&,"burational. Lf you:wauld lep.situe f.trn what. y.. 0 le f tru, , 'the Erior of Teachi4.- „ Tint •firist etiot is terodtitio men to s ituitate, lattlirriltalt to dill& We need to take irety etolsoty' flatten at the great . theatre-of lotimm.l:l"e, to know Low deep toot' this: tetikale,ror has , :trtiek into the foundation = of. taittentiett.—Look abroad a mong men ; and adc y . ritrou4l . hop many of the moving multitude intprire into tho springs of action.; how many reek lo.koow thecati.e. and Cot .gnomes Of tlo ar 'Sneers in Vildeli Alley Itietto•elvet.nto ~Itcrts; or, to descend to dotal S •I tuarty lLo wattempt to tm, e: tint_ t he true itiatiples oftfmirrestLilt wl icti they are engaged, how' untny'ca'n .co.rect a Wunder arising merely. from the , application' of a 1 principle. Analyze this, boated liberty of ours ;:look ag•rdtt upon republican society in I the freest land upon earth; separate the lit.- ing agents from .tile mete stifonates in this genie of life, and tell me how many of the latter—how many of - the -former And if ! you ere - not pleased with the. result, tell me whether tuirisa decree of nature, or a fault of education; whether you believe it men'! were taught to be independent thinkers, and .that while they 'revered all that was good, or glorious„ or vale.rr':-Je in the works of their ancestors, that they, too, lord an - indwelling ! spirit whose high . prerogor tire it wirr extend the conquest of mind, the - would .ccitk‘. to in- ; quire sod remain dull floats upon tire ocean of being's ! , liot if yon would know ntsat the effects of thinking are, 'compare Athens itch t Nina. , iiere ate three hundred it:lll4ms of people— mole f-an one-third of the human trice— Whose history gots far batik. iu:o remote antiquity,and who conimentied with Am-sat:di share of arts and rieierthe4, but wboihrlve ad- ded not a single panicle to knowlelge.„llor taken one step in improvement ; .whose only policy is to prevent innoyntion,ami whose on try power he to pelftettottei : aueees.ioti. is another people - whose imptihnhin does trot ; exceed "one-tenth oillott of Ohio, hoSe Ogee i 'can senriiely be foictril on the map. who. com- tneneksi. broirstlinnsi , yet Nbto have _ - given to the world new seieitees nand new lots, anti whose mighty meu 'lamed MO language _"Thoughts that breathe, arid wdrda that barn.", ! who re-conquered their conqueror.. by the Ftirit elutprence; 'mud, whu.w teuoun bus filled the . • ' - What. 'unite..4l4 mighty ditrereli.•. I roe .one lexured to r •peat, the other to think.— Conn. School Jour. . , Teachers' Characteristics An interesting paper !noel, read bet,te the United A;oeiadon 14 1 :lieulam“eri of Gteat centaiva the fulletNing gentraliza- _ . lion f- ' I. 1/ 1. Teacher, of limited . PIIIICITV:Op: wlio'e i command ckiangtinge is imiled, ineariabil teach treNt a val tea(. - (Woks P ', Or b. , 4. le .indi-! , ,,, Vt..' Glal PPl:Steill Of 11111 , 2 , :b.tt1i.P11. 2..iltm of f-qvt,l iti,' i nginntton, liming gent f command of Idngna,z., and . rtlq,u-i,o.tn of ' cllntiteter, al:ous:t iuc.ainbly ti.-i^_me bupPr.. for teachut beciriort of character ahno , t ini•ariably forms an elEtnent in ILo. tplablica,iou of a Loperior teacher: 4. ,Men who are deficient in general kno edge HMI 'emit:o6l:am of eharacter sre genet aliy tendwra, eten though they may posses; great ieelnlituil drrtuAn:4. 5. An eatneAt. wit , tied with :he love of chij.lien, i> tafely a 64,1 leacher. . G. The love of teaching in generally fISS.C.- Ciiil4 : .l w iii the lot it. but the con derea noligenerAlly - hold true. 7. A man of supe'sior teri4bing power..- teaches well by the rational roethini. he will'al :ears . teach hem. -by- that method which i• suipd to lib. peculiar eapabiiitiwt. 8. Men.. ge:netally leech, badly . when they atterntd to teach .tow enunti,or ,ivbets they; do not 'duly prepare thelq . . • 9. P . .rselice that s e lf confi dence ‘s hicli is s •eirt• elements gtouti char- 10. SUre.f.S. it, ' 4 l , elring is= mate dependent upon the ,s• of the roaster ing ' r- technical ail 3 . remeati Tea 1,4,4 5 1 i• adt al wart assia.‘jateti with Auperiur taieti:a . of -ae,,pi!elli e . t ,ls. . —l.O-4111.-111■ ') • The Yomale Teacher. If ei:er4 sauce Mortal being upon each is SIS not the queen with realms belting the globe, ti-whirm thertnigbtiest of earth's lords were'tooud to pay their homage; but it wit. the devoted, modest feinalet,aclier,consuious only- - of. her duties, uudon , cious of ambition or earthly reward. The sce.re of her labors may be some obscure rpm! disttict ; the spot where he gathers heir intic flock some un sightle corner - between IsibliCrorols, swept by tisk bleak ii'n4s of alater,.. an,l l'-corchts.l to hit itettuess be s timinces sans; her house weather beaten, . uns'irided lira iree,onshelt erett from the i=tortn, open tri,noi-e arid dust, -and , 71ize of leic•icg t here is n 'eltesral'by reisogMtioti thi. outward world. her ft Wit) , isr,regisito 'by the iti levities or by tad gains of met), fhere sire op • CDs upon earth one, more a' p4rivii.'•-e of light and torc., , There dity by •thry, she gathers her little group aiotind her, 'and hovers pr o rt; -• I j II t' 1 ". I teem); Li II t icp. „ 1 e a .oir ,i.t,e -holies, and fe , sr , ,,rinil j-ls.'aTpil-s a roc s- nestle beneath her wio: , ,--to.th - eat (be dove of the IsolY spirt. There,(4.iin ilea altar of r oans .and , niie!ess hearti: she - and barns I/it-kebob-us:: incense tlvit err rise- cr:rsit as a sweet-smelling savor There sh e spreads the daily' repast of I ,,knoaledge and wisdom on which their coon; 'souls grow j Al runes; and the gtie-ta-at t hat ba n dits' long to,re.rt eke -of it again. There the dutse , oldie hair rs.alm shadow foils the great drif.e , trans, • bcitse-.ti!, i4tleVo - forg:ive.tieto• ; , Ana as LrreY 'W.61'111611! more ilinitighithe principles of Jesus (71tr6t than through lthe policies and economitx of • 2 .. • men. tostr heart , are purged. as aiLb flyway', ! and' become, clean. .. . unpr0;,4,.(1 ... l ' on. her rule domain. yet . 1 no MO/ ii , ati elle haiLl_a wall ar mind it . of tynth.in!-hiliga a •en in faith In !lags unften, I that. tha terbru4 ferrorition - nitre will -lout t but caboottrenift, eorzoLgit nor wirer4an it. So ! ehp.or,r, 5.,) an?... t. re to frisre 14.11(1 t; , ) OliPto r.tr,r.e. , of heame.—you %rook& not tenewe it, vet she mikk...N this rude rpOt IV rnire ri 'and Is . trnoghold, nnd an armory of O,A. and out 1 lof i , shall to forth great ic000.•!:, tr.—the , br e;; l fe ro, u( clue ithola of inaii—bim .!..b. whose hnows nusiltte tind:l , 4,..7Whilind 114.-itt Ilt n trinplo,l omit go - down.' 'F , ortV ltrneyi ' the genVe i coveting of her'. winc . -shalttii Huth the thunder-hearers, - tt Hi the bolt And, Annie -of ' 1 elorenee to rood and . Ootennie 1,1 ; e orgi ii i i v a And deep vents , ! oppretwition of num the pro- BiAnci stood tit...barites of ettpiotir sod courts 7 eie rolinitios of nations. whether' it lio-looL ienfher:-*ngt.i. rt".titlieo tor COIN the Vow& 1 »gr. wPwiert....erf. I....pity, or . olaTfe :', :he Ripe t:e•-offnuttu.iu in.tuorir..ranori:or the J ina/ftialia . 1 , 9i ' in,,i ifs war. Tht-rtii.'itio. 'shift troHLftittit 'i , ~,,..,-it - t _ tz d s o f merle/ 'to utnieutowiter- the hearts, to restore the sanity, to spO4b-44. agonies of men—the - Mil. FiTs, rho le.; Dixes, the Florence Nigllringales• ebriht's ADELPHIA: I, 13.0 mi wer e „ail le4ong of purity, charity, herrevoleeee ; .hut they never eorinded : THO 3. W. EVANS & La t sc,l4„„:i:•„ll,..o„.yiktver touched 0.%, 1 ,, o h , r,;', l blind of R wOrnan. Again I aly if WOULD RESPF:CrFuLL'Y INFORM the V residenti of this viehrity, that they have , , w en at tlYetir New Slot-will* largest arid ever 'I eirvied motel Peing eptro earth, it .was amt open (if 0,-1 the (preen a ill' realm. 'belt the glone, LADIES DEERS 0100114 t-, hom the mirlitie4 of cattle. lords were „ , tiro; have ever 'offered. Thu Iflock ler RIM fly or prowl to pay tin ir homage ; but it Will. 1 11,..jr own invriatien, having been rielevlid per rdetNrttd, ttt mlest female tendlier, eons -ionsy by one of t he, firm. in the principal gnar ly. of tiro ties, union-viers of a mbit on or get ip Europe, at such prices as *ill unablVtturtn errole rewitd.--'llorore 31080. I to sell ou tire most reasonable terms. SILK DEPARTMENT. Brocades. Robes a Les, aFtotys Anahle ilfpo,— R. 42.1 two 11. , nneen,Plain. Figured Plaid, Striped with a full assor anent of Black Silks °Kali kinds. Parties par attention hasbeen paid to the selection rif this Stock. and it will be found votrpleto in it-4 assortment. SHAWL' HIGHLY IMPORTANT UNFITIVM.A.THIN To .All mo s s. Who it Clu;hes. HAVE recently Made arrsngetnents, at con ." sitiershle expense,. for doieg, cork in the 'lt'ailorito•Business efi oti e ery Mott 'notice, in a neat.durable, and fr.sh ionable manner. and st reduced priees. I will fornilde garruenis lo order, if desired, or render the eustonter w hatever assistance he may need in seleeting turterials of the best quality: the,leeroa, indrhet prict.s. - All my !Fork warranted as to rit, fin ish- and durability. No customer need tate his from the shop Unies.s it suits hint. Being permanently. and stelaengtged in this business, it shall be my great aim to please the public, and thus secure theft patronn ,, e, P. LINES. Montrose. Juno 114:185$ AMERICAN MONTHLY. t MAGAZINE fOr Ladies—anti Gentlemen, embrace all the popular feat n res of the late Graham's Magazine. Thu New )lag. attine comliine most popular features or vo. Ittle as reoattia ',ety rial epilielis - untents it witl far `wood any other perioiral now putiliskiti—cvery number contains one of a series of oplendici heel Engravings en ,..ii•raved 'by tt-etetd attOs, from Ilia most popular destns allo Colored Sttrel Fashions engraved in tl.e very best st) It of art, F.XI';:EtS/.17 for this r, from actual articles of co,inta The Lileinry department will n jndi rinua and tinri‘.l'ed selvoion - 11;:z,,ri,al, Sketzhes, T.. 1,4 of Soeiely,. blietehes of Travel, 'Traro-lation4. I' :try Tales, Gents of IN,,try. 11:11.1iS.—Uric cop:y, I year. 62 Two copies,. I year, $3. Fier eoplics, year, *la* '7-0" Sp.ein forni.herl to all who wh.ll rih , mal,e up eloh. P.e.tm comaittord A•le:.ts. but any• person may zr.t a dab. Try thin one s year aird com. pare with all whets. 1:14 auveriority au. At ouco. ThejiAlltiAry fouler Will hale Two Fine Seel Virile, tine entitled ....Papa's New Vear',4Try.ent." beautifully eol 4.reri.) and the other. '"t•tatur.iar Night," a fine work of art. Address. pr., p.,fd. I!IENRY MUTE. d..e.':23. 1858. No '7. 11..ekman Nt .N. V. HERNII.ITRU4RS. AIMOMINA SP - PPORTERS, SH&CLDEI? BRLI rES. I UST rec,ived a Int-Lrc assortment of the e above art.:(Eles. at induced prices. •Thetnnat tiii y - cit. cm/not I. I 141. be in qua:i sy . ABEL TUttlt. ELL. ind Niontr..se, Nov. '; ‘ ,1.541, 1558. MoatFos°, Pa , «Int. . ?jai , THIS new and commodious Hotel situated on Petilic Avon ua rV•ar ii a Court f Copse, and nearlt in the centre of the business portion of .Nlentrose tiew fu ly completed and furnished, and will be opened on Monday. the .lith day of the present month for the neemausudation of the peak and iniveiers: The Piri - ipkieter feels squill - lent that he is now prepared to entertsM ton- , t-, in a manner that cannot fail to givZ: cemi pfete sa:i.c.tolon. The Hotel and Farni:urr are I.Spentit: li been spired to rend.-r it egoti, it not superior to uny bitnitar mem in pat of the State. It is well sup plied,rt ith tilt the tin -kit improrertlents and e,,tn torts: obk,,inz waiter, wd: always 1.), rrady to re-por4 to the call of e u,l ooterg . • The Stables connected with this House are rev.. and convenient'. The l'r prietor reit*. tfally saliciht the' patron ape cd . his o!d friend , . rind the public genertlly. W K. lIATCII 11 ,, ntrA.r. R.-pt ,- .:111,pr 21.. t. 1653. ABEL I'URIZELL, frost Nit.'4' York, variet; Gwrd4, ac oircrs to his or -touters and the public at Icra prices fur cash. liislstocir compribes: 11113 S. • . M E D 1 NE 9, P N T , 0 1, 1. S WINDO'W GLASS, DYE-STUFFS, G-Kl),rl Er RIES. 43'1A 3 S—W.A E, • C R -(0 CK E 11' , M I U:1 OR. , CLOCKS, CTi ALL . PAPER, • WINDO:W PAPER, WINDOW ( )lI:SHADES EA - NCY GOODS. MVSICA L 1 - NS'I;RCMENTS J E W ! E L'll Y 'FEEF 1" M 1) 1:. Y G k -- ) Ds, .11. A 1: W A 1; E, • $ T 0 N.E W A It E, , .W O 0 I.I.ELN W A li•E r , 1;M A , 11 1 . 7 .- s 11 E .1 A P N WAE E, 1; I it U=i C .A G E S 0 A. N A 1; 'll7 SEEI POCKET • P S, 1; M L 'A S, -GUNS. P - 1 S. iT 0 L S AMMUNIZION, • TCRPENTINE, - C A M• 1; II E N 13-14 Nl , N - '1;-1. I 1), - . ALCOHOL, •, L I , Q I; .0 It S, (ForlfedirinNlP.orpelsea ont7,) • T - ES , S P P , R T E R S, 1.7 L 1) I I t A s C E S, PORTMONNAIE.S, S P E C. T A t; S , St I,VE R & PLATEtS SPOONS. FORKS, &e., (A 1). PENS, S'T A P 1 O N E R V, VIOLIN STRINGS, BOWS, ar c ., And a,II Of thAJt§ost.p . .43pxkjar I' A T E•D IcT'S'ES, T.lmu&ful tor..W*Jibar d patronagelLitberta re ,eirett; t4C-niti"rit• and' large in.Tream.of , AM ; ,1171r&ELL. rnne. Nnir.,l4liBsB; TO THE • PUBLIC. , n- I at the well know eetabli.untent furdieriy -.oc-e Cll l - 00D - A, )I.ATAIIIES pie! by Oliver Crime. . St.•re.s.as. TEAS. Ct/FF.EE.SccEs,F r enn;FLotra THAT Wan been riled -bY unekilful persons and SALT (by th e .a r k or barrel,) FlSH, And all • eran • i:.,ain be Ala e goOd, by . , -arlieles foiled in First Cboot,Groreriee. J, II IG GIXIMIAM- - - F a rmers wpald p triiidlerly deal ihe attention of. rtners and ce here . to .the fact that they urn i:nnSlSlnth - teat rein fresk'supitlies of' A regaloreite Wateb.hudt — erienrepidenitto r e pair Dopier, ItePenk*Pl4eat *llt D6U.11-64 LeverVi ERST RAE - FLOUR ,Apine;„ :did Vertical Watehee,bc,&i.; wbether I ' - I Emili"b • Si° 4l °;',Frroel or Chinese troak.of lidd I ale° good and medium ;politic% which will b fur ;hie pi:tromp/Me 411014f141 A good eecortment- 'sold HIGHT, for ready pay,-.16-:qinentities ta-suit. of %deb inerele„Mateh Wheeit"Meinepelar; Ihe pprehaaer., 1- , !,7:1,....0dee:'i. Ilunde. -G1,,,,,ee. &e: . .. &e. -.-- N. 11,_rt in -eaftdsitl.f tie:tired ,thot„ ALL who., elt i.o .. !!rnt , ..ty, Read & Co.'s Stom.: are indei ted to the e‘tahllehinent . either br iinfe :mane' k, Montrose *fin. - Co., Pis ^ . i or neer:int should tall and settle Boos and SAYE ' A uptat 25th. tB¢B, . It• ,r : Cos TS. r Montrose, Oet. Dth, 18.58. . india, Stella, Bordered. French Cashmere•,— Printed Brodie, Long and Skuare VVooleit Shaills, &r.. with a full stock ofall the pew cat styles of Shtro•iv imported this season. CLOAK DEPARTMENT. Cloaks made :ma trimmed in the latest Paris ?di len. in VELVET, -CLOTH. ri.u.its. FLAIL) VELVET. ETU. The stock this seaeun is ezpensite, elegant and teshionsblei. GENERAL DRESS GOODS DEPARTNI ENT. Catfrineres, Mous Sal in de Chiue,Velour Poplins, Chi nzem.&c iet:h all the beH et 4 fab!irs imported in this line GOODS I)EI'ARTMENT. Bombazines, Fainiqy,Cleihs. Alnaeart, Velem. Pe / trims, llouviiner. Thibets, Valemeinn, Crapes. Cellars rind Sleet es, &e., frith an entire stock of al f geode reeitatile Ver men ruing. EMI - M(lll)Ein' 1 lEP A RTMENT. LurnSetts.Coltar_,tit,ur,s.ln>ertingn, Ed C.V . ,. Berthas, Cape.. Gkees. Ilitly, Skirt., &e, wnh a fuel aslortment ..1 Em broideries of all Ismds, me? udin , 2 all the latest r F WSW: 13 () !' -' 41 ; :liV RTMEXT. A enolp . ,•te line ul Env 11,11 11...1vry. for Larks. 111,..1.:•:, F., NT". AND CHILDREN. will h.• hull) d .•I 1),-,41 snit mutt appr..%%ltral"...t , T. IV. LI & CQ. coutidew.l, of tfu ir :IA I ileV let :INNIIIT,/ It %VIII lam sell counparo with any other, in anurtinent, ktylo or pro.e. , SIS d 320 Clie%liatat n Ar 114 m. ,st oul LADELoiIA. CHEAP CARPETINL,'' il T TI - 1 15 or - gyr teb2lo 49, North NINTH-st, Philad'a. gountri! ffltrCiplits, Arc no!irited to call and eratnino thu %tout: of Ingrain and Venetian Carpeting, Floor Table and Stair Oil-Cloths of all widths; Canton and Cocoa Matting : Door Mats; Cloth and Oil Cloth Table Covers: Druggets oil width°, Rag Carpet Stairltods &c. FOR Either WHOLESALE or RETAIL, By L. WEATHERBY. c "! 26-3 "•::1") No. 49 North 9th-st• FANCY FURS, . FOR I,IIIIE-4 AND ell 11,11RE , N. ' TOIIN FA REI RA & Co, No. 819 (new no Sib, - Import. N. Manufacturers and Dealer. in FANCY FURS. 'hit Ladies and Children: aiso.,G,M.'s Furs, Fur I.'oll-irs and Glioc.. The number of years th it Itairo been engaged in the Fur business, and the. general i:haracter of our Furs. both for vial and pile,' is SO generally known ,througtotut thr Country, that We think it is not necessary for s ay and h. n' Murky 1b in iti4st we lue.• no. opened our assortment of FURS, for the Fall & W inter Sales, of the largest and must beautiful assortment that we hive ever nsl-red liefor, toe Our Furs have all been Imported ditrng the nreSent searion. when ' money was ,4110. :.nd Fur, much lower than at the present and ha , e bsen mAnufartured be the most competent workmen we are therefore deter mined t.r noel them at sorb pikes ait will con tin tie to give es the -reputation we have borne for sears, that is to,sell a -good article for a very p , .-sr. Sto:Thertie:, will do well to give us a rail• as thei• will Clod the jae2est assortment bv far to select from the city, and at manufacturers' prices. JOHN FAREIRA No. S Mit ket St rt•et. atlye sLi, 18.5 ',flour. Ira aC iirobision ONE,_dnoc below J 'Ethridge's Drng Store, 'on,Put•lit. v 'ttenue. Win be found n.f.tantly on hand a ~f • neral assortment of GROCERIES each as Sugars,,3lolashes, Syrups, Teas, Cutree &e, Riven the choicest !wands of FAMILY FLOUR, Meal, Lard, Pork, Hion4. Fish, Dipped Candle-- Timothy, Clpver,l:iald and Garden Seeds \Vsolicit a .tare of the putiiic patror.ag,•, nd I,lolge iiiirselvek to do the tair thing, foiliing , , , by each bargain . to Iketire anoiher. • BALDWIN & ALLEN. W” I. ttr.r.r.N A:,1"1:7P BALT', TO TI - W PUBLIC cc Ott E Merrhants publi.ll n r..w !ow priers, the price of a trw lore pr'serl ..rt•eles. an induecnrent to persons t' make their purchases of tlemi. tinder the presuirrion that in et.% thin!: rpmtly low. Without taking .-lase in the public pmers to enumerate prters,'l wish it dis tinctly u mierstorid, that I will set: Goods as l,w for te,e. pealit Tog hie!, earl ba troUght in :my other. S'or.• in this irlaro 'or ermty. linits and 11..0ks riot used. Porefis , ers resit tti-nerallv tiled good yualttie of Ai ticks :.t T7rtukt.L . S. and in Drty:s. Mrdieines, Paints. Oil., and I)) e the very best, and the assortments full Thu Kincy Good. Dilrirtment is also exansive. Also. choice Family Gtocerira. Crockery, W4 l l Paper, Jewelry, l'erfuurry,&c. In .hurt nearly everything tumidly kept in country stores. As 1 deal in funny dep - irtmonin of trade, and have more Articles than j can stunner:ire itt the limits of a Newspaper, I shall not attempt it : neither wilt it bit necessary, under, , these cir , etrupdances. , coludiq with' ti-eless re petition* and bluni:ik. The peop!e. are invited, to cal! and examine for thermodveit. ABEL-TURRELL ' Blbntrose, Nr,v. to:. V.B. Cobb 4Sii - llogeis- ESPECTIEILLY announce that they have entered' into 'a partnership in order to be better prepared to ' , apply the wants of the pnia re:. Thar will keep an bland a-good stark of GROCERIES -S. IL. s Avstc - - BROTUEIts ARE lib'W REBEIVING swevll cif -4 / 1 "q 4 .40 i se ' FALL to' wywr rat utivErg-. I Iltit ror Ca:lsar Prua ate can be bought very low. • . WALI.PAPER. A si4ect assortment just received. 3.11: SAYRE At. BROTHERS CAR P ETI NG. Bargain* offered by zi; IL SAYRE & BROTHERS. PLOWS! :0 PLOWS! ! - 131WS. We invite th e attention of Farmers _1 to the celebrated Peeksluille Plows which we'have added to our large sasortment. S. H. SAYRE & BROTHERS, • Proprietors of Estie Fuendrx. Montrose. Nov..29th. 1858 .sT(,vlis! STOVES ! ! STO VES -! /NUR Stoves h.tve been go thorougilly triad kj , to the entire mitistittlion of all, that they aced no recomniend from us. - S. 11. SAY (:I; & TtRriTII FRS. , ( 1) D IL Ala IT TILE lIEAD OF AV! OATION, A ND examine the choiuu ,lock of Fall -C.V. and %latter Good*, just opened for LAawu,bliou :10 SALE, .r! Lrry tow figures by C. W. .401?. . _ • __ TEr.i.A, . 1)..1.,,,_ n Shawl.. :it very lOvy pri..4.4 by C W. 31011`. ILI A 1 S Tina Cap. iirkg,...t NIA 11.14, in .meat C. W.. WA T Pl{l\ TS w abuminir., by. C. W. 310 err. BASS 111uop. , f lonier'r, 1 . ; Invpv. Belt, ete....te.. by C %V. rtfIVVN and hire 81,..ctifty and Sh rtinga— Shin inz Denims. Sommer n!):". Sr , Sc ., :is 8.4 can in this market. C. W. 310rr. re. OCI:1111 ll:trdware.nntl "tr, ri iiiii •ron , to men. t —;:i: virs:ll%#!4!! he enld Chrap l'..r ~r I' W. 1;147. ri 07111115. ..4spitper, 3n4) Voptintry, very rah.e style.. ril prices camint Nil in .nit. c a t! and b.. enntin.-t.d. C. W. 11/ITT. W .A.TtLiftPAIRERWNT. B. SiMPSON: iu Boyd tC Irtb ler's rier, door above Keeler ct Stoddorcr:. FPV . ING worhed 1 ,, r the put nine years with the titte4 skillful workmen. he freln ootthdent that he :so. do the Mu3t. difficult. jobs IJ n shorl notiee. All Bork IVarnotrit to GITe Salisfarlson %V. ft Simesos: has s. orked ror me for SOM. 11111. renal row “1161. na4 him al 11 . cort•fill and w•.rkman, competent to do as good work 34 ran be dom . ; in.the c%•nntry. and worthy of confidence. Wm. A. en.6littnL/N. Towanda Jane 10th. 185 S. /?rjers in.2-%-‘irm. FL IV. fraird. JE. D. Nlntilyne.E 0. o , mdrich. It King,hilry, chi: B. S. Bentley. L Searle, C. D. Lathriv, J. Vl7ittrot.erp.,., 311.ntrnatl• *.*J..welr% nr.itly rivired nn drnrt notice log ..n .• irrn,n 15Th. 1458 -a. •:i1: : ( - "t W. MANN. Wbolosale Sidt Dealer.- 1, 201 Vl'aalliegton Street, (direetly Wa.hougton stilfriintintws to ofro. to °tot en.intry trade. all kinds of forpt.rn roar,• and fine malt, at the very lowest fi t otres 49000 sacks nil bagAi. eonsi.ting. in part A. 411. lon% I • lbr..tr d .i.tl V.bio and dairy J. !".• t ‘N. It, try IlarsliArts wolovi's, and 500. 0 I.u.hefs Turk. Ntand, CUI r libert, eml i I via. n ten, all of whieli will be sold at bargain priers from shire ond ahtrelimi-er. Any purchn.er wi.hiroz to select from a fond : ,..nrt i nvnt will find it to hie to X. t .ble u:.lt put up in -mall differentand eonst.ntly on hand in ship ~ pia order S AL,, a Ndendid article of It.ick in (punt put lip and for s.de. I,v ill,• gm-11114y. in eaves of five do7i.n each: • V..rt:. April 14. twit --1% • 4r . • n. (t r 'kLich) Loch Mk ' ltem A ' T'. A i•i• 7 -;:-- -1., ' At the Old Stend.ef Lathrop & Co ,LATHROP & DeWIT? L ? EG h•ste to unnouto, to the public in gen t eta.l tht:t they nre now opening ono of the 1 :•rge:•1$701.:101ni 31F.RCUAISMSE (Wet offered in G.mprisinv Dry G...de, Groceries Hard Crock.-rv. &i• . kte . whieh they pr..rume to ..t.41 at the LOW,- ST CASII T lio‘e are real Facts. We wish to drototort.to to Iho public Ow (i.fferenve betstenn Pim Gowt4 for CASH and ( %lE. LATIDIOV & DEWITT. NI "'I roge. To•;1 ‘:fit h. 1 bSR To Al trsl(.l , NS. 111Tlet'IsAlt :mewl, i s e „li, d to the 11 eiecee %,ily of role. Cnitar and B , ?:- V..,1 String. ',mile of the lie-r ti v. iu market. voo t •o•!e , don Vio'inot. Mors, rt•st.. Fit Finer ItoKin.SLe Areofileen.,, rte., Drum Slirk%.Tnnine• liii4riii•tiAin Hooky, ....1., Cill in fa the Varietf Store of ABRI. TEM REI.I. NEW Mi LI'ORD Shawl and Dress Goods Emporium! 'NEW FALL GOODS FULL CAFII AND Pltolll't DIY MoNTITR K. BURILITV LT AS now in:1101'V, and i 4 making urge adds. Lk twin 10 hi, Stock of FALL AND WINTER OOGDS hich lin would is f the attentiun If buy er.; etryle..v.nz t h.. m.,t der.trable ..arietirl or LAMES' !MESA WOWS, including t h e Nrw styli..., of Rich Fall Print. and irr De.' Dural Plaid*, Plain and Plaid 3lcrtnns, Mohair Ginqh •ra*.Silkm; Br.,Nte, Slidla, ca*hrnern, Silk :Ind Won) Shawls. Ruch Ribbon*, Bonnyt* and Plower*, Ntt I fund. I.:idiot:Cloth*, Broadcloth*, Ca,,,,iroor e *, 61", with a full , amuert. moat of other Staple hud Fancy Good*, as usual, Groceries, Crockery', hardware, Stoves, Iron, %feel,- Nulls, flats, and Cape, Boots and !Shoes, Ciarpetiug;noor 01*Cloth% . Palaled latisidowidindes• Fall - ••• Paper, Clocks. • Elirts, (ma c Mundt, ' HU :ones,- aac., rlke. i:41 4 11o , onroc Stock b: sing largo() and houtrbt for ciD.SII, wai give superior opportunity .for nt, ihr Lowr.si ?Iv . ; UR RS ' CASIE ANU POMP - siX MONTHS Ituy,Eits, • Salt & Flom, Plo constantly on ban d aq...hur Int. 183.1. orwrionto has J_JR in. hfontroiso for tho porptote of et:trying on tho DENTAL PaAcTrce in all ita-brinehes. 't He G pow ready to attend to - all ealli in Ma profeavion with prompt-net:A. anti will oodeavorto give 'twirl, satiafaetion. All operation* vAgasrm.:. (Me with Dr. Dl:not,x. Foplt Ibth, THE- MONTRASE 'DEMOCRAT. PUELIstIEI) TIICREDATIS AT MONIIOBE, uF tic'E ON PIALIO . AVENI.II; OPPOSITE THE P, O. Tertsts.—s2 per annum: 2 .2s per cent. dis count if paid in advance; flu per rect. add a to arrenrage accoonta to cover IrwAes, cn<t af collec t i..n, leLf. No peraen receiving= a paper I n credit shill be entitle,d to the benefit Of, any extinytion taw ros a bar t 0 thr relteetien entitle. The receipt of:POpeni on credit; to WI evidence of - an agree ineiet in the Dineentionances optional with the"Publinifer antil nil arrearngica are paid. Ailevrtisemento frniertioi at $1 per aqoare . of 20u 'ptr cent added for cash insertion after the firm. three. One square one year, $ll each addithottil egoar.•, s4 Job Work of all kinds (metaled 'small) and Or..niptly. of tWks always An hand: I tittle dk . :1"oal. Attorneys at lone, have 1.4 removed to their new oft% a few doors south 1803 & Webster's corner: , Mentro.e Oet tin. 3m 1)R. 11 1 10. L. RICHARDSON , wt/til.Dri•specifully trader his l'rofesaliopal Servivs In it.h.il);LtifoN of ltOtiE % - n• d iis Office over Mulford's Store. .. Lodgings at the iceystore Hotel. Montrote. I. rqt h, LAIVREN E, iABIGGS. k illIG:4111116Y, MANUFACTURERS. A stl , HATS, CAPS, AND tliftS, C0". 4 ;035. Umbrellas, Parasols, and Ribbons, AND ALI. . . t' r EICT • No. 46, COURTLANDT STREET, x. II I.A wiu:KcE, EW- YORK. JAS. M. (;I:IGGS. General P:lnneis t— hn. .A C. TYI.FIZ Spev..,l P.rtner. [ . .011.11y.• HENRY B. hicHEAN, TI IR\ arql CI)UNSELLOR al LAW. Ofli,ein the Uniuti Block—.Tuvrund.t, Brod r4.r.i rotaity, i'n. tt'lV ti &mond promptly to all tot,irt,ot inirMited to him, in thir• and ndj..ining .6 • ijr3'fiStf "HOME AGAIN," L'Jl~o Jo Jo Df.;)lgfli. OFFIct, over IT ilfton's More. LODGINGN at SEARLE: I A HOWEL NI ant now. M ,n-h loth. 1858. T BOYLE, kEPRI O EII"AN A CAPITAL Or OVER Per Fill% Marine, Life, and Inland Insurance Offirt.N New Millard, I'a. innoarr lPth. 1853 WM. W smrnr.. dOm iv/ sitql jlild 711anutactor cr.% roilt or Alain street. Moutrome. Pa. ABEL TURRELL, rtIONTRUSE, PA Dealer itt Medicines, Chemical* Dvo Glacß-wore~ Plaint).- Oils, Varnishes Window Ohooi, Groceries, Fahey Goods. Jose. elry. Perfumery, &e.—A hd Agent liar all the nooit popular Patent Medicines. Tashionnble lirstilor—Shop near the fini.te4t Meeting, !tonne, on Turnpike Street. Mont Pn. n ~~~+ ~ TIXAYER, *Physician and Surgeon, Montrose ()Iliin• in tho F:IMIPeN HAYDEN BROTHERS, New :11ilford; Petits'n. lAT bailee:de - denier in Buttons, Conine Sumitentiere, Threads, .Panry Goode Watehre, Jruelrv. Silverand Plated Ware, Cut lery. Pirating 'I k le, Cigt;re, &r.dite. Merchants and pedlars, supplied on liberal Onn. IrAV,DtrA L JOIIN DR. I'. WILMOT, Gradtirlte or the' Allopith:c Tlotrtro 'NAM., Coll,gos of NitAivin7, io r , . - munently locatPd in fl."'" "'"" a- April tit. inon• JOHN SAUTTEE, FnNl:fon:Able Tailor Shop first doo . n. , rth ul the Farmer's Store. - 12.7sinTIV ERMA FIRE INSURANCE. CO.. Cleaiicred by the Stole of Pennsylrania C.,III'ITAIL, 300.000 DOLL.IIIII6. Inures ag , inst loss or damage by fire, on buil drog4, furniture, and s inerehandiAe generally. t w — I.ee‘sea adjusted by arbitration, where the parties foil to agree. .43E1 , fl. A. Hants, John Lt tides, H. limber. Fred. Suftzback, William Wallace, I Eli Klndfi, Samuel Dyer, Thomas Gray, David Strickler. 11. KRABER, Presiden4 D. STRICKI F.R. Scrnisry. 0. S. AfTvot, Slontroße. Pa P.:hruar v I. 1859 [ly• , MUM: NUM, s i,, rpil F.; sniracrilter haringtpurefinsed . , refitted and newly famished lh• •••i • lbllVe lattrwn end popular Hotel 11511 , -,, • prepared to neemninottate the tray elinu public amt others with aft the Mtelfttfans and eonvenieoceg usually found in first-eins.: ',wises. No effort will be spared by the Pro prietor- and his A.mi.itienti, tii mike the Hoff' egna i - every pout to any irttlie country. Thec Bar will always be suppli4d with tor. Choicest Ligmarti. The Stables, connected with this Hods. are laxity, roomy and convenient.and careful and at! Hostieris are always in charge of them J. B. TARBELL. • :Montrose. Mnyl3th. 11968 '•• ; -M O:V° L TiseHaddle. Illarneolm ind Trunk %bop Of IY. Kngla r a 'Fs REMOVED,* the building rivlntly beet, 1 piedC C 11.)1110er, on Main St., one dm* abovo S. S. Matta, where he will be happy to Wait on 'ail whammy tiviorhim with tkiluratton nge. • - Jan.2olh, 11558.—te. , • Piatcmt Irediotilt Ad. READ I 4 PFLI Cr ED. READ /!. ' G R AMI Eil RF:4 Han las ca.—Pei - 4W S . PHI. 'Green Mountain Ointment. Sarsaparilla CoMponnd. Children'. Panasea. Eye Lotion. Fe. Yr r and Agoo Rmatedy: Areal* Sittsts. - Alysettr . wry Byrilp.. _Consumptive's , Balm.. Marshall's Uterine, CAI liolVeon, Dr. Libby's Pile. Ointment, - and ;linnael of Hearth. -... , A yre',. - Pills' and Cherry' Peatoral.Yannet's , German Ointment. Trasit's Mbituptic Oiatment. milownyea Ointment and Pills. Dottie Pain Ki lie r.;11e,. -,Fi bah's, lion rteveresser. -- Tfonnipli Root and ttlettt Plili,.' liom_lo Hoyet'tilln It i hn i . ri l vtrenheo. 'Ohm tri,gretatie Pi II s, Rh ode"a Irsiste .: and Arieruie? Merchant's tlergllnif Oil; /Init.: , ea Lin imen t i Camphor. - Cast,t' Oil.lPitt* Aloes, Prirolo4lll EfAiKee; Ati., 'die.; liiii A no w'snppljyjnet received, to he ken! ennahni ly on insnd,lor sale by Ir. PLWIMILARD4 - ... „ October. Isl. 1466. - ' • ' - : REMOVAL. 07, 1 000,00* JOAN GROVES, TRACY HAYDEN (EO. HAYDEN. VO It K. Ira • itenstarry COMIMEHICIAL CULLEGE. CEARTERED S4MA/4- att«i.ding Januaq. N 9 w the largem stet t theree2lt 01,1111110r cial.Schuta of ale Uhilad It;tattm.. Young tuen piepered for actual dialogical . tlio Counting Room. J. C. Sum, A. AL, Prof. of Book-Iteoing and Felirtitifie Arcotants. A. T. Douturar, Teacher of Arithmetic and inoculation. J. A. Iluv MOCK and.T. C. /mouse, Teacher of Book. Vrephig. , - A Cow LILY and W. A. Bfrum.x, Profs. of Pam manehip. - SINGLE AND DOCBLE ENVIE DOOR "[ESPIED, • AS u-ed in army department of COMMERCIAL A KITH hiETIC 7 —.KAPILI BC- _ SIN EB:4 Witt e'ETECI 4 IN'G TER Far DION 8Y— M EItCANTILETORILI,IBIIINDENCE - COII.IIBRetAL - LAW— . Are tauzht :uui ii 1 meter muNects nrcensary fur The 4tiervalsiniil thurcingh eituratiun' pr a practi cal bmiine,u man. . lan ER a - Drawn an the Premiums in Pittsburg (fir the past threo years, Mau in Eastern end Western Citien t ftrr tett Writing. Sell' E\tilCA{'h:y WOESIE. 111PORTANT INFORMATION. . St udeMs enter at any time—Nu vacation—Time unlimited—Review at pleisure—Graftates as sipted to obtain Ili tontioo*—Toltion for full Com ore's-MI Course, s3s,oo—Ayerage time 8 to 12 rd, $2,50 per weel-rStatiuoery, s6.oo—Ent cost, 860,00 to $70,00. Fir3liainteeri sons merit ! d at half price.- For Card —C;rttalar—Sp.-cins e ha of Buaineas and Ornamental Writing—lke:olle two stamp., and addre,o4 F. ‘I7.II;;MCINS, PAIRtom. Pa. • Fh•ptentla. r 'ollt. (49‘11-*.w • 4 FUME FOR EVEZIN BODY! SIMSCItIOES Fort 211 F. Nq11:11-r1z . 401 . triciii Vrtss. A BEA LiTSFULLY ILL CESTP.ATMD rjMftT NEW-VAR-if itiTlE NE%V.YOf WEEKLY PREISS IS li one or the best literary pipe - ra dr the tidy. A hour Qmtrto rontnining 'l•dentf Paaes. ur of entertaining mutter; and File. gently Illuatrated every week. . A Gift Worth from 50 ormts to $lOOO bt• i‘ent, to each .om/critter on tiro receipt of the sub nriptiuu money. IT lINS--.-IN ADVANCE! One copy for ont )oar, anti 1 girt.. $2 Three 000.1 one year. and 3 gHte . Five copies (.ne year. and 6, giftn' . . 8 Ten copies one year, end 10 gifts . 15. Twenty-one mini.. el one )Car, and 21 gifts 30. The articles to be distributed aril comprised in the following list:- 1 United States Treasury Note $lOOO. (10 do do 500 , each. 5 do _ do do 200 each. 10 do , do . do 100 each. 10 Pat. Lev. Ilunt'g Cased Watebes 100 each. 2) Gold 'Witt:ilea . ' '75 each. 50 do - 60 each. do - - - 50 each 100 Ladies Gold Watches . . 35 each. .200 Silvt4 Hunting Cased Watches 3U each. 500 do Watches - 815 to 25 ea c h ; : j 1000 G,d•Guard, Vest and Fob ttiainA to 30. do do Pens aid Pencils - 6to 15 each. Gild Ititeitets. ltirdeclets, Butts:hes, Ear Drops, Breast Pitts. Cuff Puts,Slrt ve Buttnns, Kings. Shift Studs, Wa tub Ket s.G'uld and Sil ver TII bled, a nd a tari e ty of other articles, worth (rout tiny cent, to fifteen dollars tech. On reeeipt of thesubeeription money, the sub - eeriber's name will he entered upon oar loioks opponite A tilitlibtek. And tialL i•orrotpotaliog with that number will Le forwarded v. lade one week, -by mail or express, post, paid. There i. neither tillinbug nor to , tery about the st.ove, as every subscriber is Nun• of a Prize or value. We prefer to make this liberal distrilm tion anton, them lrevread of giving a large corm mission fo agOkts, gi!lro.t the torliseriber tht amount that would - or-to the agent, in . ntant cases a hundred fuld,more. Fir Address nll von.loun'o.ations to DANIEL ADEE. Publisher. May 21.-11.1 21 t Criitits SyeeLNeve g C-) 6 Ce . N/14, Fr() 310THER:4 ; wivt s & DAUGHTERS. I)r. It A LA g WV) 'S Pe rig.dival G:anpound. The most beni-fiefol and awressful FEMALE It r. terse now in use or knuteh. tor all eases of dim.. ordered, obstructed or suppressed Menstruation, Lueorrhtea,Fetuale Weaknesg 4e. Ladirm with have been disappointed it the tise of Female 4e , can pat the ttinv;oit ennfidenpy in this Cum. pound, it is iufahiule in the elite, or nth he above named cutript;iiitS. - It AiII he sent by mail In any address by enclosing 112 to-nne nutherized rcent. Prtpaced b:t• R.:l. ANDREW Buffalo Y.Y. Kt 'ode ih lllontrose by BENTLF,V:READ. & CO mar 13'58- 1,11 HOWARD ASSOOIATIO • PHILADELPHIA. • A Benrroictit inittiallbare.stabliatted-peciat e s &unman/ for the relief of the ma- anddisiressid, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemiediseasis. THEIIOWARD AS , OCIATIOII,IIIviett of the uw. fit dextruethm of 'limbo life, caum3d by Sex. nal diseases, and the deceptions prartirta upon the unfortunate victims of such' 4iiseaarst by Quacks, severol-Yeara ago directed their Crm softie! Sorgeoo„as n cnAtirriorm Ml 7 worthy hr their name, to open n Di.pehgary for the trent:. meet of Ibis class of diseases, in all their forms, and to give MEDICAL AIiVICE'QRATIS. tO nil who apply by' letter. u lib a description of their eon. dition, (age, oveupstion, hitthits of life, &e...) and i n cases 0 1 extrem e poverty'. to furnish medicines free of charge. It is needless to add that the Association commands the highest media') skill of the age, and will furnish the .most improved miadenktreattnent. - The Directors orthe Metafiction. in their An null Report upon the treatment Of Seittel Di naves, for tint yen ending looney Ist; 1858, exprece the hightt. , ...t. actiefaftion with the entrees which hart attended the labors of the C 0 1 1001 412 Sorp.,eon in the cure of Spermatorrhotn. Sentinel Wee e. m pot enee. Gonorriita.Gleet. pi I ht. the vice of Orani,.'m nr Selt.rtbutte., iket i • 21114 or d.'r a continuance of the &lute plan for the ed. acting. y nor. Au iidmin,b!o Report nn Spertnntorrhma. or Seminal Weaknesss the nice of Onanism, Master. or.Beft-abuse. and other diseases of the llPXll7it' Mgana. by the Consulting Harmon. will be sent be mai; (in a !waled envelope). FREE OF CHARGE,: 'on the = receipt- of TWO sTAMPS for_ postage. Other - A*oode; atait Tracts on. the nature and trealMent, segaar disease*. diet. &e.. are eanstantly bring ',Allah ed for ambitions distribution snit will be, n om to the, Sstuts of dm. Moe remedies en d . met 1.41 of treatment. discovered during t h e b u d. r i. a e, At e , of great vslutt, Address, for 'Repott„ or Treatment, Dr. LI .1 NDOUGIiTON, Awl gSo mean; Hi , w. ardAneuviniiPo. No. 2.tkorth Ninth - Street, Phil adelphia Pa. By order ofthe.Directers; :EZRA D- BEARTWELL Pivriaterw;; Gan. Froncnii.n... • ee 2111 v. I, .TOTE, SNEEZI64B'PIIIitiCk. Duenove COebnateit•Cirtirrlll Suing& • ' • •I'44,tir' 4V •f.Y.e-41.4. 44thLE1rAftgD7:•:' THATER:'' NoAt - Nitre: • _ ' 2 s:tf. l ,l7olPnfr4 - g: • • - ..- ! W,ntrt:TßATgtt. ,1%714jr: - Still ?bey Comet - • ierei biAis rA 416 .4 at 1 0$ ' 1 " dt'ai Id: 3 MOUS It -Will toe )fish sny . thipir Irr - theiNterit :Weal otherwise:till at 'the'Plifelitoilltote. Don't, for get the place, duten totem., LTITAYER. Montrose, March 341; 181k1. - Heim*,ld's Gerinini Propitrailori; eighty Contentroftd Compound Mid- latrad MAL :For_ Diseases "-ff the tiladdir, Kidneys, Grata Dropsy, _Weaknesses. Citoptructions, Secret Di.seaAes, Female Confplainir, and WI - Distaff:No% tin .S xnel .irising:fkuu esees !! es.ood maprudeneeA in.lj fe,niid retnovirrgAimpropeidischarges todu the Wi d. der, tta iieyx, or Ark it al in. ) ; s whether ex lid ing in MALI: ORlT3:flitt, front Whatever ranee !Noy may hafe'orlgitiated. and no toaster of how lngstnnAltag, giving health and vigor to the rililo•% and bloom to the pallid rlit ek. . JOY TO THE AFFLICTED It It cures nerl,ous debilltat. d xull, ergo and removes nit Vie syinprerns, aniong-st hieh will lie found i nrlispo.t,ion to exertion, 1..1.01 Of powi.r.imqi ut memory. ditfteuti y ..f breathing.. gee era I w esk -11(04 horror of disesaw,_ APAC nerves. tremhlmg, dreadful horror of death, night sseats.cold feet, takerniness,dimitemis of vision,languonti...iversal itis,aitintir of the niusvular system, often eno r mo u s appetite, with d3ap. ptie symptoms, 11.4 hands, nolhina of the terdy, eryness of the skin. palIM eon mem nee and eruptions on the fare.pain in the hark, heaviness of the eyelids, freqWently black spots flying before the 9% es. with a teraporJry suf usion and intosof sight;want of otterition.g reit: rro to dlegimr., with horror Rociety.— liutliiit ig`more desirable to such patients than .olitude.and nothing they more dread. for .fea r of themselves; no repose of maoner,no earnestness, no speeulati.n. but a hurried transition from one question ro : nn,,ther. These nymptomn, if allowed to go nn—which thin medicine invariably removes—BMM follow - a lons of pourer, fatuity and epileptic fite—in ono of which the patient may expire. Who ran say that these excesses are not frerently. YolloU'ed by those direru! &seamen—insanity a nd yon.tonp tion ? The record. to the Immo asylum.. and the meinnehnly deathi by ennseMption ben r nut. plc U,itueas to th e truth of these asnortiOns. In lUnatie asylom., the most melanehOlv•eillibitinn rppunr.. The - countenance isaetnaliv 144 'e n & quite destitute—neither mirth i.r grief ever Yin. its it. Should a sound 'of the vciee eeenr, it is rfirelcnrciruilite. measurer wvn •TesP,ir ' I,ow soollensounds his griefbsgnited." . - Debility is 1111. most terrible! and has brought thoo-ands to untimely grnves. %hos blasting the ambition of mane noble youths. 'Lamle cured by the 1.14 e of this- INFALLIBLE REMEDY. If von ure suffering with any of the nt Vt. dig. tri.mmin ,, aliments, the Fluid Extract ilindoi wilt elifY you. Try it and i,e eiinv•nred of ita aflia:Ley. tar peware of genet no-tronn. nud quark doe. torn, sisily !mast of abilities and to retl;rtro g. Citizensknow and avoid ihrm.and re rejibg, npl'nev,and exp”sii're. by relating .1' rail ing for of this popular and cp.rifie rem edy. It allaya all pain and irt.rnmatien, I. per feetly plpatutht in its taste ar,tl odor, but immedi ate in artion. RELPABOLD'S EXTRACT BROW TS prepared direetty aecordiou to the rule, of Pharmacy, and Chetni.tr% , with the greatest AO rdtetey and ehern tea I Laws ledk'e and ,ear.-devo ted in its comb mama. See,Profe.o.or D. wee, valuable a arks on the practice of ph)eic, and moot of the late standard worIN of medicine igfrB 100 Jlllll One htthdred dollara will be pitid to any phpit fan who , enh prose th a t th e medione ever injured a entient:and the reld 'mon v of /hoe unes can be product d to prose that it does great good. CASV.s a from ore , week to 13 years' -.lauding hate been effected. The llama of %tiluntary teistiknon) in pmeo ssion of the Pro. pr:etor, %.oaelting its virtats and curative pcoaers, imm. nse, embracing name, lkrtf known In Science and Paine. 100,000 Rot lea'hare bet -n told and not a "Ingle in•tanee brr,Oure htt4 been reported! ' Pert . ally appeared before me, an Alderman of the Citi. of Philadelphia. H. T. Ilellebeld. Chemiftt, being deity dvroam doe , " .e,v. that hi'. preparation contains no rslireone.'Mereur3 injurious Drug. hat i, pure.. Vegetah'e. H. T.,lle4nliold, Sole Ntaiitif.d.ttirer. Sworn and subw•ribed before me this 23d day of Nor 1854. We, P. 1111111AUH. Alderman. PriC* $ or -ix for $5. d.•firrred to an,' .7.ddremm.:tecornimnied be rrli..l)le and re. , ponsibii• rerlifientes from Prof . ..l4.rd'. of Mr. - lie:it C..llr•Fms, Ciergythen.nnd ,•ricers. Prriinred and sold by . 11. T. liF;IMB01.1). Prortiral and lionivtiool Chrmiot.' ?in. 52 South loth st. lo.onw Chestnut, Pa. br- had or all Prn.zimll9 find Dealers in the and Briii-h Prntinr.- • B.•ware of Counterfrit4. —t a k.,•_nt,nt.t....... o..rooitvd. nvrin , 3lnntroor by AISEL. TURRELL Arent. Jan. :to. '5B —1 v. I Z.NEW G.QQDSR-4:; --- AT --- H. J. WEBB'S. MONTROSE. APRIL. 3oth 186 C wiluriEß AlanANGe,u,t7ur. a - Emmmmxpo Delaw . it Lackawalatia SO MORE `,TAGIRG! ThrotO to Philadelplaia by Bail v, EIV ARE, 11 LACKAWANNA & E.STKRN RAIL ROAD—New and expeditione brad owe route from the Non and West. via Great Reed ace Bcrunion: and from the Lackawanna and Wyoming valleys, through to New York and Philadelphia. On and after Thur.dav,December. 16th, 1858, trains will be run an folinvett: The Night Express Train oennd east or. N: & Erie IL H. arrives at Gre:.t Bend at 1.33 a. to, and cumin* with the EXPRESS Train Ithieh leaves Great Brod fur Snwiurk and l'hiladrlvllia at B.ov a. In. Due at Iforttrotte, ' - -ii 31 r• Tuukhanfleek, 9.18 4' Factorpille, • , - 9.43 " ' • Serzpue, _lO3O " - 11.1i)veuw, i F. 17 " St r"uti,,burg, , Lid p. tr. Water Gape t 25 " Delawate,(ls_mintites to dine,) 1 ISO " Bridgeville, ..... 2.20 " Junction. Now . York, - I, l l.finelphiri Pasfmnirers-fron N. Y., ienve Pier No. SI North River. at From Phpadelphin,tenye!put St. Whnri, at ' - ' 600 " 1-:rare Junction, 7 1 10 " • Due at Brict„lnvilte, „_,, 12 - QI T. in. Delaxiitte.:(idlninAoilioneil);i246- " Water Gap,„ ' - 42.55. " ... lathinti,t4ngs, ~:' ' ': "'i, ',.":', '''...• 31013'q',.1 i;,,e..w, ' . Scranton,'.'tco , . • Factorivittei s • 4,52 -" Mrenlittatneeti,--- - , ' 5.i t " Ifontroee;; . . -,. • --- ....! 4.38 " .- I Great Send. '-. •:. . —,-.. 6.35 " Connecting at Great Bend with the Acenimilochititori r riainleareFl-7erib tun r.,r Great Bend at 00. a. tn. Arrive at Greet Bend. 2 r m••• • Citotiretiog _with the , Btnigrat Train est at. 2 20..' the' Dunkirk Exprov4 at 4.35, , 'and thtiN. Ptts? l , east; At 3 (tip. m.. • Retdruing, ?eaves Greet Bgtid .320 p. dv. Ddeattertinti.o, 8.50, Fortheai•entottmdetiop 'slay trat et on BotitheetiPiitiso,lt,paisengel etir . lOU be tubed tit the Eipiess Freight Triits;tettiktig ! , 401. 0 ti14,01 1 ti..i4:± 1 x4 7 0. Dne at 10'0! • • 4 ittnetiejtite'.. 2 0 FL m• Keturiting,will Telt? Tiincticittt 3 . 4b#..tn. Due 41 t*ittitrdattltig itt 715 . ~ • tk:.tit,. I'auttn`g..rt('te tindlintlygell idefoKik whfl 4.lCoitie rrin, of iim4;tior NJ' P,llls%piti, ftinLybton. and Williest)Pr;lC lake G : dEAL t. R.Yiots' -at Sernlaton- Itimitifi. XrehlWd; and Ca rtiondsle ; the Rtigeeiet • r Tieketis eold,aid baggage elierkeiWretAlV -1 JOH NIIIIII3IIIN Wit.lN; hinkhliareielVielikt int j" Serintee: Doi. 10th, 1858: • • 313 " 7.16 " 8.15 " I SO a. m 7.)Ct 'I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers