ABEL TUIMELL- • AS just returned from No ir York, with large and choice variety of Goods, which h e 'offers to his customers arid the public at low prjeei for cash. His stock c o mprisos: R 1.; S , .11I• E-D I C I N E Si, :k T 0 1, ;Si DO W L A-S 9, - y ES , - .GROCERIES — 6 'L S—W RE , CROCK .E -Y , ••_ MIR,RORS,. (f - 1, 0 C K S -.„-WALL PA—SEE, IkNDOW.P A"‘P E_R , WINDOW OIL SHADES, FANCY . 00 , 0DS, MUSICALINSTRUME NTS, JEWEI If Y PERFUMERY . , - - DRY GO.ODS . , R - ARE . , STONE W A-RE, • WO - ODE - N W ARE, - BROOMS, • BRUSHES, IAPA,NNED WARE, BIRD CAGES, C:A--NARY SEED, 11".00KET-KNIVIC S, = - WHIPS, E L L A S,• GUNS, • PISTOLS, A 11 M 15_ T N , • TUPENTINE, - - .--CAMPEIENE, , _ HURNIN 0 FLUID, - ALCOHOL, LI 'Q 0R S ('F or Me ai c ivalPnrPoses - only,) TEUSSES, . -•'9 U P P - 0 T E /1 0U L D R B R\A CE 8, POETMONNAIES, - -SPECTACLES , SILVER & PLATED SPOONS, FORKS, &c.,. - =GOLD P E . STATIONERY - , •YIOLII!I STRINGS, BOWS, &c, - And all of the most popular .PA'T.E-NT MEDICINES; Tlninkful for thelibotal patronate hitherto IV oeivea, he' hopes to merit a continuanCe - ind " large increase of the same. . • ' ABEL URRELL. • Montrose, Nov. Ist 1858. , . 'NEW MILFORD, iguiwl and Dreis Goods Einfoorium NEW FALL-GOODS , Fon CASH AND Pit.olol - SIX MONTHS BUYERS. H. BURRITT ASnoi in Store, and is ,m4ing large addil „ tions to his Stock of FALL AND WINTER HODS To which be would invite the attention - of buy en embracing the - most desirable varieties of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, including the New Styles of Rich Fall Prints and Plaids, in De laines, Ducal Plaids, Plain and Plaid , Merinos, Mohair Cloths, Ging - hams, Silk' ; Broche, Stella, Cashmere, Silk and Wool Shawls, Rich Ribbons, Bonnets and flowers, Net goods,ladies' Cloths, Broadcloths, Cassitneres, &e., with a full assort, • yentit of other Staple. and Pane); Goods, as usual, including . Groceries, CrOckery, Hardware, Stoves, Iron, Steel, Nails, Bats, and Ca" Boots and Shoes, Carpetin-",Floor oil Cloths, Painted Window Shades, Wall Paper, Clocks, Drags, Oils, Paints, Baffale ..tobes, &c., &c.,&c. OrTheeittire Stock being large and bought 4 - or CASH, wilt give superior opportunity for ,Choice Sclection4. andle sold at the tow - Ksr . FIGUSILS to CASH AND PROMPT SIX MONTHS lII;YERS. Salt & noltr oanda,ntly bia hand. New Milford, October jet. 1115 d. /. .viOSS - - -w7 • - Montrose, Pa.,' atm.'etch,tre&P • • . 'TICIS new and cornmocHous _Motel situated 1. on Public Avenue. near the Court Honse,and nearly in the centre of .busidess portion of Montrose, is now folly completed and furnished, and wilt be opened on Monday.- the 27th day of the present month for the sacommodation of the public and travelers - , the Proprietor feels confident that 'he is now prepared to entertain guests in a manner that cannot fail to give cora plete satisfaction. The Hotel and Fuddling are new, and no expense hai been spared to render it - equal. if not.sriplifior to any similar establish meta in this pArt of the State. It is well lop plied- with all the recent improveinents and com forts, and obliging waiters will-always be ready Lo kw:load - to the call of customers. The Stables connected with this House are flew, and convenient. The Proprietor respectfully solicits the pation. ago of his old friends, and the public generally. K: HATCH. Montrose. September 21st, IESB. BINGHAMTON_ WATER CURE. E=l=:ZO=Ml T HIS establishment is open for the reception of patients during the whole year, and is arranged with a view to the comfort and con , vetlionce of invalids dnrine the COLD WEATHER - . A l lan Blrlig 41001118 are thoroughly warmed, and the entire house is kept at Sunman TErmrent,ToftEs &Oriel:ice ha.s . demonstated that the Water Treatment is most successful during the AUTUIN &XD WINTER LIiONTIIS. - All sick persons who desern health (and even those who have not 'been sureetrsfel heretofore in their efforts to obtain this valuable boon) will here find a rare opportunity.to accomplish the • great object.Aitien which the peace, happiness and prosperity of their futtue lives depend. The Physicians, Dr. Thayer - and Wife, have bad twelve: years experience in-treating diseases hydropathiailly, during %bleb time they have prescribed for over ten , thousand sick persons, and the sucxesa attending their prescriptions is sufflcient evidence of their skill as successful practicioneni. Patient!! will provide for personal use two erooten,bliiikets, two Comfort:l.6les, three linen or cotton isheets, six towels - , and some linen for bandages--all of which should be marked. Trgse trona 'ea to St 0 per evreek. 2 - e! further pirtieutirt. tddre.se tit Stith, Ulf O. V. THAYEIL, M. D. - TO THE arr i NG POBUC. lharatei Celebes Catarrh Snuff, AS INFALLIBLE REMEDY: FOE SALE Bt R.THAYEit; Montrone,- . S. D. TOMPKINS. Brooklyn ; Win H. THAYER, bintoek. TO MUSICIAN& ingfrAi .ETTULTLAR attention is called to the . cisoice variety of Violin, Guitar ind Lissa via - Strings, some of the best qualities in , market. Also a good of Violins, Bows, Pegs, Bridges, Tail Pieces, Finger Boards, Rosin, ice., Aceordeons, Rates, Fifes, Drum Sticks, Tuning Forks, Institiction &e.. Call in at the Variety mot , . ABEL TURRELL. 'PHILADELPHIA.. CHEAP CARPETING, ,A T PRE HIE WIZ Tarn 49, Noith4IINTH-st, Philad a. Comitrg trttan s, Are aolicited lo call and exarelno . tho stock of Ingrain and Venetian CarPeting, Floor Table and Stair OR -Cloths of"all widths; Canton and COoa Matting ; Door Mats: Cloth avid Oil-Cloth Table Covers: Druggets all widths, Rag Carpet Stair Rods 0 c. CREMP F.O It C % . . -Mae WHOLESALE - or RETAIL, L. WEATI[IERBY, oc 2 . §-3 rn w) "!0.49 North 9th-s ****#* * * * * * * GIFTS. GIFTS. GIFTS SPLENDID GIFTS! .•• . • 439 CHSTNUT STRE ET. Ter. ONLY ORIGINAL GIFT BOOK RTO GG. EVANS wo'd inform his friends an; • public that his Star Gift Book Stor; Publishing Idolise is permanently , establish! Brown's splendid Iron Building, 439 Che! Street, twp doors below rifth, where tiul chaser of each book, at the regular retail• will receive one of tho' following- gifts, vl from 6 'cents to $lOO : Worth 550 Patent Engl. Lever Gold WAche - s, 550 Pat't. Anchor " t. •1 400 Ladies Gold Watches,lBk. cases, • 600 Sihr. Hunt. Hatches, warranted, WO Parlor Timepieces, 500 Cimeo Sets, Ear Drops and Pin., 500 Ladies' Gold Bracelets, .5.09 to 500 Gents Vest and Fob Chains, 1000 Gold Lockets,(largo eise,dbLease l ) 2000 " " (..mall' , - 1000 gold Pencil Cases,with Gold Pens, 1000 Extra G.Pent,with casesifholders, 2509 Gold Pencils, (Ladies'), -- 2500 Gold Pens with Silver Peni:ils, 2500 Lad'e'G.Fens,with casesaiholders, 6509 :Gold ninge, (Ladies',) -.- 2000 Gents' Gold Rings, - . . 2500 Ladies' Gold Breastpins, 3500 Misses' " . 3000 Pocket Knives, - . 2000 Sets Gents'Gold Bosom Studs, - - 2000 " " " Sleeve Buttons, 20Q0 Pairs of Ladies' Ear Drops, 'BOOO Ladies' Pearl Card Cases, - '- 15000 LidieeCameo,Jet,or Mosaic Pins, 2500 Ladies Shawl and Ribbon Pins, 5000 Articles-of Gold Jewelry, Qift Books not enumerated in the above, worth 26 cents to .$25. _ Evans' new Cittalogue, which is sent . all parts of the country, cbutains a7l the popular books of the day, and the newest cations, all of which will bo sold as low be obtained at other stores. Agents wanted in every town of the I. Those desiring so to bet, can obtain full p; wars by addressing the above, ' N. B.—Being largely interested in publi bo4s,and buying from other pouttahri.ts. '...... quadtities, for cash, tam. enabled to make anger &uats to entry Agents. .4.nd took D niers Tian tan be bntl-"at any o th er house n the c . nary. 3 -s • Any book published in the Unite d Stater, the retail price of which is $1 or upwards, %%ill be proniply sent, Gift included, on receipt of pub lishers -price. - An extra $1 Book and Glft given to full per son ordering ten books to be sent to 014 ad d res. . _ . Sent fur a Catnlrlne. Address, G. G. EVANS, Publiv.he 439 Chestnut St..Nil:lda nug.26.3m.) FANCY Ftras,. FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN. - JOH N FAItEIRA & Co. No. 818 (new n0..). Market-st, above Bth, Philad'a. fmpOrtt. rs. Manufacturers and Dealers in FANCY.FIURS, for Ladies and Children ; also, Gent's FurS, Fur t h Collars and Gloves. The number of yea that we have been 'engaged in the Fur busines and the general character of out Fcrs, both tongue/- 4y and price is so generally known throt , hout the country, that we think it is not necessf y for us tit say anything more than that wtil• hay now opened our assortment of FURS, for the Fall & Winter Sales, of the largest and most beautiful assortment that we have ever offered before to the public. Ohr Furs' hate all been Imported during the present season, when money was scarce and Furs much lower than at the p esent ? time, and.have been manufactured be the most competent' workmen ; we are therefore deter , mined to sell them at such prices as will contidue to give ug the reputation. we have borne for years. that is to sell a good article for a -very small profit. • ' - --Storekeepers will do weßto give us a call, as they will'find the largest assortment by far to select from in the,city, and at manufacturers' prices. JOHN FAREIRA & CO, Ne. 818 Market Street.above Bth„Phialdelphia. September 15th. 1858.-4 m. The World's Great Exhibition Prize Medal ' A-WARDED to C. METER, FOR MS TWO mows, LONDON, OCTOBER 15,' 1851 ..mds . . , G and the public generally that he has con stantly on hand PIANOS, equal to tho l se for which he received the Prize Medal in London in 1851. , ' All orders promptly attended to, and, great care taken in the selection and packing the ,same. He has. received during the last Fifteen years more 'Sleds's - than any other make.frord the Franklin Instittrte—r-also,Fitst Premiums in Boa ton, New York, and Baltimore. * * *Wareroome No. 722 ARCH Street, below Eighth, gond* side, PHILADELPHIA. September 9th. i 858.-3 m, lir. • "Thick Darkness corers the Earth, And Gross Darkness the People." COUNTRY MERCHANTS, And all Others will take No t ice! THAT they an supply themselves in any quantities wal k Jou& t'ar Famediiatent NON EXPLOSIVE KEROSENE or GOAL ' - OIL LIMPS, At the Wholesale and Retail HEAD gna m ititss, _ 38. South SECOND Street, 138. Patuttrtintia. The -only place where exclusive Agences can be obtained for the States of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. Thr Lar we a light _ aese /lops gi _ a . lig,. equal in intensity of flame , and simil.tr in appeatance to aim, and ire claimed ; to be euperior to all other pOdable lights, now in use. No fear of ExploSion=No cffensire odor.—No smoke—Very easily trimm. ed.—At easily regulated as Gas Light.—Can be adapted to all purposes—And better than all fora poor man.-54 per tent cheaper than any other portable light, now in common ifs*. BOLE AciENCt Also, ion. gnapp's Potentitooin and Coal .04 Lamp. lar• Tampa, Oil, Wicks. Shades, anal every article in the line. S. E. SOUTHLAND, A ent. _ - No. 33 South Stow STREET, PHI L . , September, 911,18b8.—tf.jw3. .• • 4 All wanting to emigrate to a mild c good soil, and fine market; see advertise. , flammipton Linde. - men pi Room. 3. C. Satrin, A. tr.,IPrOT, of Book-keeping And. Scientific Accounts. . A. -T.- Dotassn, Teacher of Arithmetic and 'Commercial Calculation. J. A. IiEYDRICK ands . C. Jthiitas, Teacher of Book-keeping. A. Con LEY and W. A.Matsu, Profs. of Pain '66.3l4. ' EAN'OLE XND DOEBLENTRY BOOS EEEPINO, As used in etery d epartment of business. COMMERCIAL. ARITHMETIC—RAPID BD 4SINESS WILT TING— Dr.ltol 4 l;ldi COUIiITER.FEIT MONEY— MERCANTILF4 CQRICESPONDENCE— COMSIERPAL LAW— Are taught and an other subjects necessary for the•succesS and thorcingh education of a practi cal business man. _ _ 1 - 2 P 1121, NI I IV 111 S. Drawn all the Prom ump _in Pittsburg for the past three years, also Ea - itern and Western Cities, fore st Writing, • NOT ENiralt VED WORK. • IMPORTANT liNFORMATION. Students enter at any time—No vacation—Time unlimited—Review at' pleasure—Gradtiates as. sided to obtain situations-.-Tuition for fu I l'Com. mercial Course, 835,00—Average time 8 to 12 weeks—Board, $'1,50 per week—Stationery, $6,00--Entire cost, BEIO,OO to $70,0q : ErMinisrer'a awls received at half price, For-Card—Circular—Specimens of Business and Ornamental Writing—inclose two staMps, and address F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburg, Pa. Se .tember 9th, 1856 - ..-3 m ( I y,eq,*,w the and .d io tout pur rice, lned GIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE! IHE original glrE PUICE and READY FAT Sure of New 310 ford, HAYDEN (BROTHERS, The People's 'tgeoalti, are now receir. ing a !urge 'Stcirk 1 Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Groceries; 13041 and Shoes, Flats and Caps, Wall and Window Paper, Wooden, Ware, Forks, Hoes, ,Flour And Salt—by tho"barrel or load,—Yankee Notions, JeWelry and Watches wholesaleand retail et prices that woad as tonish those not postpd in the readyjpa'y_busi nes& We kayo nothing t: ho has ," gone in"—, groan or kiek, and U holding on to the tail grinned - a ghastly s FRIENDS. Our motto is—L ONE PRICE ONLY ! Can't bei bent down NO CHARGE FOR SHOWING GOODS! Every Article liraiTa - nted as .Represented! Wo thank our friends acd customers for their liberal patronage intiimes past, and we . htlpe liy strict attention to sinew, to merit a contin uance of the same. HAYDEN BROTHERS. • New Milford, May-1 let, 18.58.-Iy* eo to must .übli ;B can HIGHLY IMPORTANT t#: flf M T 111: I To All Gentlenzln who Wear Cloth es. HAiTE recently rosde errimgemeritl. et eon. Isiderable expende l for 'doing work in the Tailoriicr Business on very short notice, in a neat, durable, and fash ionable manner, and Ott reduced prices. I will fttrnh 7armer to order, if desired, or render the customer whatever assistance hu tnrtv need in—selecting materials of the best quality, and at the lowest ma -ket prices. All my work will' be warranted as to fit, fin ish and durability. No customer aced tAe his work from the shop unies - s it suits him. Being permanently, and exclusively engaged in this business, it Ail] be my great aim to please the public, and thus ;secure their patronage. , • P. LIN ES. Montrose, June Ist 1858. • 22tf. DENTAL_ NOTICE. DR. A. GIFFORD has - located himself in 'Montrose for the purpose of carrying on the DENTAL Pr:acrid in all its branches. He is now ready to attend all calls in his profession I . with promptness, and will endeavor to give entire satisfaction. All operations WAREANT'ED. Office with Dr. DiMocs. J Sept. Ibth:lBsB.—tf. NEW ARRANGEMENTS! COBB &r ROGERS RESPECTFULL'ir announce that they have entered into alpartnership In order to he better prepared to spppty the wants of the pub !Lt. They wiltkeeid on hand a good stock of GROG, TRIES • at the well know establishment formerly occu pied by Oliver Cran4. &Mans, TEAt, Coi , TEE, STICES,FEUTT, FLorn and SALT (by the sack or barrel,) Ftsrt, and,all articles r,,un d in Firkt Class Groceries. They would particularly call the attention of Farmers and others! to the tact that they are constantly reaeivingifresh supplies of FIRST R 'ATE FLOUR, also good and medi , m qualities, which will 1..; sold EIGHT, for ready p3y, in quantities to suit the purchaser. N.B.—it is earnestlK desired that ALL who are indebted-to the stablishrnent either by note or account should call and settle soos and SAVE COSTS. Ofontrose. Oct. sth, 1858. HOWARD ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA. A Benerolent lnstilb!tion,established by special to dorement for the rOef of the sitk and distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic diseases. THE HOWARD ASS I OCIATION,in view of the a sr, ful destruction of life, caused by Sex ual diseases, and tbe deceptions practised upon the unfortunato, victims of such diseases by Quacks, several years ago directed their Con. salting Surgeon, as a CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their name, to openln Dispensary for the treat ment of this class of diseases, in all their forms, and to give Newest. Apvica GRATIS, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their con dition, (age; occupation, habits-of life, &c.,) and in cases of extreme poverty, tofttrizish medicines free of charge. It is needless to add that the Association commands the highest medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most improved modern treatment. . . . -The Directors of the Association, in their An. nun' Report upon the treatment of Sexual Di seases, for the yeat ending ,lanuary Ist, 18158, express the bighestisatisfaction with the mem which has attended the labors of the Consulting Surgeon in the_cure of Spermatorrhosa, Seminal Weakness, Impotence,Gonorrheca,Gleet,Sypillis, the vice of OnanisM or Self-abuse, &a, and or. der a s contittuanto of the same plan for the en suing year. i 'An admirable Report on Spermatorrbrea, or Seminal Weakness4he vice of Onanism, Illastur; bation, or Selfabuge, and other diseases of the sexual organs, by the Consulting Strrgeoni Will be sent by , mail (in a sealed &Mope), PitEE ,Of CHARGE, et the receipt of TWO 1 STAMPS for pos ge. Other Reports and Tracts on the nature and treatment of sexual diseases, diet Vie., ate ennstantly being publish- I l ed for gratnous die ribution. And will ho sent tothf a ffl icted. 8 me of the new' remedies and "methods of treatment distovere4 daring the last year, are l o , ! great Value. Addtess, for Re tt or Tieatinent, Dr. George R. Calhoun, ConsoliingSurgeOn, Howard Asso ciation, No. 2 Soot Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By ord r of the Directors: 'I2RA D.l HARTWELL kresident. G so. Pi; racirit,,i Seey. • be 28•1 y ikL COLLEGE. :BARTERED 1855. January, 1858. thorough Commer led States. Young tea of the Counting I. do with Old roeyism,— as _vamoosed withouti a o last seen of him be was orullard Times," and he ile as ho passed Ws OLD s•e and Let Live. - - _ S. 11. SAYIIIg & BROTHEIRO ARE NOW RECEIVING savly of - - "O e";* SPRING 4r4e. AND . WUMWCFAR , titOODS• WHICH fel Cnebor Prtduce cen be bought very low. • WALL PAPER. A select assortment just received.,. S. 11. SAY'RE,dr. BROTHERS. CARPETING. Bargniot offered by • S. H. SAYRE& BROTHERS. PLOWS! PLOWS!! PLOWS. We invite the ittentton of Farmers to the celebrated Peektkille Plows which we have added to our lame asnortment. S. n. SAYRE di , BROTHERS, Proprietors d Eagle Foundry. Mon(rose. April 29th, 185$. 180. STOVES! STOVES!! STOVES!!! OOR Stoves have been so thoroughly tried to. the entire satisfuctisn of all,. that they need no recommendlrom us. S. IL I SAY*E, ;k tinoiimut. Clo@ 2EtOPll2lt 21111 - trommo, AT THE HEAD OF IVAVIG.ATI ON, A ND examine the choice stock of Spring 11. and Snniiner GlOods, just opened fur ExaMin4iiiin had SALi, diterylomfigures by C. W. hIOTT. QTELLA,Cnshmere, andlleLaia Shawls. at 0 very low prices by C. W. MOTT. HA TS ana Caps of Ile newest sty l i* in greiit variety by C. W. MOTT in abundania by C. W.-MOTT. BRASS flosry, Gloves, ,Belts etc.;etc.-' W. IiIOTT. n ROW N Slirtings— .l" JfilB, Summer Stuff, &c., &c., its low as CSI be afforded in this market. C. W. MOTT. GItOcERIES, Croclory,- Hardware and various other artielest numerous to men tion,—all of which shall be bid Cheap for Cash or Ready Pay. • C. W. MOTT. elLowlis,Cassimers anl Vestings, very do sirable styles, at prices that cannot, fail to suit. Call and be eonvinved: C. W. linT7'. Farm Lands for sah 25 miles from Philadelphia by Railroad in the State of New Jersey. Soil amongst the test for Agricultural purposes, beitg a good lot& soil, with a clay bottom. The land is a large frac), 'divided into small farms, and hundreds rum all parts of the country are now settling and building. Thecrops can be seen growing. Torah from $l5 to $2O per acre, payable within four pars by instalments. To visit the place—Leave line Street Wharf at Philadelphia at 7.30, a. m., b 3 Railroad for Ham monton, or address 11.; J. Dynes, by letter. See full advertisement in another column. [sep.l-3m.. Cirtat (6rtittnitiit rrilE Atlantic Cable has been 'laid. but that does net begin to caliseas much joy as the fact•.that R. ZEMIIIIOIV - Id in market with a fineasssortment of GOODS Consisting in part is follows Moire An tiipte and Black Silks, Embroidered Robes, Printed do., Shauls,—Brocha— Lon!, and Syudre, Silt., and Imit. Chenille from *5,00 to $43,00. Plain All Wool Delanes. OLIVER E PLAIDS. Ribbons from 3s. to 5,..6d, lack Velvet Rib bons from 4e pi. to $5,00 )8., Dimity and Victoria Lawn, Swiss irusnii, Bril liants, Sarcenet Cambrics, all the .24'eto Stiles of Prated Be ,lerneslEm braiderid Fur niture 541.24L'. KENTUCKY JEANS in evey variety. Every variety of BONNET BORDIRS and GOODS, so as to release all the Ladieb from -the trouble of calling upon the 111h.trinits who charge so 'very high. DOMESTIC GI!'GHAMS at prices lower than usual. WALL PAPER, BOLDER, CARPET BAGS, UMBRELLAS, BUFFALO ROBES, CARPETING, CROCKERY, two new and beautiful styles. 'BOOM. CHAMBRAY and FRENCH GINGHAMS. SHOES, a very large assortment. GAITERS, BOOTS and SLIPPERS. Also, a tnrgb assortment of choice TOYS, for distribution by Srutes Claus. PER FUMERY, HAIR OILS, PATENT MEDI CINES. Also, it fine assortment of BED. STEADS, from $1,74 to $6. CHAIRS—Wood Flag Seat: at Manufacturcios ;rices. And would say that his assortment is I err especially adapted to thbso who buy rich gnods,—he would respect. fully invite their inspection at goods particularly suited to class No. I. And vould as positively assure those who wish to lity at lowest prices that his goods are equally good for them, and just as low as can be bough this side of New York- It is a fact, acknowledged by all, that my good4 s okeell the purchases of all other dealers in QUALITY. IL. KENYON JR. Lawisvlle Centre. Pa., .September 6, 1658. . WM. B. SIMPSON, WATII RH:UHL MONTROS; P - L. Shop in Boyd et: -Web•te's new building, next door above Keeler Stoddgrd's. -r_TAYING worked fol • th fihst dine years 1.1 with the most skillful workmen, he feels confident that he can do the most dilbeult jobs on short notiee. All Work — Warranted to 4ye Satisfaction-. W. B:' , Suer , sos ha workid for me for some time, and 1 can recommend bin as a careful and skilful workman, competent la do as good work as-can ho done in the tonally, and worthy of confidence. WK. A. CHAMBERLIN. Towanda June 10th, 185& Refers ta—Wak. dwell, E W. Baird, E. D. Montayne, E.,0: Goodrich, B.Kingsbury, Towan da; B. S. Bentley, L. Seaib, C. D. Lathrop, J. Wittenberg, Montrose. * * *Jewelry neatly repairei on short - notice, and on reasonablo terms. [Jinie sth, 18,58.—tf. Salt 1 Salt 1 1 Salt, fIEO. W. MANN, Wholesale Salt Dealer,-7- - 201 Wadhlngtein Street, (directly opposite Washington 3farket,) still 'acentric, to offer to the city and co.mtry t rade, _ all kindi of .foreign coarse and fine salt, at the very lowest figures; 40000 sacks and bakti, Consisting in part ofAsh ton's celebrated brand for bible and dairy use, Jeffrey & Darcy, Marshall's; Brownlow's, &e.. an 50000 bushels Turks Island, Bonares, Cu. mem St. U bets; Lfabkin, badie, Km, Nantes, &c, all of *hieft will be sold at bargain prices from vessels,-etore snd storehouses. • Any parehaser wishing to select from a good assortment will find it to his interest to call.: N. B.—Fine table salt put tlp ki small bags of different sites; and Constantly on band in ship. ping order. Also a splendid article of Rock Ground salt, In qnott boxes, put up and for sale by the quantity , in canes of IWo dozen each. New York, April Ist, 1858.—iy* To all wanting - Farms, see advertisement of Haternonton Lands. To all wanting Fame, see advertisetoeit o Hammonton Lands. HENRY B. McHEAN, ATTORNEY and COUNSELLOR at LAW. Office in the Union Block—Towanda, Brad. ford county, Pa. gar Will attend promptly to all professional business intrusted to him, in this and adjoining eonntiea. fje3.6Btf - ---"HOME AGAIN," • WOE& OFFICE, over Wiboa's Store. LODGINGS, at sgAuirms HOTEL. Montrose, March 10th, 18158. • T.--B 4 OYLE ' REPRESENTS A CAPITAL OF' OVER ibis s ooomoo, For Fite, Marine, Lite, and Inland Insurance. Office, lien s t Milford, Pa. _January 18th, 1858. - Iy* .Dr. H• Smith, & Son, SURGEON DENTIStS. Residence and of. flee opposite the &W I's; Church (north side) Montrose. Plirthiblar attention will be given to inserting teeth on gold and silver plate, and to filling decaying teeth. January 10th, 1858. , Iy*. WM. W. SMITH, & CO., Cabinet 'Enid Chair Ittanntactur erg, foot of Main Street. Moutroso, Pa. ABEL TURRELL. MONTROSE, PA. Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals Dye Stuffs, Glass-Ware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes Window Glias, Grcice'ries, P,ancy Goods,-Jew elry, Perfunfery, &c.—And Agent for all the most popular Patent Medicines. • SOHN GROVES, Fashionable Tailor—Shop near the Baptist Meeting (louse, on Turnpike Street. Montrose, Pa. DR. It. THAtEltp Physician and Surgeon, Montrose Pa. Office in the Farmer'SStOre. - HAYDEN BROTHERS, New Milford, Penn'a. Wholesale dealer in Buttons; Combs suspenders, Threads, Fancy Goods Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Platcd Ware, Cut lery, Fishing Tackle, Cigars, &c. &c. Merchants and pedlars, supplied on libora terms. WM, HAYDEN, TRACY HAYDEN JOHN HAYDEN, GEO. HAYDEN. DR. E. F. WILMOT, raduate of the Allopoth:c and Romeo. G pathic Colleges of Medicine, is now per• matrently lecated,ha-Great Bend Pa. April 21, 1856.• JOHN . SAIITTER, Fashionable Shop first doo north of the Yarmer's Store. • NEWTON & McCOLLITM, A tiorneys and Counsellomat Law. /I Office_ on Public'Avenue over H. J. Webb's N. NEWTON Ef'o, l l:tagla' OrgUT2.l FIRE INSt RANCE CO., 17011K,'Pa. Chartered by. the State df Pennsylvania CAPITAL, 300.000 DOLLARS. nsures against foss Or-daMage by fire, on buil dings, furniture, And merchandise generally. ta,lt.• Loam,' odrimfea lip 2ittitnatiun, where he parties fail to agree. _43 H. A. Matz, H. Kraber, William Wallace, Samuel Dyer, David Strickler. 11. KR ABER, President, D. STRICKLER. Secretary. 0. S. BEEBE, Agent, Montrose, Pa. - February 2d, 1858. • IY*. FRIMIL NMIILi • 11l HE subscriber having purchased • .8 .l refitted and newly furnished th. " above well known and popular Hotel, 111 I .= -- is prepared to accommodate the trav eling public and others with all the attentions and conveniences usually found in' first-class Houses. No effort will be spared by the Pro prietor and his Assistants to make the. Hotel equal in every point to ahy in the country. The Bar will always be supplied with the Choicest Liquors. The Stables, connected with this House are large,•roomy and convenient, and careful and attentive Hostlers are always in charge of them J. S. TARBELL. Montrose, Way 13th, 1358. REmov AL. Tho Mad Ale, Harness and Trunk Shop of T. TOl,Ol2 1 E Is REMOVED to tke building recently mu pied C. C. Hollister, on Main St., one, door above S. S. Mott's, where he will bo happy to wait on all who may favor him with their patron age. Jan. 20th; 113.58.—tc. fltirt littu cto tit! - aalk:NVaa , NEW ABRA.NGEM EN IS At the Old Stand of Lathrop &co. LATHROP & DeWITT tEG leave to announce to the public in gen eral that they aro now opening one of the largest STOCKS of MERCHANDISE ever offered in Montrose. Comprising Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard-Ware, Crockery, sec., &c., &c., which they propose to sell at the-tow Est cAsx met's. Those are real Facts. • We wish to demonstrate to the public the difference between buying Goocls for CASH and ONSIME. LATHROP & DEWITT. Montrose, April 26th, 1858. Patent Medicines, &c. AFFLICTED' READ ! GRAPREPBEtb MEtnclNEs.—Vegetablo Pills Green Mountain Ointment, Sarsaparilla Compound, Children's Panacea, Bye Lotion, Fe ver and Ague Remedy, Health Bitters, r)ygen tary Syrup, Consumptive's Balm, Marshall's Uterine, Catbolicon, Dr. Libby's Pile Ointment, and Manual of Health. Ayre'a Pills and Che - rry Pectoral, Tanner's German Ointment, Trask's Magnetic Ointment, Holloway's Ointment and Pills, Davis' Pain Killer, Dr. Fitch's Heart Corrector, Bennett's Root and Plant Pills, Soule's Sovereign Balni, Wright's Indian Vegetable Pi I Is, Rhode's Fever and Ague Cure, Merchant's Gargling Oil, Arni. ca Liniment, Camphor, pastor Oil, Paregoric, Aloes, Picera, Myrrh, Licorice, &c.,• &c., &e. Anew supply just reecived, to be kept constant ly on hand, for sale by I. N. BULLARD. October, Ist, 1836. The Hammonton Farmer, a news paper, deibted to Literature and• Agriculture; also setting forth NIl accounts of the new iettle- Went of Hammonton,in New Jel.sey, can be sub srtibed for at only 25 eta per annum.. Inclose 4mtage stamps for the amount. Ad dress to Editor of the Farmer,-Hammonton, At lantic Co., New Jersey. Those wishing cheap land, of the-best quality, in one of the healthiest and most delightful climates. in the Union, see advertisement of Hammonton Lands. [sep.l-3m :NEW GOODE!: ...~~.:. H. J. WEBB'S. MONTROSE, APRIL, 30th 1858. A PSIZ EPOR.E ERY BODY WHO SWISCRAIES FOR THE . , Nehr—flora' t4tethla ILL LTSTP.ATMD FEELY N-WMPlff._ HE NEW-YORK WEEKLY PRESS IS A- one of the best literary papers of the. day. A large Quarto containing Twenty Pages,_ or' Sixty Columns, of entertaining twitter; and Ele gantly Illustrated every week. A Gift worth from 50 cents-to $lOOO wig be sent to each subscriber on the receipt - of the sub scription money. - CE.RIUS-IN ADVANCE: One copy for one year, and 1 gift . . $3. • Three copies one year, and 3 gifts .. . 5. Five copies one year, and 5 gifts . . . 8. Ten copies one year, and 10 gifts . . 15. Twenty-one copies one year, and 21 gifts 30. The articles to be distributed are comprised in . the following list : I United States Treasury Note. $lOOO. 2 do do do 500 each. -5 do • do do 200 each. 10 do do - • do 100 each. 10 Put. Lev.llnnrg Cased Wat Ches 100 each. 20 Gold Watches -- 75 each. 50 do - - - 60 each. 100 do - - - 50 each. 100 Ladies Gold Watches - - , 35 each. 200 Silver hunting Cased Watches each. 500 do Watches $l5 16 25 each. 1000 Gold Guard, Vest and Fob Chains 10-to 30.. do do Pens and Pencils -sto 15 each.• l Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Brobches, Ear Drops, Bi:east Pins, Cuff Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Rings, Shirt Studs, Watch Keys,,G old and Silver ThinP ides, and a variety 'of other articles, worth Irom fifty cents to fifteen dollars t aeh. Cln receipt of the subscription money, the sub scriber's name will be entered upon our books opposite a 'number, and the gift corresponding with that number will be forwarded within one' week, by mail or express, post paid. There is neither humbug nor lottery about the above, as every subscriber is sure of a Prize of value. We prefer to make this liberal distribu• thin anaong theta instead of giving a large com mission to agents, giving, to the subscriber tht' amount that would go to the agent, in map) Cases a hundred fold more. ar Address all communications to DANIEL ADEE, Publisher, May 27.—y1.] tit 1 Centre Street, New York RARE opportunity to all wantingfarms—in a healthy place; twenty-five miles( 6om Phila delphia, on the Camden and Atlantic railroad, New Jersey. An old 'estate has recently been °pencil .for isrile, and the first division of 10 ; 000 acres divided up into farms of twenty acres and upwards. The soil is of the best quality for , the production of fruits, grains, &c. The price is $l5 to $1.30 per acre, payable in easy quarter yearly instalments, withir. a f4rm 'of four years, with interest, The terms are trade 'easy, in or der to insure the rapid, improvOnent of the land, by enabling,'every industrious man to buy a farm. It is now being extensively improved by good roads, and some of the best 'citizens fronr New England and the Middle States are ereaing, large improvements. It is a scene of the greatest im provement out of Philadelphia. Seventy-five houses have been built in four months. Practi cal funnel's and. business men from - the length and breadth of the Union are settling thsere. It is an important business place, on account of its b.-ing in tho midst of a great market, Every ar ticle raised upon this land finds an immediate sale. The water is excellent and no snch thing as fe ver is known. J. 13. McCoLLu:it John 'Andes, Fred. Sultiback Eli 'Kindig, Thomas Gray, The soil is al sandy or clay loam, with it clay bottom and retentive of manorci. It is free.of stones and easily worked. It abounds largeli in the phosphates, and such is its fertility that from the crops produced both upon this land and the large area adjoining under cultivation, it will be found net to be excelled anywhere in the production.of crops most adapttd to its mar. ket. - The fader may be well aware that the earli est and the best ft uits and vegetAyles come from New Jersey. which ai-e annually exported to the amount of millions of dollitrs. The land, besides' beinzsaecez.sible in every way for fertilizers, hn an abundant supply of the best quality of melt manure. • Lumber and building materials can be had on the spot at a cheap price, from the mills. Other mills are now being opened, and brickyards be ing started upon the ground. A person can put up a tramp tenement for preient convenience-for one hundred dollars. On account of ths exten sive emigration, this is the best course to pursue in order to get a place to live in at first. Car penteis and,builders are on hand to . put up hous es on the best terms. 4n settling here the emigrant has ninny advan tages. He is within a re* hours' ride of the gent cities-in the Middle States and \ New Eng land; he is near his old friends and a_ssoniations; ho is in a settled country, where every itnprove ment and comfort of civilization is at hand; he is in a health,' place, and is not subject to the certainty of losing the greater part of his family and his own health by those malignant fevers which make the graves of so many millions of the young and hardy in far oil" regions away. from homy and friends. 3 . 4eKidea, he has a mil d . climate and an open winter_ There are three trains daily to Philadelphia, and to those who improve the railroad company gives a free ticket, - • The reader will-at once be struck with the ad vantages here presented, and ask himself why the property has not been taken up before.— The reason is, it was never thrown in the mar ket; and unless th es e statements were correct. no ono would be invited to examine the land be fore pnrchasing. This all are expected to do.— They will see, the land under eOltivation ; they will meet persons, no doubt, from their . own neighborhood; they will witness the improve ments, and can judge ef the character of the pop ulation. Persons should come prepared to pur chase, as many are locating, and Locations are not held on refusal. The Hammonton Farmer,.-a monthly Literary and Agricultural sheet, containing full informa tion of Hammonton, will-be sent to each inquir er, and can be obtained at 2.5.ct5. per annum. Title indisputable: Warrantee deeds given, clear of all ineumbrance, when purchase mono); is paid. Route to the land :—LeaV.c Vine street. wharf, Philadelphia, for Hammonton "toy rililroad at 7.30, A. M., and 5.30 P: M. ; when there in. quire for Mr. Byrnes. Boarding conveniences will be found. Letters and applications can be addresaad to S. B. - COUGHLIN, 202 South Fifth Street, below Wainut,Phi s ladelphia. Maps and information cheerfully furnished.' T. BOYLE, Agent for Northern Pennsylvania. Office, New Milford. Susq'a. Co., Pa. September, 1,1858.-13 m. MCOMIE2I:ISITB T 0 MOTHERS, WIVES & DAUGHTERS. Dr. R.A. LAM.ONT'S Peritidiest Compound. The most beneficial and successful EEMiLE MED MINE now in use or known, for all cases - of ordered, obstructed or suppressed Menstruation, Lucorrhtea, Female Weakness &c. Ladies ivho have been disappointed in the use of Female Pills ate , can put the utmost confidence in this Com pound, it is infallible In the cure of all the above named confplaints. it will be sent by mail to any address by enclosin g 8 2. to any authorized anent. Prepared by R.L,ANDRE%V Buffalo N. Y. For sale in Montrose by mayl3'sB.lyl -BENTLEY, READ, & CO. Farm Lituds for sole 25 Mlles from Philadelphia by Railroad in the State of New Jersey. Soil amongst the best for Agricultural purposes, being . a good loam sail, with a clay bottom. The land is a largo tract, divided into small farms, and hundreds from all parts of the country are now settling and building. The crops can be seen growing. Terms from $l5 to 820 per acre, payable within foursyears by' instalments. Tosvisit'the place—Leave Tine_Street Wharf at Philadelphia at 7.30, a. m.,by Railroad for Ham monton, or address R. J. Byrnes, byletter. See full advertisement in another column. [Rep.lL3m. TV.; HUMPIIRtY'S TOSICEOPATHIC .1.! Remedies for sale by. ABEL TURBELL. • BEAUTIFULLY HAMMONTON LAN NEW ENGLAND SETTLEMENT Helmbold's Genuine Prepaistiori; -or-- Highly Concentrated Compound'Fluid Extract • Barba. •4. •, For Diseases of the Bladder, -Kidneys, .Grarel Dropsy,'• Weaknesses, Obstruelions, _Petit Diseases, Female Complaints, and all , Diseases of the Sexual Organs, arising from excesses and imprudences in life, and 'removing all improper dischurges from the ;blad der, kidneys, or sexual organs, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever cause They may have originated, and no matter of how long standing, giving health and vigor 'to the frame, and bloom to the pallid cheek. JOY TO THE AFFLICTED H ! It cures nervous and - debilitated sugerers ' and - removes all the symptoms, among whichwill be fodnd indisposition to exertion, hiss of power,loss of memory, difficulty of breathing, general weak ness, horror of disease, seek nerves, trembling, dreadful horror of death, night sweatai cold feet, wakefulness, dimness 'Division, latiguor,uaiversal lassitude of the muscular system, often enormous appetite, with dyspeptic symptoms, hot hands, flushing of the body, dryttess of the skin, pallid countenance and eruptions on thelace,pain in the back, heaviness of the eyelids, frequently black spots flying `before the. eyes, with a temporary surusion and loss of sight;want of attentlon,great mobility, restlessness, with horror of society.— Nothing is more desirable to such patients than solitude,and nothing they bore dread for fear of themselves; no repose of manner,no earnestness, no speculation, but a hurried transition from ,one question to another. These symptoms, if allowed to go on—which this medicine invariably removes—soon follows loss of power, fatuity and epileptic fits—in one orwhich the patient may expire. Who can say that these excesses are not frequently follovied by those direful diseases—insanity and consutop. tion The records of the insane asylums, and the melancholy deaths by consumption bear am ple witness to the truth of these assertions. In lunatic asylums the most melancholy exhibition appears. The countenance is actually sodden & quite destitute—neither mirth or grief ever via. its it. Should a sound of the voice occur, it is rarely articulate. "With woeful measures wan despair Low sullen sounds his grief beguiled." Debility is the most terrible! and has brought thousands to tint imelj; graves, thus blisting the ambition of many noble youths. It can be cured by the use of this _ INFALLIBLE REMEDY. • If you are suffering with any of the aheve dis tressing ailments, the Fluid Extract Buda' wilt cure you. Try it and be convinced Oils efficacy. , a, — Beware of quack nostrums and quack doc tors, who falsely boast of abilities - told references. Citizens know and avoid them, and save long suf-i fering, money, and exposure, by sending or call- ing for a bottle of this popular and specific rem edy.- It allays all pain and inflammation, is per fectly•pleasant in its taste and odor; but itnmedi. ate in its action. _ • HELMBILD I 3 EXTRACT BUM Is prepared directly arcorditig.to the rules of Pharmacy and Chemistry, with the greatest ac curacy and chemical knowledge and care deco. ted in its combination. See Professor Deweew valuable - works on the practice of physic, and most of the late standard works of medicine. 1 0 One hundred dollars 'Will be paid to any physieinn who can prove that the medicine ever injured a patient;apd the testimony of thousands can be produced to prove that it does great good. Cases of from one week to 13 years' standing have been effected. The mass of voluntary testimony in possession of the Pro prietor, vouching its virtues and curative powers, is immense, embracing names well known to Science and Fame.• _ 100,000 Bo ties have bien sold and - not n single insttknce of failure has been reported! - Persm.ally appeared before me, an Alderman of the City of Philadelphia H. T. Helmbold, Chemist, who being duly s'worn does say, that his p?eparation contains`ntiNarecttic, Mercury or ittjuriotis Drug• but is purely Vegetable, 11. T. Helmbold, Solo Maimfacturer. Sworn and snb.cribed before me this 234 day of Nor 1554. Wm P. HIBBARD. Alderman. Price Sipper Bottle, or six for :35,. delivered to arty arldresS. accompanied be reliable and rt - ponsible certificates from Professors of Medical Colleges, Clergymen, and others. Prepared and sold by H. T. 11ELMBOLD, Practical and Analytical Che Mist, No. 52 South 10th-st.. below Chestnut, Assem bly Buildings, Philadelphia, Pa. VII" To be hod of all Druggists and Dealers in the U. S., Canatias, and British Provinces. • Beware of Counterfeits . , Ask for Helmbold's —take no other. Cure-s „guarantied. Sold in Montrose by ABEL TURRELL, Agent. ion. 20,:58. !,•. NEW ARRANGEBIENT. °C .~~.r:z. - i. Delaware, Lackawanna & NO MORE STAGING! • Through. to Philadelphia b3i,. Bail! . 1 1 \TEN ant expeditious broad guage route 1. 1 1 from the North and Nest, via Great Bend ana Scranton, and from thu . Lackawinna and Wyoming valleys, directly through• Ito Now York and Philadelphia. On and after Friday, October Ist, 1808, trains will be run as follows : ' The Ci. airman Express, Train bound east .on N. Y. & Erie It. R. arrives at Great Bend at 8.16 a. in., and connects with the EXPRESS Train Which leaves Great Bend for New York and at • 8.30 a. in. Due at Montrose, 9.04 " - Tunkliannock, 9.42 " Factoryville, 10.05 " Scranton, AO 50 ." Moscow, • 11.33 " Stroudsburg, 3.23 i. m Water Gap. 1.35 " Delaware,(l 5 minutes to dine.) ' 58' '" 9.28 " Junction, 19.18 . 6 New York, "I 15 .-!‘ Philadelphia, • 8.15 " . . . . Passengers from N. 1%, lea-Ve Pier 1 No. 2 North River, at •1 \3O a. m From Philadelphia,leave Walnut St, 1 • • Wharf, at , 8,00 " Leave Junction, - Ij,lo u Due atßridgevil le, . 1118 ." Delaware, (15 rriin. to dinner)42.lo p. m. • Water Gap, 12.48 .g Stroudsburg, Moscow, _ 2.47 " . Scranton; ' 3.25 " Factoryville ' 4.11. " TenkhannoeL, 4.30 " Montrose, 5.13 Great Bend. • . 5.45 " Connecting at - Great Bend with the. Mail Train, west, at Aecommodation Train leaves Scran , • ton Air Great Bend at.• ' 8.35 a. Arrive at Givat Bend, 1.05 p. m. Connecting with the Dunkirk Express, west, at 1.55, and-the N. Y. Express, east, at 2.3541. re., Roturning,leaves Great Bend it 2.45 " Duo at Scranton, _ '1.15 " For the accommodation of way travel on , the' Southern Division, a passenger car will be at tached to the Express FreightTrains,leavinv Scratitoo, at • 5.00 a. - m. Due at Stroudsburg at 10.05 "" " Junction at 2.05 p. M. Returning, will leave Junction at 4.45 a. Due .at Stroudsburg at - 8.05 " " Scranton at- 2.20 p.m. Passengers to and from. New Yorkland nil. adelphia will change cars at Jrinction. For Pittston, Kingston, and )3 r re,t ilk L. 5t..13. R. R., cars at Scranton, For Jessup, Archbald, and Carbon Stages at Scranton. Ticket- 518 ' 01 4, 1 1nd baggage checked t JOHN BRISBIN War. N. hairs, Gen'l Ticket Agent &ranton, Sept. 24th, 1858. Still They Come! THE largest stoei, of MEDICINES exer before kept in 21 this market ma RICy be f T ound at the .Z' . 3 on It will be useless to enumerate. When you . wish anything in tho Patent Medicine line, or otherwise, Call at the Farmor'e Store. Don't for get the place, &um town. R. THAYER% • Itiontroie, March ad, 1 858. . 5.55 " ale, take rougi. ,Sup'S.