- •:-• - •,:IGENERAL: — ELECTION. • In pursuance. of an_ fret Of. the General tlssesribic he'Corriltionweal t h ..l'enniyl-' vania, a. General be:held in the Cotinty of Susi:mhoMs on the' ••.;• 2d`Tnesday of October:next, - lit being 411612th day Of. the month) at which time the following State and County -officers are "to be chosen : • One• Judge of the Siipretne Contr. - . • One Canal , Commissioner; - -• . One Congressman for the..Hth - distriet. • One President Jude for the 1311t - diStriet. One Representative for Stistfa County. Ode County' Coin iniiiioner. - • i One 'County .A i tor. .• . • '.; The Places.of holding. the,eleetions will be as follows A, • Apolacon at 'hi house of Joseph Beebe.. 'Ararat at•the Presbyterian Church. • • Auburn at the hotiseof George Havel Iy. • Bridgewater at theCouriHoase in Montrose: Brooklyn at. the hotise-of J. 0. Bollard. Choconut•at the &House near R. Orifliin's. Clitfontat the honse of Hiram Barruni. Dundaff.at the Dun - daff - Ditnoek• at the house of Elisha 13. Gates. Forest Lake at the house, of Betsey D.Clark. • Franklin at the S. House near J. FtiendSville at the 136,:o? School House. Gt. Bend' at the house of he: D. Paddock. Gib Son at the house of JOSeph Washbern. - Harfotd..at the house of N.-W. Waldron. Harmony at. the house of Silas .Winters. •Herrick in a Wilding, occupied hy John Miller. - • Jackion at the house of J. J. Turner. • Teisinft.at tbe,house Danlloff.T • - • -Lenox at the knee of Grow brothers. Liberty at the house of Bela Jones. Lathrop ttt he,house•of Elisba Lord. Middletown Ate house of Joseph -Ross..- Montrose at the Court .IkuSe. New Milford at the house of Elijah Ha rnurn. Oakland at the 'house ofPobert, Rush at the house ';of George Snyder,. - Springville at the house of SpencerHickbx. Silver Lake at: the house Of it McGerigle. - -SuNtiehannitAitt he house of Eliot t Benson. Thompson at the house of E. R. Chandler. The 'return judges for this- cowl fy will meet . at the Court Home Montrose on the third day (Friday) after election, to peiforni their customary duties aceording to law, If any judge shall be.b.nable, from. sickness or acci dent, to attend, one of the inspet.:torS or clerks shall take-charge of the returns and. pet form all the duties -of judge. - The return judges for the-Judicial district will 'meet at the Court House in Montrose on Tuesday; the 19th, of Oi.;;tOber; the return judges 'of,: the CencressiOnal district will meet at Towanda - on the same day The polls must be opened between the hours of eight and ten o'clock, a. m., and re main open without •intermissiat until seven o'clock, p. tip., when they shall tie closed. Forfurtber instructions see election laws. Agriculttiral Exhibitiou. The Anrual Exhibition of the '•. Jackson Agricultdial SOciety" will be.heid at-Jackson Centre, - OctOber I•tuh, 1838. • The following is a list of artiel - 8 to be ex hibited, and , their judges: -.- • ONEN, DULLS AND sTmots. • ... , Judge's= -Nelson enehd. 13. Warner rind David Lsmb. - - COWS, 11EIFEFS, YEAULINU4 AND CALI:ES.. eradYeS—G. T. Perry, •Geotge.Tyler and Oliver-Clinton. • ‘. TiORSF.S. . la : les-11°race French, Jotham Picker ing anli Rufus Wit sn EEP ANn Judgrs—L. . and CbautT6ey Lamb. • POULTIVI: judges—O. IL I' - errvi As:‘ Dix and A. 13 Lirrabee. Jed gis—M4r tin 114, Silas Gai...2s and Phillip Steenbet;k: "ChnETAIMEP- - Jartues.—W IL I , l ;artieft, - 1). IL Farrar an.l Austin - lieu-on. MECEIANICAL. PRODUCTIC!NS .Tudges—L. ii. Benson-, C.-V.rea...11 and Emory - DOMESTIC "a iNC - 1 7 :.% or nag.. ,Tudgcs-Mr,4E - yander TOeker,. Mrs. Amy Benson and Ifr=l.),lieketirig. )31;TiErt CMEEFLE U. Judgcs—Mrs4Wm. U. Bartlett, Mrs, Palid Bryant. and Mrs. :31.tanneey..Ltnly. IF.Ortf_. • Judges-,-Miss Cordeliii -- -Leonial Miss Lu cinda Bartlett and Miss Anuette.Freneh. g/SC£LtA NIEPti :-C: Beaaot:;.D. 1.. Lamb and Erios lircarit. . _.. ~ . _ .. . . h is requested tbat. ali arfOes for exhibi tion should be - entered as early as 10 o'clock. A cordial invitation is . extended to those in adjoining towns,. Who. feel an . interest in the progress of Agriculture, and improvement ia Stock, to attend our Fair. It is expected that ati 4d - drm" anprepriate -to the occasion, will be delivered by some one competent •to inkiest and instract. , : : - nE1.31.3EN.11.03.R15, , Preada. . 'T. W. TINGIKT, Secretary. _ -----.110-0-4110.- --- ---,- i lriejoie ye - t‘tiffere .t•li../?,se ye Bed ridden Cri as.—Dr.Tobias 7 Venetian - Liniment .-an now be morured. It is warratited a speedy cu-e' foe - Chronic 13 heuniitism; .Colic, Cramp, Cuts, Pains of all kinds-:-or no pay: .25 and 50 cents, Depot 56 Courtlandt-street,.New York. 3.3-31r.3501d by ABEL TURRELL,.,I/ontros. L . IST OP LETTERS remaining ib the Post Office at Montrose - ' Pa., Oct. Ist, 1859. Angel, John B.- Lincoln, Ch ster - • Baldwin, Elieza.C. Laord, S. Brown, M. J. Lewis, 'Are. Elizab, th -.Conrad, MIA Caroline Mon - Son, Mrs. H. B. -Card, S. H. dz. Co.; Parish, Miss Alice Cble, Leonard Park, Benjamin • IDiekerman,J: Jr. Bogers,.Mrs. Mary Dunmore, M. Stokes, Joint Dud, Wm. T. - Sweet, John Franklin, Miss R. 4- Tyler, Mrs: S. W. Greene, Wm. A. Van Antwerp, T. Gary, Samuel Wright, Mrs. Julia A. Ilagjas, MiSsHarriet Warner, Edwin A. Howell, Edwial S.- 'Weaver,-James IL. Hamnion, Davis . Walker, Geo e 11a11, FL P. ' Wright, Mis J,ithnson, Mrs. C, Dewitt Wade, David - Kelly, Martin . Willis, Benjamin_ Lambert, John p. Persons ealling for, the above letters will please say "advertised." H. S. WEBB, P. M. Montrose. Oct- let, 1858. :101V - ARRANGEIIigNiIt COBB & ROGERS.. ESPECTFULLY annoince that they have it entered into a partnerahip in order to be better prepared to supply_the wants of the pub. aim -They Wilt Jeep on hand a mood stock of ,_ l7 GROCERIES at the, well know establishment formerly ocuu- Pied by Oliver Crane. • SObstts,TE AS, COfFEE, %C FEEVT. Flat , a alnd . Sayr (by the sack orliarre.Q Fisn; mutat' articles found in First Cla.& Groceries. would particularly tall the attention of • farmers and others to-the fact .that they are 'eottatturtly--reaeiving fresh supplies of, FIRST RATE FLOUR,. also good mad medium qualities, *kith will be sold iCIG HT, for Teat' NITOS quantities 1.0 Sat: - the purchaser:' • is earnestly, desired -that who , arelndebted to the establishment either by note' .AU wanting to emigrate to a mild climate; or. account should cillmid settle soot( and gali& good soil, and fine market, see adv,eytisement: of Com. • [Montrose, Oct. fitb, 1858. :‘ 1 - ,llammenton Laia(ltr,- NEW • - Shawl and Dross Goods Emporinnit; NEW :FALL GOODS FOR CARR _l\D PROMPT Six AIONTIIS PrUYERS. - tit- 4 4' Montrose, Pa., Otlll - WO -.`---jeyai/04" ,- D 147.! TIIS new and commodious Hotel situated on Public Avenue.-near the Conrt (l • ouse IMF nearly in the. centre of the business portion 01! Montrose, is nbw fully completed and furnished, and•will be opened on Monday, the .2.11.11 day of the present month for the accommodation or the public, and travelerti; the Proprietor_ feels! confident that ;he is pow prepared to- ettertainj guest' in a manner that- cannot fail to give com-I . • ! plate satisfaetibn, The Hotel and FurniSure are! new, alfd-no expense has been spaNd to render it equal, if nal superior to any similar establish-1 meat is this Part ofAhe State. It is well sup.l plied 'With all the recent improvements and cr ni; torts, and obliging waiters will always be ready! to respond to the call of customers. . The Stables connected with this House :lei: , new, and convenient._ ttru Proprietor respectfully solicits the patron age of Otis old fdends, snd the%public generally. 31. K. HATCH . . Montrose. September :list.' 1858. A#ditOr's Notice. TIIE nndersigned lta , rinz been appointed l,y:l i .11M Court•of Common Pleas of:Susquehanna; Connty, to mate proeetds of i the , sale of [teal Eslate.of S. 11. Canfield, will; Attend to thil.duties of said appointment at the, otliee ,of Wm. J. Turrell, Esq., in ;Montrose, On!. Tne'sday, the 2d day of October next, at .eleven o'Lloek, in the forenoon, :It which time antisplave 111 - p..rson's inddited will present their ebinos on be forever barred 'row eominff in upon silk! fund. • P. B. STREETER, A udi!... September -2,3 t 1. • E‘ectitore Notice. L°TICE: is hereby given to all persons baring demands ngainst the estate of Dn,„Limes GRIFFIN, late of Great Rend township, - dee'd; that the same-most be presented toDr. L.Grillin, for settlement; and' all persons .thdebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay. menk ‘A. L. 'GRIFFIN, Execianr. , HANNAH GRIFFIN, &ex. Gt. Bend; Aug, 31, 1 858.—Gw. A dmiatistrators' lotice. LETTERS of Administration to the Estate of MICHAEL KING, dec'd., late of the town ship of Ruih, hating been granted to the fiub seribets„ ail persons indebted thereto arp reques, ted - to make immediate payment, and those hav lug claims to present them f wthwith to JAMES E.OGAN, Aciners . • JOHN lIJIERMOT, r • Rush. Aug. 31, 1855.3. - ' • Executor's Notice: IVOTICE is hereby glycn to .11 persons II:w -ill ing demands againSt the - es:tate of NATITAN Snirmax, late of the township of Middletown, dee'd., that the same must be presented to the undersigne'd for arrangement, and all persons Thdebted to said estate are requested to• make immediate payment. - F. TAGGART,tEfr. ' Jackson Valley, Aug. 31, 1858.-6w.5 _ • Executors' Notice. XIOTICEIs hereby giverilo all perso'ts haring 111 demands against the estate of Isaiah Main', late of the township of Dimock, deceased, that the same must be presented to lite Undersigned fur arrangement, and all persons indebted to said estate must make immediate payment: - A. W. MAIN, 1. A. MAIN, Executors. • T..C. MAIN, • ' Dimock Sept embertlOth,*. ••, • Executors' Notice. - . NOTIC;'.; is. hereby given to persons:having demands againtt the estate of Robinson Lewis ' deceased, late: of New Milford township, that the same moist be presented to the undersign ed for settlementiand all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. WM. - C WARD. Ex'r, „ . ABAGAIL LEWIS, Es.'S 'New Milford, Sept. 21, 1858.-6 w Exebutor's Notice. NT i OTICE is hereby given to all persons having 11 -demands against the - estate of Elias Burdick, late of the township of Clifford, decdased, that the saute must be presented to the undersigheil for arrangement, and all persons indebted to said estate ire requistedto make immediate-payment,. ".•• L: S. BURDICK, Executor. • Clifford, September 1).2d, 1858.—Gw.* • • Auditor's NotiCe. Mind .Auditor appointed_ by the Orphans' 1 Court of Susquehanna County to report distribution - of the funds arising from the real estate of Mary Miles, deceased, will meet the parties interested on Monday, the 18th day October nest, at ono o'clock, p. m., at . his,o . trice in - 3 . lontrosii. J. TURRELL,Audi4or- September :30th, Auditor's Notice• Fr HE undersigned, appointed an Auditor-hy. th 4 Court of COnliiloD Pleas' of SlnfrUe. henna County, to make diatribution of the fohds arising froto the sale of the Real-,Estate-of vey hereby gives _notice, that he will:lnt. tend to the duties of his said appointment at 11)s office in *arose, on Tnesday.the.l9th day of October next, at one o'ctock in the afternoon, when all "persons Navin an_ interest in the said . fund can attendlf 'they think proper. A. CliAMßEßLlll,.Auditor.', WATER CURE. Eling'humton, Broome County, .V. THISst ablishm tis open for the . reception of patients during the .whole yerti, and is arranged with a view to the comfort and con venience of invalids during the Corm Writnen. TWA 84.1 latlegE6.3 are thoroughly warmed, and.the entire house is kept at SUMMER TEEN:PEI:ATTIRE. - Experience has dethaßstated that the Water Treirtmcnt is most successful during the _ AUTUMN AND WINTER MONTHS. All sick persons who desire health (and even those .who have not been, successful heretofore in thei; efforts to obtain this valuable boon) will here find . s rare opportunity to accomplish the great object, upon which the peace, happiness and prosperity of their future lives depend. The Physicians, Dr. Thayer and- Wife, have bad twelve years experience in treeting.diseases hydropathieally, during which. time they have prescribed for over ten thousand sick 'persons, and the success attending their prescriptions is sufficient evidence of their skill as successful practitioners. Patients will provide fur personal. use two woolen blankets. two comfortaldes, three linen or cotton sheets, six towels, and some linen for bandages• , --all of which should be marked. Terms from $3 to slm per week. For fOrther particulars, acires4 Sept aoth, tdf. _ 0. V.7llAl'Elt, M. D Orphans' Court Sale. 7) Y virture of ardor of k ale, duly issued from 1.) the Orphans' Court of Susquehanna coop-, ty to the subscriber, administrator, Ste., of the estate . et DAN PAYNE, deceased, late of the township of Ilarford, in said county, will be ex posed to public sate ou Saturday, the 30111 - day of October next, at . one o'clock, p. ut., all that certain lot of land, with the appurtenances, sit uate in the township of Lenox, in said comity, and bounded and described as f Bows, to wit: 'jib the north ny lands of D. 1 - 17 Wade, on the east by theTunkhannock creek, on the south by lands of Milton 'ninny, and on the west by the Great Bend-and Philadelphia Tar:wpm, containing 15:3 perches, more or-less, running eight perches on said turnpike road, thence back to said creek 19 perches; late the estate of the said Dan Payne, deceased. Sale to take place on said preinises. Terms of payment will be made known at the time of sale. ALONZO A. PAYNE, Lenox, Sept. Nth, ISSS.-st. TheWorld'sGreat Exhibition Prize. Medal AWARDED to C. MEYER, FOB 11-iS TWO PIANOS, LONDON, OCTOBER 15, 1851 CIM EVER, respectfully informs his friends s and the' pnblie g enerally that lie has Illon- Istantly on hand -PIA'NdS, equal to those for 4. - hieh he received the l'rize Medal in London in 1851. • All orders promptly attended to, and great care taken In the solution and packing the same. He has received during the last Fifteen yenta mere Medals titan any ether make from the Franklinlnstitute—niso, First . Premiums in Bos ton, New York, and Baltimore._ _ *,„ 4 Warerootris No. '722 . ARCII Street, below south side, PHILADELPHIA. • Septethber 9th, 1858.-3 m, jw. "Thick Darkness corers the Earth, Aid Gross Darkness the Pe-ople." COUNTRY MERCHANTS, And all Others will take No tice: rrtIAT they can supply themselves in any _L quantities with Jon t;4O Fair Fa In Pate nt NON EXPLOSIVE KEIII , SENE or . WM, lit the Wholesale - and Retail 1-ItxD - QuAnTrazs, 38. South SECOND Street, 38. Pit ILA DE L Tire 'mi.'s, plea where exclus,ive Agencies can to obtained for the States of Pennsylvania, New --.l,rsey and Delaware. These Lamps give a light equal in intensity of flame, and similar in appearance to Gas, and are el:dined to be superior to all. other portable lights, now in use. No fear of Explosion=No (411.Insive odor.—No smoke—Very easily trimm ed—As easily regulated as Gas Light.->Can be adapted to all purposes—And better than all for a poor man.-st) per' cent cheaper than any other portable-light, now in common use. SOLE Au.; F. NCI" ALSO, Fon lin'app's Patent Rosin and CaulOil Lamp. Lamns,..,Oil, Wicks, Shades, and every article in the line. S. E. SOUTHLAND, Agent. No. 38 South SECOND STREET, PHILA. " September, 9th, 1858.—tf.jw 3. • , - -FANCY FURS, , FOR LADIES AND -CHILDREN. TOHN F AREIRA & Co, No. 818 (new no.).= tP-Market-st, above Bth, l'hilad'a. Importers, Manufacturers and - Dealers in FANCY FURS, for Ladies and Children ; also, Gent's Fur., Fur Collars and Gloves. Th. number of years that have tint!.n engaged in the Fur business, and the general character of our Furs, both for qual ity and price is so generally known throughout the Country, that we think it is not necessary for us to saranything more than that we have now opened our assortment of FURS, for the Fall & Winter Sales, of the largest and most beautiful assortment that we have ever offered before to the public. Our Furs hive all been Imported during the present. season, when money was scam and Furs much lower than at the present time, and have been manufaetured be the most compefent workmen : wo aro therefore deter mined to sell them at such piiees as will continue Ow give a's the reputatibn we have borne for years, that is to sell a good article for a very small raft. Sterekeepers will do well to give us a call, as hey 41 find the largest assortment by far to select. from in the city, and at 'Manufacturers' prkes. JOHN FAREHLA & CO., No. 818 Market Street. above Btll,Phialdelphia • September 15th, 1858.-4 m. • DENTAL NOTICE: R. A. GIEFORD has located himself D Montrose for the pal pose of carrying on tlio DENTAL PILA4.:TICE in alt its branches. lio is now ready to attend to- all calls in his profeision with promptness, and will endeavor to give entire satisfaction. All operations WAI:It ANTED. Offied with Dr. DISIOCK. Sept. I bat'. 1858.—tf. SUB.tARINP. ATLANTIC TELEGRAPp. Received this day, a lot of four inch sections of the .Submarine Atlantic Telegraph Cable, twarranted genuine.] Call, or scud your orders soon, for the supply is,litnited. el ORAL BEADS,---A _ large lot 'of Coral N'ecklaces and Armlets just reeelved PLATED KNlVES.—Another invokii of A_ Plated Table and 'De'used Knives, direct from the manufactory, by EVANS & ALff.EN., N 0.2 Odd Fellows' Hall.' Binghamton, Sept. 4th, 1858. _NEWS — OFFICE TVJEan-leiwneYs.o.rk4Cie tyll e lustr . . f %tr s N o p e Wit i lpe i r b S e : MONTROSE BOOK STORE, IV. ' _ - A. N. DULLARD. M 0 It E . . Lili - 11T,. A New-supply oftliose superior GNO .LABIPS .Li k .and BURNERS, iti.st..jeceiied and for toile ,at 111 - e /IfONTROSE . BOOK STORE. k. new lot of; 4 , 90(1.7 xNIyES, S;ISSORS, PENCILS, PENS, &e.; &c., all et. good quality. and Cheap" for.cash, by • • A. N. BULLAItIi 4 Stonficis'of 185 F. • BINGHAMTON Admiastrafor OIL LANII'S •-•.,- .:4. '.:* -.....1...... ' , '-'g1.?,11;:•. 7 "..,...1,' ' -..: ^ - • / 1 -,, . , ,:tr... ,- :---=2,0 1 .-,44, , , • ~.--..,- , - ___,___ r....,, 4 „- ....$ 4,111,e,,i• , ~..., 4 . _ ~,-,,, ,e.......,,,, • ~,,,,,,,,...\ ,=.. irk: ite.,.',7 . . 4 1 7.% 1 T ... .. 1 -e Itie4---4" ,(K; #o. l gt i 1. 1/.•,..5h,1'......,,,,1XW f ..... .. „ .. N. . ..r Ml= LIM! A. K NOW I, TON g - Nam crcfi 6 73_ nn OEN m4l_l) wr,vvut4.l-I,w) ex4o COURT 151 STREET, Adjoining the "Bank of Binghamton," - - - BINGHAMTON, lc Y. St,ck i,4 one of the loryrd and le;l.9 , ,Llected• varieties STAPLE. AND FANCY'T lii TILOODZ,, . . . . . _ - ' 2:621H2R2 - .9 . . Mantillas, Domestics, EMbioideries, Flannels, . -Cassimeree, Cloths, &c., • To which 'the attention of friate Millers is called. Rich - Silks, Hosiery, lu the basement Mill ba found a large assoltinent cd . Family TG R 0 CERIES-&PROVISIQNS To which, llo; attention of TILE PEOPLE is invited., ..11 - OLASSES, SYRUPS, SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS FLOUR, PORK, FISH, In fact, everythitig in the wi) , of Grocetie.‘, CHE4I.EIt THAN' ,'w CIMAPEST. Also, CROCKERY, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. A lNtr Particular invitation 'is extended to tho:T who purchase for. CASH to call and (xi:twine oar stork and prices tnyi,repttrelta.ving elsewhere.. A. 1011011"1.1 - - 51 COURT-STREET. ir 32 It 111 EL L.iS AND PA 1. nnitcriirtoriViiiiiii•Bas. Ladies' SturStiades and 'Paranoia, in grcnt variety; Just re - if:•76'4l' direct Fri .111 the llanufaetnrer. for sale at LOW PRICES at - A. KNOWLTON'S, LI Court ,trect, adjoining , Runk of Iling,batatou. • , , Trimks7Travelingllags, Valise, and Ladies Hat Boxes . , • A lar g o. assortment direct from the :11anufnet (Kt . in Jenny City, jnst received-at A. KNOWL'I ON'S, 51 Cuurt•litreet POWDER: POWIDVAILI:10. !'I3LASTING POWDER AND FUSE. . .. A. It Nb' ATO N, t • .- Sole Agent for the Slam Bang Powder Mill. n ill I;( ei) 071 Land at all tines a large stock of the above celebrated POWDER, which will be scilil•liy thl• keg only, nt Manufacturers prices. Also; SPORTING POWDER, SHOT AND CAPS. AU the Choice Brand,: of tip elie ; ,7 fr,,ln the IJaz ird Powder Company, on-hand at all times—tor sale at tow prit,eA. •N. 11,-3lv l'ox‘P't ,iieat: for itself. A. KNOWLTON, 51 - Ceert-,treet, 4, 4 joining tile Bank (Yf Binghamton. VII V IBM 114 04.022. •• We've Ca ! res for Canary Birds, To all. their sizeq Where single life they in v enjoy„_ • Or bliss of heirg mated. 4- e aria 11) ilaZi2ol 2.0 1 2 411...11 (JERSEY AND CANADA INCLITIED:) More than GO diflltrent st) les now in store; including all the newest patterns—received direct from the manufacturers. No joliber,; profits paid n "home productions" at this establishment. Tbe-assorttnent will 1)( kept unbroken during rh' summer season. t. KNOWLTON, 51 Court-street, aejeinining the 'Bank . of Binghamton. BISCUIT AND CRACKERS. . -. A large assortment of Biacuit and Crackers received this day:.froth enooT the Most extensive Bakeries in New York City. A fresh supply received eery week. Soda Biscuit, - - Wine Biscuit.. , _ Milk Biscuit, Extra Cream .Biscuit, . Leinon B;scuit, ' Abernethy Biscuit, Cup Biscuit, ' ' Et;g. lii•cuit, Nonpareil Biscuit, Boston Crackers, Butti_4 Ctackers, . .Sugar Crackers, Graham do .. Caney do Walnut -do Desert do . Oyster do s Ginger Soaps. "The old flishioned hand-nrade Buttet Crackers. PURE COFFEE! AT 5 .i 1 COURT STREET " How niz.e it is tui bretdditst time, Before you've been to work, To know vou've drank your care.° pure, . And saved your beans tor . pork, - - N. 11.—PORT AND BEAN:; FUR SALE AS ABOVE: M R. " DEMOCRAT:"— .. ~ Please don't say anything . :out our, TWO S IiTi.LINOfi that 'A, people are clubbing and-seant , .. - 110 miles fol., for the cell try ladies have that article in charge; and are drawing on it at a rapid rate. A. KNOWLTON7 Par Courtostkeet: 0 ) liingliamton, August 23.1, 113,38.-3-Ilf.- . • .. .. .... ... , . ___, _ . TO THE 'INHABITANTS .OF • MONTRQST,V, . We have opened a Branch Store in this place where samples will be shown; prices given, or ders.taken; and Goods sent for,every day from BinOcunton ;. without cats charge. *,i,*(3all at BULLARD'S' 1100 K STORE on Public Ayeant.._ TO THE IiIIBLIC. GOOD WATCHES RAT have been spoiled by unskilful per;onN can nein be_mado goad by A regular City Wntch-niskt.4-,chtnpetent to repair Thiplet, Repeaters, Patent and Detached Levers-, Lepinos, and Vertical Watches,&e.,&c.;- t:Tfiether English, Swiiss, French or Chinese make; and fa?' this pnrposo has-on hand, a gaud a.ssortment of Watch Jadels,,Wateb Wheels, Mainsprings, Cylinders, Hands, Glasses, &e., &c. or Shop in Bentley, Bead & Co.'a• Store, PlArrix Block,.Montrose Stisq. C 0.,. Pa. August 25th, 1858. - - tf. 111 ACit®ia'SlC. ) FRAZER RIVER GOLD DIGGINGS OME see me, office is_grand euperE • - f• •- • • Readstroniltairs.oh,cenne,& eine,eome ha! iiiiIOI , TROSt. : IINI - STORE -- A ll Spanish • . tiedisi!ount,atpaTl • ^ , • '•• • ••- • • IlEitg,the sulise/iber ja receiving a lotto Rest. in m y , Roeker,--noniht disturVt V tivautifk . ef SCIIOOL . BOOKS, such as `') are to be used, at the Normal School -, _to : Mins- LOCA:TION — "lspleasMit,& low is the - fareE. Imenee the 30th inst ',also MISCELLANEOUS T our humble Berytrgorris,dres ' se :— r of kat * * *Shop No. 3,jlasement of Searle's Ifotel; SILAt iive'ecel4 Turnpike titrect• • - - • . . "A. N. BULLARD... .I.orrnosr, August 90th. 1857.-k. . ' • G.- , if , r ,t , ;,=.,,,,...-,,i,,.--:7 4 - 1 _;.:,,_..;;:;_y_,,;,,.„.., Ever offered - to the people of tlii , -"eir..4",0 e , g , ..3 8.4-e44.0...,,.....____._ AND VICINITY, Adjoining the Bank of Binghamton -------,-. - . , IniIVBENcE, GRIGGS, & KINGSBURY, '_ IiIANUFACTITIIERS, AND'IODBEIIS IN • • UtATS, CAPS; AIIID FURS, ; 4 d P 24 1 1 -.0 ZOOIDS . • Umbrellas, Parasols pia Ribbond, ' AND ALL - • ' Zan' i \ TERY APHICLES No. 46, COURTLANDT STREET, t DAN. It. J,Awnr.nr., : --, : - NEW-YORK. J t::;: 11-. (i' at c cs, General Partnera,-- 7 J No. A. KINGSLURY, ' - M. C.--Trtv.a.Speeal Partner. - [140.2,1y.*, TREMENDOUS EXCITEMENT THE-- -- R • .• • , • ; R . •., 11 • AtArming.Eilms at li Sickly Minima. r inth Satilip6_atyl,Fuli of 1858 will be mark. 1..-,.43 in the recerdS °lli - Mean the most sickly an - d - unlicallhy.of - seasons that have visited the northern portion of this Centinentfor many years. blalarious &Stases, in their rifest malignant-end violent' fermis, will_prevail as epidemics in see tioni Of our. country. that- have been.