• - NEW & ALLEN, hvii this' 'day 4ifurned ; •44 froth New York with a full. i • and complete - .assortment of ;,., WATOIIES, - JEWELRY, „‘,,, • Jou , - JP A N-C o o O.D S lofeviiideiseiiption; togeiherciith'n large stock of Plated Ware, 'Cutlery, Clocks; &c. The. above goods were tx,ught entirely for Cloth, and* will be sold nt mach pricea - na cannot fall to'-please. =We cordially invite our Friends 'and Custiomers to call and examine our Goods.' - ENTANS'& ALLEN, No. 2 Odd Fellows' Binghamton, Oct. 4th, - . ClobD_ and SILVER,- WATCHES of every 1,.)f quality. Plain and Jeweled, Open Face and : 1-Inatipg. Also, a feP American Watches cheap for cash by , • EVANS.& ALLEN. Nov. 4th. • OLD _CHAINS, Guard,:&detain°, Fob, Neck 'and Vest Chnios, a grist verietY,of weights and pattOnS by EV-ANI& ALLEN. • Nor."4th-' .• .113BEAST,P1NS, Diamond; Cameo; 14va, Co. ral, -Mosaic, - Gold Stone, Painted; All - Gold - and Plnted Breast-Pine, a. beautiful Jariety of patterns and 8:y41, for sale by: • . tE &-A. Nov. 4th. . . . _ IINGER:RINGS, Piamonds, Ruby; Garnet, Pearl, Opal, Emerald, Plain, Seale and ChLa. ed,,of every , atyle and price, by ' E. di. A. Nov. 4th. - - 0 MYER-WAKE, a full. and :poiriplet.e stock of Silver Goods; consisting of Table, Dessert and Pickle Forks, Table, Dessert, Tea, Berry, Criers,. Sugar and Salt Spoons, Pie, Cake, But. ter, Ice Cream and Frsit 'Knives, Cups, Salt- Cellars, Napkin Rings, Card - Cases, &c., all war hated Sterling Sikter; irindsomely engraved gratis, by • E.& A. lier. 4th. • - CRQTCHET HOOKS, a large assortment, both Steel and Iyory, also, Cedar and Ivory Enfottng Needles and Totting Shuttles, at Nov. 4th.l E. &. A's. SHAWL-PINS.—Two Grow: of Shawl-Pins, qyarious patterns and prices, by E. & A. - No. 2 Odd Fellow's "Hall. ninoban ton. Nov. 4th. ISSB. • Sheriff's Sale. Bvirtue of a writ of Fi. Fa. issued . by the .:Court - of Comthon Pleas .of "Susquelinka county And to' me directed, I will expose to time byptiblie ready e; at I he•Cdurt House . id Mont: r ise,iinSaturday, November ttOtb, 1358,.at cone p. m., the following - descrihell piece or . parcel of land, to *if : „ALL that certain piece or parcel of land sit uate !.n . thfi town hip of New •Milford. county Susquehanna, and State of Pennsylvania, and bounded as follows, to w 4: beginning. at a stake " and tones in . a line of' bawls of Edwin Tingley; thence north 45.de.g.._w-16 rods and. 13 links 'to, a ';post; thenceby land. of Rirlut:d Richard iron - north 45 deg. east 95 I.4th rods to a post and atones; thence south 45 deg. east 1.2 perches to pest end stones; thence north 45 deg. eat G perches to a sugar -tree: thkee south 45 deg. east 4 p.'rehes and 1 . 3 links to a post; thence by lands of George W. Tennant sou th.. 45 deg. west 10] . Peretres and a quarter, edritaining, about ten ales of land _ , - more or less. [Taken hi execu tion at the snit of _George W. Tennant to the • use of. John W. Watson vs. Julian I'. Tennant.) ' .. y•urchasers Will in all case.he required• to pay .nn the...day of 'sale an amount sulliyii;nt to cover eosuref sale„. - otherwiso, the property will be re 'sold forthwith:. -.. JOHN YOUNG, She.rifir. SheriirsOffice, Montrose, Oct 1858. • ABEL TUI-11 ELL HAS--ittht. returned. frost ?le:York, with a large. and (-holey._ variety of 'ooda, which he o ( Ters.to his.cd,tomers and th Lo public at w prici for cash. Fits stock comp set,: , . ' D HA; G S , 11 E 1.) I C•I N E '. , '•'., 1' A I N,T S. . • ' . OI'L S , .. 'W I N` 1) 0 \V Ii L A SS ~ 13 - YE STUFFS, .• • 0 It. OC•E It 1 E F. , , 0 1.. A S S— W .:, II E, - -C•• It UCK.E I. 1, :i• II I P. It 6 It 5-,. . CLOCKS, • W A LL- 1' A r E if. ,- IV 'I N'1.) . 0 _NY P. 4 P E It , • IVINDOW OIL 811ADE.5., F A-N G ti I-NSTII.UMRSTS, K N'ir L 1Z Y' -PERF' E R Oa Y G 0 0 , D S , • •IP A i. - D .\V A -It , - ST - ONE WARE 3 W 0 01 - 3 •E'N W - A R , 13' R . 0:'0 M , - 11 SII it , tt rAN' N E - 0 WA it , 13 1 It D A G E S, AR E E D, POCKET HNI . W It I p S , 4 *(2 - U l9 E,•I;LAS; . • - . G t; 11• S • PISTOLS, • AM_MUNITIO.N, • :I'l;lit'ENTl'.& • ; .0 A M .N I N G..FLUI . A L G 0 11 0 LI QU S,. (Fot_Nl : e'dici,nalr - tirposes onlj TRUSSES, 1; ti. s 0. CLIi E Ii BRACES, I'(jrt At 0 i N E E•C-T A G,LES, SILVER & PLATED SPOONS, PORES, &e ()L D PENS, • • - TAT. I N E Y. •VIOLIN STRINGS, TIOWS,A:C., ' And 41 - 1 of tho moss popular P - A•TENT MEDIC.INES, -Thankful for tho liberal patronage hitherto re oeßed., he hopes to merita continuance and large mcrease of the same, - ABEL TURRELL. - gontrose; Nor. Ist 1858. TO THE PUTLW. SOME Merchants publish, a few low prices, 1.3 or the price of a few low priced articles, as an inducement to persons to niake their purchases of them, under the presumption that exerythi_ng is equally low. Without taking space in the public papers to enumerate, prices,.l wish it dis tinctly understondrthat I will sell Gone as low for the quality as they can be- bought in any other Store in this place or county. Baits•and Hooks not used. Purchasers will generally find - good qualities of Articles at TURBELLPS S and in - Drugs. 41edieines,_Paints, Oils, and Dye Stuffs, . the very best, -and the assortments full. The — Fancy Goods Department is also extensive. Also, choice Family Groceries: (rockery, Wall Paper, Jewelry, PerfitmerY,Ste. In short - nearly - everything usually kept in country stores.- As 1 deal in many departments of trade; and have : ewe Articles than-I can well enumerate in . the limits of a INewepaper, Lellitll not attempt' it; neither Will it be necessary, under these cir cumstances, to; fill a column with useless re petitions and blanks. .Thdpeople are invited to call and examine for : thetuselves: ABEL TURRELL. - Montrose, Nov.o. la., - _ • , Te susielM{s VIARTICULAR: attention is . .ctilksi to the - choice :variety of Violin, Guitar, sad Bass Viol Sttitss;*utte of Out best qualities ut market: lai) - a . p.uncrspiectiOU of 'Violins; Boara;Tegs, Finger, Boards; Resin, &e., itecotdeens,:Ffiges, Fifes, Druip Sticks, Tuning Fories4namiction Banks, ate. Call in at the Viikety - Ste're of • 413 a TURR W .„ )0:D reSpeciftillfafOriMink'thlit hereafter offer his large stock of Goods . for *Fs A.ISIE %IC H - - sequence of the severe preSsure of lad not itning sufficient capital to roily for his pay,—hoping to reeeive piti>f, his former friends, and all tif his 'that lie Will make by`selling Goods Respectfully yotirs, in trade A:KENYON:JR. Centre, Pa., Oct: 28.01,1858. only, in con: We times, wait till ete She patronlig now- friends. LAwsvU le tnles! URRITT 'wing a Large Stock of H Is jus • Nt - Nit - STOVES, NCLUDIr a full .assortment of Elevated Oven, rgo Qven and Flat Top Premium. CookStove. i , (for wood or coal,) with superior 'variety of rrlor, Office and Shop', and Storm. (for wood - Or coal): also, Stove Pipe, Zinc, Shee . Iron, Stove Cubes. &c., &c., &c. His assortment includes the most SEiac.i and DEsinsur.E . STOVES in market, and will be sold on the most' FAVORABLE TERMS, arid to which he Would invite-the particullir attention of CASK buyer= : [New Milford, Nov. Ist, 1858. lutl s ianna ,Counin . . N '0 It 1111 MOH, J. F. ST I,DDARD, A.M.., Principal. Til E.nesit, term of the " pSusijoehanna Cdunty nal-Ma) School" will commence on Mon day, the 22n;1 day of Nov., 1858, to continue two quarters of leven weeks each, under the charge of Pibt. t3tos dat - d, - aided compotmlinstrmitors. LECTURES ' Prof. Sto.dard will dclivtr leetures on Educa tion end the Art of 'Poaching, and Int such seien tific.subjee as the interetts of the Students may i;e6Lia tq rtniuire. Lectaces'ivill also lie de. livered by lov. J. C. Bootter end others during thG session. r l The .04:ening Address will be delicerN . by 1 . in time Academy Hal: onffen_ day, Nov. 2. n d, at 2 Wei oek, p. tn. The Prim ry Demrtment of the school, will NI taught b . Miss ELLEN C. PARK. Studentshould not fail to be , I*esent at the opening cif to setooi nh the classes wilt then be arts:l , 46C •. - I Sipe -stases: _ Tuition-Nn-matDepatturent, for quarter of elecen Irtiekl:, , - - - 86-00 Tuition-Prierary Department,for quitter of eleven weeks, - - ,3.50 Tuition-in English branches and Latin rind' Greek,T -- - - 9.00 Board, per Week, - - - "2,.00 , - • It is desirtade .that tuition, bills t!.4; raid Fr; :id %lmre andno deduction will be Made when students are absent.except in eases of protr'act'ed sickness. Students can board themselvea as heretoThre. Cooking Stoves and furniture inn be rented of Mr. Sayre at reasonable rates.• For information in regard to rooms, heart, &e l a4l - to the Secretary. • W3I. JESSUP, izretsittent. C.F. Ils,an, Secretary. MOntrose. Oct tt•lth, 1858. FA RIMERS!, SEN D ORDERS FOR T UE • PR DOUAI - FEED CUTTEIti; kikAio.. 9.s P TTII It mr,-noretured by Welles Blood & 'our Sizes--$12,.815, $l.B, $3O. The t3O Mavhifte i,, a horsepow - er, H. L. BL O WERS, Agent rog ::rgit-ess, Montrose, Pa. • Oti.obor :Will, 114;7 - 8 --lm. • 4_ the following voluntary opinion o f given by the Committee on Farm at the late Coonty Fair-: ~tent Ilay Cotter, exhibited by 11. l in. the opinion of the Committee, ny article hitherto exhibited in this lextreme sitnplieity, its easy applica . cutting of fodder so entirely differ hay,,cornstalks, and straw—ren lof the most useful and economical at tan be used lot- - such OrpOscs. him the pretnitim dr two dollars. ALEFCCARMALT. # '• . ' cASSIDY. C o mm ittee. 11.40:1 (hi+ 3iac hin Implements' . (:alto's I' Blowers, fterPriar to county.; ita tion to th, ent—sueh ers it one neltinela t Thev nwart BALD-WIN • f ed to hisnoNly fitted np building ÜBLIC AVENUE. Has ronov ON HAVIN M r. N past favors Ming sirable to hl corsuitence . nssociated myself in' buslues.s with 'M. L. ALLEN, l thank the public for and solicit a continudnce riftb.o.env. a near administration it is,very de lve ell rn, old accounts settled and . i r tie* upon the READS PAT systelin. • A. BALDWIN. , Ot-tober., 11th, 1858. ; Itoni7t.f.! I t rO Ilrobision.tort. , flour vlj Pa or Lulu* 3: Ethridg,e's Drug Store, the Avenue, where will be found ()n hand a general assortment of contArnilv OCERIES: Such as S;L:•ars, Molasses, Syrups, Teas, COffee &e , &e., &e. Also the choicest brands of V:OULY'FLott Lard, P)rk, Hams, Fish, Dipped Capdlcs. Timothy, Clover, Field and Gardeil Seeds. . . ' We solittit a share of the public patronage, and ple4e.ouiselves to do the fair thing, hoping by each bargain to secure another. . . BALDWIN & ALLEN'. ALFRED BALDWIN. - WK. L. ALLEN. NEV ,MILFORD Shawl and D ress . Goods Em r ,orim! NEW F NALL ,GOODB Fan CASit AND PIi.OUPT MDNTHS • . . - H. BURRITT HAS now in Store,-and - is making, lamb addi tioos to his Stork of FALL AND WINTER - CI-CODS To which he would ir.vito 'the attention of buy. buy. ers; embracing' the most desirable varieties of LADIES' DRESS. GOODS, including the New Styles of :Rich Fall Prints and Plaids, in ,De !sines, Ducal 'Plaids, Plain and Plaid Merinos;' Mohair Cleths. Ging.hams; Silks; Droche, Cashatere,Silk and Wool Shawls, Rich Ribbons, Bonnets and Flowers, Net-Hoods? Ladies' Cloths, Broadcloths, Cassimeres, &c.,- with a full assort-, !tient of other Staple and Fancy Goods, as hsual, including Groceries, 'CroCkert, iifardstaare, Stoves+, lion, , :Steel, Nails, - lints; and;Caps; Boots and Shoe 7 • Carpetitsg,FlooroilCloths Painted Window - t badess • 2- Wall Paper, Clocks, • -, Drugs, Oils, Paints,- : • . Buttailo -Itobes, • 1 dm. Ace &e. I far Ttiosstire Stock being - Large and bought for CASH, will give_ superior opportunity for Choke , Salections,-And be .soki at the towast Frulltras to- CASH - AND • PILCIMPT. SIX MONTHS 131;YERS. . . _ Saltar, -constantly on h Nciv - Milford Octul , Pi IL* 1'844 1" 1 1' tr OF H Agett. READYTAY SYSTEM IT is certain that G ooda - can be sold suecessfu i. ly is Mentrose and at . Susquehanna Depot FOR CASH. Those doubting thiaaltaortion will do wall to call al die . store: of OutteltberA, 'gouda - tin, where it will be proven, that the Merchant in selling hi& Goods can Wool to sell Cheaper ler -Cash, and can offer inducements - sufficient to make it an objeet to Purchasere, at whatever sacrifice they nre obliged to make, to procure the Money to adopt 'in their Purchases the . CASH . SYSTEM. Is They have just received and aroonstantly re coking, a largo ztsortme_nt.of Dry GOODS and 1 CLOTHING, particularly adapted for FALL AND WINTER, and whiCh are purchased under tiro mast favors ble circumstances. They are enabled and twa t. offer and sell at prices far below others that will give and have given an everlasting Credit; no matter whether Mt Two, Dick, or harry. T-H-E-R-E-F-O-R-E EXAMINE, COMPARE AND JUDGE OUR DRY GOODS! An assortment heretofore unequaled by anything ever offered in Montrosti. Fancy and Staple Dry Goods! Comprising m.rny new and demirOle styles Of Glenda unknown in this market, among which will he found, in INDIES' DRESS GOODS, AU the novels GUTTENBED SHAWLS ! New nod -cholee styles of Broche double and sio,glo, Stella. Plaid, ‘Vool, Talm •, and Wintilla, and a new style of Chenill Shawls, cheep at 6attenberl, An :assortment always on hand also Ladies Cloth and Trimming to match, of all xl,ars, cheap at . - 6attenberg lloscubaum, & .01". ifs. EMBROIDERIES In this Department we can offer great induce ments, as they are purchased directly front im porting houses. The assortment compris . es French'efts. Sleei•es and Collars, Worked Edgings and Inserting, and a great•many more arti cles belong to this line too ' intinerons to mein , lion, cheap at GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM, & CO'S Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers 'and Plumes, Wire, Stiff Net- Stings, and Frames," nt Wholesale and R elail,—eh tip at G_UTTENBERG, ROSE:CB A'UNf, & CO'S Domestic Goods! May be found all the different qualities of Prints, Gingham., Bleached •Goody, Fine Unbleached Marlins, Ticks, Stripes, Denims, Sheeting, 2 1-2 y'ds wide, cheap at ' • - GUTTENBERG. ROSENBAUM', A CO'S READY MADE CLOTHING. AR thin i• on. ,f their PRINCIPAL BRANCHE9I OF BuSIS ESS in New York City, they certainly have one great advantage over nil the rest of Clothiers; they haxing one Partner steady in New York city to devote nil his time to this particular branch of mcnufacturing. The}• wi I furnish, at. any time, A Good Garment at about the same ptice for which the material can bo got. They will warrant their work and a complete fit or-no pat , . They keep colistantly on hand one of the best stocks of • OVER AND UNDER COATS! Such as Frock, Dress, Raglan, and Sacks PANTS - In • , _ Grcht tariety and Dijtreni Styles TESTS! Such as Velve', Plush, Cassinier, and Satin, cheap at GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM, & CO'S CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER, of the Best Material at-Short Notice. Under - Garments I' 0„ LADIES AS WELL AS FOR Gg:S'TLEMEN, buck ai ana aka chenri at GUTTENI3P.RG, ROSEN DALIN, CO'S. ONE WORD - IS SUFFICIENT FOR THE WISE 20 OUR Igrq£ROUS FRIENDS .--ARD-... CUSTO - NIERS, And is articular te'those knowing themselves indebted to us, we will say onca more that we will sell for Ready Pay hereafter, tod all Ac. eoudts and Notes mud{ be settled' wit Far ther Notice. We are tired of writing Dunning Letters and Sbpporting the P,ostOffice ' and there by losiu.m. Vlsra *ill take, all kinds of Grata at the Higffest.Maritet Prices for Payment, hod 01 Accounts'Sit', Months •oe our Books' wilt be left •-fo settled C.. by Note. filitfettiftlji (to) .41. , etro 6 ef Fe 1 1, 44 , orr 200 h, 11008 Ittr „ (m a , IL s GO, -COURT 151] S TREET; Adjoining the " Bank of Binghamton," - - - BINGHAMTON, N. Y. DRY . . 230210V2 littbDa, . . . .. .. . . • 1. 1 :121H2W2 .1.4 Mantillas, Domestics, Embroideries - 7 / Flannels, Cassimeres, Cloths, &c., / To which the attention of Close Payers is caller!. - i / • .......--;—..-... ... , . ... . In the basement m ill be (omitd, a large assortment of Family GROCERIES &PROVISIO, S . .To which the Olen Him of 771 E PEOPLE is invited: MOLASSES, .SYRUPS, SUCI..-IRS, COP:FEES, TEAS,FLOVR, PO' K, FISH, .. In fact, everything, in tho way oi\GroCetia:,, CIMAPER. THAN rue Cliq/APEST. Also, CROCKERY, WOOD AND -WILLOW WARE. / • Particular invitutiwa is extended to those into purchase ft». / G , SIX to coil agd examine our stuck and prices before purchasing elseich re. A. KNOWL*I ON, • - - • • 51 COL T•STBEET- - ---"- ,,,, !,e.ee.... , ...-------4- uncut - Elm - AA Itili . o PAR ASOLS.---Silk and Cotton Um i lirellas, Ladies' .s"ttrt stlades anciParasols, in great variety, just received direct fr...ai the Manufauturyr, for =lout LOW PIMES at A. KNOWLTON'S, at Court-street, adjoining Ilan& of Binghamton. TrUnks, Traveling Bags, Valises, and Ladies Hat Boxes, is large assortrnent - direct from the 51anufact,•ry in Jerky City, just received at A. 10;OWL'ION'8, 51 Courtstri•bt. . . • cheap at ,& CO'S Rich Silks, Hosiery, I' 0 ANT VI it Vs OWU E It ' BLASTING POWDER AND Sole Agent for the Slam ]hang, Powder Mill, w l .ll keep on hand at all times a large Stork of the above celebrated POWDER, sued thv on 1)•,, at Mannfacturer;s' pric'ea. Also, SPORTING POWDER. SHOT AND CAPS. All the Choice Brands of spo r ting r ote dj r , front' the 113z , m1 Powder Company, on hand ta all times—for sale at low prie,:: N. 11.--Ntv Powd.!r w:d for itself. • A. KNOWLTON. 51 rourt-street, adjoining the Bank ofine:airton. • - " We've Cages for Canary liitek, _ To a:I their si7: ! ..ti rated— : \ . Where single life they limy en:,..", • - . Or 'bliss ,1 beiw2; Ina f ed. =title) ) Zatr z titZ . 1102 - Z ' Att. ZlLLtiaiVr.t.e2s ..... , (JERSEY AND CANADA INcuri)E!).) More than 60 difforent_Nt lus now in ';;Lott, ihelluting all the newest pattern—r:eeeived direct from the einutifactiiFers. No jobbers profit,: paid-.o' " home prixhictions" -at this establishment. The ...Amen" will be k ! -pt unbroken during the Summer :.en,en. . ' A. KNOWLI'ON, - 51 Court,trect, aeloinining, the Bank of Birighamton. - Biscurr - ANt) CRACKERS. . A _large assortment of Biscuit and Crackers received this day, from oneof the mosteitensive Bakeries in New York C'dy. A fresh supply received every week. • Soda Biscuit, . Wine .11,..eili:„' Extra Cream Biscuit, Lemon "Ili, ' it., Cup Biscuit, _ Eglr Iti•ciiit, Bqston Cr:mktit, Butter Crackers, Graham do ' ' fancy do 1 . Ovider d.i Detert do .. , j,,":, , T1 - The bid fashioned hand-made Butter Crackers, PURE COFIVEE! AT bf COURT STREET k‘joining the-Bank of Binghamran Übvr nice it i;et breakfm4, time, Before you've been to work, sir,' To know you've drank your coffee pure, And saved your beans for pork, sir." PORK AND BEA NS' FOR SALE AS ABOVE. Bik. "DEtIOCtiAT:"— • ;'-• . Plea"e d, , n't ,;:v.- anything! about our TWO SHILLING TEA, that people are clubbing and sending 20 tuilt•t, for, for the country ladieg h.tre - that article in chargo, and are drawing on it at a rapid rate. . - • . A. KNOIVLTON, 51 . Coittit•stkeet.- Binghartiton.Angmt 23 , 1, 1 R5S.— 3 1 r. . TO THE PUBLIC. GOOD WATCHES rip HAT have been spoiled by unskilful persons ann agttitThe made good by - J 1 ITIGGINBOTIIAII A regular City Wnleb.maker, competent to repair Duplex, Repeaters, Patent and Detached Levers. Lepines, and Vertical Watehes,&c.,&e.; whether English, Siriss, French Or Chinese make.; and for this purpose has .on hand a good assortment of Watch Jewels, Watch Wheels, Mainsprings, Cylinders, Hands. Glasses, &c., &e. Fir ENO in Bentley, Read & Co.',t Store. Ramis Block, Montrose Susq. Co., Pa. August :15th, 1858. tf. TUe Ildffiusoftton Fiatleer, -a news. paper deolorto . Liierniu re and; Agriculture, also setting forth ful'facepuuts of tl'e new settle ment of Ilatutuonton,in NeW iersky;ean be sub scribed foi at, 25 cts. per annum. . Inclose postage stamps for the amount. Ad &en to 'Editor of the Fi tO riner;Hamonton, At lmilie S ewJersey. Those wishing cheap Nod, of the best (futility; in one of the healthiest and most delightful climates in the Union, see advertisement of Hammonton lA*. [sep.l-3m Ut THERE the subscriber is receiving& large iy quantity of SCHOOL BOOKS, such as Irk to be used at the Normal School to coin. meace the 30th inst.; ilso, - MISC4LAREOUS BOOKS—a good assortment; and-STATION. JEItY of the best quality,—all of which wilt be. DR. WM. L. INCHARDSON.. Isuld for GA SH at lire and 141 Tire pricekby livolll4lr . iipeTithlly tender Proatisinnal . . N. B ' ULLARD. T T El:miens to,„tbp,iiihabilants ot---- Montrose, guiust 10th, 1858. 111.0NTItiS%te . and its vicinity. • Office over Itiataect-Store. Lodgings at the Keystone Hotel. Mordre's'e, Oct. 12th, 1858.-Iv.* iiP. To dill wanting Farms,( . 3e adryttieniAnt: of. KNOWLTON'S My Str,ck is one of the lowest and-be selected earietiei of STAPLE AN -FANCY Ever °tiered to the people of this counts, A. KNOWLTON, VciaDria? VADLit F. fir GOODS , LIWIIENt B, .CRIGGS, & KINGSBURY, AIANUFACTVREIZS, ANPIOTWERA IN HATS, CAPS; AIM. FURS; S lii 4 Irt 1 V 7 Z. CI Umbrellas, Varasolti and Ribbons, - /.6, 113. E MILLITiERY ARTICLES , No. 46,. cOURTLANDT STREET, DAN. 11. LAWRENCE, NEW-YORK. JAS. M. G a IGGS, General Partners,— Jan.. A. ICINGSBURV, • " , , , M. C. - T v Ltn, Speeu I Partner. [sep.2,lly.• TREMENDOUS EXCITEMENT I=CEEIM= FRAZER RIVER GOLD tIOGINGS ,MONTROSE BOOK STOREi /Prig Now York. City 111 aritratad Newsrurpirli Anazines. &e., du,. AA. sale at the MO:Visit:oSE 000 K siromm, A. N. BULLARD. Experience ~ Experience has dk , Water Treatment is mos suceessful during the,— AUTOIN I.D..WINTERMONTHS., , i All sick peysons who desire health (and even those who have not been successful heretofore in their .Worts to obtain this Vitlunble boon) will 1 here find/a rare opportunity to aceomplish the I , great o feet, 4port Which, the peace, happiness I and pr perity of their afore lives depend. I T e Physkiamr, -Dr. Thayer and Wife, have Iha twelve )4xii; c'.tperTence iy treatingdistases 1 ht/dropithkally, during vttlieh time they have Prescribed for over ten thousand sick persons. and the success attending their prescriptions is sufficient evidence of •their skill as suCeessful practitioners. , Patients will provide for persona), use two woolen blankets, two comfortaldes, three line n or cotton sheets, six towels, and seine linen for bandages—all of which should ba marked. Terms troth $1 to SW per week. Milk Biscuit, Memo by Biscuit, Nonpareil- Biscuit, Sugar Crackers, Ginger do Ginger B:Alps. • - ' 4 4 6 - 0 - --Ate )1 • 1t Montrose; Pa., - AIL 4.. iatdj, .0/1 P. Tmanew and commodious Hotel situated Oh Public Avenue. near the Coil rtllouse,and. nearly in - the centre of the business portion of Montrose, is Row fully completed and furnished, and •will be tiyeelied on Monday. the nth day, of the - present month for the- accommodation of the public and travelers; the Proprietor' feels confident that tie fs flow prepared to entertain guests in a manner that. cannot fail to give coin. ,plete satisfacti4an.' Thelfotel and Furniture aro new, and no expense his teen 'spared to render it e~uai, if;not superior to any similar establish. ment in,tfris part of the- State: _it is well sup. plied - with ill the`recent, improiements,and com forts, and obliaing Waiters will always be ready to respond 16 the call of pastonters, The Stables connected with' this Bose - arc now, and conienient: , • - Tho Proprietor resentfully eolieits the patron ago of his old friadi,and the public -genera ily. ‘V3I. K. HATCH Montrose, September .. 0 1st, 1838. A.N ACROSTIC. Charley Morris' with hair and ha, HeirA)le heir Of this' v est areA', And nano to haß,ass me and tiai, Resolved to wirßant ev'ry Let's have a rush, I's always berE, / You'll find me honest, just and fair. * * *Shop No. 3, Basement of Searle's Hoto , on Ttirnpike Street. _ 'Worm:Ott, Oct. 20Th, 103.—tc. BIN(}? wA Blngharntosi; establishmo) 1 :of pattiotts dur arrstoged with 'it‘ vie , venienee of invalids TUB SA Rre thoroughly warm kept-at SUMMER TE For further pnrtieulur4 adtires9. • • Sept 30th, td] • O. V. THAYER, 11. D R: R. R Alarming Siens of a Sickly Summer RE Summer and Fall of It}sl: will , be mark- T ed intbo records of time as.tliu most sickly and unhealthy ,of seasons. that hare visited the nortil..6 portion of this Continent for many years. 114.1iirious diseases, in their most nralignant, and Violent forms, will prevail ea epidemics iu sec tions of our country that have been deluged by, the late overflowing drivets,creeks and bayous, and drenched by - the recent henry - rains.` YELLOVIFEVER, Tv Fitton FEVER, BILWCA Fr• vet, FEINER ARO AGUE, CONGESIII E FEVER, BtILIIMITTENT AND 111131ITTERT FN ERs, CROLE RA, ..I".i.ux thSENTLItms, &OLEN AT iAcKs OF VoMITING will rage with violence in the %icinity of low, marshy' lands, and where Orie deluge .of waters and drenchkags gf raips.fin - ie been soffe,.., cientljr,yiolcnt to prodp!2. miasma from derom. positior,of VegittiXle or other deeotepost d runt ter. Tet,ottr Southern and Western states we triay expect the prevalence as: ~ p idetni,,, 'Maim-ions disease in one or the other of the above named forms; and in, order that the Pub is may provide themsebres with the proper means to (Toted their systems against sudden attacks of disease of any we notify the peo ple of t ppcuaeh,of &az , . maladies. In Rad .way4t 11,e . aoy yoti have the preventive. With thin Xemelly lip:liver -violent. and =lie nant infeCtioui and de;idly tray bo die ebar.icter of the disedie r _ tam you. A Wiz spoonful of this, life-protecting Remedy, drank in a tittle water three or four times per day, will fortify the . stomach against, the infectious gasses of these fevers, that. you are as safe from danger as though you were breataing the most whole some and invigorating atmosphere under the sun. Radwar's Reacry :ROO" bps - been proved, in the Yeltow - Fever of 1853. to be the best disin fectant in use., If any orour readers are so un fortunate- - as to be afflicted with any Peter, Miler.; Flux or Drentery—e,iling 2 ellow. Congestite,lntermitont, or Rentivent 7 .—Rait way's Ready . Relief, aided with Itadway'sßegutsto rs . will in a few hours arrest th:.3 . ,yioleave andklan ger of the diseaie, and soon cure you. ~(393151.0N piSEASt . • Diseases such as 'Mien ; 7/1(11.32,11, (:nut , 15 . (:/ Via .Veuralgiy, ItTd Aches, lullueriza, Rush of Blood to the Ilead,.,Bi4ousncss, cholics, Tooth Aches, Croup, Whooping Qc!zglts, Inflammation of the Bowels and Lunge, Sudden Attacks of Chills and Fevers, Sickness at the Stomach, Congestion of the. Brain, Sun Stroke; Lifer DT i!ullies, and ether painful, debilitating and enfeebling malatfiea, will run riot throuffiout the len g th and hri•ndji of the land; attscrihig in-their most. violent forms the aged, middle aged, and yonthfirl. Rut ogoioßt these ills, which inflict so much pain upon their victims Radikay's jtpudy Relief will in a few months, remove the: most fierce , arid torturing pains; and, if used in connection with Radway's R,egulaturs ' .sphedily effect a cure. CHRONIC DISEASES. - - - - Tlipse who are 80 unfortunate as to lie af flicted with Chronic diseases, raking Out, Runn,i.ng Sores, HuSikirs, Fem. Sof , es, (Treys, Salt- Rheurk, Prickly trot, Sore fired. Sore Ey es , Bad Legs; Sores in the Nose or ;youth, Canker ; Boils, Blotches, nrysipelos, Bad Coughs, Swollen . Paris, will suffor-inereas . ed agonies from these diseases,,duiing thissiek c ircle, unless the Blood is cleansed from ,its Humors, and the system renovated of its impurities, by.RatlWay's Reno. rating Resolvent. This Remedy is a quiet: cure for the above-named diseases• and it is the only known remedy that will completely eradicate from the-system diseases inherited. he- constitu tional transmission, Prisons . afflicted with Scrofula. Fits, SyphitiS, of any Cli'ronte dipease, Will be effectually cured, if Riawayss Ilene ng kesoleent is nied. PREPARE TO RESIST THE PESTILENCE. A great number of those et ho din frorolsesti. lential diseases are iluddenly sisi-ted in the night, or when they least expect an :mark, and„,there fore yriprefiated to resist the 11;4 attneks of their . deadly foe. It is, therefore, of the greatest im portance to those who whether to- live through an attack of this kind,. whether Cholera, Yellow Fever, Sup Stroke, Congestions, or Brain-Fever, to have hiiiliiray's Ready-Relief a nd Regulators ready - to use at any mectient. These Remedies, taken when you feel unwell or in pain—either niiifit oixiolent—will instantly check aOkstop the progreis of the disenieoctil deliVer you from further harp. Let ovary Hausekeeper, Planter, Farnier,6k.pnlaster,ana,io fnet,all hayinff chart's) of Others. keep a supply, of Radway's Ready e -lie r, Regulators, and Reitoltionts in -their houses. A SICKLY iSASOII IS FAST A FPRl4ClLllSq—Dittelkset; of the-mossCtUiribleid fatal character will pie, vail;-kint.rith these Remedies at hand, you may rest secure, , There are`nb remedies known to Physicians that the public, as.a,generatrule,san rely upon, in: - the succeieful trestrne,nt of infectious and malarious diseases. Ridufai's Ready Relief, or Regulators;.as cu r atives and prCventivekagainat Attie* pf infeetions and rneflgriant Fevers, are fised.heta. R. R. R. Remedies are sold by Druggists and Merchants everywhere, IrADWAY di , 00..162 Fulton st., N.Y. Sold by A. TURRELL, and R. THAYER. Montrose, July 7th,-3m. (Iy,orpl.N ...AU • wen*la miff.rato: to:a g_ood -soil. and fine. maiketfiee - Hamm/312t0n 14inds.. • • : . I NOTICE': A LL N.raolls,-are . lberi§y-cpiaj, ~CIL 110414,0 14 ior JOHN REAR I as 1 "wit 'pay o debts of 'lO crin 1 tni'datc -.' .. MICHAEL R I i yoropieLnke Nor. Ist; 11358.-"-' . - 7- • . - • ' .. .CAU wise, A tmrp A.,.b,y ) napie. boird witht.::l ; any lamt a n . . notify all persiana, that I / y4llpay herreontractipit , aiirisi Cam•ihid STEPtf Dintrick, 18thjii854.-4w,- 1 1 1 Notice is. loiretiy ven the!..:- : parstutoc., of the .tat c£ id)ly,„ ; the-fotla p nena persons, ha their pe\ itiot „ the Clerk of prt of. Quartet- ione - of the Pence ctper!t_of Susctu ennn , fo'r ,tit k rplevernsln said co Qty. 1 41110;,, . "ins.; iran-03istts* - - 530.• M. Day. 8.. .E, C}erk. Mot tem), Oet 2 . 51 /858.7.4 igi .::••:• s • yße' ÜBLIC suns coniis, ister's 'N9tio ~ ITICE: is hereby gi , ..:v 14 iia the fiAl c owni • Estate of ' . Cr. •ii.Albil; ii e 'of. giadira Depot, decd, '.' N. lEirnith, -- AdriyiniqiTator. • &t a b, of Av3l, BROMI - .EY; -- : ; •hate.o.l' 'tusk dee'd, Hiram eiegawell,..Adm'ril :' , 1..... .'. -• ' ji l t Estate ot - IFSSE.A. 'PATCH, 1 I.dre, deed, ,1.1 Patch, Adrier: , Estate of . ()BERT. p. V.A.,X Franklin, deq'd A: t'i . I.:UCE. Adte Estate tit' HN "BMW, fate ol dee% Theii.l4 aliobein ind Simnel cuter* :option and it id con ATIIER. That the 'nc.! counts in the County of Sus• be presented Court of said to's. i!nrinakiti. 1148 ' uuse is Re'estor's Montrone. OA NOTICE". .trirt,tilp,heretexfore rrue of .Diekerman, iudby mutual gouger if the, late firm are for collection. DICKER: • HORATIO'd., New Milforci, Jung 10th, 1858; I . - The hu,iinols• . ccittitinec itand by the fintiseribei, who will old friiirls; atl.an many.l maybe disposid to favor him with hereafter. J. DICKEI New Milfnra. June 10th. 1858., PrHE copal der the n this day &Wadi and acconnts - Garrutt's hand (.2 t.. 111 BM Alt I N ' .... A 'MANTIC 1 . 4; .. . tI.APII. 0 Reveived unit: da;',alat 0: foe inch : Bey t i on i of the. Stitenitrfne Atiantie Telegr ph Calk ; -- [ti.arranted geriuine] Call, or ben jour ordere soon, for the skipply is limited. ricntAi..qAtis.L.A li'atr J 1L),N:.2A1A , ,, , , - . arid 4'rintets iiibt Ft Pl) AT'E KNIVES:—Ati9tI;e: Plated Table and 'fleas:tit from the m00.a.,e r i0,..-, br . • ' • EVANti. N'.2 Odd - Pi: 4th; 1858; 011 E. H-Gll T. - /lNew Pop p v thove supe t tior AS LAMPS aud BURNERjubt ,aud for • I of humanity, a nd one entirelyfritel and other deleterious partielCh, W 1 14 • unti!i 4il 4 . 11 powerful tneu:cine wa -the World.; flo)loway's li3Yaluable. come if re flobseliiild Remedy Thi& tittr-lb:itis to Prevent,as they attack tit radix root of the rat:am:Mg the: hidden cause of dis au) anti reitord the drooping energ' teJp, assi-tinglnaturtt in her task Furs tiore•ry -Reformation.; , Ittyttri•st-ta. Th gir et i szecrge.,pf this tent:it:cat ;,:ells quickly to a etl,dlrSl..ti . tciltese antiseptic:Pills, mod the tligeiiii , Y tk, gans are rtslortni , le their proper ten e -, no iiiti.f dr in what hideous shape this. hy dra_ ot disinise exhibits itself, th;s seateltitV, Ind ' ,n:r • Ting J - ru, inni.i.y disperses it `rein the patitties . • iielQlll/1/IVbilti vs - itnit,m; 't.tctsess.. Firlint v.-hate 'er cause, /. , .11: ness:of Spirits, and - all other signsktf a disepsed licer..in'el oth..riit.- ori ' anizatiikns Of the sfstetn, vanish under the eradicatingiicatino: intilioneo - of tills alt "puwvrtul anti sep.ie and ' dettirgent rented v. It!iliouis pis:sad:l . : • The-proper eantuut and right c ntlition of the. hileis of . mop I:ntniiit, initfortaners t q the health, / of the h u man rattle, this Anti-Bilious :rredivi; expels the hiflden seeds of the ''omplaint, Mid renders alt the fluids•and reereti ns putt+ .. arid fluent, eleansi rig and vesuseitaling the vital tone- Lions of the bi.idv, .. ~ . ‘ , • - .. lt•tc hi yFr runsiJett; - Sl io rid• 1,„, 5 T• lio tiine in trying: this rest IsLitillauti renovating r e . may ho Bit& ttinplatti.t,. it • ean satoty itfall peilodiv.4 antinthor tl" Its effects is albu t maritettions. g n re fitted frost The . testim,l ny of nationis is hprue to the *althlgiving virtue remedy, and et:it:titivates in every I , beat wit 'ln.'s td ... the Undettl.afrieti . trlnsia Ny,irth.l ~ fialivuta I's . i'l ' 1 at t; ille,bist-reme , :00414 pi: f i l e ?q,!inwing riii x,. Asthma. I); triliceit, lbflueeza, 'Bowel Com-I.)6•psy, : li.dant'ati plaints, Ihfl , il.ty, li.w..rd Conolis; nicer : . . 11(1 ‘VOZlki:ell Colds, Vie, •!.I•eff Cheat Pls. te - 0 1 ; i O" - Pl'ii" . : , Paces,..Colinplaints,t,owness I Cestiyeness,llLfilditelfcii, Spi r its, Dyspepsia; In igeeition, ('ilea; - pe..-.f..-ou'r 0N!....--KoSit are i i the Words "/1 I:iCaY,..Neirs- }Turk are Aiscernitil ,as.a, Waxer-mark ,of .it;'e Vook e l f directions cretin , box,;- the sitmemay he plainly -se' IlLe leaf to the li ght. A hsndsttlo . given to any one reareritig aura I' may lead 5.n,f14 acleet ion of soy, • ' connieh - e;ting 'he medfOjties,or ve -knoiving tire 0_ he ipurions. ; ' • o-i Sold at thit Mann,fac,torie , f tioLt.6*AY,Bo Maiden Lane, No all'reiiiestable. ruguistA sad J cineAhronaboa thelinitefl States ized world, intaxes 25 cents, . B 3 each.• • . . • - tar' ThSi,e' s'conaiderable ttavl ilt thefarger ajtel. . , '... , . . , 'WTl...Directions for the gnid: in every disordOr are .iffixed to e Juno3d,.lBoB.—ly. All wantin; ornlftitte to nod \ soil.pnd, to mot ot, Ono ad Ifatilionto4 nd4: ild-elimato rtiiiitnent of 0 .4. / y 0 q 4/ Pipield ON ior n / iiirtor , , s Al rdc in t taftrr IA N. .* - • :-.i., , .. . t aly Ei4dpd '...1 bebbsl ~ 4i:dte4ta of itlaw: ', -Xlitt2C.. 'r!,t.rt,sit Per: E4ft-, tc to of Port BEM Spline{le. tio- led their .B and for the he. same wi a he Orphans' : Velrilbigi 18: on:it:inn; hare sett ! R.gister's Offiee,ll ci o ushanna, and that 1 o. the Judges of Unkr,or , Frh4y, No T ,,and allOvusfr;e. . i.. liegist n r iArtitißEAL office; 25th,t858.. esi~ting an & Gansu is G.,l'll.lkotes is oratiti " ARA/v. dt thu 014 b°. I MPS tri Of .unes.nr. u ve:4. Moro ' MO, .t, of, Coral gavolco tzf five., dtreet - ALLEN _K . poi from mineral severely felt ushered into l'ills hare 1;o -all nation& j ell as to Core; lomplaiht, and *6 reinvigur ea of the s'4. I a? Vital and i foa• doses of edy, whatever taken - with orgratizations. unanimously of this noble wins Isis of the l yktiozen in the air.: • Sion n,Cra ,e • Siwodirjr SffiliStums, Vewereal s, Affeetions c t Worms - all kitidsi: 'amine unitaa and ,Loqrsr." ire ! evry. leaf each pot ur, 1 .11, by. kokling Awar4,will tar jrroation as ; rV-_„ 0 .k . 4 0 4 1 4* ing tbeisams. othonassor York an ii *elk tbs civil. tents and $1 ng by ta~iij • r csasJiwi b box. [29,eow,W milerertmito. rtisement'of