111.ILADELPHI THUS...IV, EVANS & G0., -- WOULO .residents of this vicinity. that they hate ' 'no* open'illheir Now St . .ire, • tbe largest sad most-roaried,assortrgerd of _ ' Lijug4 =: SS GOODS- ff thoy "tare ever otrereci. The stock is mostly of - their own iinportatioti, having been selected per's sonallyl y-ooe.of that rrn,in the principal mar ket in. Europe, at such prices as will enable them to sell-on the most reasonable terms. SILK DEPARTMENT.- It s rocad es„ltobes a Les, Robesilonblo twogorttcen,Tltirr, Figured Plaid, Striped kettn a full assortment of Black - Silks of all kindi. Particular - attention has been paid to the selection of tills Stock, and'it will be found complito in its assortment. . . SIIA.W . L DEPARTMENT:, -Indi Stella,-B4deret --- ‘Frinch Cashmeres, =•- Long and Square Woolen Man-- *Ali "Shawls, &t.- with a full stock ofill the new. 'est styles of Shawls imported this season. , CLOAK - DEPARTMENT. - - Cloaka r made and trimmed 'in the latest I Paris. * VELVET, CL9TII, PLUSH. SLAID SELVET, ETca - The stock this season is expeusiye,. elegant and. tiakionsible. • GENERAL DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. Zhferinoes, (!ashineres,-51 ousting, ValenciasPoii lbs, Satin de Chtte,Veleur Poplini, Chi ntes,&.c filth ail the newest fabrics imported. in thiri line ~.;4.ODRNING GOODS DEPARTMgia. Aloribazines, Fatnise Cloths. Alpacas, Veldnr Poplins, Mouslines, VI - Abets, Valencias, Crapes, Collars_and Sleeves, &e., with an entire stock of - all &oda suitable for , mourning. - • • EMBROIDERY DEPARTMENT. Lice Setts, Collars, 'Sleeves, Edg. ings,Plounciag, Caps, Berthas, Capes, Glar e et, 1 Mitts; Skirts, tift; ir ansorttn4nt of 1411- treidetles'ol all kinds,including all the latest • " 7' rAnis Novr - HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. I A riomp!o,ta line of English Hosiery, for LADLE% -MLSSES, GENTS AND CHILDE:EIi, • Will be found of tfiebest and mosi . approv'd makes T. W.'.E. & CO.; contidently.inv,ite inspecticifi • of their steak, as they feel assured it will favor- Ichty compare say other, in assortment ; i style or prim. . 81 SIN) Che s tn ut Str&t, - -nor 11 lico. e&sl 01 PHIL.ADEIRHIA. • CRAP'. CAIIPETING, THE • • V.2W4(02` 41 1 , North NINTH-it, Philad r a. , k6itiltrg s t.ll - trtbaitts L., Are soricited to call and e the stock of Ingrain. and Venetian Carpeting,. .113 or Table and.. Stair Oil-Cloths of Caoton and Cocoa Matting ; Door Mats; Cloth and = Oil-Cloth Table Covers: Druggets all widths; Rag Carpet Stair Rods dm. - -iCitE'&ll? ; PO It Either_ltt:lloEES-ILE or RETAIL, By IVEATHEUII4I", , 0 4 8-3 rajw) No: 49 North 9th-st: FANCY FMB,: FOR Cillt.pßEN TOHN FAREIRA & Co; No. 8113 knew' r no.)---, Market-st, übove Bth, Phil::d'a. Importers, Manufacturers and Dealers in FANCY VMS,. foT Lndius and Children: also, Gent's - Furs, Fur Collars and Glares. The dumbenof years that we , havelDeen ent , .aged .iu the Fnr business, and tholaneral — charatter of our Fmrs, both for qual ity and price' is so generally Jrn'own' throughout the Country, that' e-think it is not 'necessary for us to say an l ,thing more than that . we have now opened oar assortment of FURS. for the Fall St t Winter Sales, of the largest and most beautiful. assortment that we have ever offeied before to. the public. Our Furs have ail been Imported I during the present season, when _, money- was"! scareb and Furs much lower than at the present I time, and have manufactured be ;the most competent workmen; we nre therefore deter mined to sell them at such--prices.as will continue to give us ,the reputation we have borne for Feats; that is to se.i a gumfirtiele for a very' sm.!! prl!. Storekeepers will do well to give . us..a call, ars: they will fifld the la rest :.ssortment by far to -select from in_ the:city, and at manufacturers' .. , prices. , JOIIN FAREIRit & CO., No. 818 Matket - Strect, above Bth, Phialdelphia. September l'Oth, 1 - 858.-4 m. • . goitr, SiTY& - TVrobiston Story. ArjNE liver belaw Ethridgel's. Drug -k." on Plibfle Avenue, where wi 11 be. found nsotantly on hand a general . assortment of ORO CERIES,: butt as Sugars,lasies Syrups, Teas, Coffee &e. • • Also-the choicest lirauds of • FAMILY FLOL R, SQ, Lard, Pork. Hams; Fish, Dipped Candles : Ilitiotly, aloirer,Field and Garden Seed& _ • - We solipit a shire of the phblie,patrona.e, and pledge ourselves to do the fair thing, hoping by each bargain to secure another. BALDWIN & ALLEN. L ALLEN. ALTIED BALD W ITN TO_TH E PITUIC . QOME Merchants publish a few low prices, la. or the price of's l'ew low prieedsarticles, as aninducement to persons to make their purchases ottbern, under the presumption that everything ts• qqn.ally low.- Without taking space in the 'Polak papers to enumerate prices, I wistiit dis tinctly understood, that I will sell Goode as low for the quality es they can be bought in any other,Store in this place or cor.nty. Baits and Books not used. 'Purehasers_wil I* genera II y find good qualities of Aiticles at Tvccrat's, amid in Drage: Medicines, Paints, Oil s, s sod e tStuffs, the:very best, and the assortments full: The -Fancy GoodS Department" is also - - extensive. --Also, choice Flintily Groceries, Crockery, Wall Paper, ,Tesvelry, Perfumery, &e. ..In short nearly every usually kept in country stores. As I dial; many departments of trade, and have mop ariforeeks than I can will enumerate in the lira s fklearfpaper, I shall not attempt it; neither wilt - it be necessary, under these cir eunistances, to fill COIOIIII3 with useless re petitions and blanks. The People are invited to -.call and-examine for themselves. • ABEL TERRELL. • Cobb 'Rogers lESPECTFULLY announce that their, ha e t entered inttr a partnership in Order to #e better • prepared to supply the wants of the pp l b. lb. TberWill keep on hand a good stock of T - THE PUBLIC:. - • - ROLE .I D 'WATCHES • e I 'know establi sh ment former l y Fn risriaA.trTaghaaintrebabseinan s t ri p led oci by ky unsla Ifni persons - pi at ed - 17 0 , 2 1 ivererana._ °° • , SWAB 5; TEA% COYISE, Sheas,F.trotT, nano J ITIGG - INl3Ollla , and astir the sack or hmrrelj fistr, and all ,- I articles found in First Class Groceries. - it_intrularCity Watch-maker, competent to repair, They would -particularly call the atteotiun of Ddpleadtepeaters, Pallet% and Detached Levers, i Farm_ers and others to the feet that they -alre Leith's*, and Vertical Watchedic.,dee,.: whethericonetantly reaeivineresh supplies.of English, Swiss, French or . Chieeee^ make; ,foth and rii-porpesoiaeoei-a-=rtrnel_,eratehieieit4wittrlvhei iniVrize, Finn it 11J nom -CiPsdens, fisurcia. - GlasseaoSse, ' - also good and mediam gpalities,-whiCh will be "Shop>ia.Benility, Read dr,, Co.'s Store, sold 21011T,.tar irkrquaotitles to aim, nmera mock Montrose Swig. Co., Pa. - the - 25th r ig.68.- , - , -isertraeetly-41esiret-that:ALD-who -• • . are indebted tolhifestiddielinientwitlier by richer or =saint 'ilto.itld 611 and:Sittle - soote and S.AiE ' Nhiatruse. Ort. sth. 15.5t1.1 rose, Nor•. 855., 11UNPILREY'S -1101100PATITIC e ft emediw f4.s-€4ot by AsztTer,EELL. ABEL TURRELL AS jut returned from Nov York, with a Li_ large and choiciOrtrieity 4f Goods, Which, he offers to his custornera attd the patio at low prices_ for cash. Hit stock comprises: • „It G S • - EDICINES., si t9ILS, W I . N - DO - W .0 I A G .E .R I E S - • . A, S. S..— WAKE, - C o*o t Y .?4* it It 0 , • • la 0 C-K - S, WALL -P A-1! E - INDOV P PE R; - AVINDO'W OIL SHADES, FANCY G.OODS, RUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, • JEWELR-Y, P E RIF U M E It Y‘, DRVIGOODS, H-ARD WARE, \ STQN-E WA RE,2 WOOD-EN WARE, Hlto 0 11 , S:RUSHES, .-JAPANNED WARE,. DIKD CAGES, . CANA-RY SEED, - POCK - ET KNIVES, WHIPS, • 3113-RELLAS, GUNS, - PISTOL'S, =`CAMPHENE, - - -•TBURNING FLUID, • ALCOHOL, • LIQUORS, •••• only,) TRUSSk,S SU r. -P a T E-S, SIIOLTLAiER BR Ai.;E-S; PORTMONNAIES, - SPECTACLES, SI LVEk & PLATED SPOONS, FORKS, &c., -, .GOLD P ENS, • - T A IOIIE R Y. ,VIOLIN STRINGS, BOWS, &e., And kill of the'mosfpoPular PATE).;•T MEDICINES , ThantrinI for thelitieral patronage hitherto re ceived, he 119FieFt to moiit a'continuitnee and: large it.trase of the satire. - • ABEL TCRJtELL. Montrose. Nos. ist ISSB. • - ~1, °Nig -mg ' - - 1 . it, • + . Moptrose, Pa., 414 ts ..124111t-.attil -leYatif a; D • • •c• r_.• 41 ,• TIIS new and commodious Hotel situated on Public Avenue, near the Court Honse,and dearly in the Centre of business portion of Montrose is a - awfully completed and furnished, and till be opened ou Monday. the 27th day of 1 the-present month for the accommodation of ' the public and travelers; the Proprietor feels confident.thathe is now prepared to entertain' guests inn manner thit cannot fail to give corn-1 plete satisfactioh. The Hotel and Furniture aro neir, and no expense-has been spared to render it equal, if not snperier-te any similar establish. meat in this part of the State. It is suat..... f ._,i plied with-siiths kiFcrat tarproremunts and com forts 'and obliging . waiters wilt always be ready to respond to the call . :of customers. 1 __ - . 1 .The,Stablesi 'connected with this House are tea•, and convenient. The Proprietor respeclfally solicits the patri;o 7 ' l , ago of his old friend, and the public getTerally. WM. K. 'LATCH..: Vont rose, September 21st, 1858, GIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE! . THE coarginii t i p:NE NUM' RDif READY PAY Sttre of New Milford, HAYDEN BROTHERS, The-People's Agents, are mow receiv, ing a large Stock of Staple and -Fancy Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats andl Caps, Wall- and Window Paper, Wooden Ware,i Forks, Hoei,' Floor and Salt—by - the barrel or load,—Yankee Notions; Jewelry and Wat-hes-1 wholesale, and re; at vices that Would as-1 tosish tlibs.e not A:tea in- the ready-pay_busi- , ness. c. We hare nothing to do with Old Fogyism,—! he h.s* "gone in"—has vamoosed 'without groan or kick, and the last seen of him he was' holding on ttc-the..tail of "Hard Tians," and he . grinned a ghastly smile as hepassed hisOLO I FRIENDS. • Our MOttO:iS—Live and Let Lite. • - ONE PRICE ONLY ! v. - Can't be beat doViTo: AO CHARGE FOR sIioWIN4-110914:1 - ffeezy AlVarriznii;d -as Represimted We thank one friends atd enAtemers for their liberal patronage in times past, and we . hope strict attention to business. to merit a tontin: : uance of the same.. _HAYDEN BROTIMRS. New Milford, May 1841858.-Iy* HIGHLYIMPORTANT LifFUNMIT ill To - All Gentlemen 240 Wear Clollies. T HAVE recently made arrangements,"at siderable expense, for doling work in the a- - - Tailorinßusinessrl, , on very short notice, in a neat,durable, and fash ionable manner, and at induced prices. I will furnish garments to order, if desired, or render the customer whitever tissistance he mav need in selecting materials of the best and at the lowest market prices. , . All my work will be warranted as to fit, fin. ish and durability. No customer need take his work' from the. shop unless it suitsthim. _Being pertnanentiv, and ex elusively engaged. in this business', it A:all IZe niy great aim to pleaee the public, and thus secure their patronage. P. LINES. Montrose,.June let 1858. 22tf. DEN TA TA IL A: GIFFORD has located himse# 1 .I_./ In Montrose-for the purpose of carrying n the DENTAL Pasv.ricE in all its branches. He s now ready to attend to all calls in.his protessi a with promptneis, and will endeavor to give entire satisfaction. All operations WARRANTED. Ofqe With Dr. DIROCN. • Sept. l bth..1858.--tf. S. SATRE & UROTHERS AREIN-07 , 1 RECEIVING apply 7- 4 0 1 FALL I - I Qs WILNTF 4 R GOODS. _ "f THICH for Cstabor Prodnce can be bought . 1` very Invr.. 1 WALL PAPER. .k seleci amt . ortment just received. - ' S. H. SAYRE d 4 BROTHERS. riARPEITING. Bargains offered by . . S. H. SAYRE_a BROTHERS PLOW r .14,0 f - LOWS. We invite the kite:thou ofFarmers I to the celehrated-,Peekeddlle PloVs- which • e have added to oar large asimitment. . S.4I. SAYRE & BROTHERS, Proprintors of Eagle Foundry. ffiontrose,-N0v.29th,1858.: - istr. . ::STOVES!STOVES STOVES!! grovEs4: Otni Stoves haielmen soi ihoromihly tried Ito tho entire Satisfaction of, all, that they need no recommend from us. I , - • . S. ll..SaYui nuoTtinns. V 0 Ct 0'2.1 18 Lin 12 4 :1 4 WER D 9 17' THE HEAD _I OF AdiVIOATION; A ND examine the' choice i stock of Vali and Winter Goods, just opened for Examination and Sai.z, at fiery lowigures by C. W. MOTT. S• FELLA; - Cashmere, and liarirn Shawls at very low 'prices by C. W.- WIT. fi'S and Caps ' of th 4 newest styles, in great variety by f.J . . W. MOTT pßliTSin' abundance lby • (;._ W. MOTT. • irEAss szotpos, rioiiith , y, Clocos, Belt:, LI etc., etc., by C. W. MOTT. BROWN and Blue Sheeting and Sh"rtings— Shirtirig Stripes, Ticks,l Denims, ftiammer &c., as low as eaulbe affordietin this . _ market. C. W. ItiOTT. riItOCEMES, Crockery; Hardware and Ur various other articles to numerous to men tion,—all of which shall be sold Choap for Cash or Ready Pay. W. MOTT. - OLOTllS,Cassimeis and 'Yestings, rely do sirable styles; at prices that cannot fail to suit. - Call and be cenvinied. J.C. W. WITT. . . • t rtat THE Atlantic Cable has been laid; but that does nit begia case as much joy as.the fact that - ; • R. RENTON Is in twirl:et with a fine tiNssortnrinit of. IGOODS Consisting in part as follows: -ItoireAntigneczad Black Silks, Embroide;ed Robes, Printed do., Shawis,77•Brocha— . • . Long and Square, Silk, and Inzit. : - - Chenille from $5,00 to $2.,00. - ~- -•- Plain . All -Wool Banns:. ' ' • . • OLIVERE PLAIDS. . Linia1un...." , ...........1., , ..._=.. , c... 7 ~_l4l—Al„. 72"—.1_. _Jazz bons from 4s Os. to 435,00 A, Dimity and . . , Victoria Lctirm; Swiss Muslin; Brit.: - • . . .„ Pz:-'" -, liont,` , Sakce net Cambiesiall the `-','• - .2Ve!.6 Styles of Printed De ,.. lancs,Ehabroidered Far- • Trance lITTS:L/N. --.- KENTUCKY J,EANS.IO -ovititirarietV. Every variety of BONNET BORDEIS and GOODS, an - as lo,'retealie all the Ladiei, fronithe trouble of calling upon the 31rm..vgaas'who- charge so very high. DOMESTIC GIN9IIAMSAL.prires I-lower than usual. WALL PAPER,ItOrDER, CARPET BAGS, UMBRELLAS. BUFFALO ROBES, CARPETING,CROOKERI', two Ttetr 'and beautiful styles. HOOPS. CHA3IBRAY and FRENCH QINGHAIIS. I SHOES, a very large assortment. GAITERS, BOOTS and I SLIPPERS. Also, a large asortment of choice TOYS, for distribUtion by Sa4ta Claus. PER -I..LFU3IERV, HAIR OILS, PATENT 31ED1- , I CINES. Also, a fine assdrtment "of BED- I. STEADS, from $1,74 to 86. {;HAIRS—Wood Flag Seat, at Manufacturer's plicc:s. -And would I say that his assortment is lery especially adapted to those who buy rich goOds,--ihe would respect- fully invite their inspection as goods particularly suited to class No. 1. And would as positively assure those who wish to buj at lotiest prices that his goods are equally gobd for them, and just as low as can be boughtithis side of -New Yak - It is a fact. acknowledged by all, that my goods excell the purchases Of all other dealers in„oraurv. • _ Tt [KENYON JR. a....syme - centre;Pa., September 6, 1658. I WM. B. SIM:PSON, 1* AT tit UPIIIIIIii Shop .in Loyd cl: Treb , ler',s new building, next door above Keeler ti; Sloddard's. T_TAVING woiked for the past nine yetrs _ll with the most skillful tint-hone, he feels confident that he can do the most difilcult jobs on short notice:' All Work-Warranted to Give Satisfaction W. B. Stmrsox has worked for me for some time, and 1 can recommend hint as a careful and skilful workman, competent to do as good work as can be done in the cnontry,and worthy of confidence. Cluennradx. Towanda Jude 10th. 1856. - R , fers thA:eii, W. Baird, E. D: Montayne, E.O. Goodrich, B. Kingsbury, Towan da; B. S. Bentley, L Seaile; C. D. Lathrop, .1, Wittenberg, Montrose. * * *Jetwelry neatly repaired{ on short notice, and on reasonable terms: Pune 15th, 1858.-ttf. l'alt - salt r' , lalt II - c..., , :.-..., , c... ... 17_1E0. %V. MANN, Wifolfisale Salt Dealer,— Ulf 201 Washington Street (directly opposite Washington Market.) still continues to offer to the eit'y and co.tntry trade, all: kinds of Forei g n coarse end fine salt, at the vex lowest figure ; 40000 Cocks and bags, consisting in part Of As - ton's celebrated . brand fortabie and dairy use- Jeffrey & Darcy. Marshall's, !Brownlow's, &c. • and 50000 bushels Turks Island, &Maros, Cu: moos, St. Wres t Lisbon", Cadiz Avid, Nantes,. &c., all of which will be sold at b4rgain prices from, vessels, store and storehouseS. Any purchaser wishing to Select from a good assortmenf will,find it to his intere4 to call. • Ntlit—Fine table salt put np.in small bags of different sizes, and eonstantl , f 'on hand in Alp: ping order... Also a itplendi article 'of Rock Ground salt, in quart boxes,fiut up and for sale by the quantity, in cases of fiTe dozen each. New York, April Ist, 1 8 58.1-r—ly*._, ' 3 - 6nt.irt DEW AITELANSELIEITES At the Old Stand of LathropzglvOo. LikTER OP it paPlITT`` - . DEG lento.° =menace 1.1 the public in gen. eral that they are now ppening one of the largest Srects of.Msncua.amscev e r offered in Montrose. ,Comprfaing Dry 'Goods Groceries, Ilard.Ware r crockery, &a., - whichlbey propoise to sell at the Lou'Esli CASE PRICES. Those ore 'r'eal - Facts:',.. . We wish to' demonstrate! to the public die different* between buyinz Chods cain and OS TOW.. LATHROP DetVrrl'. I ,3lontrose. Apal 26111. 151. FRANCIS B. 4 ljAvistd, 4 it D. . • ••••••••••WILIA M'EUICI i E ANU Si! R R Y in 'Mon troiti'cind -adjastat - parts of S'Susgue ' ' • (buoy. • orrit - E %V Morn, Es - 4- RESIbENCE - COrnet:Opposite:the Methodist Montrose,' Nov. 16;1858, T 11111e. - dc•rPosit, Attorneys at,.-14tW, have 11 removed to their new otruNt, tifew doors south of Boyd it, Webster's corner. •-• - Montrose Oct. 25,-3m • • . " : L RICHARDSON, OULD respectfully tender his Professional W T- Services 'to the inhabitants of - - NIONTROIM4 _-- and its vicinitt. Office over Mulford's Store., Lodgings at the Itoyatone ' Montrose; Oct. IJth, 1858.—1y.* ' LAWRENCE, GRIGGS, kAIINGSBURL. MANUFACTURERS, /MD JOBBERS IN H I2 ATS; CArS I , :AND a : 11,1181 1 ", "S 113 tiM , 0 egmo: Umbrellas, Parasols, and Ribbons, A?tt) ALL MILLINERY ARTICLES • , No. 46,' cotritnium , STßZET, DAN. H. LAWILEIiCE, - . NEW Jo. M. GIIIGGS, GeneraI Partners , ,- ,, -• . Jim. A: KUIGiIIITRY, ; ~":!' -.M. C. TYLER. Special Partner. Nep.2,l3i.* .' HENRY B. BUIE:EIk ATTORN EY and COUNSELLOR at LAW: Office in the Union .Block—Towandaarad ford.county, Pa. 0T - Will attend Tircimptly to all•profassicinal husiness.intrusted-to him, in this and, adjoining counties. fje3lslltf "TOME OFFICE, over Stiore. LODGINGS, a SEARLE'S HOTEL. Montrose, 3fareli 10t11, 1858. EVEIDNIEN REPRESENTS A CAPITAL OP OVER • '` W5lOOOlOOO For Fire,-:3larine, Life, and Inland insurance Mike,. Nett: Milford, Pa. January 18th, '18,58.' ' ? y* Dr. H. Smith, & Son, SURGEON DENTISTS. Residence and of flee opposite she Baptist Church (nortfi side) Montrose. Particular attention will be --gi.ven to inserting teeth on gold and silver plate, and toqiiiing decaying tee Th. January 10th. 1858. I v*. WM. W. SMITH, & CO., Cabinet 'and Chair Manufactur er*, foot of Main Street. Montrose, Pa. ABELAITRRELL,M __ONTROSE, PA. Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals Dye Stull's, Glass-ware, Paints, Oils,Narnisheli, Window Glass, Groceries, Fancy Goode, Jew. . elry, Perfumery, &c.—And Agent for all the most popular Pment Meclicines. JOHN GROVES, Fashionable Tailor—Shop, near the Baptist Meeting House; on Turnpike Street. DA. R. THAYER, Plipdeian and Surgeon, Montrose Pa. Office in th'e-Firoier's Store. HAYDEN BROTHERS, Newltiped, li / N7 li s o u l:.. i rj e e rg dege r r ea ilifitt ti c s ; C, o t e s . IVatehes,'Jewelry, Silverand Plated Ware, Cut lery, Fishing Tackle, Cigars, &coke. Merchants and pedlars, supplied on liberal terms. WM, HAYDEN, TRACY HAYDEN, JOHN HAYDEN,GEO. HAYDEN. DR. E. F..WILMOT, radtiate of the Allopathic. and Homeo : pathic Colleges of Medicine, is now per manently [Cleated in Great Bend Pa. April 21, 1856. JOHN SAIITTER, Tiashionable Tailor. Shop first doo r north of the Farmer's Store.' NEWTON & IitcOOLLIIM. A Warner. and Connsellorsat Law. it OQ - ice on Public Avenue over IL J. Webb's 'tore. N. NEWTON. J. B i • 'ottum. - itariffillTSV 'MD 21 FIRE : -INSITIZANC CO., , YORK, Pa. Chartered y he Stale of Pennsylmiia CAPITAL, 300,000 DOLLARS:* Insure; at ainst loss or damage by fire, on buil dings, furniture, and Merchandise generally. rait — Losses adjusted by --arbitration, where the parties fail to agree. ~ E=l IL -A. Hantz,John Landes, H. lim I ber. Fred. Sultzhael, William Wallace,( Kindig, Samuel Dyer,' Thomas Gray, David Skritkler. • 11. KR ABER, President, D. - STRICKLER, Secretary. Q. S. BEEBE;Agent, Morirtose, Pa. February 2d, 1858. (IY*. 11:4 in :UN 11:11-iilt .) r r i HE subscriber having purchased sea. -, JL refitted and newly furnished tht 111 " above well known and popular Hotel, to ' is prepared to'accommodate the trite-- cling _public and others with all the attentions and conveniences usually found in first-class Houses. No effort will be spared by the eta prietor add his assistants to make the Hotel equa. i every point to any in the country. I The Bar will always be supplied with lee Choicest Liquors._ The Stables, connected with this Heise are large, roomy and convenient, and careful and attentive Hostlers are alwaya'in Charg. of be= 3. S. TARBELL. Montrose, May 13! h, • I 858. REDiQVA - L. The eitddiei Harare; and Trunk L. of '• rt.: T. 'TORDIIBB Is REMOVED to the bnildilig recently' ()mi pia C. C.:Hollister, ene..iloOr above S. S.•lllott's, where he will be happy to wait on all who may favor him with their /patron age. Jan-. 30th, 1558.—te. **" Patent Medicines, 'B6o. READ AFTLi CITED, REAP ! rittantarssao MEnictans. - -Vegetablo Pills X. 3 - Green Mountain Ointment, : Sarsaparilla Compound, Children's Pontius, Eye Lotion, Fe& , ver and Ague Remedy, Health Bitters, Dysett— tary Syrup, Consumptite's Balm, Maruhall's Uterine, Catholicon. Dr. Libby's Pile Ointment, and Manual ortleilth. and Cherry PeCtoral, Tanner's German Ointinerit, Traslo3. Magnetic Ointment, Holloway's Ointment and Pills, 'Davis' Pain Kilter, Di. Fitch's Wean Corrector, - Beiuktt's Root and Plant Pills, Souti's Sovereign. Balm, Wrlght,'S IndianVeietable,Pilis, Rhode's Fever and 'A)tne Cori, Merchant's Gargling Oil , Arrii:. on Pulment, Camphor, Castor Oil; Paregorii, Atoee, Picera, Lie:orice, &e., dee., +Ile "A nCiv r tinpplyjust rimiived, to be keptconstant ly on hand, for sale by I. N. BULLARD. ortober.l4t. 1556. dr, 00 e, IIeoNVITVACO3MEII2CIAL COLLEGE.. PITTSBURG, PA.:. CHARTEREDIBSS. - 300 Studenteattonding January, 1858. STOW the largest and most thorough Commer. II :cial School of the-United States. Young men'prepared for actual doties of the Counting Room. C. &writ, A. 114 1 Prof.. of Book•keeping and Scientific 'Accounts. - A; T. , DocrrnErr, Teadfor of MitEnnetje and Commercial • Celnlilation. : • J. A. IlEypelnic and.T. C. Imams, Teaafir of Book.keeping.• "r 1 • , A. Cowl.ei and W. A. MILLER, Profi. of Penn manship. BINDLE AND DOODLE ENTRY BOOK KEEPING, As used in every. department of business. CaIUKERCIAL - ARITHME'TIC—RAPID BU SINESS %VRI TING— DETECTING COUNTERFEIT MONEY MERCANTILE CORRESPONDENCE . COMMERCIAL LAW- Are taught/ and elf other subjects necessary for Abe success and thorough . education of a practi -cal business man: 12 PREMIUMS. Drawn all the Premiums in Pittsburg, for the past threeyears, also in Eastern and Western - Cities, for best Writing, HOT EIVGItAVED woreK. IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Students enter at any time—No vacation—Time unlimited—Review at pleasure—Graduates as sisted to obtain situations=Taition for•fall Com meißial Course; 835,00--Average time 8 to 12 weeks—Board, - $2,50 per week—Stationery, IPA—Entire co/14'860,0U to 870,80. I - W. Minister's sous reeelud at half price. For Caol—Chteular—Specimens of Business and Ornamental Writing—inelose two stamps, and address F.W. JENKINS, Pittsburg, Pa. September 9th, 1858.-3 m (iy,eq,*,w A PRIZE FOR EVERY BODY • WHO SIISCRIBES FCIR THE aletkk ass. A BEAUTIFULLY if la Cr o f r P. - 4 '. rl"raM T tIEW-VIPIL NEW.YORK WEEKLY PRESS IS Till; one of the Lest literary papers of the day. 'A large Quarto containing Twenty Pages, or .dints Columns. of entertaining matter, and Ele. gantly Illustrated every ‘i'eek., A Gift frorth from DO cents to $lOOO vvi'l be sent to each subscriber on the receipt of the sub-' scription money. One copy for one year, and'l gift .. . $2. Three eor. 1.9_8 one year, and 3 gifts . . . 5. Five copies one year, and 5 gifts . . . 8. Ten copies one year, and 10 gifts . . . 15. Twenty-one Copies one year, a-nd 21 giftit3o. The ankles to by distributed are comprised, in . the folloiving-listi:-- 1 United Statile; Treasury Noto 41000. do do do 500 each. 5 do j do do 200 each. 10 do ' do . do 100 each. 10 Pat. Lee. liunrg Cased Watches I'oo each. 20 Gold Watches - - - 75 each. 50 do . - - - 60 each. 100 do - - - 50 each. Too'LadiusGold Watches - - 35 each: 200 Silver Uuntin,eCiMed Watches .110 each. 500 do Watches - $l5 to 25 each. 1000 Gold Guard, 'Kest saki...oh Chains 10 to 30. do do Penis and - sto 15 each. Gold• Lockets. Bracelets, Brooches, Ear Drops. Breast Pins, Cuff Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Rings, 'Shirt Studs, Watch Keys,Uold and Silver Thitn- Wes, and a variety of other articles, worth from fifty scents - to , 'fifteen dollars each. On receipt of the subscription money, the sub. scriber's name will be entered upon our books opposite a (flambe); and. the gift corresponding vv,itt titt s tfrimbet will be forwarded v:ithin one week, by mail or express, post paid. There is neither humbug nor lottery about the abvireos every subwriber is sure of a Prize of value..We prefer-to Make this liberal distribs tion nmong_them instead, of giving: a large com mission to agents, giving to the subscriber the amosnt that would go to the agent,. in man} cases a Ltindred fold-more. E' Addiess all commhnications to DAMEL ADEE, Publisher, May 27.—y I.] 211 Centie Street, Yew York Ms) liag.i.3sPl 3 /112;livit,N 5 o 17. rriO.MOTHERS, IVIVE kDAUGHTDRS. 1 Dr. R.A. LAMONI 'S PeriodicalCompolind. The most beneficial and successful FEMSLE MED WISE now in - use or known, for all cases of dis- rdered, obstructed or suppressed Menstruation, Lueorrhcca,Femitle Weakness &e. Ladies - who have been disappointed in the use of Female Pills &c , can put the utmost confidence in this Corn pound, it is infallible in the Cure of all the above named complaints: It will be sent by mail 'to any addreis by enclosing $2 to any authorized agent. Prepare() L ANDREW - Buffalo N. Y. For sale in MontrOse titav 13'58-1 yj :BENTLEY; READ, & CO. HO WAR D — ESI3O rirr . PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Insiiintion,established by:special en dotoment for- the reliepf the sick and distressed, afilic?ed with Virulent and Epidemic diseases. rriHE HOWARD ASSOCIATI*in - yiew of the aw-' ful de s truction of human life, caused by Bei ual diseases, and the deceptions practised upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by' Quacks, several years ago directed their Cell salting Surgeon, its a C'HARITABLE , ACT worthy of their name, to open a Dispensary tbr the treat ment of this,class of diseases, in all their forms, and to g ive MEDICAI.ADVICEGRATIS, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their con dition, (age, occupation, habits of life, dtc.,) and in cases of extreme poverty, to furnish medicines free of charge. -IV is needless to.add that the Association commands the highest medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most improved modern treatment. The Directors oftlie Association, in their An nual Report: upon the treatment of Sexual Di. senses, for the year ending January Ist, 1858, express the highest _satisfaction with the success which has attehded the labors of the-Consulting Surgeon in the cure of SPercnatorrhos. Seminal Weakness. InipotenCe.Gonorrbata,Gleot,Sypillis,- the vice of Onanism or Self-abuse, &c., and or der a continuance of the same plan for the en suing year. An admirable Report on ..permatorrhcea, or Seminal Weakness, the vice Of Qnanism, Mastur bation, or Sell-abitse, and ether_disetuies of the sexual -organs, by the Consulting Surgeon, will he sent by Mail (in a sealed envelope) ; FREE 01 4 CHARGP., on the receipt of TWO STAMPS fur pOstage. Other Reports and Tracts.on the nature ind , treiiinent of sexist diseases; diet. &c.. are constantly being publish ed for gratuitous distributiOn and will be sent to the afflicted. Some of the new remedieis' and unithida ofirentment dindovered during the last year,sre.,ggreat value. Addreasjor Repot', or Treatment, Dr. G eorge. R.Calboun, Consul Ling &irgnon, flotiarld Asko-, elation, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia ' ''. I pa. By ordet 'of the Directors. -FARA D. ElAtitW.ELLPhisideni. GEO. FAIRCAtLD, Seey. OC 28-ly TO THE SNEEZING - POOETC: DardenC . iiebtattect 'titan* Snuff, , 7 4 11 t r ,INFAL , E.L 5 L.E REMEDY.. ion•sALs , R. THASEI 1 I , J l 9ntkOwi - S. D. TOUPKINS,;„BrOokIyi; --- Wm H. THAYE Irmock -' • -Still They Como! : • - mHE !Argent st,ocit 91, EDIC4gB ever n o kept in Oh' litiOth; 0 2 Y I 3 e fo . uFd • --1 2 - EJ . . l l' 111-. , It will - ~io enumerate.. When. you wish Pateet . hleillelue-lirte e 'or othetrvlaet ''a'-Farmer's Store. Don't-for get the R. TILtVER: 3tontroke, 3d. 1858. • -, Nolmbold's Genuine Preparation; Highly Coneintrpied Compgand , FlAid Exited - Huhu. . For Diseases of the Mulder, Kidneys, Grate Dropsy, Weaknesses, Obstructions, Secret Diseases, Female Complaints, and all 'Diseases of the Sexual Orgaris,, arising froin eiceasei and imprudences inli fe, and 'removing all improper discharges from "the blad der, kidneys, or sexual organs, whether existing in MALE. OR FEMALE, from whatever cause they may have originated, and no matter of how !Ong Standing", giving health and vigor to the frame, and bloom to the pallid cheek. - JOY TO. THE AFFLICTED !! ! it eures nervous and - debilitated sufferersoind removes all the symptoms;among which will be foundindisposition to exertion,Toss of power,l oss of memory, difficulty of breathing, general weak:- ,ness,"borror of disease, weak nerves, trembling, I dreadful horror of death, night sweats,cold feet, wakefulness, dimness of visiorf,ianguor,u.iiversal lassitude of the.ttinscblar system, often enormous appetite, with dyspeptic Symptoms, hot hands, flushing of the body, dryness of the skin, pallid Countenance and eruptions on the face,pain in the back, heaviness of the eyelids, frequently black spots flying before the Imes, with a temporary .surusion and loss of Sight;want of att ention,g rent mobility, restlessness, with horror. of society.— Nothing IS tnkie - desirable to such patients than solitude - ,and nothing they more dread for fear of themselves; no repose of nanner,no earnestness, no speculation. but a hurried transition from one question to another. These symptoms, if allowed to go on—which this medicine invariably removes—Bonn follows loss of power, fatuity and ,epileptic fits—hi one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that these excesses are not frequently followed by - those direful diseases—insanity and censump floe! The records of the insane ;tsylums,. and the Melancholy deaths by consumption bear am ple witness to the truth of these assertions. In lunatic asylums the most melancholy exhibition ppear4. The countenance is nctuAliy sodden & quite destitute—neither mirth or grief ever vis its it. Should a sound, of the voice occur, it is rarely articulate.; "With woeful mea4ures wan despair _ Low sullen seund4 his grief be , t e uiled.". Debility is the most terrible! and h as brought thousands to untimely graYes, thus blasting the ambjtion of many noble youths. It can be cured by the use of this f!V FA n Em n . If you are suffering with any of the aiuove dis tressing ailments, the Fluid Extract Buehu will cure crp. Try it and be convinced ()fits efEcvey. gr - Deware of quack nostrinqs and quack 'doe: tors, who falsely boast of abilities and referencts. Citizens know and avoid them, and save long suf fering, money, and exposure, by sending or call. ing for a bottle of this popular and specific retn edy. It allays all pain and inflammation, is per fectly pleasant in its taste ar.d . odor, but immedi ate in its action. • • - . HELMBO_Ir. EXTRACT BUCHU Is prepared directly according , to the rules of Pharmacy and Chemistry, with the greatest ac rUracy and chemical knowledge and care deco. ted in its combination. ,See Professor. pewees valuable w.orke on the practice of physic, and most of the late standard works of medicine. gr $1 0 0 _An One hundred dollars will be paid to any physician' who can prove that the. medicine everinjured a patient;and the testimony of thousands can be produced to, prove that it does great good. Caies of from one week to 13 yeare standing have been effected. The mass of voluntary testimony in possession of tbe . Pro. '. pnetor, vouching its virtues and curative powers, rib is i mense, embracing names well known to S tence and Fame. ~ 100,000 Boties have been sold and not a single tostance pf failure, has been reportedl. Pert:fr.:illy appeared before rne. an Alderman or tno - pity of Philadelphia, 11. T. Ilelmbeld,. Chemiktt, who being duly sworn does say, that his preparation contains no - Nareot lc, Mercury or injurious Drug• but is purely Vegetable. Sole Manufacturer:" Switro and subscribed beioro me,this 23d day of Nov- "1554. Vin P. HIBBARD. Alderman. Price $1 per Bottle, or six fur.' $.5, delivered to any address. accompanied be riAiablet acid.res ponsible certificate from Pioiestiore of Mediea I CollegesXlergytnen, and otherS: Prepared and soleby H.• HELM-BOLD, - Practicri Analytical Chemist, No.-Lr2 South itnii-st.. below Chestnut, Assem bly .11Oildingia, Philadelphia, Pa.. . Fir To be had of all Druggists and Dealors in thl.i.,S.,Canadas, and British Provinces. Bewire of "Counterfeits.' Ask for flultabold'2. —tiikeno other:, Cores . guarantictt 'Sold in Montrose by ABYEL TURRELL, Agen . i Tan. 20,'58,-Iy. clr NEW GODIIS I • - .." H. •T, WEB ' -S. 7 MONTROSE, AP Rik, 3 0 -s 1 8r? 8. WINTER ARBANG'EIENT. _Rmissommm. Delaware, Lac kawanna. & W.R.R. NO MORE" Througlt : to Philadelpyia by Rail! NEW It A iti - A - 61Tif.6111 ; E—fiLid. WARE, LACKAWANNA & WESTERRAIL. • • AA) _New and -expeditious broad gliage route from the Norrzattnasar...4. , .i2Excat_Beil. and Scranton; and . from the Lackawanna a nd Wyoming valleys, through_ to New York and Philadelphia, ' . • On and after ThirsdaY,tfeeentber 16th, 1858, trains will be run as folloh76; The. Night Express Train,,nound cast on`•N. L & Erie R. R. arrives at Great Bend at 7.33:a. in, and contracts with the EXPRESS Train which leaves Great Bend for New York and Philadelphia at 8.00 a. in. Due at Montrose, 8.37 " Tunkhannork, ' . 9.13 " Factoryville, - 9.43 " - Scranton, , AO 30 " Miiscow, 11.17- Stroudsburg, 1.12 p. m _ • Water Gap,, 1.25 Delaware,(ls minutes to dine,) 1.50 -" Bridgeville, .2.`20 Junction, , • 3.13 " New YOrk, Philadelphia, Passengers from N. Y., leave pier:, No. 2' North River, at - 7.30 a. m From PhiladelPhia,leave Walnut St, Wharf, at . _ 6.00 " 'Leave Junction, 11.10. " Due ateridgevill e, 12.01 p'. tn. Dela ware, (15 init. to dinner), 12.16; " Water Gap, 12.55' " Stroudsburg - , 1.08 " Moscow, • 3.16 " Scranton, 4:00 " Factoryville, , 4.52 ". Tunkhnnnock, 5.11 " li_atttrosei • 5.58 " Great Bend. • 6.35 " ConneCting at Great Bend With the Mail Train, west, at Accommodation Train !elves Sera* ton for Gient.Biridlifr - • .9.15 ArrLve at Bend, 205 Connecting ~ With the'Eudgrat Tratn liVest•at. 2.20, the . Dunk irk Tornio - se at `4.35,' and' the N.: - Y. Express, iaskat 10 Returning, leaves Great Bend at ~ 3:20 Due at,Serantr,n, For the . acconiniedatiOn'lit way trav_ettm the. Seutheen patipenger s can Will.ho at= tached„.to the-Es press FreightTraiiii, leaving-, Scranton; at .1.45 Dap at Stcondebnig at . :, .3,upction at. : • • Returning; will leave Junction at 3.45 a. m. Drie-sittroudatiurg--- l-15 " " Serantton4t • ,' • .4.35 p..m. Passengers 6 tind frotillTew York and Phil. adelphia will ehangin'ears^at -Foe- Pittetoo,' Kingston, and Artlkeiharre, take_ lk& 8., R.. R., ears at Scranton:' ' - - • - Foi Jessu p, 'Archbald, and citbOn4.o?; take, the-Stagesst Strata - 43p; - 4 % T-tieketisold; arid • • dfiolllCHlClSlllNi,Kup't. Jraiii 9 - , Ticket Agent: • Scranton, Dec. 10th, 1858.. 11 ‘ Ss I 41 , aik r OF TEE • •r• 0 , • READY-PAY SYsTEN T- is certain that Goods can be'seld successful ly in Montrose.and at Susquehanna Depot fOR CASH. Those doubting this assertioewill do well to call . . . • ' • at the stores of Outtenbag llosenbaum 6:. (Ex *1 where 4 ,will be proven that the 'Merchant in selling his GoOds can afford to sell Cheaper for Cash, and can offerinducetnentianfficient to make. it an object to Purchisers, at whatever sacrifice they are obliged to make,to procure the Money to adopt in their Purchases the Clan _ ' ). They havelust received and are constantly re ceivingra large assortment of Dry GOODS and CLOTHING, particularly adapted for FALL AND. WINTER, and which ire purchased under the moat favors. blo circumstances. They are enabled and wtir. offer and will at pr'ces fir below others that will give and have- given an everlasting Credit; no matter whether it is Tom, Dick, or Harry. T-H-E-R-E-F-0-R-E- EXAMINE, COMPARE AND JUDGE OUR DRY GOODS ! - An assortmel heretofore unetiled by anything I ever offered in Montrose. Fancy and Staple Dry Goode! Comprising many new and desirablo styles of Goods unknownin this market, among which will. be found, in LADIES' DRESS GOODS, All the novelties of the season . , Cheap et ROSENBAUSI:& O'S. Ne*,an'd choice rtyley of Broeheltstriind ain(-!le; Stella, Plaid. Wool, Taint. , and' Mantilla, and a new style of Chenill Shaw Is, cheap at 6ntirlibtrg, iosrnbant, k Co's. MTV EMIL An asiortmoni always on hand. also Ladies' Cloth and Tiimming to match, of all shades, cheap at euttenkr4, EAD3ROIDERIES! `ln this Department we can offer' great indite - meats,. as they are purchased directlyfrom i porting 'houses. The assortment comprises Fivneh setts, Sleeves and Colin , Worked Edgings and Inserting, and a, great many more aril- cies belong to this line too . numerous to men- lion, cheap at • C (MENBERG; ROSENBAUM, 4.:.CO'S. Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers and Plumes, Wire,Stiff'Net tings and Frames. at Ni'llolesale and Retail,--cheap at GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM, CO'S Domestic Goods.! Mdy be found all the different qualities Ginghatam, Blt!achedsGoods, FineUrib Partied 31uslicti, Ticks,.Stripes,Deniku:s, Sheeting, 1.2 y'ds wide, ehenp,ut GUtTENBERO. ROSENDAUM, 6 CO'S. READY . 11!ADE .CLOPIING. As this Is one of their l'itintrar. &wenEs OF Bustrsi.ss in New York City, they certainly have one great advantage over all the rest of Clothiers; they having; evm---14rieer steady in New York city to devote all his time to thin particularlzoranch of mtnufacturing. They wi I furnish, at any time, a Good Garment at about the same-price for which the material cau be got. They will' warrant their, work end a complete .fit orno pay. - . - -They keep zonstantly on hand one or the best stocks of OYER A\D UNDER COATS! Such as Frock, 'Dress, Raglan, and Sacks PANTS In Great "rariet? and Dilerent Styies VESTS 7.15 " 8.15 " Such. Plush, Cassimer,:and Satib, cheap at : GLITTENIA,IIG, ROSENBAUM', & COB. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER, of the Best Material at Short Notice. Vnder Garments: FOR LADIES As 'WELL AS rOR GENTLEMEN, such as Silk, and also'Larnbswool, cheap at GUTIENBERG, ROSENBAUN, et COS: 7.10 " .°N.F4 - WORD . IS 'SUFFICIENT POE THE WISE. F: R 1 E'''N''.D,---S t3STONII.iRS:- - And in particular to those knowing themselves .indebtadlo onea more that we wilt tell. for Ready Pay hereafter, and all Ac eMitiTis 'itiCNot4 'Must be settled without Fur 'ther'Notiee: Wa ro tired of writing Dunning Letters undiSuppcirting the PostOlfie.e,and there bY.leideg: We will take alt kinds of Grain at the kli,ghest-Market. Prices. for Payment, and all Agee:fate _aim:444 over Six - Month" on our' Rooks:wilt ba left for collection Mallow settled byi NS*. . einttribifk Alostubaum, - Co Ilontrome, Pa.. ViAeber ;1011) 1858. TO 01. Tit IiOMESIOUS =lltD-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers