The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 21, 1858, Image 2

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    Antrost Xitmotrat
A. d ..GgltAlll3o* Editor.
, -
ThursdaT, October 21, 1.95 W.
HE subscription accounts e' fife late firm of & have been placed
; in the hands-of Mr. L. BEtn---he alone be
ing authorizedAn 'Meet and give receipts for the
designs canvassing the county, apd it
esirable that. all , indebted should settle
- promptly, thereby saving further trouble and ex.
Tense to ail Parties. . • J. 8. - McCOLLUM,
Montrose; September I st; 1858.
The October- Eleetion and - the lte
antit-41ts VariousCnnses—Probable
Effects aud Fnlttre Prospects.
On the 12th of October electioa for State
officers and Meinbers of Congress were held
in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, lowa and
Minnesota: In .all, except perhaps the latter,
' the Democratic party las been defeated.
This result Was unhooked forin Pennsylvania
and Indians; while in-Ohio and lowa our
:party went into the Contest , irithout theleast
hope .of seen a partial victory. \ ln "tee
Stated Minnesota, rations local questions
velatingioehe formation of a future State
policy have - doubtless been the controlling
issues. Tim result is as yet unknown to us,
and-will probably,have but little effect in
- *baring - the political standing of
_ - our new
sister in future conte s ts. The final result.,
thee, has been the. :cosi to the Democratic
. organization of tiro States,in neither of /which
have importitiet State officer' tom—eh:Men.
We: have, however, lost several Members eof
Congress, but those elected over our candi
, elates aretriade up of such a variety of disc
verdant eleinents that we are not in any wise
concerned at - the probable harm the:) , may
- do us. _
The causes that led to the result -are
various. One primary cause has _been the
general apathy and indifference of the party
in power. 'They anticipated an easy victory,
and made no great effort tolioll a full party
votie.and, their enemies have stoke a march
e upon them. The- Republicatt wing by
• ateandoning the Fremott platform of 'ell,
- secured the aid of the conservative vote of
the opposition, which last fall was given to
liazlehnrst. This has been too much over
looked by us ; our liked! haring 'figured
from the 40,000 majority against poof
last Tall, forgettilg that any respectable,
, sane man would litre, done at heist :pox()
better -than be chid. In the 'mining and
'manufacturing districts the hard times have
been turned to - good account by our foes.
The uneducated masses Were . told that
Deinociatie rule 'had brought about the
depression in business, and thousands of them
bavebelieted this-false ,tale and voted ac
cordiugly,tinder a promise that an opposition
victory would 'insure good times, plenty of
work, and high wages. By the aid- ofsuch
• mean., the great mass of the foreign vote was
procured „for the "people's ticket."_
cult to
The effects of tlie r argt„&trimeAlkploitpjrt
wen•riot upon the limited spoils ob
tained, fitten by that e,o'irtiption which is
their universal s characteristio,- teaching thee
• who trusted them, the old and bluer:lesson,
that they - represent the"dear people'? unti l ,
election only,---after that the money of the
people must Pay the price of the disaster.
.At the next Congressional election,the
smarting tinder the recollection : . of the
treat:luny played upon them, will'rise in Abe
, awful majesty ottheir-strengtb, throw off,the
burden iniPesed 'upon -theniby_deceptiOn;
and place thcee s :in power wh? bare always
nobly performed theduties ivtrested to them.
The-Congress of-'6B is doubtless to be an s op 7 .
_ position one, but in 1860,, when we elect our
National 'Democratic nominee to thepresi
, deridel chair, we-will also secure the election
_ ef.a largely - Democratic-Congress to el,
in shaping• the policy that:shill abed a bril
liant lustreenorahis
, --teernmeratic , Admintieratiens.
The future - prospects of the Democratic
pariyare notiisSmel; in+ the ther e- sult of 'tier . l , 2the - Secerer the - device. - ire
4 ,1,.
- beard ,rewellit asserted teat our , triumph
in 1860 would befur tiered by a defeat now:
The soundness of this reasoning will be Sip=
pirent teeny one who has studied tee' history
of Anseekin - politice. victory of -the buie
zard crew who oppose will so elate .the e e
that. all discretion said, manly statesmanship
ijil biestadooked in one grind squabble for
the.spoilsef- victory, 'The strength midden - 1Y
- won t frittered sway iiekss - ile
etoratestions, pompous boaetieg. and idle
deoleMatiou. The nnlettered clam of voters
who-know trothiug of the ph ilosopby of; poll-'
tics,' but with jedgeparties by the result of
their acts will 'again learn that - the promises
36 - the anti-Demecraticioesty - ,are but empty
words, and when: the eiriportuniiy is preeemed
to them,therr untditt will Le recorded where
it alerays bat s been- when- their cooler judge
stiont - t01e., , frier efrthe-perty stadies
to prortotathuifinterests. A defeat always
tends to pusWevigeritte and strengthen .the
Dernociatimpartye Bed men who have be en
clinging to it with selfish interest 'iii?: at once
deseetie r kaviag it entirety bothe control of
men:who-adhere to the party'for the sake of
principle. -.Disaster , to the patty soon
rouse e slumbering patriotism of the tree=
heerted-rame,ef the nation,- who will' pertotth
matighty effort to regain whatbasbeerektin.
-.The result of that. effort is foretold by the past
biatoeyeefparty stregglee. Oar .seeceee teiu
tuvisearcipartiotettethe defeat from al/lab:we
brhereto-freamarsellsese The feeblest sets of
the mongrel crew will disgust sensible men
not .beretofore Demmer:ma r who will enlist
under our banner by thousands.' The
heterogeneous conthinativm that has sup
.planted 4715, is made up of discoulentelementa,
in but one thitig, — hatred - to-
Democracy. They will find it impossibl e 4 0 ,
harmonize themselves so as 10 Build up :an
adminiatratiie polieye , and „the bubble cost
burst as a natural coniequencee The e eMcere
eiceis to the- temporarily victorioni;iiio N•e if
tacit rho always hasten to join 'the' party
power with a view to-ebere the epoils,-_ sill
a d l e„ to, tbeentharrasments by wide: it- will
6i - surrptincled i An4 iddinuch4,o the tuesieli7e
ing - eiertllrotr: the tattle -. Ml* .wittont
fouudirtiote Two year's will measure the?ife
of partyP.l4,l4, aro 11.16 1 1,a
Derriottatie Party._ a ttie Selcrfer an o ther
elPithus baffle - aid 4elririqle
Salt River.
This is a recruiting place for 3/anguished
parties, It has a romantic locality, .and is
frequeritly resorted to on the apprOach.Or cold
weather. This . /411,- the ,fortune of the
party to ykhich ve are proud .;to belonte,.ie
take a trip; 'as as hden our custom every
'second year. A" few traitors Will retrain
hind irid seek ailmission to the isms ire leave
in power. :It is part, ly to 'rid . orlrselvtis of
them, that we learp.' Wu do..siot- design
locating at the headAviters of the :River—
tintit'all. two y'ear's spent in iii..ticating
and polishing our. armor will be the limit of
our solourm= •iciext fall we shall Send Vown a
few tegitnenta to — break 'ft lanett with oul•
ri . tops foe, lied leaf a their weakest points,
eparatory to the canipalgb of 1460. 'Em i ly
in that year we shall begin marshaling our
' forces, and at the proper tiine, will operrour
batteries upon the gouty-Crew, and, with one
grand plitirge, easily drive •them dolt* the
giier:--to its moue/r, whence they will be swept
into ant overwhelmed in the VAIN of
TERRIBLE Accrnattv.---OuSatirday iast,while
the Opposition were firing guns in Montrose
to celebrate the result.of the late eleciloi, the
guir, (a foar•ponnder) *mat of while the
gannets were-driving home the cliarge: The
gun,was in charge_of COl. Spicer, and Craw
ford and Das*ls Titus of Plarlind. The •Col.
was Somewhat iirjured,while the Tituflirothers
were terribly mangled.. (Crawford died abOut
midnight, David.snrvires with the loss of an
arm, asui,olhor injuries. The deceased was
41 yoars of ego, and !eaves a wife and four
children. The surviving brother Intetwo or
three children. Both , are highly
citizens, and' the ski occurence his made a
deep impression upOrt community. 'Being
absent at the time, and not wishing to cast
a reflection upon any one concerned, . we for
beai commenting upon the cause or result.
A considerable amount of mosey has been
contributed by our citizens for the telief of
the sufferer°. - •
The October Electieue.
Our very. latest advice& of the October
elections are as follows :
PimmrtxAsta.—The - oppotition have
elected their State ticket, a majority of the
Congresitnen and State Representatives:while
the DtlntoCrats will still base one majority in
the State Senate.
MINNEEter.We get but , few returirs,
not , enough tojudge 'of tbe'result.
• FLo RIDA.--DetocrasiO State, ticket . and
lowa.--Itelitina come in -I.lowly. Butlittle
change from last year.
Iniaaa.—The 'Democrats Blect their State
Cum.—Carried by the opposition. Lewis
Campbell is dereated -b ; •
Dem °oil:
SoLmI Cutousk.-;—Saine es before. De
mocratic majorities.''
"The oco Foco party, as it 4tatuiN 3a one
hat cannot be de s troyed."
The above isfrore die PhiladetrifiletJas
'cnemies litrte often boasted that, the "De.
caocratic party was dead," ;yet they -always
,find it alive and at work With. re' neired vigor t
after a temporary reverse of its -Ohara! suc
cess. "The admission of the "News" is ouite
significant just after the late contest. h may
justias . truthfully. be claimed that Ithe Sun -is
extinguished every _time a cloud obsoares its
face, as to say that the National Derfmciaby
is - destroyed, becnuse they let Worsted ocz
casionarly., Avi the sun shines-hrighter after
a ; storm, so tloes,,,Pernocracy always secure a
more - triumphant - victory after a defeat;
Such has been the casein the
„past, and the"
future will not be "otherwise.!
• .Stisq!aL tokausly-s•Of Dein! * r otes
'Judges. Representatives
,Z 4 - 5)-
w. •
. • 17-
r ' 3
• ' F- ••
• es
. 1-•
• ;
Auburn 182 • 7 04 184 64
Apotecon . 42' 01 42 • - 61
Ararat', 55 -20 • 5S 7S
Bridgewater... ; ,143 - . 101 • .1 143`'''18 6 'Brooklyn 07 , :1 - 15,1c -- 72
. ... 168 '•! 164 '66
ehoconut. .11 :60 411 •'-•" 66
:139. 05 1/14 :73
Dandaff....'... 30 10 - ' 18
Priondsville P ' 11 1& 20
Pianklin '• :67 63 70
Forest Lake.. ..166 • ' 8 - -49
.4.8 1.56 -44
Or, Bend , 177 4 1213 - 156 • 155
Harfora . 132 '65 "t 10-8
Jlattoony. 64 • '•27
Herrick - 74 23 -• -26
Jack50n..,.... - ..127 l9 • 1.18 . 80
Jessup..., . AO6 - 48 - 112 • 46
Ijberty..•.• .: 72 43'0 • " 71 1- -82
Jeabrop.. . '•-•.;• 22 -- 00
Lenox - . . . 140 ' •60 • .44 . 59
Montrose.:..lB3' - •4g - 119 55
lifidddletown - .,.-.... •40 86 '49 86
. - 100 - 150 104
Oakland •45'27 45• 0 6
Risk • ' '129 •,56 • • 129 ' •5 .
Springville .::.:.157 .64 .116 '66
Silver Lake - •41 40 ' -61
Susqle 'Depot:. 431 1:4" . " 1 16:1 - • -1 1 32
ThC.nipson;- •44 'B9 " - 45' • 38
Total.. ;0124 , " .3048' " 10:17
fr.* • ••• •ON
Cam! Cknorai
" -
- 71 iazer`al -.47-7-150
ibage, Vrilmot, Opp.: —2 054
• "
Patrick, . .1926
' • "
"maJorlt..F; •
• Cppgres% Crow, Opp 1,-. .414E4!
- 113511:,
C‘tify:Govaretheiodei, Pig :
Page's majority. ..
filear2S.L. Fl.-6-40667,
:"A11ir:..151- • V . ; 27:t,.
The - Elettieus.
Our Phunkiy exchahges already come
laden withglnritication over the wholesome
reverses sustained-by the Democracy in the
recent elections , . Forney's Press, and its two
{or three echoes whiting; sttikin distance are
even so goon btirsting off their breeches but
tons in proclaiming theituight of PhOnkevism
with bellowing itings: ; NVell—their hallelu
jahs of self-gratulation are no new sounds.
1 When personal disappointment -about cake
riming small beer politicians, and the spirit
of revenge and undue ambition on, the, part of
plunder-mongers and :pseudo leaders gene
rioted the 'Hugh-White iplit, scch journal's
cheating themselves beeause the.treachery
the times 'depriVitd 'Old lackion of every
member of Congress fOm„Tennessee; bellow
ed AS stolidly as their ireiralons of the day over
the amount of teinporoty misetief they, too,
had ItcconTll§bed.
,Icrevertheleis, in due
dine Tennessee same right side up. .F... , 0 too,
in the case of the temporary success 9 1" the
Wm. -C. tivns'oorilrirricy , against, the lie
mocrney, ilniekey journaliina went well. nigh
into "Ms" in its testacy. 24air, in .115.1,
when the temporary Yevertes of the bcruo.
cracy in the North veto twict as geeat as'in
the recefit'electiotr, all the unfrialipled who
failed to get .oflice•ifroM," the Pierce ad.
ministration-, or. to t,i permittdd to plunder
the treasury at will, ,blated through their
newspapers intense resoicinka over the ap.
parent prostration *of- the Party of Prin
ciple.. f
How far their calculations were reallied
in after results, the Star's readers will Fe.
member.. So they wilt comprehend that the
upshot of the eeve,rses:cf the Lour is to be
precisely what the upshot'-of those reverses
WAS. That is, that the combination to pros.
trate the Democracy, being united ' upon
nothing but' that depire, will soon quarrel
among "themselves,
and the Democraoy will
also be entirely rid of the embarrassing effects
of the pretence of Phunkeyistn of quasi
-identification — wiili them. The Phunkeys
claiming to have brought about the defeat
of the Democracy, will, as usual, claim ail
the fancied proceeds of the victory,and where
cot throwing • aside all pretence of such
identification - , • will be unceremoniously_ whis
tled into iolitical ohlivien by- the Opposi
tion. . _
From JetliTson's iloy to this, the- elections
to every second.ConOTss.qf a Dcmocru tic ad
miniarotion hgve resulte4 os,o - n this occasion.
Nevertheless, the Democratic party has con
tinued alive, and in porer, and J'hunkeyism
has continued to stink louder and louder in
the.nostrils of all of both parties silt° labor
for honest ends in ;politic,. It enjoys no
more of public confidence to dap than
twenty-five years ago ;
In this case, the tnisfortune is, that the
victory is not as complete for the time being,
as heretofore. The .permanency of the as
cendency of the Detnoe:rat;e party .has al
ways depended, in a' grent measure, on its
getting rid-of the Pliunkey incubus once in
every four years; after the same fashion.—
Evening Star.
AND TILE Ctrunctn--tThe following set of re
solutions were adopted unanimously at a
public meeting of; the Brack RepuLlidan
patty in Verinont, but a few days prior to
the recent election in that State ; tbey fully
explain the ends aimed at by that party"down
iicsottled, That ov'e have but, one.oljeet in
view, the immediate; liberation of the slave;
p,e pronounce that statesnianship to, be folly
which leaves the fre4cun of the slave out of
sight, chat .patriotism to 'be hollow which
lie spurious which doesl3ot . 11-. .! " - to
and a brornen
Res Used, That 14, shall &Novi lualling, to
starld,between the slave and his emancipation
—.ne4her,parchments nor 'compacts, nattier
. COristitations .nor Pnions i but 6hali ,press
through' them all, or over them, - diverted by
no side issue;
. inti+sted by no. menace, ap
,pallea by no danger, till we break iris yoke,
and place him,:red'pemed and disenthrallekl,
.upon the world-wide platform of a common.
Resalroi, That we register our to titnouy
against the American churtAl the popular
religion, and the government of the Unite}
States,because,by their deliberate consent and
active cc= )peration, four mill'orts of our
countrymen are held in the galling chains
of bondage, whose emancipation is registered
by theewith exceeding obduracy of spirit
and maliguity,of purpose.
The Protective , Tariff Issue.
The attempt el the 'Republicans' of New
York, Pennsylvanie and New England to in.
corporate the protective doctrine into the
creed of the party is receiving some pretty
strong rebukes from the 'Republicans' of the
West. , Akar the Chicago "Tribune," the
leading organ.of the -Republicans-in Illinois.
"A.Worerto a few cry Potticiajrs.---
We have observed with some little appre.
pension the-efforts I of a few Pennsylvania,
New York and New England politi - dans to
dove-tail the doctribe of protection into the
Ilkpablican Platforin. We beg these gerr, le.
men to desist, and -leave the _tariff an
open qu&ction to be decided upon its merits,
not according to the exi g encies of -parties.
The attempt to,fore the Repub2iCans cif the
West into accord with the iron-masters of
Pennsylvania, and+ the mill owners of Idas,a
eltusetts, under .tho-pressure of party dis
cipline, can have s at this junction, csrly
disastruns effect. .
"Our great ntantfraeluring interests ought
to rest upon a firm/r basis than that afforded
in the prom'rzs of politicians or vagaries of
the public ;and: as:the ell:rut...on in the disso
lution and re-org.aurzation of parties is 18.54
.58 •wasAhrinvia outic , ,by conimorr.consent, „we
protest-against. the frfatalpolicy which would
new revive and thagit., into. the partisan .dis
evasions uf•the daiy. But if .the politicians
oa - hqrn We bare referred are determined to
vat another starnOirr%.,, .block in the way of
..blepublicaarsoccess, let them- not ray : that
they were'nnt:*arrie(l.of the consequence to
"The svr l ay Re Publican"' politicians at the
East will not •thank their liiibois brother for
that notice, , for he !is altog,elher inore frank
and tt titian! 'thin .'diiiiitil4nentary:l
itar -At Fayette Citd i Monongahela sna
indiakaiFainit, during the-last weeh,lhri Firit
''Premiuuts for rapid Businessnnd Ornamental
Penocciansi4wern awarded' to she:drtm City
:College in -this cit y. 'Slur . present patramige
of this Institution; i r ei greater, thaw. that of any
other four COnint akeoilegosofthe Union,
'and:offers ladvant "gin superior - to others
in every branch of Business Education, as
well as in PeirmaiShip for which it is so pre-,
einioentlyAlistinguished.—Pittsburgh Evalting
- Cardniele::'='' • -.I
" I
A tir - Some friends of the Atintinistratio'n,
nne.uiyhrg high apolitical express'
.theinsetves. favtnnfde• -- ta as direct apptienticia
to Congress for ap appropriation to zondisat
a negotiation forthninvrebase of Cuba.
sg (PO Oszetteatninsioas'
the,trispoiritint:nt of J. Glancy Jones as Minis.
ftl to kvisein.
Correspondence of the Venang6 Spectator
Letter from Kansas.
PAOLA, "l e ykins Co., K. T., Sept. 14
R. L. COCIIRAN--=•-- '
pear Sir : 1 . 4 C itizen -of your
continentkg on my last letter published in
your paper, requesta"tie to "try ugniri,' and .
wishing to do What I- conceive to, be tight,
and truthful, I will endeavor to compki., '
I promiseil to send you tho returns of the
late election by counties, on the English bill,
authorized by the Demoeraticparty, allowing.
the people in legttl and . t*PilltAtletlai wan
ner to settle their "domestic institutiops,aovell
as policy relating US:ate Gdverment,in their
own way i , wit:Mira violating the organic or
Territorial lbws. Thatoflewing is the official
TO accordance with this proivisions of • An'
net of Congress, May 14th,1858, entitled
Act for the admission of the State of Kansas
into the Union," the undersigned board of
Cemmissioners haying carefully capvassed.the
return received by-them of the election herd
the'first - Monday ':in 7luguiti 'lava, on the
protiosition therein Submitted,- and made in
confoinsity with the requirements of said act,
lta're ascertained the vote to lie 4by counties
and. f Venincts as follows - •
Connths PtOri.nccepted. Prop. rejected.
Atchison, 260 114)--
Anderson, "4 - 113
Alien, - 23 ' 268
Brown* 35 243
Breckenridge, 4 ba
rourbc?t, , a'2s
Calhoun, .32 • 250
Coffey,. 15 2. ;440
Denipheir, 027
Douglas, 1435
Leaven worth,
Rilev,f •
*Returnsfrom rowhattan township re
jected, there beteg 'no such township..-8 for,
28 agsinst.
Waris township rejected for want of Judge's
cettificate.-132 against.
(Kansas Fall precinct rejected, the Judge's
names being signed all in the same hand n•ri
ting.-37 against.
NoW, therefore, do we hereby proclaim the
result of said election to be, that for ' . l l roto i
dols Accepted" there were cast one thousand
seven hundred awl eighty-eight votes, and
that for "Proposition Rejected" there were
cast.eleven thousand three hundred vcoes,snd
a majority of the votes. cart being for "Pro-
position .R.i.jecrell" it is "deemed-and held that
the people of Kansas do not desire admission
into thdUnion with said eonsti'u ion under
the conditions set forth in • said Proposi
.Tiortic4 (!f comnii4 . sioncrs
! ) - 1
By there ;returns •you will perceive that
the vot9lor tho Vroposition is IiSS, and a
gainst it 11;560—majotity againt Proposi
tion, 3,513. Vhis'result was readily antici
pated by neatly every one, and to show that
I was not mistaken pedictiot„in refer
ence to the combination ngainst the rroposi
tion, 1 refer ych to pltpers bf all parties which
I rend you. Mr. Thattlier, the editor of the
- Lawreoce.,Republicau" ip his speech against
the English bill, in Lb& blitough,forshadbwed
it, when he declared, trrest emphatically, that
the' ultra and extreme pro slavery :Know-
Nothings, as well As a large majority of pro
slavery Democrats were ej)mbining with the
free State Democrats, Abolitionists and - Re
publicans to vote down the Preposition, And
commended them Lit - rbly for the Same ; and
further said that Mr. - Miller, of this placc,
(who replied to him in a very able !Vander)
was the only man be had seen in his tour of
three weeks stumping, who said he Would
come out boldly and-vote for the bill. This
explanation, I hope, will settle the nerves of
the.-dilit'iran citizen.
It appears by the official vote above, that
but tuft:rig-seven out of thirty-sem» counties
rnfed.on the,question, although the Terriioiy
was -welt eattvassed by the opposition spea
kers, abotilade great ado and shed tears of
sympathy over the clisfranchisetnent of. the
people in nineteen counties by the pro-slav
ery oligarchical 'administration, taking their
quece from the opposition.orators and press,
headed by the New York. Tribu:Ye.
There never was sent forth.a tWore palpable
misrepresentation Hiatt the one so widely cir
culated, as the disfranchisement of the nine
teen counties, AS T will show, and your rea
ders may then judge wheli?rGovernorWalker
did not either willfully set forth what was
rot true, 'or that Ire'iVAS faintly ignorant as to
the fonts, or.had 6eetr4l9petl by unscrupulous
friends. -
Tbejour counties ocAllen Anderson Cot
f-7 and Franklin,which refttsed to,biassessed,
threatening the officers and, dritting hein:off,
polled On the 144 ti votes. gow,
as to the jifteen counties, which Gov. NV'alker
says were "disfranchised- by no fault of their
own," (admitting as you will ob;erve, that
four counties, were at fault-) 'Of these Ate
polled votes as follows on ..the' English
Darn,. 9.•rilunter, 2.l . —hl'Gte,
41—Richardson; 'a; in all' /66; The ro
maiaing-titn- "di.franchised" counties, viz :"
Botlet,,Clay, Diukinsot, Gooffrey,Greenwood,
Woodson,. %Wilson, 'Weller and
:Washington ditlaiol poll d sinplet , rote ! a
fact made evidently an inspection off the
certified returns above.' -Secretary Stanton
aileges, howeveri•tbat-th`e registry was "im
perfect," even' in -the counties 'where the
.officieta wore permitted to - otteisite. -To meet
this, it-via. only ,rteoessery lo :refer 'the
.number of-rotes registered And- the , retorns of
the August election, in .•the -- eatine counties,
viz : ifigisteretlik6Bol rotes imlled 11,837
showing a difierence of only. -2,108 votes,
whit:* its not strange,- considering - than about
fifteemmontha elapsed between,- the- , registra
tion and - thw,elictiotr,' and-the eruigintion-to
the Territory-going Cm . briskly. ---
So mue 6 •forAle4isfranokiternent. of nine
' teen counties, as proclaimed by Gov.; Welker
and Secretary , Staotoni, and echoed and re.
eehoeci by.the'oppoitition in every; neok:7llnd
corner of tbeZzion. Look' at the figtires—
four counties sefueing to be. registered. polled'
4 4 4 5 ' cotwo , poiling36s.voles,..end
'lekoonetios"lsot a sin* vote '
ilapieg .nrsdOstood-_,Lbaf: ;the Anti•Le
,4onwinnifie in your :41stejeSaelr ifor
!Oleic:thunder upon the nineteewconnty hum
fed ltrai , theloaeseoterutb, as well As
a duty to my old Penrivlania friends,-called
1 9 S
• 14
- 11,300
J. W. DE.;VEII..
tleman of Cincinnati .has been "dying by
inches" of , rheumatism,- and .afiertravelling
for some time be came home almost
lie had been engaged to be rnarried, sad,
says.the•Cinciattati Fiuquiret : • -
'Meary of physicians, attempted .cuies
and life itself,he came home tarlia, and again
went to the ..Spencer House , • shinitire he
would there receive from the-kindly priaprie
tress all the attendance he could at. any
place not in every red.e a home. Ile was
carried from theiroat.tcr the hotel, and wbre ,
dead 'than alive, plaeedrin the clomfortable
apartment I e had before occupied. On the
sixth day after his return,.he learned that his
betrothed—thinking,that he could not sur
vive, and wishing Trobablv to lose no time
in her connubial relations-=had been married
the,dayk previous - to aaother Terser', more
wealthy, if less meritorious than be. All_the
,friends of thatliseased lover thought that this
*wiped provh fatal at oaeo r inlis theAstate of
heakb,hut instead of their anticipations being
realized, in a week from 'the day of the re
ception of the unsuspected ra=wa, be 'arose
from his bed: and. rapidly recovered,. . and in'
less , thau a.month be watt, as,welhatiever.."
Thirteen Atlantic 4t,eitcp shj _ '
- lost
since 'Le ;iAtroatipAiott :or 'oceitti `. ` 6teAitisliip
1 `President'',, ':;141)
2 Cplunitiiii, 2slll fail* "' '
3 11.0hiilify •
tityeddikedow'* - 4to ..'"
5 City"citTbillt; All - tiitti4titiaii4. , • ' 2l
• 'do.'
7 Acetic, •
8 Piielfi6*, '24(t •
9 Lyiwitiaio;' - 14'114 0 is
I° ' lll )Pest, 160,
i Still' Prittielice,4o
Nnt tatAii!e'ri6B,432 -lost—: 67
Wust.6,' • lAtfg'f4l-89
*Never heard of..
11.4 Ofe I f4M9f
life, hi tlia_Pi§XtiAtlari teen 040 C 4 14 4 3 .
any of "olAso !o:iIA;AP.I4p
soceian• cun'aiY:fhiOtY-oMetfiltwAeis
reztimatod at. $1,0,500510,
for this plain, unvarnished statement of facts,
in relation thereto.
In my former letter I stated that, the outfit
ges„ were not' perpetrated eztclustvely by
'the proislavery Tarty, and cited ' several in
. stances' in proof. I frequently hCar'of others.
In conversation with the ;Rev. Mr. .Brad
. ford, the •Presitling Elder of the Methodist
Churcb, a few, days since, when he . Was hold
s ing a quarterly Meeting at this place, he said -
I in, reply to an inquiry, that one of the horses
I he drives in his buggy, as well as one belong
-1 ing to Itev. Mr..llawkins,tbe circilitinittister,.
were Stolen out of the 'stable ono night, re
short distance from Fort SCott, where himself
and Rev. 11. were bolding their regular
quarterly 'maim and werernot heard of a
gain until after the battle between the U. S.
troops and Captain Montgomery and .Bavauls.
men, when they Were found with the fatter
parties, and returned by Capt. Anders* of
the U.S. troops.
• The outrages sufficiently indicate the
,character of the men who have 'kept up the
commotion in this Territory by setting all
laws at defiance, and in whose favor dema
gogues ask you of the Staten to lavish your
You will observe by a letter of Judge Cot- ,
way's in the Lawrence "Republican" that en
effort is to be made to press through Congress
the Leavenworth "Nea b To-Equality Qonstitu
, Von," the offspring' ofli party and without
1 authority of law. The following extract fro
the Judge's letter shows that the arguments
, used by -Mr. Vucbanan and ',the Demaeratic
party in favor of a legal Constitution,• and
,denounced by the'Republicans as the vilest
heresy, is now reorted to for the purpose of
bolstering up an, i strument gotten up by a
party and not by the people :
'lt is supposed by some, however, that in
consequence of the small votei - polled at the '
election on the Leavenworth Constitution,* '
will be out, of the power of Congress to admit
us under .that instrument. But this is a very
erroneous idea. The law providing for a.
hpbtoi4ioo of the Constitution to..a you) of the
people did not render At necessary that tit?
whole population shook! -vote at the election
in ordhr to ratify ,the . Cchstitution—not at
all. It sitnply required,that of, the number
Of those ,who did vot e,a majority should be
for the Consaltrtion—and that, would ratify
it. .The idea that the- 'whole population
Should vote at an election to give rit,effeet is
impracticable and absurd: If the whole
popubltion be required to vote s then any
ournber iak pet-sons, however small, can defeat
any election by simply etaylug away from the
polls. Both the sense tied the law of the
whole matter is - tb the effect 'that rstrajority
of the votes cast in all ilectietta..controla ; mull
those who do not, participate therein authorize
those who do to act for them.",
Had the free Sta•e party- her&ofore tinted
in accordance with the views now entertained
by the supporters of the Leavenworth Con
stitntion KensNs wou!d now be a free Stole.
Much has been said in regard to the
probable population of, this Territory, the
Republicans, while it is suitable, estimating
it as low as 35,000 .
. Now as I am averse to
protruding .my Own' speculations upon vthe
public, I refer to nu estimate in the editorial
columns of the Lawrence "Republican?
quoted from above, with the remark that I
eontideohe calculations reasonable. Here
it is :.
. "The vote on the second of August shows
a total of 14,231...Add3e.that, for f.r -igners,
for those detained from the polls by sickness
and high miter, and those disfranchised
the six months rule, at least 4,000, wnawe
have au adult white male populatiOwof ,
• - 18 ; 211; •
Theca will 11 twn aft i n tmn6i . 44. tit
the head ; w•e then late. 82,04,0
To -this should be added those Indiana:who
have been made citizens of OA united States
by, treaty or otherwise, and tbree•tifths -of all
other persons excluding : lndians, say 500
Total, •
From this it will be seer? that the .popula
tion required loy the English bill wilbbe in
the territory before a /ego/ -11.;on-titutioir ,Can
possibly be got before Congress.. ,
Leavenworth City, that gave It,lll votes
against, and 181 in favor of the English 01,
has fired the irst Dernowatic gun in the
territory. The whole Democratic Ticket
was elected on the 9th instant. Oiher
‘ie,tories will follow in line
Yours respectfully,
Ur The gelding Gazette says that it did
not expect that J. Glancy Jousts would be de;
tested. If the editor looks over - his files care
fully, he will fiad that bis own course, pit
vi ods to .the hominatiow of kr. Jottes,hltrght
about-this uhlooked for event.
,The articles:
written against Sir. Jones, and published in
the Gazette were enough to defeat any Demo
crat,-_ unless We are to sniqx se that the
Gazette has no influence whatever with the -
Democracy of Berke county,
VT Judge Porter has resigned his corn
'thision of Supreme Judge, held by the ap
pointment .of Gov. Packer.
As an evidence of tbe progress
. The News
is making, we will state that for the week
ending yesterday we received for the Daily
560 additional mail and city subscribers,
980 additional Weekly, and orders for 2,745
copies of The, Campaign News-800 of
which were from one county.' Saab is the
progress of The News. •
We shall issue on Thumlay a Weekly
edition 0f95,000 copies.—N. Y.News, lath.
_ lt is said that. General Jerez Will imnie
diately communicate with the Government
of Nicaragua, relati%e to the nonsuccess of
his mission, and 11,-k foi further instructions.
lie tvasaunphaticatly informed by lir. Casa
that, fahatover may he done by 'France or
any .ot)►er foreign power, 'our .Government
will protect the transit route to the fullest
extent and stall hazards,
Tux general result-of the late rennsvlvariia
election speaks well for the tactics and active
manogement of Gen. Simon Cameron; ih the
root's of, fusion and bringing out in solid
factietris of the opposition i and
tite Douglas symPatlilzers of the Democracy.
Gen. Cameron . may particularly plume upon
the skilrwith which be Lai Managed that re
beilibus and bdsterous ranter of Deniocra4.
Forney. First, the General out-generard
poor!frorney for the Senate in a Dernociatio
Legishlturel 'and secondly, lice has turned the
Litter disappointment of Forney to a. good
atcciiin-t ti . tta" iiitt his-own party.
As for Ciefteral.Catuerom be,pOw W 1 & at
the'llocl of the eolunui ,of the .opposition
availablPs fdr tb4l'gesithenti4l battle.; and UP'
14ss Sew;irtl 'be lei/eyed by a miracle' in
our 3;Toirnbei elbttiqu,S;e will havetii 411:e
1,a4 sett in tlui neWcar;" rind submit like
Fo. ney, to. tho I .uperipr iue of tiatherou.
herald. " -,
The Atlaniio Mutual Juburance CoMilani.,
of Philadelphia; has dosed its business and
gots into liquidation, an 'account of heavy
marine losses recentl sustained.
otice.--rThere will be preaching .in the
Lw. 7o6 A b t t ,r.t t i ist h tin Alnntrnsn nn
Pill%--Overf low-of bile:
eouStitittionn I pretlispoSition 444:
orders is very..einntnen in this country; We
findlhat, in .1 largo proportion of the erdinary
cases of cough, cold, intermittent fever, influenza
•the liver sympath'zes violently with the
pultronary o-gnus. Acting directly and simbl
taneottsly upon both, the Pills soon bring them
back to a natural and healthy conditioh
The impurities of 'the sYstem are discharged
through the bowels, the organs of respiration
are,relitmed•by the operation of this great coun
ter-irritant upon the fevered
_blood, and the
.ffinetietts. 4f• the liver are . regtlated _an4 re
'it rain ed. 71up primary . and subsidiary onuses
of the complaint are reaehed and subdued at' the
hatUe time. • flw.
,Notice...aThd School Directors .of the
diritigenster.. Schaal _District are requested to
meet at Tarbell'a.Hotet, in Mont rose,oti Satur
day, October 2313, at one o'cloc];, , p. m.. Dy ogler.
To the Suffering Community Helm.
bold's Genuine Preparation of Fluid Extract of
Puthu is olferedas a specific. Read the adver
tisement h'eaded "Helmbold's Genuine Prepare
than." trno
Deaf pe es.—See advertisement headect"Ear
and cc 14 .'
43 1 3,1215 segiallit1011:—See advertisement under
this Wading, ,oe 14 • ' -
Is this fair or' not ?..-Dr. • Tobias' Ve.
netraw Liniment will- cure Ithematimm,
ache,. Toothache , Croup, Pains of . all ,kinds,
Sore Thrnals,,St.,. or no, charge will. be :nude.
Every, agnnt is authorized. to return the. money,
if any one dis"%atisfied after using-it according,
to directibi. Yi and 50 cts. Depot, 5o
Cortrandt street ; New ,Yozk.-
• CONcEitT.
tristruinental Collcert,
Anti Grand Exhibition
October 21st, 1858
1 . 4" Please real earetully our small tills.
0c,7 C. W. riFFANY, l'rop.
- -_
: Z . :P ; SQlartS - C Dintarrat
Te01i,!....51.50 per `annum if peel in-ad
enneir#2.oo if paid within tho , yearor, 1)2.60
if not•paid'untit the and of the year ; or :period
of subneriptioneffrldwinee paytnont solleitt.4.; •
~ INegontiAeaceel 0 14144 :with the -Publisher .
ußtil.ll. arrea9gc4!i ar pitid,„ ,
~ ;;• .., ~„„.
•,. - : : • U l atell .. ll 4i,•4d•T•rii!!!lF , -, ~r.. 1
Ono square, ( 10 linee,) 3 weeks ' or less, .8 1 - O P'
Epckettbscgoon,t jorwtion, .. , 44re. .„. - '25;
otid . .k . dare one plar; 'sff:(lo.twe'rti $ . 0.00,•
three typisiei 51G.,00, fitrieitloirio - $26:00. '''':"
'Biffitits • Cards:life - 1k lines $ 3.00-per sear:''
' ;11"4b' Oiled' air kitidio exiittfrd'ileitVy
.and tiOn #?..ifiriinikilidiny e spitliant !'•.*•'-
;• ., LJantuirylist44B3B...: .';;,.,.-, .. ,,, I , :z. -. 1.1-,
noting; t 0 ,,. osni,grato tO,
Mko 'phifket . sea, advorttoe,Fiielit of
IlropiOnto`n - - '
-14440 - .141111 •
• OnthOith inst., by 'Rev , W. Riefn•d;4!'
WM. D. liA44 , ntidllll , 4 tg.4 l oFri-c.04/11, both ,
•.,£: ,•‘-}
In 'New 31iitord, Sattittlai , setoninglit:
4th, NEWTODrgaWALICEIt, aged 36 years
ilitot6lnoithohltiler an dlinessinf two:ye:nut
;H4 1 4444.. lyifougl44lo4o4 0191* AP4rft
dairfrtu ffhprn
2.44forfi , orfi , 94. 44,440, 60444 : 1M0 :
-A %F.MgckUttiSegg47 Igazitlir4
months. •
Mow Ix Tug piADIATTErti.—The dead
letteehranekof the General Post Office has
justA - 4other , quarter's work. During
tko three nrupths whiek terminated or the
Othmlt.; thee was found 2,729 lettermillich
'Cobtainid intinoyiernounting in thd-aggregate
;t0:5 . 12,021 V.. For the quarter whicli'clos
`ed. 30th Jun6.last, there were received 4,549
le(ters . tra•lb2l - 489 85 in Money. For The
quarter ending the 30th March, 2,472 letters,
and $13,475 ()matter closed 31st
December',-2,352- letters, and $13,361 90 in
Osh.Jotal,:in ) tha-year, 12,102 letters, and
'itiiit,23o 7'2_ in Money. ' It is gratifying to
apite thatcundor the efficiency arid prompti.
tude which characterise the finabce bureau,
over nine-tenths of tbo whole amaunt 'of cash
has been restored to the original owners.
At Portland, Me.: a cute Vankee.advertised . a
lecture on the "Humbug of Spiritualism," the
- point.Of,which' would be "letting the. cat out
of the bag ;" admission five cents only. - A
large audience gathered at the City Elan on
Wednesday - evening, and the lecturer, after a
few words on the nature of humbug,took from
beneath his deslc;a bag which he : promptly
opened, and out spiting a veritable cat ! The
diense, fortunately - for the lecturer,telished
the joke; and amid the Furst of applause that
followed,. he let himself out of the lecture
.room. -
, lielie
Tis eerta in that Gods can sold sweeten .
in Vontroaci and 'at Sniquehanna De t
Those doubting this assertion‘will do well to - 41
at the stores of .
6uttrubtrg liosenbitmNit:
where - it will be proven • that the Merchant an,
selling his Goods can can afford to sell Cheaper,
for Cash, and can "offer induce:Mints — stifileitintler
make it an object to PombaSeri; itt whatever
sacrifice 'They are °tagged tomike; to procure the
Money to'adopt in their' Purchase's the. C4H
They have jnstieceived Ind are eonsfantly
ceiving, a large assortment of Dry GOODS rind
CLOTHING, particalarly adapted for
and which are purchased under the most &voila.
We circumstances. .They are enabled and wk r. i
offer and sell at prices far below others that will
give and, have given an. everlasting. Credit; no
matter whether it is Tom, Dick, or Harry.
An assortment heretofore unequaled by anything
ever 'offered irZ Montiose.
• ,
Fancy and Staple. Dry "Goods!
.. I .
Comprising m my new and estrable style ti of
Goods unknown in this marke among which ill
b e found, in - i
. 1
All the novelties of the season, cheap 4
New: and choice stylel of Brea° dontlej and
single, Stella Plaid, Woni, Tahn-, and Mantilla,
and a new style of Chenill Shawls, cheap
61 - itenberg Ilostubaum, *Cys.
[OT ,
An assortment alriays on hand, also Ladies'
O hth
akkil Trimming to watch, of all sl wits, ther •
p at
lloscittam k-41 1 0'5
. .
F43111110 - 11)EltitS1
iti this Department we eari - offer great itidnee
ments, as they are parehmect direetlY frets im
porting herpes. The assortment compriokis
..French Setts Sleeves and CoOnyx,
Worned Edgings and Inserting,
and a great many more limit,.
Ales !belong to this line too)
numerous to men.
Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers Jand
Plnines, Wire,
Stiff Net
• tiings and Trams,
.at Wholesale and Retail,—cheap at
iiriestic Goodis I
Maybe found all the difTerent qualities of liirints,
Blesehed -Gonda, Fine Unbliaithe
Musli', Ticks, Stripes,Deniths, Sheetirtgl 2 1.2
3 , 24 wide, cheap at
As this is olio of their Paractrai. Enasctiza: qz
BUS 1;41.S8 in - New-Y,ork City, they eertainlithave
one great advantage neer all the rest of (11q.hiers;
they having 'one Partner "Steady iir:Weett r York
city to devote all his this partientaebraneh
of manufactnrinz. They. art/ , fornish; it any
time, a Good .Garment it , shotit. the , same: price
for,whi t ch the material can be got. c;
- They will ivarrant,their work and.a complete
fit or no par. I
They keep constantly on hand one of the.beat
stocks of - ' •
such as nock i Dress, Raglan, `and ciDi.
gn Greai Yaii(ly and 27Tereq,446461.
Sash as Velvet, Plush, Cassiiiier,. 'and taliti
cheap at
te, l af f it Skort:lll4 ! tice.•
G a riltirtg
~q-Utr.NBERGiAOS.I4I:7:*; 14i'tot.
iiitoictofrtigrt,wxsz, -
TO Oltlll wumutotra • ' •
•F 3.R- 1. E f 4 .D'.*;
e t
- Ana in pariJorkii(Z*PiPtilfigitilittliiin' I v"
Iturebtedftiins,wc w ill . 46.3( obey' vorci tAtire
Will itql Alfßietiff PltY'hOrestftfil and VIVAti•
teoinst iind lioltes'lntiSt - Ise settled wittio*Fir ,
itintr.lftfoilcs. ,- 7-Niteltreilred.of. writing Winning
li t itbirsuri i- SupliortinglbePostMee#4lbeTe• -
tbtio(1111V, Wit-wilt tolto nit kindit•'
tha Highest Haricot Prices for Payrnetty!nd ill
tc4ounrs,stan4ing .over, Ai4„gonillip , 9n, ,oar
%Oils Will b4Ttift-At oitet' ii'li*l.4s - Ait46d
tiuttiitat '
_0 .57 .-m A ii . , , , ,, -- Air .. iL• 4, .1 . . it.,0, 1
.1 . 1.
'- "Zatig i ll erg LAiOttlabilltilli - ft. - ZIK
, Hinat,ronejsa„ .ocber . 201 ;.1 la; . ' ' ~,, _