- 41 - 121111 E, 1 , 1 , 1 itfr Montrose, r y. _ 4t.g r yataj,qoae,D. rTIHIS new and codirocidious Hotel situated oa P,ulatic Avenue, near the Court House, and nearly in the - centre of the business portion of Montrose, know fully completed and furnished, and will be opened on Monday. the 27th day "of the present month for -the accommodation of the public and travelers; the Proprietor leek confident that be is nbw -"prepared to:entertain guests in'a manner that cannot fall to give tom- Vete satisfitction. The Hotel and Furnittitre aro new, and•no - expenee -has Weis - spared ter render it equal, it.pot superior to any Sheik:tr. eitablish. .meat in, this part of the „„atite.-, lt z ,in well NIP - . !plied with all the recent impreretentiand com forts, aturcibliging waiters will st'ceajs be ready to respond to lhe call of isitonters. •' • The Stabten,eennected with this .lionie ate ,new, and convenient: The Pr4prietor resPectfully solicits the patron age of his oldfriendr, and the . pub lic generally. , . WM:K. HATCH. Montrose, sepu;lnber 2 I St, -1858. - FAL.CY FURS FOR. LADIES AND I OHICFAREIRA & Co, No. .818 (no* • e) T Market-st, above Bth, Inttortt-rs, Manufactitrers and Dealtra in ;FANCY FURS, for Ladies rind Children i nl4o, tent's Furs, Fur Collars and Olovei. The hinmber Of years that we have been - Cupp(' it(the.Fitt 'business, and the general character of our Furs, both for aunt- Sty and price is so generally known throughout the Country, that we think it isitot necessary for us to say anything more than that we- have now opened our assortment of FURS, for The Fall & Winter Sales, of the largest and-tnost beautiful assortment that we have ever offered-before to -the,public. Our Furs haie.all been • Imported during the present season, when :money was scarce and Furs much tower thin at the present time, and hive been manufactured be the most competent workmen.; wo are therefore • deter mined to sell them at such pricesas will continue to give us the reputation we have: berne for yea: that is to sell a good 'article for a very small pmfai: . Storekeepers will do well to giro us 4 Call, as they will find- tho inrgest assortment by - far to Ivied. from in the city; and at manufacturers' prices. JOHN FARM - RA*lk CO., No.BlB Market Street,above 81.11,Phialdelphia. September 151 b, Net Cash 'Dry:. G oods House. 1858. NEV STOCK OF FALL GOODS.* 1858. I . 7YRE & LANDELL , Fourth' and Arch Sts., Mi. Philadelphia, have in .store and are;daiiy receiving a 'fine stock Of F4ll, and Dry Goods, suited to.gioltear•Trade., , . Black Silk&c.if all "grad Cs. - . FashiOiollite Fancy Silks,- • • • Sha.wii of All the ne*sk styles.' . - ~ .Dress. Goods; in full variety..,, - Staple Goods,in lard.e.stock. - .- • Fancy C4simere,Cliiilis & Vesting& . Blab kets.quil ts, Linen, - Damasks, &c. N. B. ,G . ;I'd Bargains daiiy.received from New _York and hiladetphia Auction'Salea. Fiy - amts Net Cali ; and Frit:is ..Low. I ; Septen4er .2.3d;-18:i8.--atn.,-. _ .- - ducational . IPHER will be held, in Friendsvilie, 'on Sat; ay, Sept. 25th, 1858, a, Getieral Meeting orthe friends of Popular Education and Free. Schools: Meeting to commence. at one o'eloa, m., and continue during the afternoon and evening iv 'the people ;risk • • 7 • . Prot-Srorkwm will be present IL B. Limn, Esq.; thc; dislingiiist•ed Cfl.ol - of FREE SCiIOOLS will deliver the °nano': of the occasion. Our friends it Friendivitte'‘will ple.lse pro vide a suitable room for the meeting. Let there be a viand : ! Idly peop'e— Let thtm all come (I t-31c0,1174nin and Cititnr.r.s. 41r.) B. F. * TEWKSBURY; 'Co. Supt. Farm Lauds formic 45 miles from Philadelphia by Railroad .in_the Stnte o: New Jersey. Soil amongst, he best-for Agriculturai purpoies, being .00awith it . clay bottom. The land " is d large'tract, divided into .mall farms, and hundreds from all parts of the country are Mite sett ling rind biti Theerops can be etten - geowing. Terms from Sc IS to % 5•11./ par acre, payable within four veers 4 instal inciits. To visit the place—Leave Vine Street Whatfat Phiadelphia nt..7.30, a. to., by Railroad for Ham monton, or address IL 1. Byrnes, by letter. Slegt lull advertisement in an otlipr rotunin. fsep.l-3.m. The Hammonton Faruseir, a - news paper, devoted to Literal4re mad Agriculture, , 5.199 setting forth fall acec4nts of the new'seltle sae& of Hamnitartrin,Cr raT i ii Jersey, can be sub scribed brat only 25 cts. per Annum. Inclose postage,'stamps Sol the atnount. dress to Editor_ of the Farmer, ilanriont, n, A'. lantieTo, Nevi Jersey. Those vifishing cheap 1114 of the beistlaslity,.in one of the healthiest and moat delightful clima't&: in the - Union, see advertisement of. IhmmontOn Lands.4sep.l-3m Vann Lands for sale i from Philadelphia by Railroad :in the State of New Jersey: Soil amongst the best for Agricultural purposes, being a good -loam soil,. with cloy bottom. The land is a large 'tract, divided into amal I farms- and hundreds from all parts of the , country are now settling and building. The crops tan be seen growing. Terms from $l5 to $2O per sets, payable within font', oars by instalments. Te visit the place—Leave Vine Street Wharf at Philadelphia at 7.30. a. n32:4 Railroad for Ham monton, or ncidrOsa ft; .1. Ivraes, by letter. See full advertisement in adothiir column. [sep.l=-3m. 6rtat trcttemtntl Tflt. Atlantic Cable lasi:wen< laid, but that does tt.tt begfaio cause as much jo - y - fs7 the act ihst . • - • R. EENTON Is ininarket'with s a fine asssortment of.' GOODS Copsiojag,in F itt ay tolkwi Marie Ang.que and Black Silks, Embroidered Robes, Printed do., Shatels,—Brocha - Long and qguare-, SiO., and, /mit. Chenille from 85,00 to $25 1 00. Plain All ...Wool.Delanes: . . . OLIVERE PLAIDS. . • Ribbons from as. to ss. 6d., Black Velvet Rib bons from. 4s ps, to $5.00 pa., and - Victoria Lawn, Stems Afuslin , Bril- - floats, Sarcenet Cumin-lea all the .11retv Styles of Printed• - • lanes. Embroidered Far • nit' are MUSLIN. • NENTUCICY JEANS in every variety. Every variety, of BONNET, 13ORDERS and OOODS, ea as =la release all-the' Ladies from-the trouble of calling upon the ldn.t.trtEns-who charge so very high. DOMESTIC GINGIIA 11 Sat prices lower than nsual.• WALL PAPER,-B01: DER, CARPET BAGS, UMBRELI.A.S, BUFFALO ROBES; CARPETING, CROCKERY; two new and beautiful styles. HOOPS. • - CHAMBRAY and FRENCH GINGHAMS. ':SHOES, a 'retv large -assortment. GAITERS, BOOTS and SLIPPERS. Also, a large assortment orehoiee TOYS, for distribution by Santa Claus. PER FUMERY, - HAIR OILS, • PATENT MEDI: CINES.. — AIso, a fine assortment of . BED STEADS, from $1,74 to $6. CHAIRS—Wood Flag Seat, at Manufacturer's prices. And Would say that his assorunent is ery especially adapted_ to those who buy rich goode f —he *mild respect. idly Invite their inspection as goods particularly suited to Blass No: 1» And would as positively assure those %KM wish trs holy Al lowest prices that his goods are equally good for - theca, and .11 ilk as low ,as• ean bs boughs ibis side of.filew York., It is a fact, aeknowledged' hi all, Abet my goods melLthetturchaswi.ofall other dealer's in QUALITY'. • - - .R.AfANYON'Utt Centre;'Pa., September 5, 165*. c- . DENTAL -7 ' NOTICE:.. I — NR. A. GIFFORD han , lisisted !linnet 1 1 in Montrose for the •putpose-of carrying on the DENTAL PRAETIcE in nil its branches. Ile-is - now ready-to attend to all calls in his.prolession With promptness, and will endeavor to 'give entire satisfaction. AlMperati onfk.wanßAlTED. Office with Dr. Dtmocx. Sept. Mil'. 1858.—tf. • ituditor's Notice. rpflE -undersigned, appointed ati Auditor by. 'the Court of Common Pleas of Susque hanna County, to make distribution of the• funds arising from the sale of the Reel Estate of Dan lei-Baker, hereby gives notice th# he will at tend to the'deties of said epPelgt.thebt at ,10f. office in Montrose, on Monday, the 18th dig ofi October next, at one o'clock in the afternoon,' when all persons having an ,interest in said fund can attend if-they think - Proper. A: CHAMBERLIN, Auditor.. Sept. 15th:38,58. 7 4w.. - . , • . Exceastor'rk Notice. otrtr. is hereby given to all persons hav ing demands against the estate of: NATHAN Sittracts, liteor 'the township - of Middletown, dec'd., that the.same must be pfesented to the undersignedj for - arrangement, and all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. F. TAGGART,;.E.er.• Jackson Valley, Aug.. 31, 1858;6w.* -Auditor's Notice. rr" undersigned, appointed nn Auditor by the Colid of Common Pleas of Snsque- 1 llama County, to make distribution of the funds; arising from the sale of the Real:Estate of Har-1 veY Hal - hereby . gives notice that he will at tend- to the duties of Ids said appointment at his office in Montrose, on Tuesday the 19th day of October next, at one - o'clock' in the afternoon,' when all persons having an interest in the said; fund can attend if they think proper.' A. CHAMBERLIN, Auditor. Sept. 15th, 1858.-4 w. .1. STRAYED. I . STRAYED from the it'd osure of thii ribscri.l her, about the middle of August, one DUR-I HAM BULL. said Bull is oho year old, dun col'ored_.with a white face. Any person that wall give information or return 'said animal will bei liberally rewarded. I • , -LATHAM GARDNER. East Brldaewater, Etipt.-I:3th, 1858.-3 w., Philadelpbia Medical College. - 214 S3utllh St. below Walnut. • d The 234 session of this Institution will open on • itlebday, October 1 1 th, 114311. The following me some of its advantages: It is the. only Institution in the City which fur—, nishns its Students with Hospital Tickets tine niaterial for dissection wrttiouT cttoknot The cla-iies are examined 'daily - by2thi3 Professors.v, who take personal interest in - the advancement) and welfare of eYeryStudent. A limited hamber of young men of restricted means will be receiVed beneficiaries ; `psying hut 820 fora full course. of Tickets. In all crises, the sons of physicians and clergymen have pre-' ferenee. , ' An 'announcement containing every informs- lion will be sent free, on application to' li.-HOWAkD RAND, M. D.. ' • "bean of the Faculty. Sept. 18. 1/358:--3w,vlm. SUBMARINE. ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH. Received this day, a lot of four inch-sections of the Submarine Atlantic Telegraph Cable,— [warranted genuine.] -Call, or send your orders soon, fo!,the supply is CORAL BEADS.—A large- hit of Coral Necklaces and Armlets just received PLATEI) KNl,yES.—Another ' invoke of Plated Table and Dessert ICrtircs, direct from the Manufactory, by EVAN'S & ALLEN. • No. 2'Odcl Fellows' Hall. Binghamton. Sept 4th, 1858. _ • " Thick Darkness corers the Earth, - .;And Gross Darkness the People."- COUN.TRY MERCHANTS;, And all Others will take Not e! TIiAT They can supply Themselves in do j• .quantities with Joule.' Ear Famed Patent NON EXPLOSIVE KEROSENE or COAL '• OIL LAMPS. At, the Whole. and Retail HEAD QUARTERS, South SECONJJ Street, 38. The only place uliere exe I usive • An•eneles -can he ~brained (.r the States of Pennsylvania, New Jer.ey and Dclat.vare. These Laluixs give a light-: equ4l in intensity of flame, and similar in appearance to Gas, and arc claimed to - be superior to all other portable lights, now in use. ,No fear of Explosion—No offensive odor.—No smoke—Terx . easily trimm ed.=As easily regulated - as Gas easily be adapted to all purposes-=Andbetter than all for a poor man.-50 per cent cheaper than any tither:portable lif2ht.'now in common use HoLE AsENCT ATSn, FOR I .Enapp ' S Patent' Rosin and Coal Oil' Lamp. of Lamps, Oil, Wicks. Shades, and every article in the tine. S. E. SOUTIILAND , Agent... , N 0.38 South SECOND STREET,PHILA. September;prk ; 8,55.2. t kiwi. • . . - - Attentio n Cavalry! . - T HE Members of the " flarfoid and Brook.lL . lyri Troop of Cavalry" are hereby noti 6ed "to meet at the-house of Jame b. But. lard in Brooklyn - on Saturday, the sath-inst., tit nirtem'clock, A. M., rod parade and drill. ' STEKIEN E: CARPENTER, Captain. Ilarford, Sept. 4th, 11358.-3w* ._ . .. . Elebtion'for FiOld Qfficers For the Ist Beg. - Ist Brig. of Susq'a Co. 1 N,obedit;nce to the Militia Laws of the Com monwealth-of Pennsylvanhi,,,t4 following named Companies are hereby ordered to meet at their several- places of parade, on Saturday, the 2nd day of October next, at 9 ri7cloo:„a. in, for the purpose of electing Field Officers for the lot Rag. Ist Brit. of Su.sq'a County. Election of officers by grade. , " . "jo Ist, one Colonel. I 3rd, one First lar. 2nd. one Lieut. Coll 4,,h, one Second 3faj, "Staff tiff:wets to appointed tiy _tlieCoi. of said Regiment. \ . • N. B. Commanding Officers of said ComPanies will superintend said elections and make returns areording if. ACA SItICER, Br. In, Ist Br., leth Div., Pa.:3111. Br. In. Office, Ilarford, Sept: '7, i 858. 3w. TO 0 LD. AND NEW \CUSTOM:ER& THE : undersigned would hereby express-his thanks, and regards, to his numerous friends and' patrons; (the kercirink . Milliners Lind Car riage-Mskers, in this and other eountiles,) for a continuation of their patronage;and kind .feelings; and to assure them that it will ever be cherished,. by a neighbor and citizen with ginfitude, and would also - say, that he is still interesied,- inith I. L. Hunt, (2i5 Pearl SL, N. .Y.,) the Hard- . ware, Cutlery, and Carriage Trimming Businesi ; and that he is also, a Special . Partner with Lawrence, Griggs& King.bury, ut 4ti Conitlandt EL, r. N.. Y., in the . ; Hat, Cap, Stotts , Got& and busioesk.where. all_Tradeni who pUr.• tibiae goods in either of these branches Vs landly invited' to call, examine, and purchase, It satin. faCtory. Yours truly,. N. N. C. TYLER. 4w* - • I Montrose. Sept, 241„ 1858 • TO THE PUBLIC. •- . .GOOD'WATCITES frIPAT have lieen spoiled by "unskilful persons ean'sigsin be made" good by J: HIG.GINBIJTIAM A regular City Watehnmaker,competenteto repair Duplex, Repeaters, PatfmLatitt Detsched Leverso T4pine4, andlailest Witches,&c.,llie.; whether', Freneh or Chinese - mate; and! for ihis:purpoter has on hand it good assortment! of Watch Jewels, Watch Wheels, Malneprings,l Cy,linderw, Hinds, alseSes; &e., Or-fShoPi 00.01144, edirStoreyi PheenixEloek, Montrose Susf..Co.,rrs;. , '.ii .1 tizupt 25th, IRSE. tf. .:~~•~ t ~.. `~~ +i GOODS Bc7Vet,E COURT (51) STREET, Adjoining the "Bank of Binghamton," - = - BINGHAMTON, N. Y. My, Stock is one of the .largest and best selected varieties gf STAPLE AND. FANCY DRY Ever offered tO the people of this county :' . v i j2 ,7 4L i a a t 0 1 3D2,9 ' '"' • -: , . 'ZIAtiIVI62,,. . . _ _III,2OIMHZO . , • Mantillas, • Domestics, 1 Embroideries, s Flannels, Cassimeres, Cloths, &c., To which the attention of Close Payers is called; , Rieh Hosiery, 'N In the basement will be found a large assortment of Family GROCERIES&PROVISIONS To which the attention of THE PEOPLE is invited. O.L.etS SES, SYRUP S,SU GA RS, OFFEES, TEAS, FLOUR, PORK, FISH, IQ fact, everytlii ng in the way - of Grocetie4, CHEAPER TiLy: Ttie CHEAPEST. Also, CROCKERY, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. tar Pcirticalar invitation is extended to those who purchase for . GASF/ to tall and examine oar s,tersk and prices before purchasing elsewhere. A. RiIIOWLI ON, 5l COURT-STREET. 'UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS.--Silk and Cotton timbreliaa. Ladies Sun Shades and Parasols, in great variety. just received direct from the ilanufacturer, for sale at LOW PINCES at A. KNOWLTON7S, of Court street, adjoining Bank of Binghamton. • Trunks; Traveling Bags, Valises, and Ladies Hat Boxes, A large assortment direct from the 31anufactory in Jersey City, jest received at„ A. KNOWLTOV3, 51 Cr,urt•3triet is-owrlwit% ibowomu,:vt BLASTING POWDER AND FUSE. Sole Agent for the Slam Bang Powder Mill. will keep on hand at all times a targe:stock of the above celebrated POWDER. which will be wold by the keg only. at Manufacturers' prices. Also, SPORTING PVWDER; SHOT4A.ND CAPS. Ail . the Choke Brands of S t porting • Powder, from the Hazard Powder Company, on hand at all times—f&r Sale'ii low prices. N. B .-14 Powder will speak for itself. . •, . A. KNOWLTON, 51 Court-street, adjoining the Bank.of Binghamton. Cailltre2B VAN . '• We've Cages for Canary Birds, _ , To ail -their sizes rated— - •,; .. - • • , . - Where single life they may enjoy, ~.. •. . • Oi• bliss of being mated. 2acutz; dtAtems reea &ILIA , Cattea . 23 - .'" Ni - • .• , <.intialr:Y AND CANADA INCLUDED.) • . • -More than 60 different styles now in store, including all the newest patterns—received direct from the Ratanfacturers. No jobbers profits paiktri " home productions" at this establishment. The ailorftcent will be kept unbroken during the Si tamer season. '• °. ' A. KNOWLTON, Al Court•stret, adjoinining the Bank of Binghamton. ... - • - BISCUIT. AND, CRACKERS . . „ . , A large assortment of Biscuit and Crackers receivedithis day, front?oneof the most t‘2 „ tettaive Bakeries in New 'York City. A fresh supply received ovary week. Soda Biscuit, Wine Biscuit.; , • gilk Biscuit, . Extra Cream Biscuit, Lemon Biscuit," ..Abernethy Biscpit, Cup Biscuit, Egg Biscuit, . • Nonpareil Biscuit, Boston Crackers, Better Crackers; Sugar. Crackers, Graham 'do . Fancy do Walnut do Deeeit eci - Oyster do Ginger Snaps; , . Irlr'rhe old-fashioned hand-made Butter Crackers. ' _ PURR COFFEE!, Adjoining tbe Baitk • _of Bintlianiton. `-How ni,Nr it is at breakfast time, liefore you been to work, sir. • To knot you've drank your coffee Ore, • , -; And saved your beans fqr,pork; sir." :AT - by COURT:BTR'gET.. tl4. IL—PORK 2%Nb' BEANS FOR' SALE AS AtOVE. MR. !‘ DEMOCRAT:",— , • , • , • Please dan't.' iffy - anything about odr TWO SHILLINCI . TEA, that people are clubbing and sending 2u mile; for, far th couiatty,ladies have that arthije in charge, awl' are drawing on. it at rapid tate. . KN(kWLITON 9 Binghamton, - August 23J, 1838-34tf. TO THE INHABITANTS OF IMATROSE AND .VICINITY. We have ,epened ,a Branch Store in this plttee where samples Will he shown, paced given, ei ders taken, and Goods.sent for avery day from .Einghan'ttcnt, stithent eitrkeharse. .* * *Cpll at BUILARD'S 1100 K STORE on. Public: Avenue. • , _ • ~ • . • cr . , ...a t > 0 . . • trot . , cr t ,2 ~ r. A' gt. - ~..1 K. .-. ..., i. "yrroi . s r, Oz.. 6,4 3 PI -3; ',..sli • -.... v . j .t . - A.. : ' 11 :.„, .7, - - - k:,- , ..,03,....1.,,, r.,,•_ , la ; eli - . . .1:1 ~ - .... - 3. 4942 ••• ft. - . d ' tV . .., , t...? 0 g , ~.. 24.,.._ • . . , efry. - -V g e.,-.. 0 0 ;14 7 * ori • s.j. -10 .A. t , 7 .- 4 ' a 2 a ) CD' ' tilD It At up 7 ' = tv et to ...1711 is• ~' i - 0 js ..., Ii „,- aw A • LII , 1 .., • KNOWLTON'S' GOODS .e.re`e ete 804 Poor. A. KNOW'LTON, '"i = -1, 414 - twowzgo a ocr o z z _q • - • 2- pp rI) tta =Li el t 2 at , 0 . rug . . op. g • -« r so' , F 1 g: 6 "-T - r IP gr... 4. 1 Aft. , 11 : 2 ; '` 71) pa gt ;FD: '.. 2 41. 6 1 ' •o• Ai •50 = &om ppm f t ," 04 1 ' v 4714 -„.4,••-. ,7s.i. 0 .4 ak-i •••,. Jo al AM k ' ' i` M :Xs !" ',.', - ' 111 e rr •stm • is r•-• 7 if itlE g•;`,7, coa'7-4"3 te. -4 1 . g . intsr ; . ..";zeTOE74, II ,- ';%1147r.. 2 ~7 g, s l .t y . K Als ' . .. „ IRON CITY CORRERCIA4, COLLEGE. Prrranuite PA Cif AIt,TEREDI 855. 300 Student* attending January. 1858. NOW the largest and most tharoughComtner dial School of - the United e tates. • Yount men prepared for actual duties of the Colleting J, rf r .'SAtcrtt; A. , D!»'Prof. • of Book-keepink Auld flcientifie Accounts. • • • X :T. Donracrr, Teacher * Arittireitic'sind Commercial Calculation. . : 7 J. A. Ht ragapc. and C. Jesiriss, Teacher of liooli.ireeping. • A. owr.cy,and W. A. MILLER, Pro r& of Pew manehip. • BINOLM, AND nouscslisrsy; BOOK ICKKPIiiG, As *sod in every department,. of Wein - rm. COM M EAU AL A RITH ETIC--R API BU SINESS DETECTING COUNTERFEIT:IIONEY MERCANTILE CORRESPONDENCE.- - • COMMERCIAL LAW.... .. lAre taught and 'all other. Subjects neeeesarylor I the success and thorough education ot a 'practi ca! business man. , 12 PREIIII lIRS. Drawn all the Premiums in' Pittsburg for the I past three years; also in Eastern and Western , Cities, for best Writing, :_- NOT ENGRAVIED:WORK. lIIIPORTANT INFORMATIONS Students enter at any time—No vacation—Tinie unlimited—Review at, pleasure---Graduates as sisted to obtain situations=-Tultion for fall Com mercial Course, 835,00—Average time 8 to 12 weeks—Board, 82,50 per weoli—Stationery, 86,08—Entire cost, 860,00 to .870,00. WMinister's sons received at half price. Card—Circular—Specimens of Business and Ornamental Writing —inclose two sthmps, and address F. W. JENEIN S,Pittaburg, Pa,, September 9th, 1858.-3 m - (Iy,eq,'Nw .„ The World' Great Exhibition Prize Medal' A WARDED to. C. - ,MEYER, ` `Fon HIS TWO PIANOS, - LONOON, OCTOSEH .15,1851. CMEYER, respeetfuliy informs his frienda . and the public generally that ho has con stantly on hand PIANOS, equal to those for which he received the Prise Medal in Lcihdon in 1851. All orders promptly ,attended tb; nod- great care taken in the aelteticidand riaelting.the same. Ile has received during the last Fifteen years more Medals than any - other' Make from • the Franklin Institute—also, First Prtmiums in Boa. ton, New York, and Baltimore. * * *Wurerootns No. '722 ARCH Street, below Eighth, south side, PHILADELPHIA. • • Septeusber 9th, 1858.43 in, jw - A detain istratore Notice. T ETTERS of Administration to the. Estate _LA of MienAtt. Kurt. dec•'d., late of the town. ship of Rush, having been granted to the sub. scribers, ail persons indebted thereat - are reques ted to make-immediate payment, and those hay ing claims to present then! firth.with to JAMES LOGAN,- ~) - JOHN McDERMOT,-i Aulnfs• Rush, Aug. 31, 1858.-6 w. _ „.. $lOO,OO REWARD! FOB. I , b Better, Safer, or. moire EconoMica/ Liabt than can be had by ,using D.P.` Peters' Patent Non-Explosive Self-Generating Gas Lamp, it being equal if not superior to the best Coal Gas. The material used fo: generating Gas is Burning Fluid or .. ) Etherial Oil. The Gas la generated in the Burner by decothiang and evaporating the Fluid by its own heat, forming pure Ilydrorarbonie Gas, which is all conveyed to the Burner, leaving no substance unconsumed. The Bunter can be fitted to'any ordinary Lamp and warranted perfectly safe and free from any danger of explosion, is free from - smoke or un pleasant smell. It is perfectly -adapted for Churches, Hotels Stores, Reading Rooms; Pri vate Dwellings, &c., &c., and bnly requires a trial to prove its superiority over every other portable light now in use. • The following calculation will show its ezono my over other materials used for lig,hts: PrielmrSelf.Generating Gam.Lamp With. Fluid or - , Etherial Oii at 60 • . cts. per gal. with . six Jet Burn ers. at: per hour. Camphefie it 55 eta. per gallon, 2 1 2 " Lard Oil at $1.25 " " 3 2-3 " " Sperm Oil at . *2.50, " " „.1 eta. " Fluid with common lAthera . eof - eta. per gallon, - 7 - . 2111 " " Gas at $2.25 pet tole foot, .- 1 1-4 " Gas at 64.00 4 ,• " - 21.4 " I wish it diltiritly understood, that this Gas Burner will gibttice• more Eight Man any other Port-bli LW!? i 4 use: It is :cry eimple, easily trimmed and kept in order. ' . The, public are invited to eat and' examine this Promiuni -I.unp for themselves •before pur chasing eliewheie, this beink, the only Patent Burner having a non-condnetor. For sale at the MONTROSE BOOK STORE by A,1 4 1. BULLARD. Montrose, June 15th. 1858. • ~.. .TAKE DUE NOTICE , Govern Yourselves Accordingly, —THAT 6uttenbtrg, llosenbainn *) Are constantly recoiling DRESS GOODS, of the latest styles and of the :finest gualityi Shawls, Ma ntil la's,.Bonnets : A superior stock of MILLINERY GOOlOll, to, which t'ne attention of country milliners in respectfully invited. We have & beautiful assort. went of -Ekibroiderles, Collars, Sleeves, Linens, Laces, White Goods, uneieelled in quality, style, and'prices. We devote a great deal of attention- to the- ; BEADY MADE CLQTRAVG • business, having do extensive tailoring establish ment connected with our Stores at litlontrose and Susquehanna Depot. We flatter ourselves that Oo can fit a mar4—be he dwarf or giant, and no matter hoW ilbalutpen—in " : presentable style, NO' Plia t ilOt r lO ALWAYS ,JEIFI thathisPort-Mommie is stuffed with the needful. Can Gird g'ot ycar " 31 - oney's Worth," at the store of • • GUTTENBERG, ROSENBA,UM, it CO. biontrose, Ps,, Aug. '11th:1858. • • R. HUIIPjittEY'S HO)IIIEQPATHIe 1 - N Remedies for , sale by ADer, TURRIILL. • TREMENtiOVS EXCITEMENT • ,TREE, .; FRAZER , RIVER , GOLD- DIGGINGS •Al.sp AT. MONBOSE'11001i:gl'a. HER the subscriber, le re_tplveg . 'YV quantity of 4.PHP0 1 4 BOOKS Opp T'atieh:As ue to Po used' at ;the Normal School , t •to cote menus the ptyjnot4 :deo, MISCELLANEOUS 3300 P—it ,gaodaeeprttneet; and STATION ERY , :The beet-quelityr.mall of .which will be arot fee:laSitat" NO and /ft lice priceilg, • - •- LLARD`:- MeultOle, Augtvg het!i, 1E49, ===== Rt; k v . Alermits Sigiuc:o ,a ) Szekty Snnuyer, WAttnsr atuiralfof liNd'tvill be mark thet•eioids, , t ime' ast he Molt sickly and . finhealtbs , ..Or WlSOnti thii' hive visited the nertheitt poittorlOf this Continent for many Years. Malari ens dice *s, in their 'most ' malignant , and violent .rolins, ris epidcinies inssec tions of "tar country that have been.,4ef ri ed by the late overthiwing of diet s,eriieka and bayous, and dritiehod b:y the reeentleayy • Yiteelv PLyElt, BILIMLS Fr:- 'WEN; FEVER' 'AND AGUE; CostES7l4-k e kv.Ea, fXTEttilrrrEi7 AND REMITTEItir FEV 014: C.IIOJ.E -RA,'Filkr,lqiisiatEntit4 Sunnis ATTACKS Vootirtsvf . ht rage ivitifilelemie in the - vicin OF ity, of tote; thitiihy lands, And irlietetbe deluge of, Waters and dienehingts, of Imes have been - Bull cientiriberent ' produce fro th deeeni- position - or Vegetable or Other decoMprised Or: "trr our tioUthern WestVrn Slater.' we •may.therefore'aPeet fhb preyalen9e as epideMie, ,"one - .,"0r..t1ie Other or the abode, named forms; in order tbat the Pub, , miry:provide themselves, with th e proper, means to protect thcli - sySteririkakainist sudden' attacks of dine:Cab of any kind," we Notify the-peo ple 'attic aptiroich Ur these maladles. In Rad way's Ready Relief ,you t , have , the 'preventive. With' this Itiiiiedy, - ,hoWever viol - gtit„ and malig nant infection; andtteartly may be the, character of the detente, it cannot harm you. • A tea. spcioriffil of this life-protecting,Remedy, drank inn little water•three or.four tithes pet day, will fortifYthOlitbtitlich . agitirist the inreetious gakses of these revert, that you are - as safe -from danger as thiiugb yett , were breathing .the moral vvhole some and iniaorating etmpsphere under the Radikals Ready Relief has Been proved, in the Yellow FeVeof 1E63 , to be thabest disin-, leCtilat Iti‘„ irritiy; of one readers are so tal 'fOrtonate' tote.'afllictet with any Ferir, .oreferr4 - Flux or Drenterit,,t ; itber. Yellow, Cotes tire, froirenittent, ri'ent urea—Rad wafs Ready Rellet;aided with Radway's Regulators. wilt in a feW hourS'airest the violence and dan ger of the disease, and s oon euresou. COMMON I)ISEASES, Diseases such as Rhiumatism, Hold, Scialis Aretralgia, Head Aches; Li Iluenxsi, Rush of Bltind to the Hey!, Pilitiitiliess, Undies., Tooth Aches. Croup, ouohs, follatitotation of the Bowels and LlP:gs,.+Supo Attacks of dills and Fevers, Sichnees at tha Sr4iiach, Congestion of the Brain, Sun Stroke, Licer' Diffltultees-, and ether painful, debilitating and enfeebling in:dailies, will tint riot throtighout the. length and breadth of the land attarkinm, in their most violent forms the aged, middle aged, and ydhthrul. Litt against these ills, which inflict so much pain upon their victims Radway's Ready Relief will 'in a few months remove the most 'fierce and torturing pains; and, it' Used in cohitc(!tion With Rad'.vay's Regulators, speedily effect a cure. CLIRO.N,IC,DISEASES. - Those-who are uhfortrinate as hi be nr flitted wftli'et3roni;..discases, Breaking Out, Running Sores, Humors, Ferer Sores,: Ulcers, ,Salt Rheum, PrteklyHeat, Sore Head, Sore Eyes, Bad Legs, Sores in the Nose or ;Mouth, Canker, Boils, Blotches, Erysipelas, Baci.Coitghs, Swollen Parts, will suffer , inereased agonies from these diseases, during this Stet: circle, unless the Blood is cleansed - from Ats humors, and the system renovated fir its , impurities, by,lf ad way's Reno, rating, ResefieSt. This ,Remedy is a quick cure for the above-named' d4seaseS-, and it is the only known r,emedy that„itill Completely eradicate from the system dOctaba inherited .by constitu tional transtuk.dbn„ Persons afflicted with Scrofula. Fits, Syphilis, or 'any Chronic disease, will be effectnallpeorel, if Rwiway's Renovating Resolvent is used.; PREPARE TO RESIST THE PESTILENCE. A great:number of those - who die from pestt. lential diseases are suddenly i uidenlY seized n.the night, or when.they least expect an, attack, and there fOre'unprepaied to resist the first.atteens of their deadly' toe. It is, therefore, of the greatest im portance to those who„desil'e,to live through an attack of this. kind, Wlfathef Choteig, Fever, Sdn Stiat:e; cte'dgesticins, or WM:I-Fever, to have Radway's Ready Relief and Regulator; ready to use at any moment. •These RA:Medics,. taken when you feel unwell or in pain—either slight oi,ifiolent s =will lu4tantly check anti - stop' the progths of Pie disease, Mul deliver you from furilieritarm. Let every Ilittis..ekeeper, Planter, Fartner,Shipme.ster, ana, in fact,al I having charge of others. keep a -simply of.Radwity's Reurty Re lief, Regulators, and Rtiii:lVents in their tintiNe‘. A SICKLi" SEASON IS FAST APPROACHING.—Pi.e;ISVe of the most ImillA and fetal character will pre, veil; but, With these Remedies at hand, you 'tiny • rest secure. • There are no -remedies. known to Physicians that the public, as a general rule, can rely urn; in the successful, treatment okiofectious and mat rions diseasea. Ray:l:Way:B Ready Relief, or Regulators, as curatives and pretentives against attack of infectious and malignant Fevers. are fixed facts., R. R. R. Remedies are. sold by Druggiits atut Slerekants eveiTywhre. • • RADWAY & CO., 162 Fulton st., N. V. Sold by Al: TURRELL, and R. THAYER.. .Montrose, July '7t13,-3m. (iy,co.lF - ~.. ' IL - 'IVANS & ALLEN have lir: 12.4 this day rerouted from , . . - .114 New York With a welt select . i • • ' ..,',, ed and choice assortment of Watches, .jewelt3i . ,v)1,.. _- --- - --, A .2V :D FAN- C r GOODS , 'which torether With their former stock, makes the largest and best variety ofgoods in their I iw t ever offered to the inhabitants of Binghamton; And as the above were purchased, for cash, will.P . ; sold at the loWesteash pricei, and all articles.warrant, ed aecordhig to, repreaentatiom l'he,attention of all persons Wishing tOreiomine 'or, tiurehaso is' respectfully solicited. EVANS* ALLEN, • - . -.:• Mi. 2 tidd.r.elkiwa' Hall. , WATCHES.i.-' -Gold 4id Silver ' Watchea, of every dthrcriftion § of p!iikeoVri impor sation, and also of carious other inikers, open face and huntirig, for sale by - E\I.N.4.A-L.I.EN. SILVEIt WARE.—TbIe ,and lie:Tett Forke4 Tattle,..Deiert, Tes„, Preserve,: Cteam,- Salt and MuritardSpOonsf Pie;Cake; 'littler and Fruit Knives; Cups and Goblets; Card Cases; 'Salt Cellars; sets of Knife, 'Fork and. spcion; and Napkin Rings,' of sterling silver; at . • •• f:2: el Ata.Ves- JEWELItY.—A very beautiful assor tatepi .4 ' Cainee, Mosaic, Gold Stone, Eitioellert Stone and alf•Gold Ear-Rings, and Itrcask-Pins, just received by . . - ' l'' 4 's ,t . ArY..e.a. C .. i.ontr ctl Arrirp.-s.'ob, Nw.ichite hi ine it nd li Neelt, Chains,_ of Various patterns and j weights, by - ' EvA*A . & ALLEN. ,'.l WACELETtL-the best sh i rk of liracvlets , ever offered in,lfronth Cohn's', eouststiMi, 1 of Gold Lhili t ' Bank . Mali., lei and i:ural, of" the newestiiattiers, ; Cheiv, tit. • . , i 1 - . SLEEVE .BUT IONS..-',2 A very superior arts kJ do of do oe,cameo, .c.i td• studs, Gold and- i Cameo Sleevii'll ' uttotis and Stucs,, for said ' by - . EVANS & ALLEN, . . ~ 'No 2 ( kid rel lews' II '4l i: . Binghamton, June 416, 1858,:', . •. ' ~ 01.1).SPgQTACLES--bi . every, ;;;.,iei, con- 1 Vex and concave, ills;,:SOV;rl,',SteN,, Plated • miGermah.Silver,do.;:h`. t:',.,, s - ;;; - . .o A:, l l,,r;rr. el_OLEk PENS - A' tiro; rife , iteekrGeid IL,T.l'ena, with and .without 1140kiers, - .4: ; , . ' .." Et.,6S 3;' - AbLEN. DOCKET CUTLEItY. --A - Very desirable_lni - 1, .sortment- of Pne, - ',rwo, Three. and .;Four Bladed dielvet3, ,ilaci; a .goo 4; let Of 'Seissoril," all. sizes,.. :-. '',„. ', ••- , '- EVANI, .4 4 4.P , gU• , _ M4l'labi - add Alarrn,.f.,e3;6:oAveii., - dame, 8,0 day, 8 dayand 80 ~lipar, Weed cti A ailiCtren Cases, by e"' ~,' Ev'Aff.s*, 41'.*.c - IVAPKIIst RINGSSilter, lyory,:atid None, 'LI' • b 7 ...;. - ' • - Evkre'&-Aitett, - (14) D THIMBLES - Some verrifeavy, like; IJI wise Silver do, ot.gileiies,Lby. - • • . • , ''.' .-.!;j ..: ;!,:!-- RVANS IE ALLEM . • , ;.; s . .flo: . 2 Oshi , Fellows'-liall: • . Aiinghamten; June . 4th, 1 - 88.: •' - ; ' -'''''.- ' • -The Ifiantimoiston-rarnter, a news paw devoted- to 'I/ter:auto and Aviculture; also'nefting fortlffetl'ainountii,of tbo nownettle merit of Hninmontdn,in'New Jensey,csui be sub seribed for at 25 cis. per annunt.4.- :ilnelose.,poutme otamps.for . the(' antAnnt:i 4440, Editol . ,of i the Firinerijinioninntont 4t.."tptitle, title, Co l Ye* . .Inrsei:' . '"Tbose nbinip land;:01 ortie healtiOest and . ..most dilightfat climates in the- Unhin,'4,o aditertiserdent of tkaruntonton _Landi.°'['nep3:7;2s). miladveithilltheit or ilitaiMPotvnLand!. • • . ===• VEW JEWEBT. s ,•.: •.: : s o -- BAIN — DOOII - 11ANiii $ ' I. Pate nt4 . Self-idjuetint . Rtil'era; Tfry It4e , a r t ,i , a rl iEi ni ni 949,, .peet r c e t article in use. - -- ' •S. It SAYRE & VMS. . A v 054 tOtir, ISIS: •,, , ..--,. lONE CREDIT WHERE CREtOT iS DUEL, , rrifili Oriiriltili ONE PRICE and RIF:ADY l'Ar I &tore ut'lNeur_ Milford, • :i . '..- .. T.. .: . . - HAYDEN I3RQTHERS; The People's Agents; aro now receiv. ing:- a ' large ,' Steck - .01 Staple end ..Fatrey Dry' Goodi. Groceries, Bootwsrid Shoes,- Hats Ifni, CapQ,,Wallsand .Window Paper, Woo On Ware, Forks:, Fldes,.;±Floni and Sitft-bk_tf.ioObarietUr load,—Yankee Notions, Je.isreliy Ind :Wateilei wholes.le. an,4 -.relail:pt ' Ptic9s 4hat.would as. ..fonish . .ih"oie not posted an the i`eady,pay„bnai= We nave nothing to do ivittr old Potyinm.— he .haa,..".gone in'.7--Inui':van.toosekwithont. groan, or. kis+. and the twit k seen of him he wee holding on to the tail of "Ilr.d',l"iiiipi," - anil 1 , 9 gritioeA Minatly !i e teased lertptu !t. - Our motto is4Litire nisql Let-Live. _ONE PRICE ONLY • emelt. be, n e at...go w n ; . NO CIUIIGE FOR ROWING GOODS!. Ifrery Article itrarrontecl as netreiented! We thank our frientikaVlqtatomora for,tbeir tiberal patronitge in lirdea past and ive.hope by strict atte,ntioh to businessiftirktnerit I Conlin uaneepf the same. , HAYDEN BROTHERS. Netr Il.lilford.; May' tat; -1858.-1 y* YARAIEBS, JIMENTIg: The Imaitnrheie in' !ho world foe raisins " W E. Is LEINAL"S SUPER PHOSPHATE of LINIE; at $4O i c ier ton, or 214 its, a lb.; by tho 'barrel. A NALYSED & RECOMMINDed 11 for WHEAT:and.GRAIN (~•rmss by Professor CHAS.,X,iIA C 17.301 1 1; • Chemist of thc,OrAted States Patent- • - • Office, Waslringtoap:U. Gr.- • , • . It tr i ll repay the outlay,so to 100,peiCent, and will not burn the set d by contact, like , ' Guano. Try it--Prove it. f • •G. A. LEINAU. No. 21 Smith ,Froncst.„Philadelphiai_Ps. Or - ot.iny Agents.Abi•ough4t the country. Ajiatssis can lie seen at-mY Office. .Cash mailed n ith the order,. n ill rceive prompt!atteri don. A liberal discount to Storekeepers who buy to sell again. . Pamphlets can be hail atTroy Office.. G. A. L. - July 29. 1858:-3m:IP. . - r _u TO, JHE...SNEEZ NG :haut. .:- iturno;li Celi•brattd_CsiCiarrla Snuff, : 4-17 .I.Y.F44:4lBr i Eii;iirtuid - .. • FOIL . !ii..i .BY R,:THAYEft, Montpse; - -, S. D. TOM PI IN S. Drodayn ; Win H. THAYER . .. Dirnntk.. H IG H 1:-.:YI IVI PORTANT HINTEIIWIT,TRY To All Centlemen who Wiwi- Clallies. 111-AVE recently. made nriimgements,,Trt sitierabie esyensc, ftir king workin . tho • Tailori n 13 siness . on very short notice; in a neat,dunable, and cashr ionable manner, and at redue - eil prices. - I will fifrnlsli garments to order, if .4eSired: or render :he customer whatever assistance be may. need in selecting .materials of the best quality, and at the lowest market Kees.. - All 1111; work will he warranted as to fit, fin. isle and durability. .No customer imed•take. his work from the shop ttritcsp it naitB Being; perionnentl".. and exclusively engaged in this bu.iness. it shall-be my great - aim tO please, the public. and thus secure their patronage. P. LIIES, 22t f. Montre;ke. Jun' 14 1858 The It E ~ % 11-13ASSA DOR - of ii LTII to all Mankind. II 0 L L . OIV A Y'S PILLS. A Donn to . the 'sl-..b t" /1 1 11 E want, of it sterling medicinal to meet the' I. ills and necessities of the suffering portion . of humanity, and one - entirely fretifrom mineral and other , deleterious particles, wae.severely felt until this .ill powerful medicine was ushered into the world; Holloway's invaluable Pills have be erne the- lipusehofd Reinedy of all \ \ nations. Their attribute is to Preient, as well asjn,Caire; - 4thcputtack ,the radix root of the complain.-E;' Mid removind tbaiiiiitlen cause of disease rein Vigor.: ate and yosture the drooping energies of the sys tent,..asting.naturein her task of Vitt and ; Functiotiarr Reforniation.• - - \ , . "Y*Peratti. .., , The -great scourge of.. this' continent: yields \ quickly to a course of these sptiseptic Pills, - and • ' the digestive org,tuasAte restored to their proper tone; .no matter in what hideous shape this hy dra of disease exhiliits,.ilsclf, this . reatchitigind unerring remedidistiertes it Itorak itita patietit's *Genera/ Debility mita, Weakstek., From whateser cause ; Lowness of Seirits; and all other.sigas of &diseased liverond other dis- 7 organizations'.of.the. system, vanish under the ermlicatineinfinence•.of,titis all powerful anti- septic and detergent nat . :1....n:3r. - . Hiltons DI ii:Orders. The likokf trUanuim and right condition of the bile is of, mcimentims importance-to the,:health of the,butran frame,_this,Anti-Bilious triedicite expels'tile hidden seeds of the complaint;and •. renders all the fluids and • seeretions pare and flueni;clminsing and resuseitatingl6e sitar lone- Cowl Of thesbody. :-• • • : - sie kip- Feliial er r r.. Shonid loose tio. titnh le trjing 11. feW ilasei_Of This men latin4 and renovating remedy, whatever may be I I .eir complaint, if can be taken with safety in all periodical and other disorganization", its clitets is. all but': thira - Clions, • ' .. • • tt.• laic eiff e ti Prciot. ' -The teltiro - eny of- Italiobs is unanimously • borne-to the heitith-giing virtues of this noble remedy, and certificates in eyory living lanwo imte witness t? the Undeniableness. Of "the gus # triasic Worth.-- • . -. . . , nolimvo;!s i'igs arc 14. e. Lest r airily krioftin, in tA'6 I, l . world I thd,thltowing diarases::" 4 ,. , 1 A s thma; 1/iarrlana, influenza,. , Stets and - dowel Coin-Dropsy, j e ga n eati on fii,,vd. .. priinb.,. Debility,:'jnward - .SecoMihry _ Cou'ehq, riy 6r : amt. Weakness, Symptrims, :Colds,- . . Ague, . ,]Niter . Venereal, i ' 1 Chlat Dis-remaly ..,. ~ Vonip/aints, Affections: , - .esses,. , Complaints,Low,nesi of Norma •'ofr' , Costiveneisdleitdaches,Spirits, .. , all -kinds. - - DysPepshi,•••lnchi„ , 74tiort, ?ibis; . . , • Orc.AUTIONI-4.None - are ,genufne unless the Wol' 6 ( 4 ..lfi , llmetiy,..Ners York and ..Gariden." -tad discernible as a Water-mark hi: every- lei& of ale book- Of .direetions around. each ' pot or . bqx; the same,may le pleitilp seen by. holding , •Mt tee te:Ogg - 4 y A hand4hafe'iciward will be. . -given' toitopitakimiOaringanch -ifforrnatiort:Me- may lead to:10400On of any party or parties Chunterfeiting tliaiittOnesor vending the same; - knowing them to ions. . - • , -: ;. * * *Sold. atr the Manufaetories 'et Profestior llota.owaY,llinfiliden iltile, New. York and by all nspeatabre Druggists And Dealerain kledi- - eine throtighout the-United States and the; civil. , ,ized-warld; in'hoxes 2.5 cents , ,63 cant s andl#l. ' each: . • "-* ' ; , • fpr,7 Thorn is \ censidoralalo saving by taking! . , 'the larger sises. ' , 2. . • • - • N. 8..:-.DirectionaTtifiliti'gtfidinee of iiationts. in every, disorder are affixed to each , box, - • - "°" d, 1851 •4 1 . Y.: '-' -' -.. (29,eowar . . . • . Ail, wanting to emigrate, to_ rt : mild. °Brame; good atidateliaitertileteibt of Hareatonton Lardif ' ' ' • • - Ta_ail wanting FannS t neeadvarilpment at liatnteon ton Lacds, .~~t~~~t~wq