The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 30, 1858, Image 2

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    Riontrost :Ptmotrat.
A. J. GERP4TSOX,,-Editpr..„
azowr:zoon, r,46: -
TharsdaY. September 30, 1,839.
8.. •
N. C. VAlLisugq'ii Depot,
[sut t ito •tri;:decigion of Conference.] •
CHARLES - S, _GILBERT, - G,rciat &mit
Ati 1)1T011 :
SIMEON 'Br#lgenCater.,
Eleetion---TnCeday, October 12th
:rriiEstabscription accounts of the late firm of
3lcCoittne & Gratarrsos lurVe. been placed
in the tuinds of Mr. Wm. L. Bausr.,, 7 bealone
.ingauthorized to collect and give receipts for the
rame.___:lfe _designs canvaasing•the county, and it
54 desirable that all indebted -shoo@ settle
promptly, thereby saving further trouble and ex.
geese to alt parties. J. 8.. McCOLLUM,
Montrose, September '2 1 5t,1858.
:Further Notice.
Lest. any should fail to unde.rstand the
. aliOve notice,• we would state that the sub
'sC;riptioia accounts of the late firm of ,NteCol 7
tint and Gerritson hare been plactd in the'
hands. of Mr. Beebe, (Constable, of. Bridg
e township) withsthe authority to,. pro
ceed-to an immediate collection of the sane
'the:hinds to be 'disposed of by him in se
cordince with, written instructions. There
is,- therefore, no .other person authorized to
settle.any. portion of said accounts, but all
- wh; . 4tre indeirted mnst.settle with him only.
We state this more fully lost any ihotild,' in
ordei:to'gain time, or for other purposes. put
him. of with.-saviorr—.."/ soe,Mr. Wed
lorn, or Mr. Gerritson, arid pay my bill."
.E'vety person should pay'ibeir bills promptly,'
for, where settlement is not made, either by or mote, 11. r. Beebe :will be 'uncle . the
necessity - of 'Racing, as 'hp onnot go t the
expense of visiting;-.1 person twice for a snlali
It will be remembered that the firm of
McCollum & Gerritson was dissolved January
Ist, ISSB, therefore all who are indebted for
subscriplion prior to are to _ settle
with Mr. Beebe only. Those who have re , .
ceived the paper since that time will pay at
this office as usual.
Democratic County Committee.
The l)ernocratic. County Committee of-Sus
quellanna County will meet at the Hotel of
J'4 m:N. llnto,, in Muhrrose, on Timis(laY,
the 30th inst it 2 o'clonk, p. In. A full at,
rendance of the Committee - is- desired, 'I be
gentlemen are the Committee:
Anbern . . H. Hill. •
Apolaren -.. . . David.Bufforn.
Ararat . . . . Nathaniel West.
Bridgewater - . . F. M. Williams.
- Brooklyn . J. 0. Bullard.:
Clifibrd . . Harrison Finn:
, • Choconut . - Michael Kane. *..
Diunick . I. A. Main.
Dundaff.. . . C. C. Church.
Franklin . . S. P. Turret'. '
- Forest Lake . . - Stanley Turrell.•
: Frienarrville . C. Sutton; •
. great Bend . . S;Gilhert.
. Gibson:- . . . - ,C. Miller.'
Harmony . , Loren Norton.
- Belford . . :Ira Carpenter. .
Hertick . . .Manson
Jackqn •-. . • 'Reuben Hill.
- Jessup . . . O. S.-Beehe.'
• Lathrop, . . . E. S. Brown.
- Lenox . John Brazie.
• - Liberty . . J. 11. Chalker. * •
- - - Middletown . . Netkon Camp.
Montrose . . A.. b. Ballard.
New Milford .. . Timothy Boyle.
Oakland Led NV-offal'.
Rush • . , . - Geo. Snider. •
Silver Lake . . Tiniothy.Mnrphr.
Sptinville . . W. B. Handriei.
• Suaq'a Depot . .. Gaylord Curtis. - -
• Thompson . . Chester Stoddard.'
Are Yen Assessed?
If not, remember that it must be done at
least ten days before election.
Saturday, Oelober, ?dui, is the lass
day. .
Are your Demon ratic neighbors' al I assessed 4
Bee Jo U.
ar Dr. Thayer oldie liinghatoton Water
Care will be at Nichol's Hotel in Susq'a
Depot, on Monday, October 11th, , to meet
suchliatientkas may wish to consult him..
-inrln tasking up the outside form of 4be
.15emeorat this w . eek, it WRS found more con
`•venient to place our Educational column on
thi. fourth than the first page, where We, in
tend_to keep it in future.
- Philadelphia . Advertieeauenis.
We direct the attention of ali interested to
the Philadelphia advertisements in.this paper.
- o..4eyer advertises pianos. G. A. Leinau
advertises superph l osphate of lime. B. IL Rand
nervertiies Medical• College.. S. E. Southland
vertisesimttent Km pa. John frarei ra & Co.
advertise fancy furs. Eyre .& Landell ad 7
tertise dre gOods: G. G. Evans aatertises
books with gifts.,
Truonurric.---=The: Chicago "Democrat:7
leading Ite.publican organ, edited by "rung
Jahn' Wentworth, speaks of Stephen. A,
Douglas as follows
uWe have said that, Mr. DouglatO woad
:desert tite South; siben they deserted ham.—
Me has already taken one step in'tite right
directifin. it is in the. liana of the Repuhli=
can party to decide whethey lie will take•an
other. He is now out of the Democratic
party;.but - does not -apparently believe-it:him
self. .'We should by 'every means: in our
power : endeavor to convince brut of the fact
that is.►atent to alinost every one bat him
self. Ones convitieed ~of, that, and Dobglas
will be one of the- greatest freedoin=ebiiekeis
in the United States."'
- neat two.years will determine tl4-oor
-redness oftbe above ;opinion. Many believe
that Stepben and Fred will. 'vote the same
ticket in 1.860. _
di' Geo. D. Jackson of Sunivel) County,.
and: Samuel. Oaks , . of 'Montour, ham been
the' Aisernbly,
by the" DerooCratic- conferees of ...W.,yotnina
3fontour and colunabia_ counties.
We once had-the pleasnre - of. meeting Mr.
Jackson when Sullivan' was attached' to , . our`
district, and believe Ikon be. well quatiftedi
fortlie-:-:to which he to_
-141 elected by a handsoine j riti If
IX. ms
Mr. Oaki!,crame he an indication Of,_ the"
soundness of his Deniocratic principles, the 1
conferees were very fortunate in their selection,
00 SALAR t 1200 00;EXTRA-PAY.-
The. above is Abe sum annually aPpropri- On the 19th any,of Ma i reN 1858, the Gen
ated'4 the jnembera of the renasylrania eral Appropriatibn hill collie up in the Howse.
" -- 1-4'lattice. for , .; FANtAteia section which e,otilained the
existed-tor a; nu ' inber - 4, y - ears ik latoli ttiem bar frrnittai,on:for the! inCrentte of pay, .was under
received $3,00 per day; slsid 0146, OA considetailioe, tfi *ion was made to strike
sum- was , ,considered by tnarty insufficient; I out the folloWing!iartlee._ .
.411e.nty of, good tua could'argaystit► found,•••`• And the State Tree' anrer is hereby authorized
ready to take the Office. - For, sessions of Ito p ay th each menibefof the present legiala-
Lure, two hundred dallarwin addition to the cote.
100 days, each iould .draw $3OO, - making pensation now allowed by law.
total of $39,91)0 f0rt,14183 nresubars ii both 2 ! tiro titislinetion the:v.ook was as follows,
branches. But in Ile tumult of 1854, when r sit •
Y '
our exCellent Gov. Bigler was defeated,
And ' I EAS—Messrs. Adams, Brandt, Dodds,
George ; ,Gilleland, Glantz, Gritman, Hamel,
Pollock elected in his piaci, a largely oppo-
HAY, Hays, Hotig.son;Jenkins, Kincaid, LC
sition Legislature was chosen, which was vett, McDonald, Kegley, Nill, Nunemacher,
shied by its• frieids, - 'the_ °Reform Legisla- , Owen, Powell, Pewnall, Price, Ramsdell,
cure," vet a more corrupt.set Of men hive 1. Reath, Roland . ' Rose Rupp Sharp, Shields,
t Stephens, Stuart - `.furn ' er, V'oegtly, Warrior,
seldom, of Westbrook, Martii, Will, Witmer,• Wolf,
tore. ,They were even too corrupt to elect Woodribg; and Longriker, Speaker--41."
thilreektq, Cameron; and the seleCtion of NAYS—Messrs.: Askin, Bierer, Bower,
1j; Sebator passed to-the next-yen, when ! Nut*, Calhoun, Costner, EON
Rb r
the people; took \ the matter • in hand,lnd sent II •• C 111.
11. J o Christy, Craw ford,
a '604 Of Mat to , Harrisburg
10 ,, J.
n Donnelly, Dnnelly,,Duniap,
I Evans, Foster,iod, nipple, Houtz; Tro
Irtin ,
13igrer to the position he now so ably fills.'" Irwin; Jackman, kirkpatriek, Lawman, Law-
The "Reform Legialators" before referred rence, Lloyd, McClain, McClure, Mania,
i to, fearing that they nei - er would bare anoth- Nichols, Ramsey, Rhodes, Scott,
ut Shaw, Smith,
er i t • m ry t o 4, th e" Lands- into th e (Berks) Smith,:(Cambria) Smith, ( W yoming)
- Warner,
,"W Weaver, Wiler, l Wilcox,
treasuryitook occasion to Mimi their L pay to
! Wi lliamailiston,•Yeersly-44W,
(See douse
$6OO, -14 ' th e' session , making 'A dotal of Journal, page '551i552.)
$46,500 - bil Thiilrisfe"pf ccOPensallOn sr's The bill then passed the House, after an
acluieseed in, r aithough_there . :was .ponsidern- amendment had been added to this section
blo dissatisfaction in relation to , it, because making the increase permarient. -
the members voted the money into their own From the 'above it. appears that Mr. Chase
pockets, instead of making the increase tip- who is now asking the people of this county
I plicable to future Legislatures only. The to send him to the l Legislature another-year,
next Legislature (the one that elected Bigler) voted to put $2OO 00 more of the public
was Democratic, and no alteration was made money into his pocket than the law allowed,
in the compensationlaw. But •the 'Aglaia- I thus increasing the expenses of our State,
lure, of 1856, although containing as was i and adding to the taxes of the people the
supposed, " a small Democratic majority, was „, of 1126,600 00 per atinum. Yet Mr.
fOund to include a few. Arnolds, and the to- Chase is one of those unprincipled fellows
salt was tho election of Catneroetcl 'the I% S. sc
whois begging f4r totes on the ground that
Senate by,one majority. Of course a body his election will be a rebuke to the Adtninis-1
of men who would so disgrace the nation as; tration of James Buchanan, which he says is
"to elect cameron to that position, were ready extravagant !
to do any mean act, could they but gain a few
itoHAzs thbreby. They voted to increase their
pay to $7OO 00 or $93,100 00 per session
for the 133 members, being 2.1 times as mucb
as the old- pay , of. members. By • this t he
yearly burden of the tax-payers of the State
has be& inCrea.sed 853,200 00.
The Legislature of last winter, did not
change the rate of $7OO 00 pay, but contins
tied it. An effort was Wade to alter this
clause in the appropriation • bill, but it was
boat by a very -small majority. Among those
voting to pocket the extra $2OO 00, we find
the name of S. B. CHASE, the man who
wishes again to nits-represent this county,
contraiy to sql former usage. What surhty
have we that ranother " " extre will not be '
added, if such men be returned:this fall ?
We tenture to say that; from past
experience, the tiext opposition Legislature—
if such a misfortune ever should happen to I
oar State—will make a'nother.addition to the
"grab law;" and fill their pockets • wig; un
earned geld, at the expense of the tai-payer.
'The preventibn of this is the election of Dem
ocratic Legislators,•who will guard the pub
lie funds '
against the approach of these
man vultures who gorge themsilves upon the
hard earnings of the masses
- Chase sit a Legislator.
Mr., Simeon 'B. ChaSe'e career may be
briefly summed up as follows :
He procured the pass:ige , of an'odious and
unjust law to prevent peddling; ths effect of
which was to compel people to purchase
goods which they needed at specific places,
'instead of leaving them free to buy where they
please. The petition for ibis sawaS got up
and signed by about a d.ozen tuen, secretly.
Ile advocated the passage of an act to pun
ish hyr, fine, any who - should presume to
catch eh in a small pond in Dimock, be
cause it lay near a political favorite,
, the
present Sheriff of the county.As far as we
can learn there was no petition for this What-
Ile rated for .the present uneqtial and un
just school tax law, which impose.s tsl as an
occupation lax upon poor /Owing men, in
stead of being regulated upon a property
e voted to put ,t7OO 00 in is pocket for
servioes last winter, which was $2:00 00 more
E than the existing law allowed, and 8400 60
more than the usual pan vet goes about the
county Screaming about Buchanan's extrava
gance! • sW - The Comet which has been visible for
These a re )
among his selfish acts, wher e •
be the last few weeks continues to increase in
voted. to enrich or please himself or his pets,l brilliancy each evening. It is'probablysoon
to the disadvantage of the people generally. ito disappear. The Albany Argus say i it is
Last winter over 1200 . of hii constituents I•the same one that -may be seen'in. the morn
• • before •
mg just daylight, but ilse•Colutubus
sent petitions. to him askirg for certain {
changes ini the school law., "He pretended ! ( o e°.) Enquirer says that the Argus ought to
that the application' ame too lite, yet waited know better, tlet it is impossible for it to be
six week's and then (just on the ere of ad; behind the . sun in the evening and abead.of
journment) offered a hill mile subject, when it in the morning. Wothink that the Argus
of coursejt was too late. Had one - of his lis right,. and the Enquirer wrong—having
pets asked something of him, it , would have, overlooked one or
~two 'very important facts
init with his prompt attention. The ;atria. i Yi. relation )arent position and mam
of the law s raid for by those 1200 petition-1 6 " of ti bodies.
ere is not here called in question. •It was logs I Wil t at friends favor us with an
dray to act as their _Representative ; if b e , i explanation'of this matter?
approved of what the; .asked for, he could , ] - B,isi g —ha, m —ro ul . 7--- -nter Cure.
have. felt greater pleasure in presenting,- thei?! A ,new advertisement of this Institution
application . ; while Vire did not adrove it, it i will/be found id, another column, to which we
was no less kis duty to give- then; a fair hear- I drr - ect the attention of our readers. A larg e
ing, even though he felt constrained to argue number of patients have been in attendance
Against the granting of their petition. - '
during the summer, and general satisfaction
In regard} tothe pet legislation•procur has been given. , The buildings are large and
hy him, it will not do the refer to ctit r M a tu - t . Convenient, surrounded by beautifully laid
hers, or to, the body at large. Ea ch tr( a t lther out grounds, and we doebt not that-patients
is expected to look to the -interests' of the will find the treatment highly beneficial,
people of bis county.. If he lends hirifself to
the use of bad me; and aids thew irr,chm
mitthig frauds open the urines, others do not
knor,it -until it is too late,' their confidence
in him• maY be betrayed, but be aloste is
hateable with the error- '
- ~
4t False early.
Our people are already familiar with the
falsehood and 'deception, practised in the
State by our opponents The most eoriupt
fusions have been; formed and imposed upon
the people:as "siinon pure," "Relmblicatt,"
"Ametican," !ctother tickets, 'as was best
suited to the locality. Again_this fall is a
ticket put forth to the Voters. of . the State,
which, in this region, is claimed to represent
the,Fremont party of 1656. We need not
stop to inquire whether this be so, or not ; it.
is quite enough to -remember that no such
position was taken at the convention, and
that a milk and water—or mud and water
plat(orm•was made, which is explained to
suit different localities. In the Southeastern
part of the State, the ticket is supported upon
an entirely diffiirent platform from the !one
claimed in ills region. The Philadelphia
Daily News, a , Fillmore paper in '56, now
an advocate of the opposition State ticket,
and a recognized organ of our opponents,
says :
"It appeared plain to us' that the Repub
lican movement hf 'sG•and of '57 was wronj,
ni".l rruuL -aes? gu eu, to ruin the
prospect of establishing - ari Ainericau
We therefom had no choice 'but to contend
against the Republican party as well as - a
gainst the Loco Foco party, and events have
drown that we were right. The Republicans
hare acknowledged their error, and, so fur as
Pennsylvania is concerned, have abandoned
their organization. Were. we disposed to
exult. we; should have abundant cause to do
so; but we knew that most of those who had
joined the Republican union movement were
not the enemies of American measures, but
simply mistaken friends: It. is enough for
us to know now that they hate abandoned
their error,"
How many of our opponents in this county
, will admit that they have "acknowledged their
error and % abandoned their organization r
i Vet such declarations are puk forth in other
parts of the State with theif silent sanction.
We do not - believe the mass of the "Repub -
limn" party here authorize this hypocracy,
'but the leaders, who manage affairs know
from litter experience that. without this their
party is doomed to perpetual and hopeless
defeat. But falsehood Will finally, meet a
proper rebuke, and our mongrel - opponents
must. again be aught, tbat soine regard should
be paid to truth, if they wish to escape the
deserved vengeance of an outraged people.
• prNo . conimunications have been sent
over the Atlantic telegraph since the first of
September. Vslions reasons are given for
, the delay, none of which are satiihietory to
the expectant Cominunity. If it should final-
Jy be pat into iiucceisful operation,. we will
pubihrit each reasons as may then be given
for the protraeted
Wm. A. Ctaia, of Kentucky, wbcr got a
wife last %ear ',by • advertising in. the N. Y.
Times, and- was; universally laughed at,is now
sued By. one of Abe fair respondents to his ad
vertisement, *s. - Panline W. Carrolot &stop
widow, for breach of promise. •
—kr 'The °West Postmaster in the United
States is said io be Joe Bickel, 83 years of
riKe, 'who has been Postniaster st Jansestoin,"
Pa., ,56 yeirs, l having been appointed by
()ranger =lei ;Jefferson's administration.
In pursuance of an 'net of the General .
Assembly of the Commonwealth of Periiisyl
vania,a General election will be held, in _the
Coon tfof 56511900 mm onjhe
. .2dTueaday ofOctobor poxt,
(it being the:.l2tlL day of rhoTmenth.)
which time the, following State.iind County
officers-are to be chosen,:
One Judge - of the-Supreme Court. •
One Canal Commissioner.
One Congressman for the district.-
ane-Presideiltiludge fo'r•ibe lath dittiicti
One Representative foi - Susq'a County.
One County Commissioner.
One - County!Auditor. ;I*
The places of-holding the eleetiptis_
as follows:
ApoNoon at the house of Joseph Beebe.
Ararat-at the tresbyterian Church,
Auburn at theltotvie of George.llaret Iy. '
13thlilegriter ROIL° Court house in Mont
lirooklyn at the house of J. 0. Bullard: the S.House "near IL Griffiin'o.
Clifford at: the LOUse of Hiram Barnum: '
Duudaff at the Dundaff Hotel
Dimock at the,hotiseOf Elisha 13. Gatei.
Forest Lake at the house of Betsey D.Clerk.
Franklin at the S. House near J.
FHendsville at the Horo' School Muse.
Gt. Bend at. the house of Juo. D. Paddock.
Gibson at the'lion se Of Joseph Washbutn
liarford actireiionse of N. W.,Wildion.
harmony at the house of Silas Winters.
Herrick at the' ?Muse formerly occupied
br nubile! Dimodk. •
Jackson at the liouse of J: J. Turner.
Jessup at the house Dan TIME
Lenox at the house of Grow brothers.-
Liberty at the house of liela'Jones.
Lathrop at the house of Elisha Lord.
Itliddieto*n at the house of Joseph Ross
Montroe. at the Court House.
New :Milford at (be house of Elijah Barnum
Oakland at the house of Robert Nichol
Rush at the house of George Snyder.
Springville at the_hOuse of Spencer lliekox
Silver Lake at the house of IL MeGeiigle.
Susquehanna at the house of Eliott Benson
Thompson at the boUse of . E. R. Chandler.
The return judges for this county willineet
at the Court House in Montrose on the third
day (Ftidlty) after election, to petform their
customary duties according to law. If any
judge shall be unable, from sickness or acci
dent,-to attend, one of the inspectors or clerks
shall take charge of the returns and perform
all the duties of judge. •
The return'judges , for the Judicial district
will meet at the Court House in Montrose on
Tuesday, the 10th of October; the rettirn
judges of the Congressional distnct will
meet at Towanda on "the same day.
The polls must be opened between the
hours of eight and ten o'clock, n. m., rind re,
main open without intermission until Seven
o'clock, 1)..m.; when theyshall be elu4d;
For further instructions see election laws
• --- 411M1.-110.-- - -
Agricultural Exhibitions
The. Annual Exhibition of the " Jackson
Agricultural Society' will be held at Jackson
Centre, October 14th, 1958.
The following is a list of articles to bees
hibited and their judges:
judges—Nelson Pieria, J. B. Warner and
David Lamb.
4 . urlgeg—G. T. Perry, George Tyler and
Oliver C:inton.
J•"d7r.9—Jlurace French, jotham- Picker
ing and Rufus Wa!worth.
_ .Judges—L. Griffis, IL Hill arid Chauncey
.ludgrs—O. 11. Perry, Asa Dix and A. B
.7a(h)es—Martin Ilan, Silas Gates and
l'billip Sleenbeek.
Judgrs-1V Bartlett, D. M. Fairar
and Austin Benson.
51 fit' SIANIC AI. Pptint"CTIONS.
ftidges—L. 1). Benson, C. ,-French and
Emory Houghton.
Judges—Mrs. EvnderTuuker, Mrs. Arzy
Benson and Mrs. J. Pickering.
Judges—Mrs. WM. B.l3artlett,lirs. David
Bryant and Mrs. Chauncey Lamb.
.nudges--Miss Cordelia Leon A rd Miss .Lu
cinda Bartlett abd Miss Annette FrenclL
Jurlhes—L. C. Benaim., D. L. Lamb and
It is requested that all articles for exhibi
tion should be entered as early as 10 o'clock.
A cordial invitation is extended to those
in , adjoining towns, who feel- an interest in
the progress of Agriculture, and improvement
inStock, to attend our Fair. It is expected
that an Address appropriate to the occasion,
will be delivered b; some one competent to
interest and instruct.
itEUI3EN HARRIS, President.
T. W. TINGLEY, Secretary.
tir The "Republican" press have very
general insisted that the nomination of Sena
tor Stuart for Governor by the Democracy of
Michigan, was a reflection upon the policy
of President Buchanan. The fhllowing reso
lution, hoivever, is specific and clear
"Resolved, That we declare our confidence
in the ability, integrity and patriotism of
the administration of our, venerable Presi
dent, James Buchanan, and it OA have our
heirty support in all its measures for the
maintenance of our glorious Constitution and
Union, and for the advancement of the pfos
perity and happiness of our whole country."
The Convention also paved a resolution re
specting the right of search, highly oomph.
mentary to Gem Casa.
' MArNE ELEc - rso.v.—There is. no doubt o
the election 'of two Democratic members o
Congress in the State .of Maine—Ur. 'Brad.
bury in the First, and Mr. Johnson , its the
Sixth District,loth by fair pluralities.' But
the Black "Republicans" having declared
their defeat, their cases must therefore be
carried before the House of Representatives
at Washington,. That body will undoubtedly,
set.tle the dispute; and sr' the Democrats
had undoubtedly a plurality' of the honest
votes, will be admitted: as they are entitled
to =their seats in Congresa.,
gar' The 'accounts from Maine. report
Somers' (Repel)) majority in The first district
at 266. At the Congressional election two
years ago, the Republican Majority was
1843. In the 2d District, French, (,Reptilzt)
claims to be elected bysome AO votes, while
Johnson :(Derr:) claims that.: be is. legally
elected. •French will probably 'get the:cer
tificate. The 6th or .Arotatook . -Distrietls
°very- close, and in doubt. _Two years ago,
'there - three districts gave a Republican tna-1
jority of 4759. Noes it it. from 2400 to 400.
j A short chapter about the adtri•sio'!.
of freelqates by the Democracy. Con , •
dietinh defied :
.. i .
' "E v er y . new (see State which. has been 'ad.;
tato t e von, , rem- to,,ittlBotto;
mitten - ' '4,:eo •• ''''''''f - 45 ii •
miunro' fa . inl 868,1pts ;Wei by • a
Congtesii, an 4 jai all , !caies, )Ixcppt ', under;
a DeMoorati4lPiesideni.::', , t ..•
'Hire jplllei Nit :' ,. • '.'---. 1 .;" . .i : • --=.' :
'Ohio, in 180 1 2„ tinaer Presblent - Jriektior,
with a Democratic °engross • Indiana, 1816,
under President .Mcdison, wi th a Democratic
. ,cunip*;_lir9witi t )41 . 18,,. untler—Pft.Ont.
'Monroe," with si; ttimheiritie'Congress;'lllaiffi,'
1821, with a Dathooratic Congress ; Michi
gan, 1830, under President .Jackson,.with a'
I.)olfoorittic yolfgitcss ;:::%VbaAriaire 4 ii„ 1846,
under President Polk,- with a Democratic
-Congress ;.-lowa,-1847,.-with a- .Democratio,
Congres's ; catiforniN 1859, under President
Fillmore. .(Whig) with a Dernocratic,Con,
gress.; - . Minnesota, ,1866,.,.nr.tier, :President
Buchanau, with a Democratic doegress. ... •1
•,, No free state was,ever admitted under an
administration opposed to the Democracy.
Mark‘that,L Jahn • Adams left the Union
.I•composed of the same number of. States that
'he found in it when he assumed Lige duties of
IPresident. So did John Quinsy Adams, - the
zeal President elneted, opposed to. the De
mocrady. •Thefregitne of Harrison and Tyler
did. not add a State to the Union, . although
it took the initiative measures to bring the
slave State of Texas into the -Union. The
I formal adniission waaaccomplisbed by . Presi-
I dent Polk in 1 846-., -
A Democratic Congress mim' theadminis
tratioa of Fillniore, brought California into
the Union with his assent. His signature
was all the opposition ever did toward. in-
1 creasing the number of free States - from the '
foundation of the government.
; * * * * *
Despite the charge which the Black 1'4.-
publicans make; that the Democracy are in
favor of the &tension of slavery into the ter
ritory now free ; 'the records show that not a
mile of free territory was ever acquired by
the General Government and, converted into
slavery. On the contrary, four fifths of the
immense territory whicih was acquired by the
Louisiankpurehase in 1803, which was all i
slave when we bought it, will •biconverted i
into 'free States under the principle of the I
Compromise, of 1850, adopted by a Demo
cratic Cormes:s. Texas and. Florida ,have
been added the Union, but slavery•alreaq•
existed in them when acquired, so that.their i
acquisition made •no difference to the interest 1
of freedom. Of the territory acquirid from I
Mexico . in 1850, it is a moral certainty that I
it will all he made into free States..
With, this history of the country before us,
-is it not. astonishing that any person should I.
have the effrontry to talk about the domi
and aggression of the South, or .to
charge the Democratic party with being. op- ,
posed to the ;admission :of frekStates.,:;; ~ -, •
Murder of live youtig Girls in Spain.
The Barcelona Journals contain an account
of a horrible and almost incredible assassina
tion of five young girls,at Vilch,in Catalonia.
It appears that, on the 21st tilt., as six young
at the ages of 23, 21,14, 13, 1 . 2 and 10
years, were waking home from Mataus,cotton
mills, which are sitated near the village of
llothis, to Ingarolas, they were stopped by
• two miscreants, who, pistol in hand, obliged
them to turn back to a solitary place in Ser..
radanwood. Here'they were ordered to sit
4 own , an d vehi! o one- vtretnb kept guard over
five, the other 'led the eldest a few paces:: oh*,
and plunged his long Catalina knife into her
throat. Her dying ;del was heard by her
companions, who tone by one, were led away
and butcher - ed. ' The youngest of all, a child
of 10 years, on receiving a' wound, le: the
neck, fells feigning death, upon which the
assassins, ; after taking the little money the
girls had about them, went to the village of
Rodas, .where they lived.
The crime was perpetrated .at night. The
wounded child remained motionless•
light, when
.she crawled to a neighborir e
fartnhOul,Q.. When the authorities arrived
at the seat of crime, they found the three
eldest girls dead, and two desperately wound•
ed. The cause of-this bloody , act is is dd to
have been jealousy, arising from some display
of coquetry at a ball the preceding Sunday,
where the prettiest of the girls, the one 21
years of age, refused to dance with one of the
assassins, or to return him a ring or some
,other love .token, lie had then looked for
an accomplice, and found one in a neighbor.
The accomplice, it appears from the deposi.,
tion of the child, would have spared the
younger ones, 1.4 t the other, alleging the
danger of discovery, insisted upon their.cem
pletiog their butchers work. The authori
ties are making the most active exertions to
discover the lurking places of the culfirita,
whose persons are well known to the workmen
of the numerous mills. . •
• The Coolies in
HAVANA, Sept. 9, /858.
The institution of abolition philanthropy
is flourishing in our island with results
which must be very gratifying to the benevo
lent souls who have advocated Indian and
Asiatic coolie emignition, under contracts
for Cuban servitude—eight years, renewable
at the pleasure of the contracting parties, if
the subject 'lives. On the 29th ultimo ar
rived the Dutch ship Van Heinskisk,Korning
master, 140 days from Swatow, with 489
coolie; having lost during the voyage one
hundred and twenty-seven from disease. and
casualities; on the 31st ultimo, by the Dutch
ship Cornelius • 'Loon Hoof, Keens. mast er ,
15:2 days' voyage; same port, received-alive
368 coolie), two hunched and ten having
perished during the passage. The deaths
horn the cargo •of this vessel, since, arrived,
by disease' contracted on shipboard, have
varied from ten to eighteen per day op to
yesterday, so that there will be 'but a rem
nant left for toil. - The coolies are put in an
old hulk, which is kept -in the quarantine
anchorage as an laespital, and have as good ,
medical treatment and camas can be pro
cured, but - they perished—uncounted but
for fees—and sleepla the bottom of the bay
near the halk,—not unmolested, for it-has be
come the favorite•feeding ground of shoals
of sbarlat,•which, in consequence, now infect
the upper arm of the bay, and must of neces
sity, more or less, infect the ,air, from the
putrid remains which are scattered every
where by these voracious, monsters preying
opon the bodies of.‘the - relieved .Asiatics.
There is no danger of natural increase, as
but few females are brought here.; but",the
trade seems to be carrit4 on specu
lators with:such. avidity I, that oml/umber of
matured subjects may become too large for
public safety. -Thar per: centage of: mortality
with this clime! oar laboi far exeeeds• any
other, which,.of course, defers the period on
ly arben-the •dattgerwlll have to be encoutit
ered.Correspondence - . of the.- Charleston
. _
DereorriEept.;.2l,—The 'balloon dint car
ried Mr. Thurston, the aeronaut on Thursday;
came down,four bolos afterwards nearl3ap-
List Creek Vailas/a"lirest. Mr. Thurston wns
seewupon;it - e -, short. Ono ; before it was-se.
'guyed, Awl he probably fell off whenA`ver the
Marsinul near -Litko ;Vain , %14"ititrch ,_
:being -firindi),;;lor - his remains., ; The-=affair
bed cnusetl great , exeitement throughout the
1 11einitrat of the Pt. IG'Quarit'
- • Atamitv, Sept. 24. .
eo ge: Hall l of Brooklyn, Egbert Benson,
of Itlevi Yor t,
! and Obadiah Brown, of Staten
-liliiii4-Cortirrasifners for
.the remoritls:9l_
.1 1 . - Raraminei:coriveyed-here to-day for liefitir-,
pojir of presentng a plan for the retnikii i lfpf
o.4raatiifflo,Pitvernor King,the Lieutenatit
'GriTierjtorancrihrt, Comptroller,' who„Juiie
fitiper'iisioiovei-the,selecticin of a site.
They give nvall idea of locating the
Quarantine on land, -and propose to construct .
a, series. ocbasins irtthe lower bay, in which .
flititinr haspiiiTs can lie at anchor as still as
in the Liverpool docks. : .
Each vessel used as a hospital is to be in a
separate basiss,so as' to keep apart the differ!:
ent diseases. The plan is endorsed by the
leading medical men of New
kelievedlo be practical and_ecenomical
„.,The basiss .. can be ConstrUeted,Very speedily.
and be completedohe Commissioners believe,
with the fund ; now on it'and to. their
the Comptroller's;Department.,,...,:..',.
They.are. prepared .with estimations .Of the
cost, from engineers of the highest
. responsi:
bility. - -
_lt is also proposed by the _Cornmhaioner s t o
.gp s litick to first princifile,s and make Quaran
tine a skiitary. institution, separating
from it all. stevedoring, lightering and, other
. business, which the expenses
and.prolits of . Quarantine, have been . swelled,
to Such vast, propcirtions,f and leaving allsuch
occupations to.private enterprise and compe '
third, subject• to proper legal restriction.. •
Last 13 o'clock, a the broke out in
.the steam planing-mill ofLlivrence S . Wads. ,
worth.; located At the block bounded:by 201111
30eth - streets and First aventi& and, East;
Rier. In consequence of the late amimnt
of inflammable material in the premises' the I
flames spread rapidly,and soon communicated
to the large blrilding 75 by 200 feet,oecupied
by Messrs. Masterson, .Smith it:. Sinclair, as
the Stone-Dressing comptiy. This Wilding .
was two storks in height, and was' soon l
wrapt in flames. Thence' the rz{
. fire extended t
the extensive lumber yard 01 . Ides
!ii; Grant s : occupying a poition of the block
above mentioned, and the block commencing
at Thirtieth street. Th's 'yaid contained
several thousand feet of lumber, ~about one
half of - wbich 'was destroyed. Owing the
-scarcity of water in these strews, -the firemen
could do but little-Service in extinguishing the
flames. They went 'to ! yrtb a hearty
wood will, and`fearing - „4.lo"lvii .
Many of the
Fargo piles of lutriberOirew ..the stuff into the
river, whence it was/rescued by men , in boa' s, t
and conveyed to n place of safety. ' I
The loss of Messrs.. Page Grant will not, t.
probably, fall / short of $20,000, and we
could not learn that they, were insured - at:l
all. .
The buildintrOecupl;d bg the.S•one-Dres
sing Conipeny.was valued at s2o,ooo,and the
machinery at $25,000,and the :Whole cOncetn,
is a total street:.. The proprietors are inured
About $lO,OOO, in various Companies.
The loss of Messrs. Lawrence and Wads
worth will be about $1 . 0,000. The fire Orig
inated in theplaning:nrill,and praably was
the result of accident. . The matter will be
investigated by the Marshal.
The IlarbordsulicOnen were on hand and
saved considerable lumber from being stover.
—.Y. Y. Courier, 241 h.
SIIIPPF:D AS FREIWIT.---A pat:king-box
marked (W' in a diamon,l.which was brought
some days ago to the bark Charles C.Fowler,
'lying at Pier No. 11, Ttiver; and loading
for Mobile, Ala.,. was found on Thursday to
contain a dead body. The box had been
Stowed in the hold, and tlie effluvia which
atose from it, led to its being opened and
examined. The body was enclosed first in a
zinc ox, and this box was [laced into the
packing box. It is surmised that the de
ceased had not been murdered; but that the
body had so been fteked in order that it
might gO to Mobile - rdino f r "
Apt 6 .. ..dobile as ordinary' freight and -- --.110-41111.4P---•--
at a trifling e - xpense: This,• however, is at 1 . it 4 Sweden,_a man who
volt present but conjecture: The U)x,".wi,th its i limes drunk, is deprived of a vot4
contents, was taken to the ;dead-house
.nti . rtionF:'•
Bellevue Efe‘Pital for further 'action of the , ---..--- ---- • ------
Coroner. The relatives of the deceased will : Holloway's Ointment amt
it is hoped, come forward, claim the body ' Wonderful cures of hip disease, sta . ,
and clear up4he mYsterv.
The person
wh ,„ i alyzation of the limbs, and other Mph;
brought it to the Vessel is unknown.— .Y . -.17: of ttm bones, sinews, nerves, ansl- mil News. heen accomplished during the past
brisk .use ofilolloway's- Ointment:
only laxative which produces any imp
these fearful complaints. The Pit
doing wonders. No case of dysper
complaint, or liver disease can resist t
ry operation. , Why should any hul
suffer from these malddies, when' they
immediate relief are to -be found. in!
and town in the United States.?
TEM; RA PIT CArt.i.--The public should
be on their guard against lingua - telegraphic
cable, which is being supplied in, lame quan
tities to supply the extraordinary demand
that has sprung, up. The cottnterfeit article
•is well calculated to deceive, as they say of
bogus noses, but - a close examination will
show that it is not Made like the genuine.
There are tour "distinct parts to the genuine,
which are plainly visible in a sectional view.
Tn the centre ate seven small copper wipes,
- twisted togeilser. Outside of this are two
coatings of gotta thi -divisionsJ)e
tweeityhich, however, are not very apparent.
Thials of a dark brown color. Over this is
a thin coating of oakum which is of still
-darker colorand over ail Is twisted eighteen
strands pf wire, each strand containing seven
small wires. The thickness of the cable is
eleven sixteenths °tan inch.
irir A strange.affair has Om red at Con.
stantinople. It is related thus : A resident
physician, Dr. &Ilion', an Austrian, was cal
led in to prescribe for the favorite wife of
a great Turkish personage, and on question
ing her in the haretn, be discovered that she
was suffering from - an inflammation of the
bowels. • He slightly touched with his thiger
the part affected, on which an eunuch, who
was in , attendanee, misinterpreting the act,
rushed on 'him, knocked him down, and beat
him until the - unfortunate man • was nearly
dead. The woman's husband hearing - the
noise, hurried In, and , being told what had
-taken place, stabbed the physician in the
tibgh with his dagger. -The %10-
lent that the weapon broke, The physician,
sweltering in his own blood, was removed to
the - street, and left to get home WI well as he
could. Dr. Sallont died a: few days after of
the injuries which he had received. ~
.IMir A „Germany. named. Frederia
committed suicide. in Poughkeepsie,
N. Y., a few days ago, by shooting himself
with a gun. Theire was nothing but powder
and Wedding in Abe" gun: Ile Must, hat:U
placed the muzzle, against his Cheek, ~and
touched - the'trigger with his toes. A more
horrible sight was never beheld. ' Part-of the
face was blown Off with one eye, While' the
other laid on the remaining cheek, and the
brains aird blood:' were scattered over the
roof*, Deceased was sheet thirty-five liars
of age, and lettiveivwife and: child -in Ger
many'. 130 Wise inbei,lndustrions then: ,It
appears that the reason of his' committing
suicide-was that 'he reeeived i a. letter from his
Wife , regieiting -Mei to seid -her money, and,
being unable comply with her requeiti. ho
became lowsPlrited;sold his , watch, and with
(he money bought , * gun,With which hecoro,-
mitred_ the rash acti , , - ,; 2
, ST. LQUIS 811 pt. 20.--roreci Scoff
OcNYthcoP iamC;fiblAified ' A U Cks - 0 101 4 1 °C.; "
t4nlWby his conPoii ol l- 3: 44• the",,Stipteine
Court dectsi6n,c'Aic4"in..killi citron Ffiday
flied last.
- -
Lours Sept. 15.—Several profisittent
gentlemen, recentlY arrived" from!, the
West,' ftiqy corroborate the previous', state._
tr.ents relitutte to ; the 'existence otricir gold
diggias,lis the region of Pike's Peak: 4 corn.
patty of One Immited persons left,4ansis City
oniNendiy last, and other ootopariiei itre be
in fdrrned in nearly all the to wns of Kansas
TefritOryand alang,the Missouri river;
Isaac "Ett,tonif the-Kansas Stage CoMpany,
arrived hero yeTterdii," for the purpbse of
b ing . ng 'nudes and making the necessary ar
rangements for extending the Stage lire from
Fort Riley to Pike's Peak.
r On , night la s t, juni us W. C nig, of:-
llelena, Arkansas, died at Louisviffe. Ile ;
left a will, bequeathing to. Miss Wright, of
Louisville, daughter of Capt. 1"..V. Wright;
to whom he, was betrothed, half the annual
income of his . estate—making-in an uity o'
$20,000. Ile desires that the remain ng half
of" his • income shall be devoted to: he im
prot;eroent of his estate, and . after ll'death ,
the whole property is to , go to the end wtnent
of a coller„ertt Helena. '-The will is.ertested
by his relatives. - : - - (z
---e-Ass-10------ V '
tgr Charles H. Lamb has beenr . ltivicted
of - the murder of his wife in St. Lew One
day, hist - §prini, he asked her
, o gel sailing •
with bin down the ,river, and a' harlot of
whose character she was igsdrant. jVhen at
a lonely point below the y, the - t l o thr,ew
the poor wife overbbird; , endi held bp head
under the water until she was -caosvned.
Lamb, then returned' to her faitherls . house
with her shawl and'hormet, and told ten that
she had Lost her/life by accident story
which was believed until aocidentalicircum
stances revealed.the horridAepravityt
A NA —fi
NTUCKEt storm of last
Thursday, - was the mot.t. • severe .known here
since ]BIG. The water in the hailbor •was
lashed toll - rm.., dashing over-the wVarves to
eon,iderable . depth. . The .wind was si, power
ful-that strong,meticould not eecolinter it.
As for svornef f it - wai,..utterly . imPor.sible for
them to get alonilfor Alarms reasoes.- The •
two or three we heard of!in are str 'eta were
rejoiced to get safely housed '
again,Chi ni neys, roofs , trees,, walks, skti., fa es, were
unceremoniously displaced. ' Scarce a street'
but exhibited evidence of the stor .—Kan
fucket En q u irer. ".
nICITMOND, VA., Sept. 1 7.—A uel Was
fought this morning near this• city, between
0. .I;nnings Vise and Sherrard lernens,
Clemens was wounded. in the thigh. The
cause of the difficUlty Was .. the. recent com
ments in .the ''Enquirer," on Mr. CleMens, re
lative to the Gubernatorial question. Mr.
Clemens was the challenger. . •
On cl; t, that .the resolution pa. , &lt l l by the
"Republican" (Mass.) State Convention cal
ling upon Senators and Represpntittives to
attend closely to their duties, and which bus
been interpreted to reflect. upon Mr. umner's
absence from his post, was written by Goc:
Itanks,with a view of aiding hie ow , h,senator.
lid aspiration. •
--so- 401. -41.-- - - I
Smith; the Absolition Temrierance • andidate
for Gdvernor of New York State, trarler a do
nation.. of .*5OO- to the Alfred Academy,
located in AllegloMv County,with %he under
standing that should he be elected i bu'vernor,
*:;500 more would be forthcoming. 1
.4r- 'At the Ohio Fair at Sanlitiky—at,
t;ree - nsbnrg,ra., and at Wheeling, Va.—slur.
in the past week-, 'the best Rapid linsine,‘
Writing exhibited sirs front the frori City Col..
hg ;.t of this City.—Pittibargkelt4nirle. ,
NEW Oirt.c.tss, Sept. 2l.—The
yellow fever, during thirty . lion - ,
yesterday at noon, numbered 107:
i ii
litbligious Notice..—The S gquelianna
Association of Universelists will h Id its next
Anneal Session in Honesdale, Wayn Co, %%Ted
nesday and Thursday, October 6th an , '7lli. The
Council wilt be called at the close or the after
noon exercises of the first day. Friends from all
quarters are respectfully invited to attend.—
Several distinguished clergymen from abroad aro
expected to be present. ' A. 0. WARREN,
2w .]- - Staaing Clerk.,
. .
Rejoice ye Stifterers»-Ri
ridden Cripples.—Dr. Tobias! Veneti
can now be procured. it is warrante4
cure for Chronic Rheumatism, Co
Cuts, Pains of nli •kindi-Lor no pri,
50 cents. Depot 56 Co artiandt street,
38-3w.lSold by ABEL TURRELL,
All wanting to oMigmte to a to
good soil, And fine market, see sliver
Hammonton Lands. •
Bead, ilie advertisement,
beadia "Hekaboid's Gooui
lion " It interest the majority. •
All wanting . to emigrate to a ..ild climate,
good soil, and tine market, see advertisement of
Hammonton Lands. ,
118 , 48.411180.
In Lynn, Susquehanna County, th: 15th inst.,
by the Rev. James W. Rayne, Dr. E. S.' KEL
LEY, of Tunkhannock, Wyoming county, to
Miss S. F. SHERMAN, of the former place.
With .the above,th e Printer rece
dollar, for which the new firm of
Kelley wilt pleas() accept our
May -
Perpetual harmony their life attend
And Venus e'er the well•matthed p ,
May she, when Time has sunk him
Love her old man, and cherish his w
Nor he perceive her charms thro' a .
But think each happy sun his Bridal
In eonclusion:—dropping from )
ridiculous—we advise ALL to go
wise, especially the dollar part.
in Montrose on the `'37thE
DIMOCK, aged 83 year*,
• • Autor's Notice
T _
RE undersigned fusving been ►
the Court ofrommon Pleas of:
'County, - to make distribution of the
the_ .sale of Real Estate of S. H. C
attend to the of said appoint
office of Wm : 4. Turrell. Esq., in 3
,1 4 iLeedar, the gd day of October, ael
thd Toitinoon, et 'which Si
'all persons indebted will present ib
be 'forever baited free:teaming . ' ap p le
Supteinher 23d, 1858.-0%
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every city
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a speedy.
ic, Cramp,
V. 25 and
New York.
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1 , Auditor,