Mrs. Stephonai.4o) . des on the Atlantic Cab les - NE* Yous,August 31. The following aro, the two Odes written by Mrs. Atm S. Stanzas, for the- celebration to morrow. TILE CABLE Star- Spangled Banns." Oksay not the old times were brighter than those, When_banners were torn from the warriors that bore them; Oh, say not the ocean, the storm, and the breeze, Are Coest or prouder when war thunders o'er thim— For, the battle's red light grows pale to the sight. When the pen wields its power, or though feels its might; Now, mind reigns triumphant, . 'here slaughter has been,, Oh, G Qd bless our President! God ve the Queen! Let the the world in rich harmony rise„ Let the sword keep its sheetti and Itie cannon its • thunder ; . , Now Intellect reignoth from the earth to skies, And Science link+ Nations that war -shall not sunder, • Where the mermaids still weep, and the pearls -. lie asleop, . Thought (lashes in - fire through the fathomless deep. Now, blind reigns triumphant where slaughter • bas bees,: Oh, God bless our President! God save the flueen! W'Vhen the sunsetf - of yesterday flooded the west, Our old mailer country lay far • in the distance; But thelightning has struck t We are close to her breast ! That beautiful land,lhat first gave us existence— We feel, with a start the quid( pulse oilier heart, And the mother and child are no longer apart— - For mind reigns triumphant, where slaughter has _ been, ' • _ Oh, God bless our President! God save the Queen The Blood .that was kindred, thobs proudly once more, And the glow of our joy fills the depths of the ocean; It:throbs through the waves and it sings on the ~shore Till the globe to its poles, feels the holy com- • • . motion. Let us join in our might and be earnest for light, Where the Saxon blood burns, 4et it strive for th&righti Fpr mind reigns triumphant, where slaughter has been, Oh, God bless our President! God save the queen! ALL HAIL!--Ari O.A. ' ' AIR - 4 God Save the Queen." All hail across the main ! Thought thrills - our cable chain, • Hear, nations, hear ! afield is victorious, _ Columbia's madi glorious, While Goa watched o'er us ; Hear, nations, hear! No storms the chain shall break, Nations our greetings take; ' hear now our call :- Peace speaks from shore to shore, Good will be evermore; - While this work we adore,. Praise God for all!. . vi:TJ A * - 0 VA Di :IN Dr -ti THE LATEST PRODIGY OF SCIENCE • Great truths are indistructible! When Jenner avered that,vaccine innoculation was a safeguard against the small pox, the" facul ty”aneered. Forty-five years later, the world laughed at Dagurre's first aunopncement that. lie could fix a shadow and render as im pershable. as substance. Even Morse's tele 'graph was regarded by thousands as a myth, until the first line was put up in 1844. Noir vaccinatiob is universal, daguerreotypes are as common as wood-cuts, and we talk by tele graph with almost as much facility as across a !fiend's table. Such is necessarily the progress of a grand discovery s or ,invention in an age like ours; and of this irresistable onward movement of the useful and benificent in practical science,. we have a still more" striking; example in the - world-wide popularity ol_liolloway's great remedies. If we mistake not, they are scarcely older an invention than the photograph _ and the electric tele‘graph, and yet they -are familiar to half the human race.. The dis coveries of Daguerre and Morse have not been -applied thronghotit the whole era of civilization; but, barbarian-and semi-barbarian races, upon', whom the liglkt of Christainity has not yet dawned, have experienced the benefits of these preparations. ' _ When-they were first introduced to public notice through the columns of the English press, about' tweiaty years ago, some of the medical magnates of the day scoffed at them, as their prototypes_of the days;of• Jenne!' and Harvey scoffed at vaccination and the theory of the circulation of the blood. But how is -it 'mow ! The, name of Holloway has been rendered illustrious by the spontaneous tasti mony of countless multitudes. The voice of skepticism has been busied, and the-speeious arguments of professional dogmatists con fouuded,-by the introduction,of his Pills and -Ointment into the medical institutions of the most enlightened - nations. - . - There Inky possibly be here and there) dogged disciplinarian of the old school, who _ wont see what is patent to the whole world— some fossile, specimen of - a bygone !age of medical bigotry, who closes his ears to the greatlact that Holloway's vegetable remedies ate displacing and superseding. the mineral poisons,once considered all in all; but such instances of conirmed and hopeless " old fogyism" are fortunately few and far between. They 'will ,probably be remembered 'when Holloway is forgotten—and not till Y. " t. Pol. Gcmette." Egar The following, correspoudende is said to have taken place between a New Haven merchant and one of his customers: "Sir—Your account •has been - . _standing Or over two years, I must :ba s in it settledJuk mediately.." - • To which in reply— "Sir—Things usually di. settle by standing-, I regret that my account is an exception. If it has been standing too long, suppose you let —it Titit a little.wbil.e.". , . - , PEWIT Goon.--Atihe Fourth ofJuly.cele bration, held at Lexington, the following 'toast was offered: '"'Hoops and Tight Pants =the u_nquitlified representatives of financial extremes.. May the charms of the ladies be as botazdless as their skirts; and may the 'gents ijever get as thighi as their breeches?' ',The pest office clerks in Prussia are obliged to wear =uniform in the streets, and . that government now intends to impose the same- uniform op the employes of .. railways. 'and telegraphs. To distinguish, however, these three classes or functionaries, those of the post ufficc e are to have on their caps a born, those. of railiays a wheel; and these . .of the telegraph-an-arror. ' . Sae "Yon Yon liave , lost your • baby,. I beam"" said one gentleman ko another. '.Yes, poor little thing it_was only five months_ old. We did all we could for it .We had font. doctors, blistered it, head add feet, put mustard poultices all over it aid -gave it - nine calomel powders, leeched its temples, bakft bled,Juid gave it all kindi of medicines, antryet after n• week'' illness it died:" . siptibbs wants to know if doctors, by tookingat the tonne of a wagon, can tell : taistt' jar If you wind, to kiss a pretty girVirby i'ol3 can; If s pre t ty girl de tlas td kiss 3 - c.”.1--.Aliy. let s man. Kist et Irtmtums, to be Utvardecl at the Sitsquehaana County Agricultural Exhibition/or the year 185:9.. HORS S. CLASS I. STALLIONS AND MAKES Best Stallions and 3 of his colts, ploma b and • • 5 2d best, Amer. Agriculturist and 3 •3d beat, Albany Cultivator and ' 2 Best- Stallion whiclr has not stood in the • County prior to this year, Diploma and Lindsay's History of Morgan Horses. Best Mood Mare and colt, Vasa on-Hor. sea and.. • 3 2d best, Allen's Domestic Animals and 2 3d best,• Lindsay's Morgan Homes and -1 Judgesl Wm. C. Ward,"Benj. Ayres, and Dr. I. 13. Lathrop. 'CLASS II: Sl*o LE dSD Y ATCRED HORSES, 4lt COLIEL All animals_competing in this Class to be raised in the county. - • Best single Gelding or mare, over .4 Yeats old, Dadd's Anatomy and Physiology of `the Horse, with colored- plate.l Sid best, Youatt on Horses, and 2 3d best, Alb. Cult., and Belt pair of matched Horses, (geldings or mares), over 3 years old,Stepheles Book - of the Farm. • 2d best, Dadd's Anat. and Physiology of "Horses. - Best,pair of three year. old. Colts, • 3 two " 2 • 2 yearling Best pair of Mules, 2d best, Judges : Simeon _Lewis,' Israel Stebbins and Dr. C. Let CATTLE. masa -I. DEVON& Best Devonifull, 2 years 'old or' upwards. Country Gent., and, .., $3 2d best, Amer. Agt, and . 2 , Hist Devon Bull, between 1 and 2 years, Youatt on Cattle, and. - 2 2d boil, Mb. Cult., and 1 Best Devon Bull, under 1 year, 1 Best Devon Co*, 3 years old or upwards, Am. Farmer's Encyclopedia. , 2d best, %1 2 Best-Devon Heifer, between 2 and 3 yrs. old, Country Gent., and 1 2d best., Alb. Cult., and 1 Judges - : Thomas Nicholson, S, W. Breed and George Walker. , CLASS 11. DURIIANIS Best Durham Bull, 2 years old or upwards, Country Gent., and t $3 21 best, Amer„Agr„and .. 2 Best Durham Bull, betw.• 1 and 2 'yrs. old, Youatt on Cattle, and 2 21 best, Alb. Cult., andl .. Best Durham Ball, under one year, 1 Best Durham Cow, 3 'yrs. old and upwards, Aria. Firmer's Encyclopedia. ° 2d best, 2 Best Durham Heifer, betw. 2 and 3 years old. Country Gent, and . 1 1 2d best, Alb. Cult, and 1 Judges_: Harry ,Scutith,Abber Griffts,l)avid Wakelec. • ' CLASS 111. GRADES AND NATIVES. Best Bul4.Arner, Air., and . 2d best, " Bist Cow, over 3 yrs. old, Am. Farmers Encyclopedia. • 2d best, Country Gent., and 3d best, Amer. Agr., and 4th best, Best Heifer, betw. 2 and .3 yrs. old,Country Genf., and • 2d best, Amer. Agr., and 3d best, Alb. Cult.. . Best 4 Yeatlings, Stephen's Book of the Farm. 2d best, Youatt on Cattle, and 3d best, Allen's Dom. Animals, and.. Best 5 Calves, Stephen's Book of the Farm. 2d best, Y.ouatt on Cattle, and 4 ( 3d best, Allen's Dom. Animals, and .... 1 / fudges : C. D. Lathrop, Latham Gardner, Eri Gregory. , CLASS IV. OXEN AND STEERS. Best S yoke from any town,B copies of Amer Apr, '24:1 - best, 8 copies otAlb. Cult. Best pair of.working oxen, over 4 years old, raised in the county, a library of Agricul tural BoOks, worth • 2dtest,.Yeuatt on Cattle, and... 3d beat, Allen's Dom. Animals, and ...- 4th best, Alb. Cultiv, and ..... Best pair of Steers', betty. 3 and 4 yrs. old, raised in the county, Stephen's Book of the Farm. , • 2d best, Amer. to r, and • 3d best; Amer. Agr„ and Best pair of Steers, between 2 and 3 years old, raised in the county,Stephen's Book of Farm. • 2d best, Amer. Agr, and 3d test, "T " " Judges : Wm. L. Post, Jno. llarington, and Miner. Tu rrel I. ". HOGS. Best Boar; Tonatt on Hogs, and_ $2 2d best, . Amer. Agr., and 2 Best Breeding Sow, Youatt, and ,--- s 2 _ld best, Amer. Agr., and - _ 1 3d best; Alb. Cultiv., apd - 1 Best 4 spring pigs, Youatt, and 2 2d best, Amer. Agr., and - . 1 Best-4 pigs lets than 10 wks. old, Youatt, and 2 2d - best, A mer. Agr., and.. L. , " f Judges : Hyde Crocker, M. Kane, Jr., and E.G. Babcock:, `I I , S H K-r_E P . ' Best fine wooled. Bucli, Youatt's Shepherd's Book, and{ , $1 2d best, Amer. Agr., -and 1 Best 3 fine wooled Ewes, Randall's Sheep ' Ilusbi(adrY, and 2 2d beit, Amer. Agr., and 1 Best'i Epe-wooled Lambs, Country Gent. Best coarse wooled Buck, Youatt's Shep herd's Book, and 1 2d best, Amer. Agr., and 1 Best 3: coarse wooled Ewes,Randall's Sheep - HUsbandry, and • 2 I2d best, Amer. Agr., and ~...... 1 Best 3.coarse wooled Lambs,Country Geut. Best middle wooled Buck Youatt's Shep bird's Book, and • 2d best, Amer. Agr., and 1 Best 3 middle wooled Ewes, Randall's Sheep Husbandry; and 2d best, Amer. Agr., and Best 3 middle wooled Lambs, Country Gent. Liee&ters, Bakewells; dre., are classed as coarse wooled, Saxony, Merino, &c., as fine wooled,. and South Downs; 'LT., as middle wooled. Judge:: Thos. P. Phinney, C 01.... Witt. roes, and Merritt Mott. Bi."ER AND CHEESE. Best fir.laa. of better made in June,. Ratter kniffi, worth $3.00, and.. s2' • 2d best, knife, worth $2.00, and .. 2' 3d best,. " " 1 " ...... 1 4.tis Best, . " or • 2 Best Erkin of. butter, made in. WI ; knife, Worth $3.00, and 12' _ 2d best, knife, worth '2.00, and 2 ._ . 3d best, " " " 1 4th - best _ " "- or ' 2' Best 10 pounds of butter made_ by a gill undei - 113 ;peat*, katik, For largestAsantity aflutter per cosi, from. lim y *timber of Cows,,and f 3 -2d largf.t, mer. Asr., na(l 2 Beat Cheese, not lbsa than 25 pounda, Amer. Agr., and • 2 2d best, Alb. Culttv., and Judges: Henry McKinney, Utbane Bur rows, and E. McKi4ie. ,FRLI .--CIDER, V INEGAR, VEGETA BLES, LION 'Y AND SUGAR., Best Fall Apples, not less than bushel and at least 3 varieti Downing's Fruit Cult • utist. 2d best, - Isl. Best Winter Apples, of less &c.,Downing's Fruit Culturist. 2d best, • 1 Best Pears, nut less than ono peck, Amer. Agriculturist. Best Quinces, Alb. ` Cluliiv. ,Beat Cider Vinega r , not less than 2 gals. 3 2d'best, 4 Best And greatest variety of Vegetables,. 2 Beat 10 pounds matte sugar, 2d best, Beat 10 pounds Hotil 2d best, Judges : F. M. Martin - Newman. 1 CABINET - LORI AC Best exhibition of c 4 2d best, • Best carriage, single 2d best,.. For the best lot of 61 The Horse'sFoot -2d Ij —nor, Judges—G. Z. D Wm. F. Lathrop. FARM IMPLEMENTS. Por best plow, • For best cultivator, For best corn sheller, For best straw cutter, For best power for churning,— For best 8 firkins,. r• For best horse rake; For hest harrow, , Judges—C. Carnalt, Cassedy, Rufus I Smith. SEEDS, tke, Best bushel of corn, (ears,).. Best bushel of wlteat,• •• • . Best I bushel of rye, Best f bushel 9f clbver seed,. Best ?r bushel of timothy seed,, Best bushel of flax seed,.... Judges—G. C. Lipman, ller.ry S. Searle, Reuben Wells. LEATHER, tko. Best 3 sides of harness lealher; 2d best, Best 2 sides of sole!leather,.. 2a best, Best 3 sides of upper-leather, • 2d best, ....... t Best carriagelarn+,... 2d best, Best farm harness,.l.... 2d best... Best saddle, Best pair of fine -Ixiots, Best pair of common boots, judges—Cyrus . IW. Bard, James •Mead, Christopher Perkins:. - DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES, For best Flannel not less than 10 yards,.. S 2 2d hest,.. , . 1 . For best fulled cloth not less than 5 yards, 2 fld best, , 1 For best woolen carpet „not less than 15 y'ds, 3 2(1 best, ' . • 0 _ Forsbest: rag carpet not-less than 15 - yanla, 3 1 2d best.. 2 For best a. dozen pair of woolen socks,.... 2 2ti best, , 1 For beat 2 pair of. woolen Atittens,.. , .... 1 2d best, t , 50 cts. Judges—Mrs. Jbhn Harrington, Mrs. F. B. Coon, Mrs. John, - Blanding,. ORNAMENTAL;, NEEDLE WORK, ctc... For best patch work. quilt, VI 2d best, For best quilt of any other kind, 2d best, For best winter bonnet, For best ladies' saCque, . 1 Judges—Mrs. FA Wil lianas, Mrs. A.LPost, and Miss Matilda Wright._ • Best 3 turkeys,.. 4 Country Gentleman. 2d best, Best 6 fowls 1 rear 01d,.. Country Gentleman. Best. 6 spring cliickens,...Amer. Agr. and *1 2d best, - .... ........ 1 Best 6 ducks, ' . Amer. Agr. and 1 2d best,— Albany Cult. and 50 cts. Judgert-,My ton Baldwin, James W. Chap man, and Henry Kerman. To the farmer whose products are the greatest (bay included) in proportion to the number of acres under. cultivation, taking into account the stocki kept on his farm during the season,a library of agricultural-b - ooks. worth $5 and cast *5. ITo the next $5. Report to be made to Exectitive Committee previous to the January meeting. PLOWING. Best plowing,... !Country Gentleman and $3 2d• best, Amer. Agr. and 3 3d best, 3 4th best, o cErth best, 1 Judges and Committee of Arrangements to be appointed when place is decided upon, The Executive! Committee in offering pre miums to be awarded have in some respects changed the mode heretofore adopted, prin cipally by offering Mob?, and Agricultural Papers for a porlon of the premiums. Harry person shall be awarded the same book or paper twice he shall be at liberty to substitute any book or paper of equal value, and if any person to whom's money premium shalibe awarded, shall sd desire, he shall be at liberty to select any bo4 of the same -value for a premium. . - The Commitee trust that the plan of dis tributing books, and agricultural papers of value among thelanners of this County may give satisfaction Ito the members of the So ciety, and prove !an adiantage to the Society both present and, future. • The premium iist has been considerably ex tended in those departments in which most. interest is felt, and some new premiums offered. Proposals are requested from different Mims desiring the plowing match to be held in their vicinity; to bejnade by the 3d Tues .dar in August to Mr. Baldwin at Montrose. F. M. WIi.LIAMS, ALFRED pALDWIN, Executive SAM'L F. CARMALT, Com,mitter. ISE WOpi VIVANTED It _ lbs. of Wool,for whieh we V V will 'pay the highest market price, mesh ! delivered at our store. YOUNG & SMITH. Summersville, lune '7, 1858. • DGRATtiI ELECTRIC OIL, the . great remedy for ißheumatism,Neuralgia, Lame • nem,Joints, Pflitlikac. Also, nearly all of the lending Patent kledicines in market, embracing remedy Ibr every diaease *Q.-which-flesh. is *ab ject!. For sale by ABEL TURREL , ,WIOTWITHSTAIMNG, (ifil 77 * r e • of SelSoldid - 4 he. amp heaps op Noril, sod • j rS constantly releifing acepsslons, eery few &pi. Pti.:es as .ow - as tlx - • lo west. ey,Quin - by,on.Bees t and 1 1 all, A. H. Patrick, and CARRIAGES, AND binet work .....85 or double, ;horse shoes,, ; ow to keep it sound' nd 1 Foot, ike., and 50 eta. !imock, D. D. finds, and 2 .. POULTRY. 1, WOOL I 1. A PRIZE FOIL EVERY BODY! WHO sußscntnEs VOlt THE _l,l thr—liorit etatrktp, Vitss. A DEATITIkULLIC - Is.,:icrnimp.A.Tilt) kfilitYlicEWE r- - ItiffiL . - THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY PRESS IS one of the beat literary papers of the day,. A large Quarto containing Twenty Pages, or Sixty Coluinns, of entertaining matter; and Ele gantly Illustrated every week. A Gift worth from 50 cents to $lOOO wi!l be sent to each subscriber on the receipt of the sub scription money. tEauS—lD► ADVANCE One copy for one year, and 1 gift . . . $2. Three copies ono year, and 3 gifts .. . 5. Five copies one year, and 5 gifts . 8. Ten copies one year, and 10 gifts . . . 15. Twenty-one copies one yearond 21 gifts 30. The articles to be distributed are comprised in the following list:- 1 United States Treasury Note $lOOO. 2 do , do do 500 each. 5 do . do do '2OO each. 10 do do - do .100 each. 10 Pat. Lev. [bag Coiled Watches - 100 each. 20 Gold Watches . - 'l5 each. 50 do - - - 60 each. 100 do - ° - 60 each. 100 Ladies Gold Watches - 35 each. 200. Silver Hinting Cased Watches 30 each. 500 do Watches - $l5 to 25 each. 1000 Gold Guard, Vest and Fob Chains 10 to 30. db do Pens and Pencils . -f, to 15_ each. Gold Lockets, Bracelets,'Brooches, Ear Drops, Breast Pius, Cuff Pins, Sleeve -Buttons, Rings, Shirt Studs, Watch Keys,Gold and Silver_Thirn- Wes, and a variety of other articles, worth from fifty cents to fifteen dollars (sell. On receipt , of the subscription money, the sub scriber's name will be entered upon our books opposite a number, and the gift corresponding -with that number will be forwarded within one week, by mail or express, post paid. There is neither humbug nor lottery about the above, as every subscriber is sure of a Prize of value. We prefer to make this liberal distribu tion among them instead of giving a large com mission to agents, giving to the subscriber the amount that would go to the agent, in mark cases a hundred fold more. Fer Address all communications to DANIEL ADEE, Publisher, May' 7.—yl 1 211 Centre Street, New York SUMMER ,ARRAN6EBIENTS. Ifff ate New Rail Road Route, Delaware, Lacka*anna& W.R.R. NEW and expeditious broad guago route from the North and West, via Great Bend and Scranton, and from the Lackawanna and Wyoming valleys, directly through to New York and Philadelphia. • On and after Monday, Slay 17th, 1858, trains will be run as follows: The Ci. einnati Express Train hound east on N. Y 7. & Erie R: R. arrives at Great Bend at 8.15 a. mt.., and connects with the EXPRESS Train which leaves Great Bend for New York and Phil'a at 8.30 a. m. Due at Montrose, . 9.05 Tunkhannock, 9.47 " Factoryvillo, 10.10 kf Scranton, 10.57 " Moscow, - 11.43 " Stroudsburg, 1.35' p. Delaware,(ls minutes to dine,) 2.08 Bridgeville, Phil. (paaa. leave) 2.40 " Junction, 3.30 " New York, 7.13 " Philadelphia, 8.20 " Passengers from N. Y., leave Pier No. 2 North River, at From Philadelphia, leave Walnut St, Wharf, at 6 00 " LeaTe Punction, , 10.50 " Dueatßridgeville,(PhiLconnection.)ll.4o Delaware, (15 rain. to dinner), 12 00 m Stroudsburg, 12.47 p. m. -Moscow, 2.36 " Scranton. 3.1-5 " Factoryville, 4.0'5 " Tur.khannock, 4.25 " Montrose, 5.08 " Great Bend. 5.40 " Connecting at Great Bend with tho Mail Train, west, at • Accommodation Train leaves Scran ton for Great Bend at 8.30 a. m Arrive at Great Bend, " 12 20 p. m Connecting with the Dunkirk Express, west, at 1.55. and the N. Y. Express...east, at 2 35 p. m. Returning, loaves Great-Bend at 2.40 Due at Scranton, 7.10 " For the accommodation of way travel on the - Southern Division, a passenger car will be at tached to the Express Freight:Trains, leaving. Scranton', at 5.00 a. m. Dne at Stroudsburg at 10.15 .4 " Junction at 2.10 p. m. Returning, will leave Junction at 4.00 a. in. Due at Stroudsburg at '7.20 " Scranton at 5 Passengers for New York ' will ch i a . ng o e ri C m ars . at: Junction. To and from Philadelphia, via B. D. R. R., leave or take the cars at Bridgeville. For Pittstilik Kingston, and Wilkesbarre,take L. & B. R. R., ears at Scranton. For Jessup.Archbald, and Carbondale, change ears at Greenville. Tickets aold, - and baggage checked through. JOHN BRISBIN,Sup't. Wm. N. Jesus. Gen'l Ticket Agent. May 13th, 1858. .2MMMM jar Great Discovery of the Age. .R 4 TMPORTANT TO • TOBACCO CHEWERS. TAR. GUSTAV LINNARD'S Taste Restor ative Trochos,—ThesGrest Substitute for Tobacco. a well known and incontroverti ble fact that the use of tobacco is the promoting cause of many of the most severe MENTAL AND PHYSICAL DISORDERS to which the race of man is subject, as careful analysis and long and painful experience have clearly proven that it contains certain narcbtic & poisonous properties most dangerous in their ef. fects, which by entering the blood derange the functions and operations of the heart, causing many to suppose that'org.atr to be diseased. TOBACCO affects also the entire nervous system, niabffesting itself—as all who haveever used the weed will testify—in lassitude, nervous' irratibility, water brash, dyspepsia, and many other disorders of a similar character. The TASTE 'RESTORATIVE TROCIIES are designed to counteract these baneful influ. ences, arid have proved completely successfulirr a multitude of eases, and wherever used. Being harmless in themselves they exert a beneficial effect upon the entire - system, restoring the taste which has become vitiated or destroyed by great indulgence, completely removing the irritation and accompanying tickling sensation of the throat —which are always consequent upon abstaining froth the use of tobacco, sod by giving a healthy tone to the stomach, invigorate the whole system. Pbrsons who are irretrievably undermining their constitutions and shortening their lives, should use these troches immediately and throw °tribe injurious & unpleasant habit of cheiVing tobacco. These troehes or lozenges are put up in a con venient and' portable form at-the low price of 50 cents per box. A liberal discount to the trade. Prepared solely by the undersi g ned to whom all orders should' be addressed. • JAS. B. WWERE, Druggist, ap7'6By) Cor. 2d and Race•eta, Yhilada CLOTllkcassinters and Vestings, very de eirable styles, at prices that cannot fail to Call and be - convinced. C. W. _MOTT. NEW 011 it -• It J.' .' .. .WE881; 0.17 TR° S APRIL, :3otvlBls, NEW GOODS! 4E,W_GOODS !! YOUNG - 44 SMITH'S ICEADYPATATORE. THE Undersigned Would announce to their cifidemers, friends, and the public gepersl ly shit they have. just minified from the city and are *Wing and opening a neniand complete assortment of NEW GOODS of varioria kinds, which will be sold at prices to suit the times for CARR or PRODUCE. We have sought the medium of the press to announce to all upon what principle,ye shall -transact busi ness. It is termed the' • .READ r-P AY g irg TEM CASH ni•ROTivu cu. ONM 71 , Z0M to all persons for die same article, and it shall be bur endeavor to make those prices such as. will induce persons who wish to pay for their own Goods and not others, to call at least• and examine our stock, and if the prices don't come down to the system; we cannot expect to sell them.. Some kind friend may say that it will be "so c o;' but we think from the experience of the past few months of every person who hap petted to owe the country merchants, especially if it had been standing sletnonths or more, with what coaxing, dunning, threats, &c., they have been beset, we think they will all respond to the above,system and resolve to buy no more goods thin they can pay for, and that they are determined to support those who will establish that principle and carry it out. We will let the system established stand upon its own merits, believing that it is the moat prudent and wise be pursued in .every branch of busi ness, and that the day is not far distant when it will be GENERALLY adopted. Call and see us and we will show you goods at astonishing low figures. All kinds of Merchantable Produce taken in exchange for Goods at the highest market price. ' YOUNG & SMITH- Summers, Penn., j: April 28th, 1858 f • - ROCERIES Oroceries !--A splen did assortment of Groceries at very low figures. 'BOOTS and Slides.---Just received a largo assorment- i —for. sale cheap. CROCKERY.--A new lot just receied and for sale. CEDAR and Stone Wtticim-In all Us variety. • READY-MADE Clothing of every description. To Dairymen...-Na have a large lot o A No. 1 Firkins and Tao int sale. • YOUNG & SMITH. Summers, Penn. April 28th.-1858. -NOTICE IS lIE'REBY GIVEN T R lk T ABEL TURRELL l Sjut re;red from fur CASH, and selected with moth care, from over thirty of the best Houses .in New York, which he offers to ; his eustonaers and the,pnblic at low prices• for cash. His stock comprises: . DRUGS, MEDICINES, AI N OIL S , _ W I ST DOW GLASS, DYE STUFFS, O It OCERIE - S,, • GLASS-WARE, CROCKERY; MIRRORS, • CLOCKS,. WALL 'PAPER, WINDOW PAPER; WINDOW OIL SHADES', FANCY GOODS , , M•USICAL INSTRUM ENTS, JEWELRY PERFUMERY, DRY GOODS, • HARD-WARE, - STONE'WARE, WOODEN WARE, BOOMS, fzu S 11' S:, JAPANNED WARE, BIRD CAGES, CANARY SEED, PUCE ET KNIVES, WII I P , U B 1: E L L , G .N S . , PISTOLS, AMMUNITION, • • TU•RPENTI, , . CAMPHENE, BURNING FLUID, ALCOHOL, LIQUORS, (For MediciialPurposes TRUSSES', SUPPORTERS, SHOUL-DER BRACES, PO.RTMON'AIES, SPEOTACLES, SILVER & PLATED SPOONS, FORKS, &c. ; GOLD PENS, - - STATIONER.Y , VIOLIN STRINGS, BOWS, &c., • And all _of the most popular PATENT•MEDICINES, :Thankful for the liberal patronage hitherto re ceived, he hopes to merit a continuance and large increase of the same. ABEL TURRELL. 7.31 a. m 5.55 " Montrose Dec let 1857 NMV SIFI,URZ criI...,WZS For Case and Prompt Six Months' Boyers. Would invite attention to his pew Stock of SPRING AND SOLVER GOODS! TUST received, including,_ as usual, a great el variety of'Ladies Dress Goods in Prints, Ginghanrs, Lawns, Robes, Challis% Ba►eges, Poplins and Silks; Brozhe, , Stella, Silk and Cashmere Shawls•; Mantillas, Parasols, Rich Ribbons, Bonnets and 'Flower% Broadcloths, CaShmeres and Summer Stuffs, with a full va. riety of other STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS Including Groceries, Crockery,Hardware, Stoves, Iron, Steel, Nails, Hata lied CSKBoots and Shoes, Carpeting, :Finer Oil Glottis; Painted Window Shades; Will • Paper, Clocks, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &c., &c. The entire Stock having been bought for CASH, and at Panic Prices, will be sold at the. LOWEST rinuttas:to CASH and PROMPT SIX MONTHS' Buyers. 111. IL—Salt laud Fleiur constantly on band. ..[New Milford, May, 12th, 1858. . An gniiii.ll,6),,g)todd _ NEW AIIRANQEMEWES At the Old Stand ofiathropdk Co. LATHROP & DeWITT "DEG leave to announce to the public in gen. eral that they are now opening one of the largest SlOoss . of4dzacttaanusz ever offered in Montrose. Coirpriaing pry, Goods, Groeeries r iffard-Wni* Crockey/3.0 - 4,,c4lreiy - hieh they propose to Solt at the awn's? AantivnuEs. Those are.real-Facts. Wo wish demonstrate to the tot haft tine Orerioie beiiireiiril*ldethe'lfr . tortititt nod ox Tttis ;: ILATIJEOR#TIMIT: -. Montrose, April 264q18b1i, !f*:1117,4"114 S. 111. SA.YBE t BROTHERS 4.A.F-,,..v : 0t - ,k,t. - ...m.-61. 1 foe 6f • .tr iij • SPRING. 44 • ciotous. W il6H for dasher Produce can be bought ALL PAPER. .A select assortment just W received. " - 43.1LISAYRE &.BROTHERS. - N. CARPETING: , -B SA rg Y RE dr;Bfeaains ofROTrOd by S. HERS. PLOWS! PLOWS!! LOWS.: We invite the attention of Farmers P to the celebrated Peekskille Plows which we have added to our large assortment. 8.11. SA.YRE & BROTHERS, Proprietors - of Eagle Foundry. Montrose. April 29th,"1858. 18tf. STOVES! STOVES V. STOVES I I C . OUIt Stoves haeo been so thoroughly tried to the entire satisfaction of all, that they need no recommend , from us. 5.,11. SA IrR;E BROTHERS. MIOM A. 04 42 W TLENDo AT THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION, AND examine the Choice stock of'Sprlni and Summer Goods, just openeo fur Examination and SALE, at rerg (=figures bf C. W. bIOTT.- STELtA, Cashmere, and DaLnin Shawls a very low prices by C. W. MOTT, HATS And Caps of the newest styles, in _ reat variety by C. W. MOTT p iIIINTS in abundance byr W. MOTT .11 BASS Hoops, Hosiery, Gloves, Belts. etc., etc., by C. W. MUTT. BROWN and Blue Sheeting and SW dings— Shirting Stripes, Ticks, Denlins, Summer Stuffs, as lowas can be afforded in this market. C. W. MOTT. GROCERIES, Crockery, Hardware and various other articles to numerous to men tion,—all of which shall be sold Qheap for Cash or Ready Pay. • -C. W. MOTT. Farm for Sale. IT HE subscriber offers for sale a Oood Farm 1 of 95 acres in Bridgewater, four miles east of Montrose, 70 acres improved. There is on the premises a large framed Dwelling House, a good framed. Barn, an excellent Apple Orchard One halfof the purchase money_avill be r equired down; the banes in annual instalments: • ELIJAH BROWN. ' Bridgewater, August l Yth, 1837. • 33tf. Still They Come! THE largest stork of MEDICINES ever before kept in this market may be found at the .A.RULEIVE3 1:37/OP.M. It will be useless to enumerate. When you wish anything in the Patent Medicine line, or otherw•ise,eall at the Farmer's Store. Don't for., get the place, Awn town. R. THAYER. Montrose, March 3d. 1858. tlji, ill !e c alt GEO. W. MANN, Wholesale Salt' Dealer,--: 201 Washington Street, (dlrectly s opposito Washington Market,) still continues to offer to the city and country trade, all kinds of foreign coarse and fine salt, at the very lowest figures: 40000" sacks and bags, consisting in part of Ash ton's celebtated Stand for table and dairy use, Jeffrey & Darcy, Marshall's, Brownlow's, &c.; and 50000 bushels Turks Island, Bonares, Cu racoa, tit. Übes, Lisbo'nXadiz, Ivies, Nantes, &c, all of Ofrith will be Old at bargain prices frolii vessels, store' at Storehciffses. Any pttrefiaser wishing to elect from a goOd ampttrtfeakwill. ffnd it fp' fits interest to call. N. B.—Yine table "salt put up in small bags of different sites, and &instantly on hand in ship ping order. Also' a splendid article of Rock Ground salt, in quart boxes, Oft tYp.inct for sale by the quantity, in cases of live dozen each. New York, April Ist, 1858.—Iy*. fi :4 3iiALe)A *WOULD respectfully invite attention to the fact that he will receive SP:11VIS II PAR. in exchange fot Goods at lowest prices, or on notes and accounts, and iktuld respectfully invite attention to his well selected stock of xvit C. - 0 0 101 consisting in part as follows: Rich . Blaek 'Silks; Brocha, Stella and Cashmere Shaws from $8 to $2O; Rich Ribbons; Barages„ Challis, Prints, and Robes; Embroidered Collars from 6 1-3 ets. ,to 20 cts.; Parasols, Umbrellas, and - Carpet Bags. CROCKERY AND HARDWARE.. Scythes—an eXcel'eni assortment, best in "this city,'t—Ritkes, Hay Forks, Straw Forks, Brass Kettles, &c.. &c., &c. Fine Stock of Ladies' Shoes, Wall Pa per, and a Large Assortment of Carpeting. In fact a Nice Stock of RICH GOODS—to be sold at the LOWEST PRICES, for, 4 SPANISH COIN. So come one and all, and hereafter avoid such as show you by their practice that they - do not do by others as they wish others to do by them. You will' please, take notice that no dealer offers, you Spanish Coin at 2.0 cents in chanoe—they expect to get more. PS. There is another class of customers that I wish to say a word to. Some seem - t,C, labor under the impression thit I do not need and money to conduct my business. - It will, proba bly prove a fatal mistake to their credit with me, end if they will set themselves , to work to pro cure the needful they will be relieved the pres ence of that special messenger whoreno one cares to see. Goods as heretofore will'be sold to prompt six months . bnyers—and those only—on time. All those who have net settled their accounts for the yeir, past please call and settle the same without delay. Yours truly, in trade, May 18th, 1858:1 • R..KENYON. Rev. Joseph'E..King, A. M., • 1111311Mit110.2.164 44- ,4 ',FIRST CLASS SEMINARY FOR z; /A. Ladies and Gentlemen, Fall term et' Q?..pen's August 19th, 185& t r i $32,50 pays foi Board and Tuition inigt, Common English, for term of FourteenA k ',Weeks. Superb brick buildings;beauti fs fully located on the Railroad, near-Sara. , toga Springs. Superior facilities. for M u fat ;Aisle, Painting, and French. Studet.ts re-. 04 4 ;ceived at any time, and charged only for k e i,the residue - orthe term. _ ' 1 4 + . For Catalogues address the Pnittctrax.. i June nth. 113513. . [.11m3. , Patent Medicines, Btc; AFFLICTED READ Guarnasstnn MEurburEs.—Vegetable Pil Green Mountain Ointment, Sarsaparill Compound, Children's Panacea, Eye Lotion, Fe. ver and Ague Remedy, Health Bitters, Dysen tary syrup, Crinsiimptivosif Helm, Mar:shan't. Uterine, Catho!icon, Dr. Libby's- Pile Ointment, and Manual of. Health. - ' Ayre's Pills and' Cherry , Pectoral,.Tanner's German Ointment, Traak's - MagnetieDiatment, Holloway's Ontment and Pills, Davis' Pain Killer, Dr, Fitch's Heart Corrector, Dennett's ROot• and Plant Pills, Soule's, Sovereign Balm, sWright'islndiarriregetable Pills, Rhode's Feller and Agne %Pit% Aforaltfal4, eygling Oil, Arni. ea Liniment,,Camphor, Castor Oil, Paregoric, Alorat; - piiera, Myrrh, Licorice, &n ,, , new implilitinstrepeived, tole kept constant. ly oo hand,•tor salahy . I. . OP:XMP.P; • C t itOet , 41,18.50.- - Q14'87 Aromatic , Schiedam 8c htumgm,at UP S` WOOL) S I air Iteatondi e T 1.3 RREI.T.'S. -;''.l - o . .i' : 'l,i; -_o2llro4e:glemti YUVLIMIED EVEKT - IBMU3DAT . Mr - ANDREW J. GERRI'TSO: Teronso44l.oo per annum if pai vane,in ad tl i vane, $2.00 if paid Within the year, or 2.60 if net paid until the end , of the year or pe'riod of subscription. Advance payment solicited. DitMontinuances optional with the Publibher until.all'arrearages are paid. - Elates of Advertising. One square, (10 lines,) 3 weeks or less, Each subsequent insertion. • ' One square one year, $B.OO, two aq'rs I three squares $16.00, four squares $20.01 Business Cards of six lines $3.00 per Job Work of all kinds exeetitedl and promptly. Blanks always on hat January -Ist, 1858 HENRY B. McKEAN, ATTORNEY and COUNSELLOR a Office in the Union Block—Towand ford county, Pa. • Fir Will attend promptly to all prof business intrusted to him, in this and a. counties. Lie • "HOME AGAIN," Da. t. E:11171101*.a; OFFICE, over Wllson's.lit LODGINGS, at SEARLE'S Montrose, March 10th, 1858. T. BOYLE REPRESENTS A CAPIPAL OP *VOOO,OOOI - Fire, Marine, Life, and Inland In Office, New Milford, P January 18th, 1858. ~ ' • Dr. H. Smith, & Son,: i , SURGEON DENTISTS. Residenc and of. fie° opposite the Baptist Church (n rth side) Montrose. Particular attention will be 'given to inserting teeth on gold and silver s ', ate, and to filling decaying teeth. January 10t1i, 1858. WIC W. SMITH, & CO Cabinet and Chair natant ers, foot of Main Street. Montrose, P ABEL TURRELL, moNTRO6, Dealer in- Drugs, Dledicines, C' Dye Stuffs, Glass-ware, Paints, Oils, V Window Glass, Groceries, Fancy Go. eiry, - Perfunicry, dz.e.—And Agent fo, most popular Patent Medicines. JOHN GROVES, Fashionable Tailor—Shop Baptist Meeting Mouse •on Turnpik • biontreee, Pa. DR. R. THAYER, Physician and Surgeon, 11l Pa. Office•in the Farmer's Store. 3. D. VAIL, M. D., Physician and *Surgeon, h netly located himself at Brackneyvid i County, Penn's, and will promptly all: calls with which he may be favored. May, 1856—n22. HAYDEN BROTHER New Milford, Peon"a Whcilcsple dealer in Button: .Suspenders, Threads, Fane] Wathhes, Jewelry, Silverand Plated r !cry, Fishing Tackle, Cigars, .&e. &c. Merchants and pedlars, supplied, terms. WM, HAYDEN, JOHN HAYDEN, DR. E. F. WILMOT fltraduate of theAllopath;c an. pathic Colleges of Medicine, is manently Ideated in Great Bend Pa. April 21, 1856. JOHN. SAUTTER, va.ihionable Tailor. Shop 12 &bob of the Farmer's Store. arintrs' Rub' 11 INSURANCE - COMP N. W. Cornei. Second anl CAPITAL. $1,250,00 This Company effects Fire InstArance on Buildings, Goods, Furniture, lit. • Marine Insurance on Vessel and Freight, TO ALL PARTS OT.TOE WORL Inland Insurance on Goods Iv Riv: Canals, Railroads, and Land Ca 'to all Parts of the Union a. on the most favgra ble terms. DI RECTORS. I'ION.THOS R.FLORENCE, CHARLES. Dp GEO. H.' ARMSTRONG, THOS. MANI CHAS. A. R.T.TBINCAM, • EDW]) R. 11 GEORGE HELMBOLD, F. CAR'LL JAMES E. NEAL, ISAAC LEA( THOMAS B. FLORENCE, 1 EDWARD R. HELM ROLD,`Sect - T. BOYLE, Agent, Office, - New linnarT 18th, 1858. malar -FIRE INSURANC YORK, Pa. Chartered by the State _of pew! CAPITAL, 300,000 DOLL, nsnres against loSs or damage by fi dings, fdrniture, and merchandise Or Losses adjusted by arbitra he parties - fail to agree; ' H. A. Manta, 11. Knitter, William Wallace, Samuct•Dyer, David Siricltler. IL KRABER, Pr D. STRICKLER., Secretary. 0. S. BEEBE,'Agent, Mon February 2d, 1858. FIE. nn' lin 7 I M ON T R 0 S E PA 1 • • . THE subscriber havin purchased . . refitted and newly f ;shed the. " 0 ' • above well known and po ntsr Hotel , I I I -- - is prepared to accOmmoda e Ore trav eling public and others with all the attentions and conveniences usually found in first-class Houses. -NO effort will be spared by the Pro prietor and his Assistants to makle the Hotel equal in *e4ry point to any in the country. The 114 r will always be unpplied with the Choicest Liquors. The Stables, connected with :I are large, roomy and 'convenient, and attentive Hostlers are always in cha J. S. T,. Montrose, May 13th, 1858, ,REMOV Tice Muddler Harness ipad Tra •irt: Ito 11 Cl MAE , IS REMOVED to the building reently' mew. pied C. C. Holliater, on Main St', one door above S. 8.-Mott ' a, where he will lola happy to• wait on alt4liciinay.fa!or him with their patr on. Jan. 30th, 1858.—te. • • =, • 1119AINTS in Tttbeti.- Bnieheit. Tin Copper and Silver FOB, 'MASS Stabs and littillers, Lithq&luphs, &e., at the' Store of AllhlL T Illontroe, Dec. 15th,. LAW. , Brad. .Bsionol joining - ;'sBtf OVER • 9, nein r- emicals, nrnishes, ds, Jew t all 'the ear the Street. ontrose, perma :4 Swill% nd to At Combs, Goods, are, Cut- a liberal AYDEN, CDEN. TRACY HI GEO. HA Homeo pow per- first door Streets, , Cargo !Ts, Lakes, triage, OGEE, PERFIELD, ELM BOLD, ; REWSTEN t Ff e JR. resident. rary. aa., CO., Ihfania tits. l e, .on buil onerally. on, where TORS. John Fred. Eli .K ' Thom ndes, ndig, i l s Gray, esident, `rose, Pa I 1.1• his Ilouse careful and ge of them. RBELL. L . k Shop of EMU
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers