The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 08, 1858, Image 3

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    The Tariff.`
We•notice-thatthe.hobby.riding fediticans
of the day . are trying to ' . re-mOrint the tariff
question—, Of such we would.. LSE a perusal
of a few remark, tehich we clip • from the
Doylestown D . ernOcriat
"We are opporiesho the tariff for-protection
merely, for'the reason that.the Constitution
o( the United. States only gives Congress4lie.
.power to raise revenue for the purpose of car;,
tying on the Government, and there is dot
one word, by iniplication Or otherwise, abont
thapeople -being taxed . for the sole purpose of .
'protecting this of that. interest.. Revenue_ is
• the abject for which duties are laid, awl if any
protection can -be given, incideand (4 t hi s .
and wi diem. raising more money off the people
than the expense.s . of the government require,
it would be right and proper to'dise i iininaw
itl favotof our own artisans, and afford them'
such piotection. .We believe that free trade
is the true doctrine.,. anti manever could see,
why any sabre reStrictions.ShOuld be placed
upon our I ,eole going' to' Europe to trade,
than over inter 'New Jersey. Bat - in . the
present condition of the world it is impos4ible
to inaugurate a free trade system, for while
olher nations:A:lx bur. goods; we must tax
theirs.. 'There is to mote tlx the
goOdsla vessel carries, than to tax the vessel
itself; and England and other. nations have
Jon! , since relinquished: tonnage dutiesi
• If the preseat tariff:wilt -not raise revenue
enough to.ineet thei;irants of the government,
then we are in laver of incr e asing it. ,The
'tariff of 1846 yielded ample revenue for all
purposes . , and all-interests prospered under it,
and •we are in favor of restoring ,it, :until it
shall be found that lower rates will suffice.
. tariff is. more a question of- . political
economy, than one of politics; and our- re
,venne' laws will never be stable, hut always
-fluctuating, so long a s they are dragged into
all our party squabbles: -The-manufacturer
does not so pinchneed,high &ides, as stabil
itY in the rates, that he . may always knoW
depend upon and govern. himself
. .
. COF FLE.—Boileti.cufree, it is well known,
is superior to coffee mide 'after the French
fashion, by straining - bet, when boiled in an
ordinary coffee pot, .theltne aroma goes off
-- with the vapor, leaving the infusion flat or
bitter,: hence the resort - by many housekeep
ers to the French biggin. Itecently,there his
been patented a new coffeepot, which entire
lv removes the cOmtfroalobjection'of Waste of
strength and flavor boiling.
It is called the -'Old DonitaiOn Coffee' Pot,'
and is made with a-condenser at the top, in
which two syphons are c arrai s ca. After the
coffee and water ace placed id the coffee pot.
the 'condenser, containing a onll portion of
cold ;water, is jut on, and till: spout closed
with a movable cap; so that trot a. particle.'
vapor cats escape. ,As soon as the coffee
lt)kkiik the yapor, instead of being
given off into the room, passes up one of the
s.yphons, and is condensed by the,cold water,
into which -as much of the aroma as was
carti.d off with the vapor, is discharged. 'As
coire Anti - woes to hoili the vapor,loaded
with the aroma.continuesto pass
"through: the
.srphon-into the waterheld in thecondenser,
mr.ll .
the water is raised above-the level of the
,•tlier syp - livvp,,.when the whole passes back,
1-V suction, into the coffee'belo,w. Thus.the
coffee is bailed, and_ yet does . not lose i'part
-;iilesof its. due-aro - Ma - clr strength.
: So-etai attempts have been made_to con
struct.a that ,would, accomplish
this desizable object,,lmt, until the 'Old Do
. taion-CotiP6.Poti appeared; none vir a.found
Atirely adapted- to the parpos'e: it seems
to,he as -twit. pet,ectron "as canat p e ent be
-attained. It is siMple - in , coristruction, easily
• ii:ed.4(l'will make good cofie always at of e.
fetu-th less.eost thad - b y the old modes of
- -
'There are in - coffee-both . an ;aromatic. and
a bitter principle. boiling... the aromatic
hicli is veri.volatile) escapes if the boiler
is open, and the .bittei remains. TICe excel
lence of coffee;.dependi on the amonnt of a
toms boiling.; but all know that
airs delicious fragrance of the berry is allow
ed to perrsade the whele house for. half-an
hour or so before breakfastduring the boiling
p•ocoss, and that, in too, many cases,the flavor
ef the coffee is ia that little_ or no
~ . ,
et j.iymentis" fcunu. the . - drinking. - Coffee
ilia, deprived'cf its aroma,is neither so .pleas
ant to the taste, nor so healthy as a beverage.
We would recommend to housekeepers a
tried of the `o:d Dominion COffee•rot,'which
some-faniihe.havehad in use for ever a year,
-sand say they would on no 'consi'deration be
w;thout it, Is it retain" the whole of the
a Well as the aroma of the berry.
•,urth less. coffee:Ls required ; and this
i. a consideration these.: time,l.—Lady's
',Fame ..IfflgriziAt.;.
:Murder and napine.
Joshua P.. Giddings is . in favor of the
ies *at apd rapine, int will be t e means
of tali:dug all...the darkey,s .without. owners.
That is what we understand him to say in the
.oaragraph -which we eppend. --, It is taken
from an artiole,over his initials in the Aslita
hula Sea find. Ile says:
. _
"We hope - that every slave may obtain, his
freedom at the earliest possible moment, and
nt any expeose,even if costs the life of every
pirate who attempts to- bold him , is bond
' .
He is getting anxious for a reign. of ferror,
and 'deluge of .blood -Take 'a few thous-;
and of yoni extra mileage stealing% and;
equip kresiment Of.nigzers, and open the
ball yourself. Just the kind of a man for the
leader of sue s h an--expedition,. and safe that
would be sure to met a warm. reception a
mong-the "pirates? Washington, leffenton.
Madisdn,Jackson; Clay, Taylor and other
fastrated: "sere all ..`pirates,' ac
cordinglo 'Giddings':dtfinition, yet their
nama'will- be fresh in -the memory of this
nation, when'Giddings shall have been 'a
thousand years forgottenTrunibull Coun
iy Democrat.
/figf dimel ? ane, of Kansas,--is getting his
Ideserts,righf and left. The Chiag,eo 'Tribune:
a prominent Republican journal, experiences I
'a sensation of ` .Providence,' that
it can at least speak - its mind freely of Gen.
.Ibn'tine, of Kansas,and says the reason why
it could never do so before was its . fear that
rightelouscapse ,would suffer by the, expos
ure ohs vigatintal?
,it!ridmita,havirtg known
alt along that Lane was a' tpentilent and in
cendiary-- demitgogue; yet, strange to Sap, its
supposed duty to, its platy sealed its -utter
ance. But now that he is a murderer, and
therefore no Totiffer ivailabte -al a leader and
.• candidate for tbe United . Soties Senate, the
`Tribune,' with' an immense feeliag of relief,
casts.-biro-off. ,
The - Poor devil lit in e.brid way these - latter
days. , It rs,,riisult . 'har his surgeon hen - told
Labe that amintatios of hisreg Is necessary,
but that ,he .refuses to submit to the operation.
The ball struck on the•tleshy part of the
We - would noi - rejoiceofer the misfortunes.
, ofany one;bot really we think that the colln
try. Cautsas,and,the 'vagabond' hilleseltwould .
suffer . serious injury if , the amputation'
should lie Place, just where the Dutchman
prescribed for thocnre - of hydrophobia in his
' *les : 7-11ml brhieff the . -
Indian Depalettations Dacotak.
.Reporte from the..Dacatelf. TeiritotY. State
that the Ycinkton Indians; .3,0009 n number,
Are committing depredations en ..the , white
settlers along the Minnesota river. The
cause of the dissatisfaction is that the annul.
ties Ne now due, and s not being ` paid by the
Government,they intend to recover the litodp,
and • drive away the white settlers. They
have destroyed
. the village of Medary, and
burned• the town of-.Flaudran.. An emigrant
train near Medary was also plundered. .
The settlers ate at thesMin
nesota Falls, preparatory to defensive opera-
, irar The Ilartisburk...//craid says that the
Sunbury it: Erie natlread Cotnikany have
sold the West Branch and Susquehannadi
sions of. the ciinals, frJrn Tangaseoonte to
the 'Junctioncite the HQn. Jobb A - . Gamble le
Co. Price not giien..z
an elec.:tit:pi held at Engine
House Nu. 2 onlalontlay, July sth.,tho following,
I officers were chosen. for. the coming term :
J:P: W. RILEY, Foreman.
ASA. E. LIA WLEY, ht Ass't Foreman.
I S. T. HEN S . LOCK, 2d Ass't Foreman.
F. 13. AN IiLER, Treti.surer.
S. NI. WILSON, Secretary.
J. F. CROWLEY, Pipeman. .
_C. W. DOOLLITLE, Ass't Vila:Matt. •
} Wardens.
GEORGE BA liEß,•Purler
Notice.—There will be a letting-of a School
House to build, near Mooses S. Tyler's, on Sat
urday, July-ad, at one o'clock, p. ru., to the low
est bidder. Said house to De 30 by 20 feet,
studded and brace(L ten feet frotn;:top of sill to
underside of plate. - Also, two Old Seh - 00l Houses
to sell--!-one near S. T. Scott's, and the: other
near George Frink's. THOMAS JOHNSON,.
The, above letting. has been adjourned to
-Satiirday, July 17th, 1858.
at which time nli interested. are "quested to at
tend. • Per order of Conimitti.e.
July 3d, 1858
Notice.—'Rer. A. 0. tVa.nuErf *ill mach
at Jacirson Valley, North Branch and.Friendaville_
the 2nd Sunday in July, (July 1 ith ) instend'of
lat Sunday. '
10,000 Pl,tients cured annually by the moo(
Helnabold'aGinuinePreparatiou , of Fluid Extract
of Bueliti, a eost positive and s pee ifie remedy for
dialre.ssing ailments. Read the advertisement
headed "liel mbold's Gen nitce Prepara tion.r • [ni
lloklowayla Ointment and Pi .rauds.
There are no frauds execrable as thosewhich
imperil health and life. Therefore the I4e at
tempts to disseminate counterfeits of the:above
ommed great balsamic remedies aro infinitely
more &testable than the operations of the com
mon forger. :The victims of scrofula,eruptious,
turncerm. titmors, sore legs, Stc:&c., throughout
the union, - look to. the Oiottnent'as the only: t el . -
i-ement of cure.- Sufferers from dyspepsia,billieus
I disorders, affections of the bowels, etc ~have an
equally firm reliance on the Pills. What, tFien.
should be the punishment of the miscreant - Who
offersaperuicimis salve in the place of the one,
rands vile dastric compound under the name of
the other? In order to oe sure you have ithe
Ilvenuine article, see - that the water-mark-,
loicav, New York and London" is on every leaf
oethc'book of directions enclosing each. []w
VC" nltsud.....A person, either wale or female,
who ever used a bottle of DR. Tomas' VENETIAN
LINIMENT, that trill not say it is thebest article
for the cure ot Rheumatism. Dyeeniery. Pains of
all kinds, Croup, Cuts, &c. it is warranted to
cure—or - tin pay. Price 25 &50 eta. Depot, 56
Cortlandt street. New-York. None genuine un
less signed S, 1. Tobias. Sold by A. TURRKI.L,
Montrose, Va. - [26w3
Board and Booms t for the Nor
mal Sell ool.—Thiire , wbo will fitrnish board
for students during, the coming term or the Nor
mal sehOol- and those who hare 'vacant rooms
ac here students can hoard themselves, will please
•inform me immediately, as applications are al-
ready coming in: •
A large attendance is anticipated, - so that :stu
dents will do well to app'.o early.
At the Picture Gallery in the Brick Block.
Exit ibititm.--Tbere will an exhibition of
Mo*ING ACMINES on the farm of John Harring
ton, one and a half miles rma a Montrose, on
Thursday, July, 15th, at 2 o cloak, p. m. Owners
and agents of machines arc solicited to be pres
ent. Judges to be selected cin the.ground.
• A. BALDWIN. T E Committee.
• _ S. F. CARMALT, )
Agricultural Rooms,
MOntrose, July .sth. - , - / 80.
Wilt&%18111. .
--0 O the 3d inst., by t h e Rev. D. J Wailer, of
Bloomsburg, P..t., 7,1 r. E. 31. TEWKSBURY Of
Lathrap,.Sit-q. Co..:•nd Miss ELLEN DAVI
SON, of Catawissa,ColUmbia.Co., Pa.
At ; The residence of the bride's father in Mon.
trose,,July 6:14 18:7S, by the Rev. B. B. Emory.
Miss LORAN A. daughter of Dr. E. Park, and
Mr. SILAS B. FOOT of Red-Wingz- Minnesota.
In Yorest Lake. , on the lot in t f4ty Eld. W.
C. Tilden, q'ttr. WALTER ZENNER: , and Miss
AN ,N g E. I3OYD, both of Forest Lnke—
In Brooklyn, on the 7 th of June, by Rev. ,
N. Doolittle Mr. LYMAN TIFFANY and Miss.
11ALENA Fl5ll. • . _ .
• aNno.
In Friithn.Jnne Bth, of consumption, Mr.
EDWARD CORNWALL, Jr.,. aged 28 yCars.
Also on thes2.lst;m4 the same complaint, COIL.,
DELLA-J., bis,wife.azed .24. yea
Thus have pa.sed away to a w, , . of rest 3,0 1
fadeless glory the husba nd and / ife,after a long.
and somewhat coufi menf; yet they;
waited with patience and die. resigned in hppe;
of-a future blessedness. They leave a little girli
; some two years old who rnay.never remember al
lather's voice or a mother's care. Their funerals,
were attended at the house Mr. O. M. Hall who;,
had kindly watched aver them in their last harm;
without-hope of earthly reward: A. 0. W.
VE -would tall the attention of the Farmers'.
of this eottray . to the Independent:Tooth;
Horse Rake. This ft:le luis been proven bei•ond;
a doubt to he
They, will be left for sale at most of the Public
places in, this county. and 1 would' say to.
thosewiio wish a .11ORSE •RAKE to' try
them for themselvec and if not liking themfe
turn them tivithin three days uninjured. All or.
(*.era addressed toMe -will 'be ;promptly attended
to. ! ; CHANCY FOOT.
'gOntrose, July Ist, 1.4.58.-37w3. ,
AICOTICE is hereby given. than the firm of
.11 GRIFFIS & DIX is This day dissolved b3i ,
mutual consent. 'LEANDER GRIFFi6,
.11,5katm, June 24, '58,• '• E. P. DIX
. _
The books and *amounts tan be found at the
residence•of Leander Griffis, who is,authorized
to settle the-same. All persons having unsettled
accounts, are requested to settle the same. _
• N O'T-1. C E
I TB hereby' given that. all persona are forbidde
from Making any further excavations, - or r -
moving stone or earth from the stooe quarry Or
thereabouta„ - in the Borough.of Montrose, except
solar as has been specially permitted to William
Gihsore i -to remove a limited amount of stone
already uncovered,. and any person. or posotie
-hereafter trespassing oaths said stonequarry-con.
trary to thiconier,will be proceeded against a f ,..
cording to law. Be order of the Commissioners.
• W. A. GROSSMAN, Clerk.
Commissioners' Office,— ?
Motitteso,‘Tuly ethoetB4
LIST OF. LETTR4 the Post
Office at MontroVriani.,3oth, 1858. -
Bocimer;Rev. Jatirei C. 111111dirm, Bridget
.Bixby. Augustus ' '- • Maribill. Wm. H.
Bell, 'Miss Jane- , 3turyby, John F.
Brown; Miss Caroline
.M:O . Conerr4l, M ich i l •
Clark, Anis Ellen '• Perkins, David
Downes, Miss IL E. Patterson, Miss A.
Davey, Peter - Raynor, Jacob W.'
thramdre, M. • Richardson, B, - 2
Namurs, Miss Arville ',Rogers, Mrs. Mary F.
Ellis, Miss Elizabeth 'Reed, Osman •
France,. J. M. • : Robinson, M. L.
dodo rd. Francis Shay, Miss Antenett
Edim Sutton, Mark •
Hale, Jacob t Stnrlin, Faroe
Hines, Joseph Sumner. George •
Higley, Miss Polly - Wecor, R. H.
Haywood, Jason - Seamans, A. B.
Halliman ' Miss Suszn Sears, C.ll. do D.
Jnimson,Sntnuol • Stuekholm, Wm.
Wil • Susi it. 'Michael
lenl:s, Perry - Vance, Mrs.-Margaret
/Ceder, Sidney Vanhorn, 1. W. 5
kelsey, Ephraim Warren Wm. H.
I.vons, F . D. Weston, Willard
k, Anton _ Weston, Master Gnotge
Moran, Martin
I Persons calling for any of the above letters
will please say "advertised."
11. J. WEBB, P. M.
I Po,t Office. Montrose, Pa., t •
t . June 30th, 1858. s
!r im undersigned, having been appointed by
11 the Court of Common Pleas of SuNgoe
hanna County, an Auditor to - make distribution
of the moneys in the hands of the Sheriff of said
county, arising from the sale of real estate of G.
S. Mesiek, R. A: Mesiek and Harvey Hall, will
attend ta the duties of said appointment at his
nine° in Montrose, on Saturday the thirty-first
day of July next at one o'clock in the afternoon,
ht which time and place all persons interested
in 'said moneys will present their claims or be
forever barred from coming in upon said fund.
Juno 30th, 1858.-27 w I.
Merriman's Root and Shoe Store, next
• to J. Ethridge. •
I[_TAVING worked for the past nine years
with ith the most skillful workmen, he feels
confident that he can do the most difficult jobs
:on short notice.
Alt-Work Warranted to fire Satisfaction
-- rf
W. B. Simrsoxjas woi for rue Tor son.,
ltime, and I can recommend him as a careful and
skilful workman, competent to do as good work
Its can lie done in the country, and worthy of
:confidence. • . WM. A.- cIII3II3ERLIN.
Towanda June 'loth,. 1858.
Rrfers to—Vin. Ewell, h:, W. Baird, E.' D.
Montayne, E. 0. Goodrich, B. Kingsbury, Townn-
Hda: li. S. Bentley, L Searle, C.
"D. Lathrop,
J. Wittenberg, Montrose. -
* * *Jewelry neatly repaired on- short notice,
"and on reasonable terms: [Juno 15th, 18.58.—tf.
R. R. •
Alnrming Signs of a Sickly Summer.
'rrtliE Su:lmm. and Fall or 1858 will be - marks.
LL ed in the records of time as th e most sickly
and unhealthy of seasons that lisso visited the
!northern portion of this Continent for many years.
; Malarious diseases, in their most malignant and
violent forms, will prevail as epidemlcs in see-
Lions of our country that have been deluged by
the late overflowing of rivets, creeks and bayous,
and drenchapy the recent heavy rains.
VOMITING will rage with violence in the vicinity
of low, marshy lands, and where the deluge of
waters and drenchings of rains have.been suffi
ciently violent to produce miasma from decom
position of Ve,gebildo or other decomposed mu
'VI. In our Sonthern and Western States we
may therefore expect tho prevalence as epidemic,
•Malarious disease in one or the other of the
.above named forms; and in order that the Pu
be may j rondo themselves . with the pro.
means to protect their systems against sudden
• attacks of disease of any kind,•we notify the peo
, pie of the approach of these . maladies. In Rad.
/; say's Ready Relief you have the preventive.
!. With this Remedy, however violent and malig-
I mint infectious and deadly may be the character
of the disease, it canuot harm you. A tea•
spoonful of.this lire-protecting Remedy, drank
in a little water three - or four tunes per day, will
fortify the stomach against the infectious gasses
of these fevers, that You are as safe from danger
as though yau were breatning the most whole
some and invigorating atmosphere - under the
sun. Radwoy's - Ready 11.41e1 has been proved,
in the Yellow Fever of 1853, to be the be s t disin-
fectant in use. If any of our readers are so un
fortunate as to be afflipted with any Ferer,
Cholera, -Flux or ,Ilysenllery —tither Yellow,
Con.„,- , est ire, Intermittent, or Remittent—Rad Way's
Ready Relief, aided with - Radway's-Regulators.
will in a few hours arrest the violen:e and dan
ger of the ilisease, and soon cure you.
Diseases such as Rheumatism, Grid, ,S ialia,
'Neuralgia, IP'ad Aches, Lilluen:a,.Rush of Blood
to the head, Biliousness, Cholics, Tooth' Aches,
Croup, -Whooping Coughs, Inflammation of the
Bowels and Lungs. Sudden Attacks of Ch ills and
Fevers, Sickness at the Stomach, Congestion of the
Brain, Snn.Siroke, Lire ,- Dj litties, and other
painful, debilitating and enfeebling maladies, will
run riot thronghirut the length and
.breadth of
the land, attacking in their Most violent forms
the aged, middle aged, and youthful. Rut against
these ills, which inflia so much pain upon their
-victims Rsdway's Ready Relief will in a few
months remove the most fierce and torturing
pains; and, if used in conneetirin'with Rad saycs
Regulators, speedily effect a cure.
cm:toxic DISEASES.
Those who are so unfortunate tut to be of
dieted with Chronic diseases, Breaking Out,
Running Sores, Humors, Ferer Sores, Ulcers,
Salt Rheilir; Pitrkly Heat, Sore Ned!, Sor 7 e Eyes,
Bad Legs, Sores in the Nose or Mouth, Canker,
Boils, Blotches, Erysipelas, Bad Coughs, Swollen
Parts, will suffer increased agonies from these
diseases, during this sick circle, unless the Blood
is cleansed • from its Humors, and the system
renovated of its impurities, by Ra.dway'S
vating Resolvent. This Remedy is a quick cure
for the .nbove.named diseases• and it is the only
known remedy that will completely eradicate
from the system,diecases inherited by constitu
tional transedesion. Persons afflicted with
Scrofula. File, Syphilis, or any Chronic disease,
will be effectually cured, if Rsdwayls Renovating
Resolventis used..
A great number of those st ho die from pesti.
lential diseases are suddenly seized in the night,
or when they least expect an attack, and there
fore unprepared to resist the first attacks of their
deadly toe. It is, therefore, of the greyest im
portance to those: who desire to live through an
attack of thii 'kind; whethev Cholera, Yellow
Fever, Sun Stroke, Congestions, or Brain Fever,
to have Radway's Ready Relief and Regulators
'ready to use at anynaumenL These Remedies,
taken when you feel unwell or in pain—either
slight or violent—will instantly check and stop
the progiess of the disease, and deliver you tram
further harm. Let every Housekeeper, Planter,
Farmer,Shipmaster, and, id' fan!, all having charge
of othent.keep 'a supply of Radway's Ready Re ,
lief, Regulators, and Resolvents in their hoi%es.
A SICELT SEASON IS FAST arraoacnisd—Diseases
of the most terrible and ftital character will pre
vail; bat, with these Remedies at hand, you may
rest secure.
There -ere no ressedler known to Physicians
that the pubfle,'ste a general rule, can rely, upon/
in the succeinint freafment of infectious and
malarPonii diseases. Radway's Ready, Vet ief, or
Regulataisoitrteridives and priventives against
attack of tnfectious and malignanf r f etels, are
fixed facts.' R. R. R. - Remedies . are *old' lb ,
Druggists and Merchants etierywheiV. •
RADWAY &CO., 152 Fultoti*l- , - 14 .
Sold by 41.14URRELL, and R: THAYER.
GOOD Seithe,,flastbr, and Hay Forks. at
iort..at4 TURRELL'e.
CASH... 011 - WOOL.
BII,FtRIT'T will . pay the highest prico is
. cash for wool at his store. _
New Word. June 28, 1858. -
FOLARiat Bet ter,
caSnaf"b::z ird r mo b r y o
v E si c n o g nop , i7l
Peters' Patent Non Explosive Self-Generating
Gas tamp, itheing equal if not superior to the
best Coal Gas. The material Used for generating
Gas is Burning Fluid or 2Etherial Oil. The Gas
is generated in the Burner by decompoiling and
evaporating the Fluid by its own bent, fiirirtirn„
pure Flvdro-Catbenic Gas, which is all conveyed
to the Burner, le•aviug nossubstairce tinconsumed.
The Burner can be fitted to any ordinary Lamp
and watran:ed perfectly safe and free trot any
danger of explosion, is free from• smoke or un
pleasant, *mica. R is pe , felitly adapted lot
Churches, Hotels Stores. Reading Rooms, PH - -
vate Dwellings, &c., Sze., and only requires a
trial to prove its, superiority over every other
portable light now in use.
The following calculation will show its ene
my over othel materials used for lights:
.reter•lSelf•Generating Gas-Lame
With Fluid or jEti erial Oil at 60
cts. per gal. with six Jet Burn
ers, 1 ct. per hour.
Ca inphene it 55 cts. per .gdllon; ‘2l. 2 "
Lard Od at $1.25 " • " 22 3 " '-
Sperm Oil at„ " 4 els. " '-
Fluid with common butlers at 60
ets. per gallon, . - - -= 1.2 " "
Gas at $2.25 per 1000 feet, - - 11-4 " "
Gas at $ . 4.00 " " " - 2 1.4 "
I wish it distinctly understood, that this Gas
Burner will produce more Light than any other
Porkble Light -- in use. It is very simple, easily
trimmed and kept in order.
The public are invited to - call and exatuinn
this Premium Lamp for themselves-before pur
ehasing elsewhere, this being the only Patent
Burner having a non-conductor... , For sale at the
Moxvoss Book &Iota: by A. N. - B4 LI.AR D.
Montrose, June 15th, 1858.
J. F. STODDAIan, A. M., Principal.
liF, undersigned take pleasure in announc
SCHOOL will again open in the Academy Buil- I.
dings, in Montrose, on
Monday, August 30th, I SSS,
to continue eleven weeks, under the charge of
Prot. STonnsrin and competent Assist ants, aided !
also,for ten weeks, by B. F. TEWKSETAIr, CO.
Supt., whose knowledge of the condition and
wants of the teachers of the county, renders him
eminently qualified to contribute much to the in
terests of the school. [We deem it. proper to
state that Mr. Tewksbury its not pecuniarily
terested in the school.]
Prof. Stoddard's character as an efficien:Ed
ucator and popular Author is too well known to
require comment ; and the marked success and
universal satisfaction that have attended his la
bors among us in the past, are sufficient guaranty
for the future.
During the present slimmer ho will visit the
Normal Schools of Canada to possess himself of
whatever imprOveluents in the Art of teaching
they may present.
Prof. Stoddard will lecture on the Science and
Art of Teaching and. Mcpr Development. Mr.
Tewksbury will lecture on Physteleszv and Ily
giene. The following g,entlemen will also lec
ture before the school J. I. • Richardson i Sept.
of Luzerne co., N. A. Calkins, editor of tlte Stu
dent and Schoolmate. N. Y., llon., %Vm Jessup,
IL B. Little, and B. S. Bentley, Earls., Rev. B. B.
Emory, and others. ,
There will be a PriMary Department conneet.
ad with the school, under the charge of Miss El
lcn C. Park
Tuition in Normal Department, 11 weeks, 86,00
" Primary " • 3,50
" Normal " & Latin & Greek, 9,00
Board pr. week, 00
It is desirable tho.tuition bills be paid in .Ad
wince, an d no A t -auctions will he made except in
cases of prOmoted sickness. Students can
boird themselves, as heretofore. Cooking stoves
and furniture can• be rented of Sir. Sayre at rea
sonable rates.`
For information in regard to Rooms and Board
apply to W. B. Deans Montrose Pa. or to the
Students should not fail to be rii•Fseni re the
ariting of the school. W. JESSUP, Preet.
C. F. READ, See'ry.
- Montrnse, June 8. 1858
g RIC V, lATV) 11
Athens. Bradford County, Pa.
--- •
E are manefitetarinr , the above mentioned
I I , excellent machine for eastern Penttsylva-ia -
and the-neighboring counties in New York, and r 1 1 11 E free admission of all Natiacte, as well as
invite the particular attention a fartnt:rs -- to the 1- the verdict of sky:leading hospitals of the
follriwitg, features of Kirby's Mower and Reaper, 0d as Well as the New World, stamp this pow.
which we believe to be superior to all others in edit!' remedial Agent ns the 'greatest healing
use, in the following particulars:—lt is theli2ht- reepiratioo leer glade known to suffering man.
Its penetrative qualities are more than marvelous,
est in use ; is strong and durable: simple in con.
st ructiOn : easily worked: adapted for horses or thr'o' the external orifices of the side, invisible to
oxen; requires much lees drought than other ma- the naked eye, it reaches the seat of the internal
chines: has no Ride draught though it cuts a wide disease; and in all external affections its anti-in
swath; wilf weSt on rough ground where no other fiammatory and healing virtues surpass anything
machine can follow it ; very difficult to be clogged else on record, mid Is Net,tere's grant
in any kind of One's, be it wet or dry ;hot liable to Erysielas and Salt •
get out of repair; is compost d principally of iron; Are two al p ha most common and virulent
is a perfect combined Machine, working cqually, disorders prevalent on this continent, to .these
well whether mowing or reaping; and Is the cheap- Ointment is especially antagonistic, its "
est in price,—Mower being only 8100, and the operand"
lete is first, to eradicate the venom and.
combined Michine 51'10,,—making it a itad ltogether then comp the cure.
_ Legs, Old series& and Ulcers.
the most desirable Mower and Reaper in market.
Cases of many years . st v itneing , that have . pertt-
W Farmers wanting RELIABLE, flowers
. &
should by all means see our maebie naciously refused to yielato any other remedi
or treatment,. have invaridbly tiucculnbt'd to a
,before making up their minds hay any other.
.levi applications of this powerful ungdent.
Additional & interesting infikrmstion concerning Eruptions on the skin,
thirliirby machine is contained in our Iltustrafed Arfaing front a bad state of blood or Chronic
Catalogue, which also describes our other nia- disease s are eradicated, and a clear; tiansperrent
chines and ircrplethente, among which are surface regained by the restafative action Of this
Emery'''. Patent Chang:tidy Rail Ointment. It surpasses many of the cosmetics
Road Horse Power*. T oga Point and othet toilet appliances.imits Power to dispel
!approved Threshers Wad Ckcatterss rashes and other disfigurements of the, face. •
Threihereand Separatero,Portable Piles and Fistula.-
1-Saw Plows, Cultivators, and Every form and feature 'of these prevalent and
Horse Hoes. Cider "Hilo. and Grain ttbborn disorders is eradicated locally, and
Drills. Our tirely by- the use of this emolient; viarm !Omen
tations should preale its application. Its heal-
last valuable - machine, and much superior tcrthe ing qualities- mill be found - thoro' and invariable:
common inclined wheel, and is adapted fur dal- Roth the Ointment and the Pills should be iuttli in
ties of from five to twentreows. the following wire:
Send for copies of our CAtalogere • and Price Buniees, Rheumatism, Sore-Throats,
list for yourself andeighbors. Burns, . Ringworm, . Sores ofail kindal
WELLES, BLOOD & ChappedHardi Salt Rheum • Sprains. • •
Athens, Pa- June tat, IPA (•23W6 1 Cbillbtaina, Seilds, Stiff Joints,
H. L. BLOWERS, Agent for Snsq'a county. Fistula, Gout, Skin Diseastes, Tetter,a Ellett%
e4Oflice address, Montrose, l's. Lumbago, Swel'd Glands, Vl ores,
Erept`nit,Sore,Legs; Woman of a,ll
-Piles, Sere Breasts, Sore Heads, [kinds.'
Fir CAUTION !—Nene ars genuine • tibia%
the Wads, jiollowag; New - York and Liindon,"
are dtseernible as a Winer-Markin every leaf 6f,
the book of directions around each pot or bor;
it may Ire plainly seen biholdingtheleaf lathe light
A liargsome rewalsi will be given to any one ren
dering each itiffirmatien as May lead to the detec
tion of any Party tir partieg aotinterfeitin . g these
. medicines of vending them'knOwing theris to fie
spurioie. 7
*** Sold at tlitiManufactoriect of"Pritf."'.
wxv,Bo New York, find btt all re
speetable Druggists and Dealers in - Mitt/Wile
throughout the finked States:and' the ,eivilited
world. in pots*. 25tents, 63 cents ? and $1 each:
F: There is a 4onsiderable saving by taking =
the largef 444 r ; ; ; , F
19:,13.- r -pfreCtioris ter the goldanite'o(thitiente
in every disorder are stfisCd to.e.ach pot., ,
Jane 15,.1549. [23etivhy.
TAEATISE 0$ FERMENTED fAqt,Trntro„ or the
A 4 of Brewing, Distilling, Rectifying and
Manufacturing Sugars, Wines, Spirits and all
kinds of Liquors,ineluding Cider and Vinegar—
with Wood Cuts. This work which has been
favorably reviewed by the New York Press, con
taining 1000 istittable I
directions in. Medicine,
MeCallurgy, Vyrotechey, A:r - titcOni (Patio, Cps. I
metica, Artidelat Arabia, Artificial Gems,
Bleatthing of Shell
,Lac,Sealing Wax, Cenienti,"
Nees, Cleaning'Cleansing and Clearing Mate
.riat4Falttlly.SonpN ,Starch Polish, Cologne and
ott)er Pecf%tmed Wafera r IfentrifieeS' Atd.i4ite
Hair Dies' Mid Restaret4; Sofdets' and
Silverings, Varnishes and Inks.
Pride 82, mailed free by the ititho,r.
• 'PritticafChattist.
.143 NiSden tate"; :teve tiio. • .
. ...._ ....
. •
WANTED 100 . 0 lbs. of Wool, for which we
will pay the highest market price, cash !
delivered at bur stem. YOUNG & SMITH:
Summersville, Juno 7, 1858.'' -
T 4;
HE Copartnership heretofore existing nn=
der the name of. Dickerman do Garratt is
this day dissolved by mutual consent. The notes
and accounts of the late 6rmare in Donal°
Garratt's hands for collection.
J. DiefiTAMAN, Jr.
New Milford, June 10th, 1858. _ •
The business will be continued at the old
stand the subscriber, who will be happy to
'old friends, and as many nevi. ones as
may he disposed to favor him with n call. More
hereafter. J. DIG-KERMAN,
New Milford, June 10th, 1858. ,
Otlitie in the Union Bluek—Towanda,litad
lord comity, Pa.
"Wilt attend promptly to all tirofestifinal
business intrusted to him, in Ibis and adjoining
cou ntiot., 01,3'5811-
-.bows • V j VANS dl. ALLEN have
-4• 0 7 , _Li this' day returned from
i ••
....,,I' L ecl end choice‘astiortment of
• ....- - .7* New York with a' well select.-
!---,,,,_ to, s, •''-.` Wiatilles, Jewelry
of , 1- .-= -AND FA NV 1 7. (7 0 ODS,
which inert her with their former steek , Makes the
largest and best variety of goods in their:Hue ever
,offered to the inhabitants of Binghamton; and as ,
the above were purchased for cash, will berld
at the lowest cash prices, and all articles warm:d
eft according to representation. The attention
of all persorfs wishing to examine or purclrisik is
respectfully solicited. 'EVANS & ALLEN,
No. 2 Odd FelloWs' Hull.
WATCHES.—CoId and Silver Watches,
of every description, of our own impor
tation, and also of various other makers, open,
face and hunting, for s4i by Evans & Aux.x.
SILVER WARE--Table and Desert Forks;
Table, :Desert, Tea, Preike, Cream, Salt
and Jl ustard Spoons; Pie, Cake,Butter l and Fruit
Koives; Cups and Goblets; Card Cases; Salt
Cellars; sets of Knive; Fork and Spoon; and
Napkin Rings, of sterling silver, at ' •
Evans & Ames's.
YLATAD WARE.—A handsome variety of
Plated Castors, Cake, and Card' Baskets,
Cups, Forks and' Spoons, extra heavy ,plate, Telk
Sets, Sugar Baskets, Salt Cellars, &c., for sale
by. EVO/3 & ALLEN.
I EWELR.Y.- - -A very beautiful assortment of
t./ Cameo, Mosaic,- lipid Stone, kyriantlelled,
Stone and all Gold Ear-Rings and Breast-Pins,
, just received by &Ws & 'ALLEN. .
ei OLD CHAINS.—Fob, Vest, Chatelaine and
V' Neck Caitins, of various patterns and
weigits, by . Evans & ALLEN.
BRACELETS.—The best stock of Bracelets
ever offered in Broome County, kmnailitiny,
or gold l,iuk, Bank Hair, Jet and corgi, of tie
newest pa‘ters, eheap, - at
N 0.2 OddTeßows'Hall.
Binghamton, May 25th, 1858. -4_ 4
LEEVE JaUTTONS.A very supertof..iirti.
tie of Onyx, Cameo, Guld etuds,kGold and
Cameo-Sleeve Buttons and .Stucs, for sale by.
No. id OdttFallows"Ball.
Binghamton, June 4th, .1858.
OLD-SPECTACLES-Of' every age, eon
k_T vex and coneate, alzo Silver, Steel,"Plated
aua German Silver, d0.,10 E , :ANS & ALLEN..
PLA'C'ED iiNIVES.—A large stock of Table
ana Desert Knives, also Steel Knives and
Forks, for sale by & ALLEN.
riOltAL BEADS—By the bunch, also Coral
Neek laces and Armlets, by
GOLD PENS.--A first rate, tido& of Gold
Peas, with and without holders; by
DOCKET CUTLERY .----A very desirable ati.
sortment of One, Two, Three and Paw
Bladed Knives, also, a good lot of Scissors, all
sizes, by • . -Kvalve & ALLEN.
rit.ooKt3-LPlitin and Alarm, Lever and Pen;
lJ duluiti, 30 day, - 8 day and 30 hour, Wood .
and Iron Cases, by, EVANS & ALLEN.
APKIN RlNGS—Silver, Ivory sand Bone,
1 1:by • EVANS &ALLEN. •
el OLD TIIIIIBLES—Some very heavy, like-
V/Ir wise Silver do., of all - sizes, by
No. 2 Odd Fellows' Hail.
. Binghamton, June -lit]; 1858. '•
To All . Gentlemen who War Clothes.
T HAVE :recently made arrangements, at
siderable expense, for' doing work in the --
fi ntiv „„
nn very short notice, in a i4est,duriable, and fash
ionable mariner, an d Ouced prices.
.I will furnish garments to order, if desired, or
render the customer whatever assistance be may
need in selecting niftterials - of the best quality.'
and at the lowest market prWes.
All my work will be warranted :Is to fit, fin
nod durability. No eustonier need take hia
work front the shop unless it suits him.
Being permanently. s and- exelusively engaged
in this business, it shall be toy great situ to please
the public, and thus secure their patronage:.
Montrose; lune Ist 1858
Administrators' NOtico.
IV I I I ' E- t aF ate A o S f LeAltltersenToftiAldamnt,inisitrtatioonf toNthwe
Milford township,, county of §usq's, deceased,
have been grimed to the subscribers; all penions
indebted-to the said estate are requested to make
immediate payment; mid those having claims
against the same. will present them dulyauthen.
Heated for settlemeut, to .
• Administrators.
_New - Milford, Juno 2d, 1818.-2-26w*.
A PRIZE FOR EVE al' tioDr!
ITetuLtlorit aatektii 'Press.
7.1 .7.1 U . WTI T
one of the best literary papers of the Oily,
A \ large Quarto ecmtaining Twenty Pages, or
Six , ty s CrilunMs, of entertaining matter; and Me
gantly`lllustrated every week.
A Gift worth from 50 . ceritm to $lOOO wi!l be
sent toOch subscriber on the receipt of the sub
scription, money.
One copy for one year, and - 1 gill
Three copiesime year,-and 3 gifts . . 5.
Five copies one year, and 5 gilts . . 8.
- Ten copies one year, and .10 gifts'...'.. 15.
Twenty-one.copiesone dear, and 21 gifts 30.
The articles to be'distribated are comprised in ,
th'e following list :L.
1 United States - Tressury Note $lOOO. . •
• 2 do 'do do 50G each.
5 do do • do • 200 eaell.
10 do • do', do 100. each.
10 Pat. Lev.llunt'g Cased Watches 100. each.
20 Gold NVatches - - 75, each.
50 do • - - - 60 each.
100 do - 50 each.
100 Ladies Gold Watch( .
200 Silver fluntin,g Cased Watches 30 each,
500 do Watches - \ $l5 to 25 each
1000 G1)1(1 Guard, Vest and Fob Chains 10 to 30.
do do Pens and Pencils - 5,t0 15 each.
• .
Gold Lockets, Brae:etas, Brooches, Ear Drops, -
Breast Pins,tutf Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Rin gs,
Shiit Studs, Watch hKey s, Cold and Sliver Tlittn,
hies, and.a variety of other articles; worth from'
fifty cents to fifteen dollars each.
On receipt of the subscription money; the Aul,--
scriter's nadie will be entered upon our \baolcs
opposite a ritniber; the gift correspOnding
- with that number will be forwarded v-ithin one
week, by mail or express, post, paid.
There is neither hsinbug, nor lottery 60k - the
above, as every subscriber is sure of a Prize of
value. We prefer to make this liberahlistribu
tion among them instead. of, g.i.ving a large 1201 W
mission to agents, giving to the subscriber the
amount that would !.1.0 to the agent, mans
cases a hundred fol d more. ,
. Addresi all compinniv:atfonA t 5 ,
DANIEL ADEEI, Publisher,
Mi1y,.27.—y1.) 211 Centre Street, New York.
GROCERIES: Groceries: ---A splen- :
did assortmtulit •ofs'Groeeries at very low
figures. •
BOOTS and Shoe.4.—;-.iust, received a
large - assorinentfor sale cheap. - •
CIR6CKERY.-•-•21 new lot just received
and for sale. .
CEDAR and Stone Ware-,4n all its
RICADT-MADE Clothing of every
To Dairy 111C1$.•—We have a large lot of
A N0..1 Firkins and Tbbs
Summers, Penn. 1 .
April 28th. 1858:C
niarii4 6 . Celebrated Calairrb Snuff,
R. TIJAYER,M ontrose; • G.
- S, D. TOMPKINS, Brooklyn
Wm lI...THAYER, •Dinfock.
OFFICE,- over 11VilsonN Store.
Monynge..MArch lOth. 1858.
Reir.lnseiar E. King, A. M., ;
. . .
'4; 1 : . LPIIILLZEPTIPALL., ,04
= , • , Laciieslnd Gentlemen, - Fall ternslrt
: opens August 19th, 1858.
1 4 • 111
, 83,11,50 pa}s for Board and Tuitiim in
,;Common -English, for term of Fourteen
I..llCV6eks. Stipertilirick buildings, 11enuti,•4 2
L'S!fully located on the Railroad,, near Sarrt-la,
Witog±tSptinge. . Snperior faCilitieff for Mu-','"
pl , ,sie, Painting, and French. Students i'e,•l , A
'eeived at any time, and charged only furl, -
r "
O , the residue of the term.
c ,„ l , -For Catalogues address the PRINCIPAL °4 . •
± June 17th. 1858. • s [21.1m3.. ,
- SEE . 11 . ERE:„
SAvEyour 25 per tint: bi fnhing at the
• Monausx BOOK STOKE with your Spanish
and Mexiato Money; and twill sell you any one
or the articles I have on . hand for Spanish or
Mexican coin at par, and some of them at cost at
that. • -- . A. N. BULLARD.
Montroie, idle 15th, 1858. - - ' - •
_.• .
Administratcri l o Notice
AITHEBEAS Letters of gdrelnistmtionlo. the
Y. estate of Ellen Bagley; We' of Brooklyn
township; County of Susquehanda, deceased,
have been granted, to the subscriber; - elk persons
indebted to the s eitid estate are .requested to make
immediate payment; and those having claims
against the same, will present them duly afithen•
ticated for seteleMent, to ' R. W. GEER.
BrooklmltMelB sB . -23 w 6 ..
• • .
Tatiß Irco
• 4.4 \ ‘ '.,..4.4 ,4 1.Fr: the . ; prefnisest• of
' - /F : Jades Alrifoldenth' : La
,titroOs, La oak Saturday
' w e- . ' night last, ii 011ittl. COLT
one ; Yea oldv has 'ono 'White" °Wain! "a knoll
star ID kb fiat forebetd.' Vtrh ' Will: return' Said,
colt, O r inteliii tee .; Where'll nia'y be faded; will
be paid for liii:ifotilite. : . . , '.;-• , r;
" 'Llt i . . .
, s. . e, fad's 12; 1858.40?
~,. --
ir.TAYDEN BROTHER'S Wilt pay tho tiigh
-11:oit cash price for Wool delivoroif at thoir
store, - ' [New.Pitiltordi June 20th, 1856.
cOlti,taken at PAR, at . Oki Store
0 of .GUTTPIBERG, ItOS " T ; IDAtrAt & CO.
Due Notice- l
And itoveis accoirdinglyi
6111ttlibtrg, -lost/ilium, Crr:,
To make pahlic announcement of the fact-that
thq.haVenhterol into a NEW ARRANGE.
►LENT, for the joint: benefit of themselves and
tho laboring,:contnitinity, ns follOwke • . .
They wild receiVe
at par, in eveliange for all goods purchrded at
thefr establishment from `this date; and in ad
dition thereto PLEDGE thoLriwke4 10 sell goods
Worn 2h to 30 per cent cheaper than any other
* Urn f Northern Pettnsy holm.
There sat the present tithe, n large amount.
ttf Spanish Coin in circula-tion in this region:-
and hacin seen Vi iii surprise in the phblic prints
rtf . this cohntv, a notlste tb the effect. that such
coin li teduced value at MONTROSEI
gThITTVICTZ grizatim f
That we are in eat need of money,
and rs the said ,STanish Coin is the beat
sileer ' market, we athise &1 persons in
posy salon of such coin to bring the same tot
who will, take it at
Its Former Mine.
We are constantly .ree;eying DRESS' GOODS
of the latest styles and of rthe finest qualities.
entnprising a splendid assortment of Shawls,
Manidla%, ilunnfts, and a superb stock of
Ei`ll.4't.lf , EUTEBV3 (taDaDMO
to vvhicil we invite the particular attentionorcetin ,,l
try 31ittiners. A beautiful aSiOrt mint' (if Eln
broidety. comprising Collars, Sleeves; Linen's;
Laces, anti White Goods too numerous to Men
tion:' We devote a gient deal-of attention to the •
business, and have a large Tailoring establish
ment connected With our Stores at Montrose fifia".
Susquehanna 'Depot. We flatter ourselves that
we can fit a man—be he dwiyf or
. giant; atad qo
matter how ilhshapen—in, presentable style,
prorided that his portmonnaie tit stuffed
with the "needful" (defined by us to consis4 of
Spanish as well as Ameticari coin). -
* * 4 'Call, and get your money's worth at the,
Store of
Montroße,Pa ~ : •
ISlnv 18th. 1858. c
TITOT:I.IS rrspeetriilly invite attention to the
• fart th a t he eln reeefre
COIN at PAR-in bschangti for - Goods at lowest
prieett, or on netts' aod ,a s e gia nts,,,arid would
respectfully insii' dttentiou do 1114 wcll ieleityd
stock of
- -
consisting in part as follows : Rich Black Sißts;
Otriclia, Steitz: mid Cas)iniere • Shaws frein $9 to
B.rf; Rich Rilsbesis;: Barages, Chi s, Prints.
and Rubes; Eknhroidered Collar3 - fro - n:l\ 6 1.4 cti. 4
to etsf; Paraiols,-Unitirefiss,".and Carpet Bstgs.
&ythes—an,excel'ent assortment, hest in, " this.
eity, 4 --Rakes, Ilan . Forks, Strati Forks, Bra
Kettles, az.e.:,•&e., &C. -
Flpe Stock of Litdies' Shoes, Wall Pa..
per, anti a Large Assortment of 41Darpothsg.
In faet a Niue Stolk of RICEI GOODS—to bo
sold at the tetvlsx paicsa, lot
35 each
So come one and .alt, and herdafter avoid
such as she ;.huh by their practice that - they do
not do b". others as they wish .others to do by
them. You will pleas s .e take — notice. thitt 'no
dealer °Mu's -you Spanish Gain at '26 cents in
change—they' expect to get more.
P. S. ;There is another elasc of customers that
I wish to eny"a word tot''N Sono seem to "labor
under the impression that I do not need' any
money to conduct niy. business. It will proba
bly pr6ve a Gaul-mistake to their credit with me.
and if They will, set themselves to work to pro.
cure tlfe ni , c(//a/ they fi.d!eieil the pres
ence -of that special .uarsiengor whom no one- ,
cares 16 set*, • • _
Goode a's hereretofore will be sold to - prompt
six Months beyers—and those only—on . time.
•those Who, - have not settled their accounts
for the year 'past \ please call and settle the_eatne
without delay._ Yours truly, in trade, •
May It3th, 18581, - It. KEN-YON.
THE ungt-i4.thed WouM annotinro to their
custo'iners; iriends.and\ the public general.'
ly that trey have just iettireed, from the city and
are reeeiyinz and' opening, ''s• riew and cop:plats .
assortment Of ,
variods . kinds, Which" xiil lie'arild at prises to
suit the time§ for PRODVCe« We have.
sought the medium'of the press to announce to
all upon wind principle we t hall,,t;rtnasct heel- i
nos. U. is iernied the .. ,
B E PA . I" YSTE4f \,
OIT Zi".. M \
to all person. for the same article , and it shall
be our eaeo:ok Piake those prices suck aS\
will induce ftrsuns who wish to, pay for their,,r,
own Goods.' and not others, to all at least and: \
examine ortr stock, and if the prices don't come\
down to the syStrin; we cannot expect to sell
them. Seine kind 16E 7 0_, May say' that it will be
''so but we think from the experience of ,
the past few months of every person who hap,(
perred to owe the cnunt-ry merchants, especially,'
if it turd been standing six months or more, with .
. what coaiting, dunning,. threats, &c.; they havri'
been:: beset, WO - think they will respond ,
the.aboye Otero and reli)l4 to buy no more
goods than they, can pap for, 'aid that they ar
determined to support fhoSe who will establish
that principle anti varry it out: We will let the
system established stand upon, its own merits. ,
beire‘ing that it Is the most prudent arid wise
course to be fmrsii'ed. in' every - branch of busi
ness, and the, ktaV is not fo.distant when
it will be (;:r.:(1:n/ . .r.t.v,atiopted. Caltarid pee iii
and we.will show you goods situ ifitoitiiphiog
figures.- .
All kind Oflte'retiiitable Produce - taken In
exchange fur Oltrods at the hioh'est:matket price. ,
April 28th; 11358.
THI original ones •EitcE and READY TAT ,
Sti:re of New Ifitfo'f4l,' '
'. The People's Agenti; are:nqw reeeiv-'
in.; a large Stuck .of Strtykle and, Faicy,,Pry4,
Goods,.(lroeerimt, gooti and Shoes, lints and
Caps, %Vail and Windovi Paper,Wooden' Ware,,
Forks, Mien, rmir and Salt-4 thz bM•fet or
lond,—Yanteo.tiotions;iet4ley ahlWateher
wholcs.,ld and retail; at prices thiti would as,
tonish those Wok pbeted' in' thin reedy-pay 'hula:.
news. - - -'I • ' .
We rote nothing to do with Old_ Fogyiern - -:
he him " gone' in'' r :- - has ..yatueuged, without:
_groan or kick,,and the lag s een. of him he or''
holdie,4 6h.fa-the taut of "Hard Times;" and hi
grinned h it 'thistly smile. as tin pasta . Ws Otiv
• 'Onr motiolts'::44Ltve a nd Let Live.'
. ~
. -ONE' 1
It be heft Aaiun' - ,
- 00tR E FOliSiiWlNtg6oS t
, . .
,Eviiy .Arti etWaricinted as lterivsented
. . .
We-think or_ Mends and Customers foi Oleic.
liberal Often "g‘a in times least , and we hope by
strict ittenffa :to .buitinem, to merit a contin
uance of die dame. - HAYDEN, BROTHERS,
New, Illiifo l d, !:ilay tat, 183/11:=4.1.8te.
_.- - \
rpHE subsc riber r is csiry!pg on-the . shove bu
n aittlPS as usual:- A. G. REYNOLDS.,
Proo.kiSrh uPel atb,