Watintworos, Jen. many people wonder concerning the alleged determination of the Republicans of the "louse not to pet mit the tariff law to be amended this winter if they can possible stare-oil Allah action, we may not improperly M. that it is generally understood among their outside friends. here, that they have come' to this conclusion under the belief that it will bo best for the political future of their party , to prevent the wishes of Pennsylvania from being gratified, with nsfer epee to the duties on iron ' until after the neat Presidential election, if they can com Pam that point,. They are playing a gam° asbold as dioap to this matter.. 1 . Jury List for January Terns I=l Arnold, Samuel .. Clifford. Allen, Lumen : . Silver Lake. - Bishop, Austin .. New Milford. ' Barnum, John.. Middletown. L D...Jaekson. r rah, George Onk land . Beardsley. Tobn.. Auburn. • Bailey, David .. Liberty. Bullard, Z. D..-Bridgewater. Bailey, Joseph . Liberty. Bingham, James.. Jackson. Bemire, Elijah ..New Milford. Crozier, E. F... Friendsville. Chandler, F. Ir. ;Montrose. I)eakin, John . . Liberty. ..Deeker, Jacob. :Bridgewater. Deuker, John C... 1131101. Graham; John 5... Bridgewater. Haywood, Adolphus . . Gt. Bend. Hawes, Lumen .. Forest Lake. Hickez, James.. Springvil le. Jenkins, Stephens ..Thcnipson. Johnston, George,. Middletown. Johnson. Jeremiah . Silver Lake. Keaton, lames.. Springville. . • Langclon:'J. T... Bridgewater. • McKain, Joseph A .. Auburn. MessengeriEbenezer..Thornp.:on Oliver ..Jsckson. .- ..nvas, John..O.ildand. Robinson, Holloway.. Lenox. - Smith, John 11.. New M Von!. Tltayre, 11/ race.. Lathrop. Thornas,bigar.. t. tjen 1. Williams, Hiram:. New M:lfoitl. Wheaton. Wni.''Wt...lark.on. Notice,—The ," Itrid,gewate'r Educational Association",mects en Saturday of each st - e 4: at 1 o'clock, p. m., at the •• Free School House' in Montrone. The friends of education are re-. spectfully incited to attend. , jar.l4w'2.l B. 0. CAMP. See Nol t‘bo desire to obtain Timeheyis' Blank Monthly Reports can do ao - by 'calling on E. Cusbnian in Montro.o (boarding at Mrs Bir• ehyrds* . nepnsite Mr. James Deans') or on 8. I.yoi in - l.ksw Milford. ono door above Ward'a store. Those who will write me either at Sew Mil ford or Montrose, that they desire some Wank' for Monthly Reprts, will hare them seat im mediately.. - B. F. TEWKSBURY,Co. Supt.. Beware of Quack Nqstrtons and Quack Doefors,—.l7se ffelmtodeq Highly Ctmeentrated Extract Biehu fu• all Diseases of the Bladder. Kidneys and Sexual Orgins. Read the advertisement, “ lirlmboltib Genuine Pre paration. [tj2o. Whito-litan'a Barber Shop, , T .THE-* 1 2D111 3f NTROSE. -31) W. H. NEWEY, • Who w all he without It f--Exinpvt of a letter—Coneot Stater. Wand, New York, Dec. ith, IRs6.—Dri. ToBIAS • Ailow me to interim von. after four plus' personal trini.on men and iwaxtx- that I ...mild not be without your Yen... ti ,n Link:tent in myha - use if the cost.u^avtts "per'bottl, l . I I.: re nct er c>c I! -anvil - ring of the kind to tie,: it, I': Wastu.n. PrOe and 50 . cts. Depot, SII Cortlardt-aL, New Vork. S by ABEL ; TURRELL. . i A • 5100tr0.a4 l'a., Renewal y'ti Ointment and 1" he 10:4.—Ifoitation has been defined ea the tribute witch ignorance end Glee paatn.ekill and Genius, l.ut _as such a t• tribute - to Profexibr IniAt involve the most terrible eon. tonsequeners. to the sick, they are enjoined it, ter. -- in - ath e iliA and Ointoieut the-4 - putehenc. Ilnlese the sentence 'Holloway: NjYr York and London..' is waler riiarkeid on every the. article in heron." hay . 1A stareyou have the genuine p:reparations, and no form of eritptixe , or uleeroLm-disease—no phare. i tif indigestion. liver complaint, or intestinal disorder, need alarm you. • lrotice.—Ate. It. U. will,preach in the Uniremolist Church in 14on4ote on Sun dae next, 7an...2 31 , at the 'canal hou're. !important to fewatieso-RrL cheene itrue% 1 1 ...epared by Co.=tieTrux L. aiese-. Man, Neu. Fork City, The conthina#OCtif gradients in these Pills are the result. 'of3 long, aiid eitensire practice. They are .miletrilKeir' oficiation,and certitin in correcting nil irregular!. ilea, it:kirllnl menstruatirms, removing all okstittc ibet*er from cold or otherwise,bente . pain in thi Bide. palpitation of the heartodistorbed sleep, which :wise from inteirupbon efulture: TO MARRIED LADlES,these Pills are intal; tiablc; as they . will bring on the monthly period with regularity. ladies, 'who have been "disap pointeit in the use of other pills, ran place the utgtost c .nfiden:te in Dr. Cheeseman's Pills do ing all they are represented to do. NOTICE.—They 'Should not . be used during Pregnant-Iy, ns a miscarriage would iertaisly re sult therefrom. Warranted purely vegetable, - and free from anything injurionA to life or health. Explicit directions, which should'be read, accompany each box. Pike 61.. • Sent by mail on uncles. ing.sl . to any authorized agent. R. B. H CTCHIIGS, Genera! Agent fur the United States, lis Chambers-'St, New- Yol*. To whom all Wholesale'orders should be ad. dressed. . ABEL TERRELL, 31orArose, Pa. Dr. J. W. LYMAN, Totikharrnock. GROVER AED BAKER'S CELErtRATED FAMILY SEWING-MACHINE"), 495 Bioadway New York'. 18 Summer Strekt, BostOn. 730 Chestnut St reet.Ptiladelphia. 137 Baltimore Street, Baltimore. 58 West Front Street; Cincinnati. -A NEW STYLE.--/INE' $5O. This macbiae sews from two spools, as Ekr eb.ased from the store, :4 qpiring no rewindingof thread; it flems, Sells, Gathers, and Stitehtss, k o a snperior style, finlihing each seam by its ogra, opneation, withont recourse to the handneedbi r. axis reunited by other machines. It willdo.het; ter ;uid Cheaper sewing than a ' seamstress "ism, even if Abe works forAne cent an hour. S.,:en Fog • Cuica.* F. B. CHANDLER, Ago!' I, Montrose: " dec9tf,, 1111141_1141/00 - . - in Warren, itridrotar4...W.:ac the ratidenee of - toe bride's fattier, on Vie' 6th, hy - 11.0: James rt. riVelbidet. Ur. WILLIAM - HAMLIN, and Win ROSB . TTA WEBSTER; both orWai, ren. . In . CarboodSle City. Due. Ibtb: iB3B.by Rev. E. L. May; Mr. • WEBSTER D. l'lniit*U. and Mies JENNIE M. BRAY,both of istleabgvo Io:. 4thrtrP, the Jab inst. by 8, W. Tewksbury; An,' gr.. W.lOl/11). sod Mks PIIEBE A HAWLEY, bntft of-Brevidys:i EMPLOYMENT. A MONTH, AND ALL EXPENSES PAID.—An Agent is wanted in every town and county in the United States, to en gage in a respectable and easy business, by which the above profits may be certainly realized For further particulars, address DR. . HENRY WARNER,comer of Broome and Mercer streets, New:York City. enclosing one poste ge stamp. [j 10* S. Administmtriz' Notice. WHEREAS., Letters of Administration hire been granted to the subscribei on the es. tate of ANDREW ROONEY, late of the town. ship of Auburn, deceased,—all persons Indebted to the said estate are requested to make 1111. mediate payment, also all haring just dimands against the same will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. CATHARINE ROONEY, Adnanistratrix Anbarn, Jan. 20t11,1859.—w6.* " NEW DOO POWER; A GREAT INVENTION': Patented Joule 16111, 1858 by A. G. WISE, Great Bend, Pa. WE recommend this POWER to all those who haVe Churning to do, as' being em. inently adapted to their Wants. It id simple and efficient, requiring less weight to operate It that any other power used for a similar purpose. It is cheap, and at - thee mo time pernjanent. Its conatftetloo is so perfectly adapted to the work it has to do, that it Is impossible to got it out of order. At the Snagnehanna Ctiunty Agricultural Fair, held et Montrose, Sept. 30th. lII* it appears from the following report of the Committee on Farm Implements Addison G. Small's Dog Pow er took the rinsr PREMIUM. Here is what the Committecaays: "They have been, much pleased in the examin ation of Addison Broslis newly invented Dog Power for Churn'n;;; combint.kr, as they believe, more power with less friction, at Is.= expense that any, mac Line that has yet come, under their observation. The ease with which it can he eon. greeted or repaired; and the power . indefinitely increalied, is 'a recommendation that cannot be extended t 6 the endless chain or roller---its plielly is truly a remarkable feature, and a dairy man bas - only to arty:lire the ordlnarrability to use a saw, , to make a mortice and tenon, and he has one of these machines within himself. When we consider the drudgery from which ki farmer's wife is relieved by those achievements of skill and genius, they cannot avoid feeling grateful for every effort that may be made for such .a desirable result. They award him the premium of $l." CALEB CARAIALT, Committ ee ABEL CASSIDY, . The above indorsement is a sufficient guaran tee that this invention is not one of those worth. less palette which have gulled the people so ex tensively. 'Any one wishing to purchase town or empty, or individual right, can now be accommodated. We invite those who are interested ip improving and cheapening firm implements to give us a call and .examine our 1)og Power.' We offer such inducements that thous who engage in thir business are not,only sure to make money them scl‘es, but prove a blessing to every ono who has churning to do whom they furnish with one of these time and labor eating Powers. - - • SMITI-I,RECKIIOW S. YOUNG, jati.:20,'.50.1 • Great Bend, Pa. A. CA.1:17:1. THE nuclei-signed, the Founder and I'ublisher of Van Courts Counterfeit Defector, desi- rous of retiring from this branch of business, has merged that old established work in the popular Bank Note Detector of Imlay & Bicknell. Hay ing published Van Court's Detector since 1839, the undersigned reluctantly parts with his old friends seal subscribers; but this reluctance is lessened by the conviction, that in Imlay & Dell's Rant• Note Reporter they will receive a work that matches the times. J. VAX COURT. IVotloo. All subscriptions to IMLAY & BICKNEI.L'S • Bank Note Reporter are paynble scrupulously in adcanee• Tnis is the f , ldost Note Publication iu the world. For thirty long Scars it has maintained an ucaullicd reputsti , m. Lnd eontinfies to be the necessary Oiopanion of all business people over the whole continent of Americo. .THE COINS*OF THE WORLD! Now in press by lw lay & Bicknell, will ilegiven oestuituush• to all old and new subscribers. All Chin Charts, Guides and as compared • • solar be eminirlered waste paper. . . TEllllS—Fenlimmn.. :tl4.nth ly Single copies at the counter 10 Mailed. Address IMLAY & BICKNELL. Box lin, PestOftiee, Philadelphia, Pa. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. COURTS OF APPEAL. friar commosloNEßs OF SUS quehnunn County have fixed upon the following named days and plates, for holding Appeals from the Triennial Asseasment of 1859, to wit: Forest I...:l;..ilOnaisy,' February ft 1 st, 185 9 at ,the houie ofDtisi,Clark,in Foreittake. t • _ Silver Lake and Choeonut, Tuesday. Februa ry .•2nd. at Kimball's Hotel in Choconut. lliddletown. Ajmiamoi and Friendmille Born', Wedneislay, Febriiarv..23d, at Jackson's fluted, in the Bon; of Frieuilmille. . Rosh and Aeharn, Thursday, February 24th, at the Snyder Hotel in Rush.. . : . Sprine ille and Din:tack-Friday, February 26, at the bona° of Spencer Hiekox, in Springville.: • Brooklyn and Lathrop, Monday; February 28, at-the holt- eof James O Dullard, in Brooklyn... Harfoid and Lenox, Tuesday, Mirch.lst, i ii at the 'house of N. W.Waldron, in Harford. Clifford, Herrick and Davidoff Bora', Wednes day, March 24d, at the Dundaff hotel in Boudoir. Gibson, Thursday. March 3d, at are house of Joel Steenback, in Gibson. Thompson. Ararat l and Jackson, Friday, M'eh 4th, at the house of I. J. Turner, io Jackson. Fr.‘nklin and Liberty, Monday, • March 7th, at the boost of nein Jonea,ln Lawny. New Milford and Great,Bend, Tuesday, Molt Bth, at the Surnmennille hotel in New Mittewl. Burnooy, Oakland and Susquehanna Bora,' Wednesday, March 9th, at the house of Thomas Carr, in Strequehanna Bora' Montrose and Bridgewater, Friday,March i 1, at the Commissioners Office in Montrose. Jessup. SaturdA", March 12th, at the house of Daniel fluff in Jemiup. -By order_of the Certuniitsionerm. . - Wro a CROSSMON, Cleric. -Corumissioneri Office, # 114troee. Jan. 7th, 1859. Jrl.lo - Register's, Notice— • PUBLIC:NOTICE is hereby given to nil p'er mons concerned in the following &gates, to - Eatata of FREDERICK PICKERING, late of Sasquebans4l, Frances Piekerin g. Ad iietratrix. :Estate of D. BLACKINGTON, late of Gib son, Lyman Blockingson, Administrator. Estate of LUKE BLAKESLEE, Its of Dim oak, Urbane Smith, Administrator. Estate of S. 8. HIBBARD, lite' of Aubdrn 3. E. Hibhard,'Adightlistestor; Estate ofl. ILIBIIOIVIDUCR. ' late' of - Rush, H: Champion, Administrator. Estate of, L. „late of Herrick ? John Smiley, mitithiliamtai; I - Sidelemf Othlni-LlDED,letar Of Irdheif lag Lord, je.oAdatiaistrator. • Estate of ELIZABETH GRIE 14 WOOD, lite of Harford, Wm. CTifratiy. Executer.- &tate. of. /ARES TRAVIS htte4(l.4l;ttriy, S. W,,Trieetlellatial Travis Eire. ;Vitali CI P3s' JIM Alain:o'a • Charles Tingley A.datinattrelme. That the amaotttania"-here settled °Manta in the Register's Office: and for Ilia Ceuitty-of Susonehatins, • and that the lame bik ite44340 TO> ea jua g 4 id the Cif hiss' 4 , 14 1 1 1 Cglatitti, ot, Friday,Jrueesey Mgt, ifor conga, Woo end.allowanee. - • CHAK43 NEALE, Register: Montrese.Pee. 2,7 th , 1868. ; ; _ (WANTED, ACTIVE, HONEST man in every comity in the States, to travel sr canvass for the NEw YORE 9.nninus—a bean- Ilion' , illustrated monthly Journal. To 4uita- Lie, active mep, a salary of ',lip° per year and a small commission sill be .plitJ. Address C. P. Baum:, Publisher. juin 4t) 80 Beekman-st, N. PATENT ANGULAR KAY KNIFE. . 1111.9.1tiud of.LIAN ili.ll - 111PE is used to LL Cut fifty In a ittuw us Stacks. 'rho follow /ens: will abow.itov; useful.tho liaises are. ICLINTaII, P. • Ma. ZEHNEIL :—/kOr Sir :--Please remosabor the township I bought of you,-1 made• one bemired dollars in a few weeks, in selling your Hay Knife. Please , find enclosed $9.0 again for the tight of two more townships. D. CLIFTON. Persons wishing to Make money as stated above can do so by sending Ten Dollars to me. and I will send by mem a printed genuine Deed, for the right of any township you may wick in Susquehanna County, isa., and I will send by Railroad one Knife for a - model, but you must state, to what station "on want It sent, &e. Full particulars how to make the Knives, and cost of Knives, will be sent with the Deed, upon the re. ceipt of price as above. Thin is no humbug. Address D. ZEHNER, j.13m2• If ornerville, 31edina Co , Ohio. LETTERS UNCALLED FOR. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post . Offiee at Montrose, Pa., Jan. Ist, 1869. Abott, Samuel S. Hallock, William Anson, Maul Rachel A. Hopkins, Jonathan Brown, Mrs. Jeremiah Jenks, Perry Brown, George Keeler,- Daniel BH.f.'4ll..cyrus Merriman, Albert. 2 Brundage, Freeman Sherman, %V 'II. Cameron, James P. Shove, Miss S. J. Davis, Mrs. Mary Scadder, Isaac Davison, Miss Lizie Taylor, S. IF Eaton, R. H. Taylor, R. K. Gregory, Alva 2 Watkins, Catharine Harding, Miss Julia West, Theresa Hammond, Samuel Vanwinkle,- J. 11. Harden, Miss Emma Persons ealling.for any of the above letters will please say "advertised." . 11. J. WEBB, P. IL Montrose. Jan. lat. 1859. NEW YEAR PRESENTS. _ THE subscriber wishes to make a present of about six different Almanacs, for the year 1859, to every family in Susquehana county. They are got up and publisind at a great ex. ',tense, and contain much valuable information. ABEL TURRELL. Montrota, January Ist, 1859. A HAPPY NEW' YEAR TO ALL 7'"N I4 ICO - I = l."'' 1858 is dead and gone, and . 1869 is but just begun. • Soplease call at the Montrose 800 Store and buy a copy of tha Arts of Beau ty by Lola Montez, and subscribe for Godey's lady's &oh at $2,00, or for Peterson'., Arthur's, Frank Leslie's, Mrs. A. S. Stephen's &c., &c., at ore stoh rates. Harper's and the Atlantic at 82,00 each. Call and buy it copy of Livingstone's Ttavols and Explorations M South Africa, and a copy of Recollections of a Lien Time by S. G. Goodriele A tine sett of Chessmen, a beautiful Album, or a Portfolio.a nice Pocket Bible, or a Prayer Book, (of which yop can find 16 or 20 styles,) a copy or Miss Cooper's Mount Vernon Letter, a snperior Pocket Knife, a Pocket Diary and Almanac, La. dy's, Democratic, Farmers',Tri bone, and Juvenile Almanacs for 1859, dre.. &e., and at the same time subscribe for any good Family Paper you may choose al the very lowest club prices. For further items of exciting news and im• portant events please buy and read the N. Y. Ledger of Jan. Bth and 15th, for sale st the Montrose Book Store, by A. N. BULLARD. Montrose, Jan. 4th,°1839. 1 - 111. E. PATRICK, would tike; -LJ after a silence of nearly ten years, to appeal to the moral sensibilities of a very generous pub lic, who have always manifested their sense of appreciation of his usefulness by exacting his strvices when needed or thought to Le needed, but who have . giren no other evidence of grati tude or good will—particularly in the way of "substantial aid" as Kossuth would say—that he now desires* full and entire settlement of all his accounts, also the accounts of the late firm "fPatrick & Dimuck ; and ht. wishes further to e. P atrick "n" 1 " . 7.41 nothing to he considered rcrong,if, after a low remaining unsettled, ilre.." l a 4 1 :„ t t= of a good sluirp. erlkekr, and mue to :RA— to him something that will buy Data and Beek wheat. Please notice this and take.actionaccor dingly.—Yours Truly, . jaina E. PATRICK, JR. V. - nnnUM, •Discocered p t, Last. 4EI A CERTAIN CUREFOR CORNS & BUNIONS! A LL persona afflictpd with these painful ea creseuces,, can effeckperfi , et eares, without the aid of a trurgenn knifh, by dsing Sam ford's Corn Plasters. Sent by mail, post paid, to any part of the country on receipt...of $l. Address L.'. J. SAN FORD, 2,41 Dork-st., duel° or Box 2.61 P. 0., Philadelphia. FRANCIS B. DAVISON, M. D. ----WILL and Surgery, in M . orareseanri aeljacenl male of Susque- Fatima county. OFFICE in the Store of C. )1. 7 ., Steyr, Eeq. RESIDENCE Corner opposite the 'Methodist Church. • Stimtrose, Nov. 16, 1858. WATER CURE. Ximighanaton. Drowse Coma, y. N.Y. Ttettlils ahlu' hmCnrie. open for the reception I of patients during the s'lto:e year, and is arranged with a • view to the couffort .ind we. Tentative of invalids during the Com) NVEaraan. WIER VMS IMOVROF are thoroughly warmed, and the entire house is kept at'Sustame. TEEISPSDATUR.E. Experience has demonstated that the Water Treattnentje most successful during the AUTUMN AND MINTIO MONTHS. EXPRESSLY TO TOE SICK. 'Yofirtiro Miff to be curet!. You long for .bealtb.--thaka tbe'Praper effort ami.your health will bo . reatored. ' Aro your Liver anti Stomach dim:seed f Are your Throat and Lungs diseased r .-Are you Bed-Riddeo—unable to walk 3. Have you Rhemstivrn or Impurity of the Blood? Have you General Debility and Palpitation of the Heart Have all your efforla.herotefore prcwed abortive ? Go to I.l4.llfiagleitastan Water Care. Where Tradaent • will speedily cure you. * * *For further particulara call at the "Cure" or'addretir'o„_V. THAYER, M. D. -I Di% R. Smith, aURGEON , DENTIST. Resntioee and of- Serrepinsiteihil Baptist Chnieh (north Side) ntroso:r 'Pairtienhir attention' .nrift giten to inserting teeth on. gold in& it,her nd to 6il dearimg teeth .'' ' l Jtientirys4lBs9.- 'N'lll - -.0 - 11. for, sole at dm '8110 "4 0 , 11, * BAMIS Oit a & _ NOTICE. BINGHAMTON ,111.7.1111§111.31"8 -HOMCEOPATH ftimedics for sa!o by -Atm. Ttsnatt. • WE ARE BOUND TO 00 AHEAD GO 'SEE HE LARGE STOCK OF NEIV. (7,000 s T just received at the Original One Price and Ready-Pay Store of - HAYDEN MOTHERS. The reopfe's Ageob nts strand with a largo stock Of Goods comprising Ilitsple At fancy Dry Goods, • Hats tic Cops. • Stoats At Shoes, . . • . Grocerle4 Ik Provisions... Flair It sait, - Yankee Notions, Wateloto, Jewelry* ti all & Window Po prr. - :'• NVoiiidesa -Ware, and ‘ve have ono thousand and one things besides. We will to CLOSsfp vt.ERs - if you wa,ni BARGAISS CALL and SEE HAYDEN BROTHERS. Now Milford, Ps., Jan. tat, 1859. CASH PAID POR SHIPPING FURS BY ItAIiDEN.BROTHERS. New Milford, Pa., Jan. Ist, 1839., Executor's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons hay. ing demands against the estate of Diary Webster, late ot, the township of Forest Lake, deceased, that the same must be presented to the undersigned for arrangement, and all persons in debted to said estate are requested to make im mediate payment. C. E. WEBSTER. Executor. Forest Lake, Dec. 21st, 1858 --:6tv. Administrator's Notice TILTHEREAS Letter; of Administration have boon granted to the fl übseribil on the es tate of Mehitable Tennant, late of the township of liarford, deceased; all persons indebted to said estate are req.uerlted to make immediate payment ; also all having just demands against the same will please present them duly au then. tinted for settlement. J. D. RICHARDSON. Administrator. Ilarford, Dec. lst, 1858.-48w6.5 Vatuabic FARM FOR SALE. THE Subscriber offers for Sale the valuable Farm and Hotel lately 'owned and oreupied by Calvin Summers, deceased, and long known as the %V AlltlEißS PLACE. Said Farm is situated in the pleasant village ofSummersville, in the township of New Mil. fords Sesquehaana County. PA.. directly on the line of the Delaware, Lackawanna 4. Western Railroad, tonr miles from Its junction with the N. Y. & 1.. R. R. at Great Bend. and one and half miles from the Depot at Now Milford. It contains about - - 240 ACRES ; 180 acres improved, Go acres woodland. It is watered, • has a lasting stream running through, and a never.tamng supply GT water conveyed in lead pipes to the house, barn, and cattle-yard. It is well fenced and under good cultivation, is will adapted to growing grain, and is peculiarly fitted for growing stock ; and is one of the beat dairy farms in the county. It has upon it two orchards of choice grafted fruit trees, a largo and convenient dwel. ling, now occupied as a hole ; two large horse and carriage barns, or" , large bum with two cattle -yards; ample sheds and all the arrangements for feeding stock ; three small hay and graiii barns, ice house. brick smoke house ; large corn house ; and all other out buildings necessary on a large farm. It will be soi►4ow,end terms of peymeot made easy. For information address, It. L. SUTPHIN, Suunersville, Sumfa Nov, Ist, 18.-3 m. JAMES PILE'S DIETETIC SALERATIIS: T HE BEST article iu market. Tr it. 80 r cic h sp d N n ut o l sims,—cio humbug—at ANEW supply of those excellent Candles, by the lb. or bor. XTEW supply of those good TEAS. at 4, 6,5. 11 Ss per 1b..; the Very best iu market: MOLASSES, 'TOBACCO, • - .C Yl itooll6 111010114a%a Of every variety that is used under the present adrninia:ration. - - Ot LOU:ITH -CARIT.TING : and indeed oui &icily" can now boast of an assortmeht unequalled -heretofore, at very low prices for cash: R. KENYON, r. A TWO--YEARS--OLD COLT. vTgRY., handsome—very nice, ,and tor sale “right," both as topriee and time. R. KEN TON, Jr: dPe23 4t Lawarilie Centre, Pa. uiYbav Vrtstuts. MBE subscribers would call the attention of their friends to :the great variety of Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry and fancy Goods which they have on hand suitable for the ap proaching Holidays, and which they. offer at the /oven Cash i'ricea. EVANS & At -Eft. No:2 Odd_Fellowes' Hall, 11,ioglia . mton, bee. 170, : 1&58. , GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES.—Open Face and Hunting. of every style and price, comprising over. fifty different patterns, many of their own importation,' and warranted time keepers, which cannot fail to-suit, by Evans,& AL L EN. OLD CHAINS. Crosses, Keys: Seals. Neck lJt Studs, Thimbles, Spectsekes. Breast. Pins, Ear-rings, Finger-111;0s, Slew. e-buttoms, Loskota, Bracelet*, Snaps, Pens; Pencils, Tooth picks. ate.; &c., &A.., by Evans & ALLEN.' SILVER WARE.—Table, Desert and Mettle Forks. Table, Desert, Tea, Sugar, Orval), Berry, Preserve and Sall Spoon's; Napkin Rings; Childryna , Xnivese Forks and , Snoune, in, sets; Cups; Ire Cream, Pie, Dater and Fruit Knives; Salt Cellars; Caul Cases, &c. &c., by ti'atta At PLATED WARE.—Tea Seta. Tea Pit Chere, Castors, Cake and . Card Baskets, Pitcher Trays, Salts, Caps, Sugar Baskets, Soup and Gravy Ladles, Forks Ana Spoons, - ate., for sale by Evans & ALLr.s. D APIERAMME Rosee,•Perfume and Fancy Cam* Coml. Bade, do. Necklaces and Arm. leis, Shell and India Rubber Combs, Tea Bella, Teleacopek Watch Stands. Knives and Forks, Pocket.. Knives, Savors, War. Satin ,and Amber Beaes.dte... Ike.. &a., by gv.Axs & ALLas. DIAMIND PfNB -ANN • FINGEILIUNG vome , vil7-fille, by 1411 S & ALLEN. PLATEDYINIVES.—A Laite Assortment of Table and Desert Knives, sod Ceriers, by ErANSAT. ALLEN, 0 .? Odd Fallow.' Ilan. Binghamton, ec Ith, 1858. .kificiACUAittirtlC , ; `Charley Regis with hair 'and bait Heir,iole bar Of Ittniri.:4;tit;AtreA, Anti, none to ha 4 utolind hal - ipomr"-fei„ vrecraint , , eittiy lAegOlkief . find me litineet t iegt-o0 ••!'ShoPtio.l,Euementaitileralets Holed; on Turnpike bullet. liountoss,.ocl. 20th, 1838,-te. LITUOGRAPIIIitia.wA NEW: SUPPLY rier. ht, 18,h3. A. TURKELL R R. NO_IVORE PAI4V, • NO MORE4iICKNESS. NO,MORE RHEUMATISM, • OIL STIFF3Vii OF - THE JOISTS, •LYMBACto, Acing, T00n140411113, OR stlFlLitimo FRO( uTREft BODILY INY/BNIVES. The Rap* ingdConete EfficacY - libtidt Relief, Ito Instantly stopping the most-ex cruciating' • Pains and Aches, Hurns.4litalds, Cots. Wounds Bruises. Be.. she., • render itimportant tbatevery.family keep a sup. ply of it• in the bourse: Armed with this remedy. .a household is.al. way ~protected against sudden attneks of sick. nee.. Thousands of lives of persons have been saved by its timely use, who were suddenly seized in the night time with Cramps, Spasms, Vomiting, Cholera. Yellow Fever, and other vie. lent diseases. Let a dose of this Remedy be taken internally, as the case may require, when suddenly seized with Pain or Sickness, and it will INSTANTLY RELIEVE THE PATIENT Tnow PAIN, end arrest the disiase. 11.griti*-41taltl)Altliel, Has Cured • RHEMUATISM, - - In four hours. NEURALGIA, - . In one hour. CRAMP, - - In ten minutes. DIARRIICEA. In-filleen minutes. TOOTHACHE, - • In one minute. SPASMS, . . - In five minutes. SICK HEADACHE, - In ten minutes. CHILLS AND FEVER, - . In fifteen minutes CHILBLAINS - - In fifteen minutes. INFLUENZA, . In six hours. SORE THROAT, - • In ten mtnnuter BURNS._-__ In twenty minutes. FROST BITES, AGUE CHEEK, PARALYSIS. CANIENESS, BRUISES, WOUNBS. SIR A INS, aint! SPRAINS, the moment it is applied to the injured porte, all pain and unpaginesii CPaffe. Look out for Coun terfeits and Itmtations—Purchase only RAD WAY.H READY REUEL. Price 25 cts., 50 cts., and $1 per bottle. ; ••• A New Contribution t o o Science The Greta. Grand Diecovery. R._ (No. 3.) _ • Radway's Regulating Pills. Dn. RAMAT & Co- have recently.discovered a method for extracting frdm roots, herbs, plants and gems, a nutritious extract of such, wonder ful nourishing power—which they have combin ed with RADWAY'S REGULATING PlLLS—that six of these Pills will supply the blood with the same am. unt of nutrition-as ono ounce of ordi nary bread: so' that, while the system is undec geing a thorough physic:hag, and regulating proem, it daily becomes strengthened. • Persons afflicted with LIVER COMPLAINT, Ove rarm*. Ilaasx Mar.AILL3,, FVIA.XESS OF BLOOD, and all Females who are subject to Intiaciti.sa trlES, HYSTERIA, &c., 'are particular mom. mended to use these Pills. They are pleasant to take—elegantly coated with gum—free from taste, and will not gripe, sicken or weaken the system, or leave the bowels costive. Mothers nursing should likewise take one or two of these Pills once or twice per week. They will not only keep your system 'healthy and regular, but will protect your infant against Cramp and Pains in the stomach, and insure not only a healthy child, but will invest every child, thus suckled, with a sweet disposition. . . Radway's Regulating Pills ~ Regulate each and every. organ of the grefm, and cored all derangements of the Liver, Bowcte, Stomach ' !lean and Kidneya. - • They Cure . COSTIVENESS, INDIGESTION, IIi:ART-BURN, DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS, COY STIPA TION, DROPSY, WEADACIIE, PALPITATION of CONGESTION, the HEART; - &c., &q, &c, They are entirely vegetable and harmleas; an infant at the breast can take them with safety, and persons who ars subject to fits.of Apoplexy, Epileptic, Heart Diseases, &c., should always keep a box on hand. Price ii 3 Cent.. Ask fur IlAuwal . 4l REGULATORS, Or REGULATING PILLS. ---0: . , The Great Constitutional Remedy R. It; R. (N 0.3.), A New Life.Creatiug.erineiple. .11 - akuag's Ttqlobating Ilesollrent Heals 01d. Sores, 4turifice the Blood, Instills within the Smetent reneweilifealth,and &Jives and Ex/enfant/les all Chronic and Constitutional Diseases. This great and glorious remedy-should be hailed by the human rate•as tr special gift from the Almighiy,to regeneratedilsOidate&hcmabily. Da: RADWAY & Co. arolhoohlk Phyiddians and Chemists in the world that Ilievo succeeded in discovering .a remedy -that will effectually eradicato from the human byelaw constitutional diseases and'ailments, transmitted from parents to their children. • Radwartißetio#atinkßesolirent N'ill radie.illy exterminate from the syhtent Sero(ula, ' Cankers, Syphilis, Fits, Fever Sores; Runnlng..‘frout 114 Ear, Ulcers, While. S well niq, Sore Eve!, • Tumors, • • Sore Legs, , Cancerous Affections, Sore Mouth, Nodes, Sore Dead, I Ric Eels; ..,. Insanity,. , audttlar •Ewellinis, Ditoriettirls„ . ught Ssea,ts, All Diseases of the Cosa-so - los, Womb, J Rash Totter, • • • l'rolapatts Uteri; Humors of all kinds, , Skin 1/iseithes, Chronic Itheutualistil, Salt Rheum, th,:spepsia, And all diseases that have been established in the system for yPara. 'PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE.. F fr ;OLD DI" nanncors AvEniwir.lts..All RADWAY & CO., 162 Fulton St.. IC Y. : • oc 7 3tn&c . „ TO All INTERESTED. l" VII E sishseription accounts-of the late firm of .1 McCoLLust lit Gumtrees have been placed in the hands of Mr. Wtn. L BszsE,—,6a alone be. log authorized to collect and give reveille for the same. HA desigrurovivesimyr the m)Onty. and , it is deiirablet" !bet ell - indebted ihould settle pronaptly, thetyhy satinglarther:trobble and ex. pease to u 1 parties. . itioCOLLUM. • A. J. (MAMMON. Mootrose f September 21st s .l&ift.. - BIUFFAILAI tiOBES.-ti •A superior lot of itiw No. I selling for threpquar4n!the price of tut Beason, _ • .11, BURRATT. New 'Milford; Elec. tet, IflsB. THE BLIND SHALL SEE A LARGE AiID.NEW SMOLT OF ..Al*Ot'Otta R.gaztiteD. • - • . city, AID nor Ath 7110417.8, at TURRELLI3 Siquiroze, Nor.l6th, IbSF. . 14 sz 4r 4 0. or Tux (Pb 0 * READY:AY SYSTEM . T ia certain that Goods can lid sold soccae4 J. ly in Montrose and at Surqachafina Depot FOR CASH,., Those doubting this assertion will do r. all to call at the stores of. 6uttenbtrg,-Itomenbaiiiit, where it will be proven . .that-the. !I:each - ant In ceiling his Goods can snot te rid? Cheaper for Cash, and can offer induremeatil sufficient to make it an objeet to Purchasers, at whatever sacrifice they are obligedtottitke, to pmcore the Money to adopt in their -Purchases the CA3II Sirs ;They have hare ivat received rind are constantly re ceiving, a larr assortment of Dry GOODS sod CLOTHING, particularly adipted for • FALL - AND WINTER.; and which aro purchased under the most favors ble circumstances. They are enabled and witb offer and sell at preen far below others that will give and hate given an everlasting Credit;‘ no Matter whether it is Toni, Dick, or Harry. EiAMINE:COMPAREANDjUDiIE OUR, DRY 400115! An assortment heretofore unequaled by anything over offered in Montrose. Failey and Staple Dry doods! Comprising many new and desirable styles or Goods unknown in this market, among which will be found, in LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Al: the novelties of die season, chimp at GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM, & CO'S SHAWLS ! New and choice styles of Broihe double and single, Stella, Plaid, Wool, Talm., and Mantilla, and a new style of Chet!'ll Shawls, cheap at Outtntb'erg, to~en6aitm, do's WITH. Ao assortment always on hand, also Ladies Cloth and Trimming to match, of all shades, cheap at Cos. ,6nttntbtrg llostnlninni; EMBROIDERIES! in this Department we•can offer great induce ments, as they are purchased directly from im porting houses,. The assortment comprises French Fens, Sleeveseand Collars, Worked Edgings awl Inserting, and a great many more arti - cies belong to thlislista too numerous to rvi • lion, cheap at GifTTENBEIIG,,ROSENBACM, S: CO'S Bon_pets, Ribbpus, Flowera and Flumes t Wire, Stiff Net tings and Frames, at ‘Vholeaale uld Retail,—cheap at , . GUTTENB ERG, 110 Si; BA I; NI, s CU'S Domestic Glo4itii! May ba report sil•the different qualities's{ Prints, Ginghstas, Bleached Gnedato Fine Unbleached Muslins, Ticks, Stripes, Denials, Sheeting, 2 1-2 y ds wine, cneap at G BERG. 'ROSEN BAUM. s eu's. READY MADE ULOTHING. As thisa one of - their PR7NCIPAL ,BitANCHES or ligsmi.ss in New York City, they certainly hare one - r„restadrentage over orerallthe rest oft nothieN; they haying one Partner steady 'in. New York city to devote all bia time tothin prirtteular branch of manufictiwiror,„ They wj I, furnish. any , time, a Good Germent at•Aont the eared prieel for whiCh tit - Material cau be got, . , They will variant their work and a complete Ht or no pay. They keep constantly on hand one of the beat storks of - • AND UNDER t(MiS! Such as Frock, Dre.ls,. Raglan, and Sacks - .PANTS In Great j'arieky and bercrent Styles VESTS ! Such as Velcc', Plush, dissiaier, and Satin, clump at GUTTENBEItG, ROStltAt' CO'S CLOTHING MADE TO WED, et the Bed Material at Short Notice Under Garrhents Fon LA 1)1ES As WEL IS ;or; G ENTLEMEN, such at Silk, and also Laipbswool, cheap al, GUTTENBERG,IOSES BA t ll,et CO'S ONE WORD I stfrstattgt dret Witt. TO OUR rtrIKEROii tftlENti • - eUSTOM.ERS.; • ! ; Arid articular to those knowing thetnselvei‘. Indebted to ue, we will say once more that we dill sell fbr Ready Pay Inpreafter,.and Al Ai 'eounttod Niotios;otust be nettled Without Frw that ptitxt ,Wi are tinedief erttlingDoneiny Lotter, aed.sapperting the PostOffsmand there. •by, Ana& We-will take ill kindi.of Orals 'if Idighest, If uket. Priees'for Payment, anti all Mcounts„atanding _over . Six Months on our .111okits *al be left for n 011461,160 *ilea settled by ate • _ - 4initeniara, Viestubtiiim, - i<C It Mostro4e, rs., October 20th', 1858. J. DICKER:MAN, 31t / . HARDWARE • A,itti *de gmforium IN FULL BLAST. . T HE undersigned would take this -opp.ortu nity to inform his friends end cost umers that he has recently made large addifieni to his former extensive stock of • iliraittiititrei, Stoves, Stove Pipe, . Stov© Tiinunings, Zino, &e., and that he is prepared to supply the pants of t,1,10 community in that line at . unusually. low prim,. He flat tens himself that his facifirisa for manufacturing his own Waree, Stoves, dm., give him a dectdi d `advantage over any who pur chase and transport at n heavy expense their el. tire attetx. He would say to those whii wish to purchase STOVES of any description STOVE PIPE, or TRUIM I NIGS, of any Mad, ;Gilley for them, he is prepared to give thorn great baritsdni; but to those who want to purchase on-a year's credit `arid then it run two years more, he had righe er they would cull on some ono else, oven If they have to pty aeventy•five por cent more than an article is worth. In the line of Shelf Hardware, hit assortment is. the largest sod bcat *elected in ausquehsoni County; purehasod is his stark has heart mostly of manufacturers, he is enabled to offer inducements to those tiountry merchants ...who buy small blils„ rarely found thin side -of the, big city. We can offer special inducements to Carpenters and Joiners who are to want of either • Tool* or Building -Materials. Black smiths ear find ANVILS, VICES, BELLOWS, ;and, M fAct, almost anything in theft' line; by ing on the, cnv.mtb volt. cksit. Our stock of Dr, qeed,h' Groceries, Boats -and Shot , w„ Gass and Caps,, Yam. lice lotions, ace. dee., is es large as the times will admit of. They 'were porelies:d at a low figure, and will be sold at prices to correspond with the times. READY-MADE'CLOTHING! - ..w.A.ve just opened shout one-and ts.half cards of ready-made elothinit. Every body'says tliey.are. cheap Some say they Ere'erg cheap, and a uunaberhave,venttved to say they *raring cheap. Certain - it is that a small pile of money will hay a large pile of clothing. would add, in this connection, for the in formation of all concerned and the 'Vest of man= kind," that w•e are tired and sick of the credit system; we hare suff'ered enough by it already, and are determined to rid ourselves of the the whole "critter." Believing that the nimble sixpence is the true system, we are •resnived to adopt it,end are offering our geode at prices to correspond. . . . * * *Produce taken in exchange for Gonda. J. DICKERMAN, Jr. New Milford. Nov 29th, 1858.- • fi.l3-URRI-TT Is just receivnThk a Virgo Stock of NEIN STOVES ACl.~~l)ltifi•a' full aatnrtment of', Elevated Oven, Large O l en end Flat Top' Premium Cook_Stovee, (for wood or coal,) with auperior variety of Parlor, Offii•e and Shop, and Store,` (for wood or coal): also, Stove Pipe, Ziec, Shed Iron, Siovo Tubes. Ste.. &c., &e. - Ilia 9nsortment includes the meek SELECT and Destas.aLE STOVES in market. and will be sold nzt the most FAVGR4ELE TERM, and .to whien he would invite the particular atteiltion of Cisit Inf,trs. [Witford,,Nov. 15t.1858. . AuE miairrenzAment • World Know?! mud World Tried.. lIOLLOWAY'S OINTMEN C, . - T"6 freo.admissiou of all Nations, As weltas the.,,v,':rdiet of the leading hospital's ratite Oiries.tven‘ as the New World, stamet this pckw erful tem .: KUM Agent as the greatest healing preparation ever made known to suffering man. Its penetrative qualities are inure than marvelous,. thro' tee' external orifices of thh skin, invisible to the exited eye, it reaches this shat of the.intormit' disease; and in all external affections its anti-id- Ilan/meter/ and healing virtues surpass anything else on recoil, and in Nature's great ally. Etrilpela• and ealt Rheum • Are', two of the most common and virulent, disorders prevalent on thir continent, to .these Ointment is especially antagonistic, its " mocha eppariti.l", is first to eradicate the vetiom then I..lmoleto the cure. . Ned 'Lew., Old Sores. and Cases of many years standing that have perti naciously refused to yield to any other rereiuly or treatment, kayo invariably aneettinbed CO' a kw applications of this powerful unguent. Eruptions' on the skin, Arising from a bad state of blood or el.L:ronio disease are eradicated, and . R ‘ clear, transparent surface regained by 'he restorative action of this. Ointment. It su rpasse s many of the., cosmetics - and other toilet appliances in its.power to dispel , rashes and other diaggiirement:; of the face. Pllea"..dad Flgolohu., - . - Every from and. fiutture of theseprevalent sort stubborn disorders Is eradicated locally and att.: tire!). by the use of this, emelient ;.eratm tomes. tatiens should pr4.4de its application. Its heal %ill be found thorn' and invariable. Both thr Ointment and the be used in - the following COSCI: Bunions, Rheumatism, Sore Throats, !lures Ringworm, &Kea of all kinds Chopp( Salt Rheum Sprains, Sealde, ERA ffJoint4 Skis Diseases, Tette?, Ulcers, Lumbago, . „Sword Glands, Venereal Senor s Mere'l nrepens.tiore Logs, Wounds Cif a I Piles Sore, Brerpits, Sore Heads, [kinds. ELor CAUTIQN !-.2-FNot)e are genitine unless th e words, //ofimetry, New York 'rind London," are, discernible as a Witterliark in, every leaf of tho book of directions around 'each pot or box ; it may be plainly seen by holding the leaf lathe tight A handsome reward will begiien to any one ren dering en..h-informatiol as may lead to the detec tion of any party or Parties counterfeiting these medkcinee or rending them kaowiug them, to be, sPitriouk. *.• Sphl at the §lanufaetories of Prof. Heuasa- WAY. 80 iaideu Lane, New York ) and by alit"- spectable Druggists end Dealers in gedicino thrcinghont the United States and the civiljzed world. In pots at 35eents, 63 cents, and $1 each. 'There is a considerable saving by taking the larger size. ' N. B.—Directions for- the gaidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each pot. June 10, 1838. [23sowly. L A M - P -St. AND MATERIALS FOR - - L. I S! 10pURNIblig 'FLUID. Ciunpheni, Limp Mt,. ILt Dried)" ifs., of best qualities, constantly. OD hand; sad at pries's* cites! As ins cneastrr. Customers may rely upon getting fluid and Ctsalsgdsftse, new and good, as Tsell so fast, tiny sever get stale. Also., Cans and , Lamps. ABEL TpUELL, Montrose, Nov. 25th. 1838. ECOND 1 ANDlTsrrels. 41! tni 6 , 7 of nearly every description. Baer and Cheer than new ones, for sale by ABEL TIntREI.I 4 , Montrose; Nov. 26th, 1855,' • _
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers