( Soitsti 'There is mach good Alone in nonsense Jar A- traveler, so the gstory goes, was aloitg, near -the close of the day, when he discovered, projecting. from a cabin, a ahirigle. - on which was - written in charcoal " Hotel." Riding up he called to the landlord, when the following conversatioti ensued= - - Landlord—Will you' 'are yer. horse put 'up'? „ Traveler—lf. von please; put him in the stable and give him a few oats; L.—Very sorry, Mister t but we're out of oats. T.—A;littla corn will answer,- then. . L.—Got me agin, stranger, the corn 'is all , ' gone, too: give him plenty of bay,'with straw:_for his bed.- A neither ha- .L. = -Sorry, but ain't got iy nor stray; but I kin hitch yer horse to one of the trees , yonder. .T.—Take him along and let me have some supper. - L T -What'll ye have, stranger T.—Ham and eggs,' with 'but bread and hoCcoffee. , ,t%—We.do,n3l..keep any of your nice fixins, squire. - • • then, let me have a bit of cold -meat, with a cake and a cup o44ea. L.—Can't - make the rifile,` - ittange; we' don't keep city vegetables... T.--Bang it, give nuTiibed then,' and let me go to sleep. - L.—Keep cool, squire r we don't keep beds A L T. --No, you don't keep beds 'here, nor tables, nor accommodations for • man nor - ast I What do you keep L.—(Enraged.) •Keep ! why we kitip a ho tel ! What:a-thunder d'ye suppose we keep! .„`DtsurrEnEwrzn. Kntiotess.—" May I be I married, ma ?" said a little beauty of fourteen to her moth'er. " Why do you want. to-be married I" returned the mother. " Why, ma, you know the children have never seen any body married, and.l thought it might please them."' g•;tale - sansages are - -said to produce precisely the same effect on, the system as mineral poison. _ " NIXES SOUTHAVORTIT, ' COLONEL G. W. CROCKETT, CHARLES' ENGLISH, 'THOMAS DUNN ENGLISH, M. D., HENRY CLAPP, JUN, . • • GEORGE ARNOLD, - SAMUEL YOUNG, ; Mits. ANNA NVEIELPLEY,,. • Miss VIRGINIA VAUGHN, MRS. DI. VERNON, ,• Mi[ss HATTIE CLARE, • TINLEY JOHNSON, • Wii:te: only for the . GOLDEN PRIZE GOLDEN PRIZE+ GOLDEN PRIzE GOLDEN PIIIZE, GOLDEN PRlzti - GLDEN , GOLDEN PRIzE GO O LDE-N PRIZE "rum GOLD PItIZE ILLUS T . R. A TE Salter, ence:camors to Becket& Co THE New York Weekly 'GOLDEN Parkk is ono of the largest,arid best literary pipers of the day L-an Imperi4l Quarto, containing 8 pages. or forty colUmus, of the most inter esting and fascinating 'reading Matter, from the peas of the very first writers of the day, Elegantly Illustrafed Every *reelt v A Present, worth from 50 cents.to 4 1 600 Will be giveh to each subscriberimmediately en receipt of the subscription money. This is pre sented- as a Memento of friendship,and not as an inducement to obtain subsi:ribers. ' • TERMS . one copy one year :6'2 and one present. Threo do 5 three do Five do • 8 five do --... Ten do - 15 . ten ~ do Twenty.one dci i '3O :.11 _ do The articles to be giVen away are comprised-in the following list : 2 Packages of Gold containing $5OO each . 5 do do • do 200 Caeh 10 - do do luo each' 10 Patent', Lever Hunting Watches 100 each 20 Gold Watches • - 75 each .:.50 , do - . - 60 each -100 do - - - 50 each 300 Ladies" Gold Watches - - 35 each 200 Silver Hunting Cased 'Watches 30 each /500 Silver Watches - 10, to 25 each 1000 Gold Guard, Vest, and Fob Chains 10 to 30 ' Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear Drops, Breast Pins, Coif Pins, Sleeve Buttons, - Kings; Shirt Studs, Watch Keys, Gold and - Silver Thim bles, and a variety•o: other articles, Worth from fifty cents - to fifteen,dollars each. ' We will present to every person sending ns 'fifty subscribers, at s2,a Gold Watch worth_s4o, .to any one sending pne;hundred subscribers, at $2, a Gold Watett*.orth s9o.i Each Subscriber • will Also receive a - present. gm " t. .. ImmeditMSb"e"eni;3 upon oar book, ittte present will be forwarded within 'one week . , by mail or express, post paid. fir Address all communications to DEAN dr. SALTED, Proprietors, 335 Broadway, New York. [lstwiemoly Jline 1. 1858 neat -6:rtittmtnt MEM Atlantic Cable has been -laid, bat that does nlt begin to cause aessauch joy as. the fact that . . .R. RENTON le in market with a fine asssortment of Consisting in part as follows: Moire ,Antique and Black Silks, Embroideled Root* Prktcd do., Shaw/s,—Brocha— Jong and Squar&, Silk, and Alit: • - Chenille front *5,00 to *2:5,00. '- • Plain All Wool Delanes. ' ' OLIVERB PLAIDS. Ribbons Iron& 3s. to ss. Gcl., Black Veliet Rib bons {corn 4s ps. to $5,09 ps „Dimity and Victoria Lawn, Swiss Muslin, Bril lianttc Sarernet Cambrics ' .all the . New Styles of Printed, De- ' lanes,Embroidered Fur niture MUSLIN. • KENTUCKY JEANS in" every variety. Every vaiiety_of - BONNET BORDERS and GOODS, sous to release all the -Ladies from the.trou_ble of calling upon the MILLINERS who.,charge so very high. DOMESTIC GINGHAMS at , prices lower thanusual. WALL PAPER, BORDER, - CARPET - BAGS, UMBRELLAS, BUFFALO ROBES, CARPETING. CROCKERY, two new and beautiful styles.. HOOPS. CHAMBRAY and FRENCH GINGHAMS. • SHOES, a very large assortment. GAITERS. BOOTS and 81.'PERS.• Also, a large as s ortment of choice BOYS, for distribution by Sa*ta Claus. PER FUMERY, HAIR OILS, PATENT MEDI . CINE/3. Also, a fine assortment - of BED STUDS, from $1, 1 74 to $6: CHAIRS - .-Wood Rlsig EleatoitAfanufaaurer's prim. And would say that hismwortment ie tenar espeeiallyadapted to those who.buy rich goods,-41e would respect fully invite their inspection as goods particularly suited to class' No. I. And would as positively assure those who wish to buy at lowest prices that his goods ore equally good for them, and JJst as low - as can be bone:lbis side of New rk• le is A. fa t, acknowledged' by all, that niy_griod.4 excelllitupUreltaseri of all other dealers iii QUALITI: . IL KENYON /R: Lairim , lio Centre': PA, . • rirptetilLir I. ^ ,!rE S . • oils ~ .-_-4 IRON CITY CwrixtEaC[Ar. COLLEGE. PITTSBURG,I i ik CHARTERED 1855. 300 Students attending January, 1858. NTO Wthe;largest and most thorough Com mar.' ..111 cial School of the United States. Young men prepared for actual duties of the Counting -Room. J. C. Swift, A: M., Prof. of Book-keeping and Scientific Accounts. , . A. T. DoMitETT, Teacher of .Arithmetic and Commercial Calculation. J. A. Ilifpatcx and T. C. JENKIES, Teacher of Book-keeping. A. COWLEY and W. A. MILLER, Prof& of Penri f manship. SINGLE .CND DOCBLEENTRY BOOK KEEPING, ' As need in every department of business. COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC—RAPID BU- SINESS WRI PING DETECTING COUNTERFEIT MONEY MERCANTILE CORRESPONDENCE- • ! COMMERCIAL LAW- Are taught and ail other subjects necessary for the success and thorough education of a practi cal business man: . . . . • - Drawn all the Premiums in Pittsburg for the past three years, also in Eastern and Western Cities, for best Writing, NOT ENGRAVED WORK. IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Students enter at any time—No vacation—Time unlimited- , -Review at pleasure—Graduates as sisted to obtain situations—Tuition for full Cont. mercial Course, s3s,oo—Average time 8 to 12 weeks—Board, 82,50 per week—Stationery, s6,oo—Entire cost, $60,00 to $70,00. 'Minister's sons received at half price. For Card—Circular—Specimens of Business and Ornamental Writing—inclose two stamps, and address F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburg, Pa. September 9th, 1858.-3 th ' (ly,cq,*,w TAKE DUE NOTICE, -AND- Govern- Yourselves Accordingly, =THAT- Guttenberg, llo.senbaum, Ara constantly receiving DRESS GOOD, of the latest styles and of the finest_quality ; Shawls, Ma ntil la s Bonnets: • A superior stock of ' . GOODS, tovrbich.the attention of country milliners is respectfully invited. We have a beautiful assort. tikent of Emliroideries,. Collars, Sleeves, Linens, Laces, While Goods, unexcelled in quality, style, and prices, .Wedevote a great deal of attention to the READY MADE CLOTHING business, haying .an mctensive tailoring establish tient conneeled . with our Stores at Montrose. and Suscinehanna Depot. We flatter ourselves that we can fit a man—be he dwarf or. giatit, and no matter how ill-shapen—in presentable Style, fa` PROVIDED ALWAYS - _,EFI that his Port-Monnaie is stuffed with the needful. Call and get .your "Money's Worth," at the store of .GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM, & CO. • Montrose, Pa., Aug. 11th, 1858. * * * * * *-• * *, * * GIFTS. 'GIFTS. KPH. SPLENDIWGIFTSI 0 CHESTNUT STREET. THE ONLY ORIGINAL' Girr BOOK STORE rf: G. EVANS wo'd..inform his friends and the 1..3f • public that his Star Gift Book Store and Publishing House is permanently- established in Brow 's splendid Iron Building, 439 . Chestnut Streelir two doors below Fifth, where the par chaseiof each book, at the regular retail price, will receive one of the following gifts, valued from 25 cents to .15100 Worth each. 550 Patent Engl. Lever Gold Watches;csloo.oo 550 ['aft. Anchor " -- au 0 400 Ladies Gold Watches,lBk. cases, 35.00 600 Silt-. Hunt. Watches, warranted; 15.00 500 Parlor Timepieces. - 10.00 500 Cameo Sets, Ear Drops and Pins, 10.00 • 500 Ladies' Gold Bracelets, 5.00 to 12.00 500 Gents Vest and Feb Chains, 10.00 1000 Gold Locke ts,(large size,dbl.case,) 10.00 2000 " (halal! size,) • - - 300 1000 Gold Pencil Cases,with Gold Pens, 5.00 1000 Extra G.Pens,with casesci-holders, 3.50 2500 Gold Pencils, (Ladies'), - - 2.00 2500 Gold Pens with Silver Pencils, 2.50 2500 burs'G. Pens,witheases&holders, 1.50 6500 Gold Rings, (Ladies',) - -_ 1.00 2000 Greats' Gold Rings, -- - 2.50 2500 Ladies' Gold Breastpins, . - 2.50 3500 Ai t ue--- - - - 1.50 sec ,n.tures, _ - 3.00 2000 Sets GentsVold Bosom Studs. 2.50 2000 " " • 6 Sleeve Buttons, 2,00 2000 Pairs . ;or Ladies' Ear Drops, - 2.50 8000 Ladies' Pearl Card Cases, 5.00 15000 Ladies'Caineo,Jetor Mosaic Pins, 5.00 2500 Ladies Shawl and Ribbon Pins, 1:50 5000 Articles of Gold Jewelry, Gift Books, &c., not enumerated in the above; worth frcim • 25 cents to $251 Evans' new *Catalogue, which is sent free to all parts of the country, contains all the most popular books of the day, and the newest publi cations, all_of which will be sold as low as can 'be obtained at other stores. Agents wanted in every town of. the Union. Those desiring so to act, can obtain fall partic ulars by addressing the above. N. B.—Being largely interested in publishing bOoks,and buying from other publishers immense quantities, foi cash, I am enabled to make larger discounts to Country Agents and Book Dealers than can be had at any other house in the country. Any book published in the United States, the retail price Of which is $1 or upwards, will be proniply sent, gift included, on receipt of pub lishers price. / An extra $1 Book and Gift given to any per son ordering ten books, to be sent to otleia dres. Sent for a Catalogue. Address, - 2 G. G.,.EVANS, ang.26,3m.) 439 Chestnut St., Ptilada. FANCY FURS, FOR LADIEFt AND CIIILDRIa'i. JOHN FARETRA & Co, No, 818,(new Market-st,4ove Bth, Fhilad'a-• Importers, Manufacturers' and Dealers in FANCY FURS, for Ladies and Children : also; Gent's Furs, Fur Collars and Gloves. The number of years that we have been engaged in the Fur business, and the general character of our Fars, both. for,qual. Up and price is so generally known throughout the Country,.that u e think it is not necessary for us to say anything more than that we have now opened our assortment of FURS, for the Fall & Winter Sales, of the largest and most beautiful assortment. that we have ever oflbred before- to the public.. Oar Furs hare all been Imported during the- present season, when money was scarce and Furs much lower thatratthelussent time, and have been mandicktred be the most competent workmen : we: are therefore deter mined to sell the Mat such 'prices as wilt continue _to give us the reputation we have borne for years. that is to sett egood article for a very small profit. Storekeepers wilt do well to give us a call, as they will find the largest assortment by far to nelect from - in the city;and- at, manufrietnrers' Prices. JOHN FAREIREL dt CO. No; 818. Market Street, above Bth,Phia!delphia, :•:epterr.ber ItAtt. I sc,e - 4t.c • NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS !I -Kr-: YOUNG 86 !SMITH'S ,READY-PAY,StORE. THE undersigned would announce to their customers, friends, and ,the public general ly that they have just retuOted from the city and, are receiving and opening] a new and complete _ assortment of / • i NEW GOODS of various kinds, which will be sold at prices to suit the times - forCAstr o 1 I'aoDUCE. Wo have sought the medium Of the press to announce to all upon what principle . We alien transact busi ness. It is termed the 1 READY-PAll SYSTEM oni CXSIII AND PRODISCE. ONE PtlCr IS to all persons for the same article, and it shall be our endeavor to make those prides such as will induce persons who wish to pay for their own Goods and not others, to call at least and examine our stock, and if the prices don't come down to the system, we cannot expect to sell them. Seine kind friend may say that it will be so do," but we think from the experience of the past few months of every person who hap pened to owe the country merchants, especial)y if it had been standing six months or more, with . what coaxing, dunning, threats ' &c., they have been beset, welbink they will all respond to the above systein and repolve to buy no more goods than they can ply for, and that they are determined to support those who will establish that principle and carry it: out. We will let the system established standlupon its own merits, believing that it is the most prudent and wise course to be pursued in 'every branch of busi ness, and that the day is not far distant when it will be GENERALLY adapted. Call and see us and we Will show you goods at astonishingJow figures. All kinds of 'Merchantable Produce taken in exchange for Goods at the highest market price. YOUNG & SMITH- Summers, Penn.,j I April-38th, I GROCERIEg: Gioceyies!---A splen. did assortment of 'Groceries at ‘ery low figures. BOOTS and Shnes...4ust received a largo assorment—for sale cheap. CROCKERY.---A; new lot just-received and for sale. CEDAR and Stone Ware—in all its variety. READY-MADE :Clothing of every• description. To Dairymen.—Wo have a large lot of A No. 1 Firkins and Tuhe fm sale. - -YOUNG & Summers; Peon. April 28th, 1858. NOTICE IS lIEREBV.GIVEN 'T A. 'V ABEL TURRELL AS just returned ftom New York, with a. H largpand•eboice varietfof Goods, bought foi CASH, and selected with much, care, from over thirty of the besalouses in- New York, which he Offers to his customers and the public r at low prices for cash. His stock comprises: D R GS, M-} D E S , PAINTS, WINDOW 4. - -Gr'—L A S S, - DYE STAJFFS, GROCERIES, LASSONA7RE, CROCKERY,. • BSI 1: RORS, CLOCKS, .W . ALL PAPER, , WI.NDOW PAPER, WINDOW 0 : I1L SHADES, FANCY:GOODS, MUSICAL IN,STRUMENTS . , J L IL 7 , PERFUMERY, I) R Y GOODS,. II A .R D;W AR E STONE WARE, WOODEN WARE, BROOMS, - B - R U II ES, JAPANNED WARE, . BIRD CAGES, %-ti A Ft)"E E D, POCKET.KNIVE:s, WHIPg; U.MBRELLAS,• Cr PISTOLS, AM.MUNITI.ON, TURPENTIN C A M P; .1-1• E N E', 'BURNIN!G FLUID-,•. 'ALCOHOL; LIQUORS, (F'or Medibinal Purposes only,) T. R US SE S, SUPPORTERS, S II 0 U L 8.11 A C E - S., PORTM.ONAFES, SPECTACLES, SILVER & PLATED SPOONS, FORKS, &c., GOLD' PENS, STATI'ONETtY', VIOLIN STRINGS, BOWS, &c., And a-11 of the most - popular P. A-T E N T MEDICINES, Thankful for theliheral patronage hitherto re ceived, he hopes to :merit a continuance and large iucrease of the Same. ABEL TURRELL. Montrose, -Dee. l si ;1857. • WM. 'B. SIMPSON, Wit'EH REPITHER, MONTROSE,.PA. _ Shop in Boyd . - tE :Tfribter's new building, next door above Keeler ct Stoddard's. HAVING worked • for the past nine yeari with the most skillful workmen, he feels confident that he can do the most difficult-jobs on short notice. All Work Warranted to rsiTC Satisfaction. W. B. SIMPSON has Worked for me for some time, and I can recommend him as a careful and skilful workman, competent to do as good work as can-be done in 'the country, and. worthy of confidence. Wat: A. CHAMBERLIN. Towanda June 10th,.1858 "Referi to—Wm. Elwell, E.W. Baird, E. D. Montagne, B. 0. Goodrich; B. Kingsbury, Towan da: B. S. Bentley, L. Searle, C. D. Lathrop, J. Wittenberg, Montivse. _ • *,;*.leWelly neatly repaired on short notices and on reasonable terms. [June 15th, 1858.—tt LOTUS; Cassinaers and Vestings, very de. C sirable styles; at prices that cannot fail 'to snit. Call and be convinced. , C. %V. MOTT. Net Caeh-Disr Goods House. 1858. NEW STOCK OF FALL GOGDS. 1858. ,M I YRE & LANDELL, Fourth and Arch Sta., 124 Philadelphia, have in store and are daily receiving a fine stock of - Fall and Dry Goods; suited to the Near Trade. Black /Silks of all gradcs. Fashionuble Fancy Silks. . Shawls of all the newest styles. Dress Goods, in fall variety. Staple Goods, in large steel. Fancy Cassunere, Cloths & Veatinga. _Blankets, gnats, Linen, Dimaairs, N.B. pool Bargains daily reseived from,Npw York and. Philadelphia itnetien FITTERets Net. Cash, and Prices Lbw. September 23d, 18,58.-3 m. All Naming to emigrate to a mild climate, good soil; and goo Market, sett advertisement of Hammonton Lands: - All want* to 'emigrate to a mild climate good'eoil, and fine market, see idvertitement of km inch; 61. 1...1.1,d0 HAMMONTON LANDS. NEW ENGLAND` SETTLEMENT. RARE opportunity to all wanting farms—in a healthy place, twenty.five miles Ciotti Phila delphia, on the Camden and Atlantic railroad, New Jersey, An old, estate has recently been openeti for sale, and the first divisiun of 10,000 acres divided up into farms of twenty acres and upwards. The soil is of the beat quality for the production of fruits, grains, &c.. The price is $l5 to $2O per acre, payable in easy plarter yearly instalments, within, a term of four years, with interest, The terms are made easy, in or der to insure the rapid improvement of the land, by enablineevery industrious man to buy a farm. It is new being extensively improved by good roads, and some of the best citizens from New England and - the Middle States are erecting largo improvements. It is a scene of the greatest itn- I rovemeat out of Philadelphia. Seventy-five houses have been built in four months. Practi cal formers and I)i:wines's men from the length and breadth of the Union are settling there. It is an importaqt business place, on account of its being in the midst of a groat market; Every ar ticle raised upon this land finds an immediate sale. The water is excellent and no such thing as fe ver is known. The soil is a sandy or clay inatn,.with a clay bottom and retentive of manures. It is free of stones and easily worked. It abounds largely in the phosphates,-and such is its fertility that from the crops produced both upon this land and the large area adjoining under cultivation, it will be found not to, be excelled ' anywhere in the production of crops most adapted to its mar ket, Tho render may be well aware t tat the earli est and the best flails and vegetabl .s come from New Jersey, which are annually exported to the amount of millions of dollars. Tholand, besides being accessible in every Wsy for fertilizers, has an abundant supply of the best quality of muck manure. Lumber and building materials can be had on the spot.at h cheap price, from the mills.' Other mills are now being opened, and brickyards be ing started upon the ground. A person can put up a frame tenement for present convenience for one hundred dollars. On account of the exten sive emigration, this is the best course to pursue in order to get a place to live in at first. Car penters and builders are on hand to put up hous es on the best terms. In settling here the emigrant has niany advan tages. He is within a few hours' ride of the great cities in the Middle States and New Eng land ; he is near.his old friends and associations; ho Is in a settled country, where every impiove ment and comfort of civilizution is at hand; he is a healthy place, and is not subject to the certainty of losing the greater part of his family and his own health by those malignant fevers which make the graves of sti many millions of the young snd hardy in far off regions away from home and 'friends. Besides, he has a mild climate and an open winter. There are three trains daily to Philadelphia, and to those who improve the railroad company gives a free ticket. - The reader is ill at once be struck with the ad vantage's here presented, and ask himself why the property has not been taken up before.— The reason is, it was never thrown in the , mar ket; and unless 'these statements Were correct, no one would be invited to examine the land be fore purchasing. This all are expected to do.— I They will see the land under cultivation ; they will meet persons, no doubt, from their own neighborhood they will witness .the improve ments, and can judge of the character of the pop ulatiein. Persons should come prepared to pur: chase, as' many are locating, and locations are not held ob refusal. ' The Hammonton 'Farmer, a monthly Literary and Agricultural sheet, containing full informa tion of Hammonton, will be sent to each-inquir er, and can be obtained at 25 cts. per annum. Title indisputable. Warrantee deeds given, clear of all incumbrance, when purchase money is paid. Route to-the land :—Leave Vihe street wharf, Philadelphia, for Hammonton by railroad at 7.30, A. M., and 5.30 P. M. ; when there in quire for Mr._ByTnes. Boarding-conveniences will be found. Letters and applications can be addressad to S. B. COUGHLIN, 202 South Fifth Street., below Walnut,Philadelphia. Maps and information cheerfully furnished. , T ROY I.FI Agent. fim Northam PonnAql.ranita. Office, New Milford. Susq'a. Co., Pa. September. 1,1858.-3 m.. S. H. SAYRE & BROTHERS ARE NOW RECEIVING Of 41, • 'iP * 9 4 t . It Y et SPRING 4°B of %13111611Eilt. GOOlOl%. -1-7ETHICII for Cash or Produce can be bought V V NVA L rer S. H. SAYRE & BROTHERS cIARPETING. Bargains offered by S. H. SAY RE & BROTHERS PLOWS! PLOWS!! PLOWS. We invite the attention of Farmers to the celebrated Peekskille Plows which we have added to our large assortment. S. H. SAYRE & BROTHERS, , Peoprieters of Eagle Foundry. . Montrose. April 29th, 1838. 18tf. STOVES! STOVES !! STOVES !! ! OUR Stoves have been so thoroughly tried to-the entire satisfaction of all, that they need no recommend from ns. S.-H. SAYRE & BROTHERS. P2OPlit nllll3 WZROD 9 - AT THE HEAD OF IVAVIGATIOY, AND examine the choice stock of Spring and Summer Goods, just opened for Examination and SALE, at rerylotofigures by C. W. AIOTT. STELLA, Cashmere, and DeLain Shawls at very low prices by C. W. MOTT. HATS Ad Caps of the newest styles, in great variety by C. W. MOTT pRINTS in abundance by C. W. MOTT BRASS Hoops, Hosiery, Gloves, Belts etc., etc., by C. W. ItOTT.. BROWN and Blue Sheeting and Sh . rtings— Shirting-Stripes, Ticks, Denims: Summer Stuffs, &c., &e., as low as can be afforded in this market s - C. W. MOTT.- GROCERIES, crockery, flardware and various other articles to numerous to men tion,—all of which sliall be sold Cheap for Cash or Ready Pay. " • -C. W. MOTT. Farm Lands for sale 23 miles from Philadelphia by Railroad in the State of Now Jersey. Soil amongst the best for Agricultural purposes, being a good loam -soil, with' a clay bottom. .The land is a large tract, divided into smal I farms, and hundreds from-all parts of the country are now settlingand butichng. The crops can be seen growing. Terms from $l5 to $2O per acre, payable within four veara by instalments. To visit the place—leave tine Street Wharf at Philadelphia at 7.30,-a. tn., by Railioad for Elam. mouton, or address R. J. Byrnes, by letter. See full advertisement in another column. [sep.l-3m. • Homseoplithy. DR. HUMPHREY'S HOMEOPATHIC Remedies Air sale by Am. Toaattr.. To all wanting ; ramie, see advertisement o Hammonton Lands. :,-NEW , GOODSWI, I H. J. WEBB'S. MONTROSE, APRIL, 30th 858. To alt wanting Farms, ace adTertinement of liznin:rnter HENRY B. MIMN, A . TTORNEYand COUNSELLORAt LAW. j%. Office in the Union Block—'Towanda, Brad. ford county, Pa. jj Will attend promptly to all prOfessional business intrusted to him, in this and-adjoining counties. fje3'sBtf "HOME AGAIN," g) l 2. Gov EN511022.. - OFFICE, over . liVilsou's Store. LODGIIIIA, at SEARLE'S HOTEL. Montrose, March 10th, 1858. T. B - 0 Y LE • REPRESENTS A CAPITAL OF OVER $;5 1 000,0001 For Fire, Marini, life, and Inland Insurance. Office, New Milford, Pa. January 18th, 1858. ly* Dr:11. Smith, & Son, Q URGEON DENTISTS. Residence and of t.) fice opposite the Baptist Church (nolth side) Montrose. Particular attention will be given to inserting teeth on gold and silver plate, and to filling decaying teeth. January 10th, 1858. • I ye. WM. W SMITH, & CO., Cabinet and Chair.Xlantofactnr eig, foot of Main Street. Montrose, Pa. ABEL TUBRELL, MONTROSE, PA Dmlei in- Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals Dye Stuffs, Glass-ware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes Window Glass, Groceries; Fancy Goods, Jew elry, Perfumery, &c.—And Agent for all the most popular Patent Medicines. JOHN GROVES, Fashionable Tailor—Shop near the Baptist Meeting House, on Turnpike Street. Itrontrose, Pa. DR. R. THAYER, Physician and Surgeon, Montrose Pa. Office in the Farmer's Store.. HAYDEN BROTHERS, New Milford, Penn'a. Wholesale dealer in Butts, Combs on Suspenders, Threads, Fancy Goods Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated WareXut lery, Fishing Tackle, Cigars, dte. /Cc. Merchants and pedlars, supplied. on liberal terms. WM, HAYDEN, TRACY HAYDEN. JOHN HAYDENi GEO. HAYDEN. - DR. E. F. WILMOT, • flraditnie of the AllopatEc and tinmeo pathic Colleges of M edicine, is noy. , per manently located in Great Bend Pa. . April 2L 1856. JOHN SAIITTER, Fasltionabte Tailor. Shop first doo north of the Farmer's Store. NEWTON & McCOLLITIC Attorneys and Counsellors all Law. Office op Public Avenue over H. J. Webb's Store. N. NEWTON. J. B. ittcCom.uar. T2REII.IIVi FIRE INSURANCE CO., ,NOIIK, Pa. Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania CAPITAL, 300,000 DOLLARS. Insuresagainst loss or damage by fire, on buil dings, furniture, and merchandise generally. - EV — Losses adjusted by arbitration, where the parties fail to agree... 11. A. Hantz, John Landes; H. Kraber, Fred. Sultzback, William Wallace, Eli Kindig, Samuel Dyer, - Thomns Gray, David Strickler. 11. KR ABER, President, D. STRIGKLER, Secretary. - U. S. BEEBE, Agent, ,Dubose, Pa. February 2d, 1858. y DY*. TIMM" litglE, HE subscriber having purchased refitted and newly furnished th' •••• above 'well known and popular Ikttel. -- is prepared to accommodate the tray cling public and others with all the attentions and conveniences usually fotind in first-class Houses. No effort will be f• pared by the Pro prietor and his Assistants to make the Hote' equal in every point to any in the country. ,s saw macaw I .ls be supplied with tnt Choicest Liquors. The StatbleN connected with this House are large, roomy and convenient, and careful and attentive anglers are alwayi in charge of them J. S. TARBELL. Montrose, May 13th, 1858. R E 111 L • The Saddle, II farness 'and Trunk Shop of M. T. TOTADLUE IS'REMOVED to the building recently occu pied C. C. Hollister, on Main St., one door above S. S. Motes, whir° he will be happy_ to wait on all who may favor him with their patron. ago. Jan. 20th, 1858.—tc. Ott 05ntire Btiu *tall! NEW AIIPANG EM EN ES At the Old Stand of Lathrop-et Co. LATHROP & DeWITT BEG leave to announce to the public in gen. end that they, are now opening one of the 'largest STOCKS of MERCHANDISE ever offered in Montrose. Comprising Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard. Ware, Creekery, &e., &c., &c., which they propose to sell at the LOWEST CASH' rnicEs. 'Those are real -Facts. We wish to demonstrate to the public. the difference between buying Goods for -cAmr end ON TIME. LATHROP & DEWITT. Montrose, April 26th, 1858. • Patent Medicines, AFFLICTED READ ! GRAPHENBERG MErnciairs.—Vegetable Pills Green 151ountait Ointment, Sarsaparilla Compound, Children's Panacea, Eye Lotion; Fe ver and Ague Remedy, Health Bitters, Dysen tery Syrup, Consumptive's Balm, Marshall's Uterine, Catholieon, pt. Libby's Pile Ointment, and Mandel or Health. • - - Ayre's Pills and Cherry Pectoral, Tanner's German Ointment, Trask's Magnetic Ointment, Holloway's Ointment and Pills, Davis' Pain Killer, Dr. Fitch's Heart Corrector, Bennett's Root and Plant Pills, Soule's Sovereign Balm, Wright's- Indian Vegetable Pills, Rhode's Fever and Ague Cure, Merchant's Gargling Oil,Arni ea Liniment, Camphor, Castor Oil, Paregoric, Aloes, Picorai Myrrh, Licorice, &c., &c., &c. A new supply just; received, to be kept constant. fy on hand, for sale by I'. N. BULLARD. October, Ist, 1856.: ' The 104unanontesa Fa*bier, a paper, derotpd to Literattirts% and - Agriculture, also setting forth full accounts of the new settle ment of-j-lamMonton,in New Jersey; can te Bub . , scribed for at only 25 ets. per annum. Inclose postago,stamps far the amount,, Ad dress to Edifor of the Farmer, Hammonton; At lantic Co., New Jersey. Those wishing cheap land, of the best quality, in one of the healthiest and most / delightful climates in the Union, see - advertisement of Lfammonton Lands. [sep.-3m • Still They Come! THE largest stock of MEDICINES ever before kept in this market may be foga& at the P. di, 21, 1213 nla CITORZI. It will bo useless to enumerate. When you wish anything in- the Patent Medielne line, or otherwise, call at-the Farmer's Store. Don't for. get the place, iron town. It. THAYER.. Montroic, Sidra 3d, 1058. pititiE FOR EVERY BODY WHO SUBSCRIBES FOR THE IttitT-tal *kit Vrtsi. A , BEAUTIFVLLY 2L:.,CrOTRA.T2ED FA.MILY NEWIYAITI. . . • rrHE NEW-YORK WEEKLY PRESS IS J. one of tho best literary papers of the days A large Quarto containing . Twenty Pages, or sixty Columns, of entertaining matter, and Ele gantly Illustrated every week. • A Gift worth from AO cents to SIGOO_wi!I be sent to each sobseribet on the tecerpt of the sub scription money. • ffiBSIS=IN ADVANCE Ono copy for one year, and 1 gift . . $2. Throe copies ono year, and 3 gifts .. . 5. - Five copies one year, and 5 gifts . . 8. Ten copies one year, and 10 gifts . . . 154 Twenty-one copies ono year, and 21 gifts 30: The articles to be distributed are comprised in the following list 1 United States Treasury Note $lOOO. 2 -do do do 500 each. 5 db do do' 200 each. 10 do do _ do 100 each. 10 Pat. Lev. hunt's Cased Watches 100 each. 20 Gold Watches . each.,l 50 do - - . GO each. 10.9 do - , - - ;.. 50 each. 100 Ladies Gold Watches - - 35 each. 200 Silver Hunting Cased Watches 30 each. 500 do Watches • - $l5 to 25 each. 1000 Gold Guard, Vest and Fob Chains 10 to 30. do do Pens and Pencils - sto 15 each. Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear Dropi, Breast Pins, Cuff Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Ring's, Shirt Studs, Watch Keys, Gold and Silver Thim bles, and a variety of other articles, worth, from fifty cents to fifteen dollars' each. - On receipt of the subscription money, the sub scriber's name will be entered upon our books oppositca number, and the-gift corresponding with that number will be forwarded within one week, by mail or express, .post paid. There is neither humbug nor lottery about the above,'as every subscriber is sure of a 'Prize of value. We prefer to make this liberal distribu tion among them instead of giving a large com mission to agents, g i ving to the subscriber tin amount that wou l d go to the agent, in man, cases a hundred fold more. . Or Address all communications to DANIEL ADEE, Publisher, - May 27.—y1.] 211 Centre Street,.New York NEW ARRANGEMENT. griMgE i giag Delawkre, Ltickawanna V .R.R. i NO MORE STAGING ! Through to'Philadel NEW and expeditious broad guage route from thirblorth and West. via Great Bend and Scranton, and from the Lackawanna and Wyoming valleys, direcqy through to Now York and Philadelphia. On and after Friday, October Ist, 1858, trains will be run as follows: The. Cif cinnati Express Train . bound east on N. Y. & Erie R,R. arrives at Great Bend at 8.15 a. m., and connects with'the EXPRESS Train which leaves Great Bend for Now York and Phil's _ , 8.30 a. m. 9.04 " Due at liontrose, . Tunkhannock, - 9.42 " Factoryville, 10.05 " Scranton, 10.50 " Moscow, 11.33 " Stroudsburg, • 1.23 p. m Water Gap, 1.35 " Delaware,(ls minutes to dine,) . 1.58 " Bridgeville, _ 2.28 ' Junction, . 3.18.." New York, 1.15 ' 6 Philadelphia, 8.15 " Passengers from N. Y., leave Pier No. 2 North River, at From Philadelphia,leave Walnut St. Wharf, at Leave-Junction, Dueatßridgecille, 11.58 " Delaware, (15 min. to dinner),l2.lo p. m - NVatr Gap,12, 48 " Stroudsburg, • 1.00 " Moscow, • 2.47 " Scranton, - 3.25 " Fictoryville, 0 - '4.11 " Tunkhannock, 4.30 " Montrose, - 5.13 " Great Bend. 3.45 " Connecting at Great Bend with the Mail Train, west, at Accommodation Train leaves Scran. ton for Great Bend at Arrivo at Cilia -Bond, Connetting with the Dunkirk Express, west, at 1.55, and the N. Y. Express, east, at 2.35 p. m. Returning, Tea: es Great Bend at 2.45 " Due at Scranton, • 7.15 ", For the accofnmodation of way travel on the Southern EFVIOOII, a passenger ear will be at . tached to the Express Freidht trainyeaving- Scrantoo, at 5.00 a. m. Due at Stroudsburg at 10.05 " Junction at - 2.05 p.m, Returning, will leave Junction at 4.45 a. in. Due at Stroudsbut at 8.05 " • " Scranton at - 2.20-p. m. Passengers to and from New York. and Phil adelphia will change'cars - at hinction. For Pittston, Kingston, and Wilkesbarre,take L. &B. R. R., cars ut - Elcranton. - _ For Jessup, Archbald, and Carbondale, take • Stages at Scranton. Tickets sold, and baggage checked through. JOHN BRISBIN;SupI. Wm. N. JENKS. Gen t ' Ticket Agent: Scranton, Sept. 24th, 1858. M" Great Discoiery of the Age. Jia • 1110ORTNNT TO, TOBACCO CHEW EIR DR. GUSTAV LINNARD'S Taste Itestor ative Troche,—The Great Substitute fur Tobacco. It is a well known and incontroverti ble fact that the use of tobacco is the promoting cause of many of the most severe MENTAL AND PHYSICAL DISORDERS to which the race of man is subject, as careful analysis and long and painful experience have clearltproven that it contains certain narcotic & poisonous properties most dangerous in their ef. fects, which by entering the blood derange the . functions and operations of the heart, causing many to suppose that organ to bediseased. TOBACCO affects also the entire nervous system, manifesting itself—as all who have ever used the weed will testify—in lassitude, nervous irratibility, water brash, dyspepsia, and many other disorders of a similar character: The TASTE RESTORATIVE TROCHES are designed to counteract these Inmanl influ: ences, and have proved completely .successful in a multitude of cases, and wherever used. Being harmless in themselves they exert a beneficial effect upon the entire system, restoring the taste which has become vitiated or destroyed by great, indulgence, completely removing the irritation and accompanying tickling sensation of the throat —which are always consequent upon abstaining from the use of tobacco, and , by giving a healthy tone to the stomach, invigorate the whole system, Persons who are irretrievably undermining their constitutions and shortening their lives, should use these trochee immediately and throw off the injurious & unpleasant habit of chiSiving tobacco. These troches or lozenges are put up in a con venient and.portible form at the low price of BO cents per box. • . A liheral discount to the trade. Prepared solely 14r . the undersigned to Whom all orders should be addressed. JAS. E. BOWERS, Druggist, • Cor. MLitt:a Race.sts. Philada. ap57187 . 1 The Illarnirrouton Farmer, a news paper devoted to Litinittire and Agriculture, also setting forth full accounts of the new settle ment of frammoston,in New Jensey,can be sub scribed for et 25 its. per annum. , • - Inclose postage stamps for the am'aunt.. Ad dress to Editor of the Farmer, Hamnionton, At lantic Co., New Jersey. Those wishing cheap land, of the best quality, in one of the heulthiest and most delightful,elimaths in the -Union,. see advertisement of Hammonton Lands. Fiep.l-3m Helmbold's Geimine Preffarat Highly Concentraled Compound- Fluid Ex: . ' MAU. Far' Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Dropsy, Weaknesses, pingo-actions, Se Diseases, Female annplainis, and al ' Diseases of the Sexual Organs, arising from excesses and imprudences - in lif t removing all improper discharges from the I der, kidneys, or sexual organs, whether ex in MALE DR FEMALE, . from whatever they may have originated, and no matter o long standing, giving health and vigor II frame, and bloom to the pallid cheek. I JOY TO THE AFFLICTED It cures nervous.,and debilitated sufferer removes all the symptomi, among which found indisposition to exertion, loss of pow of memory, difficulty of breathing, general ness; - horror of disease, xeak nerves, tteM dreadful horror of death, night sweats, colt wakefulness, dimness of vision, languor,upi lassitude of the muscular system, often' en el appetite, with dyspeptic symptoms, , hot hands, flushing of the body, dryness of the aikin,pallid conntenance•and eruptions on ' the face,pain in the back; heaviness of the eyelids, frequently Iffnek spots flying before the• eyes, with a temperary , surusion.and loss of sight;want of atientiorl,great mobility, restlessness, with horrclr of society._ Nothing ism:Rare' desirable to inch patien s than solitude,arict nothing they more dread for ear of themselves; no repose of manner,no earne ;floss, ' no speculation, but a hurried transition from one question to another. , - I • These symptoms, if allowed to go - onwhich this medicine invariably removes—Soon follows loss of power, fatuity and epileptic*ii---in ofie of which the patient may expire. Who can say that these excesses are not frequently follOwid by thosedireful,diseases—iusanity and coi tion? The records of the insantranylum the melancholy deaths . by consumption bq ple witness to the truth of these alertior lunatic asylums the most melanch oly ox appears. The countenance is actuality so quite destitute—neither mirth or grief e its it. Should a sound of the voie4 rice i t rarely articulate. - , - "With woeful measures wan espa Low sullen sounds his grief e,guil Debility is the most terrible! and has h thousands to untimely graves,' thus blast) ambition of many noble youthi Wean b by the use of this • ' 1 IN EALLiaI.E.ICE;ti'Eni If you are suffering with any of the shave dis tressing ailments, the Fluid Extract Bue m will cure you. Try it and be convtneed#its flieacy. Er' Beware of quack nostrums and quack doc tors, who falsely boast of abilities arid references. Citizens know and avoid them, and save tang suf fering, money, and exposure, by seMling . ,or call ing for a bottle of this popular and pectfie rem edy. it allays all pain and inflamntationi, is per fectly pleasant in its taste ar.,d odor but immedi ate in its action. • RELMBO-D'3 EXTRACT . B NW- ' Is prepared directly according to the rules of Pharinacy and Chemistry, with the greatest cc curacy and chemical knowledge and care devo. ted in its combination. Se e . Professor:Dewees , valuable works on the practice of phyic, nod (I most of the late standard works of me icinei Fir $1 00 „A9l One hundred dollars will be paid to any physician who can .Drove that the medicine everinju red a patient;and the testimony of thousands can be produced to Provel_that . it does great good. Cases of from , one 'N•veek.to 13 years' standing hive been effected. %he mass of voluntary testimony in possession ofthe Pro prietor, vouching its virtues and curativel powers, is immense, embracing names welt known to Science and Faille. ____ I , 100,000 Bo ties have been sold ' and not a single instance of failure has been reported! Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of the City of Philadelphia, H. T. Itehribold, Chemist, who being duly sworn does day, that his preparation contains no Narcotic, Mercury or injurious Drug, but is purely Vegetable. ' 11. T. Helmbold, Solo Manufacturer. Sworn and subscribed before me this 9dd day of Nov-1854. Wm P. HIBBARD, Aldfrman. hia jy Rail! 7.30 a. m 11.10 " 5.55 " 8.35 a. m 1.05 p. m Price-SS per Bottle, or six fur $5, elivered to any address. accompanied by reliable! and res ponsible certificates •from Professors of MedicBl Colleges, Clergymen, and others. Prellired and sold by H. T. HELMBOLD, Practical and Analytical Cilemist, No. 52 South I Oth.st., below Chestnut Assem bly Buildings, Philadelphia, Pa. ar To be had of all Druggists, and Dealers in the Canadas, and British Prorinces.- Beware of Counterfeits. Ask for Htilmbold's —take no ether. Cures guarantied. I Sold in Montrose by ABEL TURRELL, Ageni. Jan. 20, '58.-1 y. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Institutioil, established Ly special endowment for the relief of the sick and dis. - iressed,afilietedwithVirulent Epidemic. diseasez MO ALL PERSONS afflicted with Sexual Diseases, such as Spermatorrhceai Seminal Weakness, Impotence, Gonerrhces, Gleet,Syphi lis, the Vice of Onanism, or self abuse,l&e:, &e. The HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in vien - of the awful destruction of human life, caused by Sexu al diseases, and the deceptions practi ed. upon the unfortunate victims Ofsuch dis6ases by 4 Quacks, several years ago irected their Con suiting Surgeon s as a CHADITABLE ACT vortliy of their name, to open a Dispensary for: he treat ment of this class of diseases, in all their forms. • and to give MEDICALADVICE GBATIS, tk apply by letter, with a description of {heir con dition, (age, occupation, habits of life, &e.,) and in cases nt extreme poverty, to furnishinedicines free of charge. It is, needless to ad that the Association commands the highest me ical skill of the age. and will furnish the most thfiroved modern treatment. The Directors on a review of the et,. feel - assured that their labors in.this sphere,f benevo lent effort, have been of great bent to the afflicted, especially to the young, andjhey have resolved to devote themselves, wit renewed zeal, to this very important but much [- despised - cause. . Just published by the Association, a Report on Spermatorrhcen or Seminal Wealiness, 'the Vice of Onanism, Masturbation or_ S If-Abuse, and other diseases of the sexual orga s,byrthe Consulting Surgeon, which will be sent by Mail (in a sealed letter envelope,) fREE OF crtartas, on the receipt of :me exam? for pos tage. Address, for Report or Treatment, i f:Merge fl E. CalhOun, Consulting Surgeon, oward.Asso. cis tion, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Phbadelphia, 'Pa. ..• By order of the .Directors :EZRA. D. HARTWELL President. GEORGE. FAIRCHILD, Secretary 0ct;,156, 1857;.: EtDCOYAIN.gfea,V . AILAWN M . ' - TO MOTHERS; WIVES & DAU ETERS. DB. R.A.LAMONT'SPeriodicar onipound. The most beneficial and successful sraiwnx4szo LOIRE now in use or known, for all cases of dis ordered, obstructed or suppressed sfenstruation, Lucorrhma,Feniale Weakness &e. Ladieswbe : haveleen disappointed in the use of Pe alit Pills &C.' ;can put, the utmost con fi dence in his Com pound, it is infallible in the cure of all the abeya nt/Jed complaints. It Fill be sent by mail to any address by: nclosing 82 to any uthorized agent. Prepaled. by R. I. ANDRE i . Buffalo N. Y. For sale by. BENTLEY, READ &CO.. and druggists generally. [ma:lB'sB-1y . alt, calf 1. 2'11E114 - I G - EO. W. MANN, Wholesale BtiliDealer,— 201 Washington Street, (directly opposite Washington Market,) still continues to offer to the city.and coantry , trade, all kinds - 1 foreign coarse and fine: salt, at the very lowe 4t germ!: 40000 sacks and bags, consisting in part of Ash ton's celebrated , brand for table and „dairy , . ale, Jeffrey & Darcy, igarahall's, Browilw:s, die.; and 50000 bushols , Ttirks Island, Bon res,_ Cu racoa, bit. Uscia, Listion, Cadiz, Ivies, N4nteth ate., all of which will be sold at -bargain prices from vessels,.store and storehouses. , . Any purchaser - wishing to select fr,: m a good assortment will find it to hii interest( t : r i call. • -N. IL—Fine table salt put . up in sm I bags of different Mies, and constantly on hand in ship ping order. Alsott • splendid article iof, Rock Ground salt, in q uart boxes, put up an tifor sale by the quantity, in canes of five dozen each. New York, April int, 1858.—iy* ,and lblad ting FILMIC how 4 the ! ill lie 'ok fiat, ilyersal mows r. sump r, -and InT am s. In L ibition 'den & er vis -Ir, it is
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers