A Rat in the Cara A Fat lirsmtaa. in ,`Trouble.—A day or two since, just after. the - express Bain telt Stanford, wbete it had been delayed :a few minitei, to *ood and water, a rat ran from one cornerof the car amidst the feet of the passengers: As :soon as it. was known that. there Was wvat on the floc* of the: car, con sicleritide citement took place - atnoag the littlies;tand - crinoline took a sudden rise. The passengers struck at the rat as he dodged from one side to the.otber, with their umbrel las_and canes, ,but witimut effect-.-the „old --raTtsucc.essfully avoided all: the kicks - and thrusts, and' disappeared wider the seat .of ‘ a fat womap, irchofiat, on one end of the car,' half asleep. A 'committee . of one' self•ap po!nted,backed !Ry bait a dozen lull grown boys:* suggested it h the fat lady the proprie ty of rising to enable them to find the rat. No*, it is no easy matter fora two -hun dred and fifty pcittnder,- encumbered by a huge mass of crin&ine, . to:riee at a moment's notice ; ' therefore,' the declined. She was -duly informed of the state of affairs .and , of the critical position which she, occupied in the eyes of the public., Again she refused- - like certain distinguished politicians, she .„ seemed determined to maintain her position, till a b;older and more comprehensive plat formikas available. Various suggestions as to the rat's whereabouts were made by `the boys,' in audible whispers, which made the Cat' woman • - Blush like a tall blown rose, _ and to get her eyes open; Many of-the pas, iengers seemed to have an idea of theirown, which -was quite. ainniing—lips were cam. fwessed--ebeek - s expanded---teeth, worth from twenty-five dollars to untold fortunes, were exhibited— s. _ There was a silence deep as death, . And the boldest held his breath For a, lilac. , • But that time was_ decidedly short, for at this point, the lady in question gave a toll which made the car fairly groan, one or two .spasmodic kickS, and the two huollred and fifty; pounder shot out of her seat like a sky rocket, upsetting babies and bandboxes, crushing crinoline andsbeavers, landing about six feet from her seat, upon a little old man, whom she -nearly smOthered,besides knocking °Whig , wig. and otherwise disairanging his toiletupon which he remarked to himself, that she had better 'simmer down' and join the circtri. After vigorously shaking. her dress, amidst the langhter of the passengers, - she regained, her seat, and the huge mass of crinoline commenced to'sdttle to its proper 'place and quiet once more restored; when 'the boys,' whose mirthfulness must be somewhat largely - developed, burst out into a 'horse laugh.' The effect was like a. spark - in a magazine, the whole car exploded, and'. the - fat woman.joined_in and laughed as heartily ai the merriest. Her jolly old sides shook op and (1-4-n aftd the car springs vibrated, keep ing exant UFO. But what ,became of the -.iat is a qu'estion:—Liartford Times. _ • -.Qctrarkol, i s- gcrazEnr—A professional gen 'ileman of/ our acquaintance has banging in his room - a' fine large colored engraving of 114 bead of a quadruped, vulgarly-known as a jackass. rot long since a friend of his dtepped in,,and stopping before the picture, gazed intently upon it for a few moments, and then sung out abruptly, and as.he imagined t very wittily : "Hallo, doctor, is that your portrait-!" • "Oh, no," replied the doctor cooly, "that's -simply a looking glais:" • The anxious iNnlrer suddenly discovered that he liad some bu,iness down _the street, and departed. . - DENTAL NOTIQE • DR. GIFFORD has located himself in litintrose forthe purpose of carrying on the DENTAL Prt.orrict_in ail itsliranches. lie is, now ready to attend to all calls in his profession . with promptness, and will endeavor to give entire satisfaitian. _All operations s WAßkASTED. Office .2arith Dr. Drams. Sept. l sth, 1558.--t£ - BARN DOOR HANGINGS, • Patent, Eelf-ndjusting Rollers rirlHE best and most perfect article id use 1 Every man should trv..them. - • s 'S. H. SAI RE & BROS. August 16th; 1858. J. • WIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE! THE original ONE PRICE and READY-PAT Store of New Milford; „. HAYDEN' BROTHERS, The Peoplei Agents, are now receiv ing a, large Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goode, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats -and Caps, Wall and Window Paper, Wooden Wire, Forks, Hoes, Flour and Salt—by the.barrel.or load,—Yankee Notions, Jewelry andWatches,-- wholesale and retail; at prices that would as tonish those not posted in the ready, -pay_busi ness. • • We nave nothing to do witiOld Fogyism,— be has "' gone in"—bas vamoosed without; a groan or kick, and the last seen of him he was holding on to the tail of "Hard Times," - and he 'grinned a ghastly smile as he passed lii'sQr.n FziEnts. - • Our Motto nod Let Live. ONE PRICE ONLY ! Can't be beat down: NO CHARGE FOR SHOWING GOODS! Every Article Warranted as Represented We thank our friends and enstoment for their liberal patronage in times past, and we hope by strict attention to business, to mew a contin uance of the same. HAYDEN BROTHERS. New M ilford. May t at, RIGHLY IMPORTANT lifliRMIT I 11 I ' To AU Gentlemen who Wear Clothes. T HAVE recently made arrangetnents, - at siderab expense, for doing work in the • Tailoring Business on very abort notice, in - a neat, durable, and lash iooable - manner, and at reduced price's. ' 1 will furnish garments to order, if desitted," or render the customer nhatever assistance he may - need , in selecting materials of the beat quality, and at the lbwest rnarketprices. - All -my work will be warranted as to fit, fin ial' and durability. No customer need take his work from the shop unrest( it suits him, Being permanently, and exclusively engaged in this business, it-shall be my great aim to please the puhlic, and thus secure their patronage. _ Montrose. June Ist 1858., • 22tf. Farm Lands for sale 25 milieu trine Phibidelphia by Railroad in the State of New 'Jersey. Soil amongst the best for Agricultural purposes, being a good loam soil, with a clay bottom. The land is a large tract, divided into small farms, and hundreds from all parts of the country are now settlingand building. The crops , can be seen growing. Terms fromsls to e'3o peraere, payable within four yearsby instalments. To vita the place;L—Leave Vine Street . Wharfat Philadelphia at 7.30, a. m.. 14 Railroad for Run.- montgn,-or address R. J. Byrnes, by letter.' See foßadvertisetnettt in another epl um n. {sopa —am. 40 THE SNEEZING PUBLIC. 'Darito's Celebrated:Catarrh muff, N 121(ZeiLLIBLE FOR BALL fY :Montrose; - S. D. TOMPKINS, Brooklyn : - To all wanting Farms, ape adve Win IL THAYER. Dimork. Hammonton Lands. HI L ADEL PH ****** * * • * * GIFTS. GIFTS. GU SPLENDID Glawir - S 439 CRESTNUT - ME ' zas 02iLT OiLiGINAL GIFT. BOOK el G. EVANS we'd inform his frien anelhe Us public that his-Star Gift Book Store and Pirklishing House is permanently estab?red in Brown's splendid Iron Building , : 439 Chestnut Street, two doors below Fifth, Where the pur chaser of each book, at the regular rethil price, will receive one of the fullewhir t gifts} - valued from-25 tents to 1000 W. rtb each, 550'Patent Engl. Lever Gold Watches, $lOO.OO 550 Pat't. Anchor. " - " 50_00 400-Ladies Gold Witches,lBk. cases, 35.00 600 Silv. Hunt. Watches, warranted, 15.00 500:Parini' Timepieces, - 10.00 500 Cameo Sets, Ear DroPs and Pin. , 10.00 500 Ladies' Geld Bracelets, 5.00 to 12.00 500 Gents' VeSt and Feb Chaos; 10.00 1000 Gold Lockets,(large siss,dhl.case,) - 10.00 2000 " A (small size,) 3.00 1000 Gold Pencil Cases,with Gold Pens; 5.00 1900 Extra G.Pens,with - cases4-holders, 3.50 2500 Gold Pencils; (Ladies'), - - 2.00 2500 Gold Pens with Silver Pencils, 2.50 2500 Lad's'G. Pens,with cases& hol dere, 1.50 6500 Gold Rings, (Ladies',) - 1.00 2000 Gents' Gold Rings, - - 2.50 2500 Ladies' Gold Breastpins, - 2.50 3500 Misses' " • " - • - .1.50 3000 Pocket Knives, - • - 1.00- 2000 Sets GenteGold Bosom Studs, 2.30 2000 " " Sleeve Buttons, 2;00 2000 Pairs of Ladies' Ear Drops, 2.50 8000 Ladies' Pearl Card Cases,' - 5.00 15000 Ladies'Cameo,Jet,or Mosaic Pins, 5.00 2500 Ladies Shawl said Ribbon Pins, 1.50 5000 Articles of. Gold Jewelry, Gift Rooks, &c., not enumerated in the above, worth from - 25 cents to $25. , Evans' new Catalogue , whichis sent free to ail parts 'or the country, contains all the most popular books of the day, and the newest publi cations, all of which will be sold as low as can be _obtained at-erther stores. • Agents wanted.in every town of the Union. Those desiringso to act, can obtain_ full partic ulars:by addressing the above. N.B.L—Being largely interested in publishing books,and buying from other publishers immense quantities, for cash, I am enabled to make larger discounts to Country Agents and Bookpealers than•cna be had at any other house in the countrY. Any book published in the United r ltates, the retail price of which 41 or upwa s, will be promply sent, Gift included, on receipt of pub- Ushers price. An extra $1 Book andrGift giVen t son ordering ten books to be sent dres, Sent Tor n Catalogne. Address,- G. G. EVANS, Pubi 439 Chestnut St atig.26,3m.) • FANCY FOR LADIES AND CHILD JOHN FAREIRA & Co, No. 818 Market-at, above Bth, Philad'a. Manufacturers and Dealers in FAN for Ladies and Children; also; Gent's Collars and Gloves. The number of we have been engaged in the Far bu the general character of our Furs, bet ity and-price is so generally known the Country, that we think it'is not n ns to say anything more than that we' opened our assortment ofTUR,S, for Winter Sales:, of _the largest and mos I assortment that we have over offered the public. Our Furs have all bee. during the present season, when • .. scarce and Furs much lower than a t t t time : and have' been manufactured hi" competent workmen ; we -are there i mined to sell them at such prices as wi to giye_ us the reputation we have years, that is to sell a good article small prof!. • Storekeepers will do well to give us they will find' the largest assortmen select from • in the city, and at man, prices. JOHN FAREMA No. 818 Market Street, above Bth, Phia September 15th, 1858.-4 m. has received during the last Fifteen years more Medals than any other mak from the Franklin Institute—:also, First Premi ms Bos ton, New York, and Baltimore. • * * *Warerooms No. 722 ARCH Street, below Eighth, south side, PHILADELPMA. September 9th, jw. • "?Wick Darkness covers the And Gross Darkness the Pe COUNTRY MERCK And all Others will take ' THAT they, can supply themselT quantities with _ tr Jones' Far FamedPat i s NON . EXPLOSIVE KEROSENE OIL LAMPS, At the Wholesale and Retail HEAD l 38. South SECOND Street; —_,-- : :. • PHILADELPHIA. Th.§ only place where exclusive A be obtained for the States of Pennsy Jetsey s and Delaware. These Lamps give a light equal of flame, and similar in appearance . are claimed to • be superior to all oth li t et.s, now in use. No fear of End c nsive odor.—No smoke—Very e As easily - regulated as _Gas be adapted to all purposes—And be ford poor mari.-50 per cent ,chea other portable light, now in common SOLE AGENCY ALSO, FOE Enapp's Patent Boris and Coal Fir Lamps, Oil; Wicks, Shade article in the line. S. , E.SOUTHLAN 0 No. 38 South SECOND STREET, September; 9th,lBsB.—tfjw3. • FARMERS,. ATTENT' The heekeurtiele In the werldi WHEAT Is LEINAU'S SUPER PHOSPHA of LIME, at $4O per ton, or 21-4 eta, a lb., by the barrel. AA NALYSED 3. RECOMMEND WHEAT and GRAIN Crop , by Professor CHAS. T. JACK SO , Chemist of the United States Pate t Office, Washington, D. C. It will , repay the outlay.so to 100 r will not burn the sea by contact, 1i Try-it-Prove it. . G. A. ,No. 91 South Front at., Phils Or myt Agents, throughout,the co ANstvers can be seen of my i mailed with the order, will reeerve p tion.. A liberal discount to Storek buy to sell again, Pamphlets can be had at'my Office .314 29‘ 1 808 r 3m, IF. - .Jl4l warding to emigrate to a' tal i fi oo,a o oi n l i zd fine market, ALT adve 4O // lA. lIION CITY COIIiLiIiEIIiCOLIL COLLEGE. PITTSBURG, Pi... CataarEnED,lBss. 300 Students attiOng January, 1858. NOW the largestand moat thorough Commer cial School of Sul United States. Young men prepared -for actual duties-of the-Counting Room. , J. C. Sierra, A. M 4 Prof. of Book-keeping and Scientific Accounta. - A. T. Dorzwarr, Teacher of Arithmetic and Commercial Calculation. ' - J. A. HEYDRICY and W. C. Jamares,Teacher of Book-keeping. I A. COWLEY and W. A. M . " T TT, PrOfiL of Penn. manship. BINDLE AND DOCTELSIENTRYOOE-WEEPINO As used in every de of basi ns COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC—RAPID BC- • SENESS WRITING—. DETECTING COUNTERFEIT MONEY— MERCANTILE CORRESPONDKNCE 7 — COMMERCIAL LAW— - Are taught and all other - subjects necessary for the success and thorreh education of practi cal business man. I 12 PREMIUMS. Drawn. all the Promibms in Pittsburg for the past three years, also (in Easternand 'Western Cities, for *vat Writing. - NOT ENGRAVED WORE. .11:11PORTALST INFORMATION. ' Students enter at anyilme—No vacation—Time unlimited—Review at Oleasure—Graduates as sisted to obtain situations—Tuition for full COM. mercial Course, s3s.oo—AverapNime 8 to 12 weeks—Board, $2,501 per week—Stationery, . s6,oo—Entlre cost, $60,00 to $70,00. - Or Minister's sons received at half price. For Card—Circular—Specimens of Business and Ornamental Writing—inclose two stamps, and address F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburg, Pa. September 9th, 18 4-3 m - ( y,cq,*,w EAR AND EYE. Deafness, Total or Partial Entirely Removed! "lr‘R. H. ENWOOD,Ibegs to call the attention 1., of those suffering' l. under a partial or total loss of the sense of hearing to the following facts: He treats diseases of the middle and internal ear with medicated douches, such as is practised in the Infirmaries of Berlin, Leipsic, Brussels, and St. 'Petersburg; imd lately by the most distin -1 guisheifLondon Auris s, with the most wonder ful success; indeed, it is the only method that has been universally successful. Tho best proof of /he efficacy of this treat ment Will be a referee e to nearly nine hundred names, residents of the United States, Canada, Now Brunswick and Neva Scotia, who have been restored to acute - healing and not a single soli: tary case, to our knowledge, did we fail to effect either a partial or total restoration of the bear ing when our advice and instructions were faith fully adheared to. - Many who could.not bear the report of a pistol at aim's length, can now hear a_ watch beat at the distance of four feet. In the case of mucus accumnlaticin to the Eustachian Tube' and . Tympan, i s aflaminrtion of- the mucus membrane, mervous .affections, diseases of the membrane tympani, celled "the drum," or when the disease can be traced to the effects of fevers or colds, the use of qehiine or mercurial medi cines, gatherings in the ears in childhood, &e., this treatment stands! pre-eminent. When the auditory canal is dry and scaly, with little or no secretion -, when the deafness is accompanied - by noise in the ear, like filling water, chirping of insects, ringing of bells, rustling of leaves, con tinual pulsations, a discharge of matter; or when in stopping a sensation is felt as if a rush of blood to the head had taken- place, when the hearing is less acute in dull cloudy weather, or when cold has been 14811, MIS - we:thud er 4.... t• ing the disease is inf;lible. In deaf and dumb cases, my experience arrants me in saying that if the hearing was good at any time; much can be accomplished. In the deaf and, dumb schools at Leipsic, out of a class of 14, I succeeded in restoring tour to acute hearing. Dr. E. begs explicitly to stater that in those cases he uneertales, he guarantees a successful result—complete restoration of the sense, or such a marked improvemeutl as will be perfectly satis factory, if his remedies are faithfully applied and the directions adhered to. Applicants will pleae state their age, duration or the disease, if matter issues from the external passage, if there aro any noises in the ears;, state of general health, and what they suppose to have. been the cause of the deafness. W hen the hearing is restored, it is expected that these in easy circumstances will contribute liberallY. any per. o one ad: taller, . Philada ow no.)•— mporters, , Y FURS, Furs, Fur years_that iness, and' for qual ; roughont ' essary for have now ran ac beautiful before to Imported l oney was e present the most ore -deter ! continue borne for or a very a call, as by far to . facture& I CO., dolphin. 1 . I s P- - - Medal All Diseases of the Eye Successfully treated bithe'application of MEDI CATED VAPORS, an infallible treatment for diseases of the EYE, agate or ehronis,— Cataract; Specks, Inflammation, Film and Weak nese, of vision, Granullition of the Lids. Ulcera tion of the Lachrymal Glands, &c.. To the astonishing and gratifying effects of this treat ment, the child, the y uth, those of mature age, as well as those far advanced in life, all bear testimony to the wonderfully renovating, healing and soothing effects. * * *Consultation fee l s, Five Dollars. or" Er. E'n. Work on dinennen- of the Eye, the Nature and Tr'patment of Deafness, and Treatment of the DeSf and Dumb'—illustrated with steel plates— price $lO. Money lettors must ibe registered by the post master. i • Correspondents must enclose postage. Medicines, Appazatts, &c., sent to any pail at my expense and risk. Address, , DR. IL EN WOOD, Sr., Brooklyn, New York. .:nda con e for )n in A New and Important Discovery in its Treatment, IN which the use of Ifypophospites of - Lithe, &c., bare been found to be moat efficacious, i almost surpassing be ief. Except where actual lesion of the lungs e ists, this treatment is suc cessful even in the third stage.—The under signed is the only Physician in the United States conversant with this practice.—l have also re course to I' le." - NTS, es in any •nt - or COAL Inhalation in Constuription• Bronchitis, Laryngiti c ; and other diiseasas of the Chest and Throat, successfully treated by the inhalation of Medicated Vapors and Powders by absorption and lonstitutional treatment. The unprecedentedianc.cess which has attended this method of treating diseases of the Lungs and Throat, has induced the physicians to depart from their usual course,and avail themselves of the columns of the press to make it known to such as may be laboring under, or predisposed to, such affection& Tke dawning of a brighter day has at tenth arrived 1 for the consumptive; the doctrine of the incurability of consumption has now passed away. , •Ve have induitable proof in our possession, that consumption in all. its stages can be cured; in the first, kr the tuber cider abiorption; in i the second, by the trans formation of tubercale into chalky and calcerona concretions; in the third, by cicatraces or scan. Those wedded to thtkopinions of the past may assert that it is even now incurable; such are behind the age. To ell persons, then, this great truth must 14 apparent; viz: that medicines in haled directly into the lunge, whether in the form of vapor or powder, must be more effectual than that taken into the stomach. In short, the only Ark of refuge fed- the consumptive, is inha lation, and such additional means, of which the judicious physician will avail himself. , Such of the profeidoti as have - adopted inha lation have found it soothing and efficacious in tbe highest degree-; arresting the progress of the diseases, and working wonders in many des. perste eases; in verity a triumph of oarart over this fell destroyer, of par species. NoTE.—Physicimult wishing to make them selves acquainted with Ibis practice, are informed that our time being valuable, we can only reply, as to the ingredien' tuted,• to such letters as contain a fee. - • - _ The fees in all ca of consumption will be L 810; on receipt of Which the necessary medi cines and instruments will be forwarded. Ap plicants will please state age, sex, occupation, married . or stngle, thow long -affected, if any hereditary disease e*st in the family, and symp. tolna generally, Let - the name of the town, county and State 14 plainly . written. Postage for return answers must be eadotred. Letters, if registered by the Postmasterlare at onr risk. ' 1 H. EN WOOD, MAX, . oct-ti , 1 - Brooklyn, New York. lial encies,6n vania, New n intensity and ser portable osion —No -ily trimm "ght.—Can ter than all r thin any !use. - Lamp. and every ll ;Agent. ' ' :me. • ON, rtraisLug_ a cent,. and ,e Guano. aielphia, Pa. Gutty.. Ice. Cash =platten epera who G. A.•.L. I 7. , moat of semett of CONSVMPTION. S. H. SANRE & Buomotratts .APE NOV RECEIVING v oily of 4 4 tikp 'V P SPRING' Sinilni.Eß•VrO OD 4 S: WHICH for author Produee can be bought very low. • - 'tIITALL PAI'ER. A 'select Aasortment just • V received. , S. H. MYRE & BROTHERS. CARPETING.. Bargains offered by 11. SAYRE & „BROTHERS. PLOWS!, PLOWS!! LOWS. We invite the attention of Farmers P to the celebrated Peekakille Plows which we have added to our large assortment. S.V. SAYRE At BROTHERS, Propidetors * of ,Eagle Foundry. Montrose, April 29th, 1858. lBtf. -STOVES! STOVES!! STOVES I I ! OR Stoves hero been so thoroughlly tried ' tothe entire satisfaction of all, that they need no recommendsfrom us. S. H. Savrtz & Bnomairs. Goo® I? 01? E% AIL QfifFTP,EMO,D a ' AT THE HEAD AND examine the choice Mock of Spring and Summer Goods, just opened for Examination and SALE, at rerytosnfigures by C. W. MOTT. STELLA, Cashmere, aid BeLAM Shawls :at very low prices by C. W. MOTT., . HATS And Caps of the newest styles, in - great variety by C. W. MOTT pRINTS in abundance by C. W. MOTT lIRASE Hoops, hosiery, Gloves, Bette etc., etc., by C. W. MOTT. 'DROWN and Blue Sheeting and Sh*rtings— LP Shirting Stripes, Ticks, Denims, Summer Stuffs, &c., &c., as low as cal c le allbrdodivrthis market. C. W. MOTT. GROCERIES, Crockery, Hardware and various other articles to numerous tu men. tion,—all of which shall be sold Cheap.for Cash or Ready Pay. - , C. W. MOTT. flLOTll9,CasSimers and Vcstings, very de air,ablo styles, at prices that cannot fail to suit, Call and be convinced. C. W. MITT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVER THAT ABEL TURRELL Hts4o.Batn ci returned o v f a ro rie m t - y N o e f w c Y oo or d lt s: r b o i u th gh a t for CASH, and selected with much care, from over. thir ty of the best Houses in New York which' he offers to his customers and the public at low prices for cash. His stock comprises: DRUGS, MEDICINES, HINTS, 0 I L WINDOW GLASS, DYE STUFFS, GROCERIES, GLASS—WARE, CROCKERY, MIRILOILS, CLOCKS - _W A L L PAP'ER,- WINDOW PAPER; WINHOW OIL SHADES, FANCY GOODS, MUSICAL INSTRUMEN,TS, JEWELRY, 'PERFUME.RT, DRY GOODS, HARD WARE, STONE WARE, WOODEN WARE, BROOMS,-_ BRUSHES., JAPANNED WARE, BIRD CAGES, CANARY SEED. - POCKET KNIVES, WHIPS,- • UMBRELLAS, . GUNS, PISTOLS, ' 6. • AMMUNITION, TURPENTINE, • C A MPII E N E, BURNING .F L U I D, ALCOHOL, LIQUOR-S, (ForMedkcinalPurraoses only TRUSSES, SUPPORTERS, SHOULDER BRACES, P.O R'T M 0 N A LE S, SPECTACLES, • SILVER & PLATED SPOONS, FORKS,&c., GOLD PENS, • ' STATIONERY, VIOLIN STRINGS,,BOWS, And all of the most pi:quint PATENT MEDICINES, Thankful- for theliberAl patronage hitherto re ceived, he hopes to merit a continuance and large increase of the same. • ABEL TURRELL. Montrose, Dec. Ist 1857. WM. B. SIMPSON, WITH REVAIRIE, , MONTROSE, PA. Shop in Boyd et Webeeer's new building, next door above Keeler d; Stoddard's. ifAVING worked for the pig nine years with the most skillful workmen, he feels confident that he can do the most difficult fobs on short notice. All pork Warranted to Give Satiifaetion. w. ,B, Strarsou has worked for me for some time, and I can recommend him as a careful and skilful workman, competent to do as good work as can be done in the country, and worthy of confidence. Wlll. A. CHAMERLIIII. Towanda June 10th, 1858. Refers to—Wm.Elwell, E. W. Baird, E. D. Montayne, E. O. Goodrich, It Kingsbury, Town: da ; B. S. Bentley, L. Searle, C. D. Lathrop, J. Wittenberg, Montrose. * * *Jewelry neatly repaired on short notice, and on reasonable terms. [June 18th, 1858.—tf. Salt salt I G(N EO. W. MANN, Wholesale Salt Dealer, 201 Washington Street, (directly opposite Washington Market,) still continues to offer to the city and coantry trade, all kinds of foreign coarse and fine salt, at the .very lowest figures; 40000 sacks and bags, careuisting - in part ofAsh ton's celebrated brand for table and" dairy use, Jeffrey & Darcy, Marshall's, Itrownlow's, &c.; and 50000 bushels Turks Island, Bonsres,Cu. races, St. U bee, Lisbon , Cadiz, Ivies, Neuter, dre., all of which will be sold it bargain prices from vessels, store and storehouses. Any purchaser wishing to select from a good assortment will find it to his Interest to call. " N. B.—Fine table salt put up in small bags, of different sizes, and constantly on laid in ship. ping order. Also a splendid *Mole of Rock Ground salt, inland boles; t put up and for sale by the quantity, in cases of Ore dozen each. New York, April Ist 11158.—ly* To_all wantiernums, see advertisement, of Hammonton Lands. To all wantiiiiranns, !ANT are rtiosesint rP liamoloulon Lando. 11:i Nit B. MeICEAN, TTORNEY and COUNSELLOR attAIN. .11 Office in the Union Block—Towanda, Dna, ford county. Pa. - kir Will attend promptly to all professional business' intrusteitto hiss, in this and adloiniug counties. • Be3'sBtf "HOME , DBo Tr. go DiPitiOno OFFICE, over Wilson's Store. LODGINGIS, SEAWLE 9 SHOTEi. Montrose, March 10th, 1858. T. 'BOYLE REPRESENTS A CAPITAL OF OVER • W6,000;0001 For Fire, Marine, Life, and Inland Insurance. ' ,Office, New Milford, pa. January 18th, 1858. Iy* Dr. H• Smith, & Son, Q URGEON DENTISTS. Residence and of -1..7•6ce opposite the Baptist Church (north side) kientrose. - Particular attention will be given to inserting teeth - on gold and silver plate, and to.filling decaying teeth. .January 10th, 1858. WM. W. SMITH, & Cabinet and Chair Idranniactur ers, foot of Main Street. MontrOa% Pa. ABEL TUBRELL, Mowirtost, PA. Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Cheniicals Dye glarffs, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes Window Glass, Groceries, Fancy Goods, Jew. elry, Perfumery, di.c. - -And Agent for, all khe moat popolarFatent Medicines. JOHN GROVES, Fashionable Tailor—Shop near the -Baptist Meeting House, on Turnpike Street. Montrose, Pa. , DR: B. THAYER, Physician and Surgeon, Montrose Pa. Office in the Farmer's Store. HAYDEN BROTHERS, New Milford, Penis's. holesale dealer in Buttons, Combs W -V V Suspebdets, Threads, Fancy Goods Watehes# Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Cut lery, Fishing Tackle, Cigars, &c. &c. Merchants and pedlars, supplied on libem terms. WM, HAYDEN, - TRACY HAYDEN JOHN HAY DEN, GEO. HAYDEN. DR. E. F. WILMOT, raduate of the AlloPath:c and HomesG pathic Colleges of Medicine, is now per. manently located in Great Bend Pa. April 21, 1856. - JOHN SAUTTER, Fashloaable Tailor. Shop first. doo north of the Farmer's Store. NEWTON & McCOLLITAL- Attorneys and Counsellor* at Law. Office on Public Avenue over 11. J. Webb's Store. - N. NEWTON. J. B. MCCOLLUM. , tAiIIEADIV 5110115321 FIRE 0 INSURANCE CO., YORK, Pa. Chartered by the State - of Pennsylvania CAPITAL, 300,000 DOLLARS. Insures against toss or damage by fire, on buil dings, furniture, and merchandise generally. For' Losses adjusted by arbitration, where the parties fait to agree. ail D. A. Dant; John Landes, H. Kraber, Frod. Sul tzback, William Wallace, Eli Kindig, Samuel Dyer, Thomas Gray, David Strickler. _. , H. KRABER, President, D. STRICKLER, Secretary. O.S.- BEEBE, Agent, Montrose, Pa February 2d, 1858. [ly* fitAIRIN Tr HE subscriber having purchased JL refitted and newly furnished the IS I I s above well known and popular Hotel, is prepared to accommodate the trav eling public and others with s all the attentions and conveniences usually found io first-class Houses. No effort will be spared by the. Pro prietor and his Assistants to make the Hotel equal in-every point to"any in the country. The Bar will always be supplied with the Choicest Liquors. The Stables, connected with. this House are large, roomy and convenient, and careful and attentive liostlera are always in charge of them. ' J. S. TARBELL. Montrose, May I ith, , l 858 REMOVAL. The Saddle, Harness and Trunk Shop of lA. T. rieOßEAtau Is REMOVED to the building recently occi pied C. C. Hollister, on Main St., one , door above S. S. Mott's, where he wilt be happy to welt on all.who may favor him with their patio& • - age. Jan. 20th, 1858.—tc. antirt cited • •.111111)....: , 'NEW ARRANGEMENTS _ At the Old-Stand of Lathrop & Co LATHROP & DeWITT 'DEG leave to announce to the public in. gen eral that they are now opening one of the largest &rocas of MERCR.IINDISE ever - offered in Montrose. Comprising Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard-Ware, Crockery, de.c., tec., &c., which they propose to sell at the LOWEST Casa PRICES. Those are re,a4l Facts. We wish to demonstrate to the public the difference betikeen buying Goods for CASK and. oa Teets. - LATHROP & DEWITT. Montrose, April 26th, 1858. Patent Medicines, &c. AFFLICTED READ Gnernnannao Matuctszs.-=-Vegetable Pills .- Green Mountain Ointment, Sarsaparilla Compound, Children's Panacea, Eye Lotion, Fe. ver and Ague Remedy, Health _Bitters, Dmn. Lary Syrup, Con'somptive's Balm, Marshall's Uterine, Catholicon, Dr. Libby's Pile Ointment, and Manual of Health. •Ayre's Pills and Cherry Pectoral, Tanner's German Ointment, Trash's Magnetic Ointment, Holloway's Ointment and Pills, Davis' Pain Killer, Dr. Fitch'a Heart Corrector, Bennett's Root 4nd Plant Pills, Sonle's Sovereign Balm, Wright's Ind ianVegetable Pi Ils; Rhode's Fever and Agne Cure, Merchant's Gargling Oil, Arni. ca Liniment, Camphor, Cantor Oil, Paregoric, Aloes, Pieera, Myrrh, Licorice, &e., &c., &e. A new supply just received,to be keptconstant. I ly on hand, for sale by I. N. BULLARD: October, Ist, 1856. The Hammonton Farmer, a news. paper, devoted to Literature and Agriculture,, also setting forth full accounts of the new settle ment of Hammonton,in New Jersey, can be sub scribed for at 0n1y.25 etc. per annum. Inclose postage stamps for the amount. Ad. dress to Editor of the Fanner, Hammonton, At. 'antic Co., New Jersey. -Those wishing cheap huid, of the best quality, in one of the healthiest and most delightful elimates in the Union, see advertisement of Hammonton Lands. [sep.l-3m ZNEW GOMM:: --k. T--- H. J. WEBB'S. MONTROSE, APRIL, 30th 1858. &Fiji ZE.FOR EVERY BODY; _ -s, wso SllDScltlar.g FOR THE Sebi-fork atuitti fres: A 11 eAu 'WILLY Z:ll:lCreTnATIli ELMILY KWErilffiL TLIE NEW-YORK • WEEKLY PRESS IS ' one of thibeet literary _papers of the day . A large Quarto containing T . wenty 'Pages, Or .ixty Colsions, of entertaining matter; and Ele gently Illustrated every week. . • . A Gift worth froth 50 cents to 81000 will be sent, to each subscriber on the receipt of the sub scription money.. - fILOVAKE: • &weepy for - one year, and i gift. $2. Three copes one year, and 3 Oita 5. Five copies ono year, and 5 gifts . . 8. . Ten copses on, year, and , 10 gifts . . . 15. 1 Twenty-one copies one yearlong! 21 gifts 30. The articles to be distributed are cod prised in the following list:-- • 1 United States Treasure, Note $lOOO. 2' do " do do 500 each. 5 do - do do 200 each. 10 do do do 140 each. 10 Pat. Lev. Iluncg Cased Watches 100 each. 26 Gold Watches - . '75 each. 50 do - 60 each. 100 'do - - 50'each. 100 Ladies Gold Watches - 35 each. 200 Silver Hunting Cased Watches 30 each. 500 do Watches . - $l5 to 25 each. 000 Gold thiard,' Vest and Folt Chains 10 to 30. do do Pens-and Pencils - - sto 15 each. Gold Lockets; Bracelets, Brooches, Ear Drops, Breast Pins, Cuff Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Rings, Shirt Studs, Watch Keys,Goldand Silver Thim: b!es, and a variety of other articles, worth from fifty cents to fifteen dollars each. On receipt of the subscription money, the sub scriber's name will be entered upon our books opposite a number, and the gift corresponding with that number will be forwarded within one week; by mail or express, post paid. . There is neither humbug nor lottery about the above, as every subscriber is sure of a Prize of value. We prefer to make this liberal distribu tion among them instead of giving a large com mission to agents, giving to the subscriber the amount that would go to the agpnt,' in many cases a hundred fold more. _ gar Address all communications to DANIEL: APEE, Publisher. May 27.—y1.] 211 Ceritlit Street, New York. HAMMONTON LANDS. NEW ENGLAND SETTLEMENT RARE opportunity to all wanting farms—in a heilthy place, twenty-five miles from Phila delphia, on the Camden and Atlantic railroad, Now Jersey. An old estate has recently been opened for sale, and the first division of 10,000 acres divided up into farms of twenty acres and upwards. The soil is of the best quality for the production of fruits, grains, &c: The price is $l5 to $2O per acre, payable in easy quarter yearly instalments, within a term of four years, with interest, The terms are made easy, in or der to insure the rapid improvement of the lan* by enabling:every industrious man to. buy a farm. It is now being extensively improved by good roads, and some of the best citizens from New England and the Middle States are erecting large improvements. It is a scene of the greatest im provement out of Philadelphia. Seventy-five houses have been built in four months. - Practi cal farmers and business men from the length and breadth of the Union are settling there. It is an iniportant business place, on account of its being in tlfe midst of a great market, Every at title raised upon this land finds an immediate sale. The water is excellent and to such thing. as fe ver is khown, Tho soil, is a sandy or clay loam, with a clay bottom and retentive of manures. It is free of stones and - easily worked. It abounds largely in the 'phosphates:and such is its fertility that from the crops produced both upon this land and the ter ' m area adjoining under cultivation,' it will be found not to be excelled anywhere in the product;on of crops most adapted to its mar ket. The reader may be well aware that the earli est and the best fiuits and vegetables come from Nevi Jersey, which are annually exported to the amount of millions or dollars. The land, besides being aaessible in every way for fertilizers, has in abundant stipply . of the best quality of muck manure. Lumber hod building materials can be had on the spot at a cheap price, froth the mills. .Other mills are now being opened, and briCkyards be ing started- upon the g round. A person can put up a frame tenement forpresent convenience for one hundred dollars. On_account of tha exten sive emigration, this is the best course to pursue in order to get a place to live in at first. Car. penters and builders are on hand to pit up hone= es on the best terms. . -In settlidgahere the emigrant has many advan tages. He is within a few hours ride of the' great cities in the Middle States and New Eng land ; he is near his old friends and associations; ho is in a settled`country, where everyNimprove ment and comfort of civilization is at hand; ho_ is in a healthy place, and is not subject to the certainty of losing the greater part of his family and, his owa health by those malignant fevers which make-the graves of so many millions of the young and hardy in far off - regions away trom_home and friends. Besides, he hasa mild climate and an open winter. There are three trains _daily to Philadelphia, and to those who improve the iailroad.cOmpany gives a-free ticket. The reader will at once be struck with the ad. vantages here presented, and , ask himself why the property . has not been taken op before.— The reason - m, it was never thrown in the mar ket; and unless these statements, were correct, no one would be invited to examine the land be fore purchasing; This all are expected to do.— They will see the land'under cultivation ; they will meet persons, no doubt, from their . own neighborhood; they will witness the improve ments, and can judge of the character of the pop ulation. Persons should come prepared to pur chase, as many.nre , locating, and locations are not held on refusal. The Hammonton Farmer, a monthly Literary and Agricultural 'sheet, containing full informa tion of Hammonton, will be sent to each inquir er, stud can be obtained at 25 as. per annum. Title indisputable. Warrantee deeds given, clear of all incumbrance, when purchase money is paid. Route to the land :--Leave Vine street wharf, Philadelphia, for Hammonton by railroad at 7.30, A. M., and 5.30 V. M. ; when there in quire for Mr. Byrnes. Boarding conveniences will be found. Letters and applications can be addresaad to S. B. COUGHLIN, 202 South Fifth Street, below Walnut,Philadelphia. Maps and information cheerfully furniehed. T. HOAX, Agent for Northern Pennsylvania. Office, New Milford, Sueq'a. Co:, Pa. -September, I, 1858.-3 m. INDIREIZAVINIB lalarlYEDl7. TO MOTHERS, WIVES & DAUGHTERS. Dr. R.A. LAMONT'S Periodical Compound. The most beneficial and successful ssmsx.E NED 'cm now in use or known, for all cafes of dis ordered, obstructed or suppressed Menstruation, Luc'orrhout, Female Weakness &c. Ladies who have been disappointed in the use of Female Pills &e. „can put the utmost confidence in this Com pound, it is infallible In the 'cure of all the above named complaints. It will be sent by mail to any address by enclosing $2 to any authorized agent. Prepared by R. L ANDREW Buffalo N. Y. For sale in ttloutroie by may 13'58-1 y]' BENTLEY, READ, &Ca Farms Lands for sale SS miles from Philadelphia by Railroad in the State of New Jersey. Soil amongst the best folAgrioultuml popones. Being a good loam soil, with a alai bottom. The land is a large tract, divided into small farms, and hundreds from all parts of the country are now settling and building. The ore ..- ean be seen growing. Terms from $l5 to $2O per acre, payable within four sears br instalments. To visit the place—Leave lone Street Wharf at Philadelphia at 7.30, a. m., by Railroad for Ham monton, or address R. I. Byrnes, by !Otter. See Tall advertisement in another column. [sep.l-3m. DDLHUMPHREY'S HOMEOPATHIC , Remedios for s esie by AM, TeaRM. : • gr, habiga i tiiiiiiie Pr op tiion; !. •:::4,0- - -'-' - L * • ' 1 Highly, Coo centraled tomienud vivid' Extract ,1-,-,.:: s Flir4iisttiie'c:l4 - 11kakii- iruneivi; vivid Drop, ,„ Weaknesses, . Of tstruaions , Serrit' ';'Diseases,' Feint! e - CootteltiinhOrtuliaii Diseases of day Sexual Organs, 1 aribinglioniexOsiteit and iiiipmdencee in 04114 rernovingallimproperdischargeifrOm' the lilad.; der, kidneys, or sexual organs, whether exiiding in MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever Miuse they may haife orighiatedoind nematter oPhow bug standing, giving health ind : vices t 4 tho frame, and bloom.to the pallid cheek.- • • -.JOYi To' THE: AFFLICTED :1! I It carpi nervous tied ,debilitated! sufferer* and removes all the symptoms , aiming which - 41 be found indispositicin to exertion,loas ofpoworjess of memory, difficulty of breathing, general weak ness, .horror of disease, freak nerves, trembling, dreadful horror of desith,iightsileats,Colfeet, wakefulness, dimness of vision,lenguormei erne! lassitude of the muscular system, often eno .mous appetite, with . dytipeptic symptoms, - hot bands, flushing of the body, dryness of the skin, 4iallid countenance and eruptions on the face,pain in the back, heroiness otitis eyelids, .freimentlylbl lick spots flying before the eyes, With a temporary auClision and lessor sight;want of attention,great - mobility, restleseness, with horror of society, Nothing is more - desirable to such'patients than solitude, and nothing they more dead for ear of 4 a themselves; - no repose of manner,no earn teem, -no speculatioq, but a hurried transition fro one question to another. , Thai!! symptoms, if allowed to go.. o which this medicine invariably removes--soon f flows loss of posies, fatuity and epileptic fits-'4n one of which the patient may expire. Who Min say that these excesseis are not freVently : .ft lowed - h by those direful diseases—insanity and consump. Lion? The records of the Swum asylum-and b ii, tim melancholy deaths by consumption arim phi witness to the truth of these arsertio s. In lunatic asylums theinost melancholy exibition sprier& The countenance isactually so den &R II quite destitute—neither mirth or grief e er vis. its it. -, Should a sound of the voice occhr, it is rarely articulate. • . "With woeful measures wan dogrel r :Low sullen sounds his grief beguil d." Debility is the most terrible!. and has brought theusands to untimely graves, thus blastihg the ambition of many, noble youths; It can Le cured by the use of this • • INFALLIBLE IREPTEDT. If. you are suffering with any of the alive dis tressing ailments, the Fluid Extract Buchu will cure you. Try it and be convinced of its effidicy. J Beware of quack nostrums and - quack doc tors, who falsely boast of abilities and references. Citizens know sud'avoid them, and save,lting suf fering, money, and exposure, by sending or calf ing for a bottle of this popular and specific rem edy. It allays all pain and inflammation, is per. fectly pleasant in its taste and odor, but Immedi. ste in its action. RELMBOLD'S EXTRACT MICRO Is-prepared directly according to this rules of Pharmacy and Chemistry, with the greatest ac. nimbi and chemical knowledge and cage devo. ted in its combination. See Professor Deweeir valuable works on the practice of physic, and most of the late standard works of medicine. Or $lO 0 ,JlOl One hundred dollars will be paid to any physician who can.prove l that the ~ edicine ever injured epatient;and the testimony of thousands can ..be produced to prove! that it does great good. Cases of frdto one iweek to 13 years' standing have been effect4d. The mass -of voluntary testimony in possession of the Pro. prietor, vouching its virtues and curative powers, is immense, embracing names well-known to • !Science and Fa ' fi e. 100,000 Bo ties have been sold d - not a single instance of failure has been repo ed I' Personally appeared before , me, an • lderman of the City of Philadelphia, H. .T. Ilelmbold, Chemist, who being duly sworn- does say, that his prepamtioh contaius no Narcotic, Mercury or injurious Drugs but is purelylVegetabte. • H. T. Helmhold, Sole Man factures. Sworn and !d. day of Nov 1854. Vermeil, Price til delivered to any eddr 0 and res ponsible cot of Medical Colleges, Clergymen, and others. Prepared end sold by H. T. HE,LIIBOLD, . Practical and Analytical dhe&st, No. 52 South 10th-st., below Chesil:ire, Assem bly Buildings, Philadelphia, Pa. - rjr Td be had of all Druggists an Dealers ,w 1 in the U.S.', Canadas, and British Pro ' noes. Beware of Counterfeits. Ask for II Imbold's —take no other. Cures guarantied:. Sold in Montrose by ABEL TURRET Jan. 20, 'sB.—ly. • _NEW ARRANGIpIEN Delaivarc, La - ckawanzaa do • - NO MORE STAGING , Through to Philadelthiall* Rail! I\ - TEW expeditious and expeditious guige route 11 from the North and West, via rent Bend ana Scranton; and from the Licks anna and Wyoming valleys, directly throng to New York and Philadelphia. , On and after• Friday, October Ist, 1 58, trains will be run as follows: • - • The Cincinnati Express Train bon d east on N. Y. & Erie &R. arrives at Great 11' nd at 8.15 4. m., and connects with the EXPR SS Train which leaves Great Bend for NewYor and Phil'a • at _ 18.30 a. m. Due at Montrose;, i 9.04 "I' Tunkbannocic, 'I ' I r I 9.42 " Factoryville, • . ; --• 10.05 ," - Scranton, 110.50 " Moscow,' -111.33 - 44 Stroudtburg,'. • - I 1.23 p. m. I Water. Gap, - ;:1.35.-" Delaware,(ls min utesia - dinei) 1.58 " . Bridgeville, - i 2.28 " • I Junction, 1 3.18 " New York, - i 7.15 " Philadelphia, - ' -- C 8.15 . " Passengers from 111. Y., leave Pieri • No. 2 North River, at -.•.1 7.30 a. m. Friim Philadelphia, leave Walnut St, Wharf, tt, • ; ' ! 8.00 . " . 'Leave Junction,' _ I 111.10 " Due atßridgeville, • illa, it - Delaware, (15 Min. to difiner)ll2.lo p. m. Water Gap, • - ;12.48 0 Stroudsburg, . - 1 I 1.00 " , Moscop, - ' ' 2.47 " Scranton, i - • 3.25 " - ' Factorivillo , : -.1 4.11 " • - Tunkhannocli, 4.30 " - Montrose, ' ; . I 5.13 " ' Great Bend. 1 5.45 " Connecting . lit Great Bend with th 6 Mail 'Fri west, at • j 545 "- - Ac - commoda ion Train leaves &rani - ' ton for Great Bend at - ; 8.35 a. m. Arrive at Grimt Becid, . I. 1.05„p: in. Connecting with the Dunkirk Epress, west, at 1.55, ankthe N.Y. Express, east, it 2.35 p. m. Returning, leaves Great Bend at 1 2.45 " • Due at Scranton,. - ' 1 '1.15 " 1 For the accomm odation of way travel on the Southern Division, a passenger ear will be at tached to the Express Freight Trains,letiving , Scranton, at - -, 1 5.00 LID. Due at Stroudsburg at . ~ ',i 10•05 " " Junction at -, ; 2.05 p. in. Returning, will leave Junction at 1 4.45 a. m. Due at Stroudsburg at ‘ 1 - 1 8. 2 0 0 5 p " in. " ' Scranton al Passengers to and from New York and Phil. adelphia-will change cars at_JunitiO, n.. For Pittston, Kingston, and WilkOsbarre t take "....& B.A. R., cara,at Scranton. I For Jefirtup, Arebbald, and Carbondale. hi. Stars at Scranton,, ; - Tuikets sold; and baggage checked through. -=.- - •: . JOHN BRISBIN,Sup'II... WIN, N,../ENEII, Gale% Ticket Agent. • • Scranton, Sept. 24th, 1858. ! . Still They Comet. THE Ilargest stock of MEDICINES lever before kept in this market may he forthd - at the a, le 211%! 0` 0 TLC It 73 - -It Will be neelesa 'to enumerate. when:you wish anything in the Patent Medhline line, or otkerwlse, call at the Farmer's, Store. Don't for. get the place, down town. It, 'IIIIAUR, . Montrose, March 3d, 1858. - iifil