1111.GUNMAKER OF -MOSCOW. sit o! theElniplrei under Peter ithelGlteat. ~ CU APTER .1: I. The tin* at which we • open _ &sr .'story h said-winter," and towards the close of the 'seventeenth century. it utile is !bascule. • Is the suburbs of Moscow,, and very bear the river lauskwa,stood an mble 004v/blab betrayal - A - mattress of syrangemeet asstl show of-tape that more than made op for ha small 'seas of size. Back of the cot . was an artiaina shop, and other out-buildinga; _ This shop Was deroted_to the manufacture of 'firearms, Mostly. Some swords, and other edged weapons, were made here elioo special appli ;cation. The master of tbistenement was the hero of 'our tale, liaric Nevel. We find him stand ing by his forge, watching the white smoke as tt curled up toward the throat' of the chimney. • He was a young. man, • not over three-and-twenty, and possessed a frame of more than ordinary symmetry and muscular developement. Be was itotharge—oat above a medium Aar; but a single glance at the swelling cheat, the broad shoulders, and the sinewy ridges of The bare arms, told at once that he was master of great physical power. father had been killed in the then late war with the Turks. and the son, leaving Lis • mother with a sufficiency of susteuanee, went to Spitin soon after the bereavement. There be Mond work in the most noted armories ; •and now; well versed in the trade, he had yet:lrked to native city to Lis , call ing. and support his mother. '. dear •by stood a boy—Paul Peepoff—a bright, inteligent lad, some fifteen years of age, who had- bound himself to the goyi m-Ater for, the purpose of learning the art. . Claudia- Navel, Raric's mother, was a noble looking woman, and the_ light of her still handsome countenance was never-bright er. than ellen-gazing upon her.boy., She had a thankful, loving heart, and a prayerful, hopeful soul. . is- snowing, again, faster than 'ever,' remarked paul; as he took his teat at the supper table, in company with the others. • - • . • •Ak,' returned Rtirio, testing his knife a few naoruen's while be bent hit ear to listen to the voice of the storm. •I bad hoped 'twould snow no more for the present. The snow is deep enough now. - And how it blows!' • -. 'Neva mind: - sPohe the. dame,, in a it-aw ful, eat.y.torie,..it mutt storm when it listettr, ,and we , only can thank God that we have sEelter, and . pray (or 'those irho bare `Aineor revponded Iturie, fervently. The meal mu' At length eaten,and the table set hack, and shortly afterwards Paul retired to - hi. bed. • • , fturie drew this chair up to the fire-place, and tearing agi,iinkt the jam he bowed his head in•abeorbing thought This bad become a habit witbbina cf late. Ilia. mother . baying - .:Observeilthese fits of abstraction, became un easy sud 'Pressed Rude to tell ber what it ,was over which be was &S._ constantly and so moodily brooding. - Bring thus urged, Runic Confessed that it vas of Roseland Valdisi the c-phan dangtrer of a nobleman. and now the ward of thga, the' powerful and haughty Duke of Tula) he was thinking. Iludis - father - :and the father of Ro-alind, had been 'comrades in arms in their ioutlr, 4nd their childrn had,been playmates. •But whin the elder Nese! was slain in battle, • Retie was yet a bow,•and the wida and her son re mained poor and obscure ; while Valday; more fonunate, had zisen . to a high rank. -and dying, left ,-Rosalind a title and a fui . tune. The young people, hnwever, had not. for tot,on eneh otter . Rune loved '-Rosali al 'with all t e rerror of his being, and I h s' I . :aired that Rf*alind rctinnedhia love. A be and 1,:i: moll+, at dobating the matter on that itortny night, a loud knock upon the over d•x-r starthql them. • there env one here !' 'the gunmaker ailed, as be opened the door, bowing hi. . be; .1 and- shielding his eyes from the dnving snow-with one hand. • Yes; returned a voice from . the Stygian darkneas.. In Gods name let ma in or I shall ,perieb: 'Then follow quickly; said Rorie. liere me your ,and.—There—now come: The youth found the thickly-gloved band —gloved eith lire softest fus—and having led the invisible applicant into the ball le 'closed the door, and then s led - the way to the kitchen. - .' Without, speaking, -Rorie turned. - and gazed upon the new comer. The stranger. who was equally desirous of ascertaining what manner of man Rune was, 'was a monk-=sod habited somAlsing like one-of the Black ttionlos a St. Michael. lie was -of meat= bight, and pos4e , sed a rotundity of peiyin which was corn-cal to behold. At length, • after_warming himself ,by the lse, the guest asked .if he could be SOCOMO• ated with some sleeping place, and being `;answered in the affirmative,- -Rorie 'show ed him to a chamber and then ti;tired him , Tile` text won i ig,. after ire .kfa‘t, the Monk went with Runic to the bib p, and 'esamitted 'ikith mull interest the vatioU weaponi tlierein. • itudc questioned hint clofely as to 'nether he bad ever met him before, hot the Monk replied evasively, and after saying That in cage the,gunmaker should ever,', - in any great emergency,. need a friund,at ha might ply to him, be took a his leavt - , - ' Tower a Abe middle the -afternoon, jus• es . Ruric had-ficished tempering some pelt, of.a gun-lock, the back-door of his shop wan opened, 4ixti•tvro men entered. They "were young tnat, dressed in costly furs . , and both' of them stout and, good-looking. ~ The gun maker recognized tbeni-as the Count Conrail Damonoff and. his friend Stephen:Caen: ' think I speak with RaticANevel,' said the Count, moving forward. 