The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 15, 1858, Image 3

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- - `den. Jim den. Vane.
An exekange give - aLt :the follnwing.sietch of
this blood-statoed moister of crime:. -
. .
In- early life, lie httd k 'difficulty, with
Capt. T. W. Tiibscth, w‘hiCh resulted in
challenge, but for -some reason they did_ not
fight.' lle....nett comes in Collision with a
liquor seller named sthith, and stabs him so
that his life was foi some. tithe despaired of.
The stabbing was done at „night. A abort
time afterwards he. attacks ate Hon. Jas. 11.
"Crayons at night, strikes him in the face; and
- then runs off t9-a- place of safety. He next
'attacks and strikes a lawyer named Vail, a
non-combatant. His next difficulty ix with
GA, E. Dument, one arthed with -hatched,
the other with a cane. They are separated.
and - go to Petersburg,- to fight a duel.
As usttst something turned up to stop the
affair before any blood wits shed. He goes-to
Metico and while there has a difficulty with
*Gen. Joe Lane, in :which guns and pistols are
elsoivn but not used., He re:bilis home, per
iecutes the lawyer Vail, , and again isttacks
him, this time - with
,an. iron poker. Vail
. n pistol, presents it at. Lane's breast,
but not having been properly loaded, it mis
ses fire, and - Lane's life is saved. He goes-to
Congress,, attempts- to brew-beat 'Hunt of
Ludisiono, who promptly etionentes phi, the
matter, bOve'ver, as usual, was.‘amibly ad-
Austed.N Hg.,,goes to Istansas, - Where be. has
several diffculties,, ending with hilt recent
' murder of-a friend mid his own Adjutant
General. Iris, political career' ittuil inoral
r. harOcter would forma chapter about on a
par with the above.—:Exclicfte..
AN INDIAN - Loriti.—Mils Bishop, who
Went_to Minnesota as a :leacher, received an
offer of inirriage from an Indian. -He came
to her dwelling decked in all his finery—
scarlet flannel, ring=, feathers, newly scoured
brass ornaments,and bear's claws,and,tbrcmgh
an intepreter,announced to her that sbe must
be his wife. It was urged that he had one.
_wife.. He replied 7 "All the - band have as
many as they can -keep, - and I have but one."
As an eitrao - rajnary inducement he proMised
that she could have the' best corner in the
lodge, hunt by his side,. and eat with him,
wltilethe dark squaw was to hush - the papoose;
conk. the food, carry the game,' hoe the corn,
and . protide wood and water.- Miss Bishop,
alitrle i fear, of the "green eyed monster,'
'even If le other 'Claimant tlid hold an in
ferior position, declined the distinction. The
Indian aleo begged a dollar to buy a shirt,
ana left with a haughty air. The next day.
Ite was drunk.. But Miss Bishop's associate
almost fared worse. She had, only been a few
weeks in the country - , and - . was ignorant of
Indian customs. A young warrior, smitten
with her; called often. Hoping to get rid of
him ;_she gave him a ring. He interorett - d. it
-as a token -of pdriiality; and returned to take
her to his lodge. The 'next 'illy he again re
turned, with six yming, braves, to compel her
to gh with him .. Exp .- Mations and interfer
ence-saved her.
RIVER: In the gold discoveries
of'New -.Caledonia, :•Toranto. Patriot sees
new-dangers threaten the integrity of the
British empire. It says : "The proximity of
the country to California and its great alit
tance fromfg . tigland,•are sufficient to tteter
mine this point. Wohld no danger
that an American pipolittjon, foriaiing a ma
jority in the territory, would dts*e. to set up a
ver nmetkx of their own, entirely independent
of Gieat -Britain, and then "i , l; for anhexal in
with the - UniPed States the habits of
the Ainericans ;lead 'to the Conclusion that
there -would - be such dan'giti; and the point
worth considering in any reg,nbitiona
wlikb the Itnt)etihi Goveinme.nt - may be called
upon to . make."
FE/it4'UL LEAP.-A drunken sailor he
-011.-ritirl to - the schooner Hart, just outside of
Chicago ; went to - the mar. head, then to the
t•truck, where han i ,winit by litte hand
to the slender topmast, 4teiwiendAd off the
silt ball and hurled it V() a•drstahce fr . oro the
ve:sel's si,!e, then sprang into the air, go' mtn;
'lice. feet foremost into the water ; and after
acing under a long time, rose to the surface
and was rescued :aid taken to the hospital
sttitskisiN: injured. - The distance jumped was
one hutrdred and,seventy feet.
.11INNESOTA LARD Ct.:Alta.—The Secrttaiy
of the;lnterior .on, an appeal involtring the
lilies of Monticello, Lower Monticello, and
Moritzonia, in Minnesota, has decided that
Under the laws the Mal t y beneficiaries of ,the
trust are - the . octupants of the' town. No
other proprietor?; .I.e recognized, nor bah the
Department protect the claims or interests of
non-resident shareholars fir lot-owners. The
quantity of land for town purposes cannol ex
imed three hundred and twenty abh under
the law relating to that subject.
'IN Indian -deed, dated Nor. 28,
1'668, made by Capi. Sandy, of Ossobe,Sag
amore, shows that a lot ofland, twenty miles
,_scinate, ini the county of 'York,,„Mitine, was
-sold,. for the following articles : " Two large
Indian Blankets, two gallons .of Turn, tiio
pounds of powder, four pounds of musket
balls, and twenty strings of Indian beads,
' alai several - other articles not nttmtld:'3
MK" The store ofldr...rfulsbiter, at Easton,
waf. robbed do the night bf the 4th, bad the,
concealbd near the river, but being
found, a syarch wi4A set upon theft'. tin
Thursday'night, an unknown man made his
appearance to remove them, and on being
summoned to surrender, fled to the river, when
he tits shot at and sunk, 20 yards from the
shdre. The body has not yet been recovered.
11 . ouon.—The New-Yolk Chilstian
I;l7encer thus speaks of it 3 neighbor; the Tri
" We can and do rejoice that the Tribune
aTows itself at last in favor of sound'morali
ty and pure religion.' So the men
who compose its editorial corps afford any
teasonable hope that they will practice the
t ine dr adiocate the other, we shall believe
iliat Satan is glowing weary in his work, and
his concluded to discharge all his principal
A YOUNG LADY KILLED.--'Ol3 Saturday,
a young. man_ and ifoman, who
were to be married the . following Monday,
weiitsout in the woods near Newago, Michi,
gan, and sat down on a log. Meanwhile, a
cockney sportsman, who was out after deer,
seeing the flutter of the lady's dress, fired and
thot ner through the: abdomen; causing her.
de - atb in three lionis.
AT: AIL - EOM f gatpurcEn ' KILLED: —DI.
Mitchell; of Lake Bolivar, formelly of Vicks
burg, Mass„ was recently shot by Parker
Williams, whose farnily physician .he was,
and whose daughter be Was said to have se
duced. Mr. Williams gave hiniself up to ace
authorities. ]Yr. tir: had a wife living at
Nickburg: - • .
A R:EMED4 T ItgY, 616 1101
'frotn any disease:: of the throat or lungs, rest
Assured that - sper.d'y relief !nay be obtained
ty using Di. )Vislor's -Balscirit
derri.guOcess- sueb' dass is unpar.
IS'one•'„,ii genuine ittilesi signed I;
A I k oT of new Virginia wheat - was 101.1 at
teters_burilazt week, at el Q Per
ligr An antidote of strychnine is said tp
be milk .: The Baltimore American stattig
that the life .of a Newfoundland dog was saved
by pouring milk down his throat after he had.
been poisoned.
.• i'iretiiitipAni A - 0.
- •
v; -willmeet at the At ontros
- 'Engine House ob Monda
at July 19th, 1858, at Ib'cloe
-11 S. It. WILSON, See.
HollowarshPills—A word to taint
lies.-1t shout dbe underitood that the operation.
of these famous Pills is not limited to the curd
tbose for Which the
are successfully administered in this countri'
and all others. They act also as an immediat
corrective in minor ailments incident to hot
sexes. We commend their most unreiervedl•
as the very best family medicine, in existence
If given to children suffering fromscholic free,
constipltion, worms, or any disorder o f ' th.
stomach or bowels, they invariably afford
'aide relief. In fact; they ought to he conside
ered everywhere a domestic staple, forsickne
whkther of a slight or serious character, canno
long retain Its hold in any household where the ]
ar&always,on hand. - [Owl.
Notice.—There will be a letting of a Schoo l
House to .build, near Moses S. Tyler's, on Sat'
nrday, July 3d, at one o'clock, p. m., to the low,
eat bidder. Said house to b 30 by" 20fee
studded and braced, ten feet 'from top of sill t.'
- underside of plate. Also, twilk)111 School boos . 1 1
to sell—one near S. T. Scott's, and the othe
near George Frink's. THOMAS JOHNSON,
The above letting has been adjourned t.
'lSittutday, July 17th, 1858.
at which time dII interested are requested to a
tend. . Pei order of Committee.
July 3d, 1858,
10,000 Patients thirmhinnually by the use o
lielmbold's Geniiine Preparation of Fluid &true.
of Buchu, a most positive and specific remedy fo
distressing ailments. - Read the ad've'rlisenien
headed "Hekubolfi's Genuine Prepaiation." [m
tinted.---A persotweither tralo or.femafe
who ever used a bottle of DR. TORUS' VENETIA,
LtmszE:NT, that win not sny it is the best articl e'
for the cure of Rheumatism, Dysentery, Pains o
all kinds, Croup, Cuts, &c. It is warranted 1, 1
cure—or no pay. Price 25 &50 cts. Depot, 5:
Corti ndtstteet. Ne i w-Y2rk. NiThe genuine
leSS . Xrglled S, I. Tobias. sold by A. TURREtt 1
Montrose, Pa. [26w3
Board and Rooms, for - the No
twat School.,--thoee who will furnish boar,
for students' during the coming term of the Nor
mat setae!, and those who have vacant room.
where students can board themselves, will pleas.
inform me immediately, as - applications are al
ready coming in.
A large attendance is anticipated, so that stu
dents will do well to apply early.
• • , • %V. B. DEANS.
At the Picture Gallery in the Brick Block.
HERE-will an Exhibition of Mowing, by Ma
chines, on the farm of JOHN HARKING
TON, one and a half miles East:of Montrose, o 0
Thursday, idly 15th, at 2 p. m.
Owners of 'Machines, and Agents, are solicited td
be present. Juclizei to be selected on the ground;
• A. BALDWIN., COMmittee.
Agricultural Rooms.
Montrose, July sth, 1858.
41'4441118D. -
In New Milfh 4 .4, Jiirei 30. by Rei, A. Balch
Mi. WII. C. II AR',TLEY, of Glenwood,
.Mi.B E. J. HAII:DING. of the former p'itee.
tA f:
"In Springville, June 291.11,JANE A., wife .
David, Wakelee ; and daughter of Hon. Phi
Zander .S.:epbeng;dee'd, aged . 36 rears.
,GREAT EVENTS of -the immediatn
A- future, so largely depending upon the
boltdbhgs and energy of the Democratic party of
the cOontry, call for the widest dissimination
among the people of all facts and argument
elucidating anch.instaining the Democratic
tional policy; and the duty of an independent
Democratic journal, in such a crisis of our histol
ban only be fully and advantageously discharge
by Oh active f.lo-operation of- all who desire
DemoCratit success, in extending the sphere of
its usefulness. The Pennsylvanian has for over
twenty-five years occupied the position of a ber4
tral Organ it Venntylrailia, winning by its bold+
ties-i and ability, the confidence and wefm regard
of the Democracy of every State in the Union •
and .the Proprietor iiiiifeals with confidence to
the democracy of the country, in desiring no
to extend still more widely its influence. H
incites attention to the ability tith *hiCh hi
paper is conducted, and the care eiercised in al
its departments. Aside from its high and an
queStioned charadter, no paper enjoy
in a larger degree the confidence of the busines
comitinrunity. Its Cofiltnercial and Moneta:l
reports are full and compreheiisite ; its Marin
List unsurpassed for correctness and reliability
and in all - thh. departifleht:i of a first-el
newtpaper no outlay or expense is spared
take it complbte and !temptable,
printed every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,
and contains all the reading matter of the DAI'
by editiona. The WEEKLY . PENNSYLVA,
NrAN is printed every, Saturday, and IS wholly
detoted to Nbwls, titerattire, Polities; Agricul
tare and Trade.
Daily Pennsylvanian; $6 pe) annum, in advanc
Tri- Weekly; $3 " u
The ilriee of the Weekly Pennsylvanian i
one dollar per annum; but for.the purpose
further increasibk the circulfition, the follewin
inducements are offered to Agents find others t'
raise Clubs
One Copy, one year, $l,OO .
Six Copies, " 5,00
Twelve Copies, " 10,00
Eighteen " 5,00 ,
Twenty-five " " - 20,00
Effr In all cases, orders for the_ paper mu -
be accompanied by the cash.
or Letters to be addressed, post-paid to
WM. RICE, Proprietor.
No. 108 South Third street,' Philadelphia.
E would call the attention of the Farme
of this county to the Indepimdent Too;
Horse Rake. -This Rake has been proven bevo .d
a doubt to be
They will be left for sale at niben. of .the publi.
plices in this county, and I would fia y t,
those who wish a HORSE RAKE t o •
therif for themselves, and if not liking the`to . t
turn them within three - days' uninjufed: All o
C.ets addressed to me-walla promptly attend .
Montrose, July Ist, 1858.-37w3. . -
GWD - Scythes , Snaths, and Hay Forks,
cost, at TURRE.LI;S
SA NISH COIN taken at P • ' at the Smi l e
..: Montrose, May 12.t.h, 1858. •
:11 7 001,11 1 001 •
I •
yANTED 10000 ibe. of Woof, whieh
will pay the highest market price, cask !
deliVoed at our store. YOUNG & SMITH.
StYmmersville, June 7, TB5B.
: :Y B. MoICEA ' ,
'ol:Gain the Union Block—Towanda, , Bra
ford.e'orinty, Pa: -
Olr'Will attendprolopty to all profession
hnsipesa intrusted to !Arbon thi's and .aajoini
~ •' . , . [je3'sStf
IS hereby giten that all persons are forbidden
from making any further excavations, or re
moving atone or earth from the itodu qttarry or
thereabouts, in the Borough of Montrose, except
so far as has been specially permitted to William
Gilmore, to remove a limited amount of stone
Already uncovered, tirieany 'Person o r persons
1 1m-cutler trespassing on the said sfonequarry con
trary to this order,will be proceeded against ac
cording to luw. By order of theronirnissionerii.
W. A. CROSS MAN, Clerk.
Commissioners' Office, •
Montrose, July 6th, 1858. S . 27w4.
N OTICE h e reby given,that the
lS is s day di
mutual cciisent. LEANDER MIFF'S,
Jackson, June 34, '58. E. P. PIN. •
The 'honks and accounts can be found at the
residence of Leander Griffis, who is authorized
to settle the same. All persons having unsettled
neountN, are requested to settlo tho same.
THE undersigned, having been appointe)l 1 •
the Court of Common Pleas of Susque
hanna County, an Auditor to make distribution
of the motleys in - the hands of the Sheriff of said
comity, arising from the sale of real estate of G.
S. Mesick, R. A. Mesick.and Harvey Hall, will
attend t 3 the dutiei'of Said appointment at his
office in Montrose, on Saturday the thirty•first
day of Julys next at one o'clock in the afternoon,
at which time and place all persons interested
in said moneys will preserit their , claims or be
forever barred from coming in uprin said ':'und.
June 30th, 1858,-27w-4..
Merritnan's Boot and Shoe Store, next
to J. Ethridge.
lAVING worked for the past nine years
with the most skillful workmen, ha feels
confident that he can do the most difficult jobs
on short notice. .
Alt Work Warranted In Give Satisfaction.
. . .
W. B. StStrsox hs w or k ed for mo for findg
time, and 1 cam recommend . him as a'careful and
skilful workman, competent to do as good work
as can Be done• in the cO'ontr.y, and -worthy Of
confidence. Wx. A. CITA:I6EIMIN.
Towanda Theo tOth, 1855.
Refers to--Wm. Eiwa,ETv v..Mtird, - E. D.
Montayse, E. 0. Goodrich, 8.-Kingmbury, Towan
da; B. S. Bentley, L. Searle, C. D. Lathrop,
J. Wittenberg, Montrose. •
* * *Jewelry neatly repaired on short notice,
and onieasobsible terms. [June 15th, 1858.—tf.
R. R. R.
Alarming Signs of a Sidi) Summer.
.pllE.Summer and Fall of 1858 will be mark
ed in the records of time as the most sickly - ,
4,nd Unhealthy of seasons that have visited the
northern portion of this Continent for many years.
slalarious diseases, in their most m'alimtabt and .
_violent forms, will prevail as epidemics in Sew,
Lions of our country that have been deluged by
the Into overflowing of riverse . reeks and bayous,
End drenched by the recent Ifbavy rains.
VOMITING will rage with violence in the vicidity
of low, marshy lands, and where the deluge-of
waters and drenching', of rains have been suffi
cietitly violent Co •produce miasma frotri decom
position of Vegetable or other decomposed mat
ts.r. In our Southern and Western States we
may therefore expect the prevalence as epidemic,
slalarions disease
,in one or the other of the
above tamed forms: and in order that the Pub
lic may provide- themselves with the proper
means to otect their systems against - sudden
attacks of disease of nny_itind, we notify the peo
ple of the approach of these maladies. In Rad
way's Ready Rtlief ritt hate the preventive.
With this Remedy, however violent and malig
nant infectious and deadly triaj , he the character
of the disease, it mink harm yea. A tea
-spoonllll of this life-protecting - Remedy, drank
in a little water three or four times per day, will
fortify the 'stomach against the infectious gasses
of these fevers, that yott are as safe from danger
as though you were breathing the most whole.
some and invigorating atmosphere under the
sun. Radwav's Ready-Relief has beet proved,
in the Yellow Feverof 1853, to be the best disin
fectant in use._ ny of our readers are so un
fortunate as t --afflicted with any Fever,
Cholera, Flux !Ise well —either Yellow,
Congestice, Intermittent, or Remittent—ttad way's
Ready RelieOtided with Radway's Regulators,
will in a rot" hoU s arrest the violence and dan
ger of the disease, and soon cure you.
Diseases such as itheumalism, Gout, Sciatia,
Neuralgia, 'Pad Aches, Influenza, Rush of Blood
to the Head, Biliousness; Cholics, Tooth Aches,
Croup, ihooping Coughs, Inflammation of the
Bowels Sand Lungs, Sudden. Attacks of Chats and
Fecers, Sickness at the Stomach, Congestion of the
Brain, Sun Stroke, Liter Dpultfes ; and other
painful, debilitating and enfeebling trialadiaq, will
run riot throughout the length and breadth of
the land, attacking in their most violent forms
the aged, middle raged, and youthful. Bat against
these ills, which inflicf. so much pain upon their
victims Railitay'n Ready Relief will in p few
months remove the most fierce ,and torturing
pains; and, if used in connection with Rad say's
Regulattifs, speedily etlect a cdre. -
Those who are so nnforttinate as to be of
flitted with Chronic disCaies, Breaking Out,
Running Sores, Iluniors, Ferer Sores, Ulcers,
Salt Rheum, PrieklY !feat, Sore Heq, Sore Eyes,
js, Sorii, in the Nose or Moulk, Canker,
Boils, Bloteket, Erysipelas, Bad Cintghs, Swollen
Parts; will suffer increased rigonles ftgnt them:
diseases, during this sick circle, unless the plobd
is cleansed -from its Humors; and the system
renovated of its impurities, by Radwdrs fteurH
rating Resolvent. This Remedy is fi quick cure
for the above.named diseases and it is the only
known remedy that .will completely eradicate
from the system diseases inherited by constitu
tional trarminission. Persons afflicted with
Scrofula, Fits, Syphilis, or any Chronic disease,
will be effectually cured, if RA•'iiars ftenovatiqg
Resolvent is used.
A great number of those who die froin peski.
lential diseases are suddenly seized-in the night,
or when they least expect an attack, and there
fore unprepared to resist the first attacks of their
deadly toe. It is, therefore, of the greatest im.
portance to those who desire to live through an
attack - of 'this kind, whether Cholera, Yellow
Feiner, Sun Stroke, Congestions; or Blain Fever,
to hive Radway's Ready Relief and Regulators
ready to use 3t any moment. These Remedies,
taken when you feel unwell 'Ai in paid—either
slight or violent—will instantly check and stop
the Odgress of the
_disease, and deliver you from
further harm. Let every floksekeepet; Planter,
Fartner,Shiprntreter, and; in fact, all havingsharge
of others. keep a supply of Radway's Ready Re
!ief, Reguletors, and Resolvonts in their houses.
of the most terrible and fatal character will pre=
veil; but, with these Remedies at hada, you may
rest secure.
There are no remedies known to flfiviicians
that the public, as a general rale, can •rely upon,
in the successful treatment of infectious and
malariods diseases. .Radway's Ready 'Relief, or
Regiatitors, as curative/3 and preventives+ against
attack of infectiono and malignant Fevers, are
fixed Mts. R. R. R. Remedies are sold by
Druggists and Merchants evervwheje.
RAM:MY-dr...C0..162 Fulton st., N. Y.
Sol p by A. TURRELL, and IL THAYER.
Montrose, July 7th,-3m:
...AT. ; _
MONTROSE, 30112, 1.68
HBURRITtswill pay.the highest price in
~ cash for wrt)l at his store.
New,Milford, Juno 28, 1858.
poR a Better, Safer, or more Economical
'Light than can be had hy. using D. P.
Peters Patent Non-Explosive Self-Generating
Gas Lamp, it being equal if notuperior to the
best Coal Gas. The material used fr . - generating
this is Burning Fluid or iEtherial Oil \ The Gas
is generated in the Burner by das:omposing nud
evaporating the Fluid by its own hent4orming
pure Hydro-Carbonic Gas, which is aliconveyod
to the Burner,leasing no substance nncontierned.
The Burner can be fitted to any ordinary L-ltop
and warranted perfectly safe and free from Any
danger of explosion, is free from smoke or urk
pleasant smell. Iris perfectly adapted tor\
Churches, Hotels Stores, Reading Rooms, Pri.
rate Dwellings, -42. c., &e., and only requires a
trial to prove its superiority over every other
portable light now in use.
The following calculation will show its econak
my over other materials used for lightS:
Peters? Self-GescratiefF GuA•Latntp
With Fluid or lEthennl Oil at 60
cts. per gul. with six Jet Burk-
erti, ! 1 et. per hour
Camphene it 55 cts. per galloq 21-2
Lard Oil at $1.25 " " 2 2.3 ' " "
Spierm Oil at 92.50 " "et 4 cts. " i•
Fluid with Common burners at 60
ets. per g4llun, - - 2 . 1-2 -" "
Gas at $2.25 per lOCO feet, - I 1-4 " : "
Gas at $4.00 " " " - - 2 1-4 " "
I wish it distinctly understood, that this Gas
Burner will produee_more Light than any other
Port..ble Lighi in- as. his very simple, easily
trimmed, and kept in order.
The public aro invited to call and .e.Namine
this Premium Lamp For themselves before pur
chasing elsewhere, this being the only Patent
Burner having on•conductor. For sale nt the
Boo' ' env. by A. N. BULLARD.
Montrose, Ju e 15th, 1858.
J. F. STODDARD, A. M., Principal.
' •
IIF. undersigned take pleasure in announc
ing that the tiliSQ'A COUNTY NORMAL
SCHOOL will again open in the Academy Buil
dings, in Montrose, on
illandny, August 30th,, ISSS,
to continue eleven weeks, under the charge of
Prot. Szounan'n and competent Assistants, aided
also, for ten weeks, by B. F. TEWKSBURY, Co - .
Supt., whose knowledge of the condition and
wants of the teachers of the county, renders him
eminently qualified to contribute much to the in
terests of the school. [We deem it proper to
state that Mr. Tewksbury is not pecuniarily in
terested in the school.]
Prof. Stoddard's character as an efficient Ed
ucator and popular Author is too well known to
require comment ; and the marked success and
universal satisfaction that have attended his la.
hors among Us in the past, are sufficient guaranty
for'the future . . •
Daring the preSent summer ho will visit the
Normal Schools of Canada to. possess himself of
whatever improvementS, in the Art of teaching
they may present
Prof. Stoddard will lecture on the Science and
Art of Teaching and Moat 'Development. Mr.
Tewksbury will lecture on Physiology and Hy.
giene. Tko following gentlemen will also lec
ture before the school: J. 1.. Richardson, Supt.
of Luzerne co., N: A. Calkins, editor of the'Sin
den, and Schoolmate. N. Y., lion. Wm Jessup,
R. Pk Little, and 13.5. Bentley, Esqs., Rev. B. B.
Emory, and others.
There will be a Primary Department connect . -
eewith the school, under the 'Charge of Miss El.
len C. Pirk.
. - - -
Tuition in Normal Department, 11 weeks, $5.00'
"- Primary 3,50
" Normal " & Latin & Creek, 9,00
80 - ard pr. week, 2,00
It it desirable that tnition bills be paid in-nd
vance,lnd no deductions will be made except in
cases of protracted sickn'es's. Students can
board themselvek, as - heretofore. Cooking stoves
and furniture can be rented of Jr. Sayre at rea
sonable rates.
For information in regard to Rooms and Board
apply to W. B. Deans Montrose Pa. or to the
Secretary. '
Students should not fail to 6 prfseni at the
opening of the school. W. JESSUI', Pre" t.
C.T. REAP, &Cry.
Montrose, Juno 8, 185&.-3m.
KG C RA's.
Athens, Bradford County, Pa.
KIRBY'S mow Eit&REA p ull
WE aro manufacturing, the above mentioned
1 V excellent machine for eastern Pennsyl viola
and the aeighboring counties in New York, and
invite the particular attention nf farmers to the
following features of Kirby's Mower and Reaper,
which we believe to be superior to all others in
use, in the following particulars,;—lt is the light
est in use ; is strong and durable ; simple in con
struction ; easily : worked ; adapted for horses or
oxen ; requires much less draught than other ma
chines ; has no side draught though it cuts a wide
swath; will work on rough ground where no other
machine can follow it ; very difficult to be clogged
in any-kind of grass, be it wet or dry ; net liable to
..get out of repair: is composed principally of iron;
is a perfect combined, machine, working equaily
ire l whether stowing or reaping; and is the cheap
est if prirec—Slower being only 6100, and the
combined Machine sl2o,—making it altogether
the, Utost.desirable Mower and Reaper in market.
Farmeri.wantiog RELIABLE
. Mowers &
Reapers, should . fiy ,a.ll.tneans see our macbint
before making up their aiinds to buy any other.
Additional & interesting information concerning
the;Kirby machine iscontaiped in oar Illustrated
Catalogue, which also describes our other ma
chines and implements, amotig: w iih are
Emery's Patent Changable Rail
Road Horse Powers; Tioga„Point
Improved Threshers and Cleaners,
Th relaters and Separators, Portable
Saw Mills, Plots's; Cultivators, and
Horse floes; Cider Mills, and Grain
Drills. Ou r - •
is a valuable machine, and much superior tp the
common Inclined wheel, and is adapted tor dai
ries of - from five to twenty cows.
Send forct/pies of our Catalogile and Price
list for yourself and neighbors. . .
Athens, Pa.. June Ist, 1858. I '2'310
H. L. BLOWERS, Agent for Ettsq'a sootily,
POst. °Mee address, Montroie, Pa.
Art of Brewing, Distilllng, Rectifying and
Manufacturing Sugars, Wines, Spirits and all
kinds of Liquors, including Cider and Vinegar—
ivith Wood Cuts. This work Which has been
favorably reviewed by thq Now York PreSN Con
taining; 1060 - valuable directions in Medicine,
Metallurgy, PyrqtoChey, Artificial Guano, Cos
metics, Artificial Gum Aralsc, ArtifiCiat Gems,
Bleactling rtf Sheil Lie, Sealing Wax, Cements,
Pastes, Cleaning Cleansing and Clearing 3late
rials, Family Soap* Starch Polish, Cologne and
other Perfumed %Vafers, Dentritices, Antique
Oils, Hair Dyes and Restorers, . Solders and
Silverinks, Varnishes and Inks. •
Price $2, mailed free by the author..
Practical Chemist.
143 Maiden Lane, New York.-18M2i.
THE copartnership heretofore. t existing un
der the name of Dickerman ilr. - Garral i t is
this day dissolved by mutual consent: The ootes
and accounta of the .Into firm are .in Horatio
Garratt's hands for collection.
New Milford, June 10th,g1868.
The bu4ipess will be continued at the old
stain) by ilie subscriber, who will be happy to
• old. friends, and ns many new ones ns
May be disposed to favor him with a call. More
hereafter. S. fkle-KIIRMAN, Jr.
New Milford, June 10th, 1858.
..., -,.... - L , VANS & ALLEN have
P.: - .14 this day returned from
~ , . .111, New York with .a. well select
; DT .
110 . i.
.:1 4 ed and choice assortment of
.; i - z Watches, Jewelry
a # 4 -..*
i ___ -$ . 2":-/".•.- ,- „AND fANCY GOODS,
lich together with their former atock,makes the
argest.and best variety of goods in their line ever
offered to the inhabitants of Birthamton; and as
the chore were purchased for cash, will be sold
nt the lowest cash prices, and all articles Warrant,,
ed according; \ to representation. The attention
of all personi•wishing to examine,or purchase is
respectfully solicited. EVAN* & ALLEN,
NP. 2 Odd Fellows' Hall.
WATOHES.— Gold and Silver Watches,
of every description, of our own impor
tation, and also of various other. makers, open
face.and hunting, for sale by Ev.kits& ALLEN.
ILVER WARE.—Tabre 'end Desert Forks;
Table, Desert, Tea, Preserve,. Cream, Salt
and M ustard Spoons; Pie, Cake, Butter and Fruit
Knives; Cups and Goblets; Card; Salt
Cellars; sets Of KnivO, Fork inki Spoon; and
Napkin Rings, of sterling silver, at
PLATED WARE.—A handsome variety of
I'lat,d Castors, Cake and Card Baskets,
Cups, Forks and Spoons, eitra heavy plate, Tea
Sets,, Sugar Baskets, SaßCollars, &c., for sale
by EVA?iS & ALLEN.
JEWELRY. -A very beautiful assortment of
Cameo, Mosa!e, Gold Stone, Enamelled,
Stone Ind all Gold Ear-Wags and Breast-Pins,
just received by EVANS & ALLEN.
:1 • OLD CH AINS.—Fob, Vest, Chatelaine and
k_A Neck Chains, of various patterns and
A eights, by EvAss & ALLEN
RACELETS.—The bust stock of Bracelets
1.1 ever offered in Broome County, corTi,sting
of Gold Link, Bank Hair, Jet and Coral, of the'
newest pacts, cheap, at
N 0.2 Odd Fellows' Hall.
Binghamton, May 25th, 1858.
LEEVE BUTTONS. r -A very supeziv - r!i-
Q de of Onyx, Cameo, tjold Studs, gel and
Cameo Sleeve Buttons and ,Sfiles, for sale by
No 2 Odd Fellows' Hall.
Binghamton, June 4th, 1858.
GOLD SPECTACLES- 2 0f every age, can
vex and concave, also Silver, Steel, Plated
and German Silver, do., LI EVANS & ALLEN.
LATED KNIVES.—A large stock of Table
and Desert Knives, also Steel Knives and.
Forks, for ' EVANS & ALLEN.
CORAL BEADS—By the bunch, also Coral
Necklaces and Armlets, by
1 Ev ( vlcs & ALLEN.
GOLD 'first rate, stock ol gold
Pens, with and without holders, by ,
Eva:is &ALLEN.
POCKF. vary desirable as
sortment of One, Two, Three and Four
BladedltniVes, also, a good lot of Scissors, all
sizes, by. EvAss & ALLEN.
LOCKS—Plain and Alarm, Lever and Pen
dulum, 30 day, 8 day arid 30 hour; Wood
and Iron Cases, by EVANS & ALLEN.
NAPKIN RINGS--Silver,Avory and Bone,
by - EVANs & ALLEN.
el OLD Tlll - 3IBLES—Some very heavy, like
-1131" wise Silver do., of all sizes, by
- No. 2 Odd Fellows' Hall.
Binghamton, June 4th, 1858.‘,
A Boon to the Mehl
TFIE want of a sterling medicinal to meet the
ills and necessities of the suffering portion
of humanity, and one entirely free from mineral
and other deleterious particles, was severely felt
until this all powerful medicine was ushered into
the world; Holloway'sjnvaluable Pills have be
come the Household Remedy of all nations.
Their attribute is to Prevent, IL3 well as to Cure;
they attack the radix root of the complaint, and
removing the hidden cause 'of disease reinvigor
ate and restore the drooping energies of the sys
tem, assisting, nature. in her task of Vital and
Functionary Reformation. ,
The great scourge of this .continent yields
quickly to a course of these antiseptic Pills, and
the digestive organs are restored to their proper
tone; no matter in what hideous shape this liy
ura of disease exhibits itself, this se:itching and.
dnerring remedy disperses it from the patient's
Getiteral Debility and Vl:edkrtess.
Froth whatever cause, Lowness of Spirits, and
all other signs of a diseased liver, and other dis
erganizations of the system, vanish under the.
eradicating influence of this all powerful anti
senile and detergent remedy. ,
Bilious Disorders. .
The proper quantum and right condition otthe
bile is of, momentous importance to the health
of the human frame, this Anti-Bilious ,medicine
expels the hidden seeds of the complaint; and
renders all the fluids and secretions
. pure and
fluent, cleansing and resuscitating the vital ftine
tions of the body, •
Sickly: Females.
Should loose no time in trying a few doses of
thiS relating and renovating remedy, whatever
may be their eqmplaint r it can be taken with
safety in all periodical and other disorgactilations,
its effects is all but miraculous.
tlorefoted Proof.
The testimony of nations is una n imously
borne to the health-giVing virtues of this noble
remedy., and certificates in every living langtivre
bear witness to the Undeniableness of the fn-,
trinsic Worth.
IblloWay's Pills arc the best remedy known in the
world for the
. followittg diseases:
AstliniS, Diarrhma, Influciiia, Stone and
Bowel Coin -Dropsy, Inflareation,Gravel,
plaints; Debility, Inward Secondary
Coughs, Fever and Weakness, Symptoms ;
Colds, Apse. • 'Aver Venereal
Chest Dia:Female , Complainfi, Affections,
eases, Complaints,Lowness of ‘Vorms of
Costiveness,lleadaches, Spiriti; - all kinds.
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Piles; •
r47—CAUTION!—Nono are genuine unless
the words "Holloway. New York and London."
are discernible as a iFater-Mark -in every leaf
of the book of directions around each pot or
box: the'same may be plainy seen by holding
the leaf to the light. A handsome reward will be
given to any. - one rendering such information as
max fend to the dAtection of any party or parties
counterfeiting the medicinespi vending the same,
knowing them to be spdrions.
*,,,*01d at. the Manufactories of Professor
II ow.owxy, 80 Maiden Lane, Now York and by
all respectable Druggists and Dealer's in Medi
cine throughout the United,States and the civil
ized world, in boxes 25 cents, 6'3 cents gvi at
each. • , , .
Plir There is considerably saving by faking
the larger sings.
N..B.—Direetiona for the guidance of patientii
in every disorder are /Axed to each box..
June 3d, 1858. [22ootaly.
PROFESSOR WOOD'S Hair Reatoratl•e
To Gentlemen who 'Wear Clothes.
IHAVE recently made arrangements, at, co
siderable expenacc for doing work in the
on very short notice, in a neat,durnble, and fash.
ionable manner, and at reduced prices.
I will furnish garments to.order, if desiro4, or
render the customer whatever assistance he may
need in selecting 'materials- of the beat quality.
and at the-lowest market prices.
„. All my work will be warrantedrukEto fit, fin.
tsh and durability. No customer need take his
work from the shop unless it suits him.
Being permanently, and exclusively angag,ed_
in this business, it shall he mygrelt aim to please
the, public, and thus secure their patronage.
1414trose, June Ist 1858. 33tf.
WHEREAS Letters of AdministrationloAke
Estate of Allen Tennant, late of New
Milford township, county of Susq'a, deceased,
have been granted to the subscribers; all persons
,to the saikestatc ace requested to make
immediate payment; and those having claimi'
against the seine, will present them duly anthen
fleeted for settlement, to
New Sfiliord, it;ne, 2d,
TH ISESTABLISHMENT Chas been greatly,
enlarged and improved- during the' spring,
and is now ready for the receptiOn of Patients.
Few similar institutions in this country com
bine so Many advantages for the successful treats
ment orlnvalids. The location is beautiful, the
house new and commodioug, the rooms large,air),
well furnished and every way. arranged with a
view to the health and comfort of the occupants.
The Physicians, Dr. Thayer .and tylfe, have .
had twelve years experience (the .eight at
Binghamton)in treating diseases Hydropathicza I ly
during which time they have treated successfully,
thousandkof sick persons,. many after their dis
eases havri been pronounced by .eminent
Physicians. In addition to their patients at the
"cup s E" tlfey hasir a large practice in the village
and surrounding country, which makes:Them fa
miliar with the treatment of diseases of every
grade And character. They planned, built, 'and'
own the "BinghamtonWater-Cure,nconsequently
it is upder their entire control and management
!In all those diseaseit to which the peculiar 'a
daptation of •llydropathic treatment has been
successfully demonstrated, they will .generally
guarantee a speedy and perfect restoration.—
Such are the following, viz—Acute and Chronic
Rheumatism, Nervous diseases, Dyspepsia, Scrof
ula; Spinal complaints, Tumors, Ulcers, enlarge
ment of Joints, diseases of the Throat and Lungs,
Dropsv, Ague and Fever, Female complaints of
every kind, Skin diseases, Catarrh, &c. &c.
Persons who have beenlong sick or bed-ridden
and who have not succeeded heretofore in their
efforts to regain their health, are especially invi
ted to consult ur or givo us a call. terms from
$5 to $lO per week. -
Car Dt. Thayer will be at Searle's Hotel in
Mentrose, on Thursday, August 5:11, where any
Invalids who desire, may consult him.
For further particulars, address
my:lotriJ • O. V.-THAYER, M. D.
GROCERIES! Groceries!---A splen
did assortment of Gkoceries et very low
BOOTS and Shoes.--!Just received a
large aseorment—for sale :cheap.
CROeIiERT.---A new lot just received
and for sale.
CEDAR and Stone Ware--.ln all its
READY-MADE 'Clothing of every
To Dairymen.-4Ve have a large lot of
A No. -1 Firkins atid;ubs foi sale.
Slimmers, Penn. •
' 17t.f.
April 118th. 1858.
Durno's Celebrated Catarrh Snuff,
R. THAYER, Montrose; . .
S. D. TOMPKINS, . rooklyn ; •
Wm H. THAYER, Dimodt.
OFIICE, over Wilson's
MontrosO, Min:ll.loth, 185.8.
Rev. Jose:4)li E. King, A. M., i
c"' - vimanarr2aul,
4•D i
• c 0
..-I Ladies and CentleMen, Pall termle"
4.2 ' .
CO 1
~ opens August 19, 1858.
• / til
H} I:1) $32 40 pa • for-Board and TuititKint fs.
, , .38
, tt e ) Common English, for term of Fouilenl.lll
141V.eckilo. Superb brick buildings, beauti
giffully located on the Rail - mad, near Sara- G I ,
,Itoga Springs. SL : perior facilities for Mu-h -
r4 ; sic, Paintin,g, and' French. Studerts re
4 'veired at any time, and charged only fort
I.4%the res;due . of the term.
•• '
0 • i°4
F T4 For Catalogues ndslresa the -PR . INCtrAt,., -
. June 17th. 1858. [3-4m3. -
SAVE your 25 per cent. by calling at the
MOTROSE BOOK STORE with your Spanish
and Meiican Money, and I will se_ll you any one
or all the articleq,L have on hand for Spanish or
Mexican coin at par, and some of them at cost at
that. A. N. BULLARD.
Montrose, Jine 15th, 1858.
WHEREAS Letteiu of Administration to the
estate of Elleti Bagley, late of Brooklyn
tswns"h • ip, Connty ; of Susquehanna, deceased,
hate been granted to tiro subscriber;, .all.persons
indebted to the s; ace requested to make
imniediato payment; and those haying .claltne
against - the same, will present,tliegn duly authen
ticated for settlement, to R. W,
. „ , • Adiontstrator.
Brooklyn; 37ne Bth, 1858.-23w6.
. .
hIST OF LETTERS - remainingin the Post
Office at Moritrose,lune 30th s t 1858. •
Boomer, Rev. James C. Millarie, Bridget.
Bixby. Augustus Marshall. Wm. Ji.
Bell, Miss Jana Murphy, John P.
Brown,Miss Caroline M.O'Connell, Michl
Clark, Miss Ellen Perkins. David
Downes, Miss H. E. Patterson, Miss A. -
D,aVey, Peter • Raynor, Jacob %V.
Dunmore, M. , . gichardsoo„ll: 2.
Dunmore, Miss Arville Rogers. Mrs. Mary F.
Ellis, Miss Elizabeth Reed, Climan L
France, i s M. _ Robiniun, M. ,
Godard, Francis . Shay, Miss Antonett _
Hill, Edon -Sutton, Mark • •
Hale, Jacob, - §turlin, Enoc
Hines, Joseph Sumner, George
Higley, Miss Polly Secor, R. H.
Haywood, Jason , Seamans-, A. B.
Ijalliman, Miss Slisan Saril, C. H..& D.
Johnson. ' Sonnet Stockholm, Win.
Int, William Suslß, 'Maine/
Jenks, Perry Vance, Mrs. Margaret
Keeler, Sidney Vanhorti, J. W. 5
Kelsey, EPhraim - Warren Wm. H.
Lyons, F. D. ' Weston ,Willard
Lark, Anton ' Weston, litaster Gel:lige
Moran, Martin
Pe l ons calling for any of the above letters
will p ease say "advertised." • ~
- 1 If. I. WEBB, P. M.
Post Office. biontrose,'Pa., t
June 30th, 1858.
. •
LTAYPES BROTHERS will .pay the high
eet, cash price for Wool delivered at their
• View Milford, June UM, 1858.
Take Due. Niitkel
And govern Tonrselves accordingly,
To make public announ evnent of the act that
they have entered into NEW ARRANGE',
AIENT, for the joint bencfi - uf tliemelves and
the laboring community, ns knows:
. .
They. will r4ceive • -
at par, in exeliange.for all goods purchasedit
their establishipent from, this date; and in ad
ditionjbereto .patmE theroselvils to hell goods,
from 25 to 30 per cent cheaper than any, other
firm in Northern Pennsylvania.
'There is at the present' , ti,Te, a . large amount
of Spanish Coin in circulation - in this region;
and• having seen with,surprilse in the public prints
of this ,county, a notice to the effect, that such
coin is • reduced in value at MOSTROSEL.
Tkat we are in great :need of money,
and as the said Sitnnish Coin is the •beit
silver in the market, w? advise all persons in
possession of such coln to bring the same- to
who will ta4o it at
Its Pornier lue
We are constantly recievinz DRESS GOODS
of the latest Styles and of the finest qualities,
comprising, - a splendid assortment—of S4ctrls,
Mantillas, Bonnets, and a superb stock of
Drort - Y,3 •
to which we invite the particular attentionof conn
try Milliners. A beautiful assortment of Em
broidery, comprising Collars, Sleeves, 4inens,
Laces, and White Goods too numerous to. men- -
lion. We devote a great deal. of attention 'to the
business, and have a large Tailoring establish
ment connected with our Stores at Ilontroke and
Susquehanna Depot. Nye flatter ourselves that
we can fit a manbe he dwarf or giant, and no
matter how illsbapen—in presentable style,
provided always, that his portmonnaie is stuffed
with the "needful" (defined by us to consisi4f
Spanish as Well as American coin). -
* * *Cull, and get yoitt money's worth fit the
Store. SA . . •
Montrose, Pa ,
May .18th, 1858:(
WO! ID respectfully invite attention-to tho
fact that he will
.receivo SPANISH
COIN at PAIL in exchange for Goods at lowess
prices, or on notes and- accounts, sort would
respectfully. invite attention to his well seterteil
stock -of.
.1011 t
consisting in part as follows: Rich Bladt Silks;
Brochts:.Stella and Cashmere Slows from 88 to
s'2o; 'Rich Ribbons; Barages, /Challis, •Prints,
and Robes; Embroidered Colla4 from 6 1-4 cta.
to 20.,et5.; Parasols, Umbrelhis„and. Carpet Bags:
Scythes—an excel ent assortment, best in "this
eity,"—ltakes.. Hay Forks, Straw'Forki, Bruns
Kettles, &c.. &e., &e. . , .
Fine Stock of Ladies' SPOCli g Wail Pa
per, and a Large Assortment of Carpeting,
In fact.,a Nice Stock of, RICH GOODS—to ba
sold i k t the LOWEST PRICES, for
• . .
So come one and all. and, hereafter avoid ail
such as show you by their practice , that they do
not du by others as they wisti-others , by
them. You, will please take notice that. no
dealer offers you Spa:ti:h Coin at 20 cents in
change they expect to get more.
P. 8. Therc is another clasc oCcustomers that
I wish to say a word to. Some. , seem to labor
,under the impression that I do not need any
money to conduct' my business. :It will proba
bly. prove a fatal mistake to their credit with me,
"and if they will -set themselves to work to -pro--
ewe the needful they will•be relieved the Kea
once of that special 'messenger whom no one
cares to see._. - - •
toads as herer'etofore will be sold to Prompt
six months buyers-- - -and lhoso only--,-on time.
All those who have not settled their accounts
for the year past please *call and settle the same
withetit-delay. Yours truly, in trade, -
May 18th, 1858.1 R.-KENYON.
-- .
rp HE (44-r:signed would announce to their
friends, and the publicseneral
ly that they have just returned . from thq city and
are recei3 and opening a new and complete
assortment of
o various idud.t,whieli will be sold at priceS to
snit the times for CASH or PRODUCE. We MVO'.
sought Ilse medintii of th e
press to announce to ,
all upon what principle we shod transact b usi
oess. It is termed the . 1
,• OR,
Ch.%111 ILIND 0-110'EblaCE. - .
- 0 11_21 77. IC E
to all'Tersons for the same article, and it shall
be our..endeavor to make those prices such as,
will 'induce persons who wish. to-pay.for their
then Goods and not others, to call at least and
examine our stock, arid if the prices don't come:
down to the system, we cannot expect to sell
Them. S'i' ;me kind friend may say that it will be
so c 19,7 but we - think from the experience of
the past: few months of eery person whohap
pened to owe the country merchants, especially.
if it had been standing six months or more, with
what CoaXing - , - , dunning, threats, &e., they. have
been begat, we think they Will all respond to
. '
the above system :trill resolve to buy no ntoro
goods than they can pay for, and-- that they are
determined to-support these who will establlslt
.that principle and carry it out. We will let the
system established stand up - on its own merits;
believing that it,is the most prudent and wise
emirseto be pursued, in every branch of busi 7
ness, and that the day is not far distant when
it will be GESECALLV adopted. Call, and see us
ard we will shim' you goods at astonishing low
. All kinds of Merchantable Produce taken in
exchange for Goods at the highestnearket . pyiee,
. , ot:Nd
Summqrs, .
April 28th, 1858 c
T HE original ONE ERICE - and READY-FAY
:Lore of New Milford,
The Peditolle7s A;te,uts, are now Permit:.
log. a large Btoek: of. Staple ind:Faney Dry
Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, lints and
Caps, Wall rind Window Paper, Wonden Ware,
Forks, Hoes, -Flour and Salt — by the barrel oe
load,—Yfinkee Notions; Jewelry and Walehes—
wholesale and retail; nt prices that would as
tonish. Mond not posted' in the rea - bnsi4
We hare nothing fo do with Old Fogyism,—
he has "gone in",-has vamoosed without a
groan or -kick. and the last seen of him ,he was
holding On to the tail of "Hard Times," and he,
grinned a ghastly smile as he passed lg.s OLs
Fa►>:nns. . .
Out motto, is—Live and Let- Lire.
Csitt't be beat dosFu:
Every ArtiVle Warranted as lie) esented !
We think our friends, and customers for their
liberal patronage in times past, and we hope; by
strict attention to basiness, to' merit'asontin:
%lance of the same., HAYDEN BROTHER
New Milf.ord, May Ist, 1858.-18tc
. - • .
. WOOL • CARDIArG, 't"
MBE subscriber is carrying 'on the above
siness as usual.. A. G. = REYNOLDS:
Brooklyn, June, Bth, I'BsB —210.,
/ • I