- ,f c itattment of or IS 1.2.1g4311.0 3fadc and published in pursunitiv IF' at: Act of ta 154 of April, - Siisquehitiina • Collecto rs Townships A pcdneon.. .. Auburn...... iArarat ...... Boidgewater . Brooklyn.... Cboconut . . . el iffor3 1Diat01...... Dundafj.... . IFriendsv il 15... [Franklin...'. 1 Forest Lake... Gibson .... .. Great Bend . . Ilenick.. ... • Liarrord . ..-.. liatmony.... Jessup. . Jaekson ... . . jknox Lathrop .. ... 'Liberty , Montrose ... : Middletown.. ,New Milford.. lOaklaud . . .. , “00., Silver Llltr.. . :Springville .. !Susq'a Depot. IT.butup..on.:.. P. W. Welch .11. J. Gaiter Y.J. West G. Warner... ...:. J: L. B.W. Battey .. E.S. Lewis Gatea . E. F. Linia . • •• 31. S. Towne L. G. Bennett... R. P. Terboss....., S. Burns lg. Y. Green P. Taylor., Smith _ T. Butterfield...... T. C. Stanford.... W. W. Smifii - B. L Catifiehl J. Miller _ E A. Batton' • 13 P. Buker l ... _ W.ll. Gaige T. Scutt W. Skinner... A. 'l. Galloway .:.. , . SI i 132 271518..068 38:6218 35 .. r. - o.li.tmx l rrcri....a.nroi t ofl.),lnli,4te. by Collectoni:., ... ... zontrations to Co lectors 'rreetthige to Con clots Twal ninoim 'Amount paid of ; e, licr4ri%e. Dee •mter t Qt Ei I CS'S' N T Timm n 1n Cionmori N ea it load Viewers 'toad . Damage!. P. We!ls Commis-inner - 0. Mott. . L. S. Pa.-re do. Wm.l•. "do. • • Traverrze Jurors ir.irand Coastahlev John Y.•rrng, Sheriff. .. K P. liollister..late She. . G.lt rt. Wade, Pro.,: cue, I; 5..13. - wok late Pro. & Ch rt County Bonds Retleetned Interest on County Bonds and Monies Leaned A. L Webster and ) IL SFafford, Jail, r. ;lel • Justuas of the Poee St itio , rry (Icient Howl I:nt,ti let! Pectior. 4 (;etteTal Election.... _ ... \V. A. C“..P.mot., Clerk. Agf:vult ttd S, ir.ty 1). D. Jlinwit, )- 1). P. "rtlf.ttF. p Auditors 1;. T. Frpzier, Jt I:4u ntli re. t k. -it. .:. re.tt -n ref * s . Pt rcen!nge.. N . 23,1 4..:at k I ATEN4 i7iF i!diermr. • Towkildi.i. - P. '% I.h. - A polacon . Atrimrn A i 31 %, .1. Atlrmirr Brooklyn . 2. B.W. t",hrreonr t E. S. E. B. Garr E. Y; Cuzitir . Friend nvil le . F. Line.' • .. M. .§:.To . nine.. Lnke.. G. 1,. ISrnm tt Gibnon Greni Bend..' , s. fivrn. !Herrick E. V. t.1..et.0. Taylor • llorriiony L. Smith . .... sup.:....Je,r T. ikktiofieki....., W. C. Towq. • T.. 11 fiotiti‘mi C. Stanford -11. L. Canfield n.. .L P. Miller • - New Milford... E. A. Barton , - D. T. Rush Lake. s . Tit irs' Scott Spring. r W. Skinner . Npot A. T.: Gnilunn; _ :. RECD. Atnount of bujuicates Amount paid by Colketone; ... ..... 1408 21. A mount of Esoucrations to Collector '227 .50 i Amount of'Percensage to C011t0m.... .......... J... 26 20S ' 1 Amount of Unpaid Duplicate, .1850... „ : . :39 00—visq 00 • , STATENFST,OF IllticgUilillt 7 Aed.)olT - Witilik - fiqtof Yi*lTT -- 1 c. To amount received from Collectorit, ,for 1858 C. W. MO T, TRICASC,BER IS ACeOl7 To aggregate amount of State tains - relied and assessed for the use of the Commousealth for the year • 1858, as .per statcment Of County COmmi.e..iouers Sled with said Treasurer . • To aggregate amouot ofoutetatudiug tires for previous yeara,yir.: 1g43; 1840 and 1850 as per last Aidi; tors Report To amount received from .uosested lards• To amoomt received irroto -returned tan ie • tti It s itA tpeit,laturts; I ..,•anne“teer...,... ante of Collectors • Aceotints E.roner's Arii.' I Paid. $341 45 1788 44• 1182 811 1306 35 1 [ 643 811 , [ 385 54 121 09 1 1024 55 168 r. 130 05 439 02 515 43 1 065 46 943,71 p 55 24 809 71 318 99 459 93 1500 70 46 81 233 28 393 26 1522 1.6 2 74 .22 43 2 03 I •SS a 02 3 51 8 51 3 71 16 92 14 00 1 25 164 p; 531 42 603 82 686 - `1 325 83 254 66 49C, 77 570 11 035 SA 296 24 240 74 6-10,088 38 • ....218 38 - • ....845 54=417,13 C. W. motr, Tr 08 53 1 5011 y County Cbderm, Redeemed fro, 9 OCI No. 1 4,0',15, : • • . . Dv lb liefurling Orders 0 17 I. By amount 'mid County Auditor 2 a 77 1 By TrestsUrer's Per c entage 5 C, 01 3 GO 9 13 , 0 7 2S 2 33 1 7.5 .7 4 4 5.1 0 5,4 fr; 70 G OGI 7 00 . .5 00 00 no f?.. I 6 5 , 43 00, s_ 3 ";o2 TA 7- 1 7 1 - 7Nittiicjiillk; YEAffS. !firtzlei Am': Paid. Bzinter's'l"rcFage:Jrt ~.‘. 00 ,: 3 1-5 scr• 13 30 1 s'o' 70.' • ~ 41 00., 34 08 4 51f; 182 14 "! 11 40". 2 0(' 0. 0: 5 " • • 4 75 ; 25 24 ", 15 20; ti • " .., six. 21 50 ' 14 '73: ' 6 ".• 77' 44 00 22 80, 20 " 1 20 25 " 19 00 5 " 1 00; 7 ' 7 - , . .. 13 " 8 0$ 4 50 42 - 14,..50 ' 8. 08 800 421 • 1,00, _ll 40 , I -f. 64; , .24 50 20 43 3 " 1 07 : ! 61 :VT' 42 28' 17 " : 2 22' '4O 00 30. 40;, 8 " t 1 60, 10 50 14 78- _ 2 '' ' . 7 !) 45 50 . 10 00..1 25. 59,! 'I 00' 2800, 11 40: 16 00. - 60' 22 50 19 4$ ' 2 " 1 02: 5 23 6 50 •••, , 1 " ' 2T 36 00: ! 9 15:0'• 6" , 50' 33 50' 465 20 50 3s', 26 50' to 75! S 40; 1 25‘ 50 00' ,42 2 8 11 So ' 2 22 ; 15 " : 1 ; 2 80,- ) 50! 70, 50,50. 32 VP. 16 01: 6 1 72c 27 0,0, 13 30;: 13 "i, - 70 : 1.9 50' 13 30 5 50 70 1 \DI 511' in no' , •1 514! • • 70 8 00 -7 13 50 L. _.- _______ _____.... 37, ------, '7BO 00. , Pic 21,5227 AO; 4`o af' $3 00 rI I I7.I.m.ALTIC) . CONT A. By amount paid to 111' , •alfe liiupect!, DO' 21 1 . Asa Spicer 83 per account rendef ' n ' t ßy amount paid Areenors...... By etnonnt paid . .Plintete , -By amount paid Commiationers.. By amount paid. for Stationery.. By amount paid Com're By amount of Trensurer's Percent, on 8496,21 ........ By amount in Treasurer's bands 96 21 ' ' CCILHENT WITWTEZ COMMONWEALTH OF P EN A. LR By fire 'per oent allowed to Gille4 . - tors on final settlement 1 , By Exoneration" ... • By unpaid Duplicates for priniot years, 1843-49 and 1850 , 1 84.28 By amount in Treasurer's hands ft 1858, less the percentage -;By Treastyer'spercentageon $6,88 40 tit one-per cetit 40.42 MMM 4. 11 1834. P'reage $5 45 4 86 04 6 60 3 34 101 3 4G 1) 91 4 20, 8 71 3 34 1 89 33 04 5 58 2 22 7 33 tBl5 212Eiail $15,505 32 lil 1 - 6.336 51 0& 1858 tic YraTs OD 1,800 , ...t7sq vu ERZ 96 90 18 . 00 .80 " 20" ... 10 " age 4 90 120 24 $496 21 .$ , 343.53 106.29 . 6,8.20.60 $1,070,73 ' STATEUINT oPTRfiA CREEL'S ACCOUNT, Relative to Road and Moot Taxa on Un- ' socvo A. "SraTrA.l4.. ' • irr i t sso- - I .. (weAvNerivEcl:,,u county i Active, riiie til l l i c o i 's E t o s r ri. m m a e n i i ,.. i . 1 , ICE ARE BOG N D' a TOGO AHEAD! canvass for the 'New:VOrrir Ommurs—ii beast - . - GO - SEE t ifully illus'Faled monthly Journal. To suite- ' _ • • ble, activesirien, n salary of 6500 per rear and 1 rpflE LARCE STOCK OF-NEW - GOODS a small cotninia_sion Nil'; be paid% Address 1 .1_ just received at the Original One NCO and -• C. P. &mos, Publkher, . Ready-Pay Store of -- - ' - .; janl3 4t) SO Beekman -st, N. T. l ' HAYDEN • BROTHERS. ' 1 The People's Agents are on hand w i th -PKIENT-ANOULAHINAY KNIFE. , a 13rgt*.stock Eagle), Dry Good * Good, comprising Staple clods, i , 11111,8 kind : of HAI' KNIFE is used to ! - Hu t s 4ILc Cops. • • IL Pit flay in a Mow or Stacks: The follow. : •` letter will show hots useful the Knives are. Shoes , ;Illoots dc ,„, Grweetlei Q. IProiislonti, .. - ..• CLU l' TOR, A. ; Flour- dc Salt, - .:. MR. Zeitscc:—Dcar Sir:—Please remember ; \ - ' "Yankee Notions; the township I bought of you,—l made one • W a t c h" J o ug e h r - j _ . hundred dollars in a few weeks, iri selling your . . • i WWI & Window_Paper Hay Knife. Please find enclosed' 0 egain ft. r i ' Wooden iirstre, the right of two more I,bwnships. D.'CLIFTON . ! and We have one thousand and one ihin.sbesidel. . . ._ i i We will say to C 1 os4: NI Y FRS DR. to amount of fltai , slatl Jury fees i . Persons wishing, to make money as Staten ' .: • • .i . f you- want BARGAINS an per ,cexti4eate of tile glvii: of . ; above can .ao so by -s . ending T'en Dollars to me, [ .„:, ... Quarter Sc,ss.lon. and I will send by, MAIL a printed Pennine Deed, , t....lbLsetai.SEN. - ...., . for th e right or any township you may wick in 1 . HAYDEN BROTHERS. en. by • suioutit paid Treasurer acrd y Susquehanna- County; Pa., and I will send by I Now Milford, Pa., Jan. Ist, 1839. - . --, charged in Lis Account. - tttsB.ll Railroad one Zolfo for a model. but yon must I a 4 1 1,8 00 -By3 mr cent. retained on 6103 , state to what station you want it -saint, &c. Full , - - CA.SII PAID fur collecting - 410 'particulars how to make the Knivp, and cost of 1 • t By amount unbolleciable 95.00 Knirt d , will be sent with tit!, Deed, npou the ilik-.; FO R slli pp lNG _ p ug ., B y ceipt of price as above.• . -Thts-is no Immbug. - - 1 Address D. ZEHNER, j.13m2*..1 Ilemortille, Medina Co , Ohio. l '. HAYDEN BROTHERS. A t' NeW Milford, Pa., Jan. Ist, 18.19. s s ' stated Land. First. Road Taxes DR: to amount of witrinntit for Rona We. for theyears 1856 Rod '57 $685.12 OR. Irr amount paid township. $812.86 * atrinfint Tioa%uter peicentage 42.26 Second.. School Taxes. DU. to amount of Se'bool warmuta for the rears 1850 and '57....51343.86 cr.. ty l t juthopriftivia, towaships..# Tteasuraia peroeutage . 02.19 8141E51 - ENT OF 6liEllll. F . B Al - COUNT. 1858 C. Vt..MOTT TREASU NKR or SySiati /MANN A COUNT V, IN ACCOUNT CiNCHENT MITI NATO COUNTY. DEC. 31, 1858. • „ DR. to arnMint in Treasurer hinds . as per last Auditors repori.s 932.74 - ToarnountofDriplie.alesfor'sB 17,132.27 To arnountreceived from John _Young. for FirMs and Jury . Veers, {$158.11) 158.11 •To amoun t from uu,ested land - 693.50 To amount received, from re , turned land To amount of money loaned. 586.00 819,534.56 CR.-by amount paid Co. Au , litors $. 13 00 By exoneration* to Collect ors $2lB 35 By percentage,do.... 845.54 1,063.89 By 16 refunding orders.... 133.67 'By Cuutity circlets redeemed frOni No.l to 613 inclusive 15,505.32 By Cum's on receipt 818,470 ' 67 at 2 per cent 8360.41 k: By do.onexpeudituressl.s,s6s 32 at 2 per cent ta 10. 1 • 679.52 By uncurrent, money 5.00 amount intivi.urer hands 2,120.16 RECAPITULATION be NEW COURT .1101:5Z MIMED Dr. to conlract price., *18,500.00 To tuldilional expense by order of Commissioner. \ By furnislAg Coen li.ease 2nd, 3th and 4th issue of Co.bonds redeemed with . interest #1 1 1,000.(3 4 3 ft,:v cash in And o. 1854' 500.00 By cash paid fur Furnishing.. 1,425.70 By taimaturecl, bomhe(oute•Vg ) 4,337.52 STATEMENT OF SUSQUEIIA C:04:NT): TIMASI7RY ANC" 4,141 - Lt , IS A 9 Toavai lable fundsiu the Least' ry 82,129.16 To 1. I et: u ritnvuwney of to , v i lour , 000. 00 To fift It Lisue of Qoun ty Bond to Cour t louse Contractors due September 15, 1859 To sixth isstrt.,' due Sept. 15,:‘1860.. To several amounts tf Notts, liond4, Judgments, kc., as per Auditors Report : 500,00 1 1Ve certify the fwegoing to be a correct statement P. WELLS. 0. NlOl7, jr. r 1. S. PAGE. ) • Attet—W. A. CROS. , ,MON, Clerk. Commkali - mars . Office, Iklontroge, • San. 24, 1859. _ fel,3-4t EMPLOYMENT. #V ti A MONTH, AND ALL EXPENSES #Vi.) PAID.—An Agent is wanted tn`bvery town and county 'in the United Settee, to en gage in a respectable -and easy basiner, by which the above profits may be certainly realized For further particulars, add'ress DR : 7. HENRY WARN ER,eorner of Broome and Mower eft meta, New York City, enclosing, one floatage stamp. 20w3. Administratrit ' Nalco. fIEREAS, Letters of Administration have been granted t 9 the aiubseribee an the es tate of ANDItEIiI .U.QONEY, late of the town. ship of Auburn, deceased,—all persons Indebted to the said estate aro requested to make im mediate payment, also all haring jest demands against the iiine will please present them duly makeirticated for settlement. ChtHARINE ROONEY, Adrninistratrix Atibisro, Jan. 20th, 1859.—w6.* NEW DOG POWER, A. GREAT INVENTION : Patented Jane 15th, 1958 by A. G. 21117811, Great Bead, Pa. - TE recommend this'POWER to all those vv who hare Churning to do t as bein g em inently adapted to their wants. ft in simple and etneient, requiring lean weight to operate it than any other power used for Retainer purpose. It is cheap, an.o at the a. me time ,Pernmaerst. Its construction is so perfectly adapted to the work it heti to do, that it is impossible to get It but of order. , At the Sureptehanna County Avian - Ito:al Fair, held at. Montrose, Sept. :loth:858,. it appears from the following report of the: Committee on Form Implements Addison G. Brush's Dog Pow. er took the iittsv PREMItM. Here is what the Committee says: ,„ "•They have been much pleasod inthe examin ation of Addison Brtiales - riewly invented Dog . Powe? for Churning; combining, as they believe, more Pewer,with less friction, at leap expense than any machine that has yet come tinder their observation. The ease with which it can be con. greeted or repaired,:ami the power indefinitely inclearo," is tt recommendation that cannot be extended to,the endless chain or roller—its aim; truly a remarkable feature. and a dairy. man has only to acquire the, ordinary ability to use a saw, to make a mortiee Ind \ lppon, att i d.he has one of these machines within himself.' When we consider the drudgery from yi fiicil a farmer's wife is velie . :ed . by ,these achievements of skill and genies, .thij.tanoot avoid feeling grateful fur every eflorlithat, may be made for such a desirable resialc they award him the premium of liltr" CALEB CAR.MA LT, t ontruitten. • ABEL CASSIDY, The ahoye indomeinent is a sufficieot guaran tee that this invention is not one of these worth. less patents which have gulled the people so ex. - tensively. • , Aoy.one wishing tp purchase town or county or individual righl., can now be accotnmodated. We invitgthose whuare interested in improving 'and cheapening farm:implements to give us .s. Cali 'and excitant. our Dog Power. We offer suc h hOueoraeuts that those who. engage in thir. husitiMsaarenot poly sure to make money tbero,., selvea, - tist rove a blessing to - every one. who hits churniapo' do whom they furnish with olio of these timpcd labor saving Poiret& •• - MA 11, R IIOW•dt 'YOUNG. ' Pen. 20. isn Great Demi. 'Po. $825.12 $643.86 $258.00 NEW YEAR PRESENTS. • • • i Executor's'Notice. . Tug subscriber wishes - 10 make a present of NTOTICE k hereby given to all persons hay. T. about six different-Mmansii,' for the year, il l 1859, to eve ? f ! famlialc in 'Sitaquehana county. ' tag deniands against the estate of .ilfary . Webster, late at the tOwiship of Forbet-Lake, , They are got up and ,publishcd at a great ex. i deceased, that the saw must be presented to the petite, anti contain mu§it valuable information: ! undersigned for arrangement, and all persons in ' ABEL. TURKELL. 1 debted to said estate are_requeskd to make.im -sfontrotte, January - let, 1869. I mediate payment. - - .. . - - \ - ... C. E.-WEBSTER. Executor. A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. Forest Like, Dec. 21st, 1858 —6. w. ' A ....N 1111 C111.1Et..... .; j N Adnrinistiatßes Notibe -1858 is dead and gone r and : wiTEREAs Letterit:of Administration have 1859 is but just begun. , ! ' ' been granted to the subscriber on the es. -Q0 please call at the iMatttrosto _ woo .] tate of Mehltahle Tennant, late of the township X.D.Stsare and buy acopy of the Arts of Beau ; of Burford, deceased; ad persons indebted to ty by . Lola Montez, and subscribe for Bodey's I said estate are requested to make immediate Lady s Book at $l,OO, or fur Peterson'., Arthur's, I psyttfenti .alte all having just &tun& against Frank Leslie's, Mrs. A, F. Stephen's itc.,dtc., *t the same will please present thorn duly authen tbe lowen club rates. Harper's and the Atlantic I fleeted for settlement. - . . at fri,oo each. J. D. RICHARDSON, Administrator. Call and buy a copy of i,ivingstomis Travels Hayford, Dec. Ist, 1858.-48w6.* and Explorations-in South Africa, and a con of Recollections of a Life. Time by'S. G. Goodrich:, A floe nett of Chessmen, n beautiful Album, Or a Portfolio. n nice Pocket Bible, or a Prayer Book. (of which you can find 15 or 20 styles,) a copy or Miss Cooper's MouotVemon Leiier, a fl perier Pocket Knife, a Pocket Dints and 'Almanac, Ll-1 dy's, D,emoemtio. Farmers',TribUne,and Juvenile Almanacs for 18.19, lec., - 4r.c., nerd at the sante time . subscribe for any good Family Paper you may choosaatt the . t.ery lowest Club prices. For farther items of exciting ne . sca and im- -portant events please buy and rend-the N. y. 1 , Ledger of Jan. Bth and 15th, for sale at the Montrose Book Store, by A. N. BULLARD, DI ontroseJan. 4th, 1859 $19,534.56 NOTICE. 337.a2 1,425.70\ TAR. E. PATRICK, JR., would like' after a silence of nearly ten years, to appeal to the moral sensibilities an very genernus pub !ie,, who have always manifested their sense of sppreciacjon tif his usefulness -by exacting' his services when - needed or thought to he needed, but who have given no other evidence of grail : tude - or good will—particularly in the way of "substantial aid" sti Kossuth - would say—that he now desires A fall and entire settlement of all his accounts, also the accounts of the late firm of Patrick & Dimeek ; and he wishes farther to et-ate that he desires nothing to be considered wrong, if, after a few weeks, the Said accounts, remaining unseltled, sho'd be plaeed in the hands or a .good sharp-xxiletter, and made 119 acrobat to him something that will buy (4s and Buck this loat,alie action pewor dingly.—Yours'iruay, Jan 2. t1:0,203 22 $20,263 22 3 500.00 337,52 Disco rered 01 Last.Al A CERTAIN CURE.FOR,CORNS &BUNION 8! persops.afflieted with these painful ex -11 eresetwee, cant effect rierfeet cures, without the aid of a sujgeoo or the knife, by uhing San. ford's Corn Planters. Sent by tnail, post paid, to any part of the country on receipt.*l etl. • Address SI'J. SANFORD, 241 Dock-st., decal or Box 361 P. 0., Philadelphia. FRANCIS B DAVISON, M. D. . . Modicitte rd Surgery, • in ifonfrose and .adjaC•ent- .. pN•is of Susgur : tannc. COW: OFFICE ',it i>e Store of k;. W. M ort. Ez6 RESIDENCE Corner -opposite the Mi•thodist. Choreft Montrose. Nov. 16, 1858. BINGELANTON, WATER CURE. Binghtimton, Broonie Count gy. establishMent is open for the reception 1 of patients during the Whole year, and is 1 arranged with a view to the comfort and con venience of inralid,rdnrjug the COLD WEATICEri. • 7IM'Ig 3114.V.1S t4,OOPES are thorough!" warmed. and the entire house ie ! kept a SU.IIMMI.TEiIVETIATUnt: ! Experience haa:demenstated that the Wafer Treatment is wont isineeitsful daring the AUTUMN WINTER MONTH. EXPRESSIA TO THE SICK, You ate an Invalid tmd ,desire to be cured. Yon lont. for health.—.—make the proper effort and yonr health will be mitered. Are your Licit, tied Stomach disonaed ?. Are your ThrOat ranti.unAs dizenied ? Are ypti Bed-Ridden—unable, to walk ; Tiar.kt yoU liheEnstlsin or intfinrity of the Blood I !lave you General Debility and Palitation of the .Heart? have all your airbag haritororo proved abortive I G to the Hinghansion Water Cure. Later Treatment. • will speedily cure , you. * * *For fortiterreitieulant call at the " Cure' or address 0. V. I'HAYEII,II. Dr• H• Smith, `•DRGEON DENTIST. Residence and of- Ane.opposite the Baptist Chttrelk (north side) Dontrese. Particular attention Swill be given LO inserting teeth on gold aid silver plate, and todliiing decaying tenth. January Ist, 1859:- SETTLE! SETTLE!! Short Settlements make Long Fr:endi. _ , O. the seeocamodadion of atop who have i V patronized me heretofore I lOU any .that I iwill' be with • tpy itoolks: bille r and ,-aceounta at !,..the foittiwing, named; places for full settlement ! of the'Ritine, not that 1 wish lir hurry pappent, Ibut that we may settle „and pay when you can. We will take oats, and in fact, moat every kind of produee -le;genta. if you have anything to 1 spare bring it right slim& ..,.. e . MONEY gar acomeztor. I will bet Wm. Jones' near Lathrop e. Lake on Tuesday'', Feb.-81h; at' Goo, Dalre in Foyest Like Thursday and Friday', Tel,. ;13th apd iith; at Elijah Adams' in Aaburn Tuesday arid Wed. I nesday, Feb. 15th and 38t6; it Geo. 'Lovrial Dimsek Friday, Feb. 18th: at Beeman% -Laws yillereemer, T.noldaj;, Feb. 224,1huraday and Friday,Fett 24th ind 25th, atlames Brooklyn Cotter, at- Wilco:nth*. HcipbOttom 1 Eltalion.ffloseday,Milth lit; at Illak roes; Sprint. rills. Waidanaday,3larelt 2ri, • L• • 04•16 One. COMO , .1 yroialit be glad to, see ixti•friends near Montrose at any time—emu in and settle., , Montrose, Jan. 18, 18,V11 'FHA ER. FARM FOR SALE. THE Subscriber offers for Sale the v,aluabte Farm and Hotel lately owned and occupied by Cahill Summers, deceased, and long known 11.4 the WilillitNiVeat4 Via XCE. • S:iid Farm is situated in the pleasant village of Sumrueraville, in the 19 - wEthiP of New Mil ford, Susquehanna eounty, Pa., directly, on the line of the Delaware, LaChawfinria it Western Railroad, four miles rf 0 tr. Tts. junction with the -N. Y: & E. R..R. a".. great Rend. and one and a half miles froin Hie 'Depot - at New Milford. It contains tiboot., a - 240 .ACRES ; . • 180 acres improved, GO acres woodland. It is well watered, has a lasting stream running through, and a nevcr.failing supply of water conveyed in lead _pipes to the house, barn, and cattle yard. it is well fenced and under good cultivation, is well adapted to growing grain , and is peculiarly fitted for growing-stock ;'an d VI one of the best dairy farms in the 'County. It • - bas.nrion it two orchards of ••••:4-• •.;••••.cho:ice grafted fruit trees,n '• • large and, convenient 41we2- ling, now occulfied as 'a hotel ; two large horde and carriage barns, ore large barn with two cattle yards; ample sheds and .all the arrangements for feeding stork ; three , small hat; and grabs barns, ice house, brick smoke house ; large corn house, and all other out buildings necessary on a large rarnt. - ICwntifesiilil terms cA . - payment made ca'sy. For information address, F. PATRICK, JR R. 1 SUTPLIFI,N. Sammenmille, Co.,Pa Nor. int., '58.-3th. DIETETIC SALERATIIS: T ILE BEST articre ill market. Try it. fk BUCKSKIN LASHES,—no humbug—at 2s each. And no lean. ANEW supply of those excellent Candles , hi the lb. or box. EW supply of those good TEAS, at 4, ",,& 4.1 84-per !L.: tie very best iis market: • - AfOZASSES, • * CIG4RS, 6C111001.:1100.114S, Of every variety that is aseiLunder,the present adminia:ration. Oii.CLOTH CARPI:7I'INC; : mad indeed our “eltir" can now boast of_su assortment unequalled heretofore, at very low prices fur cash . , KENYON, Jr. A TWO-ArEARt-OLD COLT! . vdrindsome-very nico, and tor \ auto "rfstte' both as to price and time. R. KENYON, Jr. _ Lawaritli Centre, Pd. d't2 4t Vag rtseuts. MBE antweribers would call the attention of their friends to. the great variety of Golk and -Silver Watches, Jewelry and Farley Goodell which they have on hand suitable for the ap. i pronehing Holidays, and which they otter at the ! luirestCash • EvArts it A4El.' Q 2 Odd - Fellows' gall, Dinghamton,.Pee- 17th, 1858., • I GOLD AND. SILVER WATCHER—Open Face and Hunting. of ei'm style and price. comprising over fifty different patterns, many of their own importitinn, :and itvartnnted time keeper., which coottot.G3ll to sult,,by., - • , :Ev.ams & ALLEI.f. VTOLD CHAINS, Crosses, Keys. Seals:Neck. !gees, Studs, Thimbles, Spectacles, Breast. pins, Ear-rings. Fingestrlngs, Sleece.buttons, Lockets, 'Bracelets, Snaps, Pens,l'encile, Tooth. picks. &c.. &c.. &v., by EVANS 4k: ALL sr. lIXER WARE.—Table„Desert and Pickle Forks. Tsbleijitoserti T4l. sagaragteam; Beim Pre ierre And - Silt SpoOtm 'Napkin Rings; Chilarlns..Knitr4rF.'orlie,,and Spoons, insets; Cups; Ice Cream, Pie, Butter and, Fruit Knives; Salt Cellars; Card Cases; &c . • :: _ . . - _ &Ann Ac' Maxi. LATED WARE.—Tea Sets, TeePitcherp, P c'aitOrn, Cake and-Card Baskets; Pitcher gars, Salts, Cups, Sugar Baskets, Soup and Omer faalles, Forks And Siloonfi;•&e.,. for sale by Kvx.9 & ALLEN. Buie*, PerfnMe and Fancy JL Cases, Coral Beads, do. Necklaces and Arm. lets, Shell ,and, India Rubber,Combt,,Ten Bells, Teleseepes, %Vetch Stands; Knives *nd Forks, Pocket Knives; Scissdrn, Wax; Satin and Amber Beads, Are., &Mi Ste., by -; EvAl'itlittFL I . OANIOND PINS AND iiNGER.RING 1J some very Brie, by Eiiss dc• ALLEN. 1-BTXDVIINIP':*-:A tariCAstrirtmcnt of IL 'Fable and Desert Knives, and Carvers, by - "Evans & ALLFM, o 2, Binghamton; •er - • . TOE - BLIND SHALL' SEE. A LARGE AND NEW NEFPLit OF SIPECTACLES. /CST RECEIVED. • •••': = • • • CALL 17ir EYE, • , • • --. • • •••,, . 'SIR IONS: M oft trtpv, Nuv. 25111, IE4I. Valuable JAMES Exiirs TOBACCO„_ =MI .Is hal.- 1.8:51 N MORE - PAI O N, I ARD WAR h NO MORE SICTiNESS, • • , • , NO MORE 4211EOMAT7SM(A,stly ftb t (.6 it- 14/ inforttnit on srwrass• 01 , „711E,J010 . 3, , L1:311)1Goi - KEAD- ; ACtt Ea , 7•00171.10E3, OR stfFERJNG FROM I OTHER BC,DILT IKFIRM/TIEs. 1 IN. F BLAST.. .71e Rapid and Com Ate Efficaey of •-• RADW AY'S ; THE undersigned would take this - opportu: , • - -L nil to infirm- his Trieuds antteirstotners w ea dy_ Reber, • _ i that he has recently made large adilitions to his e Yu Instantly stopping the' most ex- fer9er extep we atock,pf. criminal's; Pains and Aches,' i Hardware, Stoves, Boras, Scalds, Cuts, IVonuds, ' • Bruises, &0., dcc., ate. • render it important that every . farnily \ keep a sup ply aft in the h - Ouse. - Armed. with this remedy, a household is-al way protected against sudden attacks of sick ness. Thousands of lives of persons hope-been saved by Its timely use, who were sinidenty seized in the night time 'with Cramps, Spasms. Yowling, Cholera. Ye/low Fever, and other vie. lent,diseases. Lot a dose of this Bernet be taken internally, as the case may reqnire,..elies_ suddenly seized with Pain or Sickness, arid it, will ISETANTEV RELIEVE THE PATIENT FROM PAIN, and arrest the disease. - ; • .gablva/-sgenb - nAttliti•-;- .• 1•• Ilea curd • • • . • • • RITEMUATIS3I; . . . In roar hours.' NEURALGIA, . - < In one hour. ICRAMI' • - . - In ten minutes. DIARRHCEA. - .• In fifteen minutes.- `TOOTHACHE,' . - 'ln one minute. SPASMk I'n-dvb mihutes. SICK HEADACHE. In tan minutes. CHILLS AND FEVER,, - In fifteen ralnutcs CHILBLAINS - - - In fiftiten minutes. INFLUENZA,' - - In six hours. SORE THROAT, - To ten minuntew BURNS,' . - • - In twenty minutes. FROST BITES, AGUE CHEEK, I PARALYSIS. LAMENESS, IS ALL CASES 07 BRUISES, : • - IVOUNBS, STRAINS, an 4 '" • • . • • SPRAINS, the ntoritent ilia applied to the injured parte, all pain and toieti.sinese cease. Look nut for Coun terfeits and Itrittations-Purchnee .only RAD: REATIY RELIEF. Price 95 eta., 50 - cut., and $1 per bottle. . • • - " A Now Contribution to Science. The Great Grand Diecovery. _ R. Il• SR, . . . - c N..I„ ) ~ , _.I • I , Ridwirs Regtilating Pilib. DR. RADWAY & CO. have recently discovered •a method for extracting from roots, herbs, plants and gums, a nutritious extract of «nett wonder. ful nOurishing_power—which they have combin ed with RXOWAY'S RECREATING PlLLS—that -six of these Pills will-!,apply the blood with the same um. ant of nutrition as one ounce of ordi nary 'brfad..; iol that, while the system is:under• going a thorough physieing, and regulating proem.% it daily becomes strengthened. Persons afflicted with. Idvsm. Comrtaetsi, Ors , REPSIA. HEART DISEASES, FULLZESS OF 13Loon, and all Female ` s wle.are subject to Inizscnian- ITIESI,, HYSTERIA, &0., arc particular secure- I mended to use these' Pills. They' are 'plea.unt to take—elegantly coaled with gun:- 7. -free from 1 taste, and will not gripe, sicken or iecaken the system, or leaseethe bowels cordiVe. )fothers nursing should likewise,take one or two pretest) Pills once or Awice per •i.cek. They will not only keep your system healthy and regular, tut wilt protoct.your infant against Cramp and-Pains in the stomach, and insure not only a brralthy child, but. will inyest,avery child, thus suckled; with a sweet, cilSposition: • , Radway!s Regulating ills . Regulate each and every.organ of t h e syston, andeorem all derangements of the Liter, Dowels, Stomach, Heart and Kidneys. . 1 : They Cure • • • _ 1 COSTIVENESS, INDIGESTION, HEART.BCRTN, - DYSPEPSIA, BILIOUSNESS,. CONSTIPATION. DROPSY, . : HEADACHE,- . 'PALPITATION of l . CONGESTION, , the HEART, • &c., &c, &c: They are entirely vegetable and harmless: au infant at the. breast can take them with safety,. and persons who are subject to Fits of Apoplexy: Epileptic, tread 'Diseases, &c., should always keep a box on hand. Price 25 Cents: • Ask for RADIVAT'A REGULATORS, or REGULATING PILLS. The Gteat;onstitutional, Remedy. R R • • (No. 2.) 4 . , • • • A New We-Creating' Principle. 4 1abipauts Teno . hiinl sl‘csitOil Heals Old Sores: Purifies the Blood, Instills within the Systemrenewed flealth, and Ri solees . and Eller* inates all Chionie and • . eenstiletfonal Diseasis. • .• IThis great and.glorioob remedy almuld bn hailed by the-human race ns a .speeial girt from the Almighty, to re,generate'dilapidnted humanity. -Dn. RADWAY &.Go. are the , nn!y Physicians i•and Chemists in the: wortd that have. surceeded ' discoverhsg remedy that will effectually I eradicate free) the hatnamsystena 'censtitutional diseases and ailments, transmitted from parrot* to their chi liken. ~ • \ r:f Radviatißeno-vatitigßeiolvent - Will radically.ekterminate from the system Scrofula, ' Cankers, ' • Syphilis, . i Fits, Fever Sores,- •• . Runnings from thwEari Ulcers,- . ' White Swelling., Sore Eyes, 'rumors, . Sore Legs, , . Cancerous Affections, Sore Mouth, i .NoiLleP t • Sore Head, . It;ulsets,o - . Insanity, : Glandular Sweiiing., linoNctryris, ~ , ' Night Sweat., All Diseivfes ottbe Cotist-myrioN, Womb, • I ffaidi Toter. . Proiapsus Uteri, . Humors of all k:t4., Skin Diferifes, i Claudio Rheumatism, Salt. Rheum,. - Dupeoia, • , - • And 41.1 cUsbasea that ii4re, been esttablished in the'System,,for years. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER. ROTTLE,,,,, soth,ny toIp7GISTS SY Rlirtnii R i.jll RADWAY & CO., 1.811 Fulton St. N. y, TO ALL INTEkESTEK TilEaubscription account 4 of the late firm of McCotaxii Otrtarrsos Ince been placed in thithindi Of Mr. Wm. L Bstuz,—he,ajonp be ing authorized to collect atitcgiVe receit.its for the same. lie designs canvassing the county. and it is desirable that all indebted should aettle promptly, thereby s3iving farther trouble anti ex • perise to all parties. ' .1. 5: IfIctOLLU3I. , • , A. J. gERRITSON. Montrose, September 21st, 1858. • FIPA LO '.1111011101.....A wßierior lot of xi.w No. T . jelling for three.quarters the prieo of Instreenson,-try . •IL ButtßuT, New, Milford, Dee; Ist, 1858.. . TA ABM S AND, 3117F411.1ALS FOR . ' t . G S r . URNING FLUID. • Campheni, .ectinp VI caulks, 44., of Ivet . qualltiat h -eonatantly OD hand, and at prises ai CIIIIAP•AS rng consign.. Cuatoinpra•niay reit epeß, gett*g , engaiplirse, now and good,•aa 1 sell so fast, Iltey haver get: .4 0 ilsos,Cans and.LaraPi • • _ -.ABM:I.IIIRn lontroar, Nov, troth, 115 4 . • Stove Trimming s , - Zinc lke. and that be is prepared to soppy the wanks of' the community in that line' at urinsually low pried*: tie flattersliiiniitif that his' facilities for man n teetering, his rileri Warele.-Stofea; givw him a decided advantage river any who per chug and transport at a heavy expense 'their en tire stock. - Would say to those who wish to purcQ b STOVES Of ;my dt!scriptlon,STOVV PIPE, dirk 'PRIIIM . INGS. of any kind. and pay for them, he - is prepared to give them great bargaini;. but to -those wha wrint , to purchase on a vent's credit and then knit ran two years more, he had rath er they would unll on tonae one else, even ifthey haveto tr.y seventv.five per cent more than as article in worth. lathe line of . Shelf Hardware his Insoriment-is the largest-and- best relected,iii' Susquehanna County; purchased as his atOck liaslieen mostly of manufacturers, he is enabled tcroffer inducements to those country nietchants who bay 'small bills, r:irely found this side of the big city. We can offer - special inducements( to Carpenters and - joiners Who are in want of either Tools or Rtiilditir Materials Black.. smiths cart find AN VII S. VICES. BELLOWS, and. in fact., al inost anything in "theirline; breall log on its..,, - ,•. RYA &to' C :.„ j 4 4 Our stock. of. L'a . • Peed,. ,firererion; • Boot* and. Sheer., lint.. until Camay Vasa. kre is as large as the tinie4 491 adinit of. They iv r purchased at a low figure. and Will be sold at I prices lb correspond With . READY-NADE CLOTHIIiG'; No have just, lipentel .ale at on:e.and cords of ready inadecliehincil Every . body says they-are cheap Some' se) are trey e fte4, and a number hace:vetitirred to sav they'are dog cheap, Certain it is that A small 'pile of money wilibuy a large pile of riot •.' WO VPOtlki add, is ilds.ronne'etien;fiirthe in formation of el conektied and the" rest Qr num-, kind," that we are tired and sick of 'the credit system; we have suffered enough by it already, and are determined to rid ourselves of the thewtsole "erittet" politic - 4;Na the ninittle , is the tree iiystertti we'sre'restiiiied to adopt it, and are offerinu our goods at prices to correspond. . *. * *PrOuce taken in sine ante for tin de. .1. DICKEILMAN,Jr. - New itlilford. Nov 29th, 1858, ' lift citottsi • • • BUTRITT- Is iellt reicoiink Ft‘Large-Stook of NEW STOVES., Iscurmsc full tuoinitment of. r.livuted Oven; 'Largo Oven and Plat Top' Premium Cook Stores, (for wood nr tont.) with auperior eariety of Parlor. Oftl'ff_. and Shop , and Store, 'for wood or coal): a lat., Store Pipe; Zine, Sheet Iron. Stove Tubes. Sze.. &e., &C. ' - Ilia-assortment iroliudee the most SELECT and DEMAIMS "10 V;lpS,: s in market, and. will be sold on ehe IMET FA , ME.LBLE TERNS, and to which he would invite the particular attention-of Casrt buyers. [Now Mitford,-N44,. hit, 1858. . free 'admission 'of all Nations . ,Naa welts* the verdict of the leading hospitals of the Old as well as the NeW 'Wor stamp, this peivp rrfill remedial Agent as the greatest healing preparation ever made known to steering nIA1). Its penetrativequalities are more than marvelous, thro' the external orifices of the skin.inrisibletd the malted eye, it reaches the t.eat of tie ioternal• diseatte4.and in all external affections its anti.ie narev%atoiy and healing virtues swims; anything else on record, and is Natore's grent ally. Erysil feelar•und - ale !rheum • • • Asediso of-the -most Fonimon 'end virulent . dtsoitters prevalent on this continent; td -these Ointment is aapecially antavinistici its =dui operandi" is first tif 'eradicate ., the . cttotri, and then complete the.cure. Unit Legs. Auld . , sores. and rleeris. -Qukos-olf tr any years standing that linte-pertis nacitr:isly refused -to yield to any - 'other remedy's or treatment, hiree• invariably-.succumbed-'to it low apeLicatione; of this poo ertul unguent. - . sEeuipttorra skin, .Cial':lr: from a had st:ite 41' disease are eradie.sfe , Laret_ iransicirel surface regained by 'he re.. ,, .ent.ve • ton of this Ointment. It surpassi-e inane of the cosmetics i and•olhcr toilet appli..nees In its po..ar to dispel rabLes and other de,fig.tirvat , n6. of the face. Pile. a d Every form and reaturs iil'tsvprevalent and stubborn disorders 'is .erartri.;:tsrl toesily, find en tirely by Abu use of this : Warni Tomo: tations ahould.prreede its applreation: ,, Its heal ingqualities ill ba fuun.i 'bort: and invariable. Built the Ointment and the Pith , Nbuitlil be used irs Basin/in, Ithommoism, Soru Thrnats, Burne r • • Rinvv”rn, i a,,rcr of all kinds Chapp•rilacti+ 'them!. SprAns. rChillbtain.,t,s . , St fr.roint4, . Fistula, Gout, Skin T,. tter. uw ers; Lumbago, , Swel'd (Bawls. Vei.ereal Sere*: ; ere'l toljpen4;Sorelxgs, Wimp& of •n I its, Sure Breirts, .-S If re,tkads, flgndo. "CAUTION!—None are 4.ennitte unrest , ' the words,." Ilatlatrast. NeseYnrk and London."' are diseernildbrise Water-mark in every leaf of.. the hobk of directions around crom pot or -box ;: it maybe plainip seen byhobling the lel tothe light A handsome reward will be given to nnyone rep , derma soeh information annul lead to the detee, lion of any party-or partiEwcounterfeiting.theno medivinonor vending them knowing there to tie spnrMus. 1 '• •• • ** Sold .'t the Mannfsetorice-of Prnf. I Y, 80 Maiden Lane, Niw' York; knd by all re— apectabli, Drugglati and Dealers in• Medicine throughout the United States and the civilised world: in pots et 25 rents. 63 cents, and sl'Oiehw Firrhore.ta.o ,m,ljniderable saving by hiking ttfe 'larger , • N,. T1,4-Diieetinns for the gaiditneS otpatientr • aio milked to Rad, pot.:_;' June 10, 0358. - f23eoiely.. be. 7 31114 a • If, — 1.6 . 1403.1.it16±:' TCIE Partnership 'heretofore existlni 'plater. the Dime of BARNES 0.43111A1iN• hi this' BaY'ilissolved by mania consent. The; seeounts of the late Mani are in the hands V. Barnes who. is authorized to-settle the sates. • ; • .S. V. BARNES, \ Montrose, Jan. 2.6 th 1859.] The, b u sin ess lot Carriage Waking, and Repair. iog will be continued - in ~f utariv utlat. signed, • at the old stand' of , 4lesta-Clectona, wbere die will berprepared to attend ta Abe wants of old, and new customer:Laid' promptness and fidelity. Duk.27w4+l aV. BARNES. ." 110110EOPATIIIC Rci t slfKi r lulf , 17 NIEL TURRBLL. ~: ~r~~~ Stove Pipe TIIE REIGIITY IIEALEIt r the following tames