• Ituizia B: - - - = 4011 CfN E AND 3111.04tV.. 41 Montrose and adjacent parte of Susque. - - - • /tonna County. • OFFICE in tins Store of C.,17. SlorrAiq. RESIDENCE Corner opposite theiMithodist Church: • • '71160t - rate Nov: 16 1858. • • rs *Yankee Doodle camato-Towd •- -Upon - a little Pony." ; - • AND . 'one - diy last week, a new lot of 1100K0 • ' and _Stationery came to Town per flOpc's ExPreast,Yipd.werelnnded sa fe - at A. N. Bullard'. -:BOOK STORE P1111_1; I C A YES . TJ'E where,thepare for sale CHEAP Pea CAM. her Own. Lawyer, The Magi. elate R^k+ Arta of Beauty, Gem of the Season; The : Keepsake. Beek- of Beauty,- The FasOy Exptuse Book, Webater's New Coddling House Dietiotakry,&C., 'Sta. A new lot of Prof. IShotitiatvre Arithmetic:B,Ac., &c. And sit gel ling - O. K. . A. N: BOLLARD. lipystroaaltlec. let, 1858. LIIIIIIOGRAPIIA NEW SUPPLY. Ortt 108. A. TURKELL 1 4 :4 * A'► - AmministratoT's Notice. HEREAS Letters of Administration have - - bitenirranted. to, the subscriber on the es. tate titAlehltable Tennant, late of tho. township et--HarfOrd, deceased; all persons indebted to . said *Mate' are requested to' mike immediate perikezit;`alito all haying just depute& agaitiet the serriesfill:please present them duly anther!. tkated hir,itettlement. •- RICHARDSON, Administrator. tiarford,Dee. Mt, 1858...-48w6.*.. , White: Man's Barber Shop, „., THE-- , • namm, MD711 2 " - IirOATTRO SE,' P.A. ea 46;. . . W. H. NEWEY. Sheriff's Sale. TA , lrttie of a writ of Veii.Ex. issued by the . JLJI I Coatiolif -eotamon Piens of Susquehanna °aunty and to me - directed, I will expose to sale by. public *mine. at the Court House ruse, on -Micky, December 17th, 1858, at one o'elook,:is.te.,.the following described pieces or poi : Ca of lend, to wit: ..ALL those 2 certain tracts or parcels of land, ope-of which is situate in Gt. Bend twp, Bnsq's , co: PiA.begibning at a stake and stones, corner of lands of Lee Smith ; thence north 2 1-3' east, , 343 640 rods; to a corner of land occupied by _McDaniel 1 .. . thenCe ninth 80''' and 50' east,by Mc. Daniers - 1110:12 2. reds to a stone near west eide ofltighway ;- thence northl 14 4 east, 47 rods to an e4re stump; thence north 1 1-2' east 45 1.2 rods to a birth sapling; thence north 30 4-5 rode; thence east 275 rodi ; thence south 10 1 - .2..eart4, by line of trate?, 100 and 8 25 rods, to,anorigitml corner; thence south la and 37' West, 93 141 rods to stake and stones; thence west 150 rods to a chestmit stub; thence north 4ils`!_, and 5' west 61- rods to a corner; theaccrieuth,2,l.2' west 84 rode; thence south 8731-4 ° •sit.: 130 1-3 rods to the east bounds of said trail; thence..southerly, along same, 44 rods to A point. 40 4-10ths rode from southeast corner of said tract; thence westerly. parallelTqlh the actithiline - , and along pari of said south . line, 435 " cads to beginning; containing 1006 and ilitettt:i acres of land,. with eppurtenencei, 4 framed hoisett, 2 barns. 1 steam I.lw, mill, and about l 5 rice,* improved!' ,ALS(i:=:3Sother-piece in Liberty township. Sate hforp,sia and d s:ribed as frdlostit, to wit t' being the whole original lets. nuroberesl437, 6.9, 75 and 76, lying. togeth,r, in the tracfroiinerly. of S. A. Law. and containing 'in all 4.43 add 97-100th acres; as sort eyed by Wm. Wentz, April 10th,.1550, Taken in eiecution at the wait of Sherwood vs. Stephen Weed and James A. Wec , ': Purthaeers will in ell - MAC resuired t 2 pay ihe - tiali - of nn amount auffieient.to cover evom of able. otherilf*, the t)teri.ii j. wi trr re sold fait hwil JOHN YOUNG. Sheriff Sherittiol6l-, Montrone, Dec. tat, 1858. LA M P S ! AND - - MATERIALS FOR _ z ,•L. - IG H S - U UNIMG rump, Cduiphini, Lamp Oil, LP' Ceoutta, 4C., of best qualities. constantly on hand, :lode prices as CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Costnttilifh dliiy Felv'tltinn getting fluid and Couisjitilidilin; new and good. as I sell so fast, they net's!' get-stale. AlAo. Cans and Lamps. ABEL TURRELL. Montrete Nov 11 .50. 18.58 11168. J. ILIFICKERMAN.4II.. 1838. .- 04:R1 - sy - Altiv,: cAttb.-*.gtt 6.p.Cirialit IN VULL BLAST. , . . THE undersigned would take this opportn 2 ,l nits to inf. , rm his friends and custAanorsi - 'that he,liam recently made Lrge additions to his I former extensive stock of - • Haidware, Stoves, Stogie Pipe, - Stove Trimmings:, Zinc,. &c., and thdt he is prepared to supply the wants of• the community in that line at . unu•nally low,. prices: He flatters liiii)selt If?t his faeiliiies for_ l menufarthring his own Wares, Stoves, &c., give him a 'derided advantage over any who pur chase and transport at a heavy expense their en , tire stork. , He would say to those who wish to purchase STOVES ()rank de:Scripting, STOVE PIPE, or TRIIIMINOS. of any kind. and pay for them, -he brprop 'red to give them great bargains; but to those who' want to purchase on a year's credit -and then let ft run two years more, he had* rail'. *r they Would call on some eneulse, even if they bare to tildrateventy-five per cent more than an article isleittfit. In the line Of • if Hardwate • . hls num ' i the largest and hest selected in Stisquelianistoonty ; purchased as bis stock ' has. beeikitiostly of manufacturers, he is enabled_ to offer inducements to those reentry merchants who bey Strati bills, rarely found this side of the big city. We can offer special inducements 'r to Carpenters and Joiners who'are in want of either Tools -or Building Materials. Black. sitiliths eat , find ANVILS, VICES, BELLOWS. sad, la fact, almost anything in their line, by call fog on us, CITE &.P irOR C kt 411.. Ourstock of • • , • Dry Goss's, Groceries,. Roofs and :MUMS Hats and Caps, 'fawn _ kee Notions; 41kc. mac, is as large as tholimen will admit of. They were purchased at a lei- figure,-and will be sold at prices to, correspond with the times. READY-MADE CLOTHING! We have -just opened about one-and uhalf cords of readymnade tie:link. Every body says they are cheap. Some say-they - are very cheap, and a number have ventured to say-they:are dog ..e*ip. Certain it in that darnel pile of. mbney will hey a large piluof elothing. We would add, in this ocinnection, for the-in formation of all concerned and the "rest of cum kind," that we are tired and sick of theerodit system; we have suffered enough_ by. it already, mrs determined to rid amain* of shr. 364ic whole a erittei." Believing that the nimble *spume s 's the trim systtea,-we are resolved to iadopt it, and are offering oar goods at ;prices to 'eoneaPorai • * 4 ,*Prbduie taken 'treadling° for - - L DICKER)INS, gee' , Milford. Nor.l3lNh; 1454.• "' 1 1 4 W -4 A NEW StiPtillOß LQT • • BOOKS AND -, ..3 1 1 1. ATIONEItri: JUSt (*iced at the ifuntronellook Stor, which will ims_aold'i.itremeirlow for cash. SCHOOL BOOKS!. c ; We - dasignio keep o hand • a supply of all Rooks the School used in the county . (proritLed 'they are not changed tenet- than once a week) - and will sell _them at Klock that. cannot fail to suit.. They Consist in *art of Algebras - -,three different kinds; Geopiphieii--ieu (or more) kinds; and all others in about the same propor tion. • . ' , `ti. , WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY—SIX SIZES. • A new 'ot of Family and Pocket Bibles, Hymn Books, Gift Books , dze ite Sze • •• • W SAW 1!001ES. Purdon's Digest 41858 4 Binn's JUsiieo,lth •rdaion, Graydoti,s Forna, Mil edition, Dunlap's, dez:de. The America, Lawyer, and Bush:100 Wan's Form Book, (a. ,00k`wOrth ten tie its cost). The Constnble e - Guide, &e., Sc. BLANK BOOKS, 1 • A large variety of Dairie* for 1850, Marriage Certificates and Fainily . lleglater Blanks.. , i • IN-K - S 1 • - , • The 'best in market, Ti ck, Blue Black, Red aild i i, Indelible, Crayons To . the Black Board, Slate Pencils, Wood Penni Gold and Metal Pens of the best cmalitr,Q,Uills Pocket Knives, Scitisors, Sheers, Tooth . Bristilie Needles, Pins, Ladies Cebu, Abericen Exorcist; Sealing Wax, Fancy Sealing Wax, Wafers 'Drawing • Paper, Fancy, •;.Note, and . Letter Paper.. Envelopes—a large 'tvitriely, and food qualiiy,4t., Sze. .. . N. E.—We will recetve at the Montrose Book . Store Subscriptions far all or any of the Daily, Weekly or Monthly Papers and Magazines Pub lished...in the country at club prices, er sell them bry the single copy, as i wil I suit best. - A. Isl. BULLARD. -.4 1h 1858. , Montrose, Nov. 25th D THE BUN SHALL SEE A LARGE AIIIIONEW SUPPLY OF SPECTACLES. JUST RECEIVE p. CALL AND TRY to AID THEE QCCO` i sTo HAND Bits; reit, i re„k of early every description, Better's d Cht2 per limn now ones, - ' for sale y ABEL TURRELL. itiontroqe. Nov. 25t 1858. at TURRELL'S 1858. Montrose•, N0v.250 HERYI.:I TRUSSES; • ABDONIA ..L SUPPORTERS, SHOULDER BR CES. UST received a ante assortment of the ti nhove articles . . at t • uced prieos. 'The most Jisicbl4 cannot tail to be suited in size. quality and,Orires... ABEL TURRELL. tltintro . s . e . , 'Nov. 25t . 1458- Valuable . FARM tjOR 'SALE. THE Sibsertber tiers for Sale the valuable Farm and Hntel ately owned and occupied by- Calvin Simmers, eceased, and long known as: the . . . • ,_ . .4A3 111 VA 11. C . "Farm'.. situs ed in the pleakio viilaye ofßuinmersville, in t o towni.hip of New Mil ford, SoFquehanna C unty. Pa.. direetiv,ttii the line of the De/au-ore. Lickawarma 4. weep , . Railroad, four mites from its-innelion Kith the N. V. & R. R. a Great Betel and one and. a half miles from , the Depot at New Milfu.rd. It eontains about 240 ACRES Tl9O acres improved, 0 acres woOdlantl. it is well watered, has lasting stream rnrtning thrmigh. and a nev r.failing Ripply of water conveyed in lead pipe to the house, barn. and cattle yard. It is well fenced and under Enna cultivation, is Weil . dapted to arnwin. grain, and peetiliativ (lite I for growing stock ; and Pt one of the hest dal y farms in th e coun ty. It, has t., has upon it two oreh. Ms of choke ratted fruit trees. a lane and nnsenient tiwelifior, now occupied as a hote:i ; two large horse and car riage b trna.or.o large him with iwu cattle yards; ample sheds and all the, arranoements for feed. ing stock ; three small hay and grain barns. ice. bowie, brisk smoke .Imuse ; Urge corn house, and all other riiit I:Milling:a necessary on a large farm.- It will be sold low.and terms of paytdent made !lay: For information address ; . It L SITTPII IN, . Summersiille, Suiq'a Co.. Pa. 'Nov. Ist, '58.-3m. _ - THE 'LOBE: - OFFICIAL PA R OF CONGRESS. ISHALL publish t e DAILY GLOBE, and the CO.NGRESSI NAL GLOBE; and AP PENDIX ditring the ext i,eg,ion cif Congress. The DAILY Gl.(Mi: ill contain a t.'poit of the DeValvs in both bran flea of - Cong,ress as taken down by reporters en el, at least, to any cartes of short-hand writers .iii this, or :Inv other coon. try. When the dcard et ofa day do not make more than 45 coludin , they shall appear in the DAILY G1.0%t of the next morning, which will contain; alt', the ne a of the day, together with 'ditch editorial article u may be suggested by passing events. • Thu Co lIESSIOIL GLI11;E AND A prENDIX Willr • contai, • n a report hf all the Debaies in Con. &leak; revived by the Speakers, the Messages of the Preaident, the Annual Reports of the llends 'of the Executive Departments, the Reports of Committees of Congress on important subjects of general interest. the Law's passed during the session; and copious indexes to all. They will be printed on e , double royal sbeet;in book form, royal quarto sii.e..each number rontlining six teen pages, averaging 3 397 words per page. The whole will make betweep 17, 0 and 2000 pa. gee. It is believed that no book Has ever beer.? published at so low 4 rate. Last -year radverti- sod in the Daily Glo le, for six months, and, in) ..,, about 100 other new. a Rers in the Unit edSt ates. a reward of $215 to be paid to any person who would prod", e n boo Published at so low rate, and none was prods I d. The large number of I copies subscribed fo by Chngreti enables me to afford the 'debates to subscribers a, cheap. The Congressional G obeandApperrdix piss free thro' the-mails, as w II be seen by reading the i t• following Joint Res lotion passed by Congress the 6th of August. 152: JOINT RESOLUTI N providing. dr.e. t Be itßes'lt ed. itc That from and a ft er the present sesZton of Ci tigress. the Cong,reasionnl Globe and Appendix which contain the laws and debates thereof, shit plies free thro' the - mails as long as the ennui bail be published by order of Congress: Provided. Unit nothing herein - shall be construed to authorize the iirculation of the Daily . Globe free bf postage. Approved Aug. 6. 71F_ MS: For a copy of the Daily Globe four months- $3 J‘- . for a less .irate (per month), , 1 " : Cong. Globe and App. per senior) 3 Bank notes cut4eut in the section of country where a subscriber _ resides, will be received at. par. The whole or part of a subscription may' 'be-remitted-in postage stamps, which are prefer able, to tiny currency, except gold and silver. '%There bank notes under $5 cannot be procured, I will send two copies for ss.'. A paper will' nht fbe stet unless the money accompanies the order frie.it. l'he CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE and AP. PENDIX will be stereotyped; and, therefore.tl *hall be able to senl the back numbers for the session to all who may subscribe after the 808- . Lion commences; but if We first edition shall have beet-exhausted before_ the substiription money is receive '; r shall charge $1 additional Per copy. to: psi the. expenses of putting the plates DO the press. Subscriptions should reach me as early as the first *eeli of December. to, *urn complete .copied at the prices advertised above. - ;, . ~1... ..:JOIINC. RIVES.. Ws ! 4hingtre. ttinvttnbet:l:s3:.4,-3‘r 4 NO MORE PAIN, - 7 NO,AIORE SICICATES3, - • ; • NO:MORE RIfEUMATIS2I,I, 6R fiIIFFNE OF THE JOISiTS, LtUT4O 6 . =AD TOCeIitaottEI;OIi.StITFER*O 111011 nrutn BOttliT groat TITS.-.: The Rapid aril (Mit - lett Efficacy ofi - ; ROW Y's Ready In linStitssilt slapping the most ex, criicialing and Aches, `Burns,Scalds, Cuts; Wounds, &c., dto., dcc. rendei it importsta that every family keep a sup. ply oT•It in the house. Armed with' this remedy. a household is'at. way pro tected - sialnit sudden attacks of sick. ness. 'Thousands of livra,of persons have been towed ;by its _timely use, who-were suddenly sttiewlin the night time. with. Cramps. Spasms, Veanti)n CT, Cholera. Yellow Fever. and other vie. lent die tees. Let a dose of this Remedy be taken intern:dlr.:as fhp.easo may require, when suddenly seized with Pain nr Sickness, and it will IttiiTANTLY TIET.I6vE THE PATIENT !DOM rAIN, and arrest the disease. Pabgltlief, Has Cared . in four bouts NEUITAIZIA, . In one imur MAMA, • ••• - In ten minutes MARIITICEA. • . In tifteen minutes Tontii AGEE, . • . In one minute. SPASMS., - . In five minutes. SICKIIIEADArtit. - In ten minutes. MULLS AND FEVER, . . In firieen minutes, ffiILEILAINS In fifteen minutes. INFLUENZA,. - In elk hours. SORE THROAT, . . In ten minautow BURNS. . In twenty minutes. FROST BITF,S, . „ MAI: CHEEK, • ..... PA RA I .V . SIS. - •- •• • • LAMENESS,. . . . . . . ALL CASES OF BRUISES.. ;WOUNDS. • STRAINS, slut SPRAIN'S. ; the moment it is applied to the , injured parte, all pain and nnenqineqs cease. Look nut for Conn. terfrirn end Initiations—Purchase only Ran- WATII READY RELIEF. Price 3b eta.,' 5O col., and $1 per bottle.. A New Contribution to Science. The Great Grand Digeorery R. • Regulating 3.) Radway's Regulating Pills.' Dr. (tranvia- & Co. have recently discovered a Method for extract ing from roots, herbs, plants and sums, -A nutritious extract of such wonder ful nourishing power—which they have combin ed with RADWAY'S REGULATING PlLLS—that six or, these Pills will supply the blood with the same!nm• tint of nutrition as one ounce of ordi nary bread; so. that, while the system is under- . a thorough physicicg, and regulating proCess,it dai:v becomes strengthened. " Persons afflicted with LIVER COMPLAINT, DYS PEPSIA. HEART DISEASES. FULLNESS OF BLiOD, and all Females who are tiubject to lan EG T:LAR rms.; HYSTERIA. &C., are particular recom mended to use these Pills. They are pleasant to take--elegan'tly coated with gum—free from_ taste, and trill not gripe, sicken nr weaken the . vitern, or leave the bowels costive. Mothers nursing should likewise take one or two of these Pills once or twice per vi eek. They will not only keep your system healthy and regular, but will protoFt your-loran,rng-showCiinnradd Paine in the stomach, and insure not only a healthy child, bet Will ineicst every child, thus suckled, with a sweet disposition. Radway's Regulating Pills itegukito each and every orzap ref the system, slid e , ,rt.et.sll dernnglments of the Liver, Bowels, StorMtch, Kidrmys. They Cure ~ ~ . • , I COSTIVENFSS; INDIGESTION, HEART-BURN, DYSPEPSIA. BII.IIIUSNESS, ' CONSTIPATION,' DROPSY,HEADACHE, PALPITATION of CONGESTION, thi HEART, - &c., &c, &c. They are entirely vegetable and harmless; nn intan:t at the breast can take them with safety, and ti,.e.r,ons who are subket to Fits of Apoplexy, EpPeplie, Heart Diseases, &e., should always kerpla box on hand. .... Price 25 Cents:, Ask for „ • ItADWA I Y'S REGULATORS,G or REGULATING PILLS. The Great Constitutional Remedy. 11Q JAL 11 R. R. (N 0...) AiNew Life-Creating Principle. )antoirating lirsottlent Heals Old Sores. Purifies the Blood, Instills within thS System renewed.llealth. and Re so t loes and ..Exterminotes all Chronic and eMOtitaiiorifil Diseases. Tps great, and glorious reiiiedif ihonld be hailed by the human r'co as a spiel gift trout the 4 imizhty, to re g m c rate dilapidated_trcroahity: Itanwar & Co. are the only Physicians am] Chetrii4s in the world that have succeeded in discovering m remedy that will effectually eradleate„from the hutrian ilytitem constitutional diseilses arid ailments, transmitted front tiarents to Vial!. children. hadvtay's Renovating ResoWent Will radically exterminate from die system - cankers, Scrofula, - Sr philis, - Fits, Fryer Sores, Runnings from the Ear, Uleels,, White Swellings, Sore Eves, ' 'tumors, Sore Legg; • . Cancerous Affections, Sore Mouth, .. i Nodes; ~ • Sore Med, Weise's, Insanity, n • Glandular Swellings, 134ozscittits, Night Sweats. Ai i Diseases of the CossiNenotr, • Womb, . Rash 'Fetter s, PrOapsus Uteri, I Humors of all kiwis, Skin DiseaFes, Chronic Rheumatism, Salt Rheum, 1 Dispepsia, And all diseases that have been established in the system for yea!s. PLAICE ONE DOLLAR. PEICTIOTTLE, .. . IirSOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVEIIYWIIERE..ja - RADWAY & CO; 162 Fulton St...N. Y. 1 , oc 7 .lingsts . :IM:[T -FOR. TEN DOLLAR,S. few`idore of those desirable - FARM A 240 BUILDING LOTS, in Ihe Gold Regionii atld ollVer porti ms of Vir ginia are to be' divided amontst tTie subt4ribers for the benefit of the now .town pf Rappalian. .Subscriptions only Len dollars, ear 64. imp hallAown.the rest on the delivery of the DEED. Every subscriber, will get aLrt or Farm, ranging in value from $lO to t :$30,000. 'Fhe l rot Farms and Lots are sold so cheap to in duce settlement, s sufficient, number being re. served, the increase in the value of which will com'pensate for the apparent low price now milt ed. I Ono acre lots' in town Wilt be giren to in. dustrions mechanics who will build upon them. -AI company of aeitlPrs,ealled "Tun RAPPAIIAN. .110C* PIOREER :ASSO6IAIIO, * ". is now building and Will' opmtuttide theri .Sittleinents in the dpring. Ample nikeurrel gtvoli .for the faithrul ptirrottliiincli,ordinAticia'and prOinisia: Mors a . Agents are wanted -to olitain auberibars; - whom the rnost, iih.oral indneo ntient‘ d R ill be given.- ome Agents write that' they are leaking Opp 'per month: For fug purtieulari,suberhttiond,-A2encial: appki to irr•PrAlsDfat - P6rt • iiiii=l : * • CO. • - ,-er4 TA' X `z 4 1 • 4 1 eiji Tr — - OP 71,114 READY-PAY SYSTEM TT is certain that Goods can be sold sureessrul ,ly in_Blootroas sulk* frikiegueboons Depot r F CAS-1-1. Thou doubting this assertion will do well to cull . at tho stores of 6utle.nbt4,,°gosintialtin, it t Y l '. , where it will be provtn• that the Merchant in selling 'his Goods can afford to e'en Cheiticr for Cash, and can offerinducements sufficient, to make it no' object to Purchasers, at whatever sacrifice they are obliged to make, to procure the Money to adopt in their Purchases the- Casa S 1 s 9 Lat. . .Thay hate just reouired and are constantly re volving., a large assortment of Dry GOODS and CLOTHlNG, 4 paiticularly adapted for FALL AND 'WINTER, and which aro purehvied ander tits , most favora We circumstances. They are enabled and msg. offer and sal at pi:easter below others that will give and have given an everlasting Credit; no Metter whether It le lima, Dick; or Harry. EXAAIINE,COVAAEANDJUDGE OUR DRY GOOAS! - An assortment heretofore unequaled by anything ever offered in Montrose Fancy and Staple Dry Goddsl Comprising rainy new and desirable tittles. of Goods unknown in this market, strong which will be found, in LADIES' DRESS-GOODS, All tho novelties of the season, cheap at rir TJ TTENBEItd. ROSENBAUM, & COGS SHAWLS ! New and choice styles of Broche double and single, Stella Plaid, Wool, Palm •, and Mantilla, and a new style of Chenill Shawls, cheap at Outtptberg,llosenbalun, & Co's KUM MUM An asaortmeni always on handolan Ladies Cloth and Trimming to match, of all al.adra, cheap at 6attenbirg,liostubanni, IZO 9 II. EMBROIDER lESI Induce-, meats, ss they aro purchased directly from irn posting houses. T he assortment comprises `French 'etti, Sleeves and Collars, Worked _Edgings and Inserting, 'and a great many inorenrii- cies belong to this line too numerous tnmen• lion, cheap at GUTTENBERG. ROSENBAT.3I, tk CO'S Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers and Plumes, Wire, Stiff Net tings and Frames, • at Wholesale and Rotail.--eheap at GUTTENBEP, ROSENTALTM, & CO'S • • uomestic Goods . May be found all the different qualities of Prints, Ginghato4; Bleitched Goods, Fine Unbleached Muslin& Ticks, Stripes, Denims, Sheeting, 2 1.2 ds wide, cheap at GUTTENI3ERO. ROSENBAUM; & CO'S READY MADE CLOTHING, As 1)40 im• one of 044 PRINCIPAL BRANCRCA or fluamLis in New York City, they, certainly have one great advantageover all the rest of Clothiers; they hdving one Partner atendy in 'New York city to devote all hie time to this particnlarbranch of mr.nufacturine. They wi I furnish, at any time, a Gond Garment at about the same price for which the material can be got. - They will warrant their work and a complete fit or nn They keep constantly on hand one of the best atocki of OVER AND UNDER - COATS such a, Frock, Mesa, Raglan, and Sauka PANTS - In Great - Variety and Different Styles VESTS! ' Such na Velve; Plush, Cassimer, and Satin, che,ap at "t;TTENBERG, ROSENBAUM, COS CLOTHING. MADE TO ORDER, of the Best liloterial at Short Notice. Under Garments Fox LA DIES es K N ELL As FOR GENTLEMEN, such am Silk, and also Lanibmn!o'ol, chimp at GUT'fENBERG, ROSENBAUN, &,CO'S ONE WORD surrxcrerr FOR THE WISE. TO 01311 sumr.nots rRIENDS -Amin-- . C SI 0 MER S I And in particular.to those, knowing themselves indebted to us, we will - say onto. teoro that we will well for Ready Pay hereafterotn4 atl Ac. counts end Notei must be settled Without Fur. ther Notice., We are tired of writing Minn* Letters and Supporting the PostOfficeoind there. by losing. We will take all kinds of Grain at tle Highest Market Prices for Payment, and all Accounts standing over Six Months on our Books willNbi3 loft for collection unless settled l!lote; , • . , 611ttiitlitr 1 I,ostithaanl CO le 59. A. -KNOWLTON'S ttni f iri42 egs. CP V "*)* ttn* ) - *k V km; _1) COURT (51) STREET; Adjoining the " Bank of Binghamton," - BINGHAMTON, N. Y. My .Btr.ck is one-. of the largest and best selected varieties of - • • STARL PE AND ANC* ~. - Ever offered to the people of this rounf7.' • 010 , 1112ZZ ''a CO 1 t1D2,9 . - . . . . • - ia2l24lvaz 4 _, - Rich _Silks, Marqillas; - ,Domestics, Embroideriei, Hosiery, ' Flannels, - Cassimeres,' Cloths, &c., To which the attention of Close Buyers is- called. ' - In the basement will be found a large assortment of Family GROCERIES & PROVISIONS To which the attention of THE PEOPLE lOLA S S S, SYRUPS, SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, FLO UR: P ORK, FISH, _ In Not, everything in the vrny of GiocerieN CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST* Also, CROCKERY, • WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. . . tar Particular invitation is extended to those who purchase for CASE to call and •_ examine our stock and prices before purchasineielsewhere. . A. KNOWL i ON, . . - .. . 51 COURT-STREET. --..— „,, , ,, AArs"INP, Ile? AZANNedrwe......---.--. - . ' UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS.,•-•Silk and Cotton Umbrellas:lA4lSe Sun,Shades and Par.Wltkl..4tgreat_varietv , jail received direct from the Manufacturer, corral.? at'LOW PRICES at - A. - K.NOWI:rON'S, at Court-atreot, adjoining _Bank of Binghamton. Trunks, Traveling Bags, Valises, and Ladies Hat Boxes, A largo assortment direct from the Manufactory in Jersey City, just received at A. KNO ON'S, 51 Court.str-et. BLASTING POWDER AND rtsE. sat. Agent for the Slam Bang Powder 31ill, 'keep on hand at all times a large stock of the l'abure celebrated POWDER, which will be sold by alp kEr, only, s at Manufacturers' prices. Also, • -SPORTING POWDER,. SHOT AND CAPS. All the Choke Brands of Sporting Powder, from the tinzard PowderCmiripany, on hand at all times—for sale ni lOw price 4. N. B.—lfy Powder wilt .tieaP..jor : . A2KNOWLTON, 51 Court:Street, adjoining the Bank of Binghamton. COl a 228 Cactatit2SlB " We've Cages for Canary Birds, • To all their sizes rated— Where single life they_may enjoy, Or bliss of being mated. CaIZEBSS Utel.B azar. carasaulawr6 (JERSEY AND CANADA INCLUDED.) More than 60 different styles now in store, including all the newest patterns—reeeired direct from the manufacturers. No jobbers profits paid o , "home productions" at this establishment. The assortment will be kept unbroken during the Summer season. ..A KNOWLTON, 51 Court.street,adjoinining the Bark cf Binghamton. BISCUIT AND OttACKEtig: A large assortment of Biscuit and Crackers received this day, from °neer the moat e;xtensivo Bakerief in New York ,City. A fresh supply received every week.... - - Soda Biscuit, Wino Biscuit,Milk Biscuit, . ... r. . . 'Extra Cream biscuit, Lemon Biscuit, • - - • , Abernethy. Biscuit, Cup Biscuit, .. Egg Biscuit, . • Nonpareil Biscuit, Ruston Crackers, Butter Cracker*, - ' sngar Crackers, , Graham do - Fancy dnWalnut de... , . . Desert do . Oyster do , . .Ginter &apt r The old fashioned hand-made Butter Crackers. • PURE -EOFFEW Al 51 COG . Id' STREET • • • - - - Adjoining the Bank of-Bioglisostop 4 How nice it is at breakfast time; - - . . " Before you'e been-to work, sir, TO know you've drank your coffee pure, - • And saved your beans for pork, sir, -. N. B.—PORK AND BEANS FoR. get A'S ,BO f:. • 5i R. .. 136 . 1tioltAt:"- - • • .. ••• • • . Pleas° don't say anything abobt our TWO SHILLING TEA, that . people are clubbing and sending 20 mileal:ory.for the country ladies hare that-article in,charge, and are drawing on it at a vapid. rate. - . -. s A. KNOWLTON; 51 Court-street... Binghan. August 23J,•1858-341f. Shawl and Dress Goods Emporium! NEWT. FALL GOODS FOR CAST! AND PROMPT Six MONTHS BUYERS N. BIIRRITT TT AS now in Store, and is making large addi. dons, to his Stock of FALL AN!' WINTER GOODS To which he would invite, the agerition of buy. ars; embracisz the most 4esirablo varieties of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, including the New Styles of Rich Nall Prints and Plaids, in Do laines, Ducal Plaids, Plain and Plaid Merinos, Mohair Cloths, Ginv,lrtma, Silks; Brocho, Stelia,l Cashmere, Silk and Wool Shawls,.Rich Ribbons, Bonnets and Flowers, Net Hoods, Ladies' Cloths, Broadcloths* Cassimeres; dte., with a fun assort ment of other Staple and Fancy Goods, as usual, incluain., . . , tiraceries; -Crockery,Hardware, wills, ; flats, Iron, Steel, fiats, . and Capi, Boots an* Thom • Carpeting.FloorOitelpths. • Painted Winduisr,Slindos, • Nutt. Paper,: Clocks, Draggy Oils, Piiitits, dayiila,itabes, •t • . Thn entire Stock being large and•bought for.CASH, willsgive superior-opportunity for Choice Selections, and be'seld at the. lowest MUM to CASH AND PROMPT-, SIX MONTHS , Bel(* . Ret. , .; Si Salt Floiivoontitamtly - on ' New. Milford, October ist,-103fitt. rim* A. EN 0 77 - T 0 N; WATER 'CURE lthighantion, Broom County, N. V. • TEUS establishment is open Tor the reception of patients during the whole year, and is arAngod with a view to the comfort and con. venipaco of invalids daring the COLD WEAT/tElt. 14 - 11/11 &WS I,Altintes are thoroughly warmed, and the entire house _le kept at Soma TEEIIinRATURE. • . ' Experience has demonstated that the Water Treatmentia most successfuLduring the AUTUMN kip WINTER MONTHS All siek Persons who desirs.health (and even those who have not been suceessful heretofore in their Efforts to obtain this valuable been) will hire find a rare opportunity to accomplish the great object, upon which the peace, happiness and prosperity of their future lives depend. The Physicians; Thayer and Wife, have had twelve years experience. k treating diseases hydrqpithically, during Which ,time. they have prescribed fur over tep thousand sick persons, and the success attending their prescriptions is stifficierit evidence of their skill as successful praUticienem.: -- • • Patients will provide , for personal -use two woolen blankets, two comfortable:, three linen or cotton sheets, six towels, and some linen for handtges—all of which Should be marked. Tr*s from $5 :to $lO per week. re:further particulsra, address' tr : 30th, tdj ; 0. V.'THAYER, M. D. nugPitarirs, - Reino4ibki far 1419 iv ,ADZI. TIMRIII.t. WEIMI .PINGHAMTON ~.....x .... w _7. 6 ociri ... B . .. _ p... .... , VIVA 46, at,. 4.14,E111," . ' 0:: `.- ' Ilvlaaid Cala day". retirroia -14 roat.b!',4 , York_ w,i,th S.;fe:l and oftialittlo nsthortiOnt of 1 • WATCIIES,- , ;JEW,ELje,,r, I" -'. ' - ;ir ;:. .41,. ..aratzir ~ ;01 . i •r- - of /very descriktion, togethirivith a large stock of Plated Ware,- Cutlery, Clocks," 6te. .. The - above goods werofes.ught entirely o r Cash, and wilt be *Alai at' cb pricsa:aastotieft. fail - to please . We cordiall invitee:TP.l44dr and Castoro , :ra to call and e' amine:sot Goode.'" _ EVANS &ALLEN: -• aid Eciiow.,:- Halt. onghamton, Oct. 4th. 1850. _ . CIOLD and SILVER.' WATCWIS of . eve %...3f 'quality. Plain and Jevi,ejed, Open - nee Ind Ales, a fi..vr A n4rican I , Va4rXis - eap fur 4iish". by. , EVANS & ALLL GOLD CEI.I4INS, Guard , _Chatelaine, s rah, Nrnk and Vest Chains, a great. iarlei)%o weight% and patterns illy EVAN . A &LLEN,: I)REASTTINS, Diamond , Cameo, Eava,lC ,r,lit. r StoitoPiilntoid;,All Gob and Pistol .Brtnot.-Ping, a boautirul Nirkty , patterns sand itylvic for 4 . 4,:0 by Edo h. FNGER.RINGS, DiaMprida, Ruby, Gan:4s' Pearl; Opal, Emerald, Plain, Scale end Cl' iroi; ed, of every 'style and priori, E.-& I S ILVER WARE;a fulli-and.onijieta - st.' . 1 , i:1 of Silver 'Ponds. eonsis ) ing of 'i • e. Dottier ' and "Piekle Yorks, Table, elmert.. _Tea; Berry Cream,' Seger ,ittul Silt S onns, - Pie. Cake; But ter, leg Cream liad Fruit 1 Knives, - Cul*, .Salt 1 Cellars,. Napkin Kings, Ca Cages; &c.c., all war' ranted Sterling, Silver, andsomely enßiav Praia.bf. -- , ' : -E. it -4- ; - IrIROTCHET 110 OK" a . large ssaurtin • , kilathSteeTaild Ivory,. leo, Cedar. and Ir iittitting..Needles Rod Tot log Sbattles. at Nov. 4th:l . . SHAWLPINS.—Two Grows - of ShawfuPiati various patterns and priee., by 'E. dr. A. f.'" No. -1 Odd Fellow's' Ils" I I Binghamton, Nov. 401,1858.. -.- 1- 1 N . ll U ~ • THE Ni:wYork City l i titirated New paper blagazines, &v.. & ~ for sale at.* MON'rBOSE 800 STORE, bv • A. N. BULLOD, tin. 013t5 - 1 ~_ H: BUIITZ, _ Is just receivingLarge*Stock 4 4 NEW • S,, OATES ,' NCIAING a full aksortment of Emit • I I. Oven, 146.0-Oren n d Flat Top PreMiii Cook Stoves, (for wood or coal.) with aupeyi. variety of Parlor, Office and Shop, inti Sto.; (for wood or root); also; Stove• Pipe, Zinc, 4 Iron. Stove Tubes. &c., Oite.,•ert. - - . 1 His assortment includostke moat Ssvcct a • DEsIRADLe wrovEs i 6 market, and-will I sold on the HOST rAvGiABLE Tugs, and whipt he would invite t e fin rtirular attention 1 CASH buyers.. [Sew'3l Iforel, Nov. 15t,1848.1 . • ~. • -TO tiUSI ARTICULAR atte tiun is • cant d to t P choice variety . of Win, Guitar and B. Viol Strings. soine'of the best qualities in mark' Also a yam' selection i f Violins, itriWsr Pe ,l Bridges, Tail /leaks. n.ger Bow& ' Aecorduons, Flutes;fif , Unica atickseruni Forks,• Instruction Ecool , s, &.c.=-.Call in its t Variety :,:tore cf ABEL TURRELL O'*TIC. ' • " A Boon o lilies Sick, - THE want of a-ste ling tnedkinal to meet 1:6 antivnecessiti - s ip.he- suffering tkor of humanity, and one ntirely.free frocii ruin and other clelterlooli ,artir)es, peas Severely until ehid all powerful nediclne.VVELS usLerett the world; 11011owy' invalUilile Pills have come' the Household .ReMedy of all nail , Their attribute 6 ire revent,as well as toe% they:attack the radix out of the complaint, retneviag tha hidden nose of disease rtirii , ate and rivitore the dr ,opiug energies of the . tern, natiAing-unaturorin her tusk. of Vital, Punetioaary Reformation. • - Drat/cpslp.. -... . ~ • Th . west scourge of this c o nt i ne n t yie q dekly to a course uf.these antisePtie Pitts, the digestive organs ere restored to their pro tone; no natter in what hideous shape this dre ut disease exiiibits,itself f! this munching unerring remedy disprses it from, the fatigue system. • - - , • eptskerat DOtitity and Wgakite!ur. From whatever cause, Lowness ofSpiritti; - sit other signs of a d ceased liver, and other Organizations of the , Mem, vanish t nudes eradicating intiftence of this. ail powerful, a sepzir and detergent t'emedr.' .. / ! ' Itiliou DINIMers. • N , • . ~ The proper quantut and right condition 'l4 bile is of motuentou importance to the boa of the human fiarCt; thiS:Snti4ilietti nicdicl expels the hidden s eds of the complaint; render!+ the fluids and secretion's para..] • . fluent,.. cleansing.and rauseitating the yital fol . lions of the body.. , , --,,, • ..: • :. .. ~-, - . • Stiehl fcrinato s: • '' - . . Stionid loose uo ti e 4n:trying a few doe. , this regulating and re .ovating remedy; whnte : Way bii their compd.., int; it can b e su k ee w safety, in . all periedieal and Otber•dinortanizatio l its effects is all'hut ti invglosp.:,.., . • Inwirefuttd..Protit. '.• • . 1 The tett' t'imouy..o Itzitious is unsulmon; borne to the; hes:th- lying virtues of this no remedy; And".e.ertificates In every living fangs, b'ear witness to, the Undeniableness of the tiinsie Worth.. - : ilelleneay:s Yells OA' he best remedy kno,te)i iri . world fur the "nliouving di.teases:, Asthma. Martha., loikavinae: Stowe, Bowel Coln .D.rops.y; foilaru'ation,Grayil. plaints.. Debilitylow aid ; Swot:4 Coughs, Fever a)3 , kyr . apto Colds.' ' : Agn ea. Liver „,„- Yenerea Cheat Dis-Featato , Cpinplalnts,Affeitio eases, Co in nisi ,Lowness of- Worms .s. tipirits, . all kind oii, Piles, None 'ere genuine_iin 0 - . , New York and Land : Watermark in every ea Lions around each to o il plainly seer! by Juge 0,, A handsome reward wit . daring sueh_ informatio. a !.lion of any farty , or ps 'ie. I I dieines or vending Oise . m - 1 spurious. lannficiorisa of Profe an en Lane, NQW, York an • b 'gists And Deelers,in ed linkted Slatel scid - 1101 c vi 95 Cents, 63 0904* $ Costiveuess,ileadaeh Dysiepaii, indlgest' Er CAUTIONI , the words' "Ito ltom are discernible ;as of the book . - of "die 'n , box; the - sante ay the•legf tcrettligkt, given to any ibrie re may lead to the det‘, counterfeiting the n 3: knowing theca to be! w„,,* Sold at the ot.LowAy, 80 Mai ail respectable Pru , cine throughout the 'zed world, in bore_ each. . , Bi !lAL . L*67o saving .by.ti nr There ia co the larger sit rah, , guiilinie of pal la every disorder are affixed. te each boa. , lisB:—ly. • . f92,e9w, lietAts
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers