Advice . to lawyers. Wheiiii'et yeti speak, remember evarpeidinit, Stand's not on eloquence; but.stands Pkelpiant in-matter, in expression brief, , a:Lateyery sentence stand in bold relief; Oi trifling, points, nor time, ntkblenta waste, sad ; offence to . learning and ; *taste Ner dearwith pompous phritse rititeerleite - .Footle flights belong to reasoning prose, - "LoOse declomatien tqay , dative the crowd, ~And seep more striking as it grows more loud; . But sense rejects it with.dierdain, • • - And uongtit but empty noise, and weak as vain.. Tbefrtith of wOrds,lite e•chool-boy's vain parade Of IWicatsand_eases—all his SiOek in traded— The treitconceins, the cunning ricks and pity ' Of low - attorneys, strung in long array, :Th'unseetuly jest, the petulant reply, 'That chatters on, anti cares not ions not why.' 'Studious - avoid unworthy -themes to scan, They siiilkilie speaker and_ disgrace the man, Like' the false lights by tiyingshaddows cast, Scarce seen when present, and forgot when past. Btxgin ,with dignity; eipound•with grace • Each round of renening in Its time and place; tat -order reign throughout—each topic touch, Nor urge its powers too little, nor too Much ; Give each strong thought its most Attractive view, Indiction clear, and yet severely true, And, as the arguments in splendor grow, Let each reflect its light on all below. Wbin to the 'close arrived. make no delay, _By pretty flourishes, or verb:l plays, But sum the whole in one deep, solemn strain, Like astrong current.hasteuing to the main. hinixts MASSACRES.--Tbe accounts of In dian tilatsactes in Texas to multiply. -A letter: , to the Galveston News, from Fort .Graham, dated October 30th, says: " I learn that the gentleman who carries the mail front Xerid ,it iac Pecan. Byron, brought to iferidian vest 4 • • a Camanehe scalp that he bad killed • the day fore. The. mail: rider says theri3 were - thregfamilies murdered by the Camitn che,lnditans, a few days ago, in OnmanChe or. 'Erath_cotinty, and one other family _missing, either killed or ran away to e;cape from the Indians. I also learn from a gentleman just Irotn - FUirt.,Belknap, that a rrian was killed the other - day.: it few Miles below Belknap. About two hundred head - of horses have been -atoleri• the last few days, in the vicinity:of Fort Belknap by the. Indians. A hard coun t y tins. .. . - , !NOT/ll:A.l'o•i`4 Ov. 24.--The State Santee• bas ria.q.s:ed air6olution; by- a tote'of 26 to. 2% declaring , the electionof Messrs. Bright and Fitch to the 17:S Senate, to be illegal, unconatitntiottal and coid._ . The iareereso lutionispendingin the house. Auarga,..,Now. ship lettet receiv. etibere ftom:thiengineer ett;bearci the steamer Vietorist;'. - phing between Santiago and Ha vana `Tecorts that twelvel„sesirien had "been yesv:ed..e.n.the- 15 c"i .They belonged to a vesieLifrote.-Port Spain, which bad been wreeltettwben sixty days•out. .The nettle of the vessel is notliven. The great 'oe,anty of a ,wife that if she abitseityot: kersPlf, won't let any •oue . alga ahaii) • • . ICC= A Murr.—A thing tlt ti liolatt a young labvts ' without tqueezing it. • ' R. - Kt - AT-YON, JR _ ATTOULD respectfully announce that-he will •r V r hereafter offer his large stock of Goode for PAX • only, in consequence of tho severe pressure of the times, and not having a.ulticient, 'capital to wait till eternity for i:ia pay,—hoping to receive the patronage of his former friends, and l all'of his new friends that he will make by selling Gocds CHEAP. Rtspecifully in trade R.. KENYON. JR. Lawsvills Cen!is. - 1 5 1i.; ISSB. gerb I.,'!roliision G, _ ( E NE &or - below J Ethridge's Drug Store, N. 5 on Public -. Avenue, Where, will be found !onstantly oti banda.irifneral assortment of . GROCERIES „:tF.h.., Sugars, ,Molasses; Syrups, Teas, COffee ;Sec , Ste.. &c. Also the choicest brands 0f..., FAMILY FLOUR ; Meal, Lard, Poi*, Harris, Fish, Dipped Candles . • Timothy; Cio•ster, Field - and Garden - • Seeds. splicif tr share of the public .par rrina ge, and - pledge - lautselves to do the -fair thing. hoping by each bargain to secure , another. - BALDWIN & ALLEN. ALFRED Itarnsvis. War. L. ALLES. ?dna SOUTII WORTIt COLONEL G.' W. C,ROCRETT, Cll RLES BURDETT, TIIOMAS , DUNN ENGLISH, M. D., - HENRY ,CLAPP, Jr.N.; 'GEORGE . ARNOLD, SAMUEL YOUNG. Mits. ANNA WLIELPLEY, MP-13 VIRGINIA - VAUGHN,: - VERNON, Miss HATTIE CLARE, FINLEY 'JOHNSON, • 'Mita milt , for The 7 GOLDEN PE IzE GOLDEN rnizE GOLDEN tz-C GOLDEN PINIZE GOLDEN Pit .:. GOLDEN &MIZE GOLDEN • r'Erizi.: GOLDEN PRIZE grit_ , iaoteulas PRIZE ILLVST BA TED Denial & Esf ter, sneeesoors t o .Becket it Co. THE New York, Weekly Got.nsir :PRIZE is one at' the largest itud beat literary papers of the day—an imperial Quake). containing 8 pages, or forty column.s; of the most inter esting and fascinating reading matter,:froto the pens of the. very first writers ut the day,., Elqgiesqly illustrated Every Week. Prelait, iirorth from 50 ants to %SOO Will be given to each subscriber immediately on reeeiptTil the •scbecnption trioni y. This is pre sented ste a memento of friendship, and not as an iaduoetnent to obtain subscribers. • ) • .1 4 P:- /lir": : ~:vaar ' "- ---- - $2 anti reurpreoettt. One eePY-°— f." 77. 6 three do Throe ' II?' ':' i?' - .r1,-, ~, ' five do The .-dot' .. 4.1 enty-ono - do SD 21 do The articles to ha ,givqn away art comprised in the foiiowing • 2 PaCkages of Gold containing • $5OO each ' 5 -do ' " do - 200 each 10 do do .do .. 100 each 30 Patent Lever Hunting Watches 100 each 20 GolalVatehes - - - .73 each . ao - 410 - • - _BO each 100" "" 'AC - - 30 each 300 Ladies' Gold- liTatches . •35 each 200 Silver Hooting Cased, Watches 30.4iteh 600 Silver Watches - 10 to 25 each 3000 Gold-Guard, Vest, and Fob Chains 10 to 30 Geld Lockets, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear Drops, Bresit Pins; CuffPina. Sleeve Buttons, Rings, Shirt Stade, Watch Key* * Dold and Silver Thirst. Dlea,and a variety or Ankles.; worth from fifty nimbi to fifteen dollars each. We will present to every person sending ns iftyiebeeribers;atiMa Gold Watch.wort it $4O, to anTocte sending one:hundred subscribers, at $2, a Gold Watch worth goo. Eaehsubscriber will also receives present.' lattnediateiroa reeeipt of the money, the sub. scriber s:name will be entered upon Cur book, andlheissoseat. wilV be forwarded within one week. bymail or express, post paid: - 'Or - Address altoommttniCations4o . „DEAN dr. A 1 4111 KB, Proilrietont, 34 Broadway, Now Yoi lstwietaoly June 1.1F58 PHILADELPHIA. , THOS. W, EVANS & GO AATOULD - RESPECTEULLY INFORM the refiittenta of this vicinity, that they have now open' at their New Store, the lergeet - irid meet varied assortment . Ll DI ES DRESS .GOODS, they have ever Offere l / 4 d. The stock is mostly of their own imperiAtion, having been , selected pei senallv by one of the firm, in the piineipal mar ket in Europe, at such prices as will e c nableThem to sell on the most reasonithlo terms. • SILK DEPARTMENT. • Brocades, Robes a Les, Robes double Jupeil,— Robes two flounces, Plain, Figured Plaid, Striped with a full assortment of Black Silks of all kinds. Particular attention bps been paid to the selection of this Stock. and it will b found Complete in its assortrr.enl. '- • - India, Stella, Bordered, French Cashmeres,— Pririted &oche, Long and Squaro Woolen Man tilla Shawls, &c.. with a full stock orall the neeo. eat styles of Shawls imported this season; CLOAK DEPARTMENT. , - Cloaks made and trimmed in the latest Paris 1.431e5, in , • _ . • . VELVET, CLOTH, PLUSH, PLAID VELVET, 'ETC; The stocl?this,season is expensive, elegsit mid fashionable. - _ • GENERAL DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. Meri noes, Cashmeres, Monslins, Valencias. Po plins, Satin de ChineXelour Poplins, Chintzen,d4 with all the newest fabrics.imported in this line MOURNING GOODS DEPARTMENT. Bombazines, Famise ClOtbs, Alpacas, Verour Poplins, Monslines,.Thibets, Valencias,. Crapes, Collars and Sleeves, &c., with as stock of all goods suitabletfor mourning.. ' EMBROIDERY DEPARTMENT. Lace Setts,- Collars, Sleeves, insertioga; Edg ings, Flouncing, Caps, Berthas, ,Capea, • Gloves, SIMS, Skirts, &e., with a full assortment of Em brolderies-of all kinds, including all the latest - . -HOSIERY •• DEPARTMENT., A nornpleto line of English Hosiery, for LADIES, MISSES; GENTS AND,.cunam*, found of tho beat and most approv'd makes T. W. E. & CO., confidently invite inspection of their stock, as•they feel assured it will favor ably compare - with any other, in = assortment, style or price. • - .- - - SIS -ilc §2O Chectnut Street, \ nor 112 m. c&aiO] PHILADELPHIA. CHEAP CARPETING ! • _AT THE MV' , f) 49, North NINTH -et, Philad'a. ( 1 :0111111T Perti o ran , ts . Are se:ieited 6'041 and . examine the atoslt of and Venetian Carpeting, Floor Table and Stair Oil-Cloths of all widths; Canton and Cocoa Matting; Door Mats: Cloth and Oil-Cloth Table CoVers: Druggets all ‘ 1 id s, Rag Carpet Stair Rods &c. C 111 E A.P •OR Either WHOLESALE 'or RET.AIL, By L. WEATHERBY, de2S-3171w) b, 49 North 9th-st• JOHN FAREIRA & Co, No. 818 (new no.)-- Market-st, above ,Bth, Importers. Manufacturers and Dealers inFANCY FURS. f o r Ladies and Children; alao,_th:nt's Furs, Fur Collars and Gloves. The number of years that we have been engaged in the Fur business, and the general character of our Furs, both - for qual ity and _price is so generally knoWn throughout the Country. that we think it is not necessary for as to say anything more than that we have now opened our assortment of FURS, for the Fell & Winter Sales, of the largest and most beautiful Assortment that we have ever offered- before to the public. Our-Furs have all been Imported during the present season, when money was scarce and Furs much lower than at the present time, and have been manufactured be the most competent workmen; we are therefore deter mined to sell them atsuch pried; as will continue to• give us the reputation We have borne for years. that is to sell a good article for a very, small . prqfit. • Storekeepers will do. well to give ua a call, as they will find the largest, assortment by far to select from in tile, city, and at manufacturers' prices. JOHN FAREIRA & CO., No. 818 Market S (rect. above Bth,Phialdelphia. Seihember.lsth, 1858.,-4m. The (Worlti7a Great EThibition Prize- Medal 44 - ARMED to C. 'MEYER, FOR RIEI TWO FIANOS,.LONDON, OCTOBER 15, MM. 'MEYER, respecifUlly informs, his friends Vi- e aid the. public 'generally that he has eon. e s tantry ..on hand PIANOS% equal to those for Which he received.tbe 'Prize Medal in London in 1851 l s 'orderp promptly attended to, and great care taken In the selection and packing the same. He has received during the last Fifteen years more Medals than any other. make from the. 'Franklitflostitute—also, First Premitim - s in Bos ton, .iCetv - York, and Baltimore. * * *Warerooms In. 72.2 ARCH street, below Eiglitb, south side, PHILADELPHIA. Septernher;9th. 1858.-3 m. jar. „ TO THE PUBLIC. 54331 E 'Aldrchan !a publish a few low prices, or the price of a few lull priced articles, as an inducement to persons to make their purchases of them. under the presumption that everything is equally low. Without taking space in the public papers to enumerate prices, I Wish it dis tinctly understood, that I will sell Goods as low for the It/silty as they 'can be bought in any other Store in this .place of egunty.. Baits and Hooks not used. Purchasers will generally find good qualities of Articles at Tuatara:a, and in • Drugs,Medicint4i,- Paints, Oils, and Die Stuff-4; the very best, and the assortments full- The Fancy Goods Department is .also extensive. Also, choice:Family Grocerigs, Crockery, Wall Pape'r,levi - elry,Perfumerr,&e: In abort nearly everything usually kept in-country stores. As I deal in many departments of trade, and have more Articles -than Loan wall enumerate in the limits of a Newspaper, I shall not att em pt it ; ; neither will it be 'accessary, under these cir cumstances, to fill a column with useless re petitions and blanks. The. people are invited to call and examine for themselves. • ABEL TURRELL. Muntroie, Nov.. Ist, 1858. 15 ten GOOD WATCHES T ll4l ' main been spoiled by unskilful person a .a,ain be un do good by . A regular - 01y Watch.maker,eompetent to repair -Duplex,. Repeaters, patent and Detaehedc . Lerers, Lepines, and Vertical Watehes,&e.,&e:; whether English, Swiss,-Freuch or Chinese tnalce; and for this purpose has on hind a good alisortment of Watch Jewels, WatahiMbeets, Ma*rings, Cylinders; Hands. Crlai4s&e., &e. ' nrShop in Hentioyritead & Co.'s Store, Plurnix Block,itontrose Sun. Co., Pa. • - August - 26th. 1868. " tf. SIIAN'VL DEPkIiTMENT. FANCY FURS, FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN TO THE :PUBLIC. :3EL TUR4ELL AS jest reletted - reiiin -Ne a York, with a large and choice variety ofi Goode, which onto to his customers and the public at low flees for cash. • His stocks pmprises • • DRIJOrS,.I TAINTS, ME OILS; WINDOW GLASS, DYE- BTV F F I S, • G-R 0-0 E Ri EIS,- G Ii A SS—W A 4 E, C R. - OQJK - E R y , . M I R It'o R 8 I, CLOCKS.,I - W A .Ll 4 P A' P'E - It , .W I N I) -0 W" PAP E R, • 1V I 141 - DO Vir. OIL S. II ADE S, .- - .F A N CY. -G- 0 OID S, s - MUSICAL I;4.T.STROMENTS, • .. J E — W E L R 11, PERFUMERY, DRY GOODS, HARD WARE, . ' - S_T.O:N - E. W.A .4, E, .WOOD'EN WARE, BROOM'S,' B, ,R V, S 1 E, S , .I.APANNED' - .WIARE , •BI R- - p CAGES, • 1 1 CANARY SEED, .POCKET KNIVES, ,-. • ' W HIPS, " ' ' - - . UMBKE L L S, - •.' . G•U NS, I , P. I S.T OLS ! - - •AMMU Tlp N, T•UIl. PENT' • DURNING"FLIUAD, -- ALCOIIOL„.LIQUOR- ForMedicinalPurpci,sesonly,) TRUSS - ES, SUPP R TEA • SHOULDER. BRACES, PORTMONNAIES, SPECTACCIES, ILVER & PLATED _SPOONS, FORKS, &c., GOLD PENS,.. STA T INE IVY" ; VIOLIN -STRM R GSi.BONVS, And all of qie mostipopular PATENT RI.EDIP,IN,ES, Thankful-for tholiber4l patronage hitherto re eived, he hopes to merit a continuance and large iticrease of the sam A e. ; BELITURRELL. Montrose, Nov. let 18513. Montrose, Pa„ (----:, C ii . faith , zEpem2 7-0 Idin. . ~ , T ~ lIIS now and commodious: Hotel situated on Public Avenue, near the Oourt tiouse,and early in the centre of the busines4 portion of aontrose, is now fully completed and furnished, nd will be opened on Monday. tile 27th day of the present month for the aetiommodatilm of the public and travelers; the Proprietor!feels evvrnfident that he is now prepared ti; entertain nests in a nannner tbat cannot fail to gilfe nom. lets satisfaction. The Hotel and Furniture are , and no expense has been !pared to render i equal, if not superior to any similar establish. t i cj , ent in this p trt of the State. It is well sup lied with alit he recent improviments and corn. f els, and 01i :zing waiters will always be ready t respond to the call of customers' The stables connected with this House are , ew: and convenient. , The Proprietor respectfully sopdits the patron we of his old friendr, - and thc• public generally. ' WM. K. HATCII. _Montrose, September2.lst, 1848. GIVE CREDIT. WHERE CREDIT IS DUE! HE original QiE TRICE And-BEADY:Fd£ Store of New Milford, HAYDEN BROTHERS, th, People's - Agents, ;are now reedit:. ing a large Stock of Staple; and Fancy Dry Goods, Groceries; 11,;ote and Shoes, Hate and Caps; Wall and Window-Paper,;Wooderi Ware, Forks, Hoes, Flour and Salt—by the barrel or load,—Yankee Notions, Jewelry; and Watches— wholesale and retail ; at prices; that would as tonitik those not posted in the 'ready-pay:busi ness. We lave nothing to do with Old Fogyism,— he has "gone in"—has vamoosed ,without a groan or kick, and the last seea.of 'Mtn he was holding , on to the tail of " Liard.T.imcs," and he ginned a ghastly smite as he !passed 01.4.) FRIENDS._ Our motto is—Live a nd Let Live. ONE PRICE ONLY !- Can't be beat down NO - CIIARGE FOR SHOWING GOODS; Every Article Warranted as Represented! JWe thank our friends nrd caStemers for their Itberal Patronage in times past , and we hope by strict attention to business, to merits contin uance of the same. HAYDEN BROTHERS. New. Miiford, May Ist, 18581-Iy* LY IMPORTANT I . 11FORMITION _ re All Gentlemen who Wear Clothes. lA, HAVE recently made arran*ements, at con. siderable expense, for doing work in the Tailoring Bu siness cOt very short notice, in a neat,durable, and rash ienable manner, and at reduced prices. I will furnish garments to order, if desired, or render the euhtomer whatever assistance he may need in selecting materials of the best quality, and at the lowest market pricesq All' my work will be warranted as to fit, fin. ish and durability. No customer need take his work from the shop unless it suits him. Being permanently, and exclusively engaged • in this besiness, it shall be my Ont. aim to please the public, and thus secure their patronage. I , P. LINES. Montrose, June Ist 1558. 23tf. DENTA NOTICE eI o o e f at e e , d rry li i ize o l n f DitlltoGtrolsoFror°tßheDpurhpt te DENTAIIPRACIICE in all, its branches. Ile is o w ready to attend to all calls ''n his profession with promPtoess, and will ebdeayor to give entire ..act . satisfion. All operations W. I 4IRANTED. Office With Dr. Diatom. _ Sept. Itah. 1858.—tf. • COlib • R9gers RESPECTFULLY annotrnci, that they hate entered into a partnerehip in orditr to be better prepared to supply the ants of the pub- Hi:. They will.keep-on. hand algood stock of GROCERIES a the well know establishment formerly ocea. p l edby Olicer Crane. SUGARS, TE AS, EE.SPICES , FRIIIT,FLOUR lIIT, a Elam (by.the sack or trarrel,) Frsa, and all articles found in First Class Groceriei. - • They would particularly cal( the attention. of Fanners and others- to the feet that they are cdnstantly reaching fresh supplies of :FIRST RATE FLOUR, , also rood nod medium qualities; which will . he sold stuns, for ready pay, in quantities to suit tie purchaser. s - - - - N. B.—it,la earnestly desired that st.t. who are indebted io the establishment either by note or account should call and 1006 SOON and RAVE C.VTOL. pfontrose, flet. 6th: 18.58: . s. smrseJi tatiorsiEus Jill NOW ILECEi g ViIiG 6.0v 17 " 4 1,/t i FALL 7 e co, AND 176 1 1,.,i r t rei GOODS. WHICH for Castor Produce ;can be bought verplow. iJALL PAPER.. A Seteat assortment just received., S. 11: SAYRE & BROTHERS CARPETING. Bargains offered by - 8. H. SAYRE & BROTHERS. PLOWS! -PLOWS! ! PLOWS. We invite the attention of Farmers to the celebrated= Peekakille Plows which we have added to our large assortment. S. ILSANRE & BROTHERS; Proprietors of Eagle Foundry. Montrose. Nov. 29th, 1858. 18tf. STOVES! STOVES!! STOVES!!! OUR Stoves have'been so thoroughly tried to the entire satisfaction of all, that they need no recommend from us. S. 11. SAYRE do BROTIIRRS. tOCI @ 2Lt 0 2 /la It A ila IL 3 'IP WI:BRa,, AT THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION, A ND examine „ the choice stock of Spring and Summer Goods, .just opened for Examination and Sala, tery/otofigures by C. W. MOTT?. STELL4, Cashmere, And DeLain Shawls at very low prices by .C. %V. MOTT. HA IS and Cap* of. the' newest styles, in great variety be C. W: MUTT pRINTS is abundance _by . C. C. W. MOTT. BBASS Hoops, Hosiery, Gloves, Betts etc., etc.. by C. W. MOTT. BROWN and lIMe Sheeting and Sh . rtinga— Shirting Strifais, Ticks, Denims, Summer Stuffs, &c., as low as can be afforded in this market. C. W. MOTT. UrII.OCER II ES, Crockery, Hardware and 'various other articles to numerous to men tion.—all of which shall be sold Cheap for Cash or Ready Pay. . • C. W. MOTT. eILOTUS, Cassitnors and Vesting,a, very de sirable styles, at-prices that cannot fail to suit. Call and ho convinced. .C. W. WITT. 6reat ficittiutitt! TilE Atlantic Cable has been laid, but that does n At begin to cause as much joy as the (act that _ IL KENTON, 1,4 in market with a fide asssorttnent.of GOODS 'Consisting in part as follows:- Moire Antique and Black Silk; Enibroitlered Robes, Printid do., Shouls,.—Brocho— r Long and Square, Silk, end Lnit. Chenille from *5,00 to *25,00. Plain All Wool Delanes. • OLIV ERE PLAIDS. Ribbons from 38. to 58. 6d., Black Velvet ,Rib bo•z.e from 4s ps. ro lo,ou /hi/iffy and Victoria Lawn, Swiss Muslin, limrts, &menet Cu nzeries,all the New Styles of Printed De lanes. Enzbroidered Fur , . niture MUSLIN. EENTUCKY.JEANS in every variety. Every variety of BONNET_BORDERS and GOODS, sb ai to release all the Ladies from the trouble of calling upon the' MtLtaxnas *who charge so very high, DOMESTIC GINGHAMS at prices lower than usual. WALL PAPER, BO DER. CARPETBAGS, UMBRELLAS, BUFFALO ROBES, CARPETING, CROCKERY,„two new and beautiful styles. HOOPS. CHAMBRAY and FRENCH GINGIIAMS.. SHOES, a very largo -assortment. GAITERS, BOOTS and SLIPPERS. Al4O, a large assortment of choice TOYS. for distribution by Santa Claus. PER FUMERY, -HAIR OILS, PATENT MEFU. CINES. . Also, a fine assortment of BED STEADS„ from $1.74 to $6. CHAIRS—Wood Flag Seat, at Manbfacturer's prices. And would say that* his assortment is ery especially adapted to those who buy rich goods,-he woukrrespeet. fully invite their inspection as goods particularly suited to class No. L And would as positively assure those who wish to buy at lowest prices that his goods are equOly good for them, and just as low as can be bought•this side of New York• It is a fact, acknowledged by all, that: my ono& excell the purchases of all other dealers. in QUALITY: R. KENYON JR. ' Lewisville Centre. Pa.. . September 6, 1658. AVM. B. SIMPSON, WA.TCII RETAINER T Shop in Boyd & Itreb•kes new building, next door above Keeler & Stoddard'e. HAVIXG worked for the past nine years with the most skillful workmen, he feels confident that he can do the' most difficult jobs on short notice. rill Work Warranted to Give Satisfaction. W. B. Stmesom has worked for mo for some time, and f can recommend him as a careful and workninn, competent to .ifo as good work as done in the country, and worthy of confidenco. Wm. A. CHAMBERLIN. Towanda June 10th, 1858. Refers to—Win. Elwell, E, W. Baird. E. D. , Montayne, E. 0. Goodrich; B. Kingsbury, Towan da; B. S. 13entley, L Searle, C. - D. Lathrop; J. Wittenberg ; Montrose. • * * *Jewelry neatly repaired on short notice, and on-renmonable terms. (June Mb. 1858 Sale, Salt ! riEO. W. MANN. Wholesale Salt Dealer.— k.,1 201 Washington Street, (directly opposite Washington Market,) still continues to offer to the city and coJntry trade; all kinds of foreign coarse and fine salt, at the very lowest figures; 40000 sacks and bags, consisting in part of Ash ton's eclebrated brand for table and dairy use, Jeffrey & Darcy. Marshall's,. Brownlow's, &c.. and 50000 bushels Turks Island, Bonares, Cu; racoa, St. Übes, Lisbon, Cadiz, Ivies, Nantes, &e.. - all of which will be sold at bargain prices from vessels. store and-storehonses. Any purchaser wishing to select from a good assortment will find it to his interest to call. N. B.—Fine table salt put up in small bags of difftrent sizes, and qonstantly on hand in ship ping order. Also a splendid article of Rock Ground salt, in quart boxes, put up and for sale by the quantity, in cases of five dozen each. New York, April Ist, 1858.---ry* • 4dentirigrin.**ftt. ••AA.B NEW AIIRENt , ;Ehr, EN FS At the Old Stand of Lathrop & Co. LATHROP & DeWITT DEG leave to announce to the public in gen 11,Jf eral that thee aro.novr opening one of the largest STOCKS of hisscamauss ever offered in Montroso. Comprising Dry Gem* Groceries, Haid-Ware, Crockery, &e.,dc.0., whieh they propose toeelrat the LowEsT caw MCP. • Thaie arc real Facts. We. wish to demoooty,oto 'to,tite pttlOio ' difference bet wean boyine Goo 4 for`O.iiitt sod oft TIME. • LATIIROP.&;DzWirr. - . ' 3fontroseoltpril 26th, 1858. raiitastAavlSolVm. D. -WILL PRACtICI Eir MUNE AND S'UIVERY 4146iakoiti aCffacent garb of B#gui. hanna . ..Citungf. itonirose*iioir. ItEMOVAL.., Spit, Aifoinej, a 1 taiv . ,r have -11-4 removed to their new- othea..s few doors south of Boyd & Webster'e corner. • blontroto Oct. 25,4 m - • _DR. WI L. IaCHARDSON, • ' wOULD respectfully tender his Profesaional Services to. the inhabitants of MONT ROf6E, and its vicinity. Office over l!Pulford's Store. Lodgings at the , iseystone•Hotel. Montrose,Oct, )2th. 1868.--1 y.* LAWRENCE, GRIGGS, & KINGSBURY, MANUFACTURERS, AND JOBBERS IN ITATti, CAPS, AND EVILS, g W ED S • trnibrellas, Parasols,. and Ribbons, AND ALL MILLINERY lIRTEL 8 2 _ No. 46, COURTLELIOT STREET, DAN. H. LAWRENCE, NEW-YORK. JAS. M. Gittnns, General Partners,— JKO. A KINGSBURY, M. C. TYLER. Spec:al Partner. (• HENRY B.' Helf.EA" N, TTOPS EY and COUNSELLOR at LAW. 11. Office in the Union Block- 1 4'ovranda, Brad ford county, Pa. ligir"Will.attend promptly to all professional brininess intrusted to him, in this and adjoining eon - rides. De3.sBtf "HOME AGAIN," 131.4i1C3EL OFFICE, over WlVll.otals Store. LODGINGSy it SEA RLEss norm Montron, March 10th. 1858. • . T. BOYLE, REPRESENTS A CAPI'T'AL OP OVER $5,000,0001 For Fire, Marinr,life, and Inland Insiarance Office, lle‘i Milford, Pa. J:rounry_lfith, 1858. ly* Dr. Smith, & Son, - *?' . SURGEON PkINTISTS. Residence and.o See opposite the Baptist eltureli (north sidei Slontros'e. Particular attention-will be given to insetting teeth on gold-and silver plate, and to filling decrying teeth. January 10th, 1858. . ly'. WM. W. SMITH, & CO., Cabinet and Chair Mannfactur erp, foot of Maio Street. Moutrope. Pa. ABEL TURRELL;MoNTRosE, Ya Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals Dy'e Stuffs, Glass-ware, Paints. Oils, Varnishis Window Glass, Groceries, Fancy Goods. Jew. airy, Perfumery, &c.And Agent for all the most popular Patent Alcdicines. JOHN GROVES, • ipashionable Tailor—Shop near the Baptist Sleeting !Jonas, on Turnpike Street. Nlontrosp. Pa. DR. R. -THAYER. Physician and Mimeos', Montrose Pa. Office in the Farmer's &ore. HAYDEN BROTHERS, NeW Milford, Penti!xt. Wholesale dealer in Buttons, Combs Suspenders, Threads, Fancy Goods Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Prited Waro, Cut lerv. Fishing Tackle, Cigars, ctlz.e. &c. kerchants and pedlars, supplied on liberal terms. . WM, HAYDEN, \ , TRACY HAYDEN JOHN HAYDEN, •," GEO. HAYDEN. ') DR. E. F. WILMOT, Graduate of the Allopath;c and Homeo pathic Colleges of Medicine, is now per manently locates in Great Bend Pa. . April 31. 1856. JOHN SAIITTER, • FNashionnble T4ilor. Shop first doo north of the Farmer's Store. NEWTON & McOOLLIIM, Attorneystind Counsellors at Law. Office on Public Avenue over H. J. Webb's Store. N. NEWTON. J. B McCor.t.uru. FIRE INSURANCE CO., YORK, Pa. Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania CAPITAL. 300,000 DOLLARS. Insures against loss or damage by fire, on buil dings,Turniture, and merchandise generally. '"Losses adjusted by arbitration; where the pUrties fall to agree. FT A. Frantz, - John Landes, H. Kraber, Fred. Schenck, William Wallace, " Eli Kindig, Samuel Dyer, Thomas Gray, David Strickler. IL KRABER, President, D. STRICKLER: Secretary. _ 0. S. BEEBE, Agent, Montrose. pa FArnary 2ii. 1858'. Y*. FITMOWN EttIEE, HE mirbscriber having purchased •••11 JL refitted and newly furnished th 1111111 „ above well known and popular Hute —is prepared to accommodate the. tray eling public and Others with all the attention- . and conveniences usually found in tfrst-clas, Houses. No effort will be spared by the Pro prietor and his Assistants to make the Hole equa. i every point to any in the country. The Bar will always be supplied with tot Choicest Liquors. The Stables, connected with this Honer arci k larue, roomy and convenient , and careful one attentive Hustlers are always in charge of them_ ;Montrose, May 13114 1858 REMOVAL. The Saddles Mimesis sad Trunk Shop of T. NaKIMIAV - - T s REMOVED to the building recently occu -1 pied C. C. Hollister, on Main St., one door above S. S. Mott'a, where he will be happy to wait on all who may favor him with their patron• age. Jan. 20th, IBsB.—te. Patent Medicines ; &c. READ AFFLI C.TED, BEAD ! ! , R y APHENBERG 3rEnictsEs.—Vegetable Pilla ur Green Mountain Ointment, Sarsaparilla Cunipound, Children's Panacea. Eyo Lotion. Fe ver and Ague Remedy, Health Bitters. Dysen. 10 7, Syrup. Consumptive's Rahn, Marshall's_ Uterine, Catholieon, Dr. Lit?by'n Pile Oidtmest, and Manual otHealth. Ayre's Pills and Cherry. Pectoral. Tanner's German Ointrnint. Trask's Magnetic Ointment, Hollowly's Ointment, and Pills. Davis' Pain Killer, Dr; Pitch's Heart Corrector, Bennett's Root and Plant Pills, Sords's Sovereign Balm, Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, Rhode's Paver and Ague Cure, Merabant'n Gargling Oil, Arra. -Ca Liniment; Camphor. Castor Oil, Paregoric, Aloes. Picera,:Myrrh, Licorice, &e., &c., &a. A Dew enlonlYjcat reeelvid, to be kepteonsteet• ly on hand, for sale b 7 I. N. BULLARD. - ;: October, ist, 1856. • • - Aiso IRO tivrtwerziosinAk..caiLitathis4 pa l : t ope% P A .. .... CICART.Ntatt 0.56. i ~..-100 SAudiads oltendi4g,JanUary.l4lo 'VOW thilifygelit and most thorough Col:timer .oll eat Sehobl‘ of the Coiled States', !Young tnenyiepereirfor actual duties of the-Counting Room.' -- I • - . _ . . .I.' C. Sterrit;"A: M.,-Prof. of- Rook-keeping end - Scientific:Accounts. - - - ' -' '' A. T. DOUTHETT, Teacher of Arithmetic end Commercial Calculation. ' • ‘. J. A.. HEvnatcz and T. C. JENKINS, Teacher of BoolOceeping. • • - 4 A. COWLEY and W. A. IifiLLER Profs. of Penn. wanship. • SINGLE AND . ..DPI:BLS ENTRY BOOK KEEPING, As used in4VerY dettartirieit if Wildness. ,CO.IIIIERCiAL ARITHMETIC—RAPID BU. SINESS WIG TING- - DETECTING COUNTERFEIIIIIONEY— E RCA WEI L E CORRESPONDENCE— , CO I N SI ERC In LAW- 7 - " Are taught and all other subjects necessary for the success and thorough education of,a practi• cal_busincsa man. Drawn all the premiums in Pittsburg for the past three years; also in Eastern and Western Cities, for best Writing, NOT ENGRAVED 'WORK. 131POR I TAINT INFOURATION. Students enter at any time—No vacation—Time nnlimited—Review at pleasure—Greanates as. misted to obtain situations—Tuition fur full com mercial Course, 835,00—Average time 8 to 12 weeks-Lamird, 82,50 per week—Stationery, 86,00—Entire cost, 860,00 ,to 870,00. rllinister'a sons half price. For Card-Cireular—Spreiinens of Business and Ornamenhil Writing-=ine:ose two stamps, and address F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburg; Pa. September 9th, 1858.4 m ( 501g .*,*. T . . . NEWEPHEILH ThE NEW-YORK-WEEKLY PRESS IS. one of the best literary papers of the day. A large Quarto containing Twenty- Pages, ur Sixty Columns, of entertaining mutter, and Ele gantly Illustrated eve'ry week. •: A Gift worth from 50 cent,' to $lOOO will be *ant to each subscriber on the receipt of the stsb syription. money. One copy for one year, and I gift .. . . -Three copies one year, and 3 gifts . . . • 5. Five copies ono.year, and 5 gifts . . 8. Ten copies one year, and 10' gifts . . . 15. Twenty-one copies one year, und 21 gifts 30. The articles to be distributed are comprised in the United StatenTreasUrv.Note $lOOO. 2 do do dw' • 500 each. 5 do do 200 each. 10 do • ,dif do 100 each. q Put. Lev.liorTg Cased Watches 100 each. 20 Mid-Watches . • 75 each. 50 • do . . 60 eac h. 100 ,do - - . bo each. 100 Ladies Geld Watches - - 35 'each. 200 Silver Hunting Cased Watches 30 each: 500 do Watencs 015 to 25 each. 1000 Gold Guard, Vest and Fob Chains 10 in 30. do do Pens and Pencils . - 5 to' T 5 each. Gold Lockets. Bracelets, Mooches, Ear Drops, Breast Pins, Cuff Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Rings. Shirt Studs, Watch Reys, Gold and Silver Thim bles, and a variety of other 'articles, worth from fifty cents to fifteen dolter - s each. On receipt of the subscription money, the sub scriber's name will be entered upon our books opposite a -number. and Um gift corresponding with that number will be fer Warded Y..ithin one week, by mail or express, post paid. There is neither humbug mir lottery about the above, as every subscriber is.sure of a Prize of vaiti.:". We prefer to make this liberal distribu tion among them instead of giving a large con. - mission-to agents, giving to the su b scriber the amount that would go to the agent, in mangy cases a hundred fold mote. ' Address all eommunications , to DANIEL ADEE, Publisher, May 2R-yl.] 211 Centre Street, New York • /D) 0:1511Sc303 /RE_Weitgrltffn T 0 MOTHERS, WIVES & DAUGHTERS. Dr. RA. LANIONT'S Periodical Compound. The most beneficial and successful tzataLE MED WINE now 'in use or known, for-all cases of dis ordered, obstructed or suppressed Menstruation, Lucorrhcca,Female Weakness &c. - .Ladies Who have been disappointed in the rise of Female Pills &c , can put the nttnerst confidence in this Corn.. pound, it is infallible in the cure of all the above named complaints. It will be sent by mail to any address by enclosing any authorized agent. Prepared by R. I.* ANDREW Buffalo N. Y. For sale in Montrose by , may 13'58-I r BENTLEY, READ. & CO HOWARD ASSOCIATION PHILADELPHIA. • A Benevolent InstilutioNestablished by special en dowment for the relief of the sick and distressed, afilicled with Virulent and Epidemic diseases. THE HOWARD ASSOCIATIon,in view of the aw. ful destruction of hnman life,caued by Sex ual diseases,-and the deceptions practised upon the unfortunate -victims of such diseases by Quacks, several years'ago directed- their Surgeon, as s CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their name, to open- a Dispensary for the treat. ment of this class of diseases, in all their forms, and to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS, to all who apply b e letter, with a description of their , con dition, ( age, occupation, habits of life, &c..) and in cases of extreme poverty, to furniikmedicinex free of ehttrge. - It is needless to add that the Association commands the highest meditml skill of the age, and will furnish the most improved modern. treatment. The Directors orthu Association. in their An - nual Report upon the treatment of Sexual Di. -eases, for the- year ending January Ist, 1858, express the highest satisfaction with the success which has attended the labors of the. Consulting Surgeon in the cure of Spermatorrhom. Seminal Wrakness.lmpotence„Gonorrhcea,Gleet,Sypillis, the vice of Onanism or Self-abuse, and or der a continuance of the same plan for the en suing year. • An admirable Report on' Spermatorrhces. oe Seminal Weakness, - the vice ofOnaniam, Master. batten. or Selt•abuse, Anil other diseases of the sexual organs, by the Consulting Surgeon. will ha sent by mail .(in+a sealed envelope), FREE OF CHARGE, on the receipt or TWO STAMPS for postage. Other- Reports and Tracts on the nature and treatment of sexual diseases, diet. &c.. aro constantly being publish ed for gratuons distribution. And will M sent to the afflicted. Some of the new remedies and-methods of treatment discovered during the last year, are of great value. - . • - ' Address. for Report or Treatment, Dr. George R. Calhoun, Consulting Surgeon, HoWard Nci.l South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, - pa, • -Dv order of the Directors. EZRA D. HARTWELL Preiidest. Geo: FAIRCHILD. Ser'y. • oc2B It', J. S. TAILBELL TO THE SNE.EZING .PLIBUC. 'b arn a% Celebrated Catarrh Snail, AN INFALLIBLE REAISPY. • roa awl BY • .• R. THAYEK. Mira rose • . S. a TOIIPRI Bionlayn; Wm H. THAYER. Dimotk. IR. - ._':iL : - .i_wg - 13.8.71L 12 PICEIIIIII/1118. rl PRIZE FOR EVERY BODY! WHO SUBSCRIBES FOR THE Maki!) liras. A BEAUTIFULLY 17.1:it70TP..A.T3D MR 115-13 ADVANCE! f'; NEW GOODBP.: 1:11X32 MONTROSE;APRItrabik 186 a; _ nigh CSEM ratOa t' •F poll]: greet klik For 'OlicaSeg- 4 irth - Biftddhr; Kielf , *l, Grate, Votricifutur t . Secret Dr:tresses, Ceptplaintrouurf.sril tiseasilif the Stiiial• , arising from excesittiand imprudences in lift, a nd removing al I imprailer d biotin rgie der, kidneytiOrssextietergaus, Whetter 'existing in MALE OR "Flid*LE,, from whatever cause Iliernwly.have ; originated,und no 'Matter of how lungettanding,lgiviut _ : Viger; t 9 the frame, and hipoin to tilie pallid cheek.: - .11)Y, TO VICE AFELZ6vo t It cu r es nitrous and • debilitated: it - efferent, and removes all the Syncptotrui, among - Sri - la will be found indisposition to eXertion,losrs ofpolver,loss of memory, difficulty-Of breathing, gedersil >fresh. netts, -horror of ffiseatic, , neak nervetritrembling, dreadftil horror of death, nighteweatit e nold feet, wakefulness, dimness of !Won, I signoLti alvental - lassitude of the muscular i's - Yetem;,ofteit enormous appetite, with dyspeptic Syriiptoms, -hot hinds, flushing of the body, dryness of the ' . ltititi pallid countenance and.eruptions on therfaes.psiii hi th e back, heaviness - of the eyelids, frequently blsek spots flying before the' met, with alempOrrry sufniion and loss of sight;wafit-olattention,great mobility, restlessness, with Immo of society;«-- Nothing is more desirable% to, su c h _ patientsjban solitude:and nothing theyinore dread for_fear:of themselves; no repose of manner,no emrnestuoss, no speculation. but a hurried transitietrfrom one' question to another. These symptoms, if.allowed to go on-which this.medicine invariably reuroveirsodn follows lois of power, fatuity and epileptic', One of which the patient may expire. Whoull:say that these excesses are not frequently folloited by those direful disesses—lnsaillty and consittitp , .. tion ? The records of the insane asylurris„: Ind - the•melancholy deaths by-consinnption besrim pie witness to the truth of these assertioritri , l6 lunatic, asylums the most melancholy exhibition appears. The countenance ie_actuallyseddeu & quite destitute-Lneither , mirtli . ur OM ever via its it. Should a seand' of vcice occur, it is rarely articulate._ . _woeful measures' wan despair- Low sullen sounds his grief begoiltd." .Debility is - the most - terrible end has‘fought thousands to untimely graves, thus blasting the ambition'of many noble youths. • It carrbe cured by .the use of this _ INFALLIBLE IiEIIIEDY, If you are suffering with any of the short; Me. tressing aliments, the Fluid Extract Buihif cure yoU. Try it and be conv.nced elks efficacy. Err Beware of quack nostrums and quack tors, who falsely boast of abilities end referee - eels. Citizens know and avoid them, and savelong f e riae, money, Ind exposure. by Sending ing fur a bottle of this peppier and s,prcifle : reily. edy. It allays all-pain undinflathmation; is per fectly pleasant in its taste and Oderibit ate In its action. ~' +. . ~;=:- r.:. HELMBO_Ir , EXTRACT, RUCH Es prepared directly according to the rulei 'tot Pharmacy and Chemistry, with the; &atria curacy and chemical knowledge and ted in its combination. See Profeastir Deweisr valuable works on the practice pr physic, aid most of the late standard works (I f medicine. Eir till I 0 0 filiA One hundred dollars will be paid to any physirianwho can proi . e thatsthe meditine ever injured a patient;and the I - 641660y of thicasands can be produced-to prove that it does Brea} geod. of from one week to la years' iitandinp have been effected. The man of voluntary testimony in possessicin:_of the PrO. pr".etor, voUching its virtues and curative powers, is inimenSe,-embraeing names well known to _ - Science and Famei. 100,000 Bodes have been sold and not a single inr.tanee of fajlure has been reported! Persii ally appeared „before me, an. Alderman of the City of Philadelphia, H. T. Helutb,tdd, Chemist, who being duly Rwnrn• doca nay, that his prepn ral ion con taius-no Narecptic, Mt;teury ur injurious Drug.• but is purer Vegetal4e." 11. T. Helmbold, Stile Manufacturer. Sworn and su h seribed before ME' thiii 23d day of Nor 1854. Wm P. HIBBARD. Alderman. Price 81per Bottle. or six for 85. delivered, to any address, accomninied by reliable and•ress ponsiblevertificates from Professors,nlMedical 'Colleges, Clergymen, and other*. Prepared and sold by H. T. HELMBOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist, - N0..52 South 10th.sts..beiow Chestnut, Munn hly Buildings, Philadelphia, Pa. W .. Tolle Wad of all Druggists and Dellers. in the U. S., Canadas; and British Provinces, Beware of Counterfeits. Ask for'Helmbold's_ —take no other. Cures n ra n i ed. . Sold in Montrose by ABEL TURRELL, Agent. Jan. 20. '58.-Iv. NEW ARRANGEMENT. a_ymgmmTE Delaware, Lackawanna & - W.R.IL NO MORE STAGING! : Throrlh to Philadel p hia by Rail! __ STEW and e xpeditious to• Gad gunge - romp' 11 from the North and Weat,sii Great. Bend an Scranton, and from the Lackawanna and . Wyoming .valleys, directly through to _ New York .and Philadelphia. ' On and after Friday, October 15t,1858, trails will be run as follows: ' The Ci cinnati Express Train bound east on N. Y. & Erie R. R. arrives nt Great Bend at 8.15 a. m., and connects with the EXPRESS Train which leaves Great Bend fur New York and Phil's at . 8.30 a.. 1111. .. - • - • Due at Montroso, . 9.04 " Tunkhannock, 9.42 " 7 - . Factoryville, !WA% " - Scranton, ' . luso ":', • 31onow, • • : 11.33-% " Stroudsburg, • 1.23 p. ta. Water Gap. , - '' 1.35 Delawn re,(ls minutes to (Him) 158 " . Bridgeville, 9.28 ." Junction, 3.18 " Now`York, 7.15 " Philadelphia ' ' 8.15 1 , 1 Passengers from N. Y., leave Pier No. 2 North River. at From Philndelphia,loave Walnut F• , Wharf, at , 6.00 " Leave.Junctior, - 11 10 ", Dueatßridgeville, • 11 1.8 Delaware; (15 dinner). 1:. , lep.x. ..,.. Water Gap, .1:A8 " S:roUldbbUrg, mi i ° ' MOSCOW, 1 1 1 , IS Scranton,ile " .'' ' ': -ft- 1 : : Factoryville, Tunk-hannock, ' . ';-: 11 0 " Montrose. - "‘' . :',"-tils . " GreaX Bend, . ' ' ,';lsAll " - ... Connecting at Great Bend with the. Mail Train, west, at AcCommodation Train Naves Scran ton tnn for Gat Bend at ' 6.35 a. \M. Arrive at Groat Bend.. ` 1 05 p._or: Connecting, with i he•Durkirk Exprreirclitst, M)4 5 , and the N. Y. Express. coat, at 9 35 p.m: Returning,leivestteat Berid at • 2.45 - --" Due at Scranton, ... 7.15' , " -, , • For the afeommndation 01 way tr a vel , on. the Southern Division, a pnasrrger cur will be at. to the-Express Freight Trains; leaving: • ; ' • ' 5.011 a. m. Due at Stroutisburrat 10 05 0 o , Junetion - a” , .. it 05 p. m. Returning, will leave Junction'at 446 a.:19. Due if Stroudsburg at 8 05._.. " _ " Scranton at p 2.40 . in. Passerrgertilo nod from New- Yea. it 1 . 1 rt.ii.. adelphia will change ears at Jur et1i.0.,,, . .- - For Pittaton,Kingston. and Wiliettbaiir,take L..&'11. R. R., - ears at E*Tanton. . - - w tesonp. Antbbald, mild Cabot:dere, Isle 'StaiOn at Scrantert.''. - Ticketasold, andlmeritio4ll44ceil thinvik.- ' • •.- --• ' JOHN DRISBIN,Sup i t. . . .. • Virn.N. Jrmrs flee Tii•Vet. Agent - Scranton, Sept. 24th.,1858. StilT They Come! THE lirgest*ll4;el, of MeniCems ever before kept in thin market may bo found nt. the It uftelesnto enumerate. When lots wish inythinst in 'the. Pateotitedivine otherwise, will arthe Farmer's Store. Don't for, got the place, don town. - li. TIfAYNIt, Montrose, March 3d, 1858. 7.30 a. m.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers