FBANCI4 , D.,DAV . ISCqi, M. D. riacriet— - MEDICINE AiI.D . SUR GERY in• Montrose mu/ 51 jeer* par - ti of Susgue. _ hcriioit Counly. Montrose, .Nor, 1858. VAtuabtt FARM FOR SALE. rpHE Sitheoriber offers for. Sale the valuable ..L -- ferm:and Hotel lately owned and occupied by Calvin Simmers, deceased, and long known as the - .7 - .7-- - - - WASM.IniIeiR"S Pia ACE. • Said. Farm ,situated in the pleasant village of-Snmuteraville, in the township of New MU ford, Susquehanna County, Pa., directly on the line of-the. DeLaware, Lnckawanna-st Western ' Railroad, four. mike from its junction with the N. Y. & -IL R. at Great Denti.and one hnd. a half miles from the Depot. at - - New Milford. It contsinti . about • .240 ACRES; 180 screw:improved, 60. acres woodland. It is well watered, . has a lasting stream running through.. and a never.failing supply of water conveyedAn lead pipes to the house, barn, and cattle:yard.. It is well fenced and under good cultivation; is Well adapted to growing grain, . and is - pectfliarl3r fitted for growing *dock ; and is one of the best dairy farms in - the county. It ' has oportit .t*o orchar ds . of choice grafted fruit trees, a large and convenient dwelling, now occupied es a hotel : two large horse and ear ' Hoge barne,or.e large _ barn with two cattle yards; ample,sheds and all the arrangements for feed ing stock; three email hay and grain barns, ice house; brick smoke house ; large corn house, andrial other out buildings necessary on a large farm.. It will be sold low,atid terms of payment made easy.. For information address, - SUTPHIN.. I Summersville, Suaq'a Co.,Pa. Nor,.lst, '58.-3m. - THOS. W. EVANS & CO., WOULI),:RESVECTFULLY INFORM the residentii — olihin vicinity, • that. they have now open at their'New Store > the largest and most - varied assortment of LADIES DRESS GOODS ` • \ • they have ever offered. The stork is too.t.tly of their own iniportation, having been selected per sonal!, by one of the firm, in the principal mar ket iniEurope, at such prices as will enable them to Belt on the most reasonable terms. • SILK DEPARTMENT. • Brocades, Robes a Les, Robes double .Tupe,— Robe! twit;flotinces, Plain, Figured Plaid, Striped witha full assortment of Black Silks of all kinds. Particular attention has been mild to the selection of this Stock, and it *ill be found complete in its assortment. SHAWL DEPARTMENT •India . , Stella, Bordered, French Cashmeres,— Drintrd Broehe, Long and•Squaro,,Wooleti: Man `244l4tawlei dc., with a full stork of all the new. 'est- of_Shawls imported this season, CLOAK I►EPARTME\T. ' Cloaks made and trimmed in' the latest Paris -' . • VELVET, CLOTH, PLUSH, PLAID VELVET, ETC. The ROA this season is i•spcnaive, tleennt and tisltkistab!e4 , , GENERAL DRESS GOODS DEPA:RT 3I ENT. J.lferinoes, Cashmeres, 11fottAlins, ralenrias.Pop. tins, Satin de Chine,Velour Poplins. Chintaes.&c with all the newest fabrics imported in this line MOURNING - GOODS DEPARTMENT. Bombazinci(.Pamise Cloths. Alpacas, Velour Poplins;Monslines, Thibetsi, Valencias, Crapes, Collars and Sleeves, &c., with an entire stock of an goods suitabli: for mouTninz. EMBROIDERY DEPARTMENT Lace Settg,'Collars, Flecvt-s, Insc;rtin,gs, Edg ing, Flouncing ; Cips„ Berthas, Capes, Gloves:, Mitts, Skirts., &c., with a full assortipent of ET broidonies of all kindti, including till the lstesS • TA EIS NOV ELT: FS: HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. A compete line ofEnstliA lloidery, far LADIES, 31 IsSES, GENTS AND CIULDR EtZ, will be found of the best and most appror'd makes T. W. E. & CO., confidently invite inspection of their stork, as they feel'lnsured it will. favor tittle compare with any' other, in assortment, • - style or price. NlB & S*O Chestitql Street, nos 11 .2m. c&,]o] PHILADELPHIA. - A.. BALD WIN itas removed to his newly fitted up building ON PUBLIC AVENUE. NG wm at . the p business ub wit L. ALLEN`, Lthank h r tryst favors and' solicit a ennlinitance of the same. Being undei. a •tatA;,' administration it is very de sirable to htte all my old amounts settled and ! menden - re sheik upon the REAny PAY system. A. BALDWIN. October 1 115; 1858. • • • out, freb tirouistait tort.;:7 , eihNg dei:sr belo:a. 3. I...thridge's Drug Store, 1,41 , -on PuLlic Avenue,' , A - here will he found onsiatOly on hand a general assorttrit of GRO CERIES • • Such as_Sugars,. Molasses, Syrups, Teas, Coffee 3c, &c., &e. Also the choicest brandii of FAMILY FLOUR Meal,sLard,_Pork.. Hams, Fish, Dipped Caiile. , Timothy, Clover, Field and Garden Seeds. . We solicit a share of the i u In patronage, and - pledge ourselves to do the lair thing, hoping by each bargain to secure another. - BALDWIN & ALLEN. ALFRED BALD WIN. 'Wm. ALLES. , 1 tin :A. =FOR=- TEN DOLLARS. &few more of these -desirable FARM AND BUILDING LOTS, M the Gold Regions and other portions of Vir ginia are to be divided amongst. the subscribers for the boreit of the new town bf Rappahan nock. Subscriptions .only ten dollars earh one half down,tfie rest-on the delivery of the DEED. Every subscriber will ..get a Buildin g Lct or rang Farm, ng in value from $lO to $30,000.. These Farms and Lots arc sold so cheap to in-, duce settlement, a sufficient number being re served, the increase in the value of which- will comperisale for the apparent low price now'ask ed. One acre lots in town will he' giren to in dustrious, mechanics who wi ll' hui ld upon them. it'company of settlers,call,:id "THE RAPPAIIAN DOCK PIONEER ASSOCIATION, " is DOW building Aild will commence their settlements, in the sprin g .. Ample security will be given for the faithful performance of contracts and protases. or More Agents are wanted to obtain subscriberi, to whom the most liberal induce ments wpl be given. , Some Agents'write that they are making . $2OO per month, l Yor full particulats,subcriptions, Agencies, &e., apply to • E. BAIIDER, Port Royal, Caroline. to., .Ya. Novol, 'ss. REMOVAL. 1 - 1111 e-A Post, Attorneys at 4w, have 4 removed to theirnew office,- a few, 'doors south of Boyd 84 Webater's eornPr. Motitrose Oct: 25,-3m Still They Come! THE largest toe of litztrisket ever before keptlrtMisattritet may be fonnd at the 4. 1 11-211 1 5 . ! ri T . It will be vbeleas to enutnernte. When you wiskartything..in the Patent Medicine line, or otherwis‘egill* the Farinfr's Store. Don't for get they . lji... , ,i7c4Orr rosin. T I 12; yra. Montrose; March ,3a, Iti NO MORE PAIN, I NO MORE SICKNESS. j OR STIFFNE. .0 1‘ F lii TH I E IO 3 R OIN I T ; 23 R , ACIIES, T OTILACIIES. OR SUFFERING FROM 0 ItER BODILY INFIRMITIES. - ' ' 1 , / L i u /Lc:Li! , 7: i t i: s A j D r . , The R pitiand Complete E ffi cacy of 1 . t. ,: • • RAM AY'S - • . - lteady Rellpf, In 'lnstaitly stopping the most !ex cruciating Pains and Wounds.; Burns4Sealds, Cuts, ounds.; , 'Rttises, &c., &c., &c. render it imp rtant that every family keep a up ply' of it in do house. Armed with this remedy . a household iS al. way protected against sudden •atiarks of,sfek. ness. Thousands of lives of persons have been saved by its timely' use; who were suddenly seized' in the `ight time with Cramp Ts. Spas Fits, Vomiting, Cholera. Yellow Fever, mid other yio. lent diseases tot 'a dose of this Remedy,' be taken interns ly, as the ease may require , when suddenly seizW with Pain or Sickness, an it will TFATAITTLV RELIEVE TILE rATIEET FROM I`4lE, and arrest the disease. i f gabluau sgeasbilltelitf, R. WI Ilan Cured RHEMUATISII, - - In four hours. NEURALGIA, - - In one hpur. CRAMP. -i . In ten minutes. DIARREIGIA. . In fifteen minutes. TOOTHACHE, - In one minute. SPASMS. -j . In five minttes. SICK HEADACHE. . In ten minutes. CHILLS ANO FEVER, - - In fifteen mint tes CHILBLAINS . - In fifteen minutes. INFLUENZA. - - In six hoitrs: SORE THROAT, - In ten minnutew BURNS. . In twenty minutes. FROST BITS, AGUE CREEK, PARA I.Y.§ISI _ IN ALL CASES'OF . ' BRUISES. • • 10)/WDS. S TR A INS, and _ SPRAINS. _ the moment itlis applied to the injured parts all pain and 'Uneasiness cease. Look out for Coun terfeits and Imitations—Purchase only It s ,AD WAY.4 READY', RELIEF. Price 25 cts., 50 Vs., and 81 per bottle. ' • . . , A New o n to TScienoe. The "'Great Grand D6eoverv. Radway's Regulating . Pills!. • . Da. RaDwai sk - Co. have recently discorrired a. method for extracting from roots, herbs, pl:Mts and gums, - a nutritious extract of such wonder ful nourishing Ipower—which they have combin ed with RADU'AT'S REGULATING PlLLs—tiliat :.ix of these Pills will supply the blood with the same am. unt .E.f nutrition as one ounce of ordi nary bread; s , l that, while the system is under going a thor ,ugh physicing, and regulating process, it 43:14 becomes strengthened. Persons afilieted with LivE Comtar, Di n m... rs. - r . F.r.sr.t IlnanT DISEASES, FELLNESs OF BLOOD, and all Females who are subject to IRREGMAR ITIEs, HYSTERIA, &c, arc particular recom mended t.N;use4hese Pills. • They are pleasant to take—elegantly coated with gum—free film taste, and will' not gripe, sicken or weaken ithe system, or leae the boWels costive. Mothers nursing sh uld likewise take one or two of thse Pills onco r tu.lice per week. They will not op.ly keep yOur .ystem healthy and . regular,.hut !11l protect you infant against Cramp and Pain in the stomach, and insure not only a healthy child, but will invest every child, thus suckled, with a sweet disposithin- Radltra . jr l s Regulating Pills , Regulate .ach and every org an of the system, and corert all derangements of the LiYer,Bowr,'tls, Stomach, Heart and KidneYS. They Cure ; . , ' COST I YEN ESS, INDIGESTION, HEART-BURS:, . DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS, CON STIPATION I . DROPSY, , HEADACHE, PALPITATION of I CONGESTION, the HEART,, ' • &e.,,&c , &c. They arc - entirely vegetable and harmless; kn infant at ,the breast can take them with safety, and persolis who are subji.ct to Fits of Apoplexy, Epileptic, Demi Diseases, Sze., should always keep a box on - hand. . . price 25 Cents. Ask for RAPwAY . 6 REGULATORS, Or REGULATING PILLS. i The Groat C onstitutional Remecte . '(No. 2.) A New 11..0e-Cieao4l7, Prineiplei N , 2.1 1 7- 4 .ldUrnal) S nouatinq iesolbcl Heyls Old Sores, Purifies the Blood, Instil within the stem renewed Health,and _ sares and Erterminates all Chronic of Cunstirationul Diseases. This great and glorious remedy should hallo(' by the human race as a special gift frd the Almighty, t , ) regenerate dilapidated bun:anti .11n. ItAnwAY & Co. are the only Physiciai and Chemists in the world that have succeed in clisLovering a remedy that will effeettl eradicate from. the human system constitutio clisemmt and niltilMits, transmitted from pare , to their childreni Radway's! Will radial4l enovating Resolve exterminate from the system Cankers, Fits, iltunningsTrom the E White Swel Tumors, , cancerous Affection Nodes, • . IticEets, Glandular Swelling, Night Sweats, Sc oluk; Fever Surer, Ulcer', Sorer:A-es, Sore Leg., Sore Mouth,• : Sore Ileac', ' InsaLity, Bnoscurrts, All biseases Prolapsus CI; Skin Diseasett Salt Miami', And all, disease the systent fo PRICE ON : a, — SOLD BY RADWA -Sept. 18th, f the ' CONSCMPTION, • Rash 'fetter, . ri, Humors-of ail kinds, Chronic Rheurnatib Diipepsia, that have been established years. ' DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. ,t .auGGISTs EvEnrytitEnE. & la Fulton St., N. Y 53. TTERS remaining in•the Pi; ontroae, N., Nov. 15th 1858. Rev. Clergy Namo of Ma.lw Park, E. S. Park„Miss B. A. Peck, T. R. - Peckens, T. T. - Richardson, John Rudy, Mrs. Matilda Roberta, E. B. - Stockholm, William Spencer, A;, -. W. Spaulding,,T. A. Scott, rt,fathew J. Scranton, Samantha Weatherbee & Bro. White, John J. , Warner, William 17..7 for any the above letters leraised." T I IST OF r.l .1 Gale a 1 Anderson, John Atkinson; Hugh Biown, Martin Baker, B. J._ Corab, Wm. C. Collar, George 11 Carter, Miss Chi Chamberlin, E. Daniels, Charles Dickerman, J. Jr Gaige, Harvey D.= Gardner,. Mrs. S. A_ 2 Hogeland, Elias Hawkes, G. L. Manderville. Mrs. E. McKeeby, Mrs. E. A. Merriman, 2 Persons calling pfoise s3y - " adid • IL J. WEBB, P. M . 150, 1858: Montrose, No SNEEZING PUBLIC. • korsiteti Catarrh Sul LLIBLE .RENED.Y. FOE SALE BY Montrose; 034PKINS, Brooklyn Wm H. THAYER, Dim. -TO, THE Dania% IC R. THAYER, S.D. _ NEW GOODS. .. Ar.• VANS & ALLEN , 4.: have this day returned C .111 born New fork with a full. ) / • . ' ~( and cuipidele assortment of WATCHES,. JEWELRY, (i 4. =,--".! ' - - FANCY GOODS .of every descriptioM'togetherivilh a large stock of Plated Ware,_ Clitley, Clocks, &c. The aboye goods were 'ts.ught entirely for Cash; and will he sold at such - prices as cannot fail to please. We cordially invite onr Friends and Customers to call and examine our Goode. EVANS & ALLEN, - 'No. t Odd Fellows' Hall. ' Binghamton, Oct. 4th, .1858_ ___ GOLD and SILVER. 'WATCHES of every quality. Plain and Jewelcd, Open Face and Hunting. Also, a few American Watches cheap for rash by EVANS & ALLEN. Nov. ath. pi OLD CHAINS, Guard, Chatelaine. Fob. Neck and teat ChninM, a great variety of w•cjghtr and'patterns by EVANS & ALLEN. Nov.-stly. BREASTPINS, Diamond, Cameo, Lava, Co. sal, Mosaic, Gold Stone, Painted, All Gold nod Plated Breaat.Pina, a' beautiful variety of !patterns and atylea, for sale by E & A. Nov. 4tit. FEINGR-RIN,GS, Diamonds, Ruby, Garnet, Pearl, Opal,-Emernld, Plain, Seale and Ch. 8. ed, of every style and price, by E. & A. 'Nov. 41h. Ct . ILVER WARE, a full and complete stock kJ of Silver Goods, consisting of Table. Dessert and Pickle Forks, Table, Dessert, Tea, Berry, Cream, Sugar and Salt Spoons, Pie, Cake, But ter, Ice Cream ands Fruit Knives, Cups, Salt- Cellars, Napkin Rings, Curd Cases, Are., all war ranted Sterling Silver, handsomely engraved gratis, by E. & A. Nov. 4th. jrIROTCIII..IT HOOKS, a large assortment, both Steel „and Ivory, also, Cedar and Ivory Knitting Needie"A and Tutting Shuttles. at Nov. 4th. I &. A's. S UAVYL-PINS.—Two Gross of Shawl-Pins, various patterns and pr sea, by E. & A_ No. S Odd Fellow'if Binghan-t,n, Nov:4th, 1858. Sheriff's &de. BY . virtue of a writ of Fi. 6311(4 by the Court of Common Piens of Susquehanna county and to mo directed. I will expose to sale by public vendue, at the Court !louse in Mont rose,on Saturday, November 20 t1i,1858, - nt one o'clock, p. m., the knowing described piece or parcel of land, to wit : ALL that certain piece or parcel of land sit. mite •.in the township of New Milford, county of Susquehanna, 'and State of Pennsylvania, and bounded as follows,:to wit: beginning at a stake And stones In a line of lands of Edwin Tintrley; thence north 45 deg. west 16 rods and 13 links to a post: thence by land of Richard Richard son north 45 leg. east 95 I.4th rods to a post and stones; thence south 45 deg. east 111 perches to a post and stones; thence north 45 deg. east 6 perches to a sugar tree: thence south , 45 deg. cast 4 perches and 13 links to a post; thence by lands of George W. Tennant south 45 deg. west 101 perches and a quarter, containing about ten acres of land, more or less. [Taken in execu tion at the suit of George W. Tennant to, the use of John %V. Watson vs. Julian T. Tennant.] Purchasers will in all cases be required to pay on the day of sale an amount sufficient to cover costs of sale, otherwise,,the property will be re sold forthwith.. JOPIN YOUNG, Sheriff Sheriff's Office, Montrose, Oct. 2701,1858. ABEL T URRELL HAS just returned from No iv York, with a large and choice variety of Goods, which he offers to his customers and thepublic at low prices for cash.' His stock compriseg: 1) R S , MEDICINE.S, P A I N T S, 0 I L S , - WINDOW GLASS, DYE ST ' FFS, GROCE It I E S, • GLAS S—W A ItE, CROCKERY, M It It olt 8 , CLOCKS, WALL P'AL'ER, W NI) W PA.PE R , . WINDONV OIL SHADES, FANCY 0001)R, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, JENVI:LRY. PERFUMERV, DRY GOODS, II AR I) WARE, • STONE WARE,. WOODEN WARE, - - BROOMS, BRUSHES, JAPA_NNED WARE, BIRD CAGES, CANARY SEED, POCKET KNIVES, WHIPS, UM B ELL -A S". G N S, P S T O \ L S, AMMUNITION, , TtRPENTINE, CAMPHENE, BURNING FLUID; ALCOHOL, LIQUORS, (For NiedicinalPu-rposes only,) T•R.I S S E S, SUPPORTERS, S-11OULDER BRACES, TORTMONN A lES, SsPECTAC.LES, SILVER dr, PLATED SPOONS, FORKS, dir.„, -COLD PENS, sTA TTONERY, • • V lOLIN STRINGS, BOWS, &c., And all of the most popular PATT3I.S'T . MEDICINES, Th . aniZful for theliber4l patronage hitherto re ceived, he hopes to merit a continuance, and large increase of the san e r , ABEL TUBS:ELL. Idontrose, Nov. lit 1353. THEPUBLIC. SOIIE illercharts publish a few low prices, or the pride of' a few low p=ied articles, as an inducement to persons to make their purctihaes of them, under thepresumption that everything is _ equally Ibw. Without taking pace in the public papers to enumerate prices, I wish it dis tinctly understood, that I will sell Goods as „low for the quality as they can be hoUght in any other Store in thiiPplare or cothity. Baits rind Hooks not used. Purchasers will generally find good qualities- - of-Articles at Ttinat.ti.'s, and in Drugs/ Medicines, Paints, Oils, arrd Dye Stuffs, the very best, and the assortments full. The Fancy Goods Department is also extenelke. Also, choice Family Groceries, Crockery, Wall Paper, Jewelry, Perfumery, &c. In short nearly everything usually kept in country-stores. As I deal in .many, departments of trade, and haite more Articles than 1 can.teall enumerate in the limits of a Newspaper, I shall not attempt neither will it be necessary, under these cir cumstances, .to fill a column with ; useless re petitions and blanks. The people are invited to call and examine for themselves. ABEL TURRELL. Monitose, Nov. Ist, 1858. TO MUSICIANS: PARTICULAR attention is called to the choke tariety of `tripLin, ,Guitar` and Bass Viol Strings, some of the bbat qtralitieit hr market. Also a good 'ltelection of Violins, Bows, PegS,.: Bridges, Tail Bieces, Finger Boards, Rosin, &c , Aceordeoke, flutes, Fifes, Drum Sticks, Tuning, Forks, Instruction Books, &c. Csll in nt the Variety Store of A BEL TURRELL. • . 0 A . lrt R tr 0:*OF TI I 44. 4 ) READY-PAY SYSTEM TT is certain that Goods can bo Sold successful -I_ ly in Blontruso and at Susquehanna Depot FOR CASH. ThOse doubting this assertion will do well to cal at thy attires of 6uttrubtrg, ',._4loscitbaum, where it will be proven, that the Merchant in. selling, his Goods can afl'ord to sell Cheaper for Cash, and can otter inducements sufficient to make it an- objeet to Purchasers, at• whatever sacrifice they are obliged to make, to procure the Money to adopt, in their Purchases the CASII They have just received and are - conrdantly re cciving, a large,%alsortment of Dry GOODS and CLOTHING, particuhirly adapted for FALL AND WINTER, and which are purulmsed under the most favora blo circumstances. They are enabled and offer and sell atiirieestbr below others that will give and have-given ah everlasting Credit; no matter whether it is Tom, Dick, or Harry. • T-$=E-R-E-F-0-R-E EXAMINE, COMPARE AND JUDGE OUR DRY GOODS! An assortment heretofore unequaled by anything ever - Aimed in Montrose. Fancy and Staple Dry Gcods! Comprising many new and desirable styles of Goods unknown in this market, among which will be found, in • LADIES' DRESS GOODS, All the , novelties of:tho season, cheap At GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM, CO'S SHAWLS ! New and choice styles of Broche double and single, Stella. Plaid, Wool, Taint and-Nfantilla, and a new st \ ylo of Plea' Shawls, cheap at criuttntberA . , c`osetibaitin, L o's Mitt MIA KL, An assort pent always on hand, also Ladies' Cloth and Trin*ting to match, of all at adrs, cheap at 6nttroberg llosenbaom, o's. EIII3IIOIDERIE S In this bepartinent we can offvr, great, induce ments, as they are purchased directly from in3 , - porting houses. The assortment comprises French netts, llireVCS and Collars, Worked Edging Inserting, and a great many more aril cies belonx to this line too istimerons to men lion, cheap at ..GUMNVERII, ROSENBAI?I, A- -CO'S Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers and Plumes, Wire, Stiff Net tings and Frames, at Wholesale and Itaaii,—cheip at GUTTENI3ERG, lOSENBACNI, ois 'Domestic Goods ! Mny be found all thedifferenrqualities of Prints, Gingham., Bleached Gondg, Fine Unbleached Muslim Ticks, Stripes, Deniutst,-Sheeting, .2, I-2. y'ds wide, cheap at i GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM, CO's READY MN) CLOTHING. As this is ono of theig,PßlNcirAL BRANCTIEs or BustsEss . in New LVW City, they certainly have one greatadvantage over all the rest of Clothier . S; they having ope Partner steady in New York city to devote all his time to this particular branch of manufacturing. They wi I furnish, ni t any time, a Good Garment at about the same price for which the material can be got. . They will warrant their work and a complete -fit or nn par. They keep constantly on hand one of the best stocks of OVER AND UNDER COATS!. Such as Frock, Dress, Raglan, and Sacks PANTS In Greal Variify and Dip:l-lit Stylrs • 'VESTS ! Much an -VelTet, Plush, Cassimer, and Satin, cheap at GCTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM, k CO'S CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER, of the Best Material at Short Notice: twier Garments Pox LA DIES AS WW ELL AS FOR GENTLEMEN, spell as Silk, and also Limbswool, cheap at 6 t'I'TENBEIIG, TfosENBAVN, CO'S _ ONE WORD - is STAIICIENTFOR THE WISE. TO °CR titMEROUS \<-% . FRIENDS -AED CUSTOMERS, And in particular to those knowieg themielres indebted to us,w will say onto more that we will 801 or Ready flay .hveafter4tud all Ac count; and Notes must be settled w,ttliont Fur ther,Notice. NV,e are tired of writing, Dunning 'Leiters and Supporting the Past Offiee,and there by losing. We Will take all kinds' of drain at th 4 Highest Tit,ark,etßrices for Payment, and all AecountS Blanding over Six Months on our Books, will be left for celleetion Unless settled by No te. • iguttenbtr;j, qic gontro.e, Pa., October 20th, 1858. A. KNOWIATO.N' „p-c- DT, k*AtUlte brWAA COURT' {5l) .STREET, Adjoining the "Bank of Binghamton,” - - BpTGHAMTON, N. Y. My Slack is one-of .the largest and test affected varieties of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY • _ - Ever ntrete4 to the people of this 'county. Z EciIVIZ.D. •- .. . • ... 16209 • . . Mantillas, Domestics,` Embroideries, Flannels, Cassfmeres, Cloths, &c., To which the attention or Cloge Buyers is .called... Rich Silks, Hosiery, hi d 1 basement 101 be found a large assortment of Family GROCERIES&PROVISIONS To which the attention of TILE PEO PLE.is invited. " VOLASSES; S vie uPS, S G ARS, COFFEES, TEAS, FLOUR, PORE, FLIS:11, in fact, ecervthing in the way of Groe'etie., enEArEa x..n.tx rim CHF:A PEST. Also t CROCKERY, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. itgr Particular inritation is extended lb those who paiwhase CASH t cull a;,(1 .. • . examine our stuck and prices L, fore purchaxing elgewl,ere. A. ,KNOWLI ON, COUItT.STR MET • . U MI 1i 161,1,3. R .tarin, juL t kiikA4343o.,s....-Zink and Cetton Umbridl'am, La,lie! Flith SI-lades n ana rarasols, to great variety, just received direct from the Manufacturer, fo. ....1 e. at LOW PRICES at A. KNOWLTON'S, 51 Court-street; adjoining Hank of liinghair.toh. . Trunks, Traveling Bags, Valises, and Ladies Hat liox \ es, A largo assortment direct from the .Manufactory in JerseF.Citr, Just received yt A. kIiOWL.TfiN'S, Zit Couil..bt:. POWITER: POWDEUA..: BLASTING POWDER AND FUSE. Solo Agent forlbe Slam Bang Powder Mill, w;11 keep on hand atoll thnen a large st,-, e k o f th e above celebrated POWDER, which will be sold by the keg only., atAlanulacturers' prices. Also, SP‘ORTING POWDER, SHOT AND CAPS. All the Choice Brands of Sporting Powder, from tho Hazard Powder Company, on hand at all times—for sale at low priee4. N. B.—My Powder will :Teak for itself. A. KNOWLTON, 51,,Court-street, adjoining the Mink of Binghamton. VAltrag? VaLtlra? To an their sizes rated— Where sing) life they may enjoy, tr blips of being mated. 1 e. 22 a 5 , 41 . 4 . 14 . - e llts 202 alLz a - (JERSEY AND CANADA iscLunEN • More than 60 difrjrent st)lcs now m store, including all the newest patterns—yeeired direct from the manufacturers. Nii jobbers profits paid "home productions" at this establishment. The assortment will be kept unbroken during the Sutntner season. ' • A. KNOWLTON, al Court-street, adjoinining,. the Bank of Bingh a mton. . BISCUIT AND CRACKERS. - A large assortment of Biscuit and. Crackers received this dat:`. from oneof the most extensive Bakeries in New York City." A fresh supply received every week. " Soda Biscuit,-. - Wine Biscilit, _ Extra Cream Biscuit, Lemon Biscuit, • Cup Biscuit, Egg Biscuit s Boston Crackers, ' Butter Crackers, . - Graham do Fancy do Desert do Oyster do "yam" - The old fashioned hand-rmdu Butter Crackers PURE COFFEE! i'T 51 COURT STREET. - . . . . . Adjoiniit tho Ilanl. orßingliamton . "Ilow nice it is at breaklast•time, . - -Before you've been to work. sir, - To know you'se drank your coffee rre, And saved your. beans for park, sir." s • N. B.—PORK AND BEANS FO)!;„ SAL) AS A11 4 .W?,.. • MR. \ " • Please dc:l:t say gnvthirte dbotit otir TWO "i, A, that people are clubbing and sending 110 miles for, for the crunlry ladies hues l!,at article in tliarge, and are drawing on it at a rapid rate. li.NOWILTON, Couk-s-trect: Dingliamton, August 23(1, IFsS.—:7;4tf. TO THE PUBLIC. GOOD WATCHES r:INHAT have been spoiled by unskilful persons I can again be mado good by J. lIIGGINBOTTIAII A regular City Watch-maker, competent to repair Duplex, Repeaters, Patent sea Detached Levers, Lepines, and Vertical ‘Vatches,&c.,&c.; whether English, Swiss, French or Chinese make; and for this purpose has on hand a good assortment of Witte!' JelVets, %Vatehi Wheels, Mainsprings, Cylinders, Hands, Glasses, &c., &e. rir Shop in Bentley, Read & Co.'s Store, l'hemix Block, Montrpsse Susq. Co., l'a. Aturust 25th, 1858. tf THU Iltimmout.on IF;itmer, a news.l pnPer de :toted to Literal Ora and Agriculture, also setting forth full accounts of the lICK settle ment of_Hammonton,in New Jersey,ean he sub scribed for,At 25 cts. per annum. Inclose gotitago stamps for the amoun t. Ad dress to Editor of the Farmer, Hammon ton, At lantic Co., New Jersey., J Those ,w4ting cheap land, of thy.heitt quality . , in one of tiro healthiest and most aelightful climgps •Ict the Union s see advertiAement of Hammonton TAndq. [gep.l-3m DR. WM. L. RICHARDSO,N WOULD respectfully tender his t'rofessional Servicps jo the iphatiitants. of MONTlitO • and its vicinity. Office ov.er 31ulford's Store. • ‘„. Lostlitpip at the Keystone Hotel. ilifunirose, Oct. 12th, 1858.—1y.* To all Wantiig ste?advaitiserp est of Hammonton Landd. 1 - I NEW GOODS A. KNOWLTO-N, '• We've Cages for Canary Birds, DIAILDFAI:TURFAIS, AND lIIISBEIZN lIATS, CAWS, AND FURS, i f •? 4 wo a, :Lk , 3 , .„, Umbrellas, Parasols, and Ribbons; AND ALL • ' , LIZAP,Y ,L , /,5., No. 46, COURTLANDT STREET, I„ 1 A;A N. L , z. I.AWIZENCE, l' N:-YORK. 1 JAs. M. GRIGGS, -- tOelleral PartnerS,— J NO. A: KINGs - oury ) , , i. M. C. TYLER, SIICC!.11 Partner. • fnel).2lly.* TnEMENbOUS EXCITEMENT _ —AT Tli . FRAZER RIVER GOLD.BIGGINGS . _AND ALSCI.AT !PI E— • . MONTROSE. BO6K STORE, vAT HERE the subscriber is receivinga largo V V .'qunntity of SCHOOL BOOKS, sne6 as ,are to be Used at. the Normal School to cm.. inence the init.; also, MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS—a geed assortment; and STATION ERY of the which will be sold for CAS/Pat like and- lel lire prices by A. N. BULLARD. Montalose, Angpst 10th, 1858. NEWS .'O ft . P• 1 7 1111:New York City Jiluatrsited ii.evloPaN 4ll. --1101agniitleer; dte:, for safe at the -7101TitoSIE BOOK. STOUR, by A. N. -BULLARD. Milk Biscuit, Abernethy Biscuit Nonpareil- B;senii, Sugar Cracker', Walnut do ;finger 5i7,11 s. LIitHENCE, GITIGCS, hINGSBUhI, Brit -4t7(1) H. B U.ll Iti th just re l feiv'ing a„Large NEW STON. NC:LTII)INC; ~ Ovthl, La j gn aven Aral clr.t Cook Siovos.,for wand or Tonio variety of NHor, (nee nird ShoPt i l (for wood or - don!): able,. Stove Pipel Irm). Stove Trt , ,,. ills asset tn ont inelad.;:t the r: 0;t1 DESIRABLE OVJES In Markel. gold on the. osT rAvr.e.teLE rr which he *mid invite theynitii-ufe . CAN'T. buvrmi [New Milford,. 7- 7 7- lisquekanna Qo NORMAL -Su • J. F. STODDARD, A. M., P !mu of the "Suaqueh JL Normal tSohocir will eommin day, the 22.nd iitsy of Nov., 1858, tot quarters of-elt i tvenwe4: each. and of Prof. t,odd/t d ided e otupetmn LECTURES. `Prof. Stoddird will deliver teet ! Linn and the Art. of Teachings aqd tifie subjUets .the intelpsts, of way seem to r .1 4 ;7.t.ures wit livered by Re . C. 'Boomer and o the session. _ Ihe Openin Address wilt lio Rev. J. C. B OBER, in tire,Atiacit Monday,. Nov. 22141,,at 2.o'ciock, p. The Prinuiry Di - p3rtmPta th be taught hy,.Mise 1:11.1.0,C. PAR .Studenie not: rail to h e opening of the behoul ea the class, he arranged. . • Jspensesi, Tux,tion-Nortnal Departinent, for tin . eleyen creeks, • Tuition-Pri wart - ,Departtlter.or pa eleren wttetc l , • - Hokiran'brxsebes and I.a - .• Board, per w_eek - " • • It is desirable that tuition bills ar ;anee and no deduction will be students are.sbseitt, eirtipt ciahes - sick item. St urt e'rtts ;can. bri'ard th; beretofOre. Cooking stoves .and fi be rehtcd of Mr. Sayre at reitapnalti l information: in regard to rooms, boe ply to the Secretary.'• ' • . • *•• W. JffStk.r?, ' C.F. RE.4o, Se..rgtary• • Montrose, '0,4 24th; 185 E. _ _ .... R. KENYON I - R ~ _ Avrout,Di•espeetfully prinott , .nee that he will ' I hereafter offer Ili! lazg'a. stock • f GO,tt.dtk for Vat Aliiiii: Plk • • _. only, inconseTtence of the soirere 'pressure , 01: , the times, acd, not ha 4, 14 g etttliciolit,cApitai to wait till eternity for his 1'a . y,.. : -.,:hoi g.to receive the patronage of his former friends, n4 , alt ot MS, new '::inn;:la that ht willt.make by s fling potedt, CHEAP. kespeetfully yours, in rade.',l K. KIN Lawsvill e Centm, ha. , Oa: 28th,' NOTICE- 11F. erwarther:•hip heretoforeT :der the name-'ef Dickerman this day db•solved by mutual cameo end accounts of the late firm are C.-arrates ht nthi fur .riotieelion: • MCK n. 311 HoRATio G: New Mitfurd s , June 10th, 1858. The buqhie "land Lc tht -f;id fr'we ' may be dispo:A. hereafter. ;s will be contitMed ;hlwriber, who will :a nd its many n to 'favor him With 3. DICKTP. June 10th, 1858. MEM :oon to _lye., S4ck, Y . if a sterling init to meet the :cessities of the sufferiug, portion iid one_eairely free:Rom triimerals lerious particiei:, was leeerely felt ,serful medicine was Ushered into lowny'n invaluable Pills have Isc eelsold 11. ettieqy of all nations, , is to Prevent;as veil asi t,Curet\ radix root of the complaint, and ifiddep cause of disca,m.reinvigor tbe drooping energies-s.of the nys nture. in, her task of •Vitil and .formaticn... . _ _ isivisper:siit, r •' .courge of this eon' . use of these antiscpt -vans are restored to Cie - what hideous shi i xliitsits ifs,bl , l, this v, ).. disperses :t rrom 41 U want PIA and ni of humanity, a and other del et until thi+lll 1M the world; 1101 eOlue the . Their Attribute they att.::::k the reirio lug_ I. l a. I ate and rest 4 tem, assi-tang_ Functionary RI grim, q.nit•kly to a ao the digemtive o 111 tr; nu matte r♦rr ot dimenso tur4.,ryjn!r, etitllty and Wen I enlist., Lo.knenot OI r a diseased tiVer. the f.ystetn, vHrtin enee ur this all 1,0 I=l From what .v all other xigos brganitatjoris eradir l ating inlli =M=' , ent rt.wedy.' -.• i 11011% I)l.Order.ll. I lantual hind right con ition of th 4. r ulouti importance t thy , I:r«itit •one, this Anti:Bilio is iiiedieinh l ien seeds uf:the co ftpiaiut, hind luids and ac;retion punt and an iesuseitatini, thesvitrd riPnr- Tile proper q bile in of moult of the human f expels Ifie hid renders all the fluent, eleansin, tions ut the bod cklt,kcintalei. no time tin, trying a nd renovating reineii implaint, it can be tilic:ll and other diso • ut miraculous. refuted Proof. . y of. ,1 virtuca if!Fatns in ,eitry livit I the thith-niableness Should lot.se this regulating— may •be••tlieir safety in all peri its effects is all The tAtimm boine t , / the be remedy, and eer bear vritne.sa. r tt! trinsie..lV,wk. Ibllowrzq's are the beNt z".ttiedy /hr fidiwring dma. 1 ,6, min tli'atiotb; tc:;>rid fid AstllmJ: . Uial BoweLroir.-riro: Deti Coti"bs, Fry COW, Agn Chit . Ns-Fen eases ; , • G^r•. Costi:7enciv , ,tlen Dy§pep,ia, T - ' ; In a N 71.8 f.il ..' !FA, 'e. Liver ate Compinifitla, I • pit!inth.,Lowne.ss of tttli resti,m,y&s: lntray. Nrio, York a :4 a Water-mark jn direutioo / 1 0T 1 44, I ny he •Olaritly:.s;•en I a"ircAtin( the words ."// ,, t arb fliseurnible of the book of box; the the leaf Fo the lig given to any one maTlend to the cotinfetfektifig th knowing them ** Sold al I Ij oLLoiv iy„ a 0 • all reapeciatle, cine'thro.nghottt ‘of•la, to b each... .• i. A handome re rendering; such inA eteetiPn of !iny par ine(44itlvir 1 endi 'UP sparipLi.i. **) slaapractories a faidetiLane, New ragalsis and Deal bn,tinitcd States sa ics 25 cents, 63 c* conbidorable There is; the large! #l,iest.' N. 8.-Pireeti! , , in every ditiordeti itine 3d, 1858 'Ono for the gaidarc are nfllxed to each [l* to emigrate to a e market, see adre OIL • AU wanting good soil, and fi ilaramonton La t 5 ! it T Stock of tr • Prost:inn! ith Arrd Store Ziae,Sheott and arid tio .3rs, •nom V(' ii I tr mum 4, 1 1 4: 1 555, incipttl.- ClMay e on 5t0i4... n t h t ire;; ae t - ; i c 140, in.trAetneg. OH LA surh.aciaz. ; , e Stu4etts also Asa de kers during liverad by wy Bat: *a In. seho4l rntfatthe a will t~ec in an - I 9.00 2,150 [paid 18 ifier made when f praracsed inse!ve3 as rnikure cat' •:ratem. For i., &,%., 4-. EOM II ON. JR 838. existing un, • GprraLt,is. The urges Ituratio- 1."1, Jr. _• ,R RATT At the old be hippy to &is , ones as ! ch4l'.. More MAN, Jr. qn'ent yiehts iie pi1i. 1 4., an.i ;heir prop, r pe thi4 hy airiOng and ho patietit . .4 1,,,._ •Spirits, and othrr untikr the 1-erfat c!oos 10iitevor taken with unizzitiops, 201moutzty .. e' .. this nobl g Inftgunze uf tiro lu- non-u in the tone nod s .rttA CI. teendary rr:P tqn l ß: et I erea I Weetiona, Vortna or II ;kinds, inc unias - (1 Liorth,:n." leery leaf . pfit or us imhibig, INl . 4l . vvill be, rainticn 113 • • or partici% the same. liProfessor Lurk and:by. rain -.Medi, d the civil. Os and $1 taking of pat2l box.. , ' 2,edtv,lF, 'lid climate, lament of