessary companion of all businebs people over the whole continent of Ainericti.' THE mat OF THE. WORLD! Now in press by Islay & Bicknell, will be glren gratuitously to all old and new subscribers. All Coin Charts. Guides and Manuals, as compared with .iiits,.may he considered waste paper. TERMS—Semi-Monthly, per annum, 81,50 - Moat)/ ly I " l,OO Single copioi nt the ebunter 10 LI 'l4 Mfti r IMLAY 45....`81CKNEL4 janl3-3m] Box 1150, Post Office, • The People's Agents are on hand with a large stock of Goods comprising Staple 44 Fancy Dry Goads, , Halt ac Caps, Boots dc Shoes,, Groceries 4 P r ovisions, - - Flnr dc Son, ' • • Yankee Notions, Watches, dees - eiry, 11, .Wall 4 Window Paper, I - Wooden-Ware, l • ;andwe have one tho usand and one things besides. We Fill ioy to CLPSE BILY-EI?S if you want BAIMAINS" 'CALL cod SEE i• - -. . • . HAYDEN BROTHERS. New Milford, Pa. HAYDEN 18.59. ISTC: 4O WI.M.- , _______—___ __4..— - _ AL -. INTERESTED. TAR. E. PAirit 1 1 .1105 t, ".4 would lite- V) 1.../ after a silence ofnearly ten - ye-ars, to appsal- to the moral sensibilities; of a very gene pub- 1 ' " lie,- who have always minqested . their sense of rrillE subscription iaecounts of the late firmof appreciation of his usefulness: - by exacting his i 1 filcCottma & Oznitrisett have been placed services when needed orshought to be needed,, in the handsvf Mr. Wm. L. liscas,— : he alone be: lbat who have giech no othe,r evidence of .grati- I higanthorizedlo eol:ict add give receipts Anne ade or goodwill--partieularly.inr the way of i some. Re designs nvassin g the county , and it-, substantial aid" as Kosieth would say—that i is desirable that 'SO . indebted should settle he now desires& foil and entire settlement of elf! promptly, Thereby ;Wing further trouble and ei- his accounts, also the accounts of tho late firm ! pease to all parties. 1 1.11. MeCOLLUM. - 1 of Patrick 'S, Dimock; and he wisles Anther to i j A. J.GERRIISON. ' efate-that be desires nothing to be col . caidered.l tfonfrose; gel:Outlier 210 -:185.11 . ' saronz-if, alter a few weeks, the said accounts,' ----------2-----L..._4_, - • - remaining unsettled, she'd be plated in the loin& of a good sheep trllector, and made to aecoiant to hint something.tbat will buy Oats and Buck: wheat. Please notice this and take setion dit.tgly.—Yoifterroly, , _. - --- -- - jar Executots' Notice: IXTHEREAS, Letters Testamentary upon the LT .estate of Honorable . Nicholas Ocerfield, late of fileshoppen. township. deceased,, have been granted to the undersigned; all persona indebted to .tho said estate will please make_ payment, end" those having claims , will pliase present the same without delay :to.Dr- Nathan Wells, at Bleshoppen, or Charles Beeney, of Braintrim, Wyotninzeoctrty,Terin'n„ NATHAN - WELLS; , . CHAS. KtENEY, sEa 111. Feb . E. PATRICX, KEYSTIONE HOTEL, At Mentrose, Penn. • WM E. NATION, Proprietoi.. THIS new and commodious Hued situated on Public Ayenne, near the Court' Houseond nearly in the cense of the business portion of Montrose, is now completiA and furnished, and will be opened on Monday. the 17th day of the present monOt for the aceoniniedution of the public and travelers! The Proprietor feels confident that he lis now prepared tp entertain guests in a numne i r that - cannot fail to give Complet.p Satisfaction. The aotel and ',Orme has, been n • superior teany s i t e of the State. h ' recent improvenie; waiters will alwa call oTenstomers. The Stables Co New Thei ) ruprie , oe age of his 01 ff it , •urniture are new, and no e ared to render it equal, if not filar establishment in this part s well supplied with all the is and comforts, nod obliging s be readyto respond to the nettled with this House are d Convenient espeet fully solicits the patron , • and the 'public generally. NV U. K. I lATCII. 2lst, 1858. MontroFe : Sept 'ABEL SAS just retu I , , and cl' fie offers to his‘du l prices tor cash. I T U RR ELL :neit from Isit34 : Vork,with ioicu variety of Goods, which Stomera and the public at low lia stock-comprises: • 1.7 G S , lICIN ES, A l'N T S, OILS, OW GLASS; STUFFS, CERIES, S S—W A ).CiE E IL Y, R.RORS, L PAPER, DW OIL SHADES, !I GOODS,-_ IN STRU EN T S., WELRY, 'FUMERY, 0001)5, L D WARE, ,rE \V A RE, , WA - RE, 00MS, USIIES,- NED NV A RE , D-CAGES, tY SEED, T KNIYE : S';' !II r s W I X 1) 1) YE -G RC G L A C R I M I W A L WIND WINI)01‘ F ANC MUSICAL - J PEP. DRY II A It • STO' woor; Br _Bit J'A'PAN - B c ANA POCK BELLAS, •UN S , SL S , N IT 1 0 N,_ 'EN T-I N E, [PIT - ENE, N G F UI D 0, 11 0 L , • U 0 It S , r ntp ones only,) IU SS E S , t 0 T E S, [ER 11 11 AC E-S , lONNAIES, , TACLES, I.F.II . SPOONS . , ENS, SINGS, BOWS, tho most popular MEDICINES, ibemi patrouargellittrerto rrn. to merit n contitruance and saitne A . IIEL TERRELL. t 1858: PI A Al I. T V R C A It -TCURNI A L LI ;rlfe9icii ' s s LD Pl l ,P - 0 T S SILVER & PLAY 0 L STA'I VIOLIN ST And all of PA TENT Thankful for the ceived, he hove large iLwease of ti Mont mgr. Nnv L 1) 1,•11, 0110 • 11 THE sulyq•riber, their friends 1' and. Silver cVatehe which they have (I pronehing lqtrest Cash Prices. Virtstuts. • would call the attention of the great variety of Gold Jewelry and Fancy Goods n hand suilaldo for tile . :13). and whieh they offer nt the Eva ssoks ALLtiN, Fellows' Hall, 17t1 1858. 107E1 WATCTIES.—Open oT every style and price. ditTerent patterns, many . 01 aim, and warranted time lot fail to suit, by EVAs' & ALLEN. N o Binghamton, Dc42l. GOLD, AND Si Face and eomprioing over 01. their men imp or t; keeper., which ezinri riou? CHM N.§ laces, Studs, pus, "Ear-riiv. F I Lockets, Bracelets, picks, &e., &e., dze. 1 , QII,VEJt. WARE 6.3 Forks. Table, Berry, riesPr , e an Child-nibs' Knives. r t l Cop's; lee Cream; P; • Snit Cellar.; Card Crosses, Keys. Seals. Neck. 'hirable. Spectacles Breast .. ' - • Inger ma's,' Swer-e-buttons, i lF,naps, Pens, Pencils, Tooth.. ' by EVANS & ALLEN. —Table. Desert and Pielac , Desert, Tea, Sugar, Cream. Salt Spoons; Napkin Itinpe olks ailil Spoons, in•sets; e, Butter and Fruit Knives: . , aNes, &C. 4 r, by ' • . Ev..t Ns' & Atirs. , • • , DLATED WARE.—Tea Sets, Tea Pitchers, k Castors, Cake and Card Basket s , Pitcher ' Trays, Salts, Cup s Sugar Baskets; Soup and ! Gravy Ladles, Forks and Spoons, &c.. for sale by 1 EVANS & ALLEN.. 1 1111APIERMACH Boxes, Perfume and Fancy IL Cases, Coral ads, do. Necklaces and Arm ; lets, Shell and . Indi Rubber Combs, Tea Bells, ITelescopes,. Watch Stands, Knives and Forks, , Pocket Knives, Seis. ors, %Vas, Satin and Amber ! Beads, &c., &e., &c ,by Et-Ass & ALLEN. j TATAMQND PINS - AND FINGER-RING , ILi some very fine by - EvAss & Au.ta. • --r . - f n • LATED KNIVf.'S.—A Large Assortment of .1. Table and Desirt Knives, and Carvers, by EvAtis & ALLEM, 7 o. 2 Odd Yellows' Hall. '''. Binghamton. -ec ' 7th, 1858. - 1 1 859, ,o WE AR4 110b*D TO GO AHEAD! -'GFOI SEE • HE LARGE StOCK OF NEW GOODS T jnat received ttthe , Origioal One Prior: , and Ready-Pay Store otl IFIATDEi . BROTHERS. NEWS! OF - FICE:t: - rriqpNe ! York e y Illustrated NewspapOrs . for sale : at. ; tls °ll E STOR r, A. N. BEILLAnD: S. R. SAYRE & BROTHERS .9.11 E INV RECEIVING wow of4 - 11 „ee' "4 4FALL AND NAV' Wi n kr, It GOOlOl%. 7111C1{for Cash or Pieduto can be bought V very W ALL, PAPER. A select assortment just., 11 I/ received. • T - S. H. SAYRE & BROTHERS. ARPETI NG. M 1124413 offered by lJ S. I, SAY li.E Si - HAULIERS _ _ . _ PLOWS! PLOWS!! MOWS. We invite the attention of Fanners to - the celebrated Peekskill Plows which w•e hare added to our large avaortnrent. S. H. SAYRE & BrmEns, Proprietors of gag,lu Foundry-- Montrose. Nov 2911), 1858. N I Btf. s . n)vEs! STOVES 1T STOVES : ! OUR Stoves Imre been so thoroughly tried to the entire toitisftetion of all, that,they need no.reeommend from us. S. 11. Ssvrti: & BROTITRIIS. Is) ip Lt . co 1p 42 re all i i \ PD 0 • •AT THE BEAD OF NAVIGATION; AND examine the choice stock of Fall acid Muter t ibloodci, just opened for Examination and SALE, at reryhttefigurea by C. W. MOTT. QTELLA,Ctothinere, anliDeLaTn Shawls at L. eery low prices LY C. W. MOTT. Li ATS and Caps ul the newest styles, in Li great variety by C. W. MUTT P RINTS in abundance by morr. R ASS Hoops, Hosiery, Gloves, Bens 1.1 etc., etc.. by C. W. MUTT. ItetWN and Mini Shi•etinra., nna Sitirtino Strips, Ticks, Denims. Slimmer Stuffs, Ste., &c., as low as can he afforded inihis market. ' C. W. MOTT. kiocrant es, Crockery, Hardware and G various other articles too numerous to men tion.—all of which shall be so.ld'Cliotip for Cash or Ready Pay. C. W. MOTT. CLOTUS, Cii ...timers and Vesting, very de sirahle styles. at prices that cannot fail to suit. Call and he convinced. C W. WITT. WiII. B. SIMPSON, W :A. T:t if 11 fl :h. tflE it, Slaop in Boyd & Wrb•ter's new building, next door above Kreler & Stocblarifs. VING worked for the past nine years with tho'inost skilifol workmen, he'reels confident that he can do the most - difficult jobs on short votive. • All Work Warrantrd to Girt Satisfaction W. Stursos has worked for mo for fume time. and I can revotnmend him as a careful and Aki Ifni workman, competent to do as good work as can he done in the country. and worthy of conti.l.-nce. WM. A. cHAAIRERIAN. • Towanda Juno 10th. 1858. • Iblers E. W. 14. D_ Moptuyne, E. U. Goodrich, B. Kingsbury, Towrins da; H. S. Deritioe, 1. Searle C. to. Lathrop,' J. Wittenberg:. Mimirose. ',Now - dry neatly repaired on short ,not ice. and on reanonable,lerms. (dune 13th, 1858 —iC' !alt I W. at A AN. Whoresaln Salt 141 Waihington Street. (dlrePtly opposite .11nrkt,) ail'. r!ont'7l . nt.q to offer li the city and en.intry trade. . kinds of forcian roue and line ".alt, at the very" lowest figures; 400 r sar'..s and hags, von,..inting in part ur Ash ton's pc lebratud braiwlfni tat'o anti_ dairy ult., Jeffrey & I )irje. Marshall` and 5'091.0 bushels Tnrks lionares, Cu raeoa, St. Übe.,-1.4.1, 0 n. Cadiz, Inca, Nantes, &e., at of 'which will be' Fold at harg.dn prices from vessels, atorc and sturchanKes., Any purchaser witaiinz to tt*lbbt froma.tood assortment will find it to his interest to N.B.—Fine - table sat put up in small bags of different-sizes; and constantly on hand in 'chip. putt order. Also a splendid article of Rock Ground salt. in quatt boxes. put up and for sale by the guaritity. in ensen of five 4ozen each. flow' York. April 14. I:45Ft „In 01=entire I.l(tu - - lESI At pio Old Stand of leatlirop & co LATHROP & De WITT • . ;L: leave to announce to the public in gen. er:il that they are now opening ono of the largest STOCKS of 31EacizAmusE ever offered in Montrose, Cumpri„ling Dry Geed*, Groceries, (lard-Ware, Crockery, &e., &e., which they propose to sell at the LOWCST CAST! PNICES. Those are real Facts. We wish to demonstrate to thepublic the difference bottween huying -Goods for cast! nd ON Tntr.. LATHROP & DEWITT. Montrose. April iltith. 1858. TO 31U8ICIANS.- DIARTICULIAR attention is calhd to the choice variety of Violin. Guitar and Bass Viol Strings, some of the best qualities in market. Also a 'l , od selection of Violins, Bows, Pegs, Bridges, Tail Pieces. Finger Beards, Rosin, 4c Areardenns, Fetes, Fill* Drum Sticks, Tuning. Forks, Instruction Books, &c. Gall in at the I Variety Store of ABEL TURREI.L. • NEW MILL FOn Shawl and Dress-Goods Emporium! NEW FALL GOODS FOIL CASII AND PIiCtAIPT SiX MONTHS BUrglIS _ N. BURRITT A ti S on T t v o in hi - g .‘ t .s or l e o l o d r i 4 Takina addi. FALL AND WINTER GOODS To which he would invite the attention of boy en; ; embracing the most desirable varieties of LADINS DRLISS GOODS, including the New Styles of Rica Pal' Reint.4 aid Plaids, - in De !nines, Dural Plaids, Plain and • Plaid Merinos, Mohair 'Cleths, Ginghamit Silks ; Brorhe, Stench Cashmere, Silk and Wool Shawlit Rich Ribbons, Donor Ts and Flowers; Net Ikeda; Ladies' Cloths, Broadcloths, Cassirneres,dfc., frith a full assort ment of other Staple und Pates Goods, as usual, including Grocerlto, Crocke'ry,, Ilardware, Stoves Iron, Math; gets, ntreCapt, Haoskaiid !Woes, Carpetins.PlooroilCloths.- P'stiettcoll WlticliOtvitlialkg..- .. Wall Pa per; CloOts Oils Pohl*. • • ~ toses, !:`, ' dec., elte.; - Urthe entire Stoeic beinglargo and boaglit for CASH, Agin give supe r io r op p ortun it y for Chore° SultCtiolll4. and be sold at the r:owear rurtutEs to CliSfl /04D` -- p 1 031 PT SIX MONTHS BUYERS. Salt it Flour constantly bn hand New ?differ& Oetcdter 1 , 1 1858. DENTAL NOTICE. -1 -riff. A. GiFFOUD hi" ionateil hiateif 1..) , in Montrose fur the purpipte of inirryieg on The Diariaci'n.Atortee,in 411 its,ilennehes. He is now ready to attend to aif eallsi in his profeasion with prompinena,and will endeavor to give entire satisfaction. Ail *operations WAIIRANTED. • Otheii with Dr. Dimucx. r3ept. ;nth, 1858.—tf. THE DEMOCRAT. ,PUBLISLIED TIIFRSOAES AT MONTROSE, PA,-7 . ON PUBLIC AVENUE, OPPOSITE I t erms.-82 per annum:-25 percent. de ducted. ificildin advance{; " 5o per ceeL added to arrearagea. No person receit in a paper on credit shall be entitled to the benefit of any exemption law:as a bar to the eullveiiiin orbit's. The reeeiPt of papers on credit to bi!, evidence of Al/ agree-. mcnt to tho' foregoi n g. Discontinuance% optional with the Publisher unlit all.arrearalea are paid. Advertisements inserted at 81 per equate' of 200 ems; 25 cents per square fur each insertion after the first thrw. 0; square one year, s‘s, each additional square, d. Joh Worly of all kinds executed neatly and - promptly. Mantis olwoyes 011 hand. REMOVAL. LPobl, Attorneve at I.ia,e, h a v e removed to their new race. n few doom solidi of Boyd & Webster's curnm. Illontrpsto Oct. 2.5.-3 m DR. WILL. 111C1111:1)SON. WOULD respectfullYtensier bis Professional tatreicos to :Ito ink:hit:ants of • lIONTROSIE, - :LI d its vicinity. Office neer .Iluiford's store. Lodgings at the Keystone Hotel. Montrose, Oct. 12th, 18513. I • LAifilESI i, -t;Ritfii,--ChlkSlll-Iti-1,• 114Nt:FACTURF.nsi AND JODBERS IN DATIL, CAPS. AND FI:11S, go ‘ 2 4 a"a CO g • Umbrellas, Parasols, and Ribbons, AND .11. r. • ••• Illt!':IER7 . No. 46, COURTLANDT STREET, DAN. D. I.a.ient:scE, NEW-YORK. JAS. M. GRIGGS, General Partners,— JNo. A. ICpc(;.lll.7ftv, M. C. Tri.r.n. Parther. [.,+e.2:1 Y. 7 HENRY B. McKEAN, TTORN EY nnd COUNSELLOR at LAW: lA. Office in the Union Block—Towanda, Brad ford nonnly, arWill attend promptly to all professional business intrusted to him, in this.and ndjoining voitrtileq. [ j1,3'5111f . "HOME AGAIN," IDR. frjr l )) ( 6l ; :i r i. _ _ OFFICE, over Wilsois".. Store. LODGINGS, At SEARLE's HOTEL. :11.oTla lon 1858.. WM. W. SMITH, 8c CO., Cabinet and Chair Mantatztetur ers, fool of Main filroet Moutros.e, I'a. ABEL TURREEL, mosTmksE, PA Dealer in Drug., Medicines, Chemicals Dye Stufr., Glass ware, Paints, OIIN, Varnishes %Vit4lnw Giveries,Fant'y Goods, Jew. elry,Perfutnery, &e.—And Afloat tar all the must pettidtar Patent Medicines. . . JOHN GROVES, Fa‘hionable Tailor—Shop near th liaptiat Meeting !lows,' lak .Turnpike Street. Milntrose, Pa. • DR. R. TAAYER Plipdeian and t turgeon, Montrose Pa. Oilier in 111,. Formeevi Store. HAYDEN BROTHERS, len' M ilford, Peassa'S. VWhoibsale dealt.r in Button , ‘ , .., Cong:": Su , penders,. Threads, F n.-v Watches, Jev, Ore. Silverand Plated IVaie, Cut lery. Fishing Ci gurs . & c. 31erehants and pedlars, supplied on 41:wra t V lUD A. JOHN lIAVUEN DR. E. F. WILMOT, ratlatate ~ 1 the ABoriatil:e and Ham,. pattiti• Con,•aes of Modkine, I, now per manentlykentel in Great Bend Pa. April 21. 1836. , I JOHN SAUTTER, Elas . .lll4slsoihrefait. Shop !!na doo r north of the Farrner - e - Store. f fiALKILIT rp lIE suhscriheritaving puretnried • "1: iL notified and newly furniNhed th nip "".- above well known and popular Hotel P.; - . prepared to necommodate the tray el in t '4 \ puplie and others With all tint attentions and Conveniences usually, found in first-class itouses No effort will be spared by the Pro \,, . . prietot and his Asststants to make the Hob. , equal in every point to anyin the country, 'eke Ifinikv, will always; be supplied with tat. Choicest Liqunr ‘ s. . , The. ,t,;thlit, connected with this /least are lartre, roomy and convenient,and careful and attentive Hustlers are always in charge of them J. Montrose, Nfay-13th,18,58.'5. TAit hELL. I PHILADELPHIA. ' 'f. ' Patent Medicines &c. - 1 A fienernlent lnslilutiomrstablished hp.rlieeinl en 1 dowmcnt fir the !elicit? the sick . and . dittreired, R E. 4.1.) ! JIFFLICTEP, RE A D ! ! . I afflicted mall Virulent and Epuletrazetthreasex. G R A MIMI CLEM: NTEDICINk.9.-=Teg e t a bib TIN rrifiE i 10‘Wil RD 4 1 11 , 0C1.17 . 11):ciii vibu - iiif 6 e liu , Gref,`M-Monnfain Oihtmetit Sarsaparilla 1 1. fat destruction of human life,Caused by Sex.' Compound, Children's Panacea, Eytt, Lotion, Pe- i nal diseases, and:the deceptions practised upon verand Ague Remedy, licalth Bitters. Dyson- t the enfortunate victims of suchcdiseases by tary Syrup. Consumptive's Balm, illarshall's I Quacks, several years ago directed their Con- Uterine, Catholivon, Dr. Littbyt's Pilo Ointment, suiting Surgeon, as a man:Tama ACT worthy of and Manual of [health. , \ ,! their name, to open a DispetAary fill- the treat- Acre's Pills and Cherry Pectoral. Tanner's , !ilea of this class of diseases, in alt their forms, German Ointment, Trash's,, marm ot i e . oi ntment; l and to give 31EDICAL ADVICE i: NAT'S, to all who Holloway's Ointment awl Pills, Davis' -Paiik !', apply by letter. with ,n descrtPtion - of their eon- Killer, Dr.. Fitch's Heart Corrector, nennett's ition, (age, occupa tion , habits of life, &C..) and Root and Plant Pills, Soule's Sovereign Balm, 1 in s eases of extreme por‘rty, to furnish medicine" Wright's fintian Vegetable PiUs, Rhode's Fever' fre4l, of chnige. ft is needless to add that the and Ague Cure. Herehant'S Gargling Oilr,Arni- Assecintion commands the highest medical skill ea Liniment. CaMphor. Castor Oil, Paregoric, of the \T and will furnish the most. improved, Aloes, Pieera, Myrrh, Licorice, &c., &e., &c.- modern reatment. A .new supply j nst reeeived to be kept conatant- The Directors of the Association, in their An ly on hand, for sale by 1. N. BULLARD. "neat Repokupen the.trtatment of Sexual Di. , Octolier. let. 058. senses, fur tft year ending January ' st; 1858, express the highest satisfaction with the success' HIGHLY I MPO RTANT which has attended thole - bora of the Consulting . . .ff , : E r L A :• :, , Surgeon in the cat N I -:Ffl • - - T -tt it IVitalcuess, impute -lamina] r i pillis, .. . . . +•r - :M .. . 1 . .. . To .1(1 Gentlemen Wleo Wear Mae& the vice of Onanit ind or. . der a, continuance he en- T I lANT recently made arrangements, at .e. 04. si ii i , ear. 1. sitlerahte. expense, for doing work in the . ' AV admirable II ma, or . , Seminal Weakness Taster. .15 Tailor' n ' lams] n ess batten, or ,Seltabi tof the on very-short notice, iti a nest,durnble, and lash sexual organs, by in, will ;enable manner, and at reduced prices.. , . ,be tient Itv' mail, I .FREE -.1 will furnish garments tii order, if desired, or OF CD AGE, . .1 TWO , enders The cuNtomerovltaiever,assistance he may STAMPS Tor' p a ' s and need in selecting materials, of the best quality. Tracts on' the-net !ciao.]: and at the lowest market pricee. ' " diseases, diet. dtc.. are constantly being ptibliA All Inv work will lie Warranted as to fit..iiii. ed . for'gratnitmis distribution and Will b 4 sent lsh - and durability. No et,torner need take his to the afflicted. Some hf the ':now 'remedies work from the shop unless it snits him. and methods of treatment - disenvered 'during Being, permanently', and exclusiimly engaged the'last'year; are of great valie. in this kintinctia, it shell be My groat aim to - kase Address, - for- Report' or Treatment,' Dr: 1 the ptiblie, and thus deenrn their pitronage: "-- SKILLIN HOUGHTON, AZiting Surge* tin*. p; LAGS. . and Association, Nn.2 Sault' Ninth Street, Mb. 22tf. adolphia. Pa, - - 'By order'of the DirectOis. ', : - EZRA D. HEART Prelident. Obi: FA ritdittt.b. See'.l). - '' •- ' - thi . 284 e '''- lifontrose, June Ist 1858.1 ' -LOOK Alr 71111.44 THE FAMILY ,DOCTOR Conthins sitaeloAltelp.ocaspLoklaitiod for thitinio r of disease imall forins. -It talks `to foil' la plain,. languagoi plain . „ w'otpentitic beyoli4 ivic4l .311" itarsirylect to you; eimlitins'3l)lll2ino. sudwill.ber.forwardeti 40.y0,11r•Adtitesii;:poslogo; i QN4` . . 1)04.4%.R., • Fve'ri should have itt _ Henct to JOHN .4ro l itgiti 16: 0.1 far Xgeorts - win find at clrg poridar. ... . - . • ( - 7/ .. ,;," ' t . 1 ,, - ._ . . IRON : CITY" CO3I(IIEIICTAL Cal -- PITTP111:111 a, PA - CP.' A RTERED I SM. 300 Students attending ianuary. 1858. NOW the largest and must thoroug,h'CiMn4- clal Sidnord of the Uhited"Stafea. - Young Men prepared for actual dirties of the Counting Room. . . . „ ... •, J. C. Saimr, A. NI., Prof. of Book-keeping and Scientific Accounts. ' A. 't : Dorrrileir, Teacher, of Arit h metic and Com!herein; Cotculation. J. A - .HElrontex and T. C. JeNkrms, Teacher of Bonk-keeping. • A. Cow LEY and W. A. 3ftr.r.i.n, Profs. of Penn , manship. SINGLE AND DCIESLE Extnr BOON x.inemo, AR used in every department of busintsw.: COM MERCi A I, ARITI.INIETIC-4tAPID nu . SINES'S witrrlNG-- DETECTING COUNTEtt PEIT MONEY - 7 EReANTILE CORRESPONDENCE.— Are taught and nil other subjects necessary for the success and thorough education of n practi: ral businessinnn. I 2 P ir Drawn all - the Promiums in Pittsburg for the past three yenrs, also in Eastern and Western I IPOI TAN T roam ATI ON. - Students enter at any time,-No vaestion,-T i ime unlimited—Review at pleasure—Graduates 7es misted to obtain situations—Tuition fur full Corn , mercial Course, s3s.oo—Average tittle 8. to 12 weeks—Board, 82,50 per week,Stationery, sl3,oo— ire cost; $60,00 t0t70,00. Eirliiniater's soner reecivf'd at half price. For Card—Circular—Spimimens of Business and cornamental Writingi-ine:ose two stamp, and address F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburg, Pa.. - September 9th,_ 1858.-3 m (iy,vq.*,w PRIZE FOR. EVETCW BODY: %VITO SUnsttnEs POT: THE Zfarildit A TIEAUTIFULLT ILLZOrEir.AT:In MitY 11 ETU MIL •A, • TAE NE-YORK WEEKLY PRE S IS One of the best literary pliers of the day. A large Quarto containing Twenty Pages, ur Sixty Colninnti, of entertaining matter; and Ele- gantly Illtpdraled every week. A Gift worth from SO tints_ to SIOOO - wig be sent to earit subscriber on We recciptof the sub scription money. - - rEE:IIS Is A DVANQE: s One copy for one yt ar, and 1 girt .. $3. Three copies one veer, and 3 g. 1.1.1 . . 5. Pico copies .one year, and 5 gifts .. . 8. Ten copies one year, and 10 . . . 15. ' ,Twenty-one copies one year, and 21 gifts 30. The articles , to be distributed are comprised in Lii follo,Wing list i United S tates Treasury Note slooo. 2 do do do . ...600 each. 5 do do do 200 each. 10. do do_ do 100 each. 10 Pat. Ler. Dunn; Cased Watches 100 each. 2) Gold NYatahes" - - 75 each. 50 do - ti3O each. 100 do - - 50 each. 100 "giles Gold Watches N - 35 earn. 200 Silver Hunting Cased Watebes 30 each. .500 do Watches - 815 to 25 each. 1000 GtAtl Guard, Vest and Fob Chaids 10 1030. do do Pens and Pencils . - .5 , 10 15 each. Gold Lockets. Bracelets, Brooches, Ear Drops, Breast Pins, Cuff Pins, :Sleeve Buttns, Rings. Shirt Studs, Watch K3y's. Gold and Silver Thim bles, and a variety of other articles, worth front tiny cent, to rtr6,tot do , t,t , tacit. On receipt of the subscripthm money. the su lti scriber's name will,he eat.-red upon our I ks opposite a number. and the :!ift eorresponding with that !Umber will be one week, by mail or express, post -Theo.- is neither humbug nor to.tery about the above, ::5 every sub-criher is sure of a Pri - ze value. We prefer to . make this liberal distribu Con among Meat instead of gicilg a large, eiird :- mission to agent-s ,givina to the SU bScriber amount that wou ld s go to the 'agent, mans . eases a hundred fold more. tar Address all eommunientions to DANIEL ADEE, Publisher,. May 27.—y1.] 211 Centime St reel, New York. TRACY 111YOEN. GEO. HAYDEN 2.0 , 11,0.0.1•Pit'iS ' 3IOTII,ERS, W IVES & bAUGEII'ERS 11. Dr. E.A. Periodiva I C•mysund. The most best-lisiM fast Rucceeibini FEMALE 51 ED WINE now in Use or known, lur all cases of ills.. ordered, obstructed er suppresked Menstruation, Luctirrhina,Feinale Weakness dis.. Ladies who have been disappointed in the use of Fettlele Pills &c, can put the utmost confidence in this Corn., pound, it is infallible in the curenfAli the above named complaints. It will he Sent,..hy, - Wait to any address by enclosing 81 to city I agent. Prepared by It. I. ANDREW Buttslo rN. ' For wale in Montrose by may 13'58-1 v READ. & CO. - _ ItOWAR:A_AS§OCIATION, Charley' Morris with,: hair find Of thii v n R C Afar to' lialf,a , s usOlYea tvarßaut very- jolt. at!is liay.Y. ,runh, horE, , You'll find me honest, j tiSt. Untl t * * *Sheet - No. '3, Bavirnimtor Searlol'Ilutol;On Tuitoilfo . titreet. - AlowfMl4l.,, Orr. 9.otit, Ater V 11 1- GOODS II H. .ej.- WEBB'S COMMERCIAL LAW= " Cities, for best Writint, - NOT ENGUA VED IWOFIK. 4=E:nM LADZPS! • • AND .MATERIALS' FOR • • H T S! BURNING. FLUID, Camphenr, Lamp Oil. Candles, 4-c., of best qualities, constantly on band, and at prices an CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Customers-may rely upon getting Fluid and lUtiistphtte, newsund good, an I sell so fast, they.nceer get stale. Also, Cans and Lamps. ABEL TURRELL. Montrose, Nov. 25th, 858. THE .111AND'SHALL SEE A LARGE AND NEW SUPPLY ow - - SPECTACLES. Ris, F A.ATErvED. CALL AND TRY ; TO . AID .THE EYE, nt TUIUtELL'S. Montrtisr, Nor. 2511), 1858. _ Ihiarlta Praiiision ONE door below J. Ethridge's Drug Store, on Public Avenue, where will be found) nmotnntlr on" hand n ieheral assortment of GROCERIES: Such as Sugars, 31olasses, Syrups, Teas, Coffee Also die choicest brands of FAMILY. FLOUR, Meat, Lard, Pork, Hams, Fish, Dipped Candles• Timothy; Clover, Field and Garden Seedi. solicit a share of the public patronage, and pledge ourselves to do the fair thing, hoping by each bargain. to. secure another. ESLEAVIN & ALLEN. Wm. L ALLEN ALFRED 8.11.AW1i4 TO THE PUBLIC. SOME Merchants •pnblish a revvlow prices, or he price of a few low priced articles, as an indu multi to persons to makelheir purchases Of the , under the presumption that everything is equally low. ' Withciut taking space in the public papers to enumerate prices, I wish it dia. fierily understood, That I will sell Upods as law for the quality, :Is they can be bought in any other Store-in this place or canny: Baits and Hooks not used. Purchasers will generally find good qualities of Articles at Tunor.a.'s, and in Drags. Medicines, Points, 0i11, , , and D)e Stuffs, the very best, and -- the assortments full. The Purity Goods' s Department is also extensive. Alia, "ehoice Pamily._Groceriek, CrockOry, Wall Paper, Jewelry, Perfumery, &c. In short nearly. everything usually kept in country stores. As I deal in many departments of trade,.and have more Articles than I can well enumerate in the limits of a Newspaper, I shall not attempt it; neither will .it he necessary, under these cir eurnstamols, to tilt a column with useless. re petitibmi and blanks. The people are invited to call and examine for thenr , clees. , ABEL TURRELL. ' 3frhitrnse..Nov. Ist, 18!:8. 's '. HER IA TRUSSES, A B.Dojy.4ylL SUPPORTERS, SHOULDER BRACES. UST !revived n lar7e s assortment of the above article., et reduced juices. Tfieinnet difficult cannot fail to he suited in Piz... plenty and pricer • ABEL Tull RELL , Nlentro.e. Nov. 25th. 14458. White-Man's Barber Shop, • T 711 E— • hiaiN F AMI N I • l i tlfin mosmOSE. PA. W.ll. NEWSY. B. --- ALO 116 ISES.--A superior lot Ur icuw N0..1 selling for three quarters the pike of last seasou ‘ l,y IL BURRITT, New Der. Ist, 1858. CA SIT '. PAID .. FOR SHIPPING FITS 1111 VID VA 'BROTHER'S. New 31ilford, Pa., Jan. is!, 18.19: • TO THE PUBLIC. GOOD WATCHES r AT hare in.en spoiled by nni-kilful persons j c n sznin be mode good by J r.:‘ A regular (Itv ‘Va n m ker, competent to repair Duplex - , Repeaters. Patent and Detached Levers, Lepine4. and - Vert le.:1 We tehes,& c.,& c,; whether English. Swks. French Or Chinese 'mike; and for this purpose - has on hand a g,ond axsortmont of Watch Jewels, Watch Wheels. Mainsprhigs, Cylinders. Honda. Glasses, &c:, &c. . Nt•Shop,in Bentley i . Read & Store, I,mnix'Block, AlontroSb Susi!. Co., Pa. August '.lsth, 1853: • • if- 'MINTIER ARLIANtIiCAIENT., XTEW RAILROAD RtfUTE—DEL.t.WARE, LACkAWANNA & WESTERN RAIL. ROAD.—New and .expellitious broad gnage route from the Nort and Weal. via Great Bend and Scranton,:nd. from:the • Lackawanna and Wyoming valleys, through to New York and Philadelphia. , • • Odinii - after Thursday', January 20th,. 1859, trains will be run - its follows:. The Night , Etpress Train nonnil east on N. Y. & Erie R. R.; arrives at Great Bend at 7.33 a. m., land concerts with the EXPRESS Train %Melt leaves Great Bend for New York and Philadelphia '- at . 8.00 a. m. Mc at Winterise, • 8.37 ',.. ' Ttinkhannoek, ' 9.18 " ' Factoryvillc, 9:43 0 Scranton, . ' . 10 30 -" Nose on% . s ' 11.17 " ' Stroudaburg, - - 1.12 p. m ' :s .Water Gap, ' . 1.25 " .Delawave,(lstninutesto dine,) 1.50 " Bridgeville, ' . 2.20 " -Junction, . 3.13 " , New. York, ' „ 7.15 " Ptilladeiphi ,n . . ' 8.15 " Passengers tron:o - 51: Y., Leave Pier :No: 2 North itieeKat FroniPhiladelphia,teavo . WAinut St, Wharf, at: '' 6.00 " Leavii, Junction, ' • 11.10 " - Due atßridgeville, . . 7 12.02 p. m. Deloware,(ls mic.todinner),l2.l6 -" Water-Gap, „ 12.55 " . S:kondaburg, I ,: •1.08 " ' . Minna", ''' ': 3.16 " Scranton, ' 4.00 ." . : •..Factoryville, ' 4:52 " Tunilharintick, - . . Ifontrose, ' , • ,. 5 8 : 1 " 58 1 ' I, . . Great Bend. . 8.35 "' Connecting . at arCat . Bend with the - Nail Tratn, West, at •• , Acipmniiklatirm Train leiveaFittu.. _ top for'Great Bend at . ' 8.10 a. W. Arriee at'Great Bend, .: 1.3 35 p..m. onnecting with the EntigratTraiii IVost at, 2.20.' the Dtinkirk _Express at. cap, and , the N. Y . , E; t 4 e4S. east, at 3.10 p. In., .. • , • % Returnr ' , leaves Cleat, Bend at 3.15 p. m. Due, at Saratti4„; .. o 7.3(1\ "- For the netrn nndation et way tr el em ‘, the San:them iVit4lin i 4 pissenzer ea r will high. ', . I ached tollie.F4pratit's Freight Trains, kat; IN- • Seranta,i, at ~. . ' - ~.. 4.45 a. , trt.. Bun . lit. r .Stion . dabi4 'at . _ '10.2'0 ' 7." ,:.•,Itractinn.:at, ....• 320 it: ni,' R:eturniag, will Jetty ..Inat tioli at 345' a. w. lAe at, Strollabhurg a ... '7.15 " \ •.“,„.. Scranton ay.:., '\,,. 2 35 l, m.. ' 'Passtingerti io and front \New York std Pliil., adolphia wilt cliahe ears' riqiinetion, .Far Pittston, ; Kinpt on. and Wilke,' lake r.... 44 B. R. I.l,;cars'.at Scranton. , 1 For lassur, 4iebb:lid, and Cai'bondaleOnltsi' the St, . \ - Tickets aaldond hatarteech;ieliciliritylgt: ------ -.- 7.• -JOH l'l lIRISBIN §upV, Wk. NI Inatka,Gen'l Tirk'et,.s gent \ . Scranton, Jan. 1601, 1849. \ 7.30 a. to