THE • MONTROSE IRMOCRAT, A.T.. GERRITSON, Editor.' iiOVTROSE,SU'SQUEHANNA COUNTY, :PA. Thursday, March 17, 185 9. $1.50 Per Annum 'lb 44bti4ice. gar Au who' bore , nsettled Subseription meementsot this . oOre of_enorr thiin one year's Rfandiny , mext settletie' same iMmediately. or the nizt notice will tome from a Justice If the Petrel,. :1'47 16nger delay tan be allowed, A settle:Jiro Cost* sr V.3f s. L 4" The nh-enee of Mr. Gera son mutt accoust for the edit , / Li:mention of this muniher. lie left fur rlarti-burg last !dor:- (lay tnotuing to attend the Democratic State Convention iu place of Mr. Azar Lathrop, whiz was . elected Senatorial Delegate by the Dem oc tatiu Count y meeting held at Montrose, last Januery. The, Convention, whichl i -met 'yesterday, [March . 16:111 was willed Car the piipose of nominating. State officers,—o ne person for Auditor General, and one for Sur,. Tenn General —ms bs voted for in October ' 4 - is getting to bean . task for the LepUblicen journals to squeeze any further capital out of lianas The following report of the general_ condition of that Ter ritory f om the N. V. Daiii t Times, an oppo_ sidon print, is an adrni-sion of tLe wisdom of the; pi;licy of leaving Kansas to the, man= Kg-eine:it r.flier own int&: - rnal.affairs : -Politica: and other affairs in Kansas seem to be seyling dovrn into a icontlition of quiet and general contentment. The people, as we pretheled -las: Winter, do not seem specially anxious fot adnitsica into the Union,and will probably be very well satisfied to wait until their population shall come up to the mark required by the law oF- In at year. At all erects, they take the matter very cooly. They have pa , sed slaw authorizing* popular vote in Mardi, as to whether they will hold a vonvention.and f`orrn a .Constit-ition or not. if they decide in favor of such-a course, 44i• legate: are to be ideated on the 11 st Tuesday 1 .in June,the Convention ail meet, in July,- and. the donstitutiis_they form will -be sub mitted to the people On the let Tuesday of- Oetober:t. Meantime tLe'e scems•to be a ceryaensible degree of harmony among the civil officers and the people to: - the Te!rifory._ Gov. Me dary- recei.ed the compliment of a public dinner from thelneml , era of_ the' Legislature and the citizen% of Liwrence on the slts, -- ftn - d made a. very pleaktut iZpeenh in which politic. al Iliiferences welt., ignored, and the greatest pos•ii4eintimory and gecxl feeling prevailed. Evan Judzel.FvotnNewas s presca4and though hissZd a 1....Ve he ;,‘me who cOl ld not forget it _past partis;.n injAstice, s ioceededin Mak ing ltis peach. th e T t ,,,i:6:y ..erms to. Le citizen- gent-tit:ly seem inclined to forego p•Aitieal and to devote thenuelves to thedevehlmu-nt ar:.l . .improvement of the voantry, ' - rvetyihin g promises %cell for the future. It is quite' possible that a little. :dole Itunconity may he made .out of the - topics in Corgress, bt t It will be oillieul , ; we spfreht nt, - very sop n to' renew arliong the people of. Kansas themselves the teverlsh ical exittr,ent which has hitherto . . _Kansas ha%ing actnon-trued bier et pseity to take ea,e.t.f, And the efforts of the lifipubliesns to I:eep OtegOn out of tie 1:n.; ion, to te used for p6litioa! purpou A, baring Lien balked, what nil .they res.rt to next EN ATOIL Buotagnica.—The sole end and aim of this gcritlethin 'appears to be to make_ himpelf as'edious and unpopular - to e coun try as po-s . bie. Eger • sloes) he ent ered the Senate, his (-Hors seezil to have been directed to this one objedt. and it is doing him simple justice to say thLt he has succeeded admir ably. His own State, California, has almost nusmituous!y reyst-sted him to resign, and no I,olitical patty Appears willing to nekton ledgii him as a member. The New Turk "Times" of Satufslar taus curtly notices his course at .•c ever d Oangtews "Standing vat!Dignity:l—Tasterday,while the seasion of 'Congress Wag drawing rapidly .to its close, Senator Broderick became ter - indignant lecarsair a favorite measure bad failed to pass; and to stow/ his resentment' be avrfiledhimselfof hit est reined& and called for Abe reading of a very vulunaltiOtle allowing that it was bis object to exhaust the remaining Lour., of the sets-ion and prevent any business from being dune, Lecause his bill had been r+cted. Being a Senator distinguished for -firinness,' he persevered in this action for , au lour or two, unit finally the unanimous remonstrances of the other Senators prevailed upon him tovrithdraw and allow the, pUblic business to proceed. Is iLis itatestuanship, or. only pig-beatledness I IMFORTANT irecteroi BY rnz Sl:PRtatz Comr.—A W:lnhil.!•ton correspondent, writ ing On the :lb Wishes the annexed information "An imper IFint was-delivered i n ,the Supretne„Court tb.s tnorniqg bvtbeChief Jusrine in the case of ;be United States vs. Sherman II rn.h.tii. the Supreme' Court vs. I-7.irdr 1 . 4 Suprema Court of I.l'isconsin. - The ease involved Vte tight of Stale Courts to re lease otr i habearrcorpns patties Is custody under tile laws - Of the United States. This t was done by 'the Court below iq the instance of-an arrest- uu t ler judgmeit by the District Court of the I.34ited _t.v.tes_ for a violation of the rugitise Skive law. the-wbole andact of the tout helow - rs. - sleTAeld to berotally-ille gal vrni rtt t tnJ t. Rviilutionary; that the lkilmrshall had a right Villit.wes hie duty, to • resist by force atry •such ioterference on the p,trt tlie State powers ; and'tbati. the Fugi tir4 Strve acct. en' ulearlyeonritutional. s Titia is, .6f ,gotirs4., a lucre outline of the opinion, p hick i+ uUd• ntuod th hare been unanimous. It must put an end for the future Mall con tests between the United States and . States as to the .constiltutionality of the Fugitive Mane law ; trod all attempts hereafter by state Courts to interfere with cacers,of the Chiteci Staters in cmrying it out will be re garded as 'i.trolt.iionsrv, an .I treated as such." • - - - - 11. wtio'has ilea fora long Cnne conuccted %%HI the Law berrartment of gocemmert, has published an argument t„, s how that the ferenties of tWe Post • Office estaldistitnent can be applied after tulle next, to pay for rAt.,P3tting the tnail,Wnd for other of the pepaitmest, notwithstanding he failure of tke Post Office Appropriation liil., --~-s ~--- -~- Erma Ssestols.—The Extra Sinieicio of the U. S. Senate wae covvened . by the President immediately Qtl the adjnonnnent:Of Conrail, and closed ita labor* on %Vedceaday last.— buaineta being chiefly executive, is not z euvrNl rt.116._• • - - Object -of the-Defeat of the Postal , i Appropriations. It know apparent that it was the delihe- 1 ram purpose of Mr. Grew—who in this day, when small politicians ape the magnitude of great statesmen, has trate the position of the leader of the Republican 'party—to defeat the appropriation bills, for the purpose deem pelling an extra session of Congress, and se curing his election to the Speakership. lie` expected thatthe failure of the post office ap prepriations would impose upon the President the necessity of summoning an extra session.' In that event the Opposition wouldhive a I majority--; for nearly ail the member of i Congress from theLNerth have already been elected, and many Of those frogs she .South I are , .not chtsen until^ next fall. The next : Congre'si will be very close. A 'vote or -two i on either sidzy May determine 'who will be i Speaker. An extra session. Weaned at all„l would be convened before the elections are 1 bold in all the States, and thus an undoubted I Oppcsition majority be present to control the organization. Mr. Grow was the candidive .f - his party for Speaker at the opening ofshis l session, and expects to he at QUI next. So it was a sharp trick on his part to defeat the postal appropriation, that the next Congress Might be prematurely convened, and he ele rated to the Speakersirip, in the absence of a late - portion of the Democratic members. What etre the chicumstanues . under which this necessary appropriation bill was defeat ed I The Senate asloptevban amendment to the bell after it came frorne d t' e House,t 'king the franking privilege away from the mem bers, and increasing the rate of letter postage from three to five cents, The House dii nut pursue the usital course of disngreeingso the amendment, grit ch would hive revulted in bad it b o the Senate, and-finally re ) fened the whole subject to - a committee !of conference to decide upon its merits, firit the extraordinary eat edient was adopted, of re turning the bill to tae Senate, with the in- i spiting declaration t h at it had not the power ' , to adopt the amendment. This eas the re solution offered by Mr. Grow and adopted by the Hons.!: • "Reeolstd, Vint the House bill No. 872, making appropriations for defraying 4.lse ex penses of the Pest ()flee Department for the year ending 30th June, 1860, with the Senate amendment thereto,be returned ktithe Senate as section 3d of said amendment is in the na - turiof a revenue bill." The result of this instilling resolution was just. a hat its author anticipated. It diverted the discussion from the main quesion— which WAS the rate of postage, and embroiled the House in a cowroversy upon constitution al power. Phelps put the question in proper light when he said : "The amendment of the Senate provides fOr no taxes upon the peOple, as contemplated by the section of the Constitution conferring upon Congress the power of raising taxes. "But we look to the public lands as a source of revenue, and we look to the deduc tions from the pay of mariners for the purpose of supporting marine hospitals, as a portion of the revenue as well ne to the postages. if the point-made by the getAleniatt from Penn svlrauis`be comet, then the - Senate bas no power• to provide fir the sale of the publie lands, because they are a source for revenue ; the Senate have no right to provide for ire po=ing light dues or tonnage dues, rn i has I no tight to provide fOr a deduction from the I wages of seamen for, the support of marine hosiAtbr, because, in brs opinion, they- would I be bills raising r e venue." s. But Mr. Grow's peculiar form of excepting to the Senate amendment accomplished his put?, se of reising a secondary _question of constitutional power, which the Senate conk! not shirk, and whiul: procured the defeat of _the approptiition and the probable necessity of an extra'sessiou. The Washington Union comments pith well deserved severity upon this proceeding, when it says: `;Hut - Mr. Crow's object was not to defeat the amendment of the Senate; and he did kot allow this bill to go through this natural and usual process Of reference. His object was to defeat the hill itself; and this he deter mined to do, even if its defeat carried along with it, as he treati•ened, the defeat of all the other appropriation bills. He did not move to take up the bill and to non-concur in the Senate% amendment. He moved a resolution I by_yrdlich the House sent back the whole, bill as a tainted thing which it would not touch t or-consider at all, accompanied by a resolm lion of insult, to the Senate. Such a resole- I lion as that adopted by the .House was neveri beard of ip the Congressional history of this country, nor in the parliamentary history of Civet Britain, and its unprecedented and wanton character made it all the- more in sulung,to the Senate. It was- intended to de so. 4t was intended to force upon that body a question of punctilio which it could not ignore. and thus to consume the expiring moments of the ses-ion in a debate which must exclude Action on the bill. - "We ll,the deed btd on e. Th ereis no appro i- I mien for carrying the mails of thial vast country over any one mile of its`immeh.e territory after the Est ocnext July. There is no power , in the government to contractfor its carriage, I or to pay one cent in defrayal of the expenses of. mail transportation. The old contractors may wantonly come forward and proffer to carry the mails en the old or on reduckl sheccules, and trust to Cungtess fur their re-' -mune/116ot; but the depaitmenthiS no power to enter into contracts or to bind the govern- 'pent to the payment of tidollar. lEither this state of things must ensue to the disgrace of a great people, able and willing to pay their just public debts ; or else the new Congress roust be called together before all its' mem bers can be elected; and Mr. Gnaw be made Speaker in iconsequence of bit) own sharp prat' ice. "It must be confessed that this is a new mode of electioneering for the Speakership. But an 'ofSce won by this meatis,evetr though it be the third office in the American govern ment, Will bring its incumbent into, con apicuous contempt rather than into conspicu otas honor." k 'Worm seem that nobodypays tales iu Chicago. The 'Democrat' of drat city has a suppleuient of closely printed matter, rep resenting delinquents of Chicago for the past year. No less than'l3,6oo lots are advertis ed for •lion-paymeni of taxes. I. Ststrnia.— against slander there it no de- Ifence. Hell cannot boast so foul a fiend ; nor man deplore so fell a foe ; it stabs with a word—with a nod--=with a shrug—with a look—with a smile. .It is the peitilence walking in darkness, spreading contagion far i and wide;which the most weary traveler can t not avoid ; it is the heart-searching . dagger 1 of the dark assassin;' it is the pp/toped arrow whose wound is incurable ; it the mortal I sting,orthe deadly adder ; rquitier is its eta jployment ; innocence its, prey, and ruin its i sport." Its foundation is in envy, jealousy I and disappointed ambition. • Its heralds are found in all classes, among all sects, in *very vicinity. The • slanderer is vindictive, ;malicious ; a cowardly insisuatitrg d e mon... vr. , r.4. than a mardertr. ' .: . For t i he i Democrat. EDUCATION' - Inconformity to notice given, a session of the "Teacher's Instirute waslheld in Brook lyn on the 4th and sth inst. in the Presby terian Church, many of tb parents 'of the township being in Staten&ce. The . exel•- p / cises -were commenced, by an appropriate 'speech by our County 'Su -rintendent, de. monstrance of the fact that the teachers of our schools should so be qualified as to im pint, not merely scientific knowledge, but mental, moral and physical instruction also diffusively and equally ; on which the pros perity and social happiness of any communi ty chiefly depend. Prof. J. F. Stoddard followed, givin g an able and interesting lecture ma arithmetic and the Application of numbers I and quantities, showing conclusively that scholars should not be.taught therein by set rules and formulas merely, but by ruch,rlemongt rations and ex planations as shall causei the student to think, iticestigate and chicc rer fur bimse't and to be able to give the ur l hyfore for every operation. S. A. Newton followed bi remarks upon the relent condition of our primary schools, showing that they are; not kept open long enough ; that our youth do not and can not obtain, the amount of education which the farther anti mechanic rectuire, without at tending. select schools tinder adverse circum stances; but which they und oubtedly would, • the proper encouractimeut and influences were imparted. PRID.W EV•E!TiO. The exercises were openeid by Finer by the Rev. W. Adams. I Professor Stoddard deliviired an eloquent lecture on the importance of fixing a purpose in life, and of directing our efforts to accom plish it. R. 13 Little, Esc also spoke in his usual tag., sin. entertaining style, urging,' among other things, the necessity of tnental and moral culture, having allusion to the mutual * intlu•' ence otintrents and children with each_other, and its effect. SAMIDAY MORSINO The exercises were resurnd by some crigent and appropriate - remarks b}• the Superinten dent, who was followed by Prof. Stoddard in an ina•ruclile lecture on Philosophic topics and the beat method of, teaching those oeie,oc(.B. 1, E. A. Weston, Esq , foll Owed by a volun tary lecture t but of We forbear more to speak, a request being Made for its publi cation. A FTERI: 00* S. A... Newton gave a lecture on reading, showing the defective manner in widen it is taught ;—that it does not i receive the atten tion in our schools which its importance de mands. He also reprobated the malpractice of reading beginners and the i juvenile but once in each day ; ati lerror that should be extirpated at once, and which the Super intendent and the directots tre solicited todO, that every child may enj.4 its full share of time and attention. Professor Stoddard followed by enlarging .upon Mr. Newton's remark r s, and also bbOW. ing that Orthography should be taught by the sounds, indicate& by the letters, and not merely by the letters. He also described the elo‘enly, filthy and unheatliv appearance Of many of cur school houes, chargeable to the slothfulne‘s of the teacher. , ; shoo ing good cause why all such teachers should be re jected. The correctness oil which w.ts corm borated by the Super:lntent:lent. SATZ:RDAS ESSNING Prayer by Rev. Mr. Adams, after which Rev. Kr. Doolittle, in a speech, treated upon 1-a variety of topics,includiug the fact that the t educational condition of Pennsjivania- has been, and is jet, behind that Of' many of her sister States 7„ and fluently urged the grand limpo:tanw of the general diffusi - on of knowl edge. , . Prof. Stoddard spoke of improvements in , the 'manner of teachiq, and of the necessity ' that teachers should all uhderstand the laws of mental development, etc. . Several other personktv;treipvited to speak, but courteously refused on account of the likeness of the time. The attendance was regUlar and full—per fect order was observedFattention, direct and intosire,. and a deep Interest was clearly erinsive throughout the entire exercises ; a surety that all were beuefitted—that good was done.' There are some who may "doubt where unto this is iII - grow." To all such we would say, come and see for . fourselves ; and, if you see or hear any thing! that is reprehens ible, detect and expose it, tis it is your right and privilege to do; diffusion and remark being ever open and tido to an interes!eJ public. j : The folios log resolutions were presented, before the convention cloled,by 0. G. Hemp sted, in behalf of the audience, and were pas sed nenz. ron., iiz; Resolved, That S. A. Swtou, S. W. Brees.; and E. A. Weston, Esqrs., lie requested to report s the proceedings of this session of the Teacher's Instiuute for publication in the coonty papetr, and that fr. WESTON be in sited to furnish a copy cif his very excellent address for publication with the minutes. Resolved, That this meeting earnestly re commends to every teachiT a more intimate acquaintance with our S4h'ool Journals, pre eminent among which s 1 and the "Teachers Journal," published at Allentown, and the "Pennsylvania School Jo rnal," published at .. I Lancaster.l Resolved, That the thinks of this meeting, and of all friends of CoMmon School Educa tion, are due tootle several gentlemen who have contributed so bountifully to our enter tainment on this ohcasioa ; and especially to those gentleman from abroad,—Prof. Stodd ard and R. A. Little, Esl4.,—who, having : no special interest, save that inspired by a good cause, have, nevertheless! "held the laboring i oar" with eminent ability. Resolved, That the (cause of Common School education has received a new impetus as the fruits of this meeting, and that, while we esteem it most wortbly of our most earnest sympathy, we recognizelin it also the most profound recognition tb continued and in.. creasing zeal and labors lin its behalf. Resolved, That our worthy County Super . ivtendent is entitied -to Our grail ute for the ilea! and ability he has exhibited in getting up and conducting the exercises of this oc casion, as well as for bili labors for the cause of Common School - Education. . . . The appended resolutions were also offered, . (the one•by E: N. Weston, and Ihe other by - R. O. Ifiles,) and adoptsid : Pesolied,_ That the ! method of teaching children to read by woo'sis and ideas, instead of unmeaning letters, - ,s ! which method has to day been so happily psod forcibly elucidate') by Prof. Stoddard, anti which is adopted in Webb's- System of ft ea l riine, anti also - to some extent in Sargent's aystarn, is font:tided' upon r tbe simple unerring wistaom of nature—the I highest 'possible rec own' endation. Resolved, That this 'meeting tender their thinks to the society worshitiping , here, for 1 the use of their church which has been so I generously offered this association for the j holding of the preSent interview: . I l &A. Neliton, S. W: fi l !isted, COM:for pub. F. .1.1 eston' Sae On Monday evening a farmer-like individual stepped into various stores in our Borough (says the Scranton •`ll,epublican" of the 3d inst.) and, purchased a small article in ettelt, -giving in paytntratin every instance, a ten dollar bill on the liechanics' Bank of New Haven, Conn.. They wire taken with out suspicion save we !Aare Thine instance. Mr. Ziba Knapp, in Mr. Chase's enaploy, was not exactly' satisfied with this bill and on examining it more closely on Tuesday mord jeg,was still more sespiciort4. His suspicions became certainty, when, comparing his ex- I perfkice with that of othersit was ascertained that some $7O had been passed. Inquiry was started as to the whereabouts of the gentle man whir was so flush in tens. it was as certained.that lie Lad stopped in the Mansion House and left for parts unknown early in the morning. Dispatches 'were sent off on the various telegraph lines and at length a reply was received that a gentleman answer ing- to the description bad , got on the cars at Clark's Green, bounil for New Milford. Old els were sent to Mont.ose to ar.est him,whicb was done, and oo Tuesday afternoon he weir identified by Messrs. Fisher, Chase and Mow. ry, and toyught down to Scranton ; a. pre liminary ekamination was held irefisre Esq. Jay, and in default of bail, $OOO, he was committed to the_ lock up. His name he sass it 11. N. Sonthwell, and he is from Bush township. Susgitelianeit county: His brother was sent for Oa Wednesday to go his there are other warrants yet uuserved,the bail on which' we trust will swell beyond the means of Lis friends. Despite the prisoner's protestations of innocence he cannot avoid the fact that he offered no other money fur his small purchases. S I T The retnains of the late Postmaster General were rent to Tennessee on the 11th inst., in charge of Justice Catron, Senators Nicho!son and Johnson, and Col. Savage of that State. • Vlr The trial of lion. Daniel E: Sickles will not praahly take place till the week after next, the Grand Jury not being inclin ed to give his case a. precedence over others. Lgir - The Mew York New: says: In select ing, Mr. Holt the President acted upon his own judgment, net seeking or desiring ad vice from any quarter. He knew the kind of lil/1a necessary for the Araout and responsi ble post ; he knew Mr. Holt ; and time will justify We appointmeritl as an.excellent gne for the Department and the country, and free- Iv sustain the favorable opinion •of it, already expressed from all sectirms, FARMERS annisin Wtv'r.s.,-Said a young person lady, who sat holding herchild, "Now what goodwill all your education do you? You have spent so much time in study, giwduated with Ingh honors. learned music and piffling, and now only married &farmer. why do not you teach school,ordosomething to'benefit the world with your talentir, you'choose to marry, why not take .a tenclier, a clergyman or some professional man? But, as it i you did not need go much learning, for a rural life. The lady replied, • "You do not look very far into the future. Do you see thisboy.on mylap! I need all the study, all the discipline, both of mind and body,that I could posibly satin order that' I may train him aright. Your Pee I have the first impression Ip make on the fair blank of his pure heart, unless my mind, was first cultivated, ray own heart first purified, how could I well perform the tea - now placed before met—And, besides do you not suppose that farmers have hearts like other men, tests ss pure, because they guide the plow and till the soil for their suppor ! Do you not sup pose their :niuds are just as suseep:ible of cuhro tivation and other men! Have they no love of the beautiful : in their na•ure, of aril Cannot good paintings be just as much ' admired on their ;calls as otfiera, or dOes the evening hour never pass as pleasantly-•with them, when they gather around the pisno af ter a day's labor is finished! Alt my -young friend, you have made a sad m'stake in your reckoning. OP all the occupatons, give me that of 'the firmer. It is the Most beautiful; his life is freer from care, his sleep is sweeter, his trata:' tires safer. Afarmer need not be a slave of any, for he has none to please but himself. Not sn with allatost any tradesman, mechanic or profes•ional man.—They have more or less to de with the World at large, and have all man ner of persons to deal. with; so that they .need the pat iehee of Job tOliVel. They are well al ware that they mp•t not freely speak their, minds at all time, that if they do they will lowa custom; for.theydepond upon the people for a living; ther:tfora they are the servants of all. Then what can be desired mem, what IS more peaceful, prosperous, honest, healthful and happy than a farmer's life! Jury List, April Term, Mil. GRAND irßoßs. Auburn.—Edrnur.d "tunnel. Bridgewater. : —lra Foster. Peck. • Chooono C.—Ralph Vail. - Ditnock—Jolin Dußois. • Great Bend.—Steplien ItendticksoniNatha niel Ives, Silas B. June. .. Herrick—Giles H. Lyon. Ilerford.—Ste . phen Sweet. Letiox.—Freeman I'. Powers. Lathrop - Ansel Sterling., Montrose.-;-Jaa. W. Chapman. Middletown.--Darius Iloyt u New Milford.--Judson 13. Cook, 13. IL Foot, Richard Hart., S. 11. Morte. ' OaklarA. 7 -Jeseph McKune, jr. Susquehanna.—Augustus Gilbert. Silcef Lake.—Reuhee'Meeker. Tuomson.—Lutber S. Aldrich, Robert Gelatt, Sr. Traverse Jurors. Ist Week. i( ?, .Ararat.—FA ward Bloxham, /abet Tyl r, - Auburn.—Hiram Carter. Bridgewater.—Bartlett Mode: Brooklyn.—R. F. Breed, Asa Crandall, Isaac H. Sterling. Cbuconut.-11.0 Minkler. Dundaff.—Wm. - Wilbitr. . Dimock.—George cantos. Franklin.—Daniel II Blowers, Luther Snow, 2nd. Forest Lake.-4. W. Taylor, M. S. Trowne. • Great Bend.—llenry. Terbos.. Herrick.—lra Nichols. Harmony.—J. 11. Rogers.. Jessup.—Ftedatick 4 tDaytog. Jackson.—Alonzin f erry,"ksa Dia, Liberty.—N. L Austin. Lathrop..—Stoddard Quick. Montrose.=Amos Nichols. Middletown.—Samuel.L. New Milford.—A. Brant, John DouJ, Daniel McMillon, Edwin Rice. Oakland.—Calvin Brush. Rush.—lra Deuel,jr Z., i t Cooley, Daniel Gary. .? _ Silver iorhe.--)litae Gage, ioaepti Susquehauna.—Samnel Seymbur,-Wm. C. Fria. . , SECOND Irseit. Ararat.—Ahnr Avery: Auburn.—Nivtban Green, P. G. Burch. Apolicou.--Sonathan 133inery, David But ft; ro . Bridgewater. - 1 11. Faucher, M. J. Harring ton. _ Chocenut.—Michael Rain._ • Cliffurd.—John.Boltori. Gibson.—Daniel Evens, O. M. Bairley. .Great Bend.—L. 13. Crook,A. P. Stephens. Harford.—Alfred &alum d, Fowler Peck. Beri ick.—J. T. Ellia. Lil erty.--John D. Turrell. Latbiop.—John Woad.' Lenox.—Daniel 0. Farnharn,Jaeilaistnad, Audreir Chamberlin. Mnorrose.—Samuel Bard , WiWarn W. Smith. Middletown.--John Ifradshaw. New Milford.=-Gurdon Morley, Richard Nfos., Francis Morley, If: C. Dykeman. Rush.—David Goodwin, 'R. B. Swii_her, A. F. Shaddock, Seth Shove. Susquthinna..-0., S. Brigham, Peter Tate. Springville.—Tlenoy Wilßartug, jr Thomson.—Clins. Brown. By parch:wing Goods of Ziegler & Smith, (Wholesale Drug, Paint and Glass Dealers,) corner of Second and Green Ste., Philad'a, you have the advantage of select ing your pa/chases from an extensive and varied stock of whitelendilalne, corrd pallets and window glow - of assorted sizes and (militia. All of these articles are knuked at such prices as cannot fail to 'suit the closes buyer. jfeb3 lyslo*o jw Import:tut to toutriles.---Dr. Cheese mass's Pills, Prepared by Cornelius L:Cheest. man, Ncte York City. The combination of in gredlepts in these Pills are the result of a long and extensive prietMe. Th . ey are Mild in their operation,and certain in correcting all irregulari ties, painful menstruation, removing all obstrue• tient', whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the aide, palpitation of the heart, disturbed sleep, which arise from interruption of nature. TO MARRIED LADlES,these Pills are inval uable, as they will bring on the monthly period with regularity. Ladies who &Ivo been disap• pointed in the, use of other Diu can place the utmost contdewe ill Dr. Cheeseman'e Pills ,do Mg all they are represented to do. NOTICE—They should not be used during Pregnancy, as a miscarriage would certainly re edit therefrom. Warranted . purely vegetable, and froe from anything injurious to life or health.' Explicit directions, which should be read, accompany each box. Price $l. Sent by mail on enclos. igg 411 to any authorized agent. 111. B. 111151rtIliNGS, 165-Chrimbrrs-St, New-York; General Agent for the United Statei, to whom all Wholesale orders should be addressed. Dr. J. WAXMAN, Tunkhanoock, and. ABEL TURRELL, Montrose, Agents. jan2o ly Notice to School Director& The four.tronth certificate should not be sent in with the interrogatories on the 3,1 page of the sheet unanswered.' The State Superintendent haft decided that he will tof issue a warrant for tho State appro. priation until they are properly answered by the President of the . Board. criar.lo,wil B. F. TEWKSBURY, Co. Sup.t. Isaan ! sau, In Dimock, on thel.h into., by Utbane Smith, Egi.,'Mr. JADE% POUGIIERTt.s, of Dimook, and Miss SAMANTHA M. SMITE! or Wysox, Bradford County, Pa. In Case County. Miohigan,st the",residence of the toile, by Rey. 11. Caldwell, Mr. P. G. CBDDEBACk, formerly of Clifford, Sosqu'a county, Pa., now of Michigan, and Miss M. MICTIAII In the M. E. Chord' .at Rrihesburg, Pa., Mvrch oth, by the Rev. 13. 13. Emory,Dr. F. M. ROrand Miss SARAH H. EMOIY, both of the former place. In Montrose, at the parsonage,March - 131h, by the b - a ne , Mr. JAMES BLASDELL, of Jei.sup, and Misa, REBECCA KIRBY,of New Milford. • In Montr(ise, Feb. 121 h, by tie came, Mr. JAMES E. HOWE and Miss HANNAH. BISBEE. DUD. On the 2d inst., in Forest Lake, GEORGE \V. BALL, aged 50 years. • in Brooklyn, Susquehanna counti., FRibruary Bth, BENJAMIN S. SAUNbERS, 0.1 54 yearP, 3 mood's-and 11 dayi. • Mr. Saunders was one of the flr.t a t lora in the country, and bore twiny of the priva tions incident to,early settlement. He wee a man much respected by all who knew him., and a very large concourse of people attended the con:tignment of his remains to the tomb. lie died as a christian dies, in 'full view of immottnlity: Ile experienced religion in 1812, and maintained• his integrity to the end. The writer'of this notice was blessed with the privilege of hearing him say.a short dine before lie.died, "My peace is made,l am ready . to exchange Worlds," and. to hie daughter he said, "0 that I could' fly away and he at req." W. NCOTIC)3EIb To Dealers in. Merchandise within , the Coun ty of Susquehanna. , I N pursuance of the several acts of Assembly, of this Common Wealth to provide 'revenue, to meet the demands upon the treasury, and for .other purposes, the undersigned, appraiser of mercantile taxes flir aid COtinty; lots prepared a list of mgrchants, trading in said County, and placed each merchant in that class which to hi'm appeals just and right, according to the acts of Assembly, to wit: • P.M. • Residence. , Proprietors. Class. Auburn, Waltman & Swisher 14 - d 6 ' 111. Matane &Co 14 do • J. P. Lambert 14 Apolazon Harry. Barney _ l4 do E. B. Besrdsloy 14 Brooklyn .E. S. Hinds & Co. 14 do' R, T.-Ashley . 14 do , E. S. Kent 13 do Beßenrie & Eldridge 13 do F. W. Allen . 14 do S. D. Tompkins i 14 . - Clineunut D. J. Donnelly f 14 Clifford • ' John Halsted - 14 do I, N. Baker 14 ' Dundali Thomas Arnold ~ 13 do J. B. Slocum 13 • do Church & Phinney 13 • ' Franklin 105. L. Merriman 14 do' Edwin Summers 14 Forest Lake David L. Meeker 14 Friendsville Francis Ilanraty 13 do • Wm. Buffalo 13 do J. Hosfoid 13 - Gibson s Walker & 'Holmes 14 do S. S. Ingalls 12 do C. P. & 0. M. Hawley 13 'do N: E. Kennedy 13 _ • do John Smiley 13 Great Bend Jas. B. SleCresfy. jr. 14 do Samuel H. Dayton 13 do. Thomas & Whiting 14 do ' Henry McKinney 13 do: Reckhcw & Co 14 do - L S. Lenhim, lick 12 el 0 J. teurliste dr. Co liq 14 4 do' flyer & Simons 14 do B. B. June 14 der . Taylor & Sendder T 4 do - John Cohden • • .' T 4 Herrick. ' J.-Miller T 4 do -J. Richardson' 14 Harmony S, A. Lyons 14 , • do B. ILLvons & Co: 12 • do • Brandt & Schlager . 14 6 :1 WM. Trentkin 13 Raiford' Whitney & Motley 13 do C. 8. Johnson 14 do''rah Very 14 I & do ' H. Ss. Blanding dt - C9 14 , .40 P. Carpenter 13 Jessup Lines Martin 14 Lathrop '-E. & T. Bell 14. 'do S.l. Newton 14 Liberty Roger Kenyon Jr. 14 do Zebulon Blakeslee • 14 Lenox • 0. F. Gunther IA do E. R. Grow & Co. 13 do Shuns, Eaton &Co _l3- Middletown - S. C. Means \ 14 do _ D. Coleman - 14 do B. L. Canfield 14 do Darius Hoyt . 14 Montrose . C. We Mott 14 do Wm.'. &S. 112 M ulfordl2 do - J. Lyons & Son 13 do F. B. Chandler 14 do - Lathrop & Dewitt 13 do I. N. Bullard liq 14 do Post & Broii. 11 do Read & Co. - Il do Guttenberg Rosenbaum &Co. 11. , do Abel Terrell , liq 13 do M. S. Wilson & Son 12 do J. Etheridge 14 do R. Thayer 14 do Keeler & Stoddard 14 do ta..H. Sayre & Bios. `l2, do ' 0..1. Webb 14 do .Z. Cobb • • , 14 do . Baldwin & Allen 13 do A N Bullard 14 do , Boyd & Webster _l3 • do S. S. Molt 14 do S. A. Woodruff 14 do Bacon & Wgeks le Now Milford Young 4. Sibith 12 do J. Moss & Bros. 14 do ' Hayden 8r05..„,. 12 ' do • •• Henry llturitt .• 13 do - J. Dickerinan jr.: - 13 -do Wm. 0 Ward ~13 Rui.ll Norman Grange!: 14 do , Alanson Lung 14 do James Tupper 14 Silver Lake J Braekney 14 ° do Timothy Sullivan 14 Springville Ira Scott 13 do 11. N. Sherman . 13 do -, t Smithlr. & son 14 do 'A. M. Scott ._ . 14 Susg'a Depot Edward Carlisle liq 14 do C. S. Bennett ." 13 do A. W; Bronson " 14 do H. Cohen s ' 14 do - A. W. Rowley 4 11 14 ' do S. B. West ' lig 14 do James 801 - • 13 do - Thoinas Ingstrum 14 do Guttenberg Itoscnbsuin & Co l2 do Soba Bryant - 14 do - N C. & D. W. Norton 14 . do Whitney & Pyne 13 do ' Gaylord Curtis 'l3 do Smith & Shutts liq 14 do .A. J. Seyn3mit • 14 do - Miles Cragan liq .14 , do , Foot & Johnpon 14 do Perrine Sz. ii;:n 14 do James Higgins - l i t 14 do Dennis Casey ," 14 do ' Dennis MeV:maid " 14 ,do ti William Shrimpton 11 do . William Wiggmore 14 do Greeley & C. oik 1.4 Thompson HP. Hathaway 'l4 do E. W. Lewis 14 SEER Iip,IISES, RES#ARARTAAC.. Brooklyn Geo Aldrich Dundaff E: P. Chambeis Friendseillo Geo. Simpler do . Lewis Buff= tit: Bend - Walter Paintin do W. A. Botl•titad do , E, F. Simons • . Montrose . I. N. Bullard do Baron & Weeite do Z. CHU' . do • 0. Nl.Crane New Milford Edward Cornwall Busq's DepOi Nelson Doolittle do Jerom.. 11.rticy do Wm. M. Ilaw.irth dd ' B. A. Ben.on BILLIARD TABLES. tinplot A. Thompson, li?ense. *, ? "(1 GL Bend P. Til!mad DISTILLERIES. Clifford .1. MeCalla Liberiy A. McAlpiti And fhb lades of the Coda, -of Con-moo Pteas of said County, will 'hold a Cport ' of Ap peal io the Court House it( Mont ripie. in and for aAidconoty. on Thursday, the - I ttl ihiy Of April, _at 1 o'clock, h. le. at which. kid place any of the merchants described anti classed as their agents or attoniem may appear and appeal from - said assessment if they think proper. ALBERT TittlEStiELL Meronntile Appraiser. Liberty, March 16, 1859. T,a ( farmers AO 6,artraer,s. THE SUBSCRIBERS OFFER FOR SALE 60,000 BARRELS OF, THEIR NEW AND iMPROVED, POUDRITIL OF THE . LODI VANUFATURIXG OOVPANYi A4 - ANUFACTURgD from the night.soil of 111 New York city, in lots to snit purchasers. This article (greatly improved withjp the last three years) has been in the marked Ibr eighteen years, and still .defies competition, as a manure for Corn and Clantin Vegetables, being cheaper, More powerful, than any other ' and at the same time free front disagreeable odor. Two bar s rels, ($3 worth) will manure an acre of corn in the bill, will nave two-thirds in labor, will cause it to come up quicker, to grow faster,ripen earlier, and will bring a larger crop on poor ground than any other fertilizer, and it is also a pre ventiverto cut worm; also it does not injure the seed hp put in eontact withjt. - The L M. Co. point to, their long standing reputation, and the large capital ($100,000) in vested in their business as a guarantee that the article they make shall always be of such quality as to command a ready sale. Or Price $1.50 pet barrel for any quantity over six barrels. 6 ar A Pamplet, containing every information, will be sent [Feet] to arty one applying fur the same. Our address is— . GRIFFING, BROTHERS & C 0.,. Agricultural Warehouse, 60 Courtlandt St., NEW YORK. March 17, 19--doknow.. • FARREL, HERRING & CO.'S PATENT CHAMPION SAFE. LATE FIRE AT DUBUQUE. lOWA. DUBUQUE, Jut: 7,19 Gents am requested by Mr.T. A. C. Cecil raneof•this place, to ICI) , .to you that on the morning of the dth histant r about 3 o'clock, his store took fire, and the entire stock of goods was destroyed. The heat became so suddenly intense that none of the goods could - possible be saved ; but fortunately his beoks - and papers, which were in one of your Champion Safes.were all preserved perfectly. And well tl:ey may be called Champion, for during the whole minas , gration, there was one incessant pouring of flame directly upon the safe which contained them. And still, upon opening it, the inside was found to be scarcely warm, while the outside was tiost severely scorched. Yours truly N. A. MCCLURE. Herring's Patent Champion Fire and Burglar. Proof Safes.with HALL'S PATENT POWDER PROOF LOCKS, affiwil the greatest security of any Sate in the world. Also Sideboard and Parlor Safes, ofielegupt workmanship and fin. lab for plate, atit . 'ARREL, HERRING & CO., have removed from 31114Vislarist Street, to their new store, No.62lllChestssuktitreel,(J Hsu.) Where are-largest, assortment of Safes in the Wald can be found. • rARREL. HERRING'& CO, 69 Cazsvitrr STREET, (A:oes Hail.) PIIIII,ADMPIIIA thatch 17—if. I COSIL I M I e LOST on Saturday, March, sth, between Passtuore's and George lell3/C ' s fire Sealed Notes: one of 820,00, against D. W. Hire, pay_ able to R Thayer or bearer; one or 82.100, signed by Lyman Kellum ; ono of $14.00. ed by Thomas Adams; one of $7,00, signed John Lathro p; ono. of .5415, Jas. Waldee; all made parable to It. Thayer, jr. Any one finding said Notes, by returning_ the - same same Aral be' rewarded. And. ally one is hereby - cautioned against buying said Note. ' or the makers paying them, Onless,to Thayer, jr., - or the suberiber. LnROY THAYER. March lOth, 1859.-42. ' Petitions tor' averts License. NOTICE is herebrgiven that in purmatien of thikAct of Asgnutity. the fillowing per sons have filed their' l petizions. w i t h- t h e C l er k of the Court of Quarter Ses-inn of the Peace for die County of Suquelianna for licetne tco keep Taverns in said County. George W. Lewis,{ Ditpork Township. Cyrus B. Jackson, Boro'of Fr eo.isville, E. 13. Gates, Dimock Township. Stephen Carpenter, Gt.fleud " Joel' Smenback, Gibson " • David Wilmarth, Lathrop " A.F. Snorer, Lenox Robed Gaige, \ Silver Lake " -Jacob Kimble, • Clioconut " Edward Clark, " - " Philander Phiiiney,,New Milford " Elijah Barnum, James M. 'Tillman; Susq'a Depot. Thomas Carr, Robert Nichol, • t. Wm. 11. Sherwood, Hush Township.", George Snyder, • " John M. Myers, Deriiek A. Tilden, C. D. Wilson, - 0 irWilliams, P. M. Tillman and CiitTor 1 • Claraldwards, Gt Bend " John S Tarbell, Montwse Bow'. Leonard Searle, Henry . L.lngley, Great Bend Townsnip. B. L. Canfield, Middletoe n " A. A. Be etnan, . Liberty • 44 ParrickMcGovern.Ain . davon F. W. Boyle. New Milfbr.l " E. L. Mama, Auburn U. R Smith, Depof Bow' John Hewitson,- Jimes .1. Turner,, Jackson Township. Petition torWitillesale Liquor Store. Jackson Clitnherlin, Mont wso Boro' G. B. Ir. WADE. March 14, 1859. S. BS Pettengill & Co., Aeivtirgising f ligentx, at 119 Ni:oau.s', :Neor%-Yurk. and 19 State-4, 1104 ton, arts agents fur The Montrose 13 , na,,cral. and "are au thorized to contrail. 1.4- . 1.14 at tar lowest ratr.s. BY virtue of nutniry writs ksucd by the Court of Common Pleas 01 - Su-queliann,t county, and to me directed, I will, expose t., elle, by public vendue, at the Court House, in biontrose,•ort Saturday, the 21 day of at one.-o'cloci:, the'culhming de scribed' piece or parcel ut lama, to wit : ALI. that certain piece or pnrcel of land, situate in the township of L imp, County and Stal4foiessid, bounded and described 114 tOi. lOW% tot w it :on the north liy the south line of iohn Graft's wan ant ;on the ea-t by the ea..; line of Andrew wartr.nt ; t!:, Fein h by land enntriieted b:,G...-I.Groix to laves vett; and on the weA by the D L. & W. j. CO., containing filly-four seres more the appuetenuneeQ, one fr.iiii.od on" fru= barn, and ab wt fifteen rr.,ken in execution at ttie su:t of Dell .slid "lingh-v vs. Charles y.] . those veil:tin rUccra or pared of kind' in the town , kii, , d 0 nd and Harmony, Su-tja Co., l'nnn'a, bound •cl and do- scribed as follows, to.wit : No. I i.. a to Henry Drinker..on,tbo out let et containing xixty...aeSiTta. more or did exit of lot Nw. 19, 'on the 10'11i iinVIW, map of re-surrey-of the Wharton hood.. ord Zero adjoining and lyiai wi,st of lilt No, 61, on S:1110 map an; bounded oil the n , rth by the Fo-quo• henna river, with a saw mill and framed house and barn thereon:mid about forty acres improved. No 2, also hit No. 79 on the same map of re-survey. containing seven ty.six acre'. and.twen ty perches, with shunt six acres improved No. 3,salso lot No. 60 on the same map of re-survey, con - mining ninety acres and sixt. , ..two perches, wholly unimyro o 4, also lot No 61. centainiii7; as shown by the arm% s aid nip of re siirvev, seventy-eight aeres.asd eight ) -six perches Of land. No. 5, also; lot No. - 58.0n the •anati map . of to seirvey c eight...'o•ir acres tool ono hiindred at a thirty two perches, unimprovol. No. - 6, a'so lot N 0.57 on the same map or re suthy, cont:fining s:Sty-orm acres and ninet. perches, wholly unimproved. No. 7, also lot No. on the saute -.leap of re survey, containing seventy.two and a hl t acres, to witreh has been 'added fifteen and a halt acres from the south-west corner or lot No. 5 On same map, and nine acres and fifty perches from the north-east corner of No. 7, on said map—making in the whole of this parcel ninety-seven aeres,..witleswe framed Miens, framed bami and included in thiS parcel. and one shanty and about fifty acme im proved. No. 8, :lieu: lot N0.,13 on !mid map, eon tainine, fi fty adres . eighty-six perches, unim proved. No. 9, also lot No. 42 on ••:id map. con= taiiiing oue hundred !titi six acres and thin ) . seven perches, wlieoly inimproved. Number ten, also lot number - forty-three on said map, con., taming one Imedrettand three acres nd one hen : dres and two perches, wholly unimproved. Number eleven, also lot number forty-four on said; map, containing seventy seven acres - and sixty-nine perches, wholly unimproved. Number twelve, also lot number forty tire , on said map, containing seventy-eight acres and ono hundred and thirty-three perches, unimproved. Number thirteen; also lot number forty-six on said map, containing one hundred and sixteen and sixty-three porches, wholly unimproved. Number fourteen, also lot number fifty on skid Map, containing eighty-five acres and eye him, dred and twenty-five perches, wholly unimproved. Number fifteen,saltio another lot or parcel of land known as having been warranted and sur veyed by the Commonwealth of Pennsyltmnia to C. L Ward, lying on the Canewauta - creek in Harmony township, containing in the whole two hundred and thirty two acres, with the usual al lowance for roads.alOiting, and lying west of an older the-name of Samuel Wallis, andowholly unimproved. ITaken in execution at the i suit of A: J. Davis vs. F.A. Ward: ALSO—AII that certain piece or pa rcel of . land situate in the lownship of LathrZp, Couuty and State aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, to wit: hogiuning at. a' hemlock tree the south-west corner of lands eotteoyed to Elisha - Lord; thence by the rand east one lion dred and twenty perches to a post; the said Eli sha Lord's south-east corner; thence south nine ty parches to a post; thence west one hundred and twenty perches to a. post, and' thence north ninety perches to the place of beginning; ernmaie log sixty : seven acres and .eight v perches of 111131, be the_same more or less, with-the apportenan -cea, one framed house, one 'barn, one blacksmith 'shop, some fruit trees, and about fort) acres improved. [Taken in .execution at the suit of C M. Gore and L. A Smith, - Cotninitteo of Edwin,Tifroy, a lunatic, vs. V. S. Brercson rind MUM M. Bronson.] ALSO—AII that vermin niece or parcel_of land situate' iii the toOoship of Middletown; County and Saito aforesaid. Bounded ard de scribed as followti, to wit on the north by the public highway and by Amos:Canfield; on the east by t ee rr o f 3lrs Shipman; mid on the Knuth. and west by' Otis Boss and the public highway. containing shout thirty acres, more or less with ' the nppurtenances, trio framed dwelling houses, one barn,, one grist. mill .and about twenty five errs improved. [Taken in execution at the suit of Z. Bailey, stirvviing.partner of D. Dailey & son v.. Wm, E: Jone