fousensi'ral. 'liete is much geed sense in nonsense "Caught on the Jury." - The following, which we heard told as a fact some-time ago, is too good to be losiond may be beneficial to some voting gentlemen who has a young, unsuspecting wife. .2.1 certain. man, who I;ves' about ten from Was in a habit of going - to towtia , bout once a mouth and getting on a . regular "spree." and would not return until he had time - to "m:11 off," which generally , took two or three days. Ms wife was ignorant of the cause of hisgtaying.nway so long, and suf fered greatly from anxiety about his welfare. When he would return; cf course his,.-confid ing wife 'would inquire what had - beekthe matter with him, and' the invariable reply was, "Thar he was caught on the jury, and couldn't get off." 'flatting gathered his Corn, and placed it in a largo heap, he, according to custom; deter mined to call: in his neighbors and . have ' . 'real cornbusking, frolic. So be gaiie,_ \Ned, a faithful - seriant, a jag ,and an order to go :to townwnd get a gallon of w—a 'ere necessary article on such occasions. Ned • mounted- a,#*le and was soon in town, and, equipped withAhe whisky, remounted to set', out for home;' all buoyant with the pros, peet of fun „st libsking. When he had pro ceeded s tew buildre:d yards . from town, he concluded to try . the "stuff,". and. not satisfied at once, be kept trying until the world turn ed around so fast thathe turned oft" the mule, and tbeie be went to sleep a* , a ...sal. - , to grazing.. It was now nearly night, and when Ned awoke, it was "just before the break o'ilay," and So dark that he was un able to make any start toward home until light , As Soon as his bewilderment. subsid ed so that he could get the "points," he start ed with an empty jug—the-- whisky having run out—and afoot; for the mule - had gone on !borne. Of course he was contemplating" the application of a "two reaz_aldhie.korY," or a ptece Of twisted cowhide, as he went mil ,at the rate of two-forty. Ned reached home about breakfast time.- and ' fetched up" at 'the backdoor with a decidedly guilty counte nance. nance. "What in thunder bare you be a , yen_ black rascal ?" said,_hii. master. • , • Ned, mowing his master's excuse to his wife when he got on a - sPree, deterniinel to Cell the truth if-be died for it, and said : 'h, I was kotel /Vbere was 1.14 4 , 111 stabbed, sir Pr sail a n exc ited man o n Friday night last on Fourth st..; to a physician. .. • . "The - man was stabbed about an ,inch and a half to the left of the medium line, and abdut an inch above the umbilitius," was : the. reply. _ tOh,yes; I nii