VaSO•allAhnteertain piece of land situate in the borough of liontrene,•bounded and deseibed as fellows:bkginning aVa point in the Bridge watirr.anCWilsbat re rnfile road, it being the istruittenst Corner tract of land 'Owned by • the Is isartauel r. rner, da•elised, thence - north 80'1'-2' west; 85 and 7.1 Othe percheit to the' core 'tier of airtone wall,,thenee alontsaid wall Smith 4.12' West, 16 intychis to the' corner of Win. I.' rhinos linittl! 80 I'4° east 36 and 4-10ths perehels.. partly by tend of IV. J. Terrell and partly by land of A. 0. Warren to thit cen- Ear:of the aferesaid turnpike road, thence stone staisP-COnd north sixteen perches to the Once of beginning. containing 3 acres and 95 perches of land, more • or less, : with the eppurtetiances..l decllit L h.itorr. notr•dhouse. barn, orchard, and all improved.. (Taken in exeention at the snit of Jiihn .11 S)ttphin.vs. E. S Park.] ALSO'ell that certain piece or parcel of land. satiate in the h'iir - ringh bounded and deseribiti. as follows. Levi/ming - at a pied on the south side cif 11i . &31i - tr6 &-Owesturnpike road. the , coiner ,of widow NreCrillutn'a there tit`- said road- r ota', 2". west 55 feet to a Tins, . •• t- thence son's-32 1.2 t east 10 'perches to post; thenee north 67 1 2° east 55- feet to -a post, a corner of said ISicColhint's l a nd; t h e ", by her tiessniirtts 22 1 1 .4'2 - west lit perches to the: of beginning; containing 9130 :;glare feet, - mere or less together with-the appurtenerrees. 1 f rame d house, 1 itnall barn and - all improved _limb o i n e a te otion at the suit of B. S. Bentley in trustror Sophia. Dunn %s. Jon. liiii.bibeebem ALSO all that - certain. piece of kind situate in L e thisiptiosSnitr, linundi.d and clettrArtA as fol - _+;gels by the south line of John Grafi, warrantee; to. the cast by eistline of An drew T% hor,t, natrentee; 'en the south he lands - . contracted by G. A. Grua- to James W'escritt. and op the vest by the . right of way. of the D'' ,L. & W, R.. It: Cm; centaininn 54 aricresmore or less-,,tegether with the appurtenances.' I -rralnrir and alma 15 acres feken in•-exekntien at: the snit of - Grim and B r ea, Ctiaris -Withey.] - _ • • ALSO-all that piece - of land-situate in Leona t o 'sVistlip:_boundi;ii. anti desteribi-ti as co). I mes; on the 'Oorth by .Benj. Tensie.Ashael esteort: Warren M. Tinaleit, ..1...111101 G. Lod . Marcus Case: and Andrew, COnrail; the east by Warren' -M. Tingley, Beij. 'romp, Ellisha B e li,-aecl Andrew Conrad; :limit' b Ettsha '-11artin -, , d; and Stephen J. Millard, and nee- !, the west h . t' J.ttees G. end Marcus Case, David Wilinerth. andGetirife - 31iles; containing abont 412 acreS; m. r- or ryes, together with the .ap • liartenaueets,:: 5 dwelling houZes, 3' barns, I 1 Jiaeksmith shop, 2 orchards, end.,..abittat 2 1 '0 aeon improled • EktoPting. however, 21. acres - -and -6 ps-rees ine!ridedin . the -:,host tier 'beginning at . ; a' stake end stones corner lit: be sold to Bert). C. Tourje; thence - north SS 1-2 - east Gil perches - to a stake end stones currier.: thereto south 6 1-2; 4 10ths itcrcli , s to a stake and stones corner on the mortar- side of the; 88 1.2" went 60 leeches to a ,take and :atones, corner; thence 1 2' etr''st•s3 4-10:a pienthei to the'plueo of - - with I divrll4n PartiTil l4l 4"' "i; r l f-G-iin_ii`llll - .. Itt D. Clerk r tt:nt certain }dyne of land N ew y; t.. n.. hounded and described i ,l,,!losea; in_thertnildle chi..Tinti and. Great Heel turnpike-road, r. the sleuth corner of land ,old to D tvid Minn:ter, the north. corner of Land sold to Itheniar the ;sera mincer ~f :and Sold to 31.111 thenee innlinenter . slott's land and by lots nen hertsi 33 'end: 32 lid a map of re-survey of the said Henry Drinker the eldes's lands, made by iltine:,Terry; south 41 1 2" west 210 1,2 per - cites - i to.sittine3 by a b,.ech tree ciirtier of land sold to S%lvanus Wade .and John ',Wellman; the list mentioned lot. north 191 r_nebes tr;e• beech tree, and e 120 1,---lperehes to-a post in 'the artildit. of the aforesaid' turnpike road, and thence on the middle of said turnpike road a INOUZh4rkr rcri4..e to the beirii n i n i; It 3 nerestfin r per,-ties. and tilowance of . 6 per cent. tor rostis,j&c , hi-the istitniT - tnitre or less. it brlng . partied' ;et No. 29 on the mop ;het:elate tract of'd anti ivetii'kes %I:kit the said Will em D r ink, l ,ll,.nry S. Drink or, Jarob Downing, Henry Drinker, and Then is ;•rtetirird,on..extientors its aforesaid, by beiring even 'date with, said mortgage cor.% in (4 t i . the said ithemar - Mett in fee ;simple, with the • apirerli'tiinces, 2 dwelling Misses, 3 •trittlard, :tad all improved. [Takes in at the suit of iii•nry S. Spasikmanvs. ,r"es • Exeeuriir.: - &ev and" Leis Mott. • - woew reefeevisee u 1 Ithent.:r Molt, deceinted..i ;1„1,sto VC: th a t ecr'airi piece of landsi uate. in flerriek tOs °ship, bennded merit-scribed as fol-: -ri t !Utaing ate - post and stones in thikerig- inn; :,:,e tstirt..theTlC.e .alralg said original' li , ie a.,_ t rth 44" west 018 perchers in it tonsil beech ! fora earner:the - ice north'i 46 - Z. C t; ;1;n-hes to a betel, for a- corner; thenva ti; ivnii owned. newirsr formerly by Asa s -uih 44'-east 0.14 perches lb a_ post and • thence by line -of a5l acre lot, ass,. ti-49-= w e st 55 perclre- to place of beginaied; 11; 49 perches more or -leis. ft! o ;nig e arner a. traiif in the name 'if Santee Vrriiti e 3 and irtruritvi.d. [Taken in sixeen fon at th•i• stilt of lienry Bnrritt'd to Albert.. nrinillititin ('harks ~ Titiolcv. ens-entire of Ltlans; ;Mott, deceased, Lids Mott, widow and - devisee. George Swan, ['erre 'Pen intA -sA th.d. cerfain Titre Of !ant situate in tit'ship,:hounded and detscribesfias frill ws: on the mirth by lands Of A. 11. r s ‘dstnii nod 11. S. Cotarit :on the l - a s t by lands I,f. DO( d.j.:ley and IL Tingley ;on the f f,, o th I,v j l e ndssof J. Sy. 16hite. Ilia) Tewer; and E 11 Titioley. and on the v.e it t. by lands of H. S. Como, and Wm. Miller; containing about 280 acres. more. r ;with the eppurter.ences, I framed . dweiliitn•fiverse. barn. wanimbooneetins 145 acreitiffroved [Taken in execution nt the soot r = l Z>n-Very vs. Luke 'teed,' • AL , tO all iliac certain piece of land situ-de in iiiwn;hin,.• bounded and deverihed es loos -en tile ner:h le lands of en the east by the psuldiclhiglawa• ; <n the sonth. he. land'of Daviii Whitney, and en the west by lends oi"E6.l%'right ; containing 1011 sores, more or less, together with' the - appurtenances, d. sfia . rned bruise, barn. shed, orchard, and R.t aeries improved. --f Taken in eve n tii in et thneti,,it - Of E S. EL Cobb to the use of James McCowen v, Emanuel Ca - Ten:Pr.} . - - to all cases be required to pay on the tine of side :an amount sufficient to cover cnsts a sale. otherwise,-the taroportv will be re reihtforthwith. JOHN YOUNG. Sherif' Offier„ltiintroise. Dec ‘niel... -- IS.Fes • ---- UIIITOP,.'S NO I* ICE.—The auditor appoin: 18. led 4tv the court it. Priait. settle , and adjust the nceount of Isupc Ryneartren ‘ one of the ad tn're of theestate'pf Aaron Rvnearson, dee'd, or exceptirMslled..rwill meet the parties interested a; his in lionto.e, Tin Friday the 31st. dot of 1/ceettiber: 18:,/3 at (Int. etee9 4tic Wm.- .1 Amt.:toe A Gni-11)3.... xprICE---ii....trroN .1111 .m •••••. r • - . -Read ;trill Cle‘K.F. Read;—ln Susiftt enuety Cenenon l'iess.N,'m Aug. term, 1858: ke., 7 - 7 The anditer appeinted by the court t•t'fa Atstribition (at th t rad rai`ed the ' , Mr in - the. ah.*vo named cases. will atfAld feribe-parrpeses nt sa dappeintment. w hi,.offiee in Mentrose Thar-dav the 30th day of Dec. !pg. at - i O'clock p rw.nt whirl) all, intereattcl will take notice, and p resent their i•laimii.;ile• be debarred up on saidfend . Wm. J. TVA Pt ELL" dei '4l* . .All 6 it6r. A utwl9x. undersigned :bsvint Wen uppnint.-d :the" Court of I.:onimrOA:Pleek of - SUlurhannu County, :tic Iniii;eaistrir•niVn hand the... Sheriff of ootmtl. nrisirek from the tole of real egote(fiNntl)aniel-Ilillingtiorill attend to the ,dutieli:of m•id s'ppointmialt, at his:offire in M• t nt rose. on S%turriay; the eigi.trdi y. f Januar)" next, at oneo'rhwk in tfiA pftp;rlicoi-n, a t w hi c h titnc und,,pfat4j intereut«Nivip pre urnt-fhAr eluitnit. - er'hd forever bulred fru - a:mom. lug in upon said hint . • ER." KIAI - FRASgR. Auditor: • A UDITOR'S- NOTJUE.—:rtke otitiersignoll :ippeinrod su iluditi,r by th e 'court ofCoMMOo'-toe Of county. to 're- . pert uPOnT the •vi....p , iem4 - Wed - to tho account . o • RM. ltitle And rivoeigneibi t o f P; e lo4 Wri , * - grk.-‘4llnttinfli to that left' *t his olfire - iase - 'the "Ith' Aftv-of Jantiarg;llBs9; a • 9 o'clock 2:i. at which time all' ietioreetkl. wits - pifeas atteuti, ,; - P. h74,F,V . T i ra,„ d , -1"9 4t - • • • WE ARFI BOUND .TO GO AHEAD GO SEE , • TfIE L ARGE STOCK O i r NEW GOODS ja.t received at the Original One Price and Ready-Pay Store of I • nATDEN. ,BIeOTEIERS. . The People's Agents ale on hand with a- lama stock ot Girds . comprising Staple& Fawley Dry Goods: „. • lints dfc Caps, fools Itc Shoes; Groceries fir. Provisions', - • • • Vail tee Notions, Wittehis, Wall dc ',odou' Pailopr, Wooden Ware, and we bait- ono thrhylarat , ana onit beside.: We will say to CLOSE BUk ARS if you . want BARGAIA'S CALL and SEE HAYDEN tit( Milford. Ja 4.. Jam 14, 11 • CASH: PA4D- . POliipts BY ktottrus mi, New Pit - , Jan. Inf. 184 ALITDITOR'S NOTICE - ni`oferAened. bating been appointed by tberitnit cir Cont. men *.T So-ll'o Co to oolkp diottrillbtroO of the inotitc-L in the hinds of the ( Sher ff ;Laid Co „arising from the sale of rea pestate of W.M. Sherwr - 1, will at tend•to . the ditties of said aro imiittment at'flis`office in Montrose. on Friday .the :lb day of litiu-.0 , nest. at 11 o'clock in 'the afternoon, at which time and place all .0111511111f1 intcreated will. present tl eir or be forever barred from comintrin upon %ai d- I land. FRANKLIN FRAi•IEIL de r 9 '5B 4t Executor's No NT 011. CE ie hen brgiven to all persons`hay. ioz detnatnin sgatnst thel estate ot, Mary Wvbster. nt the`townshiplof Forest Lake. deeermed, that the salue . hitistlor pres'ented to the tlnrtehsietwii for arfangeTnebt, and sll persi.n.., in debted to said entate are requested to make itn rnectinfu.payment. . C. E WERSITF:R. Executor Forest: Like, Dec_ 2IAt, 18581-sw. Administiator's Notice %IT lIERE.IB Letters of Administration have IT been ,eranted to the A übs6ribei on the es. tate of Alehitable Tennant, latelof the township of -Ilarford. cheC'ased; all , pershns indebted to :aid estate uEo requested to matte- ititmetliate p oyrnent ; also nil h‘eingr- just demand. against Sit !Mt will please present them duly a tthen lira ed Int settletnent. J. 1) Rif;11A1;TP•ION: ttiminiatrattir; liarfo i rd7l).-e. Ist. 1858.-4Awo' "Valitabf t - FARM FOR 'SALt. :Subsen-lber,,•ff”r4 fi.r Sale th.!vainia)l.• • I Farm arniliotel,kattly j nnkocritpierl by Colvin Sninmeri; dereastd, , snd longknown as the PLACE: S-id Finn t. "iituated in the pleasant village or Sommerville. in the township ni.New 3111 turd. SaNin•hanna County. PaLliiireetly (In the line of tlie D,ittrare; Latkakiiinta d Western. Railroad, font. miles from its funilinn with the N.t Y. & E.R. R. st_Grvat 13;.-nd. end one and wipalf.wit es rom the ` "et lit: New Milfo}d. It contains . abinit.- * 1 -• • . %it) Abrtki : _ ; 180 aeres imprtived, 60 -netee we'd watered, has a lii4ing jetrebrn running thrnnoh. and a never.failing i•tipply of water eenvryed in .lead pips to the hntse, barn. and cattle vald It to well fenee3:l under good viltivation, is W.ll adapted - to' gfowiii,,a, grain, and is pecalliatlrattr4 for gro . Win ind in otot - of the host dairy farms i n t ub county. It i'_upon it two orch a rds :or • • patted fruit t6es. 1 • large and eonvenitmt dwel. 1 4 1 Hog; now occupied es a . hotel ; two h u ge horse am) carriage. b.rtm or,e hirn two cattle 'yards; littplb shedi . apd All the arrangentents for • *Ming' Stock t. three small hay and I grain barns; ide house. bri-k smoke housC;- large coin .hod.4e, and all 'taller nut building.* necessary on s large fartn. It veil be sold lam,and fey - ins of payment made ei . vv." For information addratiA. IL L SU f PHllf. Summersmilte,Suacra Co.,Pa. Nnv; " -'TURNPIKE ‘NOTIcE. &' HARMONY TURNPIKE; ROAD OUM PAP, Y. , will hold , their annual i tifeetinEr at the honor ar .1 - IEL STEEN/Met, in GI RSON 1 % T . on MONDAY. the THIRD AlaY Eir JANUARY. 1859. at TEN e'ellick, A. IL' tti'efeetfi Presi . d-nt,Seere•ary, Tre.t.turer; andi six Man .gerzt t o sert i :r onirl company the : ,entating year. • awl to ->tramart ‘ - tteh ether holine,e4 ax may properly enrnii hefkri. the ll.ard By order of the 10... rd -.d4Ceio 3w JOH N SMI LEX„-Tn•a•ttrer. ' JAirss - PT4eS • DIMWIT re:34.,izzinATlTS; : T HE 11E81' sniele in market: Try it.- BUCKsKIN,,t4:4IIES.+-1111 humbug—at 8V az e,ch. awl : 4o lrri.. A eictw Fl 'TO t.t thits,e rx cellent Cundkx, V ENV supoly of topsr g..od PEAS, nt 4,6,& 1. 8s p•r lb.: ithe crry best in ritdket. if OL. SSES:= , - fr'OBACCO. CIGARS. -NICIILO.OI4 BOOK*, Of I. very rankly that is LI-H:1 nadir 0.6 preletit sidmiais•ration. • . OIL CIO 11 1 CA NI; : urd indeed our +•city" c.f . ' now boaNt ,of an 11,44.,rtmrpt uro-qualled heretofore, at very Inv; priees'for R. KENYON. Jr. A TWO--t EARS-OLD . COLT. TERN h icier, and for rude 44 righ t," both anto price and It KENION, Jr. t _ (7,ntre, EXPIIN IA 10 TIIE SICK, • Y.pu arc an h«:•141 and desire to be eurod. You long lot N.61111.-11=14; the proper Orel and velar health will be rekored. . .Are your Lire'' arid Siontro:irdfilea4ed? Arr yon! Tnrcert and Luna.' disi:ased ?, Are you lied-itid&n—nri:4)lo to walk! Flare you ,Rileinsiistri s or Imperlty eritir Blood! Hare you General Uebilhy an 4 Oalpilation iof the Head? . • have all yglTlXAriets Itereforoili Proved abort ;ie Go to the Binghin i atou Iltsplier Care. Where Treatment mill eieeedily cure you,. VsFor forth.-r. port irokowirall at—the "Cute" O. V.III4YER, M. .o',„ - p. Thayer be.nt. goaquolomn.l; Depot (Nichni's 114(.1) Dei.o4itt, andJan.2-Ist ronsUltAtioll. ' • 1 1 111: rilllENew York City Titular:44. Nrwiltiperif X %boon%es. ,I for Pale at tha MONTROSE BOOK STORE, ' -••- - As BrILLARD:- TO MlT6ltf;iNgs ARTICULAR sitti4itio4 is enlirti ,totho P eieoirt- -.ferrety of Violin; guitar And .111 - oio Viol Stringe„ aeme df the id market. .Alpo a rood owleetiona Viktine. Alotrs:. Per, Bridges, Tail Pieew, Fiigeg;,Boarde. A.erorlutet, Fifes, Drtitzao4 , 49.TArlilik 'Forks, lestreetiort , Call jo_st: the rivir Ft ors • , ? L "TIT R e Lt., NoIIDAg reseals- I - THE subscribers would Onlithe attention of their friends to the great variety of Gold and-Siiver Welchem, Jewelry aud•Pancy Goods swhich they have on hand suitable for thitnp prosching Holidays. and whidi. they offer at the :Mast CAA Priors. P ; P . _VANS &:''Attaft. • i . No. 2 •Odd 'Fellows' Hall, Binghamton, Dec.llib, 1858. ' . , . „ G°ll AND-. SILVER WATCHES. —QPen Fri a and Hunting. or every style and price comprising over fifty different patterns, many of their ova -importation, and warranted time keepers, iNhieh cannot fail In snit. by ..1., EVANS &ALLEN. rt OLTi CHAINS, Crosses. Keys. Seals, Neck- VT lace's, Studs, Thimbles, Spectacles, Breast. pins, - Kai... Hap. Fingeerines, Sleeve-buuori, Lockets, Bracelete, Snaps, Pens. Pencils, Tooth. picks. & ~ &e.. &5... by Ems & ALLEIt...:. QIIAT It WARE.=-Table, Desert and Pickle 1 , 3 Forks. Tabte. Desert; Tea, Sugar, Cream, Berry: rivaerve and Salt Spoons; Napkin Rings; .Children; Knives. Forks and • Spoons, In sets; ! Cup.: Iv Cream. Pie, Butter and Fruit FiliVii; Salt Cellars; Caid Coles, Bc. &c.. by - . si -- Evans & kt.L1.1.1. ILAT I ED WARE.—Tea Sets. Tea Pitchers, THERS , 49. VILA Camtnva, Crake -snit Card flaaketfc Pitcher Trat., Salt+. Clip+. Sugar flaaketa, Soup and Gravy Ladles, Poties xnd-SpnonN &e.. for sale W , l EVANS & ALLEN. • 11 L • PAPIFFEMAiIiN Boxes, PerTnme d Fancy Clars, Coral Benda, dn. Necklarfa and A rnt• lens Shell and India .1124)her Cornti, U 3 Bella, Tele:v.4' l es, Watch Sta . nda ' ilnives and Forks p,;;Clet SciKanni, Wax. Satin and Amber Reads.& i. e., &c.. by EVass & ALLEN. DIAS!ONP PINS AND , FINGER-RINGS setae very fine, by Van & ALLEif. PLA ED KNIVES.— A Large Amsort moot of Table and Desett Knives!. and Carvera, by f.vAitt 'St Ai ti r t Nn. 2 9.1(1 Rellowm' Hall. .r.mton, D.M Pith, IMA TO ALL IN- 1 Eli _, i f 1 ,„ • 1tS•Iltil • TIE . utrieriotion accounts ll.f the late firm of Sic ' °tuna & Cv.antraott tr'• ve bean placed in the lut de of Mr. Wm. 1... -,—he alone be ing nuth rized to'colleet and give reepiptti for the same. fie designs Intrcountv. and it its desirable that all indebted *should settle prompt l#, (hereby saving further trouble and ex pense Witt, parties. J.ll. 11efOLLIJM. I. 1 A. J. GEKRITsON. Ntilitrrte, September 2lst. 1858. "ileankee noodle came to l'qwn npon_a little ANDIone day last week, a newtot oHlinkS arid Stationery came to Town per 11-pe'a Elpress, and were landed bare at A. N. Bollard's 1001 t STORE -o,_ PUI3LIC AVENEU, where :tie% Afr_!4.le CHEAP CASH Eire, -Woman her Own lk,w)er. The t'l% n PP. k. Aria of Renwv. l-11) of ilo• rriie Iteepspke. Bitek. of Beauty, The . Fatni.y Expen.e Book.'Webp.tPr's New Contain_ nous.. ntetionary. &c &c. A new lot of Prof. Stoddard's Arithmetit'a,4ic.. & a. And all selling O. K. I - A. N. BULLARD: • Dee. Ist. 1858. I3‘l IFIIPALO R015.E.5....A superior lot td Ew No. i sdling fur thrro quarters the prim .if ast season, by 11--BURRITT, ' Noah ,tilforitfh.... !Qt. TBSB ' A M P AND. MATERIALS FOR LI I G .H 'T - S ! UR.INING FLUID. Camplane, Limp Oil. I P Cditdies. 4-c., of beAt qualities. ermitantly on handi and at prices an CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST rust"mrrs may rely upon_ gettmg Eitaid and Ca mppieur; nnw 4041 good. ai I ?ell ;to fait, they nereget 4tale Almo, Cann and ABEL TURRELL. Mott one, No . 28th, I BSA. TAI 11.1 ND SIMI SEE - A LAit AND NEW SUPPLY OF ri ECTACIES . lUSTRECEIVED. ; CA4CA.ND TRY to AO TIMILTE, at Tußlialt. Mint ogp, Ni;v:2sth, 1858: SECOND , pAND B s! .111.1111bt of etert dottription. Beftrr and CheipiT thin now ones, - • - for wile by :it BEL TURREL4 11.•arome. Nov. 15th. 1456. 1538. i J. C7CK.C..11*1.41, JR. 185 S , •• II A RtsWARE 1 • ~ .Itl tab e . Cupotiitiit II Ftii_i_.:BLcgrris Ttl undersigned would tike this opportu- 1 j npy to inforth his friends and customers that he has recently madei,tge additions to his forrnerlextensiee stock of , I ' ' Hardware, Stoves, Stove Pipe, • Steve Trimmings, Zinc; &c., • and "Ih4l he is prepared to supply the wants of ,the community, in that line at unusually low • 1 prices. He flatters honsellthitt his facilities for 1 manuf eturiter his own Wares, Stoves, &c., give him a decided advantage over any who par.- chase tind transport at a heavy expense their en tire stOrk. He Would Say-to those who . wish to-purchase STOVf,B of any de;e6ption, STOVE rim. or TRItIMINGS. of any kind. and pay for therm he is reri c red to give them :great hart,Tdns; but to those who want to purchase on a year's credit and thi-n let it run two years more, he had rath er thee} would ealFon some me else. even if they have 14 ply. seventy-five per cent inure than an articielis worth. InAge line of Hardware, Shelf ' . • 1 I his ass'oittetent IR the I egetit n'tid - V•iit frefeated in. Susquehanno Orient* t; purchased as his Mod!' has Hen mostly of 'minutialnters, he is enabled to iiffi4 inducements tis those conntry Merelnints who,lility-stuall bills, rarely found this side of I h.. Ilik Vit V:. ' We can offer sprain! inducements to -Cillitirniers sad Joiners who dte its .hunt of eitßefl T.. 44 or flu'ilding Materinlic Bbl-k. iint;th4 ear find ANVILS. VICES. BELLOW'S. nnd. itil i fai:t, al most anything in their line, by call. irtiY.littii. 1 6 . A ' BAP li'll .- 3, Cik.Allis O'er stoel: Of Dry pciods; GreeerW, Ruins send Shop., lasts need Cori, „Vecu: 1 Ices .otionsf Ate. dec., id es (Argo Is the times wind:Ain't of. They we're purchased-at loWftgure. and will be sold at prices to correspond with the-times. - I YAVIADE CLOTHING I wej base , just opened *both one.sind > half Cordsilfreidy made clothing; Every hddy says they A erNeap Some say they are reryfilihp.- sliet a p umper have Ventured to ,sav they j ars 'dog etiesp.l Certain it that a 'small pile of nihney will tiny a large piNe'of clothing.. We;Wotild adtl, in thitCoOrtueetion, - for the in. forrnati, riff of aif4lineerrieeendllas " rest of man. kihtf," j that we'ard, tired end,' . itielt of the ,credit sYstent; bay." suffered, enoutcli bv it already, and ate detWlitined tit rld''ohrsittes" of , ttili-ih;di*" . eatU.r." Believing ittattlie nimble glared id is' the true 'lnnen, we, are resolved to 'adoit are Offering cu* - *,pikes to. corn''rd." ..'...-.. * * *4 rodeos takes jttlexcy ' AN , titrwr 31(IfIrtiVIst4`..!Tith.,t It_-.R• AtORE`PAIN. _NO .14(3RE SICKNESS. NO MORE RHEUMATISM. OR RTlPpitots or -Tee _JOINTS, ,Ltiltl4oo. IItAD- AcHEs;Toorimcults, oesurnallie , FROM 0111 ER somorler . sktierriT4 : . The Rapid old City - Title Efficecst of ItIiDWAY'S Ready .Itelief; - In instantly stepping Abe utast ex cruciating Pallas - and :. Aches, Bursts, Scald., Cull, Wounds, Bruises, &c. 4 &c. reader it important. that every fault helps Ili). ply of it in tho house. • - Armed with this remedy, n homehold is id 'my protected. against sudden snarls - . of -sick. nes«. Thousand* of lives of persons have been saved by ke timely, URN who were suddenly seised in the nighttime with Cramps, Spasms, Veselintr.Chelers. Vitllow Fever, and- other ylo. lent- diseases. Let a dose of this Remedylv taken into-ensile, tsie the ease may.regerre, ashen sudAenly tuitt«d wltit Pain or Steknetts,- and it will trwrslevtAr antraYE VIE ?AVERT 'DOM PAW, and arrest the disease. ~:n;-- t • ~~~~~ ~~ie~b~ cZxcf, His Curd RFIEMUATISM, . NEURALGIA, . . In one hour. CRAMP- In ten minntee: DiARADINA. - . In fifteen minute*. TOOTHACHE, • • - • In nne . . In five minivan. SICK 11EAPACDE. . . In ten minutes. MMUS, AND FEVER, .. in fifteen minutes (11111.R1.AINS . In fifteen minute*. . In nix Follow RfIRE THROAT, In ten tr.inantew BURNS. . Ih twenty *Mute& FRO,ST • AGUE (MEEK. - PARALMS. LAMENESS, . . . . . IX ALL CAA£S or , BRUISEO. .WOUNDX= TtlitlNS. and • S PRA INS. : . the momint it is applied to the m ininred part% all pain and nnenninpqn ePa.P. Look ont for Conn. terf..”l...and tmnation*—Pnrehaxe . only Ran- Rsibir RELTEF. Price 35 eta., 50 eta., and 11l per bottle. A N6W Contribution to Science. . The (keit Grand Diecorerv. ( N,..3 ) .- Radway's Regulating Pills. DR: RADWAY & ro have recently discovered a mettuid for extracting from Tote, herba, plants and gam.., a nutritious extract of such wonder. ful nourisli;ng power—which their have combin ed with RADWAY'S REGULATING PlLLS—that six of these Pills will supply the blood with the semi' am unt of nutrition as one ounce of ordi nary bread; so that. while the system is under • a thorough phpiieing. and regulating process. it dui.y beenntes strengthened. Persons afflicted with LITER COMPLAINT. DTS• TEMA Hester DIREASES. Frt.teess br Tito OD, trod all Ferhales who are subject to IRREGULAR ITIES, 111STLRIS. Sic., are particular recom . 7.n.wpded to use these Pills. They are pleasant to take--elegantly coaled with gum—free from taste, and will not gripe, sicken or weaken the srtem, or leseakihe bowels costive. Motheiit nursing should likewiiie take one or two of these Pills once or twice per week. They will not only keep your system healthy end regular, but will - ,••.......... T ...., ~.5...• ... ; -50... asysirtnp altarrrittro ivr the stomach, and hipline not only a h a .,lchy air& but will invest every hhild, thtis Waled, with a sweet eispoaitinn. Radway's Regiilatifig kat- Regulate each and every organ of the system, and ?meet till derang.-ments ot the Liver, Bowels, Stomach, Heart. wed Kidney*. They cure COMTITENESa, 1 INDIGESTION, HEART-BURN; DYSPEPSIA. BI IJOUSNESS, CON STIPATION, DROPsY, H EA HAI 'li E, PA l_pl TATION , ,I of CONGESTION, the, HEART, &c., deb, &c. They aro entirely vegetable and harmless; an infant at the breast can tare them with safety, and eireons who - are subj.-et to Fits of Ap'plriy. Epilerie, Heart Diseases, dte., should allvays keep a bux - un hand. - Price 15 Cents: Ask for RADWAY . 6 REcut...ttoes, or REGULATING PILLS. The Groat Constitntimaal Remedy. R. R. R. 2.) A New 'l4le-Creating Principle. g"abllraicg tl gellolrating rsolbettf Heals Old Sores. Purl fits the Bltiad, Inaiiils within the System renewed Ilenith.and.Re. salres and air Ckronie and Constitutional Diseases. r...., grt•pt. ,and glorious remedy lihnuld be limiedov the uman as a Special gill from the regei3erati dilapint6d humanity. RADwAy & Cu. are the only Physicians and Chrtnisi+ in the Weird that have succeeded in dist overing n rethedy that will of ertfrirtt:tte fr.)th the huritan system constitutional di-eases and aillucia, transmitted from parents In theit chi ldren. Radvtayis Renovating Reiolfent %VIII rittlicAly *stem Scrofula, . I Caiikers, Slphilis, Fits, Fever Sore; 1 .-Runnings from the Ear, Ulcers, _ White Swellings, .... Sore Et es, - Tumors. , • v . Sort* Leg% cannerou'a Affection; Sore Mouth, I Nodes, - "- ....., Sore Head, I Riekets,. . Insanity, ' Glandular Swelling's,. 141 - toticitrrte, _ Night. Sweats, Ail l)isttses of the ; Costiont . rtorri Wrimb, • i Iftie:ll Tetter, Frulapois Uteri,- I, lf otrfots of all kind's, , Skin I)i.tesses, I atonic Wieumntisit. Salt . ltheitni, i Dttpepsia; • And ail diseases that have been estalyliihed in' the system for years. . ... FRICE ONE DOLLAR PER ift•trTi .. t.;• , j•V" sou) BY lißtio4isig Eirittirwicui RADWAT & 162 Fulton st,. N. Y. (lc 7 3maas nmEfitudi Ett. -•-•-• TEN DOLLARS. A f e wmore cif tliesesdeeirable , AND FA BUILDING LOTS; in - dill Gold end' other .ris of Vir ginia are to he divided 1141(mo:A the Sullsiribers for the benefit of the now town of Itaponh•tii nock. Subscriptions only tin dulldfs ends; not half down.the rest on the ! drlivery of,the Every stibserib6r will get a thilldirtix - L. t or Fart, rabgini in Vali° from.slo to $30.00°. These Farms and_ Lots.are told so ,chegt to duce—settlement, a sitlfwient number being served, the incite:min the value of vehich, will compensate for the apparent few pric'e,.tiow ask ed. One acre lots in tirrin gfca .... .t to in dustrioas.mechanie's who willlMild.titsin thea 3 ! A coMpany of etettl'erVaiiiri..4l"•l7o cots PIONEEit ASSqCI4T/01" fit' noW;•l:Milding and. Will_ ccitinithice their ,seAlementi •;AttiPlei security , wilt be given, .i ( h+` faithful performance Of contracts and. proinittea./ ,Nore Meats, are „wanted .4i, phtaln ea, vghata the nmetiiberai, inde me:1.41010e giv ! 'll;„lsome'Agents w write, that they are making A2OCi pc . r month, '„For partici:alit:bombe - 40°ns, A2encies.dr,e:; apply to E. BAUDER, Port . R.0y,a1,! • MOM In. four honrs. COURT (51) ; STR EE T.,: • • . Adieinine the, "Bank of Binghamton," - r - BiNGH.filerrON, N. 'T . . , . . . . . if .tf.ek is one of the largest aid selected. varieties of • . STAPLE- AND FANCY . . ' . DRY G . oon s E%tr offkleal to-the people of ibis county. • - DIIIZEZZ 0 (06.102 9 . . ' • . s : . 03211 VlZei. - . • . , . s I.62HIROL'zi. . .. Rich Mick - Mantillas, . - Doniesiies, Apibroideries, Hosiery, • ' Flannels, , Cassitieres;•• Cloths, iSca., . • . To whiolt the attention of Close, Boyeti is called. To rbich the'attention„ cif TIIE PEOPLE is-invited. • . • MOLASSES, S YR UPS. SUARS, COFFEES,,TEJS. PLO UR. PORK, FISlt, Id fain, ev,erpliiiig iu ibq %%try I,r9tocerie s CHEAPER.THiNTHE CHEAPEST. _ Also, CROCKERY,. WOOD! AND WILLOW WARE.., • gar Particular invitation is extended to those Reho purchase for CASH toad/x:7d examine our stock amid prices before parchaeitig elsewhere. A. KNoWL. ONi . CO.l - B,lr=iTliEET. • . . a .. . . , • - 17:111111111ELL AS AND PAIRASOLS.SiIk nd .0 Cotton rribrellan. lentiele. Sue Shades end Parasols ; in great variety. jik4t received direct from the' . 4iiinufacturer. for salnit LOW. PRICES ai. _ __ .__ ____ _ .. s._ tr_..c.uxvi 'vi g. i CLuiii,,arget:adjOiiuing Bank of Binghamton. . , ..., .' trunks, Traveling Ba g s, tali 7 se . ' th auiia los r a . Bones, large A large ansortment direct from the Man ufactory in Jersey City, jug received at • . .. .. - ~ .? . ... • -A., KNOO/ IA 0N . % di Court-street.: inate trout the aystem IiMEE=I A. KNOW LTON'S In the baxeroent will be found a large assortment of.Fautily GROCERIES&PROVISMNS powitroit ribirvirviiit t BL- - AS-FING POWDER AND FUSE. • ;• A. R 11Y d L 0 N., Sole Agent for the Slain Bang Powder Mill, will. keep on times a large-sleek of the a bove telehrated.POW DER. which will be. sold by the kig entyiat :11annfavturers' prices.. Alen. SPORTING POWDER, SHOT AND CAPS.. • . All the Choice Brands of Spatting Powder , from the tiiiiairdPoieder Company, on hand at ali times—for Sale at low priced.. N. B.—lfy. Powder will .peak fair itz,elf. , 7. •A. 1010 WILTON, 51 Coart-SifeCt, adjoining the sank of Binghamton. , Oil TIMM Villitl2? . " We've Ctige,s for Canary Birds, , . • : • ~ To .:I their sizes rated— . . _ .. s Where single life they may tiej,s7, Or bliss of being milted. • ,_ , ~ - • • . a 2411 5-. dVA4423 203 atria 4 caziEvr9449 • ; , (.IERSEY,AND CANADA INCLUDED.) nt.§ thin 64 different styjeg now-in store, including - all the newest patterns—received direct frtin the manufacturers No jobbers Profits paid o - . " home productions" at this establiiiittnent. The assortment will,be kilo unbroken during the Summer season. - A. KNOWLTON, 51 Court-street, ruljoinining the Bank of Binghamton. . , AII•SCIIIT._AL . N, j) -CIZACKEE& A large 104801111}erit of gibetfit an. A Crac -v,...14 iii!ery vtrruti. - 4-7.- 4 41.-our.uLtPe -most eitensivo Bakeries in New York City. A fresh supply rreeived every week. , ••-• _. ~ Soda Biscuit, Wire Biscuit,. ' Milk Inent:, • Extra, Creatn Biscuit, " Lemon Biscuit, '. Abernethy tiittenit, Cup Biscuit, : Elm Biscuit, - Nonpareil Biscuit, Boston- Crackcri, - , Rutter Crackers, - iSii!tar Crackers, Graham dOc Fany do - ~.. ..Walnut (h. • . s . Defied do - Oyster do Ginger S:lfit>4s • NrThe old fashioned hand-made Batter Crackers. , • PURE comm.-181 AT 61 COURT STREET.. A loining the Bank of Binghamton - " Hew nice it s is at brealdamt time, . Before you been to work, sir. To know you've' ,rank your eoffee'pure, And saved your beans for pork. sir." - . • II - N. B.—PORK AND BEANS FOR - SALE AS ABOa. MR. `•DEMOGRAT:— Please don't say anything about our TWO StiILIAN/TEA, that • .• .etiiiiti are clal 4 bing and tier,ding 20 miles for, for the country ladies hare that ar i:.le,,iii. charm atid are drawing on it lit a rapid 'rate. -, . _ / • A. li.NOVIIIATO.N, 51 Voiiitrtreet. • lin g •ham„,yy. A„,r„.? , : V . 1858. 3..tif. . •• . . , , / .•• IIE%V MILFORD - Silawl and cress goods Empdrinni! NEW FALL GOODS FOR CASE AND PROMPT SIX MONTHS BUYERS 8. IttraltiTt . • t.: TaAS now in Store, and is making large addi Ll:Lions to hiti Sock of FALL AND WINTER To, which he would invite' die at; t•r*,• otribr.l . c,ing.ll4,,most...desind LADIES' DRESS GOODS, intl. Stylus of Rich Fall Prints a:V/104s, .in De. lanes, Duval Plaids. Plain ant Plaid Jll,ridos, M.,hair Clf•ths. ;,13rodhs„,'Stella.1 Caslunero, Silk and Wool sbsw,44". Rich Ribbons. Bonnvuesod F;llWPN,Ne(Flociiig: LodiOs' Bioadtloilts,Cassither / oic Ar.t; with u fullaSWart mEntot ottiotStapla and Fancy GU'odo,:is. usual, includiag, ~ r • - Groperlo,.- --Crockry, _ St6,veS,_llfrop, Naafi „Caps, • Boots ,and Shoos, - -titrpeths,„;FloorOitelatim Painted - lIV indow Shades, - Witll Paper, Chaikth -" Drugig, Fouls, - ' • - Statiolo :oho, • 140,'Ths'entire Stock being lame, andlinagbt for CASH, will' give aninirler-etiro,irtalaity for ~ Seloctiona. and be Rol& at the Coweei 'TIGIIIIIS- to CASH AND PROMPT , SIX 'MONTHS fii:YERS. . - salt Flour oanstantly-an.hard; N4vir Oot,obor let, VOW. Iti v. w ~e~s~✓~~S_fiPvJeii T C LIRE. Blueluituou, Ilrootne County,Ne Y. - • _ . . T IM" eiitablihinent is open• for the rev ._ litchi) et patients during tne whine year; and ,is / - , arrangerl.with a minor to the comfort and eon. v 'Mean° of invalids during the Cor.a Wcarnin: ../1 4 Zitg . gawa .;t44lt4s' 'rd thrtrouiThly warmed, laid the entire hue id kept 'at .:Exparience.ha4 demon-anted- that the Water Treatment id most sueuedd(dlieldrinqrthh , ' AUTUIII:10.: WINTER VINTIIS; All pinions Who desire'health. (and et;en those whn hale not been succeanful heretofore in iheir tfF,rteo.olitatin thi4 %mon) wil here 'find - a rare_ eli'porttinity ‘ to necipplish y o grea t e bj ev t, upon which` the initte.e; halierne7 and prosperity of their future litre* 6000. The Physicians, Dr. Thayer andWjfe,iiave had twelve years kperionce in . treitt i g'dineaseit hydopithizall)i," .durin4 hieh theii.h ae e, .prescribed, for .Oyer tea thoesand;4ielt:peranna, and the s,occesa attending theirl,tfreseriptionn is setfi - Cirnt- evidence of their gill an aneccsaful prat:thinners; / ... • - Patienti_ will Tirtride ttais.tietv woolon.,tilankett,- two ~07!tortablefe„„thrs? cnti etti: Six fr(wel's, anti ,some - littis the hanclages:-40—ef which t ahould bO -2- nifirkeld: Ttr_We* tysl9,p,r week:ol < ,•-• • I,r.l.fnrtherpartjealais.4tddrean. - t • tr i 30th,,dr ON:THAYER...IL 8.. • Tc aa.8.44111174NEW, suppi o y, '4 D, lfit4Patkner ,-, :r . TURKEILi M=Z= • - #4lkßitir.. • --OF— NOOKS- AND STATIONERY T rvii•ivoll it the lifoittr6te Book Stfti; Which will be ohliztionety iew for crib SCHOOL BOOK . We'devign to keep on od.: a -supply or all th e , s..h e ni Books wied in , the county (provided -- they. are vs: ritargrd .iPerer.lhan once 4 week) ana:witi them 'prictit that ettimoCfaikla fuel. 'lll,l ef,toi.ct in part of Algebras.rthrtie d t er vr ent , kind t; Ge9gitzphive....rerr (or more) kin is j_glitialf Olitf:r4 in atiuut, ti:Aufe propor- • trots; . WEIOTErrS - SIZES. A. at-A - of (if fiaolly nd Poe r ket 11411ii,11:j9fit. Gift Molts; &c &c.. . _ . • .• • ito 'fit' 0 0 Pon:lan's, tEgaski fllf' 1863, Dinn'A ;fa stlce.6t b eft tionitiroidary. Fri ins. 4111.editTert'Dualijeir, American Lmeyir, and Business. Man's Form ROViti (ii bnr.k isc l orth ten litisit iu cos*. The. Conatnble'r, Ou;de: dte., Am. B LA N t' - 'll ob Kt. A 1..4p vorietir.of Dairies fin. 1859, Mir . dap' Ctrtifi.:o:e4 as4 . Fs,itlity Register; The hest in .rnarket„Biack, Blue Ifoick„ Red end: IndelP)l.% crayons for the Black' Boaid; Slats Pencils, Woisi4 Permits, (V4d Lind Metal : Penis of the 'quality, Quills; Pocket KniCes, Scissors, BriisiliSs,' Needles, Pins, Ladies' Caliisi, -- .A . aierlietvEipreSS Sealing Wax, Fancy Sealing War.!Wit'fire, Drawing-, Paper. Fenny. Note, end , Letter Paper. ,Euvislope*—*Aarge - variety. and good quality, dt.,47.c.,,_ a—we will rece,iceAt :Abe: 11 - entrain Boclic. Store Subscriptions .for. all dr, any . of the Daily, Weekly or .3tonthly Papers andltagazinea - Pub• lished in the eount ry at club .prices, 'or seillhem • by thesinglo copy, na Will suit hest. • A. N. BULLARD 3lontr.4to. 15th. 258. Pelt) .t1)1)t,$1 IT. 1:•U-g,.1tITT Is just receiving a:l i arge Stookof = NEW STOVES; I NCLUDING G.full ,iinlnttmerit of Elevated thew, harye siren and ,ript Top: Premium . Conk Stores. (for Avflod vnri,ty Office lied Shop, and' ;Lore, (for wood or , ormr.): al.o, Stove Pite, zinn - Stieet Iron. Stove Tubes. & &C. • Ili* assortment inrlticies the must SELECT atle DCSIRALLt N•TOV ESin market, and till, be .c,14:1- on the FAVGILIELE TEF.tI9. and . tr which he would invite the pqrticular attention of .Casa buyer's'. (New 3111fora, flov. Ist, 1658, . A.O it 0 % T i t le • %wiry Morris with hair andhioli, heii bf this v,, a t areA, • . . And none to hana , m ma and haiß, Retol wed i watitnnt • Let's 'me a rush, rsnlwayeherE, You'll find me honeet,joSt and (aijit. • ! * *Strop Nn. 3, Bayem'ent of Sarle's 4001, on Tiirripike.B..reet„ . AlOnritesr., Orr. 20th. 1f03. 7 t;!. • - R. E Orlio.'• NYON. . 9 ' oULD respoet ty arqir.uned Ora he wy t isereaft (Tr I. Cre! 16'4 hirgegtitelc,nf gocidli'fe It V% D P TV only, in tonsequenee pf the sitvere pressure 04 - the timi.s, and not having sufficient capital t wait till eterai...,. tar Li, ka3,---popmg receivi' the patronage of his fArrner Wends, and all of bi new frienda. that In trill make by selling Good,- EnEar. Resptrtfally your., in trade - It. KENYON. JR: Lawsville Cinitm, Pa.. Oct: 28th '."I - Tite Ai it EAT AL MUA SSA Dcwit.of UIdALTII to a 1 . 1 :Cts6kind. • 4 t ( 1 -1 ) . f " i r q 4 y 7,0, • 4;1 : .#•• - ti * y ;• • • ,lIOLLOWAY 7 S PILLS., 7 A 801511 10 *ho' sick, dllE want. of a.sterti ig, medicinal to rued thi• i!l.. and nevessfties of thrsetfering portior/, of humanity, and one entirely 1 tree from mined and other deleterious particles, was severi•ty/fert until :his . 4 i.i puwertul medicine was, - n-he:ett int 6 the world; Holloway's invaluable fills aye 6e come the Hoeseheid li-etnyd - v of till" nagons: Their attribute is to Preveni,hs Well./4/i ere, . they attack the rad.z. rout oI the cAiplaint, and enim ink ...thJ hidden cause of disezist<ryinvigor. sto and re , siore the drooping ep rszit‘t or thu sya teur, - assi•tm-r. unions in 7 . 7 1 t of Vital nOd .• Funetionaty Reformmie..n; mr.pepstit.' . Tli great. smiurgyf :Oils eontinerit . fieilda qui e ltly to a course o _t course the digestive.organiaVrestored to those: proper -tone; 11(1 ‘ tiintt er / iti what Mileofia Shape this - by. ars ut disease,exhiliita it:self,! this *matching and ' unerring ren,tc ( cly r disprscs it. from, the ament'spe system. /;: . . ,- .. ;. :. Genemipebil ity and Weakness._ .., Fret /w hate ver cause , Lowness or:Spirits, and - Al op er4ergrex of-a diseased liver, and ether ..dis r , orgdniiitions - of the system, vanish kidder the ' er'adieating influence or this rail powerful anti. sopAc and detergent remedy. .- ~ ... . _.•,•., • .. , . sititious DiNorderiit,. ,7. • . . . 2 . The'properquantum and right condition of that, bile is of momentous ittip , pinni•e to the health of the human frame, this Atiti.l.litiOus .tnedinin• expels the hidden beeds,.of ,thil- complaint, an , renders all the fluids a,a4 - secreions: pure ap • ' fluent, cl,eansing and residicitMing the:vitul fu , , %ions ut the body. , , - stcnri. yezti'Oca; ' . : .., ' Should loose no time - in Kitying a few doses itt . thlaregulatMttand renovating,remedy,whifey. , may be :their complaint, it rim be tay.6l"w / 1 safety in all peribdicaLind niftier disorganiaatidis ' its effects. is 101 brit miraculous. • :/ - /-' '-.,:- t.sirelftzted Proult. / K ../. - ',: '. The testimony of nations hi/ untinhnonal , , borne to:the In•nith.giying v runes of .this nob!., remedy, and rertdieatrsin e‘ i ciy living lenge:it , . boar !Alarm:4;l — W - the Undeni bledess of :thet.:ln. tr•Mde Worth... , ileiloway7s I'it:ol,4re the" emedy mown in th • merit/ br , ths f s ?iorof diaetzxes: -• ' -• • ,•,,. Asthma:. : Diflrilit:Pd, r Mau •nza, Stone 'Ant 8 0w ,,,1 0.111 - .orops2(, • letla u'ation,Grwee% - : ..r . . :plaint's; - Debgtly, , lownP3 : 'Secondaii:,:' , Cou.vli4;: ' .P.•4,er iteil - Wetltnesee 8 f 111 0, 11 ) ", 41 - Colds . , - • , 3 .117, ,•, 'Li ve-: ... Veniiiial.:. Cheat Dtszl•'e ale '-- - :•Comilnints, Affectiotie eases', - / (7 impiaints,Lowness - of Worma rif CostivMi.o,:ileatinclwapirts,: -' alVititide:,' Dysr psie itutigystioh,Pire, ,-- ~: ... : -- • , -, • , thi:wgdsA 1.3 ,, ' 1 1 i. ' , 11 , ( 1 ./ b N ne !•- 1, 7 o tl i .e te io r r re prk ge a %n At int o u rifi nrC m, st: • . are iscernible as a tVater-aifitein ev:ory•fea 0 the bookof directions a qund each pot. o `"i; the 43"i 0 Tibig` l3. ii rt ai ii .1 i :f;ion • , -„tik hqtilin the Italia : tier . Eight.: j A Ifind . Ole I.,eward,ol, bi, given t.O ftz'y ime . ietder,ing ft teh informaifpiu may ,':deleco9nef IV P? 3 ,.1 . 4e4 coiiiiikefertiblf the Wye sloops , F yP4p!ipilLlAttAapif 'lemming them .I.6fti fipurio ,„ ~.. ..,. -.. ~. . • ..„ 4 ,2 . * *.,: ) 14:, at, foil,' Niiiiii3T . ' ,irfei. i n t . i i i4esaill ill i iii gadiatalt; go': Within. Latin - NeWN'oit•'• len a* sareapeifabletDrogs..bas an ':Dealera ta.: - . '1414 eineViroiiglamt the. United tetra apt ilia dell ized world, in -tines 25 - eon '',-- fia"eettttandll . . ,„- „ .... ; cacti - - , There is coniiderabl the larger sizes. N. 8.--Direetionli , for the in everildisortier are infixed June ad. 185R,-:l3r, R. HUMPIIRBY-'4 Remedifis fbr sale w ECM 'o saving 6p;taktsi Tint,lttt . to tiacit ,!-j2ifSai'r.*. HOMMOPA P Alta; TWIRBL/ji
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers