111014 . Jaivaisori.=l.The . folltiViitig'short *street fro in Randall'a Life of 'JetTertion tains .so . ranch, to-bo admired - of this gient man, that we deetait a (hay to publish it; Ilr.JefferionWeet generally rather a favor ite with the other sex, and - not without:rea sen--His appearance was engaging.. His face, though atigilar:.And far from beautiful, beathed• with - intelligence, with benernience, and with the checrtul vivacity of a happy, hopeful spirit. His complexion was ruddy and . - del•iertelk fair ; his reddish chestnuthair .luXuriant and . silken. Hi;. full, deg> set eyes, the prevailing color of which was a light his ' .--zeh-,-(or4eeits .if hazel7eiti a -groundwork of gray,) were peculiarly axpre , eive, arid' -mir rored, as .the clear lake mirrors the claiia,the emotion which was passing through his mind. He stood six feet. two and a half inches in height, and though ver s v slim at this, period, 'his form was erect andpincery, and his move - • ments displaced elasticity and. vigor. He was'an expert musician ; .* _ fine dancer, a dash ing rider i 'and there, was no manly exercise in which he 001 not: play well his part.— His manners were unusually graceful; but simple and cordial.* His conversation already pessessed s rie'ine - onsiderable :share of that charm which in after 3-ears was so mu6ifsex tolled by ftieuls, and to which enemies at tributed- so seductive au influence in inculding the - young_ and the waveritur to his political views. There was a franCtie=s, earnestness and cordiality in its tone—a deei sympathy with htimanity—a confidence inituan, and a sanguine -hopefulness in . his . destiny, which irresistibly won upon the feelings . not y- of the ordinary hearer, hut of _those- gray en es the scbol-tr-itke 'Small; the &I' acieus • • Wyibe, the qoutity and gifted Eauquier. ifr. - Jeffelson's temper was gentle, kindly and forgiving.- s If it naturally hid. anything of that warmth:Which .is the usual concomi-' tent of 4.llfecticirl and sympathies so aident— and it bo doubt had—it find been subjugated by habitual control. Yet under its even pla cidity there were nor wanting those indica . Lions Of cal en.ielf reliance and eourage - Which - all instinctively recognizeand respect. -There is not an in s tance on record of his taving been - engaged in a personal renconter, or his having suffered a personal indgnity: POS.. FP..41 ng - the accomplishments, be.,;aVoitled - the vices of the young Virginia gentry of the day, {.and a• - clask of 'habits, which, -if not vices •: . ,(bemselves, - were too often : made the preludes, fO them.: He never gambled. To avoid portunities • to games which Were -generally . accompanied with betting, he never learnea . to distinguish one eartr froin another; he was Moderate: in the enjo3 . -'nients of the-ta ble.; - to strong drinks- be had an aversions _ which rarely yielded ko any. circumstances; - his month-was unpelluted by Oaths orltobAc co t Though . he speaks of -enjoying' ."the - tietory cf a favorite horse,"- and the " death of thefoi," lie never-put. but one horse in training to run—newr ran hoist a single race, and'he, very rarely joi - ned in-the pleasant ex citement-he..knew it to- be too pleasant for . the aspiring student of the chase.. With such • qUalities - of mind 'and character,- with the fa vor Of powerful ftjeads and !datives, and even viceroyalty,'tb' urge hint. onward, Mr. Jefro-- . .son was not -yourig man . to b 6 lightly re.. - garda . by yoting or old of either • THE DOCTOR • /ND D-- liaddong been the "atzerisling physi ciani of .a lady considetaWe past her teens, and affected with ceriain disorders incident . . . to a want of occripation and the care of a I family. She seurfr for the .doctor in season i and out ofEeason,he rushes out at a two forty i ,pace,and finds his patient, physically, perfect- i Ay well, - but sad and lonclv,. and a course afflicted with the blitd , ., All he can do is to I administer a 'fine s t - tire' 'With a few drops of , peppermint, and the patient is weil for a day. I On one occasion—a cold, blusterous --night —the Dfierqr hadjp - .t turned " in, wrap . pitig ., 1 himself.snugly in his blanket, _with the hope i of a quiet sleep, den R loud rap arbused him. l "Who is. st:ich .i; i:itrinired the Doethr. • , 'Miss Sally Striclthind; sir ; she is most dead ; expect she'll die before you get there.' i • • I'll be along,' s'lys the Doctor, exclaiMing, ~ 'to birriself, 'that Miss fi...:nliy'l -11 l cure ler I this time.' The Doctor" plods along throkrli the 'thud - and mire, cold and rain, studying his appli catinii,. finds her as 'usual,: dn a rather oppres sedstate of mind., , -,_ • I - 'Doctor,' she said feebly, 'I - expect to die every . moment; lam 3 , verlow.!. Can you do • anything - for me l'• The-doctor feels her pulse ; _moth:rig the matter—merely wanted company. Thedoetor becomes communicative. 'Miss Sally, I was having., a terrible dream I then your servant awoke me.' 'What. was it ?' she 'eagerly inquired. , 1 1 dreamed that - I was den'],' continued ,the Doctor, 'and I descended into the lower' re ions, where I met `Old Scratch,' who invited me to view. his dominion S .— When Satan.got • .through stowing me around, he proclaimed to the four quarters. of his kingdom that all should go to bed ; 'for,' said he., 4 Salk Strick land will be here direhtly, and there'll lie' no sleep,in'my regions fer a - rnemth' • . The Doctor's- sileedy departure- Was 'in creased to flight by-the sight of a broolirstick flourishing actively in his.tear; but the . reale . .-dy was effectual. As INTEnes-riso STottr.L'—‘Shon, Mine • Sbon;' said a worthy German . .fatber to his Lopeful heir of t,, , ?n years, whom. he bad,oi:er beard [using profane language. 'Short ; mine ShonAumm here land you liddle INOws, mine Skon', shelf it be:a drue • atom, &AM' it be 'a makes I.diere 'Oh,' a fine story, of coutse,' answered `Ferry fell, den: There vas vonce goOt . nice old gentleman -(shoost like me.),und• lie had , -a tarn tire} Eddie iwy, - (4Most like yo , r). Und one day be. heard llim. swearinEr, like a .young fillian 1:s14 vas. Went to. the winckle (corner) und dock out - a cowhides, (shoost as lam doing 'now,) and-he deok der tirty liddreplackguard hr.ile collar, (dis way 'YOU see l). irnd vallopped lliro_shoost so ! Cod den, tiiive dear son, he bull ,his ears dis way, and schinack his-face dat 7tiF„,urid deli him go,mitont supker,, , almost ai=fou will do (HS (C - 1- 7 A evening:. As Enrroa's AssEssmErr. 7 -It does a hotly . good to Imre his pride flattered once in a white.. •We realize the benailt..• af -- ir baeit . 11 year,. when the asFes,ors eorne'round and ask bow much mone47 we have at leterest, bow • much stock we =Lace in the public (ands or • in-hanks;_and varioas other . . questions,that are • - supposed to be put only to - , •Colid min." If there is . anybody . around', we straighten up /dig. Lily, expand. our col pOrovity, and in as . aeltestiOna .as• we can cornmand,' we anewer:.. ; q Ahout the same as last "year." `They know well enough what it is. So do we. Or A jester in the Court of Francis 1, complained that a cleat lord had threatened to, murder hitn. be 003 so,' replied the . king,- `I will lotto. him in -less than five min ute; after:4l wish your 'Majesty would hang him fro minutes before,'said the jester. ( Agi.itnltnot, - -gittattlitipt..7, 'How to Roniove - Weeds. Marry a widow, LITTLE &AARDING'g. COLUMN. GRASS: SEER rITHE subscribers have just • receiiefl a fresh lot'of- LARGE AND. MEDIUM CLOVER-SEED, LARGE AND - MEDIUM CLOVER ,SEED, LARGE AND MEDIUM CLOVER SEED, LARGE AN D - MEDIUM CLOVER SEED, LARGE AND MEDIUM CLOVER SEED,. LARGE. AXD MEDIUM CLOVER SEED, LARGE AND MEDIUM CLOVER SEED, LARGE AND MEDIUM CLOVER SEED, LARGE AND MEDIUM CLOVER . SEED; LARGE AND MEDIUM CLOVER SEED, - ALSO, TIMOTHY CEEB TIMOTHY SEED TI),IleTtlY SEED TMOTIIY SEED • , TIMOTHY SEED ; • . TIMOTHY "SEED • • s TIMOTHY SEED TIMOTHY SEED TIMOTHY SEED • TIMOTHY SEED, OF SCPERIOR QUALITY-, OF SUPERIOR QUALITY, . OF SUPERIOR QUALITY, - OF SUPERIOR QUALITY, OF SUPERIOR QUALITY, OF SUPERIOR QUALITY, OF SUPERIOR QUALITY, ' OF SUPERIOR QUALITY, • OF SUPERIOR QUALITY,-" OF SUPERIOR Q UALITY, • FOR- SALE BY FOR SALE LOW, BY FOR SALE LOW, BY • FOR • SALE lOW, BY FOR SALE LOW, BY. _ FOR SALE LOW, BY • FOR SALE LOW, BY FOR SALE LOW, BY. • • FOR SALE LOW, BY - . FOR SALE LOW, BY LITTTLE & FINEDDIG. NICHOLSON; MARCii 23d, 1858. FARMERS 1. —AND— E €'ll ANICS!! T ILL please'remmber,when building ; that V the subscribers are furnishing 'DOORS; SASH AND BLINDS, . ...DOORS,- SASH .AND BLINDS, -- DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS; DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, •DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, DOORS, -SASH AND BLINDS, DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, At the LowEs - r•Factory prices,.and that they keep'constamly otrrhaml, a large stock cf ' NAILS, GLASS, rum - , PAINTS; OILS, NAILS, - GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS. NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY. PAIN NAILS, GLASS..II7fTY, kAINTS, OILS, NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS. .N 4 :AILS,. GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS,_ NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS. NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, DOOR TRI M I NG§, DOOR TRIMMINGS, DOOR TIZIMMINGS, . . I)OOR TRI NB! rs c‘s, 1)00R M I NGS, DOOR RI MNIINGS, DOOR TRIMMINGS, IiGOR. TRIMMINGS, DOOR TR I NAL! NGS,• Doon TE,LMMIN6S, SASH A-ND BLIND . _ SASH AND BLIND • SASH AN SASH AND BLIND SASH AND BLIND SASH AND }HAND . . SASH AND BLIND SASH AND BLIND SASH -AND BLIND SASH AND BLIND FASTENINQS, FASTEN I\ GS FASTEN NGS,- FASTEN I NGS. FASTENINGS, FASTENINGS, FASTENINGS, FASTENINGS, FASTENINGS, FASTENINGS, - - _ • LIME, AC., ti:C? In fvel wo.havo ahu'st everything InTibe way of •=k BUILDING MATERIALS, • BUILDING •MATERI ALS, BUILDING ,M AT ERI A LS, 1-13U1bLING MATERIALS, BUILDING MATERIALS, BUILDING MATERIALS, - BUILDING IIATERrALS, ' BUILDING MATERIAL`, . BUILDING MATERIALS, • BUILDING MATERIALS, Of first. rate quality, and will sell them at a very small advance froth Cost for CASH. -Therefore we confidently assure Builders,. that they will materially' consult, their own interests by giving us a 'call, before purchas ing, LITTLE .& HAILDING. MEM FLOUR, SALT, FLOUR, - SALT,' • ,FLOUR,_SALT, FLOUR, SALT, FLOUR, SALT, • •: .FLOUR, SALT, _ FLOUR, SALT, • FLotitt, SALT,' FLOUR, S A LT, • FLOUR, SALT,. • AND LIME, AND LIME, AND. LIME, • AND LIME, AN I) LIME, ° ' AND LIME, • AND LIME,. " AND LIME, AND LIME, AN 3! LIME, firthe LOAD Or B ARREL; iimseintly on hand, and for sale, rit , the very l'OvrOst rates, by • • UT= HARDINO. ArcHozsoir, t -, ' • .4PriP25lll 1858.1 T E s x .G :V EIV 111 .4.: T • " ABEL -TURRELL AS just returned_from Now York, - with a 1.1 - largo and clioieo variety of Goods, bought fur caste, and selected - with much cat* from over thirty of the best Hooses ; in 'New York, which he offers to his customers's:id the public at low pricei for 41 - ash. : His stock comprises: ' R• U G S M E'D I'o I N E ,• 7' A.- I N T S, • , , OILS,' WLNDtOW GLASS, DYE STUFFS,. GROCERIES, • GL AISS—W-A CROCKERY., • - •Mi L RRORS, .• C O.QKS; • WALL PAPER, WINDO.W PAPER, , WINDOW OIL SHADES, •FANCY GOODS, ,SLUSIOAL INSTRUMENTS, JEWELRY, - RFUM E R Y DRY GOODS, 'HARD •WARE, • STOI N•E WARE,, WOOIDEN WARE, BROOM B U S E-S, ' JAPANN'ED B I.IC D C AGES, OA N ALRY SEED, . POCKET KNIVES, VHIPS,. UM I BBELLAS, GUNS, PIISTOLS, AMMUNITION, 'T,UBPENTINE, C AIMPHEN`E, BURNING FLUID, A COLIOL, QUO E.• S , (FoilleditlinalPurposes only,) TIRUSSES,, . SUPPORTERS, SHOU Li E R 1.-1; R•A C ES, POIrpNAIES, sr CTACLES, SILVERA PLATED SPOONS, FORKS, &c., G-OiLD. PENS, • S T 4 T 1 - 0 N E R Y, VIOLIN.'TRLNGS, Bo‘ys, &c., And all 1 thalnost popular s PATENT NIt,'DIOINE_S, . Thankful for he littera!' patronage hitherto re. ceived, he hop 's C merit 'a continuance and large increase of the same. ABEL TERRELL. _ Montrose, Dee. Ist 1857. gS . ) cy C. ArTIEO: W. 3r Ur - ' 2Ol Was Washington 31: the city and co coarse and line 40000 sacks an( ton's celebrated 'Jt•frrtn•-Sz. Dare and 5 - 00u0 6,14 racce;.St. Übe; allot which ni vessel; store a. Any p are !mg assortment N. B.—rino different 'sizes, ping order. A Ground salt. in Lt the qn Intity ''New York Fur Cfbh • PE Would inv'i SPRING JUST reee.ivi variety of GinghamA, I.n Poplins anti Cashmere Sim Ribbon?, Bun. Cashmeres an riety of other STAPLE Including time Iron, Steel, N I Shoes, Carpet Wipdow Shad' Oils, Paints, &I, The entire CASH, and a LO'.%EST FIGUR MONTHS' B • N. hand. LETTERS, . been du! the estate (.1 14 of Rush, to said estate paytnent, and the 'sail eSt...l same to us, • LIME, &C., &U• LIME, &C &C Th LI,ME, &C LIME, &C., &C LIME, &C., &C LIME, &C., &C LIME, &C, &C Rush, Mac LIMF, &C.. &C LIME, &O WOLFS 1-1. 31 BINGH 8./NG/L.ll IRISES I_ 'enlarged and is now re Few sll3lllll bine so many, went of Inv:: houve new an Well furnish vie\to the h TheThysi hEi - tweNe y Binghatutbo) during witilib thousands of eases hay.; • . Physicians. lit additiod to their patients at the l n l!' "punt" they , ave large practica the village and sorrourgAing country, which makes them fa miliar with te treatment of diseases of every dd c aracter. They grade and planned, bidlt, a ;I own the •RingtramtorrWater-Cure,"consequentiy it is under titelr entire control and management. .Irfall those diseases to which the peculiar a- daptation of ;Hydropathie treatment , has been successfully demonstrated, they', will N:!eneral ly guarantee a speedy and perfect restoratrtm.— Such are the ;following, viz. - ---Acute and Chronic Rheumatism , Nervous diseases, Dy spe pain, Sato f. ula, Spinal complaints, Tumors, Ulcers, o nlarg4., Merit ofJointe,diseases of the Throat and Lungs, Dropsy, Agtie and Fever, Female complaints of every kind, kin diseases, Catarrh,' &c. &c. • Perions who have been long sick or bed:ridden and who have not succeeded heretofore in . their efforts to regain their health, ere especially invi. ted to consult lir or give tie a call. Terms from - , „85 to per week, •. • , . liar Dr. Thayer will be at Searle's'Hotel in -Montrose,orilyhursdayy. July Ist,. where any Inva lid% who desire, may consult him. ' . For further particulars; address - Inv‘2otti I -; 0. V. THAYER. M. D. - -, .att.! .halt I.l'' 1 . ANN. Wholesale Salt Dealer,— . iington Street, (directly opposite rkel,) still continues to offer to ntry trade, all kinds of foreign salt, at the very lowest Ogures: bags. consisting in part of Ash brand for table and dairy use, /, Marshall's, grownlow's, &c.; In Turf:.. Island. Bonares, Cu. Lisbon. Cadiz, Ivies, Nantes. 4,:e., I be sold at bargain prices from , d storehouses. r wiNhimr to select from n good find it to his interest to call. :,ble salt put up in small-bap of hnd eonstzmtly on hand in ship. :te a splendid article of Rock quart boxes. put up and for sale ;. in eases of five dozen each. • Aprjj 1 tS,,AdLILS 2 r Prompt Six lonths' Buyers, NORRITT Attention to his new Stock of MIER GOODS ! including, as usual, a . great Ladies Dress G, - }ctls in Prints, as, Robes, .Challiei, Bareges, Bro:he, Stella, Silk and Ivls; : Mantillas, Parasols, Rich lets and Flowers, Broadcloths, Summer Stuffs; w•itb a full via- AND FANCY GOODS • ries, Crockery, Hardware. Stores. ,ils, Hats anil" Caps, Boots and ug, Floor Oil Chars:, Painted .s, Wall Paper, .Cloeks, Drugs, &e. Stock having been bought for Panic Prices, will bo sold at the s, , to CASH anti PROMPT SIX vers. • It and' Flour conetantly on New Milford. May, 12111. ecutors' Notice. , TESTAMENTARY HAYING: Iviss.ued to the subscribers upon atsick Ilacauiv, 14; of the town deceased,—Ali persons indebted are required to make immediate .11 persons having claims against :o are requested to present the IV authenticated, for sett:ement. AMES LOGAN, Executors. HNIRONEY .- oth. 1853149%62' !Areal:Ale Schiedam Schnapps,nt TURRELL'S GOODS II- 4"- , IWEBB'S. OSE, APRIL, 30th 1858. MONT MTON'WATER CURE, TON, BROOME CO. ./IT: L ABLISHMENT has been greatly and improved during the spring, dy fur the reception of Patients. institutions in this country com ,advantag,es for the successful treat= (id's. The location is beautiful, the 1 commodious, the rooms large,air), and every w ; :ty arranged with a altMh and - comfort of the ans, Dr. Thayer and - wife, have • ars experience (the last eight at n treating diseases Hydropathieally time they have treated successfully, iziek persons, many after•their dis .en pronounced fatal, by' eminent s. n. SAY - SE-8 isnOTEnlts ARE 'ow RECEIVING v alssr 'of 4 11/ , e tC" 4 C 1. 4 4. 1. SPRING °BQ S• 113 AIL NOM GOODS. WHICH flecashot Produce can bo bought very low. WALLPAPER. A select assortment just V received. , • - - S. It SAYRE & BROTHERS. CARPETING. Bargains Offered by S. H. SATRE & BROTHERS. SAT RE PLOWS! PLOWS.!! LOWS. We invite the attention of Farmers P to the celebrltted l'eekskitle Plows which vrehave added to our large assortment. S. 11. SAYEE & BROTHERS, Proprieters of Eagle Panndry. Montrose. April 29th, 1858- 180. .STOVES! STOVES Li STOVES !I OUR Stoveshave been so thoroughly tried to the entire untisfuetion of Al, that they need no recommend from us. S. H. SAYRE & BROTHERS. ,farmers' Pcciyanics' INSIIRANCE COMPANY, W. Corner Second and Walrtut Streets /P2l2.a.ll)antitrialt.az CAPITAL. $1,250,000• This Company ejects Fire Insnrmtee' on Buildings, Goods, Furniture, d•c. Marine Insurance on Vessels, Cargo and Freight, TO ALL PARTS OF TUE WORLD. Inland Insurance on Goods by Rivers, Lakes, Canals, Railroads, anti Land Carriage, to all Parts of the Union up on tho most favors blo terms, DIRECTORS; • lioN.THos.B.FLonvicr., CIIMIL L ES Dr(GEE, (no. 11. ARMSTF,ONG, THOS. M ANDEEFIELD, CHAS. A. RUBINCAN, EbW . EI R. ELMBOLD, GEORGE HELMBOLD, CAEIL BREWSTER, JAMEs E. NEAL, ISAAC LEACH, it:. THOMAS B. FLORENCE, 'President. EDWARD R. HELM BOLD, Secretary. T. BOYLE, Agent. Office,,New Milford, Pa. Jannnry iSth, 1858. , lELOCERIES, Crockery, Hardware and v.t,.f ti ether articles to numerous to men which shall be sold Cheap for Cash C. W. MOTT. tion.--n or Rendr Pay E. W. PHELPS' A TEN 2' COMBINATION BEEHIVE A SURE protection against Moths, Mice, and ill all enemies of the Bee. Highly approved for the last 5 yeitrs by the most intelligent Bee Keepers in the western and eastern' States. REFER ENCES.-J. S. Gregory and J. H. Bin thalf, Monroe, Orange Co., N. Y. J. E. Ninth. Candor, 'Flop Co, N. y. ; H. M. More, Painted Post, N. Y.; Sam') Kidder, J. C. Elton, and A. C. Ely, Elmira, N. Y.; John- Bell, Newark, V. J.; Frederick Fritz, Ezt•dun, Po.; iiinun Hull, Westfield, Mass.; Henry Fit Iman. Addison, N. Y., nd Ahijah Wells, Gib - son, H. L. Hine, Harford, G. C. Birdsall, Jackson, and B. F. Wells, Clifford, Snsq•a Co. Pa. It may be used as a swarming or non-swarm ing hive, the surplus honey and comb can be re moved without injuring the bees. It is very convenient for feeding bees, and prevents all dan ,, er front robbers; it is also the cheapest pa tent hive now in use, A hive with two sections c•)sts 82.75, three sections 53.50, made of the be•:t pied lumber, and can be had at all times of F. Willard, Elmira, N. V., or of the under sir-ned in Gibson. For making and using, S 5, hive and right S. I will sell town rights, having bought the righ for Cie county. With every hive and riehtiv, ‘7fire a book instructing how to manage it. Mt hive 'was at our County Fair last fall and took the premium, with the bees and honey in it. 1 warrant et ery hive I sell to g,ive.satisittetion, or refund the money after fair trial. COE WELLS, Gibson. Susq'a Co., Pa., Jan. Bth, 1858. tst* r-ki rfj :1) li ',I) '..` ID ? ;_t; I . 2. 1 la 11. TaRD., • 4T THE HEAD OF NATALATIOX, AND examine the choice stock of Sprits— aitti Summer Goods, just opene d for Examination angSain,ai I rry lowfigures by C. W. Alorr. TELLA, Unshmere, and DeLain Shawls at I 0 very low priees . by C. %V. MOTT. LI ATS and Caps of the newest styles, in great variety by C. W. MOTT PRINTS in abundance by C. W. MOTT BRASS Hoops, Hoefery, Gloves, 13elts etc., etc.. by C. W. MOTT. D ROWN and Blue Sheeting and Slf dings— Shirtinff Stripes, Ticks, Denims, Summer Stuffs, &c., &c.i.as low as tt,ln he affordill in Ns market. C. W. 51orr. Di4nolution. OTICE is hereby given that tho firm of IlavnEy & Gutip is this day dis,olved by mutual conßeat. Gib — son, Aug. 17 1857. E. E. Gum) The books and•aceounta can be found at the store formerly occupied by the subscribers. All persona having unsettled accounts ate requested to settle the same as notion as pessible. The business will be conducted in future by the undersigned, under the firm of C. &0. E. HAWLEY 110 are constantly receiving from New York and Philadelphia, the latest styles et Fall and Winter Dry . Goods, Clo thing&c., all of which will be sold at a very small profit for ready pay. Gibson, Aug. 315t,.1857. C. P. -HA L ET, 0. M. IIAWLF. Y. • Farm for Salo , TilE subscriber offers for sale a Good Farm 0f:95 acres in Bridgewater, four miles east of Montrose, 70 acres improved. There is on the premises a large framed Dwelling.llouse, a good framed Barn, an excellent Apple Orchard One half of the purchase money Will be required down; the balance in annual 418We:tents. ELIJAH BROWN. Bridgewater, August 19th, 1857. a 33tf. Still - They Come! THE largest S too k o of INIEDICINEB ever before kept in this market may be found at the AR - M P. , 13 OTOP.E. It will be useless to enumerate. When you wish anything in _the Patent Medicine line, or otherwise, call at the Farmer's Store. Dtm'olor get the place, dr.ron tnirn. R. THAYEIt. Montrose; March 3d. 1858. LOOK HERE! r„ COBU offers to the public, at prices that cannot fail to suit, a LAnca and SUr,EItIOT: asertmerit of (61ROICIERILIES 1 , at the old well known establishment formerly oc. c tied by Oliver Crane. .DCAssirTEAS, COFPF., SPICES, FEDIT, F4OlOl, and SALT (by the sack or barrel,) Ftstr, article found in first class groceries. The at ention of FiIIISIERS is solielled to a superior .q Pity :of GICAIN and Gai&s SEED which the un gaigned has o'n band and for sale. CLOVER and TDIDT/111 SEED, ,S.a good'Azin WHEAT sold at VerSii , ;lo roles for.Castr. As I mean to merit, Iho to receive, a liberal itittie of public patronage.- \ • .Z. COBB. Muntre, , ,e, Marel4 i, t 8. jam. . . „ SIMMER ARRANGEMENTS: aw.argium New Rail Road Ronte, Deltywnre, - Lackawaninisac W.R.R. STEW and expeditious broad- gunge route 1.11 from the North and West, via Great Bend and Scranton, and from the Lackawanna and Wyoming valleys, directly through to Now , York and. Philadelphia. ' On and after Thittday, May 17th,1858, trains tli be run-as follows: - 7'he Ci cinnati Express Train bound eaat on N. Y. & Erie R. R. arrives at Great Bend at 8.15 a. tq, and connects with the EXPRESS Train which leaves Great Bend for New York and PhiPa at -- 8.30 a. m. Due at Montrose, 9.05 " Tunkhannock, 9.47 "" Factory 10.10 • " Scranton, 1'057 " Moscow, 11.43 " • Strendsberz, 1.35 - p. M. Delaware,(ls minutes to dine,) 2118 " Bridgeville, Phil. (pass. leave) 2.'40 " Junction, ' 3.30 " -New York, . '7.15 " Philadelphia,B.2o Passengers from N. Y., leaye P ier No - . 2 North River, ' 7.30 a. m. From Phi ladelphia; leave Walnut St. Wharf. at , • 6.00 " Leave Junction, - '10.50 " Dneatßridgeville,(Phil.connection.)ll,.4o " Delaware, (15 min. to clinner) 4 l2 00 In. Stroudsburg, 12.47 p. Moscow, 2.36 " Scranton, 3.1 . 5 " • Factoryvillo, - 4.05" " Tur,khannock, , 4.25 " Montrose. 5,08 " Great Bend. , 5.40 " Connecting at Great Bend with the Mail, Train, west, nt 5.55 1 ' Accommodation Train leaves Scran ton for Great Bend at • 8.30 m . Arrive at Groat Bend, 'l2 20 p. m Connecting with the, Dunkirk Express, west. at 1 55. and the N. Y. Eipi=ess, east, at 2.35 p. m Ret ernitig, leaves Great 117nd at 2.40 " Due at Scranton, • 7.10 " For the accommodation of way travel on the Southern Division, a passenger car twill Ito at tached to the Express Freight Trains, leaving- Scranto.i, at 5.00 a. in. Due at Stroudsburg at 10.15 " • Junction at 210 p. m. Returainrr, will leave Junction At. 4. 00 a. m. Due at Stroudsburg at 7.20 " " Scranton nt 1.50 Tr. tn. Passengers for New York will change cars at Jitection. ' To nn, from Philadelphia, via B. D. R. R., leave or tyke the ears at Bridgeville. For Pittston, Kin'i,rston. and Wilkesbarre,take L. & B. R. R.. cars at Scranton. For .Te-sup.Archbald, and Carbondale, change cars at Greenville. Tickets sold, and baggage checked throng/I. JOHN BRISBIN,Sup't. Wu.N. its's% Genl Ticket Agent. May 13th, 1858. re' Great Discovery of the Age. .11 IMPORTANT TO YOB/ICC° CHEWERS. DGusTAv I.I I NNARD'S Taste Rester- LI alive 'Prot':"hes,—The Great Substitute for 4 1 . 1 , bacco. It is a welt tinesn and ineontroverti. Lao fact that the use of tobacco is the promoting cause or many of the most severe MENTAL AND PHYSICAL DISORDERS to which the race of man is subject, as careful analysis and long and painful . experience have clearly proven tnat it contains certain narcotic & poisonous properties most dangerous in thidr et feels, which be entering the blood derange , the functions and operations of the heart, causing many to suppose that oruan to be diseased. , TOD ACC() affects also the entire nervous system. mLnifesting itself --‘as all who havd.ever used the weed wilt testify—in lassitude, nervous irratil4lity, water brash, Zispepsia, and many other disorders of a similar character. The TASTE RES-TO TROCHES are designed to counteract these baneful infla ences, and have proved completely successful ; in N-Inultittide of eases, and wherever mit4i. Being It .rm less in themse;ves they exert a beneticia) effect upon the entire system, restoring the taste which has become vitiated or destroyed b;great indulgence, completely` removing the irritation and accompanying tickling sensation of the throat _which are always consequent upon abstaining from the use of tobacco, and by giving a healthy tone to the stomach, invigorate the whole system. Persons who are irretrievably undermininwtheir constitutions and shortening their lives, should Ilse these troches; irnmecihifely and throw rattle injurious & unpleasant habit of ehewing tobacco. These, troches or lozenges are put up in a con venient and portable form at th.e..les" price of 50 cents per Mix. A liberal discount to the trade. Prepared salely by the undersigned to wheur alborders should he addressed. JAS2E BOWERS, Druggist:, Cor. 2d and Race:sts. apriiBi, Patent Medicines, &c. AFFLICTED READ ! GII PIIENBf: G 51knienvEs.—Vegetable Pills Green Mountain Ointiient, Sirsapirila Compound, Children's Panacea, Eye Lotion. Fe ver and Ague Reined,. Health Bitters, Dysen tary Syrup, Consumptive's Balm, Marshall's Uterine, Catholivon, Dr. Libby's Pile Ointment, and Manual of Health. Ayres Pills and Cherry Pectorial, Tanner's German Ointment, Trask's Magnetic Ointment, /Holloway's Ointment and Pills, Davis' Pain Killer, Dr. Fitch's - Heart Corrector ; Bennett's Root and Plant Pills, Soule's Sovereign Balm, .Wright's Indian Vegetable Pi Ils, Rhode's Fever and Align° Cure. Merckant'sOarglin. Oil, Arni. en Lineament, Camphor, Castor Oil, Paregoric, Alties„.Picera, Myrrh, Licorice, &c., &c., &e- A new - supyly just received, to be kept constant j'y on hand, for sale by I. N. BULLARD. October. 7st. 1866. C. P. IrAWLEY, The NATIONAL MERCHANT A large Weekly nt Sixty Cents a Year. • TT contains a choke selection of Literary ca l. ler, Tales, Poetry, and a large amount coMmereial information. The reviews of the Markets and Bank Note Reports are of-them. 'selves worth more than the price of subscription. and the paper itself, before it is printed, costs More than we get for it. For Ten DollarA we will send sixteen copies of the Merchant and a copy of any three dollar magazine, such as Uodey's Lady's Book, Gra hant's Afagazine._ Specimen copies ,of the Merchant will ho sent ,o any address on the receipt of a postage stamp. Active young men wanted to canvass fur the paper, to whom a liberal commission will be al lowed, that will amount in some cases to eighty dollars a month. Addresß, - S. ;E1 ASHTON & Co., National Mert:htint Wee, Plffindolphirt TirlilB is to certify that the undersigned hair I. used Manny's Mower with Wood's 618.'0i° ' roent, the pa.st season, and are fully 81Aii6ed that it is mood .machine, and we 'reentumendit to the•farmers of this County as a_ profitable and labor-saving machine. • • . ; - —, JEREMIAH MEACMAIII, -, A..,_'GRlfl'lß,, , ::: J4311N lIARRIEHTON, i ' * IAAJARVII,PMs: M. ', J. 'flAnatidTox, ' • T.T..Piusrizit f—: FebruMl2s, 1858. . - . s Per machines .apply to' die' urideiligill'Astitait. ' co;,l LATEIROW . 3feni - rose, March' I sq.,. 1858, " [ mut tht. _ The Cheapest Paper in the World. ATTENTioI. FARtEits! rriparittion ., ♦ Bled/ tonceersiltd_compoutd Fluid lattait . . _ For Ditreases - of th-e-fliadder, : • Grain: Dropsy, : ,Vreakieises, - Obstructions, &Tel . • • Diseases; Female Conqilaints, and all •' •,- Aliases of the Sexual' Organ'', • • arising from excesses and imprudences in life, and removing all improper discharges from the blads der, kidneys, or sexual organs,whotber existing in MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever cause . they may have . originated, and no matter of how long standing, giving health and vigor to the frame, and' bloom to the pallid.cheCk. JOY TO THE AFFLICTED!!! it - cures nervous and debilitated sufferers;'and removes all:the:symptoms; among which will, be fotindindispositibn to exertion, loss of po wer,less of memory; ditEeUity,ol breathing, general week horror'Of disease,. weak'nerYes, trembling, dreadful horror 'Of death, night sweats, cold feet, wakefulness, dimness of vision, I env pr.ua iversal lessittide of the muscular syittenhoftenanermous, appetite, with dyspeptic - syrnyitonts; hot hands,. flushing of thelmdy,' dryness:of thq skit, pallid countenance and eruptions °tithe fi6,itain in the -back, heaviness of the eyelids, frequently black spots 'flyin g before the eves, ' with temporary and loss of sight;wanfof sttention,great mobility, restlessness, with horror of NoThing is more desirable to such patleitts than solitude,and nothing they more dread for fear of themielves; no repose of inanner,no earnestness,: no speculation, but ii. harried transition from one question to another. ,These symptoms, if allowed Logo on-:-whieh this medicine invakably removes—soon follows loss of power, fatuity end epileptic fits—in one of which the patient may expire. Who earh say that these excesses are not frequently coflowed' by those direful diseases . —insanity and consump tion? The recordl oT the insane asylums, and the melancholy deaths by consumption bearam• pie witness to the truth of these assertions. In lunatic asylums the most,melancholy exhibition appears. The countenance: is actualiy'sodden & quite, destitute—neither mirth or, grief ever via its it. Should a sound °title voice occur, it is rarely t•With woeful measures wan despair - Low sullen sound.' his grief beguiled..' • Debility is the most terrible! and has itrought thousands to untimely graves, thus blastitig the ambition of many noble youths. It can be cured by the us'e of this INFALListLE runnEDT. if you are suffering with any of the - above die., tressmg, ailments, the Fluid Extract Hoehn will enre von. Try it and be cony:need of its efficacy. Fir Beware of quack' nostrums and quack doc tors, who falsely boast of abilities and references. Citizens know and avoid them, and save long Fstif.' tering, money, and exposure. by sending nr call-! Frig for a bottle of this popular and specific rem- It allays all pain and inflammation, is per fectly pleasant it its taste acd odor, but immedi ate in its action. HELMBILIY;' EXTRACT BUCHU • Is prepared directly according to the rules of Pharmacy apd Clionistrv,switlithe.greptest ac. 'curacy and che mical knowledge and care deco, ted in its .comb:nation. See Professor Dewees valuable works on the, practice of physic, and most of the late standard works of medicine. ti 100 JJ One hundred dollars will _be paid to any physician who can prove that tiM medicine ever injured a liatient;and the testimony of 'thousandk can .1)e produced to , prove that it doe's great good. Cases of from one week to ; 3' years' stanainz.have been e ff ected. The mass of:voluntary testimony in pitssession• of the Pro prietor, vouching its virtues and curative powers, is immense, embracing names well known to Science and Fame. 100,000 Bottles hare been'sold and hot a single instance of failure has been reported! Pm - wally appeared before me, an Alderman of the City of Philadelphia, 11. T.' Helmbeld, Chemist, who being duly * tworn does say, that his preparation t;ontaius no Narcotic, Mercury'or injurious Drug. but is purely Vegetab!e. H. T. Helmbold, Sole Manufacturer. Sworn and subscribed bcforeme this 2341 day of Nov. 1854. Wm P. HIBBARD, Alderman: Price $1 per tiottle,-tir. si. for 55. delivered to any address. accompanied by reli.ible and:res pevaible certificates from Professors of Mediesi Colleges, Clergymen, and others. Prepared and sold by II. T.. HELMItOLD, 'Practical and Analytical thrimist; - 'No. 52 South - I Oth.st.. below' Chestnut,. Assem bly Builditis, Philadelphia, Pa. To be hid of all Drnir.aists and bealers in the U. S., Ca nadas,"a ad British Provinces. ; Beware of Counterfeits. Ask for Ilelmbeld's —take no other. Cgres Sold in Montrose by ABtLTURRELL, Agent. Jan. 20, 1 58.—1 y. . . HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA A Benevolent Institution, established by special— endowment for the relief of the sick and die _ tressed, afflicted withVirtiyat.Epidemic disegses. MO ALL PERSONS afflicted with Sexual 1. Diseases, such as SperinatoKrhcea,,Serninal Weakness, Impotence, Gonorrhea, Gleet,Sy phi lis,the Vice of Onanism, or self abuse, &c., &c. TI:0 HOWARD ASSOCIATIONa in view of the awful destruction of human life,caused by Sexti=" al diseases, and the deceptions practised - upon the unfortunate victims oT _ such diseases, by Quacksoevertil years aito,directed their Con. suiting Surgeon,a.s.a CHARITABLEACTWOrIhy of their name, to open a Dispensary for - the treat ment of this class of diseases, in all their forms, and to give MEptch.t.AttrlEE GRATIS, to all who apply by letter, With a description of their con dition, (age, occupation, habits of life, dic.,) and in cases et extreme poverty, to furnish medicines free of charge: It is needless to add that the Association commands.the highest medical skill of the age. and will furnish the most improved , Modern treatment - The Direettirs on n review of the past, feel -assured that their labors in this sphere of benevo ' lent effort, have been of great benefit to- the especially to the young ; and - they have resolved to devote themselves, with renewed ! zeal, to this very important but much despised cause. ; • Just published by the Association, a Report on Spermatorrhtaa or Seminal Weakness, the Vice of Onanism, 3laSturbation or Selt:Abuse, and other diseases of - the-sexual organs, by the Consulting Surgeon, which will be sent by mail (in a stalest letter .envelope.) Fres OF. CHARGE, on the receipt of Two STAMPS fiaT pos.; tage. Address, for Report or Treatment, Dr. George R. Calhoun, Consulting Surgeon, Howard Asso ciation, N 0.2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ' By order of the Directors. EZRA D. LIARTWELL President GEORGE,FAIRCIIILD, Secreldry. Oct. 15th, 1837 - . • ilk On Manhood nniChe reinitiate Decline. Just Published, Gratis,the 20th rhouiand: A FEW WORDS on the rational treatment, without Medicine, of Spernedoirh ea or Lo cal W caltheas, Nocturnal EmisSions, Genital and Nervous Debility; Impotency;and impedithents to Marriage generally, by B. DE LANEY, M. D. The important. fact that. tiok'many,. alarming_ complaints, originating in the imprudence and •solitude of youth, may be easily removed WIT - OUT MEDICINE, hi in this small. tract, cle: demonstrated ; and the el:di - rely:new and highly suceesful treatment, as adopted - by the. Author, fully explained, by means pf which - .every ono is enabled to-afire HIMSELF' perfectly and at the least possible cost, thereby ttylaiding:all the ati. 'veriised nOstrinns . orthe'ddy: Sent to any -address; 'gratis . indliost free hie 'sealed enveloli‘ by remitting jpos y-paio two 'postage stamps to Dr.. DE LANEY; 83 East 31st street, New York City. - • gYVAitIRVII43 - /11W.NIEVMM' s • TO,MOTHERS,WIVES & DAUGHTERS. Dr. R.A. LANIONT 'S Periodical Compound. The most beneficial And successful rtioriLE NED mittz nor. u 10, or, kni4n,.. tdr Cases of dia • orderekObs,trunted 4r supprtnuiMl Sienstruafiop e Lueorrhoati,rerifale VitealineasAte.". hitVe beo dis4i)Paltite4 in the In4i of Penale . Pill4 ; can pit}, the Umpst. cpalideoce In. tiliA CoMa. pound,lit -to infollittloin the aiirdpf the. above to ally address ..ky,eueloaing ei to spy authorized a_gctnt, Prelklred . bY.R, I, ANDREWS; Iluffolo B. Y.l ~ 'or BENTLtz:READ axo., rid` "a aril ggit , t4 general I [may 13'58. I y qi - gt6Utrisi :PinOti.4' t, itiILISIIED EVER" THURSDAY BY :" - ANDREW •J: nititITSON. Ternal.-41.30. per unarm if pail in ad. vance, $2:06 if paid within-the year; or $2.50 if nut paid Until the end of the year .or period of iubscrintion, Advance payment solicited. Discontinuanees optional with the Publither until -all arrearntes are paid: - s _ Rates of Adrertinfng. One square, (1" line's,) 3 weeks or less, $l.OO Each snbAlnent - insertion, . 25 One sqUare one year, $B.OO, two sifrsi $12.00, threeaquares $16.00, four squares $20.00. Business Cards, of six lines $3.00 per year. Job !Work pf all kinds executed neatly and promptly. Blanks always on hand. January Ist. 1858. -B 0 YLE -- REZ,;IIE,SEN,I'S A CAPITAL OF OVER 4:65 1 000,0130, - For Fire, Urine, Life, and inland insuranee. Office, New Milford, Pa. :Tanury 18th, 1853 Dr• H• Smith, & Son, SURGEON DENTISTS. ,Residence and of. . fico opposite the Baptist Church (north side) Montrose. Panic%Wl-attention will be given to inserting teeth on gold and silvor plate, and to filling decaying teeth January . 10th, 1858. . • WM. W. SMITH; & , .CO., Cabinet and Chairllaisufa,ctur. era, foot of Main Street: Moiatrose. Pa. ABEL TURBELL, MO:MOSE, PA - Dealer • in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Glass-ware, Paints, Oils, Varn,ishes, Window Glass, Groceries, Fancy" Goiids,Jew elry, Perfumery, &c.—And Agent for all the most popular Patent Medicines. JOHN GROVES; Fashionable Tailor—Shop n e ar the Baptist Meeting Rouse, on Turnpike Street. Montrose, Pa: DR. R. THAYER, Phpiiciau and - Snrnvon, 'Montrose, Pa. Office i•n the. Farmer's gore. - J. D. VAIL, M. D., - . Physician and Surgeon; has perm netly lorated himself at Braekneyville, Susq'n County, Penn'a, and will promptly attend to all calls with which ho may be favored. May; 1856—n22. . . HAYDEN BROTHERS, New • Whoiiemtlo dealer in, Buttons, Combs, Suspenders, Threads, Fancy Goods, Watches, Jewelry, Silverand Plated-giro, Cut lery, Fishing Tackle, Cigars, &e. &e. Merchants and pedlars, supplied on liberal terins:•*' - WM, HAYDEN, TRACY HAYDEN, JOHN HAYDEN, GEO. HAYDEN. - DR. E. P. WILMOT, = .• Urradttnie s of the Allopath:e and - .spathie Colleges of Medieine. - is now per manently loitated in Great Bend Pa. April Ist.. 1846. - - • JOHN SAIITTHR, Tl:t4hionftble Tailkir. Shop first door north of the Farmer's Store. - hilkinFAV EFTO2I - FIRE INSURANCE CO., Pa. ~. Chartered hy the Stiite of Pezinsylvanict CAPITAL, 300.000 D0(.1..11{5. Insures against loss oP dame by fire, on buil dings, furniture, and tuerc4andise <Lem:rally. we e Losses adjusted by 3rbitru tiou, Whtrb the parties fail to :!zree. H. A. Frantz,. I Jahn tAndeg . H. Kraber. Frod. Sulrzttcli, Willism Wallace, I • Eli .KinrilV. Samuel Dyer, Thomns Gray, - David Strickler. 11. ABER, President ; D. STRICKLER, Secretary. • s 0. S. BEEBE, :!ii.r,t.mt, Montrose, Pa. February 24i..18h9. • Trianniuturcrs'_ Charter Perpetual. Granted by the State of Terms CAPITAL $500.000• • Fires Marine and Inland TransOcira tali 1113. A.thow S. LIPPINCOTT, WM. A. RHODES,. ice P re s 4 t. .ALFRED Wm:s, Secretary. • ' • DIRECTOItS. Aaron S. Lipincott, ohdiles Wise, Wm. A. Rhodes, Alfred Weeks, Wm. Thomas, J. Rinaldo gai,k, WM.,Neal, John P. Sitnntons, Charles J. Field, 'James I'. Smith. o . ffice itro. 10 Merchant's Exchange, Phil'a. A. N. BULLARD, Agent, Montrose, Pa. 2ovi .MONTROSE. " A. , z rriHE subscriber havin,g - purchased, , 21 1 4 A_ refitted and newly furnished the ••,. abovii - well known and popular Hotel, is prepared to accommodate the trait.- cling public and others with all the, attentions and conveniences usually found in• first•class Houses. No . effort •will be spired by the.Pre. prietor and his Assistants to make the lintel equal in every point to any in the country. ' The Bar will always be supplied with toe Choicest Liqmirs. - . The Stables, connected with this House are large; roomy and cohvenient, add careful and attentive Hostlet 8 are always-in charge of them. J. S. TARBELL. Itforit rose, .Iffay 13th, R . E M O.V A L • The Saddle, flarzucia anitVittnli Shop of TORDIII2r2 IS REMOVED to the building•reeently occu pied C. C. Hollister, on Main - Si., one door above . S. S. Mott's, where he will be happy to wait on all 'who may favor him with their patron age. Jan. ‘2,oth, 1858.—fe. Artist's Materials. • PTNTS in Tubes, Brushes, Tin, Copper and %Ilver Foil, Wass Slah and Diallers, 'Littragraphs, &e., at the Stare of ABEL TURRELL. Itontrnse,Pee. 15th, 1857. , - NOTWITHSTANDING, , I . i , ,40 Pt "Jinni tithes," Ats:rihir ! f i i i. , , ~ ~, , z ~, roll's variet yof seljeted , J, _,.,..„-, .. g potis, keeps' up N. I, and he is constantly receiving . • accessions, every few days. - Pi ices as , Low as tip& lowest. ' - - . T . NOMESTIC INSTRUMENT or SELF 1:1 SYRINGE : Adapted to. the different varieties of this kind of instrument. It is admitted to be the best in m ar k e t. . Also a great variety of other Instruments, for various purposes„ Itsually kept - by Druggists, not ueeessary to enumerate. Pra. Sale at the Dien' Store of ABEL TURREL3 Montrose. D E GRATITS ELECTRIC .OIL, the - great ; remedy forithentnatism, Neuralgia,Lame ness,StiffJoints,Painsdag. Also, nearly all ofthe leading Patent.Mediernee.in market, enamoring -a remedy for every disease to 'which is sub leet., For bale by - ' ABEL TURREL. IDRC(FESSOIt W6IOD'S flair Redman .8 at „1 TURRELVS, 1 y'v ' ' linsurance Qi.o.i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers