The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 10, 1859, Image 1
A.J. GERRITSON, P GROVES & ibUCEUIS ELEBRAT-E'D FAMILY. SEWING MACHINES: Now StyleampPrlclrs trans 4 11 • 10 111)1126 EXTRA CHARGE OF $5 FOR HEMMERS. ^ I:=1 1495 Broadway - -_New York. F. S. CUANDLER, AGENT, MONTROSE. These michines sew from two spools, an pur chased from the store, r. quilting no rewinding of ,thread; they flem, Gather, and Stitch in a inperiOr etyle, finishing each seam by their own operation, without recourse to the handneedle. as 18411'14rd by other mlchines. They will do bet: • ter and cheaper sewing than h- seamstress can, even if she works for one ctrl an hoer. and are. unquestionably, the ben Mach-Oen in the market for family sewing, on acconnt of their simplicity, durinilitt. ease cf manpg f rnent,and ad .ptation to all varieties of family aewing--exi-cuting either blowy or fine woil with equal facility, and without special a t Ajustment. - As evidence or the unquestioned superiority of their Machines, the GItorER & BAKER Sew. ING MACHINE ColoniAlcl . beg leave to fespectfully refer to the fo . towing_ . ' ' -- -TESI,IiIIONLI LSI • k "Haying had one of Grover & iker',4 Mn_ in toy C.niiiyf,r nearly, a yel and a hart. I take.pteamtre in el.llllll.lldllle, it a .-very way trimble Air the purtse fi.r w . hii-h i t la de.igneil ..I..`aonly' Sewitiv,.'—Mrs. Jo-hua avitt. wife i of Rev. Dr. Leavitt, Editor of N.'...Y. lodepen -, • dent. s , I confess myself delighted with your Sewing, 31. chine, whieh - has been in ruy•lstniiyfor many 'months; It ha always ''been ready for du v_ requiring no adjustment, end is easily adapied to evrry . viairty of family srwinar, be simply Nchanging. the ,pools.ot Viz:l6dg IStnekliaid. wife- of Rev. Dr. Strickland, Editor of N. V. Christian Advocate. "Af. , ter tr)in,T several good mcchineß,l ptefer voura;.un amount of its simplicity. end the per fect este with which it is tnanaged, as. well as the strength-toni durability _of the scam. After long experienee, L feel competent. to ' , peak - in this manner. and Ile confidently recommend it far every tridiety of family bewing."—lllnk S. B. Spooner, wife of the Editor of Brooklyn Star. ". i.w used Gnaw szA32k,.e.. C a a g 11... chine-for two jeans, and n.,ve found it ail to`all kinds trt fatuity sewino., from I:anitone to Broadcloth. Garment. have been norn out with• out the givin t watr - of a etitrh The Machine i. easily kept; in order, and easily 8. WhiPple,a.ite of Rev. Geo. Whipple, New York. " Your Sewing Machine has been in use in toy th'e imst. 1%0 year'', and the ladies requtst tne to give you .heir testimonials to its perfect idaptedness, as well a., labpr satintz qualities in the performance of fatpily, and household sew ing,"—Ejobert Boorman. New York. several months we have nsed Grover & Baker's Seeing tnsehiue, and hare come to the eenelnsion'thsE every lads who desires her sew• ins beautifully and quickly done. would be m .st forttinatv ptssessing one of these treliable and indefatigabl e • not , needle•wouien; whose (-ern. bitted qualities of beauty. strength qnd ty, are inval Morris, daughter of Gen. Geo. P. Mortis, Editor of-the Home-Jour. [Extract of a letter from Thor. R. Leavitt, an Atzteriean - gentleman, now resident. lb Sydnq, New South %Vales, dated 'January 12th. 18.58.] I had.a lent made in Melbourn, in 1853, in which there wire ore' tlinau Ointbuitid yards of ,sewtog done with tone of Grover & tfaker's 51a citittes, ond sinzle seam of tutu has outetood all the dovhfc seams sewed by.. sailors with a needle and twine." Homercould be 6111, d up from hie murky hades, he wquld ping the adv - ent of Grover & Baker aft a -name bemeuunt miracle of ort than wa+ vv• r Vulean'aptutthy. lie would di.r o .uu e ., midnight *kin melting op the direful timing of woes unnumbered.' —Prof. North. "I take pleasure in saying, thit the Grover & S s. Baker S. wing 3larnines have Inure than sus• taint d•int expeOatoin. After trying and return lni othent, I hare-three of duem in operation ih my chiferrot plates, and, alter four years irial, have no titan to find."-4. A Hamill - pod, Senator of Routh Csiotina. "My wife has hadonel of Graver & Baker'sl'am ilyttewini Machines for some time.and I am act pi• fled it is one, of the heat labor-saving ttoiehines ttua. 'haw been invented. 1 mho much pleasure in reeomtuen•iiao it to toe public."—J. G. Bur vie, Governor of Tenneisse. tlt k a tiftatifniithing, and puts everybody into la ezeihrowni. E imd uuuwr. W. IV I a should insist upon Saints GroVer and Baser having an eternal holiday in cinninesuors tioa oruieir good deeds fur hanianiß.7--Camiiun - , 1 think it by far the beet patent in use. T his lelaehihe ran be a.t.iptrd frees the fineet.etunbrie thp heaviest pasKiinerr. It Mews eitrong,r, faster, and more be.mtilully than - say ime - ean ins igige. If wale could not be repl.eilt money czald -out buy iL"-3lra. J. IL Bruns, Nashville, Tenn: 'hit is speedy, very nest, and - durable in flo work; i* easily understood and k pi in rrpair. tatirraly ree"tninend thiK ilarhiao to a 4 my &NU le Mauves and others ."—Mrs. M. A. Forrest, iluiptus, Tenn. - - _ . , . "We find this Machias .to work to our satis faction. and with pleasure ree.ontutend it to tbe as we believe the Grover & Baker to be the bed Sewing Machine in use."—Dery Broth :sia,.Allisciats. Tenn. mied exclniiively for family purpose'', with ordinary rate, I will wager they' will laid one .'three snore years and ten: and never get out .of Krekitie, Nashville. Tenn. • "I tonre had your Machine for several weeks, - atifFatti perfectly aati.fied that the work it doe* is the behind auk bun:llllDi th a t ever was toade."—Maggie Aimaeon, Naahville, Tenn. ; • _ . "I ose in, Machine apoa coats, dressmaking, Sid 6ne linen sleeking, and the work issdao. rakle--Jar bettor thito the LW* hand-.eying, or any ither anwhino ; have ever seen."—Lucy B. TbompsokiNaabvitle. Tean. • , • '' I And the work the strongest and most bean. iWal 1 ben ever seen, made either bhand or, machine, and regard •the_Grftver & Baker Ma; thise ai one 'of the greatest blessings to oir sez."—Mrs. Taylor, Nub rills, Tenn. .: areEND FOR A CMCCTLAR.JI4 felt: 7 /127*10c.13 BLISHER . . giilleasiress . Sinless. Y virtue of sundry write issued by the Court LP of Common Piens of Sunqueluthua county and to me directed, I will expose to rode by pub. lie vendue, at the Court Howes in Pillottuote..on Saturday, Much the 19th, 1859, - st one o'clock, p. re, the following described pieces or parcels of and, to wit ALL that certain piece or parcel cut land sit. tote in the township of Auburn, Susquehanna -County State of Penen.yltanie, bonded and described at bilious,. to wit: on the north by lend of Dr. C. H. Lowe, and no the Cant, amok and west by land of George Flaverlv containing about two and a half acres, more or leas. together with the appurtenances, one framed !house, one hlsetrsmith shop. and all improved. (Taken in •x. cation at the suit of A.-Lathrop & Cu. t vs. G: E. Lyman. I ALSO—AII that certain tract or parcel of land - Situate in the township of Oakland, County and State aforesaid, and butted, bounded' and de scribed as follows, to wit : beginning at a black oak tree on the pooh t:nk of the Susquehanna river swd in the northwest corner oflanda belongs ,Ming to Charles Davis, running th ence two de , airy. a and five minutes east along the cast line . of said Davis' land to a stake in the ,tenter .1 r highway trading from I,aneaboro to Great Bend: ' thence westerly along said highway sixty-six and two-fifths perches to a jatake in .thin corner of land now owned by lamer Van Antwi.rp: thence north three fourth,' deerees east 395 1 3 perches to a stake' and stones; thrice 'south eighty and onehalf 'degrees east one hundred arid larventy. one tort two-tenths perches to a white oak tree; then t he mouth three-fourths degrees West along the4ine of an wit:Anal survey tare hundred ' and Pat and - tw.. thirds percher' in the center of ' ividthighway; thence westerly alongt!said high sail-forty-six rind one-tenth perchtls; thence south two degrelm and five minutes' west fifty lwrehes to the bank of said river; - thence down said river ter the place of be:rooting; 'rontaining three hundred and thirty eight acres, More or less, ( xceoling therefrom however twenty five a t s ori the - nor h side of a lid highway. be . hinidn g to 7enrlra Di yks.):te g eth.-e 4 - ... le asu appisrtonunoat three framed dwidimg houses, two !barns, one relrird, and about .me hundred acre' improved. [Token in execution at the suit of Caleb C tr ivial', assiahee of Arm. R Oshorn.tZs. Thomas ackson nod canny 31. Jackson. 1.14 wife.-and r Mary C. Godwin and Helen Godwin. hits wife.l ALSO—AIf that cr-rtsin piece 114 parcel of bud situate In the township of Thoniprion, 1 County and State- atoresaid, hounchld and de 1 -coiled as ftilliews, to wit: boginntng at an old basswood :amp—being an old witn4.44l corner f lots—thence along . the line of James Rath._ iron's land and iand of Ch.irteri Wriehter north urn tett and three-fourths derreei east one . undred and thirty-sit rods to a corner in the in.. of :said Wrighter's !arid. M. the intersection if a cross wall: ine,nce afoun. said cross wall on be line of other land of -said .Joel ismh north fry two and one-fourth de4reet. west ninety our and one hail' rods tit. the end of sidd eross all; di s tinct. north - seventy-four and one , hslf des rocswest thirty-two rods and five iinks to a take on 'the east. side of erect run: them?.• trp aid creek run sou h forty-six and three fourths eg-ces is-est twenty rod,' to a corner on the 'est side of creek run. to the sou'h end, nest a arge - - nemiocs on - the' east maw or mint rim , hence south thirty-six anti a-half degrees west, ilnere - !n rods and ten links, to- a beech on the ;est side of said run; thence south ififteen and hiet , fourths degrees 'west sixteen red Land five inks:to a corner near an ash tree, on an old line of 1.. t : thence on said division line ? ,, iutli forty.six and threeifourths degrees west arty rods in a stake and atone* in the line of Villianison's lot; thence along said, line south arty-three degrees east one hundred ends and hirty links to the place - or beginning; contains n. eighty-seven arre,i, be th same more'rir leak it h the appurtenances, about one-half improved. Taken in i.xerution at ale 'suit of ;Smiley & 'urtis vs. .T.wl; Liimb.) Purrhasers will in all caeca be required tq. pay n the ear of sale an amount sufficient liecOver . rots of sale. otherwise, the property will be re old forthwith. JOH - $1 YOUNG. Sherif. Sheriff's (flfire. bloremsi.. *arch tat. 1859. I=l COURTS OF APPEAL. 1 i 11 1 11 E COMM INSIONEIRM'OF SOS quelmosessi Comity have lilted open he following named days anti Wares. rsr bnidine ppeels limo the Triennial Aeaeaatoeot of 1859. /0 wit:. - • • ;- - Montropp end Bridwntmr, Fridny,i)iitieh 11, t the Commigmi,wrg OtEre in Thttriose. Snturd,z, March ;2th, at _die house of aoiel Hoff in Away. By under of the Cummissinners. ! Wen A. CROSSMOr4, Clerk. Commissioners ( )trice, / 31;40.'4 % J..n. h. 1852. janl3 troll) ,4 -I• •Imeentor's ale. ! . . ILL. b0.i..01d ut the house - 180i occupied by Patrick Nam/airy, late, or Rush town ip, Reeraseit, on Saturday, March 191 h, 111.59. i t two "'dock ..p. in., at public vendee or out. I rv, 1., the highest and beat bidder for .caeli,ali e right, title and interest of said Petrick Ma uley, deceased, in end to the farm and itn. grovementa therelin. The - farm vont-sins 26 .res. The impr-ietnent's consist of one lug iouse, a lug barn, a young apple oreir.ird. Thir. acres ot said farm err improved. i A never iiiii.g spring of water near the door. JAMES LOGAN, c. l .1. RONEY, zaccolons. I Rush, Feb. 22.1 18.59.-4 w.- . , 11 r 11 E AUDI 109. apiminl6l by the court to . audit, settle and adjust the arce..unt of olio , t elle Hcl..ir4 .4' the estate of `Samuel Ililborn. d I, make di4ributi,m, ike . will meet the lair ' es int«niitelf It hi 4 .ittiee in Montrose, On Fri d• y„ March 18th. 1859. it I o'clock pam. feb.24.4 J W. J TURRELL. Auditor. HE undersigned timing been appointed by the Hon. the Orphan' Court of. Supque li .nna Conntv, to audit, settle and' adjoat the •ount f Lymsui Bleekingtn, Adminiatrator of yid Blackingtuo, deceased. upon ixeeptiena fi ed to laid account, will hear the parties into ri.itrid, in hie 'Ace in Montroee,on I Haturday. 1 e 26 h day of Ha March next, at one o'clock in the ti erOuon. FRANKLIN FRASER, Auditor Feb4l4, Auditor's Notice. • /HE AUDITOR appointed bi , tha l Court to ;edit. settle and adjust the account of one the adners of the estate of Robert P. Vane, . .c . d. make distribution. &a., will meat Ad par s interestrst at hie tam in blontroso, on Fri . March 18th. at one nelnek p. m. I feb.24w4.] WM./. TURRELL. Auditor. Ty H ERE AS. Utters - Tests ntenta ii, upon the estate of, Honorable Nicht'lsis therfirld. e of MeshopPen township. drawled. hare Zn granted to the onderaignad; .11! persona ebted to the - said estate will pie se make ...I marg.:sod those, katiery claims will please r .1 the same without delay to fl .Nathan ' ' 5, eldeaboppen, Or. Charles Keeney, .of otrim, Wyoming county, Penn's. I • NATHAN WELLS, g.,,,. 4 ' tfIettI.ICZENEY, f eb, ]7th. 11959.--mar.Sme. t 1 "WE fent OURIiON.TIN TO NO . PAILSTT TEAT DOg irOT Oil*. +6211 - i'LAiLO 4Ni MU* STNP TO 1112131 Ni 4.uditor's Notice. Auditor's Notioe: Executors' Notice. American Sarmtrs' (31 agaiint. ...HIS WORK was formerly published at $3 A a year. and' more ieeently at 82. war a heavy loss in both eases to its 'proprietors ; It is now published, enlarged and every war impoved, AT ONE DOLLAR A TEAR, in advance; and, for the first time , it Pave. Suc h is the effect: of giving the best article at the lowest price. It is THE WORK for the FARMER, the GARDNER, and the FIRE SIDE, a complete -rgrlicaloarat, Ilertlettilural ao4 Family 4ournal, Pal linhtd Monthly, at 7 I:Crkma,s,St.; N. Y.. at. the - unheard•of low pike of ONE DOLLAR a year; Ninety Cents to clubs of tea or more ; and Diuhty Ctlitn to clubs of twenty and up- wards!!! Single c.miea Ten Cents. Address • J. A. NASII, Ed. & Pub., -Feb. 20th, 1854) New York. 117 C) C,.1111. TAR- E.,PA TRICK, JR., would like -IV after a - silenre of nearly ten yearkto appeal to the moral sensibilities or a very generous pub lic, who hayo always manifested, their sense of ,appreviatlon of his 'usclultults by exacting his aervicesi when needed at thought to be needed, but...whe have given no other evidence of grati tude or good will—particularly in the way, 6" ntlbstantial aid" as Kossuth would say—that he now desiretfa full and entire settlement of all his account., also the accounts of the late firm of Patrick & Dinwek ; and he wishes fu•ther to state that he desires nothing to he considered Tyrone*, if, after a few weeks, the said accounts, remaining unsettled. sho'd be pla - eed in the hands of a good 'sharp e llectnr, and maJo to account to him something that will buy Oats and Ruck: wheat. Please notice this and take action accor dingly.—Yours Truly, , jan2 "HARD TIMES NO MORE." 4 NY PERSON (Lady or Gentleman,) in tha ilk Coiled Supra po-seasing a, small capital of front to $7 can -enter into an ratty and mlailth front 8.5 to am per day can be resli.,-ed. For pun len UM.. address. (with ' , tamp.) W. R. Al ToN & Co. uth3 3m wi 41 North SIXTII-„t, Phhad'a. !HE HONEY BLADE GRASS; .Tbe results which have ken attained, by ex. periments in the cultsvelion o f thi, t new ly im ported species of pro• uct, have awakened an in ttrest among the fanning classes in many sec tions never h 'fent evaled in the entire history of cur ngriculturat mitose,. In_ sows to its vs!uable prepenies, which at first seemed almost incredible. have now been established beyond the pus-ibility of a doubt. And it is be lieved, by those best capable of judgsng of its merits, that its general - introduction will add millions of dullard to our - agricultural wealth. 1 have not the space here to enter into details, Los will present briefly some of its advatanges. First. It will produce doable the weight to the acre, in uny soil, of any utherskind of grass. From four to six tons ps r acre is net an,uneorn nm yield. and 1 urn in possession of sworn statementi by disinterested and reliable persons, of a yield ist over eight tons of good dry hay trout's single scream, is. mes a r s.. sible to get more than one halfthe amount from any of the common grasses. Seco:id, The same weight possesses more nu triment, end consequently, will sell for a larger price in the market. thus insuring the farmer_ More than double the return from his grounds that be valid obtain from nnv to her forage plant. The hay poissessem one-third more nutriment than, timothy, _and huts sold for 613 per ton, here.tho price of timothy was but 810 ur 81:1. •" • • Third.• Both hay, and seed can be proddced from the'sssme crop, the hay being equally vale uable as other flay, after the seed is taken Gem it, While the seed is as v doable as tht; best of other grain, as a feed for hdrses, 'cattle, pigs. chickens, &e, and it is proved to be superior t,) linseed hr the.n.neufsetare of oil, and must .1• wins find a ready sale, at a fair price, fur this purpose. Fourth, IV matures in about Iwo months time, and can be sewn on grounds where other crops have laited. either by drotith or other cauvea, sad at the lame time will yield a l.rgo MUM. • Fifth, In northern climates whera clover and other grasses are killed out by hard winterS,lllos will yield'a large crop, and in those seetionv of the South where other grasses will not thrive at all, it,vvill grow very Birth, It will stand all kinds of w•heatheranJ, whether the season be wet or dry, the farther may always rely upon ni 4 Haney Blade as a 'sure crop. Theae and other advantages are proved by facts a Welt, ate endorsed by some of the first sgrit ulttiiist; or the Union, and cannot NI to curry i rodyietien to every intelligent reader. ifavirg been engaged, tinting the past year, in the purchase and. finportatiort of the pure Haney Slade Seed. I have determined to otte r it for rale etcsuch terms antei I makit it an ob. pct to even tarwer and planter to interest him. self, during the.ctuning season, in its eultivit• lion. It is put op in unifortobugs or about six teen pounds each, the amount' being autfieient to seed one acre, and tile pike ie 1141 per b.,g, delivered in New York or St. •Loith. Single bags, or lots, can be tent to any part of the country 1124 freight or . .by express; and will be pot qp, delivered f-r transportation, and the proper arrangements made, free air charge. Each bag is stamped with the Hungarian c oat of arms, and the following lettering, 'Honey Made Hungarian Grass Slvd," It will be sold by agents in_ various petti ,, n., but prties should be careful of whom they purchase and secure• the pure genuine seed. They are especially cautioned not to purchinse,ihe common Hung.iirian Gram Seed, as it is very fur inferior to the Honey Blade. An interesting pamphlet. eontnining sll of the facts, and full particulars, rill be furni.hed. froe of charge, by me or any of my agents. noon sppl'estion. I will state, as an indication of the !forme interest which the sultjort is exciting, that 1:0 rly ors quarter of ■ million of copies of this pamphlet have already been applied for. . _ • Parties desiring to reeure seed should order at ones, es the indications are that the limited a. m obtained will be exhausted long befiire the srason - of sowing hue passed. Those who secure seed this year can realize a ri c h este rs , by producing seed to supply the demand of fanner* ands Planters for sowing :nuother year. Orders should be send directly to me, unless in the vicinity of New York, where they will. b e filled bj J. U. Emerson le Co., 406 Broadway, New York, General Agents. Agricultursi Houses, General merchant*. and any other parties properly situated, ere invited ti. become agents for the sale of the Hussy BLADE Sean. Authority, fell puticulare, and from 60 to 100 pamphlets for distribution, will be fmnished either by me ar the New' York Agencies. on re:eipt of tlb amok to prepay the packiges. , I /140 authorized to Dame the following well. knowngentleman u. references : Hon. J. B. Barret, President of the Si. Louis Agricultural and Meehanihill Association Vice President of the National Agricultural Association, sad Member of Congress elect Prow St. Louis; Gen. T. Till man, Oxford. Md.. - President of the National ,Aviettlinfil Society; JohnLAndemoit,llinker. Bt. Louie; John Riggan, Jr., Broker. Eit LOGIN and. EX.IIE7OE Washington . KIDS FELIX 51. BENTQN. Ft-1:44-314p 71 Malket st., St, ktotils, MO, MONTROSE, PA., MARCH 10,1859. I have long thought that the annals of Susquehanna County, or at least some sketch of 4111 early settlement and subsequent histoty, ought to be rya ten before Atli its early . pi oneers, most capable of furnishing the requi site facts and-incidents, are gone from among , iti, now nearly half a century since this county was organized, sod uomiderably more. &lieu that since the first settlers pene- trated the then wilderne-s is try the experi ment of making it habitable. Those brave and hardy ad vent arms have already 'dwindled away till the foinnaut left is but few- and far between;. Whine is second , a third; and riven a fourth generation in part are taking their plativ, among vast . nu m hers of late emigrants; and even now tbero are many iniereviing taci dents connected with its early history', which;,' unless soon compiled fur preservation - by some Antiquarian, must spoil pass into oblis , iuu. Whether any one competent to the ta , k would be likely to find a warrantable remu iit ration fur the hnterprise, may be consider ed as yet Foinewbat duutuful. But there is one underrating of less magnitude, kr - which at the sugge-imi orsume friends, I have gie •eu mune attention for the edificaion of the pilules and that W•th. a bri e f sketch of the urganizabon, to compile a li-t of all the cffi eer• elected or appointed to. serve in the- art ri"us official 'stations in and fur the county since its tbgrabizatiou. This may prove not only iuttneging to many of the present generation. but really 'useful to preserve as a matter fo'r reference in .nine to come. Many of our pm , May here see the names of their Sired and-grand•i t t 4,, who have filled honora ble posts in the s;ivice of the county, and tie stimulated Owlet.) , to study, acquire, mid treasure up useful information connected u I h our county's I is'ory. Besides: the Warne* and dates may, assi-t materially in , determiuitg. Vali4tll other events and inci lents connected thereaith, which it may be found durable from time to time to ascertain and pero-tti at-. But ti wit bin the eitibracedA this et ' LIUI Y , and hat ing resided here-from infancy, aitlt but brief interkalslotabs,!nce, I am able prim my VIVO &CLOi .t: to furefsh lurch of the requisite materiels. - Fur such as are too early or minute' for my unaided mein. rty:l am indebted to the records of the pubic of fbre.,-&r. If my labors in preperiuCthis• sketch shall contribute anything ro the utii y or interest - of the rehlie, it is lu-rehy made a welcome utleiing, by the public's I - terrible ser vant, • . J AMES W. CHAPMAN. E PATRICK. JR. Susquehanna County w,ta Piet off from Lu z.ree by an act of tae Logt•lnture posed February 21 , 4, - 181`0.. But it was. not fully orgarriate wok .1 Fall of 1812. (Luzerne had been taken front Northutubeslandju 1,188 ) This county es tends from the 6th to the 40.1 t Tilt stone. (counting from the Delaware river wroward on the New York Slateline,) briv 34 rbi'es east and west by nent_2B moth and booth. It included when chgnuised thefolloaring ten town4l;ps: Rash, then extending 18 miles to the State line, by 8 miles east and west, einbtaiing be qrs its [resent Lin ti, as may be even by the late count} map, all of Middletown and Cho ennui (sd , h Apolacon taken from the latterd awl tbn western parts of Jessup Forest Like. • Bridgewater, then embracing besides its present Wok-, all of 13sooklyn and Lathrop, Spaingville and Llimock, the east part of Jessup and Fute4 Lake, all of Silver Lake; and. he Fund) part Latosuille, eml.r.cing Libeity and the gr ea ver part of Franklin • Willingboronyh, afttrivarils celled Great Bend. Saw IfilyonLpretty mueh an it is - -fulticeity called "Nine Partners."- • Harmony. embracing be♦idea its present limits, Oakland. Jscks In, Thompson, r o od the northern part of Ararat. Clifford, erobracmg boobies its present . li.baua, titrsick, and the "warp n pan Ararat. Niche,lron, being pert of old Nicholson cu ctr froth I,uietne lty,tha county line, afe, wards railed Law. Braildrim. tyoug that part of old Braio , rim cut uff nun) Luzern': by the county hoe, O we:arms called Auburn. The County Seat ware located at Montrose by three Commi-sioriers appointed by the Governor. Stakes were first set at reread plea. s proposed.. One in Ilrookin, one in Hatlool.ol* In New Milftod, and one at Greet 1A.1..1, I believe. But be-ides greater political ittd..euce existing here at that lime, a str•trg peuuniery influence was brought to bear fur its he.ta iota here. Dr. H. el tensive Gaeta of land reached this tirisaity, we- enabled to wake more litter 1 offe s for this locat on than could be tuella nl.ewhere. - The old Cou - rt Nuu.e flat erected here, was built by'Olivtr C. Smith. Though now so diminutive in toze and appearance, compared with our new one, it was then con-idered qui e a tnngnifieent editlee—alt comment to Una legion of the State. Beritiee the court room in the second story, the jail and jailer's ri-Vodence was in the first ',tory. a n d the cor net rooms in 'front, *bole and below, were made to accommodate, all the mohair offices Aim the fir t Court was held in January, 1818, in the chamber • of Watt Poore Old intern house, which .stood on the corner where Seatle's hotel now stands. The a int . old feshiuned, stup-roofed building, reinovt d and iapitired for • dwelling house, nui• stands next west of the hire' on Owego street. The firatjail was the Cellar 1. P. Foster's house. now Keeler's hotel, where Obadiah Green and mason David were confined- for some time, in the winter of 1813. -` On the Doan! record of that first Coed, the firm ow in the &salons Wee, eonarnon. wealth is: Obadieth Greek David Green and CAestee Kaliesini-44urety of the Pence. The fret suit in the connnonTlens 'vas Obadiah Olio vs. john Bennett. - • • The flier Commission reeordid hi ti\* Re. eorder's •offire (after digit of the eqeety. cers—the Prothettotere . e, Water' eed carder's, Shinn. 41;414i- that4.4aoketel eery. p g .. (father of Charles' Se*, ks.,) Jol ene of the Poem . I Theleit Pea reiierded was frees Wt6..Mitohcil set irifirle Vas Whit retire. fora traefof tied nee in 'Latlir'Op' to waahi Nfortnerly tit:Olathe! Plitoi." Frtim_the Independent Republican. SUSQUEMA COUN'TY, 115 OFFICIALS, &C. . Judgeo of the CourlW- 4 . - . Hon. Jouw B. Otniod, (since Chief.Jostice Cc t ,,,,, of the Supreme rt of ld'ennst !Tanis.) was the first Presidrin Judge of the district to arliioh.this,counts was attached:lt embraced old Loierne, Briufforsi, and . Tioga, and if 1 misiakei not, Wayne and Pike. Is presided here about four veers. . fun. THOMAS 13131RH8IDZ succeeded him in September 1810, presided here two years. He too has since Woos judge of the Supreme Court. lion. EDWARD lizasica first presided Pere in Aug., 1818, being appointed for a new di-triut ritubra)citrg. Susquehanna, Bradford. and Ting% counties. Be prerhied ben 21 years lacking one Term of Quirt, when be was superseded by the adoption of the new. ConsiLuiluri limiting, the teraisi.of all the Judga, and-, • Hun. JOHN N. DONYNCIIIAM succeeded him in May, 1839, continuing 2years. Hon. Wm JII4SBVP, who had previously teen appointed for the dun FLA embrsciug Lowrie, Munroe, -Pike, and-Wayne con n les,- first pre sided iu our countylo April, 1841—Susque hanna being added to his district,,and Luz zerne put with Bradford and Tioga in Judge Convngham's distrir t for the mutual enema modatiun of ktirlie J. presided here 10} years. - lion. DAVID WILMOT was prat elected Judge fur Brtdfurd, Susquehanna. ant Wyoming in Vie Fall of 1851.. lie presided near 6 veers, and on his resignation in the Summer of 's7 Bun. Dantus Buttoca wits appointed •to fill the vavalicy . fur the temajuder of the year. - The diq,nct embraced only Bradford, and Susquehanna. Judge WILMOT was appointed to preside again in January, 1858, and re-elected fur -10 years, last Fall. DAVIS DIMOCK and WILLIAM TLIOMSON ..r• .i.ruluted Arnindate Judges rut tills county at its organize i•ro in 1812.. The terms of all the Judges were then' "during good bolurvi. r;" but the resignation ofJudge Tlinuiegn (after serving 25 years) created a vacancy which was filled by the appointment rf.— ISAAC POST in October, 1837, who served a litile ore , 5 years. The limitation impos ed by the Constitution, terminated Judge Di mock's sett ices after nearly 28 t ears, and—. Jana, tivne was appointed in big plaq_in A/mm11,1840. His death some 18 moralis afterwards crested a xacancy, and— 13ENJ %HiNLATUROP WAS apisinteci let his place in Novemper. 1841. ilesetved 5 - years. Dr. CALVIN LENi ancveededJudge Post in February, 1843, fa 5 years. Mosse . C. TvLsa succeeded Judge Lathrop in March. 1841, for 5 tears—nearty. 1.1 Cnartai': TINGLEY succeeded Judge Lest is Match, 1848. 14 . s' term lasted only •3i years, as the amendment to the Constitution fur the ele. ti m of Judges cut him off, and— ._ Jo -I4a-r,.rAt,d WARNER were elected Assucit.te Judgei fur 5 years in the Flat of 1851. URDANR BURROWS and 'CHARLES F. READ. pie.eut Judges were elected in the Fall of MIL At the first Court',held in this county, Jan., 11/43, we see by the !enteral' that the following attiiirnays were admitted to this bar: Eoenezer Bowman.' Garrick blellety,. David_ Scott, Nathan Palmer, Putnam Catlin and Henry Wilson. The tint tour were from Luzerne,. Wilstm from Lycoming. Sam after..Johnu Evans and Thonnot Graham also came froutt l Luzerne. and B. 1. - Case, (now the oldest an , - viving aetruber of the bar here) Alamo R. Read, Charles Catlin, and Wm. Jesup, lo cated here, and became active practicing at turne3 s. Sheiiffs and Coroners. The election for Sheriffs and Coroners has always been rot 3 yeitkeneb. They haie been as foliose: _ , . SHEItIFIM 40RONERs. 1812, Edward Fuller, • St‘phett Wilson, 1813. Austin Howell, Phil. Stephens, • 1818. Samuel Gregnry, Chapman Carr. 1821, Poi hauler Stephens, Datn!lTrowbridge 1824, Samuel Greg..ry,, Ches. Cmotler, jr 1827, Chas. Chsmitleo,jr., Beni Diranck, 1830. Juaepli Williams, 14 , 14 D. Warner, 1833, Charles 4..eryi Hiemill Finch; itao, wiii4m Hartley, Walter Follet, 1839, Walter Fulled, Thanes. Johnson, 1842. Thomas Jo hnson , Jonas Carter. , 1845, Nelson a Warner,' Wm. B. Mancltick, 1818, Christ', M. Gera, J..lan Baker, 2851. Gabriel li. Eldred, William Boyd, 1854, Fred. P. llolistet, Benjamin Dix, 1837. John Young, Dr. Blackman. On the death of Chapman Carr, Nicholas McCarty was elected Coroner Ac 1819. No vacancy ever occurred in the Office a Sherif. All but. the first, third, fourth, fifth, and Sixth names (counting Samuel Ginory twice) are still li.isg. ,CIPAt the.. first election Asa sen., was the chief competitor of Mr. Fuller for Sheriff; and as the two highest were re-nrovl to tho Governor, who- her( at that period the power to commiesion either of the two, Mr. U., presuming his lie/Utica/ trending would commend him to the Gov, emu es favor, net withsianding he stood second best in the popular vole, actually gave bonds, had them recorded here, and forwarded to ilarlishoogin hopes of getting the commis es.m. B.t • Governor Snyder dii not like to "tire the re*ponsibilhiv." So in doe time M'. Fuller cot his bonds executed, recorded, and sent on, and finally received the coromip shim • Prothonotary, Clerk et Conrto,Regl liter aud Recorder. Dr. Charles Fraser held all theke offices by app inttnent of Governor • Snyder from the organization of thy county in 1812, fun? years. Jabra. Hyde held all theme appointment.. under Governors, Snyder and. Orodlay -from Droairber,lBlB. four years; and Judge De finert, who had been clerk for Dr. Fraser.* pert of his, time; did all the writing as de puty, fur Mr. Hyde during his tend. ,Aaa Dimuuk. jr., was .Prothonotary and Clerk of the Court., ,doing his own 'work, from Japuary.,lB2l, under Governors Meister. Shulse. and W01f..-in nil 15 years, jek Post wet : Water and ,00rder trt. H., Read and tubers dePuder) under Gov. Lielmer three years flew,.,4aneary, 1821. Widiamiessep was frem.ter : and Recorder under 00rernerkShnle and Wolf nine.yeare from January, 1424. - DiCtbelrork,mainly himself at Ofst,r.r.Riagetutry andAbate.itu demi at, Is., were deputies !au oats time. '_,Pl l os4fter Iras.ReeHar•and Re. uPueFt Onst. 01 4 14 0 1 4.7e* trent Jan* 183 ficAti 14.91491-A1941.T. P4l- *AO* poorgi i al for was 'frothcitotary &c. un der Goy. Ritter three years from - Jan. .1836. Diditis awn - work mainly," . Simon Stevens was Register and Recorder (S. Men lert deputy) the first 'year of Gov - . Rit noses term, and Charles Avery was appointed for the remainder of the • tern] r and did his own work. , George Fuller was Prothonotary;l and Hi ram Finch It-ester and'Recorder Order Gov. Porter In '1839. George Palle rnd Hi Tarn Pi nch ilictid 1839 - John Blending 1812 la ' r,. 44 44 it 1 al 1 845. Fred.M.Williamsand - CharleaLßrown 1848. Pad A.' Ward and J. T. letngdon, - 1851. `Sidney B.Wells and JamesW.o h ap man,1854. Geo. B. R. Wade' and Charles Neale, 1857. Note—All the Registers an4Recorders since 1839 and an the .Pxorhonotaries exceloing Messrs. Ward and Wells, did their own, work mainly, serer as one person could do it all. F. M. Williams served as deputy for the for mer exception, and J. T. Langdon, F; Fraser,l and W . B Wells for the latter. Conantissitineis Auditors and 'ereasurerik, = Count y Commissioners have always been elected annually—After thefiru board one each year to serve three years each, and so folloW rng each other out in torcesion. Auditor* in. the same manner, after 1814 None elected till 1813, and then three fur one year each. Trees-- nyerariere appointed imnually by the Commis .siohers till 1841, since 'hitt', they have -been elected once in two years. The following, are the names of those who have been elected to these offices-in October of each year, or ap pointed in Jttruary following. COMMISSIONEREL-1812, Bertlet Hinds, one year, Label) Capron, tvrcii and Isaac Brown son, three; 'l3. Jonah Brewster; 'l4. Hosea Tiffany. j • ' l5, Stephen Wilson; 'l6, Sy I vanus ; 'l7. Daniel Roos 'll4, ander Brepb - ens; ln, - Sernuel Warder; 1820, J==seph Washburn; '2l. Philo Bostwick ; '22 . . Hosea Tiffany.jr. •, '23,lfiroon Siephetis; '24, Edward Packer; '25. Charles Avery ;'26; Walter Lyon; '27, Ansel Hill; 28, Joseph Witlisms*; 29. Wm. Hartley; 1830, Joseph Washburn; '3l. Calvin Summers; .'32, Arad Wakalee; '93, Jonathan C. Sherman; '34, Cyrus H. Avery; '35, Charles Tingley; '36. Robert Griffis; '37, John Comfort; '3B. Ed ward Heald; ;39, Thomas Buidick ; 1840, Nathaniel Norris ; . '4l, Wm. G. Hendrick ; '42, Abel flesi.t ; '43, Alonzo Williams; '44, Isaac Reckbow ; '45. Jonas , Carter ; '46, Nathaniel West; '47, Elisha P. Farnam; '4B, David 0. Terrell; '49, John Murphy; 1850, Shutcref Dimock; '5l. John Hancock; '52, Amos %Than's; Arrnberst Carpen •er ; '54. Joseph Smith; '55, Wm. T. Case ; '56, Perin Wells; '57, Prange Mott. jr.; Levi S. Page. AtaITOREL-1813, Di. Park. A. Dimock. and 11. lilting, Jr. ; 'l4, D. Aldrich, J. W. Hill, B. Moore ; - 'l5, Seth Taylor; 'l6, Benj. Lathrop; 'l7. Wm Ward; 'lB, Philci Bost wick ; 19. Edward Packer; 1820, Myron Kasson; '2l, Spencer Lathrop; '22, Bela Jones; 723, Hiram Finch; '24, Isaac Brown son; '25,5. S. Jewett, Ja*. Smith; '26. Jo-iab B . Bill ; '27. N. Trowbridge.. E. Dawson ; '2B; Orange Mott. jr.; '29. E. Dawson; S. Hatcht 1830. Jesse Lane; '3l, Sabin Hitch; '32 - , Henry Drinker, Atsh - er Peck; '33, Josiah B. Bill ; '34. Martin Hall; '35. Frederick Stephens; '36, Abel Hawit; Charles Dimon ; '3B. Wm. C; Ward ; '39, Joseph L. Merriman; 1840, Johu Yong ; '4l. D. B Sneeden ; '42. Joel Turel;P43, Banjltnin Thomas; '44. Loren T. Ferrari '45. Its N. Hawley; '46. Francis Quinn; '47, John Smiley; '4B. George B.ldwin; '49.: Almon Spoor; 1850, Martin J. Mornfortl; '5l, James E. How r '52, Norman Foot; '53, John W. Cargill; '54. Orin S. Beebe; '55. David O. Brown; '56, D. P. Tiff-my ; '57, Geri. T. FrAzier ;. ',58. John F . Deans; . . Tags sraxiii.-1811,1i*ac. PoSt; 'l5 David, Post; 'lB, Justin Clark ; '2l. Charles Avery t• '24. Mason S. Wilson; '25,J. W. Raynsford; '26. Hiram=Firicht '2B,Devis Dimock. Jr. ; '3l. C. L Ward; '32, Wm. Foster; '34 Davis Dimock; jr.; '35, George Fuller; '37. Henry .1., Wehlr;.9, Meier C. Tyler.; '4l. M. C. Trier, elect ed ; '43. Davis D. Warner; '45. Walter Pullet ; '47, • Harvey Tyler ; '49. D. G. Hompatead; '5l, Wm. K. Hatch; '53. D. IL Lathrop; '55, S. A. Woodruff; '57, C. W. Mott. COMiIISSIONERS' Cutnzi.—Jonah lliewa,ter was appointed • for the fiat year, and Dr. Asa Park for the second. • Almon H. Read was Clerk five years from Annan , . 1813. Bela Jones deputypa! to f the time. Wm- Jeu'iiP six Xenia from Jan: 1820.. George Fuller three years and te, months rom Jan. 1826.- - E. Kingalapy. jr.; one year and ten months from March 1829. B• Streeter eight months and J. W. Chap. Irian four month+ of 1831. Davit Ditoook, jr., for 1832.—Chas. &req. 1833. Soekn I!daylert seven years from January 1434. Asa Dimook for the year 1841. Robert 3. Riven eleven years and lour monthogrom Jan. 1842. William A. Croesmon from May 18b3 up t b this time. Rmearma.—For the information of those who desire to know what townships bare furni:bect Commipeioners for the county, and bow many each, (fork is desirable that !Item oftivers should be somewhat distributed.) it May be seen that— Bridgewater. .(having them so frequently at firer,) has had eight in all, carmine Mr. Sherman, who was afterwards cutoff into, Jeesup; Messrs. Hinds, Brewster. Wilson, Stephens. Warner, Jos. Williams, Sherman. and Welk. *Ritrford, 3--Capion,Titany twice, tingley a ‘ nd,Carptritter. • - Rush, 4 7 -Brownian, ROSS, and G 4611,00. iis Joy‘pp. - Gitison. : ll---Waehhunihries, and Caw and,Reolthow. • „Sprkagtille... $ —Aare*, ,(afterwards in Dimook.) . Wakelee and Amo s sliddlstoffaill—Boatiriek nod Hendrick. Brookly.ns9 -- Paaer'end Hewitt. Rerrink,sl.4Yon and Dimook- SilvierLake. Lam, 2—lianley suad : Fartioun. A üburn. A!ary slut \ Ostler. Apt Eieti!,bs (barids_i_ ebsonsu; sad 1 511esisannloadvap. sr apPointwitcrom. r. l4 ' Bl !Pm! 1 1:thetNIPN . ta Mir, Qui ihs. iset 4 year .4911947Wi11i50w who resign/4: : ous Wog elected Sheriff. - VOLUME XVI, NUM:BER•1O: —And the following Loin* hive had each— Montrose, Charles Avery ;. New Milford, .Bu/timers ' • Harmony, Comfort ; Choneout. (afterwards Apolacnn) Heald; Clifford, Bur dick; Jackson„ Norrii; pranklin, Aloozo Williams; Liberty, Terrell; Thomson, (4ioets Ararat) Weat ; Forest Lake, Mott; atm Sue. quehanna, Page. Oakland and Lathrop have neither ever bad a Commis4oner,nor has Cbocoout or Thomson. within their present limits. . Col.-Thomas Park was a Cominioioner for Luzerne county before Ibis county was set oft ;and,. mistake not, Hosea Tiffany, Ben., waft 01303 also. Jabez Hyde was Sheriff of Lucerne county at the time/tsf the division, and 'Peeved not the lasi year othis.term there, while reeding in Stasquelianna. The first assessment of taxes for.thisecamtv was fur 1813, and the following is the list of Collectors appointed for the. tea townships, with the amount of their duplicates: Bridgewater, Jonah Brewster, - $1,485,04 Clifford: Walter Lyon, • 442 22 Rush, Philo Bostwick, • 418.37 Harfurd, David Aldrich,— . • 273.71 Willinghoro',(Gt. Bend) Silasßuck, 220.61 New Milford,. Benj. Hayden,- 19498 Leesville. Titus Smith, • 151.80 Harmony, Isaac Hale, - . 7L22 Brainzrirn,(Anburn) Win. Conley, ' 58.77 Nicholson,(Lenoz) Solomon Millard, -57,27 Fax aaseqsed -for 1858-45 yeah after; $17,132,27a1in04 six to one—and yet Bridgewaret, esclutlve of Monirufe, cut down to her presentlimits,pays only 841,31 higher iaz than then. sgrl gtexn the following, items - from the firm. juin turn -try Itio-Cknanty Cu tnintstiluu era after the organization. Here is the first entry made. • "At a meeting of the Board of Cammi , ssion era 1.4 the County of gnpueharnti on the 22d day of Comber, Anno liomini,l,Bl2—Present Bartlet Ilindx,LabatsCapron,and Note Brown- E.4q's, Commissioners: Joitah Brewster, Clerk. "Ordered that the Clerk receive Is a corn.- . pensitiOu for his service) $1 per day, eatcala. dug six hours per day. The first three County orders issued, were to Qornel ius Luce, Ws! ter . Lyon, and David Alcirich, fur elect'on expenses. The 'fourth to Darius Bixby j r ., f ur wolf scalp. It-may astonish some of the present genet. ati on to learn that so prevalent were the beasts of prey in this then wilderness country, that during the first year of the organintion, the Commissioners of this county paid fUr 36 wolf -scalps and 7 panthers. Among the slaves of these "varmints," I find the names of John Holtuan, Wel Bristei,, Dyer Lathrop, John lankly, B. 'ltlilbour — ii;rututu e l :Wright, Alfred Tiffany, Thomas TiffauycTingley, Tif nine, Pvt-stou Titus, B. Millard, I'. Itynear.on, Wardell Minuet:, Marshal Ihmtnick, Charles Chandler, John Ellsworth, Isaito ILde, Daniel Westfall, &mai hau Troidwell , t,tc. Soon after the o gauization of the Board; Isaac Post, the Treasurer, was charged ,with the subscription; papers of donations made toward, building the Court House, Ike. -- By the following list of , übseribeis, with the sums given by each, it will be seen t. at the amounts ere graduated somewhat by the nearness of their pioperty to the new county seat, as well as by the lerorth of their purees. R /Vert IL , Rose, whose leads reached so Dentate villag e ' , gave $2OO, Steph e n Wilson, vi;hiSse Nita was It little south of here, gave sloti. Ab noam Hinds, and Isaiic Peekius gave each 00. David Harris, Jonathon Wheaton, slid J•lnet — Trace gave each!s2s. Simeon Tyler, Messeugtr, Samuel Quirk, Hubbard, and Samuel Cogswell, gave each $21.). "Jos; Chap man, Edward Fulfer , Joseph•Butterfield,Hen ry Post, Levi Leonard, Juba- Bard; Zebulon Deans, and Bditiond Stone, gave each Freemon Fish baitk, Tnemas Scott and :Sato - mil &wt, g ave each $3O. Harriet' lliiids,2-tband 1. and D. Past, on whose lands tffe',cuurny seat was located; gaire sundry village ibis. It maybe news to those wl o.:ecollect,pfior"Old rrur.,e," who otVer had a fang y, end . who died sumeyears ego, a pauper of this Law- . uugh, that be wria..aotually one of the FistA era of the town. Od the 13th OrJan. 1611),(46 year ago) we foutrd on the Oounniasiutsts' jouroal . the folloeieg "Nute.--Qa sdttling with D. Post, Tress urdr, there were 't1.3,22 jo counterfeit nutes and bad tickets, !which welt sold at auction fur one dollar." "Meinulittidam:—This day there- wire found in the Trtheettry one hundred forty rill dollars to depreobited Batik notss,and sown' of tut= nut worth any tliwg. The- Cotuunwicw.w by and-wail the advtee - or:the 4tuthturs. • ex posed the same to sale at putilio auction and sold them to 13ahj. LathrOp and Wm. Wald tlir $80,25--cibe )eats credit nithout tinniest." Reprikentailves. . • Furluzurau and Susquehanna, 1812, Chas, Muer, Beujatuiu .11.:ranite; 'l3. Abel Lb dal jr,(f) Josekm Pittner; 'l4, Putnam Qat:l6(f); Genjamiu Liman:As ; 'l5, Redmond Couyags uaw, Benjamin . Durrauce; 'lO, Jouab theartil tet.(f) George Duni:am; 'l7, Breasiet(f) and J81114131§ licethri 18 . -- ilebtel(t) au 'd Bauder • 'l9, Breu:stei(f) and Bunj. 'butratutte; ;JO, Cornelius Col tright sindlJutranee ; ',Jabs% de.ji.,(f) Andrew 13imumoni; '22, Itycle,(f) Beautuunt and J aoula 1.14 um hailer; 23,11) dee) Lr utUtieller, and El:j 1 Shoeuml6.: ;. '24, Pniiauder Stephens,(f) Druumutter, and Geo. M. ;'25, titepheop,(t)Hulleubauk, cud Bawl H. Thomas; '26,- Stepbens,(t) . Thomas, and Gariiuk Mallery ; '27, Almon IL Ituad(f) Mallery, And George Denivon ; '2B, Isaau Pus:,(t) Mallery and Dennison. Fur Suiquehanua atone, 1828, 'BO, '3l, and '52, Alwun IL Readt; '33, Bane Jonesf ; '34, Joseph ; '35, Bela - June:4 t 16 and '37,Lea Ditnookt; '3B and '39,01m5. Chandler. jr.f ; ."40, Franklin Luskt ; -. 41', Dr. Calvin 140 i:'l l2 , Franklin , • Avery._ .For Sus crehanna and Wyoming, '43, Lewis Brash t John Morley ; '44, Bruslit aqd Morley . ; '45 cud '46,• DOW Ibornari.f Slikayler Faust ; 47 anC4B, Samuel Tag,gart.t R. - IL_ ; 49,iSidaarlk .Welis,f E. Mowry, ,jr, les , Siliqa4banna, WYoulin. and Sullivan, 1830.. Isaaolockhowt and 4,1 ; Reckhoist and Mudniel Id yletx.;::'S9 , B. retiase,t JiihnlV:Dennieon;_ 53,;.cbsostand-Jrus* peeganc, ek ' ..iathlop.f , Jobs i3iirdevant; 'ss,„Thoguss, .I.4aghans, 444 V. Smith; 1 5 . 6, Simeo4 D, Cuase,t Alfrei =OE 84,154,00