inirritrose jlos*lxig Marc Wpm n the 'EdilOr or the Monfroee Paint:glut. .Di A „-s i „ . : Llt is Presumedj . that rour. columns - are open to.everr question in which your subscribers and the public genenttly,are interested; we therefore ask the Indulgence at - your hands, (as we trust you stre,en adCo. , elite of truth and justice.) to rinbli&h some facts respecting the tnoFing 'machine trial, held on:the farm - of Jahn Barrington, near Montrose, on the 15th day of July last. • We *Stapp:ls - ea; previous to the attendance of our Mr. Blood at said trial; with the Kirby Arneriearrilan;ester, manufactured by In, that the trial was , to *be conducted fairly, and under the direction theotneers of the Susquehanna ' Agricultural Society, and that the object of holding such )ITtrial,: was an honest and sincere desire to. discover which Murviv iityllteaping Machine,. among those in ae, is best :adapted:- .to flii3 use of* the o farmers of } - our Cpty. ,Not being residents of your-county;we: are almost entirely unac quainted with its er*zens, and are therefore, p e rtyaps,ill - prepared 'to judge of the character :rod intention of- those persons-who had, the ruana.gement of said-trial. - We do not do injustice to any man, - hat ifit were: an ackupwledged faCt. thatlrlf.-Lathrnpii -the Manny Agent, was 'to have tire,eutirecpetrol of the trial, cliocrainm t h e ground, appointing the judges, and mak ing" out - tlie-rep64 - tilnself; we do not know how he-could -well hale had•thingsln better shape to Suit his _purposes. Why a. light -piece of st_anding grasS, one and a miles from -the town, was selected, is perhaps best known to Mr: Lathrop;. when,. there. was an abundance •of heavy lodged -'and Standing titnothy,yielding some three-tons to the acre, also, hravY lodged:chives., x ll "within - a few, ro d; o f the villsge,-and flinch better adapted to aecomplish-,the object of thoroughly test ing- the mowers on exhibition. We court ttaltstriile witlivote machine; but the Man ny Agents avoid them.. M. Lathrop's aim would not have. been accomplished by a trial in such grass; rho - ugh it would have afforded a beautiful opportuni v to exhibit the valnable features discovered JIM Manny machine - h r the closely dis: emanating-board of judges. .It would bate been 'an.exoellent cpportunity to exhibit, frame, real valyc-of the frae, Wheel' and reel in which they saw - so much '-merit. 'Our ma .iii,-,e has a •reel . when wanted, but it is; oil little use except. in light or standing grass tchen the wind blowing. The Manny ma-.i urine will not, work -welh in heavy standing c 5 lodged grass, without removing the outer 'part of.the frame, wheel-and reel ; and when tilt , , is done, the machine has lost its porta- I•ility• thO wood finger jar is unprotected and is list ie -try break the first time it hits Viff ,bstinviion. :The Kithy ,machine has ag, .stron i!on fino,-ttr .ba r and cast-iron frame, bleak, warp, rot, or split like Maj k lmitelline. yet at the same lull:. Machine is inaigi the tighter. w, .•;:im for car in t.thine, dufrability vastly of,the lt•inn‘i• - ;, • It is a com iii,m ngtObreiik the wood finger bars,co that the Manny.ngenis usually keep ,a supply of , e!;: onesun-hand . . - The draft of the Kfirliy I;l . 2A:hint, is tine third less than that of the • Manny ceitibined machine; is:Molt - has been i.lent. at ail trials held this season, and awes present at the -Montrose uisl saw, • opt the iliage4. Our machine did bettor work atAlle. trial than the Manny, was rettardesti by. nearly all_ present as ecilc fly tLe victor, except by Xir. Lathrop's commatee. Mier the trial at Mr. Harting: ton's. is rvoliest, our machine went Into /lea vv eta., before. mentioned, near the Mr. Wm. rose-) wkirth it cut to the of eiery lieholdt•r, t intereste d' t he competing • . ins: n (. Thotl! , 11 the timer bar 'cf - the Kirby machine Ns 110 W mote, is A few litches, shorter than than that of. the Manny combined machine, cut, just as wide, clean and-even a !,watli as the latter t *dint the Amoy cute in-oe than the Kivi;y, is ‘lolis irr,' requiring to k 2 re cat, or. a bad - rlge is left. We notice:in a late ziuniber cif the 1-)mo -prat a s:atenteut. that an acre cf grass aas at at the-farm of Mes. , rs. Post in 35 minutes ut our_ naciine, 'on the *23(l`of July, cut tire antes of grass in than two hdurs a:-.1.1 a .4:tarter; being an, average of about 2i ?ttau•es to t he . - acre.- 4i.. was done by Mr, john Sattiei:s team' near this-iillage. ruINTS OF £XCELLENCE OF THE 'KIRBY . . a.c, not claim feri rlp v me . ri c n e•-,mr all the goed 'qualities possessed by any Cher to chine; but we do claim . that it excels' the Nanny machine in the followino n9ails e - Kery oue -of which, we believe also, dila it excels outer machines now known. Ist. it is the let; combined machine, being n i compkte mower, and a complete reaper. 2nd. it is the lightest in weight..3rd2Easiest disci, Whether . „mowing_ or reaping. 4th. Strength 6111. Simplicity. - rith_. Ability . to Work_ on rough ground and in:wer,loripea and, - tangled grass. 7th. Super ior.-quality of, work done, eitter as a mower 6 - i - reaper. Bilti Less weight on horses necks; and-thh. Cheapest. "Tr - It is a well known fact to all familiar witiLthe Marin'y machine, in cutting grass that is wet, heavy, lodged or troubled with tines, it is necessary- to have an extra )hand folloWing the machine to k assist - in keeping it topping. This we consider a very serious of we should be much ii, , ,hamed-if our machine required any such attendance. WELI:ES, BLOOD & Co. - Athens Bradford_ Co., Pa. Aug. 3; 1358. • , -N/AG u A FAiLs, ; Au z.- .NV e are flooded _ . with counterfeit fives on the_Syracuse City Bank, ~ieiv York;liated Dl' 1; 1858. As this is the fifit — anuoync.,l3roent of coon : . terfeit notes, on this Batik, its Fives should be with caution. Trial . lixt .for Augtist Term. -13reniter Vs. Whitney— Willard vs.1(411;0'. • Wellman t Wain a tr. Comitionweal& vs. Itu:key. A.3al.nualt vs. Kiln4er. Bennett l's. Ceramlt. • - .Newcomb- vs. Y. & It.E. vs.•lfenbeim;•. • - 'Wilbur vs. I.loltister... Sebertnerborn vs. Stevens. .llall vs. Hall:, , -Drinker .• Me:Kuno vs. Smith.. - - -- -Weeks , Cameron. vs. Wittier. Doud.- - • , Cu. ys. Welles 4k Co: Whitney. vs.'-I , anijin. • - Tewksbury vs. 'Smith. vs. Chaiii3ler. Gillett ‘ vs. Roberts. 11;ti' . .iiitiri vs. Lake. - Lillie vs. Lillie. , Stiles vs . .yoorhes, • Burch-vs. - liufeb; _ Dußois lipselitnsu vs. - Mott's Ex'rs..:=. LProm the Reeks County Press. Itraping..Natch. A trial of Reapers took place ou - Saturda • the 10th inst.,undertbe auspices of the Ber County Agricultural Sogiety, in a field ti grain belonging to Mr. F. Seidler, adjoinin : the . Andalusia Hotel, opposite the Char! Evans' Cemefry, There were a large numbs.; of spectators in attendan.ce, together with thl Committee,apirointed by the Society to a ward the diploma to the beat Reaper. Con, siderable interest' was manifested in the trii by all present, and the utmost gOod feeliin prevailed, which was heightened by excellen ice-cream andd-refreshments furnished by th: proprietor of the hotel,Mr. James S. Medar There were but two' Reapers entered, t 1 Ketchum Reaper, manufactured by Boas Spangler, of this city, and the Manny Revell 'for whem Frank M. Cooley is: th e Agent fo I3erks county. The Reapers were started short time after the time arpointed. Th 'Manny entered the field ready Itarnessed,hav ing Veen drawn by the horses- en i ts ow wheels,-from Reading to the field, mid - co menced cutting down its share of the fi e ld i a beautiful style.' It moved off graceful) l and as easy as a carriage, the driver and th .man handling, their forks • firmly, riding i, their seats -on the Reaper, and continue' goingrstendily all the time, until -its task-w accomplished, which' occupied exactly t• hours and fifteen minutes. The Ketchum Reaper,atter some delay,w got into olreratien and performed several ci cnits of the share of the field allotted to it,ld while it cut down the vain well, it did ' perform,its to -the satisfaction of those w were working it, and the hands werechang:, several times, and then necessity compel) him to leave the•field, s as he had two loads I grain to draw in that evening, and it w i somewhat late. - The Manny. Reaper performed its work a mitat'ly, cutting a wider swathe, and causi no interruption whatever. It was the animons opinion of all present, that on t occasion it has shown ha superiority. T Committee in due time will _report th i award, which, w-e venture to say; will be accordance with these facts. ' [1 w. [The report hes not yet been published.—E Pills.wNo dwelling in district infested with fever and ague, or a phase of remittent or intermittent fever, sho ever be -without this poWerful tonic and a billious medicine. A few ioses• breaks up t i chills, and completely crush ont the principle; disease. Aranic and Quinine are often used check fever and Agee, but a Mlapse always pervones. The seat of the complaint is'in bile and in the blood, and the only"preparae inexistence 'which will inevitably purge the miasmatic viraa'from the secretions and circulation, is Holloway's and internal, rem • As a tonic, corrective, and alterative, it sta: atone. 1 wl I would not be without a Bottle DC. Toms' VT:NET! AN tINIMENT in the ho is the universal' remark from those who h. tried this wonderful preparation for Rheurnati Dysentery.' Headache, Pains and Aches of kinds. It is worth its weight in gold to all value health. Price, 25 and 50 cis. Depot, C..o!•tlandt street, New York. 'Sold by 32w3.] ABEL TURRELL, Identros, There imnosneh word as fait—R the advertisement in another column, he , “tie/mbold's Genuine Preparation." [m Notice.—.. The Susquehanna CountyAiri. tura! Snrirty will meet at the Cowl Ho Tuesday Evening, August nth. 1858. • M. L. CATLIN, Seer, Grove Illeeting. 4 —The Universalists hold,a meetir.g near Mr. Catlin Pierefis in Bradford Co, the fourth Sunday in August; t: Fire: Fire Fire::: - _ Fire Company No will meet at the Montrose I gine House on Monday, -ED grist 16th, 1858. at 6.•t5 ' J. W.P. RILEY,Torem , i WiLsos, Set-ream • lIIRFORD SELECT SCHOOL. MISS MARY MILLER, Princiial. 1 Tsecond year of this school Will commtnce ! (in the Hall formerly occupied By the sons of Temperance.) on the first day of September. Instructions will be given in Common English Branchm. ACADEMICAL STODTES.—Algebra, Geom,4try, t t Physiology, Rhetoric, Natural Philosophy As. I tronomy and Chemistry. The French Language; Deawing-and Paining. .llarford, August 10th, 1858.-Iw. TAKE DUE. NOTICE, -AND Govern Yourselves Accordingly, _-THAT 3atteubtrg, llosenbauT, , k Are constantly receiting DRESS GOODS of the latest sfyleeawl of the finest quality ; Shawls, Ma ktil la s Zonivits : A superior stock of NlVlLtlialltiraßX GO OD .4, to-which the attention of country znilliners i is respectfully invited. We have a beautiful Tort meet of Embroideries, Collars, Sleeves,' Liaeus, Laces, White Goodsi unexcelled in tiiiaiity, style, and prides. We derte a great deal of attention to the READY MADE CLOTH 13r. business, having an extensive tailoring establish-1 ment connected with our Stores at Montrose ond Susq'uehanna Depot- We flatter ourselsee that ; we ran fit a man—be he dwarf or giant, 44 no _matter how ill-shapen—in presentable Style, ; far pg4btJDED- ALWAYS 40 that his Port-hfonnaie is stuffed with the needful. - Call and get ycur " Money's Worth," at the storrl of WTTEN BERG, ROSENBAUM, dr,CO. Montrose, Pa., Avg. llth, 1858. ItiRFORD IJNIV ERSIT I THE Terms in this InstititiOn the 'mil year, will be thirteen weeks each. The first Term to cenimence - on Wednesday, August igthf The secendon'ithe first Wednesday in December, and the third, follows the second without, any, vaca tion;and closes the first_ week in. June. • - EXPENSES: . . TUITION : Common Branches per Term, -154,50 Physiology, Nat'l Phi losophy. 8,v4 6,00 Allele& Languages and Meta antics, '7,00 Room Rent, - . 2,00 • [rich room is furnished with a bedsterid and table.] Expensesofßecitation Boon's, -•- - - Vocal Music adapted to CoMmon Schools ,25 Music on Piano with its use, - - - 6,00 The regular lectures will be given through the year. - I• ,One hatfortlie bills, to berpaidlicradvi4e, and the:remainder st the end of the Term. • '• The negate recitations /peach week wip tour. mence on Monday Noon, and close on Saturday Noon, that students may have no cause fOr trav eling upon the Sabbath. LYMAN RICHARDSON, krirMipai. Harferd, July ,B2d, 81513.---30w3. - Homeopa. r yt_. lIUMPTIREr thy ti TIOSKEOPATHTC Remeitri, for; ifid4 Anti ThR4 LZ' Borough Ordinance; Be it ordained by the Burgess Out Town Coinici/ of the Borough I Montrose, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same: THAT all ordinances, heretofore ordained by the Burgess and Town Council of Montrose, authorizing the making of side-walks at the total or partial expense of said Borough, be, and the same are hereby repealed, and that hereafter the expenses, partial of total, of making such side walks, shall, in no case, be paid by said Borough, unless such side-walk shall, in each instance, hare been constructed by the 'special authority of the Town Council - and under the directions of the Street Commissioners. , Prodded, That this ordinance shall not apply to cases where side-walks are already com pleted or are now in progess of construction. A. LATHROP, President, W. Morr, Clerk. • Montrose, August 10th, 1858.-32w3. PROSPECTUS FOR 155E159. THE-PENNSYLVANIAN. DAILY,TRIWEEKLY,& WEEKLY.. frIHE GREAT EVENTS of the immediate j future, so largely depending upon the boldness and energy of the Democrati9 party of the country, call for the widest dissemination among the people of all facts and arguments elucidating and enstaining the Democratic Na tional policy; and the duty of nn independent Democratic journal in such a crisis of our history can only be fully and advantageously discharged by the active co operation of alt who desire Democratic success, iii extending the sphere of its usefulness.. The Pennsyiennion has for over twenty-five years occupied die position of a cen tral organ in Pennsylvania, tinning by its bold. ness and ability; the confidence and warm regard of' the Democracy of every State in the Linion ; . and the Proprietor appeals with confidence to the democrsel; of the country, in desiring now to extend still more widely its influence. He invites attention , to the ability with which his paper. is condnetel. and the care exercised in all its dpartments; Aside from its high an d un_ I questioned polifiral character, no paper en joys in a larger deg* the confidence of the business commmunity. :is Commercial - and Monetary ,reports are fUll sod comprehensive ; its Marine List unsurpassed for correctness reliabilityand; i and in- all the departments of a first : class I-newspaper no outlay or expense is spared to I make it-complete and nceeptable. j The TRI-WEEKLY PENNSYI.VANIAN is printed ev!ry Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, I andsontains ail the reading matter of the DAI j Lir editions. The WEEKLY PENNSYLVA- NfAN is printed every Saturday, end is wholly devoted to News, Literature, Polities, Agrieul- Ore and Trade TERMa Daily Pennsylvanian, $6 per annum, in advance. Tri-Weekly, 8 3 " • The price of the Weekly Pennsylvanian is one dollar per annum ; but for the puriinso of further increasing the circulation, the following inducements are offered to Agents and others to raise Clubs: One Copy, one year, $l,OO Six Copies, . - . 5,00 Twelve Copies, " 10,0t1 Eighteen "." 15 00 Twenty-five " ." 2.00 r 4- In all cases,.orders fur the paper must be the cash. Fir Letters to be addressed, post-paid to W3I. RICE, Proprietor. No." 108 South Third street, Philadelphia. In, all ho 56 Groateat Biography of the NOW rbEADV:, THE LIFE OF 47,1jamas 3Wittsg IitHENRYS. RANDALL, LL. D. In Three ,Volumes, Octavo. —o— This work contains upward of 2,000 pages, is printed on fine paper, and handsomely bound in various styles. It is illustrated by several en gravings on steel, and numerous far-similis ; 'among the former are two fine portraits of JEF FERSON. The frk-simiiis embraceatmona others, ' the oriOnal draft of the Declaration of bidepend: ; ence, in JEFFERSON'S own hand writing. 'This is, in every sense, AN strtionizen ItTORK;• it was undertaken under the apptobation of his l family, and with an unreserved iecess to all toe I private papers of JErssil-sua in th),ir /tea 6aa e000;voa tho Loacfit of their recollections 1-and opinions at every step. The work contains the expressions of Jer re.nsos on every great public question which arose from his advent to public life to his death —a period of about sixty years, and embracing the whole forming period of the Republic. It ceintaire JEFFEn sores heretofore unpublished family correspondence; selections from his finest published letters, state papers, etc , etc. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. "No' other Life of Jefferson ever • pUblisbed— pmeably none that ever will be published—can bear any comparison, to this m in thoroughness, 'fulness of incident and conscientious fidelity. * * * *This biography has evidently been a labor,of love, and the years of patient.-assiduous toil it has cost, have been givep with ungrudging, un tiring enthusiasm."—Nees York Tribune. ' "At length the-public have a Life - of Thomas Jeffersoe that it not:Only fascinating, and there fore sure to be popular, tint one that will stand the essential historic test—that of accuracy and truthfulness. It is seen that the ground-work of the whole is authentic cotetnporary material, and of the highest order. anther it has been the work of years. We would e 'net compare this volume with that inimitable iced incomparable biography of Doswell, and yet so faithful is the portraiture that Jefferson is made to draw of himself, that his nature, his very soul, is delini ated with a distinctness not unlike that in which Johnson stands out in the pages of Boswell."— Boston Post. "Itublie'd with that enthusiastic admiration of his subj'ect, without which a biographer is rarely successful, Mr.• Randall, nevertheless does not seek to hide whatever' fault he may find, either from himself or from the reader. lie paints the picture as Cromwell insisted his should be paint ed; "warts and air The picture gains by this in life-like coloring, Without losing - any of its majestic proportions.A/bany Evening Jour nal. • "No one who - runs his eye, however casualty, over this work, will fail to be satisfied that Mr. Randall has added very largely to the, stock of the world's information about Jefferson, that he has had the access to sources hitherto unex ploied4 arid that he hds done More than was ever done by any one before him to illustrate the per sonality of that great statesman."—New York Evening Post. "We have readVwith delight Mr. Randall's captivating, details of Mr. Jefferson's personal history. which he has sedulouiily gathered, and admirabli.grouped together,froth a great variety of authentic sources, hitherto unexplored. Out of the tempting richness of his materials, the able and clear sighted author his constructed a book, at once most entertaining and instructive —Plurthat should be studied by every patriot of the land.".-.Richmond Equirer. "There can be only one opinion as to the general impartiality and industry which Mr. Randall has brought Into cortibination the compositiOn of this biography. * * * * He has worthily executed a notch wanted book."-= Philadelphia Press. 4t, will take place among the choicest classics of American literaturea.nd be consulted by evcry future historian of '-this eettotry."-znil. Evening "We like it because ?ti neither Conceals, opi ates, exaggerates, nor drabrtsi . bdt appluaches, in every instance, and in every particular, the career of the noble character whose opinions have done so much to shape the domestic and foreign policy of the nation he couttibated so greatly tis Ball into 'existence."—N. O. True Delta. ' Eir This work will be SOLD EXCLUSIVE LY BY SUBSCRIPTION, at the low price of 56-4CandSOMely bound it Mott Experienced . Cruivatissing Agents wantcd,in all parts of the country, to'obtain subscribers : for this work. the shottld state what cminties thiy Would like to canvass; IVecittaelt copies will be gent BY mail, Paid; to any address, on reealit ettbo For full 'particulars address 15tfttiVIt PICESON, 1:)../ . Nassau Street, New York. HARPER'S lAGAZINE. ; 1 • COMMENCEMENT 'OF A NEW VOL lIME. ' firlHE JUNE NUMBER is the first of the JL Seventeenth Volume of Harper's New Monthly Magazine. Thii Publishers refer to the Veleta, just concluded tot the best assurance for the character of that which is now com menced. They believe that the Magazine em, braces in its general plan every thing essential lo an attractive literary miscellany, adapted to the *ants of the American public. Its regular eirculatiorrhas not been diminished evep during the unexampled financial revulsion, which has proved disastrous to,tio many literary nod coin p mercial enteipaes ; and they are assured from every quarter that the Magazine is recognized as a ne'tessity htlici than, a luxury. They therefore announce no new features for thb fu ture. They Will tentinue to fill the Maglzine with articles inculcating sound views iii !Life and Metals; leaving, as hereiofore, the discus skin of Sectarian °pinkies in Religion, midi sec tional questions in Polities, to their own appro priate organs. %Vise Wirt ana trtio patriots I agree upon points Mr more numerous than • Those upon which. differ. The object of the Magazine will be to Unite rather than area rate the views and feelings 9f the people of dif ferent sections of our common country. The publishers:6 not finthit necessary or ex pedient to appeal to public attention by isauing •' Specimen numbers" containing an nruisuai amount of natter or illustrations. They intend that every number Shall prove the Magazine to be the best and cheapest periodical publish4d.— tt will contain a larger amount of matter, More numerous and bet-ter illustrations, printed in a better manner, than any other Monthly *ofllv. zinc ; and the Publishers. are confident that it will deserve and reeeivellie same'corditteppro , Haien and liberalpatronage which have . ;been accorded to it during the Eight years of atitipub cicaiion. MR. 'PHACKERAYS NEW NOVEL—THE VIRGINIANS," with manrhamorous illustra tions by the Author, was commenced in the: De• ember number of Harper's Magazine. It is printed from early sheets, received from the Au thor in advance pf publication in England—for which the Publishers pay Mr. ThnekeruY the sum of Two Thousand Dollars. TUNS One copy for one year, - Two copies' Threcror more copies-ft r one year (etteh);2 itrd an extra copy, gratis, fur erery cl!4b ofTEN rISCRIBERS. 1 tie Postage upon " Harper's Magazine" most bei3aid dt the.Otliee %dee receit ed. The Pest age ix thirty-sii cent's a year. BARRER & BROTHERS, POliders. l'er'i o July 20, 1858. Thi lie. 4c .7/Leaped, and mo.l Successful i /717749 Paper in Ike Union. r e' ri - r" p •14 - VA --, , , -n. PRICE r a tvt o c u r i: o A t :l s t o mß o e ft l e t n ; s ea 2. l , l su ta r te E r t i t ti l t : p Ea t n o . R l Llitil 'l VILZS.Z2I I . v Har r , • iv e et be k s z i y fa if mi , i7p were e r r n t o 6 t ii w sit e e l d l of a e n e d i i ti f et o r r aut t nu ti d l r i ee t r a i r t e oi a no s e o n on a nd rnldv a ri t eo h n ' o a tt t . satisfied that_it i.. in the United &a alone, we desire out a certain kint which blunts the els of its readers,iltiates their taste for sea + reading, and is altogether bad in its effects. w London Adartisiri. As Harper's M 'ne has done much toArive out the yeltow.cor literature, so we should be glad to see thi •w Weekly, takeihe placo of those papers t h depend for excitement on. poor, trashy no .—../V. Y. Erangelisl. . Harper's Weekly ends in original matter, spicy, piquant, instr ve and entertaining. It has, and deservedly, -cry large and increasing I circulation. It is'a top family paper.--i-Bos. .ion Journal. 1 It (Harper's' We )is the proper site for ! binding, and an exec' t opportunity is a ff orded I for any one who vfis to preserve the history ! of the country astt, made, to do so by :filing 1 Harper' s W eekly, 4- ' Itiac (MicA.) Jacksonian, Its fresh leaves, it ar type, io entertaining variety, its severe bu ust criticisms upon the fa:lies of the ripe. s elegantly written and instructive attic] ! . d its able correspondence, all combine to i if it a model newspaper of our 'country, an tin that every family must prize. It.' c ow.] weekly summary of For eign and Domes atelligence is altogethentu.. perior to that con ed in any other jourrud.— Being published t in a ferns for preservation and binding., if its care of as it deserve:oo be, it wilt 1... sound i 'Aare years as welcome a companion forth may ar,d fireside as the day on wheh it was fi p e rused.—Me!Cennellrriile (0.) Iliquiter. fat ahead of any journal )f ry. ILK pen pc.rtraitslof dirt . aro of thiitnselves: worth Hue.- - .N. Y. Chrizqi;an Ad- It, illustrations the kind hi the co tingui , ,hed living the prietl `of the v cacao' and Alava Fresh, ellark lin .nd vivacious. Its circula tion is probubl he greatest success ever achieved by An ablicatlon at such an early period of its exis ce.-:-Brookiyn Eagle. 'TIE BEST F.131' PAPER WE VES. SAW. Its pages embrace aeat variety of reading'matter, and its articles a the leading, topics of the day are _ written wit an abilility which wiad do credit to the "T nderer" of Ile British press— the London " Tit .s." In pOtti of illustrations, I it is ahead of an of our piciorial sheet..—Nerct London Adrertis - 1 " Harper's Week" gOs readers and ,popu larity with every Time, teenage ;it' aims! at and hits that AVERAGEIEQUitE3IENT for family lead ing whichNthisent prisi ' house so well compre hend. Its articles are l ief, timely, and devoid of partisanship: fiR as tuable in subjects, as it is even in tone, besides ,ing marvelously cheap. —Boston --/ i BACK NUMBERS . 1 i .4--4-'• a HIM PERS'S WEEKLY, as well as CovErtis. I r bindi g n tho Volume j eruss.t completed, can be tiniihed by the sh I ERNS:. ; One Copy foripnty W s ,ek s s, •. . $l.OO 1 'One Copy for ne Year, - r •(1 ..50 bne Copy for , x 0 Years, - - - - 4,00 1 Five Copies . . no Year, - - - 7 9,00 Twelve Copie4 f r One Year, - - .. 20,00 Twenty-five CIT.:. for'One Year, -'- 40,00 An extra Copy teil be allowed for every Cl-ab of TWELVE Or ' VENTY-FIVE SVIJSCittEREL Volume 1., fort year 185'7, of' HAPER'S WEEKLY,'' hail omely bound In Cloth extra. Price $3.50 is no ready. New York, Jul 20, 1858: EXPR .ASS LINE. rz ta , COBB offer! t 0 7 e P l O Mlle, at r ises that ~cannot fail snit, a LARGE and :uftttion assortment of 011itOCER :11 . at the old well knotiestiblishment forinerly'oe cupied by Oliver Oahe: tinumts, TEAK, UOFFE, SP:CIES, FRI4T, FLOUR, and SALT (by thermic or barrel,) Raft, and all articles found in first class groceries. I would particularly call the attention of Farm ers and others to the fact that I cm Constantly receiving fresh supplies of VIRST.RATE - FLOTJR. also good and medium qualities, which will ho sold raPtcr, for ready pay, in quantities to-suit the purchaser. Z t COBB.:y Montrose, July 25th, MB. GRAIN CRADLES. Mwhd aro not alfeady sup- plied can furnish themselves with an it proved article at mattufacturers' prices,.by call. ja i l on us. S. ILSAYRE BROS, Pil&ttrose, July 19th, 1856. NOTICE. LErrEt: :3 of Administration to the Epstate of James W. Belknap, deceadedj late of ttheeci township of Nair *en,gran to thesubscriber: all persons inde,bte4 thereto4tre requeited to make payment,\and t ose having claims to present Thenr forthwith to A. S. WALKER, Adm isles' Milford, July 17th, 1858. WANtED 0000 W:961, f. will pay_ the highest. market &livered at our atom. YOUNG Butuusitsvill, June 1, PM, $10.0,00: :: 11EIVAR11.! , CIOR. a Dew, • Safer,- •or more ,Economical r thim - -ean be- had 4lf'usiaz P. P. Peters' Patent Non•Expleiive'SilftGenerating Gas Lamp, it being equal if .nokaupeeiorArthe boat Coal Gas. 'rho material used for generating Gas irT.Burning Fluid or &then's{ Oil. The Gas is-generated it, the Burner by decomposing and evaporating the Fluid,by its own heat, forming pure liydro-Carßonic Gee, which is all conveyed to the Burner, leaving no - substarke unconsumed. The Burner can be fitted to any , ordinary Lamp and warranted perfectly safe and free from any danger of explosion, is free from smoke or un pleasant smell. It is pefectly adapted Itir Churches; lintels Stores, Reading Rooms, Pri vate &c., &c., and only requires ft trial to prove its superiority over every / other' portable light now in use. . • - • The following Calculation willshosv its emno my over other materials , used'faill‘gbtst - Peter. , SFIE-Getseratlng Gas•La asp With Fluid or .lEtherial Oil at fie fits. per gal. with six Sot Burn-- yes ' - • 1 ct. per hour. '''' • it C:imphene ' it 55 eta. per gallon, 2 1.2 “ .2 /I Lard Oil at $1.25 Sperm Oil at 81.50 " " " Fluid with common burners at 60 ' :11-2 " -" cis, per gallon, " Gus s et $2•2 5 per 1000 feet, - . 1 1.4 2 1 " •••- • 4 " " Gas at 84.00 " '" I wish it distinctly understood, that this Gas Burner will produce more Light than any other Port..blc Light in use. It is very simple, easily trimmed and kept in order. The public are invited to call. and exaMino this Premium Lamp for themselves before per. chisifig elsewhere, this being the only Patent Burner hating a non-conductor. For sale at the MONTEOSF. Run' St one by A. N. BULLARD. . Montrose. June 15th, 1858. SUSINEHAAA CO. NORMAL SCHOOL, J. F. STODDARD 9 A. R. Principal. TILE undersigned take pleasure in announe _l ing that the SUSQ'A COUNTY NORMAL SCHOOL will again open in the Academy Buil , dings, in Montrose, on - Monday; - August 30th. I SSS. to continue eleven weeks, under the charge of 1, 3 r0t. STOLDARD and competent Assistants, aided also, fur ten weeks, by B. F. TEwxspultY, Co. Supt., whose knowledge of the Condition and wants of the teachers of•theentinty, renders him eminently qualified to contribute much to the in ,ierests of the school. IWe deem it proper to state that Mr. Tewksbury is nut pecimiarily in terested in the school.] - Prof. Stoddard's character as an efficient Ed ucator and popular Author is toil well known to require comment ; and the marked amen - and universal satisfaction that have attendee his la bors among us in the past, are sufficient guaranty for the future. During the present summer he will visit the Ormal Schools of Canada to possess himself of whatever improvements in the Art of teaching they may present. LECTUREs. - Prof. Stoddard will lecture on.the Science and Art of Teaching and Mena Development. Mr. Tewksbury will leeinye on Physiology. and. Ill : , giene. The following gentlemen will ated Icr - turn before the school: J. 1.. .Riehardson, Sees of Luzerne co., N. A. Calkins, editor of 'the'Sru. dent and Schoolmate. N.'Y., Hon. Wm Jessup, It. B. Little, and B. S: Bentley, Esqs., Rev. B. B. Emory, and others. There will be a Primary Department connect ed with the school, under the charge, of Miss El len C. Park. _ _ EXPENSES. Tuition in,Normal Department, 11 weeks, $6,00 " Primary " 3.50 Normal & Latin & Greek, 9,00 Board pr. week, • .2,00 It is (Isirablo that tuition bills be paid in ad vance, and no.deductiona will be made except in cases of protracted sickness. Students can hoard themselves, its heretofore. Copking.getos and furniture can be rented of Mr. Sayre at rem• monnble rates. For information in regard to Itooms and Board apply to W. B. Deans .Montrose Pa. or to the Secretary. Students shopld not fail to be present at the opening of the School:\ W.JESSUP, Preit. C. F. READ, Sec'Fy. Montrose, lune 8, 1858 —3m. • • ._ -.A 1 - 4 - .tvAss & ALLEN have I.a this day returned from Of -- 41. New York with a well select . Ji? i . :4 ed and choice assortment of 4-,_'_' W •., afth es - , Jt y retry i 01 )5 ,. : 1. AAD lAAC Y GOODS,) which together with their formerstoek,makes the i largest and best variety of goods in their line ever l offered to the inhabitants of B inghamton; and as l the - above were purchased for cash, will be sold at the lowest cash griees, and all articles warrant ed aceordiag to rgpresen:ation. The attention of all persons wistitrix, to examine or purchase is respectfully solicited. EVANS & ALLEN, No. 2 Odd Fellows' Hall. NA V T ATCHEt.—GoId and Silver Watches, 'of every description, of our own =per : tatjon, and also of various other makers, open face and hunting, for sale by EVANS & Au.r.s. SILVEB. WARE.—Table and Desert Forks; - Table, Desert, Tea, Pres'erve,, Cream, Salt and Mustard Spoons; Pic, Cake, Butter and Fruit Knives; Cups and Goblets; Card Cases; Salt Cellars; sets of Naive, Fork and Spoon; and Napkin Rings, of sterling silver, at - - Evass . & ALLEN'S. D CAT F:D WARE.—A handsome variety of 1. Plated Castors, Cake and Lard .Baskets, Cups, Forks and Spoons, extra heavy plate, Tea Sets, Sugar Baskets, Salt Cellars, &e., for gale by . EVANS & ALLEN. lEWELRY.—A very beautiful assortment of Cameo, Mosaic, Gold Stone, .Enamelled, Stone bed all Gold Ear-Rings and Breast-Pins, just received by - ...:.E.wass & ALLEN. rIOLD CII AIMS.—Fob, Vest,Chatelainh and kj Neck 'Chains, of various patterns and weights, by - & Auks. BRACELETS.—The best stock of Bracelets ever offered iu Broomo County, consbiting of Gold Link; Bank Hair, Jet and Coral, !,..... the newest patters, cheap EV, at .• ANS & ALLEN'S, No: tWdd Felliiivs' Hell. 25th, 1858.'_ . BinghamtoniMaY aLF:EVE BUTTONS.—A very superior arti clu. of Onyx,Cameo, Gold Studs, Gold and Cameo Sleeve twits and Stura, for sale by EVANS & ALLEN;- No d Odd Fellows' Hall. Binghatritotr, lone 4th, 1858. • CAOLII SPECTACLES-LOf every age, eon k_T vex and coneme, also Silver, Steel, Plated Ad German Silver, do., by Evaas,& LATEDKNIVES.--rA large stock of Table Pand Henert. Kuives, alsu Steel Knives and Forks, fursule EtaNs & ALLEn. el ORAL BEADS --13y the bunch, also Coral ILI Necklaces and Areilets;by • Evan& At=v.. OLD PENS.—A first rate stock of Gold ki Penal with and without holders, by • . EVANS & ALLEN. _ Oc,KET CHTLERY.,—A. Cory desirable as sortment of (Yoe, Two,. Three and Four Bladed Knives, also, a sood lot of Scissors, all sizes, by , • Evaas &AL ! !,,E*; LOduClu m, —Plain_and Alarm, L 30 ever . and Pea l.) KS 30 day, ,8 aay and hour, Wood and Iron Cases by . . • &falls & ALLEN. • NAPKIN RINGS--Silver, Ivory and tone, by . EvAsh oLt. , T t BLES=Som e Very heavy, I i Ice- Wise - Sitter do., of all sizes, by` EVANS & ALLEN, No. l Odd Felloirs'!Ilall. Binghamton, Juno 4th, 18.58.- ___-_ -- xToTius iR ovreiv R isen to all persbns jag deatands against -the EState .of .01is Stearns, - late of ths township of Gitsion, &ceased, that the same must be pr . eseuted- to ,tbo,under.; signal for.arrangement, and all persons lattelited to, said liaate are re'questect to make fainiediate ,paytneat. • • A.'o: sioNkNs, w. MARNE; ( (jr— Lei itu; 'July 9 Ist, listrator. 29w6 VOOL of which '6O prt ',4s3irrlr. lEWELWT, FARMERS, - ATTENTION. The'best article In the `world for raising •• • Viritrakrr. Is,LEINAU'S SUPER PHOSPHATE of LIME, at $4O per ton. or 21-4 eta, It' 11N by ,t he barrel. • A NALYSED- &-RECOWIENDed ..tifor WHEAT6Id G4AlltCrOps, byl"rofissoi..ollA - S. 7. JACKSON, Chemist of the United- States, Patent Office, Washington, D. C. It wit! repay the outlay-50 to I00;pei cent, and will not . burn the set d,by contact, like Guano. Try. it-Provo it. G. A. LEINAU,. No. 21 South Front st., - Philadelphia, Pa. Or ~ot my Agents, throughout the country. . -Aata..rsts cnn be seen at toy Office. cash mailM with the order, will receive rompt atten tion. A liberal discount to Stote cep who buy to sell again. Partiphletp.cast be had at. my Office. G. L. . July 29, 18511,-3m.1F., CASH' FOR • WOOL. BURRITT will pay the highest price iu ILJL. cash for wool at his Store. New Milford. June 28, 18,58. WM. B.' SIMPSON, W TC:11 REPAIRER • _MONTROSE PA. In A. Merrintan'lt Boot and Shoe,- Store, next to J. Ethridge. - , - - TT AVING worked for the past nine year A.l. with the most skillful . workrnon, he feels confident that he.aa do the most difficult jobs on short notice. , . .- . . AIL Work Warranted - to Clive Satlaraction worked , W. B. StmPsox luta . for some time, and I can recommend him As a careful and skilful workman, competent to do a's good work as can be dono in the country; and worthy of. confidence. - • " ' «111. A.•CiiAMBESLIS. Towanda June 10th. 1858. Refs to—Wm.' clf E. W. Baird, h. D. Montayne,E. 0. Goodrich, B. Kingsbury, Towan da; 11. S. 13elitley. L. Searle, C.l). Lathrop, J. Wittenberg, Montrose. * * *Jewelry neatly repaired on iiinort notice, and on reasonable terms. (Juno 15th, 1858.—tf. TO THE .SNEEZ.NG PUBLIC. Durito's tatarrla Snuff, /NFA LLIBLE Rk".11E1).1 7 . For. BALE BY It. THAYER, ' Itlontroße S. D. TOMPlCfres',. trookiya ; Win THAYER. Dlmock. HiGHLY IMPORTANT .INTRYMITM To All -Gentlemen tela . War Clothes. IHAVE recently minie errengementio, at Coo xiooreitiloo expense, for doing work in the . TAILORING -BUSINESS on-very •Nuortnotice, in a neat,durnblc, and lash ionable manner, and sit reduced prices. 1 will fnrnlSTl zarments to order, if desired, or :rendei. the eustome, whatever asiistancu hu may need in selecting inatet'Ails of ihu hest quality. and at the lowest matket Ail my work will - be warranted as to fit, fin ish and durability. No customer need take Ids work from "th'e shop Unlesis it suits him. Being permanently, and exclusirely engaged in this business, it shall be my great aim to please the public, and thus - leture their patronage. P. LI NES. 22ff. lifentrose, June Ist iB5B. • NOTICE. • THE copartnerhhip ----k—etofore . ea- . ..eng un der the name of Dickermnn & ( 4,-„tt is ibio d4l dissolved by-mutual consent. The, T , otes and accoUnts of: the late firm are in lioetio Garrett's handl% for colletion. • J: Mt:KERMAN, Ir. - ` HORATIO GARRATT New Milford, June 10th, 1858.• The busineka will be continued at the old %Lind by the subscriber, who will• be happy to cid friends, and as many ones as way he disposed to favoi him with a call. More hereafter. J. DICKER MAN, Jr. New Alilford, 1868. The GREAT . AItfIatAISSAICIOX of fjEALTH • TIIE want of a.sterling medicinal to no‘et the ills and necessities Of the suffering portion of humanity, and one entirely free`from mineral and other deleterious particles, was severely felt until this all powerful medicine was uAtered into the world; Hollowny!s invaluable files have be come the Household Remedy of all nations. Their attribute is‘to Present, as well as •to Cure; they attack the radix root of the complaint, and removing the hidden cause of disease reinvigor. ate and restore the drooping energies of the-sys tem, assi-ting nature in her tusk of Vital and Functionary Reformation. Dyspepsia. The great scourge of this continent yields quickly to a course of these antiseptic Pills, an.l the digestiveorgans are restored to their proper -tone; no matter in what hideous shape this By era ot diseasetexhibits itself, this seatehing and &erring remedy disperses it from the patient's system. • General Debility aud:Weuknebs. From whatever cause, Lownesi of Spirits, and all other signs of a: diseased liver, and other dis organizations of the Hysteria, vanish under the eradicating influence of this all powerful anti septic and detergent reanedy. , • Bilious Disorders. The proper quantdm dad right handßionsof the bile is of mornentoud 'importance to the health of the human frame; -this Anti-Bilious medicine expels the hidden seeds of the complaint, and renders all - the fluids' and. secretions pure and fluent, cleansing and resuscitating the vital func tions of the bode. Sl•kfy Vein - aloe; Should loose no time in trying a few doses of this regulating , and renovating remedy, whatever may be., their complaint, it can be taken with safetyin ail periodical and other disorgabizat ions, its effectsis all taut tnifacillous. Cu refuted Drool. The testimony of natiohi is riiihnimously borne to the health giving I.:ialtteS otahis noble temedy, and certificates in every livine language betw•witnees to the Uudeniableness of the In trinsic-Worth.' . liolloway'i Pills are the best remedy known in the uhrrajor the' following diseases: Asthma; plarrluta, Influenza, Stone and Bowel Com-liropeif,:. Tlnflaru'ation,Gravel, '•Debility, ,Inwarti, - Secondary Coughs, Fever and %Vtialtneis, Syuiptoms.- Colds, Ague. -Liver Venereal Chest Dis-Female Complaints, Affections,. eases, . --Complisints,Ltawintsaot Worms of CostlieneWleadttehui, - nll kinds. Dyspeptlia, Indigelfion,Piles, rtif-CAUTIONI=-Tone itre genuine unlebs the words "Holieway,.iVeto York and London." are discernible ea a lititter-mark in every leaf of Allellook •of iiireaions'around each pot or box; the mimn`tnayrbe plainly seen - by holding the leaf to the s light: ',A lenthietne Artavard will be . given to any one rendering 'inch information _as may lend to the detectit4 of any partyor parties eounterfeiting the medicines or vending the name, knowing them to be spuriens. • Sold' at thrOfnanfactoriee ot Professor Hattsornor, 80 Maiden Lane, Now ,yark - , and by 'all' respectable-Druggists and Cesare eine througholit thelinitotl States and civil ized World, in boxes 25 cants, 63 'coati Anil 131 Fir TisiOJO,coulsidera4Osarlig .by taking the larger elOtil i Di • D.—Pirecapna for tie guidance of oalleate everyin dliorder arOAffixed to ascii box. June 3d0E158. • r.22c0w11• GIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE! THE original 9NE.„PRICE Uki READY4iir StGre of New Milford, . HAYDEN BROTHERS, - The People's ....igelace; -are now. ,receiv., log a large Stock of Staple . end Fancy Dry I G 004113, groceries, Boote and. Shoes, Hate and Caps, Wall and- Window-Patior,,Wor.den Ware; Forks,lioes, Flour sod - Salt—by the, barrel or! load,—Yankee Notions, Jewelry and VY,atcbes—_, wholesn s le and retail; at-p'rices that would.aa tOolSli ilioss not posted in the iiady•pay blid ness.. Wd - nave n othing to do with did Fogyfam,— he has "gon in" , =bas camonsed without -A. groan o :• kick, and the last selm 4 . .)3 him te,was holding on to the tail of "flard.Tiums," and be grinned a ghastly smile as be passed b!e OLA PRIESDS ,O\ur motto ik-lr e tite and Let Lire. • ONE PRICE ONLY !, • • Can , c-be bent down - NO CHARGE FOR SILOWIND-GOODS t • Every Article Warranted as Rtpreiested/ • We tbank,eur friends and easterners for. their • liberal patronage in'times past, and we hope by_ strict attentign to !wetness, to tnorit a contia usnee.ofteentne. HkillElsi BROTHERS: _ New Milford, gay lit, 1858.--jBtc. liiNGIIAM'iTV *ATE: . R,CWIE, BINGH.AMTOit BROOME CO. N. Y. THIS ESTABLISHMENT has been greatij , enlarged and improved during the spring. and is now ready for the receptiOn of Patients. Few.simiiar institutions in thisceitntry coin -bine so many advantages for the successful treat ment of Invalids. The location is beautiful, the hotise new and eoinutodiens;the rooms leige,air-3, well furnished and every way arranged with it view to the health and 'comfort of, the occupants. The Physicians, D. Thayer and wife, have had trielve years Skperience (the last eight\ at Bingbalnton)in tread ug diseases Hydropathically during which time they have treated successfully,.. 9ousands of sick persons, many after their ,din. eases have been pronounced fatal, by eminent Physicians. In addition to their the "cues" t z ttey have a large- practice in the villegli and surrounding, country, which Makes them ft- • ' miliar with the treitinent of diseaSes .of, eve grade. and- character. They plaihed,. built, and own the üßinghamtonWater-Cure,nconsequently it is under - their entire control and management. In ail those diseases to which the, peculiar a clnptation of ifydropallaid treatment has been successfully demonstrated, they will genera ly guarantee. a speedy and perfelg restoration. . „ Such are the following,. viz.—Acute and Ctiro iii 1 Rheumatism, Nervous diseases, 'D yepepsta, Sc - ula, Spinal complaints; Tutnors,,U Ice rs„ inlarge m ent of Joints, diser•see of :he Th rent and Lungs. 1 Dropsy, Ague and Fever, Female complaints of every kind, Skin diseases; Catarrh, &c. && Persons who have been long sick-pr bed-rbidlik and who have net succeeded heretofore In tbetv. efforts to regain their health, are esyeeitgly invi ted to consult us or give us a call. Terms from. 86 td . siti per . week.. - Or Dr. Thayer will be at Nicol's Hotel In Susq'a Depot on Thuraday,Septernber ifttli, and at' Searl's Hotel In 'Montrose on Thursday. September 23d, where Invalids are invited. to Call and consult hint.' - . . \ For further partisulais;. addreaa• pay2.otdl - O. V. THAYER.,II. D • • . II , U . . • .. , A: staling Sinn of a sitkly StiMM CY. • 1 - rr HE SU liiht - cr and - Full of . 1858 will be math ll_ ed in the records Of time as moat sickly ' i end unhealthy of seasons that have:visited the 1 northern portion of-this Continent for Mani:Pit*? . i . llrarious diseases. inihelf naoitmilignl , o l entfbri ;: niiiprvvil " epidemiesby tions of eur country that have been . sla - t - „ 7 ,; e ' 1 ,. - the late overflowing of rivets, creek- ' and drenched by the recent hett„-e in ,i f e e t F*. YELLOW PE VER, TYPFIIO , ' E • --• " -- z "---,; E 1.... . ISTERMITTENT AND VES, Y E: vrg ANt . Ad —, . Cave - trvi 1' sysit. I EA, FLUX th'sF'rEßl ES ' NEM ITT s L;EDNDTEFNE.VAEETST.ACIOEct; f, `.?„)11 - rIN( I ; -oeft rage with violence in the vicinity .. I " I,,w,:marshydands, and where the - deluge of th wet";nd drefichinge of rides have beet; •suels ter. In our Sch.,,bern may therefore e xpe ‘t e p i o e si n -Li tl o Yl : l a t i Vv ` i se to tab P l f e ld r.t u ro etlthietrastrei't,finr(ipthoSeleiti9it'S and Western States-WO • the prevalence as epideinio, , , Malarietis disease in one or the other of the I I above named forms; - and in order that the Pubs ' , lie may provide themselves with- the proper , I means to protect_ their systems against suddent I attamts..:l etiseaie of any kind, see notify the phti- - , p,e, o.r the approniAt %,5 s•ttast'e un afadjia§. In RAIL ' 1 1 way's Readv• Relief you , heve cies. ee:eitntiv s e',, - . With this Rernedy, hewevei,vieleet and maligs • nant infectious and deadly Iniy . .he the character of the disease, - it cannot harin'eytau. A tea. spoonful of this life-protecting Remedy, drank in a little water thiee or. four times Pet dlip..Will fortify the.etomiteli agifidt the inteetioui &Os • - of these fevers, that you gib as safe,friA Itinger t . as though ysta were breatning the rocrit.Wiiiiilbs' ,-- some and _invigorating atmosphere undet the' ' sun. Ratiwhit'e Ready Relief has been preyed.' in_ the Yellow Fever of I 853., to be thebest disin fectant in use.. If any of-ctirr rii.ileis ilt id iftt fortunate as to be afflicted with any EMT, I Cholera,Flux or ,Dysentery—either Moroi, Cangesre,lntermitient, or Remittent--Radway's Ready Relief, aided with Radway's Regulators. • will in ;few . heers arrest the violence and dans ger of the dieease, aid soon eiirO.Poii. I • . COAIMON DISEASES. Diseases such as Rhettmatism,.Goitt, S'ciatla , Neuralgia, Ikad Aches, Influenza, Rush of Blood ' i to the Ikad, itilii:usness, Cholics, Tooth Aches. • Group, IVltcoping Coughs, Itylamvustion .of tai , Bowels and Lungs, Sudden Attacks of ChiPs tin' 4 1 Fevers, Skkness at the Stomach, Congestion ef i tf!it Brain. Sun Stroke, - Lirer Dilgmllies, and ott4. painful ;deliiiietting and enfeehlingnaladies, will ' run riot throughoot the. length and breadth of the land, cattleking in their most violent fiiiiih ! the aged, middle aged, and .youthful, Bit,agqinst these ille r which infiiet so much pain upon thOir victims Ra d w ay's 'lf eetly Relief - will in a ,feir months- remove tiro mast fierce and fortarlig paled; inn, it' used in cannectien with Rad etiy)ii' Regulators. ,epeselily effect' s core. I' CI I lI.ON IC . . DISEASES: • I ... Those, who ate so unfortunate es tct ,beAffs' - dieted with Chronic diseases,. Breaking Out., Running Sores, Minors, l'etcr Sores, _Likens. Sahli - I:cwt . , l'rtekly Beat; Sore head, Sore Eyes. - . Bad Le,,.0-6,,Suiy..(n the Nuse,.or Mouth, Canlutr„ Boils, Blotches. Erysipelas, Bad Coughs, SicqTkst 'Parts, will suffer increased agonies from tfieba" diseases, during this slelcitirele, dads.% the Blond is cleansed - froth itti Humors. and the system renovated of. its impniitiei' by Radway's keno -eating Resolvent. This Remetly .is. a quick mire for the aboic-natued diseaied• and it id.-the only known remedy that will CoMPleie)P, eradicate from the ssiutii-dis:lisea'infierftel ty, ionititit tional transmission. Persons afflicted. with . . St:refills. Fits, Syphilis, or any Chronic disease;. will beeffectually cured; if Rudway's Rendvatiag . Itemolimet is used. PREPARE 1. - 0 RESIST 'rilE PESTILENdB" A,great retnber•of those e fat din fretto Pesti.: - lentiah-diseases Sr.' suddenly seized in the' night. or when they leas r i expeet an ettaek, and there. foie Unprepared to, rt sist the firsf-attacks of their deadly toe. It is, tlirefore, of the' greatest im port:thee to.thoEe who, desire to live through ati attack of this kind, whether Cholera, Yellow Fever, glut Stroke, Congostions, or Brain rate!: to have Radway's Ready Relig and Regulators readyte use at soy moment. These Remedies, taken %Viten. ycm.feel unwell or in i painither slightOi ;ainlent—Wilitiestantilv, cheek a nd iifhp` the,piogred4.of the disease,eitil deliver Po& t idyl 'further harm. Let evOiY IfoiniekcerierilF.'lapiter Fartner,Shipmaster,and,in fact; nil Tidying Cbargs of others. keep a supply ofltadway's Ready_,_lite. lief, Regulators, and Resolvents in tfteli.,hotfles. ~ ..... ' kfaCKLY SEASON' IS FAST AF FROACHIFIGt-AIISINSSer 'of the Most terrible andlatal charactitriiiii oe, 'ail; but, vvitiiiheie Remedies at hind, you-hay , rest.securo., ,I. i There are no remedies known to Physie r iaas that, the public, as a general rule, can rely-nron in thy successful treatment -of infectious aal inalstious diseases.. liiittimy's Reidy Relief or 'Regulators, as curatives and preyeativeti - agilvi attack of infectious, and malignant FOsrol u sre fixed facts. R. R.. R.:Remedies - ere sold by Druggists and Merchants eVeivwhere - ,.• ' j - RADWAY.4.97l63Fultontit.,'N. Iy. Bold by .A:TURRELL, and R. TfIAYE AIL ••• Montt ISP, July '11...h,—.3tai . ; :1.. 7: r.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers