The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 28, 1858, Image 2

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A. J. GEtiVITIOOI4, Editcir,.±
Th - ewidt4. Ocitibei:"ol. 111158.
THE subscription - accounts =of the late firm of
Ildentastor &Antal-tans hare.been planed
in the hinds °fain Wm: L BEEBE,--he alone be
ing authorize...4e .collect anigive receipts foithe.
'411173& He desigpa_ eat:lV/sash:lolm county, and it
is desirable 'that ,40 ;indebted stidqd fettle
-ift'oteptly, thereby Baring further trouble and ex.
ponse.tekp*pa . F.tjaa.. - „. '1,:13.11e1t;911A7M.
. -
fkoptotitbef:Slat, OM.' • • a,
Or. We direct attenvon to the advertise
+Tient of G. G. trans, 839 Chestnut street,
Philadelphia. Judging_ rom our buiinessre-_
liiions with him,. :and a isemcmai visit to his
ertablisbmint rchiis , in rbiladelPhiariCenti,y,
we .ca,filiiiifely . say to thOse • wanting to buy
booki s thit.they Cannot do bettei than to send
thiir4ders to him. He sells bob asilow as
can berhought elseidere e in addition to which_
you vitatift . e,xtra. He wilt, his eats -
logne.of hooka and pnces, free, to- ally , 'one
who sends bum their name and-address. Read.
adve . rtisetnent on tourth page.
ort:. - While - ithe opposition am makiiig
merry 'over,their late elotory, and Claiming
itstsaAaating triumph, , it may ; be will to re
fresh their memorieswith a glance at the
.7116- Democracy was badly whipped In
18 - 40,1ty Harrison, yet elected Polk in .1844.
Taylor. distanced the Demod:raey-in 1848, yet
Pierce was easily selected in 1852. In 1854
the Democrats were'whipped into the ground,'
yet won a triumphant victoriin the election
of BuOanan by a majority of over half a
largest majority ever given` to
any'candidate,--in 1856. In 1858,we have
been out-rtm jti.a slow race, but in 1860, no
possible combinatiOn., can defeat our candi
date for Proident. Mark that'
Weekly,Smninarey of the News.
The Overland—MO: for * California leaves
St. Louis-On Monday_and s Thursday of s each
meek. --Letters ,to - be sent by this route must
be enderieff, 4by the Overland Mail." The
postage is three cents, while by the steamers
his ten cents. NewspaPers are not sent by
this route.: - .
A. It McClure, of Chatubarsburg, is spoken
Of by :the opposirinn fur Speaker of the next
\ Berm of RePresentatives of Pennsvlvanian.
The Lcmdta Daily Neivs thinks the Atlantic
Cable may yet he made available. We think
it-will have to be - re-laid first.
The. Bath (Me.) Tribune says that. about
-thirty fishing vessels -were lost in a storm off
• North Cape, rrince Edward's Island,, about .
the Ist of October. The Mackerel fishing for
Abe - season Met with poor success.. -
A report says that an engagement' tuck
place: near Fort Arbuckle, between a detach
ment: 0f1.1.5: Cavalry and the Catnanches
recently; in which .five of oar men= werekil
led area ten wounded. Forty rad'Ains, at
least, were
Hon..rChn B..Haskin has sought for snd
obtained the Black Republican and \ Rnow
Nothing nomination in the gth Congrespional
district in New York. This basnres his elec.
ties by that party. When elected by the
Democrats two years ago there was . rt majori
ty of eeseral 'thousand ,against him, which
was divided between 'lwo can * didates. Ile
supports the nigger ticket entire.
The Negroes of. New York State held a
meeting to - ratify the Black Republican nomi
nations. They repudiate Abolition Gerrit
Smith, expecting that the party with which
they : dee : lde to act will advocate their full
political equality. Eleven thousand of.fhem
are allowed' to vote in that State—a blacken-
ing divtace to a community of white men.
Governor Willard of,lndiana has issued a
proclamation;, calling as extra_session of the,
Zegislainte, to convene on the 20th of No
vetnbev.. It will he 'eOruposeti of the newly
elected members :ref the &eaters: bolding
-Between eight. and ninchundredtbousand
dollars will be. - required . fur the pay of the
volunteers engaged in the service against the
Florida ladians,up to the time of the removal
of Billy Bowiegiand his band. ,
Kansas papers record the murder on the
Little Blue of George X. Shermer, a printer
from Penellvania. -
Blood, Dein, has been .elected to the State
Senate of Pennsylvania from the Clarion dis
trict lip 260-Majority. This gives the Demo
. thoe.rats one majority in the Senate.
The Democrats of Ohio gain twonambent
Hof Cengress and lose ffse,—a; ner limit of three.
The State ticket is lost- by 10,000 majority.
In 1864 le was Post by nearly 80,000:
?size fight. came . off at Long Point,
Canada, on the- -tb inst.,' between bullies .
IKorriiiey end Heenan. Eleven rounds - *ore
fought in 22-minute, and - at the next, Morris
sey was carried forward, but Heenan .was un
able to ba'presented, whereupon the victory
was given to the gut& were earned
away oh beds--instead' of tvt:::te:
The,lndiana State election has resulted in
the triumph of the Democratic State ticket,
smaelitst: half the members of'bath branches
of tire Legislature, the otlaer.half being made
npbf Black Republicans and Independent
Whigs and Americans.. The following is a
ohtesiled list, from which it will be seen that
the De:looms base elected.% majority orthe
now members :.
SE Att.
Democrats - leading orer, •
Replar..elected, -
Independent, elected ,
• "frotai, - " -
Republicans toiding over,
.Regular, elected, "
Opposition independent,.-
. _
Democrats; regular, elected, - • -
_ •'' lodepeadent r eltoted, --,
i -
.11epublicans; regt;lar, electid ,:, ;:_.
Indeyeadento, Whigs tuaxi4akaielairr,
Vice •rPresident Breckinritige aritea•: to
...Hon. John Moote, - Chairtuan of the
Ilemberatic State Committee, in reply to an
in4tation to tuldret•s:-Ole
people, the Gorrimittee having been informed*
that he iiesired odo ati lu e, 1?e . states, is
incorrect ; but he
,01 not .decline to answer
their courteous letter. • •
- lie says he cannot , eudorsfs the- course of
Senator Douglas during the hsat session .of
Qougreassupan the Kausas-restiotre bet Abut
question_having been settled, and botrglas be :
ing the leader of the Democracy in tliinois
in their present fight tigainstßlack'Republican- ,
ism,he sympathizes with him,desires his succes,
and ,trusts :that . the' Democracy of Ole State,
which has teier given a sectional . vote, will
not now befound laggard in their duty to the'
Constitution and Union. -
The Black RepUblicans of the State o{New•
York have raised a corruption fund of about
$2OO - ,(0).08to 'be used it the coming election,
It is openly boasted that -large number* of
voters oan be bought - dire Ct.
:Tour Democratic candidates for Congress
in , Ohio were defeated' by loss than an average
Majority of 100 votes t "
It is understood that J. Glancy Jones bas
accepted the - appointment of Minister to
Mattis, tendered 'lift' by, the Erealden . t, 1414 .
will forward to - the_Governor his reijgnation
ass member of Congrlas„ in that alga : a
spetial election have to ,be - held: In Barks
octunty, to supply the nteancy. ,
. ,
The unreal expenses of the State of Penn-
sylvania are abo,ut five millions Of dollars, of
which two miUionxitte required' to pay inter
est on the State debt, leaving only three mil
lions for . expense of the government machin
ery; while the expt‘nses for governing the
city of New . totk was fifteen millions for the
dart year ! aid this Sum duce not include the
amount paidby the residents of the city for
State taxes 1 • -
In . on't? Ward in needing five more votes
were counted for Congress than were polled.
This donbless explaitts the manner in . which
Schwarti was declared - elected by a majority
of 19 votes over Junes.
The Indiana Ameiicau hoists the name s .
Fremont: . and Finney for 1860. Al pretty
,couple, indeed I .
Mr. Moran has been re-elected President of
the Erie Railroad..
Gov. - Denver has written a fareael
to the people of Iptnsus.
_We will pu
next week.
Forney hai geclar‘...(l his willingne
to the extreme in favor of a Trotectivel
Thie caps the climax.of his infamous tr
Congressiouai Election.
The following is the result of the
sional vote of the State :
1. Thomas B. Florence - , Dent.
2. Edward Joy Morris, Op.
8. John B. Veriee, Op. •
4. Wm. Miliward, Op. ;
5. John Wood, Op.
6. John . Hickman.* , •
. 7. 11. C. Longnecker,.Op.
8. John Swart;,- Rotation Democr•
0. Thaddeus Sierens, Op.
10. John W. Killinger, Op.'
11. James H. Caffipbell, Op.
_l2. Geo-W. Scranton,. Op.
13. Wm. H. Dimmick, D.
14. G. A. Glow, Op.
15. James T. Bile, Op.
16. Benj. \ F. J u nki n Op.
17-Edward M'Pherson, Op.
18. S. S. Blair, Qp.
19. John Coiode, Op.
20. Wm. Montgomery, Dem,
21.-J. K. Morehead ( Op.
22. Robt. Op.
2:3. Wm. Stevrart; Op. -
24., Chapin Hall, Op.
25.. Elijah Rabbit, Op.
* Nominated and elected by the
Pennsylvania Legislain
EtssioN OF 1850
List of J lr r Members of loth Ho
let District, Philadelphia.. Samuel
431111, D., Richardson L Wright.l
. !Jambs, D, *John H. Parker, Oi
2d, Chester and Delaware. ,Tbi
Bell. D.
3d, MontgorrierY ..-. *Jolt. Thomps
4th, Bucks. : .*Mahlou Yardly, Op.
sth, Lehigh and • Northampton..
miah Shindel, D. . I
• 6th, Berks..*Benj. Nunemacher,
.. 7th, Schuylkill . , .*Rob. M. Palme4
Bth, Carbon, :Tome, Pike and
Thos. Craig, D: \ .
' 9:l,Bradford, Susquehanna, Wyo,i
Sullivan ....E. Reed Mver, Op.
10tb, Ltrzerne....-George P. Steele, I/
11th, Tioga, Potter,: McKean and 11
Glenid W. Scofield, Op. •
'l2th,;Clinton, LVeoming,Centre, and
*A.edrew Gregg, Op. _
13th, Snyder,. Northumberland, Mo
• Columbia: .r4euben Keller, D.
14th,-Cumberlattd, Juniata, Perry
lin —Henry. Fetter, b." • -
15th, Dauphin and Lebanon... John
ford, Op.
ash', Lancaster. • Bertram A t Sha
Robert Bal win: Op.. . 1
7th, York.. *\V. H. Welsh, T.
18th, Attains, Franklin_ and:FultC
Brewer, D..
ltth, Somerset. Bedford an d Jaul
W. P. Schell, D.
20th, Blair, Cambria and Clea
'Creswell, D'.
21st, • Indiana- and Arm - strong...l
22d, Wistnioreland and Fayi
Turney, D. '
2.3• I
,1,- Wanbington and Greene..f
Miller D.
24th, Allegheny:, Edward D. Ga
- = *John P. Penny, Op,
25th, Beaver nod Butler..Jobn E
28tb, Lawrence,' Mercer and ire
M. Francis, Op. - • I
276, Erie find Crawford .-,ADrin
ney, - Op.
28th, Clarion, Jefferson, Forest
K. L. 8120d,-1.):
*Elected:this - tear.
_ Democl ati
Vemoctßl ic m ajori ty.
'Philadelphia ..C.M1.V.86 - 0,..64 Washington
Qpigiey, ,D.; D. '
D: • J. V.
Hauling. ; Gitorlp herzt;
-. 4 4r Slyer,
Op. •'Walb : rxn, , 4earge :W.
Wood, Op, ;Shep
--bartifep.;- , Fiaber, Ap.;
Evans, ; Simaoa Gratz, Ob. : Gorge
W. Ilarneraley, ;George W. Wiley,
Op.; C. F. Abbot,. Op,
Delaware—Wm. D. Pannel, Op.
Chester Wm. T.'Shaffor, *ON 'Caleb Pierce,
0p. , , ; Isaac Adlrer, - Op. •
Montgomery ..Datitl. B,riSnel;ack, ; John
Dininant, D. ; , Dr.
Bucks-114am A.- - NVilpi!qa,. Op. ; Joseph
Barnsley, Op.
Northampton.. Nfax•Goeip,b4lotept Wood-
ring, D.
Lehigh and Cartion..:Samtiel Bailie% Op.;
Tilghman 11. G0554...0. , , .
Monroe and pike. :C. Shoemaker, 1).
Wayne. -.Holl6way - 8: - Stevens, 0.
Lizerne.. W. W. - Koteham,Qp.; ,tewis Pugh.
0.; P. C. Gritinio,
Sasqiiehacna ..Sinieon B. Chasis, Op.
Bradford: . Thomas Smead, Op ! ; 0. IL P.
• Kinney, Op. ; • • •
Wyoming,Sullivan,ColuMbii and Bfontour..
Samuel Oaks, I). ; . G. D. Jacksoir, D.
Lycoming and Cli - nto - tf... Lindsey •Mehaffey,
Op.; Wm. Fearon, Jr., Op.
Centre. . Adam R. Barlow, Op. •
Mifflin.. David Witherew, Op.
Union, Snyder and Juniata: .J. J. PatDirriOn,
Op. ; NV. F. Wagonseller, Op.
.14orthamberland . ChasMottenstein, D.
Schuylkill.. P. R. palm,Op ; J. S. Boyer, Op.;
C.L. Pinkerton, Op.
ITavphin.. Wm. C. A. Lawrence, Op.; Marks
13. Whitman, Op:
Lebanon . Joseph Eelman,,Op.
13erk... Solomon L. Custer, D.; Augnsttis
. F. Dertolet, D. ; 'Edmund L. Smith, D.
.tancaster. -.Natb. El!maker, Op. ; &Mud H.
Price, Op. •; Amos S. Green, Op 1 Samuel
Kerisagy, Op.
York.. Wm. W. Wolf, D.; A. liiestand
Glatz, D.
Cumberland and Perry.. Hugh Stuart, D. ;
John NcCurdy,,Op.
Adams. . Samuel Durborrow, Op.
Franklin' and Fulton . :Alex. K.'l4lcClure,Op.;
James 11111, b.
Bedford and Somerset, . Geo. W. Williams,
Op, ; Geo. W. Walker, Op. .
nuittingdon . :R. B. Wigton, Op.
Blair.. Jacob Burly, Op. •
Cambria .. Thos. H. Porter, D.
Indiana 'Wilson Taylor, Op.
Armstrong and Westmoreland ..I.ohn W.
Rohrer, D. ; Robert Warden, D; Matthew
Fayette, .Henry Galley, D. •
Greene.. D-. D. W. Gray, D.
Washington.. Geo. V. Lawrente,-OP; ; Wm.
Graham, - Op.
Alle g h en y...J. U. ron Foster, Op; tlias MA,
1 Op. ; David E. Bayard; Op.; Julius F.
Zoller, Op. ; Rt . ,bt. P. McDowell, Op.
, Beaver and Lawrence. Joseph •11. Wilson,
But. ; James D. Bryan, Op. •
ler.. , Wm. W. Dodds, Op. ; John M.
r: Thompson. Op.
Mercer and Venringo.. W. G. Rose, Op. ; C.
P. Ramsdell, Op.
Clarion and Forest ...TAD M. Flemming, D.
Jelierson,Clearfield,Elk and McKean .. Michl
A. Frank, A. L. D.; Samuel C. Artbuts,
A: L. D.
1 Crawford and Warren., IL P. Reuse, Op.; R.
P. Miller, Op.
1 Brie ..John W: Campbell, Or; Wilson Laird,
to go
Ind. ll.‘„
Potter and-Tinga..L.P. Williston, ON Lewis
Mann. Op.
Opposition, r 25 ; Democrats, da
compton Wrnocrats, 2.
Democrats Opposition.
_BenAte - 17 -16
House of iZepreritativets ;13 67 •
Opposition majority on joint ballot, 33
The following table shows the official vote
as received at the Seeretarv'a Office.
Coun ties
Adams, 2,246 2,220 2,256 2.217
Allegheny, 6.508 10,057 6,573 9,937
Armstrong, 2,003 , 2,386 1,993 2,361
IBeaver, 1,132 1,8111 1,137 1,370
Bedford, 2,007 1,811 2,008 1,831
13erks, 9,654 5.024 9,724 5,040
1 1 Blair, 1;679 2,714 1,677 2,6 4 4
Bradford; 1,096 4,632 885 4,832
Bucks, 5,171 5,995 5,164 5,189
Butler, 1,984 2,534 1,979 2,527
Cambria, 2,100 1.671 2,161 1,651
I Carbon, 1,263 1,467 1,255 1,400
Centre, 2,060 2,364 2,081 2,379
Chester, 2,742 7,371 4,749 7",371
Clarion, 2,185 1,366 2,142 1,277
Clearfield,- 1,514 _ , 994 1,492 964
Clinton, 1,240 1,367 1,239 1,362
Columbia, 1,902 1,458 1,902 1,436
Crawford, 2,114 8,070 2,024 3,109
.Cuinbered, 2,811, 2,501 - 2,830 2,498
Paiphio, 2,185 3,3:44 2.302 3.204
Delaware, . 2,818 1,646 - 2,780
Elk, 519- 353' 504 340
Erie-, 1,921 , 3,233 1,529 3,187
Fayette,' 2,527 2,205 2,454 2,117
Frankin, 8,060 3,335 3,085 3,381
Fulton, _ - 730 565 723 675
Greene• 1,841 842 1,777 846
ilunt'clon, 1,300 2,079 1,290 2,075
Indiana„,"-- 1,440 3,027 1,416 2,999
Jefferson, 1,153 1,257 1,121 1.238
Juniata; 1,215 1,216 1,204 1,179
Lancaster, 6,069 9,925, 6,099 9,843
Lawrence, • 601,t 1,923 584 2,867
Lebanan, 1,508 2,657' 1,509 2,678
' Lehigh, 3,102 2,917 , 3,125 2,908
Luzerne, 4,496. 4,747 .4,447 4,656
Lycoming,, 2,299 2,223 2,266 2,225
McKean, 546 773 555 -761
Mercer, 2,120 2,825 2,118 2,814
Mifflin, 1,122 1',466 1,198 1,391
i Monroe, F,424 699 1,395 511
Mo'tg'm'ry, 5,525 5,576 .5,61.9 0;586
Montour, 770 813- 744 806
North'pt'n, 3;041 9,225. 3;035. 2,220
Nvrthb'rl'd,2-,450 r 1,634 - 2,281 1,599
Perry, 1,62$ 1,791 -1,634 1,7 . 94
Phil. City,26;867 33,395 '27,589 33;094
Pike, 497 17$ 498' 170
Potter, 498 • 983 480' 974
Schu3 'kill, 5,494 ' 5,703' 5,483 5,708
Snyder, 1,402 1,055- 1,402: 1%055'
Somerset, 1,585 2,475_ 1,782 2,477
Sullivan, 488 ' 307 _ 495 281
Sum's,- 1,954 ' 1,953 3,103 .
Tioga, 1,449 ! 3,084 1,415 3,084
Union, 748 1,285," 787 1,393
Venango, 1,902'i 1,743 1,889 1,773
Warren, 1,097 1,605 1,064 1,583
Wastirgton,3',677 3,906 3,500' 3,979'
Wayne, 2,121 11. 1,763 2.1'311 , 1,809
Vestmorer.,4,4s6•l 3,683 - 4;402 a 7S 4
'Wyoming,"B44 958' 815'
York, 4,5212- - 3;949 4;550 3,973
J. -Ran
D., 1. N
omas S
R. Jere
,wing and
tour and
land lqiff-
ffer, Op.;
n • • G.- M
eld John
eorge \V
yam, Op. ;
ih A. Fin-
and Elk
141,096 198 , x7$ '111,338 196;420
BMWS majority over Porteri - 27,023: -
Frames majority i, over Frost, 23,284.
80 83
SUP. seDGe. A'
Th 4; Jackson Fair.
The Annual Fair of the JacksoriAgriceitural
Society w•as held at Jackson,CerarePet. 4th.
,day was.fine and the,orowd instten
&lnce -gave evideu . ce.thitt-lite - people in all
parts of Ito County wished to sass' bow the
toxin Fair talked:-
The members of _entries of different kinds
of wrticles for competion also that
the 'fanners in adjoining towns'as well a;
those of Jackson felt anAnterest i wits success.
This is the second A:noixaVair of. the So-
ciety and yet, the. people, as. was ; remarked
by tdr.'Bushnell, were counted not •by hun
dreds bet by thousands. - The utmost good
leafing prevailed and no serious accident oc
°erne& to niat the bannony of the day. The
society expected to secure the services of a
speaker from abroad, but, failing, the audience
were entertained with, speches from the
Rev, W.W. Welch and Albeit Ruihnel, Esq.
The Choir of Jackson also 'Ornitrihrited very
materially to the eniertainMent by delight
ful music--both vocal and imitinnental. Alt,
we think, felt that the torastion of town so
cieties and the holding' a_ town fairs, is one
step in the . right direction—that - they will
stimulate to improvement and cosureqweetly
benefit those which, &ate end County Fairs
wounever reach.
Any errors, of appateat neglect of ompeti
tors must be attributed to inaNtleitce rather
than to any lack of eiTort or earnest desire
to to exact and equal justice to all, ax.far as
possible, and make the fair interesting .and
profitahti to farmers.'
The following are ;he **wilds of the set•eral
Best ttnbroitlery Mrs. Henry Tyler.
2d ". - • Mrs; - Barrie French.
...--. Is Miss L. L. Turner, '
Mrs. J. F. Barns--Gibson.,'
j Mrs. J. If. Smith, 1
1 Mrs:* L. Turner.
Miss C. C. Steen beck.
Oriental Painting Miss S. J. , Bartlett,
lor i
Miss Lodelia Powers—ll.
24 Oriental Painting... Miss L. A. Burdett.
3d Qiental 1 1 :tinting.. Miss It M. Whitney.
Best Bonnet.' . - Mrs. ii. Benson.
ngtost. Best Head btess..... . Miss C. C. Steenbeck.
Best Ladies -Boxes, Pic-
Beat pair of Oxen ....... R. 11. D:x : —Ararat. : lure Frames, and Con
Rest Bull 4 y'rs old. Barry Smith-I•ranklin. . tre table - Mrs. I. F:Barns—G.
" " :I " " ...._...George Burman. .hi ISCELLAIEbtiS.
" " 2 "‘
. . •
-• • Rufus, Waill - ortb• The Committee report that Mrs; liarriet
Nan-was - am) GRADES. ' Coon presented some noble Specimens of
Best pair Oxen - 6 v'rs old.. ~. , John Morse. ' 4 Horticulture, Three roses only time shown
2,1 " " " " "...'..Alonzo Barrett'. I out of a yard of 4G difterent4kind+. Also a
Best " "- 5' " "O. L . :Caepenter--A't. I specimen of the
Honey Suckle was 1
" " " 4" " ... •E. Tucker.) shown which had grown twelve feet the
2,1 4 ' "" - " ... ... .11. M.V e lle. I present season. No competition; . I
Best pair Oxen 3 yrs. old , "I.- A. Bingham
' 4 2 " : 'Williams
Beet Bull 2 years old.,
" 1 year "
(2tl " `, "
3d 14 44 it 14
Best Bell ..
3d " " " " "0. L. Carpenter,—A's
Best pair Steers 3 " "...Cyrus Steenbeek
" 1( • Nelson French
•Be4t Calf Devon and Dur., J. Pickering
" " Native . ....O. 11. Perry
" " Teeswater • . Lewis Low
Best Dunham -Cow ........Rufiis Wal worth.
2.1 " "......... Win. IL Bartlett.
Best Cow, Native L. Grifti..
2d " " ....... J. A. Bingham.
Best 'leiter 2 y'rs old, Grade... R. Walworth.
2d " " " " ".. Wm. 11. Bartlett.
Best yeatlittgs, (irides ' . 4I Hall.
" ." Natives... E. Tucker.
Best Calves ' " E. Tucker,
O. 11. Perry.
Best " Grades ..... R. Harris.
110118.1,:g, COINS ANU MULES:
Beat Stallion 4 y'rs old ....Thomas Randall.
44 44 3 "R. Gillispie.
21 44 44 44 &
• k • L. D. Benson.
Best " 2 " "....... A. D. Corse.
2d " " " " G. W. Tyler.
, . .3(1 •
• • • VIRAT 11 1 11¢Rit
* * • -----7
ITU"' "'ir"
: A polacon—Jolin Foster; Aubttrn—Jonris
Best Carriage Horses., F. F. Badger—N. Mil,
2d Jno,Walworth—Gibson.
Carrer, - Jonarban.Bunaerl; Brooklyn—A. O.
" "., ,
14:1diroe, K L. Gere; Clifford— Jonathan:
3d 44 Elon -Dix • '
Barns. ' I Burns, P eter Bennett, Joseph Miller; Choco.
Best-Matched Span for work • •
Eli '
lee , R I
Porter; Dimock—Geo: Blskes
-2d ** *6 4 * •`.....David Lamb .
; lee, William Stone; Franklin—T. L. Merri
a " ' " ".... L. C. Benson. .
man; Forest Lake—Geo. W. Taylor; Gibson--
Best Single 3 3 'rs old. :-Wm. Mozley--
William Holm., William Owens ; Great
2d " " "- " • G thfitis—sZt , L .: :
1 , 1 Bend—Charles Mayo; Ibtrford—Amasa Cheap,
" " ''' ." ' i F r -M.. George M. Carpenter; Herrick—lsrael Round;
Best " 2 " "••' • .. ***** ". ' ' Ad am" : 2d " " ". ~ , ...... H. M. Wells: 1 Jessup—R. S. Ilirchard, David Shay; Lenox
-3d " "
John Baker, Stephen Bell, Chauncey Scott ;
tt 44
• • • • • J.
M°°r. :._ Middletown - 3. Canfield, Jr.; John Davis; 2d,
Best Matched Span 2 y'rs old •
Lt Lew i s. ' i' James Jones; Montrose - - D. •R. Lat hrop ;
2d " " "" ' " • T Perryz Milford—Nelson New Sprague, Wm. C.
Best " " I " 4. • ••• J• il• 11 i1 es. ' Ward; Oakland—John Foster; Rush—Wm!
2d ," " " " "Alonzo Bartlett.
Best Brood Mare: . ~.. ; : , R. Sweet—Gibson.E. Lindsleyi Gilleod Pickett; Suaq'a Depot—
Daniel it Pope ;‘ Springville—E. G.. R. Rhi
n ~, ,44 •
•- . Win ' P ' 3werk i ' h Star k . • .‘
Suckingcolts, 1 Span, no coin : ..D. M. Farrar, e Set
. °
Best pf Mules.. ..Jno. M
David Mackey—N. M
..Nat.h`l Sutton—N2ll
21l « at
a 46 • Ia
S II I.3tP
Beat Brick.
3d "...
.Best sheep
2d "...
Wm: H. Bartlett
...L. 0. Tiffany—Gibson
T Perry
. Wrn. 41. Bartlett
T Perry
Best Ducks, no corripetition -,Slater Bingham.
Best Spring Chickens • • II
2d •' " • • • • ' R Harris.
Best Jaen! and Bantams -- •F M. Hall,
Best Turkeys • • • . .. J. More.
Best,Corn . • J Moore.
2d. ". • 0 P Tallman.
3d " ' - • ...James Hall.
Best Winter Wheat...... S.
" Rye...., .....R. W. Dix.
The Committee report that the samples
were very fine. They award as follows :
Best Fall' Apples - t .. N. Norris.
" • ; ELM. Wells.
Best Winter Appl e s, two.
varieties, King and Bald; _
win, very superior Wm. Bartlett.
'2:41, nearly same varieties Gelatt.
Best 11. 1. Green — lnv J Washburn.
2d " A C Norris.
Best Wegener, presented by.. L. Bratnardll—G.
Best Grape%......Dr. H. A. Tingley—Susq'a.
-2d " ....J. Clark—Harford.
Best Cabbage • • ;Hosed Barlett.
2.1 " • . • :Stephen. Tucker.
3d " ...George Sumner—Gibson.
Best Beets George Summer—Gibson.
2d "' - J. Clark—llarford.
.3d • . R Hill.
Best Potatoes, best wiety .. Charles French.
2d - " 64 '64 A C Norris.
" B • Larrabee.
Bet• 'turnips • • - Jonathan Lamb.
• " .. Oates.
3d " W. 11. Bartlett.
Best Onions ........ ,Wm.Thayer—Gibson.
• "• • • ...Stephen Tucker.
ad •~ Asa Dix.
Best Temkin.= • W. Tyler.
2d • ;Gabriel Everett—Harford s
3d " • —Martin Hall.
Best Squash -Cr Everett.
243 46
• :A IL M. Wells:
Beat Carrots.. • -S. Griffis.
Best Chairs, 12 Styles...D. W. Rice—N. Mil.
Best Patent Plow, Wright's.. J. Proweet--H.•
Beet Hay Cutter and Porn 'Sheller
Best Carriage Wheel, brass;... L. I). Benson.
Best Win d ow Sash CD. Corse.
2d 44 66
-.H. L. French.
Beet set Dental and Sur.' '
gical linstruthents.... . Dr, W. W.Whealon:
Beet set of Machinery tor Dres
sing and Jointing. Stavet• ...Hosea
Best Sulky
Best, Carriage...
Best:Lninber Wagon,
Bei( Belt Falitiner, , a •
nice -article. : C. Darling--Mt. Plealant.
Best Two HOrse Carriage I) A. Lamb.
" " L C. Benson:
Hai Singleglarneos. ...I. IL Smith—S. M.
5 Mrs. E. N. Hall,
i Mrs.Cyntbia ILO.
_ . Miss C. A. French,
* ' - Miii. Hehry tiler,
1 Mrs, J. Gilbert—Hat ford,
• • Mra. IL Hill.
Best Carpats:-. • ~.
-.:.- ... Mrs. George . Birdsall.
2d "_.-- Mts. E. Lamb.
3d - ." : Mrs. -E. BroWn.
Best Flannel • ~ . - Mrs. It. Harris.
2d .., . .. ,_ .. Mrs. Eli Brown.
Best Table /Alien; two
, pieces, very nice: .'.Mrs. Wm. U. Bartlett.
Best Stocking Yarn, very
nice, 3 'I q knotted skeins
Wogbing 3 ounces .'..: Mrs. Junius Lrgnb.
Best Gloves : ; ..... Mr, Borathy,
Best Bed Quilt.
21 " "
td " "
Best Tub Butter
2d" . "...., ....
13est hi stun quantities.
2 4 , 46 44. It
3d " "
81 "
neat tatnp Mat.
2d 4.
J. A. Bingham
,Wm. H. Kiitleit
Fremen Perry.
... , R. Ifirris.
There were some very fine picture•, Ani.
brotypes, Nielainotypes, iket, exhibited by. F.
FL Leonard and U. Brownell, but overlooked
by mistake. F. K Lednard also exhibited
a very fine 3 years old colt, welt broktto
Carriage; 'ft W. TINGLEY, Sec'rg.
List of Grand Jurors
Drawn ‘ to serf? at the Navemeer Term, 1858:
Ararat—Daniel Avery; Auburn—Lafay
ette Sanford ; Bridgetvatnr—Walter Alter,
Isaac Griffin ; Clifford—M. C. Stewart;
Dirnock—George Walk& ; Forest Lake—
John S. Town, Chauncey Wight Gt. 13e_nd—
P, D. Case, harry mil;liaritiony—Cornelius
Shew - ; , ..harford—D. W. Tints; liberty—
IlttAsel Southworth ; Lathrop—C. It. Bailey;
Alfred Pratt ; Lenox—A. R. Dunn ; Middle
town—James E. Stone; Now Milford—Phi
lander Phitvney ; Saver Lake—Thomas Rog
en, 2.1; Thorupson—G. P. 13Ianding, Emery
Crozier, Joel Sakhury.
List of Traverse Jurors
Drawn' to serve at the Aravember,Term, 1858.
To the SufterinigContruisalty Who
. , .
bold'a Genuine Preparation of intd .xtratt of
tuchu is offered as a specific. mead the adcer
tiaemerit headed A Helmbold's Genuine Prepara.
tion." 15'5 -
Deaf cress.—See advertisement headed "Eat
and Eye." oc 14
Fire Fii•el I Firel tl
Rllontrore, ; Fli'e Corn
. pairs
_lye. 2 will Eneet at
- their rpgine o nouse ilea
day,overfioet let, 1 858, M
7 o ' clock, p. tn.
• J. W. P. RILEY, Ede;nrin.
S. 31. Wrr.solv, Secretary.
_ Is this fair or not Tobias' Ve
netian Liniment cure Ithomatism, Head
ache, Toothiche, Croup, NON of all kinds,
Sore Throats; dta., or do charge will be made.
Every agent is authorized to return the money,
if any One is dtssatisfied after using it according
to directions., Price 25 .and 50 cts. Depot, 50
Cortiandt street; NeW York;
Itonoway's Ointmeut and Pills.-.-
A FriendlylVarning.—These great radical pie
paration4 hale been hnitated, and the ill:Rotten
may kill-as certainly as th'e getultte alirelex
core. To prevent the possibility of imposition,
purchase no pot of,Ointment or box of Pills
unless enfolded in a book of directions bearing
the words ' " Holloway, New York and London, "
impressed as a vhter;mark on each leaf. Fur
nished with the true and legitimate specifics,
th'e old, ypeng and middle-aged of both sexes
may cure With obsolete' certaintl those: diseases
of the - digestive and secretive organs, the slams
and the flesh, which physicians are accustomed
to pronounce " incurable." _ [ 1 w.
Teacirers' Fixaminations4.-4 Wit?
meet candidates fer the profession of teaching,
for the purpose of e2mnittation i as follows:
Susq'a Depot, Nor. Bth, East 11111 S. H., 9, a. m.
Oakland and Harmony, do -do -
-Jackson, Nov. 9, No. 2 S. H., 10, a. m.
Gibson', " 10,T. Hill "
liarferd " 11 Farrar " '1
Broolsiya " 1 , •:1 Centre " .
Montrose ig a
New Milford ,15 Ward .6 -
Great Bend " 16 Lodersville 0 '1
Frcekliff " 11 South " " '
Liberty " I'B _Breokdate " "
Silver Lake " 19 Brockery '•• "
: Choconut " 90 L'. A. Kinney's ".
Friender " "
Apolacon • " 29 Baum, u
Middletown " 93 Baldwin " "
Forest_ Lake 11 * 24 Towne " • "
Jessup " 25 Cornell •
Rush " 26 Granger's "
Auburn a. - 2 7 L ow - .41
Springville " 29 Village "
Dimock " , 30 Academy
Lathrop Dec. 1 Newton " "
Clifford. • " 2 City
Herrick " 3 Uniondale ," "
Ararat " 4 Church 8
Thompson " 4 Centre " '2 p.m
A portion of the 'eraittfnotiorr will be written,
arid a 1/art drat. Each candidate should be pro
vided wan at least two sheets of good, fool's-cap
paper, pen and ink. All should be punctual; no
one-Will be admitted to the class after thriceram•
cement:tees. F.TEWKSBURYir -
oc 24 Co. , Sept.
12, Sweet--LGibson.
.It. Sweet—Gil:ram'.
A Barrett.
....G. ilirdsall.
-Eli Bim..
AUSTIN b'ENSON, Asaista••t Seeryk
Ptjsbllle undersigned pro
poneito open a SCHOOL for the reception of ,
Stisdents at The village of BROOKLYN, on the
SIXTH day Of DECE3IBER next. Tuition,
for Cominon English Branches, $13.60-Ter terra
of 12 weeks. For Natural Scionces,\Mathernat
ina &e., 94.00. Theft:4nel academic computstioil
of time will be followed. E. A. WESTON.
Brooklyn, Oct. 25, '5B. t*
Consuiptiou.=—See advertisement. gnaw.
this, hapain n ig. oc 14
- nastazgo.
• On -thettotb init., in Prirest Lake, bt theßei.
B. B. Emory. Mr. JOSEPH L MEEKER and
At Upsonville on the I Gib inst. by Joseph L.
Merriman, Esq., JOHN BAKER, Esq., and Mrs.'
11 , 1 ARIA LOUISA BUTTESS, both of Factory
vine, Pa. s •
In Liberty, on the 49th inst.; Mrs: LOVISA
BAILEY, wife of Watson Bailey, aged 49 yeSris.
Ltitte Post, Attorneys at Law, hare
removed to their new office, a few doori
smith of Boyd & Webater's corner.
Montrose Oct. 25,-3ro
• White-Man's Barber Shop,
• M.ONTROS'E. Pa,=
oc 28 W. H. NEWEY
',lls.tpitanna •Conga
J. F. StODDA RD, A. M , Principal.
THE Indere ;vied take pleasure in annnunting
that the SnaquehannaCounty Notmailichool
1011 again open in the Academy Build
lugs in inksasittrosco on Monday, the 20th day
of Nov.; 1858, to continue tainty•two weeks
under the chargo of Prof. Stoddard and compe
tent assistants.
Prof. Steddara's character-As an t fficient Fain
cator and popular Author is too extensively
known to require comment; and the marked
tininess And universal satisfaction 'that' have at•
tended his , labora Amorig,us in the past, • are a
auffhtent guarantee for the future.
Prof. ,Stoddurd will lecture on the Science'
and Art of Tenching and Moroi Development.
The following geitlemen nig AISO Jet-Euro be
fore the se.hbol : Hon. Wm. Jessup. R. B: Little
and B. S. Bentlby, Blitins., Rev. J, C, Boomer,
and others:
There will be a Primary Department connect
ed with the Salon], under the charge of 3lit.s
Expenses t
fultionjNorhinl Departmebt, fdr *quarter of;
eleven weeks, 86.0(i
Departtlleht,forlll3rtet or
elerpn weeks,. ' , • 3.60
'Tuition—!n English brahchbs dhti Lntlh and
Greek, - - man
Board; per %reek, • . •
It kdeSirabre (113kiiiition bills are paid in ad.
wince and no deduction will be made When
'students are absent, except in cases of protracted
sickliest Stinienta can board themseivea as
herotofofo. Cooking stocee- , and furniture can
be rented of Mr. Sayre at reasonable rates. For
information in regard to rooms, board, &e., ap
ply to the Se^reintY.
Studenbi stiodid not fail to lie the
WM. JESSUP, President.
C. F. READ,Seelrettkiy.
Montrose, Oct 24th, 185&- _
Sheriff'g Sales,
-13 Y virtue of sundry - Writs isstteil by :14 Court
of tommon .I'leas of Sustitietianna
and to toe directed, I will expose to by public
vendee, at the Cobit House, in blontroie, on
Saturday, the 13th of Nov., 1858, at one o'eloa,
p.m., the foßoiciag described pieebt of lrarcels of
1040; to wit
ALL that certain piece of parcel of land situate
in the town.hip of - Oakland, county of Susque
ttnna3 and tat of Vennsylvania, bounded and
• .* •
desert as foltows, to wit r oh the north tilt
land of I: M.DaldWini oh thh east bytes au;._
quehaana river: on the South by idfid of R. D.
Benedict; and rut "the west by land of David
Taylor, containing one hundred acres Moro or
less, together-With the appurtenances, two dwel
ling bowies, ono barn, some fruit trees, and
about thirty acres improved. •[Taken in execu
tion at the suit of Bennett vs. Daniel Prentice.l
ALSO—AIi that certain piece or parcel of
land situate in the.towtship tT Lenox, county
'and Stale aforesaid, boiinded and described as,
follows, to wit: on the north and east by land
of D.-K. Oakley.; on 'the south by land of
Humphrey Marcev, and on the west by land cf
Luke Reed; containing about five acres mere. ot
kss, with the appurtenances, one shop With
tonnee omatkine attached, and all improved.
(Taterrin eieention pE the edit of Daniel Oakley
vs. L. N: Reed and Luke Reed.)
ALSO—AYI that &nein piece or -parcel of
land situate in the township of Oakland, county
and State aforesaid, bounded and described as
follows, to wit: on the north by lands of &fah
Payne; on the east by land ,of-James 31cArdk;
on The south by lands belonging to the estate
of John Hillzurn, deceluted, and on the west by
lands late of Selah Payne, containikw, 93 acres
more or lees, with the appurtenances, and about
ten acres partly improved. [Taken in execution
at the suit of Luther Barnes vs. Peter Puls.l
ALSO"—:"All that certain piece or parcel of
land situate in the township of Harmony, county
and' State aforesaid; bounded and described as
follows, to wit: on the north by lands of David
Lyons; on the east by the N. Y. & E. R. Road;
on the south by the public' highway, and on the
west by laud of David Taylor, containing about
one acie; 4ith the appurtenances t one house, me
huts, one blacksmith shop, and all improved:
inquest - Veld on -safii ;itemises and condemned.
[Taken' in eicOntion at tho suit of Elijah West.
fall' vs.lohn Fritzley.J •
ASQ—AII that certain tract or parcel of land
situate and being in the township iff Dimock,
county and State eforesaidi and bounded
and described as follows, to 'wilt begin
ning at a beach saplin the southwest corner of
a lot of land surveyed to Urbane Smith; thence
by lands of Susan Bradford, west 37 perches
to -a :post and the'eatit lino or land-of
A. G. Hollister, thence by said Hullister's land,
and lands of Isaac. Woodhouse and henry
Drinker, north 1-2 deg. east 225 pereheti to a
beech tree; thence east 70 and 4-10ths perches
to a post and stones, by lands of Susan V. Brad.
ford; thence by lands of . Benjamin 'M'Keeby
south_ 1-2 deg. west 114 perches to the State
road; thence along said road south '7l deg:weat
fl perches to a hemlock;'thenee - north 86 deg.
west 16 perches-4o a post and stones, on
the south aide of fluid Stare road; thence by
lands of said Urbane Smith 2 1-2 deg. 104 - per
ches, to the 'beginning; containing '77 acres and
80 percherl,-strict measure, be. the same more or
can, excepting therefrom one acre and 116 per
ches, and the right to construct a thildain. [Ta
ken in execution at Lho suit of Wm. A. Chant- .
berlin, to the use of Job P. Kirby, ve,Owen
Donoho and Elizabeth Donohol
ALSO-.-All that certain piece orl.parcel of
land situate, •lying and being hi the township of
Rush and county of Susquehannir and State of
Pennayvanin, bounded and described as follows,
to wit: on the north by lands of George Bromley;
on the east by lands of Cope and David B* , rielt:i',
_hamnrert cm the south. by P. M: Snyder, and on
the west by P M. Snyder; containing"abOut.two
'acres, with the appurtenances, one - saw mill in
an unfinished elite.::{ Takenin
suit of Samurai Stark and David IZ. Sion, ax
Stark & Brown, vs. Chauncey, Shnemaker.l
ALSO Ai! that tertaiis trait' orOr o
land aitunteln the toulitiltili Of'Middletown,
county and State aforesaid', bounded and de-
' scribed as. follows, to wit: - on the northlast by
Samuel Spalterdt\ on the iiouth.Weetbyr David
SheldotWon,,Ote north:welt and south - east 11 I
hied forrnerly 'of:Robert ft Rose:eetensed. eons
11sining.about 103 acre-a e and being the same l a nd
and premises,whlcb Joseph. Ilyde;by,:deed of
confirmation dated ibe.:26th darer Mirth, then
last, but deliiered the date'lirsaid indenture of t `
mortagn e , conveyed and confirmed to the said
31ullen in fee, together with the apperte.l
nances,• a log ha:lse:framed bani.‘erchar&-andi
about 70 acres improved. [Taken in execution]
at the suit of Caleb Carmalt vs. James Mullen.)]
I ALSO—AII that certain pieee'or parcel of
F land situate in the township ofJackon, eountyl
and- State aforesaid, bounded and deibett
followa;; to wit; beginning are posranirtitone
in• tie west lino of Sedate Griswoldlot
th enc e north
I 2 deg. - east 19 rixli,l6 poi
^and stones, n lhe line of Thothislititterfield
_thence south 43 1.2 deg. east 80 =rode . to pos \
and stones corner in dine of the old Ilarmoni
road; thence south 34 3.4 deg. east 54 rods td .
post and Atones. - corner in . line. of Judson Ten,-
nanCe • lot; thence south 46 1-2 deg. west i+
roils 16 the place of beginning; containing 49 1-2
acres, or. thereabouts. with the appurtenances!,
and :about )8 acres improved. [Taken in exe
cution at the suit of Orlando _Gunnison, adm i t
of the estate of Lafayette Wilinarth, decease
vs: Henry . M. - Tiffany.] . . .l
'ALSO—AII that tannin, plecenr parcel of land,
sittate,lying and being in the township of.Lettof,
Susquehanna county and State of Pentisylvanit;•
and bounded and' described as follows to wi t
. :
On the North by lands of Benj. Toarzie, Asti) t•
Wescott.Varren M, Tin ley, Jaen* .G..'s2d
Marcus Case and Andrew Conrad ; on the Eu:g.
by Warren M. Tingley, Benj, Tourzie,_Ela •
Bell Ind 'Andrew Conrad, • south. byMishit,
Bell, Martin Conrad and Stephen J. Millard
and, on the Jas. G. and Marcus Case,
David Wilmarth endaeorge Miles, Containing
bout four hundred and fifty acres more or lens,
together with the appurtenances, five dwelling
houseA three barns one blacksmith: shop, taco
orchards,(containing about 200. apple and about
40 pach trees.) and about '2OO acres improveif.
rtTaktn in ' execntien at the ,suit of Grow- f,c,
Brothers vs.' Rufus D: Clank.] ' •
.ALSO--. 111 that certain piece of land or vili
logo lot, situate in the borough of Sckqut-han a.
Depct county ofStiaquehanna and Siete of Penh
vanin, bounded and described as follows to wi! ,
on the north _by the street,., on the east by lilt
owned by U. Burrows & Co., 'on the south.. by
land, of A. C. Adams and on the west by lot oc.,
enpied by school house No. 2 in said borough.
containing about 18 rods of land, - being, 3 rods
in front and 6 rods deep.' [Token in -execution
at the 'suit of -Wm, W. sterns re. James
M'Wntle.j "•-- - ,
. that certain piece or p:qeel
land, situate in the bormagh of Priendaville Sn
:he county of Susquehanna and State of •Potih•
sylvt.nil, bounded and descril . ed as follows itu
wit: no the north-west by land of Benj. GB&
den, Esq., south elk by land of Brastua 11#,
"north-east by the old 31ifurd and Owego turn
pike road and south-west by Wind of Caleb Cara
malt, eiintnininf abOut one half acre of laOd,
toOthpr-with the an n ittnanees.. on wagon shop;
ail improved. (Taken in execution at the spit
of J. P. W. alley vs. 11. A. Hillard.] _
ALSO—AII those 2 certain tracts or - parceli of
land situate in the township of Franklin, roniity
and State aforesaid, bulled, bounded and -fel
scribed as follows, to wit: beginning at a beech
tree, being the northeast corner of lot No. 198;
--thence running mouth ne deg. west 256 perches.
to a stake and stones; thence north 89 deg. hest
- Trend 8-1011 is perches to a stake and stoiles;
then nm-th one deg. cast 159 perches to a stilel.
hemlock-tree; thence sottth 89 deg-, erea 47 end
8-10ths perches to the place of beginning: clan--
triining, shirenty-sm'bn acres and 100 perches 4
The other thereof-known as Kits of lots No.
iv§ and 117, bounded and described as
to wit: begining at a beech tree being the north- •
west corner of saint lot No. 109; thence run ing
south 256 perches to a stake and stones; the ce -
east 3 - 4 petchem ton stake; thence • north 50
perches; thence west 34 perches-to the place of
beginning; containing 55 acres.
'The first described piece being part of Itt: 1 14io.
1003 and part of lot Nb. 116," together with !the
ninth:if:fiances, one framed dwelling house,fpno
barn, row shed, one horse bare and abort sixty
acres improved. fraken in execution at the
of Caleb Carmalt vs. Gould G. N. Smith, j
that certain piece or parcel eland:
situate, lyfrig and being in the township of Bash.
county and State l aforesaid, bounded end; de
scribed follows, to wit+ on- the north by. , land
of Calvin .Waterman;',on the east by land. of
Hie= Divine,and by the public high Way; on.the .
:math by hind of William Whitney, and on,± 1 , 4
best by land of--;handler, Bixby; con!aining
about 100 acres, more- or less, together with'the
appurtenances, one house, one barn, one filled,
aLd about 40 acres improted. [Taken - in eeen..
lion at the suit of N. P. Bahaock to use of A.B.
C2lver ts. Stores 111::keslee.1 j
Al SO=All that certain -piece or parebFof
land' situate in- the township of New Slifford,
county -and State afocosaid, and bound4d as
follows, to - wit; beginning at a pbst and.sepnes,
the west' corner of John Watson's font acre lot; '
thence by land of said_, Watson north -431 deg.
west 31 perches to a post and stones; thene by.
land of Oliver Teen.,nt n )rth 47 deg. east 24per
dies to a post and stones; thence by the same
Smith 43 deg. east 97 perches to a pos t and
stones in a line of Zera . Very's land; 4hence. by
said Zera r.'s line south 47 - deg. west 24 per
ches to a post in the middle of a creek; thfinect
by land of Job Tyler and said Watson north 43
di-g. west 24 perches to a post and Steno* dm
south corner of said John. Watson's four acte lot;
thence by land of !mil Watson north 471 deg
east 16 perches to a p:st and stones; thenie by
the same north 43 deg. west 40 perches tea pod
and stones; therco by the same swath 41, deg.
west 16 perches to the place of beginning con
taining 10 acres and 88 perches. mote cq less.
[Taken in execution at -the stilt of Georg!) W.
Tennant to the use of John W.. Wats.-tY -ca..
Julian - T. Tennant.]
ALSO—AII that certain piece or pan
land situate in the boroughpfgontrose,et
of Su•quelianni 'and State - of Pennsyl ,
bounded itnd described as folloul fo' wit
the north and west by land belonging
Estate of Isaac rost,dec'd, on. tie east,
public highway and land of the E•U
Isaac Post, dee'd, and male Ninth by;
Azor Lathrop, containing about one ir
bait acted latid more,or lesF, togethe‘
the appurtenances, one framed dal
house, ohe barn, one wood shed, and
out bu!lding• some fruit trees and all
- (:Taken in execution at the suit of
. Warner and others, vs. Albert !denim
ALSO-,-All that certain lot of lands
in Lenox township, county of Susque
and State of Pennsylvania, known . 1
number forty-four of Drinker's Elltwood
containinm'one hundred and' seven aer
forty perches °Nand, bounded on thel
by a had of land,in the warrantee
Paul iiariis , on tho neap:west by a t
land in the warr a ntee name of Jame
and on the north-east by lot number
five and'fort _six of Drinker's- Elkwooei
Six acres improved with again!! framedl
[Taken in execution at the suit of Sol
Taylor vs. H. S. Davis.]
ALSO--All that certain pieCe or l parcet
of land -situate, lying and beiritin tticitowik
ship - of Rush, county of Stwspelisin sand
State of Pennsylvania,bouncled and ,d cribed
as follows to wit :' on - .inn- West ly and of
Wm. Lake, on the north by.&tut of A. Pater
son, on the east' by land of Alfred tad, on .
the smith by lands, of R. Xerkuff and Abra,
ham Peterson, containing About, fig icrets
more or feits fs with tbe appurtenance, ne tog
Leine.; one tog bun, one orchard' and about
t wen tY-tve Amens Im proved .—[taken fin-exe
cution at the Wit of M. S.Wilson, vii.!ltiret it
EStei. ] " ' ?,,
- Purchasers wilt ifiall eases be reqniresi tolfky,
on the-day of sate, an' amount sufficient to onYer
the (mats of witeiitEekiee, the property will be
re-sold forthwith; -..- . • ' '•
._. ~ . JOHN YOUNG; Sleri.ff.
Sheri'WA Office,
Stotitroas,: Oct. 20, Fl4B.
y the
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