'Yoe' do,' returned Rude, net at all sur prissl by the vi4it, slaw- people of all clas4es were in the habit of calling at his place to osier arms. , • . " You ate acquainted with the lady Rosa Lod Vaddai r h said. . - 'I am,' answered Rune s now beginning to wondei. • • _ 'Well, air,' -resumed Demount", with much -haughtiness% 'pedlars my business can be , As:sickly and satisfactorily settled. It is my desire to make ' the Lady Rosalind my Rorie Newel started, at, thesejtronia, and bkolialitsd big bands to bide their tremulous. near: But. be was not long dibiting 'upon an answer:, `And Irby - have you come to me with this inforniation, sir r be asked. . , •Rdrie Neve!, you shall not say that ! did not make nayaeltfully understood, and hence - 3 The Count spoke this as uptake a man 'who feels that he isdoing a very 'condeseending thing, and in the same tone he Onceeded : 'The Lady Rosalind .is of noble parentage and very wealthy. Mir- own nation and wealth are equal with , kers: I /eve ter, and , mut have her for my wife. I --bsvo-hoeo to ase the noble Blick,..her-Amard shin;anirlio objects not to my istit: Met - he infortnoteett that there, wai one impediment, tmd that wi her . :crE, f)r vc.t lie kuows fu~l"icofl - as I'~Caow, and as tbit.s4e nivi 4 i become: yet he is anxious , not to int Against her inclination. So front you, to the erect that . : claim her , band. is all that 1. bare A paper here all drawn u I require is simply. your signal! is MAI e plain, simple avow that sou have no hopes north leg tile . head of the lady in ai l As the Count spoke he dre thit'bcoom of his marten donb opened it he minded it tow. maker. But Rorie took it back and gazed - the visitor I face. 'Sir Count,' he uid,calenly bare plainly stated your pro.' will as plainly a nswer. I Paper '. Ha r gasped Damotioff, in 'Do you refura r 'Most * •. 'But you will sign_ h r hi hoping pale with rage, 'Her . If you would live==sigts r 'Perhaps be cannot wiite,'s. contemptuously. 'Then he may make histnar Count, in the same conteruptu l 'lt might not regains muc. to induce metro make my cis qot. at all agreeable to.'you, air torded, with his teeth now set veins upon his brow starting out. •Do you seek a qua air r 'Seek mei:whet I wilt sign I , 'Once more+—lio 'Thew, by blaveus, you abal is 10 Amin suobls me ! Ile As these wars pawed fr.m the Count's lies in a low, hi-sing r, he aimed a blow with hit.tbt at litwic's h.sd. The gun maker bad not dreamed of Ao.it a dastardly act, end he was not pr e pared E t.ir it. -Yet he dodged it, and as the Count dOew back Runic dealt bins a blow. epee the le, w that felled him to the door like.* dead o .' •Bew7!e,Stephe6 Urzen!' h! the Count's companion, as I.! made a movement as though forward. RUI not myself now! safest where vou are' The man thus addressed vii maker a few 'momenta, and-he elude That, be had better tcravl encounter. . I Conrad Damonoff slowly r and gazed irdo • Ilia antaguni.l moments in silence. HI. own Irpale,lind his Whole frame glade Nerel,' he +mid, in a b ed tone, 'you will hear.from m= look your plebeian stock.' And with thin he turned sw . thn gunmikar t .t her, after the men had gone, thie . to my mother'. `Be sure;-' On the following morning, preparing for breakfaat,liesaw pass by and strike off into road. Now, thought lie, is tl on Rosalind ; apd as soon as b breakfast he prepared for the a' .ed well and no man in Mo.soo look when the du-t of toil was his brow and garb. Ile took a bolas and sledge off for the Kremlin, within w raided. In one of the sumptuously f meets of the palace of the Int Kiwalind .Vahlad. She was * I Molded -in perfect form, with health and rigor, and . pases pecoiiar sweetness and intellige i ouly„ nineteen yehrs of age, and ten years an orphan. There r the aristocrat in her look— nothing haughty ; but genth .were the True elements of her r 'How now,Zenobie I' askßd waiting-maid entered. •There is a gentlemen belo see you, the girl replied. •Theo. tell him I. cannot tee lied, trembling. 'But it ießuric Nerel, my 'Boric r irzclaimed the fair ing up, while the rich blood brow and templet. ID, • 1. s ' •! come. My prayers are su Lead him thither, &noble' The girl departed. and em 1. Runic entered the %leper:men, quickly to where RorAdnd ha. feet, and tak-ing one of der hit , own he pric-'sed it to hialipr. difficulty he spoke. But the - soul became calm et_ leng Tie. -received Rosalind: pro would never permit her -ha ed of to another" by (he .1)1 Rorie. inforined her of the viii inonoff to l shop, its purp, ~nit. _ltosaiiud was Astonish - • The 'Duke owed .him mei and might perhaps be play Count. Runic started as a new en upon - Lim. Had the upon that mitwon on purism.) quarrel. 'Aj-e,' thought the self. "the Duke knows that I b .iuurd-play, and be knows the be no match for me. So be .4ulitile manner to make me a ridding him of plague.' But the 3outb was careful Had know of this. He thong unhappy if abe knew tba likely to clime off between Count. After some ¬es of cow .; Rude took leave of Rosalind,' in the open Coca. -Here • -ledge. and then drove to I the Khitagurod, where be young friend named Om% the guard. The officer was and as he met Buricibis ul n end cordial. • After the first ings bad paned. Boric 'rem hare a meeting with Conrad He has sought a quarrel-4 —1 growly--aitned a blow at in knocked him down. , Yon ca! al I what the result mast be' 'Mixt surely be will chap - the officer, - eacitedly. 'So I think; resumed Hurl • .now will 'you se=re me in the 'With pleasure.' , - And thereupon Rune vela - 1 occused at the woe of the shop. and then took his leave. He reached borne just as spreading Ibis board for -di. went sear on business, and of asking lint any qaesti.orts. On questioning Paul, in t aftemoa, Rorie. to lir great that' the Black Moak bad his absence, to patellae a d had drama out-gf the boy a' of the eisi r tsi linen and I he seemed .to be much pl conduct. As they were tale and presented a chalk:or Beria:at ones referred Ma to be took his leass. Tb . si .ntoiag, 1;,77.1 pteA mutt know— War wife; but re too much simple denial on cari never. n. I et and ts all -icy that re: liere=it on four part ,ughts'of seek rnsgri. a paper from et, and having rds the gun ot. He 'drew sternly in the drove 'to fturitea door; end vOubg Ora* enteied the hot*. 'He "called 'Ruda aside, and informed hien that the arrangements:bad all been mails." - liamunotT is in a hurry,' be said, 'and we basil appointed the weetiMfat ten o'clock to cooriow forenotin. It will ttike place at the bend of the river just beyond the Viska Hill:• I 'Anil the wea pons ?asked Rorie. •Eloottitt,' returned Ores.' 'The Octant will - tiling - his own led be gives' you the privilege of relenting suoh . an one as you Otiose.' • I 'I thank you, 1 fAr,lted you ma, prompt.' 'Suppose I call you I'. angered should be the guomaker quick passion. I ningo. nd firtnly;you • .'tints and I nnet'sign the On the follo . wing morning Rohs was op betimes,and at the breakfast-table not a woid of the one all-abisorbing theme wee uttered. 'After the meal +ail finished the grtnmaker went out to his shop. and took down from one of the closets a long leathern cave, in which were two swordi. They were Toledo Blades, and of moit excpiisito workmanship and finish. ituiriti took outt le heivhist. one, which was a two-edged wee with 'a cross built of heavi ly, gilded meta i flu placed the point upon 1. 4 p Cite floor, and then, 'with all his weight he bent the liladeltill‘ tho. pommel touched the point. The little steel• sprang hack to its place,with a sharp clang,and the texture was not staried. Then he struck the flat of the blade upon Ihelauvil %viola great force. The ring was sharp And clear, mid the. weapon re mained Dammed. - • . 'By S.. Michael.' 841 the gunmaker to hia boy, `lfis-sow !does not,' contain another Made like that! ' Datnasous never saw a better.', ~1 . Dlnoiloff. it itt--sigii ! I ggested Urzen, 1 rejoined the WI woe. more 'urging l k ins mintier 'the youth re sod the clerk More plait.ly ,rel sith me ave. NVillvou know what it Vat!' . 'I think you ire rieht, my matey,' the bay Yeturre 1 , who had beheld the trial .1 the blade with unbeinuled admirition. 'But: he added, 'couht !jou nut temper a blade like that !' 'Perham if I had the wee!: BA I have it not. The steel) of these- two blades CAIIIN from India, and 'was originally in one weapon —a ponderoui. two-handed affair, belonging to a Bengal chieftain. The 'petalß.:s.rs-e -all the hardness of the finest razor, with the elastreity of the Most subtle spring. My old master at Toled 4 gave me these as Al memen to. Were Ito mention the sum of money he' l was once offered', for the largest one,you would hardly eretri, After this Rorie gave Paul a few directions about the work, 'promiting to be bat before night. . whißpe•ed to at individual e would come and you are wed the gun eated to eon id a pereontd to his feet, 'a face a few ace was dead.. , •1 •Wrrell ,A 'ssingimtdden ! .1 eta met- Just then 0r44 drove up to the door. Ruric -was all ready. Ili+ mother was in the 'kitchen. Ire went to her with a smile upon Id+ face. lie put his arias about her and - drew her toi his bosom, *God bleu you, my tuo•hcr.. I shall come hack: llp raid this and then be kissed her. Lie dared 5.0 p; to speak no more,but opened the door and ionised out. 'Pave yoke giaid weapon r asked Orsa, as the Inru3 h a te lion. , 'I have; Role said, quietly ; 'and one which has:s oat more tests than nstx.t swords .111 bear.'• And after some for her remarks he related the pe.ailiar ciyournstunces attend ing the tnakingief the sword, and his puss= slop of it. At length they wreck upon the river, and in half an hour- More they r e ached the at poin,ed spot. Thu day wa.lattutiful. Tney had been upon the ground but afe minute: when the other party came in ..Ight aronno the bend of the river. The monk was there also j r nine to his 40t. a word of as Rue° wmt Iga,the Duke. ache Borodine time to rail hadeaten hie I' it. .11e dres , had not,L r Iremoved from and started eh the Duke, Irnished spa , t- Ige of Tabs .at bemoan! gi.l, Ft Tun titokh or iog- a face, of !nee. • She WRR I she had been as nothing of nothing proud, e'iess and love As soon as thei Colin% his second and PIM. 11 geon had arrir , and the hotses had bean secured, the lieu enant proposed that they . should repair tol o old Wilding which wa% close at hand. I' . Lind, is her 'Aye,' added Hamonoff. 'Let us have this business doneJo l r I would be hack to dinner. I dine wlth 010 to-day, and a fair maiden awaits rdy comitg,' . 'Notice him , s i .t.,' whispered Rife, who walked clews by i uric's rile. 'That is one el hi: , chief points when'ingstEed in an affair or thi. kind. Ile hopes to get yotrangry,and so unhinge your ner.' .. 'Never fear,' a wered Rude. The party halted when they reached the interior of the vtimiture,and the Count threw orhis pelissette drew his sword. Rosie CA lowra liis example. 'Sir Count,' the latter mid, is he molted a nap forward, "ere we commence this wools I 4gi.h all present to uniler:tand d stint:sly h o w I tend. Yon have nought tbeltiarrel f,. m the first. Wiiliout the least provocati n from me you have insulted me most gansnly. and this is the climax. So, before God rad man, be the result upon your own head.' "Out,- Ivi ng kn ve—' 4 1101d,' . cried I. t o norzeun, listing, his hand heavily upon :It Counts trill. 'You ha e I no right to speslr shun, fu. you lower y. it Self whop you do it. , If you have dome to tight, do AO honorably .! An angry reply was upon Damonora lip.. but he did not iimak it. He turned to his autriguhist and mid— 'Will you measure weapons, sir ! Mine may be a sire tbehoogest. 'I seek no ad vantage ; and fisave one here of the same length and wetg tits ley own 'if you sib le'- . 'I ate well r satisfied as it is,' replied Ririe. I, • - 'Time take your ground.—;----Are you ready I' I `I am.' - .. Tne two swot a were crosed'. at an instaht with a clear, An clang. The above is II of Atria story that will be publithed in ofir column.. We give this as a +ample. - The oh inflation of it from where it leaves Off he can only be _found in the New :York-Ledger, - the. great family paper, for which the,Jostost popular writers in the country contrititite, aid wlijuh is foe sale at all the stores throughout the country, where papers a c re suld. Remember sod so:k for the New York Ledger of March 19,, and in it you sill get.the cout.nuarion of the story from where it leaves c here. Ryon chnnot get a copy at any book store, the publishe,r 'of the Ledger will mail yon a copy on the reeeißtaof five cents. • - • Tlie Ledger is mailed to subscribers at $2 'a year, or two copies, for $3. Add ress yOur letters to Robot). Bonner, publisher, 44 Aun street, New York. It is the handsomest and beat family papir in this country, elegantly illustrated, sod bharaeterixed by a high mor al tune. -Its protient circulation _is over four hundred thousand copies, which i, the best evidence we oankive of its merits. who would im; maideo;-statt uoted to her glad he has ly answered. :3=m lie walked arisen to her da in both his It was otitn motion. of his h, and then that ale io be dispog kr of Talc& of Count DrrJ, Ise and the and alarmed. y ahe• sail. ng with the picion flashea seat Dumont ff gat him into South to Wai ve taught the Count would ihinka in this instrument fur I Di ,to let Rnu t she would be 1 a du& WS% imself sod the , rat Ivo silence od was won ,entered his 'Le barracks in uquired for a lieutenent of uickiy. found. I • 1100 ,Wllll MOM friendly'greet rked. 'I may r :am Da monoff. I n - 1W me mn.t bead—and 1 judge im well your cried calmly. 'Aid Isnot r all that had nt's visit to Lis '• is mother was l air. Zs °ken I I ha thought not E .- BTP- OFFICE: THE Neu YoCity llloatrated Nee s i mpers Magazines t ig &r.., rite.; for sale at the KONTROSE BOOK STORE, br • , - A. N. BULLARD. shop, - fa the vriselesteed • "there during r.; that ha - Mae ICCOUta occdr. and that with Raries f.l7nee called m the Ceuta. .icfriend, and 1 1 aubaerinexro prnent of o about nix different Almamies, for the year 1859,- to eveOlmily irrataquebamt county. They ars prep and poblishod at a great ex pense, aid euntaUtroneb valuable information. - ' ABEL' TURRELL. Mon: use,lnv ty„lot. 1859. clock, s!'e.3ge rsa, for your kindness thus rest assured that I shall he here in' the' morning for [ the vi•itor. pleased to have you do so,' id, And • thui it was ar- s..n.sAtiiic do kino*lileas ARE NOW RECEIVING t0vw, 0 :411 4t4 FALL %P oe ~ AND WILNTMit soots . , "'f very ow. 7C Cut or Produee can be bought W ALL PAPER. A select assortment just S. H. SAYRE & BROTHERS. CARPETING. Bargains offered by S. SAYRE & BROTHER PLOWS! PLOWS!! PLOWS. ,We invite the ittentiori of Farmers to the celebrated Peekakil I. Plows which we have added to our large lenortment.. S. H. SAYRE & BROTHERS, • Proprietors ot Eagle Foundry. Montrose. Nov. 29th. 1838. 18tf. STOVES! STOVES!! STOVES!!! OUR Stoics hove been so thoroughli tried to the entire Benefaction of all, that. they need no recommend from tot„ S. 11. SAYItE Az BROTURRB. aiOOD li)%OP AWIPLC: AT THE .HEAD OF' IVAIVAGATION. AND examine the choke eipek of Fall . mull Whiter Good', just opened iur Examination and SALE, at very low figures by C. W. MOIT. STULA, Enshmere, and I/..Erin . Shawls . at very low pries by L. w HA WS and tar% of the neK i ewt atyg io great vari.:ty by C. WI MO pniklitir* in abundance by C. W. MOTT rynass Hosiery, JO etc., etc:. by C. BROWN and Hltlo Shßeting Sh dings— Shirting Strip's, Ticks. Denims. Solnmer Stuff's, &c., &e., as low aacan nfrord.d in this market. C.' W. MOTT. Gnociatt EN, Crwkery, Illardware and eariou. other articles wo nfieneroum to men. tion. 7 #ll of which shall la - eld Cheap for Cash or Ready NV. C. W. Morn CLOTUS. Cassitnerm and Ya mirable atvlot. at prier* that) snit. Call and hp.ennvinro-d. C: WM. B. SIMPSON, WiTtll REFAIIIEff. x Shop in Boyd dr Web ter'lf new bOilding, next door chore Keeler& Stoddard's. AVI\G worked fur the - past nine years 1.1. with the must skillful workmen, he feelm euntident that he can do the most difficult jobs on short notiee. -All Work Warraotrd to Give .Satisfaction. W. B. Stmrsok, has worked for mo fur immt. time, and 1 run recommend him an a careful and an I, a work am can be dune in the country. and worthy of confidczeo. W. A. cHASIDERLIN. Towanda Juno 10th. Refers to—Wm. Elwell, E. W. Baird. E. D. Moiltaybe. E 0. Gofidrich, B. Kingsbury, Towan da • B. S. Bentley, 1. Searle, C. D. Whrop, J. Wittetairrg. 3 . 1 iihtraie. * * *Jewelry neatly repaired on abort notice, and on ren.onalde terms. (June 15th. 1858 -tf. ,11r, Sal: ! Salt 1! W. MANN. Wholes:do Salt Dealer,- 2011 Washington Street. (directly 0r.0,;,., wastongton :uaritet,) still continues to offer to the city ant-country trade, all ;kinds of fOreign coarse and fine salt, at the yeti? lowest figures; 40000 sacks and hags, consisting in part of Ash .ton's celebrated brand for t..ble and dairy use Jeffrey ,& Darcy. Mond:airs, Brownlow's, Sec... and 5011 0 bushels Tifrk. Island, &mares, Cu' raroa, Nt. Übes, Lisbon, Cadit. Iv lea, Nantes, die.; all of Which will be sold at bargain prices froth vessels. store and storehouses. Any purchaser wisbintv. to select from a good assortment will find it to his interest to call. N. B.—Fine t.,b10 Fait put up in small bogs of .ditTereot sizes, and constantly on land in .ship ping order. Also a splendid article of. fturk Ground salt. in quart boxes. put up and for sale by the quantity. in VIVO'S of five dozen each. New York e April 1 , 4. v* (entire ntiu,Storid ITEW Allelii:.:RaFN Es At the Old Stand of Lathrop & Co. .LATHROP & De WIT r BE G h•aye' to announce to the public in gen. eral that they are now opening one of the largest SToCKs of MERCHANDISE ever offered in Montrose.' Comprising . Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard Ware. Crockery. dtc.. &c.. &c., which they propose to sell at the LOWEST CASH PEICES. Tho,se arc real Eskels. We wish to.demonstrate to the public the difference between .buyin. Goods for CASH cud on TIME. LATIIROP & DEWITT. Montrose : April 2fitlt. 1858. TO 14 USICI.INS. ARTICULAR; attention is csll4 d to the P choice variety of Violin, Guitar and Buss Viol Strings, some of the best qualities in market. Also a good selection of Violins, Bows, Pell', Bridles, Tail Pieces. Finget Boards. Rosin. Etc , Arcooleons. Flutes, Fifes, Drum Sticks, Tuning Forks, Instructiott - Bnoki,,&e. Call in at the Variety Store of •-• ABEL-TURRBIL. X IBW MILFORD Shawl and Dross Goods Emporinia! NEW FALL GOODS FOR CASH AND PROMPT Six MiniTHe BUTEitS II BURIVITT T_T AS now in Store, and is making large addi -11 Lions to his Sloe& of FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! To which he would icvite the attention of bay: era; embracing the most desirable varieties of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, including the New Styles of Rich Fall Prints and Plaids, in De !sines, Ducal Plaids, Plain and Plaid Merinos, Mohair Clotho. Ginglrms. Silks; Broths, Steil% Cashmere,lsilli and Wool Shawls. Rich Ribbons. Bonnets and Flowers, Netsiloods. Ladies' Clothe, Broadcloths, Camitnerex, &c., with a fall assort ment of other Staple and Fancy Goods, to usual; including Grotteriez, - Crockery, Itardware, Stoves, Iron, Steel, Nails Daisy • and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Ca rpetin g. !Pierer Oil CI of hs. Painted Window Shades, Wall Paper,. Clocks, Drugs, Oils, Paints, Banal° .cotes, dke., sir EirThs entire Stock being large and bought for CASH, will give supertor opportunity for Choice Selections, and he sold at the 'LOWEST moues to CASH AND PROMPT SIX MONTHS BUYERS. Salt dc now constantly on hand. New- Milford, October let. 1858. • DENTAL NOTICE. GIIIETOUD has !Owed ,himielf in Montrose &utile purpose of oughts on the POITAL PRACTInt in iii its brindle.. He is now ready to attend to ill calls in his profession with promptness, and will endraeorto fore entire satiefartiee.: Airoperstions WARRANTED. OMte 'kith Pr D:zrrE Sept. 15th, 135-El.—tf 104:.4" , ( 1 )1 1 4:(. 1 r44054'01'9: 7 1444 POBLISUILD, THOREDAYS -AT SIOETILOST, PA.- OPTICS 4 PUBLIC AVENUE, OPPOSITE THE P.O. • "rerun. 2.perstnnum:—M percent. do• ducted if paki ikadvance; *0 per cent. added to arrearages. No person receiving a paper on credit shall be entitled to-the benetitef any exemption law as a b,sr to the collection of billr. The receipt of papers on Credit to, be evidence of an agree ment to the toregoiug. ' Discontieuances optional with the Publisher until all &messages are paid. Advertisements inserted at $1 per square of 200 ems; '25 cents per square fur ear* insertion after the first three. ' One square one year, $B, rach. additions I &quire, $4 Job 'Work of all kinds executed neatly and promptly. Blanks always on hand. .REMOVAL. I lUIe & Post, All OrliPVBl . llt Law, have LA removed to ihornew o f f i ce. a few doors south of Boyd & Webster's comer. . Montrose Ont. 25.-3 m _ DR..WM. L RICHARDSON, WOULD respectfully tender his Professional Survives to the it.h.thitants of MONT it OWE, • ay d its vicinity: Office ore; Mulford's Store.' Lodgings at the Keystone flute!. Montrose, Oct. 121 h. 1858 —I v.* `LAWREN, E. tams, L MANUFACTURERS, ASO 30DDERS IN UAW'S, CAPS, AND FURS, To 4 'l7 a 0.) ID Umbrellas, Parasolsianctßibbons, AND ALL ILLINERY .ARTICL-S No. 46, COUETLANDT STREET, DAN. 11. LAWRENCE, 'NEW-YORK. JAs. M. GRIGGS. General Partaera,- .1.50. A KINGSBORY, M. C. TYLER Spre!ill Pmener. f.ep.2.lv • Gloves, Deter W. bIOTT. lIENRY B. McKEAN, A-, TTORNEY and COUNSELLOR at LAW. 11 Of in the Union Block—Towanda, Brsd. lord county ' Pa. ellr Will attend. promptly to all processiunal businrils intrusted to him, in this and counties. ffe3'sBtf "HOME AGAIN," • Ea, t> f 34 13F1)10111. tinge, very de_ eonnot foil to NETT. OFFIVE, over Will.ots's Store. LOIDGIAIGS, at SEAIItLE"o 110 TEL. M on! row.. 10th. I8:58. WM. W. SMITH. & CO, Cabinet utod Chair llnuufuctar• foot of Strert. Mout rot.e. Pa. 11P-1 ill 3:4 $ 4 41=21 Denier in -Drugs, Medicines. Chemical, Dye Stuff', Glass ware, Paints, Oils, Viirni.her Window Glass, Groceries, Fancy Goods. Jew. elry, Perfumery, ilhe.—And Agent for all the most popular Patent Medicines. rasillonrible Tailor—Shop near Oh gamier. Slo,ting House, on Turnpike Street. .11..ntrT4r, Pa. DR. 4t. THArgR, Phrdclast and Surgeon, Montrone Pa. (Mrr in the Farmer'a Store. HAYDEN BROTHERS, ' New Milford, 'Peasn'a. Wiselconic 'dealer in Buttons, Corntis Suspenders, Threads, Farley Goods Watebes, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Cut lery. Fishing Tackle Cigars, &c. &e. Merchants and pc:di:us. suroulied en Ms.,' term*. • WM . . HAYDEN, TRACY'FIAYDEN JOHN HAYDEN, GEO. HAYDEN. DR. E. F. WILMOT, Graduate of the Allopathic and flomeo. Whit. Colleges of Medicine, is now per manently located in Great BendiPa. April 21. 18.56. • JOHN SAIITTER, aidzioilatilli Tailor. Shop first doo F north u(tho Farmer's Store. Flll , 4lllti ifilifEt, • rip lIE subscriber having, purchased 1 retitled and newly furnished th I"' 111 above well known and popular Hotel - prepared to accommodate the tray eling public and others with all the attention, and conveniences usually found in first..clas, Houses. No effort,will be spal.ed by the Pro. prietor and his Assistants to make the Mote equal in every point to any in the couhtry. The Dar will always be supplied with tn. Choicest Liquors. The Rubles., connected with this Hon's. are large, roomy and convenient. and oreful qhr attentive Hostler» are always in charge of them J; S. TARBELL. Itinnt rose, May 13th, 1838. Patent Medicines &c. READ ! AFFLICTED. READ ! ! GRAPREABERG MADlCllllES.—vegetable Pills Green Mountain Ointment, Sarsapirilla Compound. Children's Panacea. Eye Lotion. Fe. ver and Ague Remedy, Health Bitters,: Hymen. tary Syrup. Consumptive's Balm, Marnhall'a Uterine, Catholiron, Dr. Libby's Pile Ointment, and Mani:tarot' Health. Ayre's Pills and Cherry Pectoral. Tanner's German Ointment. Trask's Magnetic Ointment. Thlloway'll Ointment and Pills. Davis' Pain Killer. Dr. Fitch's heart Corrector, Bennett's Root and Plant Pillx, Soule's Sovereign Balm, Wright',. Indian Vegetable Pine, Rhode's Fever and Ague Cure. Mercbant's Gargling Oil, Arni ca Liniment, Camphor, Castor Oil. Paregoric, More, Myers, Myrrh. Licorice. dec.,‘ ace A new supply just received. to he kept collet/let. I v on hand. for sale by I. X. BULLARD. Oerober:tet. MR. HIGHLYIMPORTANT F 11-11 M Ti To .All Gentlemen Who * Wear Clothes. T HAVE recently made - arrangements, at eon. I siderable expense, for doing work in the Tailoring Business on very short notice, in a neat,durable, and fad\ ionable manner, and at reduced prices. 1 will furnish garments to order. if desired, or: render the customer whatever assistance he may need in aeleeting materiels of the best quality, and at the lowest market prices. • All me work will be warranted as to fit, fin. ish anti durability. Ho customer need take it' work from the shop unless it snits him. Being permanently, and exclusively ed in this business, it shall be my great aim please the public, and thus secure their patro sire. P. NEB. - Montrose. June Ist 1858. 22tf. THE FAMILY DOCTOR Contains simple remedies easily obtained for the cure of disease in all forms. It talks-io yes in plain languagi, easily undo stood by plain folks;, may at an) moment be beyont price in its serskes to you; contains 808 1 2 1110 .• pages, sn will be fotWarded. to your address Pokitage paikon receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Everybody should ham' it ! Bend to JONN E NYTTER.TabIiabeA No. pi 7 SitosoCs4.. Philade!pia, Pa. Ur . Ag r ,enill will firkr it rcry popular . JOHN GROVE% LOOK AT THU! IRON CITE COININERCIAL COLLROR. . P/TTORORG, PA. - • CHART:AIM 1863. 360 Students attending Jaioary. 1838, MOW the largest and most thorough - Commer. cial School of the quited States: Young men prepared for actual duties of the Counting Room. J. C. Sierra, A. M., Prof. of Book-keeping aid Scientific ,Accoutits. A. T. DcioTnErr, Teacher of Arithmetic and Commercial CIIICUIaIIOO. > - J. A. tlEinatcx ind T. C. J6jxus,Tanehor of Bonk•kreping. s, , A. Cor•t.ex and W. A. idfLizi,Profa.oiPenn manahip. - ISINGLIC AND DODDLI ENTRY BOON KEATING, As toed in every department of business. COM MERCI A L ARITHMETIC—RAPID BU. SINESS WRI s'ING— DETECTING COUNTERFEIT MONEY MERCANTILE CORRESPONDENCE- COMMERCIAL LAW- At taught and all other aubjecuanceessary for the success and thorough edueaticin of a practi cal bueinesa 'roan. . , - I 2 PREMIILVMS. Drawn all the,Presniume.in. Pittsburg for the past three years, also in Eastern. awl Western -Cities, fur best Writing. NOT ENG Itik TEP WOO K • 1711POILTASIT INFOI2.3IATION. Students enter at any tim&—No vacation—Time unlimited-Rt:vien• at, ple9aure—Graduates as. amed to obtain aituationa--Tuitiou forTu II Com mercial Course, $35.00---Aeerage time 8 to 12 weeks-1141.rd, $4,50 per week—Stationery, $6,00--Entire cost,-$60,00 to $70,00. . ' Minidter'a sons rtceivi-0 at half price. For -Card—Circular—Sprcimens of Business and Ornamental. Writing—hie:use two - stnmps and address F. W. JEINKIN, Pittmbem Pa. SriaraNT 9th. 18.58-3:n (Itt,c4.*.w A PRIZE FOR EVEnT BODVS 'WHO SUBSCRIBES FOR THE 'Stitt -port► Otrthlii Prro. E =3 3 EMILY REWIFIFEIL rim HE NEW-YORK WEEKLY PRESS TS AL on e of the best titer:try papers of the day. A large-Qua - ito containing Twenty Pares, or Aixtv Colours. of entertaining matter,, d Ele gantly Illustrated every week. A Gift worth from 50 coma to .$lOOO wi'l be m e et to each eobscriber ou the receipt of the huh scrilitiou money. One copy for one year, and I gift ....;82. Three copied one year,. and 3 Ole . . Five tl'opies one year, and 5 gift", .. . 8. Ten copies one year, and 104titls' . . . 15. Twenty-one copies tine }ear, and 21 gins 30. The articles to be distributed are. cotopriZed in the following list 1-- 1 United States Treasury Note' $lOOO. it do do du 600 each. do da do 200 each. 10 do • do do 100 each. IV Pot, Lev. nunrg Cased Watches 100 earn. 24 Gold Watches . 7 . 5 each. 50 do . 60 cavil. 100 do 2 - . .5n each: Inv Ladies Gold Watches - 35 each. 200 Silver Hunting Cubed Watches 30 ettA. 500 du Watches 1115 to 95 ea c h„ 1000 Gold Guard, Vest and Fob Chains 1014.30, do do Fens end pencils - sto 15 each. Gold Lockets. Bracelets, Brooehes,•Ear Drops. Breast Pins, Cuff Pin4,..:Sleeve Buttons, Rings, Shirt Studs, Watch KeyN.Gold and Silver Tni lll tiles, and a variety of other articles, worth from fifty cents to fifteen dollars inch. On receipt of theniibXeription money. the soh. seribera'name wilt be entered upon our books opposite a number. and the gift corresponding with that number will be forwarded within one week, by mail or express; post paid. There is neither hutnbitg nor lottery abotit the above, as every subscriber is sure of a Prize gni value. We prefer to make , this liberal distribit tion among them instead a: giving a tarp corn mission to agents, giving to the subscriber tie amount that would go to the agent, in m a ny cases a hundred fbld more. at - Address all communications to DANIEL AI)EE. Publisher, May 27.—y1.) 211 eciatte Stript, New Yorks . D.) pitkallat'it Si ; , aikt L r O MOTILERB, WIVES &DAUGIFFERS. IL Dr. R.A. LAIIONI'S Periodical Compound. The most beneficial and successful so Et? £CISE now in use or known, for all cases of dis. ordered, obstructed or suppressed Menstruation, Lucorrhoett, Female Weakness itte.- Ladies who have been disappointed in the use of Female Pill &c , can put the utmost confidence in this Com pound, it is infallible in the cure of all the above natued complaints. It gill be sent by inall ip any address by enclosing $2 to any authorized scent. Prepared by R. I. ANDREW Buffalo N.Y.For sale in Montrose by .mayl3'.sB-Ivl • - READ, &CO. HOWARD ASSOCIATION,' - PH/LADELPHIA. - A Dentroknt Inslitutionestablished by specie/ en , dotement for the relief of the sick and distressed, afflicted with Virulent and EOidetni;• disease.. THE HOWARD /WPM' ATTON,III view of the aw ful destruction of human life, causisi'by Sex. ual diseases, and the deceptioits practiced upon use unfortunate victims of such -diseases by Quacks, severnl years ago directed their Con. suiting - Surgeon, as u CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their name; V open a 'Dispensary for the treat. mkt df thief class of diseases, in all their forms, a,nd to give MEDICAL AIaICE GRATIS. In all who apply by letter, with a description of their con- dition, (110; occupation, habits of life, &c.,) and in eases of extreme poverty. to furnish medicines free of charge. It is. needless to add that the Mint:Winn commands the highest medical skill of the age, and will furnish the,most improved modern treatment. . The Ditectors orthe Association-in their An dbal Report upon the treatment of Sexual Di senses, for the year ending January Ist, 11358, express the highest satisfaction with the suecess which has sttended the labors of the Consulting Surgeon in the cure of Spermatorrhces. Seminal Weakness. Impotence. Gonorrhfma,G leet,Sy the. vice 'of Onanisni or Self.almse, &c, and or der a coniinnioce of the same plan fur the en.' suing year, An admirable Report on Spermatorrhces. or Seminal Weakness, the vice of Onanism, Siestas Winn, or Seltabuse, ar d other disease* of the seam& organs, by the Consulting Surgeon. will be seat by mail (in *.sealed envelope), FREE OF CHARGE: on the - receipt of TWO ,STAMPS for postage. Other. Reports and Tracts on the nature and treatment of sexual 'senses, diet. &e.. are constantly being publish e d for grituitons distribution and will be sent to the' afflicted. Some of the new remedies and methods of treatment discovered during the last year, are of great value. Address. for Report or Treatment, Dr. I SKI LLIN HOUGHTON, Acting Surgeon, How. ard Asiociation, N 0.2 South Ninth Street, Phil. adelphia. Pa. By order of the Directors. - - EZRA D. HEART WELL President. Geo. FAIRCHILD. &RV OC 28.1 y AN ACRWATILC• . Charley Morris with .hair and hoß i , Neir,sole heir Of this v a st area And non* to hallo's* me soli halt s _ Resolved ' to warßsnt ev'ry jia Lies have' a nob, you'll And me honest, juSt 'and faiß. * * *shop No..4,llivemeat of Seatle's Hotel, on Turnpike Street.. _ Mos:Ross, Oct. eotb. 1/158.—te. fiO.OllBlL, U. J. WEBB'S. MONTROSE, NOV. 30th 1858 .:- _ . , - -',Ji A MT iSt. AND . 'MATERIALS'TOR .1.:-1::P . : H T. 'Sr URNING FLUID, 'Camphene, Lamp Oil, EP Comae:, tfe:, or beat qualities, constantly on hand, and at prices an off EAP A 5,7011 CREITEST. Customers may rely upon getting" FlUId and Causphenti, nirrfi'and gdpd,• an i sell so fist, they never,get stem Also:Vans" and Lamps. ABEL TURRELL Montmse, Nor. 25th, !OP!. T.HETLIND bit/ILL SEE A LARGE AND NEW_SUPPLY OF SP ECTACLES. IUST R4VEIFED. TO AID Tat EYE. 9 44 441'41- TRY at 11MRELLS. Montrose, Nov. 25th. 1858. *lour - Vrobision Start. • O NE door below —Ethridge's Drug Store, .1 on Public. Avenue, where will be found nsotantiv on hand' a treneral assortment of GROCERIES: Such asSuears„ ilolasses, 'Syrups, Teas, Coffee Sta, dte.„ Sre. Alsrithe.ehnieest brands of FAMILY,FLOUR, Meal, Lard. Pork. Clams. Fish. Dipped Candles- Tmothy, Clover, Field and Garden Seeds. We solicit a share of the public patilinamand pledge ourselves to do the lair thing, hoping by each bargain to seeurs another: BALDWIN di ALLEN. Wk. L. ALLEN: ALF lIED BALDWIN. TO THE PUBLIC SQOM e Mere tin to publish a few low prices, or the price of a few loai [mired articles. as an inducement to persons to make their pm-Aeries of diem, under the praninption that eyer thing is upially low. • Withou. taking spare in the , public papers to enumerate prtcce,..l - wish it dis tinctly utaderstoodohat I will sell Goods as low for the quality as they can be bought in any other Store in this place or county. Baits and Honky not used. Purchasers will generally find aood qualitiea of Articles :ATl:menu:a. and in Druns. -Medicines, Faints, Oil., and Die Stuff., the very best, and the assortments lull Th e Fancy Goods •Ineinirtntent is also extensive. Also. choice Family Groceries. Crockery, Wall Paper,rJewelrv, Perfumery, &c. In short nearly everything usually kept in country stores. As I deal in many departments of trade, and have more Articles than 1 can' well enumerate in the limits . of a Newspaper, I norattempt it; neither will it be necessary, under these cir cumstances, to` fill a eotutun with useless re. petitiona arid blanks. The rwopleare invited to call and examine for themselves. ti,,ntrim.,,Nov. 1;1;4 1 v A B BEL TURRELL If ERN/A .TR.USSP,'S Ar AL SUPPORTERS; SIIOULDER BRACES. I Lizir received a large rasnrtment of the :above nets:tem, at reduced prices. The meat difficult, cannot fail to be 'wired in size. quality end pricer. - At3EL TIIIME I LL ttlAntrn..e. l .4nv. fisth.`:;l4lsB. White-Man's Barber —AT THE— TRAM LI DTMI * AfON,TROSE_ PA. - ne 28 'W. H NEWEY.-, 1 .i , FIPALII:II 140113E.V.---A ...uperinr Ins crl ssw No. 1 selling fur tilree - quirteni ti.o p. ira of la4t ses.ion, by 1-1 nuRRITT. New Milford. Dee. 1.4. 1858. CASH PAID FOR SHIPPING FURS BY H ID EN BROTHERS. New biiliord, Is', 18:19. . "TO THE PUBLIC. GOOD- WATCHES ' , HAT have been spoiled by unskilful Anions 1 can attain be made, good by I HIGGINBOTHAM A regular City Wateh.nniker.ermpetent to • epair thiplea, Repeaters. Patent and Detnyhert Levers, Levine+. and Vert ICA I Watcbe+,6e.4c. whether English: Swiss. French or Chinesi make: and fir this pinion° has on liand a prod assortment 'of Wsteh Jewels, Watch. Meets... Mainsprings, Cylinders. Hands,,Glas-es, 6tr., &e. pir Shop in flentlev.. Read & Co.'a LEtoro, Iliceirix Block. Montrose Sask. Co., pa. August /sth. 1858. - tf. WINTER ARRANGEhENT. ganIMM I NSLa . MIN 'MEW RAILROAD ROUTE—DEIAWARE, 1 1 11 -LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAIL. ROAD --New and expeditions brad pine route riom the - Mort and West, via' Great Befid and &Canton, and . frnin the Lackawanna and thiutigh to - New - Wilt and Philadelphia. . On andafter Thursday, January 80lb, 1859, .trains will.be run as follows: The Night. Expreaa Train boom:l6am on N, Y. & Erie .E. R. arrives at Grent Reed at 7 33 a. m.. ;lad connects with the EXPREets 'Train lap e l leaves Great Bend fur New York and Philadelphia • • - 7 B.tura. in., Due at 11ontrese, ' )3 37 • " -'. Tunkhennork, - -- - 918 ' 0 --'• ~ - Factory ville, , s 9.41" Serantun, ' 'lO 30 ' " Moscow, - - . 11.17 " 13triMd.liorg; 1.12 p. m. .. Water Gap.= - -196 " Dslaivare,(ls minutes tirdine,) 160 " Bridgeville, 2.20 " Junction; - 3-13 " -•- Now - -York; - , =...._.,,:7,16,. 0 Philadelphia, 8.16 " • Passengers frnm N. Y., mare Pier - No. 2 North Rivrr, nt From Philicyfibii,leave k3;e Wharf, at' • 6.00 ". Leave Junction, ' • 1-1.10- " , Due atßridgeville, • 1309 p. M. Delaware.(ls mic.tidinner),l3 16 . : Water, Gap, - 12.55 " Stroudsburg, '• . • 1.08 " Moscow, • 3.16 " • Scranton i -4.00 s a . , - Far t oryvillo - . • 452 •• Tunkhannt4 - -' , - 0.11 i - Montrose, ' t 6.58 " Great Bend. . .. • .6.36 4 1 Connecting at Great Bend with the` - Mail Train, west. at - 7.10 0 Acclllllol oda ti en Train leaves EtTiII• , ton tor Great Bend at - 8.10 a. m. Arrive at Great Bend. . 12 BIS p. in. Connecting with the Emlgrat Train West at 2.20. the Dunkirk Express at 4.38. and toe N. Y. Express. east; at 310 p. m. , _- ',.:. •• " • ' Returning, leaves Great Bead at ~. 3;15 p. oh Dun at Scranton` ,' - - T. 30 " For the arcomm ' od'ation of way Havel on the .• Southern Division,a pauengerear will be at. tached totheEffpressFrelghtTrains,leaving- Scranto.;.rit ' - .'''4.45 a. to Due at Stroodsberg at • ,10.20 ,( " : Junction at • . • 140 p. m. Returuing, will leave Junction at 346,a. to. Dneat.Strondaburg at - 1.15 .. " .. Scranton at , 2.35 ii. IV Passengers to imd from-blew yolk oral Phil. adelphia- will change ears at Jun ction. For Pittston; Kingston. and 'Wilkaabarrei take L. &IL' IL'R.. ears •at Scranton.. -For, Jessup. Archbald, and Carbondale, take the Stages at Scranton., • Tleketsaaataitid barrage ebeeked thrangL. • - =JOHN, BRISBIN, qif V. wx. N. Jr.ttas,lDen'l Ticket Agent tratitoti, Jan. ISth, 1859. 7.80 a. m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers