'Tire Eightblconder of she World. A Map of the' Submarf a Itlitrapit between Euhve and Anteric , C And also a Splendid Porhait of= Crave W; .Fiat.tr,:;:ti:. sale at the 'MONTROSE BOOK OTOItE; by "• -• N: BULLARD. Montrose, Angust r'''. lice.—The Sutlnehattna County air Yoi 1858, will be held at Montrose on Wednesday and Thursday; Septeinber 29th and 'Oth.` The -firbt day will be devoted to entering ntil 'St-t:iilk other articles. A Farley, Domestic, u Floral Hall may be arranged the first day, as watch will bk k ept onithe ground over eight. ; 1 11. is de. eirabre that almany.articies as possibh3: . should -be entered on the firsfday. that Judges t hey eb. ter Upon their duties at 10 o'clock, A.' M., on -Thursday; and make full—reports at 12 o 'clock, M. M. The awarding coamittees_wil I plenie report themselves at the committee - stand.by ten o'clock, on Thursday to receive their books. No article will be received for ,premium, after 10 o'clock, second day. Stock May. be - entered ten• days previous to - the Fair, by calling on the Secretary, M. L. Catlin, and the Treasurer,A Lathrop.— Hay will be oti the ground, and parthrovoneen , Tent for Stock overnight. The following officers are appointed to take charge-of the Fair: • S LTP BR INTEND Jesse p, Esq. REcerrros COMMITTEE:—C.. L: Brown, Wm. A. Crossmon, Myron M. Mott. . P. S.—Any ,persons • taking premiums at the -coming Fair, preferring. Cash instead of Books, can have their choice from the Treasurer: — All wanting to emigram to a mild climate, good soil, and fine Market, see advertisement of Hammonton Lands: . Rend the advertisement in another column, headed `llolnitigid's Grenaine Prepara tion." It interests the majority. • [ms. gro all wanting Farms, see advertisement of Hammonton Lands._ Wonders will never cease! neither does Dr. TobiaeVenetian Liniment. ever fail to step the most severe pain. This is . no new or hurntiug article, but an old established remedy ; having been Used by thousands_auring Cho last fifteen yeara..• Call en the agent and get'a pam phlet 'with a full deseription of this magic rcene de. -,None genuine znless signed S. L Tobias Depot - 56 Cortland? street, Solii by • 3a. I ApEL , TURREL, Moderose. All wanting to - emigrate to. a mild climati, good soil, and fine market, 'see advertisement . of nammontnn Lands. 110 •cchalvbs oT cli mate and, above all, the varieties of :water, en conntored in traversing even a .small portion of the United States, are severe trials tb the trav eler. in order to secure the syStem from the evil tonsequenees so frequently reu3ting..frorn these causoq, it is ahsotutely necessary to be pro provided .with celebrated Pills. it is teyond.dispute that in all cases where the stomach and brocels'afe distorted by change of water, or diet, (or any other cituse,) they quickly‘nrtil invariably restore the tone of the one and'the regularly of the othor. Visitors to or residimtsin,the alluvial districts of the South' and West. will find ihem a certain remedy for billions affections and intermittent feiers. [lw. To all wanting Farms, see advertisement of Hammonton Lands. Theillaannotaton Farmer, a news- paper devoted "to to_ - Literate and Agriculture, also setting forth full zweounts of the new settle ment of HatiiimoiltonApNew Jersey, ean be sub scribed for at 2.s' , Cts. per annum. . Inclose posts e stamps for the amount. Ad dress to Editor of the Farmer, Hammonton, At lantic Co., New Jersey. Those wishing cheap land. .of the best quality, in one of the healthiest and most delightful climates in the Union, see advertisement of . Hammonton Lands. ,f_sep.l-3m Farm Lands for sate 25 miles from Philadelphia by=itailroad in the State of New Jersey. Soil amongst the best for Agricultural Plirpose§, being . a .good' loam soil, with a clay bottom. The land is 'a large 'tract, divided into . small' farms, find Hundred; from all parfs of the country are now sett ling, and building; Tile crops -c:m be ~ e on growing. Terms from $l5 to $3O per acre. payable within four rears by instalments.' To visit the . place—LCave Vine Street Wharf at Ithiladeiphifiat 7.3 n. a. tn.. by Railroad for Ham. mouton, or address R. J. ByrneNby letter. See i'eTtisetnent 'in another column.' [Atp.l-3m. To all wanting Farms, see advertisement of mnmonton . • Religious Notitirec •• • There will be .preaching rh o the Universalist" Church in Montrose, next Sujiday, - Sept. 12, at thii usual hoary. Also,a tneelnp, of the members of the Church will be held ori.Salinday nekt, at I° o'clock, at The Church. A General attendaene i earne.stly. desired. • - On the si.h inst., by the Rev. J. B. McCreary, Mr. J,ARED B. RYAN. of Port Jervis. N. J..mui Miss. MARGARET CHAMBERLIN, of Drtat Bend, Pa. On the. 4th of Atignst, at the Fallit of St; Croix, Polk coulitc,Wis.,bv Martin %V. Blanding, Esq , 4r. EDWL E. .THOMASI. formerly of Springville, Pa., a - Miss MARY r.LI,,A.SETH HOOVER; form rly of Bound Brook, N. J. gEBD. _ . In Bridgewater ; Angnst 27th, Airs. SALLY; widow of the lute Butte . rfield, in the 74th year 'of her age. Airs. B. was a native of Norris, Conn. Early in the century she removed to this county ; and, for nearly 50 years had been a resident of Bridge water. Forty eight rears since Ali united with the, then; " First Congregational Church of Briduewater"—now the "First Presbyterian Church." It Was st the communion season fol lowing the org,anizittion, of 4he church, that she, with thirty-three others, nnitcd with the fold of Christ. Of this number but four remain, to tell of those days of interestrivith the infant church, in what was, then, an almost unbtolgen Wilder ness. Het iiist-lears ttere spent in much suffering. under the pressure of i:idiseaue, which gave, at times, too certain intimation of its fatul termin ation. Her, mind had thus become familiarized with the thought of death, which, low/ b before her departure had ceased to become an object of .dread. Sustained by the grace of Him who had borne her through sev.ral scenes of. severe uftlic ,tion;and who was her consolation to the - ckise of life, she peaceful If fell asleep in Jesus. [Cop. - V, ~ ÜBMARINE ATLANTIC TELEQRAPII. 0 Received this dap, a int of four inch sections of the Submarine Atlantic Telegraph Cable,— 'warranted genuine.] - Call, or send your orders soon, for the enpplp Is. limited.. • EVANS dz. ALLEN, .• ' No.tfOdd Fellowe' Hall: Thoghamton., Sept. - 4th, 1858. - , Election for Field - Officers For theist Reg. - let Brig. of Susg"a' Co. TN obedience to the - Militia Laws of the Com • l. monvrealth of. Pennsylt(artia, the. following nailed COmpanies are , hereby ordered to meet at their several , places of parade on Saturday, the 2nd day of Octobetnext, at 9 o'clock, a. m., for the purpose of eliTting Field Officers for the let Reg. Ist Brig. of Susq'a County. Election 'of officers by grade. Ist, one Colonel. 3rd, one First Major. . 2nd, one Lieut. Col. 14th, one Second Maj. Staff officers to be appomted, by' the Col. of said Regiment. • N. ILeCommandingOfficers-of said Companies will suierintend Rah: elections and wake returns according to Law. - _ - A SP - 5 SA" 10ER, Br. In-, _ • let Br., loth DiT., Pa. Mil. ___ Br. In. Office - . Hanford, Seti, 7;1858. Military Notice. FIELD and Staff Of fi cers that were elected under the Milit.iry ACV Of' forty:nine are hereby notified to meet. arßarthum's Motel in New Milford; - colifonday-the, - -10th day of September 105 t ..., -at 10 ,o'clock, s. tn. forthe Pose of traimicting seine Military Business - of itiiportanee. Punctual attendanimje required. - L: MIZE Tiarforil . e / ' r, 6 ,40 6e) ir / imaorirclTY coannEsactAL COLLEGE. '' P/TTSIJEG, . cHARTEBED 1855; 300 Students atteuding,January, 1858. OW the largest and most thorough Comreer lr vial Schoul.of the United 13tates..... Young men prepared for actual deties'of the Counting Tiobm. ' • -S. C. SMITH, A. lit, Prof. of Book-keeping And Scientific Accounts. A. T. Dourstryr, Teacher of Arithmetic and Commercial .Calculation. .1 • ' J. A. FirrioltiCK add T. C. Jamas, Teacker of itook.keeping, ' A. Cowl:mt . an'tl W, A. MILLER, Profs. of Penn. T0.. 31114 h . SINGLE AND DOUBLE ENTRY iIOOJE BENDING,' As wed in every department of business. COMMERCIAL ARITH St ETIp-RAVID BU r SINESS WRITING. - . DETECTING COUNTERFEIT lIIONEY-' . MERCANTILE CORRESPONDENCE COM M ERMA L - LA - Are taught and all other subjects necesiFy for the success and thorough education of a practi csl businen man. 12 PREMIUMS: Dray'rn all the Premiums' ill Pittsburg for the past three yetirs, also 'in Eastern and Westetn Cities, for best Writinz, !KOT ENGRAVED WORK. !- ‘ IMPORTANT INFORMATION. - - - stude`lits enter at any time---NO'vacation-Time unlimitcd-Review at plessure--Graduates sited to obtain situations-Tuition 'for fulitoWi mercial Course, 8^35,00-Average time 8 .to I'2 weeks--,Board, .$2,50 per week-Stationery;, $6,00-Entire cost, $60,00 to 8741,00,.. • ART - niatet's sons r*ired baff pre°. For Card-Cieculer--Specitnens - of Business and Ornamentai Writinz-inclose two stsmpi, and address F. W. aENTINS, Pittsburg, Pa. Septeniber 9th ; 1858. -- - , Attention baValfy THE Members of the" Ilarford and Brook lyn Troop of Cavalry".arp hereby noti fied to meet at ttre t obVe of James 0. BO iard in Br aklyn on Bitarday, tho.ll3th inst,t,, at nine . lock, A.- M.. for 'parade and drill. I STE HEN E, CARPENTER, Captain. i Hartord Sofa. 4th, 1858 --3w* -v- - „ ttention Artille ry! 1p HE "Bridgewater Artillery' , ' will meet at I.' the house of J. S.. Tarbell, in Montrone, on Saturday the 11th inst., at 1 o'clock, p. m., for the purpose, of completing the organization of said company. 0. S. BEEBE, Capiain, The World's Great Exhibition Prize Medal AWARDED to C. DIETER, FOR HIS TWO PIANOS, LONDON, OCTOBER 15, 1851; BIEVER, respectfully informs his friends . and the public generally that he has coli stantly on hand PIANOS, equal to those for which he received the Prize Medal in London in 1851. All orders promptly attended to, and great care taken in the seketion and packing, the stoma. He has received during the last Fifteen yeses more Medals than pay other make (roe! the Franklin Institete--llso, First Premluta it Boa ton, New York . , and Baltimore.. ' *.*Warerooms No. 723 ARCII filreet, below Eighth, south side, PHILADELPHIA. September 9th, 1858. [3m. TO OLD AND-NEW CUSTOMER triliE undersigned would hereby express hi .1 thanks, and regaritt, to hit; ridmerous friend; and patrons,. (thn Nlerchsnts, Milliners and Car r ristge„Maktirs, In this and other counties,) for ti continuation of their patronage, and kind feelingi, and to assure :hem that it will ever bicherishk by a neighbor and 'citizen with gratitude, and would also. say, that he is still interested, with L. nunt,'(2ls Pearl St., N. Y.,) in the Hard ware, Cutlery, and Carriage Trimming Business rind that he is also a Special Partner with Latti-rtnee, Gri gg s &Kingsbury, at 4ti Courtland Si, N. Y., ih the Bat, - Cap, Straw Goixis an Millenry business, where all Traders -who purl chaste goods in eliVr /those branches are kindly intitl3. to 011; t tamihe, and purchase, if sails: factoit. YoUrs truly, K. C. TYLER. 4w* Aroatrose, Sept. 2d, 1850. TO THE PUBLIC. GOOD WATCHES HATT. have i*eb spoiled by unskilful person Ono spilt) be Ebads good by _ HIGGINEOTITAI A regular City Watch-maker, competent to repai Duplex, Repeaters, patent and Detached Lere Lepines, and Vertical Watches,&c.,4c4 whethe' FiehEh or-Chinese make; en. for-this purpose has on hand a good aratortmen of Watch Jewels, - Watt* I.Vhaels, Btatuttptlhg Cylin.deis Hands. Ghsses. &c &t. far'Shop ,itt Bentley, Read & Co:s Stor Phtioix ittock.litontrose Sut.4. Co., Pa. . . August 25th, 1858. tf. LIWRENt E, bKIGGS, k stpowracrrnEns, .00.5 n JOBBERS IN MATS, CAPS, -Alm FILMS, • 2 '2' NIW . 15 241 Umbrellas, Parasols, aid Rittoral i AND ALL MISITNEP I .Y ARTICLES ST 'R 46, COURTLANDT STEM DAn. H.' LawnEriCE, 1 7 iFIWzYOKK. JAS. M. Gniccs. General Partnera;-- INch.. A. KINGSBURY; S , _ M. C. 'Pruy.r..Sßee!al Partner. feep.2,ty• Mii .KC WO WWI C; 8 • I COME. see me. My ofttee is grand & gaper 1 - Headstrong hairs.ob,come,& e me,eome hal b i All Spanish . Ree'd i less fit' diseount,at paR I Rest in my _ It ocier i - - nonght will disturl i I J OCATIOS . ls pleasant" low is the WI!, your bumble Servinorris,drealtef of haißt * * *.Shop No. 3, Basement of Searle'a Hotel, o' Turnpike Street. Motrraost, August 30th, 1857.-le. kihniaistrators' Notice. LETTERS of Administration to the Este of MICHAEL Kirin. decd„ late of the town ship of Rush, having been'granted to the sob scribers, all persona indebted therstcr are reline ted to make immediate payment, and those, ha in claim" to present ihem f irthwith`to , JAMES LOGAN, JOHN McDERMOt, 5 TS. Rush, Aug. 3.1,448.-6 w. Executor's Notice. LOTICE is hereby ,given to all pergolas ha.. ins aentands , against the estate of Nanu l N Stumpy( Ilate of the township of Middletown, dec'd., that the stunelnust be presented to the undersigned for arrangement, rad ail persons mar indebted to said. estate ..are requested to immediatepayMent. 1!'. TAGGART, Ler: • Jaektion, Valley. -Aug. 31, 18.53.-6w.* 1 -. ' ; ;-1 ..ICzeentore Nolte.. • . ; N°TigE is h e reby given to all prison - s hying' „,_ dentands against the estate of DR;Lesqs Garrrne, fate of Grist Bend township, deed,. that 'the same Most be presented to Dr. L.Gri n, for &Atli/Meat, and nll - monk:indebted to d estate are requested - to make loitoodiate " • . meet. 1 - A. L. GRIFFIN. Exiestin;•. . . , -> lIANNAU GRIFFIN, Ex's. Gt. Bend, Au ij, 31 ( 1858.-6w. i A. KNOWLTON'S 'Y GOODS ST* Al COURT (51) STREET, Adjoining the " Bank of Binghamton," - - - BINGHAMTON, N. Y. My Skck is one of the largest and best selected varieties of STAPLE -AND 'FANCY . • DRY 1 - 0.111MV2 1100E)2 9 - - • ili2/42Weltia .. ILIFPZER2,, Mantillas, Domestics, - Embroideries, Flannels, Cassimeres, Cloths, &c., • To which the attention of Close Buyers is called. Hick Silk*, Hosiery, In the basement will be found a late assortment of Family GROCERIES & PROVISIONS To 'which the attention of THE PEOPLE.is invited MOLASSES,' S YRUP S, SUG IRS, COFFEES, TEAS, FLOUR, PORK, FISH, In fact, everything in the way of Grocetie4, CHL ) APEE THAN THE CHEAPEST. Also, gROGICERY, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE'S gar ' Particular iiiritafion is extinded to those who purchase for CASH' to call and examine our stock and prices before purcha'sinxelseu:here. A. KNOWLTON, UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS.---Silk and Cotton, Umiirellas, Lsdies' Son Shades and Parasols, in great variety. jrl.4 received direct from the l'ilalltlfacttirer. for sale at LOW PRICES A. KNOWLTON:S, 51 Courtstreet, adjoining Beek of Binghamton. - . . . 1 Trunks, Traveling Bags, Valises, and Ladies Hat Boxes, A largo assortment direct from the Manufactory in-Jersey City, just received at A. KNOWLTON'S, 51 Coart.streeL POWDER 1 POWDER BLASTING POWDER AND FUSE. Sole Agent for the Siam Bang Powder Mill, will keep on hand at all times a sliirge stock of thii above celebrated POWDER., which will be sold by the keg only, at Manufacturers' Aiao, SPORTING POWDER, SHOT AND CAPS. All the Choice Braids of Sporting Powder, from the Hazard PowdeiCompany, i r hand at all timbs—fttr sale at low prices. B.—My Powder will pea for itself. A. KNOWLTON, 51 Court-street, adjoining the Bank of Binghamton. C'4/ 91223 CaiatlM attalb CLAMS 203 &VA 1M1241224nre More than -60 different styles now in store. including all the newest patterns—received direct Goa the manufacturers. No jobbers profits paid co " home prodticticins" at this establishment. sesortmetit Will be kept unbroken during the Summer season. A. KNOWLTON, 51 Court-street, aejoinining the Bank of Binghamton. -BISCUIT AND CRACKERS. A large assortment of Biscuit and Crackeis received this days, from one of the moat extensive Bakeries in-New York City. A fresh supply received every week. Wine Biscuit Milk Biscuit, , Lemon Biscuit, • ' Abertethy Biscuit, Egg Biscuit, - Nonpareil Biscuit; /hitter Crackers, Sugar-Crackers, i) , Fancy doWalnut do Gisler do .. Ginger Saps. larThe stdd fashioned handzmade Butter Crackets. So& Biscuit, Extra Cream Biscuit, Cup Biscuit, Boston Crucirers, Gmiiiin do Desert do„, PEKE COFFE! AT 51 COURT-STREET: N. 8.-PORK AND BEANS FOR SALE As Ailtitt M$ DtnitickaT • Please don't say anything aboutptir TWO.SHILLINd TEA, that people are clubbing and sending 20 miles for, for the country-ladies have Mat article in Ward°, and are drawing on it at a rapid rate. • - A. KNOWLTON, 51 Cotirt-stteet. inghtinton, August 23d, 1ff38.-34tf. MONTROSE AND VICINITY. • :Al 'O41 7- shAril. Frey velr-r -tlifriTr_-;4',P4i4 4 14 0 i'011"I'l iittixtht "ibarp.- '"` tali' an' Goodii. 'Poi for .ocery day from in m or t , o . °" *,,,Joratt 8131t/fal'fic BObK STORE'od' Public ANcn Ile. 'NEnv GOODS Ever offered to tLe people of this county. ,-,,,,,,,,08 eeeose,,,,- A. EN OWLTON, " We've Cages for Canary Birds, To all their sizes rated— Where single life they may enjoy, Or bliss of being mated: (JERSEY AND CANADA INCLUDED.) 4. Ho* nitre' it is at breaktisi Before you've been to work, sir, To know you've drank your. coffee Tore, And saved your beans foriork, sir." To Tim INtABITArts or 13111111051 51 COURT-STREET. Adjoining the Bank of Binghamton. HAMMONTOI4 - -LAtOk NEW ENGLAND tiETTLEMENT. ARE opportunity to-all wanting Cines—in 14 healthy place, twerity:five miles front Phan,- delphia, on the Camden. and :Atlantic railroad, New-Jersey. Ito .old..esiste.:hai recently -been opened for sale,..and the first division of 10,060 acres divided Up into farms of twenty acres and upwards. The soil liver the best quality fortlie production of fruits, grains, ifire., The price is $ll5 to $2.0 per acre, payable in easy quarter yearly_ instelmenta, within a term or four.years, with interest, The terms are made easy,Jin ore der to insure the rapid improvement of the land, by enabling every industrious man to buy a farm. It is now being extensively improved, by good roads, and BAMO_ of the best citizens from New England and the Middle States are,orecting large improvements. It is,a scene of the greatest-ina: prevenient out of Philadelphia. Seventp.five housei have been built in four months. Practi cal runners and business men from the length and breadth of the UniOn are settling there. It is an important business place, on account of Its being in iMs„lnidst or o great market, EVetar 7 Cele raised 'upon this nand-finds en immediate The water is excellent and no such thing as fe. ver is known. .. • . . . The soil is a sandy or clay loam,-with n clay bottom and retentive of manures. It is,free of stones and easily worked. . It abounds largely in 'the phosphates, and such is its , fertility that from the crops produced both upon.this land - and the large area adjoining under cultivation, it will be found not to be excelled anywhere in the Production of crops most adapted to its mar ket. The reader may be well aware that the earli vat and the best hafts and vegetables 'come from New Jersey, which are annually exported to the amount of millions of dollars. The lard, besides being accesilible in every %vsy forlertilixers, has an abundant supply ot the test quality of muck manure. Lumber and building materials can bo 6(1 on the spot at a cheap price, from the mills. Other mills are now being opened, and brickyards tie ing started upon the(rtround. A person can pnt up a trathe tenement for present convenience for ono hundred dollars. On account of Os exten sive emigration, this is the best course to pursue in order to get a place - to live in at first. Car. penters and builders are on hand to put up hous es on the beat terms. In settling hero the emigrant has nrany Advan tages. Ile is within a few hours ride of the great cities in the Middle States and NeW.Eng land ; he is near his old friends and association* he is in It settled country, where every imProYe taent and comfort of civilization is at hand;, lttr is in a healthy place, and is. not subjeCt to the certainty of losing the greater part of his family and his own health by those malignant fevers I which make the graves of P.() many millions of the young and hardy in far off regions away from home and friends. Resided, he V.as a mild climate and an open winter. There are three trains daily to Philadelphia, and to those who improve the railroad company gives A free ticket. The reader %ill at once be struck with the ad ; vantages here presented, and ask himself why the property has not been taken up before.— The roasoit is, it was never thrown in the mar -1 ket ; and unless these statements were correct, no, one would be invited to - examine the land be f*,.re purchasing. This all are expected to do.— LThey will see the land under cultivation ; they will meet persons; no doubt, from their own neighborhood; they will witness the improve ments, and can judge of the character df the pop ula.tion. Persons should come prepared to pur -1 chase, as many are locating, and locatiolss are not held on refusal. - The Hammonton Faimer, a monthly Lilerary and Agricultural sheet, eontaittilts, full Worms tion of Hammonton, will be sent to each ieuir er, and COG I,e obtained at 25 ets. per anntun. Title indisputable. Warrautee deed's given, ;.clear of all incumbranre, when purchase money 'is paid. Route to the land :—Leave Vine Wert wharf, Philadelphia, for Hammonton by railrrincl at 7.30, A. M., and 5.30 P. M. ; when there in quire for Mr. Byrnes. Boarding conveniences Will be found. Letters and applications can be addressad to S. B. COUGHLIN. :102 . Smith Fifth Street, below Walnut,Philadelphia. Maps and information cheerfully furnished. T. BOYLE, Agent for Northern Pennsylvania. Office, New . Milford. Susq'a. Co., pa. September. 1,1858.-3 m. • WOOL I WOOL ! • lIAYDEN BROTHERS will pay the high get cash price for Wool delivered at .their [New Milford, June `2olh, TAKE DUE NOTICE, • —AND— ' • Govern Yourselves Accordingly, —THAT_ 6utteubtrg, osenbam Ara constantly receiving DRESS GOODS . 5 of the latest styles and of the , finest polity ; Shawls, Ka util lan , Bonriets : ' A superioi stock of VAL LINE ME G OOD, to which the attention of country milliners hi respectfully invited. We have a beautiful assort ment of Embroideries,' Collars, Sleeves, - Linens, • Laces While Goods,. tineidelled in quality, style, and prices. We devote a great deal Of attention to the READY MADE CLOTRINO bdsineds; having an extensive tailoring establish ment conriecietr with our Stores at Montrose and Susquehanna Depot. We flatter ourselves that we can fit a man—be ho dwarf or giant; and no matter bow ill-shapen—in presentable style, F ir PROVIDED ALWATS . .,M that his Portalonnaie is stuffed with the needful. Call and get yciir " - Money's Worth," at the store of GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAVM, tr. CO. Montrose, Pa., Aug. ,11th, 1858., - • Homampathy... , DR. HUMPHREY'S HOMCEOPAtific R f inkoliN fof sale bV - ABEL TURRIILL, EXPRESS LINE.. 7COBB offers to the public, at prices that , cannot fail to suit, a LATZE and Surtsida assortment of, _ tit it cr. !fix Ecs, at the old well known establishment forinerly oc- Opted by Oliver Crete. :3*E'sns,Teki, SPets, Fittrfr, PlOttn, and SALT (by the sack or bhrrel,) Pisa; and all articles found in first elan groceries. I would particularly call atte ntion th'e of Fart* era mid others to 14 Mat am consAan'llt receiving fresh supplies of. FIRST RATE FLOUR; also good and medium s/ualitie4 Which will be sold KIWIIT; for ready wy, in quantities to suit tht purchaser. Z. COBB. Biontrose,July 25th, 1858. TREMENDOUS , • - 1::;Er nAnfillllEß. goLplpwomos ----- ilioNtlialikiTelitt• VAT RERE• the subseribir irs.ree*i n n er a large V 'quantity of SCHOOL: BOOK; each ae Cu be used at'. the Nortnitl School -to corn. 'wool% the 30th inst.; also, MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS—a, gobil-asnotrtinent; 'arid STATION ERY' of2thsibeitquitlity,—ill 45t which will be' sold . for CASH anc . l•4l lice pries by • •;-, • • - 1*- • ' ' N. N. BULL01:1.•-•- Arigost 10111: 1858. • oAlt liNGiNtiga ,Pit;eht, tatiltim2l4 Ivy them. •-• S. IT:SAYRE & Novilt 15th, issa. 1 * if * * *'* * * • * *4 DIFTS;. - GIFTS. SPLlENDlti:Gupirsi --e T 439 CHESTNUT -STREET. 711 E ciny . 11'00k !TORE G, EVAN„S . r . 1 113 0.1111 Y its riel sand the NA. public that his Star Gift Book Store and Publishing Howie 'is permanently established in Brown's splendid Tron Building,• 439 Chestnut Street, two dobrsbelow Fifth, where the pur chaser cleach book, at the regular retail price, will receive one of the' following giR. , Veined from. 95 cents to $lOO :: '1 - • ' . . .. . _ Worth each. „550,Pat0t.-Engl. Lever Gold Watches, $lOO.OO, ,550 Putt Anchor- " " 50 00 490 Ladies gold Watelies,lBk. eases, 35.00 600 Say. Dont. Watches, warranted. /5.00 500 Parlor Timepieces, • . 10.00 "WO Cameo Sets. Ear Drops and Pins, 10.00 500 Ladies' Gold Bracelets, 5.00 to 12 00 500 Cents' Vest and Fob Chains, 10.00 1049. Gold Lockets,(large size,dblease,) • 10.00 2000 - " - (anal' size,) - 300 1060 Geld Pencil Cases,with Gold Pens, 5.00 1000 Extra G.Pens,with .casesitholders, - - 3.50 9500 Gold Pencils - , - 2.00 1500 Gold Pens with SilvOr Penc . ilii, 2.50 2500 Lad's'MPeits,witlicases&hcriders, 1.50 6500 Gold .Rings, I . • - 1.00 20n0 Gents' Gold Rings , - 2.50 2500 Ladies' Gold Brea:tpins, . 2.50 3500 ?disks' • " "• 1 50 . , 3000 PoCket - z - 1.00- 2000 SetSiientetyold bosom Stine.s, 2.50 9 . 000 • " " Sle : eve Buttons, 2,00. 2000 Pairs of Ildies Ear Drops, • 2.50 8000. Ladies'. Pearl Card Cases, - • 5.00 15000 Ladies'Cammiet,or-Mosaic Pins, 5.00 MOO Ladies Shawl .and Ribborr fins,, 1.50 5000 Articles of Gold Jeivelry, Gift looks, &c., not enumerated in the aboVe, worth from 25 cents to - $25.- F.vans' new Catalogue, - r;hich is sent free to animas of .the_ooun'try, contains all th'e moss popular books Of the day, and the newest publi cations, all of which will be sold as low as can be obtained at other stores. Agents Wanted in every town of the Union. Those desiring ,:so tb act, can obtain full partic ulars by addressing the above. N. B.—Being largely interested in pnblishing books,nnd buying from other publishers immense quantities, for cash, Lam enabled to.make larger discounts to Country Agents and Book Dealers than can 'be had at any other house-in the country. • Any book published-in the United States, ,the Fatail,price of which is $t or upwaratiiififibe kfironiply sent, Gift included, on receipt of pub -1 Niters price. • , An extra $1 Book and Gift given to any per ! son ordering .ten books to be sect to one atl dreti. Sent for a attalOgne.- AthirehS. • • G. G. EVANS; Pullisher. 439 Chestnut St., Philada ntig.26,3m.) $lOO,OO REWARD! FOR a BC:ter, Safer, or more Economical Light than can bb had \ by using D. P. Peters' Patent Non•ExploilirSetf-Generating Gas Lamp, it being equal if n t suPe::lor to the Wiest Coal Gas. The materiarused for generating Gas is Darning Fluid or iEtherW Oil. The Gas is generated in the Burner by decomposing and evaporating the Fluid by i;5l own heat, fortnirig pure Hydro-Carbonic Gas; which is all conveyed •to•the Burner, leaving no _substance unconsumed. 'The Burner can be fitted to apy ordinary Lamp and warranted perfectly ware an free 'kohl any dangev,,of vplosfon, Is free from smoke or tin= pleasant smell. It is perfectly adapted for Churches,'lloteis Steres, Reading Rooms, Pri vate DCiellingts; tiq 3 ,&c., and only requires a triut to prove its stiperio)rity over every other -portable light now in use. The following calculation will show its ezono my over other materials used for - lights: Peter.rSelf•Guneratiiig GuLt*-Lanip With Fluid or .Etherial Oil at GO cts. per gal. with six Jet Burn ers. I ct. per hour. Camphene st 55 cts. per gallon, 2 1 Lard Oilat 81.15 " " 2114 " sperm Oil at 52.51 , ",.u .4 ct Fluid with contemn burners nt GO eta. per gallon, " " Gas at 82.25 per 1000 feet, 1 1-4 " " " - _ -21.4 " Gas at $4.00 " I wish it distivlttly understood, that this Gas Burner will OrtAtice more Light thrut any other i Porkble Li ht i n tat , It is vety simple, easily trimmed and kept in order... The public are invited to call and examine 1 this Premium Damp for themselves before pur ehasing elsewliCie, this-being the only. Patent Burner having a non-conductor. For sale at the Mormon Boos SlocE by. A. N. BULLARD. ~M ontrose, June 15th ; OA ffW lEWEIEL • TO VANS •& ALLEN bare lit; • _lit this day returned from ‘:-,11111 New Yorlowith a well select ! • s ed and choice assortment of so • 1: : L . Watchcis, Jewel 'ry • AND FANCY .0 0 °DS, wide' together wit h their former stock,rnakes the largest and best Variety of goods in their line ever offered to the inhabitants of Binghimtori; and as the above wore purchased for (ig!, will be sold at the lowest cash prices; wig all articles warrant- ed according to representation. The attention' of all persons wiiihing to examine orviirchage is respectfully solicited.„EXANS & ALLEN, ' • No. (.1 Odd Fello \ wi' Hull. VITATCHES.,GoId and Silver Watches,, ,of every descrlpHon, bf our own impor; tation, and also of taiimis other .makers, open face and hunting, for :;ale by .gvirig - al, Attme. 41.:VER WARE.-Table and Desert Friffrii; f. 7 Table, Desert; Tea; Preserve; Cream, Salt atubldustard Spoons; Pie, Cake, Butte! and Fruit Knives; Cups and Goblets; Card Cases; Salt Cellars; sets .o(Kniv,e, Fork and, Spoon; and Napkin Rings, of sierlf l ig silver, at FiC659 & Aittrei. riLitTts WAR . h.=—A.' handieme variety of Plated Castors, Cake and Card Baskets, Cups, Forks and SpOons, extra heavy plate, Tea Sets, Sugar Baiketi, Salt Cellars, &e., for sale by - .• •,EVANS & ALLEN. TENVELYtY.Ii very tetintiffil assortment of 41.1 Cameo, Mosal.c, Gold Stone, Enamelled, tone and .all_ old Ear-Rings and Bie4t-Pins; Just keeeived by . 3 'EVAISti 4iL ALLEN. ._ '. CHAINS.—Fob; Vest,Chatelaine sod G. Neck Chains, of various patterni and weights, by • , EVANS & ALLEN. TARACELEI'SThe b'est stock of Braaelets 1..11 ever offered in Broome County, consisting of Gold Link, Bank Hair, Jet'and Coral, of the nelveit patters; cheap, at " ' ZLEEVE.BIATONS.—A very superki; drti 0. do of Onyx, Cameo, Gold Studs; Gold and Cameo Sleeve Buttons and — Sttu!s, for sale by EVANS & ALLEN, No 2 Odd F'ellotits' Hall. Binghamton, June 41b, iB5B. (AOLD SPECTACLES—Of every age, son. ki vex and concave, also Silver, Steel, Plated !SU Gertimn Silver ? do.; b., Eva.ss & ALLEN. PLATED:KNIVES.:-A largo stock of - Table and Desert Knives - , also Steel Knives and Fork's, Air sale tip. • Evans & CORATE/og—* the bunch, also Uoral Neck laces' and Armlets, bjy - • • Elisits & ALLErt. • •- Crit ids; stock of Gold lir Pens, with and without holders, bx . , EVANS & ALLEN. DOC . KfIT 'Yr WRY...4A very, ifiratiabl att. •1 isoiturent of Orne,' Twii, Thies) tild soar. Bladed Knives, also, a good lot of Sciisbrorjal sizes; by . EVANS & A . ..IItEN. CI LOCKS—EIea - mid 'Pen. dulum, 39-day, B,day rind 3 . 0 henry Wood and-from Cakes!: by -Evans ALLEN,. APKEI liory and-Bone, 11 by • Evlbs & gt-turr. .CtO,LIXTHISIBLEISiIirtivery hoevy, like %X wise Silver dd., or all ' EVANS dr! ALIEN,' N0..2 Odd Fellowa- 11111. Elaboroton, JonsAth ; 1836. FARXIin, ATTENTION. " et. • The bes.ite k3.f... the •cvollb for ralshar UR A. 1 1 1 IsIEINAUS SOPER PHO§PHAtE of LIME, at $4O per t0n4 0 , 4 i.,4;cis, a lb., by the barrel. A NAIXSP.DIiIIi R'ECO3llllENbed 13...f0r i•VHENP;tIid GRAIN'Cropa, by Professor O AS. T. JACKSON. Chemist. of the elite& States Patent - Office, Washin on, D. C-:—., :. . . • ~.- ' It will repay t ,e outlay 50 to 100 per cent, and Will not burn the - set dby contact, like Guano. , Try it—Provelit. . .d. A. LEINAU. . No. 21 South 'front it., Philadelphia, Pa. Or of-my Agora*, throughout Ihe•conntry. ... , ANALYSIS can he seen at my Office.. Cab mailed with.tlie order, will receive pimp* atten-. tion. A liberal !discount to Storekeepers who buy to sell agaid. . , . -- .. -.. • Pamphlets came bad .4 my 0111‘.:(3. G. A. L., Yuly 20, •1858,1.3 m , IP. CASH. lOR WOOL., - H"7Tw"ipU ttblabel price In . ITwoltssie ' New Milford. ' lune 28,1858. .. ~ 1;VM.113. , SiMPSONY IV LT tiff 111. P Lig.l.ll MONTROSE' PA. .- , ..,.. A . _ ... .. In A.,..iferrimaree:Boot and Slit. S tore, nezt • o J. Ethridge.. l orked for. the put nine pearl ost skjltfal workmen, he Teets e can do the moat difficult jobs HAVING w, with the confident that fi on short notieo.l All Work WO W. B. Siatrs i l time, and t een skilful workman as can be done confidence. Towanda Jury Refers to—W Montayne, E. 0.1 da; B. S. Beni .1.• Wittenberg, .*:t*Jewelry ni and onsreasonabl emoted to Give Satisfaetiot: on has workel for mo for, some ecommend him as a careful 'and , competent to do as good work in the country, and. worthy of WM, A. CHAMBERLIN. e lOth, 1858. 4 • in. Ek - vell, E, N. Baird, E. . Goodrich, B. Kingsbury; T.owan ley, L Searle, C. D. Littirotit; (intros':). . . N eatly repaired on short notice. de terms. [June 156118 W—ff. Mag . PUBLIC. _. lebrated Catarrh Sunit," REMEDY. FOR BAIE, BY ' R. THAYER; biontroAe,_•,: , ToMPKtri - s, Brooklyn; •Wm H. THAYER, Dimock. 10 TH . D g ences Ccl AN IN HIGH L i tst IMPORTANT _ •• • - . : . • T I - .:Iffil „to ~J f 1 Gerllemen t^ho . WOr HAVE -recently made arrangemants, I sidemble expense, for doing work in the • Taitortnaßusiriegs on very short n tice, in a deat,durable, and WU ionable manner and at redUced prices., I will furnish garments to order, if desirsa, or render the customer whatever assistance he may . neod in selecting materials of the best quality, ani.,at the lotyest market prices:: mkt be warranted as to fit, fin s ish and durability. No customer need take his work from the hop unless it suits him. • Being pert= ently, and:exclusively engaged: in this business it shaltbe qty great aim to please the public, and thus secure their patronage.._ P. LINEA Montrose, .Ttne Ist 1858. 220. - THE copalitnersldp heretofore existing un-, der the name of. Dickerman & Garrett ist this day dihsotd by mutual consent: The notesk apd skccounts f the late firm_ are in Horatio Cairn:Cs handsifor collection. . • • J. DICKERMAN, Jr. • lIORATIO GARRATT. New Milford!, Juno .10th, 1858 The business will be continued ,a the 'old; stand by the - Subscriber, who will. be hailiy to old .fri4nds, and as Inany•new ones as, may be dispostid to favor him with a calk More hereafter. I ' I. DICKERMAN, Jr. New Itfilferdi June ilOth. 1858: • ' • The GUEAT 4:1111 SSADOR of HEALTH onll.3lankind. THE want Hof a sterling medicinal to - meet the ills and necessities of the suffering ponied of humanity, and one entirely free from mineral, and other deleterious particles, was severely felt until this all pqwerful medicine was ushered into the world; Hollowa:y's-invaluable Pilli iiii4 he *tie the Iloseliold, Remedy of an iiiitiiins.. Their attribute is to Pievent, as well as teCire; they attack the rzidix' root of the complaint,: and removing the hidden cause bf disernie reiiiiigor ate and resterthe drooping energies , of the sys. tem; assisting nature .in her task of Vital and 1 Functionary geformation. . . I , Distielber , ties great ; aconite of t4d - continen y ields quickly to a enure° of these antiseptic Pills, and the digestive o l rgans are restored to their proper , tone; no matter in what hideims shape this hy: dra et disease exhibits itielf, , , this seatehing,and fliterrlag remedy disperses it ! from the patient's' system,. • ' . . From and Weakness. From whate,Ver cause, Lowness of Spirits, and . all other signs of a diseased liver, and other es. , organizations ef, the system, vanish index' . the eradicating influence .of this ill poWerfel anti ,seriac and detergent remedy.. -.. , • apt tous_Diaarders. The proper quantum and right condition of the bile is of mouientous importance tq the. health of the human frame, this Anti-Bilious medicine expels, the hidden seeds of , the contPlaitkatid tees all' the muds and secretions pure and .." ffuen cleansing and reasettating the vital' Aim; lion f the bly. e) 1 f 1 tild lOoie j tV!':i r dif .e - irtilrni . .". fete doses of this re nlatino and renovailfig remedy;whatever . may . beir eomplaint,. it -ca n be taken with safety in II periodical and other disorganization.. itseffec is ail but miraculous. nevi/Ivied Proof. , The t sti4 ri ny of nations is tutaimcnisly : te borne t ot . ealth-giving virtues of tine noble remedy, and c rtificates in every iiiing lane' bear witness. t the Undeniableness of, then . trinsic Worth. are the , 1 . ilalloW'ay's Pi Is are th e best remedy known in the . World 0 . 7. thefollo,wing dioeases: , Asthma, Diarilicea, Influenza, Stone and Bowel' Coni:o opsY, Inflam'ation,Graiel, - plaints;,,, D bility, toward Secondary , Coughs, P iei and' Weakness; .6 1. 140t0m5, Colds, - Arnie.' Livei - -Venereal • Chest Dis..Ffrnale Complaints, Affections, eases, .C" mplaitits,Lownerisof Worms of Costiieness,Hfrideches, Spirits; all kinds: Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Piles;. , -,. .'. „., EirCAUT H IOM—Notie ark genuine unless' , the. words' " olloirz,4, New York and Lon.d6a." are discernible ,aCtiftater-mark in every . kW, of the book Of directiohe around- each ; pot or , box; the hammay be plainly seen, 14,410/dig' laf tathe,l ' ht.- A theJhandsome „reward will be ti t, - given Co any o e rendering such information as may lead tot o detection of any party or, pkrtitii; . - Counterfeiting the medicines or vending; the setae; lidoviigi themito be2smrioM3., ~ • ,„ .. ,-,-,,,,, * * *Sold att the alainfaCtonei at Pra - pacer Iloilow.ay,Bo Maiden Lino, New, York and by all respectable Druggists and Dealer:l; in Medi cine throughont the United Statei tied tbo civil lied world, laltioXes Sh -oikti; 63 cents and $1 • era. • . , 1 , . . ... . , . g 4r There is considerable saving by taking the larger sizes:, .---..-- , . .. -. ' N.B.—Direletienifor - the guidanco.cif"Tiatients in evory.disorder are affuro4 to each.'box:' juhr.i 3d, 1959., r,..12e0xyl y.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers