-- -- . --, - --- . - - - , - they bra- a•tairti'd a p opulation equal to ; . ONE CENT REWARD, 'that ra•io. The' results have become Ins 'WILL be paid for satkretory information • i / tetir.al: -.. • in rehrtien ti t the whereabouts of ,one ~ ~ . . . Tire la.t . expressive vote ea tire People of i . " --- "Pr s of." - eh - a - ries ..Virhitaioy. I; anstl's - ngair At the aet of Congress,common- 1 ilia: business is going from plate to plate I is 'known as the English bill,had forarrnetime iilltout the world delivering lectures, in which he arrested Congressional - :interrention... reace 1 persftitesWebster, Da ine. Clay. Itandolph,Wolf bas resulted alone from the vote of the people,l Jiro, ,Ralph Stitel.Pole, moist i Ste. :Those are' not tram the suggest i nls Prow =Jae 11,1luenees. : welrperfortned, - but the uariit accurate persona-. 1 Ilut, during the -angry f. glints which' this tie& he gives, is otlhimietf in his “ lait act" of controversy had aroused, . the theory had H , , LE AVING WITHOU.IPAYING.HISBILLS; beetrirodg - vd - 0P 0,04 "t it 'will - beeeer"" l " '' e .. -.. wlii -- cir ho is perfeet,master i; 1 . . Printers and others the duly of Con,gresa fo prOteet - shire, yin the ti a hem he applies, willTsarletriniiiiiy and labor by I _territories, if the people Of the territories i ticking him into the tdreeti, and they will render SALMI- hallo do-as. - The warrant. -.for this ex-1-justleesportionof her dui byairiingidintoi - coat of -. . Aratrnliipp . ._.•:.v:lTli"'-'11: trAileged. to "' SI ' m I r l A rlEti • ce..V"e'Ett.laorm; the. deciaott -- . if th e Sopreme, ; t‘rurt of : the i in iii:li•C of the attire of a man, in which Ire is United Snitejr in the' ease. of :Died .-§O l 4 inatraltydraguisedite aid him inirni - apparent- Awl. -li:nterttiningm Ii do. I li 'profontril reverence s i g.!) o f , .. _ , --- i . far the decisions china. august tribunal ; and ' - ts ; IMPOSING OP - 00HE POBLi 'standin g ready to obey them, whenever they ! ... i are entmeiated, d hare vet to he roncinted ***Will The Print7Cl i ew - York , . 'Prlater" , ! Nrws Lefler, Philadelph nd the Prews ~that any any such const - rucitott : can .be _-fairly all „ , pioce copy or tiottc . , the above; .By an 'given - to - their '-' action in the ease referred to. ' ' ,loin gi they will. enable duel ociaft,” and• all oth- Such n'.doctrine. no matter - bow sanctioned era to ne „ id being duped by a professional 'Or supported, mill Shake. the very pillars of ! swindler. our" constitutiOnal fabric. It -would compel ' . . s- , ....„ .. . . „.........._. .evety tertitorto' elevate prdperty in slaves ; pi - abi. it!' iiiiiip - erty-nnd to l G rai l s c pcntacrat -e . stablish a slave code. in_ 1.. - early municipal t......) • regirlaiions.; , of else it would convert, the --,' A:J GERR I TSON, Congress into I tbeatre - --of erimination ,and _ J . ~ ___ Edit or. ___ confusion and ffil the' whole country with ----- "-' - -, ---- • i -- I -•- --i •.. - strife. - And' ill this, v about securing A single j MONTROSE, SUSTAVO„ PA., advantage to the NOrth,or protecting isingle_ - -- 'l --- - right totim South; - - Tlnirsday3 January 13, 1850. ' 'Reit:mllv myself as 'fully committed to .......„,_ , the - doctrine of popular - erereignty in its ir l i eriXllo2"'7,ol 9 oo broadest. sense, - I can ..nevei subscribe to . the PER ANNUM, IF PAID IN ADVANCE. theory. of. Congressional intervention, as ___ _ _ ......__ ., „ 4 __ a __ . ,...,_ ; ..., ._____...... understood!and supptrted,by the opponents .S. PM PottonBlll4r.. Co., of this doctrine. By popular , sorereigntv I €. mean no violation -1 . the rights, of re . ° States, -' A dvertising Agents., at 119 Nnasait•it, \ ew- ork„and tO State-st, Boston, are -no assault upon :the institutions of tine.., agents fir , The Montrose Democrat, and are au- South-no appeal to sectioaal prejudice. ,On thorized to contract fur &a at our - lowest rates. the contrary. I rega . rd_the doctrine ak . the em- . --- 'bodiment of the popular will in the States - DEMOCRATIC MUNTY CtNVENTION. , and Territorries,as the conservator of theriglits The Demotrais of Susquehanna County 'and the equality of States and people-and as the only means by- winch a vexed and danger- are Terlact'tedlo'. meet in Mass Convention at • nos agitation will be satisfactorily and per the Court Muse, in Montrose, on Monday petually 4 seti.led.” ' evening of the first week of Court, (the 17th . . Atiteorr equally heretical hasbeitiadvanced inst..) to appoint Delegates to Pre State Con- inanotherportioriofthaThion. Idris been held ven: ion f. r the eusaing year. . thatthisCrovernment,dividediuto.freeandslave A. N. BUI.I.ARD, Mr:ratan. States,asitwasframed byour !ever! utiona , yfAth- Montrose, Jan. I'2 i 11, 1859. - ers,cannotendure-tkatall mustlacorriefree,or all become-shave. Wlien such e doelrine-. - rapooriti4o3o . . Shall be enforced, the cons ittni.oit nil! have ' LL vel;o have unsettled accounts, been subverted- t_'•s3rereigntr pest rated- i or Ili otos due toiliciate firm of Breoll-• State rights CI regarded, and the liberty of luau atliierrkisou, are hereby notified that the people destroyed. - It should meet an I will be at the '• Deuirsierat'. Office du indignant reboke from every lortr,of his i ring next court, where 'they are requested to co u ntry, an d .th e bl oo d:h ou gh t t i g h t o f . call arra settle tirithotat: fall orTOSTS sill . t h e pebo e an d t h e ;States to se rf- govern . :be . Ins& immediately thereafter. WM 1.. BEEBE, "- - - - went' f - • - ! deentc - Constable of Bridgeii'ater. ' . Under the various amendments to the I ' Constitntion of Pennsylvania, the inflizence ; Attend to it, one and all: - ofthe Executive has lieen • greatly reduced; All these who are indebted f, r the More , by the man sfer of pat.rdnage from the Gayer- frost .Demorrat for the- years .185•6 and 1857, I ,: ° i j n t i to i h t e li t e , r i p „ ‘ , 43 .i i i i l e ,;. ' o t- T. , b l i fi g i ,:,... e. i , b n .7,7 i b ne t lor any pelt_ theme - 14M pleise take notice that must bi acknowledged that in relieving- t h e I their act:omits-Jails( belsettled, at or Lefore Executive horn many , -. - oious responsibilities ; , the coming JaLuary teim ul"Court. As will it has diminished Lis ebi i y to maintain the k be , seen by the notice Aare, Mr. Beebe, who i rights of the Statesagainq 'Federal and other has the accounts in charge ftii collection, will : 1 encroachments, 'old has thrown a-greater ; he at this office ilurin , Court, and he hopes share of rcaper.sibility upon theyeople.:„ The i '.l. that no one ndebted wql neglect to call and I ' extensive patronage of the Federal govern- i ment, and the large salariespaid „ . .to it;' settle, or sent Life, fonds by some of their officers,in - comparison with those of theStaie; ' neighbors ; as he will beltitider the nor.essity of pr e sent Cous!aut indircer,nents to our citizens , waiting upon ALL (del nqueuts v ith a sum to overlook the Suite in the pursuit of more! reens „ :1.. sion thiriiaft r as possible. This _lucrative ..etnployrneots under the .1 " -- ' 1 ! it ' d -....:. then, h.:. - to ad, is.! all to ' walk tip to the Cap- States.'lt is, therefo - e, thy: mere nee& -err thin . , o l mze e, and scttl , tetanal further no - that the people Should guard the sort-reign t;ec, and sore en::fs. ty of the -State vihr inert-as:rig wateliful ne,s. The . constitutim of the I:nit el Stales con- 1 - •' CALL AND. SETTLE UP -tains the great fuudirtite.ntal ptinciple which .We are about closing tip . our old ledger should govern is construction on every gut's - , accounts, and find ntlinerons balances due lion, respecting the extent •of the federal . r ot : a d,„ t i.i ng , job work, &c, kr., which power. "The ,piser not delegated to. the' have been accumulating for ~ the, past two United States, by the constitutim, nor pro hibited by it to the Sta•es, arereserved to the t years. 11 - e desire to _iitve none dosed up as Spats respentirely, or to the people." ~. It is ; soon as pi ssible, and rust none will neglect 1 ".n this broad platform that every claim of . to-call and look over . ccounts. None must the federal power not granted by the c,onsti • l be neglected Longer tb, n until Court week: union, should be sternly resisted. The tend- :: . : 1 1 __ ency to centralization is so great, and the t overwhelming influence of power and patron-' . Prom the Ind age so seductive,-that liberty cannot long b e New licar'sSeenreil preserved without the exercise of, sleepless" Printing vigilance in enforcing a strict construction of [Editor and Ferri-al othe the federal compact:. The doctrine of State 1 and eittl'hy around ti tights.is the doctrine of true liberty. Popular i a g ed fady.l sovereignty is the life-blood of our free insti- ! Leidy.— 1, th i s t h e I tutions, and the palladiun:t• of our safety. Editor.—it is. Everrpatriotic inclecenteut to snstain -those- r , d „ . _ LN ,.„„, ~ . great principles should be fearlessly held ottt I here a , a ,: a b se i-it, r ? r,i, to our citizens, and every unauthorized as- . Editor.—No, tra'an sumption of power should be resisted with i , :L.idg.L.Di ln't A I upcen-ing energy, and by -all constitutional : weeks ego with Mr. 11,. energy.. , .1 i slerihe ? , Haying now dicharved..the duty imposed Editor.—A.' li.:—ol On the Execaiire, by the constitution, : .I can- l the Democrat t ffice. 'not conclude without cnngracpls ttng you 1 • Lady ,—What, isn't upon the peculiarly favorable A sOces under 1 flee? which yon enter upon the &vies of the Ses- 1 .Etle(or.:- NO, mean iron of ISA. - Few important,. siihjects of : Lady.—Then wiltr iegi-lation press upon your attktion. Prtr- , flee ! _ deuce, firmness,• fidelity—a watchful regard, Editor. - Just a b c ,--, for the interests of thn Commonwealth—a will see the sign. jealous guardianship of her finances—on thel L a d y.—l want to part of the government—are all that are to them-a piece of my in prirerirander Providence, to secure the con- I i n, their pared 1, ;) c . , tinuance and increase of onward ,prrsperitt . ...l.6rer the county as Del . Pennsylvania may then. at no remote period; 1 • [Exit lady energetic rejoiet: in the extinguishinent of her public I We clip - the'abave' debt—the repeal of her onerous and burden- !' umns . of the Monti., some taxes—a fame and cred;t untarnished-1 a free and popular elueational systeni—and j week; but cannot II" an industrious and loyal - people, pratiperotn , editor of that paper eans to convey to the audshappy. . ' public. If ft was th t some "middle-aged W ILLIAXI F. PACKER. l a dy" Is lib "oda% a Democrat,"- wished to YXECI:TIVE CEA MlrElt. 1 : stop her husbancl's riper, it. would be small Ilarrisburg;.Jau. 5, 1859 r . business for an editor tlo detail it to his readers, but as no such case h4is been ieported to this 'What is feral Tender ? office,' we conclude that the "scene" is al ' Some reople are at loss to-know what is a together ap imaginary one—doubtless the pro -legal tender . of Money-. 'Most pi:rsons are dect - ofla ertilu brain, that-114kt become wee . greatly in error in supposing' that cents are a ._, - . n , n en . b — . • t an meting- around a legal 'tender for any ritniont, and sometimes il" b y " _ stove-on Few 1 ear's Day, 'with nothing to do,. ' captions people make larhe payments 'in copper coin, -which creditors suppose they 1 and not enough stirringambition to prompt its are obliged to receive—from the fact, that it dull companion to a little exercise or recrea ! - is coined at the mint; and bear's the ,impress . Lion ace a year. .1 of the tried States upon it. From :the fol- I-' We are nut unfre(p 1 lewing, which is a...synopsis of the act oil Craziest. upon the' subjeet i t will be seen from ladies, not only 1 what ii. and -what is not legal tender. The I ful, but- never from 'l law regulating the payment of debts with', discretion 'as tote stain, provides that the following coin be ; a Republican . priuti i . legal tender : - • pxitical vies to .al 1. All gold coif s — at their respective . valne . l. k n a tr ,. (or debts of any amount. . - - the Reptihrteeei 2. The Iralf dollar, quarter dollar,dime and t:ftna oft half dime, artheir respective - value for debts . of may autottet.uuder tire dollars. I that can be rea a ity • . ' 3. Thee cant.pieces for debts of any a- 1,-(1 " -arred 8119 " t k e 1: mount under thirty cents ; and • one aLove: 4. lily:the Mw passed at the tact sessign of SEW SCI Congrem, we may add one cent piece formai CRAT amount,-under ten cents. (Editor Inesi care the laws af Congress passed some tour entering names . of or fire year:rige, gold was made the legal eriring atuae:yfor. tender for large amounts. Those who, to get enter Jest] rid Of large 'quantities qf. eents - and sufall 1 Ge,./,_.1,!4t toi • coin, sometimes pay' their sills' with it, to • ;he annoyance of the creditor, Will perceive ti,at is a o..i.puga to o r f t i ie Etfit9rFT in ill st • • • 'n .act. Alter getting thri:ttei-Teith Mose - in seuitiag, the the A ice - ricati Medical Association to meet at The .Dingliemton Standard printiot . ,fel : .I;di-tor izirns to gent and signifies his wadi- L. uist ilk, lietzt tie ky, in May next. tablialiment was badly damaged by fire *Jew .nr:!s to do his Lidding.] Dr. Smith made lii,_, report. as Treasurer, • da y ' fa g?' ' ~ .'- 4 , _,. -• i -- The l'.l:llutsp- , of Jlepresemtntives lts; al : . 1 Cirt - 41.—Jfunts Brown, a 6 w i t t„ life, wishes' a hia l _ was netlepleti, and iliac _ ~ fi le. = The . oas , :er - hill ebollaltineftbe Ward i read y IIIII ',ca'asil ,i'CLirlissionert ' the Sated von to stop sending your paper to him. Ile, Committee ort or the Biography of Or. Gtiffiti :c of 1 of does not want it, has ordered it stopped be- Lodivitiville, was eduitinuedi .—3 •••., will no doubt cottfirm tlik sot as soot mit l fore, but ycre,paiors -attention t u it. ' slir„li Richeelson 'report& a Drcitract e 4.1 ofse praelicrible.,:`, ..-' '. • . 1 .'•., :......is'• ' ..; `-- • - --' - ElitOr.-1 ann . riot-in - the unlit of send- ,of ch`riniie irdhonmation,and thethii:kningnt, E x-fine . ,tuglianyo Mic tgwir bet 'keen of that, s ,Siate to - iii mars v., persons without leave. [Pa rtly , the mucus membrane of the stomach, with the elected by the Legislature ' 1 .. succeed Hon. Ches. Stuart. as United States.' aside.] Don't remember the name. [Refers; treatment .adopted, which wes-diaeossed-by'l ...§-enittOr (rem that otomrironwealth. to Alf -6 " 4 4iild s 4.S:i!.l.o°n7. l '!.'ArYeibl. l 7 ) 7l ' l .. • Y.Flll.3..4. h elt,°Whcrsi': P r iA ,°,,9ci jkf u l av - e d•-•-15tiritiitlieiliasttee : ''• 'tliiiibrieri beets resented, but oceornlianied TAcrrdil in ad- i an address, setting forth . tbe,erigin, object i ceilistructed in ealifoLons..4.,44s•lniles of snit i ~c , „„1- . rames d tro wi t I hi,:,- name 'i s n ot on , and success of the Society. A copy of the • finial canals for gold Washing, at, a cost of 1 illy nooks! What is the name of tlie•priper ' address : was' t,i'liiiested" %r public stiarr..: Drs .•! tIn4000:000. he want§ discontinued I. _. . . _ . . ' Dimock„ . W. L. Ilichardstmantl Smith Alt, ~, lbe,94,ttlps,..tt.p?wa).ll,sralil,nf..lbe_ dldlth,j on --- pt - ,1,4. at i 0 n . p y. T li . dt.,iiiysicmMl•eisac . Wleft: there 'UM day bisl Crat.--Thelntlependent Republican. polo ed a cominift-t -t. • fore thnuen by six apaghtly oxen. Eclitor.—TLis is nit. the Republicau office, Blakeslee was appointed to give,a Thesis upop A bill li - ioa'been irilrodueed into the Lee-is —you are in the "fwrong shep." •-, - some medical subject at the meeting of the lat ore of AtkrinsitS p•ohilii inw the sale - of ~ Cent.—Where il.ithe Republican offi -e! 'Society, a t N ew Milf or d- on th e first Wcdoes- 'patUnii medicine within that States , of June next. P Bliti,r.—Just below Searle Hotel, on the . day t • 1111 am Solloorver4 a Penusylvatriao,-con- - right's-you can see the sign. - . It Was tnoved an".l ant e d that the Sec-; , vickil of mitt:der; in 'St. Croix.conatv, Wit ret ary furnishl copy f, I . ,proceedings fur cousin, was recently sentenced to be lin a wait up on I. 4it gents leaving the ed itor t r inibli,•rwtion. ' , pr i sm-e d fur life. Schoonover. boarded with Ern a couple of patrons just entering.] .. r•' In puiseauce of the *very .gerrerous and po- a man named. St. Johns, with whose An adeer•isemen't of a Parent Hay -1 - lie in. itstion of D ' r. Dimock, all of the meta- ' wife he, was said let he tau itoitnate. Last- stff' ~--•- July St. Julius went fising, and his laxly hers of the-Society !resentrepaireeko Searle's was found with his scull fracrured soon after. Knife will' be (Moil! elsewhere.' • We have no hotel whore they parCiok of r! bountiful re- Hence the trial and ConvictionofSchoonover, knowledge of Mr: Zeline;, further than that be sent us the advertisement isi•h cash to Past,prepared in mit erb styla, by our excellent who leaves a wire and three children in Penu • sylvauia, to -spend the rest of his life, in pay or its lust-y o ga. ,t . _ 1108 t, enrcreliy .fur the occasion. . • f in - -rtiin From the statements i plant'. made it would appear to be a pyofitable in- ~ . , 1... N ritr.cv.DENlEnSucciisa' ..—We are glad to I George lfencli, forierly first o ffi cer of the vestment. . learn that the Atlantic Monthly is 'meeting, ship Waverly, and • Mr. Weeks, the second with great favor front all sourcts. Timed ! mate, who were condemn'ed to ten years im the,publishers printed nearly thirty thousand ' priiionment for endeavuring to eoppress a copies of the January number, this large sup- i mutiny, in which malty coolies were killed, ply was entirely exhausted on the very day of have, been liberated by the Spanish govern publication, thus compelling many new sub- ment.through the intercession of Mr. Dodge, sefiberS and other, to wait a few days before i U. S. Minister at. Madnd. J obtaining a copy. Thu publishers have...ll'l°lbl According to the law passed at the last er edition of se.eral thous Ind ke press, whinh ' session of the .Pennsylvania legislature, for eid hit ready Mat few-days, and with their ! tins preservation of grime; the season for present fai•ilities they will be able to supply 1 shoot i ng, trapp i ng 0 , • r h„i t , roy i ng in any „drip the demand, huweves large it mat' be. Their way - l'henennts,- t'itrtridges, Wooducr;;lc or subseriiaions received by mail alone from all i R a bbits, Closed on Saturdav lasi. Any per parts of Ile ci , lintty, hate areroged in°••l son who is found violating, any of its - roils than ono hundred per day, fur sunlit tune ! iota i s li a bl e . to pay a fine of five dollars fo'r past• M. 11. B...":""e''s new se" , "the- -each and every'otfenee. Provisions are also Minisl.er's Wouitig,•' is immensely popular, made for those4fering game for sale out of as indicated by the success which is thus st- , season. Any person offer i ng a pheasant, tending the ettterptising; publi.liers efforts to partridge •or rabbit for- sale between the make Cie AO"ntm the etahndimeat of "II first day of January „and the first day of thst •i• eh:, r.aii.irg and instructive.—Boston ' tiotober, in each veer, is liable to pay a five I'reveller. of t 5. . NV ti eery the abo vel-..r the purpose of ex- i plainicer why the Monthly may not have ar rited indite I.2ason to any subsei lb.: rs in this Oh Monday morning last, about 7 o'clock, - I a. fire was discovered in-the old building on turnpike street, .next to the iesidence of Z. 0:1543, Eq., occupied bye Millinery estab lishments. The tire companies, and nutnei ens citizens were upon the giound promptly, and the fire was extinguished without dOing seiious damage to the building, but: of course the clients were pretty much ruined. The arrangement of the pipe and chimney is re ported as very dangerous in this building, and:, ilideed, fire is said to have broken out in the same phice, en one or more se as since, was iutense, the mercury standing at 21 degrees below zero, from 7 until nit.e o' k. A. u., and al , half past 12, was still at 11• degrees t'.elow.• The effect upon the fire engines was to render tlieln useless for a time, the water freezing in them almost instantly. Nl:tny of the firemen and whets left the cene literally covered,with it coat of ice. DANG/:IIS Of St, ThllrsdaY of List week a yi ung roan named Remy I. Howland, kn. drowned in a, mill dam .in AND STILL A N.411 . 11E11.1 Manchester, N. 1", Ile was skating, and' dr sing a young lady, •UllO was oti a hand Our I.).af o yeas again startled by the cry of sleigh, wheirthex both broke f through the fire on Tuesday evening, and the small barn of ice. Ilufore they could !Jai, ri stared, Mr.. B. Case, Esq., which is in the rear of, and in Howland sank and drowned. I Mbs Pierce meantehile,- neer the edge of the i..e close sonne.e ion with the stores of IL J. deliberatelv following instruct'ions which she j `i'Vebti;and Lathrop & Dewitt, was found to ' had rend upon' die sirbject,kept herself poised -be enveloped in flames. As it was early in and from sinking for more than half an hour, the evening, (b e f ore n i ne o'clock) the fir e - till-the assembled friends succeededreach companies in and ; citizens were earnestly at ing posi[ion, o p it e s l .l wink in a few-moment..., and the flames were hued at the m foundation of her escape. at the last, when her compani bad Slunk s•Don'under coldrel. The barn was burned to a .hell, the fiainU, and fiagnieuts of die par beside her, and the-bursting g r ief of frienila Orions, etc., in a half burned condition acre gave deeper Ilkt to the gloomy prosreet of lift standing. Some damage was dune to her es-ripe, she relinquished her grasp of toe lee with one hand and saki!" adjusted a rope the mar of the other buildings where • they , ,L • to thu other wrist %einem searureu er escape. .cacte in contact, but the engines appear to ladies and gentlemen learn to/oat on the hare been Ilke l / 4 1: to good effect, as the business water. • • men along the square had 'little hopes During the recent • election for U,, S. of , Soators South Carolina,. one for the long sai'ing their property from the devouring eledent, and had a large portion of th,eir t ter , termand_tlie other for the unexpired term of Judge Evans, there were many bolloung and store goods removed 4o the opposite side of . numb excitement. A gay, dashing young widow of great personal attraction was in Columbia at the time, and the nephew of on e of the contestants became so confused between the calls -of love and the lobby that he actually-declared bim self to the lady as a "candidate fur the unexpired term of her late husband." We are pleased to say he was elected to lb* vacancy on the first ballot. A Cu NNING Donor. —There is DO end to Yankee inventions and contrivances. The .followino. paragraph gives an idia of a recently discovered method. to travel free on II Radioed : "An ingeniutte man, who desired to go from Needham to Boston, but had no money, made believe that he was the, murderer of Carnlev, for whom a reward wan offered, was arrestea and taken to Boston, where he was immediately releartal, as not being the man wanted:" Ille re"eijnals.' anti fit ea4ocilites white l la all reopecte; principles . Vrhich be **firefly . Hied up . to. The Lletfolt Free I'44' ..telatea'.tbe affair as ' • • The ffrat Intimation ihni, the flither bid• of the'intetilibn a - the i ptitiee wait nencefeid bi thellict tlotesod 14;0115 Atit 4Bls if i i i i ° li. ' r4clll l s city; fiWietniiblis thaCtbey iiewer'cbe d ii complith their , pen/oral deif,ne on thior aide. - foundlN-nada 4bo 1 . 1 i ‘ peiformod the ceremony, ito*ever, and the WO were, made one. ' Tbey are now in Vifindsot, itujoyiug the evrehfs of the honei , moon.. t ''.:', . , , •,•• n• f''', gh4 . blotheettf hte girt eafna dr! tho nest 4 iiiy, arrived he on Sunday, and, rtsceo.aii i mg tlieWwitertiabonts,' went to hser and fiti. phcred her)?-)„Ecturn. She wa?: eontentid, kowerty:*tedlittr i; ltbony half—was 'lmifpy, in hit arme,,,trnd`coidl n't think of going bact. I The emotions.of a- rather at such ,a Right ::be bettor imaginedthan described. Smite . n lorqqlll - innuk blytted-mute-ilimiat disgrace with a singleidtitv, iitr, to iiitifbeen taught that it no iitragainstHitil'itt- wee- that his young sitter should vellum., irk. Abe lisps . of a negro, and at the samertirintcalitrirlook-' {him. iri,,tiatlatre;.autLatty tltatalia_." - m_cenc. tented. He went [Conte is., he Lid come, alone. ~.:. The girl is about eigT r ktce fears old. The family is said to Irks Oce-upied. a position in society 'whiolk Was first!elass, wnd,tlie blow is 'consequently.w terrible one. The father is rich, arlklip,gitlhe . .ircss.,Whi c h makes it very nice tor -the African olhei choice. The matter lias c e l used Wri intense eielternent in - the neigh!) . \ hOod,WA'ire the parties are well kuosin,the girl having_been l?pin and brought up where her parents re iae. It .1 dificult to imagine any train. of cirournstancea by which a yo ung and ialc!'fig:ertt, girl could be bsoucht to tom a ,conne - epon so repugnant to all thelenses..yet the fact eYists. A more complete retributiou for the cifires of fanati cism we never heard .Of. the Detroit Advertissr_OT the fith instant says the father of the girl has i nduced her 'to return home with him. She declares that the deco is her first and onfy love, and that she will Ike with Lim. The father has had his eyes opened and is .rathlr inclined to think less of his a b olition doetrin. his practical illtik,traiiOn:is 'airy List Itiir Jrimustri 'rand. tt RAND FURORS : • Aditin., Jas. W.. Itrooklen. Blut.h, Addison. ..Great, bend., • B utts; Abraham.: Libe rty. - Barns, Erastus.'.llerrielc., tinittort, Gebrge., .ItarinUnt, reo . burn; W. F....Aulmrn - . "Ctoluer, Ae!rne, M. 8... Montro,e: , PughT, Ed ward .. Clifford. , J limn>, Springripe. Lake, Williatn .111'4 Lathrop, John:. Autoirn.' Stewart ...thidgestater. Brooklyn. . Ileorge.:llarrnutiv. totter, , Francd 4 . Th inn [SO Philliis, 11. IL . Sibley, Dexter thaortl. - Smith, Rufus . :Franklin. Turner, Lake. t...ps.on, Mien ..sprineilre, Wei!i , , W. B._ Dundaff. • Young, James ..Jessuv. TRAVERSE JURORS.- 2 4.insz WEEK. Area, Jame llezekirth..Bridgewater. Baldwin, J. ' ( Hnes, . Middletown. Lewis het-cher; Minfinel.'„re`nol. Bro - wit, E. S :.Lathrop.- , _Auburn. leule, N. It Forest Carpenter, llarford. Coleman, W. It ..Cliff o rd. ))a;Ting, 'John ..SueitiVfninna. ralkenbury, Samuel . :Bus(frt. Finn, liarricrot: raurotWv4ffly...le.sup. .. Bridgewater. Utitldtm,Benjamin. :Frientii;vilTe., - Lloline., David E... Susquehanna: Lieu tt, Brook lyn. . Oath way, \Val rer . ArarAt. _ • Jame‘, T. 5... Rush. Jenkiii.z.. ljeury :Thomr;on. I.,yorts ? I.)ai i I..llarmony. ore, EliaS M... Lenoi. Mott, I'hinney, 11. 5... Dondatt: l'ailiman, A. C... Susquehanna: - Picker'ng, Alunon..Lenoi. llooi;a, Luke E... Lit: Beud. - Stoddard, Ches , er: :Thon:q4nn. Salisbury, Ger:•rge. Tewksl;ury, E. (1.. :Ltithiop. .Wes.gate,. Rohr—Herrick. . ( Woodhouse, Mintz). Wartrous, Ilan. S . Brooklyn., siecown ivazk : Arnold, Samuel . Liman 13-shop, A ustin New Milford. mum, John, -)liddletown: ]rent nti, L D... Jackson. Brush, George...Paklund. Beardsley,John.. Auburn. I3uiley, David.. Liberty. Bullard, Z. D.. Bridgawater: Joseph .Liberty. . Bingham, James.. Jackson. Barnum, Elijah ..New Milford. Crozier, E. K Friandsville. Chandler. F. B...Montroae. Deakin, John .. Liberty. . . Decker, Jacob.. Bridgewater. 'Decker, 10110 C.—Lenox. Gmham, John S....Bridgeviater. Ilaywdod, Bund. 'ilawett,Ltiroan. :FOreat Lake. Janies.. , Jenkins, Stepitens..Thompson.. _ Johnston-, Georde. . Middletown. Johnson;•Jeretr.iah ...Silver Like. reason, James ..Springville. Lairdcion. J. T. ,BridOwiter. • • ifclCaltr, lirSe'ph A,". - Auburn. Meksenger,fbeneker. Thompson. *Perry, Oliver. :Jackson. l'arsons, John. tchtkrintl. Robinson,,Ftolloway: . Lenox. Smith, Jahn 'Nei: 141 !ford. Th . :tyre, Ifortiee'.. Lathrop. I Theinas,Filter..Gt.'Berl. IVilliano;llirart.. New litiford. Wheat tin; Wm: .hekiron. Beware rot! Qlutek 'Nostrums Riad Ilissack,Doctorsee.eUse Concentrated Extract Buchu , for all Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys suct ; Sexual Organs. Read the adyertisement, lieluitould's. Genuine Pre. paratioa.• (120. - , , White-Man's Baiter Shop; • THE-- naratiN tuprxms: Meethag levegilliititish..-Therelwill'be a teeeting-of the teachers imAtithers,intorested in the stillest of,poguliti Filimittion,at the School lionise in Thin MA* llotr i ew'Saturday. the, the 15th' dap 'of - Janiiiir4 . iit I o'ectek, p. m. 'Prof. J. F. Sicinnilin %cis ',eontisid re be pres gni ioilkotit fall "and' giro' instrlietkat .un topic's of general jritelligt.in the 'afterncioni and lecture in the griming on. u,Siiirressatto LABOR . -TUE PRICE or c SUCERWRITIf t IN Iyartei.F,tir. i s. AND Wignow." We shotild . t4 itkith obliged to , atieh friend" as will s protiiiii`eciithatitainfions - flit those iireaent from a 'distance.- • • . • '-'-- • • • Let all atlend—old -nod young—and male thisaniosting what it should he, one . of general usefulness and interest, tgir 1 f F re Slgpt • Wla a:N.1111m aviiitotifitr—Eitr s aet of a letter—crinfoidilffiten Island. Nell; York, Dec. Mb, 18.56:'—Da. TontAs.: Allow mo to infirm you. after' for p•ealr' purtonnt trial on men and beasta'thit I. would fro be without your Yene fists" Liniiirent 19 fiy house coat was $5 peebottio.. 1 liavo.netner used' Anything of thu Iridd t 4 qual it, lE'ont a .: WANDLE.• Prim: addiK t eta. Depot; 56 Cortiardt-st., Nelt* York tdold,lar 'ABEL TURRELL, • twid - • 'Montrose, Pa. iretioway's Pills. -- , there is no hazard in - Say — filethat= the rputarity of Profeirsor Hol loway's romedirn in thin country Is without 'w allet in our medical annals. The iontancca in which sick persons professionally vondtatned to death have recovered under the operation of hiii miitact:94,prkirigl'ips;-1/a. au numerous and so' well "a titlienileatist thit the 'lima stubborn Incredulity is silenced. Heide of dyspeptisuand of persoasidlliotOyith lever complainknervous de, hi I itic disord ersof 'MO epileptic fits, pulmonarrollifiAins, and iithir !eternal . dietem pers. have teen:mired" by this 'unapproachable medicine since, itn - iutrodrietimi into tliti"ehun try. The press teems withAtio - leStimonials of the . parties; /11141. u-bile we wonder 'O.O are com pelled to believe. GROVER AND BAKER'S'-''' CELEBRATED - FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, . • 495 Bro'idway New York. 18 snthmer Street, lloitoo. 730 Chestnut Street,Pkiladelphis; 137 Baltimore Street, B;tltimore. 58 Wot FrontSireet,cinciunati• A NEW STYLE.---PRICE This machine sews from two ispeolS,editiiiii chnsid from the store, requiring ho'rerrinding of thread; it Hems, Fells, Gathers, and Stitches 'in a superior style, finishintr, each seam 'by its MOD operation, without recourse to the bandaged's, as is required by other machines. It wiii'do bet ter and cheaper sewing than a "sennyd.ress. ellen , if she works foi one cent an hear. Sasn gOR A CIRCULAR. F. 13. CHANDLER, Agent, tint rosti. der9tf __ wit3'ts imminz of , the head, nausea, distaste forifoc.4l, and a feeing a lassitude and exhaustion are infallible indira. tines of torpid stomach and a general sluggish- I rness vf the seen:tiro 'urge nsdthd the eirouktion. But it is not therefore neerstaary-dri genii for a dotter. A eourie of flodow'ay'a. great eathartie, alterative, and tanie.• remedy 'vitt ierneie , every unpleasant symptom, - and ithbue both the body and the mired . with unwonted. energy., ; , Every jiniTa . fluid, will be purified; every obstrneion ;in the *Neon:dory ebannehf swept away,-every 'orgaii - iegenerated; These may seen - to he strong atatenresfs. but the testimony of the sick of all nations l. their source and basis. [I r, ell ; 1 e ...o.quehanna Agrikilturst Society till Meet at the COO rt OD Tuesday evening. Tan. 18111,1859. J. LCATI.IN' Ser. 3104EOPC, ]an: Bth, 185.9. [lw. ..• Bridgewater Educational A.sociutiou meets on Saturday of each week at 1 o'clock,. p. the " Free Sehooli in Montrose. The friends. of education are re.- ,pectfully invited to attend. B. 0. CA .111) . See Doiantioge—Tho friends J. C. Boomer will give him u D‘mntion ht the home of Wm. L. I'ost on Tuesday, the "18th init.,—aternoon and evening Mrs. WM. 4.. POST, Committee kloolrlse, 11th.1 859. 1 IattSIRXB.III. At Silver lake, Jan. Int, by Roy. &tzar Sibley,, 3ft.-}l. B. REAII.ISSLEE, of Little Meadows,Pa. nod Miss ES3IOND of Silver L,ke. . .. , We recf:Ved a , god dollar w ith the above. We relniff,thent our thanks, and le-et wisins, _ hoping that they way find "The jot s or marriage a heaven nn earth, Life's ii:tradise,.great prin_!ess, the sites quiet, Slayers of concord, earthly immortality, I==2l In Harcotlion_the sth inst.. by Rev. A. Mi ller, i...1fr.,.;1 1 ,W),:,:r1T1.T.S and Jibs CLARISSA E In Franklin, on the 6111 inst., by Rld. W. C. .Tildqn. 3/r. IRA iIiLLA RD of Liberty and .1/Isa ESTHER ANN STILLWELL of Franklin. in 'Clinton, on the 2,1 inst., by the, Rev. 11. Smith, Mr. THOMAS BURDICK,Jr, , of Her rick,Susq:Co.oind Miss SARAH ,%I. GAYLORD of Clinton, Luzeyno, Co., Pa. CARD: rtnlE aintlerNignvd; the Founder and Publisher I of Van Conrt'sC tenterfeit Detector, desi rous of retiring fro m this branch of business, has Merged that old established work in the popular Bank Note Detector of Imlay & Bicknell. Hav ing published Van Court's Detettor since 1839, the undersigned reluctantly parts with his old friends and subscriberit . but this reluctance lessened by the conviction:that in Imlay & Bick nell's fLink Note Reporter they will receive. a work Ilitat matches the times. .J. VAN COURT. - IV - c) - tic3e, .All sel)sbriptions to 131 LAY & BICKNELL'S Dank Note 'Reporter are.pnyoble..ecrupulc;usly ityadvante. This is'tho uldeot.Borik Note Publication in the world. Fur ihiair long yearo it has-maintained on ut•Oullied reputation, und continues to Le the neemeetrz Anntpaulon of all, business people over the Whole contineok:of America. THE COINS OF THE WORLD! I NOW il) prea.by•lrc lay & Dianell, wiltbegiveit gratnilonoly-to all old and new subseriboni. All 1 Cain`Charts.lGuides and,llanuals, as eorfipared i t with this, may be considered:waste paper. , NithiTS—Semi-dlombly, per annum, 41.40 Monthly L . 06 Single eopie; at the counter .10 .. " Mailed I:.`. I Address . IMLAY & INC:kNELL, 1 Box 1150:1'ostOffice, Philadelphia, Pa. NOVICE - TOTAXPAYERS. . . COURTS .OF APPEAL ffinE COMMISSIOSEIRS OF SUS. emetifttsoni County have fixed upon the following named days ind places, forholding Appeals from the Triennial Assessment of 1839, to•wit: „ . , . Forest Lake, Monday, FebrOary 31st, 185 p, ni the house of (Fs. Clatk, in Forest Laic' • Silver Lake and .Chochnut,.Tuesday, Februa ry 22nd, at Kiinbaly,s Hotel in Choeonut. Middletown, Apolacon and Friendsviile Boro', Wednesday, Fehruiry23d,. at Jacksou'a Hotel, in the Bono' of Friends - Ville. Rush and Auburn, Thursday, FebruarY. 24th, at the. Snyder. Hotel in Rush. • - Spaugvil le and Dimock, Frjday, Fehruary: 2fh at the house of Spencer Hickos, in Springri.go. , . Brooklyn and Lathrop, Monday, February po t at the hou-ti of James O. Bullard, in Brooklyn. 4lirford and Lenox, Titesday, March tat, 1859' at. the house of N. W.Waldron, in thirford:' Clifford, Herrick - and pendia Bore', Wednes. day, March 2nd, at the Ftundaff hotetitiDaudiff. Gibson, Thursday. March 3d, at the: he of Joel Steenback, in . Gibson. Thbtapion. Ararat anctJackson, Friday,, iMrch 4th; it the kouseof - 11.1;Tornecrin Jackson. Print lin rind 'l,iherly; Monday, IlarcliTth; the house or Bela Jones, in Liberty. ' • New Milford and Great Bend, teleadaty . , - Mult Sth, at. the Saiitrieriwille hotel In New Miliciett,.i „Hainteny, Oakland and.,Susouehattna..Boro; Wednesday, March 9th, at the house of Thelma* Carr, iu Oustioeltarrna Berm' Moitt - osa and Bridgewater. FridaY,M,atillt l o. it the Cominitisioners Office in Montrose. intact); Saturday,. March, !Mt, at the houtterd aside! Hoff iri JessuP; „ kHy order of the COurroisbion'erre. - - ' Wro.A.- CROSSMON, ChM?. ,Counrriesioners °time, ISlnotroee. Jan. ith, 1859 , 5 J ab " 10° T.Drlt• Smith, '" ' ' QURGEON DENTIST: Reisidenee''At of k3. floe opposite the Baptist Mitch (vierttaidd) Mon trdso. Pattieslnattention iwtl r. be igloo; to Inserting teeth on golei• net siPor, plate, nes to fitting deesving teeth.- - • lintrztry fit,