The Huranting This charming little bird is knoivn to every- , t;ody, and is equally admired by-childhood t and old' ge. It. is said thattliereis only one -single•species, found in the 'United States, - while at least seventy are found • in - the other. parts -of America. With the bloom and fragrance of apple hiosscms 'he invariably • .makes his appearance it Pennsylvania.. This This I have observed-for a number of years past,. and, in corroboration, have always first found dim in the orehard revelling amid its luscious perfume; heat he may be . seen skimiriing over -- the flowers in the garden; then, in succession, the cloVer fields, the gattdy - trumpet flower, 'the phlox- and the golden rod ; and with the disappestrance of floWers, makes his exit. - The Humming Bird (Trochilus coltthriAj •byinaturalists is placed in- the sixth order, styled anisodityla. His only - note is a single chirp, which somewhat resembles a cricket. The nest, I believe; - is always placed on the , upper side of the branch of a tree. The ;branch Usually, selected for'. this purpose, is f generally of the _same breadth of the nest, -which is placed directly on it, without afLy - -ether twig or branch for support, It is a- - hi:MlT:an inch in diameter and three fourths in depth , and is chiefly composed of lichen and the down of mullein intermixed, and ,T - strongly cemented by the glutinous ieliya of the tittle' architect. Two eggs are laid ;of a pare white color, abOut the size of a - pea.. In approaching -the nest the parents evidently show great displeasure, by darting violently vitliiiva few inches of 'one's lead, :'with a humming sound that reminds one more of an insect than a bird. I have seen two nests of , this bird,—one was found oh a branch in an orchard.; the other, which I hug in my pos• session, I procured from a branch °f l it small •white-oak tree in the midst of a wood. -This shows that they are not paltial to building in I ,certain localities. The nest is not easily found ;. it has airtost the exact color of the limb on which it is plaeed, .aml looks,, 'distance otr,more like 4 knot or protuberance than anything else. Though, I might add, that this bird is abundant, yet its nest is not often found. • • The Ger Mans of Pennsylvania call .him the "bitumen vogel," or flowerbird, and -I know' theletteral belief is•that he , 'subsists wholly on the nectar Of flowers, bnt such . is not the fact., Humming birds have been_shot,, and their stomachs have been found filled-with insects.' •That he devours insccts I- once had a fair deinonstration. One lit on A dead branch of a plum tree in the garden, sabout sunset, withina few yards from me. ' right be fore him was extended the web of a spider, and I distinctly saw him pick from out of i 6 meshes not less than a dozen of large gnats. .or mosquitoes, which 'had become entangled in it, and did not . fly away until he had-en. tireiy cleared the web.. . The Male is easily distinguished from the female ;• is larger and his coat is more glosiy, mid on his throat is a brilliant ruby spot. During flight his wings emit a ham ming sound; which has given him his name; - andiheir motion is so rapid as to appear in , visilde. There isa species of spbynx (an in sect) .but little smaller than the humming bird, and, in its manner of flight and general ap pearance, closely resembles him, and -is often seen„abeut " the close of summer, skimming over the flowers in the garden. It has often , been caught in inistake. I remember %veil my disappointment, when:a boy, in hating one ih my bat 7 I began to examine it, when, 101 I was amazed at its having a hill all curled up like the Mainspring of fi *etch, which machinery, I was 50011 satisfied, the humming bird did not carry in his peregtina ' tions. I have often been amused at the little fellow's sudden departure- from- the garden flowers, chased by a humble-bee,,wlao can, perhaps outstrip biru flight—a contest; between bird and bee. • The humming bird is a bold ,bird, often ' coming, in his_tlight to visit flowers, by a person's side, and '1 have thus seen them a light not three feet from me. They are: sometimes caught by flying in at the open windows to examine-the flower'pots. Though it is rare, as I have mentioned, to find a nest, yet I have seen the young ones hardly able to fly. They are easily recognized by the dullness of their colors, their smaller size, rind the ishortne:ss of their tail-feethers. -These birds appear to be exceedingly meat in their habits, for they are often seen sitting on a dead, branch dressing and arraying their plumage. Though so minute,•Ate possesses most extrztordinan rapid powers of fligbt,and probably in this respect is unrivaled amongst the feathered tribe. I admire him an ornament to orirAnterican landscape'icenery, for he is nuknovyn to Europe: - Yet strange, that an object so beautiful as this fair crea ture, has net been invested long ago • with all tbeeharms of poetry, song -and story. Our so called national. poets can tune their harps to' the nightingale, the linnet,' the pomegranite and the olive,bnt when it, comes to the subjects of our native land, their music bec'Omea = silent.—Correspondent Doyles ' town Democrat. • SCIIINTSEAD P.XEIIPTION IN MINNESOT.Ii-, TI e Legislature of Minnesota has just passed a Homestead Exemption law. The following is a summary of the at from the St. Paul . Daily Times : The first provision exempts eighty acres of land, with a dwellingboup thereon, in any incorporated town, plat, city . or This exemption does notlextend to rnortages .already • on: the •premises, but no mortage is Kai id with - out thelignature of the wif.• Besides the above, many articles are sxempted, such as wearing apparel, all beds," bedding, stores cooking utensils, 'and all other household not herein enumer attA notexceeding five hundred dollars in value,' so that every article absolutely neces . Nay to live, and live comfortablnis exempted': by this law. . In addition thereto the i tlaw exerripts 'three tows r ten swine, one yoke of oxen and one horse or, in lieu of one yoke of.oxon and 'a horse, a' span cif horses or mules,. twenty klieep, and the wool from the same, either in the raw - material or manufactured:; the necessary food for the stock ;one wagon,cart or dray ; one sleigh; two`ploughs, one drag, and other farming utensils. not exceeding three hundred and fifty dallarsin s value. Alto, the provisions for the debtor and his family for orre7yearas support, .either provided or growing; alsolikel-for one year. 'Also, the tools and instruments of any Mechanic, 'with four hundred daises worth %of stocks ; also the library and implements of the professii;nal man. No property la exempt from execution or attachumentlo: clerks',laborels' or mechanics' Rages^, Tail Casnusa.—The pultoa„ Penna., "Democrat" has the following,:`. "We are informed . by those who were present, that Captain Michael Cromer, of Mereerborg, on Monday last,cutithirteen acres of wheat with a creak. :-He had tmdertaken to cut twelve ,acres between sunrise 'and sunset, which he accomplished with air ease, and.. - one acre over for goad measure.. : The paptalu. had ae excellent scythe of extra length; and cut a ikwarth of abonefifteen -feet.. Her may now fairly e,ballenke the world' fora rival in'this Usinet.s. ' . , SOUTHIYORTIL, . G, W. - CRCICKEIT, 'CHARLES BURDETT, .' THOMAS DCNR,ENGLISH-,- M. D.,_ HENRY" CLAPP, . GEORGE. ARNOLD, - SAMUEL.YOUNG, ,"•-• 'Mss. ANNA WJJELPLEY, MI:Fs VIRGINIA VAUGHN, - . • Mns. DI. VERNON, • - Miss HATTIE CLARE, FINLEY JOHNSON, AViite only for the I:N4z E g f:gitfj PRIZE GOLDEN PRIZE: • GOLDIE.. PRIZE GOLDEN PRIzE GOLDEN PRIZE GoIat.WOI.IIIMIILE ILLUST FLA E O. Dean a: Sal ter,. successors to Becket & Co THE Ne,w York Weekly Gotriks PaizE. is one of the largest and best literary papers of the day—an Imperial goalie, containing S pates, 'or forty VOllllllllllll, of the most inter. eating and fascinating reading matter, from the pens f .of the very first writers ot the day, Elegantly Illustrated , Every Week. A Present, worth/mm:so cents to 16 1 31100 Wil I, be given to wed subscriber immediately on reettipt of the subscription money. .This fia pre sented-as a memento of friendship, and not as an inducement to obtain subscribers. • T Int Si One copy one year $2 and one pas'etit Three -do 5 three do Five do 8 . five- -fik 4 Ten ,• d.o . 1 15 ten Id Twenty-one- do - 31) 21 o The articles to be given away are comprised in the foiloWing list . 2. Packages of Gold containing, $5OO cacti . 5:; do do . do 200 each 10 de do do 100 each 10 Patent Lever Hunting Watches 100-each ,20 . G01d Watches 75 each 50. , do' . GO each _lOO do, • - - . 50 each 300 ladies' Gold %Vatclics . 35 each 200:Silver Hunting Cased Watches 30 each 500 Silver Watches - - 10—to 25 each 1000. Gold Guard, Vest, - and Fob elvins 10 to 30 pofii Lockets, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear Drops, Brbast Tins, Cuff Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Rings, Shirt .atuds, Watch Keys, Gold and Silver Thim ble,s, and a variety el other articles ; worth froth fifty cents to fifteen dollars each. • •We will present to every person sending us fifty subscribers, at .$ll, a Gold Watch worth $4O, to any one sending one-hundred subscribers, at $2, a Gold - Watch worth $9O. Each subscriber will also receive a present. ImmOdiately on receipt of the money, the sub scriber's name will be entered upon our book, and the present will lye SfortGided within one ,week, by mail orexpress, post paid. - • WPAddress all communications to, LTER, Proprietors, 335 Broadway, New York. [ tstwietriol y, ‘Juhe 1, 1858 HARPER'S'AIAGAZINE. COMAIENCEMENT OF A NE IV' VOL- rrHE' JUNE .NUMBER is the first of the 1 Seventeenth Volume of Harper's New Monthly Magazine. The Publishers refer to the Volume just concluded as the best assurance for the chardeter of that Which is now com menced. They believe that the Magazine' em brace's in its general plan everything essential to an attractive literary miscellany, - adapted to the wants of the American public. Its regular circulation has not been dirininished even during the unexampled financial revulsion, which has proved -.disastrous to so many literary and com mercial.'enterprises ; and they-are assured from every quarter that the Magazine is• recognized as ;n necessity rather than a luxury. They therefore annonnce no new features for the fu ture. They will continue to fill the Mugizine "with , articles inculcating sound views in Life and Morals; leaving, as heretofore, the discus sion of sectarian opinions in Religion, andesec .tional questions in Politics, to their own appro. :pririi,6 organs: Wise men and. true patriots agree upon points far more numerous than those upon which they differ. The object of the Magazine will be to unite rather than sepr rate the views and * feelings of the people of dif ferent sections of our common country. _The publishers do not find it necessary-or-ex pedient to appeal to public attention by issuing " - Specimen numbers" containing an unusual amount of matter or illustrations. They intend that every number shall -prove the Magazine' to be the best and cheapest periodical published.- - It will contain a larger amount of matter,•more numerous and better illustrations, printed in a better manner, than any other Monthly Maga zine; and the Publishers are confident that it will deserve and receive the same cordial,appre nation and liberal patronage which have been accorded to, it during the Eight years of its pub 7. citation., , • MR. EI A CKERAY'S NEW NOVEL—TIIE VIRGINIANS.," with many humorous illnstra- Lions by the Author, was ekomtheneed in - the De. cember number of Harper's Magazine., It is printed from early sheets, received from the Au ?or in advance of publication in England—for which. the Publishers pay Mr. Thackeray the sum of Two Thousand Dollars. TERMS. One copy for_one year, $3. . Two copies . • - 5. . Three or more copies fc t one year (each) 3. And an extra copy, gratis, for every club of TEN Suascaraxes. The Postage upon Viarper's Magazine" must be paid at theMe...e. where receit ed. The Post age is thirty-six eents'a year. - "HARPER St:BROTHERS, Publishcr;g. New York; Jety - 20, 1858.. - PROSPECTUS FOR 1835-49. "THE PENNSYLVANIAN. DAILY, TRI=JYEEKLY, it WEEKLY. mint GREAT EVENTS of the immediate future, so largely depending_ upon the boldness and energy Of the Democratic party or the country, call fur the widest dissemination among the people of all facts and arguments elucidating and sustaining the Democratic Na tional policy; and the duty of an independent Democraticjournal in such a crisis of our history can only be folly and advantageously discharged. by the active co operation of. nil who desire Democratic success, in extending the sphere'of its usefulne`s, The Pennsyleanian has for over twenty-fire years ocenpied the position of a cen tral organ in Penusylvania, winning by its bold ness and-ability, the confidence and warm regard of the Deniocracy of every State in the Union; and the Preprietor appeals with confidence to the democracy of the country, in desiring now to extend-stilt more widely its influence. He 'nvites attention to the ability with which his paper is cOndoetc-d, , and , the care exercised in all its departments. Aside from,,its high and' un questioned political character, no paper enjoys in a larger degree the confidence of the'business cOnimmunity. Its Commercial and Monetary reports are full and comprehensive; its Marine .List unsurpassed for correctness and reliability{; And in all the departments of a .first.class. newspaper no outlay or expense is .spared to make it complete and acceptable, The TRUWEEKLY PENNSYLVANIAN is' printed every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, land contains all the reading matter of the DAI LY editions. The:WEEKLY PENNSYLVA NIAN is printed every Satniday, and is wholly devoted, toNews, Literature, Politics, Agricul ture and Trade. TERMS. Daily Pennsylvania, .16 per annum, in advance. TA-Weekly, • - 83 The price a the Weekly Pennsylvanian is one dollar'. per ; acme* but for the purpose' of farther increasing the - tiro:dation, .;the following inducements are offelAd to Agents and others to . raise-Clans One Copy,une year, SitCopieri, " • - 5,00 Twelve Copies, " ' • 10,00 Eighteen ft . . . 1500 Twentp;five ".,7" 2011)6 fir In all.ealies, inaers for, the paper must be aemmil•Mtiaby the cash: - js' Letters .to be aaaresinea, pristinild to W 35. RICE, Eroprieror. No. 108 South Third street, Philadt•lphia. A PRIZE FOR EirtireVODV WHO gti l fglegißFs 'r(in klieeh(Li Vrto. . • •A' DEAUTIFDLLy" MUT i HEW:tn.Pt THE 'NEW-YORK WEEKLY PRESS IS one of the best literary papers of the day.. A large Quarto containing 'rwenty - Tages, or sixty Columns, of dlitertaining matter; and Ele gantly Illustrated-every week. • I A Gift worth froni 50 cents to $lOOO will be - gent to each subscriber on the receipt of the sub scription nicrirey. 1 • - EEIISIN---IN ADVANCE: One copy for ocielyear, and I gift .. . Three copies one year, and 3 . 5. Five - copies one year, and 5 gifts . . 8; . Ten copies one year, and 10 gifts . . . 15. Twenty-one coptesone year, and 21 gifts 30. The articles to be distributedsare comprised in the following 1 United-States Treasury Note $lOOO.. 2 dci" ; do do 500 each. 5 do do do 200 each. 10 do , ' do do . s . 100 each. 10 Pat. Lev. Hunt'g Cased Watches 100 each, 2b Gold Watches - - 75 each. 50 do - - 60. each. 100 do -- - - 50 each. .100 Ladies Gold Watches - - 35 each. 200 Silver Hunting Cased Watches ~30 each. .500 do Watehes - $l6 to 25 each. 1000 Gold Guard, vest and Fob Chains 10 to 30. ' do /io Pens and Pencils - - sto 15 each. Gold Locketsnraceletsißrooelr, Ear, Drops, Breast Pins'CulfPins, Sleeie Buttons, Rings, Shirt Studs, Watcha Keys, Gold and Silver Thim bles, and a variety Of other articles, worth from fifty cents to fifteen dollars each. On receipt of fhe!sabgeription money, Vac snb scriber's name will be entered Upon our books opposite a' number. and the gift corresponding with that number will be forwarded within one Week, by mail or express, post paid. . There is neither humbug nor letter/ abont The above, as every subscriber is sure of a Prize of value. We prefer in - make this liberal distribu tion among them instead of giving a large coon. mission-10 agents, giving, to the subscriber the amount that wouldi,go to the agent, in • ntan) eases a - hundred fold more, • • Wl Address all communications to, , DANIEL ADEE, Publisher, May 27.—y1.1 211 Centre Street, New York. '; SUIIYIER 4RRANGEMENTS. New Rail Road Route. - Delaware, L*ekaivnunatd; W.R.111. NTENV an'a expeditions broad Otago route from the North and West, via Great Bend Ono Scratiton, •and' from thu -Lackawanna and Wyoming valleys; directly through to New York and Philadelphia. On and after Monday, May 17th, 1858, trains will be run as follows: The Cis cinnati Express Train -hound east on N. Y. & Erie R. R.;arrives at Great Bend itt 8.15 a. m., and conneets with the EXPRESS Train Which leaves Great'Bend. for New York and Plea at 8.30 a. tn.. Due at ifontmse, 9.05 " • TunkhannoUk, - 9.47 " Factoryville; 10.10 " Scranton, : • 10 57 " Moscow, 11.43 " Stroudsburg, 1.35 p. m. Delawnre.(t srninntes to dino,)2 OR Bridgevilleathil. (pass. leave) 2.40 " Junction,• 3.30 " New York, •- 7.15' " Philadelphia, 8.20 " Passengers from N. Y., leave Pier No. 2 North River, at - 730 a. m. • From Philadelphia leave Walnut St, Wharf, at 600 " Leave Junction, 10.50 " Dueatßridgeville,(Phil.connection.)ll.4o " Delaware, (15 dinner)„l2.oo in. Stroudsburg, 12.47 R. m. Moscow, ' 2.36 " Scranton, 3.15 " Factoryville, 4.05 " • Tur,khannock, . 4:25 " • Montrose, '! • 5.08 " Great Bend. 5.40 " • Connecting at Grriat Bend with the Mail Train., west, at 5.55 " Accommodationlrain leaves Scran ton-for Great Bend at • • 8.30 a. m. Arrive at Great Bend, • 12 20 R. m. Connecting with the Diankitlr'Express, west, at 1,55, and the N.Y. Express, east, at 2.35 p. in. Returning, leaves Great Bend at 2.40 " Du‘ at Scranton, 7.10 " For the =accommodlition of way travel on the Southern Division, a passenger car will be at tached to the EXpress Freight Trains, leaving , Serantoll, at 5.00 a. - m. Pone at Stroudsburg at 10.15 " " Junction at 210 p. m. Returning; will tears Junction at 400 a. m. Due at Stroudsburg at 7.21 " " Scranton at. 130 p. in. Pas.seigers for !Neiv York will change cars at Junction. ! To and from Philadelphia, via B. D. R. R., leave or take the ears at Bridgeville. For Pittston, Kingston, and Wilkesbarre,take L. &..B. R. R., car's at Scranton. For jessup,Archbald, and Carbondale, change cars at Greenville. Tickets sold, and baggage - Checked through. • - JOIIN BRISBEV,Sup't. Wu. N. JENKS. penisTiatt Agent. May 13th, 1858: It - Zr Great Diaroiery of the Age. AP'S IFORTANT To - TOBACCO CHEWERS. DR. GUSTAV LINNARD'S Taste Restor ative Troches,—The Great Substitute fur Tobacco. It is a :well known and incontroverti ble fact that the use of tobacco is the promoting cause ofmany of the most serge NIENTAL AND PHYSICAL DISOTDERS to which the race 'of man is subject; as careful analysis and Icing and painful experience have clearly proven tent IL contains certain narcotic & poisonous properties most dangerous in their ef fects, which by entering the blood derange the functions and operations of the heart, causing ninny to anppose that organ to be diseased. TOBACCO affects also the entire nervous system, manifestifig itielf—as all who have ever used the weed Will testify—in lassitude, nervous irratibility, water brash, dyspepsia, and • many other disorders Oa similar character. The TASTE RESTORATIVE TROCHES are designed to co l t:interact these baneful influ ences, and have prpved completely successful in a multitude of cases, 'and wherever used. Being hailnless in themaelves they exert a benefitial effect-upon the entire system, restoring the taste which bra become vitiated or destroyed by great indulgence, completely removing the irritation and accompanying tickling sensation of the throat —which are always consequent upon . abstaining from the use of tobacco, and by giving a healthy tone to the stomach, invigorate the whole syStem. Persons who are i'rretrievably undermining their constitutions and aboftening their lives, should use these troches immediately and throw off the injurious & unpleasant habit of chewing tobacco. These troches or lozenges are pat up-in a con venient and portable form at the low price of 59 cents pe:i box. A liberal discount to the trade. Prepared solely by the undersigned to whom all orders should be addressed. 3AS.IE. BOWERS, Draggifit, apT)sBy) Coy-.2d and Race•ats, Philada LQTIIS, Coishrpers and Vestings, verrde. V sirable styles, at prices that cannot fail to suit. Call and he eonviuetid;' - C. W.-11071'. . 1 ::-.4v,!"Aur.NEWTOODS 1 11.'"'' . :• 1 1.,iiti:, H. 4..11VE8117R. 0 VTROSF, , .21P‘RIh 4 30/h 1838, Helnibold's Genuine Propagation; -OF - • Ilighry CouCEntialcd Compound Fled Extract. , •• For Diseases or the Madder, kidneys, Grave! Dropsij, Weaknesses, Obsiruceions, &era Diseases, Pernale p Complaints, and all Diserises of the Sexual Organs; - arising from excesses anffimprudenees in life, apd removingall improper discharges from the blad der, kidneys, or sexual organs, wh'ether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever 'cadee they may have originated, anduo matter of holy 'long standing, giving health and vigor to the frame, and bloom to the pallid cheek. JOY TO THE 'AFFLICTED!!! ' It cures nervous and debilitated sufferers, and removes all the symptoms) among which will be found indisposition to exeition, loss of power,loss of memory, difficulty of bieathing, general weak ness, horror of disease, teak nerves, trembling, dreadful horror of deaf 11,higlit sweats, cold feet, wakefulness, dimness of listen, languor.uniVersal laSsitude of the museularirysteM, often enormous appetite, with dyspeptic hymptomit, hot hands, flushing of the body, dryness of the skin, pallid countenance ind eruptiont on the face,pain in the brick, henyineks of the eyelids, frequently black' spots flying before the eves, With a tempor e rry surusion and loss of sight;want of attention,great mobility, restlessness, with horror of society.— Nothing is more desirable to such pntients than solitude, and nothing they more dread for fear of themselves; no repose of mann?r,no earnestness; no speculation, but a hurried transition from one question to another. These symptoms, if allowed to go on—which this medicine invariably removes—soon follows loss of power, fatuity - and epileptic fits—ln one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that these excesses are not frequently followed by those direful diseases—insanity and consump tion ? The records of the insure asylums, and the melancholy deaths by consumption bear am• p)e witness to the truth of these assertions. In lunatic asylums the most melancholy exhibition appears. The countenance is actualiy sodden & quite destitute—neither mirth* or grief ever via. its it. ' Should a'sound of the vcice occur, it is rarely articulate. ; --"With woeful measures wan despair Low sullen sounds his grief beguiled." I Debility is the most terrible! and has broirght thousands to untimely graves, thus blasting the -ambition of many noble youths. It can be cured by the use of this INFALLIBLY; E n v. If you are suffering with any of the hbove dis. tressing,allments, the Fluid Extract Buchu will cureyou. Try it and be convinced of its efficacy. r Beware of qttacti nostrurns.aud quack doc tors, who falsely boast of abilities and references. Citizens I: noW and avoid them. and save long suf feri na, money, and exposure, by sending or call ing for a bottle , of this popular and specific rem edy. It allays all pain and inflammation, is 'per fectly pleasant in its taste and odor, but immedi ate in its action. HELIVIBO , ..D'S EXTRACT RUCH(' Is prepared directly according to the rules of Pharmacy and Chemistry, with the greatest ac curacy and chemical knowledge and care dove. tad in its combination: See Professor Dewecs. valuable works on the wpractiee of physic, and. most of the late standiird works of medicine. $ 10 0 .0 7 4 One hondred ihts will be paid to any physician who ern prov that the medicine-ever injured a patientamd the testimony of thousands can be produced to prove that does great good: Cases of from one week to I 13 years' standing have been effected. The mass of voluntary testimony in possession of the Pro pr;etor, vouching its virtues and curative powers, is immense, embracing names well known to •! Science and Fame. 100,000 Bottles have been sold and not .ingle instance of failure has been reported! Persorally appeared before me, an Alderman ~of the City of Philadelphia, 11. T. Helmhold, Chemist, i-ho being-duly sworn does say, that his preparation contains no Narcotic, Mercury or iojnrious Druz but is purely' egetable.: • 11. T. Ilieimbold, Sole Manufacturer. Swiwn and subscribed Worn me.this :23d day of Nov 1854. Wm P. HIBBARD, Alderman. • Price 81 per Bottle, or six for $5, delivered to any address. accompanied by reliable and r e :, ponsiGle•cortiticates from Profelosors of Medical Colleges, Clergymen. and others. Prepared and sold by H. T. HELM BOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist, No. 5.2 South 10th•st., below Chestnut, Assem bly il.iildings, Philadelphia, Pa. FUZ To be had of all Druggists and Dealers in tilt! U. S., Canatlns, and Briti*lt Provinces.. Beware of Counterfeits. Ask for Ifelmbold't, —take no other. Cures finarantied: Sold .71Lontrose by ABEL TURRELL, Jan. 20, '58.-Iy.. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA A Benet.°lent Institution, established by t7)ecial endowment for the relief if the sick - and dis iressed,nilieted with Virulent Epidemic diseases. F l O ALL PERSONS afflicted with Sexual I. Diseases, such as Spermatorrhwa, Seminal Weakness, Impotence, Gonorrlues, aleet,Syphi- Us, the Vice of Onnnism4or self abuse, &c., &e. The llowano As;oct'artds, in view of the awful destruction of human life, caused by SeXu aldiseases,'and the deceptions practised upon -the unfortunate victims of ' such diseases by Quacks, several years ago directed their Con sulting Surgeon, as a CIIAIIITAELE ACT worthy of their name, to open a Dispensary for, the treat ment of this class of diseases, in all their forms,' and to give MEDICAL. ADVICE GRATIS, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their-con dition, (age, occupation, habits of life; &c.,) and in. cases of extreme poverty, to furnish medicines free of charge. It is needless to add that the Association commands the highest medical skill of the age. and will' furnish the most improved modern treatment. - The Direetors.on a review of • the past, feel assured that their labors in this sphere of benevo- Fent effort, have been of great benefit to the afflicted, espei,..ialfy to the young, and' they have resolved to devote themselves,• with renewed. zeal, to this very important but inuch despised cause. • Just published by the Association, a Report on Sperm:armlsra or Sefninal Weal:ness e ...the Vice of Onnnism, Masturbation or Selt.Abuse, and ottierdiTeases of the sexual org,ans,'by the Consulting Surgeon, which will be sent :by mail (in a sealed letter envelope,) +nu OF CHALICE, on the receipt of TWO STAMPS for pos tage. Address, for Report or Treatment, Dr. George ft. Calhoun, Consulting Surgeon, Howard Asso .ciation, N 0.2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By - order of the Directors. EZRA D. lIARTWELL President. • GEORGE FA I RCIII LD, Secretary. Oct. 15th, 1857. (6% On Illarthoad and Ds Premature Decline. Just Published, Gratis, the 20th Thousand. A . FEORDSdn the rational- treat , ment, W W without Medicine, of Spormatorrhea or Lo cal Weakness, Nocturnal Emissions, Genital and Nervous Debility, Impotency, and impediments to Marriage generally,by B. DE LANEY.,,M. D. The important fact that the many alarming complaints, originating in the imprudence ami solitude of ynirth, may be:easity removed wrrti- OUT BIEDICINE, is in this Small tract, clearly demonstrated; and , the entirely nevi and highly suceesful treatment, as adopted by the Author, fully explained, by means of whkh every one is enabled to 'Aura lIIMS'ELF perfectly and at the least possible cost, thereby /molding all the ad. vertised nostrunis of the day. Sent tawny, gratis and post five in a sealed envelope, By -remitting (post paid) two postage stamps to Dr. D,z LANEY, 83 East 31st street. New York City. tc. ThYDRIAMMI'IIV : aLliWMbYeg; 111 0 MOTIItRS, WIVES do DAIIGIITERS. . LAMONT'S Periodical compound - . The moei htlleficiittid successful - 1n pale.putp miss Wowin itiddwn; for idPetteek dtrtlis ordered, obstructed or suppressed Menstrual km, Lizeorrhom, Female %Veakness &c. ladled wbo have been disappointed inure use of Female Pills &c , can put - the-tdmost confidence in this Com pound, it is the cure.of all the above named complaints. It.will be sent by.main to any , addreis by enclosing $2 to not authorized agent; Prepared hill 1. ANDRg%IIB; Buffalo N. V. For sale by BENTLEY,:READ &CO., and druggAs gaPrally. [amyl:3' NEW GOOD S ! NEW GOODS!! , -AT- YOUNG 86 • S RE AVY-g, AY undersigned , would- notion:leo to,lheit, 1_ customers; 'friends, and the-pablic genclai ly that they have just returned - front the city and are receiving and opening a, new and complete assortment of NEW GOODS of various kinds, which will be sold ntpricea to suit the times for Cast' or Pnonvcs.. We have , sought the medium of,the press to announce to all upon what principle we shall transact busi ness: It is termed the READY -PAY SYSTEM CANAL A - ND PRODUCE. OIT 3 PRIC E to all persons for the; same article, and it shall be our endeavor to make these prices such as will induce persons. who wish -to pay for their own Goods and not others, to call at least and examine our stack, and if - the prices don't come down to the system, we' cannot expect to sell' them. Sem% kind , friend may say•that it will be "so co," but we think from the experience of the 'past few months ()revery person who hap.. pened to owe the country merchants, especially if it had been standing six months or-more, with what coaxing; dunning, threats' Std., they have been beset, we think they will all •responti - to . the above system and resolve to Guy niymortr goods that they can pay for, and that they are determined to support those who will establish that principle and carry it, out. - We will let the system established stand upon its own merits, believing thalit is the most prudent and Wise course,to be pursued in ovary branch of busi ness, and that the day is not far distant when it will be GF:NERALLY adopted. Call and see us and we will show you goods at, astonishing loaf" figures. s • All. kinds of Merehantahle Produce taken in exOnmze for Goods at the highest market price, YOUNG S. slum. Stvrmers, Penn, April 28th, 1858- C GROCE. ift 1E8: Groceries :—.A . spleq, did as9rtment of Groceries at very low figures. .11GOITS and Shoes.-T-Just received large nssorment—for sale cheap. CROCKERL-- , A new lot just receive& and for: sale. CEDAR and Stone Ware---in all its varietr: READY=MADE Clothing, of every deseription; • . To Ilairyineo. - --We• havet. large lot 'Of A No. 1 Firkins and Tubs tin sale. YOUNG & SMITH. Summers, ? • Mr . ApriF 28th, 1858. • _ NOTICE I R B Y `G E •117 T ABEL TURRVALL TJAS just returned- from Ne or York, with a _Wargo and choice variety of Goods, bought fur ‘,cAsir, and - selected with much care, from over: thirty of the best Houses in New Yak, which he °Wert to his' rustoTets and the public at lo* rut cash. Ills stoek nordpriSes: ,1) RUGS . ' MEDICINES; PAINTS; 01L S , WINDOW GLASS, YE•ST r . It O G.F. 11 - 1 F. S . GLASS—WARE, CROCKERY, M I R RO R S,. - CLOCKS, - WALL PAPER: WINDOW PAPER, \V I N D 0 \V 0 I L SIIADES, NANCY GOODS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, -JEWELRY PEIt F M EAt , , D.RY GOODS, - •lIARD WARE,' STONE WARE, W 0I) EN WARE, 11 R 0 ) M S , BILUSLIES, JAPANNED WARE, BIRD CAGES, • - CANAItI. SEED, POCKET KNIVES, W II I I' S , UMBRELLAS, GUNS, PISTOLS / AMMUNITION, TURPENTINE,' CAMP II E E , „BURNING FLUID, ALCOHOL, • LIQUORS, (ForMedic - inalPurposesOnly,) • T - 1; SSES ; - SUPPORTERS, SI:IOULDER BRACES, TORTMONAIES, - SPECTACLES, SILVER & PLATED,SPOONS, FORKS, , &e., GOLD P S TA TION - EP.Y, VIOLIN STRINGS, BOWS, And all of the most popular PATENT MEDICINES, • Thankful for the liber.ll patronage hitherto re ceived, he hopes to merit a continuance and largq ite;rease of the same. - ABEL - TURRELL, Montrose, Dec. Ist 1857. NlSiTts7 aLozs 2 For Cash and Prompt Six baths' Bums. - IL BURRETT Would invite-attention-to his new Stock:of ; SPRING `AND 'S" trAtifEß GODS! JUST received, incloding, as usual, a great ,variety of_ LadieS — Dress Goods .in Prints, Ginghams, Lawns,, Robes, Challies, Barnes, Poplins and Silks; Brozhe, Stella, Silk and Cashmere Shawls; Mantillas, Parasols, • Rich Ribbons, Bonnets v‘and Flowers, Broadcloths; Cashmere's and Summer Stuff's, with a full Vit riety of other , STAPLE AND FANCY-GOODS Including Groceries, Crocks ry,-I hard warer§tVe4, Iron, stcel, , Naihi, Shoes, Carpeting; . Oil' Cloths; Painted ;; Window'` hawe - 8, WulF . Paper,'Clo4tsfi:lirtiga, Oils, l'aintß, The • entiro Stock having been 'bought for CASH, and at Panic Prices, will be 814 at the LOWEST FIGURES, to CASH and PROMPT'SIX MONTHS' jtuyers. and Flour eonsblittly on hand: [New Milford, May i 13th, 1858. * 611,01T - Ou Stotki le WI AA u. 'NEW EREANGSMTLTIS . At, the4l4:l Stand of Lthrop teCo: LATHROP & DeWITT G . ferivoldanionnce to the publicin gen eral that they are novgpettiortAtMtlflihk largest STocißs Of • AIERCJIANDISE ever hirer - 41n Montrose.. C9Wprisipg,Dry Cool* G,roceripp, I fard-Watts, qradkefY, 4 4 1.4tei , 4 4'; w k iu tt t 41 17 propose tp selltholownsr CASII PRICEs. Those arc real 'Facts. We wish to demonstrate ,to the , publie; the difference Goods_for estdt And ON TINT:.`- LATHROP & D&WITI'. • Montro.,e, April 26th, 1858. IikBROTHERS 1,7 I r -I:,±' '.%-4,14:i4.7.°f714-.ll' kili -- ... 01 ' .-- CPll' EG. :,:-.- - °dr -..; ;e x i, -.-.. ,-_,„l-77.-. ~: : - - AND . , • WAIIILAIVAIt s G 0 - 11%. I[X7IIICH for CiushorProduce can be bought V V_ very low. - WALL PAPER: A eelectiissortment just received. • - S. H. SAYRE & BROTHERS/ ARPETING. Bar2pins offered by / G, S. H. SAYRE & BROTHER} • PLowsr PLOws.q / DLOWS. We inv . ite the attention_af Farmers to the celebrated Peekskille Pl4iWs which we have added to our large assortment. S. H. SAYRE 4 / BROI'HERS, Proprietorli / ot Eagle Foundry. • Montrose. April 2900858; 18If, - STOVES! STOVES'? ! STCIKES!!! (A WL Stoves li'vo been so thoroughly tried V 1 to the entirikent-isfa - etion of all, that they need no recominend. from us. - - S. 11. SATRE 4i: BROTHERS. ibOOD PEtOti,ll frfPLORD., - AT THE HEAD OF NA l'/GA 170. Y, A ND examine the choice stock .of Spring, aka& Summer Goods, just opened tur Examination and SALE, at tery lowfrures by C. W. MUTT. S'PELLA, C:isiunere, and Del.ain Shawls at very low prices. by ' C. W. MUTT. irjrATS and Csiws of the• styles, in 1.1,. great,ariki'by _ , C. W. MOT . p RINfS in abundance by C. W. MUTT. RASS Hoops, hosiery, Glove , s Belts LP etc., etc" C. W. MOTT. 'DROWN and Blue Sheeting and Sh'rtings— Shirtinff "Stripes, Ticks, Denims:Stiriaincr Stuff's, &c., &c., as lo«ns can be afforded in this I.7IROCESIHES, Crockery, Hardware and Ur various other articles to numerous to men tion,—all of which shall be sold Cheap for Cash or Ready Pay. - .' C. W. all Orr. Farm for Bale. rilllEl subscriber ofTers'for safe a Good Farm 'of 93 acres in Briktewater, four miles east Of Montrose, 70 acres improved. There is on the premises a large framed Dwelling Ilottie,m good cradled Barn, an excellent Apple Orchard One half of the purchase money will be required down; the balance in annual -instalments, ELIJAH BROWN. Bridgewater, Anamst 19th,1857. 33tr. Still They Come! THE largest stork of 31v.rusittEs ever before kept in this market may be found at tho A. M. 1 1 o . It will be useless to enumerate. When you Wish anything in the Patent 51 - edicint; line, or otherwise, call at the Farmer's Store. Don't for 'get the place, &don town. R. THAYER. _ 1114ntrose, March 3d, 1858. , - - ,%atr • ") . 11.1 W. MANN, Wholesale Salt Dealer,- 201 Washington Street, (directly' opposite Washington Market,) still continues to offer to the city and country trade, all kinds of foseig,n coarse and fine gait, at the very lowest figures; 40000 sacks and bags, consisting in part of Ash ton's celebrated bract for table and dairy use, Jeffrey & 'Darcy, Marshall's, Brownlou's, &c.; and 50000 bushels Turks island, • Bonires, Cu races, St. Übes; Lisbon. Cadiz, Ivies, Nantes, &e., - all of which will be sold at bargain prices • from vessels, store. and storehouses. Any purchaser wishing to select from a good nssortment will find it to his interest to eidi. N. - B.—Fine table salt put up in Small bags of different sizes, and constantly on hand in ship. ping order. Also a splendid article 0 . 1 Rork Ground salt, in quart boxes. put up,and for sale by the quantity,.in eases of live dozen each.. New York, April Ist., 185/4.-Iy* R. KENYON wOULD respectfully invite attention to the fact that he vi)l receive SPANISH COIN at PAR in exehanfe for Goods at lowest prices, or on notes' and accounts, and would respectfully invite: attention to his well seketed stock of R X GOOD S:, consisting in part as follows: Rich Black Silks; Boyba, Stella and Cm•hmer Shaws from 88 to $2O; Rieh,RibbOns; Barages, Challis., Prints, and Robes: Embroidered Collars from ti 1-4 tits. to 20 cts.; Parasols, Umbrellas, and Carpel Bags. CROCKERY AND HARDWARE. Scythes—an excel ent assortment, best in " this . city,"—Rakes. !Tay Forks, Straw - Forks, Brass Kettles; &e., &c., &e. Fine Stock of Ladi&Shoex, Wall Pa per, nett n Large Assortment 'of Carpeting. In fact a Nice Stock of RICI,I GOODS—to be sold at the LOWEST PRICES, for .• • SPANISH COIN. So come one and all, and hereafter avoid a:1 such as-show you by their practice that they do not do by others an they wish others to do by them. You will please take - notice that sin dealer offers yott Spanish Coin at :20 cents in change—they expect to . get more. P.S. There is another class, of customers that iverd time seen) t labor under the impression that I do not need any money to conduct nt:v business. It, will proba bly prove a fatal mistake to their credit with me, and if.thoy will set themselves to . work to'pro cure- the neafill they will he re!ieved the presr enee of: that special messenger whim no one cares to see. Goods as heretofore will be sold to prompt six nioaths!bityer,*--anelhose only—on All those who have not settled their accounts for-the year past please call and settle tlie same without delay. Yours truly; in trade, May 18th, 1858.1 • R. KENYON: Rev. Joseph E.. King, A.. M.., 121 U l ' 12.1111(eati1,i1 1 3.1.1 FIRST CLAS*.Sg - MINARY FORdg Ladies and bentlemen, ' Full terimel" 031 , pens August 19th, 1858. t $32,150 pays for - Board' and Tuition in, Common English, for term cif,,Fourteen 4 Weeks:: Superb-brick..lmildings i lien u r, fuly,loOte4'okihe.-Italtroad,..near Sara. faeili tlei for Mu..l' ;4- sic, Pa Painting, aml* rene I. Stuu rlet 4 . 3 ,eeived at any time, and..eharged only foil,- ' 8 -ethe residne - of the term. p c 'Catalogues For . address the PRINCIPAL. Jane 17th..1858. • . • Patentiftledicm* es &c. AFFLICT - ED READ ! GRAMENBp:a , MEDICINES. —Vegetablo Pills Green Mountain Ointment, Sarsaparilla Compound, Children's PinaceniEyo Lotion. Fo yer and .41gue Remedy, Health. Dysen tary syrup, • Consu m ptiv e's ~,Marshall's Uterine, entlinlieen, Pe, IlibbY's Pilo Ointment, and Manual of Health. jAlieN l Pills - ifiCiGh(friePettoral, Tanner's G'ormarrOtntmenteraitafi'se Aligantiediertment, Holloway'tz Ointment and Pills, Davis' Pain :Kilter, Dr. Pitch's 'Heart Correetoi; Bennett's Root and Plant Pills, Soute's Sovereign Balm, Wit k's - Indian - VegetablePills, Rhode's Fever ,e4, o ltgpa 4 ctioN4lerelont's Gargling Oil, A rni eiribinfinent; eitinphor . Castor OH, Paregoric, icoriee.Ae-i &e., &c !A new !in* ba kept constant- - 1y oir hind, sitNibt. I. "N: BULLARD. October, let, 1856. TAT,O,LrB .4rou.atic 4chytdpm Schnappx,nt , I[l7llll.trA.'S • porEstioll WOOD * Slinir Reotorati . e at Tel:I:ELI:8. '7. 7 -'';' - ' - '.' ---- :. --, " 7,- - :7 - ,z7, - ;: - / ,- ,-- -.----, • it Vontigie . 'o . ... . ,g1 n tr4t .., . ~.,,, ~. •,... , ,\ :i.unusisr.t) livEttwrit ItISDAY lIYI \ ANDREW J./G RRITSON. , Terms.--41.50ri ant if paid in ad. vnnee, # 6 2;oollfpatd' ttliiitltitef ye2r; or 1 :62.50 if tiot Pai4 trktli,s- 04 ,0. 4.44 sear' or' Period of subseriptioy z. dyaneo payment acilltited,. Diseoiltin7sOptitinal . vrith the Ptiblisher • tintil,all tr6ar lea nye paid. j s ..,./ tea of Advertising. 1 - One siituir ,•(10 lines,) > 3 weeks or less; sl.oo Etiolyisub Anent inaertion, • ' : ' '2s lOn sit(are one year. $B.O, two stens 612.00, three square3.B I 6.00, four squares $2040. / 'Business Cards of six lines : 93.oo pe'rlyear., /Job_ Work of, all kinds.executed{ neatly fld promptly. Blanks always on hal* January - Ist, 1 . 848. ' '1 / s / • \ . HENRY 8., MerEAN I _ .. A, TTO RN RY and COUNSELLOR. al, LAW. ilk: Oiliest in the Union Bloak—Tolitanda, Brad_ tordcOnnty ' Tn. ,', , ~ - . .- - ; . • gr'Will attend proniptV to all profession:ll business intrusted to him, in this nod *joining counties. [je ß .sBti - i "HOME: AGAIN," OFFICE, over Wilmou's St4ire. LODGINGS, at SEARLE% 1191PEL. Mont rOfto;March 1858. T 13 Cs YLE REPRESENTS A CAPITAL OPI OVER W 5100010004 - 1 For Fire, Madge, Life, and Iniand hiaranle. Office, New Milford, January 180)4856. .Iy* . , ii• Smmith, & Son, URGEON DENTISTS. Residenci and of -1.3 flie opposite the Baptist Church (ndilh side) Montrose.• Particular attention will Be given to inserting teeth on gold •and silver late, and to filling decaying , teeth. January 10th, 1858. • ' L IY*' - WM. W. SMITH, & CO., Cabinet and Chair Manufacta • ers, foot of Main Street.Moutrose;Pn. ABEL =BELL, MONTROSk, PA Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, letnicals, Dye k;tuffs, Glass-ware, Paints, Oils, rnishes, Windom. Glass,Vroceries, Fancy Conds, Jew. eliy, Perfumery, &e.—And Agen' the most popular Patent Medicines. C. W. MOTT JOHN GROVES .Fashionable Baptist Meeting llouse, on Tut., Montrose, Pa. . - DR. R. THAYER' , Physician and Surg eon , Montrose, Pa. Office in tlif Parmer'i4 Store. I Plif.delan ,and Surgeon, Hs perm. netly located himself at Brackneyvill+, Susifa County, Pen*, and will promptly atttind to all calls with which he may be favored. I May, 1F56—n22. • HAYDEN BROTREAtt, Nw Milford, Penn'a.i , I -A i ll[ThotOsalc dealer in . Battens; Combs, I VV - • Suspenders, Threads, - ." Fancy! Goods, Watches, Jewelry, Sllverand Plated Wbre, Cut lery, Fishing Tackle, Cigars, &e. &c. Merchants and pedlars, supplied o liberal terms. s• - I WM, HAY DEN, TRACY HAYDEN, JOHN HAYDEN, ,GEO. MAIDEN. DR. E. F. WELMOT,t Graduate of the Allopathic and lllomeo _ pathic Colleges of Medicine, is t)Ow per manently located in Great Bend Pa. 'l;' April 91, 1856. • • I JOHN , SAIITTER, '---- . rl j aspionhble Tailor. Shop trst door 1' 1. north of the Farmers Store. . r I -1 tal'int6'• alO 4 e , jubal i i 5 1 ... INSURANCE 6 ORIPANY. • N. W. Corner Second-and Walnutl Streets, aataLtaAiMaliaTLUTl-a This Compan y / el/Ms Fire Insuii 6:Gods, Furniture, t itlarine Insurance on Vessels; and Freight, TO ALL PARTS OF TLIkE WORLD I Inland Insurance on Goods \by River', -Canals, R.:dim:AA, and Land Carr to all Parts of the Union up-I - on the Most, favora- ; • blo terms'. GON.THONB.FLORENGE,I CHARLES Di GEE, GEO. 11. ARMSTRONG, THOS. MANDRRFIELD, CHAS: A. Rusise,Ani, Enw'n R. H4L3mn.D, GEORGE FIELMBOLD, F. CAR'LL BNEWSTCR, JAMEs E. NEAL, (N - AAG LEACII, JR. THOMAS B. FLORENCE, Piriident. EDWARD R. HELM BOLD, Secreiary. • T.'BOYLE, Agent. • • Office, New Milford; P . Jimuary 18th. 1858, . ETTIDAI FIRE INSURANCE \CO., . Chartered by the State ."of Penns leania. s CAPITAL, 300,000 DOLLAII,S. Insnres against-loss-or damage by fire' on buil dings, furniture, and merchandise generally. • .11477 Losses' adjusted . by arbitration,' where the parties fail fo agree.: . ..... . . •,I)II.tECT ORS. • . 11. A. Hantz, I John !Andes, 11..Kraber,. .• I Fred. Sdltzback, Milli= Waltace,l •Eli Kin ig , , Saippet,pyi , r,,,. I- Thomas Gray, , ......,. David Strickler.- , 11. „ , . KII ABER., Pr" ident, el l .D, STRICKLER,-Seerotary, ~ - - . ~0. S. BEEDF., Agent, .linntr se, Pa., February 1. 1 / 4 1, 1858. . - , ' : Py*. -MON T Ft•OS -E A.,. • nrillE'subseriber having p rchased refitted and newly fare shed the, 11 1 8 above Weltknown . and'popu f ar Hotel, is prepared to accommodate the trav eling 'public' and others with all the attentions and conveniences unfitly found in rst.clais Houses: No effort 'will bo spared by' the Pro prietor and his - Assistants to make the Hotel equal in every point to any in the country'. - ThstilEtrar will always be supplied with the Choiceittignors: the Shible4, connected with this . Ilonse aro large, roomy and convenielitond cupful and attentive Hottlers are always Itlehiwge of them. J. S.. TARI:W.L.L. Montrose, 3firtsi 13th, 1858. I?, L 111 0 , -V, A- L The Naddlo,liarnoOi and Trunk Shop of TS R-EmovED to the building recently occu- I. pied C: C. Hollister, on Wain- St.., •ono door above 8.-S-litott's, Whero.he will be happy to .wilit ottUll who may favor him with their patron age. - . ,;! Jan..2oth, 1858.—te,. ArtieVerMateriale• 1011 AlNTSjallitbis,-,krushea; Tin,Vopper and t , iSlleerr;Foil, Glass Slabs and Mutters, Litlt4Brsphi,4l.q.; Store of ABEL tURRELL Montrose, Mee. kith, 18;7. J. D. VAIL, M. D., i CAPITAL. $1,250,00Q. IREC TORS WORK,:r_a. tange on 'c. Cargo •, Like, age,