The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 10, 1859, Image 3
NriTAL'Et.l9l , • IND-111DISIr TTHEtindersigned. notwithstanding all sorts of rumers,to the contrary, wod most re. spectfelly inform Lis many n t ermssitik and ; fetd ly friends, in _this -county. as well ant i n o th er places, thatV his interests sal cotwihue, at both thi place:, where be has hither - fa been enncernetkvif.: 46 Coartland street, in the HAT, Cra and STRAW Goons beeinews,ne Speck/ Partner. ilisoin the Hanamar. Crri.EitY, CAnittsor. •Tntsixtsms, and "Pdamsairs twin% MASUFACTURING business', with I. 1.. HUNT. at 215 Pearkstreet N. Y, when!, (thankful_ for Past favors) he earnestly inriies his former customers. and others, to call, promising and belicring.thit tl.W.y will he as seen . dealt by, is at any other estaistishusent in the • • M. C. TYLER. Montrose, March 6th, 11359.* BBL . ESTiTE it AUCTION: THE, subscriber will otter at Public Sale on the premises; on Tuesday, th 23d day of I /Wash Inst..-at one o'eiock in the afternoon; the ' following described piece of land—Bounded On north by - N. Nitchet r on the east by land of My ion Mott and Isaac 'McKeebey, on the south by Watkins, und . .tin the west by Benja min. containing ninety-seven nitres and eighty-. font perehes,--from twenty•to thirty acres im proved. The unimproved land is well timbered. a portion of it sith hemlock, and lays within about one mile and 4-quarter from Brackney & Chichester's 4nnorr, and two ''and a half wiles fronilloniroae.- T`ermtis of. Pay—one quarter down or security therefor, and the balance in three equal annual Payments, with interest on the whole sum annually—on the first' day of April, 1860;.'61. and 62—to he secartd on the land by bend ettd mortgage. .Also two stacks of liar and three or tour thouland feet of Hem. luck lumber will be sultfet- tie , . same time: PATRICK. Bridoewater, March 9.h. 1859. - PUBIIC-YEfIDUEI 111111 E subscriturr will otter for silo at Public -t- • Auction, atlas tutitae in liarford towitaltip, on the 24th day of M trch, 1859. at 10 o'clock, tt m. tho fiolowing, prork;rty: two Colt., 2 I Bull, 9 Calves. 8 tineep, I Sow- 1 Shoat, I Heifer, 2 Churns, a lot of Tin Pans, I florae Rak;t:, 1 Chinning Ninc.bino.n clumtit . t, of tiny. WI Fowls. Terms of Sale—all auma und , r $5. cash; all ovrr .ix 1110D1114 &tail. i•tt text ant approwd stunt y. a HOWELL. Ilarford, 31nrck 10th. 1859.---w2. ' 1-2C>Si i rc LOT' on Setaninv, ilareh sth, between Passmore's and George 1-a•te's Ave Sealed Notes: one of 620,00, iigaiiist. I). W. Rice. pnv. able to Xt. Tilly‘-,• or br , aro: 0ra......f V 25.00. signed by Lyman Kellum; one of ..Sl4 00. sign t. ed by Thomas Adams; one of $7.00, ...ianed John Lathrop; one-of $2,25, ?•igni.ii by J. 0 W4ltiei; ntl tnnde retta'ble Thayer, jr. Any one finding stid Notes,. 6c retnrning the tome shall be rew.,1 , 1A. • And :,,v one 1,4 hereby elutioned agAinst baring , said Note., or a makers p,ying..tbent, unles< 10 R. Thayer. jr, a or the suberiber. LEROY TILNYER, ItIA 01 1 0 b, 1839—R'2. I F OUR MUSICAL FRIEND: Twelve Pages of l'opflarlltit for Ten rents. "Our Nltsmst. Fairsn'' i. , filed with the best i ~,,',, Piano Solos: Ducts, Song.. Operatic Arta., Pol. t , , 1 kas,,..iismorkas, Quadrilles, ly!dues, and every i other species ,of musical composition for Voice ) and Piano by . the beat American and European i Composers; printed on full-sized music paper, adapted to every grade - of perfortner.. The same quantity of mimic, procured from the regular publishers mould cost .more than ten t 1- A year's- subscription to '• Ont 3h7SICAL 1 FRIE'SD,.? will secure new and fgislionable;Thu• ;' 41 . 1 E sdlpkeriher +cit . ! ofTer for sale on'ilicpcem. s a.ic orth s -at bast 'Two th,-PTZED Dot. Lara and : r , , entirelys:a:elect for the home circle. och eit a. m... 74 Public Auction. 3 Cows il Horses, . • Price Ten Cents,-Weekly. I vour, g Colti 2 Yoke of Oxt.n.(,f unk sold h e . 7 : . fore the iht . f of sale), :I I!.nuttierWaglit . ..6, I Ox .- 1 Teaily. $5; il.lf VeArlY• $ 2 5 0; QtlattellY , Car . i Toii Carriage. I One Hoek, Wagon. I St 25 cents. The Volume comm \ cnced on the .I..titypi•r Sleigh, I set of D.,l t hq.. ii. n . n il m , 1 Sin. 'lst of December, 1856. . gle Harness. 2 itindrile9. - 1 Box Bowe. ripe Cook. C. B. SEYMOUR- & CO , Proprietors„ tit , - and Furniittre, and a lot of Koniehold . . • Po lure, Plod=:., .i , harrowA, Chains: andg reat znar.3, 1 m0..1 13. Fmnl; Torl st.. New York. "i % .11 1. 7 of other Farming Toots t... dam . cous ntivn: also a lot of (I:4' and Grad. taLl'oi, SALE—AII suns under fit. • dollars, all acct are, eight months' credit with in. and approved security. JOHN' 4 - I.l.7§TEi. Igesrate'r, Feb. lath, 1859.-3w_' 1011:ANK OTEs;.Tired.. and it Veriety et .Ijletber Blank. fer - .oli. sit I is Offire 'EA:I!IX CO 17 .4!L I: s z FONDI.IIA.II \ LI AS removed his shop oerfe:b the street, to the building one door beloW Keetet & •' S;vidttard's,..Whieb he.bas fitted up expressly for a titillate. Harness and Tnink Shop, where maybe foitiol all kin& of - 313.A.M1.1"q=SM, Trom the•heacte,t team, to the lightest trotting harness, sod a general t:anntMent. of .trimmings, which will hr, mite up or sold very low. - - Carriage Trimmings: •A iocci.rdortrsent on hand, which • will be sold very low; all trimminvione ehezper than else where. - OAK LEATHER lib hand. which harnesses %011ie made and , Weriarrietia:telai... • * * *Cu.totners will please bear in mind that Jr wish to !Pule up once n pear. Those having, Unsettled neeounts, or notes cots - by settling or making, pm,ment without further delay. lr. F. FORDHII3I. Feh 24,0,1855 I NI on ro.e. Pa. CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED k CLOVERINDTIMOTHYSEED CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED CLOVER AND - TIMOTHY SEED, FOR SALE C 1 D. Lathrop, febl7 MONTROE, l'A. DRAOH N W. COBB, svittLEON, . Montrose, Pa. Office on Public A v ! ..n ue, hotel. March let, 1859.-o'. • "BEEF!! BEEF!!" • 1'" AT vf t hat ? N - i4ling--on Iv Chit article, cle, V together with ttm4 ns! "'fits" of frebh DIIITTON & PODS; can he had in the Basement nt Boyd & Webster's New Building, jest bebrre seO;rT at ROBERTS. S. T. Sown. ► E 13. ROBESTS. • Mciiiroar. Mskreh 4T - tiuB't 1:t8001-veclls 4 c . 1 6 i 711* • 1!) OM TIMOTHY SEED, LA j tFigE AND MEDIUM; OILCITAUD GUAM _SEED; '104 4 earratclideatagmt Etat Talrulpated • Seed, r•Pleigs• Also a good assortmentof . GA:tic:term. Eileerla.: whi BALDWIN & ALLEN. • • . - - 'KEW DOB POWE - • • I 11 1 1 GREAT INVENTION ,Patented itme 15tb,11,8 by - .G. DRIII3II, Great Pend, Pa. • 4 E recommend this ROWER •tcl all - those yarn Lave -Churning to do, aalbeing ern i 'Putty 'adapted to their ants. It islximple and f.yereetott..rreqp!wireinrguselesds for w eight aim t i o in o r pe p ta rp td o - s i e t . i th‘n t i cheap, and :d. - the sme tune perm nent. Its • nstreetion is so perfectly adapted t the work i has to do, that it ii impossible to got it out of rdcr.... . . -1 41 the Susquehanna County Aarieti tura! Fair, .t. Montr , • Sept.' 30th. 1858, it se e!.4l ,r iih Id sa Montrtixt , , Sept.' 30th. -.0,1it appears f ont tee following report ft the Coslimittee on I arm Impletnent4 Addison G. B ro.a le.lDo x Pow. e took the FIRST 1T , E.3111.731. Here is what the ommittie says:.... , 1 • _ . . . - ... 'They have been much pleased in t e examin e ion of Addis6n Efrindis newly inv • nted Dog wer for ChUrning; combining, As they believe, ore power With leis friction ; : at le a expense an any machine that heti yet come der their it i•tervation. The ease with which it fan be con erected or repaired, and the Over Indefinitely i creased, is a receemiendation that cannot be e tended to the endless chain or folk -:-its situ p icily is truly a remarkable featitie, and a dairy an hei only to aequire the ordinary shinty to u e a saw, to makee Inottice and tenon, and he s one of these machines within liintsAf. When w consider the drudgery from Which a fanners a ifs is relieved by thegt richievernents of skill , a d 'genius, they cannot. avoid feelirg. grateful f r every effort that may be made ;far such a d.sirabla result. They award him thit premium u 42" CALEB CAttIIALT. ir. I •,, ABEL CASSIDY, ',. i -marm". The above indorsement is a sulAcier oaten le : that invention is nut onoof th se worth le n p.ttects which have gulled the peOple so ex te .ively. Any one wishing to purchase towilL ..tounty, o individual right, can now be accommodated. SA, e imite those who are interested in improving a d eheepening farm implements togive -us a cal and examine our Dog Power:-T We offer mu h inducements that thos, who en,ge in thie Ii -loess ar e not only ,! , ure to make no net' them ail ~..• ye-, but prove a b;ersing to every one who h churning to do whom they furniart with - one those time and labor mating Poweri. , .. RECKtiQW 6c YOF . NG. Grest Pa 3Disisciltiti I c4 LIE firm f Cobb & Iltqfvrm di+crlyyd by tniaitiA cons,•nt. Tht'•ir notins nod nect,unto ib the hands. of C. Shermin, at d 1 old es, who is 'duly uu , h,:tiv•dllo ectth: • tatpc. Z. COBR, S, B. R GERS. .KO, '., INTCO I T I I 4 CM . i tali ii would mtpecil oily .aranoulf to the . public that he Ivey ',till be lour d at the dbnd,lully prepared to attend - to he w:nrit4 ,f heleolonattlity. lie will keeP on hand a good lontros.e, Ftb. Isl. 1.0.59 ~ i . 4: i.ri I 4arl' 0 0 °ries a . MARS; 'PEAS, etoFFR E. SPICES, Fitil. FLOUR in saiwr (hl - thr. , aak or b ,rr,el,) . Flis I, and all rit riles fund in i'iriZt Claws Grorierie4. Pa m r' er: °' :: n 'a d p ti:i r 'iti ' rei l' ln lY c it. ' InGelet°ttkieiantti.tline of s !An st anilv .re,i,ir iqe- fresh huppli.... of 1 -BST RATE ,_14',1,9UR, ( 1. ly.i . iz, ff n a t o r d o : ,.. n4 F l , m:li i it . : t n i gi s :l s li . roi., Wilk- I will h fih nic Hr. 1.,r ready pay, in' Tiantitte to Unit Ihe pun-hui,r. 4 trr; 4. " • • ‘. TION SMAP • h' BLIP ITENDVB. . t. 'e or itt iri ty ) ) en Ell IN ; , .ere 1 B in,_ Pr. tt Smith, j , c,„ RGEbN DENTIST,. Ileaidenceand ot. .1.3 .e opposite the Baptist Church for rthiside) Montrose. Partieulai attention Kitt a giver to irsprting teeth on gold zld_ailver plate, and Ito fi ling deeiying teeth. ,"' J'anuary Ist. 1859. I t ~ RM!!! THE PHILADELPHIA WEEISIN , lOW, BMX= AND BLUE Is ode or 'the. Largest rind- 11.4 u Diustrked Lit env PsVe`rs - in the United States.l . . , l i A 'lmperial Quarto, containing 8 tkapasi err 40 r ,I warps original, interestin,4 sad faTeinating read nff mine {: trim the peni of the, best Alfieri earl UTHORS. i 1 PRENIUNS TO . SUBSCRIBERS: :opy for one year, 82 - 00 ttni.‘lPTemitints". •opy for two re. re, $3 00 and 4 1 ".: 1,0 for three y'rs, $5 00 and .6 .1 •opy fur five years., $3 00 and 1.0 • , AND TO CLUEs: I • , e copies one Year, 85 no and 6 Nendunie. civics one year, 88 00and 10 4 Mgrs one year, $l5 00 end 20 " ity-ono,•op's I y'r.slo 00 and 42 l• lose getting up Gulps of T.m Sat:inapt:a; remittingsls will be entitled to an extra free: and those*sending $3O for 21 eopies;l 1:0 entitled to a ropy and piemiumt, free. 1 PREMIUMS: ere Sulwerihpi to the WEtRI., 4 r , rztr),l TE AND BLUE -will he entitled' to hen lons. worth from 50 cents to $5OO, by the ent of 25. rent. on 'each. As in torti money nk" Tiption money is ree,4ted, the s h-cr:ther w in!orrned by letter what prentium+ t. is Its ro, and then it is optional whether he the 25 cents on each and tukts!the Pre.; sor out. i , I THE PRE3IIIJMS: e NCI:0;011;w that We sell to the anLeribera cents ear:l43re trriniiiised in the fpiliforleg, LIST: , 5 Pianoforte's. . 85011 each, . 5 TT. S. Treasury Notes, 500 " 10 Gold Watches; - 1511 " 50 " " • 100 4 25 " • " 75 " , 50 Sewing Mnclatics,' - “ 2uo Gold Watches, - " 3 , 0 " - 60 " • 300' Silver Wahles, . . - • 61:10 Ralt Dress Patterns, -. 25 " t OOO Silver Watches,.. 10 • .000 Gold Chains, . to ter.2sl d Bracelets. Armteta,lieck Chains.lCameo; tine, Mosaic and Gold Stone Set . ta,'Grilrf liver Thimbles. Gold Ear Droprl."Biriaa. . Pin;ql3o.untt Studs, Sleeve ButtrMs. Cuff -hats, Key., Scarf and Shawl flns, and articles, worth from 50 cents'. to $l2" each. comtuunie.ations roust be tufdreto, • A: ill. UROWN, C l .; - 3 South Third Street, Philadelphia Pa. `Agents wanted in till ruts of - thri United st,and Canada/4 to 5..4l Books; Mask, Jew. cold Peel, and rerei'art rah: tits for the RED. MOTE 'ANDpILUE togvortutd Numbered Certificate , will ,be _those,. to,:tiking to act ai Agents. No. 'required. • (fmar.11,11.2 One One One One Tiirn Fite, Ten Twe l T and 1/ri , “ta wall rnlit remil l mitt. Got Flo 31r d Br on Pino, othi All *, Statt elcv, orripe Cat seat esiiita . PATENTANOULAR HAY KNIFF. rHIS kind of IIAY KNIFE is.. nevi to Cut Hay in a Mow or Stacks. The follow. letter will allow how useful tho Knives are. . • _CLAW*, Pk• Ma. EBNER :—Drar Sir :—Please remember the township I bought of . you,—l'Made one hundred dollars in a few weeks, in selling Yout Hay Knife. "Please hod enclosed t2O rgain fcr the right of two more townships. D. CLIFTON. Persors . wishing to make money ns stated above cart do ao by sending Ten Dollars to me, and I will send by MAIL n printed genuine Deed, for the right of any township you may wish in Susquehanna County, Pa., and I will send by Railroad one Knife for enmdel. but you must state to what maxim* you want it seed, Ate. Full particulars tiow to make the Knives, anti'cost of Knives, will be sent with the Deed, upon the re- ceipt of price as above. Thiti - is nn humbug. Address D. MINER, j.l3mtri Humerville; Medina Co, Ohio. A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. 1858 is dead and gone, and ,1859,is but just begun. Spreat4) call at the Itloettrose Uo o Store and buy a copy of Ilia Arts of Beau tv by Lola Montez, and ?subscribe . for Godey's Lady's book at $3,0 0, or fur Peterson's, Arthur's, Prank 141.1 i-err, 3lrs. A. S. Stephen's &c., at the liiwes club rating. liarper'land the Atlantic at S2,UO each. Call and buy a copy of Livingstone's 'Travels and txplorations M South Africa; and a copy of Recollection* of n Life Time by S. G.,Goodrich. A line sett of Chessmen, t beautiful Album. ofm Portfolio. a nice Pocket Bible, or a Pray‘r ,Book, (of which you can find 115 or 20 styles,) a copy or Miss Cooper's M rot nt Vernon Letter, a snperior Pocket Knife, a Pocket Malt runt Alenamm, dy's, Democratic, Farmeis',tribune, and Juvenile Almanacs for lBb9, &c., and at the same time .subscribe for any - good Farni-ti Paper you may choose at thu very lowest club prices. For fUrther items of exciting net - vs and im port.nt events please buy and read the Ledger of Jan. Bth and . 15th. for sale nt the lolitrose Book `Store, by A. N. BULLARD. Miintrose. 411 i, 1859 EtV" Di.vatredat put.j e ti A CERTAIN CURE FOR CORNS &BUNIONS! LL pirrAtma uillicted with tht-so painful ex cre.qwea, vtrvet p,-rfeet cure+, it hoot tho aid or a Surgeon or the •knife, by wing San iltrd'o Corn I'Llatrra. Sent by,inail. pod paid, to ouy part of toe uou - ntrr on receipt of $l, • Addr.•sa S. J. SANFORP, 241 Do•rk-at., de..30 or Box 261 Pt) . Phil dcii,hin. 'IVA AT R C,U R Lie Ulna ha tu ton.. Broome County. N. Y. ' 1113 tapmn for !tin ieeeption of patients during the whole year' s . and is nrreinged with,a view to the comfort mid eon vunionee of invalid. during the COLD WEATDS.R. 's 'gag ,841 TIE 11011118, ile thoroughly warmed. and the entire house is kept at Swim TnEurenATtlßE, Experience ha. dem•m+toted that the Water Treatment is moot tiurinst the • ArTnn AND MOMS. EXPRESSLY TO TIM SICK, You are an Inc..lid and desire to be cured. VonJong f.r heath.—snake the proper area and )our health will be reetored. , Are your •Licer ann Stomach diseased? Are your ThroA and Lung. dist-axed A/ a you Bed-hidden—nm•ble to walk Have you Ithetnation or impurity of the Blood ? liPVt• you Ocuer..l Debility and Palpitation of the heart? Hate all youir rf,rM heretoforn proved abortive ? D.. to the Binghamton - Waiter Cure. r Trea:meal will speedily cure you. For forth. r parlicub.r. call .at the "lure" or a * ddrt.s O. V. Tin %YER. :11. A. :-..,1 DIETETIC St.I.ERATIIS: T HE BEST article in market. Try IL ri BUCKSKIN lAtillrS,—no humbug—at 09.3 each, and no I CSA. ANEW supply or Ouse excellent Condles, be the lb. ur box.-1 XTEW supply those good TEAS ; at 4,6,& .1..11 8s per 1b..: the very bestiu market. MOLASSES, CIGARS, tikiellool. Of every variety ihnt is used under toe preseist ndministration. OIL CIATtI CARPETING : :red Indeed °Ur .4 c ifir , can now bonat of en n , sortatent unequalled beEetofore, nt very low prieen fur cash. , . ' It. KENYON, Jr. d. 23 l.avoivill. Centre, Pa. Red, I White- 4. • and Blue. icter Published, .the . 23th tlicusand. matted In a se:l4A envelope, to any 9 address, on retteipl of three stamps. A medical essay tin the physical exhaustion 4. de cay if llie frame. caos• el I , y -sell-abuse" infection, and the use if inercury. by 12.J.Culterwell, M.D., member if the rm j al,college if surgeons, Spermstorrfnea or seminnt emissions, genital' and nePtous debility. in:rttener, lots of energy, depression of spirits, timidity, diseases of seximl organs. itnpeditnenALto Marringe, promptly hod I ff:•on:tilv cured be the author's novel and Cessfui•treattnent, b *means of wftielt the inve i lid can regnin pristine health without having re course to dangerous end etpensive medicines. (Prom the London Lancet.) .• The best treatise ever written on q atibjeet of vital impedance to all, Well worthy the author's ei,ited reputation. .ffdrlreiis 11* Publishers. J. C. KLINE. & co., Post box .446, New Yuck. • [ll7yrq p Aqr A Book fbr Evetybody..iti STARTLING DISCLOSURES I. • 1_)1 great I:l:3k .k; f l oAr l ' E th i r or t hoe' co:item plating tear. • • ri" poxes 0 1 1.61 1 11;: 11 „ Pitt 24 cent - sent to :ill OtOit . pr parts wider seal, by mail. POST-PAID. 50,000 e.-p-• -• jot eidd the pity eft r. Tlie ••" it in rri d d themar ry ,t , I •i % vied ha o py. A Lecture on t ore. or hoW to choose a partner; a complete work on midwifery. It contains htinlrecis of NIS. ereta never before "publiskod—warrante'd to tie worth three. timer the amount asked for it. 25k111 in !Merle or pn,taze stamps, enclosed, will secure a copy by return wail. ,Addicts • J. TELLER, M. D. 14n. 5 Beareret Albany, - N. Y. Or Die. tICIIOIS' FEMALE PILLS. $l, a Vox. with foil dire,iiorir. Itlarried ladies istitiuld dot taw thein.Seni by Mail. ~ C2IUTION.-7 hen. Pills should not he toknt hyi females during _the PI,RST 3 4110A7/IS of P reptisney. as they are sure to rause raivcarriagei but al any time they are safe. In aIl rases of nervous nod spinet affectinn,pain in the/with and tirob4 fatigue on siilht exertion. palpitationol heart, hysterics and whites, these pills wilt erect a kre whet all other means have faile,;; andsl,thO' a politerfill ' retpedy, do not con , lain iron, calnniel antimony. or anything huriful to the Constitution. Address. IA TEI.LM as above. febt7flty* ECOND Ls. 1/04711 0!" - of iiestiy.,..every desiription. 14 1 :7)7.7)7/: riptic4.ind (;ht2per Mtn npw (nips, - • 'fidyste by ABEL TURRELL 'mt. / m.4p, -Nov. 25th. 1858. - ruocoxPus—A NEW SUPPLY 1, ,r 2 Doti:lll,9mm A*. TIARELL. BINGHAMTON • JAMES PYLE'S TOBitCCV YOUTH AND -MANHOOD: 14. -12 rt 0"V ° T 4144 b * READY-PAY SYSTEM TT is certain that Goods earvbe sold successful ly in 151ontrose,:aud 'at 4uaqUelakrnsDepo . ''OR- CASH. his tig ao 01:6 call o"duultt t ot! tho stored of , Guttenberg, Wiestubaum, fn:,- , where it will be proven that the 'Merchant in selling his Goods can afford to `sell Cheaper_ for Cash, add can other inducements sufficient to make it'an objeot to Pardoners, at whatever sacrifice they are obliged to 'make, to procure the Ittoncy . ,to adopt in their Parch** the Casn tissl ESL They have just received and are constantly re ceiving, s.large assortment of Dry GOODS and CLOTHING, particularly adapted for. LL AND WINTER, and idrich are purchased under the moat favors bin circumstances. They - ari3 enabled-and wir.r. offer and,sell at pr cearar below *therm that will give lad bate given an everlasting . Credit; no matter whether it is Tom, Dick, or "Awry. EXAMINE,COMPAREANDEDGE OUR 'DM GOODS!' An assortment heretofore unequaled bY anything ever offered to slontroso. anoy - and Staple Dry Goods! Comprising many new and desirable atvies of Gouda unknown in this ninrket,atnting which wit! be fpund, In LA DIESDRESS GOODS, All the noveltiel urthe-acason, cheap at GTJTTEN BE I KG. itOSEN US! , & COTS SHAWLS! Nits and eNu3ce nts4Cti . of`Brocho clitnttlA and *angle. Stella, Plant-Wool, Palm , and Mantilla, and a new alio of Chardll §hawla, cheap at Guttenberg, llosenbaum, Co's. litit An assortment always on hand,also Ladies Cloth and Trimming to match, of all shades, cheap, at Outttubtrg,llositbJuili, a's. EMBROIDERIES! hi this Department we can offer great induce. ment:, as-they are Imi:based directly from im porting Raises: Thejassortatent comprises French !ells, Sleeves and Collars, Worked Edgings and inserting, and a great many snore arti cles belong to this hale too numerates to Men tion, cheap at: G UITEN BE RG , ROSEN BA UM, (t'CO'S Bonnets, Ribbons, Flouters and 1 , Plumes, Wire; Stiff Net { tinge and Fronea, at Wholesale and ,1161111,--ehear GUTT EN BERG, ROSENE ACM, k. CO'S Dbihestic Goods! May be found all the different qualities of Prints, Gin Bahia, Bleached donds, Fine Unbleached 'AI winos, Ticks, Stripe's, Denim, Sheeting, 21.2 y da t6tde, cheap at GUTTENBgao, ROSENBAUM, CO'S READY MADE. CLOTHING. As this is one of their Pin CIPAL IMANCIIES OF BUSINESs in New - York City, they certninif have one great advantage over all the rest of Chidden.; they having one Partner steady in New York City to devote ail his timeto this particular branch of mt.nufacturing. - They wi I furniNtt. at any time. a Good Garment - at ahont the acme price for which-the material can be got. They will warrant their work and acomplete frt or no par. They keep zon,..tently on hand one of the beat tock.s of OVER AND UNDER COATS! Such. as Frock, Diess, Raglan, and Sacks 1 WANTS •. - In G`tecii Variety and Diferent Styles VESTS -1 Ruch u Volta, Mush, Cussimer,-tuadSain, cbeap at TTP.11131.:;11G. ROSEA3Ati fit, Se CO'S _CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER; of the Best rfluterliii lit Short !folic& Under .Garments Fos LADIES AS weeL As roe GENTLEMEN, Wet as Silk, and also Lambswool, cheap at dbritißEßG, ROSEkBAU,IIOS:c CO'S ONE WORD iS4UFFICIENT FOR THE WISE. , "fu'stisous F 'Ft -E ist V . ..AVIDP*.••••• CUSTO NIERS And is particular. ta•thoseAnOvlng, llwunielvea indobt4 to Ire Oil/ Sty WU% inure that we will 411 for Itea4 'Pay: hereafter, and all Ae toucan and ; Notea,ovat be-settled. whboac Far ther NOtlea are tire,/ it writing Dunning Lettere and Supporting the Puetcltifiee,and tiler* by ii•Wng. • talcii• all' kindil riftil . roln at thPligbeet„Marlcat. Prices fnr Parnibt, and all Amounts etandiagrOver Six; Months =Pa ,!" Books,Will be left for eblhiegen Patois 'Settled by Not?. ' • • Sotenbaum * Co. tratiolse,'Pa4Vetitbiiioili; 166. - . II /11116,,,J. DLCIOEB JI A . - IAIRDWARE'' 4itb ~ stobt - _guttorintit , IN - FULLBLAST: frtHE undersigned would takit nity to inform his friends and customers 'that helms recently made Ihrge additions to . his former extensive stock of • • - • Hardtvare - , Stoveb, • Stove Pipe, Stove Trimmings, Zinc, dam., _ and that he is prepared to supply the wants of the cumninnity in that line at unusually, low prieen. lie flatters himself that his facilit ies for manufacturing his own Waree, Stoves, &a., give him a decided advantage 'ober any who par chase and transport at a heavy expense their en tire stuck. Ile Would say to those orb* wish to portliest; STOVES' of any de+criptinn, STOVE PIPE, or TIIIIIMINGS, of any kind, and pay for , them, he is prepsred to give them great bargains; but to those wit s + want to purchase on a year's credit nod then let it /MI two years more, he had rath er they would tall on some one else, even If they have to pity seventy-live per cent more than an article is worth:. In the line of . Shelf Hardware s Maas...orb:neat is the largest and best - selected in Susquehanna County; *purchased as his stark has peen mostly of manufacturers, he is enabled to offer inducements to thbse country merchants who buy small bills, rarely fonnd - this-side of the big city. We enitoffer special indueements to Carpenters and Joiners who are in Ant of either Tonle or Building., Mitt:Hal*. Black. smiths car find ANYILS. VICES, 13ELLOWS. and. ha fact, almost anythhig in their line, by call ing on, us, CUM XI? YOU C MAIL pur stock of • Dry Voodoi, Groceries, Boole and • Shoes; Hain and Cap's. Tan.. kee ftollanq, ate. &c., is is large as the times will admit of. They were puiche.sed at a low figure, and will be sold at: prices to et4respfind witlobe times.. READY-BIADE oLOTiiING! We haco most opened about one-and cords of ready-made clothing. Every body says they are cheap. Some say they are rery cheap, - and a number have ventured to say they are dog cheap. Certain it fa that a small pile of money will boy a large pile of clothing. We would add, in this conn ection , for the in formation of ail concerned and thew rest of man kind," that we are tired and filch of the credit system; we have suffered enough by , it already, and are deterfhined rid , ourselv es or the - 'h.; whole . 2 critter." Believing that the - nimble sixpence is the true system, we are restored in adopt it, and are offering our goods at prices to correspond. ' 4 , 3 Produce taken in exchange for Goods. I.I.)ICKEILVAN, Jr. New Milford, Nov 29th, 1858. gein tob.ts! H.BURRITT Is just receiving a Large Stock of NEW STOVES, _ NCIAJPING a ful) aasorttneet of Elevated I Oven, Large-Oren and Flat Top Premium C u ok Stoi-e,. (for wood or'coal,) with auperia variety of Parlor,: Office and Shop, and Store, (for world or coal); alai), Stoll° Pipe, Zinc, Sheet Iron. StOi , e Tubea. &c. Uia naltartmetit Inebides the most SELECT and Desittalmr. I.rOVES in market, and will be %id& on the MOST FATGAABLE TEAMS. and to which . be would invite the particular attention of tri u lV . 31111orti, Nov. let, 1558. The GREAT 'AMILLIVW.DOR of HEAL LTU tocill Mankind. A Moon to the Mehl TilE want of a sterling medicinal to meet the ills and necessities of the suffering portion of humanity, and one entirely free from. mineral and other deleterious particles,, was severely felt until this all powerful medicine was ushered into the world; Holloway's invaluable Pills have be come the, Household RMnedy of all nations. Their attribute is to Prevcat,a2 well as to Cure; they attack the radix root of the complaint, and removing tiht hidden cause of disease reinvigor ate and restore the drooping energies of the sys tem, nevi-ting nature in her task of Vital and Fuuctionaii Reformation. Dyspepita. Th great seonrge or this continent yields rmiekly to a coarse of these antiseptic Pitts, AO the digestive organs are restored to their proper toue; no matter in what hideous shape this hy dra of disease exhibits itself, this searching and unerring retriedy.diSprses it from the atient'spe system. . • . General Debility mad Weakness. From whatever cause, Lowness or Spirits, and all other signs of a diseased liver, and other /lig. organiiations of the szstem, vanish under the eradicating infloodea of this all powerful anti-. septic and detergent remedy. • Bilious Dl.orders. The proper ijoantnni end right condition of the bile is of momentous importance to the health of the huninn frame, this Anti• Bilious medicine expels the hidden seeds. of the complaint; and renders all the fluids and secretions pure and fluent, cleansing and resuscitating the vital font:- tient; of the body. !Ockly females. , Should - loose 110 time in trying . few &sea of this mutilating and renovating remedy, Whatever may be their complaint, it win .be taken with safel in all periodical and ottier disorganization', its effects is all but miraculous._ Litrecuted Yroo The testimony of nations is unanimously borne to the virtues .of this.noble. remedy. and,certigentos is every living lanknatze ienrokitiewto. the Undeniableness of the I trio tYorto. n ; . . , Ile&may's Pills are the Lest remedy known in the • World for the following diseases: . Asthma. Dirrlicia, influenza, , Stone and Bowel Com-Dropsy; Infiseathiln,travpl. plaints, Debility,' . inward '- , S econdary Coughs, Fever and Weakicas;. Symptoms, Colds, Ague,. Liver - Venereal Chest Dis•Femald CoMplaints; Affections, ea s e s, Complsints,Lowness of Worms of Custiveneastlieadaelies, Spirits, all kinds. Dyipopsia, Indigestion, Nes,. ogr,CAUT)ON:r•None are genUbie unless the words "flothilooy.'New Ydrk and London."' are discernible as a Mier-Mark in every lest of 'the book of directions - around each pot or box: the same may be pininly..seen by holding 1 1 the :eel') the light; A horidsome re-wart:Twill be given to any one rendering such information as may Wad to the deteckipn of any party or parties counterfeiting the medicines or v ending the same, knowing them lobe spurious. • . , je Sold , at the - Dann6iito es o Professor AO 144 en Lane, New .York alfnd by alljeaPettOble - Drerritists and Dealers cine throughout the - United Stakes - and the eivil ized .world, in boxes 25 cents, 63 cents and el each.. , r ."• ' , • ..There Is considerable sarltid - by taking the -larger sizes. . . • N. 11..• - •r!Directlarslor tbe'goidsoeif of patients in every _ disorder are' af!lsett to °Soh hex. - • . June 3d, 1858.—1 y.. , ,12900w3? . . 'LEt. V TU:•••41.13k AND. ot male hi-. f : , r-ABEIfTURRELL. • ldontrossirabraut ht, 1859., - Scr.oftdkorlthies Evit is a constitutional diseitsee a anyiptiim or tip • blood, by elicit latetes vitiate, waak, and poor. , Beingin:tho.cireislation; it pervades the whole. body; end may.burst auk ui discasg on any part of it. No organ is frtte'.: from its attacks, rumps there one which it may not destroy.' TheiCroftilons taint is viewer causeety•mercurial distrait*, low livitivdieW orderer" or Anhealthrfood, ,, lTpurer,sit.litth and - 1 11 0 1 3C - IndaS;. the daPrente4 :vises, and: above all, the venereal infection.. What. ever be Its origin. it Ls hereditary the ea. stitution. deweeing " from-parent to el:adieu antothethie and fourth 'generatiorr'' Indeed. it seems, to be the rod . of. Hint wit; stays, will visit the Iniquities the fathers ropes their children . . :. • . effects commence by deposition froiri blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, Which, the lungs, liver, and internal is termed tubercles ; in the glands,' swellings; and we the surface, eruptions or sores. - This foul tot= ruption, which fenders in the blood, deponsca the energies of life, so that scrofulous emmtitu: tions not only .suffer ::.from scrofulous coin plaints, but they have far:less power to with stand' the attacks of other diseases; cense- quently, Vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fetal by this taint in - the system. Most of. the consuniption.srhich de cimates ,Most human family has its Origin directly in this scrofulous contamination; and many destroctive distisei of the li'&, kidneys, brain, and, intteed, of all rho organs, arise from. or aro aggravatad by the same cause. One quarter bf all our people are scrofulous; their persons are invaded by this lurking ii;k. fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the trsterd we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in. vigorate healthy-food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply in AYE'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilli, the most effectual remedy which the medica skill of our times tau dcvbe for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. to is tom- , bined from the most active remedial% that have been dis' corered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the mterit from its destructive consequences. Hence it should be employed for the cure of not -only scrofula, but also those other affee thmis which arise- from it, suet as Xnurrtvz and SKI:, DISFIASik Si. ANTllotieil FULL, 'Rose, or PIMiL7I4 . PossoLrs, &orates, Btstws and 13 ott)-1, Tystons, Tema and SALT 11.0-cm, Soxin Bean, Ilnrowortst, RILFL,LiTIB3I, SYPHILITIC and MERCISHIL z io /EASES. Dnorsr. DrstErSti, DEETLITT, and. indeed. ALL Costmstwrs snuuxo nom Vim- TM on Luronr. Moot). The popular belief in im urity oftl,eblood"'is founded. intruth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and Nirtue' of this Slurp*. villa is to purify and regenerat6 this vital fit d d, without Which sound health is impossible , in contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Tills, FOR -ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, are so composed that disease within the range of theiraction can rarely withstand or evade.theur Their penetrating properties - search, and 'cleanie, and inngosato every portion of the human organ. correcting ltd diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. As a Cansinign/Ce of these properties, thC invalid who bbwed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to fine his health or energy mstoredby adeniedy at once so simple and rot it ng. ' Not only do they onn the 'every-day complaints of everOody, 'but also many formidable and dangensys diseases. The agent below named is plcasckto furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and directions for their use in the fullowing.complaints:• Costive nese, Heartburn, headache arising from disordered Stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Pain in awl Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of Appe tite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, ari,ing from a low aisle of the body or obstruction of its functions. Atefs Cherry Pectoral; von. Tilt Rano mar or. Coughs; : Colds, Influenza,. Hoarseness, Croapi , Bronchitis, Incipient Consump. tlon,.and for the relief of CommPtiva patients i t adranced stages of the dtsenie. So Wide is 'the field of its usefulness and so nu merous are the ' cases of its cures, that :amine every segtion of country abounds in:persons .Pbb hely known, who have been restored from alarming ` and even desperate diseases of the limp by its . oat. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its, kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues, are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of the . pulmonary organs that are incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, this -has gained friends by every trial, conferred beneEts on the afflicted they call never. forget, and pro. duced cures too 111/111C10115 ipa too remarkable to be forgotten. - rnErmtED DE. J. .C.,ATER Jo " LOW - ELL, MASS.' .AL HS undersigned. the Founder and Publisher T of Van Court's Counterfeit Detector. deal rens of retiring from thistrtuich of business, has merged that old established work in4he popular Bank Note Deleefer Of, Imlay de, Bicknell. Hav ing published Van Court's Detector,eince 1839. the undersigned reluctantly parts with his old Mende and tiubscribom ; butthis 'reluctance is lessened by the conviction, that in Imlay & Dick. noire Bank Note Reporter they will receive n work, that malehes the tieres.,l.;VAN COURT. Wc)ttlaea' Au saNcripti - orm to IJILAI r & BICKNELL'S Bank Note Reporter' - aro Payable scrupulously in aa'ance. This is the oldest Bunk Note Publication in the world. For thirty long years• it has maintained an -unsullied reputation, end contiones the necessary companion of all buainees people ovr the whole continpa id Americo: g • THE COINS OF THE WORLD! Now in pretialy Islay & Bicknell, will be giien gratuitously. to all old.and new suUseribers. , A ll Coin Charlia, Guides and Manuals, as rompared with.this, may be considered waste paper.., TERMS—Semi-Monthly, per annum, $1,50 Monthly,,, • 1,00 Single copies at the countor 10 " " 12 ,Addrais IM LAY & BICKNELL, jarrll.3m]. Box 11160, PontOtEce, Pd. Auditor's. Notice. iIE AUDII OK appointed by the court fo audit, 'settle and , ndjutt the account of one of the lidera of the, eetato of Samuel Ililhorn, dietribution, dte., rill Inept the par ties intereatod at hitt adce i 5 Montrqaa. on Fri day, Nardi 18th; 1853, at 1 o'clock p. IM. • feb.244„:4.1 W 514. TURRELL. Auditor. Auditor's Notice. T otundemigned having been nktointed by . ffen. tho Orphans' Court Susque. hount County; nettle and adjust the account cf Lyme° Blackingtelh, Administrator of David Blackington, deceased. upon exceptions filed to wild account, will hearche parties inte rested, at his office in Montrose i - on fl,tunday, the 26th day of March next, at one o'clock in the afternoon. - FRANKLIN. FRASER, Auditor. Feb. tlMt, 1859,744. .Auditor's TIDE AUDITOR appoiptea by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account Of one (of the adm'ra of the estate Rebert P. Vaite, dee'd, make distribution. ate, will meet the par. ties interested at hit olftbss in Montrose, on Fri. day, Match:lBth. at vim oeloek p. m. feb.24w4.] WM: J. TURRELIe Auditor.' _ • , Ete6Otore, Notice. vanitrais Letteni Testamentary Open the . V testate of Meer:chic; Nicholas . Over6eld, WO of Blesbilppen"n= towaishli-' deceased,' hare beefs granted to the tindersigned;' ail " persons Indebted' to estate wilt please maim payment,' teAthotie• having deltas will please present the- fume .without delay 'to Dr-Nathan' , w o n,, at Meehopppn or Charles Keeney, of BraletriehYyotaittg coauty, Pewee. NATHAN WE1,14 • - CHAS. KEENEY, "f .lll * - 17H1;1868..-tear.3, , a6. -- • ' ."' KEYS' U.SiTelt, -Proprietor. HIS bow: and -commodious Hotel . shouted lon Public Avenue, near the Court Honee,and nearly in the centre, of t4B.bueiness portion of - Montrose, is now fu ly corpß forniithedi and will be 'opened on Blenc,ay, this 37th.ds.f of the Present month for the.andeinmodationz of • the public and- tniselers. , Propiletor foals confident that he is now prepared' , to entertain googols a stipanor that, cannot WIN Elva - CrOnipletlit' The. Holei and Purnisure-itrontivi, Ind no co pense hat hien:spared to rerideeit e quskif fia t • superior, to any similar-establishment hr this part of the State. It is well supplied with -the recent impnweruente and,i;utotorts,stod obliging 'waiters will always- be readyto respond to the call Of ensterners.• ' • The tstliks coknected . ': with ibis Moues, ari Sting end Ctonvenieint. The Proprietor respectfully solicits the patron:: age of his old friends, and the puhlie. generally: %V S!. K. HATCH. St (intros°. September 21st, 1858.. - TURRELL, AS reitiThei frcni s 3 ..3e7riatik, with er large and choice variety of Goods, which he oars to hia attatment and the WOW at low prices for cash. His stock ompriset: • DRUG'S . MEDICINES, - I N T . 5,- •OILS • Vti DOM •• DY•E IF-I.3FFS , i G.R'OCERIEB. • .1 OL ASS.:W - MIRRORS, CLOCK A_LAL PAPES;:'.. W 1 N I) O. .P A P WINDOW 01. L 5.11,,A - 1) FANCY ! . o,zo DS,. ••• MUSICAL IN&TRUMENTS, ' • ,1 E W E. Llt Y.. , _ .. PERF U M E WY, . * .... DRY GOODS, . - HARD WARE. • - . STONE W•A:RE4., • - WO 0,I) E• ;T. W•A RE, • .-, BROOMS, . : • •. 13 13 US 1i ES, -• •• . .. J A-P AN NED W A.R.E . , BIRD CAGES,, - • - C A I .C . AR Y SE .E IY,. '- . . P 0 C K:EI K IC I_Y•E 41; • IT 11 B R E L•L A So; G U N S, '. .- P I•S6T-0-14 B,i‘ . - A- MAI N 1 T I - 0 N.', TURPENTINE, '. • CAMPHENE, ~", • B U it,N IN G• F.I“U'I D, • ALCOHOL,` - LIQUORS, • • - (ForMedicicalPurposesonly,) TRIJS S.E.S,, .-. SUPPORT RR . S, E ... 8.11 - 0 U . L D•E R 13 R A C. El 3 ; - 'l' OR T il ON N 'A.,I E S , SPECTACLES,•• ~,' SILVER & PLATED SPOONS.-FORKS,&c?i GOLD PENS. . STATIONERY, VIOLIN STRINGS, BOWS, iic., • And.cil of tbe `lnost.pop:u'ra•r PATENT MEDIC-INES, Thankful for the liberal patronage hitherto re; ecivecl, be hopes to merit a-continuance and large itereahe of the . • • . „.eOgL Montrose, Nov. Ist WEL li.oWijan,Vrtseuts, THF,fialoirribera would Fail the attention of .their friends to the greet variety of Gold abd ,Silver Watchea, Jewelry:and:Fancy Goods they- have on hand suitable for the op- - 'proachingflolidays, and„witich they 'offer it the loireit Cush Prices. & hzcetr., • No. 2 Odd Fellows' Hall, Binghamton, Dec. 17th, 1858. • OLD AND SILVE R-WATCHES.—Open kw Face and Hunting, of every style and price, comprising over fifty different: patterns, minty of • their owe imper,lati.on, and- •marranted _hale • keepers, which anent!: fail to-suit ; byt . . Evans & Akin& • G O la L e D es Clll tu LNS, ? ffi rtzs e es s, ,:l pe et S ci est es. ls, B N re e n c s k t : pins, Earrings, Finger-rings, Sleeve-buttona, Lockets, Bracelet%.Snaps, Pens, Penchi., Tooth-. picks, &c., tee., by Evan & Maxi. . SILVER WARE .— Table, Delert • and Oickle • Forks.: l'ablc, Desert, Tea, *gar, Cream, Berry; Pretioarve•and•Sall. Spoons;-Napkin Rings; Chitdrens' Knives,' Forks and •Spoona„ in set% Cups: Leo Cretin; Pie, Butter and Fruit &live% Salt Cellars; Clad Cases, &ct &c..-by " E • • vans & . • PATED WARE.—Tea Seta. : Tea Pik/ter/4 Castors, Cake and 4 Card Baskets,-Pitcher Trays, Salto, Ciipo,.'Sugai- Baskets:. Soup, .and Gravy Ladles, Forks upd Spoons. &c.,;• for Sale EVAN? & Arias, • Pitiilf MATE Boxes, Perfume and Fancy J. Cases, Coral Beads, do'. Necklaces and Arm leta, Shell and -India Rubber Combs, Tea Bells, Telescopes, Watch Stands, Knives and Forki, Pocket Knives, Scissors, Wax, Satin and Amber Beads, &c., &c., &c., by I' VANS & ALLEN. . • . ' - DASIOND PINS AND FINGER-RING some very fine, by Evi,tts & LATED KNIVES.—A Large Assortment of Table and Desert Knives,and Carvers, by EVANS & ALLEN,. ' . • o. 2 Odd Follows' Hall. " • Binghamton,,. ez 7th, 1858. • 0359.. ctif VE ARE. BOUND Tp'ao AHEAD! • GO E SE . • LASPE -STOCiC OF NEW .000D8 jutit received at the Origin! One Price and Ready-Pay Store of HAYDEN BROTHERS. The People's' Agents are on'hasid, with a large mock, of .Goods comprising Staple& Iti Faucy,y,Goods, data do Caps, „ . . Boots Shies, Grocerleolic Provisions, - .Flont - • . • —Yankee Notions, s Wateher,:Jewelrf, Wall-'& Wludow Paper•V, • , Wooden Ware, AO we lump ono thoasnod and one thing. beiddes: We will say to CLOSE .11.11YERS, • , ij you want'EARGAIES CALL and £EI • • HAYDEV-1110THERS.. New Milford, Ps., Jan. bit, : O ALLATERBSTRIt THEeubserintion sor.onn.tilof tie We firm of biceozzust & GIREBIittOW have been placed in the hands of Mr. Wm.t F Benbe k -4takalonsi be T lag authorized to -rot legit. and giro reiroilita los Ibe mime. He designs canvassing the county, mul it is. desirable, that sit indebted .should .settle piprOlikly,thOreby onving furt torah)" er tor ark* pensetonli !Won : Bfootroso, September 21st. 85& - • _TNR. AkOUPIIRE.Y'BS.4iOMCEOPATHIC Reinedietforiuge by •• = 141. T T4~ ~~