The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 17, 1859, Image 3
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Thompson, County and State alciresAid, bounded and ade• serilood os follows, to wit:- beginning at an old basswood stump—lacing. an old witnessed corner of lota—thence along the tin s ° of Jaws Burn, • hatrii land and land of Charles %Vrigliter mirth forty six and three-fourths degrees east heel hundred and thirty-six rods to a corner In the line of said Wrighters land, at the intersection l of a cross wall: thence along said crops wail 0, the line of other laud of said Joel Lamb north fifty two and ono-fourth degrees west ninety ferir and one half rods to the end of .said cross wall; thence north seventy-four and one-half de. greys! west thirty-two rods and five links to a stake on the east side of creek run; thence up said creek run south forty-six and three-foniths .degrese west twenty rods - to, a earner • on the west side of creek run, to the south end, near a I large -hemlock on theeeast Bide of said - run; thence south thirty-six and a half degrees west, I nineteen rods and ton to a beech on the west side of said run --thence south fifteen and three-fourths degrees west sixteen rods and five , - links ton corner n..i an ash tree, on an old I division Sit of lot; thence on said division line south forty-six and three-fourths degreei west I . forty rods to a stoke and :torn: 'in the line of -I,Vilfilmson's lot; theme along said.line south forty-three degree,. east one hundred rods and . thirty links to the place of beginning; contain'. ing eighty-seven acres, be the same more or less, with the oppurtenances, - one barn, and about-one; half improved. • Also, all that - certain piece nr parcel of land situate in the township of Thomson, County and State aforesaid, botondrd and described as f0;10WN to wit: on the north by hind of Ebe nezer Messenger, on the east - by lands of Eby - - nezer Messenger and : „..t hallos Wrighter, on the south by land Chas if Wtighier , end on the west by kinds of Olher Williams and AlvA )(edge, containitig about two huniircli nod twenty-three am% be the same more or less, te,gether with the appurtenanees, framed house, two barns one hotse-barns, sheds wood honse 'end other outbuildings: one orchard, and about 'one hum' red and forty acres improved. [Taken in ixceution. at` he euit-of Smiley & Curtis vs. Joel Limb ] ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of' land bitunto in,the.t.ltsvnahip of New Milford County and State aforesaid, bounded and deseribed as -follows, to wit: a post in the fence. it being the south-west corner of the parson age lot owned bY, the CoUvegati.nal church; thence south eighty-five and three-fourths .de - g. eag 105-laths perches to a post In the fence: thencec ast three and one half deg. six and four-tentl s perches to a post in 'the fence, for a corner; hence- north eighty-eight deg. west il two and eight-tenths perches: thence.-north sixty-fee de! . west eight and four-tenths per ches to a beech stake, it being a corner of a lot serve ed to A.W. Hard by Ooden Pratt; thenite east three and one-leitf deg. north three and one-foitrilt perches to th'e place of begin ning; containing. fitly fpur end s x tenths per elms, be the same, nice or less, togethei with the appurtenan. ea, one - building formerly n e e rupied as a foundry. cad all imprwed rriiken in execution at, the suit of Silas Hot illot - to the in,e of-E. Aldrich vs. Orrin Bennett.l ALSO—AII that cera'n piece or parcel of I Ind. ly ingand being in the t..wn-hip of Rush, County aid Slate aforesaid, bounded and des vrihed es follows. to wit: Oa the north be lands of G •ofg, Kennedy : on the ea , t by Georoa Snyder :-on ltw ,outh - he P. .met7:,u'ev ; on the we-i'bv bath•,. Logan, contaibinz one hanfred and fifty acres more or less, with :h.. eptloirte. 113!)Ctli, one framed houseond abut forty -Tres itn ; ,, 0.--ed. I:l'2ikm in eleention at the suit of A. Lathrop & Co. vs. Detr,is Crosby A LSO ---,At I that evrtaih ph ce or parc-I "fi,,,,i, situate in the township of Gt. Rend arl I OA: I mid. County and Stele aforesaid, tiontided and, CI . ...1, I 11 , 11 : : "S f I / ..t . t.. taa Wit • On the north by I of Wasttingtotli Hawkins, and land int , r, h.te or.l. C.', F,..! ; on the east lit' land, et M., ao, ' l•S4l.l . rte, nnit Thomrs: An •Ile -otith L. Squires :Ind s land c.f . !! 1/oR in nor ; on tri4 w 4,1-1 by 111.44 and P. Min- J ottipn. conta;ping. abo,ttt 2'B acre: inure. or le-•.; Wlth the apporir , llll‘.... sin hens:. one 0reb.0 . ,1. and x i. t...ut ti :vrev [Token in eccertiorr, :It the rni• S. li. fbirton to the use of C. S. &um tt r.. G :bet: ld.wkihs j A Lso.—A II that certnin piece Or parr's.; of l a nd, slit:ate in t helown s irp of New Mil ford,Connty . nai Sure aforesaid.; bound6l and described as si.dlotc s oo n• - . 3 : 00 the north by land of U. smith and Wm. .11.ttliestst I:ast be land inland 1) Jenninos, tux, the south le; lands of S. Lewis, s `nod west by lauds of .f. Willianis.containing one. lan ired and fifiy-t No area more or loss, with . the appurtenances. one (tamed blouse, one fram ed barn, one cow 'house_ one orchard. and abut 9 ) acre. - improved. [ fakes in execution at the suit ~ f. C . S. Bennett to the use- of S. dlutchln sou & Cu.-..r Joljn-IA. Dlx.) a ALSO-*-A II that certain piece or parcel of land s'tuale and l y in7ln Gin: township of Springville, County nod St de a foreslaid, bounded and des. j Bribed r:4 toth,w4, to wit': On the north b e ta t rd s i of urns Ball, ugd Bunnell : on the east I.v John S. Willi.un• ; on the st.uth by lands af 1 Drin . ker. and on the west by Jol.n Gosscontein s' in one hundred and thirty-three acres, with the ; appurtenances. one house, two barns, one ',saw ; mid, and about eighty a ' rrom improted. [Taken 1 in execution at the suit of 0. A. Eldridge. vs. i H e nry Williums.l All :hit certain piece of land situate iii I.;nox township. Sut.quehanna county and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as- fol- 1 lows: on the north by Benjamin toorjie. Asuliel 1 Wescott. 'Warren M. Tingley, James - G. and 1 Marcus Case, and Andrew. (..'ont-tni; on the cast i by Wm ren M.Tingb y,Besittnin Tourjie, Eliel.a.j • Bell. and Andiew Conrad; south or Elisha liell,il Martin Coma and and Stepheti . J. Millard, and, on; nest by James' G. and Minsus Case, DaYid Wil--. !mirth, and Genres' Miles; containing about ' 472 acres carne or less. together with the`appur ietiances. 5 dwelling housq., 3 barns. 1 black-. smith shope2 orchards,.andiahout 200 acre im roved. Exe•pting t howeller, '2O acne add G perriles included in the above description. own ed by Harriet Clark, and hoUnded and described follows: beginning lira stake and stones co r trer of lot sold In Benj. C. Totinjie thence north 88 t-2 - ' east 60 perches to a stake and stones corner; thence south 6 1-4's3 = 4•lothaVerrhes to a stake and stones stp.rier on the north side of the Clark road; thence south,l3B 1 2' west GO perches to a stake.and stones Comer: thence tort h 6 1.4' east 53 4 10th_ perches to the place of beginning: with dwelling house and partly imsrared. -[Taken n execution at the suit of C. ' L Ward vs. R us - D. Clark.) . te l ALSO—AII that - certain tract or parcel of land stuate tn .t e township o 4 Lenox, County and State aforessid, and butted, bounded and de scribed. ns follows, to wit: beginning at a hem-. lock. ifk r i, south corner. of Aaron Rynearson's land and ..the west corner of lands hereby con veyed; thence by lands of Hugh Mead, Ilemy C.lutanrand Reuben Baker north forty-Ere de grees and thirty minutes east two'hundred and se; only perches-to a state and-stones on the line i.f the Drinker lands; thence along said last mentioned line south forty five degrees and thir ty u inutes east - setterity-four perches 10 . a cor net-in the marsh; thence by land of Omit Tiff.. tv • outh; eorti-five degrees and thirty minutes wen til4t-feur perches-la a maple; thence south ' twerit-seven degrees east- seventy perches to Veech, thene e alor. the south bank of Meadow ,I !seek naldeight reds 'therefrom southwesterly 1 by the , :iveral and distanres thereof to a stake I and stones; thence north thirty-seven and a half I degrees west sixteen perches; thence sixtfeeven i Rail three:Vmrtiri degrees west forty-tisto per- I eat :14) .to Okt.: thence sout6 sixtoen and a halt degrees. east forty five perches to a post; thortiie south: thirty-taro -and a qnurfer, degrees east 1,,,,,; :e ...i x peT e h k s to a benritsS.; thence south sixty-G ee and os quarter degrees west tw e nty perches. to . . a hemlock; thence north larty.fiVe I at:d a half degreci west sixtysseren perches to d ; i.inlock; - titecee i-outh forty-nine and a half de- 1 tree-west sixty-three perches to a past, and I 'Li'ne,. forty-four degrees lie , est. °Wk . hundred and I Lily-nine p- reties to the beginning, contalningi I . vt, hundred and acre., (reserving i to tn.. said grantors the grist mill ; the dwellin a t' l!'use near it. and tweed* acres - around and adlr I , lning the same from the above deseribed - land.) , , , vi l - , th.. appurtenances. .one (raided daiailitfg, I t.u-n o ,„,,n e barn, wagon- house..ehop. two ttr. I c l'' r d - , and about one hundred and forty acres t l' , lfettYltd: [Taken in exe.mtioti at the suit oli, G. If, Frazic ,r administrator of Oliver Bacon, .1 dtecused vs, Luke Reed and 'Martha Reed hi s! , s, ! . ALSO--All that certain piece or parcel of land, situate in the township of Herrick,Connty and ate aforesaid, bounded and sleseribed as I follhws, to wit: Beginning at a corner en the I south side of the Cochec ton and GL Bend turn. pike road, two rods below the west end of the dwelling house of Chart. Bonner ; thence south I 65:' east, 83 perches to the middle ul the Mill creek ; thence down said creek the setlersi cnurse;thereof, lit perches to where the !said creek croses the road ; thence northwest 320 perches to a stake and stones; therce northlsV east 118 peiches to the beginning, containing 72 acres and seventy and a half perches, excepting nd reserving for the use ol Erastue_ D.ry,l. his heirs- and•assigns; one rod square near the head of the-spring adjoining the land of the said Eras. les Day for a watering place, being the sr= .premises which Chas. Bonner and. Catharine' his . wife by indenture d: the 23d day of April, 1825 conveyed to Bach' Lopy, jr, &c., together with tbe.appurtenanvs. one dwelling dquse,inne barn, one grocery, some fruit trees, and.mtretly improved. [Taken in execution at, the suit of Cristopher - L.WardandWilltandessnp,AssigPees of Catharine Benner - Va. Wm. P. Cox and %Vm. Cox, Senior,"elth Notice to Wiilard Walker; Terre Tenant.' • ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcelpf land situate in the township of Clifford, County end State aforesaid, bounded and described as !fol lows, to wit: on the north by lends of Blinja min A 3 res end William Coil; on the ?ant and west by land of, Thomas P. Phinney anti the Chrystal Lake; containing about two hundred acres, be the same more or less, together with the appurteuanies, one duvet int; house, 'one wagon house, two barns, and other out lugs, one orchard, and rwout one- hundred and seventy five acres improved. [Taken in xe cution. at the suit of D. N. Lathrop to theluse_ of Eliptia!et Wells vs. Sylvestee Johnson.] ALSO—AII that certain piece or puce) of land situate in the • township ;of Aubhrn, County and State aforesaid, bounded - and de scribed as follows, to on the north by land of Abrahnnt Wslthen, and on the .east and west by land of George Haverty, and ori the south by land of C. H. Lowe, containing :afoul one and three fourths 'acres, more or less, to,gcth. er with the.eppurtenances, one framed hciuse, one barn, one blackamith shop. and all improved. [Taken in execution at the _suit of A. Lathrop & Co, vs. G. E. Lyman.] • ALSO—AII that certain piece of land situate in the towship of Middletown. County and State arsrestiii, bbunded and described as follows, to wit. beginning. eighty perehes soothwest,m4th e Nlilford'and Owego turnpike mad - at a corner of land in libsses•lon of Ebenezer Potter In I the line of another lot of land in possession of John Harrison; thence south thirty-seven deg. West one hundred and twenty perches to a post in the Wolf - road (so called; at a corner of Michael ' Whalen's land: thence north fifty4hree degiees west altar , said Whalen's land eights' perehes ' to a post in the line of James . Ferry's tiled; thence along the line a said Ferry'a land north tiiiity seven deg. east forty perches to a p i ed; thence south e.. 3.4, at a right angle from the last ' above named, hand twenty per. to a po-t, thine nortli.east at it ribs angle from the hist above ntioaed line 80 perches to A.p.14; th ace squib three hued. ed and filly three deg. east sixty pe . she. to tt.e ulnae of beginning containing pity 1 acres; be the same more or less, with . ' theittP pertenances„ one framed house, barn, some trait -trees, and about forty acres impreed.., ; Tiken . in execution at the suit of J. !w t , i Kiley. vs. Philip ALSO—The foltowing described lot. piece or p ,reel of land situ .7.1! in Rash town-Rip. Codety urd State aforesaid, bounded as follovs : beltin n•nj at the nerth-west corner of a lot of land surveyed to Philander 11. Pepper, in ' , the tine of an- tir; warrant to Henry Drini;ei, thence try said Pepper's line north seventy deg. east Caly vretre-; thence south 2.0 deg. eat] by Sands conveyed tie John Granger 24 iterates; Aeries; by the same north - 50 deg. east 107 and 4 'Wills rert•hes to the line of lands in the po+e-s ston of Nathaniel thence by the sail N. Ii hi S.' lot sotott forty six deg. east thiyteen r eties to th, line of 4and con Coyed by Zel liat• Lathrop: thence : by the same mid by lands Or. i merty et-Warren Lung south f'ortv.fur deg. skest eighteen prrelies; th,nre partly by War ren Lung's 1 •t rni partly by bold of IVm. Lsthrop ~.uth twenty-ti , e and one half deg west tune I hundred and eighty-threw pen-lies to the line of an erginal warrant, being also the line iii the said Drink:et', 'tract, and thence lay the lin kof the raid ll:jai:el. - 4 tr.,cts north twenty deg. West one hundred and thirty-tire perches to the place of beg„inning; ienntairtit.g fifty four acres and sixteen perches. litre or less. with the appYrte -' names, one franei bons,, barn, amt about thirty , fire acre, inputted. [Taken in ext•••ution at the suit of E'Reard Ob'erton. vs. James Crawford ) lALSO tli that certain piece or p tree! of lind situate in the toicship of Apolaron, Cauntc• dnd i; State aforesaid; .the-first of whit h is bounded Wand deseribrdies follows, to wit : Beginning at a post by the road in the line of J.ibo.. 11.- 1 ter s bad; thence north 68 perobes to a peat, thence west 55 pel-chei to a-p05 , ,3 -thence. ntirth ! 37 4 east 90 pelt:hes to a post, tnince north 29 snerehes to a hetntnek, thence east one hundred and 43 perches to a post, thence south one bin 'drti and 59 perches to a post, and thence est 23 pushes to the beginning, 'Containing thiutty ; one aeree, with the appurtenanves, one fra cd house, one funned barn, and about twenty. pre acres improved. ALSO. One other habituated as above- bounded and described as roLows : Be' ginning tt a post in the esst line of CI es Butrom s lot, thence south 83° east ten pen; lea . I to .post,thence south 4 perchee ton posv,thspce 'it - ql4 1 west ten pe'rehe's to a post, gnu A; eine n r 4. t fourteen degrees east 4 5-tenths perches to ?he I beginning; containing 3 tenths of an acreoll ; am. ; proved, with an treh - .rd thereon. AL.:O, The .; interest of BarneyMeSherer to and in the follbw .; ing described piece or parcel of land, situate as ' ab•;ve, bounded'and described us follow; to tilt;: IBeginning at a post by the road at the sotith.- ; east corner of the above first den - eribecl piece of land, th e nce north one hundred and 59 perches Ito a post, thence east 26 6-tenths perches tor a Pdit, thence south 70 east oar.. hundred andl6o i perches to a post-and thence by the road vt'eA 36 perches to the beginning, rout:tieing thirity• nue -acres more, or less ' th the Itp. • ' together with ',erten:trees, 'about eighteen arms. irrproved t — ALSO. One other lot situate as lrixtve, and bounded and described as follows :''' Beginning -at a post by the road, a comer of Charlesl - uf furdstlot. thence north fourteen degrees east 7 ii perOes to a post, thence east ten perches t a post`, thence south 6 perches to a post. thence ' west 8 perchesto a post.thence south 2 porches to.the centre of the road: and thence north 112 4 west 4 perches to the beginning.; containinet 5- Itenth's of an acre with •the appurtenances, no ; orchard and all improved. 'Taken in exeout ou at the suit of It'ut... Buff= vs. Barney 4 Ic. Sherer. . ALSO, By virtue of an order of the Orph-1:s Court I will expose for-sale, at the same ti e and place, the following described real (-suite situate in the township of Gibson, County rind i State aforesaid:bounded .41Idescribed as Vol. lows, to wit : the first piece bounded on he north by Inns of Lewis Brainard,tormerlv oWn. ed by Alonzo Abel • on "the east by land forMtr ly oecupiedlty Ir. Belcher And, Elisha Wilhelm; Inn the south by Elishe Williams ; on the west 1 -by lands of Oliver Payne Ana Hubbard Perm; containing one hundred and „sixteen the same more or leas ex c epting a piece of land nfar the Kentnrk mart, r o ar rods square, encloled anti used and occupied as a burying ground. 'with the right of way to and from the same.with :from Keyentt to eighty acres improved; a dwill ing-house, barns and orchard. Also, a second piece, situatin the Township. County and State aforesaid : Lonnded and described'is fid. 10,4 to wit :,Beginning at-a • stake and stories the south east corner of find formerly owned fiy Hazzard Bow_rs, deed ; thence south five de green west twenty-eight pttrehes to a stake attd • stones; thence north eighty five degrees tv at ninet V-All._ perches to a stake and stones ; then north five degree*, west ninervodx, perches 1 a stake end . stonee; thence north five degrees ISt., twenty ei2lll-perChBl4 to a hemlock tree ; thenFe squill eiihty-fivy degrees east ninety-Six perch!es to the beginninz.containz sixteen acres and 0 1 , 4 hundred and twenty right perches, be the same more or leas, the said sixteen acres wholly unim. proved. • I i Purchasers will in all mows he ',required 'p i pay, on the day of sale, an asnoant sufficient to cover the 'coats of sale. otherikise, the proper ty will be re-sold, forlbwith. • JOHN YOUNG ; $/ierif.l i - -91Tritrs OfficOrentroieMarch 16th 1859. I iSherirres efastle. 11.11 Y virtue of a writ issued by. the Court Li of Common Piece of Susquebannit county and to me directed, I will expose to•sale by pub. lic vendoe, at the Court ionic in Montrose. on: Saturday, Mnrch the 19th, 1859, at one o'clock," p. m., the following described piece or parcel of land, to wit : , ALL that certain tract or parcel of land eitatte in the ininshipof Oakland,Co. of Sinfa and State of Pennsplvauia, and butted, hounded and,de scribed as follows, to wit: beginning at a black oak tree on the north bank of the Susquehanna river Arid in 'the northwest corner of lands btdong ing to Charles Davin, running thence two de grees and five minutes east along the east line of said DUOS' land to a stake in the center of highway leading from Lanesbero' to Great Bend; thence westerly along said highway sixty-six and two-fifths perches to a stake in' tne corner of land now owned by Jamee Van Antwe4; thence north three fourths degrees east 305 1 3 perches to.n stake and stones; thence-south eighty and one half degrees east one' hundred And seventy one and two-tenths perches to a white oak tree; thence south threede - eriltS degrees west along the line of an original survey two hundred and fifty and two.thirds perches in the center of said highway; thince wetterly along said high way forty-six and onedenth perches; thence south two degrees and five minutes west fifty perches to the bank of said river; thence down said river to the place of beginningi containing three' hundred and thirty.eight acres, wore or less, (excepting therefrom however twenty.five titles on the north side of said highway, belonging to Charles litvi;,) totether with the appurtenances, three framed dwelling houses, two barns, nine orchard, and about one hundred acres improved. [Taken in execution at the suit of Caleb Car malt, assignee of %Vm. R. Osborn, vs. Thomas Jnckson and Fanny N. Jackson, his wife, and Harry C. Godwin and Helen Godwin, his wife.] Purchasers will In all cages be required to pay on:the day of sale, an amount- sufficient to cover costs of sale, otherwise, the priipertv will be re sold forthwith. JOll :Vs YOUNG, Sheri,. Slieritra Office, Montrose, March tat, PM% -TO BE 14 UNG! EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK !! (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED,) Over 2,000 Pieces of Wall Paper! BF 4IDES Bordering„ Window Shades and Window Curtain Flxtures—a large variety. t'or further pa-ticulars please call at A. N. Bullard's Book Store, Brat door north of L Searle's Hotel, where you can find also a large and strperiiir assortment of Books and Statione ry; Vankee'Notions, &c., &c, of which can be had for cash at as low prices as goods of the ...fine quality can be Nought for any where in this vicinity; Binghamton, N. Y., not excepted. AI N. BULLARD. Montrocc, Mareh Bth, 18.59. 3,000 ROLLS OF WALL P,APER 10 DIFFERENT SIMS. BORDERING, WINDOW PAPER &C., &C. A NEW SUPPLY. just arrived. end for arde ch..ap. by A. TURRELL. PUBLIC YENDUEI 1 91 1 11 E aubwriber will offer fgr sale on hie ot, the 29th day of March at 10 u'el , ,ek; a. tn. s at public auction: one span of IlOrseS, six Cows, one Diniinn Calf, one yoke of Oxen, two Lomb. r Wagons, one Top Wagon, ond Lumber Sleigh, one- Chaser, one Bob Sled, ono Cutter. one set of Double Harness, one Sin gle Harries+, one Side Saddle, one Parlor Stove, end a lot of IlutbiLehoLl Furniture, Plows, Chains, and a great varieetv 'o.her articles too numerous to tueation. Al,. a lot of Hay and Straw, ahout 15 bushels of Wheat, and 41111 bushels of - s s sTertus of Sale—Cows, Grain,abd all sums utmer 85, cash ; the residue, nine months credit, with interest, and approved security. A. 11. PATRICK Bridgewater, March 9th, 1859. I.6. r n i u mr , 0 uopTrninfie iraiminuE mianniuuati rHAT every intelligent man in thin comma -1 nits should not know that a new arrange. went has been made by WEAVER& Al HERTON ) AT THE *STEAM HILL SHOP, FOR CALRTISG ON THE BUSINESS OF ,Blacksmithing, aaa Carriage-Ironing. na,,n,32-5r know this to- be a fact tut lot . the benefit the f ew who do not. we would bay that-we arc prepared to do atiy work in our line. whieb. may be intrusted to us, in the most dtfrable manner, the most approved style. and in the shortest possible time. All our _sem: warranted to give good anti-faction. JAMES M. WEAVER. JERRE L. ATHERTON Montrose, March tat. 18 - 59 —6mlf. Register's Notice. 'DUBUC NOTICE is hereby given to All per• eons concerned in the following Estates, to Estate of JACKSON PARMENTER. 14te of Gibson township, deceased, Jacob L Gillet, Ad. mi , istrator. • Estate of EZEKIEL BARNES, lota of Gib sqn township, Groused, Charles Tingley, Admin istrator. Estate of AMOS TIFFANY. late of Harford township, deciped.TitEmy.Adminis'tor. Estate of NELSON TIFFANY, late of Brook lyn totins . hip. deceased, A. I'. Tiffany and E. S. Kent:Administrators. Finsl:arconni of WALTER WATSON, Guardian of W. W. HAMMOND,. Estate of WARREN LUNG, late of. Rush township, deceased, Matthew Dunmore Admin istrator. Dc Bonisoon. 'That the accountants haw. settled. their ac- Counts in the Rrgister's Offic.e, in and .lor the Couoty of Su%quehatina, and that•the same will be prrsented to the Judges of the Orphans' Court of said County, on_ Friday, April 15th, 1859, Gar confirmation and allowance. • CHARLES NEALE, Register. • Reaister's rave, - Montrose, March 9th, 1859. # 4w REAL .ESTATT AT AUCTION. rptiE subscriber will offer at Public Sale on the premises; on Tuesday, the 24 . 0 day of Match inst., at one o'clock in the afternoon:. the following described piece of land—Bounded on north by N. Mitchel, on the east by land of My ron Mott and I, 1:1C. McKeebey, on the south by Watkins, ind on the west , by Benja min. containin,o, ninety-seven acres and eighty four perches•=frdin twenty to thirty -acres im proved. The unimproved land is well timbered, a portion of it with hemlock, and lays within shout one mile and a quarter from Brackuey & Chichester'S tantar,and two and a half mites from Mongol°. erupt of Paycktie quarter down or r•crurity tiwrefor, and the balance in three equal annual pap:news; with interest on the whole ,chin annually—on the first day of . April, 1 860, '6l. and 61—to ; be secured on the land by bond nod Mortinge. Also two stacks of Say and three or tour thotisand feet of Hem lock lumber will be sold at the. Same time, A. H. PATRICK Bridgewater, March *h. 1859. PUBLIC BOVE! THE Pub Briber will offer for ash) at Public Aukion, at his fi6tise in Harford township, on the 24th day of Jt web, 1859, at 10-n clock, a. m.' the fo,lowing property : two Colt, 2 COWS, 8011, 9 Calves, 8 Sheep. I SOW, I, Shoat, 1 Heifer. 2 Churns, a lot of -Tin Pans, 1 Horse 'ake. I Chlrning 51sehine..a quantity of Hay, 20 Fowls. Terms of Sale—all sums under cash; all over $5, six months crertit—with. iota= rest ad spkoved security. E. B. HOWELL Ilt , rford, ?larch 10th, 1839.—w2. NEW DOB POWEIL A, GREAT INVENTION': Patented June 15111, 11938 by A. a. BRUSIE, Groat:Bend, Pa. WE recommend this POWER : to 'ikon who have Churning to do,'lis 'Wag em . inently adapted to their wautii. It Ift simple and efficient, requiring less sveighLto operate' it than any other power used for i similar purpose. It is cheap, and at the a me time pninanent. Its construction ii en perfectly adapted to the-work it has to do, that it is inipassibtalotetit tint of order. .• • • . At the Susquehanna County Agricultural Fair,. held at 'Montrose, Sept. 30th. 11858, it appears from•the followlerreport of-tho Committee on Farm Implements Addison G. Brush's Dog Pow. er took tie Vitisr ITEIIIIV3I. Here is what the Committee nye; ';They„have been coach pleased In the examin ation of Addison Smith's newly invented Dog Power for Churning; combining, as they believe, marepower with less friction, at has expense than any machine that has yet come under their ofiservatlon. The ease with whirhit can be con. smeted or repaired, and the Po Ater Indefinitely increased, is a recommendation that cannot be extended to the endless chain or roller—its sim plicity in truly.a Veptarttable feature. and a dairy man has only to acquire the ordinary ability to use a saw, to make a mortice and tenon, and he has one of these machines within himself. When we consider the drudgery from 'Lich a farmer's wife Is relieved by those achievernenis of skill and genius, they,cannot avoid - froling4mteful for every .effort that may be made Afor such a drsirahle result. They awned him the premium of 82" CA LEII CA BM A LT. Committee. ABEL CASSIDY, I" The above indorsement is a sufficient guaran tee that this invention is not one of those worth less patents which have gulled the people so ex tensively. - Any one wishing to purchase town or comity; er individual right; can now be accommodated. We invite those who are interested In improving and cheapening farm implements to give us a call and examine our DOg Power. We offer such inducements that thos, Who engage in this business are not only sure to make money them. selves, but prove a blessing to every ono who has churning to do whom they - furnish with one of these time and labor Saving Powers. SMITH, RECKHOW & YOUNG, jan. 20, '591 ' Great Bend, Pa. artist FLeoeivrecis GLov7s:_,3 lIIII_TIMOTHY SEIB / LARGE AND MEDIUM, ORCHARD GRASS SEED,. Beet;Carrot, Rutabaga, Flat T urn' poind Onion iced, In FOUND PAPERS. Also a good assortment of 413 t• Eta " gE; mh3 BALDIi'IN & .ALLEN. CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED OLOVERANDTIMOTIIYSEED CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED, FOR SALE BY Lathrop, kbl7 SIONTROAE, PA. DR. JOHN W. COBB, PHYSICIAN St SURGEON, plontroso, Pa. Office on Public Avenue, opposite Senile's Hotel. March Ist, 11359.—tr. "BEEF!! BEEF•!!"- vinIAT of that? Nothing—only : that article, 1' V together with occasional "Bits" of fresh MUTTON dic. PORK, - can be had in the Basement of Boyd & Webstor's Now Building. just bdow Searle% finial- • SCOTT & ROBERTS. S. T. Scorn ' E. B. Rootlets. Mont ro ee, March Ist, 18.59.-1. Pri.MAT-CiONTALI.a. G. F-. FORDHAYI HAS removed his shop across tho street, to the building one door, below Keeler at Eauddard'a, which he has fitteslng exlicessly for a Saddle, -Harness and Trunk Shop,. where may be found ail kinds of . I = I.4II:PLIVMISIS, from the heavtest team, to the lightest, trotting harness, sad a general assorment_ of trimmings, which will be made up oc sold very low. Carriage Trimmings: A good assortment nn hand, which will be sold very low; all trimming done cheaper than eke. where. OAK LEATHER on hand, from-which harnesses will be made and ' l ol;74stri e gtaated.s. * * *Customers will please bear in mind that I wish to settle up once a year. Those having unsettled accounts, or notes due, will save costs by settling or making payment without further delay. G. F. FOKDIIAM, Feb. 24th, 1801 s. Montrose, Pa. OUR MUSICAL FRIEND:, Twelre Pages of Popular Move for Ten Cents. "OCR SIUSICAL FR lESD" is Pled With the best Piano Solos, Duets, Songs, Operstle Anas, Pol kas, Mazurkas, Quadrilles, Waltzes, and every , other species of musical composition for VOiee and Piano by the best American and European Composers; printed on full•sized :antic paper, adapted to every grade of performer. _ The same quantity of music, procured from the regular - Publishers would cost More than ten times what we charge. • A year's subscription to "Dui - MUSICAL F i itIEND," will secure tleVi: and fashionable mt,i sic. worth at least Two iju3DRED D01.L.1.C8 and entirely sufficient for the honie,circle. - Price Ten Cents, Wet&ly. Yearly, $5; half Yearly, $2 50; Quarterly, $1 25 cents. The Volume commenced ou the let of December, 1858. C.. B. SEYMOUR & CO„ Proprietors, mar.3,lmo.] 13, Frankfort et:, New York - - • "i7Cr.a...1=t13.! AND . rp HE undersigned, notilli.,-'tandirti .311 torts .1 of eumor.r, tn,the contrary, wankd most re. Spectfullr inform Lis many mercantile and trad ing friends,lit this county, Its well as in other places, that his interests still centtinue, at both the plam, where ho had hitherto been concerned, viz: 46 Courtin nd street. in ibe HAT, Car and STRAW GOOD» Partner, -Also in the Haat:MARE. CUTLERY, CARRIAGE-TRIMMINGS, an MALEABLE 1505 MANUFACTURING business, W . h I. I. HUNT. at 2115 Peirl,etreet N. Y., w ere (thankful for post favors) he earnestly . i. ites his former customers, and others, to toll, j ? mnising end bellering.,thnt they vill. be as 'tell dealt by, as at any other estahlisliment in the City. . • Montrose, 3farelt 6th, 1859.* -, .. . BLANK NOTES; Wed., imu' r ifritriety if ether Olodkl - for sale at. PATENT 'ANGULAR HAY KNIFE rHls kind of HAT KNIFE is- used to J. Cut Hay is a Mow or Stacks. The follow. letter will show how useful th 43 Knives are. . • . CLINTON, PA. MR. ZEITMER :—Dear Sir:—Please remember the- township I bought of pou,,-1. made one . hundred Johan; in slew weeks, in selliniyour Hap Knife: Please find eneloie,d‘32o 'gain ICr the right of two mere townships. D. CLIFTON. Persons wishing to make money an stated above can du ao by,sending Ten Dollhia to mu, and I will iend by mama printed genuine Deed, tor the right of any township you may wish in Susquehanna—County, Pa, and I will send by Railroad one Knife for a model, but you must state to what station you want it sent, rite: Full particulars howto make the_Rniversend coat of Knives, will be sent with the Deed, upon the re. ceipt of price as above. This is no humbug. Addrow D. ZEHNER, j.l3m2•J Ilonierville, Medina Co, Ohio. A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL •••WC)1=1.••• 1858 is dead and gone, and 1859 is, but just begun. Soplease call at the Montrose Ito o Store and boy a copy of ilia Arts of Beau ty by Lola Monte; ,and subscribe' for Godev's Lady's Book at $3,00, or fur Peterson's, Arthur's, Frank Lesli e ' s, Mrs.A. S. Stephen's &c., &c., at the lowest lub' rates. Harper's'and the Atlantic at 82,00 each. Call and buys...copy of Livingstonn'e Travels and Explorations in Smith . Africa, stria a copy' of Ti Recollections of a Life KllO by - S. G. Goodrich, A fine sett of Chessmen', a beautiful Album, or a Portfolio, a hlcePocicet Bible, or a Praytr 800k,.,' (of which you inn find 15 or 20 styles,) a - copy ' or3lisa Cooper's JlountVerndli Letter, a snperior POcket Knife, a Pecker. Dimly and Almanac, Le. dv's, Democratic, Farme ra',Tribune, arid Juvenilo Almanacs for 1859, &c., &e., and (a the same time subscribe for any good Family Paper you may choose at the very lowest club prices. . Fur further items of exciting newt end im. portant events please buy and read tho N, Y. Ledger of Jan. Bth and 15th, for sale at the Montrose Book Store, by A. N. DULLARD. Montrose, .tan. 4th, 1859. tgr Discoresed at Last...ifEl A CERTAIN CURE FOR CORNS BUNIONS! ALl:persons afflicted With thtso painful ex. cn3aeneea, can etfect perfect curos, without tho aid of a surgeon or the knife, by using San. ford's Corn-Plasters. 'Sent by mail, post paid, to any part of the country on receipt of SI. Address S. J. SANFORD, 24 I Docket„ de,-30 or Box 261 P. 0., Philadelphia._ BINGHAMTON WATER CURE. Binghamton, Broome County, N. Y.- THIS establiehMent is open for the reception of patientalluring the - whole year, and is arranged with a view to the comfort and con venience of invalids dnring the COLD WEATHER. Win garlit 11,06416 are thoropghly warmed, and the entire house‘is kept at ST:IsMER TEEIMPERATWIE. Experionc:e has dernonstated that the Water Treatment is most successful during the AUTBIX AXD WIXTER MOITDS:* EXPRESSLY TO THE SICK. You are an Invalid and desire to be cured. You long for health.—make the proper effort and your health will be restored. Are your Liver and Stomach diseased? Are your Throat and Lungs diseased! Are you Bed• Ridden—unable to. walk? Have you Rhocantietn or Impuiity of the BIM?? [lave too qener..l Debility and Pal2itation of the Heart? Have all your effinb. heretofore proved abortive ? Go to the Binghamton Witter Cure. IVa:er Treatment will speedily cure you. * * *For further particulars cell at the "Cure" or addre4s 0. V. TH AVER:II. D. JAMES PYLE'S D TETIC SALEItATI7S: T ILE BEST article in market. Try It. 80 BUCKSKIN LASHES,—oo humbug-=at and no less.. ' ANEW supply of those exceNent Candles, by the lb. or boa. , XEW supply of those good TEAS;-at 4,6,& Bs.per lb. • the very beat iu market. MOLASSES,' TOBACCO, • CIGARS, SCI[OOI. BOOKS, Of every variety that is used under the present administration. O . - ... . TI. CLOTH CARPETING : aml.indeedlan "city" cnn now boast of an assortment on' quailed heretofore., at very low prieea for cash. - R. KENYGN,Jr. 4.1.-ml3 Lawsrille Centre, Pa. YOUTH AND . MANHOOD. •.57P Jusx Published, the 25th thcusand. S— ^ mailed in a sealed envelope, to any el tan ss, address, on receipt of three stamps. A medical essay on the physical exhaustion 4. de. fay of the frame, caused by "selpabuse" infection, and the use rf mercury. by R.J.Culrerwell, ALD, member of the royal college fl surgeons, 4-c. Spormatorrhcea or seminai emissions, genital .and nervous debility, impotency, loss of energy, depression of spirits, timidity, diseases of sexual •organs, impediments to niirriage, promptly and effectually cured by the ales novel and suc cessful treattneut, by means' of which the inva lid can regain pristine health without having re course to dangerous and expensive medicines. (From the London Lancet.) The best treatise ever written on a.scbject of vital importance to all, well worthrthe author's exalted reputation. Address the publiAers, J. C. KLINE, & CO., Post Box 4586, New York. [fl7yeq p Aar A Bocik fbk•Evetybbill:•-iti STARTLING DISCLOSURES 1 . DR. TELLER'S great mirk for the married or tho.' contemplating mar. lage-2oCt paps.full of 111Eistea s ; lee 25 rests—sent to all cis under seal, by mail, IST.PAID. 50,000 cop. isiskitb:e past &Par. The iglu inarritd,sn - d the.mnr. al happy. A Lecture on ;a a partner,; a complete .rontr;itis hundreds of se _pu ishod—Warinntod to be worth three times the amount askeiffor,it. .26cts in specie or postage stamps, enaloied, will secure a copy by retard mail. Addinsi S. TELELER, Id. D.. . • No. 6 Dearer : at, Albany, N. Y. Fir Da. Vlcuols' SESIALE Pats, el /1. box. with full directions. • Married !Wien' should not use them.-lent by mail._ CAUTITtI.-7 hese Pills should not be taken by females during the FIRST 3 ,lIIONTHS of P?egnancy, as they arc sure to reuse ctiscarriage, but at any akar timeihey are safe. ' In all cases of nervous and spinal affectlon,pshi in the bark and limbs, 'fatigue on slight exertion. palpitation of heart, hysterics , and.whites, these• pills wilt erectseers Mie n -aKothor tneansiutve Mite% andaltho' a powerf ul remedy, do *not ton- Wu iron, calomel. .antimony, or an\lhing Mirt fat to tire constitution. Address DR. TELLER as above. • foblilay* ti,r r el s. )0 of needy .every descriptions Bertrr and Cheaper then new owes, • - • • -for age. by . ABEL TURRELL., Montrose. Nov. 95th, 185, r . . T 111r1104111,AP1H15.....4 NEW SUPPLY Dee. ht, 1858, A. TURRELL TR= ; ate Y T . 44 4 READY-PAY SYSTEM' T Ti s sedan that Goods eatt be sold successful ly' in Montrone-and at Susquehanna Depot FOR CASH. Thoso dOubting this assertion will do well to call at the stores of • Gutteilitrg, psenbaum, , where it will be proven that' the i Nerchant in selliog his Goods can afford to eeit Cheaper for Cash, and can offer inducements sull!clent make it AO objeet to . Turchasers, at, whatever sacrifice they are obliged to mike, to,prneure the Money to adopt in their Purchases the CASA 5Y117211. They here just received and are constantly re ceiving, clarge assortment of Dry GOODS and CLOTHING, particularly' adapted for F _ LL AND WINTER, and which are purchased, under the most favora ble circumstances. They are enabled and WILL offer and sell at pr ces far below others that will give and have given .an everlasting Credit; no matter whether it Is Torn, Dick, or Harry. ' EXAMINE, COMPARE AO JUDGE OUR DRY. G-MDS! Au assortment heretofore unequaled by anything ever offered in Montrose. Faney and - Staple Dry Mode! Comprising many .new deeirabin .styles of Goodsutiknown in this market, among which will be found, in LADIES' DRESS GOODS, All the novelties of the season, cheap et OUTTENBEitG, ROSENBAILIE, & CO'S SHAWLS! New and choice styles of Brocho double and single, Stella, Plaid, Wool, Palm and Mantilla; and a new style of Chenill Shawls, cheap at 6attenbtrg, Iloseithantp,.& Co's Ulll%, An assortment always on liand,also Ladies' Cloth and Trimming to match, of all shades, att!) ut - 15uttenbag, Tostithanin, & Co's. EMBROIDERIES! In this Department a•e can offilr great induce ments, •as they are purchased directly from Im porting houses. The assortmegt•compriies French i.etts„ Sleeves and Collars, Worked Edgings and Inserting, ( and a great massy more aril , cles belong to this line too numerous to men • lion, cheap at .GIitTENBERG, ROSENBAUNI, & CO-§. Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers and Plumes, Wire, Stiff Net tings and Frames, • at Wholesale,aad Rotall,--cheapit- GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAT.3I, a: CO'S Domestic Goods ! May be found all the diffbrent qualities of Prints, Gingham', Blotched Goods, Fine Unbleached Moulins, Ticks, Stripes, Denims, Sheeting,.2 1-2 - yds wide, cheap at GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM, .&--CO'S • READY -MADE CLOTIIING, As this is ono of tier Pluirerrxr.yEANCTlVl OF Bustinss to New York City, they le rtainly have one great Advantage ovhr all the resat of Clothiers; they having one Partner steady in New York city to devote all his time to this particular branch of manufacturing. They wi 1 furnish, at any time, a Good Garment at about the same Price for which the material can be got. They will warrant their work and a•complete _ • fit or no par. . They keep constantly on hand ono of the Itest docks of OVER AND UNDER COATS ! Such as Frock, Dress, Raglan, anti Sacks PANTS In Great Variety and Different Styles, VESTS! Wive•: Plush, Gzaimei, staci cheap at GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM, & CO'S. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER, of the Best Mateilal at Short Notice. Under Garinents fon LADIES as WELL A 9 son GENTLEMEN, such as Silk, and also LambawooO s theap at GDTTENBERG, itOSENBAUM.& CO'S. ONE WORD IS SIiFFICIERT FOB THE WISE. TO OUR XIIVE/10115 F R I ,E N -AND CUSTOMER $. Md it-particular those. knowing themselves indebted to u we will say once mont , that we will sell for Ready , Ply, hereafter, and all Ac. counts and Nofes malt be Settled without Fur. ther, Notice. We are tired of writing,Dunning Lettere and Supporting tho PostOfSce,snd tbere by lining. We will take all, Weds of . grain at tba Highest Market'Prices for Payment, sod all Accounts: standing, over Six Months • on' our Books will be left for collection unless settled by Note, • 113uttenberg, ioseubaum, IC; Co. , !fontr o ne, Pan Octubet 20th, 1808. - 1838: J. DiCKEKHAN,JII. 183 • HARDWARE • 11V ,stOtt iinportuth IN.FULLBLAST.• Tamierhigned i•9tilti take this - 406mi'. 1. oily to inform. 1114 Mel* aii.ektetonterit that he hat*eotiffyin:i'do.. t tge-'adiiitionii 7 to' _ former extenelve dog: of • • - Hardwaii,toy° StbVe TriithnTrigs; and that be is prepared to supply the ,cants of the community in that tiro at unu:nally To* priceii, He flatters himself that his facilities Pir manufacturing his n':v7 n Wzia es, fltutes, Qc., give him a decided advantage orer, , arly who par chase and tfansporfat - a heavy cxpenze their en tire stuck. He would say to thric.o who. wish to purchase STOVES of any description, STOVE PIPE, or TRIIIMINGS, of any kind, and pay for thrll, ho is prepared to give them great bargains; but • to those who want to purchase. on a. year's credit and then let it flan two years more; he had rath er they would can nn %onlo r !moist., even if they hare to pay seventy . ..firs per veer mere than:an article in worth. In the bar of Shelf liardivare his assortment is Ike largest and hest selectedin Susqsehatins County; purchased R 4 'him Mock has been mostly ofmanufacturers, ho is eitahled to offer inducements to those country merchants who buy small bills, rarely foißtd this lido of the big city. We can otferspetial inne;i 7 inenta to Carpenter' andloitierit o Are Fa Wont of either Tools or .building Material's, Iliad:- smiths can find AXVILS, VICES, BELI OWS. and, Sc Lot, almost anythiag in their line, by call ing on us, CQE ,P V O > d C A. 511.; - • . , Our stod ui . - - • Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots -and Shoes,• Hats and -Cam. Yan kee • Nollong, dcc. &e., 1 . Is as largo as the times will admit of. They purchased at a low figure. and will be sold ':4t prices to correspopd with the times. READY-MADE CLOTHING I , _ We. have just Opened . about one.nna ealmit cords of ready-made clothing.. Every body says they are cheap. Some say they are wale eke: p, and a number lasxo ventured to say they aiego.if cheap. Certain it is that a small pile of money will buy a large pile of clothing. We would add, in this connection. for fhb In formation of airconcerned and the "rest of man. kind," that we are tired and sick of the credit system; We have suffered enough by it already, and are determined to rid ourselves of th. the whole "critter." Believing that the thnhlt; eixpence is Ake true Nyetem, :re are resoit.AA to adopt it, and are offering our 'goods. at prices to correspond. * * *Produce taken in exehange for Goods, . J. DIGKERMAN, Jr. New Milford, Nov ‘29th,,1858. • • '3=01,31901.1.3.t/C121.. THE firm of Cobb dt Rogers is dissolved by mutual consent. Their notes and accounts . ad;id the hands of C. Slier:Man e at the, Old es. ',Matfett!, who is duly authorized. todt settle the same. Z. COBn, ROGER'S. Noutrore, Feb. het, 11569. IVOCO ir riMo LiCOBB would respectfully announce to.the . public that he may mill be found at the old stand, fully j,reppred to atteLd to the watts Ape cotro'nu!ty. !e iwia keep on hand a gooa stock of 4Currc,ceieless'` - i SCGAES, TEAs,CoFEEE, SPICES, FRIULI, FLoun and SALT (by the sack or barrel,) Fiset, and all artielesioutid in Firet Clays Groceries,. • lie would iitrtieularly calf thn • attention of Farmers , and others to the' fact that he is constantly reeereing fresh supplier. of FIRST RATE FLOUR, Dien good and medium kjualities, which will be sold ter ready -pay, is quantities to suit, the purehnevr. . Montrose. Feb. 2.1.4 1859 THE MIGHTY HEALER: World Known Lind World Triode .... .-, il -. •' ' 7-- - 4 / - .. A4? ~. rt..,..1.:P • - .6P4 1. . L'll'• t7 1 7 1 ' i,Y, i. i : ii ' - ': - ''- V f'l4el? v-i:A• , . P '''. : • ••‘..,- ~ . ." \ , t iii . 17:1:4.....: :7 4 t , N•ezi i l• [ X •.--- . 1 •-. I . 7 . 1.4. - - , F's -'. ' . 4'7; - - 4 -.7.1 I.' - --.Z.- ' •.:.:- 1,4- :.f. , ›; - :. - 1--:._": , .. r. t r Arc, _ • -- . HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT rrliE free admission of all Nations, ris.ivell as the verdict of the lending hospitals of. tho ad as well as the New World, stamp this.iimc'. edit} remedial Agibt as the greatest heating preparation ever. made known to autTering man. Its penetrative qualities are more than marvelous, thro' the external urifickAt of the skin, invisible to the naked eye, it reaches , the'saat . e . , internal disease; and in all extuktal_ateetiona ita-anii-in flammatory and healing virtues surpass anything else on record, and in Nature's great ally, Erys•Joehoi and ralt Rheasia Are two el the mem i;ottnacin an& virulent disorders preva!ent on this aoritinent, to these Ointment is especially antagonistft. its ,`!,matta operandi" is first to crailicateLthe venom and then complete the cure. Had Lear, Old Sorer, and Uleerr; Cases of irony years standing that hare - perti. nacionily refused to yield to any other-remedy or treatment, have invariably. euccumhed to a few applicationasoCthia Powerful unguent. .. Eruptions on the Skin, - • Arising from a bad state of 'blood or chronic disease are eradicated, mid a clear, transpareht surface regained by Ibe restorative action of this Ointment. It surpasses many ' enstimtV4 and'uther toilet its power to dispel rashes and other disfigurements of the face. Pifer and Fist u la. Every form and feature GI these prevalent and - stubborn disorders I. . eradicated locally and, en- Airely by the Ilse of this emolient ;•warm lumen.- Wiens should precede iris application. " ing qualities nili be futnt•thoro' and invariable. Both the Oiatroeut. and the-Pias should be used in the followitia ' Bunions, Rhe,urnarron, Sure Throats. • Burns, . Ringworm, &read' all kinds Chappednards Salt Rheum Spraini.• Chitiblains,Se Ma , litiffJoints, - . Fistula, Goat, Skid Diamixes, Tetter, Uicern, , Lumbago. Sword Glands, Venereal Sorbs, Mere' Lumbago. Legs; Wounds - of. ci -1 I Piles, Sure Breasts, Sore, Heads, • [kinds. E'CAUTION !—None are .4,ennine the words," Holloway, New York and Lontlon," are discernible a,s a V: ater-mark in every leaf of the book of directions around each pot or Jinx; it may be plainly !ken byholdim the le6flothe Ugh! A habdsoine reerd wilt be giver to kny one reit. during such infaination as may lebd to the detrC•- . .": than Many party or parties counterfeiting medicines or vending them hewing thetir-to be spurious. - * a * Sold at the. Shwa:wieder' of Pro: HULLO. way, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and btu!! re spectable Drugg;sts and Dealers Medielnii throughout the United States* and the• world. In pots at 25 cents. 6,l,cents, and $1 each: - OrThero is a considerable sating by- taking the.larger sizes s N. B.—Directions for the geldaneehlpatients• in every disorder are affixed to each .pot. • June 10. 1858," -123rowly. ' • Dr• R. Smith, . , SUAGEON DENTIST. Residence silla vf iJ 6ce opp6iite the 13antia,17harch (north aide) Montrose. Partictslaraltention will he gis en to inserting Oath on go`.l nnd silver plate, and to filling depsying teeth. -• January tat, 1859. • 1ET11.....:GUM AND PLAIN 'METH; fur sale by ABEL TURRELL. Ilbotroae, February IA 1839. DR. IlUiPIIRE1"8 110MCCOPATIIIG Remedies tot' sale by "Ileac Teikitir.V: