Ln= - Face lhcMusic, Gentles:legit Three days have now elapsed since we dal )led,. in respectfnl Ortits, hpon the "North Ameriein,7 Life "Inqiiret," the" Daily News," and the - "P,ress," -to publish the thrbeiand ordinances attached, respectively , JO_ the . Crittenden Amendment,and the Montgemery-' Crittenden Amendment,' and the English Kansas Conferenca s ßill ; but as yet -we have hsd no response from those- 'quartem, an we predicted'at'the time we would hot. Those papers have been loud and fiery in their charge that a great bribe in the' shape of government land has been offered_ to the people of Kassa's, in the ordinance attached to the English Conference Bill, to come into the Union under the Lecompton Constitution; and when challenged for the proof of their assertion froth the inexorable tenon!, -th e y, slink inglo'iously from the field, and stand self-convicted, for misrepresentation - and an attempt to deceits aid mislead their 'readeri4 and the public. We now aisert,aed defy. contradiction,that • the Crittenden Amendment,which reaiivect the voles of the entire opposition to the , President's police,'' in bdth Houses of Congress, donates precisely the same amount of government lands to Mamas, as is offered to her in the contingency. of. her acceptance of the Le couipton—Constitniine. If the frank, and j candid,and truth-loving_popers we base then-`I - tinned, canna . ; prove the contrary, let theme, hereafter forever hold their peace.—Pcnnay/t vanian. rirldaste,r James H. Lane is quite sinxr ions to canape the odium of, th'e acts of his companion-in-arms, the notorious Mongonx ery! This he cannot . do. His' complic ity-with •that band of robbers, is complete ly made out.. Montgomerrbears his com mission, acts under his authority, and asserts be does so by Lane's direction ; he executes well and if he don't biing theni both to execution be will befortunate. Montgomery has been quarteririg his men otr ih e people of the tower counties, and has. given orders on Lanes Quarter Master Gelierid, . -villicit.have beta recognized and audited by Lanes military board, and of whielt he is c-the chief. They are all partners in guilt i i,ot in crime. If Montgomery don't a •re . ;t.lie plunder equally they are • badly s ved, for the chief generally gets the great • „share, sad they ought to ke remunerate. fur their ._,. damagid reputation. Their... 4 iers have resisted the - civil authority, a.. -,risen in rebel lion against-the governme. . Lane knows well be 4. ver bad any author - ity; never has bad y military command front the Comman r-in-Chief—his Allthontr being, diasvowed at all times. He knew, and the military 'board -knew he had never - been called into service. At the time he bent "'voluntarily to Fort Sdott,they knew that. the Grivernor had sent troops there in aid of the civil authority.. Knowing all these • things, Lane tltliberatly commissioned a felon, one who had -btoktit up the election and•de.ittoy,, ed the ballot 7 bOx at sugar luouud, and now be comes forward with his finger in his eyes, and thiimb in-his mouth,apd says-he ordered him.-to quit and he wont .obey. Whose authority is Montgomery acting under, Mr. Lane beton:v . oa (K. T.) Democrat. . DEMISE OF MAJOR Gax. P. F. SMITH.— The unexpected announcement of the decease of Breset Major Gen. Persifer F. Smith, Com mander-in Chief of the , American forces in Utah, has Occasioned a very general expres s'.oh of regret. He' died at his military head quarters. at Fort Leavenworth, on Sunday night.Maylkin his 60th year. , was born in Philadelphia, in Noveniber, 1798, and was a son of Hon. Jonathan Smith,formerly cash ier of the Blink of Pennsylvania, and after wards, cashier of the famous old Bank of the United States.- "Geo. Smith graduated at l'rincetoWn College, N. J., and studied law with Charles - Chancey, of Philadelphia: Ile then removed to Nev. Orleans, and practiced _law until the openiog. of the Florida- war, when he voluntered his' services, which were .accepted. From that time until the hour of , ki;death, he devoted himself to thewell-be ing of his country, seming'in - lite Mexican war; under Taylor and Scott, fhe regular army, .• In April last, he. was assigned, com mand of the Departrbent of Utah -Brevet Brigadier General William S. Harney, was t at the .same time appointed •seeond in cont.. mani, and now succeeds Geo. Stnith. He was a most agreeable gentleman, ask well as a gallant officer,and gathered. about trim troops of attached and faithfuklriends. He leaves a widow and one son, Howard Smith; M. D., the offspring of his Exit marriage.—N._ Y. hdy Book. THE RESULTS OF SCREECRlSG.—The'results of the Black. " Republican" poliCy .in refe .reoce to Bleeding Kansas are as barren for good as the Sahara from whose boundaries that policy received its inspiration, and as, deplorable as_ the impious-attempt to estab lish "negro equality. The Philadelphia .4 . c/ger . only confirms _the common, report in saying, upon the au thority of Kansas correspondenti, that - "The violent political agitation in the Territory has so absorbed to attention of the squatters e that they-have neglected their crops and private affairs, and so exhausted their means, that a large portion of them will be ..unable to pay for their laud before it . will be offered for sale under the proclamatiorrof the President: litany of those who are unable to preempt,will lose their lands, and will have endured'their sacrifice and labored in 'vain to secure a home. People most pay the penalty of folly. The political demagogues have ev erything to- gain ia keeping up violent ex ' hitement; the people everything to lose." Doubtless this, is an- agreeable spectacle fuethe conteiiplation of those clerieal„politi cal and philanthrOpic reformers of the Noith who have long %sought, an - Q • still seek, to " rule or ruin", by the supremacy of African harberism over American civilization' " THE CHIEF Motrawarti—A New York pick pocket named Hatfield - bas done an extensive business bystatendirefunerals there it Was - his custom to press to the side .of the coffin add mingle tears with- those of 'the be reti`vecl friends .4 the de - parted. While thus lavishing-his sylitpithieet . upon the mourners he contrived generally4O - relievea number of them of the valuables in their 'pockets- So mans tears has be shed ; and so Many pockets has be picked at funerals, that be obtained the subriquette of We "Chief, Mourner" among the.police and hitioan Circle of an quaintandes. He has been anested..--1-Beston Travela;. * - Tlie'reielstions in Congress and the State Legislture show - that this business -- of ".mourning" cad be carried successfully into politics. A Certain:set of politicitals, draped in black,.and weeping aver " poor, murdered Freedom, 4 shrieking at the loss of Kansas, or sobbing over Poor . Cu - ffy and Poor John Chi. - ndman; take advantage of the poiitiort:to pick the pockets Of the , people.- It is time that these mourners" were arrested Atlas and tir The Mayor of New - York pity !toe ap _ Pointed a committee of fibe Aidermei ,and Coincitmen to investigate tbe. chatactir Of tbii'sourceS froni sibich' milk 'is 'detiveit:foi. sale in the city, with direetions to report'. - gad) ordinances relating to - the • Coattex May creini proper.. - _ = NEw• 'YORK, May 220858; Senalor,r, of Massacbtiaetts, hi a Osseo& by- the Vanderbilt; for Havre to day. Just before the departure of the steamer, a number of upper-crust Black Re publicans paid their respects to him. .' The great nigger 'worshipper left behind him a farewell address to his constituents, armourie s. tng,that he is obliged to go - abroad for the -benefit of his healthtbat he would have re -signed his seat in the Senate, if he could have forp.-teu that his indisposition was going to c'ontinue so long, or 1( tie could have given - up the luxury- of fighting for the cause of freedom.. As it is, he thinks his vacant.chair in the Senate chamber will be a "perpetual 'speech." The Abolition - papers say .Mr. Sumner is going now to Switzerland and Hungary. A man who can undergo the fatigue of so mucktravel ik surely, cannot be very sick. TUE WAR AT FORT SCOTT.—WEstrowr, May 13.- 7 A gentleman who arrived here to day says that last Monday, the 10th of May, the troops and Montgomery had another fight, in which four dragoons were killed, and six wounded- r -six horses shot. This was a small . posse of thirty U. S. troops attacked by forty abolitionists, who got the better of the fight. This is what the messenger brings, but I cannot vouch for its truth. If true, it is a very serious affair, and' may lead to con . seciuences of high importance. No news from north of the•river. Ganef. rejoicings at the postponement of the K , land sales.—,St. Louis Re-publican.- Igir At a 'meeting of the Y. ng Men's Democratic Union Club, of J•cr York, the following resolution was pa - . by acclama . - Lion \\ Resolved, That rece• indignities from (Ali o s of_ the British k ' aVy upon United States me hant r,essels, 'ustify the President in his pro pt tneasu s to atop them, by force, if need be; an. if war - shall utifissppily grow I out ofqi efforts to protect our ships from detenti.., sad our flag from the humiliation of B ' islf police on the high seas, the Young D. ncci•acy of New- York will sustain, by • ord and deed, the old Democratic doctrine of " Sailors' klights." A WICKED AND DISGUSTING AMALGA MATION.—The Bridgeport Farmer tells us that a coal black negrO'Vras married in that city on the Ilth inst. to a white woman. Both - parties were residents of New York. What a pity they did not stay at home and enlighten and enliven the Anti-Slavery Con vention by getting married before it. No argument in the ebony line would have been Inore suggatiVe and convicting, tot even the l)npudent, windy and offensive harrangue of the elo'quent bully,llenry C, Wiight,on,Wed nesday afternoon-. t The ultra PEo=Slavety men will vote against the acceptance of the proposition of Kansas, because its acceptance would be the means of making Kansas a Free-State within three months, and the ultra Anti-Slavery men tsill do the same,because it will deprive them of an opportunity to 'agitate the slavery .question, and thereby defeat their hopes of electing an Abolitionist President in 1800. —Kansas papa'. ££ - Mr. Henry Wm.- Herbert, known to the literary world as •'Frank tkprro.tor, 72 ....- taitted suicide Monday morning. May 17th, at 2 o'clock, at his residenc,e, Stevens Hotel, Broadway, opposite the bowling Green, by shooting himself in the breast with a pistol. CI?CI:ZN ATI, May 22.—The apnlication for a new• trial in the case of Mr. Connely, the New :fork Reporter, convicted' of harboring fugitive slaves, has been refused by the Court. He had been soyenced. to an imprisonment for twenty days in the county jail, and to pay a, fine of $lO. A FAVORITE REMEDY.—WO believe no med icine has ever effected so many cures as th , Oxygenated Bitters. In• cases of Dyspepsia. and Genera) Debility; restoring health and eheerfulne.ss, when all other , ' remedies bacr failed. nr Another election has been held, in Kansas by the Lane. tribe, to vote on their Leavenworth constitution, and to elect ,State officers .under it. As far as heard from but a small vote was polled. - • Eir The Abolitionists: cf New England are trying to break up the American Tract Society, in consequence of the refusal of the meeting at New York, recently, refusing to make it an anti slavery engine. Efforts•are being made in New York to br tt the lotteries of, Swan & Co., Au gusta, Geo., on the ground that they are ille gal. The parties claim to be regularly char tered, and that they are being persecuted-for political mid other reasons. EMANCIPATED.—Abram Kirk,the last slave in Pennsylvania, died lately in Lancaster co., at the age of iO3. Disease otthe Livpr.—By this disease we understand an inflammation either in the membrane or substance of the Liver, known by dull pains in the right side, the stomach always disordered, the yellow tinge of the skin, dry cough, tongue coated; costiveness, high-colored urineond of a thick nature; severe weakness and severe pain in the head. The quantity of corrupted humors in the re gion of the liver, causes a defective secretion of the bile. The liver when healthy,. serves as .a filter to the blood, to separate all impurity from it, or to refine it. When diseased, it cannot puri fy the blood, which, wheri sent to the _lungs, • brains, and other parts in a morbid condition, may cause Jaundice, Consumption, Insanity. &e., acid withholding the natural stimulus to the in testines, causes Dispepsib, Piles, and other com plaints, as you pereeive,.the direct way to un ravel and tear the whole system to pieces. A patient, suffering from this complaint, should resort to speedy relief. Yet there are very few medicines worth a cent in curing diseases. What '4hen shall be done! We say, use Dr. Morse's radian Root Pills, as they are composed of plants and, roots • they will be found .a sure cure, for this painful disease, because they purge from the - body those corrupt and stagnant humois, and so cleanse and renew the blood, which id the cause not' only of the - disease of the'liver, and the inflammation of the kidney and bladder, but of every description of disease. From 3 to 4 of the above pills, taken every night on going to bed, will in 'a few days, relieve the body of everything opposed to hellth. mm. t~ HERRING ' S Pateiit Cham pion Fire-Proof Safes—Witkihirs Pat -eat Powder-Proof Locks, the same were a warded separate medals at the World's Fair,Lon don, 1851, and the World's Fair, New York, )8- 53, and are the only American Safes that were awarded medals at the London World's Fair. 'these Safes form the most perfeet' security, against - Fireand Bu !glare, o f any safe ever offered the pn lie; and can only be had Of the subscribers and their agents; , who have on hand and make to order, all kinds of Boiler and Chilled Iron Bank Choate and Yard tri, 'Vault DOOM and Money %s -es, or Chesti for Brokers, Jewelers and Private Families., for Plate, Diaaionds, and other valua blew kid are also Patentees (by purchase) turd manufacturers of JONES' PATENT PERKU TATION BANK LOCK. S. C:, HERRING di, CO., No. WI Breadwify,cor. Murray street; N. Y., ato 2:12.6 Opposittitffe City HALL Notteeßei. Warren will preach at JACkson Valley the first Sunday in, June, at half peat ten o'cloek, - 0-m; at Felt Well, at two o'clock, p. 64 and at Friandifille half past , fair o'clock, the same day: ' ". TUE SIXTH ANNULI. liouter ,1 est ilia', -Ok'- Bradford, Broome, Chemono.lChenongo, Luzerne,. Sellvtliter, tetihen, Sus* queh annoy Wtogag Toni pk • - syyoining, and other Counties.. WILL BE YIELD AT Montrose, Susquehanna CO. ' Paz, On the 2d day of June, at 10 4. 111, There will be an Oration and Poem on the oc- CII3IOLI. COMMITTEE Of ARRANGEMENTS. A: L POST, W. 11: It JESSUP, A BALDWIN, I. L POST, B. S. BENTLEY, G. Z. DIMOCK, . , L SEARLE, H. DRINKER, A.CHAMBERLIN, It. B. LITTLE, A. LATHROP. - A Why will you, suffer Wit Itheumotism, Colic, Pains in sack and Chest, when Da. TO, LINIMENT is warranted to curl rected? or the money will agents. Depot, 59 Cortl Price 26 And 50 eta wrapped in yellow None others ure Montrose, Pa, ee that every bottle is rer and signed S. L Tobias. uine. Sold by Abel. Turall, 11w4. le-1m tract, Kidne no e, ,Id's Compound Fluid Ex a remedy for - Diseases of the Bladder, Gravel, Dropsy, Weaknesses, &c., has fiat. Read the advertisement in another i; n headed " Helmbold's genuine Prepara ion" -' mm. 1114414180. On Thursday May 20th, at the residence of W. B. Adams of Hopbottom by the Rev. D. Peas, Mr. GEORGE F. JEFFEnsand Miss Louisa M. CAPRON all of Harford. In Montrose, May 25th, by Eld. Davis Dimock, Mr. WlLLinsi L. ALLEN of Mauch Chunk, and Miss ROSE D, BALDWIN of Montroie. 3DV4T1,' , 150,4[011 SELECT _SCHOOL• MISS C. F. HITCHCOCK, PRIACIPAL. THIS school is now in session, in the build log formerly oceupiod by W. Faurot, and will, receive, seholarts at the following rates : tg-TUITION, , per term of 12 wka.in cons. Engl. Branches, $3 00. a " in higher Engl., . . 5 00. " French, . . . . 6 OQ. " Drawing and Painting; 2 00. One half of the tuition is required in advance. one half in the middle of the term. Ildisallitchcock is a graduate of Franklin In stitute, N. J., a young lady of high accomplish ment. She comes to this place very highly re commended; and has the highest approbation of her present patrons. She will, undoubtedly put forth her most vigdrous efforts to make her school equal to the best. W. FAUROT. Nqw Milford, Ms)? /8,1858. 21* DISSOLUTION.. priE Byrn of 110 WELL 4. WEL CHis this day dissolved by mutual consem. The ac counts are in the hands of J.-A. Howell for col lection. JOHN A. HOWELL, JOHN C.. WELCH. - The Butchering business will be conducted at the old stand by HENSTOCK & HAWLEY. Montrose, May 241 h, 1858.-21w4.* W AN T ED: 11111 EDI WV ELY . A GOOD HAND, at the tneEs of CARDING.and CLOTH DRESSING. None-need apply unless fully, competent, and welt- recommended Pay every month will-be given, or a share of the income if desired. Address, H. B. INGHAM, Campto.._wo, Bradford Co. Pa. May 25, 11458.• a. le auk,•••••• • • 011 EVERY BODY! WHO SUBSCRIBES FOR THE Ntiulijork Oterktil A LEAUTIFULLY' • Lid amt Cr ' V T EMT THE' NEW-YORK WEEKLY PRESS IS one of the best literary papers of the day. A large Quarto containing Twenty Pages, or slaty Columns, of entertaining matter; and Ele gantly Illustrated every wei; A Gift worth from 50 cents to $lOOO wi!l be sent to each subscriber on the receipt:of the sub scription money. MR 318---IN ADVANCE One copy for. one year, and 1 gift : .:.. $2. Three copies one year, and 3 gifts .. . 5. dive Copies one year, and 5 gifts . . . 8. Ten copies one year, and JO gifts . . . 15. • Twentponecopies one year, and 21 gifts 30. The articles to be distributed are comprised ib the following list 1 United States Treasury Note $lOOO. 2 do • do do 500 each. 5 do do do 200 each. 10 do do do% 100 each. - ' 10 Pat. Lev. Hunt'g Cased Watches 100 each. 20 Gold Watches - - - 75 each. 50 do -- - - - 60 each. 100 do - - 50 each. 100 Ladies Gold, Watches - - 35 each. 200 Silver Hunting Cased Watches 30 each. 500 ..do Watches - $l5 to 25 each. 1000 Gold Guard, Vest and Fob Chains 10 to 30. I do do Pens and Pencils - - sto 15 each. Gold Lockets. Bracelets, Brooches, Ear Drops, Breast PinS, Cuff Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Rings, Shirt Studs, Watch Keys, Gold and Silver Thim bles, and a variety of other articles, worth from fifty cents to fifteen dollars each. On receipt of the sub4cription money, the sub scriber's name will be entered upon our.,books opposite a number, and the gift corresponding with that number will be forwarded within one week, by ‘ mail or express, post paid. There is neitherhumbug nor lottery about the above, as every subscriber is sure of a Prize of value. We prefer to make this liberal distrih , lion among them instead of giving a large cot. mission to agents, giving to the ,subscriber t amount that would go to the agent, in ms cases a hundred fold more: fir" Address all communications to DANIEL ADEE. Pntolishrr. • May 21—y1.] 211 Centre ' Vor' HORSES FOR SALL . . THE subseribete hate a pair of Good Work Horses %bleb they will sell pow fix Cash or exchange for a pair of Oxen. Also 2 Lumber Wagons, nearly new, will be sold LOW SUTPHIN & YOUNG. Summers, May 17th, 1858.-20w4. TO THE SNEEZING PUBLIC. purito% Celebrated Ctitarrli Snuff, AN INFALLIBLE REMEDY. FOIL SALE BY a. THAYER, . Montrose; S.D. TOMPKINS; Brooklyn ; Wm H. THAYER, Ertmoek. Steam_ Mill BLACK-SMITH SHOP. HZ undersigned having rented the a b ove T is prepared to do eli kinds of bigeksmithing in the belt style and at the , lowest rates. For slibeing hOrse. 87 1-2. emits ; oien per pair $1: 75., _For, Setting horse shoes &its, toeing and Setting: same 10 eta,. 'ItARVEY PATRICK: -Montrose; April 2B 1808,-Btv:. Take - Dile - Notice ! And govern yourselves u , 9brdlngly. THAT IT THE WILL AN ruzasußE OF 6attenbtrg, ios 'aum, cr•, mo m a p p u bli c an .ouncement or the fact that they have ente d into a NEW ARRANGE MENT, for the int benefit [of that:wives and, the' laboring . u;i i t i y i as ro receive I ow 8: hey S ANISFI COIN , • . par, in exchang for all goods purchased at their establiehthenr from this date; and in ad dition thereto PLEDGE themselves to sell goods from 25 to 30 per rent cheaper than any other firm in Northern Pennsylvania. There is at the present time, a large amount of Spa Mah-C-trin—irt—elreitists—regiorr ; and having seen with surprise in the public prints of this county, a notice to tho effect, that:such coin is reduced in value at .1110N7120SE, Etetralen .Mmewita s ; Tat Joe are in great need of money, and as lie said Spanish Coin is the • best silver in the market, we advise all persons in possession of such coin to bring the same to G UTT ENB ERG, ROSENBAUM &CO., he Limbs, Is' VENETIAN N if used as di re refunded by the dt street, New Nork. who will take it al Its .Former rattle. We are, constantly recieving DRESS GOODS of the latest styles and of the finest qualities, comprising a splendid assortment of Shawls, Mantillas, Bonnets, and a superb stock of - IMIITIIMEiIfaara (INEMMES to which wo invite the partieslar attention of coun try Milliners. A beautiful assortment of Em broidery, comprising. -Collars, Sleeves, Linens, Laces, and White Goods toe numerous to men tion. Wo devote a great deal of attention to the READY-MADE CLOTHING business, and -havg a largo Tailoring establish ment connected with our Stores at Msontroso and Susquehanna Depot We flatter ourselves that wo can fit - a man—he lie dwarf or giant, and no matter how ill-shapen—in- presentable style, provided nitcays. that his tiortmonnaie is stuffed with the "needful" '(defined by us to consist of Spanish as well as American coin). * * *Call, and get piur money's worth at the Store of GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM, & CO Montrose, Pa, May 18th, 1858. WOULD respectfully invite attention to the , - fact that he will receive SPANISH' COIN at PAR in exchange for Goods nt lowest prices, or on notes arid accounts, _and would respectfully incite attention to. his well' selected stock of DUX GOOD%, consisting in part as follows: Rich Black Silks; Broclia, Stella and Cashmere Shows from "88 to $2O; Rich Ribbons; Barages, Challis, Prints, and Robes; Embroidered Collars from 6 1.4 ets. to 20, ets.: Parasols, Umbrellas, and Carpet Bags. CROCKERY AND HARDWARE. Scythes—an excel.ent assortment, best in " this city,"—hakes, Hay Forks, Straw Forks, Brass Kettles, &c.„ &c., &c. Fine Stock of Ladies' Shoes, Wall'Pa per, and a Large Assortment of Carpeting. In fact a Nice Stock of RICH GOODS—to be sold at the LOWEST PRICES, for - SPANISH COIN; So come one and all, and hereafter avoid ail such asIEIIOIM YOU bY alai* p ww•tist. that, they do not do b y others us they wish 'others to do by them. You will please take notice that no dealer offers you Spanish Coin at 2.0 cents in change—they expect to get more. P. S. There is another claw 'Of customers that I wish to_say a word to. Some seem to labor under the impression that ,I do not need any money to conduct uty business. It will -proba bly prove a fat 4 mistake to their credit with me, and if they will set themselves' to work to pro cure the needful they will be relieved the pres ence of that special messenger whom no one cares to see. Goods as hereretofore will be sold to prompt six months buyers—and those only—on time. All those who have not settled their accoB%s for the year past , please call and settle the sine without delay. Yours truly, in trade, May 18th, 1858.] . R. KENYON. YOUNG •& SMITH'S READY-PAY STORE. THE undersigned would announce to their customers, friends, and the public general. ly that they have just returned from the city and are receiving. and opening a new and complete assortment of , NEW GOODS of carious kinds, which will be sold _at prices to suit the times for,CAsu or I'RoDUCE. W s e hare sought the medium of the press to announce to all upon what principle we shall transact busi ness. It is termed the READ Y-PA Y SYSTEM CAaS /iNIOI PROUIPCE. 0.17 PP I to all persons for the same article, and it, shall be our endeavor to make those prices-such as will induce persons who wish to pay for their own Goods and not others, to call at least and ermine o.ur stock, and if the prices don't come down to the system, we cannot. expect to sell them., Some kind friend may say-that it will be "so no," but we think from the experience of the past few months of every person who hap. pened to owe the country metehantg, especially if it had been standing six months or more, with what coaxing, dunning, threatsoke., they have been beset, we think they will all respond to the above system and resolve to buy no more goods than they can pay for, and that they are determined to support those who will establish that - principle and carry it ont. We will let the -system established stand upon its own merits, believing that it is the most prudent and wise course to be ,pursued in every branch of busi ness, and • that the day is not far distant when it will be GENERALLY adopted. Call and see us and we will show you goods at astonishing low figures. All kinds of Merchantable Produee taken in exehange.for Goods at the highest market price. O(OUNG - & SMITH- Summers, Penn., April 28th, 1858.1:1 ri_ROCERIES: Groceries :--- A splen l.3- did assortment dr - Groceries at very low figures. BOOTS and "Shoes.---Just - received a large assorment—for sale cheap._ CROCKERY.-..A new lot just received and for sale. • CEDAR and .Stone Ware..-In all its variety. READY-BADE Clothing of -every description. To Dairtmen. , --We have a large lot of A No. 1 Firkins and Tubs Pit sal e . - YOUNG& SMITH. Summers, Penn. A. 11tf. April 28th, 1858-.--j DRESSMAKING: MISSES E.. Al HELP & J. M. BOGART wOULD respeetfully announce to the l e adies.ef Mentrese and vdetafty,tlrat they have opened a shop !of Mra.tuM-arid DRESS. Maim, three door& east of KOillitore, where they will be happyto wait onaU wito my please to favor them with a call. Montrose, May 2d, 1868.-113td. A COMPLETE aasortmed of GROCERIES srk at . C. & 0: M. Hammes. ;4 1 1 , :#3-)Nt'to),l NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS !! -AT- LITTLE & HARDING'S COLE N. GRASS SEED: T • lIE subscibers .have just received a fresh lot of . LARGE AND MEDIUM CLOVER - SEED, LARGE AND MEDIUM CLOVER SEED,' i t `LARGE AN MEDIUM CLOVER. SEEI ;, LARGE AN MEDIUM CLOVER SEES, LARGE AN Il MEDIUM CLOVER SEE s , LARGE AND MEDIUM CLOVER SEE I , LARGE AND MEDIUM CLOVER SEE 1 , LARGE AND MEDIUM CLOVER SEE , LARGE AND- MEDIUM CLOVER SEE 1, LARGE AND MEDIU! CLOVER SEE). ALSO, - . • . T s IMOTHY SEED TIMOTHY SEED TIMOTHY SEED . - TIMOTHY SEER TIMOTHY SEER TIMOTHY SEED TIMOTHY SEED • _ TIMOTHY SEED TIMOTHY SEED . TIMOTHY SEED OF SUPERIOR QUALTY ; 'OF SUPERIOR QUALTY, • OF SUPERIOR QUALM OF SUPERIOR QUALTY; OF SUPERIOR QUALTY, OF. SUPERIOR QUALTY, OF SUPERIOR QUALTY, - OF SUPERIOR QUALTY, - OF SUPERIOR QUALTY, - OF SUPERIOR QUALTY, FOR.SALELO‘W, BY - - FOR SALE. LOW, BY , FOR SALE LOW, BY FOR SALE' LOW, BY FOR SALE LOW, BY FOR SAtE LOW, BY FOR SALE LOW, BY FOR SALE LOW, BY • FOR SALE LOW, BY FOR SALE LOW, By . . LITTTLE & HARDING NICHOLSON, MARCH 23d; 1838 FARME-RS --AND— MECHANICS!! WILL please remember, w herr building, that • the subscribers are furnishing DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, • . DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, . .DOORS, SASH - AND BLINDS, DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, • DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS,' DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, , DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, .. DOORS, SASII AND BLINDS, ' 4 - )001.1S, SASH AND BLINDS, • DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, At the LOWEST Factory prices; and that t ef keep constantly ou hand, a large stock of . NAILS, GLASS; 'rum, PAINTS, OHS, NAILS, GLASS. PUTTY,. PAINTS, c4s, NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS: NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS . , OILS, . DOOR TRIMMINGS, OILS, DOOR TRIMMINGS, I DOOR TRIMMINGS, { - DOOR TRIMMINGS, - I DOOR - TRIMMINGS, , DOOR TRIMMINGS, _ DOOR TRIMMINGS, DOOR TRIMMINGS, . DOOR TRIMMINGS,' - , DOOR TRIMMINGS, SASH AND BLIND ' SASH. AND BLIND SASH ' AND BLIND . ' s ' SASH AND BLIND SASH AND BLIND SASH AND BLIND SASH AND BLIND - SASH' AND - BLIND SASH AND BLIND • - • SASH AND BLIND FASTENINGS, FASTENINGS, FASTENINGS, FASTENINGS, FASTENINGS, FASTENINGS, FASTENINGS, FASTENINGS, FASTENINGS, FASTEN LNGS, In fact we have almost everything in the w BUILDING MATERIALS, BUILDING MATERIALS, . BUILDING MATERIALS, BUILDING MATERIALS, BUILDING MATERIALS, BUILDING -MATERIALS, BUILDING MATERIALS, BUILDING MATERIALS, - BUILDING MATERIALS, BUILDING MATERIALS; _ Of first rate quality, and will sell the a Very small advance from Cost fiir C'es , Therefore we ednithintly , assure Bui that they will materially consult their interests by giving us a call, before pur ing. LITTLE & HARDIN FLOUR, SALT, FLOUR, SALT, FLOUR, SALT, FLOUR, SALT; FLOUR, SALT; FLOUR, SALT, FLOUR, SALT, FLOUR, SALT; FLOUR, SALT, - FLOUR, SALT; • - ANDL AND • 4./ 4 0 3 Li - AND. L AND L AND L AND L AND .14 • AND - L' ItY the 1.94/3 or riAßßEf , ,coi2B hand, and for axle, at the very lowest rat • LITTLE ek HARD NICHOLSON, t. • 1, MARCH 2311155. DIACCA-6t41:6; BINGHAMTON, BROOME CO. N. Y. THIS ESTABLISHMENT has been greatly 4mlarged and improved during the, spring, and is-now ready for the reception of Patient.* Few simiiir shastitutions in this country cot/t -hine so many advantages for the successful treat ment of Invalids. The location is beautiful, the house now and commodious, the rooms large,air!, well furnished and every way arranged-with a view to the health and comfort of the occupants. The Physicians, Dr. Thayer and .wife, hat o hid twelve yearsexperience (the kit eight at Binghamton)in treating diseases Hydippathically during which time.they have treated kuecessfully, thousands of sick-persons, many after their (ha eases have been pronounced fatal, by eminent Physicians. In addition to their patients at the "conE" they have a large, practice in , the village and surrounding country, which makes them fa. tallier with the treatmentt of diseases of every grade and character. Th6y planned, built, and own the "BinghamtonWater•Cure,"consequently it is under their entire control and management. In all those diseases to which the peculiar a daptation of Hydropathic -treatment' has been successfully demonstrated, they will generally guarantee a speedy and perfectrestoration.— Such are the following, viz.—Acute and Chronic Rheumatism, Nervous diseases, Dyspepsia, Sere t:. ula, Spinal complaints, Tumors. Ulcers, enlarge. ment of Joints, diseases of the Throat and Lungs, Dropsy, Ague and Fever, Female complaints of every kind, Skin diseases, Catarrh, &c. &c. Persons - who have been longsick orbed-ridden and who have not succeeded heretofore in their efforts to regain their health,-are esPecialiy invi ted to consult ur er give us a call, Terms from 85 to $lO per week. Pr Dr. Thayer will be at Searle's Hotel in Montrose, on Friday, June 4th, where any Inva lids who- desire, may consult him. For further particulars, address ! my2otd] 0. V. THAYER., M. ti._ GIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DOE! TRE original ONE PRICE 91,:1 READY PAY Storp . of New Milford, HAYDEN BRO.THER-S, The People's Agents, are now receiv ing a largo Stock of ,Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Groceries, floOts and. Shoes. Hats and CapkWall and Window Paper, Wooden Ware, Forks, Hoes, Plows, and Salt—by the barrel or load,—Yankee Notions; Jewelry and Watches— wholesale and retail; . prices that would as tonishlhose not posted in the ready-pay busi ness. -. • We have nothing to do with Old Fogyism,— ho has " gone in"—has vamoosed without n groan or kick, and the'last seen of him he was holding on to the tail of "Hard Times," and he grinned a ghastly smile as he pasied his OLD FRIENDS. Our motto is—Live and Let Live. NO CIIARGE FOR .8110 WING GOODS Eveiy Article Warranted as Represented! . We thank our friends and customdrs for their liberal patronage in times• past, and we hope by strict attention to business, to merit a contin uance of the same. HAYDEN BROTHERS; New Milford, May Ist, 1858.-181 c. )13Y virtue of order of sale, duly issued from the Orphans,' Court of Suminehanna*county, o. the subscriber, administrator &c. of thea-state of Winthrop Allen, deed.; late o: the township of Liberty in said county, will be exposed to public sale on Saturday the 29th day of May inst., at one o'clock P. M., all.that certain lot of land, with the appurtenances, situate, in the township of Liberty, aforesaid, and bounded and described as follows, to wit : beginning at .i . post and stones in the line of a tract of land in the warrantee name of foseph Whipple, and thence by the same South 85 12 degrees cast, sixty perches to a post and stones; thence by lands of Wyatt Sharp, Sodth, 1 34 degrees., West, 73 perches to a post and stones in the Warrantee line of Samuel Dewitt.; thence by said Dewitt line South 87 1-2 degilees West, flfty-eight per ches and five tenths to a-postrand stones; thence by linds of Allen Gaige. North 13-d degrees East, eighty-two perche% to the place of begin fling, containing 27 acres and 28 perches in the warrantee name of Allen Gaige; late.the estate of the' said Winthrop Allen deceased. Sale to take place at the store of Zebulon Blakeslee, in said township of Liberty. Terms of payment made known at time of sale: . , SAATUEL t W...TRUESDELL, • • Administrator, 4-c Liberty,3l4 4, 1858t.-4w. hThe NATIONAL MERCHANT. A large Weekly' at Sixty Cents a Year. - ' IT contains a choke section of Literary mat ter, Tales, Poetry , d a large amount of commercial information. The reviews of the Markets and Bank Note Reports are of them. selves worth more than the price of subscription. and the paper itself, before it is printed, costs more than wo .get for it. For 'Fa Dollars wo will send sixteen copies of the Merchant and ik copy of any three dollar magazine, such as Godey's Lady's Book, Gra ham's Magazine. . . Specimen copies of the Merchant will be sent to any address on the receipt of a postage stamp. Active young tueryWanted to canvass for the paper, tci whoin a liberal commission will be al lowed, that will amount in some cases to eighty dollars a month, LIRE, &C., LIME, *C., LIME, &C., LIME, &C., LIME, &C., LIME', &C., LIME, &C., LIME. &C., LIME, &C., Address, S. E. ASHTON & Co., • National Merchant ttgice, Phila dclphi a . THIS is to ctutify that the undersigned have used Manny's Mower with Wood's improve meat, the past season, and are fully satisfied that it is a good machine; and 'we recommend it to the farmers of this. County as a profitable and labor-saving machine. JEREMIAH MEACHAM, A. GRIFFIN, JOHN MAREINGTON,I ' L. GARDNER, 31. J. HARituurioN, T. P. PHINN4Y. February 2& 1858. For machines apply to Montrose, Mrtrch Ist, CLOTl4B,,Oashim era and Yostings, very dw sirable styles, at prices that cannot fail to snit. Call and* convinced. C. W. WITT. A BOOR FOR THE MILLION. (JUST PUBLISHED.) ATREATISE 0, FarimsavEn Lomas. or the ,Art of Brewing, Distilling, Rectifyineand Manufacturing Sugars, Wipes Spirits and till kinds of Liquors, Including Cider and Vinegar— with Wood Cuts. This •vrork which has been favorably reviewed by the New York Press, con taining 1000 trainable direction ' s'' in Medicine, bletallurgy, Pyrotechey, Artificial Guano, Cos metics )artificial Gum Arabic;Artificial Gems; Bleaching of Shell Lac, Sealing Wax, Cements, Pastes, Cfeaning Cleansiag and Clearing _Mate rials, Family Soaps, Starch Polish, Cologne and other Perfumed Waters, Dentaces Antique, Oils, hair Dyes "and Restoreri, Solders aud Varnishes and Inks. ' Price $2,. mailed free by the author. DR.4 FEUCHTWANGER. - Practical Chemist. , . • 143 Maiden Lane, New York.--28m31: i E E ~ li E, /ME, ME, ME, ME. ME, [ME, dig on 4, by . 'G. AND LI BINGHAMTON ONE PRICE ONLY ! Can't be beat down Orphans' Court Sale. The Cheapest Air in the World. ATTENTION FARMERS ! the undersigned Arent C. D. - LATEIRCOP. 1858. - [mhl ltht. 6ntireafvw fiatit I NEW ARRANGEZNIS At the Old Stand] of Lathrop & LATHROP-fit De wrist io Et] lave to annouhee to the public is gen:, IL/ ern, th:it they areinow opening one of thu largest liTocxs of .11E4nAnnisn everffered in Ilontrose. Comprising; Dry Goods, Groceries; flerd-Ware, Crockery, 4:e., &rm., Rze., whieh,they proprnt . to sell at the uptEsTcAsti.riticrs. - Thome.arei r eal Facts. We wish to demonstrate to the public., the , difference between buying Goods for CASH lend .; ON TIME. I..A.'rliROP & DEWITT. • Montrose, April 21301 1838. "HOME lAGAIL" Dii. Sj, 1010 n. .orratal, over i :tribbon's store:`_ LODGINGS, at-S AULVS:IIOTEL: Montrose., March 10. 1858. I 11 EO. W. MANN, Wholesale Salt Dealer,—;• Ur 201.1 V ashiligtoniStreet, (directly opposittil Washington Market,)stilrcontinues to offer to the city and country trade, all kinds of foreigik coarse and fine salt, atithe very lowest figures; 40000 a - ticks and hags, tuotisbiting in part of Ash ton's celebrated brand l'or table and dairy Also, Jeffrey & Darcy, Marsthal 17.5, Jiro &c.; and 500Q0 bushels Tutiks bland, Bin - tares, Cu. mon ' St. Tibe,it„ Listand Ilea, Nantes; all of which will be sold al bargain prices. froth vessels, store and srtireliout.s. Any purchaser w4hing• to select from a:good assortment will find i s tito iii intercit to call. N. 13.--;-fine table slit pit up in small leo or different sizes, and cr.ust.:ntly on hand in ',hip= ping order, Also a spientiil artiele of. Rock Ground salt, in quart boxes. put up and for Bali .by the quantity, in cars of the 11,zen each. • April - 1. 1858.-Iv*i • BOOKS, STATIONERY, ANU FANCY GOODS At.Greptly Redueed Prices leirtash; AT . :1111„ . , jook stole Tif!E POST OFFICE - f . !ByA. N. BULLARD. Montrose,7Threh 30L 1 2 Pra 8. 'rzw 0:/01S 2 For Cash 4d Prjnilpt his Mouths' Buyers. , 33TRRITT Would incite attention to his neiv.Stock SPRING SUMMER, GOODS I . TUTST, reeeilied, including, as usual, a great variety or Ladie4 Dress Geed , . in Prints, Gingham:4, Lawns. BeLes, Bateges, Poplins and Silks; dlro:he,' Stella, Silk and Cashmere Shawls; M-antillas ; Parasols, Rich 'ibbons, Muniets ald Flowerz , , Broadcldths; Cashmeres and Sutniber Stuffs, with a full ye: riety of other! STAPLE,' ANI) FANCY GOODS ' Including Groi•eries,droelterv,/lardware,Stoves, Iron, Steel, flats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Carpdting, Floor Oil Cloths,' Painted Window Shades, Paper, Clocks, Drugs, Oils, Paints, t 1 e., &e. The -entire, Stock having been bought fiir CASH, and at Panic Prices, will bossold at the LOWEST EIGLEES. to CASH anti PROMPT SIX mow - L - Is' Buyers. .; 'N. 13.---Salt su d Flour constantly on hand, [New Milford, May, 12th. t 8.58. tie cuter s' Notice. LETTERS - TESTAMENTARY HAVINa been duly issue'd to the sib - scribers; upott the estate of Patrick tacauly, late of the Ttown. ship of Rush, decea.:Sed,—All persona: indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment, Libel all per Sons having claims against the said estate. are requested to pqisent the same to U 3, duly authenticated, for settlement. JAMES: LOGAN, JOHN RONEY Executors. Rush, May t Oth, L§b'S.-19w6..* OtoUS, 8L:....-4Sonie at cost and some at I/ 10 per vent. , beam cost.—Call and be con vinced that 61,00 will procure you as lanes tt pile of 4 , 00ds as can !be had et any other shop in the county... N. BULLARD. Montrose; March 00th. 1858. PA NISEI COIN taken at PAR, at the Store S of GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM & CO. Montrose, May lath. 1858. Witiltri•:',ll?&222. IHAVE just received another Bupply.of Malt Paper, and expect more to arrive soon. I think eustomerS,will..l find. my assortment tho largest and best in Susquehanna County, and prices as low as the lowest. Also, Window, Paper, Oil Shades and Fixtures, Bordering. •Ste: ABEL TULRELL. Montrase,'April 15th, 1853. • . • BARGAINS: ' BARGAINS!! BARGAINS ! BARGAINS!! - A LARGE stock of Books and Stationeit Pocket Knives,ia warranted. &title. Gold Pens and Holder's,. tho best this side of N. Y.; beside other artieleh 'much too numerous to name can he had for jpriees' surprisingly low s for the untEsin these ilia r-cl : By A. N. BULLARD. Montrose, March 3 0th. 1 1858. , Notice to Bridge Builder& SEALED.Proposals will be received at the Commissioners' Office in MontrOsis on Monday, June "Uhl, 1858, for building , a Bridge over the NVyalusing C reekm ear the Mill of N. alioemaker in Rush township. Plan ; and Specifications can be 'seen at the Commissioners' Office after the 20tH of 3ley ink. By order of the COmmidsiowers. CR I OSSMAN, Clerk. Commissioner 0.4 - Monten'seJlay 4t 4.58; f GRAS SEEDS:. Clover Seed - of the . large kind; and TimOthY Seed;la u neit let just teceived and . for sale by BURP,ITT 56, r 358. New Milforti„4r ,r) W. 1.420 UMW. . TC) i,VIVES & DAUGHTERS. Dr. RA. LAMONT'S Periodieal Compound. The roost beneficialitud successful rEMALE.iir.n mot now in use or :known, for all eases of die; \ ordered, obstructed or sunpressd Meostruation, Lueorrheea,Female t'Veakness &c. Ladies who havobeen, disap'pointed in the use of FimalePillii &c', can put the ntiitost confidence In this Coin. - pound ; it is infallibit in the eureof the aboris I named etimpli.ints. - It will be isent'by snail to ‘any address by enclosing:sat o nithorized agent. Prepared by R. I. 'ANDREWS, Buffalo N. Y. For sale by ;BENTLEY, READ:&CO., and druggists genorltlly. rtuayl3'3B-lyv Clover an Timothygeed. wAR AN TM* PORE.—Foi sale. - whole Il' sale a p d Taal!. : • C..I1:'LA'11:11101 r . , Montrose; Feb. 1.8, 1856.—td. -•- Zttic Schiedam, Schnapfle',st TURRELLS TSToLFS Mbto V T
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers